Re: [jQuery] SlideDown SlideUp Problems in IE6

2006-08-08 Thread Dave Methvin
Demo: I see what you are talking about in IE6...the slidedown happens in waves. It seems like each element of the enclosed table appears in a burst, followed by a short pause. I don't know if it would help, but the markup there looks a lot

Re: [jQuery] Plugin idea: Gradient Fill

2006-08-08 Thread Dave Methvin
Not seen a plugin that does this yet. Would try it myself, but not sure how to do so (even after looking at existing implementations). The basic implementation of that page similar to the rounded corner plugin I did. It's much worse

Re: [jQuery] set enabled/disabled

2006-08-14 Thread Dave Methvin
To disable the buttons i use $(#myid).set({disabled:disabled}); This part works perfectly fine, but how do I remove the disabled tag again from #myid to enable it? The latest SVN version can do it with .attr({disabled, false}) or .attr(disabled,) but some older versions had a bug that

Re: [jQuery] Dom creation

2006-08-15 Thread Dave Methvin
How would i go about making a table and then inserting rows in the body in a for loop. I am wanting to create a stats board for a post match. I figured i would create the table and then append to it am i right in how to go about this? How would i append to a tag in the table i just created?

Re: [jQuery] how to bring new form to the top of the page

2006-08-15 Thread Dave Methvin
I tried to use location.href right after the $().show() If the animation isn't done then the form isn't showing yet and you probably can't scroll to an anchor in it. Maybe something like this? $(p).show(slow,function(){ location.href = #whatever; }); The completion function is supported

Re: [jQuery] Closures

2006-08-15 Thread Dave Methvin Has this been found to be an adequate solution to this issue? (mainly for non jquery code) Yes, it solves the IE closure problem very nicely. My closure plugin for jQuery uses a modified version of this code. Yipes! I just did a

Re: [jQuery] unbind all events for an object? (Fix issue with AJAXloaded content and leaked elements, ie drip)

2006-08-15 Thread Dave Methvin
Do events need to be unbound from dom objects? I think they do, seethe Closures thread. Is there a way that I say loop through my content and unattach all events before replacing the content? (Essentially a $(object).unbind(); that removes all events) It looks like .unbind() with no

Re: [jQuery] Simple checkbox replacement

2006-08-16 Thread Dave Methvin
$(ullifoo/li/ul).find(li).click(...).end().appendTo(body); IE6 leaks a small amount of memory if you attach an event handler before tacking it onto the body: nwebgen/ie_leak_patterns.asp Probably isn't worrisome unless

Re: [jQuery] Any IE6 related input element changes recently?

2006-08-17 Thread Dave Methvin
It works normally in firefox, so i don't understand why it doesn't in IE5. Sounds like you meant IE6, it's working fine in IE6 for me (SVN 169 was what I had handy). What version of jQuery are you using? Going to I did notice that it's very easy to grab an ancient version of the

Re: [jQuery] Any IE6 related input element changes recently?

2006-08-18 Thread Dave Methvin
That is a good reference. Is there a getting-started-style guide somewhere? Also, has anyone worked on how-do-I style FAQs or equivalent functions between standard DOM or other frameworks? If not I can work on some of that. It might be useful to have the built-in documentation specify categories

Re: [jQuery] how to load images with jquery ajax?

2006-08-26 Thread Dave Methvin
$(img).appendTo(this).src( src ).load( f ); if you replace the main line by: $(img).src( src ).load( f ).appendTo(this); then the image will display before the alert() fires. The problem with appendTo being last is that IE will leak memory if you set certain attributes (such as an

Re: [jQuery] Can the content of a node of xml be placed inside a div when xml source is loaded using .get

2006-08-26 Thread Dave Methvin
$(#main).append( $(main,xml).children() ); [Exception... Could not convert JavaScript argument arg 0 [nsIDOMHTMLDivElement.appendChild] nsresult: 0x80570009 (NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS) I've seen that error in Firefox if you try to append a null or undefined using appendChild.

Re: [jQuery] Rounded Corners plugin broken with jQuery 1.0?

2006-08-29 Thread Dave Methvin
Dropped jQuery 1.0 (uncompressed) into a work in progress and all my rounded corners disappeared. Anyone else using the rounded corners plugin that can verify or potentially offer a fix? Starting with this code: The original code works fine for me

Re: [jQuery] window,jscode) does not work in IE

2006-09-01 Thread Dave Methvin
The solution suggested earlier for executing javascript code embedded in HTML returned by an ajax call by using,...) works great in FF, but not in IE6. How can we change the execution context of eval? Can you change the way the function is declared? script

Re: [jQuery] Using xpath: can't find relative href

2006-09-01 Thread Dave Methvin
Apparently it's seeing all URLs in their fully-qualified form, not in the form they are in the source code. In all browsers, or just IE? That's a quirk of IE that it changes relative URLs to absolute. I thought there was a

[jQuery] Looking for a jQuery developer/designer

2006-09-01 Thread Dave Methvin
I'm in need of someone to do some freelance work to work on a jQuery-based project. In particular, I need someone who can add a slick look to the interface--color choices, slides, fades, that kind of thing. Send me an email if you are interested, dave.methvin at

Re: [jQuery] Font-weight modifier in jQuery

2006-09-05 Thread Dave Methvin
Every time you have a '-' in a property, remove it and replace the next character with an uppercase representation of itself. Is this documented anywhere though? If the example in the API reference for .css used a camelCase attribute I think it would be clear. How do we edit that?

Re: [jQuery] $.posting Array of Checkboxes

2006-09-06 Thread Dave Methvin
im trying to post via ajax an array of checkboxes with the same id. The id attribute for an element must be unique in the document. ___ jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Get array of all DOM attributes for a set

2006-09-06 Thread Dave Methvin
what about plural functions that would return an array of the requested attribute values from all of the elements? Your approach could be generalized for attributes (and css similarly) like this--untested: jQuery.fn.attrs = function(n,a){ if ( a ) return

Re: [jQuery] Plugins - Javascript disabled VS CSS disabled!

2006-09-07 Thread Dave Methvin
- Disabling Javascript (not CSS) should not enhance behaviour but functionality AND LAYOUT (CSS) should remain at least. Any suggestions on defining 'good practises' for css in plugins? A plugin should fail in a way that causes the least disruption to the page. The basic jCarousel example

Re: [jQuery] swapClass

2006-09-07 Thread Dave Methvin
jQuery.fn.swapClass = function(c1, c2){ return this.each(function(){ var t = $(this); ('.'+c1)) ? t.addClass(c2).removeClass(c1) : t.addClass(c1).removeClass(c2); }); } Also i would like to know if this is the most efficient this code could be. As written it will

Re: [jQuery] swapClass

2006-09-08 Thread Dave Methvin
When writing plugins you're fully encouraged to use the @private methods - that's what they're there for. I'm working to document them better for plugin authors, but you should definitely feel free to use the @private methods. Ah okay, so @private is more like protected. Good to know so I

Re: [jQuery] [NewBie]Is there something basic functions/classes extension in jQuery, just like Array, String, etc

2006-09-08 Thread Dave Methvin
Hi, Maybe you could think of adding things like $A, $H, $S, $L where you could do something like: $L(['aaa', 'bbb']).each(fn)... would be nice For those situations, why not extend the Array prototype? It makes for cleaner syntax. ['aaa', 'bbb'].each(fn) Array.prototype.each = function(f) {

Re: [jQuery] XPath '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' doesn't work on XML documents

2006-09-08 Thread Dave Methvin
IE just throws a wobbly: Line: 639 Error: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment which appears to reside in the 'attr' function, the line is: } else if ( elem.getAttribute ) { Just a hunch, but IE's DOM support isn't native Javascript. If they got

Re: [jQuery] Comparable prototype.js methods?

2006-09-08 Thread Dave Methvin
Some of the prototype.js functions which I use quite a bit are: include(), inject(), collect(), findAll(), and detect() which are documented at at-enumerable-array-and-hash All of those look easy to implement, here

Re: [jQuery] Problems getting border width

2006-09-08 Thread Dave Methvin
I just ran into a problem getting the border width from elements. This isn't a specific jQuery problem ... I don't know, there are some unusual things going on there. I added a few things to your demo and this was the IE result: This is #div1 jQuery(s).css(border): undefined (undefined)

Re: [jQuery] Problems getting border width

2006-09-09 Thread Dave Methvin
As John says, the situation with getting border dimensions on elements is a mess (like margin and padding) and there are limits to the amount of lipstick jQuery can put on this pig. Here are the results of my experiments with jQuery().css() on IE6, IE7RC1, FF1.5, and Opera 9.1. 1) The shortcut

Re: [jQuery] Problems getting border width

2006-09-10 Thread Dave Methvin
I found a solution to get the border width in pixels independent from how its assigned. Check the source code at Wow, I missed's like the same swap trick John used to get element width and height. This should also work for padding, but not for

Re: [jQuery] prototype $H()

2006-09-10 Thread Dave Methvin
var a = $H({ a1: [1, 2], a2: [3, 4], }); a.each(function(n) { var v = $H(n).value; }); how would I do this in jQuery? What does it do? $H() is prototype's Hash creator. Here is the

Re: [jQuery] Multiple IE+Opera problems

2006-09-11 Thread Dave Methvin
I've got a problem, probably found a bug in jQuery. The $.load function doesn't refresh the DOM in select-fields when using IE6 (7 not tested) or Opera(8.5 and 9beta) but in FF it works. It's a cross-browser issue, arguably a bug in IE (and Opera?), but should jQuery should try to work around

Re: [jQuery] Cookie handling in JQuery

2006-09-13 Thread Dave Methvin
Under RFC 2695, a user-agent (such as a Web browser) should provide at least 4096 bytes per cookie - so the 4KB is a minimum for storage - not a maximum. See: (section 5.3). Yes, but SHOULD is not MUST. All modern browsers do

Re: [jQuery] down?

2006-09-15 Thread Dave Methvin
Sorry. It appeared to be an issue with our corporate network. They probably blocked it thinking it was a porn site. After it, it has visual in the name, and everyone going to the site had a smile on their face... ___ jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] jQuery spokesmodel

2006-09-18 Thread Dave Methvin
Nice hat! ___ jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] .toggle crashing IE

2006-09-22 Thread Dave Methvin
Now, in IE6 (at least in my copy) the bottom toggle bar works fine, so does the comments area - but the top bar keeps crashing IE6 - however it works fine in Firefox. Same here. The crash is in MSHTML.DLL, which is bad news. Even if you caused it indirectly, it shouldn't result in a crash

Re: [jQuery] jButton released!

2006-09-27 Thread Dave Methvin
I wrote a new plugin which can transform an image into a button. You can check out the demo here: I like the features. It would be better if the markup was a button and the plugin replaced or changed that as needed. Buttons can have an ACCESSKEY

Re: [jQuery] When / how did you find out about jQuery?

2006-09-27 Thread Dave Methvin
I can't recall the exact date, but it was almost a year ago. I stumbled across a post John had made on someone else's Javascript blog describing the chained function approach, which led me to his own blog post that had the beginnings of what was to become jQuery.

Re: [jQuery] unchange() - how does it work?

2006-09-29 Thread Dave Methvin
The unevent can either remove just the handler passed to it as the first function, or it can remove all events if you pass it no function. $( #myradiobutton ).attr( onchange, ).change( function() { ... } ); Is the problem that you are attaching a new onchange event, and need to clear the

Re: [jQuery] unchange() - how does it work?

2006-09-29 Thread Dave Methvin
Dave Methvin schrieb: Is the problem that you are attaching a new onchange event, and need to clear the old one? If so this should work: $( #myradiobutton ).change().change( function() { ... } ); Afaik that would call all registered change events first, then add a new one. Yes, my thinking

Re: [jQuery] jQuery buggy in IE7

2006-10-01 Thread Dave Methvin
var btnCancel = $(cloned).find(input.frmSpace).clone().attr(type,button). val(langHash[cancel]).insertAfter(btnSubmit); If I remember correctly, IE has issues changing input types from one type to another Yep. Remarks: As of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5, the type property is

Re: [jQuery] Chainable if/else - hot or not?

2006-10-03 Thread Dave Methvin
FYI, you can already call an extra Function argument on any destructive operation, for example: .find( foo, ifCallback ) .filter( foo, ifCallback ) .not( foo, ifCallback ) I didn't document this yet, since I didn't think anyone was going to care to use it, except for me. Heh. I use it in

Re: [jQuery] Single Value Attributes

2006-10-03 Thread Dave Methvin
John, these are great additions, but please be advised that in some browsers this.attr('checked', 'checked') won't work as expected. Do you know which browsers those are offhand? It'll help me to test the methods, when I make them I think there are overall inconstencies. I put up a

Re: [jQuery] jQuery + Atlas (ASP.NET AJAX) or $ conflict

2006-10-03 Thread Dave Methvin
I rooted around in some Atlas stuff I found on the web and saw some uses, but not a definition, of their $() function. Do you know where it is defined? I'd love to talk our developers out of using Atlas altogether, but as a designer I lack the appropriate credentials in this department. ...

Re: [jQuery] Chainable if/else - hot or not?

2006-10-04 Thread Dave Methvin
As an aside, or perhaps a branch, to this conversation... I'm a jQuery newbie, and have found it interesting that callbacks in the system do not seem to get parameters. In systems that I've used before that provided callbacks, those callbacks typically got a parameter or set of parameters

Re: [jQuery] jQuery Plugin question

2006-10-04 Thread Dave Methvin
Is there a way to set a variable in an each that will be stored separately for each instance of the plugin (for example, if I am performing an action on all inputs, is there a way to store the input type and reuse it later?). Maybe I'm not being clear, so here's the example:

Re: [jQuery] Unwanted side effects when jQuery object is empty?

2006-10-05 Thread Dave Methvin
$(.rounded).removeClass(rounded).wrap(env(div, test, {class:rounded})); I found that the function was being called once even though no html was generated. The jQuery object doesn't have any elements, but by the time the wrap method executes it has already evaluated its arguments, which in

Re: [jQuery] Slider plugin (pre-alpha): HELP NEEDED

2006-10-05 Thread Dave Methvin
I've developed (or partially developed) a new plugin that implements webform2's slider. Specifically, you can do stuff like input type=range step=1 min=1 max=10 value=1 id=a / and jQuery will automatically convert it into a stylable range widget. That won't validate for HTML4 or

Re: [jQuery] Slider plugin (pre-alpha): HELP NEEDED

2006-10-05 Thread Dave Methvin
Regarding the validation: I designed this around the *new* as-yet-unimplemented spec for WebForms2. I'm doing this on purpose *knowing* it won't validate as present. It's a tradeoff I'm willing to make (since it's not like I'm making up my own spec). I understand your goal, but

Re: [jQuery] IE7 May be Pushed out Tomorrow

2006-10-09 Thread Dave Methvin
Just to set expectations on timetables, MS said they would eventually push IE7 out as a high-priority patch a few weeks after general release. So although tech-savvy users may be able to download the final IE7 within a week or two--and many already have IE7 RC2--Aunt Abby probably won't have it

Re: [jQuery] GetAttribute mystery argument

2006-10-10 Thread Dave Methvin
Here's the Microsoft doc for it: te.asp ___ jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Documentation of return objects?

2006-10-11 Thread Dave Methvin
I think what he's talking about is whether or not it returns what was just added to the document or the original element. Another example would be whether or not .clone() return the cloned elements in the jQuery set or the original elements. Those sorts of things aren't listed. Good

Re: [jQuery] new plugin: nifty for jQuery

2006-10-12 Thread Dave Methvin
Paul, nice implementation of nifty inside of jquery. Out of curiosity, does nifty do rounded corners any differently then Dave's plugin? Dave's does have less code involved, doesn't use the GPL (not sure if a dual license is possible as it is

Re: [jQuery] $(document).load() and friends

2006-10-13 Thread Dave Methvin
$(document).load(function() { Try $(window).load() instead, since you're trying to set a window.onload handler. ___ jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jQuery API discussion (events)

2006-10-15 Thread Dave Methvin
There are two issues at play here: 1) The collision of method names. 2) The sheer number of methods attached to the jQuery object. #1 will only be solved through a change in the name of the methods (for example, from .load() to .onload() or .event.load()). #2 can only be solved by breaking

Re: [jQuery] Benchmark: Prototype and jQuery

2006-10-16 Thread Dave Methvin
So our points of optimization should be on plain tag selectors, and expressions that return no elements. -- Yehuda Let's not get too carried away based on this single benchmark. It is only checking a few things and I am not convinced they representative of bottlenecks in real code. For

Re: [jQuery] jQuery API discussion

2006-10-16 Thread Dave Methvin
What Mark is proposing is quite different from what you're proposing. His function physically creates the helper methods of .click(), .val(), .href(), .title(), etc. On a whole, I like the idea - in that it'll make writing the events plugin painfully easy - but at the same time it'll

Re: [jQuery] jQuery API discussion

2006-10-16 Thread Dave Methvin
Should keep it simple. changing .load to .ajaxLoad is even unneccessary. None of this is absolutely necessary. jQuery works as-is, and the changes may break existing code, so the easiest path is to leave everything alone. The issue is whether we can make changes to the jQuery API that make it

Re: [jQuery] Compiling selectors into native Javascript

2006-10-16 Thread Dave Methvin
Here's an idea for the future: Multiple/alternative selector schemes (ie. CSS3, XPath1, XPath2) and compilation of selectors into native Javascript. The thread about benchmarks got me thinking about compilation and caching of selectors too. It could be a big win for benchmarks where they use

Re: [jQuery] Compiling selectors into native Javascript

2006-10-17 Thread Dave Methvin
The thread about benchmarks got me thinking about compilation and caching of selectors too. It could be a big win for benchmarks where they use the same selector in a loop 1000 times! :-) The problem with caching is that it's unable to handle situations where the DOM changes in-between,

Re: [jQuery] Select append(html) issue fixed (need testers)

2006-10-17 Thread Dave Methvin
Eh I was hoping for some more enthusiasm over this one as it seems to come up often ... oh well. I didn't make it as a typical diff style patch ... just need to include the src (select.js) in your project to make this work and test. I took a quick look last night but was wondering if it

Re: [jQuery] newbie request / suggestion / neat thing

2006-10-17 Thread Dave Methvin
Mike Alsup has tweaked my original corner rounder so that it does any corner adornment you'd like, and it's only 4KB. It doesn't support borders or background images in the parent though, which Curvy and a few others do. But it's a high price to pay, IMO. Be

Re: [jQuery] parent() modifies original object

2006-10-17 Thread Dave Methvin
I think we are talking about two different effects here. This can definitely be subtle so it's good to have someone ask the question. var cell = $(e); var cellParent = cell.parent(); var cellParent2 = cell.parent(); ... Further digging seems to hint at the fact that every time

Re: [jQuery] List - getting children

2006-10-17 Thread Dave Methvin
This worked for me: var data = [div new-one/div, div new-two /div] $(#links).empty().append(data.join()).children(); You are better off using .empty() because .children().remove() will pushStack and move you off #links. You can get back with .end() but that's a lot more time, memory, and

Re: [jQuery] Jquery.css function poor performance

2006-10-18 Thread Dave Methvin
After further tests I realize that most of the time is spent in getting the height and width of the passed element: oHeight = e.offsetHeight; oWidth = e.offsetWidth; As Brandon says, please post a link to a test page so we can take a look.

Re: [jQuery] How to bind a function only once

2006-10-18 Thread Dave Methvin
I have a group of checkboxes, and as long as any one of the boxes is checked I need a function bound to a select list, but anytime none of the boxes are checked I need the function unbound. What I have below binds and unbinds, but if I select lets say 4 checkboxes the function is bound and

Re: [jQuery] Interface - dragging nodes containing text areas (Firefox, Safari)

2006-10-18 Thread Dave Methvin
I've got an issue with using the Interface idrag.js. ... what I see (using the DOM inspector from the web developer toolbar for Firefox) is that the node tree is correctly cloned, except that the value property of the textArea is not replicated. Hence the cloned drag object has no text in

Re: [jQuery] parent()

2006-10-18 Thread Dave Methvin
But, to my mind, it makes sense to do $('#myElement').parent().parent() because the parent of the input is a td and the parent of the td is the tr. Or is that wrong? No, you're right - On first glance I thought it was td id=myElement ... /td sorry about that. Not sure why .parent('tr')

Re: [jQuery] How to make input readonly with jQuery in IE

2006-10-18 Thread Dave Methvin
$(span.readonly input).attr(disabled, disabled); Does this work? $(span.readonly input).attr(disabled, true); The XHTML attribute is disabled=disabled but the Javascript property is boolean. ___ jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Bug in Firefox with

2006-10-19 Thread Dave Methvin
I wanted to add the normalization for as discussed earlier. But I came across a strange bug in Firefox. Have a look at the following page: If you click on the link the target of the click event (attached to p) is alerted. In that case

Re: [jQuery] nice plugin idea - Splitter

2006-10-19 Thread Dave Methvin
I just found this link Does a jquery version excist yet? I don't think so. Jack Slocum's site is a great source for plugin ideas. The YUI guys are lucky to have him building off their framework. I say we put a burlap

Re: [jQuery] Question about jQuery.merge

2006-10-19 Thread Dave Methvin
... if I merge the arrays var a = [ 2, 3, 4, 5 ]; var b = [ 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 ]; I get: [ 2,3,4,5,1,1 ] So a) the removing all duplicates is not an exact definition of what this method does or b) there is a bug in `merge` :( The documentation does not match the comments in the code.

Re: [jQuery] jQuery Kinda Plugin: every

2006-10-19 Thread Dave Methvin
Since the event handling has recently been fixed to avoid IE memory leaks, could we leverage that? After all, a timer is an event. $(#time).interval(1000); basically would map to this: setInterval(function(){ $(#time).trigger(tick) }, 1000); An interval of 0 would stop the timer. A one-time

Re: [jQuery] Problems with JQuery

2006-10-19 Thread Dave Methvin
$(document).ready(function(){ $(form function(i){ var me = $(this) alert( me.find( '[EMAIL PROTECTED]text]').val() ); alert( me.find( '[EMAIL PROTECTED]hidden]').val() ); alert( me.find(

Re: [jQuery] Problems with JQuery

2006-10-19 Thread Dave Methvin
This is all well and good but the document does not make this at all clear. I would not have fallen into this trap if it was documented well. Point taken, Adam. The documentation could certainly use improvement on that point. I also would never have expected that calling a find method on on

Re: [jQuery] IE 7 Windows Update

2006-10-20 Thread Dave Methvin
I'm sure most everyone knows by now that IE 7 has been officially released but I just wanted to ensure that everyone knows that last night, MS began pushing out IE 7 via Windows Update. Whoa, are you sure about that? Microsoft said just yesterday that it wouldn't happen until November:

Re: [jQuery] Internal workings of jquery

2006-10-20 Thread Dave Methvin
I am trying to figure out how jQuery works internally. There is a stack maintained within jQuery but why does jQuery change the 'this' array of objects? why not just pass back the modified array when using things like find? The stack allows to revert to older states. Check the

[jQuery] Test suite failures

2006-10-20 Thread Dave Methvin
I finally got around to setting up a build environment here. With revision 453 I am seeing errors in $.find (sibling axis tests) and several of the ajax functions. Ideas? ___ jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] .text() method quirks

2006-10-21 Thread Dave Methvin
(An earlier copy of this is stuck in the moderator queue and can be deleted; there's more detail in this version.) I've noticed several minor differences with the .text() method across browsers. For example, given this (note the space around two): div id=test div one/div div two /div /div

Re: [jQuery] Test suite failures

2006-10-22 Thread Dave Methvin
Are you running this on a local machine? I had a similar problem too until I realized that the test suite refers to PHP files and such that can only be run on a web server. That's something that needs to be kept in mind when running them. Okay, that's good to know. I did check the

Re: [jQuery] Tabs plugin 2.0

2006-10-22 Thread Dave Methvin
John is always in to leave some undocumented stuff in the code. I took a look at trigger and noticed a second parameter. Actually, something like this could be possible: $('a.remote') .bind('history', function(event, data) { // data == click event })

Re: [jQuery] jQuery and OOP

2006-10-24 Thread Dave Methvin
Mike's approach can be expanded to a complex ajax application. Closures and element properties are natural ways to associate instance data with elements in jQuery. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kolman NĂ¡ndor Sent: Tuesday, October 24,

Re: [jQuery] Updating multiple select fields at once

2006-10-24 Thread Dave Methvin
How about something like this? jQuery.fn.selectOption = function(v) { return jQuery.each(function(){ for ( var i=0; i this.options.length; i++ ) if ( this.options[i].value == v ) { this.selectedIndex = i; return; } }; };

Re: [jQuery] triggering an event

2006-10-24 Thread Dave Methvin
Can I force the click event to fire manually? To trigger an event you can use...wait for it...trigger(). :-) $(foo).trigger(click); Or you can call click with no arguments: $(foo).click(); As with a real click, the this will be pointing to the element. I'm not sure about the details of the

Re: [jQuery] Critical fix: clean lets Safari crash undercertaincircumstances

2006-10-25 Thread Dave Methvin
It was dying on the if... I removed the check !arg.nodeType for testing and it worked (commenting out the other stuff) We need to look into this more. I bet passing a nodeList with these text nodes would probably still result in Safari crashing. The quick-fix is there but I think it might

Re: [jQuery] Has anybody done this?

2006-10-26 Thread Dave Methvin
Here is my little plugin to create dom element: My questions are: 1, Has anybody done this before? 2, As it's my first crack on jQuery, anything wrong with the api call? 3, Is there any more elegant solutions? As Klaus said, the name is a bit off but I do

Re: [jQuery] performance optimizations?

2006-10-26 Thread Dave Methvin
2) I'm getting about a 1.5 second pause when the page loads up, even when on my local system, which appears to be when my jquery commands execute. It's just a little too long, my client noticed right away. Are there any tricks to help this out? For example is it better to use xpath or css

Re: [jQuery] Events are not cloned together with the object

2006-10-26 Thread Dave Methvin
trying to duplicate specific div that has id=someID and within that div#someID there is an event attached which is not being copied across. When you clone the div, do you change the cloned ID before inserting so it won't create a duplicate ID? The W3C doesn't whether cloneNode is supposed to

Re: [jQuery] Non-destructive jQuery

2006-10-26 Thread Dave Methvin
I'd really like to see John's modifications to pushStack included in the jQuery core. Details here: I'm actually wondering if that modification would break any existing code, as end() works like before. I guess the only

[jQuery] getElementsByTagName('*') avoidance?

2006-10-26 Thread Dave Methvin
Is there any supported jQuery platform or situation where context.getElementsByTagName('*') does not get all the elements in the context? Right now the jQuery selector code avoids using it and instead does a recursive crawl of the tree, which has to be a lot more expensive. I know it wasn't there

Re: [jQuery] Non-destructive jQuery

2006-10-27 Thread Dave Methvin
I am pretty sure I don't have any code that would be broken by the new behavior. The entire test suite passes with it, although that may be more an indictment of the test suite than a stamp of approval. :-) I'm sure we can write some test that will break when changing the destructive

Re: [jQuery] Oooh! These are pretty!

2006-10-27 Thread Dave Methvin
I might be wrong, but isn't that what Canvas is for? Drawing shapes? Canvas is Mozilla's implementation... IE doesn't support that however. A JQ drawing lib would be great but quite a pain in the ass to code so it was cross browser. What else is new? ;-) None of those pretty dojo examples

Re: [jQuery] Oooh! These are pretty!

2006-10-27 Thread Dave Methvin
Hmmm, I just checked all these links in IE 6.0.2800.1106 and they all work fine for me. So I'm wondering what version you are using? And why it works for me and not you? I've got the latest IE6 for XP SP2, which is 6.0.2900.2180. This page gives me one of those typically unhelpful IE errors:

Re: [jQuery] xml / javascript help requested

2006-10-27 Thread Dave Methvin
look at and double click on the map, then click the toggle button under the map. This is currently broken on IE, because of (Which I hope gets FIXED soon, please!) I think this is breaking a find() case in

Re: [jQuery] Oooh! These are pretty!

2006-10-27 Thread Dave Methvin
! These are pretty! Dave Methvin wrote: Hmmm, I just checked all these links in IE 6.0.2800.1106 and they all work fine for me. So I'm wondering what version you are using? And why it works for me and not you? I've got the latest IE6 for XP SP2, which is 6.0.2900.2180. This page gives me one

Re: [jQuery] highlight table column on hover

2006-10-30 Thread Dave Methvin
Just use the hover function, there is no plugin needed. $(td).hover(function(){ $(this).addClass(over); },function(){ $(this).addClass(out); }); No, unfortunately it's not that easy if you want to highlight a complete column... It's almost that easy. You can put a colgroup in the

Re: [jQuery] how to stop each iteration under each's function?

2006-10-31 Thread Dave Methvin
but 'break;' won't stop the iteration of each, what should i do? Return false inside the function and it will stop. That was added recently but the docs weren't updated to reflect it. ___ jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] JQuery Corner Problem

2006-10-31 Thread Dave Methvin
with IE6 (surprise, surprise). I may need to call in the big guns (aka, Dave Methvin). I can see the problem...when the height is explicitly set there is a phantom area between the official padding and the bottom of the div. Maybe the quickest fix is to manually change the bottom padding to make

Re: [jQuery] Plugin method question

2006-10-31 Thread Dave Methvin
Then, style div.accordion_init to be hidden, and you get the same effect without misusing the code tag. Poor people that have to use a text browser, a screenreader, or simply have switched of CSS... ... Here's another solution that may be suitable for you: Do not put all options into the

[jQuery] Don't forget accessibility

2006-10-31 Thread Dave Methvin
The recent discussion about the merits of putting code into hidden parts of the document brings up the accessibility issue. Accessibility is not just about totally blind or deaf people. It's also about the person who is color-blind, has limited motor skills, or just prefers using a keyboard.

Re: [jQuery] Oooh! These are pretty!

2006-11-01 Thread Dave Methvin
There are tons of scripts out there for this type of functionality. Flash can talk to JavaScript and vice versa quite well nowadays, so getting a flash object (such as a compass) to follow your mouse via JS updating the flash object isn't hard, but. why? Client pay to designer lot of

Re: [jQuery] $(form.elements) fails in Safari

2006-11-02 Thread Dave Methvin
On 10/31/06, Pascal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm trying to do some jQuery manipulations on a form. A reference tothe form is in the variable 'theForm'. the following generates anerror in Safari:alert( $(theForm.elements) );the error generated is: Value undefined (result of

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