Re: 6bone

2000-10-09 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
 Para los ceporros como yo, ¿qué es el 6bone?
Yo, mas o menos lo intuyo, es la red supongo que experimental que transmite
utilizando IPv6.

  Si encuentras un gateway decente, dímelo, por favor :)

Ahi esta, que condicionantes puede poner mi proveedor, ¿me puede negar el
uso de sus servidores como gateway?, y si no es asi, ¿me puede dar un palo
de no te menees?


RV: Shutdown incompleto y arranque incompleto (arreglado)

2000-10-09 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos de nuevo

Anoche cuando apague el ordenador, el proceso de shutdown se quedo detenido
despues de enviar las señales KILL y TERM a los procesos del runlevel 0,
tuve que apagar por las bravas, porque de ahi no avanzaba.

Esta mañana cuando he arrancado, el proceso tampoco ha sido completo,
despues de ejecutar lo qu tengo en /etc/rc.boot, deja de hacer cosas y me
presenta (none) login. Tengo el bash, porque puedo hacer login, montar la
particion root en lectura/escritura, ir arrancando cosas de /etc/init.d,
tengo entorno multiususario, creo que establece todas las variables de
entorno, pero no hace el arranque automaticamente (las tengo, pero no he
comprobado que esten todas las que son).

Supongo que el bash estara bien, aunque sea una recompilacion hecha por mi.

Bueno, he conseguido arreglar esto. Efectivamente la version compilada por
mi no hacia expansion de comodines correctamente, con lo que no arrancaba
los servicios. Lo he arreglado instalando el paquete bash*deb desde una
shell tcsh. Lo que me ha llamado la atencion, es que tenia instalado el
libc6 2.1.94 y el libc6-dev 2.1.30. No se si este es el motivo de la mala
compilacion, pero creo que no deberia haber dejado la instalacion de esta


Re: Problemas para cargar el modulo PLIP

2000-10-09 Thread Manuel Teira Paz
On Fri, 6 Oct 2000, Fermín Manzanedo wrote:

 tengo el módulo 2.2.14 compilado con plip como módulo, al igual que parport. 
 Si intento instalar el módulo plip (una vez instalado el parport) me devuelve 
 el siguiente error:
 asterix:~# insmod plip
 Using /lib/modules/2.2.14/net/plip.o
 /lib/modules/2.2.14/net/plip.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
 Hint: this error can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including 
 invalid IO or IRQ parameters
 Como dice que el error puede venir dado por la mala asignación de IO o IRQ, 
 he probado a asignarlas manualmente:
 asterix:~# insmod plip io=0x378 irq=7
 Using /lib/modules/2.2.14/net/plip.o
 /lib/modules/2.2.14/net/plip.o: invalid parameter parm_io
 Y lo mismo ocurreo con las otras dos asignaciones (iq=0x278 e iq=0x3bc)
 ¿A alquien se le ocurre algo? Con el 2.0.36 no me ocurre esto,
 un saludo

Hola. Podría ser porque no cargas el módulo parport_pc (creo que el
parport es más bien genérico para cualquier arquitectura, y el parport_pc
es el específico de la arquitectura PC). Yo, para utilizar los paride
(aunque no es tu caso, se necesita la base de soporte del puerto paralelo)
he hecho lo siguiente, como root:

modprobe parport_pc

echo 7  /proc/parport/0/irq

Y luego sigues con la carga de los módulos que necesitan el parport, es
decir, el plip en tu caso, a ver si así te funciona.

Suerte y un saludo.

[PCMCIA] Unresolved symbol

2000-10-09 Thread Manuel Jiménez
Hola a todos:

Me compré un modem PCMCIA marca 'La Pava' para el portátil. Compilé el kernel
2.2.17 (make-kpkg --revision 1:custom.1.1 mi_kernel-image) y los móculos
pcmcia, para 2.2.17 (make-kpkg --revision 1:custom.1.1 mi_modules-image).
Todo bien: el módem funciona y no anomalías en el sistema. Pero:
   1. En el arranque aparece un 'unreolved symbol' referido al módulo 'epic_cb',
   del grupo de 'cardbus'. Lo de los 'unresolved symbols creo que lo solucioné
   una vez quitando de las opciones del núcleo la opciónd de control de
   versiones de módulos. Pero ¿se os ocurre alguna solución menos drástica?
   Esa opción, al fin y al cabo, es útil.
   2. Cuando conecto, con ATM0W1Número, no me da en el 'log' la velocidad de
   conexión, y me gustaría saberla, porque me parece que va muy lento.
   3. ¿Los módems PCMCIA admiten todos los comandos AT? La configuración en
   serial.conf, por ejemplo para ponerle 'spd_vhi' como opción, parece no
   funcionar; sí sin embargo en las 'serial.opts' de pcmcia. ¿Por qué? ¿Genera
   una especie de puerto serie de mentirijillas que va por libre respecto a

Gracias y un saludo:

Usuario de Debian GNU/Linux, Potato.
Registro 90705 en
ICQ UIN: #63192058

RE: Debian es Debian

2000-10-09 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
  Porque no usar debianenses?
 Los habitantes de Debian. :-)
 Pero estas en las mismas:  
 Saludos a todos los debianenses.
Para hacer una broma: no saludes a todos: saludos a los debianenses

sigo problemas compilación...

2000-10-09 Thread TooMany

Después de solucionar algunos problemillas que tenía con la compilación
del PHP4 con soporte mcrypt, he llegado al siguiente punto muerto (y creo
que una vez solucionado, será el último).
El ./configure acaba dándome el siguiente error:

checking for init_mcrypt in -lmcrypt... no
checking for mcrypt_module_open in -lmcrypt... no
configure: error: Sorry

He buscado en mcrypt.h y no le pillo qué demonios me falta (llámese
ignorancia supina). ¿Puede alguien indicarme qué debo hacer, o por dónde
debo tirar?

Muchas gracias por todo.

   \|/  \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

RE: cdrom

2000-10-09 Thread Jose Mª Gálvez Aguiló
- Original Message -
To: debian
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2000 1:37 PM
Subject: cdrom

 Hola lista


 pero tengo una duda a la ahora de añadirle un modulo al kernel (el del
 Aparece una lista de modulos pero no he visto ninguno para uno atapi (es
 toshiba), y tengo la duda
 si los atapi ya vienen soportados por el kernel y no necesitan ningun

Los atapi los soporta el Kernel directamente, los modulos son para los que
tienen conexiones propietarias


De nada

 P.D.:Cuando lo pruebe unas semanas ya les comentare mi opinion sobre
debian ;)

Buena ¿verdad?


 _    __  __
| |/ ___/ ___|  \/  | José María Gálvez Aguiló. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 _  | | |  | |   | |\/| | TFNO: +34 925 247 338
| |_| | |__| |___| |  | | Organizacion e Informática. Consejería de
 \___/ \\|_|  |_| Junta de Castilla-La Mancha.

Re: 6bone

2000-10-09 Thread Ricardo Javier Cardenes Medina
On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 05:31:52PM +0200, Jordi Mallach wrote:
 On Sat, Oct 07, 2000 at 08:54:48PM +0200, Andres Seco Hernandez wrote:
  Para los ceporros como yo, ¿qué es el 6bone?
 Es una red de testeo para IPv6, es decir, máquinas conectadas entre sí que
 están usando ya IPv6.


 La gente que esté enterada de verdad que corrija las mentiras que haya
 podido decir :)

Hombre. El único dislate (que tampoco es pa' tanto) es lo de la escasez de
IPs. Al final se comprobó que tampoco era cosa de hoy para mañana, pero
las prisas iniciales permiten que podamos tener YA el sistema que
sustituirá al que tenemos cuando haga falta.

De todas maneras, como ya se comentó en su día en /., tras lo de la
reserva de IP's de los fabricantes de UMTS... urf... Quizá haya que
adelantar el paso a IPv6 X)

Re: instalacion woody (pregunta un poco chorra)

2000-10-09 Thread Ricardo Javier Cardenes Medina
On Fri, Oct 06, 2000 at 11:55:21PM +0200, Jordi Mallach wrote:
 No, los boot-floppies no están para probar todavía. De hecho, el
 directorio disks-i386 está vacío. Y no, X4 todavía no es oficial.

No sólo no son oficiales los paquetes de X4, sino que el que los mantiene
ha hecho que salga un DISCLAIMER a pantalla completa y en mayúsculas
cada vez que los instalas, avisándote de que no se te ocurra quejarte
amargamente de que tus X4 no funcionan, porque es algo experimental.

La última vez que instalé, ya no bastaba darle a INTRO para seguir.
Había que escribir I obey X'd

Re[2]: Debian es Debian

2000-10-09 Thread Roberto Meyer

  Porque no usar debianenses?
 Los habitantes de Debian. :-)
 Pero estas en las mismas:  
 Saludos a todos los debianenses.
AVP Para hacer una broma: no saludes a todos: saludos a los debianenses

Yo saludaria a los linuxeros. Al final de cuentas...

[flame on]
es practicamente la unica distribucion seria.  Creo que RedHat se ira a pique 
con la 7.0 y
todos sus bugs.  Pensar que conozco _mucha_ gente que utiliza RH en
servidores, con SMP y todo!!!
[flame off]

Gracias por el desquite :)


[Off-Topic] ASUS A7V + ATA-100

2000-10-09 Thread Jaume Sabater

Tengo un pequeño problemilla... Me compré la ASUS A7V y quiero meterle un
QUANTUM Fireball Plus LM en el ATA-100... Conectando el disco al primary
ATA-100 la bios me lo detecta pero después el linux ni flowers... Lo
curioso es que el M$-DOS si lo ve (unidad C:). He probado de meterlo como
IDE y me lo ve estupendamente, pillo los parámetros y los meto
manualmente en ATA-100, pero na de na...

Alguna ayudita?

Jaume Sabater i Lleal

Re: instalacion woody (pregunta un poco chorra)

2000-10-09 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 11:45:08AM +0100, Ricardo Javier Cardenes Medina wrote:
 No sólo no son oficiales los paquetes de X4, sino que el que los mantiene
 ha hecho que salga un DISCLAIMER a pantalla completa y en mayúsculas
 cada vez que los instalas, avisándote de que no se te ocurra quejarte
 amargamente de que tus X4 no funcionan, porque es algo experimental.

Hehe, antes ya lo ponía en el changelog.Debian, pero se ve que Branden no
tuvo suficiente con eso :P

 La última vez que instalé, ya no bastaba darle a INTRO para seguir.
 Había que escribir I obey X'd

Vaya, la cosa va a más. Creo que yo me quedé en phase2v12 o 13.
No creo que falte mucho para que lleguen esos debs a woody, de todas
maneras. Entonces, la gente le podrá bombardear con bugs :)

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: 6bone

2000-10-09 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 11:43:15AM +0100, Ricardo Javier Cardenes Medina wrote:
 Hombre. El único dislate (que tampoco es pa' tanto) es lo de la escasez de
 IPs. Al final se comprobó que tampoco era cosa de hoy para mañana, pero
 las prisas iniciales permiten que podamos tener YA el sistema que
 sustituirá al que tenemos cuando haga falta.

Hombre, tampoco se de que tipo de prisa se hablaba cuando salieron las
noticias aquellas. Supongo que entonces ya se referían a años vista...

 De todas maneras, como ya se comentó en su día en /., tras lo de la
 reserva de IP's de los fabricantes de UMTS... urf... Quizá haya que
 adelantar el paso a IPv6 X)

Pues ale. Alguien que tenga acceso que pida ip's y abra un gateway en Europa
para que los de por aquí podamos usarlo decentemente. Heimy, lo tendrás para
mañana? :)


Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Real Time Linux para un sistema Embedded

2000-10-09 Thread Gonzalez Julen
Hola a todos,
Dicen que la esperanza es lo último que se pierde, pero hoy la
verdad después de haber quemado una memoria flash de 256MB y con ello mucho
dinero, estoy a punto de hacerlo. No obstante, y dado que nos encontramos en
un mercado global en el que el conocimiento no tiene fronteras me he animado
a escribir a este foro. El hecho es que llevo tiempo intentando instalar un
Linux para tiempo real en un sistema de los que se denomina Embedded, y
claro sin aún conseguirlo. Los de Eurotech, los que me han suministrado el
módulo PC-104 sobre el que desarrollar mi aplicación, aseguran que una
aplicación en tiempo real, utilizando RTLinux, puede correr en unas pocas
Megas de memoria física en su módulo. Pero la verdad es que todavía no lo he
conseguido, por ello me preguntaba si alguien que se haya encontrado en mi
misma situación me podría dar alguna clase de solución. Es decir, necesito:

- Alojar una aplicación desarrollada en RTLinux en una memoria flash
de 50MB (antes tenía otra de 256 ,pero...).
- Hacer que el sistema (el LILO) arranque directamente desde la
flash y ejecute la aplicación.

Nota: He leído algo acerca del Hard Hat Linux. ¿Esta versión de Linux me
facilitaría las cosas?

Estaría realmente agradecido si alguien me pudiese dar algún tipo de
sugerencia o pista, con la que poder seguir trabajado.

Gracias ante todo por haberme atendido, atentamente

 Julen Gonzalez

[apt-move]: no entiendo porque se salta algunos paquetes.

2000-10-09 Thread Cosme P. Cuevas


# egrep '^[^\#]' /etc/apt-move.conf
SECTIONS=main contrib non-free non-US/main non-US/contrib non-US/non-free

# apt-move localupdate

Updating from local Packages files...
Getting: potato main Packages.gz
Building: potato main override.gz

Creating Lists...

Moving Packages...
Skipping: base-config_0.33.deb
Skipping: debconf_0.2.80.17.deb
Skipping: dvi2ps-fontdata-ja_1.0-5.deb
Skipping: dvi2ps-fontdata-three_1.0-5.deb
Skipping: kernel-image-2.2.17_2.2.17-1.deb
Skipping: kernel-source-2.2.17_2.2.17-1.deb
Skipping: libc6-dev_2.1.3-13.deb
Skipping: libc6_2.1.3-13.deb
Skipping: locales_2.1.3-13.deb
Skipping: make_3.79.1-1.potato.1.deb
Skipping: makedev_2.3.1-46.deb
Skipping: mp3check_1.97-2.deb
Skipping: mutt_1.2.5-1.deb
Skipping: netscape-base-4_4.75-1.deb
Skipping: netscape-base-4_4.75-2.deb
Skipping: ntop_1.2a7-11.deb
Skipping: procmail_3.13.1-4.deb
Skipping: screen_3.9.5-9.deb
Skipping: ssh_2.1.1p4-3.deb
Skipping: sysklogd_1.3-33.1.deb
Skipping: traceroute_1.4a5-3.deb

Removing obsolete packages...

Creating Packages.gz files...
Building: potato main Packages.gz
 Wrote 79 entries to output Packages file.
Building: potato contrib Packages.gz
 Wrote 1 entries to output Packages file.
Building: potato non-free Packages.gz
 Wrote 1 entries to output Packages file.
Building: potato non-US/main Packages.gz
 Wrote 3 entries to output Packages file.
Building: potato non-US/contrib Packages.gz
 Wrote 0 entries to output Packages file.
Building: potato non-US/non-free Packages.gz
 Wrote 0 entries to output Packages file.

All done, exiting.


La 1ª  vez que  lo ejecuté salían  mezclados los  paquetes que
efectivamente movía con estos que se salta siempre.

Algunos, como libc6*, son una  versión superior a los paquetes
que sí  ha movido  de las  mismos (o sea,  dos updates  con el
apt-get), pero otros no.


Cosme P. Cuevas - ICQ 86011094 - GnuPG KeyID: 0A4305FB

Re: Problemas para cargar el modulo PLIP

2000-10-09 Thread Fermín Manzanedo
On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 08:25:06AM +0200, Manuel Teira Paz wrote:
 Hola. Podría ser porque no cargas el módulo parport_pc (creo que el
 parport es más bien genérico para cualquier arquitectura, y el parport_pc
 es el específico de la arquitectura PC). Yo, para utilizar los paride
 (aunque no es tu caso, se necesita la base de soporte del puerto paralelo)
 he hecho lo siguiente, como root:
 modprobe parport_pc
 echo 7  /proc/parport/0/irq
 Y luego sigues con la carga de los módulos que necesitan el parport, es
 decir, el plip en tu caso, a ver si así te funciona.
 Suerte y un saludo.
pues parece que ese era el problema.

Muchas gracias, 
Fermín Manzanedo fmanguATtelelineDOTes | Badajoz, Spain
Desde Toshiba2140CDS con Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 
Usuario Linux #184967

Re: [Off-Topic] ASUS A7V + ATA-100

2000-10-09 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 04:53 p.m. 2000-10-09 +0200, Jaume Sabater wrote:

Tengo un pequeño problemilla... Me compré la ASUS A7V y quiero meterle un
QUANTUM Fireball Plus LM en el ATA-100... Conectando el disco al primary
ATA-100 la bios me lo detecta pero después el linux ni flowers... Lo
curioso es que el M$-DOS si lo ve (unidad C:). He probado de meterlo como
IDE y me lo ve estupendamente, pillo los parámetros y los meto
manualmente en ATA-100, pero na de na...

Alguna ayudita?

No entendí muy bien... Linux no lo reconoce? Es decir, no aparece nada
en dmesg?.
No estoy muy seguro como viene el soporte de ATA-100 en esa board, algunas
incluyen un controlador adicional, permitiendo conectar hasta 8 discos
(4 ATA-66 + 4 ATA-100), pero chipsets nuevos lo soportan sin necesidad
de hardware adicional (es decir, solo 4 ATA-100).
Si es el primer caso, habrá que ver si Linux está viendo la controladora
del ATA-100, y sería importante saber si esa controladora está como primaria
o secundaria (en el caso que esté como secundaria, los discos que
están bajo ATA-100 son /dev/hd[efgh], no /dev/hd[abcd]).

Si estás buscando soporte para modo ATA-100, ese está en 2.4.0-testX.

Aunque, lo más seguro es que activar modo ATA-100 no te lleve muy lejos
en estos momentos. De hecho, creo que aun no hay ningún disco que sature
una ATA-66

PD: Supongo que tendrás compilado el soporte genérico para controladoras
IDE en tu kernel, no?

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 User   Linux Registered User #52657 

x2x y dos x server en el mismo host

2000-10-09 Thread Alvaro Alea

Estoy intentando utilizar el programa x2x con el xfree de potato para tener dos 
monitores bajo X en el mismo ordenador, y me surgen varios problemas.

Por ahora ya he conseguido que me funcione en modo texto, y puedo tener dos 
consolas en modo texto, una en cada monitor y cambiar de una a otra, incluso 
puedo tener una con Xwindow y la otra en modo texto. pero:

1º es una vodoo3 y una hercules, por lo que tengo que utilizar XF86_SVGA para 
el display :0 y XF86_MONO para el display :1, pero como en debian utilizan un 
wraper para no hacer suid el servidor X, pues no se como hacer, y solo soy 
capaz de ejecutar un segundo servidor X como root.

Se me ocurrio utlizar un enlace simbolico y cambiarlo antes de lanzar cada 
servidor, pero me gustaria algo mas pofesional. 

2º si asocio cada servidor X a una consola virtual diferente, funciona bien, 
pero cuando paso de una a otra, la otra se me apaga.
es decir si lanzo el svga como :0 en vt9 y el mono como :1 vt10 pulsado alt+f9 
me sale el server svga, y al pulsar alt+f10 se me apaga el svga y se me 
enciende el segundo monitor con el server mono.

3º si asocio los dos servidores X a la misma consola virtual, funcionan los dos 
a la vez, pero al cabo de algunos segundos se arman un lio con el raton y se va 
todo al carajo, esto lo solucione, haciendo que el raton del segundo servidor 
sea /dev/null, pero ahora se arma lio con el teclado.
Ademas tengo que lanzar por narices el servidor svga el segundo, por que si no
se me corrompen todas las consolas en modo texto.

¿Alguna idea? ¿Alguien tiene experiencia en esto?

Dohhh?? - Richard Holden, a nobody.

Grettings of  _   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  REGISTER   Lic. Piloto 
Saludos  __ _| |___ __ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  LiNUX  ISPA #963210
de  / _` | / -_) _` |  USER   EC-ALE
\__,_|_\___\__,_|   ICQ#40922797  #66734
Para obtener Llave Publica GnuPGP un mail con subject: enviar clave pub


2000-10-09 Thread Gerard
Hola lista
Como se lanza el programa inicial de la potato, es para recofingurar el gpm...
o mejor como se configura a pelo (editando archivos), que con estos
que te lo hacen todo al final te vuelves tonto...


Re: gpm

2000-10-09 Thread Fermín Manzanedo
On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 11:56:50PM +0200, Gerard wrote:
 Hola lista
 Como se lanza el programa inicial de la potato, es para recofingurar el gpm...
 o mejor como se configura a pelo (editando archivos), que con estos
 que te lo hacen todo al final te vuelves tonto...
Hola, yo utilizo el gpmconfig, realmente no te hace todo, pero casi. De todos 
modos, si quieres el fichero es el /etc/gpm.conf, pero si no sabes muy bien lo 
que haces utiliza gpmconfig (te lo dice uno que muchas veces no sabe lo que 
hace ;). 

Un saludo y suerte,
Fermín Manzanedo fmanguATtelelineDOTes | Badajoz, Spain
Desde Toshiba2140CDS con Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 
Usuario Linux #184967


2000-10-09 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

Estaba poniendo en marcha el lm-sensors, para monitorizar la temperatura
de cpu y velocidad del ventilador (se me fastidió hace poco y casi quemo
la cpu), y el sensors-detect me detecta unas cosillas. Pongo las lineas
que me dice en /etc/modules y /etc/modutils/local y cuando lanzo sensors
dice que no puede acceder al /proc (Can't access /proc file).

¿Alguna pista? gracias

Andres Seco Hernandez, MCP ID 445900
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/3A48C934
E61C 08A9 EBC8 12E4 F363  E359 EDAC BE0B 3A48 C934
Alamin GSM SMS Gateway -
Debian GNU/Linux   -

Description: PGP signature

Re: Grafisk DSelect

2000-10-09 Thread orange

On Thu, 5 Oct 2000, Jonas Jacobsson wrote:

Finns det något x-interface för dselect?
ja, gnome-apt finns ju.

Om inte, VARFÖR!?
ja, varför inte? console versionen är det
då inte nått fel på.

 [x] icq - 496723 [x] url -

Re: Erro ao imprimir

2000-10-09 Thread MO Mez
Olá Guilherme,

Não tenho certeza sobre o que está acontecendo.
Vou apenas dar algumas sugestões:
Por acaso você tem algum tipo de configuração
especial na BIOS para a sua porta paralela? Veja que
o sistema está acusando um IRQ 7 para uma porta 
paralela, o que não é normal. Portas paralelas não
são interrupt driven, trabalham por polling. No seu
caso, pode ser que você tenha ou alguma configuração
especial ou algum tipo de hardware especial. Neste
caso, procure por informações na documentação do seu
kernel como habilitar interrupções para portas 
paralelas. O meu kernel já é o 2.4 e não tenho os
fontes do 2.2 aqui para verificar.
Eventualmente, o que você vai precisar fazer é
executar um comando do tipo:
# echo 1  /proc/algum_arquivo_config_parport
Ou seja, habilitar a comunicação com a porta
utilizando interrupções. Procure algo que faça sentido
no /proc e veja se funciona.
Espero ter ajudado!

--- Guilherme Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Boas !
 Tenho mais uma dúvida :)) de iniciante de Debian que
 não consigo satisfazer nos docs'/faq's.
 Penso que me falta apenas colocar a minha HP670C a
 É assim, instalei o magicfilter, configurei e até
 redireciono texto para o /dev/lp0 !
 Ao fazer lpr de qualquer ficheiro, dá-me sempre este
 erro na minha consola:
   parport0: detected irq 7; use procfs to enable
 interrupt-driven operation.
 Tentei pocurar no /proc alguma coisa sobre esta
 indicação e não encontro.
 Vou ver aos log's e diz tb isto:
   Oct  9 00:53:19 varpa login[181]: ROOT LOGIN on
   Oct  9 00:53:31 varpa kernel: parport0: PC-style at
 0x378 (0x778) [SPP,ECP,ECPEPP,ECPPS2]
   Oct  9 00:53:31 varpa kernel: parport0: detected
 irq 7; use procfs to enable interrupt-driven
   Oct  9 00:53:32 varpa kernel: parport_probe:
   Oct  9 00:53:32 varpa kernel: parport0:
 Unspecified, Unknown vendor Unknown device
   Oct  9 00:53:32 varpa kernel: lp0: using parport0
   Oct  9 00:53:33 varpa lpd[192]: lp: filter 'f'
 terminated (termsig=13)
   Oct  9 00:53:33 varpa lpd[192]: lp: job could not
 be printed (cfA011varpa)
 Falha de permissões, penso não ser já que tava como
 root. Impressora não é pois funciona em windows
 e não é um winprinter 
 Ideias ?
 Ajudem-me, pois tenho quase o meu Debian 2.2 num
 brinquinho ;)
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ||
 on the net no one knows your a dog #
 # Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of
 # All rights reserved.
 # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms
 are permitted
 # provided that this notice is preserved and that
 due credit is given
 # to the University of California at Berkeley. The
 name of the University
 # may not be used to endorse or promote products
 derived from this
 # software without specific prior written
 permission. This software
 # is provided ``as is'' without express or implied
 # @(#)etc.printcap5.2 (Berkeley) 5/5/88
 # This file was generated by
 lp|hp670c|HP Deskjet 670C:\

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debian 2.2 é a escolha de info

2000-10-09 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Olá pessoal!! Fico feliz em contar que o Debian 2.2 foi a escolha de Info na
seção servidores do Infra-estrutura - Sistemas Operacionais, ela foi citada
como a melhor distribuição em segurança e operação, mas to muito triste em
contar que eles, com toda sua ignorância, disseram que o rpm é mais fácil de
lidar com dependências que o deb... mandei um email pra eles e postei para
alista debian-br tb... eh um absurdo =(


-- - #debian-br
UIN: 20766822
Gustavo Noronha Silva
By Kov!!

Infra-estrutura SOs desses mes

2000-10-09 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva

Sinto muito, caros amigo, mas sua reportagem sobre qual Linux escolher tem uma
falha gravíssima. Vocês dizem que o Red Hat tem um gerenciamento automático de
versões e atualização mais simples que o do Debian. Isso provavelmente se deve
ao fato de vocês não terem experimentado o APT, ferramenta atualmente exclusiva
do Debian e distribuições baseadas nele. Ele faz exatamente tudo o que vocês
citaram com muito mais praticidade. Por exemplo, para atualizar uma versão
inteira do Debian bastam 2 comandos:

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

para instalar um pacote:

apt-get install pacote

esse comando faz gerenciamento de dependências, baixando todos os pacotes

sem contar uma ótima ferramenta que é o auto-apt, que solicita a instalação de
pacotes necessários a uma compilação, por exemplo. Para informação de vocês, a
Conectiva está tentando portar o apt para sua distribuição, mas não consegue
resultados satisfatórios, pois o rpm não tem a infra-estrutura que o deb tem.

Gostaria de deixar também uma bronca... tenho visto em muitas revistas que
ensinam como fazer instalação de programas no Linux sugerirem que se reinicie
o linux. Isso é tolice sendo que se pode reiniciar apenas o serviço necessário
por meio de seu respectivo script em /etc/init.d (debian) ou /etc/rc.d (red hat
e baseados). Esse tipo de publicação acaba simplesmente com uma das melhores
qualidades do GNU/Linux, a não necessidade de reinstalar e reiniciar.


-- - #debian-br
UIN: 20766822
Gustavo Noronha Silva
By Kov!!

-- - #debian-br
UIN: 20766822
Gustavo Noronha Silva
By Kov!!

Re: debian 2.2 é a escolha de info

2000-10-09 Thread Cesar Cardoso
 Olá pessoal!! Fico feliz em contar que o Debian 2.2 foi a escolha de Info na
 seção servidores do Infra-estrutura - Sistemas Operacionais, ela foi citada
 como a melhor distribuição em segurança e operação, mas to muito triste em
 contar que eles, com toda sua ignorância, disseram que o rpm é mais fácil de
 lidar com dependências que o deb... mandei um email pra eles e postei para
 alista debian-br tb... eh um absurdo =(

O pior, Kov, e' que eles nao estao errados. No rpm nao existe problemas
de dependencia, porque nao existe dependencia - forço a instalaçao, e
dane-se o sistema, porque quando a bomba estourar voce, como bom
sysadmin BOFH, vai estar longe :)

 ||  Cesar Cardoso - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - ICQ 32237133
 ||  Visite   - AIM MightyNobody
// || \\ Banda larga para quem nao usa Windows
What, me worry? - Alfred E. Neuman

Re: Infra-estrutura SOs desses mes

2000-10-09 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Caros usuarios da Debian em portugues,
sugiro todos mandarmos um e-mail pra redacao da Abril, para explicar 
para eles como eh ridiculo administrar uma maquina com Debian GNU/Linux.
Com o auto-apt, entao eh mais facil ainda, como disse o Kov.
Basta digitar auto-apt, antes de cada instalacao de .tar.gz que ele 
procura nas bibliotecas que faltam que pacote deb poderia ser instalado para 
suprimir essas falhas.
Estou mandando esse e-mail da UOL, onde ja instalei maquinas com Debian 
A outra grande pena da reportagem foi a nao escolha da Debian como 
desktop. Com 5000 pacotes, nao vejo o que esteja faltando em termos de 
programas na Woody.
Tem quase tudo! Desde o Afterstep, ate o Qvwm. Do gftp ate o galeon.
Um abraco,  PH
On Seg, Out 09, 2000 at 04:57:54 -0200, Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:
 From: Gustavo Noronha Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Organization: KovTech
 Subject: Infra-estrutura SOs desses mes
 Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2000 16:57:54 -0200
 X-Mailer: KMail [version 1.0.28]
 X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/1484
 Sinto muito, caros amigo, mas sua reportagem sobre qual Linux escolher tem uma
 falha gravíssima. Vocês dizem que o Red Hat tem um gerenciamento automático de
 versões e atualização mais simples que o do Debian. Isso provavelmente se deve
 ao fato de vocês não terem experimentado o APT, ferramenta atualmente 
 do Debian e distribuições baseadas nele. Ele faz exatamente tudo o que vocês
 citaram com muito mais praticidade. Por exemplo, para atualizar uma versão
 inteira do Debian bastam 2 comandos:
 apt-get update
 apt-get dist-upgrade
 para instalar um pacote:
 apt-get install pacote
 esse comando faz gerenciamento de dependências, baixando todos os pacotes
 sem contar uma ótima ferramenta que é o auto-apt, que solicita a instalação de
 pacotes necessários a uma compilação, por exemplo. Para informação de vocês, a
 Conectiva está tentando portar o apt para sua distribuição, mas não consegue
 resultados satisfatórios, pois o rpm não tem a infra-estrutura que o deb tem.
 Gostaria de deixar também uma bronca... tenho visto em muitas revistas que
 ensinam como fazer instalação de programas no Linux sugerirem que se reinicie
 o linux. Isso é tolice sendo que se pode reiniciar apenas o serviço 
 por meio de seu respectivo script em /etc/init.d (debian) ou /etc/rc.d (red 
 e baseados). Esse tipo de publicação acaba simplesmente com uma das melhores
 qualidades do GNU/Linux, a não necessidade de reinstalar e reiniciar.
 -- - #debian-br
 UIN: 20766822
 Gustavo Noronha Silva
 By Kov!!
 -- - #debian-br
 UIN: 20766822
 Gustavo Noronha Silva
 By Kov!!
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Infra-estrutura SOs desses mes

2000-10-09 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Como diria o povo do CRUJ, APOIADO!! =)
vamo mandar mesmo, pessoal, tah na hora da midia brasileira ver o Debian com
outros olhos (ou pelo menos com algum olho, já que a maioria das reportagens
nem traz o debian)


On Seg, 09 Out 2000, you wrote:
 Caros usuarios da Debian em portugues,
   sugiro todos mandarmos um e-mail pra redacao da Abril, para explicar 
 para eles como eh ridiculo administrar uma maquina com Debian GNU/Linux.
   Com o auto-apt, entao eh mais facil ainda, como disse o Kov.
   Basta digitar auto-apt, antes de cada instalacao de .tar.gz que ele 
 procura nas bibliotecas que faltam que pacote deb poderia ser instalado para 
 suprimir essas falhas.
   Estou mandando esse e-mail da UOL, onde ja instalei maquinas com Debian 
   A outra grande pena da reportagem foi a nao escolha da Debian como 
 desktop. Com 5000 pacotes, nao vejo o que esteja faltando em termos de 
 programas na Woody.
   Tem quase tudo! Desde o Afterstep, ate o Qvwm. Do gftp ate o galeon.
   Um abraco,  PH
 On Seg, Out 09, 2000 at 04:57:54 -0200, Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:
  From: Gustavo Noronha Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Organization: KovTech
  Subject: Infra-estrutura SOs desses mes
  Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2000 16:57:54 -0200
  X-Mailer: KMail [version 1.0.28]
  Sinto muito, caros amigo, mas sua reportagem sobre qual Linux escolher tem 
  falha gravíssima. Vocês dizem que o Red Hat tem um gerenciamento automático 
  versões e atualização mais simples que o do Debian. Isso provavelmente se 
  ao fato de vocês não terem experimentado o APT, ferramenta atualmente 
  do Debian e distribuições baseadas nele. Ele faz exatamente tudo o que vocês
  citaram com muito mais praticidade. Por exemplo, para atualizar uma versão
  inteira do Debian bastam 2 comandos:
  apt-get update
  apt-get dist-upgrade
  para instalar um pacote:
  apt-get install pacote
  esse comando faz gerenciamento de dependências, baixando todos os pacotes
  sem contar uma ótima ferramenta que é o auto-apt, que solicita a instalação 
  pacotes necessários a uma compilação, por exemplo. Para informação de 
  vocês, a
  Conectiva está tentando portar o apt para sua distribuição, mas não consegue
  resultados satisfatórios, pois o rpm não tem a infra-estrutura que o deb 
  Gostaria de deixar também uma bronca... tenho visto em muitas revistas que
  ensinam como fazer instalação de programas no Linux sugerirem que se 
  o linux. Isso é tolice sendo que se pode reiniciar apenas o serviço 
  por meio de seu respectivo script em /etc/init.d (debian) ou /etc/rc.d (red 
  e baseados). Esse tipo de publicação acaba simplesmente com uma das melhores
  qualidades do GNU/Linux, a não necessidade de reinstalar e reiniciar.
  -- - #debian-br
  UIN: 20766822
  Gustavo Noronha Silva
  By Kov!!
  -- - #debian-br
  UIN: 20766822
  Gustavo Noronha Silva
  By Kov!!
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- - #debian-br
UIN: 20766822
Gustavo Noronha Silva
By Kov!!

-- - #debian-br
UIN: 20766822
Gustavo Noronha Silva
By Kov!!

Re: debian 2.2 é a escolha de info

2000-10-09 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Info Exame desse mes, quem fez a reportagem foi Maria Isabel Moreira, os testes
devem ter sido feitos pela equipe da InfoLab


On Seg, 09 Out 2000, you wrote:
 Oi Gustavo,
 Sabes quem fez a avaliação? Onde saiu a avaliação?
 Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:
  Olá pessoal!! Fico feliz em contar que o Debian 2.2 foi a escolha de Info na
  seção servidores do Infra-estrutura - Sistemas Operacionais, ela foi citada
  como a melhor distribuição em segurança e operação, mas to muito triste em
  contar que eles, com toda sua ignorância, disseram que o rpm é mais fácil de
  lidar com dependências que o deb... mandei um email pra eles e postei para
  alista debian-br tb... eh um absurdo =(
  -- - #debian-br
  UIN: 20766822
  Gustavo Noronha Silva
  By Kov!!
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- - #debian-br
UIN: 20766822
Gustavo Noronha Silva
By Kov!!

-- - #debian-br
UIN: 20766822
Gustavo Noronha Silva
By Kov!!

Re: Problemas com relay no Exim

2000-10-09 Thread MO Mez
Olá Gleydson,

--- Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
 Estou tendo problemas com a atualização do smail
 para o exim em 
 uma rede onde as máquinas possuem o endereço e o 
 exim está configurado na máquina 
 O que acontece é que as máquinas da rede não estão
 usar o servidor SMTP do exim para a entrega de
 mensagens ao 
 destinatário (isso antes era feito sem problemas com
 o smail). 
 A máquina que possui o exim consegue fazer o relay
 de e-mails 
 A linha host_accept_relay está ajustada para todos
 os endereços (*) e 
 a host_reject para aceitar somente mensagens de
 Localhost e da 

se você fez o que está escrito na linha acima, está
exatamente o contrário do que deveria ser:

a linha host_accept_relay deve conter, no seu caso:

host_accept_relay = localhost:

a linha host_reject seria onde você qualifica os 
domínios para os quais __não__ quer fazer relay de

ou seja, no seu caso, basta colocar a linha 
host_accept_relay, tomando o cuidado de usar : como
separador de campos!

verifique também se o hosts.deny e o hosts.allow estão
configurados para aceitar conexões das máquinas

Abraços e ETA,


Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free!

Re: Erro ao imprimir

2000-10-09 Thread Guilherme Oliveira
Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:
 Se vc compilou isso em modulo basta dar um rmmod parport_probe não sei por que
 mas acho q esse probe as vezes naum funciona muito bem =)

Eu não compilei o kernel, mas consegui tirar todos os modulos que referiam 
parport, mas sem efeito.
COntinua a dar o mesmo erro !
Já tentei fuçar na BIOS, mas sempre com os mesmos resultados !

Estou a ficar maluco :))
on the net no one knows your a dog


2000-10-09 Thread Thiago Volpi Ramos

Estou insatalando a Debian no meu computador e estou a procura 
de uma maneira de aprender mais sobre o Linux e especialmente a Debian, tipo 
quais os pacotes que ela tem, etc.
Infelizmente ainda não achei uma boa fonte para isso e 
apreciaria se usuários mais experientes me indicassem alguma.
Outro dia mandei uma dúvida de instalação para essa lista e 
recebi uma resposta mandando-me enviá-la para a lista certa. Peço desculpas por 
isso, não sabia que dúvidas sobre instalação não entravam nesta lista. Conheci 
ela em um site que enumerava as listas, não descrevendo os pormenores delas, 
portanto não sei quais tipos de dúvidas podem ser colocadas aqui. De qualquer 
maneira, agradeço à Gledson Mazioli da Silva, que, apesar de tudo, respondeu 
minha pergunta de maneira bem detalhada.
Abraços a todos,
Thiago Volpi Ramos

Re: Aprendizagem

2000-10-09 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Fale meu grande amigo =)
naum sei o que vc estah fazendo, mas suas mensagens chegam ultra estranhas e
com as fontes pequenas aqui... html? =)

bem... 1 - aqui é uma lista para qualquer assunto sobre o Debian, inclusive
instalação então esse que falou pra vc procurar lista certa, certamente não
está ciente do que diz =)
2 - o próprio Gleydson, nosso estimado amigo, escreve o melhor manual de linux
que conheço, chama-se FOCA Linux, ou FOnte de Consulta e Aprendizado Linux. Ele
pode ser encontrado em:
3 - você será certamente, muito bem vindo ao nosso canal #debian-br, no
servidor, para um papo e para aprender com nossos amigos mais
experientes um monte de coisa =) []s!!

On Seg, 09 Out 2000, Thiago Volpi Ramos wrote:
 Estou insatalando a Debian no meu computador e estou a procura de uma maneira 
 de aprender mais sobre o Linux e especialmente a Debian, tipo quais os 
 pacotes que ela tem, etc.
 Infelizmente ainda não achei uma boa fonte para isso e apreciaria se usuários 
 mais experientes me indicassem alguma.
 Outro dia mandei uma dúvida de instalação para essa lista e recebi uma 
 resposta mandando-me enviá-la para a lista certa. Peço desculpas por isso, 
 não sabia que dúvidas sobre instalação não entravam nesta lista. Conheci ela 
 em um site que enumerava as listas, não descrevendo os pormenores delas, 
 portanto não sei quais tipos de dúvidas podem ser colocadas aqui. De qualquer 
 maneira, agradeço à Gledson Mazioli da Silva, que, apesar de tudo, respondeu 
 minha pergunta de maneira bem detalhada.
 Abraços a todos,
 Thiago Volpi Ramos

Content-Type: text/html; name=unnamed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

-- - #debian-br
UIN: 20766822
Gustavo Noronha Silva
By Kov!!

Re: Simulating a mouse

2000-10-09 Thread Chris Gray
On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 01:25:28AM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
 In the longer term I'd like to keep my need to move from the keyboard to
 the mouse as low as possible, to slow the onset of things like RSI. I
 was wondering if any disabled Linux users had come up with anything
 (remembering that Windows has something like MouseKeys, not that I
 ever needed it while I was still using Windows).

You can hit Shift + Num_Lock to get something like MouseKeys using the 
number pad.


It is much easier to be critical than to be correct.
-- Benjamin Disraeli

Re: Some minor mail problems w/ Debian 2.2

2000-10-09 Thread Monte Milanuk
Glyn Millington wrote:

 On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 01:29:38PM +0400, thus spake Rino Mardo:
hmm, fetchmail uses ETRN and not SMTP (port 25).  debian 2.2 with exim
fine out of the box
so why compound the problem?  what is it your trying to accomplish?
  yes by default SMTP uses port 25.  um, what's the problem anyway?

 Well there appear to be two problems!  One is answered here

 #man fetchmail .

fetches  mail  from  remote mailservers and forwards it to
your local (client) machine's delivery  system.

The fetchmail program can gather mail  from  servers  sup­
porting  any of the common mail-retrieval protocols: POP2,
POP3, IMAP2bis, IMAP4, and IMAPrev1.  It can also use  the
ESMTP ETRN extension.  (The RFCs describing all these pro­
tocols are listed at the end of this manual page.)

While fetchmail is primarily intended to be used over  on-
demand  TCP/IP links (such as SLIP or PPP connections), it
may also be useful as a message transfer agent  for  sites
which refuse for security reasons to permit (sender-initi­
ated) SMTP transactions with sendmail.

As each message is retrieved fetchmail  normally  delivers
it  via  SMTP  to  port 25 on the machine it is running on
(localhost), just as though it were being passed in over a
normal  TCP/IP  link.   The  mail  will  then be delivered
locally via your system's MDA (Mail Delivery  Agent,  usu­
ally  sendmail(8)  but your system may use a different one
such as smail, mmdf, exim, or qmail).  All  the  delivery-
control  mechanisms  (such  as  .forward  files)  normally
available through  your  system  MDA  and  local  delivery
agents will therefore work.

 The other problem is with the question - what is he trying to

 A bit like life really..


 Glyn M

* The soul is greater than the hum of its parts.   *
* Douglas Hoftstatder*

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Well, sorry folks, for being tardy on getting back with you.  I found out the 
way that the Debian Install Guide wasn't kidding about /etc (among other things)
being pretty much the property of dselect/apt/dpkg, etc.  I had been farting 
w/ exim, sendmail, masqmail, postfix, etc., and noticed that when I had masqmail
installed, there were a _lot_ of files in /etc/ and /var/ that belonged to 
and exim, even when they weren't installed.  Well, I'll just rm those suckers.
Whoops.  Not a good idea.  I later reinstalled postfix, and debconf errored out,
cause those files weren't there.   Same w/ exim.  Well, rather than dink around
trying to figure out what package _did_ install those files, since the MTA they 
to obviously didn't, and since I didn't have a lot of time and effort sunk into 
system yet, I opted to take another tour thru the lovely Debian installation 
;).  Except I forgot that I actually had some useful stuff on my /home 
partition, and
wiped it. :(  So I am pretty much lost my whole archive of messages from all the
mailing lists I follow.  Talk about getting your fingers rapped!  Ouch!!

Well, now that I have my mail kinda sorta operational again, using 
Communicator, here
is some answers to some of the issues/questions you kind folks have asked:

I used to use sendmail plus a script called install-sendmail to set up sendmail 

fetchmail, to retrieve my mail from Yahoo!, and send new mail w/ the headers 
properly as being from [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Netscape by itself, even w/
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' in the From: field in Preferences, would pop up
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' in one of the mail fields, which would cause someone's spam
filter on the SuSE list to kick in, and some other people just plain got irate. 
 So I
used the script, sendmail, and fetchmail instead.  Quick, simple, painless).
Unfortunately, the Debian install of sendmail doesn't seem to jive w/ the
install-sendmail script, so that rules out sendmail, as I am _not_ masochistic 
to want to configure that critter otherwise.  Exim would work fine, I guess, 
but I
was initially having a bit of trouble (I guess I still am) figuring out 
what I need to change where, for my situation: essentially a home dialup 
system, w/ a
local username different from the username on my mail account.  Postfix does 
seem to
have a fair bit of documentation that addresses that specifically, so I'll 
pursue that next.  The problem I think I had w/ fetchmail not being able to 
to the localhost smtp port was w/ masqmail, not exim.  Masqmail is the other 
for my situation, at least as I currently see it: it is a simple, 

Re: OT: is there a decent threaded mail reader...

2000-10-09 Thread Paul D. Smith
%% Walter Tautz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  wt i'd really like to be able to read this marvelous list without
  wt having to scroll through the listings looking for followups...perhaps
  wt pine can do this which is what I use now.

Use Emacs Gnus, and read this list exactly as if it were a USENET

 Paul D. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] Network Management Development
 Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional. --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.

Installation - Driver Floppy Error

2000-10-09 Thread Ken M. Mevand
hi list,
i tried installing Debian from a disk i got in a book Installing Debian
GNU/Linux. when i got the Installing Kernel and System Base, it
complaints failed installing the driver floppy. is this because the disk is
bad, or something else?  can i skip this step?

my system is a Cyrix 300 with 32Mb RAM, hda-4Gb (Windows), hdb-8Gb



is there a more recent sendmail than 8.9.3 ?

2000-10-09 Thread John Covici
I notice that the sendmail archive is 8.9.3 -- is there a more recent
oneor do I need to do the manual thing?

If there were a 11.0, that would be nice.

Thanks much.

 John Covici

Re: Installation - Driver Floppy Error

2000-10-09 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 12:38:13PM +0800, Ken M. Mevand wrote:
 hi list,
 i tried installing Debian from a disk i got in a book Installing Debian
 GNU/Linux. when i got the Installing Kernel and System Base, it
 complaints failed installing the driver floppy. is this because the disk is
 bad, or something else?  can i skip this step?
 my system is a Cyrix 300 with 32Mb RAM, hda-4Gb (Windows), hdb-8Gb

Maybe disk is bad, and no you can't skip it. This is a CD-ROM, correct?
I can't think why it'd prompt you for a floppy then.  The drivers should
be on the install CD-ROM (drivers_tgz or something).  Maybe you could
clarify what your doing.  Is this an old Slink disk?

/bin/sh ~/.signature:
Command not found

Re: Installation - Driver Floppy Error

2000-10-09 Thread Ken M. Mevand
yes, this is the slink distribution. its a CD-ROM, sorry i forgot to mention

i understand that there is 3 sections to be installed : the rescue disk, the
drivers floppy and the system base. it failed at the drivers floppy.

i used rawrite.exe to copy the drv1440.bin to a floppy disk and use that
during the installation, but it failed too.

- Original Message -
From: Eric G . Miller
To: 02 Debian
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2000 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: Installation - Driver Floppy Error

 On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 12:38:13PM +0800, Ken M. Mevand wrote:
  hi list,
  i tried installing Debian from a disk i got in a book Installing
  GNU/Linux. when i got the Installing Kernel and System Base, it
  complaints failed installing the driver floppy. is this because the disk
  bad, or something else?  can i skip this step?
  my system is a Cyrix 300 with 32Mb RAM, hda-4Gb (Windows), hdb-8Gb

 Maybe disk is bad, and no you can't skip it. This is a CD-ROM, correct?
 I can't think why it'd prompt you for a floppy then.  The drivers should
 be on the install CD-ROM (drivers_tgz or something).  Maybe you could
 clarify what your doing.  Is this an old Slink disk?

 /bin/sh ~/.signature:
 Command not found

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Problems with a bash script and cron

2000-10-09 Thread Lars Bjarby


This question isn't really Debian specific, but as I use Debian I thought 
this was a good forum. I've got this small bash script that works perfectly 
when I run it from the shell, but it won't work when I try to run it 
through cron and I don't get any error messages from the cron daemon either 
(maybe I'm looking in the wrong places).

The script below downloads the specified URL and generates and MD5 sum for 
the  HTML source. If this is the first time the script is run it saves the 
MD5 sum in a file otherwise the MD5 sum is checked against the old one. If 
they differ, the script will send an e-mail to me.

(yes, I know this script really isn't useful for slashdot as the page is 
different every time...but it's good for debuging)


DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d %H:%M`


if [ $LOG = TRUE ]; then echo -e $DATE\t$0\tChecking for 
updates... $LOGFILE; fi

MD5SUM_NOW=`lynx --source $URL | md5sum`

if [ ! -e $MD5FILE ]; then

MD5SUM_DISK=`head -1 $MD5FILE`

if [ $MD5SUM_NOW != $MD5SUM_DISK ]; then
echo $URL has been updated. | mail -s $SUBJECT $EMAIL
if [ $LOG = TRUE ]; then echo -e $DATE\t$0\tPage updated, 
notification sent to $EMAIL. $LOGFILE; fi

if [ $LOG = TRUE ]; then echo -e $DATE\t$0\tPage not 
updated. $LOGFILE; fi


if [ $LOG = TRUE ]; then echo -e $DATE\t$0\tExiting... $LOGFILE; fi

My crontab looks like this:

0,15,30,45 * * * /home/laban/bin/chkwww

Any ideas?

.//Laban - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Public PGP-key available

fyi: down

2000-10-09 Thread Robert Waldner

since yesterday 0100 (UTC+2) (see

danke, ist bereits bekannt, an der Behebung wird gearbeitet

(transl.: thanks, already known, we´re working on it)


printer setup problem

2000-10-09 Thread Seung-woo Nam
I configured my printer setting with printtool, however, when I try to
print only thing I get is 'No spool file found' printed on the paper.
The entry in printcap is identical to the one in my redhat which is
working. I suspected ther is lp.lock file in /var/spool/lpd/lp
directory. Would that be the problem?

Seung-woo Nam

Printer configuration on debian

2000-10-09 Thread Dwight Johnson
What is the preferred way to configure a PostScript printer on debian 2.2?

This same printer was most recently configured under SuSE 6.1 using

This is my first debian installation and I am bringing it up one resource
at a time. So far, I have networking and Internet working.

Thanks in advance,
Dwight Johnson

Re: Article: Debian's Daunting Installation

2000-10-09 Thread Rino Mardo

 RedHat, Mandrake, and SuSE are all quite easy to install and start
 using. I find they only get difficult later on when you need to fix
 something that broke, or want to upgrade. They can also become a real
 mess if you install un-official packages.

yes that's basically the problem with easy to install (as in GUI) distros.
what's being done is hidden from the user by Gooey.

 Debian and FreeBSD are both easy to install, easy to start using, and
 easy to maintain. You can stick to a stable branch, or you can track the
 bleeding edge. I actually prefer FreeBSD for its ports system and cvsup.
 But FreeBSD is a source-based distro, where Linux is binary

agree.  as this two *nix don't have pretty faces to hide what's going on
you're in control.
i like both *nix as they share (somewhat) the same package management idea.
apt-get or cvsup anything you want!

apt-cdrom and cd-rom drive

2000-10-09 Thread Glyn Millington
I'm trying to work out whether I've got a software or hardware

Last night I was trying to put my debian cds into sources.list
with apt-cdrom.  The first two went fine but the third could not
be read - lots of whirring and grinding and flashing lights  but
no action.  So I ^C'd my way out of there.

Since then apt-cdrom add  cannot read anything; Gnome CD player
can't find a disc in the drive; I can't mount anything on /cdrom;
but get no error messages from any of these activities (or none
that I can see.)

Have I chewed up some software here or is the drive scuppered?
Is there anything else I can do to test either?

Thanks in advance

Glyn M

   * The soul is greater than the hum of its parts.   *
   * Douglas Hoftstatder*

Re: OT: is there a decent threaded mail reader...

2000-10-09 Thread Osamu Aoki
Mutt: it's GNU and light weight console program.

o-t for threading
o-f for author
o-d for date sort.

Blazing fast.

Make sure to spend some time to configure .muttrc file. 
Otherwize your header disply may be too much (check out ignore *).

Check mailheader of knowlegeable poster answering ...

That is good proof.
   I see Mutt and Emacs-GNUS dominates here.


On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 03:01:10PM -0400, Walter Tautz wrote:
 i'd really like to be able to read this marvelous list without
 having to scroll through the listings looking for followups...perhaps
 pine can do this which is what I use now.
+  Osamu Aoki [EMAIL PROTECTED], GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D  +
+   Fingerprint: 814E BD64 3288 40E7 E88E  3D92 C3F8 EA94 D5DE 453D   +
+   === === Cupertino, CA USA ===   +

Re: wvdial or ppp

2000-10-09 Thread Rino Mardo
i found that /etc/ppp contents fubars wvdial so what i do is empty /etc/ppp
and just
run wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf to set it up.

debian is different in most respect specially when it comes to /usr/local so
don't expect that what
you know in redhat will work 100% in debian.  well, between distros you can
also find differences
so never assume.

who watches the watchmen?
- Original Message -
From: Marc Maute [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2000 8:36 PM
Subject: wvdial or ppp

 I must ask again.
 OK step by step:
 1.I installed Debian.
 2.I configurate wvdial
 with my old redhat etc/wvdial.conf
 3. I start wvdial
 4. It connected, (on redhat erverything works well)
 On Debian nothing happend. It immediately told
 me Unknown Host.
 5. So I asked you, what I have to do.
 6. You told me to change etc/ppp/resolv.conf
 and to act. debug in etc/ppp/options
 7. OK so I tested, now it searched tried to connect...
 but nothing happend.

 So I hope somebody can tell me what I have to do.
 Must I create a gateway or must act. something?
 It cant be so difficult, or?
 I must say it again on redhat I config. wvdial.conf
 and it worked, why not on Debian?

 Sorry, about my english.

 Sent through GMX FreeMail -

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Problems with a bash script and cron

2000-10-09 Thread Rino Mardo
try removing #!/bin/bash

who watches the watchmen?
- Original Message -
From: Lars Bjarby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2000 9:22 AM
Subject: Problems with a bash script and cron


 This question isn't really Debian specific, but as I use Debian I thought
 this was a good forum. I've got this small bash script that works
 when I run it from the shell, but it won't work when I try to run it
 through cron and I don't get any error messages from the cron daemon
 (maybe I'm looking in the wrong places).

 The script below downloads the specified URL and generates and MD5 sum for
 the  HTML source. If this is the first time the script is run it saves the
 MD5 sum in a file otherwise the MD5 sum is checked against the old one. If
 they differ, the script will send an e-mail to me.

 (yes, I know this script really isn't useful for slashdot as the page is
 different every time...but it's good for debuging)



 DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d %H:%M`


 if [ $LOG = TRUE ]; then echo -e $DATE\t$0\tChecking for
 updates... $LOGFILE; fi

 MD5SUM_NOW=`lynx --source $URL | md5sum`

 if [ ! -e $MD5FILE ]; then
  echo $MD5SUM_NOW  $MD5FILE

 MD5SUM_DISK=`head -1 $MD5FILE`

 if [ $MD5SUM_NOW != $MD5SUM_DISK ]; then
  echo $URL has been updated. | mail -s $SUBJECT $EMAIL
  if [ $LOG = TRUE ]; then echo -e $DATE\t$0\tPage updated,
 notification sent to $EMAIL. $LOGFILE; fi
  if [ $LOG = TRUE ]; then echo -e $DATE\t$0\tPage not
 updated. $LOGFILE; fi

 if [ $LOG = TRUE ]; then echo -e $DATE\t$0\tExiting... $LOGFILE;

 My crontab looks like this:

 0,15,30,45 * * * /home/laban/bin/chkwww

 Any ideas?

 .//Laban - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Public PGP-key available

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

OT: 0K file downloaded

2000-10-09 Thread Rino Mardo
This is OT but it's just driving me mad.  I hope someone can lend me a hand.

I downloaded an attachment from hotmail, it gets saved, but when I open it
it contains nothing!  From hotmail inbox it clearly shows it's 34K but I get
nothing downloading it.

Anyone got any idea?

who watches the watchmen?

Re: netscape crashes

2000-10-09 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 10:11:46AM -0500, Damian Menscher wrote:
 For the record, I've seen this with RedHat 6.x also.  It seems that if I
 clue in that netscape has gone berserk soon enough and kill it, I'm
 fine.  But if I wait a minute, it hogs so many resources the only option
 is a reboot.

presumably its bloating up until it consumes all available memory and
swap space.  you can easily prevent this by setting resource limits.

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Simulating a mouse

2000-10-09 Thread kmself
On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 12:03:26AM -0400, Chris Gray ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 01:25:28AM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
  In the longer term I'd like to keep my need to move from the keyboard to
  the mouse as low as possible, to slow the onset of things like RSI. I
  was wondering if any disabled Linux users had come up with anything
  (remembering that Windows has something like MouseKeys, not that I
  ever needed it while I was still using Windows).
 You can hit Shift + Num_Lock to get something like MouseKeys using the 
 number pad.

Where the heck is this documented?  I think I knew it once, but I
must've forgotted it before I was born.

Playing with keypad plus modifiers, it seems that hitting a shift key
various times effects the accelleration of pointer movement.  Or maybe
not.  The '5' and '+' keys appear to emulate mouse button 1 (left).  I
can't find my middle and right mouse button equivalents.  Anyone?
Diagonal movement works, though, which is cool.

How about a mode to start X without a mouse?

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Encrypt a file

2000-10-09 Thread Samuli Suonpaa
Damian Menscher [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Mon, 9 Oct 2000, Brian May wrote:
 While there are pros and cons in both methods, I have to wonder
 what you need to encrypt files for. For most applications,
 asymmetric encryption is better.
 No, for most applications, symmetric encryption is better.  It is
 stronger, faster, more standardized, better tested, etc.  The
 asymmetric methods often use asymmetric encryption only to encrypt a
 key for a symmetric algorithm.

Umm... As you state, most applications asymmetric only for the key and
symmetric for data. How come you still consider symmetric encryption
to be faster?

 That said, you might still consider using pgp, as I believe it has
 the ability to do symmetric encryption.  

As does gpg. And, of course, I would use free software whenever


Re: New isapnptools doesn't like my old conf

2000-10-09 Thread Berthold Cogel
Funn Dipp wrote:
 Just did an apt-get upgrade and got version 1.23 of isapnptools.  Now, if I 
 do `isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf`, I get the following error:
 dip:~# isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf
 Don't know what to do with A20)) on or around line 349
 /etc/isapnp.conf:349 -- Fatal - Error occurred parsing config file --- no 
 action taken
 This works fine in version 1.21
 From the WaveTable section of my isapnp.conf
 (IO 0 (BASE 0x0620))
 (IO 1 (BASE 0x0A20))
 (IO 2 (BASE 0x0E20))
 The card is an old isa SoundBlaster64.  It hasn't worked since an upgrade of 
 modutils a while back, but now it errors out on this as well - think I may 
 just have to go back to a base potato install..nothing I've tried has worked 
 to get my soundcard singing again. :-\
 oh well - :)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

The same happened to me when I updated from slink to potato. I did a
complete new installation ...  nothing... :-( . Even going back to the
old modutils and isapnp didn't work. 

Is there anybody who has a working ISA PNP Soundblaster AWE64 with
kernel 2.2.x and potoato?

Berthold Cogel

Re: Problems with a bash script and cron

2000-10-09 Thread Tommi Komulainen
On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 07:22:34AM +0200, Lars Bjarby wrote:
 This question isn't really Debian specific, but as I use Debian I thought 
 this was a good forum. I've got this small bash script that works perfectly 
 when I run it from the shell, but it won't work when I try to run it 
 through cron and I don't get any error messages from the cron daemon either 
 (maybe I'm looking in the wrong places).

Hmm, I vaguely remember lynx _requiring_ a tty, which in case of
cronjob is not available. Solution may be to replace lynx with wget, for

Tommi Komulainen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: PGP signature


2000-10-09 Thread Richard Morin
Hi Folks,
I've quickly read the docs, but don't have the time to delve much further.
Can anyone assist me with setting up rules to allow my masq'd machines to
play  They provide the ports which must be allowed, I
don't think I'm far from understanding, perhaps if I had some examples of
UDP+masq with ipchains..
Rich M

Broadcast2000 on Debian?

2000-10-09 Thread Erik van der Meulen
Does anyone know if Broadcast2000
( is available as a Debian
package? The site allows for download of a RedHat .rpm, but I am not
very comfortable with the installation of .rpm's on Debian.
Also there is an option for a source download.

Does anyone have any positive experience with any of those options?

Thanks a lot.

  Erik van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: buying new monitor

2000-10-09 Thread Christen Welch
On Sun, Oct 08, 2000 at 11:31:58PM -0400,
Kenneth F. Ryder III [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I was going to buy a KDS vs-190 monitor, and was wondering if
 anyone had used this monitor with X before, might have any thoughts

Well, I don't know what size the 190 is, but a local Office Depot
where I used to live had 19 and 21 KDS monitors. They were cheaper
than the Sony monitors, but the screens looked more like marbles
than flat displays. Didn't look to hot with Windows 95 (they might have
been ay 60Hz or something crappy like that though). A monitor is
a long term investment. I'd save up another paycheck and get
a Sony, Mitsubishi (sp), or get what I want: A 22 Iiyama.


The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it - Moliere

Description: PGP signature

3com problem

2000-10-09 Thread Piotr Chudykowski
I'm trying to install the base system via ftp, but I can't 
because the drivers in the potato release doesn't have 
support for my NIC (3Com 905).  What can I do - please 

Kernel compilation -- Error 127 after trying Make bzImage

2000-10-09 Thread Ulrich
I tried to compile a kernel from the 2.2.17-source.
Up to 'make dep' and 'make clean', everything went fine. 
Make bzImage stops with following error-message:
   as86 -0 -a -o bbootsect.o bbootsect.s
   Make(1): as86: Command not found
   Make(1): *** [bbootsect.o] Error 127
   Make: *** [bzImage] error 2

For the configuration, I have used my 2.2.14 config-file, and went 
through the configuration process by checking whether everything is stil 
up to date.

Does anybody know what's wrong ?

P.S. I'm no longer subscribed to this list (due to huge amount of 
traffic), so please send a copy of your reply (thank you, thank you :-) 
to my e-mail adress.


Re: 3com problem

2000-10-09 Thread Christen Welch
On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 04:47:33AM -0500,
Piotr Chudykowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to install the base system via ftp, but I can't 
 because the drivers in the potato release doesn't have 
 support for my NIC (3Com 905).  What can I do - please 

You'll have to compile the modules, or compile it into the kernel.


The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it - Moliere

Description: PGP signature

Re: 3com problem

2000-10-09 Thread Tommi Komulainen
On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 04:47:33AM -0500, Piotr Chudykowski wrote:
 I'm trying to install the base system via ftp, but I can't 
 because the drivers in the potato release doesn't have 
 support for my NIC (3Com 905).  What can I do - please 

Are you sure? Driver for the 905 is 3c59x..

Tommi Komulainen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: PGP signature

Login refused

2000-10-09 Thread Johann Spies
Sorry if ths message appeared for the second time.  I sent it on
yesterday but did so far not see it on the list.

Fortunately I did not do a dist-upgrade with my 2.2 disks right away.
I first did a new install on another partition.  apt dist-upgrade
resulted in my old system being unusable.  I can use the data of the
old installation from the new installation by mounting the old
partition, but my old system would not allow me to log in.

In the startup-messages there was something about a PAM error but as
gpm is not working I could not cut and paste it into this mail.

It is not that it refuses my password.  It does not even ask for a
password. The login-prompt just reappears.

Is there a way to solve this?

J.H. Spies - Tel/Faks +27-21-876-2337 Sel/Cell +27-82 898 1528
 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, 
  and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom 
  is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.   
   James 1:17 

Re: 3com problem

2000-10-09 Thread Christen Welch
I realized you don't have the base installed. It's late,
sorry. Guess that wasn't of any help. 


The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it - Moliere

Description: PGP signature

Re: Kernel compilation -- Error 127 after trying Make bzImage

2000-10-09 Thread John McBride
Ulrich wrote:
 I tried to compile a kernel from the 2.2.17-source.
 Up to 'make dep' and 'make clean', everything went fine.
 Make bzImage stops with following error-message:
as86 -0 -a -o bbootsect.o bbootsect.s
Make(1): as86: Command not found
Make(1): *** [bbootsect.o] Error 127
Make: *** [bzImage] error 2
 For the configuration, I have used my 2.2.14 config-file, and went
 through the configuration process by checking whether everything is stil
 up to date.
 Does anybody know what's wrong ?
 P.S. I'm no longer subscribed to this list (due to huge amount of
 traffic), so please send a copy of your reply (thank you, thank you :-)
 to my e-mail adress.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

apt-get install bin86

NFS shares...

2000-10-09 Thread Jason Quigley


I am trying to set up an NFS share from my Debian server to allow a test system 
(Mac OS X) to access it. When I try to mount from the client machine I get:

[tangy:~/Mounts] jason% mount -o ro 

[tangy:~/Mounts] jason% ls -l
ls: Dimwit: Protocol not supported
[tangy:~/Mounts] jason%

The server's syslog has:

Oct  9 13:07:03 cubeship mountd[5226]: authenticated mount request from 
tangy.borgspace.alpha:1053 for /mnt/hungry-monster/data 

Oct  9 13:07:03 cubeship kernel: svc: unknown version (3)
Oct  9 13:07:35 cubeship last message repeated 8 times
Oct  9 13:07:35 cubeship kernel: svc: unknown version (3)

I have set up a simple /etc/exports file:

# /etc/exports: the access control list for filesystems which may be exported
#   to NFS clients.  See exports(5).
/mnt/hungry-monster/data/ tangy(insecure,map_daemon)

Is there anything else I should look at?


Problems with mkraid

2000-10-09 Thread Andre Strenger
Hi all, 

I am running 2.2 with kernel 2.2.17 and raidtools2 0.90. 
At boot time md-driver tolds me he is version 0.36.6
/etc/raidtab is configured as shown in HOWTO and also the 
devices was made (type FD). After a mkraid /dev/md0 I get the errormessage 
mkraid aborted, have a look to syslog  mdstat
In mdstat he told me read_ahead not set. syslog  messages tolds
me nothing.
I didnt find any hints to this message 
Do I need a kernel patch for 2.2.17 ?
has somebody a good Idea or a little hint ???
Thanks  have a nice day, 

Greetings from Germany 

redseven Community - Alleine war gestern
redseven freemail - der kostenlose eMail-Service 

Join us now!

Re: Broadcast2000 on Debian?

2000-10-09 Thread Ethan Benson
On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 11:32:39AM +0200, Erik van der Meulen wrote:
 Does anyone know if Broadcast2000
 ( is available as a Debian
 package? The site allows for download of a RedHat .rpm, but I am not
 very comfortable with the installation of .rpm's on Debian.
 Also there is an option for a source download.

i don't know but if not you can do this:

alien -t bcast.rpm
tar -zxvpf bcast.tar.gz
pick apart the various files and install them into /usr/local.

 Does anyone have any positive experience with any of those options?

as of yet i have not ever needed to really do this but its the best
way to do it IMO.  installing random .rpms (even if converted to
.debs) seems like a hideous idea to me. 

course i may just be pedantic, i once tried out vmware and insisted on
manually installing everything without using their obfuscated perl
install scripts.  i did get it working though, the main thing that
took so long was i made a very large effort to force it to run without
root privileges, unfortunatly i was not sucessful on that part.  

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: 3com problem

2000-10-09 Thread Rino Mardo
Ever since I switched (temporarily) to using OE some peoples mails appear as
attachments.  I didn't have this problem before with mutt.  BTW, on the same
topic, is it sane to use Emacs for reading mails in Windows or are there any
other mailreaders for Windows that is not OE-ish.  I ask this as I know
there are Windows users in the list also who maybe using different mail

who watches the watchmen?
- Original Message -
From: Christen Welch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2000 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: 3com problem

Printer configuration on debian - Another question

2000-10-09 Thread romeu

So, I have my modem running under my debian installation. Thanks to the
ones who helped me.
Next step (no, it's not an OS): Setting up the printer.
I have printtool installed, so I'm able to set my printer up.
When I run printtool and click Add, it says:
lp0: there's no printer (or something like that).
lp1: there's no printer.

The problem is:
The device lp0 is not bound to parport. I recompiled the kernel, installing
parport issues (I think auto-detection). In the system initialization,
debian gives me the message: parport0: HEWLLET-PACKARD DESKJET 690, or
something like that.
But when I type the command cat /proc/parport/0/devices, the only thing it
says is plip. I think it should be plip lp0, shouldn't it? Or should I
remove (how?) plip and bound (how?) lp0?



Re: NFS shares...

2000-10-09 Thread Ethan Benson
On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 01:11:17PM +0200, Jason Quigley wrote:
 I am trying to set up an NFS share from my Debian server to allow a test 
 (Mac OS X) to access it. When I try to mount from the client machine I get:
 [tangy:~/Mounts] jason% mount -o ro 
 [tangy:~/Mounts] jason% ls -l
 ls: Dimwit: Protocol not supported
 [tangy:~/Mounts] jason%

iirc the kernel space NFS server is not compatible with anything but
linux clients, i might have this wrong/backwords though...

linux's implementation really sucks unfortunatly,
(iirc) may be of some assistence, there are NFS patchs available to
allegedly improve linux NFS.

 The server's syslog has:
 Oct  9 13:07:03 cubeship mountd[5226]: authenticated mount request from 
 tangy.borgspace.alpha:1053 for /mnt/hungry-monster/data 
 Oct  9 13:07:03 cubeship kernel: svc: unknown version (3)
 Oct  9 13:07:35 cubeship last message repeated 8 times
 Oct  9 13:07:35 cubeship kernel: svc: unknown version (3)

yup, looks like OSX wants to use NFSv3, linux does not support that.
maybe you can ask OSX to use NFSv2 instead?

or try the userspace NFS, but it sucks too for different reasons.. (no
locking etc)

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: NFS shares...

2000-10-09 Thread Tommi Komulainen
On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 01:11:17PM +0200, Jason Quigley wrote:
 I am trying to set up an NFS share from my Debian server to allow a test 
 (Mac OS X) to access it. When I try to mount from the client machine I get:
 The server's syslog has:
 Oct  9 13:07:35 cubeship kernel: svc: unknown version (3)

Well, this says that the client tried to use NFSv3 while your server
supports only NFSv2. So you have two choices, either make the client use
NFSv2 also or update the server for NFSv3. I don't know about the
latter, but the former can be done (well, at least on linux) with

mount -o nfsvers=2,ro 

That 'nfsvers' option will be propably different, check your Mac
manpages or equivalent. On Solaris something the correct parameter was
avoid_version=3, IIRC.

Tommi Komulainen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: PGP signature

Re: New isapnptools doesn't like my old conf

2000-10-09 Thread romeu

Have you tried to use pnpdump again?
I'm using SB AWE 32 (I think your card is not so old :-), under potato, and
it runs well.

Berthold Cogel  


  Assunto: Re: New isapnptools 
09/10/00 05:59like my old conf  

Funn Dipp wrote:


 Just did an apt-get upgrade and got version 1.23 of isapnptools.  Now, if
I do `isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf`, I get the following error:
 dip:~# isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf
 Don't know what to do with A20)) on or around line 349
 /etc/isapnp.conf:349 -- Fatal - Error occurred parsing config file --- no
action taken

 This works fine in version 1.21
 From the WaveTable section of my isapnp.conf
 (IO 0 (BASE 0x0620))
 (IO 1 (BASE 0x0A20))
 (IO 2 (BASE 0x0E20))

 The card is an old isa SoundBlaster64.  It hasn't worked since an upgrade
of modutils a while back, but now it errors out on this as well - think I
may just have to go back to a base potato install..nothing I've tried has
worked to get my soundcard singing again. :-\

 oh well - :)


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The same happened to me when I updated from slink to potato. I did a
complete new installation ...  nothing... :-( . Even going back to the
old modutils and isapnp didn't work.

Is there anybody who has a working ISA PNP Soundblaster AWE64 with
kernel 2.2.x and potoato?

Berthold Cogel

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Re: Speaking of isapnp...

2000-10-09 Thread romeu

Nick Cook   
t   cc:
Enviado Por: Assunto: Speaking of isapnp... 


Responder a 



pnpdump only generates an output with several options. You'll have to
modify each one, and write the results to /etc/isapnp.conf (pnpdump 
/etc/isapnp.conf does the task). So, You'll pick 1 of up to 3 IRQs, etc,
uncommenting the lines (removing #). If you have a dual boot machine, I
recommend you to use the same IRQ's an IO's values that are used under
I think that if you have isapnp installed, you don't have to do something
else. It'll read /etc/isapnp.conf and configure your card(s).
You should try to do isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf, before booting, so you'll
know the results before booting.

I'm a newbie(mostly). I'm answering you because I did a lot of mess with
isapnp, and my system did not crash.

I'm trying to use isapnp in a last ditch effort to get Potato to recognize
SCSI card (PnP ISA). isapnpdump sees it, and writes the config file.

However, the rather sketchy docs recommend putting the isapnp command
early in
the boot-up process. Call me chicken, but I don't wanna just mess around
that. So, anybody recommend a good place to stick isapnp in the boot
e.g., which directory?

As always, thanks.
 - Nick -
Don't let your mind wander -- it's too little to be let out alone.

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Re: NFS shares...

2000-10-09 Thread Jason Quigley

Hi Tommi!

I put in a switch on the mount command to go to version 2. That did the trick, 
it mounts and I can see the directories from the command line (unfortunately, 
not the Finder, but that's another story :).

Many thanks,

--On Monday, October 9, 2000 2:24 pm +0300 Tommi Komulainen 

On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 01:11:17PM +0200, Jason Quigley wrote:

I am trying to set up an NFS share from my Debian server to allow a test
system  (Mac OS X) to access it. When I try to mount from the client machine
I get:

The server's syslog has:
Oct  9 13:07:35 cubeship kernel: svc: unknown version (3)

Well, this says that the client tried to use NFSv3 while your server
supports only NFSv2. So you have two choices, either make the client use
NFSv2 also or update the server for NFSv3. I don't know about the
latter, but the former can be done (well, at least on linux) with

mount -o nfsvers=2,ro

That 'nfsvers' option will be propably different, check your Mac
manpages or equivalent. On Solaris something the correct parameter was
avoid_version=3, IIRC.

Tommi Komulainen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: wvdial or ppp

2000-10-09 Thread romeu

Use pppconfig, instead. It's much better than wvdial.
Is there any special reason for anybody keep using wvdial?

Rino Mardo  
 Assunto: Re: wvdial or ppp 



i found that /etc/ppp contents fubars wvdial so what i do is empty /etc/ppp
and just
run wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf to set it up.

debian is different in most respect specially when it comes to /usr/local
don't expect that what
you know in redhat will work 100% in debian.  well, between distros you can
also find differences
so never assume.

who watches the watchmen?
- Original Message -
From: Marc Maute [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2000 8:36 PM
Subject: wvdial or ppp

 I must ask again.
 OK step by step:
 1.I installed Debian.
 2.I configurate wvdial
 with my old redhat etc/wvdial.conf
 3. I start wvdial
 4. It connected, (on redhat erverything works well)
 On Debian nothing happend. It immediately told
 me Unknown Host.
 5. So I asked you, what I have to do.
 6. You told me to change etc/ppp/resolv.conf
 and to act. debug in etc/ppp/options
 7. OK so I tested, now it searched tried to connect...
 but nothing happend.

 So I hope somebody can tell me what I have to do.
 Must I create a gateway or must act. something?
 It cant be so difficult, or?
 I must say it again on redhat I config. wvdial.conf
 and it worked, why not on Debian?

 Sorry, about my english.

 Sent through GMX FreeMail -

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Re: NFS shares...

2000-10-09 Thread Jason Quigley

Hi Ethan!

It seems that the NFS server only supports version 2 as Tommi stated.

Thanks for the tips though!

--On Monday, October 9, 2000 3:24 am -0800 Ethan Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 01:11:17PM +0200, Jason Quigley wrote:


I am trying to set up an NFS share from my Debian server to allow a test
system  (Mac OS X) to access it. When I try to mount from the client machine
I get:

[tangy:~/Mounts] jason% mount -o ro
[tangy:~/Mounts] jason% ls -l
ls: Dimwit: Protocol not supported
[tangy:~/Mounts] jason%

iirc the kernel space NFS server is not compatible with anything but
linux clients, i might have this wrong/backwords though...

linux's implementation really sucks unfortunatly,
(iirc) may be of some assistence, there are NFS patchs available to
allegedly improve linux NFS.

The server's syslog has:

Oct  9 13:07:03 cubeship mountd[5226]: authenticated mount request from
tangy.borgspace.alpha:1053 for /mnt/hungry-monster/data
Oct  9 13:07:03 cubeship kernel: svc: unknown version (3)
Oct  9 13:07:35 cubeship last message repeated 8 times
Oct  9 13:07:35 cubeship kernel: svc: unknown version (3)

yup, looks like OSX wants to use NFSv3, linux does not support that.
maybe you can ask OSX to use NFSv2 instead?

or try the userspace NFS, but it sucks too for different reasons.. (no
locking etc)

Ethan Benson

Re: easy apt-get

2000-10-09 Thread romeu

I was thinking of this, too...
So, if I have a particular .deb file, and I want to install it, I have to
use dpkg. But if the package have dependencies and/or conflicts, which
apt-get handles very well?

MacdonaldPara:   Marc Maute [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]cc:   Assunto: Re: easy apt-get  




On Sun, 8 Oct 2000, Marc Maute wrote:

 A simple question:
 I have a deb file on my system how
 can I install it?
 Isnt it possible to install this pack.
 whitout to change etc/apt/aptlist ?
 And how must I do it?

Just use dpkg:

dpkg -i your-file.deb


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Re: Off Topic: Mesa, opengl, glide, argh what is this jibberish!

2000-10-09 Thread Lee Maguire
[2000-10-08] William Jensen wrote:
 I'll confess right from the start I'm ignorant about this topic.

Not an online reference I'm afraid, but there was an article in last
month's Linux Journal[1] covering the basics of this

The Puzzle of 3-D Graphics on Linux by John Matthews and Daryll Strauss


Lee Maguire [EMAIL PROTECTED] traveling at the speed of time

Re: wvdial or ppp

2000-10-09 Thread Rino Mardo
yes, it's much better :-)

actually, personal preferences.  some find wvdial straigthforward to setup
while others find pppconfig easier.

with wvdial you just supply your username, phone number to dial and that's
it!  no mucking around with scripts... until you find out that your isp is
spewing out different login prompts like mine :-

who watches the watchmen?
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2000 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: wvdial or ppp

 Use pppconfig, instead. It's much better than wvdial.
 Is there any special reason for anybody keep using wvdial?

 Rino Mardo
  Assunto: Re: wvdial or ppp

 i found that /etc/ppp contents fubars wvdial so what i do is empty
 and just
 run wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf to set it up.

 debian is different in most respect specially when it comes to /usr/local
 don't expect that what
 you know in redhat will work 100% in debian.  well, between distros you
 also find differences
 so never assume.

 who watches the watchmen?
 - Original Message -
 From: Marc Maute [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2000 8:36 PM
 Subject: wvdial or ppp

  I must ask again.
  OK step by step:
  1.I installed Debian.
  2.I configurate wvdial
  with my old redhat etc/wvdial.conf
  3. I start wvdial
  4. It connected, (on redhat erverything works well)
  On Debian nothing happend. It immediately told
  me Unknown Host.
  5. So I asked you, what I have to do.
  6. You told me to change etc/ppp/resolv.conf
  and to act. debug in etc/ppp/options
  7. OK so I tested, now it searched tried to connect...
  but nothing happend.
  So I hope somebody can tell me what I have to do.
  Must I create a gateway or must act. something?
  It cant be so difficult, or?
  I must say it again on redhat I config. wvdial.conf
  and it worked, why not on Debian?
  Sorry, about my english.
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Re: Woody time!

2000-10-09 Thread romeu

Woody upgrade:
I did't change potato to woody in sources.list, just added a new source
When I did apt-get dist-upgrade, it says that I have to upgrade 411
OK. I'll do that, but a few questions come:
1) If I update the packs, I'll have to update the kernel, too, wouldn't I?
Isn't this the first thing to do to a woody upgrade?
2) Can somebody tell me the full path to the woody kernel source package?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] natePara:   Matt \\ObeseWhale\\ 
04/10/00 cc:   
18:38Assunto: Re: Woody time!   



just change potato to woody or stable to unstable whichever format your
using . then do the usual apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade

good luck w/woody! hopefully the recent libc problems are fixed ive seen
some pretty ugly errors/bugs reported here the past week :)


On Wed, 4 Oct 2000, Matt \ObeseWhale\ Grinshpun wrote:

obesew Hi, I've installed potato and have decided to stray from the beaten
obesew and get some woody packages...  What should I do to my sources.list
obesew to switch from potato stuff to woody, I'm doing everything from
obesew right now.  Thanks.
obesew --
obesew -Matt ObeseWhale Grinshpun
obesew -Site Director, The Darker Sector
obesew -
obesew -Coming soon, Hyperleap
obesew --
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Re: Broadcast2000 on Debian?

2000-10-09 Thread Steve Waterman
alien works quite well with RPMs to make them into .deb packages.  Give it a

- Original Message -
From: Erik van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2000 4:32 AM
Subject: Broadcast2000 on Debian?

 Does anyone know if Broadcast2000
 ( is available as a Debian
 package? The site allows for download of a RedHat .rpm, but I am not
 very comfortable with the installation of .rpm's on Debian.
 Also there is an option for a source download.

 Does anyone have any positive experience with any of those options?

 Thanks a lot.

   Erik van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: 3com problem

2000-10-09 Thread J.A. de Vries
On Mon, 9 Oct 2000, Rino Mardo wrote:

 Ever since I switched (temporarily) to using OE some peoples mails appear as
 attachments.  I didn't have this problem before with mutt.  BTW, on the same
 topic, is it sane to use Emacs for reading mails in Windows or are there any
 other mailreaders for Windows that is not OE-ish.  I ask this as I know
 there are Windows users in the list also who maybe using different mail
Well, I recently started using debian and about the only thing I miss is
Eudora Pro. There's probably a good MUA for debian out there with equal
capabilities, but I haven't found it yet. This message comes from Pine (which 
I use at work and find wonderful), but I haven't seen a mail client that's 
as good as Eudora when it comes to things like forwarding with predefined 
messages (stationaries) and stuff like that. Maybe that's just because I 
don't know yet what's out there... 

Anyway if you're looking for a good MUA on one of the MS platforms I'd look
at Eudora (handles attachments like a charm and has an almost clean bill of
health regarding security). If you want cross-platform useability then I'd 
recommend Pine (I use it at work on a NT box and at home with debian, both
with the same .pinerc).


Grx HdV

P.S. Can anyone tell me if mutt handles stationaries? And if so, can it use
them with forwarding in a way similar to Eudora?

Support bacteria - 
they're the only culture some people have.

J.A. de Vries aka HdV
Delft University of Technology
Computing Centre


Re: wvdial or ppp

2000-10-09 Thread John Hasler
Rino Mardo writes:
 i found that /etc/ppp contents fubars wvdial so what i do is empty

I hope you meant to write /etc/ppp/options.

 debian is different in most respect...

Yes.  Debian tends to follow standards and not change upstream
configurations.  Debian's /etc/ppp/options is as received from the ppp
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Curse these cursed signal errors!

2000-10-09 Thread Matheson


I keep getting Signal error 4 wihle trying to 
compile my kernel, and I get a signal error 11 while using WindowMaker (trying 
to switch themes, etc.) I know that signal errors are supposed to be 
hardware, but I can't see how mine is. I've replaced my motherboard, RAM, 
and Hard drive, and I've swapped CPU's with my friend to try this (he can 
compile just fine). I'm quite confused. These are my system specs if 
this helps:

AMD K6-II 500
DFI Motherboard
64mb DIMM
30.7 gb Hard drive
50x CD-ROM

One more thing, I read about slowing down the wait 
states in my BIOS. I can't find these in my Award BIOS. Is it called 
something different?

Cameron Matheson

X Fonts are too big

2000-10-09 Thread Leonardo Dias
I don't know if this has happened to y'all. Anyway...

My XServer is running fine. I have a NVidia Riva TNT 2 video card, with
a LG monitor. The only thing is that the fonts for some programs are too
big. Gimp, for example, is working with a very big font. Netscape is
also. The problem with the latter is that with such big fonts in the
window, it occupies lots of space in the screen. It bothers me.

The other problem I'm having with X debs of potato (which seems to be
3.3.6) is that normal X Fonts (such as Utopia and Helvetica) are all
strange and badly drawn. I'm running a True Type font server (xfstt) and
True Type fonts are just fine.

What seems to be the problem? I looked for the documentation in and they are not mentioning anything wrong with fonts in
such X Server. If anyone ever had this trouble, what am I doing of wrong
here? I've installed all the fonts (100dpi, 75dpi, Speedo, Type1 and

Best Regards,

Leonardo Dias
Analista Programador / Analyst Programmer
Catho Online

PS/2 mouse

2000-10-09 Thread Cavaiani, Don

I had Debian Linux up an running just fine - until I removed the serial
mouse and replaced it with a PS/2 mouse.  Actually, I was playing with the
modem COM and IRQ settings too.

Now, the PS/2 mouse works fine when I boot into WIN98, but freezes when I
boot into the Linux x-window (Using GNOME).  The modem dials out OK from
linux but when I switch back to the x-window session, it freezes up and
there is no mouse recognized.  It there a trick to setting up a PS/2 mouse
after I originally had the serial mouse configured?


Re: PS/2 mouse

2000-10-09 Thread stefan goeman

Maybe you can edit the /etc/X11/XF86Config file in Section Pointer
Section Pointer
   Protocol  IMPS/2



On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 08:07:41AM -0500, Cavaiani, Don wrote:
 I had Debian Linux up an running just fine - until I removed the serial
 mouse and replaced it with a PS/2 mouse.  Actually, I was playing with the
 modem COM and IRQ settings too.
 Now, the PS/2 mouse works fine when I boot into WIN98, but freezes when I
 boot into the Linux x-window (Using GNOME).  The modem dials out OK from
 linux but when I switch back to the x-window session, it freezes up and
 there is no mouse recognized.  It there a trick to setting up a PS/2 mouse
 after I originally had the serial mouse configured?
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*  *
*  ICN D NC A: *
*Ir. Stefan Goeman *
*Tel: +32 14 253020*
*e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
*  *
*  P.S.: Linux is great!!  *

Re: Woody time! - Sorry, another question

2000-10-09 Thread romeu

Once I use apt-get to install woody, where the .debsI just download are
I'll need them to configure another machines.

linux for macs

2000-10-09 Thread Mike Lindsey
My name is Mike Lindsey.  I have a mac powerbook 250 duo dock with a 68030 
processor, and 200 MB of disk space.  Do you have a version of linux for this 
thank you for your time
Mike Lindsey

Re: Article: Debian's Daunting Installation

2000-10-09 Thread David Wright
 Daunting installation? I totally disagree. Debian is the easiest console mode
 installation I have ever seen (Win 3.1, Redhat 5.something, etc.).
 The difficult part for me was creating the bootable CD. Once I figured out the
 queer directory structure, it was as simple as flopping the CD on the drive 
 pressing enter, enter, and enter...
 My main complaint is against the Debian ftp directory structure: Unlike with
 Redhat and Co., you can't just copy the files off the ftp site (unless
 you're willing to put up with the truly daunting 650 MB iso download). Debian
 lumps together the various architectures, such that a simple recursive ftp 
 (target site)/pub/linux/distributions/debian/ won't do the trick. Redhat, on
 the other hand, has separate directories for the files needed for i386, sparc,
 alpha, etc. (I'm not sure if things will remain just as neat with the
 multi-CD Redhat 7.0).

I don't understand. I see .../debian/dists/potato/main/binary-i386/
so what's that but the architecture? Or did you expect to see the
architecture above the Debian distribution in the tree?


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

SSH ???

2000-10-09 Thread Larry Shields
Can someone tell me the full name of the program ssh (SECURE SHELL), I tired
apt-get install, using ssh-1.2.27, and it does not seem to work for
me...Maybe I have the wrong version number any ideas...???


Larry Shields WD9ESU
AMPRnet: IPaddr
BBS E-Mail: wd9esu@

RE: Printer configuration on debian

2000-10-09 Thread Nick Cook

On 09-Oct-2000 Dwight Johnson wrote:
 What is the preferred way to configure a PostScript printer on debian 2.2?

MagicFilter did fine for mine.
 - Nick -
Your mode of life will be changed for the better because of new developments.

How to partition a 10GB disk

2000-10-09 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller

I am trying to partition a 10 GB IDE hard disk using the cfdisk that
starts up during the debian 2.1 (slink) install.

The problem is, cfdisk thinks the drive is only 8 GB. I've tried
AltF2 into another console and then fdisk's o command to reset the
MBR, followed by w. When I reboot and restart cfdisk, it still says
there are only 8 GB available.

If I use partition magic, I can create the partitions as I want them,
but then, when I reboot and start the install, cfdisk says the MBR is
corrupted FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition.

Any suggestions? I tried using just fdisk, BTW, but it also thinks there
are only 8 GB on the disk.

Best regards,

Peter Hugosson-Miller
TAG name=windoze action=bash/tag

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fn:Peter Hugosson-Miller

ODP: Printer configuration on debian

2000-10-09 Thread Mariusz . Przygodzki
Or use cups with a nice configuration tool.


 On 09-Oct-2000 Dwight Johnson wrote:
  What is the preferred way to configure a PostScript printer 
 on debian 2.2?
 MagicFilter did fine for mine.
  - Nick -
 Your mode of life will be changed for the better because of 
 new developments.
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Re: How to partition a 10GB disk

2000-10-09 Thread romeu

You need to have ATA-2 IDE support compiled in your kernel. It supports IDE
HD's larger than 8 Gb. I don't know if you can have such thing in slink.

er   cc:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Assunto: How to partition a 
10GB disk 

Responder a 




I am trying to partition a 10 GB IDE hard disk using the cfdisk that
starts up during the debian 2.1 (slink) install.

The problem is, cfdisk thinks the drive is only 8 GB. I've tried
AltF2 into another console and then fdisk's o command to reset the
MBR, followed by w. When I reboot and restart cfdisk, it still says
there are only 8 GB available.

If I use partition magic, I can create the partitions as I want them,
but then, when I reboot and start the install, cfdisk says the MBR is
corrupted FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition.

Any suggestions? I tried using just fdisk, BTW, but it also thinks there
are only 8 GB on the disk.

Best regards,

Peter Hugosson-Miller
TAG name=windoze action=bash/tag

(See attached file: pehu.vcf)

Description: Binary data

Re: SSH ???

2000-10-09 Thread Jeff Green
apt-get install ssh will work
but only if you have a non-US server in your /etc/apt/sources.list

Larry Shields wrote:
 Can someone tell me the full name of the program ssh (SECURE SHELL), I tired
 apt-get install, using ssh-1.2.27, and it does not seem to work for
 me...Maybe I have the wrong version number any ideas...???
 Larry Shields WD9ESU
 AMPRnet: IPaddr
 BBS E-Mail: wd9esu@
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: How to partition a 10GB disk

2000-10-09 Thread Jeff Green
Not sure you need to make a kernel change, unless I have done so
accidentally (ie used one where the change has been made for other
reasons) what you do need to do is either update the mobo bios or use
the c h s commands in fdisk to tell it how big the disk is.
The 8Gig restriction was afaik a BIOS one.

 You need to have ATA-2 IDE support compiled in your kernel. It supports IDE
 HD's larger than 8 Gb. I don't know if you can have such thing in slink.
 er   cc:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Assunto: How to partition 
 a 10GB disk
 Responder a
 I am trying to partition a 10 GB IDE hard disk using the cfdisk that
 starts up during the debian 2.1 (slink) install.
 The problem is, cfdisk thinks the drive is only 8 GB. I've tried
 AltF2 into another console and then fdisk's o command to reset the
 MBR, followed by w. When I reboot and restart cfdisk, it still says
 there are only 8 GB available.
 If I use partition magic, I can create the partitions as I want them,
 but then, when I reboot and start the install, cfdisk says the MBR is
 corrupted FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition.
 Any suggestions? I tried using just fdisk, BTW, but it also thinks there
 are only 8 GB on the disk.
 Best regards,
 Peter Hugosson-Miller
 TAG name=windoze action=bash/tag
 (See attached file: pehu.vcf)

Two questions: Security and mouse

2000-10-09 Thread Ray Percival
Hi all,
I have a Intellimouse (I know I know I bought it before I knew the one true 
way) In any case I can get it to work right as a ps2 mouse but using xf86setup 
I can not get it to work right as an intellimouse. It will jump around and not 
work at all when I choose intellimouse. Any thoughts on what I need to change 
to fix this. Also has anyone tried running Bastille Linux on a 2.2 system? 
According to their webpage it should work. Just wondering if anyone has had 
good luck doing it. Thanks much,

Re: apt on non-debian system

2000-10-09 Thread Piotr Krukowiecki
On Fri, 06 Oct 2000, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:

 On Fri, 6 Oct 2000, Piotr Krukowiecki wrote:
  I'd like to install apt on RH. I don't want to install deb's on RH.
  I want only use it as it reads in /usr/share/doc/apt/offline.txt (apt-get
  update  apt-get -d dist-upgrade with state file from other, debian
  So, is it possibile ?
 Sure, just grab the source and do:
 make startup

I had to modify Makefile and exculde comiling docs, but it's
probably local problem, not with source. 

 cd build/bin
 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`
 You'll need to use the configuration options that offline.txt indicates so
 that you can use a custom sources.list that is not in /etc/apt/.

And i have to change some other things like Dir::Bin::methods and other,
but i think it will work. Now it's breaking on:

E: Could not open file /var/cache/apt/srcpkgcache.bin - open (2 No such
file or
E: Could not open file /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin - open (2 No such file
or directory)
E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.

Do i need *.cache.bin files too ?



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