Re: D is dead

2018-08-24 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 8/24/18 10:02 AM, David Nadlinger wrote:

On Friday, 24 August 2018 at 03:53:38 UTC, David Nadlinger wrote:

All this is not to say that nothrow constructors aren't a good idea, 

This was meant to say nothrow DEstructors, as hopefully obvious from 
context. —David

I was about to throw down some constructive criticism, but you caught it 
early ;)

Re: Is @safe still a work-in-progress?

2018-08-17 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 8/17/18 7:26 AM, H. S. Teoh wrote:

It will continue to be a problem as long as @safe is implemented via
blacklisting, because every single time there's a new language feature,
there's a chance that a loophole is introduced into @safe. And that's
not counting the combinatorial explosion of existing language features
that might lead to @safe loopholes, that we simply haven't thought of
yet.  It's like allowing anyone to enter your house freely except those
few people whom you've explicitly named. You can't possibly expect *not*
to get robbed that way.

We should tag bugs like these as #safecracking

Re: D course material

2018-03-13 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 3/13/18 2:08 PM, aberba wrote:

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 17:20:57 UTC, Meta wrote:

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 12:39:24 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:


Honestly I'd recommend TDPL. It's got a lot of good real-world 
examples, including some OOP ones, but more importantly examples that 
demonstrate concurrent programming, generic programming, procedural, 
and I think a few functional examples as well. Basically, it covers a 
very broad area in one book while also teaching you D.

Boring stuff IMO.

Interesting that you found it boring--I found it to be the opposite. It 
is one of the few programming books that I can read for enjoyment.

Re: Advent of D

2018-03-06 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 3/6/18 11:09 AM, Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso wrote:
I wrote a blog post about working on Advent of Code in D. You can read 
it here:

I really enjoyed this. Thank you!

Re: State of D: The survey is killing man, way too much

2018-03-03 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 3/3/18 8:08 AM, 0x wrote:

The D survey is killing maan!
Those are lots of questions in there
If I ever get hold of the people behind it...

Is it a coincidence that your user handle is "negative one"? ;)

Re: Dub, Cargo, Go, Gradle, Maven

2018-02-21 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 2/21/18 10:30 AM, H. S. Teoh wrote:

I think the ideal situation straddles the divide between declarative
build specs and a full-fledged general programming language.  You don't
want it to get too general, lest you end up with the build equivalent of
spaghetti code where the build script becomes unreadable and
unmaintainable.  OTOH a purely declarative approach is limited by how
well the DSL is designed.  An insufficiently-expressive declarative
language leads to much frustration when you find yourself unable to
express something that you need to do with your build.

Working in the Java world, I was extremely happy when I discovered 
Gradle. It looks declarative thanks to the Groovy language, but you can 
easily mix 'n' match more imperative code inline.

For a taste of Gradle, here's a Java-centric build file from their 
getting-started guides [1]:

apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'application'

repositories {

dependencies {
compile ''
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'

mainClassName = 'App'

And here's a C++ one:

apply plugin: 'cpp'

model {
components {

Of course in the real world build files get bigger and more complex, but 
to me they tend to remain very readable.

Comparing Java's Maven and Gradle (and in the JS world, Grunt and Gulp) 
have given me a strong preference for code-based build scripts, as long 
as they remain readable.


Re: My choice to pick Go over D ( and Rust ), mostly non-technical

2018-02-02 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 2/2/18 1:38 PM, welkam wrote:

On Friday, 2 February 2018 at 15:06:35 UTC, Benny wrote:

** Wall of text **

I dont post here often but...

Most of what you complain is known already and/or not entirely correct. 
People who work on D are not some glue sniffing brain dead individuals 
that are incapable of understanding that documentation is not perfect, 
library support is lacking and user experience is not at the same level 
as C#. That and more are known here. Over the years that I lurked here I 
saw many people come on forums and complain about things that are 
obvious and say them in a way that indirectly imply incompetence of core 
contributors. Things don't work not because of incompetence but because 
there is not enough people working on things. Thats why you get answers 
you get. To fix problems we need people who work so either you become 
one (fix it yourself) or get some one else to work (pay money).

The entire D project is fueled by coffee and dislike of C/C++ and its 
amazing that it achieved so much with so little

It is pretty amazing, and it's a testament to how appealing the D 
language can be, even with all its surrounding pain points.

As a long time lurker it seems like I see posts like Benny's more often 
recently than I recall seeing in years past. This makes me happy--to me 
it's a sign that more people are seriously considering D than used to. I 
also think it's good to be reminded of what newcomers' pain points are, 
and I'm glad Benny took the time to list his.

Re: Quora: Why hasn't D started to replace C++?

2018-01-31 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 1/31/18 9:13 AM, John Gabriele wrote:

On Wednesday, 31 January 2018 at 11:42:14 UTC, Seb wrote:

On Wednesday, 31 January 2018 at 10:35:06 UTC, Benny wrote:

And 3 different installation method's depending on the platform.

Windows: DMD installer, LDC manually extract zip and setup path, GDC ...

That's only an issue on Windows.
For Posix there's the official script [1].


I've never seen that page. Would've helped me to see it earlier. The D 
download page should include a blurb with a link to that install page.

I tried going to, finding the download page, 
and adding a blurb+link to install.html above those `curl ...` commands, but that download.dd page is written in a format 
I'm not familiar with. It's difficult to read, and appears quite clumsy 
to write as well.

It surprises me that D docs are written in that ddoc macro format --- 
especially for standalone docs like the download page. I think people 
unfamiliar with D have a perception of D as being this older language 
from times past, before C++11, and using ddoc for docs instead of 
markdown contributes to this perception. Let me know if you'd like help 
in translating D website and doc pages from ddoc to markdown.

I'm working on adding Markdown support to DDoc. If my changes are 
accepted it could make these kinds of edits easier, without having to 
change the whole website at once.

Ages ago I helped redesign the website, which involved messing with DDoc 
macros. I have to agree that DDoc macros aren't always the friendliest.

Re: Dscanner - DCD - Dfix ... Editor support or the lack of it.

2018-01-27 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 1/26/18 5:50 PM, Dgame wrote:

On Saturday, 27 January 2018 at 00:13:51 UTC, Benny wrote:

On Saturday, 27 January 2018 at 00:08:17 UTC, Benny wrote:

* Rust: Jetbrain IntelliJ + Rust plugin.
It looks like it has become a official supported plugin by Jetbrain. 
Works perfectly out of the box. Impressive results and issue hinting. 

Yep, i was right. Its now a official support plugin by Jetbrain.

And no offense but i doubt it has anything to do with Mozilla 
officially backing Rust but more a sign of popularity. Just as how Go 
got its own Editor by Jetbrain.

My impression so far is that most of the D users love to program in a 
tiny editor without the features which modern IDE's gives you. That's 
impressive, but outdated and even a bit silly if the project is bigger. 
In any company I've been so far we've used IDE's, because their 
feature-set and tools take so much work away from you - I don't want to 
miss them anymore. Nowadays, the majority of programmers who are willing 
to try new/others programming languages, think so too. I'm somewhat sure 
that this unneccessary hurdle is one of D's biggest mistakes.

As an IDE junkie I've noticed this correlation in the past too. I wonder 
which direction the causation runs--does D tend to appeal to the no-IDE 
crowd, or do IDE-prefering people abandon D since there hasn't been 
great IDEs support?

Regardless I'm very pleased by the recent trends. The vs-code plugins 
are good and getting better, and DMD as a library should enable simpler 
and more complete language support in any IDE. I believe we're getting 
closer to the point where IDE junkies like me won't feel somewhat 
short-changed, and that's impressive for a community-driven language like D.

Re: Lazily parse a JSON text file using

2018-01-01 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 12/30/17 8:16 PM, Marco Leise wrote:

There is also the JSON parser from
if you need to parse 2x faster than RapidJSON ;)

Nice, I'll take a look.

My original post was mainly to express how surprised I was that one of 
D's front-page features was, for me, impossible to get working in this 
context. I posted in hopes that more experienced folks might consider 
making fixes to help smooth future attempts by others.

I realize that compile-time ranges are not runtime interfaces like many 
languages provide for iteration, but right now ranges seem too hard to 
get right when it feels like they should just work.

Re: Lazily parse a JSON text file using

2017-12-17 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 12/17/17 3:28 AM, WebFreak001 wrote:

On Sunday, 17 December 2017 at 04:34:22 UTC, David Gileadi wrote:
uh I don't know about but if you didn't manage to succeed 
yet, I know that asdf[1] works really well with streaming json. There is 
also an example how it works.


Thanks, reading the whole file into memory worked fine. However, asdf 
looks really cool. I'll definitely look into next time I need to deal 
with JSON.

Lazily parse a JSON text file using

2017-12-16 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d
I'm a longtime fan of dlang, but haven't had a chance to do much 
in-depth dlang programming, and especially not range programming. Today 
I thought I'd use to read from a text file. Since it's a 
somewhat large file, I thought I'd create a text range from the file and 
parse it that way. has a great interface for lazily 
parsing text into JSON values, so all I had to do was turn a text file 
into a lazy range of UTF-8 chars that's lexer could use. 
(In my best Clarkson voice:) How hard could it be?

Several hours later, I've finally given up and am just reading the whole 
file into a string. There may be a magic incantation I could use to make 
it work, but I can't find it, and frankly I can't see why I should need 
an incantation in the first place. It really ought to just be a method 
of std.stdio.File.

Apparently some of the complexity is caused by autodecoding (e.g. joiner 
returns a range of dchar from char ranges), and some of the fault may be 
in, but either way I'm surprised that I couldn't do it. 
This is the kind of thing I expected to be ground level stuff.

Re: Adding Markdown to Ddoc

2017-12-11 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 12/11/17 1:45 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 12/11/2017 6:22 AM, Jakob Bornecrantz wrote:
There are loads of implementations of CommonMark 

They appear to be libraries that offer an implementation. Does the 
Markdown used in github, reddit, wikipedia, doxygen, etc., use any of 
those libraries?

It appears that github now uses their own fork of cmark, which adds 
support for tables, etc. [1]


Re: Adding Markdown to Ddoc

2017-12-09 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 12/9/17 2:25 PM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Saturday, 9 December 2017 at 21:05:04 UTC, David Gileadi wrote:
For instance, as I've been working on adding Markdown features I was 
surprised to discover that DDoc's current support for 
backtick-delimited code only works within a single line. Most 
implementations I've seen allow it to span hard-wrapped lines, as long 
as it's within a single paragraph.

I kinda object to calling the ddoc `` thing markdown, since that wasn't 
the intention. When I added it, I had exactly one goal: be able to write 
`` in ddoc without it breaking the html output. At the same 
time, I didn't want it to accidentally trigger if someone pasted a 
linker error in their doc:

undefined reference to `foo'
undefined reference to `bar'

So it was limited to a single line and required a matching ` to trigger 
the new code. Then, btw, it does NOT just wrap it in a $(BACKTICK) 
macro. It first *escapes the string*, for example turning < into <, 
etc, THEN wraps it in the macro.

Though, the reason it uses ` as the delimiter is because markdown does 
it so it looks familiar... but it wasn't actually based on a desire to 
be markdown.

Similarly, my adrdox thing has some markdown-ish features, but it is 
explicitly NOT markdown, giving me the freedom to avoid brain damage. (I 
am not a fan of markdown, it is such a mess and hard to write.)

That makes sense--thanks for the background.

To be fair to markdown, it does also require matching backticks and 
escapes < and > within backtick-quoted sections. But I agree that some 
markdown "features" are rather messy.

Re: Adding Markdown to Ddoc

2017-12-09 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 12/8/17 6:49 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 12/8/2017 7:30 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
Otherwise it will be confusing and very hard to remember which 
features are supported with Markdown syntax and which are not.

This is way overstating the case. Ddoc already supports some markdown, 
and some markdown in different ways.

For instance, as I've been working on adding Markdown features I was 
surprised to discover that DDoc's current support for backtick-delimited 
code only works within a single line. Most implementations I've seen 
allow it to span hard-wrapped lines, as long as it's within a single 

I'd like to support as many Markdown features as we can, but there will 
always be a some differences--particularly those that conflict with 
existing DDoc features.

Re: Adding Markdown to Ddoc

2017-12-06 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 12/5/17 9:11 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

Anyone interested in picking up the flag?

(I know this has come up before, and I've been opposed to it, but I've 
changed my mind.)

I didn't notice anyone pick this up yet. I'm taking a stab at it, 
writing it mostly from scratch. However if someone else wants to pick it 
up you're very welcome; my attempt is likely to be slow, especially this 
time of year :)

Re: Adding Markdown to Ddoc

2017-12-06 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 12/6/17 6:41 AM, Nemanja Boric wrote:

On Wednesday, 6 December 2017 at 04:11:33 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Anyone interested in picking up the flag?

(I know this has come up before, and I've been opposed to it, but I've 
changed my mind.)

These are great news. We are using harbored-mod 
( which does this for 
quite some time, but it feels like a second-class citizen compared to 
the ddoc.

Speaking of that tool, I suspect Ddoc's Markdown support will have to do 
the same as harboured-mod does with respect to the bits of Markdown 
syntax that are already claimed by Ddoc [1]


A potential danger to dub

2017-09-16 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d
Let me preface this by saying I love package managers and think dub is 
one of the best things with dlang. However they can also sometimes be 
dangerous, as this PyPI incident[1] shows: several Python packages were 
uploaded that contained names similar to the standard library, and had 
an extra semi-malicious payload. They are apparently now part of live 

You could of course expect developers to do due diligence with the 
things they download, but of course they don't. It's probably worth 
paying attention to what the PyPI devs do to help mitigate this, and 
perhaps repeat some of those things with dub.


Re: How do you use D?

2017-07-29 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 7/29/17 3:05 AM, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d wrote:

In 2004 maybe "D as better C++" was a good line. In 2017 "D is a
general purpose programming language that allow faster development time
than C++, Go, and Rust" is a far better line?

This is what attracts me to D--it's easy to write, clean to read, and 
super powerful. However the "faster development time" is a bit marred by 
D's current ecosystem: it's faster/easier than other languages in 
certain domains, but lack of libraries/integration make it a tough 
choice in other domains (like mobile). And we have fairly regular 
complaints on the forum about the new-to-D experience (and good on them 
for taking the time to post about it here!). If I had free time for D 
I'd be trying to work on improving those things.

Re: DIP 1009--Improve Contract Usability--Preliminary Review Round 2 Begins

2017-07-21 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 7/21/17 11:41 AM, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:

On Friday, 21 July 2017 at 18:35:53 UTC, David Gileadi wrote:

On 7/21/17 6:51 AM, Mike Parker wrote:

DIP 1009 is titled "Improve Contract Usability".

For out contracts that use the return identifier, could the keyword 
"return" be used?

out(return > 0)

One possible problem with this syntax is a future where functions 
could have multiple return values...

No, see Round 1 discussion [1]


Ah, thanks--I missed that.

Re: DIP 1009--Improve Contract Usability--Preliminary Review Round 2 Begins

2017-07-21 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 7/21/17 6:51 AM, Mike Parker wrote:

DIP 1009 is titled "Improve Contract Usability".

For out contracts that use the return identifier, could the keyword 
"return" be used?

out(return > 0)

One possible problem with this syntax is a future where functions could 
have multiple return values...

Re: Expressing range constraints in CNF form

2017-06-12 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 6/11/17 1:32 PM, Sebastiaan Koppe wrote:

What about using ddoc?

enum bool isInputRange(R) =
 is(typeof((ref R r) => r)) /// must be copyable
 && is(ReturnType!((R r) => r.empty) == bool) /// must support bool 

 && is(typeof(lvalueOf!R.front)) /// must support front
 && is(typeof(lvalueOf!R.popFront)) /// must support back

If there's going to be compiler magic, this seems like a sensible 
syntax--documenting constraints is a good idea anyway, particularly for 
those of us who aren't is-expression masters.

Re: Another "D is cool" post

2017-05-29 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 5/29/17 12:07 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:

[snip an excellent post]
I think a longish post like this would make an excellent shortish post 
for the D blog.

In any case, great writeup!

Re: C and memory safety comments by me

2017-05-18 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 5/18/17 10:00 AM, Walter Bright wrote: 

Oddly enough that link took me to a comment thread about Rust CFFI, with 
no comments by you in it. Perhaps you meant the link to not include the 
dhkxhef/ at the end?

Re: DIP 1003 Formal Review

2017-05-16 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 5/12/17 9:17 AM, Mike Parker wrote:
The first stage of the formal review for DIP 1003 [1], "Remove body as a 
Keyword", is now underway. From now until 11:59 PM ET on May 26 (3:59 AM 
GMT on May 27), the community has the opportunity to provide last-minute 
feedback. If you missed the preliminary review [2], this is your chance 
to provide input.

At the end of the feedback period, I will submit the DIP to Walter and 
Andrei for their final decision. Thanks in advance to those of you who 



One possible substitute for the `function` keyword in option 2 could be 
`do`. I'm not convinced it's a good substitute, but I thought I'd throw 
it out there.

Re: NG technical issues: Is it just me?

2017-04-20 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 4/20/17 2:05 PM, lawrence wrote:

On 04/20/2017 02:09 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 20.04.2017 21:45, Nick Sabalausky (Abscissa) wrote:


It's not just you. I have the same issues.
I used to have this same problem, until I sent the server settings to 
check for updates every 2 minutes.

I don't have this problem, but my server settings check every 2 minutes 
as well.

Re: Compare boost::hana to D

2017-04-19 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 4/19/17 11:30 AM, Adrian Matoga wrote:

On Wednesday, 19 April 2017 at 18:26:20 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe wrote:

On Wednesday, 19 April 2017 at 18:02:46 UTC, Adrian Matoga wrote:


Great article!

Thanks! I should mention I've also got somewhat positive feedback from 
Louis [1].


Minor nit in the article--in the following paragraph "runtime" should 
probably be replaced with "compile time":

"Note the enum in place where C++ version used auto. The type is also 
inferred automatically, but using enum forces index to be computed at 
runtime and only then it can be used in static assert."

Re: Name That Technique!

2017-02-04 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 2/3/17 5:00 PM, deadalnix wrote:

On Friday, 3 February 2017 at 23:33:58 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

I agree, it's pretty dazz! We need to give this technique a memorable
name (not an acronym). I thought "Voldemort Types" turned out rather
well, whereas CTFE is klunky, UFCS is even worse. The absolute worst
is C++ SFINAE.

Any ideas?

  Scherkl-Nielsen Lookup?

The perfect bikeshedding moment!

Daniel, Dominikus: please consider writing an article about this.

That's obviously a self important lookup.

This. So much this.

Re: D future ...

2016-12-26 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 12/24/16 5:11 PM, WebFreak001 wrote:

On Thursday, 22 December 2016 at 04:47:06 UTC, Chris Wright wrote:

CTFE ( Stefan is dealing with that ), Documentation,
better Editor support...

I think code-d could potentially be extended to install its
dependencies, which would improve the situation there.

It does already do that though :/

Will it auto-update them as new versions are released, or when code-d is 

Re: DIP10005: Dependency-Carrying Declarations is now available for community feedback

2016-12-14 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 12/14/16 4:38 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 15.12.2016 00:17, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

ubyte[] readSomeBytes ( )
return read(1024);

It's a non-trivial exercise for the reader to understand where the
`read` symbol is coming from.


Or, for the IDE-addict, hover or control-click on `read`.

Re: All function attributes possible with "@"?

2016-12-14 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 12/14/16 2:34 PM, ketmar wrote:

On Wednesday, 14 December 2016 at 21:02:09 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

If we keep making breaking changes, we will never have a significant
user base

so the core issue is a direction D developement should go:
1) have a good language, or
2) have big userbase.

it looks like those goals are in conflict now. while i can see how
userbase matters, i also can't see how it matters for me -- it turns out
that i got a mediocre language as a result. well, there are alot of
"acceptable" languages out there, and c++ has a huge userbase and a huge
codebase, so it will always win here. the only way for D to win (as i
see it) is to deliver a better language. and that means dropping support
for old code from time to time, not to stick with bad design forever.
also, tools like dfix can be made to "upgrade" code.

so far being "stable" didn't brought Bick Bucks or Big Corporate Support
to D. yet instead of using that to advance the language, to redesign
features and so on, D is stuck in a hope of getting some Big Future
Support. i may be completely wrong, of course, but i see the unique
strength that D can exploit: the ability to change.

sure, turning D into "moving target" will make some older code invalid.
but if the author doesn't want to maintain his code, is there any real
reason to use it? with automatic upgrade utility it wouldn't be that
hard to keep the code up-to-date.

i believe that pediodical "cleanups" will make D better, and will win
more users in the long run. so i will continue advocating "moving
target" concept from time to time. ;-)

I've noticed that recent languages like Go and Swift are trying to have 
both by bundling a code fixer with new versions of their language. I 
have a hard time seeing the downsides of that.

Re: DIP10005: Dependency-Carrying Declarations is now available for community feedback

2016-12-14 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 12/14/16 9:27 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 12/14/2016 11:02 AM, default0 wrote:

On Wednesday, 14 December 2016 at 14:21:55 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu

On 12/14/16 8:26 AM, Dominikus Dittes Scherkl wrote:

On Tuesday, 13 December 2016 at 22:33:24 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu


Why not leave it as it is and only change the compiler to
perform inputs _within_ a function before evaluating the
declaration, so
that the symbols imported can be used in the declaration?

Thanks. I considered this but it put pressure on the relationship
between the name and where it's looked up. Consider that imports in a
function don't need to be at the top. They may also be in nested
scopes inside the function. It becomes quite tenuous to explain where
the parameter type names are looked up. -- Andrei

Could restrict to imports that come before any other statements in the
function body, ie:

// valid, compiles when instantiated
void fun(Range)(Range r) if(isInputRange!Range) {
import std.range;

// invalid, import is not picked up because it is not the first
statement in the method body
void fun(Range)(Range r) if(isInputRange!Range) {
import std.range;

If this is desirable, the error message for failed symbol lookup of
symbols in a function declaration should hint that imports in the
function body are only considered if they stand at the beginning of the
function, to help mitigate confusion.
Seems simple enough to specify and explain, honestly.

To me it seems like adding additional rules to make up for a weakness
that should be avoided in the first place. -- Andrei

For the little that it's worth, my opinion is that it's easier to 
understand/teach the proposed rule above than the new syntax in DIP1005. 
This is true for me whether the proposed rule applies to all imports 
within the top scope of the template function/class/struct, or only to 
imports at the beginning of that scope.

The above rule doesn't cover non-template function declarations like the 
`process` example in the DIP, however. Are they an important enough use 
case to justify new syntax?

Re: core.intrinsics

2016-10-13 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 10/13/16 12:52 PM, Stefan Koch wrote:

On Thursday, 13 October 2016 at 19:49:42 UTC, Johan Engelen wrote:

On Thursday, 13 October 2016 at 19:35:08 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:

Please share your thoughts and tell me what other intrinsic functions
could/should be added.

I think the name should be different from "intrinsics", so that it can
also contain functions like "likely-functionptr" / "likely-class"
optimization functions (e.g. the is_likely template from the other


What name would you suggest then ?

As an ignorant bystander I like core.intrinsics, but if not then perhaps 
core.compilerhints or something to that effect?

Re: Stack Overflow Documentation D language page

2016-07-21 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 7/21/16 9:20 AM, Bennet Leff wrote:

If you haven't heard, Stack Overflow is starting an open documentation
reference. It's brand new but I've already seen large contributions for
other languages. I've started to get the ball rolling but it seems like
the community would be interested in adding.

Here's the page:

Interestingly, Microsoft is going to curate examples from SO's 
Documentation into their own docs [1]. Perhaps we can do something 
similar at some point.


Re: Elm on error messages and compiler as an assistant

2016-02-03 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 2/1/16 2:17 PM, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

Thanks for sharing this. While D's error messages have improved over 
time, this shows that there's another level of friendliness possible.

Re: D for Game Development

2015-08-10 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d
On 8/10/15 12:25 PM, "Ola Fosheim =?UTF-8?B?R3LDuHN0YWQi?= 
" wrote:

On Sunday, 9 August 2015 at 02:41:00 UTC, Manu wrote:

People keep talking about Rust, I'm thinking of giving it a shot.

I feel there is something wrong with the Rust and Go agendas, both
languages have interesting features, but then they seem to get too
moralistic/political. Is there a way to turn off bounds-checks in Rust?
Apparently not?

And apparently the same misguided obsession with iterators (aka ranges):

…Rust has a long way to go…

…Go is frozen…

…D has a long way to go…

…C++ is fit, moving and annoying…

I guess the only way forward is to write your own language.

…[insert your language here] has a long way to go… :)

Re: Where will D sit in the web service space?

2015-07-24 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 7/24/15 9:57 AM, Joakim wrote:

On Friday, 24 July 2015 at 14:50:23 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:

ART.  Of course Metal isn't general-purpose, nobody said it is, but I
don't see why you'd say Swift isn't.

Swift is clearly designed around Objective-C and Cocoa.

Oh, and I didn't respond to this because I didn't even know what you
meant, think I got it now.  You're now saying Swift isn't
general-purpose simply because it's initially designed around Apple's
Cocoa OS APIs?  Being tied to a single platform doesn't make a language
any less general-purpose, and since they announced that they're
open-sourcing Swift later this year, it will be ported to other
platforms, just as Obj-C has.

I've been doing a lot of Swift programming recently, and here are my 
impressions: Yes, it's heavily designed around Objective-C and Cocoa, 
but it's a nice language on its own. It feels like the designers are 
working for an all-Swift future, and are discarding some 
Objective-C/Cocoa-isms along the way.

As for the language itself I really like the syntax and many of the 
constructs. The nil/non-nil typing tends to intrude a bit too often for 
my liking (like D's const does but more pervasive). And I miss the 
things that D lets me do, particularly its fantastic metaprogramming and 
ability to go low-level. I don't love Swift like I love D, but it's a 
nice language to work with.

Re: std.experimental.testing PR review

2015-06-26 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 6/26/15 7:30 AM, Atila Neves wrote:

On Friday, 26 June 2015 at 13:32:39 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

Just in case it wasn't clear : I will vote "no" on this proposal as
long as it features longish "readable" names like "shouldEquals".

You'd rather `should!"=="`? I'm not sure which I'd prefer; the thing is
that so far you're the only one strongly against it. The only other
thing I heard was a question at DConf on why it wasn't `assertEquals`


Let's paint this bikeshed!

I tend to like "must" instead of "should"; it's a bit shorter and stronger.

I tend to like dot-separated English for testing, e.g.


One advantage is that the dot after "must" (or "should") can trigger 
code completion on IDEs.

Finally, I wonder if it's possible to hijack operator overloading to 
support this:

2.timesTwo.must == 4;

Re: std.uni.toLowerCase / .toUpperCase

2015-06-25 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 6/25/15 7:10 AM, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:

And, IMHO, this:


looks much better than this:


I agree with Jonathan that the latter is clearer as to what the method 
is doing--constructing something that will do the work. However, I agree 
that the former reads much better. My bikeshed is painted the former 
way, mainly because it encourages people to use the range-based style 
because it reads so well.

With that said I'm hopeful that Adam's trick will obviate at least some 
of this discussion.

Re: Martin Nowak is officially MIA

2015-06-19 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 6/19/15 2:00 PM, Brad Anderson wrote:

IRC, I hope, is what you mean. Chatting by interrupts sounds hor-

It sure does! :)

Re: split up the changelog?

2015-06-19 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 6/19/15 12:22 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

But, what about making the changelog menu an accordion expander, and
then you have your version list right there on the left?

I really like that idea. The left nav is supposed to be an index to 
things, after all.

Re: split up the changelog?

2015-06-19 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 6/19/15 8:59 AM, anonymous wrote:

The changelog.html file is at about 1MB. That makes for a noticeable
load time. And with all the issue lists, it's also a pretty solid wall
of text: "Wait, is all this still for 2.067.0? Did I miss a version
heading? I think I'm lost."

Let's split it up by version!

Pull request:


I think these are the typical use cases for the changelog:

1) Looking up the changes in the latest or some particular version: This
benefits from a shorter load time and no more unrelated content.

2) Finding the version which made a particular change: This can't be
done with Ctrl+F anymore, as Vladimir Panteleev (CyberShadow) mentions
in the PR discussion. He also gives the alternative: google with
"". Good enough?

3) Reading through language history: This becomes more pleasant with a
split changelog, as you don't have to scroll over pages of bugzilla
issues anymore to get to the good stuff: prose and code samples.


I like it! My only suggestion is that perhaps the landing page should be 
the changelog for the latest version, since most of the time I'm 
interested in what the latest changes are.

Re: D could catch this wave: web assembly

2015-06-18 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d
On 6/18/15 10:41 AM, "Ola Fosheim =?UTF-8?B?R3LDuHN0YWQi?= 
" wrote:

And whyyy are they calling a binary format "assembly"?

Because it sounds faster, of course :)

Re: Better forums

2015-06-18 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 6/18/15 1:12 AM, Tofu Ninja wrote:

On Thursday, 18 June 2015 at 07:24:34 UTC, Jens Bauer wrote:

On Thursday, 18 June 2015 at 04:35:31 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:

On 18/06/2015 4:25 p.m., Joakim wrote:

On Thursday, 18 June 2015 at 04:01:42 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:
I agree with Rikki that it'd be better to add features to the web forum
in a backward-compatible way, such as putting tag names in the
titles or
using Markdown for the forum's markup, which is perfectly readable in

We're already doing it. Why not just make it easier? Also makes posts
like this a thing of the past.


Adding a "tag" field encourages tags to be used.

It would be particularly useful for me, as the [embedded] tag would
probably become my favourite. ;)

... Oh, and a "Like" button (and no dislike button), please. -That
works very well to encourage a good tone on the ARM Connected
Community :)
(I think "Like" and "Me too" buttons would only make sense in the


Replies with a +1 on a line by itself could also be considered a like,
so non web-interface users can like as well.

Also it might be beneficial to show the most liked post near the top or
have a link to it or something for D-learn so people can quickly see the


Re: Asked on Reddit: Which of Rust, D, Go, Nim, and Crystal is the strongest and why?

2015-06-11 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 6/10/15 6:43 PM, Tofu Ninja wrote:

On Thursday, 11 June 2015 at 01:30:08 UTC, weaselcat wrote:

'he' has been a gender neutral pronoun for centuries, and as far as
I'm aware this has its roots in latin using 'man'(vir?) as a gender
neutral pronoun.

I am just saying that personally it sounds odd to me to use it that way
and I don't hear people use it that way either. In gender neutral
contexts where you don't know the gender I almost always say/hear
they/their. Maybe he losing its gender neutrality is a recent thing, I
don't know. Maybe its just a thing with mid-westerners?

It does appear to be a recent thing, if you trust Wikipedia:

Also the earlier section on "Historical and dialectal gender-neutral 
pronouns" is interesting: maybe we can start using "a" or "yo" as pronouns.

Re: Automatic documentation builds

2015-06-11 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 6/11/15 7:04 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On 6/11/15 8:21 AM, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:

I've put together a CI system of sorts that builds the documentation for
all pull requests. Hopefully this should avoid the build
breaking again in the future. It integrates with GitHub as well, and on
repositories covered by Brad's auto-tester, will create a second status
for the documentation. The whole thing is Digger-powered, so uses the
same code as Digger and

Sample page:

Source code:

Cool fact: When you request a built file (e.g. a .html page), it'll
fetch the data directly from the Git cache repository, through a named
pipe (bypassing disk) connected to a long-living Git process. This is
also done transparently for included resources (images, CSS etc.)

On a PR I was doing for ddoc, the "old" and "new" seem to be reversed:

While randomly browsing through for a PR to see this magic on, I ran 
across an error page:

I get it when I click on the New link for merge.html on this page:

I believe that, like Steven says, the Old and New links are reversed 
(since the diff shows that merge.html to be new in this PR but the new 
page shows up under the Old link), and perhaps the tool should better 
handle added/deleted files.

In any case this is a seriously awesome tool!

Re: Asked on Reddit: Which of Rust, D, Go, Nim, and Crystal is the strongest and why?

2015-06-10 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 6/10/15 12:56 PM, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d wrote:

Please note, OED (which is the definition of the English language
whatever any USA upstarts may try to pretend) is gearing up to define
"they" as both singular and plural, thus at a stroke solving all the
he/she, she/he, (s)he, it faffing.

Is they out of its mind? :)

Re: Bad Sound Quality on Livestreamed Videos

2015-05-30 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 5/30/15 8:37 AM, John Colvin wrote:

On Saturday, 30 May 2015 at 14:12:10 UTC, Per Nordlöw wrote:

The livestreaming videos just published are really frustrating to
watch because lots of stuttering in speech about once every 20 seconds
or so and sometimes difficult to here what people say.

Sorry about that, the WiFi wasn't quite up to the task at some points.
Hopefully it was still better than nothing :)

Much better; I really enjoyed the livestream. And the quality was pretty 
good, considering its impromptu nature. Many thanks!

Re: D installer installs outdated D

2015-05-22 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 5/22/15 10:53 AM, Chris wrote:

Hi other Chris. Just to make sure, people can tell us apart :-)

Uh, oh; an identity Chrisis!

Re: D, Python, and Chapel

2015-04-03 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 4/3/15 6:36 AM, Gary Willoughby wrote:

Chapel overview:

Their hello world examples do a fantastic job of illustrating their main 
selling point. My hat's off to whoever put that on their site.

D may have difficulty coming up with something like that, since its 
selling point(s) may be harder to distil. But if we could, it should get 
front 'n' center attention on

Re: unittests are really part of the build, not a special run

2015-04-02 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 4/2/15 2:46 PM, Wyatt wrote:

On Thursday, 2 April 2015 at 20:55:04 UTC, David Gileadi wrote:

Having never used Cucumber but having been interested in it, what was
the unpleasantness?

Dealing with it at work, I find it puts us scarily at the mercy of
regexen in Ruby, which is unsettling to say the least.  More pressingly,
the "plain English" method of writing tests hinders my ability to figure
out what the test is actually trying to do. There's not enough structure
to give you good visual anchors that are easy to follow, so I end up
having to build a mental model of an entire feature file every time I
look at it.  It's hugely inconvenient.  And if I can't remember what a
phrase corresponds to, I have to hunt down the implementation and read
that anyway, so it's not saving any time or making life any easier.


On 4/2/15 2:32 PM, Dicebot wrote:
> The very fact of being forced to install some external application)
> which is not even available in my distro repositories) to run set of
> basic tests that could be done with 10 line D or shell script instead.
> It is hardly surprising that so far I preferred to submit pull requests
> without testing instead.

Thanks to you both for the answers!

Re: unittests are really part of the build, not a special run

2015-04-02 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 4/2/15 1:34 PM, Dicebot wrote:

On Wednesday, 1 April 2015 at 20:48:43 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:

On Wednesday, 1 April 2015 at 19:31:37 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

P.S. I hate all the Ruby testing facilities, hate with bloody passion.

You're going to _love_ my DConf talk ;) I was expecting that already,
you let me know what you thought of them last year!


Oh yeah, looking forward to listening it :) I had an unpleasant
experience of encountering Cucumber when trying to contribute to dstep
so this specific name is like a trigger to me :)

Having never used Cucumber but having been interested in it, what was 
the unpleasantness?

Re: Named unittests

2015-03-31 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 3/31/15 3:28 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 3/31/15 2:50 PM, Martin Nowak wrote:

On 03/30/2015 11:52 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

I'd like to make a DIP for named unittests. Who can help me with that?

Why a DIP, isn't the only question what syntax to use.

unittest (myname) vs. unittest ("mynameexpression")

Also unittest myname and unittest "mynameexpression". There will be no
shortage of folks willing to debate this to smithereens.

One argument for myname (using standard identifier naming rules) is that 
it's command-line friendly: it won't require quoting when invoking a 
single unit test, and tends toward shorter names. It may also be more 
obvious that standard identifier names would use the existing lookup 
rules for guaranteeing uniqueness among unittest names.

One argument for "mynameexpression" is that it allows for nice 
descriptions (e.g. unittest "count should accept a custom comparator 

One compromise might be something like:
@description("count should accept a custom comparator function")
unittest countCustomComparator
Under this example the unittest could be invoked from the command line 
by the countCustomComparator name or possibly by the description string 
as an alternative.

For the very little it's worth my bikeshed is painted without 
parentheses, assuming that's easily implemented.

Re: Where's "This week in D?"

2015-03-24 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 3/24/15 11:09 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 3/24/15 10:52 AM, CraigDillabaugh wrote:

On Monday, 23 March 2015 at 21:28:27 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

No issue for the past week? -- Andrei

Maybe Adam was vaporized by Aliens!

Adam was on reddit a couple of hours ago. This is a bit of a bummer
because an important feature of a weekly newsletter is that it's, well,
weekly. -- Andrei

In this case it's only weakly weekly.

Re: A few notes on choosing between Go and D for a quick project

2015-03-20 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 3/19/15 10:22 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/19/2015 10:44 AM, Joakim wrote:

One underused resource seems to be all the examples bearophile has put on
Rosetta Code:

If he, Adam, or some other proficient D user were to do a weekly
series breaking
down each of those 733 examples one at a time- what idioms were used, why
certain variations were more efficient- that could go a long way to
the language and its idioms to beginners.  It would provide enough
examples for
14 years of such a weekly series, by which time D3 will be getting

I didn't know about rosettacode. Thanks! It also might be a great
resource for better examples to use in the Phobos documentation.

Someone who knows about copyright/licensing would probably need to check 
that it's okay if we plan to use them verbatim. If we can't then it 
might be worth linking to the above page from somewhere on

Re: Enhancement: issue error on all public functions that are missing ddoc sections

2015-03-20 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 3/19/15 3:26 PM, deadalnix wrote:

On Thursday, 19 March 2015 at 22:04:01 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/19/2015 2:43 AM, deadalnix wrote:

Here is what will pass review :

Presumably the reviewers will have some common sense and taste.

class User {
* Accessor to get the id of the user.
* @return : the id of the user
   uint getUserID() { ... }

* Accessor to get the name of the user.
* @return : the name of the user
   string getName() { ... }

Accessor functions that merely return a field variable are bull anyway.

That is completely missing the point. If that is not clear enough :

  * This class is the in program represention for a user.
  * It contains various user related data, and provides
  * various facilities for common user related operations.
class User {
  * Accessor to get the id of the user.
  * @return : the id of the user
 uint getUserID() { ... }

  * Accessor to get the name of the user.
  * @return : the name of the user
 string getName() { ... }

  * This method will subscribe the user to the Subscribable
  * passed as argument.
  * S: The Subscribable the user is going to subsribe to.
  * @throw CantSubscribeException : In case the subscription fails,
  * an exception is thrown.
 void subscribeUserTo(Subsribable S) { ... }

  * Send a message to the user. This can be used for commercial offers
  * or general information about the system.
  * msg: The message you wish to send to the user.
  * @throw MessageNotSentException : If for some reason, the message
  * sent properly, a MessageNotSentException is sent.
 sendMessage(string msg) { ... }

// And so on like forever...

Mandatory comment block is how you end up with overbloated code like
this where it is explained to you 3 times in the comment what the
method's name already tells you. And that is only the begging because
starting from this point, overtime, comment become more and more out of
date to ends up looking like an surrealistic form of humor.

I agree with the uselessly overcommented code you describe; I've seen 
plenty of it too.

And yet there is a little room for useful comments here: does getName 
return the user's given/family name or an account username? Possibly 
obviated by the context of whatever app this User class is in, but how 
will the user receive the sent message? Comments on purpose and use can 
save a bit of maintenance developers' time.

Re: A few notes on choosing between Go and D for a quick project

2015-03-18 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 3/18/15 4:54 PM, David Gileadi wrote:

On 3/18/15 4:48 PM, jkpl wrote:

On Wednesday, 18 March 2015 at 23:41:41 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/18/2015 5:45 AM, CraigDillabaugh wrote:

You said that "Unfortunately" this thinking is going out of style
"for good
reasons".   I am confused (sorry, I am at work, and didn't have time
to watch
the 1+ hour video you linked to - maybe some clues were there)!

Consider this C code:


typedef long T;
bool find(T *array, size_t dim, T t) {
 int i;
 for (i = 0; i <= dim; i++);
int v = array[i];
if (v == t)
return true;

There are several bugs in it. I've showed this to probably over 1000
programmers, and nobody found all the bugs in it (they are obvious
once pointed out). It is not easy to write bug free loop code, and
find() is a trivial function.

just for fun:

1/ '<=' instead of '<'
2/ array should be tested against null before entering the loop
3/ 'int v' instead of 'T v'

Got them all ?

4. The semicolon after the for loop's closing paren...

5. No return if the item isn't found, leading to undefined behavior.

There may well be more, but I'll stop spamming this topic. Sorry Walter.

Re: A few notes on choosing between Go and D for a quick project

2015-03-18 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 3/18/15 4:48 PM, jkpl wrote:

On Wednesday, 18 March 2015 at 23:41:41 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/18/2015 5:45 AM, CraigDillabaugh wrote:

You said that "Unfortunately" this thinking is going out of style
"for good
reasons".   I am confused (sorry, I am at work, and didn't have time
to watch
the 1+ hour video you linked to - maybe some clues were there)!

Consider this C code:


typedef long T;
bool find(T *array, size_t dim, T t) {
 int i;
 for (i = 0; i <= dim; i++);
int v = array[i];
if (v == t)
return true;

There are several bugs in it. I've showed this to probably over 1000
programmers, and nobody found all the bugs in it (they are obvious
once pointed out). It is not easy to write bug free loop code, and
find() is a trivial function.

just for fun:

1/ '<=' instead of '<'
2/ array should be tested against null before entering the loop
3/ 'int v' instead of 'T v'

Got them all ?

4. The semicolon after the for loop's closing paren...

Re: DIP74: Reference Counted Class Objects

2015-02-27 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d
On 2/27/15 6:36 AM, "Marc =?UTF-8?B?U2Now7x0eiI=?= " 

On Friday, 27 February 2015 at 08:26:14 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:

On Thursday, 26 February 2015 at 22:04:09 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 2/26/15 2:03 PM, Brian Schott wrote:

One of the first things that stood out to me is that "add ref" is two
words and "release" is one. For the sake of symmetry, how about these:
*  opIncRef, opDecRef
*  opAcquire, opRelease

All - please PLEASE do not derail this into yet another debate about
which names are best. -- Andrei

Using protocols rather than enforcing a particular implementation is
nice, but D needs to stop reinventing terminology and syntax matters.

-- snip --

AddRef/Release is established COM terminology.

One reason for keeping COM terminology might be if can automatically take advantage of DIP74. Of 
course this could also be a downside—would DIP74 break existing COM code 
in D?

Re: RFC: std.*.concept convention

2015-02-11 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 2/11/15 12:47 PM, Brad Anderson wrote:

On Wednesday, 11 February 2015 at 08:00:54 UTC, Jakob Ovrum wrote:


Putting the complexity of the container concept aside; I think we
should factor out the concept checkers from std.range.primitives and
put them in std.range.concept and establish a convention of using
modules named std.*.concept for concept checkers in the future. The
consistency gained by such a convention makes type concepts easier to
understand and commonly used module names easier to remember. If we do
it now, there is no breakage, as the splitting of std.range has not
yet been released: hence the otherwise clumsy timing of this suggestion.


+1. Makes a lot of sense to do it this way.

I prefer "concept" over "trait". I think of traits as more primitive
building blocks. With a trait you are querying information about a type.
With a concept you are fitting a type to its requirements.

My uneducated feeling is that if there's a clear dividing line as to 
what is a trait and what is a concept—for instance if they have 
different syntax—then it makes sense to have two names. Otherwise I 
think it makes more sense to have just one. Fuzzy categorization tends 
to hurt.

Re: Should we remove int[$] before 2.067?

2015-02-02 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 2/1/15 9:26 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

I agree indecision is bad. -- Andrei

Whereas I'm still on the fence...

Re: [website redesign] PR for the one with the big red menu bar

2015-01-30 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 1/30/15 9:30 AM, anonymous wrote:

Another variant somewhere between the all-red one and the all-grey one:

I think it might look better if the red blends into the gray:

Re: redesign -- the state of documentation and learning resources [part 2]

2015-01-26 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 1/25/15 4:42 AM, Andrej Mitrovic via Digitalmars-d wrote:

Here's another one:

The search box allows selecting between:
- Entire D Site
- Library reference
- Newsgroup archives

But where's the Language spec option?

It's missing due to how is set up, and the limitations of 
Google's site search feature. If you click on a link in the language 
spec, like on Types, you'll notice that its URL has the page directly 
under, e.g.

In contrast, the standard library is in a subfolder (e.g. and the newsgroup archives 
are in another subfolder. Being in a subfolder allows us to pass a 
prefix parameter to Google's site search that will limit its results to 
URLS with that prefix. Since the language reference isn't in a subfolder 
there's no prefix for the language reference that doesn't also include 
everything else in the site, and hence there's no option for Language Spec.

I don't know how hard it would be to put all the language spec pages 
into their own subfolder, but doing so would allow us to add the 
Language Spec option to the dropdown.

Re: Thanks to p0nce for a nicer DConf logo!

2015-01-19 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 1/19/15, 3:02 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

The thing is, there are several state abbreviations that always confuse
people. For instance AL is Alabama, but could be Alaska (AK) and AK
might be confused as Arkansas (AR), which may be confused as Arizona (AZ).*

I can confirm this: as a teen from UT I took a job at a gas station near 
the north rim of the Grand Canyon in AZ and spent most of the summer 
entering AR as the state code on their paper credit card entry form. 
Finally someone kindly set me straight.

In any case I think the potential confusion from "UT" in the 
headline may be mitigated by the fact that it's preceded by "Utah" in 
the university name.

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-19 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 11/19/14, 9:12 AM, bearophile wrote:

David Gileadi:

writefln("%s", b.length - a.length);  // Yup, 2
writefln("%s", a.length - b.length);  // WAT? 18446744073709551614

Nowadays a better way to write such kind of code is using the Phobos
"signed" function:

writefln("%s", b.length.signed - a.length.signed);
writefln("%s", a.length.signed - b.length.signed);

But this requires the following knowledge:
1. That the signed function exists, and its location. As a casual D 
programmer I didn't know about it.
2. That there's a need for it at all, which requires knowing that length 
is unsigned. I did know this, but I bet in the heat of programming I'd 
easily forget it. In a semi-complex algorithm the bug could easily hide 
for a long time before biting.

This is why I agree with Don that:

> Having arr.length return an unsigned type, is a dreadful
language mistake.

This mistake is by design. Walter has resisted several times turning
them into signed values, and even making size_t a type strongly
different from uint/ulong. I don't agree with this design decision, but
it's unlikely that Walter has changed his mind on it. So better to go on
and discuss other things more likely to happen.

Yes, I bet you're right about the likelihood of change.

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-19 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 11/19/14, 6:57 AM, ketmar via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Wed, 19 Nov 2014 13:47:50 +
Don via Digitalmars-d  wrote:

If I have two pencils of length 10 cm and 15 cm, then the first
one is -5 cm longer than the other.

and again "length" is not a relation. show me pencil of length -10 cm.
when you substractin lengthes, you got completely different type as a
result, not "length" anymore. ah, that untyped real-life math! ;-)

To me the salient point is that this is not just a mess with real-life 
math but also with math in D: lengths are unsigned but people subtract 
them all the time. If they're (un)lucky this will return correct values 
for a while, but then someday the lengths may be reversed and the values 
will be hugely wrong:

int[] a = [1, 2, 3];
int[] b = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1];

writefln("%s", b.length - a.length);  // Yup, 2
writefln("%s", a.length - b.length);  // WAT? 18446744073709551614

This is why I agree with Don that:

> Having arr.length return an unsigned type, is a dreadful language
> mistake.

Re: D in my trashbin

2014-10-27 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 10/24/14, 5:05 PM, ketmar via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Fri, 24 Oct 2014 23:59:08 +
Kyoji Klyden via Digitalmars-d  wrote:

I'm not sure what else we could call it though.. D.ask?
.questions is good.

Others have suggested D.users.

Re: OT: Minecraft death by GC

2014-10-21 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 10/21/14, 2:47 AM, monarch_dodra wrote:

Hurp, I wonder why GC issues only appear with application that use a GC.

Also, the issue of memory leak and core dumps seem to only appear when
you use a systems language. How crazy is that?

Happily with a little work D allows you to have both! :)

Re: D mention on

2014-09-26 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 9/26/14, 11:25 AM, Walter Bright wrote:

I see the Apple blog did mention D. A glorious exception!

Which is odd because Swift doesn't support exception handling :)

Re: Automated source translation of C++ to D

2014-08-22 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 8/22/14 1:29 AM, David Nadlinger wrote:

On Friday, 22 August 2014 at 07:48:30 UTC, Daniel Murphy wrote:

So no, you can't magically upgrade a project from C++ to D.

Hence the name "magicport"?

Sorry, could not resist.

It's pronounced "sufficiently advanced technology port" :)

Re: What have I missed?

2014-08-09 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 8/9/14, 2:16 AM, Era Scarecrow wrote:

On Saturday, 9 August 2014 at 09:15:10 UTC, Era Scarecrow wrote:

and run as a LiceCD on a VM that contains all the tools and

   LiveCD LIVE!!! Wish i had an edit button for quick edits...

Yeah, NNTP is lousy for editing.

Re: assert semantic change proposal

2014-08-07 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 8/7/14, 9:51 AM, Sean Kelly wrote:

On Thursday, 7 August 2014 at 07:57:14 UTC, Johannes Pfau wrote:

Attempting to continue operating is irresponsible if the program is
doing or can do anything important.

Again: unittests?

unittests shouldn't use assert.  Or alternately, we can have
onAssertError (the assertion failure callback) do something different if
unit testing is taking place than when the program is actually running.

Considering that TDPL, Ali's Book[1] and[2] all use assert 
when introducing unittest, I think the latter solution is probably the 
right one.


Re: checkedint call removal

2014-07-29 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 7/29/14, 1:52 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

I find this splitting of hares ... to be entirely meaningless.

Hunters claim that rabbit tastes less gamey, if we're going to be 
splitting anything.

(Please forgive the silliness.)

Re: What Programming Book Should I Read Next?

2014-07-28 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 7/26/14, 4:26 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 04:23:23PM -0700, Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d wrote:

Ali's book is the latest, so I posted that one!

What about TDPL? Even though it's somewhat dated, it *was* what finally
drove me to non-trivial programming in D.

I am, alas, still a D dabbler, but I'm a huge fan of Andrei's book. It's 
not just the fantastic content, it's also the engaging style. I like it 
so well that I read it once in a while just for enjoyment.

Re: WAT: opCmp and opEquals woes

2014-07-23 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 7/23/14, 11:09 AM, Dicebot wrote:

On Wednesday, 23 July 2014 at 17:15:12 UTC, Ary Borenszweig wrote:

Imagine you have a list of integers and strings denoting integers: [1,
"2", 100, "38"]. Now you want to sort them according to their numeric
value. Of course, 1 and "1" would have the same order. However, 1 and
"1" are different, so "==" would give false, while 1.opCmp("1") would
give 0.

Equality and comparison are different. opCmp is used for sorting
objects, which has nothing to do with equality. Inferring equality
from opCmp is wrong in my opinion.

Well this is why you can actually override those :) I think automatic
opCmd -> opEqual generation covers vast majority of use cases and as
such will have a vary good effort / decreased annoyance ratio.

I agree. In fact I think if you've implemented opCmp to sort 1 and "1" 
as equal that in most cases you'd expect "1" and 1 to compare as 
logically equal. Automatic opCmp -> opEquals seems like a very sane 
default to me.

Re: [OT] Uploading DConf videos

2014-07-18 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 7/18/14, 9:32 AM, ponce wrote:

On Friday, 18 July 2014 at 15:44:21 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 7/17/14, 11:53 PM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 18/07/14 03:55, Israel Rodriguez wrote:

This man has it right. I dont think quality is a huge issue though
unless youre watching something that needs to be sensitive to the
eye in
which case youtube will work just fine for these videos.

Youtube supports resolutions of 4k, I don't see the problem with

Somehow the same DConf videos are of better quality on
than on Could you explain that? -- Andrei serves the same file you uploaded to Youtube, without change.

Youtube always re-encodes the video, for various reasons:
- sources are very heterogeneous
- multiple formats needed for various devices, various resolutions, and
bandwidth adaptation
- insanely low bitrates (3000kbps for 1080p H.264 is scarce, yet it's
not so bad with the encode Youtube does)

So while Youtube quality might be worse, the used bitrates are probably
not the same. My opinion is that it's best to let Youtube serve the
content for maximum reach.

And you can always download a high-quality version from YouTube in 
various formats (including the original format) using something like 

Re: Weird…

2014-07-15 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 7/15/14, 9:56 AM, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d wrote:

Funny how when people send big smiles, they always mention D?



I seem to recall that at some point someone proposed a larger version of 
:D as a logo for dlang. It even preserves the two moons :D

Re: Cool Stuff for D that we keep Secret

2014-07-14 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 7/14/14, 5:03 AM, w0rp wrote:

Then I wondered if the "Documentation" section should be
renamed "Language Specifications" and the links renamed to
"DMD 1" and "DMD 2" or if they should be merged into the
sections for DMD 1 and DMD 2 respectively, because 7 year old
DMD 1 specs are now pretty much obsolete? Someone new to the
web site looking for (current) compiler documentation will
only get confused.

That's a good shout. I like the "Language Specifications"
suggestion. I'll make a note to change that later.

When I first reorganized the current site I ended up using "Language 
Reference" and "Library Reference" for the D-spec and Phobos docs, 
respectively. There was also a collection of articles which fell under 
documentation, for lack of a better place to put them, and the 
Documentation section has grown since.

I don't know where the documentation link should take you, but there are 
a number of sections under the current Documentation (including not one, 
not two but three "tutorial" links, each named slightly differently and 
all of which leave I personally think that "Language 
Specification" is a bit narrow to cover all those topics.

Re: This week's pull stats

2014-07-14 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 7/13/14, 10:32 PM, Brad Roberts via Digitalmars-d wrote:

I'm playing with the idea of a once a week sort of status email.
There's a lot of people to thank and recognize their valuable work.

With the recent calls for more folks to review pull requests, I think a 
message like this may help with motivation and with keeping the topic 
fresh in folks' minds.

It might be worth also including a link to the pull request page(s).

In any case I like the idea of a weekly update like this.

Re: Random points from a D n00b CTO

2014-07-14 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 7/14/14, 4:56 AM, Joakim wrote:

One line of thought that's been evolving for me lately is that D needs a
blog, where we can highlight good stuff about the language.  Go has one:

This post should go on D's:

I could see H.S. Teoh writing a series of such posts, expanding on each
of the bullet points.  Right now, he'll throw something off on the forum
and it'll get buried by all the posts on here, missed by most users.  A
blog is where such material could be highlighted.

We even have a D blog engine built on vibe.d that we could put to use:

I'd be happy to administer such a blog, if it's a matter of someone

I think some of Walter's Dr. Dobb's posts would also fit very well in a 
D blog format. It would be cool if he could get permission to post a 
copy on this hypothetical blog.

The current Articles section on the website may have some overlap with 
the purposes of a blog, too. Perhaps they could be merged somehow, or 
perhaps provide a "promotion" process from one to the other.

This blog idea (and offer to volunteer) probably deserves its own thread.

Re: before D there was d

2014-07-09 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 7/9/14, 6:17 AM, jim schmit wrote:

i recently sent this email to andrei.  he encouraged me to post it in
this forum.  here it is:

hi andrei

a colleague  recently pointed me to the wired article about you & your D
computer language.  thought you might be interested an earlier attempt
to produce a new & better computer language that we called d (lower
case).  fear not, i am an engineer, not a lawyer, & do not sue people.

my name is jim schmit.  i am a retired engineer / professor /
entrepreneur / international business man / corporate executive.  I
wrote my 1st program over 50 years ago.  i worked for IBM as a systems
engineer on the first OS on big iron.  disillusioned with the
consequences of complexity in computer design (i am a pathological
minimalist), i dropped out to become a computer science professor & "do
my own thing".  i was extremely active at the birth of the
microcomputer. in the mid 70's i created a programming system for small
cheap control computers based on a stack architecture pseudo machine.
  it was tiny intended to fit entirely in a 2K byte eprom.  the run time
system consisted of a set of “base” functions that fit in less than 1/2
K bytes of memory.  there was no interpreter, the code was threaded.
the application fit in the other 1 1/2K.  the functions used byte codes
& used less than 1/3 the space of well written machine language and ran
at 1/2 the speed of machine code.  net results…3x the functionality in
the same rom while far easier to write & debug code.  i called it omega

before i could commercialize my system, i was distracted.
i was commissioned to design & build what became known as CompuTrac, the
first microcomputer based technical analytic system for trading the
commodities markets.  it became an instant hit & we soon found ourselves
at the forefront of real time trading systems.  we developed initially
for the apple II & later the PC.

by the late 70’s we were searching for a new hardware platform &
disappointed in the options available decided to “roll our own”. we
revisited omega as the basis for a real time graphic workstation.  a
former customer, turned competitor, named his product omega, so we
renamed the language d (after c).  with 2 former student assistants,
paul johnstone & ana maria roa, we started delta digital designs “strong
designs & innovative coffee”.

we introduced our delta computer with d software in late ’83. the
software extended into the new windowed environment but remained small &
quick.  Our first product was called TradePlan. it was a real time
vector spreadsheet with constantly changing graphic output.  it could
monitor 3 real time ticker feeds of exchange trading data, maintain a
local data base of time series prices, feed 4 spreadsheets that were
fully user programable to calculate technical indicators & create a
trading system with alarms of opportunity & display all on constantly
updating charts.  the d machine run time system containing multitasking
scheduler, real time i/o handlers, a complete graphic windowing
capability ran in under 8K of code.  The trade plan app code was under
24K.  running on a 6809 processor, it was highly user responsive & could
keep up with the workload.

it became famous in it’s small world of finance.  In 1985 both CompuTrac
& Delta Digital Designs was bought by Dow Jones / Telerate.

at dow, our products were renamed, extended & added to.  we did another
product called Matrix that was a user programmable financial market
monitor / consolidator that proved very popular.  In the late 80’s our
products generated just under $1B revenue for DJ.

Matrix used the 3rd iteration of the d language, rebuilt to be fully
object oriented.

I retired in 1992 but my team continued the work for dow & a series of
other owners until 2003.

if any of this is of any interest to you, please let me know.


Whew, Walter dodged a bullet there by capitalizing his "D" language! :)

Seriously though, this is a fascinating glimpse at some interesting 
technology and history. Many thanks for taking the time to post this here.

Re: Thanks for the bounty!

2014-07-08 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 4 July 2014 at 20:31:20 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 7/4/2014 5:49 AM, Andrej Mitrovic via Digitalmars-d wrote:
Now *that* I definitely cannot work on. It's a complete 
conflict of

interest due to our two companies. :)

Dang, we can't afford any mutiny on the bounty!

I just have to say, it's messages like this that keep me reading 
this newsgroup! :)

Re: Redesign of

2014-06-30 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 6/30/14, 2:11 PM, Gary Willoughby wrote:

On Sunday, 29 June 2014 at 22:15:48 UTC, w0rp wrote:

I just finished translating all of the pages I have worked on so far
from diet templates to Markdown files. Now there is only one diet
layout loaded, and the rest is all Markdown files. This has
dramatically reduced the amount of memory consumed at build time. You
can see the results at the usual place at and
view the source on GitHub. I'll keep at it and convert more pages from
the main site.

Please use the correct logo and the correct colours. Branding is
extremely important!

My opinion is that the redesign preserves the spirit of the current logo 
while fitting in well with the flatter look. I think someone who sees 
the one logo will recognize the other in it (unlike some of the recent 
proposed logos).

Re: Redesign of

2014-06-30 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 6/29/14, 3:15 PM, w0rp wrote:

I just finished translating all of the pages I have worked on so far
from diet templates to Markdown files. Now there is only one diet layout
loaded, and the rest is all Markdown files. This has dramatically
reduced the amount of memory consumed at build time. You can see the
results at the usual place at and view the source
on GitHub. I'll keep at it and convert more pages from the main site.

This is looking really good!

Re: D Logos

2014-06-24 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 6/24/14, 9:03 AM, Alix Pexton wrote:

On 22/06/2014 9:52 AM, Alix Pexton wrote:

I feel that most of the new logos that have been proposed lately are too
much of a departure from what we already have, so I'm throwing a few of
my own designs into the ring.


In the spirit of being my own harshest critic, I did one more logo that
addresses my biggest gripe with the originals. While the originals were
still distinctive at small sizes, the incorporated letter-Ds became
illegible. This revision retains the same character but with more
clarity when shrunk.


I really like this. With all the three-faced cube designs I worry a 
little that it's saying "3D" instead of "D language" but I mostly don’t 
care; this is a very good-looking logo.

Re: Adding the ?. null verification

2014-06-23 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 6/21/14, 4:32 PM, deadalnix wrote:

On Saturday, 21 June 2014 at 22:40:32 UTC, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d

On Sat, Jun 21, 2014 at 03:26:45PM -0700, Andrei Alexandrescu via
Digitalmars-d wrote:

On 6/19/14, 1:29 PM, Etienne wrote:

"or" is really nice and terse. I think we should add that to std.
safeDeref isn't the best choice of name.


What's your suggestion?


maybe is fine. Last time I checked, it isn't only a monad in haskell,
but also vastly used by these peoples who speak english.

I like "maybe" too. "nullSafe" might also be a reasonable bikeshed color.

Re: A Perspective on D from game industry

2014-06-16 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 6/15/14, 11:56 PM, w0rp wrote:

I was considering getting a job in the games industry, so I applied to a
bunch of places in the UK during my final year of university. When you
filtered out the jobs that were looking for years of industry
experience, then filtered out the jobs that expected you to work
terribly long hours, you got to the positions that said, "We'll get you
started as a tester."

I switched to web development, where I work roughly 9-5 for a good
salary, and I never looked back.

Pretty similar to me, although like Nick I never even tried to 
interview. Now I write iPhone games as a hobby with no pressure to try 
to make a living from it, and enjoy it quite a bit!

Re: [OT] DConf socks

2014-06-10 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 6/10/14, 1:52 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 6/10/2014 1:18 AM, JR wrote:

Missed opportunity to use std.socks.assumeMine and netting yourself an

The trouble with the socks datatype is the destructor is randomly run on
only one of each pair.

For Windows users this situation was recently complicated by marking 
winsock.d as nothrow, with the upshot that now you can't throw away the 
remaining sock.

Re: pyd - continuous integration

2014-06-10 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 6/10/14, 1:31 AM, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Mon, 2014-06-09 at 22:37 +, Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d

So pyd is at the point where it really needs some sort of test
suite runner. It's kind of complicated since I need to test

* multiple versions of dmd/ldc/gdc
* multiple versions of python (2.4 - 3.4, but I'm thinking of
dropping 2.4 and 2.5 this year)

Unless there is an extant user base for 2.4 and 2.5, I would drop them
with immediate effect, which would allow to upgrade to a reasonable
Python code quality. There are very few people still stuck with 2.5 even
fewer with 2.4 and increasingly 2.6 is going away (but not totally
thanks to Red Hat :-(

I suggest ignoring 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2, and supporting only 3.3 and later.
This gives a much greater chance of having a single Python codebase
executable with either 2.7 or 3.3/3.4. So if you can drop 2.6 as well,
things get almost livable with.

Personally I only use 3.4, but there are those who will not upgrade and
insist on using 2.7.

* redhat, ubuntu, osx, windows, etc

Fedora and Debian.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how or where to set this up?
I had a peek at atlassian bamboo, but it looks like it only plays
with ec2, which I don't know anything about.

There is TeamCity, I am involved in a couple of projects using that.
Works well and (unsurprisingly) had excellent support in IntelliJ IDEA
and PyCharm.

Bamboo can be a bit of a pain, but once set up work well. I am using the
Codehaus instance because some of the project I work on are Codehaus

You could run Jenkins somewhere.

I guess the issue is being able to set up 9 or 10 virtual machines for
all the variants needed.

Perhaps a good solution would be to run Buildbot, have the server local
to you and ask for volunteers to offer slaves. This used to work very
well for me for a now dead project. It also used to work excellently for
the SCons project, but since the exit of the two main developers, there
has been a bit of hiatus. This is being fixed now, and a good Buildbot
set up being put in place.

In regards to setting up virtual machines the folks at my work use 
Vagrant. I don't have experience with this but I thought I'd mention it 
in case it helps.

Re: What's going on with std.experimental.lexer?

2014-06-10 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 6/10/14, 3:57 AM, Iain Buclaw via Digitalmars-d wrote:

I agree all the way with std.experimental as the package name.  Though
I might throw in an alternative argument to stdx and instead promote
unsafe.* or std.unsafe.  ;-)

The only issue I see with *.unsafe.* is that it sounds related to 
@safety. So far I haven't seen a better name than std.experimental.

Re: [OT] Extra time spent

2014-06-06 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 6/6/14, 11:01 AM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

Bottom line is, managers are purely liabilities, not assets.

It's no surprise to me that the best software out there is usually OSS,
where there isn't one damn manager anywhere to be found. Funny how
people think managers perform an actual function, and yet we get by fine
- BETTER - without their existence.

In my experience a good manager protects you from outrageous demands 
from the customer. Just the kinds of examples that were mentioned 
earlier in this thread, in fact.

I'm lucky to have had a couple of managers that actually do this, and 
I'm super grateful for them.

Re: Optional monitors suggestion

2014-05-19 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 5/18/14, 7:10 AM, David Nadlinger wrote:

... Java classes could just be
translated to "@synchronizable class" or whatever.

Whether we preserve backwards compatibility or not, @synchronizable has 
my vote for the bikeshed's color.

Re: New opportunities for D => ASM.js

2014-05-16 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 5/16/14, 11:52 AM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

But then using it as a GUI engine and software platform is like abusing
Latex or PDF to make software run inside Acrobat Viewer. All the effort,
bloat and compromises...and for what point?

I assume that question is mostly rhetorical, because of course the point 
for many companies is that while some subset of users may have Acrobat 
Viewer installed, everyone has a browser. Compare the process of 
installing a native app (even on simple devices like phones) to the 
single click for loading a web app. Add to that making sure the user 
gets timely bug fixes and new features and it's easy to see why web apps 
make sense for many companies.

It's just tragic that the format for them evolved through HTML; it's 
become monstrous and deformed in all the ways you've discussed.

Re: Redesign of

2014-05-06 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d
Is this still happening? Is there a repo or a place I can go to 

Re: std.allocator: false pointers

2014-05-02 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 5/2/14, 11:56 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

If speed is no issue, sure :o). My intuition is that the TwoBitVector
would need certain primitives from BitVector to work well.

Heh, however it's implemented, TwoBitVector's very name implies that 
it's cheap to use ;)

Re: Redesign of

2014-04-21 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 4/21/14, 12:38 PM, Aleksandar Ruzicic wrote:

I'm not sure if it is smart to use simple text macro processing system
as a replacement for full-featured DSL such is Sass. And I don't think
that some features available (and really useful!) in Sass are even
possible with Ddoc. For example branching with @if, composing of various
style sets to optimal CSS (Sass has @extend directive for this).
Also, Ddoc can't minify resulting CSS which is something that is
considered good practice (serve gzipped minified JS/CSS), so some
external tool must be used for that. With node-sass we can get all that
and more (i.e. source maps)..

A little searching turned up which apparently is the native 
library that node.js uses for its implementation. So if there's an 
objection to full node.js (or if vibe.d is used) then perhaps the native 
library would do.

Re: Redesign of

2014-04-18 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 4/18/14, 9:25 AM, Aleksandar Ruzicic wrote:

On Friday, 18 April 2014 at 15:30:52 UTC, David Gileadi wrote:


Also note that there's a movement to make at least part of the website
(the Phobos docs) use a different documentation generator, so the new
look would need to be ported to that too. I suspect that wouldn't be

I wasn't aware of that, do you by any chance have links to those threads?

I'm having trouble finding the thread, but I think the idea was to use 
vibe.d's ddox[1]. There's a preview of it live at the "Preview new 
Layout" link at Folks, please correct me if I got this wrong 
and that preview is not powered by ddox.


Finally I like your look; I think it would be worth refining and
pursuing. I make no claim to be a graphic designer and I'm certainly
not offended by any criticism of the current look; at the time I had
two goals; 1) look better than the previous site at
and 2) tame the massive sidebar into something more reasonable. I
think they both succeeded but I'm very aware that things can look better.

Thanks! It is just a mockup I made in an hour or so, I would like
to have some real designer(s) involved in this to make it really better.

If you have access to real designers (as you mentioned in another 
message) that would be fantastic. I think the mockup you created is 
already a good direction but folks with experience in UX, typography, 
responsive design etc. could probably make properly great.

The current design is waaay better than what we had before and I thank you
on that! That change was really refreshing.
I just think that we should keep pushing forward. And I would also like if
you could be able to join me in a new redesign (if it gets approval), at
in a consulting role. :)

I'd be happy to help. My time is more divided nowadays but I'm sure I 
can put some time into this. While we're at it some good mobile support 
would be awesome too.



Re: Redesign of

2014-04-18 Thread David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d

On 4/18/14, 7:22 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Fri, 18 Apr 2014 10:04:03 -0400, Aleksandar Ruzicic


I've been D enthusiast for couple of years now (but I do not
participate much in discussions here, although I read forums almost
daily), and I keep telling people about D and how awesome it is.


But, all this time D's official website somehow archaic look kept
troubling me. It reminds me of early 2000's design and I really cannot
associate this design with "modern" or "elegant", what D really is.
I think that we must invest time and energy improving the website's
look and feel as that is what people first coming to D will see. We
need to strive for "wow" and not "meh" as a first impression.

So I have started this thread to see if there is a chance for complete
redesign of

I have also tried to design something myself (although I'm not a
designer) and this is what I came up with:

I'm not entirely satisfied with it but I believe that it looks better
(or at least more modern) than the current design.

So, what do you guys think?

To be honest, it looks no "better" than the current website. Basically
it's more windows-8-ish. But I don't think it's a significant
improvement. BTW, I don't think you properly remember early 2000's web

I don't share your opinion that the web site need to be "modern" to
avoid warding off potential adopters. If they are turned off of using a
system programming language by a bland (debatable) site look and feel,
then I think there was really something else bothering them.

That being said, changing look and feel has a "this site is being
maintained" air to it. I just don't think it's critical enough at this
point to diverge talent away from working on the language.


As the guy who was mostly responsible for the current look and feel of 
the website I can provide some insight into the effort required. The 
website is built using DDoc[1], and anyone who wants to change the look 
and feel will need to learn it. It's not difficult. It does mean that 
the site is static HTML, so any dynamism needs to be JS-only (and I 
think any efforts to make the pages largely JS-driven would meet 

What was a little weird was trying to use DDoc to expand" the navigation 
tree when you're on a subpage of a main category. The original website 
listed every single page in the sidebar, which made the sidebar 
extremely unwieldy. Due to DDoc limitations I ended up having to put a 
CATEGORY_FOO macro in each page in the site, where the FOO is one of the 
categories in the sidebar. You may be able to figure out a better way. 
Just fork the site on github[2] and experiment!

Also note that there's a movement to make at least part of the website 
(the Phobos docs) use a different documentation generator, so the new 
look would need to be ported to that too. I suspect that wouldn't be hard.

Be aware that the current Tweets sidebar on the main page may be hard to 
get rid of; I noticed it wasn't in your mockup :)

Based on the last go-around there would be some work required from 
Walter and Andrei, but assuming you're implementing the new look and 
feel then their work would be mostly related to pushing changes to a 
beta site and then to the main site. They can probably speak better to 
the amount of effort they'd need to put in. If you're not doing the work 
of implementing the new look and feel then I suspect this proposal is 
dead on arrival unless someone else steps up to help.

Finally I like your look; I think it would be worth refining and 
pursuing. I make no claim to be a graphic designer and I'm certainly not 
offended by any criticism of the current look; at the time I had two 
goals; 1) look better than the previous site at and 2) 
tame the massive sidebar into something more reasonable. I think they 
both succeeded but I'm very aware that things can look better.
