Re: Fallo en el arranque...

2001-01-29 Thread lasensio

 Tengo el sistema bien configurado, es una debian 2.2.r0 
 actualizada a
 testing con apt-get, y hoy se ha negado a arrancar quedandose el 
 lilo en LIL-

Yo tengo instsalada la misma versión desde los CDs originales y tengo el 
mismo problema. Debe de ser un error de esta versión porque sino no lo 
comprendo. Si tienes una partición con Windows 9x haz lo que tuve que 
hacer, usa el programa para M$-DO$ loadlin y utilizar el gestor de 
arranque del Windows, todo esto hasta que se sepa cuál es el problema y 
haya disponible una solución.



Re: fallo con las fechas en postgres 7.0

2001-01-29 Thread Antonio Castro
On Sun, 28 Jan 2001, Paco Brufal wrote:

   Tengo un problema con las fechas en postgres 7.0. Según la
 documentación, la variable que define el formato de fecha es DATESTYLE (en
 /etc/postgresql/postmaster.init). Pues bien, ponga el formato que ponga,
 siempre me sale como mes-dia-año (US o NONEURO), cuando yo quiero que salga
 como dia-mes-año (POSTGRES o EURO).
   He buscado por toda la doc y no sé como arreglarlo...

Supongo que has parado y rearrancado postgres verdad ?

Tambien te quiero advertir que EURO te puede dar problema en algunas
de las inserciones de registros que contegan la eñe. 

!! OJO !!. Conviene probar bien porque no falla siempre. A mi me 
fallaba solo con algunos registros.

Suena extraño pero antes de continuar con EURO, o con otras opciones
distintas de LATIN1 en BD que puedan contener eñes entre sus datos 
recomiendo como mínimo probar lo siguiente:

8(cortar por aqui)-
# incluir el nombre de una BD accesible
psql -d ${DB} FIN
drop table tbug;
create table tbug (
num_pedido int4 NOT NULL, 
total  int4 NOT NULL, 
fech_pedidodate NOT NULL,
cp varchar(15), 
pais   varchar(45),
anotacionesvarchar(600), -- Comentarios descripcion del pedido
PRIMARY KEY (num_pedido)) ;

psql -d ${DB} FIN
INSERT INTO tbug  ( num_pedido , total , fech_pedido , cp , pais , anotaciones  
) VALUES (  991  ,  4924  ,  '28-09-2000'  ,  '35012'  ,  'España'  ,  ' - - ' 

psql -d ${DB} FIN
INSERT INTO tbug  ( num_pedido , total , fech_pedido , cp , pais , anotaciones  
) VALUES (  992  ,  4924  ,  '28-09-2000'  , NULL ,  NULL  ,  ' -- ' );

psql -d ${DB} FIN
INSERT INTO tbug  ( num_pedido , total , fech_pedido , cp , pais , anotaciones  
) VALUES (  993  ,  4924  ,  '28-09-2000'  ,  '35012'  ,  'España'  ,  ' -- ' );

psql -d ${DB} FIN
INSERT INTO tbug  ( num_pedido , total , fech_pedido , cp , pais , anotaciones  
) VALUES (  994  ,  4924  ,  '28-09-2000'  ,  'A5012'  ,  'España'  ,  ' - - ' 

psql -d ${DB} FIN
INSERT INTO tbug  ( num_pedido , total , fech_pedido , cp , pais , anotaciones  
) VALUES (  995  ,  4924  ,  '28-09-2000'  ,  'A5012'  ,  'España'  ,  ' -- ' );

psql -d ${DB} FIN
8(cortar por aqui)-

Dependiendo de las versiones de Postgres algunas inserciones pueden 
fallar. A mi estas pruebas me han servido pero son solo son una selección
de casos que a mi me dieron problemas.

El registro 992 es el único registro que no contiene ninguna 'ñ'. 
Elimino la 'ñ' en todos los demás ('España'-'Espaa') y entonces
desaparecen los problemas. 

Yo ahora uso LATIN1 y recomiendo a los que usen otras cosas que hagan
algunas pruebas antes de continuar. 

Un saludo

Antonio Castro

/\ /\  Ciberdroide Informática (Tienda de Linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  
|  . . . . . . . . . . | 
| *** 1.700 sitios clasificados por temas sobre Linux en ***Donde_Linux*** |
| |

Re: /etc/fstab

2001-01-29 Thread Daniel Payno
Hola Fermín...

decías, el 03:07-29/ene/2001:

 al pseudoabandonar güingus me hice una nueva partición en hda4: ahora tengo 
 fat32 en hda1, ext2 en hda2, swap en hda3 y ext2 en hda4. Ahora mi pregunta 
 es la siguiente: Cuando arranco Debian, me gustaría no tener que andar 
 montando hda4 siempre amanuensemente. Para solucionarlo me he leido man 
 mount y man fstab, ahora bien, como el gato escaldao del agua huye... ¿qué os 
 parece este fstab? ¿descomento la línea de hda4 (añadida por mi)?
/dev/hda4   /Unidad4  ext2   defaults,errors=remount-re 0  0
si pones en esta línea así

/dev/hda4   /Unidad4  ext2   auto,noexec,nosuid 0  0

casi mejor. Con el auto le dices que te la monte en el arranque, lo de noexec
y nosuid es para que no te puedan ejecutar cosas en esa partición (si la
compartes con windows, es una buena ide)

 Y otra cosa, ¿los valores 0 y 1 para qué sirven? He leido algo de ¿dump?, 
 pero no me entero muy bien.
El primer número es el del dump (que es una utilidad para hacer backups
bastante antigua). Generalmente no vas  querer usarla. El segundo número es
más importante ya que le dice al fsck.ext2 del arranque en qué orden comprueba
las particiones en el arranque (y si lo hace). Es decir, si tienes más de una
partición ext2 (además de /), tendrás que ponerle un número en ese campo para
que te la(las) compruebe en el arranque (y cada cierto tiempo te pase el fsck)
y te pase el fsck en caso de mal apagado o ida de la luz.
Si la partición está en el mismo dispositivo tiene que ser secuencial.. es

/dev/hda1   /   0   1
/dev/hda2   /usr0   2
... y así...

Si está en otro dispositivo pueden tener el mismo índice (ventajas de la
multitarea).. es decir:

/dev/hda1   /   0   1
/dev/hdb1   /var0   1
/dev/hda2   /usr0   2
... y así...

Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

$ Got a light?
No match.

Description: PGP signature

Re: postgresql php apache.

2001-01-29 Thread Álvaro J. Sánchez
Gracias a todos, por fin funciono el trio postgresql, php y apache. y por 
cierto, muy bien.

El problema estaba, como indico David Charro Ripa, en que fallaba el enlace a 
la libreria

Un saludo a todos.

Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales (Badajoz)

Re: Debian Hamm y cliente DHCP

2001-01-29 Thread Andres Herrera

El Fri, Jan 26, 2001 at 08:11:35AM -0200, Christoph Simon disidio iscribir:
  Yo en Hamm con una línea ADSL no conseguí hacer funcionar el dhcp de
  ninguna de las maneras. 

 No lo he probado, pero sé que el pump funcionó a la primera en potato,
 woody e sid.

Gracias a ambos :-))

Parece ser que los clientes DHCP de Hamm no andaban muy allá. Al final el tema
se va a resolver cambiando el equipo por uno más apañaillo (porque ese estaba
en los mínimos imprescindibles) que va a llevar Potato. Ya he hecho unas
pruebas con pump contra un servidor DHCP casero y va perfesssto.

Andres Herrera  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | N.Reg: 66054
Debian Potato  | bqp/AndresHE
Clave GPG:

Description: PGP signature

zip 250

2001-01-29 Thread TooMany

En resultans que tengo un mardito roedó... digooo un server con una zipotera de 
250. Si digo de montar un zip, pero de 100, se me queja diciéndome que si falla 
el boot, el filesystem, y cualquier excusa es buena... La cuestión es que no 
hay forma humana (no sé si habrá cyborg) de poder montar un zip. 
Desgraciadamente no tengo ningún zip de 250 para probar a ver si lo monta bien, 
pero lo que sip que tengo es otra zipotera de 250 donde he probado el zip de 
100, y desde un G4, y me lo ve bien. Y el mismo zip, en mi casa y con una 
zipotera de 100, lo monto bien y sin problemas.

¿Alguna idea y/o ayuda?

Have a nice day  ;-)

Re: Fallo en el arranque...

2001-01-29 Thread 31
a mi me ha pasado lo mismo ayer, y el problema es el lilo.conf, si has
dejado que te instale la nueva versión, vuelve a poner la que tenías
antes, que estará en lilo.conf.old y ya te funciona, o por lo menos a mi
me funcionó. La verdad es que no se aun cual es la linea que da error en
el lilo, pero así, yo por lo menos, me arreglo perfectamente.

Saludos borxa ;)

Problemas con postfix

2001-01-29 Thread Cesar Petisco Lorenzp

Estoy teniendo grandes problemas con la configuración de postfix, el
correo me entra con dir ip no permitidas y con usuarios no registrados

 Gracias por anticipado

SOLUCION: postgres y las fechas

2001-01-29 Thread Paco Brufal

Ya he resuelto el tema de las fechas con postgres 7.0. Para que
saque las fechas como DD/MM/ la variable PGDATESTYLE
(/etc/postgresql/postmaster.init) ha de ser


He estado buscando por la doc y no pone nada de eso, lo he sacado
probando, y funciona :)

...Hardcore To Da Bone (Mc's Dope Mix). Masters Of Ceremony. 1997
--- Mutt 1.3.12 + Postfix
 * Origin: FAQ de ESP.LINUX: (2:346/3.68)


2001-01-29 Thread Luis Manuel Asensio Royo
Hola a todos,

Tengo un problema 'interesante' con el netatalk...

Hace tiempo instalé este paquete para crear un servidor de ficheros
tanto para Macs como para PeCes (con el Samba), para hacer más fácil el
traspaso de ficheros. Hasta hace poco ha funcionado sin problemas, pero
este viernes pasado he descubierto una anomalía...

Tenía cedido un directorio que era común para ambos sistemas. Desde
Windows no hay problema de acceso, pero desde los Mac ya no se ve.
Cuando se introduce el nombre de usuario y la contraseña, no aparece
nada en la lista de directorios cedidos.

Entre prueba y prueba, se me ocurrió ceder otro directorio diferente
añadiendo al fichero AppleVolumes.default un camino de acceso, y éste se
si que se ve desde los Macs. Aprovechando que se podía acceder, puse un
enlace simbólico al primer directorio, y se podía acceder sin problemas,
aunque sólo se tenían permisos de escritura si era con el usuario con el
que se dió originalmente de alta en el Linux.

Mi pregunta es, ¿qué ha pasado? ¿por qué ahora el primer directorio que
cedí no aparece?, ¿por qué 'dando un rodeo' si tengo acceso?. He mirado
permisos de acceso, he cambiado la contraseña, he mirado que no se trate
de un problemas con los discos duros, dado que ambos directorios se
montan en discos diferentes, etc.

Desde que funcionó hasta ahora han habido cambios, he creado dos
usuarios más, he instalado el Apache, recompilé el kernel 2.2.18, he
cedido más directorios con el Samba, etc, y he estado a punto de usar el
'método Windows' (desinstalar y reinstalar), pero como se ven los
directorios que añado ya no sé qué hacer...

Lo bueno del caso es que ahora sé como compartir impresoras para los
Mac, pero para que usen una Epson LQ-570+ creo que necesito el fichero
PPD de descripción de Postscript general. Me he bajado todos los
ficheros de descripción de todas las impresoras del sitio de Adobe, pero
no está ni esta impresora, ni tampoco la de la HP DeskJet+, que también
tengo 'pelea' para compartirla a través del puerto serie del ordenador.

¿Soy yo o esto es ya la leche de complicado? =8-(
 |||   Un saludo
_/|\_  Regards


Punteros del ratón

2001-01-29 Thread Josemáry Amatriain Martínez

  ¿Alguien sabe cómo se cambia el puntero del ratón de las 
  Solo quiero cambiar el puntero y los relojes, porque los que 
  salen por defecto no se ven. 
  Cuando me aarancan las X (uso el server Mach64) me dice que 
  utiliza el puntero que por defecto tiene el hardware. Cómo se cambia 
  Nunca había oído que el hardware tuviese por defecto 
  punteros. Y si los tiene en mi equipo no se ven. 
  Tengo una ATI Rage II C AGP con 8 megas de vídeo y todo lo 
  demás va de vicio.
  ¿Hay como en güindous ficheros cur o algo por el 
  Saludotes, Josemáry.

Re: Netatalk

2001-01-29 Thread Christoph Simon
On Mon, 29 Jan 2001 19:49:16 +0100
Luis Manuel Asensio Royo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hola a todos,
 Tengo un problema 'interesante' con el netatalk...
 Hace tiempo instalé este paquete para crear un servidor de ficheros
 tanto para Macs como para PeCes (con el Samba), para hacer más fácil el
 traspaso de ficheros. Hasta hace poco ha funcionado sin problemas, pero
 este viernes pasado he descubierto una anomalía...
 Tenía cedido un directorio que era común para ambos sistemas. Desde
 Windows no hay problema de acceso, pero desde los Mac ya no se ve.
 Cuando se introduce el nombre de usuario y la contraseña, no aparece
 nada en la lista de directorios cedidos.
 Entre prueba y prueba, se me ocurrió ceder otro directorio diferente
 añadiendo al fichero AppleVolumes.default un camino de acceso, y éste se
 si que se ve desde los Macs. Aprovechando que se podía acceder, puse un
 enlace simbólico al primer directorio, y se podía acceder sin problemas,
 aunque sólo se tenían permisos de escritura si era con el usuario con el
 que se dió originalmente de alta en el Linux.
 Mi pregunta es, ¿qué ha pasado? ¿por qué ahora el primer directorio que
 cedí no aparece?, ¿por qué 'dando un rodeo' si tengo acceso?. He mirado
 permisos de acceso, he cambiado la contraseña, he mirado que no se trate
 de un problemas con los discos duros, dado que ambos directorios se
 montan en discos diferentes, etc.
 Desde que funcionó hasta ahora han habido cambios, he creado dos
 usuarios más, he instalado el Apache, recompilé el kernel 2.2.18, he
 cedido más directorios con el Samba, etc, y he estado a punto de usar el
 'método Windows' (desinstalar y reinstalar), pero como se ven los
 directorios que añado ya no sé qué hacer...

Uso netatalk muy poco, y tengo los directorios separados, así que en
este caso no te puedo ayudar.

 Lo bueno del caso es que ahora sé como compartir impresoras para los
 Mac, pero para que usen una Epson LQ-570+ creo que necesito el fichero
 PPD de descripción de Postscript general. Me he bajado todos los
 ficheros de descripción de todas las impresoras del sitio de Adobe, pero
 no está ni esta impresora, ni tampoco la de la HP DeskJet+, que también
 tengo 'pelea' para compartirla a través del puerto serie del ordenador.

Pues claro que no encuentras un fichero PPD para la Epson LQ, que
nunca fue una impresora postscript, ya que PPD significa Postscript
Printer Definition (o description, no lo recuerdo). El facto es que lo
que realmente necesitarías sería encontrar el método para hacer que el
mac mande los datos ya para la Epson y configurar el linux para que lo
pase a un seudo filtro raw (es decir sin cambiar nada). Pero la mejor
solución es que le digas al mac que es una impresora postscript y uses
magicfilter o cualquier otro que sepa como transformar los diferentes
formatos para esta impresora, probablemente con ayuda de
ghostscript. Le estoy diciendo al mac que sea una Apple Laser y no
estoy teniendo ningún problema imprimiendo en chorro de tinta,

Christoph Simon

Re: Punteros del ratón

2001-01-29 Thread Christoph Simon
On Mon, 29 Jan 2001 20:07:41 +0100
Josemáry Amatriain Martínez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   ¿Alguien sabe cómo se cambia el puntero del ratón de las X? 
   Solo quiero cambiar el puntero y los relojes, porque los que salen por 
 defecto no se ven. 

La forma de los punteros en X son realmente sólo una fuente como si
fuesen caracteres. Si no me engaño, la fuente por defecto está en
Podrías usar un editor de fuentes y cambiar lo que te plazca porque X
sólo busca el grafismo con un cierto íncide en esta fuente (tal vez
tengas que convertir la fuente pcf en otra cosa antes de editar).

   Cuando me aarancan las X (uso el server Mach64) me dice que utiliza el 
 puntero que por defecto tiene el hardware. Cómo se cambia eso.
   Nunca había oído que el hardware tuviese por defecto punteros. Y si los 
 tiene en mi equipo no se ven. 
   Tengo una ATI Rage II C AGP con 8 megas de vídeo y todo lo demás va de 

Cuidado, la palabra inglesa cursor tiene varios significados; el
hardware cursor no se refiere al ratón.

Christoph Simon

RE: Punteros del ratón

2001-01-29 Thread Josemáry Amatriain Martínez

Gracias Chris.

Es justo lo que necesitaba saber. Tu información me será de gran ayuda.

Los del hardware cursor me tenía un poco mosca, no sé como no se me ocurrió
pensar que no estaba hablando del ratón. Pero claro yo iba a piñón fijo
buscando algo que tuviese que ver con el puntero del ratón y cuando leí lo
del cursor metí la pata hasta el fondo.

Muchas gracias.

La forma de los punteros en X son realmente sólo una fuente como si
fuesen caracteres. Si no me engaño, la fuente por defecto está en
Podrías usar un editor de fuentes y cambiar lo que te plazca porque X
sólo busca el grafismo con un cierto íncide en esta fuente (tal vez
tengas que convertir la fuente pcf en otra cosa antes de editar).

Cuidado, la palabra inglesa cursor tiene varios significados; el
hardware cursor no se refiere al ratón.

Re: Punteros del ratón

2001-01-29 Thread Jordi
On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 05:24:36PM -0200, Christoph Simon wrote:
Cuando me aarancan las X (uso el server Mach64) me dice que utiliza el 
  puntero que por defecto tiene el hardware. Cómo se cambia eso.
Nunca había oído que el hardware tuviese por defecto punteros. Y si los 
  tiene en mi equipo no se ven. 
Tengo una ATI Rage II C AGP con 8 megas de vídeo y todo lo demás va de 
 Cuidado, la palabra inglesa cursor tiene varios significados; el
 hardware cursor no se refiere al ratón.

No, sí se refiere al ratón. Pero no recuerdo cual era la opción a pasarle a
X para que usara el cursor sw.
sw_pointer o algo así.


Re: Punteros del ratón

2001-01-29 Thread Jaime E . Villate
On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 08:07:41PM +0100, Josemáry Amatriain Martínez wrote:
   ¿Alguien sabe cómo se cambia el puntero del ratón de las X? 
   Solo quiero cambiar el puntero y los relojes, porque los que salen por 
 defecto no se ven. 

Yo tenía el mismo problema y lo resolví con:
   apt-get install big-cursor
que te ahorra el trabajo de tener que re-definir los cursores tu mismo.

Package: big-cursor
 Description: larger mouse cursors for X
  This package provides some large mouse cursors for use under X. It's useful
  for laptop users, for those running X at very high resolutions, and for
  anyone who finds it hard to see the default mouse cursors.


Acentos en exim. SOLUCIÓN

2001-01-29 Thread Fermín Manzanedo
hace no mucho apareció un mensaje en la lista (enviado en diciembre :-\ ) de 
Joaquín García-Estañ, en él comentaba que había solucionado el problema de los 
acentos en el campo From:. Nos pusimos en contacto y me dijo que de nuevo le 
volvía a pasar lo mismo. Dedujimos, con buen criterio ;), que debía ser un 
problema generado en la actualización de algún paquete. Y efectivamente, en el 
nuevo /etc/Muttrc aparece una línea:

# don't generate a From header
unset use_from

que no aparecía en el antiguo Muttrc. La solución es comentar esta línea, con 
eso ya tenemos acentos y ñ y todo eso en nuestro From:.

Un saludo (con acentos ;-D)

Fermín Manzanedo | Badajoz - Spain 
Desde Debian GNU/Linux 2.2
Usuario Linux #184967 

Correo gratuito en
(Solo para amantes de la astronomia :)
Visita AstroRED en

Powered by Instant Portal

Re: zip 250

2001-01-29 Thread Carlos Trijueque

TooMany wrote:


En resultans que tengo un mardito roedó... digooo un server con una zipotera de 
250. Si digo de montar un zip, pero de 100, se me queja diciéndome que si falla 
el boot, el filesystem, y cualquier excusa es buena... La cuestión es que no 
hay forma humana (no sé si habrá cyborg) de poder montar un zip. 
Desgraciadamente no tengo ningún zip de 250 para probar a ver si lo monta bien, 
pero lo que sip que tengo es otra zipotera de 250 donde he probado el zip de 
100, y desde un G4, y me lo ve bien. Y el mismo zip, en mi casa y con una 
zipotera de 100, lo monto bien y sin problemas.

Te comento ( a mi me paso con la ZIP 250) que si esta formateado en Mac 
necesitas activar lel soporte para particiones de Mca en la compilacion del 
Kernel (aparte del soporte del sistema de ficheros de Mac).Si es para VFAT (DOS 
Windows) has de tener en cuenta que la particion primaria del dicso no es 
/dev/sda1 (SCSI, no se como va en paralelo) si no que es la /dev/sda4 a no ser 
que lo reparticiones.De todas formas echale un vistazo al ZIP-HOWTO que esta 


Configurar impresora

2001-01-29 Thread DEBIAN-USER
Hola a todos, ésta es la primera consulta que envío a la lista, y 
seguro que no será la última. En mi PC tengo instalada Debian Slink, y 
resulta que tengo una impresora HP Deskjet 400 que quisiera hacerla 
imprimir en Linux. El problema es que no tengo ni idea de como se 
haría. ¿Alguien podría ayudarme?.

Saludos y gracias.

Consigue tu e-mail gratuito TERRA.ES
 Haz click en

RE: Activar teclado numerico en las Xs [uso con Blender]

2001-01-29 Thread Ricardo Villalba

-Mensaje original-
De: Lluis Vilanova [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: Lista Debian
Fecha: sábado 27 de enero de 2001 11:43
Asunto: Re: Activar teclado numerico en las Xs [uso con Blender]

De todas formas, al encender y estar en las terminales de texto, el
numerico funciona de maravilla (lo quedo activar y desactivar, es
usar los numeros o las flechas, home, etc), pero al entrar en las Xs
startx, se apaga la lucecita (en caso de estar encendida) y una vez
dentro, no hay forma, solo puedo usar los numeros.

Para activar el Bloq Num en las X había que bajarse un programa llamado
numlockx de no sé qué sitio (soy un caos con los bookmarks) pero seguro
que lo encuentras en google o en freshmeat, o si lo prefieres te lo
envío directamente (sólo son 40 KB).

Ricardo Villalba

Re: Configurar impresora

2001-01-29 Thread sagir
On Mon, 29 Jan 2001, DEBIAN-USER wrote:

 Hola a todos, ésta es la primera consulta que envío a la lista, y 

Acorde con tu primera consulta, mi primer intento de ayuda en la lista :-)

 seguro que no será la última. En mi PC tengo instalada Debian Slink, y 
 resulta que tengo una impresora HP Deskjet 400 que quisiera hacerla 
 imprimir en Linux. El problema es que no tengo ni idea de como se 
 haría. ¿Alguien podría ayudarme?.

Lo voy a intentar yo...

Lo primero sería activar en el núcleo el soporte para puerto paralelo.
Eso se encuentra en:

 General Setup (kernel-2.2.X) - Parallel port support

Acto seguido, también debemos activar el soporte para impresoras por el
puerto paralelo:

 Character devices (kernel-2.2.X) - Parallel printer support

Existe otra opción Support IEEE1284 status readback que no sé para que
vale, porque desconozco por completo esa norma de la IE^3. Yo, con una HP
Deskject 695 la tengo activada e imprimo, pero no he probado si
deshabilitandolo funciona.

Recompilando el núcleo debería funcionar. Si estás usando versiones del
núcleo diferentes a la 2.2.X debería ser similar.

Así, tal como se queda, funciona para imprimir texto (o el código PS de un
fichero postscript :-)

Pero existe una aplicación llamada magicfilter que permite que imprimas
postcript con tu impresora. Obviamente, esto lo hace con ayuda de
ghostscript, así que no te debe faltar. Ni que decir tiene que tambien
te será útil lprng o lpr para gestionar la cola de impresión.

La configuración de magicfilter es sencilla, tan solo necesitas decirle
que filtro debe aplicar para poder imprimir cualquier tipo de formato. De
esta manera, tras ejecutar magicfilterconf:

 1.- Te pregunta por el nombre de la impresora. Ese no tiene por qué ser
 el nombre de fábrica de la impresora.
 2.- Luego un nombre corto para el directorio de la cola de impresión
 3.- Acto seguido, el nombre del dispositivo (/etc/lp0 o /etc/lp1) Yo uso
 lp0 y funciona, quizás te sirva de ayuda, puesto que tengo una HP 695
 4.- Ahora toca la selección del filtro. Como es una HP Deskjet
 seleccionamos deskjet.
 5.- Ya hemos terminado con esta impresora, si deseásemos poner más, JMP 1
 Si no, escribimos done y terminamos.

Este proceso nos ha creado un fichero (/etc/printcap) como el que sigue:
(He obviado los comentarios)

lp|hp695|HP Deskjet 695:\

Además ha creado el directorio /var/spool/lpd/hp695. magicfilterconf 
también ha reiniciado el demonio de impresión, con lo que el binomio
impresora-linuxBox está listo para imprimir postcript, texto...

Espero haber sido de ayuda sin haber causado por ello somnolencia.

--- Rafael Ángel Sánchez Giménez ---
--- E-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---


2001-01-29 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

He instalado gnome-glade (ya no se si de Debian o de La Espiral), el caso
es que necesitaría generar codigo Perl, pero se queja de que glade2perl no
existe, y no veo cual es el paquete que lo incluye. He leido donde estan
(en que paquetes) los conversores para pyhton, eiffiel, y otros, pero no
para Perl.

¿donde y cual?

Andres Seco Hernandez, MCP ID 445900
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/3A48C934
E61C 08A9 EBC8 12E4 F363  E359 EDAC BE0B 3A48 C934
Alamin GSM SMS Gateway -
Debian GNU/Linux   -

Description: PGP signature


2001-01-29 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El avifile que hace poco habeis comentado que no se quien tenía en paquete
para potato depende de libqt2.2-mt, y este no tengo ni idea de donde

No se porqué me sonaba que en Diciembre se había hablado e la lista de
este paquete, y he revisado el archivo de listas desde Noviembre, pero no
lo encuentro. ¿Donde está?

Por otra parte ¿no hay una busqueda en el archivo de la lista? Es una
movidita buscar cualquier cosa, ¿no?

Saludos y gracias
Andres Seco Hernandez, MCP ID 445900
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/3A48C934
E61C 08A9 EBC8 12E4 F363  E359 EDAC BE0B 3A48 C934
Alamin GSM SMS Gateway -
Debian GNU/Linux   -

Description: PGP signature

Re: Punteros del ratón

2001-01-29 Thread Miguel Angel Vilela
El lun, 29 ene 2001, Josemáry Amatriain Martínez escribió:
   ¿Alguien sabe cómo se cambia el puntero del ratón de las X? 
   Solo quiero cambiar el puntero y los relojes, porque los que salen por 
 defecto no se ven. 

No se cómo se podrá cambiar el puntero, pero hay un Como o Mini-Como
llamado Puntero-X-gigante o algo así, está en
Trata sobre el tamaño del puntero, pero a lo mejor ahí encuentras dónde
y cómo se guardan los punteros de las X. Siento no ser más preciso pero mis
circunstancias me lo impiden, espero que el Howto te sirva de ayuda. 


 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Miguel Ángel Vilela ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Islas Canarias  (Spain).
Web: (en desarrollo)
ICQ:  #72624205 || Nick: miguev
Linux Registered User #184518 (
Linux Registered Box   #81674 (IBM Aptiva 2175-352, P120, 32RAM, 1GB)
Peticion de drivers para Linux #73209 

  (@ @)
 La matematica es como el sexo; porque sirve para un fin practico, 
 pero no es esa la razon por la que se practica. 
Desde el punto de vista matematico, 
el sexo es la formula perfecta:
la mujer coge el primer miembro, 
lo encierra entre parentesis, 
lo eleva a su máxima potencia, 
le saca el factor común 
y lo reduce a su mínima expresión.

Re: libqt2.2-mt

2001-01-29 Thread David Felipe Arias Ochoa

- Original Message -
From: Andres Seco Hernandez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Usuarios de Debian en español
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2001 6:27 PM
Subject: libqt2.2-mt

dale apt-get install libqt
primero configura /etc/apt/source.list y metele un servidor que tenga
unstable y luego dale apt-get update y hay si dale lo que te dije antes

BUG en PostgreSQL era Re: Sincronizar una red entera

2001-01-29 Thread Manel Marin
Hola Antonio,

On Sun, Jan 28, 2001 at 02:19:26PM +0100, Antonio Castro wrote:
 Pues hay que usar LATIN1 porque de lo contrario las eñes pueden

¿Que tenias antes? ¿UNICODE?
¿No habria que reportar esto como un BUG?
¿No sacarías el PostgreSQL 7.0.2 del CD de la espiral?

 hacer fallar la inserción de algunos registros. Lo curioso es que
 muchos registros con eñes no dan problemas y otros si. Aprovecha
 para avisarlo en tu documentación porque es grave y dificil de


Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.2 potato)  kernel 2.2.17

GnuPG keyID: F9BC34B5 en
fingerprint: 2F60 43D5 A297 5458 9067  5A50 0029 9C8D F9BC 34B5

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por ;-)

Me recomendeis un tostador CDRW actual

2001-01-29 Thread Manel Marin
Hola a todos,

Pues quisiera comprar un CDRW actual que vaya bien con Linux y preferiblemente
que funcione con un kernel Debian de serie

En mi tienda informatica habitual he insistido mucho que me lo miren que vaya
para Linux pero ni caso :-(

Según la web del cdrecord deberia funcionar cualquiera actual, pero no me fio...

¿alguien lo ha hecho hace poco?

Nota para Antonio Castro: No he visto CDRW en la web de ciberdroide... Creo que
te falta una sección más completa de hardware certificado Linux...

Aunque mi cuñado dice que no compres hardware a un proveedor al que no le
llegues con el garrote ;-)

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.2 potato)  kernel 2.2.17

GnuPG keyID: F9BC34B5 en
fingerprint: 2F60 43D5 A297 5458 9067  5A50 0029 9C8D F9BC 34B5

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por ;-)

Re: Me recomendeis un tostador CDRW actual

2001-01-29 Thread Dr. Aldo Medina
Manel Marin wrote:
 Hola a todos,
 Pues quisiera comprar un CDRW actual que vaya bien con Linux y preferiblemente
 que funcione con un kernel Debian de serie
 En mi tienda informatica habitual he insistido mucho que me lo miren que vaya
 para Linux pero ni caso :-(
 Según la web del cdrecord deberia funcionar cualquiera actual, pero no me 
 ¿alguien lo ha hecho hace poco?
 Nota para Antonio Castro: No he visto CDRW en la web de ciberdroide... Creo 
 te falta una sección más completa de hardware certificado Linux...
 Aunque mi cuñado dice que no compres hardware a un proveedor al que no le
 llegues con el garrote ;-)
 Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Pues no te recomiendo Creative 8433e (vendido como 8432e). Aunque me
funciona perfecto en Windows 2000 y 98, no puedo hacer que funcione en
Linux, aun actualizando al ultimo Firmware (bueno, ni ahi), BIOS y
Cdrecord. Ni siquiera tiene soporte directo por Creative. FIjate que te
den el producto que quieres, no un clon como a mi (en realidad es un
Mitsumi o algo asi que Creative vende como suyo).

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: xfs

2001-01-29 Thread Cristian Ionescu-Idbohrn

# man gcc

   -V version
  The argument version specifies which version of GNU
  CC  to  run.  This is useful when multiple versions
  are  installed.   For  example,  version  might  be
  `2.0', meaning to run GNU CC version 2.0.

har du egcs-2.91.66 installerat?

On Tue, 30 Jan 2001, Henrik Andersson wrote:


 När jag försöker kompilera en kärna med stöd för SGI:s xfs, får jag följande 

 gcc -V egcs-2.91.66 -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux-2.4-xfs/linux/include -Wall 
 -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe  
 -march=i586   -c -o init/main.o init/main.c
 gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1': No such file or directory
 cpp: output pipe has been closed
 gcc: file path prefix `/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/egcs-2.91.66/' never used
 make: *** [init/main.o] Error 1

 Någon som stött på något likande eller vet vad jag gör för fel?

ha det,

Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they are not after me.

Problemas no X ...

2001-01-29 Thread Nivaldo Antônio Portela de Vasconcelos

 meus caros ... continuo tendo problemas com o X ...

reinstalei tudo do X ... e única coisa que mudou parece que foi o banco
de dados do xf86config que agora aparece i810 ... e agora, ele gera não
mais um /etc/X11/Xf86Config mas um /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 ... o que tem
de novo ??

Estão em anexo os log´s ...

Se alguém puder dar uma luz ... agradeço,
# File generated by xf86config.

# Copyright (c) 1999 by The XFree86 Project, Inc.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the Software),
# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# Except as contained in this notice, the name of the XFree86 Project shall
# not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
# dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the
# XFree86 Project.

# **
# Refer to the XF86Config(4/5) man page for details about the format of 
# this file.
# **

# **
# Module section -- this  section  is used to specify
# which dynamically loadable modules to load.
# **
Section Module

# This loads the DBE extension module.

Loaddbe   # Double buffer extension

# This loads the miscellaneous extensions module, and disables
# initialisation of the XFree86-DGA extension within that module.
SubSection  extmod
  Optionomit xfree86-dga   # don't initialise the DGA extension

# This loads the Type1 and FreeType font modules

# This loads the GLX module
#Load   glx


# **
# Files section.  This allows default font and rgb paths to be set
# **

Section Files

# The location of the RGB database.  Note, this is the name of the
# file minus the extension (like .txt or .db).  There is normally
# no need to change the default.

RgbPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb

# Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (which are concatenated together),
# as well as specifying multiple comma-separated entries in one FontPath
# command (or a combination of both methods)
# If you don't have a floating point coprocessor and emacs, Mosaic or other
# programs take long to start up, try moving the Type1 and Speedo directory
# to the end of this list (or comment them out).

#FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/local/
FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/
FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled
FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled
FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/
FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/
FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/
FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/

# The module search path.  The default path is shown here.

#ModulePath /usr/X11R6/lib/modules


# **
# Server flags section.
# **

Section ServerFlags

# Uncomment this to cause a core dump at the spot where a signal is 
# received.  This may leave the console in an unusable state, but may
# provide a better stack trace in the core dump to aid in debugging

#Option NoTrapSignals

# Uncomment this to disable the CrtlAltBS server abort sequence
# This allows clients to receive this key event.

#Option DontZap

# Uncomment this to disable the CrtlAltKP_+/KP_- mode switching
# sequences.  This allows clients to receive these key events.

#Option Dont Zoom

# Uncomment this to disable tuning with the xvidtune client. With
# it the client can still run and fetch card and monitor attributes,
# but it will not be allowed to change them. If it tries it will

apache + php4 + mysql

2001-01-29 Thread Caio Ferreira

Por acaso alguem conseguiu instalar esses tres softwares, apache + php4 + 
mysql, atraves de
codigo fonte ?!??!? Eu estou tentando instalar e ate agora nao consegui, entao 
queria saber se
alguem conseguiu e se podera me dar uma ajuda !!

Leiam o codigo fonte ! - Kevir 
repreende os
colegas a quem deve dar assistencia 

Kevin Poulsen
[ ]'s

Hack Hour Inc.

Re: apache + php4 + mysql

2001-01-29 Thread Christiano Anderson
Qual eh o problema que vc ta encontrando???

Eu tenho instalado esta combinacao em varias maquinas


C. Anderson

Caio Ferreira wrote:


 Por acaso alguem conseguiu instalar esses tres softwares, apache + php4 + 
 mysql, atraves de
 codigo fonte ?!??!? Eu estou tentando instalar e ate agora nao consegui, 
 entao queria saber se
 alguem conseguiu e se podera me dar uma ajuda !!

 Leiam o codigo fonte ! - Kevir 
 repreende os
 colegas a quem deve dar 
 assistencia tecnica 

 Kevin Poulsen
 [ ]'s

 Hack Hour Inc.

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Christiano Anderson - System Administrator
NOC-Unix - S/A - Internet Provider

Encontro do Debian... (em jan/2001)

2001-01-29 Thread Caio Ferreira

Que tal se marcarmos com uma boa antecedência e fizermos uma
divulgaçãozinha ? Talvez a gente até consiga descolar um lugar legal com
um auditóriozinho pra gente. =]

Por acaso alguem pensou em conversar com o pessoal da USP. A um tempao 
atras houve dois
encontros na USP sobre linux, LINUSP, e foram excelentes. Nao custa tentar, nem 
que seja so
para divulgar o encontro !!

Leiam o codigo fonte ! - Kevir 
repreende os
colegas a quem deve dar assistencia 

Kevin Poulsen
[ ]'s

Hack Hour Inc.


2001-01-29 Thread Caio Ferreira

 Você se lembra quando o Linux tinha três ou quatro distribuições e
 temia-se que seguisse o caminho de dispersão do Unix, com dezenas de
 sabores? Pois esqueça. Hoje em dia o Linux já tem mais de 70

Sera que essa diversidade de distribuicoes em um futuro nao muito distante 
pode fazer com
que tenhamos que escrever o mesmo software  uma para cada distribuicao, um 
software para Red
Hat, Debian e Slack ?!?!? Uma coisa que eu notei quando migrei do Red Hat para 
o Debian foi que
alguns arquivos e documentacao mudaram de diretorio. Nao seria correto existir 
uma especie de
padronizacao, eh claro escolhida depois de um consenso geral ?!?!?

Leiam o codigo fonte ! - Kevir 
repreende os
colegas a quem deve dar assistencia 

Kevin Poulsen
[ ]'s

Hack Hour Inc.

Re: hardware

2001-01-29 Thread Fernando Fraga e Silva
On Thursday 18 January 2001 16:41, Antonio A. Lobato wrote:

   To pensando em comprar um desses computadores atuais, tal como AMD K6 II
   500, ou um PIII, ou talvez um Celeron para instalar o potato.Quecuidados
   eu devo tomar na escolha da configuracao do computador (coisas onboard,
   placas, etc...) ? Voces conhecem algum computador que seja mais
   recomendavel (ou menos) para o Linux (potato) ?

A primeira pergunta a ser feita é : Qual será a utilidade deste computador 
?  , segundo, Quanto se almeja gastar ?. Um computador para um adolescente 
possivelmente deve ter uma placa aceleradora 3D , uma workstation para um 
cientista deve ter o máximo de memória possível, um servidor web deve ter 
discos imensos e rápidos. Compreende meu ponto ? Também , não é possível eu 
lhe recomendar comprar um Athlon 1.3Ghz se há somente dinheiro para comprar 
um Duron de 600Mhz.

Tenho um amigo que acabou de comprar um sistema com a seguinte configuração :

Athon 800 Mhz  
128 Mb de SDRAM
Motherboard com chipset VIA KT133 da MSI e dispositivo de som AC'97
placa de video Trident 3D Image AGP c/ 4Mb.
HD Seagate Barracuda de 10Gb de 7200 rpm
Zip drive interno
Drive de CDROM
gabinete atx 
teclado ergonômico ABNT2
mouse 3botoes PS/2 , etc, acho que é isto .

É um sistema completamente compatível com potato que custou R$ ~ 1900,00.
A utilidade deste computador é o seu uso em pesquisa de elementos finitos 
para sua tese. Perceba que ele comprou um HD pequeno , uma vez que este 
iria ter um fim bem específico com uma quantidade de dados não muito grande( 
sem som , sem imagem ,sem video, somente texto e programas), uma placa mãe 
tem suporte a até 1.5 Gb de RAM , isto é importante , pois , em pouco tempo 
os seus programas estarão usando mais que 500Mb de RAM. Placa de Video 2D ( 
apesar do nome ), uma vez que ele não iria trabalhar imagens 3D. Zip para 
backup e troca de dados com a Universidade.

Se é um sistema doméstico de entretenimento um Duron 600Mhz , com 64 Mb de 
ram , placa com chipset VIA KT133 , com suporte a discos UDMA 100 ( discos 
são importantes no startup do sistema e dos programas ) e placa de video 3D ( 
eu não sei recomedar placa de video 3D pois não sei como as utilizar), talvez 
, gravador de CDROM.  

E por aí vai .


2001-01-29 Thread Hilton Fernandes
Bem, existe um esforco para garantir compatibilidade em termos de
posicionamento de arquivos.  Ele e' chamado FHS, de Filesystem
Hierarchy Standard.  A HP oficial e'

Contudo, nao sei informar o quanto as outras distribuicoes estao se
aproximando desse padrao.  Sei apenas que a Debian esta' se esforcando
muito por segui-la, como se pode ver em

e que a SuSE de fato nao o segue.

A dispersao das distribuicoes ja' motivou o famoso anuncio da Microsoft
Alemanha, no qual se mostrava um monte de pinguins, cada um com cabeca 
de um animal diferente.  Justamente para sugerir que a compatibilidade
entre versoes nao existia.

Gostaria que gente mais experiente em distribuicoes diferentes do Linux
possa comentar esse assunto, pois ele certamente e' muito importante.

Hilton Fernandes

--- Caio Ferreira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Você se lembra quando o Linux tinha três ou quatro distribuições e
  temia-se que seguisse o caminho de dispersão do Unix, com dezenas
  sabores? Pois esqueça. Hoje em dia o Linux já tem mais de 70
 Sera que essa diversidade de distribuicoes em um futuro nao muito
 distante pode fazer com
 que tenhamos que escrever o mesmo software  uma para cada
 distribuicao, um software para Red
 Hat, Debian e Slack ?!?!? Uma coisa que eu notei quando migrei do Red
 Hat para o Debian foi que
 alguns arquivos e documentacao mudaram de diretorio. Nao seria
 correto existir uma especie de
 padronizacao, eh claro escolhida depois de um consenso geral ?!?!?
 Leiam o codigo fonte ! -
 Kevir repreende os
 colegas a quem deve dar
 assistencia tecnica 
   Kevin Poulsen
 [ ]'s
 Hack Hour Inc.
 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices.


2001-01-29 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro


 I'm contacting you because you're listed as maintainer of a fine Debian
 mirror at Considering there is a `vacancy' at

Thanks ;-), the official Brazilian mirror, and several Debian users
 from Brazil have asked about it, would you be interested to have us assign
 that address to your server? (I believe I inquired about something like this
 previously, even...)

Sure.  It's a honour for me and all LCMI team.  The host was build for supply a new, and alternative, mirror
for brazillian users.  I had suggested, but how is out, we can reply for it.

 Presuming the site hosts the whole mirror (i.e. not partial) and rsync
 access can be set up (for submirrors), the location is perfect.

Well... i'm not keeping old releases, yet, but i can think about
this (getting more disk space, of course).


Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Floripa - SC - Brazil


2001-01-29 Thread Josip Rodin
On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 06:51:51PM -0200, Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro wrote:, the official Brazilian mirror, and several Debian users
  from Brazil have asked about it, would you be interested to have us assign
  that address to your server? (I believe I inquired about something like this
  previously, even...)
   Sure.  It's a honour for me and all LCMI team.  The host was build for supply a new, and alternative, mirror
 for brazillian users.  I had suggested, but how is out, we can reply for it.

Good! I'll see that is assigned

Just out of curiosity, what's the bandwidth your site has?

  Presuming the site hosts the whole mirror (i.e. not partial) and rsync
  access can be set up (for submirrors), the location is perfect.
   Well... i'm not keeping old releases, yet, but i can think about
 this (getting more disk space, of course).

Ah, but that's not necessary. We only request that you mirror the current US
and non-US sites (daily), old releases nor CD images are needed.

Digital Electronic Being Intended for Assassination and Nullification

[Fwd: Encontro do Debian... (em jan/2001)] (MANAUS)

2001-01-29 Thread Nivaldo Antônio Portela de Vasconcelos
Encontro em Manaus !!!

Tem alguém em Manaus-AM usando Debian.

Estava pensando em marcar um encontro 

Um abraço,

Que tal se marcarmos com uma boa antecedência e fizermos uma
divulgaçãozinha ? Talvez a gente até consiga descolar um lugar legal com
um auditóriozinho pra gente. =]

Por acaso alguem pensou em conversar com o pessoal da USP. A um tempao 
atras houve dois
encontros na USP sobre linux, LINUSP, e foram excelentes. Nao custa tentar, nem 
que seja so
para divulgar o encontro !!

Leiam o codigo fonte ! - Kevir 
repreende os
colegas a quem deve dar assistencia 

Kevin Poulsen
[ ]'s

Hack Hour Inc.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

---End Message---


2001-01-29 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva \(KoV\)

demais amigao =) valeu!

Parabens pra vc e pro time do LCMI aih! 

se vc fizer mirror do unstable, ele vai ser o oficial da minha sources.list


On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 10:08:50PM +0100, Josip Rodin wrote:

Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
/***  .''`.
*  * : :'  :
* GPG Key:   * `. `'`
* *   `-
***/ Debian

Description: PGP signature


2001-01-29 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva \(KoV\)
 Sera que essa diversidade de distribuicoes em um futuro nao muito 
 distante pode fazer com
 que tenhamos que escrever o mesmo software  uma para cada distribuicao, um 
 software para Red
 Hat, Debian e Slack ?!?!? Uma coisa que eu notei quando migrei do Red Hat 
 para o Debian foi que
 alguns arquivos e documentacao mudaram de diretorio. Nao seria correto 
 existir uma especie de
 padronizacao, eh claro escolhida depois de um consenso geral ?!?!?
nao, naum acho... linux vai ser sempre linux e libc sempre libc, 
sim? existe! chama-se FHS e basta instalar a debian-policy pra 
checar... sobre outras padronizacoes LSB... 

nem mesmo entre linux e hurd, por exemplo, eu acho que sera preciso
um esforco taum grande... 

quanto a 70 distribuicoes, naum acredito que mais de 10 resistam ao
tempo... essa contagem tb estah meio mal-feita, provavelmente, por
estar levando em conta (talvez!) versoes localizadas de distribuicoes
ou distribuicoes praticamente iguais com nome diferente...

anyway, leia um pouco sobre isso... naum se assuste a toa ;)

 Leiam o codigo fonte ! - Kevir 
 repreende os
 colegas a quem deve dar 
 assistencia tecnica 
 Kevin Poulsen
 [ ]'s
 Hack Hour Inc.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
/***  .''`.
*  * : :'  :
* GPG Key:   * `. `'`
* *   `-
***/ Debian

Description: PGP signature


2001-01-29 Thread Eduardo Marcel Macan
On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 08:14:37PM -0200, Gustavo Noronha Silva (KoV) wrote:
 quanto a 70 distribuicoes, naum acredito que mais de 10 resistam ao
 tempo... essa contagem tb estah meio mal-feita, provavelmente, por
 estar levando em conta (talvez!) versoes localizadas de distribuicoes
 ou distribuicoes praticamente iguais com nome diferente...
 anyway, leia um pouco sobre isso... naum se assuste a toa ;)

Não se esqueçam das minidistros... Linux on a Floppy... minilinux,
etc etc etc... Estas são a esmagadora maioria. E aquelas dedicadas a uma
arquitetura... LinuxPPC etc...

Eduardo M. Maçanmacan (at)
The buttons I press don't even exist  macan (at)


2001-01-29 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
 se vc fizer mirror do unstable, ele vai ser o oficial da minha sources.list

Obrigado Kov.  Se não estou enganado, o unstable está lá.


Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Floripa - SC - Brazil


2001-01-29 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva \(KoV\)
hmmm estah??

eu achei q soh tinha stable... acho q da ultima vez q chequei era...
ok entaum! valeu!


On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 11:04:05PM -0200, Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro wrote:
  se vc fizer mirror do unstable, ele vai ser o oficial da minha sources.list
   Obrigado Kov.  Se não estou enganado, o unstable está lá.
 Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
 Floripa - SC - Brazil
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
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*  * : :'  :
* GPG Key:   * `. `'`
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***/ Debian

Description: PGP signature

Re: Still No Cursor in X

2001-01-29 Thread Kent West

hammack wrote:

Problem:  I cannot get a cursor in X with my PS/2 generic mouse.  I do 
get a cursor in the Text mode and can cut and paste between VC's.  In 
X I can click in the window and get menus to pop up and occasionally I 
will lite up a button all in the blind.Below are the two 
configurations that work.  



Protocol  PS/2



Protocol  PS/2


and gpm.conf was


type   ps2


Now, how do I get the cursor working in X???

Again thanks for the help.


I ran into this problem just yesterday on a newly installed Woody box. 
In /etc/X11/XF86Config, the line dev/gpmdata is *supposed* to work, 
but my symptoms were just like what you're describing. I finally gave up 
on trying to do it the right way, and set my XF86Config file to use 
/dev/psaux. From past experience, and from what I've read, this should 
cause a conflict with gpm, yet it didn't. In fact, everything started 
working just like it's supposed to.


Re: Still No Cursor in X

2001-01-29 Thread Casey Webster
sorry for the blank first message, hit ctrl-x instead of c...

here is what is in my gpm.conf, and XF86Config, my mouse works fine under
X and in console at the same time


Section Pointer
Device  /dev/gpmdata


On Mon, 29 Jan 2001, Kent West wrote:

 hammack wrote:
  Problem:  I cannot get a cursor in X with my PS/2 generic mouse.  I do 
  get a cursor in the Text mode and can cut and paste between VC's.  In 
  X I can click in the window and get menus to pop up and occasionally I 
  will lite up a button all in the blind.Below are the two 
  configurations that work.  
  Protocol  PS/2
  Protocol  PS/2
  and gpm.conf was
  type   ps2
  Now, how do I get the cursor working in X???
  Again thanks for the help.
 I ran into this problem just yesterday on a newly installed Woody box. 
 In /etc/X11/XF86Config, the line dev/gpmdata is *supposed* to work, 
 but my symptoms were just like what you're describing. I finally gave up 
 on trying to do it the right way, and set my XF86Config file to use 
 /dev/psaux. From past experience, and from what I've read, this should 
 cause a conflict with gpm, yet it didn't. In fact, everything started 
 working just like it's supposed to.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

minimal Debian installation

2001-01-29 Thread Ralf Müller

Installing Debian on many Systems from time to time gets me into troble. If
I want to install a minimal system while using a kernel compiled by me, the
standard Debian installation procedure often fails.

Does anyone know the install procedure od Debian? Because I want to make the
following task:

create a booting disk (using a 'up-to-date' kernel and lets say 'grub').
(I am familiar to this)

create a CD with minimal system, debian-installation-program (how is it
called?) and the needed network-packages including dpkg, apt, console-apt.

Booting this system I can use dpkg--set-selections and install the rest of
the system.

My questions are:

-  What is the installation program called and how is it invoked from
   standard debian installation procedure (passing the '' option to
   the kernel???) ?

- What are the needed packages for a network-setup to get ready for the use
  of apt-get?

- How can I make a bootable CD with grub?

Thank you very much.

If this problem is solved, I can produce a minimal installation-procedure
for installing a well known installation to a further Computer with network

Bye Ralf Müller

Description: PGP signature

Ho switch foreign keyboard?

2001-01-29 Thread Jonathan Gift

I initially set up my system with a French keyboard but have now got my
hands on one from the US. I know I can switch in XF86Config for X, but
how or where do I switch at the command prompt? 



save package selection?

2001-01-29 Thread MaD dUCK
hi, is there a way to save the selection of packages (independent of
version numbers) that exist on the system so that the same set of
programs can be conveniently restored or installed on another machine?

sure, i can parse dpkg -l into perl and do my thing that way, but
that's a feature a package management system like dpkg/dselect ought
to have. even crappy-suse comes with that... (redhat doesn't though).


[greetings from the heart of the sun]# echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:[EMAIL 
the young lady had an unusual list,
linked in part to a structural weakness.
she set no preconditions.

Font corruption under XF86 4.0

2001-01-29 Thread Daishi Harada


I recently moved from stable to testing, and in the process to XF86
(4.0.2-1). The problem that I am having is that fonts/text seem to get 
corrupted/not properly refreshed; i.e., when I originally type text
everything is fine, but if I occlude the text (e.g. with another
window) and then bring the text window to the foreground the fonts
become corrupted (the fonts looks like they're missing some
scanlines). Has anyone encountered with problem/know a solution?

I'm using the neomagic driver (for a Thinkpad 560x). I'm using xfs-xtt 
for my font server, and played with the config there a bit, and am
pretty sure that's not the issue. Speaking of which, however, does
anyone know why fonts look worse through xfs? I put the same paths in
/etc/X11/xfs/config's catalogue field as I have in XF86Config's
FontPath fields, but if I go through xfs (i.e., if I have unix/:7100 
listed as the first FontPath) the same fonts look different than when
I put the unix/:7100 last.

Please cc me with any replies,
Thanks, Daishi

RE: USB printing under kernel 2.4: how?

2001-01-29 Thread Christopher R. Barry

--- Thomas Wegner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Christopher!
 On 28-Jan-2001 Christopher R. Barry wrote:
   I try to print with the command
$ lpr
  try lpr -Plp or lpr -Plp0 file
  I tried that also. The docs say that if you don't specify a -Pprinter
  to lpr, then the default will be the first /etc/printcap entry, which
  is lp0
  for me.
 What does lpq and lpc...status say?

bash-2.04# lpq
 Queue: no printable jobs in queue
 Status: removing job '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' - JREMOVE at 18:34:38.958
bash-2.04# lpc
 Printer   Printing Spooling Jobs  Server Subserver Redirect
[EMAIL PROTECTED] enabled  enabled0nonenone

 Are you sure your usb-printer
 ist recognized by your system? 
 Try cat textfile /dev/lp0. Does it work?

No, the command just hangs.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices.

DriveReady SeekComplete Error!

2001-01-29 Thread jdls


In the middle of reading a disc for package 
installation of deselect an error occurs:

{DriveReady SeekComplete Error}
hdc: cdrom_decode_status: error=0x30
end_request: I/0 error, dev 16:00 (hdc) sector 

Is my cd defective or cd drive busted or do I just 
need to append something?


Re: konqueror not rendering jdk api documentation

2001-01-29 Thread Matthias Wieser
Joseph Schlecht wrote:
 Hi all,
 Has anyone else noticed that konqueror (kde 2.1 beta2) will not render sun's
 jdk api documentation. Here is the link
 Does anyone know why only the frames load, but do not render?

It does not render it because it dislikes the provided dtd, without the
first line it works fantastic :-)

(I am not sure, but when should you use the frameset.dtd - I thought
just on pages that use frameset (thus - only the index-page)) Could
somebody tell me the truth :-) ?

Thank you, matthias

   __   _   __   *
/\_/\  \ \_/ \_/ /   *  Matthias Wieser  *
   / \  \   /*  ICQ#:  12597522  *
  / /\_/\ \  \_/^\_/ *[EMAIL PROTECTED]   *
  WW WW  *

Re: wish list - My personal Debian User Manual Generator

2001-01-29 Thread Matthias Wieser
Matthew Sackman wrote:
 I'd just like to pledge my support for this, and if you need any help then 
 do get in touch!

Thank you for your offer :-)
I opened a sourceforge project: mydebman
I would be glad to see you join :-)

 Yes, the database structure must be very very extensible and must be able to
 cope with anything the future will hurl at it!

That is why many people have to make there ideas public :-)

 That may well involve an almost electronic-level understanding of the 
 in question, which is not always possible. I think that the greatest problem 
 that people coming from windows no almost nothing about the hardware they 
 have -
 if their motherboard has a sound set built on to it then they will not know 
 chipset (I didn't for a long time ;-). This may become the hampering factor - 
 you have to specify everything (down to design of motherboard, IDE controllers
 etc) then it may become a little too complex.

Well - A database just can go by name and probably you could put
something like a relation table in there, thus somebody can say: That
will work like product A. (if he finds it a relation table) otherwise it
has to guess with one of the products of the same producer. But at least
at the beginning I will not include that feature: It can leed to too
many troubles if the database is empty.
 This could be an excellant resource, but it needs a lot of sitting down, and
 thinking and designing to make it as good as it could be.

:-) I hope I see you helping me :-)
  Anyway - just my ramblings :)
 To which I've added!

oh yeah - to the project - there is a mailing list:
 (mail address of that list: [EMAIL PROTECTED] )

Ciao, Matthias

   __   _   __   *
/\_/\  \ \_/ \_/ /   *  Matthias Wieser  *
   / \  \   /*  ICQ#:  12597522  *
  / /\_/\ \  \_/^\_/ *[EMAIL PROTECTED]   *
  WW WW  *

OT: New Linux book out

2001-01-29 Thread Jonathan Gift

Off topic, but maybe of interest.

Just saw a review in this week's Economist on a new book detailing the
history of Linux. Not a collection of essays like Cathedral...

Glyn Moody Rebel Code.


Re: lost access to cdrom

2001-01-29 Thread serge delorme
Le dimanche 28 jan. 2001 à 11:23:33 +0100, Carel Fellinger a écrit:
 On Sun, Jan 28, 2001 at 04:46:14PM -0500, Vinod Kurup wrote:
  On Sun, Jan 28, 2001 at 03:47:59PM -0500, serge delorme wrote:
   As root it's ok but as user I can't access the drive even if:
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ll /dev/scd0
   brw-rw2 root cdrom 11,   0 jui  5  2000 /dev/scd0
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ll /dev/cdrom
   lrwxrwxrwx1 root root9 jan 28 14:04 /dev/cdrom - 
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ groups
   sdelorme adm disk dialout cdrom floppy audio dip
 looks good. Must have to do with the mount command I guess.
 What's in your /etc/fstab?  Or aren't you refering to mounting,
 but are you talking of writing to the beast with cdrecord or reading
 with cdparanoia or likewise programs that don't use /dev/scd* but
 instead use /dev/sg*?  In that case check that the relevant generic
 scsi device (I think for you /dev/sg0) has th eproper group and
 protection set.

CD-burning packages are not installed yet, I was just testing the drive
after recompiling the kernel.
As a user I could mount the drive but could not read it with a simple ls
command... I would get a permission denied reply. 
BUT this morning without having changed anything it works!

I can read a data-cd and play a music-cd, but I don't understand why I can
now and not yesterday. Is there something in the start-up scripts of cron
that could do it? Thats the only stuff that ran since yesterday...

Anyway now I can install the burning stuff and start messing around.

  Try changing /dev/cdrom to be in the cdrom group.
  # chown root.cdrom /dev/cdrom
 you normally can't change the group of a link, it has no meaning.
 groetjes, carel
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Serge Delorme   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Un autre utilisateur GNU/DEBIAN

Re: save package selection?

2001-01-29 Thread Mike
MaD dUCK wrote:
 hi, is there a way to save the selection of packages (independent of
 version numbers) that exist on the system so that the same set of
 programs can be conveniently restored or installed on another machine?
 sure, i can parse dpkg -l into perl and do my thing that way, but
 that's a feature a package management system like dpkg/dselect ought
 to have. even crappy-suse comes with that... (redhat doesn't though).

You can issue 'dpkg --get-selections  filename_here' to get a list of the
current package status. Then later something like 'dpkg --set-selections
 filename_here' will tell the system what to install.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
  | everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E| for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV | beginning of all unwisdom.

Description: PGP signature

Re: debian install

2001-01-29 Thread Sebastiaan

On Sun, 28 Jan 2001, EuphoriaDJ wrote:

 I have been using gnu/linux for about four years and have used several
 dist's but I finally found out that apt
 is the packager I have been wanting and that it finds what you need when you
 want to install something.
 So should I go back to Corel which I got rid of because I did not see the
 advantage to learning another packager, OR
 should I try debian both have software I like and deb will most likily to be
 able to upgrade to X 4.0 and 2.4 kernel
 heck deb is using a beta kernel in it's stable release and from what I have
 stable is STABLE.
 Anywho, Corel or Debian?
Well, I choose Debian. From what I have heard from Corel is that it is
easy to set up and work with, but somewhat closed in manually configuring
and maintaining the system.

 will I have to use fdisk if I go to debian? corel partitions on it's own.
Not if you are going to replace Corel (and Corel uses ext2).

 If I use fdisk I will be erasing a BeOS partition to put linux on but I
 don't know for sure if this will mess up the
 MBR like winblows does any info would be cool.
Well, during install LILO will be installed, so you can boot up Debian. If
you alter the lilo.conf after installation to your needs, everything
should work fine.


 In a mature society civil servant is semantically equal to civil master
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Ho switch foreign keyboard?

2001-01-29 Thread Colin Watson
Jonathan Gift [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I initially set up my system with a French keyboard but have now got my
hands on one from the US. I know I can switch in XF86Config for X, but
how or where do I switch at the command prompt? 

Try 'setxkbmap'.



Re: /etc/netgroups format.

2001-01-29 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
Paul Schulz  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Quick questions regarding /etc/netgroups and nis.

In a previous life (using solaris) it was possible to
have a netgroup file like..

hostgroup1 (host1,,) (host2,,)
hostgroup2 (host3,,) (host4,,)

allhosts @hostgroup1 @hostgroup2

Is this corrent usder linux?  The man pages don't mention
being able to group groups.

It is correct, but not a lot (if any) programs actually use
host netgroups.


mkfontdir on SparcStation2

2001-01-29 Thread Warren Turkal
Mkfontdir seg faults and causes problems with install xfont family of 

Also, is X4.0.2 Compatible with sparcstation 2?


Re: Ho switch foreign keyboard?

2001-01-29 Thread Jonathan Gift
Colin Watson wrote:

Thanks for getting back to me!

 Try 'setxkbmap'.

I looked it up and itr seems to deal with X11 only? That correct? I can
switch the X keyboard easily. Linux also botts initially in English.
It's when the boot is finished that the command prompt keyboard ia
French. That's what needs changing? Wil xkbsel do that?

I looked in my files and found a reference to kbdconfig? Of any use?


Q: Keyboard Solved

2001-01-29 Thread Jonathan Gift

Thanks, but kbdconfig did the trick. I am curious about the other
recommended applet.



2001-01-29 Thread Svante Signell
My log files are full of complaints on this module:
Jan 29 22:52:39 host modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-10

Where to find more info about it? It is not found in
.../linux-2.4.0/Documentation/devices.txt or

Or is it described there and I just don't see it?

Re: Ho switch foreign keyboard?

2001-01-29 Thread Colin Watson
On Mon, 29 Jan 2001 at 11:17:17 +0100, Jonathan Gift wrote:
 Colin Watson wrote:
 Thanks for getting back to me!
  Try 'setxkbmap'.
 I looked it up and itr seems to deal with X11 only? That correct? I can
 switch the X keyboard easily.

Ah, right. I misunderstood you (thinking that you wanted a way to change
the keymap on the fly rather than having to edit XF86Config and restart

 Linux also botts initially in English.
 It's when the boot is finished that the command prompt keyboard ia
 French. That's what needs changing? Wil xkbsel do that?
 I looked in my files and found a reference to kbdconfig? Of any use?

kbdconfig is what you want, I think. Just run it and you'll get a series
of menus where you can select your keymap, and optionally set the
boot-time default as well.


woody packages broken

2001-01-29 Thread Bostjan Muller

I have noticed that I cannot update freetype2 package on Debian woody
(testing), and libguile6 also:
sudo apt-get install freetype2 ghostview gs gv mgp pstoedi
t vflib2
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
  freetype2: Depends: libc6 (= 2.2.1) but 2.2-11 is to be installed
E: Sorry, broken packages

I also cannot install package libc6-i686:
sudo apt-get install libc6-i686
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.

Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
that package should be filed.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
  libc6-i686: Depends: libc6 (= 2.2-6) but 2.2-11 is to be installed
E: Sorry, broken packages

or libc6-i586 either...

Can anyone tell me what to do? I can't print anything till this freetype2
thingy get's fixed since gs depends on it.

THX in advance!

For my PGP key finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED], RSA id: 0x90178DBD, ICQ #:7506644
Celular: +386(0)41243189, Powered by Debian GNU/LiNUX , Student of VFUL
  Weird enough for government work.

Re: can't ssh into box anymore

2001-01-29 Thread Torbjorn Pettersson
Torbjorn Pettersson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 It seems like there just was an update of the ssh package from
 the sequrity team, which supposedly fixes the problem.

 It didn't... It was linked to some version of libcrypto which
 wasn't on my machine


Re: net-pf-10?

2001-01-29 Thread romain lerallut
/etc/modutils/alias  (aliases ? )

it's an alias for the IPv6 module, that you don't seem to be using.
uncomment the line and it should disappear. Or else, compile IPv6 ...

 Begin Original Message 
 From: Svante Signell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 11:45:30 +0100 (CET)
Subject: net-pf-10?

My log files are full of complaints on this module:
Jan 29 22:52:39 host modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-10

Where to find more info about it? It is not found in
.../linux-2.4.0/Documentation/devices.txt or

Or is it described there and I just don't see it?

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 End Original Message 

Check out the Orange Cat! 
Get your free customized E-mail from !

IP masq

2001-01-29 Thread Gabor Gludovatz

I connect to the Internet from a masqueraded LAN through a masquerading
gateway/proxy server. My problem is that, if I am logged in to somewhere
outside our network with ssh or telnet, after a little while of inactivity
the gateway resets the connection and I have to reconnect.

The proxy server is a Deb 2.1 with kernel 2.0.38. What should I set in its
kernel if I want to keep the connection even if it's idle?

(it's all the same, wherever I connect to, I get disconnected, so it's
not a logoutd thing.)

 Gabor Gludovatz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

console display problem

2001-01-29 Thread Johann Spies
For the first time I got different and incorrect results from my
compose key on the tty1-console.

Characters like ëôáéíóú shows up as greek or mathematical symbols on
tty1.  I wanted to send you an example, but copying the output from
tty1 to tty2 resulted in the correct characters displayed in tty2-6.
That convinced me that it is a display problem rather than a keymap

Any ideas what is causing it? 

J.H. Spies - Tel. 082 782 0336 
 My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.
Proverbs 1:10 

Re: Shell script

2001-01-29 Thread Thomas Guettler
On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 01:39:23AM +0100, William Leese wrote:
 i'm trying to write a simple script that will do several things:
 1) merge 3 files in a predefined order
 2) replace a few words in one of the files to be merged, the values with 
 which the words will be replaced must be given(/requested).

Try this:

$perl -i.orig -pe 's/\bfoo\b/bar/g' *.[Cchy]

Rename all foo to bar in all files ending with C, c, h or y.
Backup-copies will be called *.orig

Thomas Guettler

Re: Debian Testing distro problems

2001-01-29 Thread Thomas Guettler
On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 10:47:49AM +1100, William Shui wrote:
   I have recently upgraded my potato to testing.
   A strange thing happened.

  It appears that after 1 or 2 days of uptime, when I'm idle (either
 in a x environment or in a console). The output of whoami would
 be, you do not exist, go away!

Is your /etc/passwd correct?

Thomas Guettler

Re: woody packages broken

2001-01-29 Thread Martin Fluch
 I have noticed that I cannot update freetype2 package on Debian woody
 (testing), and libguile6 also:
 sudo apt-get install freetype2 ghostview gs gv mgp pstoedi
 t vflib2
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
 requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
 distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
 or been moved out of Incoming.
 The following information may help to resolve the situation:

 Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
   freetype2: Depends: libc6 (= 2.2.1) but 2.2-11 is to be installed
 E: Sorry, broken packages


 Can anyone tell me what to do? I can't print anything till this freetype2
 thingy get's fixed since gs depends on it.


You just have to wait until libc6 (=2.2.1) is uploaded to woody ... thats
what _unstable_ is all about.


Disaster: apt-get upgrade broke X!

2001-01-29 Thread Anthony Campbell
I've been tracking the upgrades in Woody for about 2 months using 
apt-get  without problems, but today it tried to upgrade X and 
it's broken it so that X won't work at all.

Question: how can I start again and reinstall everything from


Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian (Windows-free zone)
Over 100 book reviews:
Skeptical essays:

The most common of all follies is to believe passionately in the
palpably absurd. It is the chief occupation of mankind. - H.L. Mencken

Re: Disaster: apt-get upgrade broke X!

2001-01-29 Thread Rob VanFleet
I just managed to make it through the X upgrade in testing, so I might
be able to help you prevent a downgrade to Potato (which is probably
more of a pain than fixing X).  What sort of problems are you having?  I
noticed that the upgrade doesn't get all the packages one needs, so you
need to apt-get them on your own.


On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 12:07:16PM +, Anthony Campbell wrote:
 I've been tracking the upgrades in Woody for about 2 months using 
 apt-get  without problems, but today it tried to upgrade X and 
 it's broken it so that X won't work at all.
 Question: how can I start again and reinstall everything from
 Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian (Windows-free zone)
 Over 100 book reviews:
 Skeptical essays:
 The most common of all follies is to believe passionately in the
 palpably absurd. It is the chief occupation of mankind. - H.L. Mencken
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Start up?

2001-01-29 Thread Andrew Clark
Joshua Kruck wrote:
 Is there come kind of script that run when the machine boots that i can
 put commands into? I want to run sound on when the machine boots, i
 would also like to mount some samba commands. Can someone point me to an
 easy way to do this?

The easiest way I have found to do SMB mounts at boot time is to put
entries in /etc/fstab for them.  IIRC:

mount -t smbfs //winpc/share /mnt/winpc/ -o

translates to:

//winpc/share /mnt/winpc smbfs username=Administrator,password=blahblah
0 2

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

crontab ?

2001-01-29 Thread Timo

why my crontab not / works like
crontab -e  00 21 * * *  /sbin/ifdown eth0
works fine

But when I try start with file
crontab  Eth0Dwn
starts job, but nothing else happend.

00 21 * * *  /sbin/ifdown eth0


Re: woody packages broken

2001-01-29 Thread Colin Watson
Martin Fluch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Bostjan Muller wrote:
 I have noticed that I cannot update freetype2 package on Debian woody
 (testing), and libguile6 also:
 Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
   freetype2: Depends: libc6 (= 2.2.1) but 2.2-11 is to be installed
 E: Sorry, broken packages


 Can anyone tell me what to do? I can't print anything till this freetype2
 thingy get's fixed since gs depends on it.

You just have to wait until libc6 (=2.2.1) is uploaded to woody ... thats
what _unstable_ is all about.

testing, however, should not have such broken dependencies.


Re: konqueror not rendering jdk api documentation

2001-01-29 Thread Colin Watson
Matthias Wieser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Joseph Schlecht wrote:
 Has anyone else noticed that konqueror (kde 2.1 beta2) will not render sun's
 jdk api documentation. Here is the link
 Does anyone know why only the frames load, but do not render?

It does not render it because it dislikes the provided dtd, without the
first line it works fantastic :-)

(I am not sure, but when should you use the frameset.dtd - I thought
just on pages that use frameset (thus - only the index-page)) Could
somebody tell me the truth :-) ?

That's correct. HTML 4.01 Frameset is HTML 4.01 Transitional except that


Re: Debian Testing distro problems

2001-01-29 Thread Colin Watson
William Shui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have recently upgraded my potato to testing.

   A strange thing happened.

   It appears that after 1 or 2 days of uptime, when I'm idle (either in a
x environment or in a console). The output of whoami would be, you do
not exist, go away!

See section 8.21 of the Linux FAQ (you'll find it in the doc-linux-html


Re: Disaster: apt-get upgrade broke X!

2001-01-29 Thread Rob VanFleet
On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 01:03:59PM +, Anthony Campbell wrote:
 On 29 Jan 2001, Rob VanFleet wrote:
  I just managed to make it through the X upgrade in testing, so I might
  be able to help you prevent a downgrade to Potato (which is probably
  more of a pain than fixing X).  What sort of problems are you having?  I
  noticed that the upgrade doesn't get all the packages one needs, so you
  need to apt-get them on your own.
[ private correspondence omitted ]

startx was missing for me as well.  You need to get the 'xbase-clients'
package.  You might also want to install xfonts-base, xfonts-75dpi, and
xfonts-100dpi as they were all missing from my upgrade.  Without
xfonts-base, X will refuse to start.



Re: woody packages broken

2001-01-29 Thread Rob VanFleet
I noticed during my dist-upgrade tonight that freetype was being kept
back, which is most likely because it has some missing dependancies.


On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 01:03:50PM +, Colin Watson wrote:
 Martin Fluch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Bostjan Muller wrote:
  I have noticed that I cannot update freetype2 package on Debian woody
  (testing), and libguile6 also:
  Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
freetype2: Depends: libc6 (= 2.2.1) but 2.2-11 is to be installed
  E: Sorry, broken packages
  Can anyone tell me what to do? I can't print anything till this freetype2
  thingy get's fixed since gs depends on it.
 You just have to wait until libc6 (=2.2.1) is uploaded to woody ... thats
 what _unstable_ is all about.
 testing, however, should not have such broken dependencies.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: keymaps

2001-01-29 Thread Ionel Mugurel Ciob?c?
 Dear all,
 I have some problems with the maping of my keyboard.
 I read all the manuals and howto's about it.
 What is about?

  I have   I want
  asdfghjkl;'  asdfghjîl;'
  zxcvbnm,./   zxcvbnm,./
  áóäćçčęë읧  â­­k­­­
  úřăöâî폎Ż   ­­
  ÁÓÄĆÇČĘËĚş˘  ­­K­­­
  ÚŘĂÖÂÎÍźžż   ­­
  If nothing can be done I am willing to write a driver. Where I can
  read a manual about?

I figured out that the responsable was xterm. I can escape by

*VT100.Translations: #override \
   ~MetaKeyPress:insert-seven-bit() \n\

in my .Xdefault file. But still I can figure out the connection
between `atitde' and `c', `icircumflex' and `n', `acircumflex' and `b',
`thorn,THORN' and `~,^', `ordfeminine,ordmasculine' and `:,*'.

Why is so hard to get an answer?

Even a rtfm will be apreciate if it indicates the man.

Sorry for my English.

Thank you for your help,

Ionel Ciobica
 Ionel  MugurelCiobica
 Schuit   Institute  of   CatalysisPhone: 00 31 (0)40 2473781 
 Eindhoven University of TechnologyFax:   00 31 (0)40 2455054 
 Department of Chemical EngineeringHome:  00 31 (0)40 2569321 
 Laboratory  of  Catalysis   _SKA_ e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Theory Group, STW 4.27, POBox 513 5600 MB Eindhoven, Netherlands 
  -o)   (o-
  /\\   On the requirements it said: Windows 95 or better   //\
 _\_V  ... so I installed Linux V_/_

need to add to route table

2001-01-29 Thread Nick Barron


I recently installed a fresh potato box from 
I need to add:
route add -host dev eth1 to my 
route table to make windozs boxes happy w/ dhcp allocation

where can I add this line to execute at 

using 2.1 w/ 2..0.X I was able to add it to 

that file no longer exists and has been replaced by 

I have tried to make an executable script and 
adding a link to /etc/rcS.d and rc3.d call S38interface, but that doesn't seem 
to work

thanks for any thoughtful 

Romanian translation

2001-01-29 Thread Ionel Mugurel Ciob?c?

I would like to join the team which translate Debian in Romanian.
The link I found on
lead me to a dead end.

I would appreciate if someone can point me in the good direction.

I have some problems with /usr/share/locale/ro_RO/LC_TIME. Can
I make an other file? It is binary so I don't know to change it.
I would appreciate any hint about it.

I am willing to write a Romanian-HOWTO to explain how to set
a Romanian keyboard, how to use Romanian characters (before
iso-8859-16 will be available), etc. after I can figure it out
for myself. Someone is interested?

Why is no list debian-user-romanian, I am de only Romanian using

Thank you for your help,
Ionel Ciobica
 Ionel  MugurelCiobica
 Schuit   Institute  of   CatalysisPhone: 00 31 (0)40 2473781 
 Eindhoven University of TechnologyFax:   00 31 (0)40 2455054 
 Department of Chemical EngineeringHome:  00 31 (0)40 2569321 
 Laboratory  of  Catalysis   _SKA_ e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Theory Group, STW 4.27, POBox 513 5600 MB Eindhoven, Netherlands 
  -o)   (o-
  /\\   On the requirements it said: Windows 95 or better   //\
 _\_V  ... so I installed Linux V_/_


2001-01-29 Thread Leonard Leblanc

I'm interested in setting up a Linux Box to host my 
web-site and network. I've started reading the appropriate how-to's 
(Security, DNS, NIS, Firewall, etc.) and am just a little unsure about one 
thing. BTW: running debian of course.. :)

Can I have one Linux box working as my name server, 
web server, proxy server, mail server, and ftp?

Leonard Leblanc

Re: need to add to route table

2001-01-29 Thread ktb
On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 05:17:39PM -0800, Nick Barron wrote:
 I recently installed a fresh potato box from 2.2r
 I need to add:
 route add -host dev eth1 to my route table to make windozs 
 boxes happy w/ dhcp allocation
 where can I add this line to execute at boot?
 using 2.1 w/ 2..0.X I was able to add it to /etc/init.d/network
 that file no longer exists and has been replaced by /etc/network/interface
 I have tried to make an executable script and adding a link to /etc/rcS.d and 
 rc3.d call S38interface, but that doesn't seem to work
 thanks for any thoughtful suggestions


I'd really love ta wana help ya Flanders but... Homer Simpson


2001-01-29 Thread Ionel Mugurel Ciob?c?
Hi all,

Someone knows where I can get the default behaviour of characters
from 128 to 255, if they are separators or not.

In man xterm it sais about class CharClass, but it refer only to

   The default table is

   static int charClass[128] = {
   32,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,
   /*   xyz{|}~  DEL */
   48,  48,  48, 123, 124, 125, 126,   1};

Info xterm give the same answer as man xterm.

Thank you for your help,
Ionel Ciobica

 Ionel  MugurelCiobica
 Schuit   Institute  of   CatalysisPhone: 00 31 (0)40 2473781 
 Eindhoven University of TechnologyFax:   00 31 (0)40 2455054 
 Department of Chemical EngineeringHome:  00 31 (0)40 2569321 
 Laboratory  of  Catalysis   _SKA_ e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Theory Group, STW 4.27, POBox 513 5600 MB Eindhoven, Netherlands 
  -o)   (o-
  /\\   On the requirements it said: Windows 95 or better   //\
 _\_V  ... so I installed Linux V_/_

remote modem access

2001-01-29 Thread mheyes
I have just setup a VERY small ethernet network with one user box and one
server. User and server can see each other, ping, etc and user can access
Internet provided the server is already logged on to my ISP. What is the
best way to enable the user to access the server's modem to dial out and
connect to the ISP? I was thinking of trying a shell script to rlogin and
pon, but is there a better way?

Thanks! Just starting to learn a bit about networking (obviously).

Michael Heyes

Re: How to manage file /etc/modules; What process?

2001-01-29 Thread Hall Stevenson
 I have changed the kernel modules several times and
 in looking over the various files that are used when the
 kernel boots..I noticed the the file /etc/modules has not
 changed since I installed the system Dec.18,2000. It
 seems that this should be altered as the kernel gives a
 lot of boot messages indicating that it can not find many
 of the modules listed as needed. However they are no
 longer necessary with the alterations to the new kernel.
 There are also other modules that I think should be
 loaded that are not. What is the process for altering this
 file correctly? Is it something that I must hand edit or is
 there a tool to manage it.

I think you only need to list items that you really want loaded at boot
time. Since modules load and unload as necessary, it isn't vital that
they all be in memory right at bootup. For example, sound... do you
start using something that uses the sound module right away ?? Or,
vfat (if applicable)... I only need that module if I'm going to read
or write a file from my Windows partition.

Type lsmod sometime and see what modules are actually resident in
memory. I think a 0 value means there *is* a module, but it's
currently not loaded. A 1 means it's loaded in memory.


Re: Linux - DNS/WWW/POP

2001-01-29 Thread ktb
On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 07:28:31AM -0800, Leonard Leblanc wrote:
 I'm interested in setting up a Linux Box to host my web-site and network.  
 I've started reading the appropriate how-to's (Security, DNS, NIS, Firewall, 
 etc.) and am just a little unsure about one thing. BTW: running debian of 
 course.. :)
 Can I have one Linux box working as my name server, web server, proxy server, 
 mail server, and ftp?

Yes you can do that.  Where I work the policy is one main service per
server for security and performance reasons.  If this box is for home
use/education and you don't have the space or resources for 5 or 6 
boxes I would say, go for it.  If you are running a business where your
network is mission critical I would think about spreading around the
services more.

I'd really love ta wana help ya Flanders but... Homer Simpson

unresolved symbols

2001-01-29 Thread Daniel Marquez-Klaka

Hello list,

i have running stabel. I installed kernel-headers-2.2.17,
kernel-source-2.2.17 and kernel-package. Then i made my own
kernel ( make dep clean bzImage; make modules; make modules_install)

After that i copied to /boot/ and
/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage to /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.17.

After running lilo and a reboot i get lots of unresolved symbol
in module blablabla. 

Why is this ? What have i done wrong or what have i forgoten ? 
How can this be fixed ?

can someone help me ?

Thanks in advance,


Re: crontab ?

2001-01-29 Thread Justin B Rye
Timo wrote:
 why my crontab not / works like
 crontab -e  00 21 * * *  /sbin/ifdown eth0
 works fine

You mean you run crontab -e, and then when it starts its editor
(vi by default) you enter 00 21 * * *  /sbin/ifdown eth0 then save
it?  Yes, that should work.  But why do you want this to be in your
own crontab, not /etc/crontab (or as /etc/cron.d/eth0down)?

 But when I try start with file
 crontab  Eth0Dwn
 starts job, but nothing else happend.

This is a strange way to want to set a crontab... man crontab
seems to say it'll work, but the file might need to be executable or
 00 21 * * *  /sbin/ifdown eth0

I presume you mean that the file Eth0Dwn contains that line.
What do you see when you crontab -l?

Why do you want to do this anyway?  Isn't it simpler to edit the
crontab directly with crontab -e?
Justin B Rye - writing from but not for Datacash Ltd


2001-01-29 Thread Gabor Gludovatz

I'd like to set up an auto-backup from cron. I run taper with the
following command line, but it always gives me its help without any error

taper --append-on --erase-tape-off --unattended-id -1 -g `date` -t Aryo
($(LANG=de_DE date +%A)) -U @default

What's wrong with it? And why does taper give no errors if something's



 Gabor Gludovatz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: unresolved symbols

2001-01-29 Thread Hall Stevenson
 i have running stabel. I installed kernel-headers-2.2.17,
 kernel-source-2.2.17 and kernel-package. Then i

(Off-topic -- kernel-package isn't needed since you're compiling kernels
the old way or the non-debian way)

 made my own kernel ( make dep clean bzImage;
 make modules; make modules_install)

 After running lilo and a reboot i get lots of unresolved symbol
 in module blablabla.

 Why is this ? What have i done wrong or what have i forgoten ?
 How can this be fixed ?

There's likely a module or modules that were in your stock kernel still
in /lib/modules/2.2.17. Running make modules_install just adds the
modules you compiled to that dir. It doesn't remove existing or obsolete

Do a mv /lib/modules/2.2.17 /lib/modules/2.2.17-backup and then re-run
make modules_install.


Re: Still No Cursor in X

2001-01-29 Thread Xucaen

--- hammack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Protocol  PS/2
 Protocol  PS/2
 and gpm.conf was 
 type   ps2

I may be mistaken, but doesn't the device need to
be exactly the same in both?


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Re: Romanian translation

2001-01-29 Thread Colin Watson
Ionel Mugurel Ciobica [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I would like to join the team which translate Debian in Romanian.
The link I found on
lead me to a dead end.

Go to and look for
(internationalization); that's the general list for these issues.

( seems to work for me? I don't know if you mean that
it led to a dead end straight away, or later ...)

One useful thing you could do right now is start translating debconf
templates yourself. See for more details.

I have some problems with /usr/share/locale/ro_RO/LC_TIME. Can
I make an other file? It is binary so I don't know to change it.
I would appreciate any hint about it.

I think that file's owned by the locales package, so you could file a
bug against that with more details.

Why is no list debian-user-romanian, I am de only Romanian using

Presumably nobody's requested it yet. :) Talk to the debian-i18n people,
and/or file a bug against the pseudo-package.


Re: need to add to route table

2001-01-29 Thread ktb
On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 07:32:54AM -0600, ktb wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 05:17:39PM -0800, Nick Barron wrote:
  I recently installed a fresh potato box from 2.2r
  I need to add:
  route add -host dev eth1 to my route table to make windozs 
  boxes happy w/ dhcp allocation
  where can I add this line to execute at boot?
  using 2.1 w/ 2..0.X I was able to add it to /etc/init.d/network
  that file no longer exists and has been replaced by /etc/network/interface
  I have tried to make an executable script and adding a link to /etc/rcS.d 
  and rc3.d call S38interface, but that doesn't seem to work
  thanks for any thoughtful suggestions

Sorry for the not-so-thoughtful-suggestion.  I just got out of bed and
didn't read properly.  I spoke to Nick off list.  I suggested he create
a file in /etc/init.d/ -

#! /bin/sh
route add -host dev eth1

chmod 755 and run update-rc.d
If someone has something better to add please do so.

I'd really love ta wana help ya Flanders but... Homer Simpson

Re: unresolved symbols

2001-01-29 Thread Daniel Marquez-Klaka

Thanks, that solved the problem.


On Mon, 29 Jan 2001, Hall Stevenson wrote:

 i have running stabel. I installed kernel-headers-2.2.17,
 kernel-source-2.2.17 and kernel-package. Then i

(Off-topic -- kernel-package isn't needed since you're compiling kernels
the old way or the non-debian way)

 made my own kernel ( make dep clean bzImage;
 make modules; make modules_install)

 After running lilo and a reboot i get lots of unresolved symbol
 in module blablabla.

 Why is this ? What have i done wrong or what have i forgoten ?
 How can this be fixed ?

There's likely a module or modules that were in your stock kernel still
in /lib/modules/2.2.17. Running make modules_install just adds the
modules you compiled to that dir. It doesn't remove existing or obsolete

Do a mv /lib/modules/2.2.17 /lib/modules/2.2.17-backup and then re-run
make modules_install.


Re: Font corruption under XF86 4.0

2001-01-29 Thread Rick Loga
Are you using the xfs-xtt font server or the xfs font server?  You refer to 
both.  AFAIK only the xfs font server works with version 4 and to use it you do 
need unix/:7100 in the front of the font paths.  X starts with the first line 
and if it doesn't work, it tries the next line, etc.

--- Daishi Harada [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I recently moved from stable to testing, and in the process to XF86
(4.0.2-1). The problem that I am having is that fonts/text seem to get 
corrupted/not properly refreshed; i.e., when I originally type text
everything is fine, but if I occlude the text (e.g. with another
window) and then bring the text window to the foreground the fonts
become corrupted (the fonts looks like they're missing some
scanlines). Has anyone encountered with problem/know a solution?

I'm using the neomagic driver (for a Thinkpad 560x). I'm using xfs-xtt 
for my font server, and played with the config there a bit, and am
pretty sure that's not the issue. Speaking of which, however, does
anyone know why fonts look worse through xfs? I put the same paths in
/etc/X11/xfs/config's catalogue field as I have in XF86Config's
FontPath fields, but if I go through xfs (i.e., if I have unix/:7100 
listed as the first FontPath) the same fonts look different than when
I put the unix/:7100 last.

Please cc me with any replies,
Thanks, Daishi

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