Re: string to wchar*?

2017-06-03 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sun, Jun 04, 2017 at 12:45:23AM +, Stanislav Blinov via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> No, it shouldn't. char* et al. are not string types in D.
> to!(char*)(string) just doesn't make sense.

If you need to convert between D strings and char*, wchar*, etc., e.g.,
for interfacing with C/C++ APIs, take a look at std.string.toStringz and
std.string.fromStringz.  Do not use casts or because D does
not treat character pointers as string, unlike C/C++.


Leather is waterproof.  Ever see a cow with an umbrella?

Re: How to Compare 2 objects of the same class

2017-06-03 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sat, Jun 03, 2017 at 10:38:31PM +, Mark via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> Ok. So by using '==' it should compare the addresses of the objects?

No, `==` is for comparing the *contents* of the objects.  You need to
implement opEquals() for the objects being compared in order to define
how the contents will be compared.

If you want to compare *addresses*, use `is`:

Object a = new Object(...);
Object b = a;   // b is a reference to the same object as a

assert(b is a);

In this case there is no need to implement anything else, since
comparing addresses is simple.


"No, John.  I want formats that are actually useful, rather than over-featured 
megaliths that address all questions by piling on ridiculous internal links in 
forms which are hideously over-complex." -- Simon St. Laurent on xml-dev

Re: std.path.buildPath

2017-06-03 Thread Jesse Phillips via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 14:12:03 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:

From the manual page on std.path.buildPath:

writeln(buildPath("foo", "bar", "baz")); // "foo/bar/baz"
writeln(buildPath("/foo/", "bar/baz")); // "/foo/bar/baz"
writeln(buildPath("/foo", "/bar")); // "/bar"

I have no idea what drugs the person who chose that last one to 
be correct semantics was on at the time, but it was some 
seriously bad stuff.

"If any of the path segments are absolute (as defined by 
isAbsolute), the preceding segments will be dropped."

I cannot find any excuse for this to be even remotely 

What is your expected behavior? Throw an exception? You can't 
really append an absolute path to another.

Re: string to wchar*?

2017-06-03 Thread Stanislav Blinov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 23:36:18 UTC, Mike B Johnson wrote:

This didn't work. More errors than the first.

Works for me:

void main()
import std.conv;
import std.stdio;
import core.stdc.wchar_;
import core.stdc.stdio;

auto f = fopen("hello.bin", "w,ccs=UTF16LE");
scope (exit) fclose(f);

import std.utf;
string hello = "Привет";
wchar bom = '\ufeff';
auto str = hello.toUTF16z;
fputwc(bom, f);
while (str && *str) {
fputwc(*str, f);

$ rdmd wchartest.d
$ file hello.bin
hello.bin: Little-endian UTF-16 Unicode text, with no line 

$ hexdump hello.bin
000 feff 041f 0440 0438 0432 0435 0442

$ iconv -f UTF-16LE hello.bin

In any case, it conv should work.

No, it shouldn't. char* et al. are not string types in D. 
to!(char*)(string) just doesn't make sense.

Re: string to wchar*?

2017-06-03 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 06/03/2017 04:36 PM, Mike B Johnson wrote:

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 23:09:56 UTC, Stanislav Blinov wrote:

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 22:54:22 UTC, Mike B Johnson wrote:

How to convert a string to wchar*?

C-style null-terminated wchar*?

This didn't work. More errors than the first. In any case, it conv
should work.

Worked for me:

import std.stdio;
import std.utf;

void main() {
string s = "hello";
s ~= " world";

auto w = s.toUTF16z;

// Rough length estimate (assuming that all characters in this
// UFT-16 encoded string are 2-byte long)
// And +1 is for the "null char"
auto bytes = (cast(ubyte*)w)[0 .. s.length * 2 + 1];

writefln("%(%02x %)", bytes);


68 00 65 00 6c 00 6c 00 6f 00 20 00 77 00 6f 00 72 00 6c 00 64 00 00


Re: How to Compare 2 objects of the same class

2017-06-03 Thread Mark via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 23:32:44 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:


Awesome, that might be handy in the near future.


Re: string to wchar*?

2017-06-03 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 23:09:56 UTC, Stanislav Blinov wrote:

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 22:54:22 UTC, Mike B Johnson wrote:

How to convert a string to wchar*?

C-style null-terminated wchar*?

This didn't work. More errors than the first. In any case, it 
conv should work.

Re: How to Compare 2 objects of the same class

2017-06-03 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 06/03/2017 03:38 PM, Mark wrote:

> Ok. So by using '==' it should compare the addresses of the objects?

That's the default behavior. You can change it with opEquals:

I think you want to use the 'is' operator:,%20operator

It's better because 'is' can be used with null variables.

> about 45 lines, that might be a lot of code
> for a post.

Yeah. Minimal is good. :)

> how Can I obtain the actual memory address of a class?

You mean the memory address of a class object. ;) It's achieved with the 
special semantics of casting the class variable to void*:

class C {
int i;

void info(C o) {
import std.stdio;
writefln("  Object at %s,\n" ~
 "i member at %s\n", cast(void*)o, &o.i);

void main() {
auto a = new C();
auto b = new C();;;

Sample output on my system:

  Object at 7F810AA53060,
i member at 7F810AA53070

  Object at 7F810AA53080,
i member at 7F810AA53090

The difference of 16 bytes are from vtbl pointer and the monitor. (I 
think the latter is a kind of a lizard, which nobody actually uses. :p)


Re: string to wchar*?

2017-06-03 Thread Stanislav Blinov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 22:54:22 UTC, Mike B Johnson wrote:

How to convert a string to wchar*?

C-style null-terminated wchar*?

Re: How to Compare 2 objects of the same class

2017-06-03 Thread Mark via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 22:53:51 UTC, Stanislav Blinov wrote:

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 22:38:31 UTC, Mark wrote:

In the future I'll include a compilable example. I was having 
problems with a class I made which is about 45 lines, that 
might be a lot of code for a post.

You can use external resources such as:

to paste code there and then just post a link to a paste here.

I'll keep that in mind, thanks.

Re: How to Compare 2 objects of the same class

2017-06-03 Thread Mark via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 22:52:42 UTC, Mark wrote:

Thanks again.

Nevermind, I got it.

string to wchar*?

2017-06-03 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

How to convert a string to wchar*?

string s;

gives phobo's deduction problems.

\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos\std\conv.d(194): Error: 
template std.conv.toImpl cannot deduce function from argument 
types !(wchar*)(string), candidates are:
std.conv.toImpl(T, S)(S value) if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(S, T) 
&& !isEnumStrToStr!(S, T) && !isNullToStr!(S, T))
std.conv.toImpl(T, S)(ref S s) if (isStaticArray!S)
std.conv.toImpl(T, S)(S value) if (!isImplicitlyConvertible!(S, 
T) && is(typeof(S.init.opCast!T()) : T) && !isExactSomeString!T 
&& !is(typeof(T(value
std.conv.toImpl(T, S)(S value) if (!isImplicitlyConvertible!(S, 
T) && is(T == struct) && is(typeof(T(value
std.conv.toImpl(T, S)(S value) if (!isImplicitlyConvertible!(S, 
T) && is(T == class) && is(typeof(new T(value

Re: How to Compare 2 objects of the same class

2017-06-03 Thread Stanislav Blinov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 22:38:31 UTC, Mark wrote:

In the future I'll include a compilable example. I was having 
problems with a class I made which is about 45 lines, that 
might be a lot of code for a post.

You can use external resources such as:

to paste code there and then just post a link to a paste here.

Re: How to Compare 2 objects of the same class

2017-06-03 Thread Mark via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 22:38:31 UTC, Mark wrote:


Actually, I got another question,

how Can I obtain the actual memory address of a class?

I'll still need to solve the problem of taking ints/floats/reals 
etc., as well as structs and classes and sending them right/left 
in the BST. :/

Thanks again.

Re: How to Compare 2 objects of the same class

2017-06-03 Thread Mark via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 20:24:44 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

By default, they act the same. But you can change how `==` 
behaves by overriding `opEquals`. You cannot override `is`.

Ok. So by using '==' it should compare the addresses of the 

I think I didn't include the other file as an argument on the 
command line (Oops!)

I'm using dmd v2.074.0.

In the future I'll include a compilable example. I was having 
problems with a class I made which is about 45 lines, that might 
be a lot of code for a post.

But it seems to work now. This is good, I can have the 
comparisons work for any type without doing backflips.


OT: RAII pointers

2017-06-03 Thread Moritz Maxeiner via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 21:46:45 UTC, Stanislav Blinov wrote:

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 21:39:54 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:
It's always true, because I explicitly wrote *might*, not 
*will*, to indicate that it depends on your use case. Your 
example is a common use case where you can't skip the check.

Programmers and their tight-binding logic...

- Honey, please buy a loaf of bread. If there are eggs, buy a 

- Hello, do you have eggs?
- Yes.
- Dozen loaves of bread, please.


That usually happens when two sides interpret an ambiguous 
statement ;)

Re: RAII pointers

2017-06-03 Thread Stanislav Blinov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 21:39:54 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:
On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 21:16:08 UTC, Stanislav Blinov 
On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 20:53:05 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner 

Quite, but if you backtrack to my initial statement, it was 
about ptr not being/becoming null (implicitly) in the first 
place, which *might* allow you to skip the check (if you 
don't set it to null via external means, such as memcpy, 
move, etc).

It's only true as long as you have full control of the source.
Once you're using libraries and generic code, it's possible 
that it's out of your hands:

It's always true, because I explicitly wrote *might*, not 
*will*, to indicate that it depends on your use case. Your 
example is a common use case where you can't skip the check.

Programmers and their tight-binding logic...

- Honey, please buy a loaf of bread. If there are eggs, buy a 

- Hello, do you have eggs?
- Yes.
- Dozen loaves of bread, please.


Re: RAII pointers

2017-06-03 Thread Moritz Maxeiner via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 21:16:08 UTC, Stanislav Blinov wrote:

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 20:53:05 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:

Quite, but if you backtrack to my initial statement, it was 
about ptr not being/becoming null (implicitly) in the first 
place, which *might* allow you to skip the check (if you don't 
set it to null via external means, such as memcpy, move, etc).

It's only true as long as you have full control of the source.
Once you're using libraries and generic code, it's possible 
that it's out of your hands:

It's always true, because I explicitly wrote *might*, not *will*, 
to indicate that it depends on your use case. Your example is a 
common use case where you can't skip the check.

Re: RAII pointers

2017-06-03 Thread Stanislav Blinov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 20:53:05 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:
On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 20:25:22 UTC, Stanislav Blinov 
On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 20:13:30 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner 

Calling std.algorithm.move is explicit programmer intent, I 
consider that about as accidental as calling memcpy with a 
source full of zeroes.
In any case, having that check in the destructor is fairly 
cheap, so better safe than sorry (and include it).

Yes, it's explicit. Destructor call is still implicit though, 
and it better not be performing null dereference or something 
equally nasty :)

Quite, but if you backtrack to my initial statement, it was 
about ptr not being/becoming null (implicitly) in the first 
place, which *might* allow you to skip the check (if you don't 
set it to null via external means, such as memcpy, move, etc).

It's only true as long as you have full control of the source. 
Once you're using libraries and generic code, it's possible that 
it's out of your hands:

import core.stdc.stdio;
import std.exception;

// external library
struct RingBuffer(T,size_t size) {
T[size] values = T.init; // the culprit
// interface snipped...

// own code
struct FileWrapper {
FILE* file;

@disable this();
@disable this(this);

this(FILE* file) {
this.file = file;

~this() {

void main() {
// whoops, segfault
RingBuffer!(FileWrapper,8) container;

Re: RAII pointers

2017-06-03 Thread Moritz Maxeiner via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 20:25:22 UTC, Stanislav Blinov wrote:

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 20:13:30 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:

Calling std.algorithm.move is explicit programmer intent, I 
consider that about as accidental as calling memcpy with a 
source full of zeroes.
In any case, having that check in the destructor is fairly 
cheap, so better safe than sorry (and include it).

Yes, it's explicit. Destructor call is still implicit though, 
and it better not be performing null dereference or something 
equally nasty :)

Quite, but if you backtrack to my initial statement, it was about 
ptr not being/becoming null (implicitly) in the first place, 
which *might* allow you to skip the check (if you don't set it to 
null via external means, such as memcpy, move, etc).

Re: RAII pointers

2017-06-03 Thread Stanislav Blinov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 20:13:30 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:

Calling std.algorithm.move is explicit programmer intent, I 
consider that about as accidental as calling memcpy with a 
source full of zeroes.
In any case, having that check in the destructor is fairly 
cheap, so better safe than sorry (and include it).

Yes, it's explicit. Destructor call is still implicit though, and 
it better not be performing null dereference or something equally 
nasty :)

Re: How to Compare 2 objects of the same class

2017-06-03 Thread ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 06/03/2017 10:02 PM, Mark wrote:

auto A = new Box();
auto B = new Box();

if(A.opEquals(B)) {}

gives the error
test.o:( undefined reference to 

collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Error: linker exited with status 1

Your code works for me (when adding `class Box {}` and a `main` 
function). An "undefined reference" error can mean that you forgot to 
include a module on the command line.

if(Object.opEquals(A,B) gives

test.d(10): Error: function object.Object.opEquals (Object o) is not 
callable using argument types (Box, Box)

Yeah, that's not how you do it.

How do I got about comparing two objects then??

Just use the usual equality operator: `==`. Or if you want to check for 
identity, use the binary `is` operator.

class Box {}

void main()
auto A = new Box();
auto B = new Box();

if (A == B) {}
if (A is B) {}

By default, they act the same. But you can change how `==` behaves by 
overriding `opEquals`. You cannot override `is`.

Re: How to Compare 2 objects of the same class

2017-06-03 Thread cym13 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 20:02:13 UTC, Mark wrote:

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 19:57:47 UTC, Mark wrote:

Hello again.

I'm designing a template version of a BST.

Because of this, I want to be able to compare if two objects 
of the same class type are references to the same anonymous 
class on the heap somewhere.


Not sure what happened there.

Anyways, example:

auto A = new Box();
auto B = new Box();

if(A.opEquals(B)) {}

gives the error
test.o:( undefined reference to 

collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Error: linker exited with status 1

if(Object.opEquals(A,B) gives

test.d(10): Error: function object.Object.opEquals (Object o) 
is not callable using argument types (Box, Box)

How do I got about comparing two objects then??

Could you please systematically post compilable code? It is very 
hard to say anything without even seeing what you're struggling 

Re: How to Compare 2 objects of the same class

2017-06-03 Thread Basile B. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 20:02:13 UTC, Mark wrote:

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 19:57:47 UTC, Mark wrote:

Hello again.

I'm designing a template version of a BST.

Because of this, I want to be able to compare if two objects 
of the same class type are references to the same anonymous 
class on the heap somewhere.


Not sure what happened there.

Anyways, example:

auto A = new Box();
auto B = new Box();

if(A.opEquals(B)) {}

gives the error
test.o:( undefined reference to 

collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Error: linker exited with status 1

if(Object.opEquals(A,B) gives

test.d(10): Error: function object.Object.opEquals (Object o) 
is not callable using argument types (Box, Box)

How do I got about comparing two objects then??

I think that the error is unrelated. Which dmd do you use ?

Otherwise, opEquals (or just == ) is well the way to follow. By 
default Object.opEquals just compare the Objects addresses. If 
you want to perform a deep comparison (i.e the members) you have 
to override opEquals.

Re: RAII pointers

2017-06-03 Thread Moritz Maxeiner via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 19:55:30 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

On 06/03/2017 09:37 PM, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:
Of course, but AFAIK you'd need to explicitly assign it to an 
object, so `ptr` won't null by accident, but only by explicit 
programmer intent (same as overwriting the memory the object 
lives in via things like `memcpy`); and you can always screw 
things intentionally (you could also assign some invalid value 
to the pointer via `memcpy`).

I'd say `.init` can easily happen accidentally. Especially when 
`@disable this(this);` is involved.

When you can't copy, you may have to move sometimes. But 
std.algorithm.move overwrites the old location with `.init`, 
assuming that `.init` can safely be destroyed.

Calling std.algorithm.move is explicit programmer intent, I 
consider that about as accidental as calling memcpy with a source 
full of zeroes.
In any case, having that check in the destructor is fairly cheap, 
so better safe than sorry (and include it).

Re: Guide - Migrating from std.experimental.ndslice to mir-algorithm

2017-06-03 Thread Zz via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 05:21:13 UTC, 9il wrote:

On Friday, 2 June 2017 at 16:08:20 UTC, Zz wrote:


Just tried migrating from std.experimental.ndslice to 

Is there a guide on how migrate old code?

I used the following imports before and using then with 

import std.experimental.ndslice;
import std.algorithm : each, max, sort;
import std.range : iota, repeat;

simplified example of how it was used.
auto a = cr.iota.sliced(r, c);
auto b = a.reshape(c, r).transposed!1;

auto c = a.reversed!1;
auto d = a.reshape(c, r).transposed!1.reversed!1;

auto f = new int[cr].sliced(r, c);
auto h = f.transposed(1);

how can I do the following in mir-algorithm.

Note: I will be going through the documentation.


Hello Zz,

std.experimental.ndslice -> mir.ndslice

std.range : iota, repeat -> mir.ndslice.topology: iota, repeat;
std.algorithm : each; -> mir.ndslice.algorithm: each;
std.algorithm : max; -> mir.utility: max;
std.algorithm : sort; -> mir.ndslice.sorting: sort;

Note, that Mir functions has different semantics compared with 
For example, each iterates deep elements, so should be combined 
with `pack` to iterates rows instead of elements.

Ndslices work with Phobos functions but it is suggested to use 
Mir analogs if any.

// Mir's iota! It is already 2D ndslice :-)
auto a = [r, c].iota;

auto b = a
   // returns flattened iota, a has Contiguous kind,
   // so the result type would be equal to `iota(r*c)`
// convert 1D iota ndslice to 2D iota ndslice
.sliced(c, r)
// It is required to use transposed
// Convert ndslice kind from Contiguous to Universal.
// Transpose the Universal ndslice

auto c = a.universal.reversed!1;
auto d = a.flattened.sliced(c, 
r).universal.transposed!1.reversed!1; // see also `rotated`

auto f = slice!int(c, r); // new int[cr].sliced(r, c); works 

auto h = f.universal.transposed(1);

Mir ndslices have three kinds:

If you have any questions feel free to ask at the Gitter:




Re: RAII pointers

2017-06-03 Thread Stanislav Blinov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 19:55:30 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

On 06/03/2017 09:37 PM, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:
Of course, but AFAIK you'd need to explicitly assign it to an 
object, so `ptr` won't null by accident, but only by explicit 
programmer intent (same as overwriting the memory the object 
lives in via things like `memcpy`); and you can always screw 
things intentionally (you could also assign some invalid value 
to the pointer via `memcpy`).

I'd say `.init` can easily happen accidentally. Especially when 
`@disable this(this);` is involved.

When you can't copy, you may have to move sometimes. But 
std.algorithm.move overwrites the old location with `.init`, 
assuming that `.init` can safely be destroyed.

struct S
void* ptr;
@disable this(this);
~this() { assert(ptr !is null); /* fails */ }

void f(S s) {}

void main()
auto a = S(new int);
import std.algorithm: move;
f(move(a)); /* overwrites `a` with `S.init` */

Yep, that's exactly why I added the null check in the example. If 
the struct has a postblit or a destructor, `move` will be 
destructive, and will overwrite the source with .init. Sometimes 
it doesn't matter (i.e. free() is allowed to take a null 
pointer), but in general, for things like smart pointers where 
you'd do arbitrary access in destructor, it's a good habit to 
check for .init values first, in case the object has been moved.

Re: How to Compare 2 objects of the same class

2017-06-03 Thread Mark via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 19:57:47 UTC, Mark wrote:

Hello again.

I'm designing a template version of a BST.

Because of this, I want to be able to compare if two objects of 
the same class type are references to the same anonymous class 
on the heap somewhere.


Not sure what happened there.

Anyways, example:

auto A = new Box();
auto B = new Box();

if(A.opEquals(B)) {}

gives the error
test.o:( undefined reference to 

collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Error: linker exited with status 1

if(Object.opEquals(A,B) gives

test.d(10): Error: function object.Object.opEquals (Object o) is 
not callable using argument types (Box, Box)

How do I got about comparing two objects then??

How to Compare 2 objects of the same class

2017-06-03 Thread Mark via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hello again.

I'm designing a template version of a BST.

Because of this, I want to be able to compare if two objects of 
the same class type are references to the same anonymous class on 
the heap somewhere.


Re: RAII pointers

2017-06-03 Thread ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 06/03/2017 09:37 PM, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:
Of course, but AFAIK you'd need to explicitly assign it to an object, so 
`ptr` won't null by accident, but only by explicit programmer intent 
(same as overwriting the memory the object lives in via things like 
`memcpy`); and you can always screw things intentionally (you could also 
assign some invalid value to the pointer via `memcpy`).

I'd say `.init` can easily happen accidentally. Especially when 
`@disable this(this);` is involved.

When you can't copy, you may have to move sometimes. But 
std.algorithm.move overwrites the old location with `.init`, assuming 
that `.init` can safely be destroyed.

struct S
void* ptr;
@disable this(this);
~this() { assert(ptr !is null); /* fails */ }

void f(S s) {}

void main()
auto a = S(new int);
import std.algorithm: move;
f(move(a)); /* overwrites `a` with `S.init` */

Re: RAII pointers

2017-06-03 Thread Moritz Maxeiner via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 19:21:58 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

On 06/03/2017 09:06 PM, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:
- null check in destructor: That's just because I forgot to 
add it. If you add `@disable(this)` (disable the default 
constructor), all elaborate constructors ensure it is not 
null, and no members can set it to null, you might be able to 
skip the check, but I may have missed some corner cases, so 
better be safe.

`.init` is the corner case. `.init` is always there, even with 
`@disable this();`.

Of course, but AFAIK you'd need to explicitly assign it to an 
object, so `ptr` won't null by accident, but only by explicit 
programmer intent (same as overwriting the memory the object 
lives in via things like `memcpy`); and you can always screw 
things intentionally (you could also assign some invalid value to 
the pointer via `memcpy`).

Are there any accidental corner cases?

Re: RAII pointers

2017-06-03 Thread ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 06/03/2017 09:06 PM, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:
- null check in destructor: That's just because I forgot to add it. If 
you add `@disable(this)` (disable the default constructor), all 
elaborate constructors ensure it is not null, and no members can set it 
to null, you might be able to skip the check, but I may have missed some 
corner cases, so better be safe.

`.init` is the corner case. `.init` is always there, even with `@disable 

Re: RAII pointers

2017-06-03 Thread Moritz Maxeiner via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 17:40:32 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:

Would one be considered more idiomatic D, or is it a
question of different circumstances different approaches. The
differences are mainly in construction I believe.

Well, the differences I spot are:
- null check in destructor: That's just because I forgot to add 
it. If you add `@disable(this)` (disable the default 
constructor), all elaborate constructors ensure it is not null, 
and no members can set it to null, you might be able to skip the 
check, but I may have missed some corner cases, so better be safe.

- factory functions (Stanislav) vs. elaborate constructors (me):
  + If you don't need to be able to construct the object without 
arguments, it's a stylistic choice and I consider the elaborate 
constructors to be more idiomatic.
  + otherwise (i.e. you need to be able to construct the object 
without arguments), you need the factory functions, because 
elaborate constructors for structs cannot have zero arguments, as 
that would clash with the default constructor that must be 
computable at compile time (for the struct's `.init` value)
- inout: You can use that in what I wrote, as well; that's just a 
shorthand way to write several functions that do the same thing: 
one for `const T`, one for `immutable T`, and one for `T`

Re: RAII pointers

2017-06-03 Thread Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d-learn
Thanks to Moritz and Stanislav for their examples, most useful. There
are similarities (which I have just taken :-) but also some
differences. Would one be considered more idiomatic D, or is it a
question of different circumstances different approaches. The
differences are mainly in construction I believe.

On Tue, 2017-05-30 at 00:31 +, Moritz Maxeiner via Digitalmars-d-
learn wrote:
> […]
> struct FrontendParameters_Ptr {
> private:
>  dvb_v5_fe_parms* ptr;
> public:
>  @disable this(this);
>  this(ref const FrontendId fei, const uint verbose = 0, const 
> uint legacy = 0) { ... }
>  ~this() { dvb_fe_close(ptr); }
>  auto c_ptr() const { return ptr; }
>  alias c_ptr this;
> }
> ---

On Tue, 2017-05-30 at 00:32 +, Stanislav Blinov via Digitalmars-d-
learn wrote:
> struct FrontendParametersPtr
> {
>  // No constructors, initialization with parameters
>  // is done via the frontendParametersPtr function
>  @disable this(this);
>  ~this()
>  {
>  // null check is often useful to detect e.g.
>  // if this object has been `move`d
>  if (_ptr) dvb_fe_close(_ptr);
>  }
>  // with DIP1000, could also return `scope`
>  inout(dvb_v5_fe_parms)* ptr() inout { return _ptr; }
>  alias ptr this;
> package:
>  void construct(/*your args here*/) { /*...*/ }
> private:
>  dvb_v5_fe_parms* _ptr;
> }
> /// Replaces constructor, i.e. can be called with no arguments for
> /// replacing "default" construction of C++
> auto frontendParametersPtr(Args...)(auto ref Args args)
> {
>  import std.functional : forward;
>  FrontendParametersPtr result = void;
>  result.construct(forward!args);
>  return result; // moves result, no copy is made
> }
Dr Russel Winder  t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip:
41 Buckmaster Roadm: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp:
London SW11 1EN, UK   w:  skype: russel_winder

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: D scripting in D

2017-06-03 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 17:24:08 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
So why isn't rdmd shipped as a separate thing if it can wrap 
any of the three compilers?

it is... the link above is all there is to it, you simply compile 
it. The docs also call it a download:

dmd just happens to bundle it. The others prolly should too.

Re: D scripting in D

2017-06-03 Thread Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sat, 2017-06-03 at 17:08 +, Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-
learn wrote:
> On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 05:04:24 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
> > Not enough is made of rdmd. rdmd needs to be separated from dmd 
> > so it works with gdc and ldc2.
> rdmd has always worked with them, at least with their gdmd and 
> ldmd wrappers

So why isn't rdmd shipped as a separate thing if it can wrap any of the
three compilers?

Dr Russel Winder  t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip:
41 Buckmaster Roadm: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp:
London SW11 1EN, UK   w:  skype: russel_winder

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: D scripting in D

2017-06-03 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 05:04:24 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
Not enough is made of rdmd. rdmd needs to be separated from dmd 
so it works with gdc and ldc2.

rdmd has always worked with them, at least with their gdmd and 
ldmd wrappers

Re: Strange expression found in std.variant

2017-06-03 Thread Basile B. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 16:22:33 UTC, Francis Nixon wrote:

When looking at std.variant I found the following line:
return q{
static if (allowed!%1$s && T.allowed!%1$s)
 if (convertsTo!%1$s && other.convertsTo!%1$s)
 return VariantN(get!%1$s %2$s other.get!%1$s);
}.format(tp, op);

I was wondering what exactly the % signs where doing/what they 
are for?

- q{} is a string that cmust contains D tokens. They allow 
highlightning in the editors, that's why you missed the point.

- % is a format specifier

- q{}.format() is format() called in the UFCS fashion

Re: Strange expression found in std.variant

2017-06-03 Thread Igor Shirkalin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 16:22:33 UTC, Francis Nixon wrote:

When looking at std.variant I found the following line:
return q{
static if (allowed!%1$s && T.allowed!%1$s)
 if (convertsTo!%1$s && other.convertsTo!%1$s)
 return VariantN(get!%1$s %2$s other.get!%1$s);
}.format(tp, op);

I was wondering what exactly the % signs where doing/what they 
are for?

Re: Strange expression found in std.variant

2017-06-03 Thread Stefan Koch via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 16:22:33 UTC, Francis Nixon wrote:

When looking at std.variant I found the following line:
return q{
static if (allowed!%1$s && T.allowed!%1$s)
 if (convertsTo!%1$s && other.convertsTo!%1$s)
 return VariantN(get!%1$s %2$s other.get!%1$s);
}.format(tp, op);

I was wondering what exactly the % signs where doing/what they 
are for?

Those are positional arguments to format.
%1$s refers to the first argument (in this case tp)
while  %2$s refers to the second (op)

Strange expression found in std.variant

2017-06-03 Thread Francis Nixon via Digitalmars-d-learn

When looking at std.variant I found the following line:
return q{
static if (allowed!%1$s && T.allowed!%1$s)
 if (convertsTo!%1$s && other.convertsTo!%1$s)
 return VariantN(get!%1$s %2$s other.get!%1$s);
}.format(tp, op);

I was wondering what exactly the % signs where doing/what they 
are for?

Re: D scripting in D

2017-06-03 Thread rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 03/06/2017 4:43 PM, Lewis wrote:

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 09:28:03 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
A lot of this can be done by simply implementing shared libraries 
fully on Windows. There is a reason why TypeInfo doesn't cross the dll 
boundary right now. Sadly it isn't a high priority (and it really 
really needs to be "just done already"). Its fine for Linux.

Is the D DLL situation different between Windows and Linux right now? If 
so, in what ways? I'm curious, I'm not set up for development on Linux 
currently so I wouldn't be up-to-date on these things.

It is yes, all I know off the top of my head is that Windows is 
definitely broken and Linux should just work out of the box.

Re: D scripting in D

2017-06-03 Thread Lewis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 09:28:03 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
A lot of this can be done by simply implementing shared 
libraries fully on Windows. There is a reason why TypeInfo 
doesn't cross the dll boundary right now. Sadly it isn't a high 
priority (and it really really needs to be "just done 
already"). Its fine for Linux.

Is the D DLL situation different between Windows and Linux right 
now? If so, in what ways? I'm curious, I'm not set up for 
development on Linux currently so I wouldn't be up-to-date on 
these things.

Re: std.path.buildPath

2017-06-03 Thread David Nadlinger via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 14:12:03 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
I have no idea what drugs the person who chose that last one to 
be correct semantics was on at the time, but it was some 
seriously bad stuff.

Of all people, I certainly didn't expect you to stray so far from 
the tone appropriate here. Please keep it civil.

I cannot find any excuse for this to be even remotely 

I suspect the original author had applications in mind where you 
want to resolve user-specified file system paths that might be 
relative or absolute. One could just use buildPath to prepend the 
root path if necessary. (Whether this is useful or just 
unnecessarily error-prone is another question, of course.)

 — David

Re: Lazy evaluation and @nogc code

2017-06-03 Thread Basile B. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 14:34:41 UTC, Nick Vitsas wrote:
In any case, do you think that `scope` should allow for such 
code to compile? Since you can get the desired result using the 
verbose version, I think you should also be able to using the 
`lazy` construct.

I think so. There's even a pull request that modifies lazy so 
that other functions attributes (incl. @nogc) are inferred.

The problem is that it seems to be out of scope / interest now 
(last activity was on 24 of Feb), almost 6 months.

Lazy evaluation and @nogc code

2017-06-03 Thread Nick Vitsas via Digitalmars-d-learn


I've been playing around with the idea of lazy evaluation for 
function arguments [1] and I really like how it can be used to 
simplify deep nested loops operating on structured data.

It also seems that you can get quite far without invoking the GC 
using the `scope` keyword. I’ve been experimenting on some code 
and I’ve reached an interesting situation. A similar thing has 
been filed as a bug [2] but it seems that `scope` was not 
available in its current form back then.

Here’s some code to present the case.

@nogc lazy evaluation using scoped delegates:

Compiles fine in DMD v2.074.0,

import std.stdio;
int DoTimes(int count, scope int delegate() @nogc nothrow Dg) 
@nogc nothrow {

foreach (i ; 0 .. count)

return 1;

int DoAgain() @nogc nothrow {
int x = 0, y = 10;
return DoTimes(2, { return DoTimes(4, { return printf("x:%d, 
y:%d\n", x++, y++); }); } );


void foo() @nogc nothrow {
DoTimes(2, { return DoTimes(4, { return DoAgain(); }); } );

void main(string[] args) {
  auto Lambda = () => foo();

@nogc lazy evaluation using `lazy` arguments:

Exits with
Error: @nogc function 'app.DoTimes' cannot call non-@nogc 
delegate 'Dg' in DMD v2.074.0.

import std.stdio;
int DoTimes(int count, scope lazy int Dg) @nogc nothrow
foreach (i ; 0 .. count)

return 1;

int DoAgain() @nogc nothrow {
int x = 0, y = 10;
return DoTimes(2, DoTimes(4, printf("x:%d, y:%d\n", x++, y++) 
) );


void foo() @nogc nothrow {
DoTimes(2, DoTimes(4, DoAgain() ) );

void main(string[] args) {

  auto Lambda = () => foo();


typeof(Dg) returns `int` and not some kind of delegate. It seems 
that the conversion happens at a later stage and so we do not get 
the expected type.

In any case, do you think that `scope` should allow for such code 
to compile? Since you can get the desired result using the 
verbose version, I think you should also be able to using the 
`lazy` construct.

Thank you for any suggestions.


Re: C macros vs D can't do the right thing

2017-06-03 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2017-06-03 16:22, David Nadlinger wrote:

We could also finally fix the frontend to get around this. At DConf
2015, Walter officially agreed that this is a bug that needs fixing. ;)

That would be nice.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: difference between x = Nullable.init and x.nullify

2017-06-03 Thread Kagamin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 06:19:29 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
Assigning Nullable!Test.init is equivalent to setting the 
internal value to Test.init and setting _isNull to false.

Eh? Does it mean Nullable is default initialized to some non-null 
default value?

Re: std.path.buildPath

2017-06-03 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2017-06-03 16:12, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

From the manual page on std.path.buildPath:

writeln(buildPath("foo", "bar", "baz")); // "foo/bar/baz"
writeln(buildPath("/foo/", "bar/baz")); // "/foo/bar/baz"
writeln(buildPath("/foo", "/bar")); // "/bar"

I have no idea what drugs the person who chose that last one to be
correct semantics was on at the time, but it was some seriously bad

"If any of the path segments are absolute (as defined by isAbsolute),
the preceding segments will be dropped."

I cannot find any excuse for this to be even remotely reasonable.

Unfortunately it's been like this since forever. I mean, I checked the 
git history, it's been like this for as long as we have history, 
including when it was called "join".

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: C macros vs D can't do the right thing

2017-06-03 Thread David Nadlinger via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 14:19:00 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
Perhaps using the variadic template with a constraint on one 
element trick will work. Ugly, but I think that will work.

We could also finally fix the frontend to get around this. At 
DConf 2015, Walter officially agreed that this is a bug that 
needs fixing. ;)

 — David

Re: C macros vs D can't do the right thing

2017-06-03 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn

Jacob Carlborg wrote:

Perhaps using the variadic template with a constraint on one element 
trick will work. Ugly, but I think that will work.

yeah. that's what Phobos does, for example.

Re: C macros vs D can't do the right thing

2017-06-03 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2017-06-03 16:03, Nicholas Wilson wrote:

I think an alias template parameter will work here as aliases take
anything(types, literals, symbols).

No, it doesn't work for types:

void foo(alias a)() {}

void main()

Results in:

Error: template instance foo!int does not match template declaration 
foo(alias a)()

Perhaps using the variadic template with a constraint on one element 
trick will work. Ugly, but I think that will work.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: difference between x = Nullable.init and x.nullify

2017-06-03 Thread vit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 06:19:29 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:



Re: C macros vs D can't do the right thing

2017-06-03 Thread David Nadlinger via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 13:17:46 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:

Is this a problem in D or a problem in DStep?

It's a limitation of DStep – for that use case, it would need to 
transform one of the macro arguments into a template argument 
rather than a runtime function parameter.

If you need to make the code work as-is, I suppose you could 
create some aliases like `enum u32 = __u32.init;` and pass these 
instead of the types – using runtime values just to convey their 

 — David


2017-06-03 Thread Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d-learn
From the manual page on std.path.buildPath:

writeln(buildPath("foo", "bar", "baz")); // "foo/bar/baz"
writeln(buildPath("/foo/", "bar/baz")); // "/foo/bar/baz"
writeln(buildPath("/foo", "/bar")); // "/bar"

I have no idea what drugs the person who chose that last one to be
correct semantics was on at the time, but it was some seriously bad

"If any of the path segments are absolute (as defined by isAbsolute),
the preceding segments will be dropped."

I cannot find any excuse for this to be even remotely reasonable.

Dr Russel Winder  t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip:
41 Buckmaster Roadm: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp:
London SW11 1EN, UK   w:  skype: russel_winder

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: C macros vs D can't do the right thing

2017-06-03 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 13:17:46 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:

A stripped down problem to avoid fluff. The C macro:

#define FLOB(t) (sizeof(t))

Can be used in another macro:

#define THINGY(a, b) (_THING(a, FLOB(b)))

We can use this as in:

THINGY(10, __u32)

Now the D Way says use functions not macros. except that

size_t FLOB(T)(auto ref T t) { return t.sizeof; }

which is the result of DStep doesn't allow passing a type name 
as t.

Is this a problem in D or a problem in DStep?

I think an alias template parameter will work here as aliases 
take anything(types, literals, symbols).

Re: C macros vs D can't do the right thing

2017-06-03 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn

Russel Winder wrote:

Now the D Way says...

..use templates! ;-)

it is not really possible to guess what macro author means (to do that, 
dstep should be able to actually *understand* the code), so it tries to do 
what is used more often.

that is, it's dstep failed guess.

C macros vs D can't do the right thing

2017-06-03 Thread Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d-learn
A stripped down problem to avoid fluff. The C macro:

#define FLOB(t) (sizeof(t))

Can be used in another macro:

#define THINGY(a, b) (_THING(a, FLOB(b)))

We can use this as in:

THINGY(10, __u32)

Now the D Way says use functions not macros. except that 

size_t FLOB(T)(auto ref T t) { return t.sizeof; }

which is the result of DStep doesn't allow passing a type name as t.

Is this a problem in D or a problem in DStep?

Dr Russel Winder  t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip:
41 Buckmaster Roadm: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp:
London SW11 1EN, UK   w:  skype: russel_winder

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Creating and loading D plugins in D app

2017-06-03 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 09:41:58 UTC, aberba wrote:

On Friday, 2 June 2017 at 16:36:34 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Fri, Jun 02, 2017 at 12:19:48PM +, Adam D. Ruppe via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Friday, 2 June 2017 at 11:09:05 UTC, aberba wrote:
> 1. Get shared libs to work in D (the best approach for all 
> D code)

I have done very little with this myself but other people 
have so it is doable.


This is not directly related to the OP's question, but 
recently I wrote a program that, given a user-specified 
string, transforms it into D code using a code template, 
invokes dmd to compile it into a shared object, loads the 
shared object using dlopen(), and looks up the generated 
function with dlsym() to obtain a function pointer that can be 
used for calling the function. The shared object is unloaded 
after it's done.

Will be of much use to me to see the brief instructions for 
this. I saw the C style on Wikipedia.

Seems the functions loaded needs to be casted from void* to a 
type... before calling. Didn't quite understand that part.

Yes, dlsym() returns the address of the object of the shared 
library you requested. The first parameter is the handle to the 
shared object that had been loaded by dlopen(). The second 
parameter is the name of the object one wants the address of.
The address must then be casted to the type of the object. If the 
name was one of a function, one has to cast to a function 
pointer. That's something illegal in strict C (i.e. undefined 
behaviour.) but is something that is required by Posix. It's 
really not very difficult.

Re: Creating and loading D plugins in D app

2017-06-03 Thread aberba via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 2 June 2017 at 16:36:34 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Fri, Jun 02, 2017 at 12:19:48PM +, Adam D. Ruppe via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Friday, 2 June 2017 at 11:09:05 UTC, aberba wrote:
> 1. Get shared libs to work in D (the best approach for all D 
> code)

I have done very little with this myself but other people have 
so it is doable.


This is not directly related to the OP's question, but recently 
I wrote a program that, given a user-specified string, 
transforms it into D code using a code template, invokes dmd to 
compile it into a shared object, loads the shared object using 
dlopen(), and looks up the generated function with dlsym() to 
obtain a function pointer that can be used for calling the 
function. The shared object is unloaded after it's done.

Will be of much use to me to see the brief instructions for this. 
I saw the C style on Wikipedia.

Seems the functions loaded needs to be casted from void* to a 
type... before calling. Didn't quite understand that part.

So it's definitely doable, in the sense that I've successfully 
generated D code, compiled it into a shared library, loaded it 
into the running executable, and can call the code.  Of course, 
in my case, the code template is relatively simple so I don't 
have to worry about things like module ctors, shared data, 
non-TLS globals, or GC use.  If you're planning to support 
those features, you might need to do a bit more work after 
calling dlopen(). At the very least you'd have to use dlsym() 
to look up module ctor symbols and run them before calling any 
other functions in the shared object, and you may have to 
initialize druntime in the shared object too, if it's 
statically linked.

That seem like D with its features will be lot of work if I'm 
using loaded code that way.

How about exposing standard interface/apis for loaded object's 
code to query info about the main app at runtime, similar to COM 
(if that's how if even works)

I'm not sure what happens if it's dynamically linked, or if it 
uses its own copy of the GC.

Does D work different from C in that regard?

In any case, this is all possible, it just takes someone to dig 
into the details and write the code to make it all work.  Then 
publish it on github or dub, and the rest of us can reap the 
benefits too. ;-)


Re: D scripting in D

2017-06-03 Thread rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 03/06/2017 10:03 AM, Mike B Johnson wrote:

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 00:02:54 UTC, Lewis wrote:

On Friday, 2 June 2017 at 20:47:31 UTC, Mike B Johnson wrote:


For sure. I actually want to post the source code at some point, but 
the changes I made are very much set up specifically for this project. 
I'll sift through at some point and see if I can gather together 
something worth posting.


Thanks. Maybe some of this could be overcome by a design pattern that 
removes them from being an issue(e.g., script can not use GC... only to 
demonstrate that if that were the case, then you wouldn't have to worry 
about GC issues ;)?

I imagine that if "dll"'s were used that one would have all the power to 
debug and develop them as normal d code, which is nice and doesn't 
require a "script editor and debugger".

A lot of this can be done by simply implementing shared libraries fully 
on Windows. There is a reason why TypeInfo doesn't cross the dll 
boundary right now. Sadly it isn't a high priority (and it really really 
needs to be "just done already"). Its fine for Linux.

Re: D scripting in D

2017-06-03 Thread Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 00:02:54 UTC, Lewis wrote:

On Friday, 2 June 2017 at 20:47:31 UTC, Mike B Johnson wrote:


For sure. I actually want to post the source code at some 
point, but the changes I made are very much set up specifically 
for this project. I'll sift through at some point and see if I 
can gather together something worth posting.


Thanks. Maybe some of this could be overcome by a design pattern 
that removes them from being an issue(e.g., script can not use 
GC... only to demonstrate that if that were the case, then you 
wouldn't have to worry about GC issues ;)?

I imagine that if "dll"'s were used that one would have all the 
power to debug and develop them as normal d code, which is nice 
and doesn't require a "script editor and debugger".

Re: difference between x = Nullable.init and x.nullify

2017-06-03 Thread Stanislav Blinov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 08:01:14 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Saturday, June 03, 2017 06:41:44 Stanislav Blinov via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 06:19:29 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
> looking at what rt_finalize does, I don't see why it 
> couldn't be nothrow. So, unless I'm missing something, it 
> seems like that would be a good enhancement.

> - Jonathan M Davis

Presently, rt_finalize cannot be made nothrow, or un-made 
@system, because "reasons":

Fixing that would require significant changes to the runtime, 
and probably the compiler. I don't think it qualifies as a 
simple "enhancement" :)

Well, as I said, I could be missing something, but all 
rt_finalize does is call rt_finalize2, and rt_finalize2 _is_ 
nothrow (it catches any Exceptions that are thrown by the 
destructor/finalizer). So, I have no idea why it would be the 
case that rt_finalize couldn't be nothrow, and I saw nothing in 
that thread which contradicts that, but I could have read it 
too quickly. Regardless, it's a perfectly valid enhancement 
request whether it's easy to implement or not.

- Jonathan M Davis

Whoops, my bad, I forgot it indeed swallows exceptions and does 
the onFinalizeError instead. So... yep, then it seems that 
rt_finalize probably should be marked nothrow too. Hmm... if 
throwing in a destructor is considered a runtime error, perhaps 
another valid enhancement would be to statically disallow 
throwing Exceptions in destructors, i.e. *require* them be 

Re: difference between x = Nullable.init and x.nullify

2017-06-03 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, June 03, 2017 06:41:44 Stanislav Blinov via Digitalmars-d-learn 
> On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 06:19:29 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> > looking at what rt_finalize does, I don't see why it couldn't
> > be nothrow. So, unless I'm missing something, it seems like
> > that would be a good enhancement.
> >
> > - Jonathan M Davis
> Presently, rt_finalize cannot be made nothrow, or un-made
> @system, because "reasons":
> Fixing that would require significant changes to the runtime, and
> probably the compiler. I don't think it qualifies as a simple
> "enhancement" :)

Well, as I said, I could be missing something, but all rt_finalize does is
call rt_finalize2, and rt_finalize2 _is_ nothrow (it catches any Exceptions
that are thrown by the destructor/finalizer). So, I have no idea why it
would be the case that rt_finalize couldn't be nothrow, and I saw nothing in
that thread which contradicts that, but I could have read it too quickly.
Regardless, it's a perfectly valid enhancement request whether it's easy to
implement or not.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Creating and loading D plugins in D app

2017-06-03 Thread aberba via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 2 June 2017 at 16:36:34 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Fri, Jun 02, 2017 at 12:19:48PM +, Adam D. Ruppe via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:



This is not directly related to the OP's question, but recently 
I wrote a program that, given a user-specified string, 
transforms it into D code using a code template, invokes dmd to 
compile it into a shared object, loads the shared object using 
dlopen(), and looks up the generated function with dlsym() to 
obtain a function pointer that can be used for calling the 
function. The shared object is unloaded after it's done.


Blog on it?