[Educasup] Lecture by Frédéric Fruteau de Laclos (Paris 1) | 24 January 2023 | Styles in the Arts and in the Sciences Sem inar

2023-01-22 Par sujet Matteo Vagelli
Meyerson *(Les Belles Lettres 2014) and *La connaissance des autres *(Le Cerf 2021). *More information* This seminar is organized by Matteo Vagelli and is part of the activities of EPISTYLE <https://pric.unive.it/projects/epistyle/home>. This project has received funding from the Euro

[Educasup] TOMORROW | Lecture by Andrea Pinotti (Milano) | 31 October 2022 | Styles in the Arts and in the Sciences Seminar

2022-10-30 Par sujet Matteo Vagelli
ulture studies, memory studies (monuments and memorials), and empathy theories. *More information* This seminar is organized by Matteo Vagelli and is part of the activities of EPISTYLE <https://pric.unive.it/projects/epistyle/home>. This project has received funding from the European Union

[Educasup] TODAY | Lecture by Rémi Mermet (ENS) | 24 October 2 022 | Styles in the Arts and in the Sciences Seminar

2022-10-24 Par sujet Matteo Vagelli
organized by Matteo Vagelli and is part of the activities of EPISTYLE <https://pric.unive.it/projects/epistyle/home>. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement number 101030646

[Educasup] Lecture by Isabelle Kalinowski (ENS) | 17 October 2022 | Styles in the Arts and in the Sciences Seminar

2022-10-17 Par sujet Matteo Vagelli
, among others, and she is currently preparing a French translation of Semper's *Der Stil*. *More information* This seminar is organized by Matteo Vagelli and is part of the activities of EPISTYLE <https://pric.unive.it/projects/epistyle/home>. This project has received funding from the Europ

[Educasup] online seminar: Styles in the Arts and in the Sciences (Fall 2022-Winter 2023)

2022-10-12 Par sujet Matteo Vagelli
the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101030646, “EPISTYLE” *Organizer:* Matteo Vagelli <https://unive.academia.edu/MatteoVagelli> (Ca' Foscari/Harvard) *Link zoom:* unive.zoom.us/j/87432697512 *Further information:* matteo.vage...@unive.it *Website:* unive.it/epistyle *OCTOB

[Educasup] [final call for registration & program change] Arts and Sciences, Historicizing Boundaries. 7th International Workshop on Historical Epistemology (Ca' Foscari, June 9-10)

2022-06-08 Par sujet Matteo Vagelli
ISON, Harvard University *Wastewilderness: nuclear lands* *JUNE 10, 2022* *Chair* Matteo Vagelli, Ca’ Foscari/Harvard University *9:30* Gwenda-lin Grewal, New School for Social Research *Fashion and academic divisiveness* *10:10* Maria Teresa Costa, MPIWG Berlin *A transcultural history of art his

[Educasup] [registration open] Arts and Sciences, Historicizing Boundaries. 7th International Workshop on Historical Epistemology (Ca' Foscari, June 9-10)

2022-06-03 Par sujet Matteo Vagelli
e in geometry and in painting* *16:20* PIETRO DANIEL OMODEO, Ca’ Foscari *Cultural politics of historical epistemology* *17:20* PETER GALISON, Harvard University *Wastewilderness: nuclear lands* *JUNE 10, 2022* *Chair* Matteo Vagelli, Ca’ Foscari/Harvard University *9:30* Gwenda-lin Grewal,

[Educasup] Lecture by Gianna Pomata (Johns Hopkins) | 23 May 2022 | Styles and Method in the Early-Modern and the Modern Period Seminar

2022-05-21 Par sujet Matteo Vagelli
sm and Erudition in Early Modern Europe *(MIT Press, 2005) and "The Medical Case Narrative: Distant Reading of an Epistemic Genre" *Literature and Medicine* 32, 1 (2014) *More information* This seminar is organized by Matteo Vagelli and is part of the activities of EPISTYLE <https:

[Educasup] [TOMORROW] Lecture by Emilie Passignat (Ca' Foscari) | 12 May 2022 | Styles and Method in the Early-Modern and the Modern Period Seminar

2022-05-11 Par sujet Matteo Vagelli
abulary. Among her latest publications *Il Cinquecento. Le fonti per la storia dell'arte* (Carocci 2017). Forthcoming publications concern the construction of art history during the 20th century. *More information* This seminar is organized by Matteo Vagelli and is part of the activities of EPISTYL

[Educasup] Denis Kambouchner (Paris 1) | 2 May 2022 | Styles and Method in the Early-Modern and the Modern Period Seminar

2022-04-30 Par sujet Matteo Vagelli
moderne et la philosophie de manière plus globale. ** This meeting will exceptionally be held in French, however, it will be possible to participate in the conversation and ask questions in English * * *More information* This seminar is organized by Matteo Vagelli and is part of the activities

[Educasup] Lecture by Raz Chen-Morris (Jerusalem) | 26 April 2022 | Styles and Method in the Early-Modern and the Modern Period Seminar

2022-04-21 Par sujet Matteo Vagelli
Ofer Gal he edited *Science in the Age of Baroque* (Springer 2012). Together with Hanan Yoran and Gur Zak, he edited a special issue of *The European Legacy*, (20:5, 2015) on *Humanism and the Ambiguities of Modernity*. *More information* This seminar is organized by Matteo Vagelli and is part

[Educasup] [Reminder] TODAY: Lecture by Carlotta Santini (CNRS) | 11 April 2022 | Styles and Method in the Early-Modern and the Modern Period Seminar

2022-04-11 Par sujet Matteo Vagelli
Pays Germaniques, Transferts Culturels). Editor of Friedrich Nietzsche's works, she specializes in 19th century German culture and the role played by Greek and Latin classical culture in the development of modern Western culture. *More information* This seminar is organized by Matteo Vagelli and is

[Educasup] Lecture by Carlotta Santini (CNRS) | 11 April 2022 | Styles and Method in the Early-Modern and the Modern Period Seminar

2022-04-08 Par sujet Matteo Vagelli
eure (UMR 8547 – Pays Germaniques, Transferts Culturels). Editor of Friedrich Nietzsche's works, she specializes in 19th century German culture and the role played by Greek and Latin classical culture in the development of modern Western culture. *More information* This seminar is orga

[Educasup] Online Seminar: Styles and Method in the Early-Modern and the Modern Period (Spring 2022)

2022-03-28 Par sujet Matteo Vagelli
programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101030646, “EPISTYLE” *Organizer:* Matteo Vagelli <https://unive.academia.edu/MatteoVagelli> (Ca' Foscari/Harvard) *Link zoom:* unive.zoom.us/j/6569494316 *Further information:* matteo.vage...@unive.it *Website:* unive.it/epist

[Educasup] CFP [reminder] - Arts and Sciences, Historicizing Boundaries (DEADLINE: March 15)

2022-03-02 Par sujet Matteo Vagelli
(IHPST) Lucie Fabry (ENS-PSL, République des savoirs / Aix Marseille Université, Centre Gilles-Gaston Granger) Iván Moya-Diez (Universidad Alberto Hurtado) Matteo Vagelli (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia) -- https://www.vidal-rosset.net/mailing_list_educasupphilo.html

[Educasup] CFP - 7th International Workshop on Historical Epistemology: Arts and Sciences, Historicizing Boundaries (Venice, 9-10 June 2022)

2022-02-01 Par sujet Matteo Vagelli
oline Angleraux (Labex Who Am I?, Associate member of the IHPST) Thomas Embleton (IHPST) Lucie Fabry (ENS-PSL, République des savoirs / Aix Marseille Université, Centre Gilles- Gaston Granger) Iván Moya-Diez (Universidad Alberto Hurtado) Matteo Vagelli (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia) -- https://www.vidal-rosset.net/mailing_list_educasupphilo.html

[Educasup] [REMINDER] 2nd Month of Historical Epistemology – ONLINE November 3, 10, 17, 24 (5pm-7pm GMT+1)

2021-11-01 Par sujet Matteo Vagelli
2nd Month of Historical Epistemology November 3, 10, 17, 24 / 2021 17h-19h (Paris time GMT+1) Link Zoom: unive.zoom.us/j/6569494316 Organizing Committee Caroline Angleraux Lucie Fabry Ivan Moya Diez Matteo Vagelli *Épistémologie Historique. Research Network* *on the History and the Methods of

[Educasup] 2nd Month of Historical Epistemology – ONLINE Nove mber 3, 10, 17, 24 (5pm-7pm GMT+1)

2021-10-15 Par sujet Matteo Vagelli
2nd Month of Historical Epistemology November 3, 10, 17, 24 / 2021 17h-19h (Paris time GMT+1) Link Zoom: unive.zoom.us/j/6569494316 Organizing Committee Caroline Angleraux Lucie Fabry Ivan Moya Diez Matteo Vagelli *Épistémologie Historique. Research Network* *on the History and the Methods of

[Educasup] JGPS 52/1 special section on pluralism

2021-05-10 Par sujet Matteo Vagelli
future science. The special section is edited by Matteo Vagelli, Laurent Loison and Ivan Moya-Diez. TABLE OF CONTENTS: [Special section] *Thinking Crossroads: From Scientific Pluralism to Pluralist History of Science* Matteo Vagelli, Laurent Loison & Ivan Moya-Diez *Introduction &l

[Educasup] New Focus section "Ian Hacking and the Historical Reason of the Sciences" (Philinq IX, 1-2021)

2021-03-01 Par sujet Matteo Vagelli
tific stability and on the disunity of the sciences. The Focus section is edited by Matteo Vagelli and Marica Setaro. The issue also presents Gaston Bachelard's introduction to his *Le rationalisme appliqué *translated into English for the first time. TABLE OF CONTENTS: [Focus section] *I

[Educasup] CFP [Reminder]: “Normativity and The Life Sciences : Analytical and Continental Perspectives”, HPLS 2021 Spec ial Issue

2020-09-16 Par sujet Matteo Vagelli
*Call for papers [REMINDER]:* *History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences. 2021 Special Issue.* Topic of the Special Issue: “Normativity and the Life Sciences: Analytical and Continental Perspectives” Guest editors: Luca Corti Ivan Moya-Diez Matteo Vagelli We are inviting submissions for a

[Educasup] Revue de Philosophie Économique/Review of Economic Philosophy (Rappel)

2020-03-06 Par sujet Matteo Vagelli
version finale de leur article avant le 10 janvier 2021. Dans l'espoir de recevoir vos propositions de contributions, Respectueusement, Coordinateurs invités : Sina Badiei (Collège International de Philosophie (CIPH) / Université de Paris) Matteo Vagelli (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)

[Educasup] Revue de Philosophie Économique/Review of Economic Philosophy

2020-02-05 Par sujet Matteo Vagelli
uble envoi, cordialement, Sina Badiei (Collège International de Philosophie (CIPH) / Université de Paris) Matteo Vagelli (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) *Étudier la pensée économique par le prisme de l’épistémologie historique * Numéro spécial de la revue de philosophie économique Coo

[Educasup] [CALL FOR REGISTRATIONS] Programme 5èmes journéesd'études sur l'Epistémologie Historique (Paris, 16-18 mai 2019)

2019-05-13 Par sujet Matteo Vagelli
eur, PhiCo Paris 1 Hasok CHANG, Professeur, Cambridge University Cristina CHIMISSO, Professeur, Open University Arnold I. DAVIDSON, Professeur, University of Chicago Moritz EPPLE, Professeur, Université de Francfort Pierre WAGNER, Professeur, IHPST Paris 1 *Comité d’organisation* Matteo V

[Educasup] [REMINDER] AAC/CFP_5èmes Journées d'études sur l' Épistémologie Historique (Paris, 16-18 mai 2019)

2019-01-21 Par sujet Matteo Vagelli
glish. *Organizing committee* Matteo Vagelli, Ivan Moya Diez, Laurent Loison (coordinateurs) Caroline Angleraux, Marcos Camolezi, Victor Lefèvre, Gabriele Vissio. *Scientific committee* Christian Bonnet, Professeur, CHSPM Paris 1 Jean-François Braunstein, Professeur, PhiCo Paris 1

[Educasup] [AAC/CFP] 5èmes Journées d'études sur l'Epistémo logie Historique (Paris, 16-18 mai 2019)

2018-12-19 Par sujet Matteo Vagelli
glish. *Organizing committee* Matteo Vagelli, Ivan Moya Diez, Laurent Loison (coordinateurs) Caroline Angleraux, Marcos Camolezi, Victor Lefèvre. *Scientific committee* Christian Bonnet, Professeur, CHSPM Paris 1 Jean-François Braunstein, Professeur, PhiCo Paris 1 Cristina Chi