Re: excluding features from sloppy mode

2012-12-31 Thread Kevin Smith
And again, ES5 failed to reserve 'module' in strict mode, and ES1-3 never reserved 'module', so ES6 must make 'module' only contextually reserved. We are already in either it's an identifier, or it isn't default. If we can do it for 'module', why not for 'let'? Easy: module is still a first

Re: excluding features from sloppy mode

2012-12-31 Thread Kevin Smith
The only place 'let' is contextually reserved in the quasi-consensus from the last TC39 meeting is at the start of a statement, when followed by an identifier, '{', or '['. Right - which makes let a second class identifier (sorry, made-up-term), since it can't be used in let[x] = y. I shed

Re: excluding features from sloppy mode

2012-12-30 Thread Kevin Smith
This is a bit long - bear with me... First, let me make one more argument as to why new syntax, just use it won't work: (a) In ES6, let is the preferred way to declare variables. Let's not be relativistic to the point of goo here. Block-scoped variables are better. As such, let is of central

Re: excluding features from sloppy mode

2012-12-29 Thread Kevin Smith
I gotta say, I'm in agreement with Mark (and even Andreas) here. 1JS, under all modes just isn't going to work (let[x] = y proves that). And keeping track of what's allowed under which mode (and why) could get complicated and difficult to explain. But what about this? One JS, Under strict

Re: excluding features from sloppy mode

2012-12-29 Thread Kevin Smith
The more I think about this, the more convinced I get that all new syntax and breaking changes (where possible) should be strict-mode only. In retrospect, `let[x] = y;` changed everything. Here's why I think 1JS under strict is the best solution: - How exactly would one teach that classes,

Re: excluding features from sloppy mode

2012-12-29 Thread Kevin Smith
Ease of teaching != successfully imparted knowledge at scale. Sorry, but it's true. People don't use use strict; at top level enough, and teaching them all will take time. Even then, because of the Law of Least Effort, it'll be left out. This is the major objection some of us keep raising,

Re: excluding features from sloppy mode

2012-12-29 Thread Kevin Smith
1) All new syntax and breaking changes (where possible) are strict-mode only. 2) Modules and only modules are implicitly strict. (2) is not what (1) says, ignoring the mysterious (where possible) loophole. You're really sharp! Notice that I didn't specify in or out-of-line modules

Re: excluding features from sloppy mode

2012-12-28 Thread Kevin Smith
So I don't see the argument against implicit strict as overriding. The main argument against implicit strict, peppered across new syntax, is increased complexity for little gain. In other words, bloat. If you want implicit strict, then do it for module bodies only (in or out-of-line).

Re: excluding features from sloppy mode

2012-12-28 Thread Kevin Smith
What about node code? Well, node modules are not ES6 modules. They are functions with an implicit head and braces. So implicit strict mode, applied to ES6 modules, would not apply to them. { Kevin } ___ es-discuss mailing list

Re: excluding features from sloppy mode

2012-12-28 Thread Kevin Smith
Sorry, I should have expanded further - that was my point. Node is a case where I can see classes being used without modules. I imagine native class support will hit v8 soon enough, and I could see people start using them without trying to switch to ES6 modules. Ah - true. They can put a

Re: excluding features from sloppy mode

2012-12-28 Thread Kevin Smith
That implicit head and braces are in the library, though; so if node wanted (and it would be possible somehow), it could replace it with module. Still don't know if exporting / reentrant require could be handled without much fuss. Possible, but not really clean or (I think) satisfactory, due

Re: `import` and aliasing bindings

2012-12-28 Thread Kevin Smith
module foo { export let state = 5; export function modifyState() { state = 10; }; } import { state, modifyState } from foo; assert(state === 5); modifyState(); assert(state === 10); That's it. This is, to me as an ES5 programmer, very weird. There is *no other situation in

Re: `import` and aliasing bindings

2012-12-28 Thread Kevin Smith
So I fully agree with all of Andreas's points. Another one is that I've been thinking we should add getter/setter exports to make it possible to create lazily initialized exports: let cell; export get foo() { if (!cell) cell = initialize(); return

Re: excluding features from sloppy mode

2012-12-28 Thread Kevin Smith
I guess we'll see soon enough, but I think there's still going to be a big battle between ES6 modules and node modules and amd/requireJS. Any early adopter types have already probably invested in something, and because the porting isn't always straightforward, I think many will stick with what

Re: `import` and aliasing bindings

2012-12-28 Thread Kevin Smith
+1 for adding getter/setter exports to make it possible to create lazily initialized exports. This could be very useful for frameworks to keep footprint lower without causing unintuitive designs. No - we need to keep features out of the module system. Abstractions should be created with the

Re: A Variation on ES Modules

2012-12-28 Thread Kevin Smith
Just to finalize this thread, I updated the gist based on comments from Andreas: It includes syntax for proper inline modules, and an extension syntax for pre-loading (aka concatenating). It also brings the syntax for module aliasing closer to the previous

Re: `import` and aliasing bindings

2012-12-28 Thread Kevin Smith
However, I agree that the destructuring syntax for module imports may not be the clearest choice in terms of raising the right expectations. (As we have discovered already, it has other issues, namely people confusing the direction of renaming.) Maybe it is a bit too clever, and considering

Re: excluding features from sloppy mode

2012-12-28 Thread Kevin Smith
The question really is, why have sloppy-mode classes at all? Who wants or needs them? Well, no one, really. But we shouldn't want big invisible switches or any new pragma-haunts either. You've said that my predictions are wildly optimistic, and I'm going to have to push back. Let me, like

Re: excluding features from sloppy mode

2012-12-28 Thread Kevin Smith
There's no invisible switch. You are assuming something not axiomatic: that new syntax head-forms other than module must inherit sloppy from outer code. That does not follow without more argumentation. I guess I'm saying that anything other than inheritance, without the pragma, is an

Re: excluding features from sloppy mode

2012-12-28 Thread Kevin Smith
1. Except for module. Right. 2. Non-locality of use strict in the medium-to-large makes for an effectively invisible, or at least hard to see as in effect, switch. Mmmm.. maybe. So are you in favor of class body as strict by default? You mean as always strict? I wasn't when I wrote

Re: excluding features from sloppy mode

2012-12-27 Thread Kevin Smith
Since any new code will likely be written as a module (even in the near-term, transpiled back to ES5), this would be the ideal scenario. Which this do you mean? modules (in or out of line) implying strict mode can target ES5 strict, no problem. This meaning all module code (in or

Re: excluding features from sloppy mode

2012-12-26 Thread Kevin Smith
First, maybe the 1JS term is a bit confusing and should be retired. I think a few simple rules are in order: 1) No opt-in required for new syntax, except: 2) No breaking changes for sloppy mode. 3) No implicit opt-in to strict mode. Everyone agrees on rule #1. Rule #2 implies no let

Re: excluding features from sloppy mode

2012-12-26 Thread Kevin Smith
You're not in marketing, are you :-P. No - and if I had any marketing sense I'd have a much better day job : ) Indeed, it goes against Dave's original proposal that module opt into strict mode, which avoids some problems with sloppy mode in modules, e.g. implicitly created globals by

Re: excluding features from sloppy mode

2012-12-26 Thread Kevin Smith
It does not even contain the word strict. IIRC (and I asked about this at the last TC39 meeting and got verbal confirmation), the idea of module {...} implying strict mode was latent, or intended. I'm not sure about out of line modules. At this point, best thing is to summon Dave. Since

Re: Do Anonymous Exports Solve the Backwards Compatibility Problem?

2012-12-20 Thread Kevin Smith
The latter scenario isn't important for the 'module exports a single function which is identified with the module' case, but it is important for gradual migration to ES6. It's much easier to convert an ES5 library that attaches a single value to the global object to a single-export module by

A Variation on ES Modules

2012-12-19 Thread Kevin Smith
I've worked up a concrete variation on the modules syntax: I believe that it presents a clean, simple model and coding experience. Comments welcome! - Kevin ___ es-discuss mailing list

Re: A Variation on ES Modules

2012-12-19 Thread Kevin Smith
What you _do_ want to have IMO, though, is module aliases module Short = Long.Qualified.Module.Name I agree. OTOH, one more other feature I could consider dropping for the time being is the ability to export from a ModuleSpecifier. I'm not convinced that this is a common enough use

Re: Do Anonymous Exports Solve the Backwards Compatibility Problem?

2012-12-19 Thread Kevin Smith
Assigning a single exports also nudges people to make small modules that do one thing. A Node-ism for which the benefit is not yet proven : ) It is a design aesthetic that has been established in the JS community, both in node and in AMD modules, in real code used by many people. So

Re: Do Anonymous Exports Solve the Backwards Compatibility Problem?

2012-12-19 Thread Kevin Smith
In summary, I do not believe there is a technical issue with export assignment and backcompat, which was the what started this thread. Why not? I've attempted to show that it's not possible to correctly use this feature for backward compatibility without parsing the code first. Pre-parsing

Do Anonymous Exports Solve the Backwards Compatibility Problem?

2012-12-18 Thread Kevin Smith
At first glance, it seems like anonymous exports might provide a way for pre-ES6 (read: Node) modules and ES6 modules to coexist. After all: exports = function A() {}; just looks so much like: module.exports = function A() {}; But is that the case? Does this oddball syntax actually

Re: Module Comments

2012-12-10 Thread Kevin Smith
I consider such second-guessing of user intention, which can lead one construct to mean completely different things, harmful. It makes code less readable and more brittle. And again, it's a semantic hack, making the language more complex. I just don't see why it would be worth it, especially

Re: Module Comments

2012-12-09 Thread Kevin Smith
Since it is just sugar, and supposed to be equivalent to the expansion, you (fortunately) would get an error (statically). OK, then suppose we have these two separate forms: import x from url; // Bind x to the anonymous export, if defined, otherwise error and import module x from

Re: Module Comments

2012-12-08 Thread Kevin Smith
So if you didn't set the anonymous binding in some module x.js, what would this do: import x from x.js; Would x be bound to the module instance or would we get a binding error? For module naming, we'd need to have a different syntax. In earlier versions of the proposal that was module

Re: Module Comments

2012-12-06 Thread Kevin Smith
Summaries with comments: 1) export ExportSpecifierSet (, ExportSpecifierSet)* ; Brendan pointed out that other binding forms allow lists (including the import form), so why not this one? I actually didn't realize that lists are allowed with import: ImportDeclaration ::= import

Re: Module Comments

2012-12-06 Thread Kevin Smith
The downside is that it introduces a severe anomaly into the module semantics (a module which actually has no instance). I could live with this feature if we were to find a way to explain it in terms of simple syntactic sugar on both the import and export side, but screwing and complicating

Re: Module Comments

2012-12-06 Thread Kevin Smith
Note, however, that you still assume some hack in the semantics with the if it exists part. To avoid that, you need to divorce the import syntax from the naming-an-external-module syntax -- which I'd actually prefer anyway, and which was the case in the previous version of the proposal.

Re: (Map|Set|WeakMap)#set() returns `this` ?

2012-12-05 Thread Kevin Smith
Dart has a cascade operator (..) [1]. That's the Right Way to do chaining. We should watch how it goes in Dart before prematurely committing to this iffy simulation of cascading at the API level. - Kevin [1]

Module Comments

2012-12-05 Thread Kevin Smith
I've had a look at the changes to the modules wiki page [1]. I'm liking the syntax changes quite a lot actually, but I have a couple of comments: 1) export ExportSpecifierSet (, ExportSpecifierSet)* ; This rule seems too permissive. It allows strange combinations like: export x, { y:

Comments on Meeting Notes

2012-12-04 Thread Kevin Smith
=== @names === I think punting on @name syntax until ES7 is a wise move. I would like to sneak in a word of clarification on my modular @name proposal, though. In my proposal, @names are not implicitly declared variables. They are namespaced identifiers, where the namespace container is the

Re: Comments on Meeting Notes

2012-12-04 Thread Kevin Smith
1JS wants new syntax to be its own opt-in. Right - except of course `let[i] = j;` isn't new syntax. In non-strict, `let` is either an identifier, or it isn't. If it's an identifier, then let it be a full-fledged identifier, not some half-man, half-beast. I think it's best to avoid situations

Re: Comments on Meeting Notes

2012-12-04 Thread Kevin Smith
Of course, you cited only one sentence I wrote and cut the rest where I adverted to the problem. Sorry - I get creative with my cuts sometimes : ) But is it a real problem? Probably not, but my POV is that if let is an identifier (and in non-strict mode, it will be), then let it have all

Re: Comments on Meeting Notes

2012-12-04 Thread Kevin Smith
I would like to defend Dave against Kevin's wildly. Yeah - it *was* a little inflammatory. Sorry, Dave. I think you rock, of course : ) That the default loader knows about pathnames and .js is a good thing in my view. You want something else, write another loader. Actually, I feel like

Re: Arrow functions and return values

2012-11-29 Thread Kevin Smith
It's a bit unclear to me how arrow functions react to semicolons, for example: var a = (c) = { var b = 2; b * c; } a(4); Hmmm... I was under the impression that arrow functions with normal function bodies do *not* implicitly return anything. Maybe I need to adjust my spec goggles,

Re: let and strict mode

2012-11-18 Thread Kevin Smith
Dave Herman proposed as part of 1JS that module imply strict mode, so let is reserved in module. So that helps. Sure, for inline modules. But are externally loaded modules strict as well? I think they should be... 1. 'let' only in strict code including modules per 1JS as originally

Re: let and strict mode

2012-11-16 Thread Kevin Smith
Another experiment would tell us more...and as Peter points out, there are people who like to put their declarator keyword on a separate line. Mmm... I think a [no LineTerm] restriction is going to bite too hard in this case. If let in non-strict mode were a context-sensitive keyword, with a

Re: let and strict mode

2012-11-16 Thread Kevin Smith
So the only code that would break would be expression statements consisting of the single identifier let, followed by an ASI'd newline. Is that right? To reply to myself, there's also this: var let = [], num = 0; let[num] = f(); Hmmm I suppose a radical but safe solution

Re: let and strict mode

2012-11-16 Thread Kevin Smith
var let = function() {}; let(); If let is a contextual keyword (in non-strict mode of course), then we can look ahead to the token after `let` to validate it. An open paren cannot follow a let *keyword*, so therefore it must be an identifier. var let = { it: be }; //

Re: Promises

2012-11-14 Thread Kevin Smith
If the second argument is optional, it's possible to have both one-arg and two-arg styles in the same API. What do people think about this idea? Maybe - minimalism served the class proposal quite well. It might be a good strategy here, too. Here's what I'm thinking: // Creates a new

Re: Promises

2012-11-14 Thread Kevin Smith
Why go purposefully against the existing terminology of the JavaScript ecosystem? Just say “deferred” where you have “promise” and “promise” where you have “future” and you avoid needless confusion and conflict. I prefer to find the optimal solution first and then consider migration costs

Re: Promises

2012-11-14 Thread Kevin Smith
I think you meant optimally colored bikeshed, but OK. Ouch : ) Names are important. Especially when it comes to something as potentially confusing as promises and futures. - Kevin ___ es-discuss mailing list

Re: Promises

2012-11-14 Thread Kevin Smith
I personally think Scala made a good choice, because most of the time all we are concerned with is the future. And we can talk about futures independently from invoking the promise analogy. I think the promise analogy is great, but in my opinion it can be a little bit tricky for people to pick

Re: Promises

2012-11-11 Thread Kevin Smith
Is the following a counter-example? On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 8:33 AM, Mark S. Miller wrote: Hi David, thanks for your thoughtful post. I've always used the two-arg form of .then[1], but your post makes a strong case for more often using separate one-arg .then and .fail

Re: Promises

2012-11-10 Thread Kevin Smith
return AFS.stat(path) .fail(error = null) // map failure to success condition .then(stat = if (!stat)// Path doesn't exist - create the directory return AFS.mkdir(path); else if (stat.isDirectory())// done already return 'nothing to do';

Re: Promises

2012-11-09 Thread Kevin Smith
We have found this to be more expressive as well. Especially in ES5 environments, where we can use Q's alias of `catch` instead of `fail`: p1.then(val = doStuff) .catch(err = console.error(err)); Nice: +1 However, I see a lot of value in when as a word still. Then makes sense when

Re: Promises

2012-11-09 Thread Kevin Smith
p1.then(val = doStuff) .catch(err = console.error(err)); Nice: +1 On further thought, I'm not so sure. Consider this code, which creates a directory if it doesn't already exist and then logs done. return AFS.stat(path).then(stat = { if (!stat.isDirectory())

Promise Terminology

2012-11-09 Thread Kevin Smith
Hi all, I thought it might be helpful to compile a list of terms that different libraries and languages are using for promises. In general, we need two terms: one to describe an object which can set the state of the eventual, and one to describe an object which can only read the eventual. This

Re: Promises

2012-11-07 Thread Kevin Smith
In other words, futures provide synchronisation, while promises provide resolution. This is exactly the API that Q (and it's derivatives) use, although the nomenclature is different. In Q, the future is called a promise, and the promise is what you get from calling defer(): let {

Re: Why are non-method properties in a prototype an anti-pattern?

2012-11-07 Thread Kevin Smith
Any other reasons for why they are discouraged? This footgun: function MyClass() { this.value = 1; // OK this.list.push(0); // Modifying the list for every instance - probably not intended. } MyClass.prototype.value = 0; MyClass.prototype.list = []; - Kevin

Re: thoughts the (re)organization of the specification?

2012-11-02 Thread Kevin Smith
Just speaking as a spec reader, I say go for it. - Kevin On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 6:08 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock al...@wirfs-brock.comwrote: In both ES5 and ES6 (so far) we have generally tried to maintain the section structure of the previous editions. Occasionally we have had to do some minor

Re: Request for feedback on a talk on I'm giving on ES6

2012-10-21 Thread Kevin Smith
I might steal always bet on JS, or maybe I'll emphasize the way we can use these features today (SpiderMonkey, Chrome Embedded Frame or Node.js apps with flags, Traceur and other transpilers for the non-magic...). Still thinking on it, and of course toeing the sleep-dep/productivity line.

Re: Modules, Concatenation, and Better Solutions

2012-10-17 Thread Kevin Smith
I see two coherent alternatives: (a) execute inline modules by need (i.e., on first import) rather than eagerly (b) execute external modules transactionally, trying to order them by dependency so that imported modules have fully initialized before the code that depends on them runs I

Re: Modules, Concatenation, and Better Solutions

2012-10-17 Thread Kevin Smith
Browsers can load from ZIP files, some even supported the .jar variant and!**member!membernotation (not sure what's still working there). But this is again multiplying risks. Will developers all ZIP this way, instead of using TE

Re: Modules, Concatenation, and Better Solutions

2012-10-17 Thread Kevin Smith
Do we log you need me only when f is called for the first time? Sorry - that makes no sense. What I meant was: module A { console.log(you need me); export var x = x; } export function f() { console.log(A.x); } Do we log you need me only when f is called for

Re: Modules, Concatenation, and Better Solutions

2012-10-16 Thread Kevin Smith
Just to be sure... Does a get printed only the first time the module A is imported somewhere, or every time? Only the first time. But the question here is about nested/inline modules. Patrick, it must be the other way. Here's why: module A { export function f() {

Re: Modular At-Names

2012-10-16 Thread Kevin Smith
1. The one-class-per-file pattern is near universal. When there is more than one class, they tend to be in minor supporting roles (like exception-type subclasses or simple data structures). 2. Adding private, protected, etc. declarations to classes adds a good deal of baggage to the syntax that

Re: Modular At-Names

2012-10-16 Thread Kevin Smith
What do you think about the typo problem? Not a major issue? It's javascript, so I guess I'm used to getting pinched every now and then by a little property misspelling. It's never caused me to miss C#/C++/Java/etc. And it all washes out with proper testing. It seems orthogonal to me

Modules, Concatenation, and Better Solutions

2012-10-15 Thread Kevin Smith
Hi all, With modules, we're going to see code broken up into more and smaller files, which directly opposes the desire to minimize the number of HTTP round-trips. On solution is concatenation, but if I'm not mistaken there are potential order-of-execution issues with that approach. Another

Re: Modules, Concatenation, and Better Solutions

2012-10-15 Thread Kevin Smith
I believe that concatenation of modules ought to work fine as an approach for minimization of requests, because modules are executed when imported. OK, so: module A { console.log(a); export var x; } console.log($); import x from A; Does this print: $ a

Re: Modular At-Names

2012-10-15 Thread Kevin Smith
For the case of importing 37 at-names, I would expect that * imports would take care of it: import * from ModuleDefining37NameInterface; Oh, come on! The problem isn't importing the names. The problem lies in having to maintain a nightmarishly long set of declarations which are

Re: Function.length and Default Parameters

2012-10-12 Thread Kevin Smith
This looks like the sort of thing that will get labeled uselessly unreliable, then again I was in favor of making length equal the number of formal parameters—rest included. Right - the simpler the rule, the better for this kind of thing. I wouldn't include rest, though, because it's

Re: Function.length and Default Parameters

2012-10-12 Thread Kevin Smith
Anything but optional and rest (as speced) is the simplest rule I can think of, except everything including rest, but no one wants that. But the current spec does not say that. It says stop counting at the first default, which doesn't really tell anyone anything useful about the function's

Re: Function.length and Default Parameters

2012-10-12 Thread Kevin Smith
Have you found the actual usage of length in node libraries to enforce this sort of signature testing? I was poking around and haven't found it. Note that the only says must be defined with an arity of 4, that is the signature (err, req, res,

Re: Modular At-Names

2012-10-12 Thread Kevin Smith
Given that you need to import symbols, I prefer explicit declarations (which will also be used for exporting). Thanks for your feedback! The problem with explicit declarations is that it's going to be burdensome, for no apparent gain. Consider: I have a real-world class with 37 internal

Re: Function.length and Default Parameters

2012-10-12 Thread Kevin Smith
You seem to be under the mistaken impression that ES6 allows non-defaulted arguments after default ones. This is not the case. See for a (very) recent discussion of this. I don't think that is true. See Allen's

Re: Function.length and Default Parameters

2012-10-12 Thread Kevin Smith
Also, I see no evidence in the latest draft that defaults after a non-default is a static error. Please correct me if I'm wrong, of course! Sorry, meant non-defaults after a default in the above. Need...more...coffeee. Kevin ___ es-discuss mailing

Re: Modular At-Names

2012-10-12 Thread Kevin Smith
Also, I should mention a couple of things: 1. This design essentially paves the cowpath trod with underscore-prefixed property names, adding the desired property of conflict elimination. 2. If System is a built-in *module instance*, and the @iterator symbol is defined internally within that

Re: Modular At-Names

2012-10-12 Thread Kevin Smith
Yes, although I don't take the private, who needs it? attitude as easily as you do. Not saying it's wrong, but I'm not 100% convinced yet. In a way I'm posing a challenge - I think it will be an interesting debate to have. Doesn't this have the same problem you were arguing against in your

Re: Function.length and Default Parameters

2012-10-11 Thread Kevin Smith
express for node already does this, for error handlers: express is very popular; #4 on Most Depended Upon packages; #1 on Most Starred at npm: This is helpful. So, judgement aside, we can say there is a certain level of usage of

Re: Function.length and Default Parameters

2012-10-11 Thread Kevin Smith
And specifically not stopping counting at the first parameter with a default value, right? Yep. Would it also work for this use case to stop counting at the first parameter with no default value, after which there are only defaults? function f(a, b = 2, c, d = 4, {} f.length

Modular At-Names

2012-10-11 Thread Kevin Smith
Hi all, ES6 is shaping up quite nicely. The last big area which I feel is still quite foggy is syntactic support for symbolic property names, which Allen has addressed with his at-names proposal. Perhaps syntax won't make it into ES6 regardless of the work we do, but I think the symbol story

Function.length and Default Parameters

2012-10-10 Thread Kevin Smith
I notice that the current draft spec says: The ExpectedArgumentCount of a FormalParameterList is the number of FormalParameters to the left of either the rest parameter or the first FormalParameter with an Initialiser. This aligns ExpectedArgumentCount with built-in functions like

Re: Function.length and Default Parameters

2012-10-10 Thread Kevin Smith
We've discussed this extensively before and there doesn't seem to be many plausible use cases for the function length property. Here's the only use case that I've encountered (admittedly not particularly strong): Overriding the behavior of a function/method based on the signature of an input

Re: Method definitions in classes/objects

2012-10-08 Thread Kevin Smith
Also, if concise methods introduce a binding, then there's the hazard that an outer binding of the same name will get unintentionally shadowed. Kevin ___ es-discuss mailing list

Re: issue: function hoisting and parameter default value initialization

2012-10-08 Thread Kevin Smith
function f(x1, ~~~, xN) { if (x1 === undefined) x1 = e1; ~~~ if (xN === undefined) xN = eN; return (function(x1, ~~~ xN) { body }).apply(this, arguments); } Effectively sibling scopes, with a copy mechanism from the defaults scope to the body scope. That's what I was going

Re: [[Call]] vs. [[Construct]] using symbols

2012-10-07 Thread Kevin Smith
It addresses a common pattern today, that looks like: function Led( opts ) { if ( !(this instanceof Led) ) { return new Led( opts ); } // ... } Yes - I explored this idea back when we were discussing classes several months ago. The thing that you have to consider is that

Re: Symbols, Protocols, Frames, and Versioning

2012-10-06 Thread Kevin Smith
The issue, is providing access to an already created symbol across such boundaries. As I have pointed out in other messages, this isn't a problem that it unique to symbols. It is isomorphic with use cases for sharing any kind of object across such boundaries. I disagree. The only reason

Re: Symbols, Protocols, Frames, and Versioning

2012-10-05 Thread Kevin Smith
And the strings supplied to Symbol.for/from form a single namespace across the entire executing environment? Across the observably connected realms. Independent window/frame graphs that are disconnected, no need or way to tell. Ah yes. Sounds good. As an aside, does the symbol in this

Re: Symbols, Protocols, Frames, and Versioning

2012-10-05 Thread Kevin Smith
Indeed, which is why I'm not sure I understand what this idea is trying to achieve. Is it more than just an ad hoc way to introduce a second namespace? Presumably, so that such a namespace can be used with a property-name-substitution syntax. A question: is var symbol = new

Re: Symbols, Protocols, Frames, and Versioning

2012-10-05 Thread Kevin Smith
- Symbols, even when not used for encapsulated abstractions, are great for avoiding the possibility of collision in the global string namespace - So, we (tc39) decided to use them for to replace the property name currently called iterator in Spidermonkey. - Currently, iterator works

Re: Symbols, Protocols, Frames, and Versioning

2012-10-04 Thread Kevin Smith
Kevin should weigh in, since he is thread-starter. I'm blushing... I'd like to back up a bit. Just to be clear, any two occurrences of: Symbol.from(abcdefg); // or Symbol.for... from any module, in any global context, will result in the same symbol? Kevin

Re: Symbols, Protocols, Frames, and Versioning

2012-10-04 Thread Kevin Smith
Yes, that's the intent. And the strings supplied to Symbol.for/from form a single namespace across the entire executing environment? So if an author wanted to guarantee no conflicts, they would need to use a suitable globally unique string (like a uuid or reverse DNS name, or something else

Symbols, Protocols, Frames, and Versioning

2012-10-03 Thread Kevin Smith
One of the main use cases for symbols is for defining object protocols that don't suffer from property name conflicts. The recently discussed `iterator` and `toStringTag` method names fall into this category. The idea is that we can implement the protocol by defining methods using symbols, and

Re: Must built-in prototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototype object's [[Class]] is Object?)

2012-10-02 Thread Kevin Smith
private @FooBrand; class Foo { constructor() { /* establish the internal Fooness of the instance */ this.@FooBrand = true; } } Foo.isFoo = function (obj) {return !!obj.@FooBrand}; Using this strategy, will isFoo not fail, if the specified object came from a

Re: Must built-in prototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototype object's [[Class]] is Object?)

2012-10-02 Thread Kevin Smith
On the other hand, if you have many instances that need to be branded I suspect that the distributed symbol based technique is going to have a better performance profile than the WeakMaps. Is this true? Are there performance caveats that come with current WeakMap implementations? Kevin

Re: Test for [[Construct]] invocation (was: Re: Must built-in prototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototype object's [[Class]] is Object?))

2012-10-02 Thread Kevin Smith
(One-handed Luke Skywalker voice:) NOo : ) Another perfect response! Kevin ___ es-discuss mailing list

Re: Must built-in prototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototype object's [[Class]] is Object?)

2012-10-01 Thread Kevin Smith
I think Allen is absolutely right that the magic incest of current built-ins is not going to scale, is semantically questionable, and should best be abandoned. : ) magic incest. This is pretty much a perfect response. Kevin ___ es-discuss mailing

Module Suggestions

2012-09-26 Thread Kevin Smith
1) Use Variant B for external modules 2) ExportDeclaration ::= export ExportSpecifierSet ; 3) ExportSpecifierSet ::= * ([noNewlineBefore] from ModuleSpecifier)? ___ es-discuss mailing list

Re: Module Suggestions

2012-09-26 Thread Kevin Smith
1) Use Variant B for external modules 2) ExportDeclaration ::= export ExportSpecifierSet ; 3) ExportSpecifierSet ::= * ([noNewlineBefore] from ModuleSpecifier)? Blerg - meant to Save Draft and submit this for discussion at a later date. Apologies. Kevin

Arrows Not Primary?

2012-09-24 Thread Kevin Smith
Looking at the July 8 Draft, I notice that arrow functions are produced by AssignmentExpression, not PrimaryExpression (as function expressions are). Why is that? Is it to limit the operators that can be applied to them? When descent parsing, we have to drill down into primary expression to

Re: Arrows Not Primary?

2012-09-24 Thread Kevin Smith
Never mind - it's to prevent grammatical ambiguity in the concise form. Sorry for the noise. Kevin On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 8:55 AM, Kevin Smith wrote: Looking at the July 8 Draft, I notice that arrow functions are produced by AssignmentExpression, not PrimaryExpression

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