Re: Must built-in prototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototype object's [[Class]] is Object?)

2012-10-02 Thread David Bruant
2012/10/2 Mark S. Miller

 On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 9:02 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Words on paper still carry force but they do not necessarily have prompt
 effects, or any effects. It depends on the people reading them and
 implementing, and trying to follow the rules. Those people are much more
 likely to audit their (closed, per release, typically) set of host objects
 and fix any spoofers.

 I think we're agreeing but for one thing. The force of a normative
 specification is that violations can be added to test262, so that they
 stand out like a sore thumb, putting pressure on the violator to fix it. We
 already did this successfully with one host object violation.

But test262 can't really get out of its way and test host objects since
they are implementation-dependent. I actually reported a couple of
erroneous test cases that were relying on DOM features to work.
We need WebIDL tests. For that matter, I'll try to attend testthewebforward
in Paris at the end of the month [1] and start working on that if I do
attend. I estimate the amount of work to get decent WebIDL (ECMAScript
binding of browser APIs) coverage as ridiculously huge.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: typeof symbol (Was: Sept 19 TC39 Meeting Notes)

2012-10-02 Thread Andreas Rossberg
On 1 October 2012 21:17, Dean Landolt wrote:
 Fair enough. But is there any value in a new typeof result? I surely can't
 see any. It's broken beyond repair -- I don't see the use in breaking more
 code trying to salvage it :P

There isn't much value in a new typeof result as such. But it avoids
the (potentially significant) _cost_ of requiring that every new
primitive type ever introduced behaves like an object.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Must built-in prototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototype object's [[Class]] is Object?)

2012-10-02 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Oct 1, 2012, at 9:56 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
 We can try to tell ES implementors that they must do certain things in order 
 to be in conformance but that really doesn't work for code written by users 
 of the language.
 You're right, we'd be letting usercode, not just some (benign or malign, but 
 if malign then game over already) host object, spoof a core language built-in.
 But if we have a solid branding mechanism (like Domado's ideal in latest 
 browsers? ;-) then that should be used universally and this becomes a 

Great, but this is really an orthogonal issue from my extensible 
Obj.proto.toString design.

I did not intent that to be a branding mechanism.  Using toString for branding 
of builtins is a crock that was enabled by the ES spec leaking one of its 
internal abstractions.  toString's real role in life is just as a debugging aid 
that allows any object to present a string rendering of itself.  My primary 
goal with Obj.proto.toString was to make that debugging aid more easily 
extensible as make it easier for developer to define new object abstractions 
(classes) that are reasonable identified in their Obj.proto.toString renderings.

The only place that branding enters into this is in recognizing that existing 
working code uses Obj.proto.toString as a brand test for ES builtins.  The ~ 
spoofing prevention is only there to ensure that such code isn't broken. 

A new branding mechanism may be a fine thing to have (more on that in another 
reply) and if we have one it should be universally applied.  But that doesn't 
really have anything to do with toString as an extensible way to get a string 
object description or with the need to support legacy use of toString as a 
brand check on ES=5.1 builtins.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Must built-in prototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototype object's [[Class]] is Object?)

2012-10-02 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Oct 1, 2012, at 4:08 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:

 On Oct 1, 2012, at 18:58, Brendan Eich wrote:
 I am warming up to the way CoffeeScript does things -- not the translation 
 scheme, __extends, __super__ -- rather, the plain Object instance created as 
 C.prototype that has B.prototype as its [[Prototype]] but has shadowing 
 'constructor' set to C.
 If I'm understanding correctly, this would be the same as
 C.prototype = Object.create(B.prototype);
 C.prototype.constructor = C;
 which I thought was the recommended approach (although by who or where, I 
 admit I can't quite pinpoint). Am I on the right track? And can anyone else 
 comment on the commonality or recommendedness of this pattern, to see if 
 we're paving the right cow paths?

This is essentially how ES6 classes get wired up.  Actually what they do is 
closer to:

let tempProto = Object.create(B.prototype);
tempProto.constructor = function (constructor params) {constructor body);
tempProto.constructor.__proto__ = B;
tempProto.constructor.prototype = tempProto;

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Suggestions for Set

2012-10-02 Thread Nicholas C. Zakas

On 10/1/2012 6:43 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

Nicholas C. Zakas wrote:
I've been playing around with the Set prototypes in Firefox and 
Chrome (knowing full well that they are incomplete and the spec 
hasn't been finalized yet), and I wanted to share a couple of learnings.


First, since a Set can be initialized with an array, it stands to 
reason that you should be able to easily get an array back from the 
set. However, there is no way to do that right now short of using a 
loop and manually constructing an array. I would really like to see a 
*Set.prototype.toArray* method to easily change the Set back into an 
array. A simple use case would be de-duping an array:

function dedupe(array) {
return (new Set(array)).toArray();

Array.from is the way we hope to avoid burdening many iterables with 
toArray methods, as Rick pointed out. Ok?

Better than okay, that's great. Having one way to convert iterables to 
an array makes a lot of sense to me.

Second, the lack of visibility into Sets is problematic. A very 
simple use case is when I want to see if the Set has been initialized 
yet but I can't know what keys might have been used at that point in 
time. Firefox implements a *Set.prototype.size* method which is 
useful to know what I'm dealing with. However, I'm not sure how 
frequently the number of items in the Set actually matters, so a 
*Set.prototype.isEmpty* would be equally useful for this case.

+1 on isEmpty().


Otherwise, I'm finding Sets very useful as a replacement for objects 
that I was using for the same purpose.

Cool. Have you tried Maps for those cases where you want value - 
value mappings?

Not yet, that's next on my list.


Nicholas C. Zakas

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Must built-in prototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototype object's [[Class]] is Object?)

2012-10-02 Thread Kevin Reid
On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 9:56 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 But if we have a solid branding mechanism (like Domado's ideal in latest
 browsers? ;-) then that should be used universally and this becomes a

MarkM suggested I should expound on what Domado does.

Domado uses an abstraction which I called 'Confidence', which I invented in
order to provide class-like behavior in terms of ES5; it is designed to
provide the security properties we needed with a minimum of implementation
mechanism, and is therefore not purely a branding abstraction. It uses one
WeakMap keyed by the instances (the objects confided in); the value is a
plain {} object which stores all of the “private fields” of the key-object.
There are four operations provided by a Confidence:

1. confide: add an instance to the WeakMap and create its private-state

  function TameNode() {

2. guard: test that an instance is in the WeakMap and return it or throw.

  var TameNodeT = TameNodeConf.guard;
  TameBackedNode.prototype.appendChild = nodeMethod(function (child) {
child = TameNodeT.coerce(child);

3. p: given an instance, return its private-state record.

  var np = TameNodeConf.p.bind(TameNodeConf);
  TameBackedNode.prototype.removeChild = nodeMethod(function(child) {

4. protectMethod: given a function, return a function with a guarded this.

  var nodeMethod = TameNodeConf.protectMethod;
  (usage examples above)

Note that unlike closure-based encapsulation, Confidence provides _sibling
amplification_; that is, a node method on one object can access the private
properties of another object, not only its own. This is not ideal as a
default for writing robust programs, but is useful to Domado since its
siblings interact (e.g. appendChild operates on two nodes from the same
DOM). An alternative abstraction which deemphasized sibling amplification
would be, for example, if protectMethod were defined such that the
wrapped function received an extra private-state argument and there was no
separate p operation (though sibling amplification can still be achieved
by having a protected method not exposed on the prototype).

The WeakMap used is the browser's WeakMap if available; otherwise we use an
emulation layer with inferior but sufficient garbage-collection properties
(implemented by SES or ES5/3; Domado is unaware of the distinction).
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Must built-in prototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototype object's [[Class]] is Object?)

2012-10-02 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Oct 1, 2012, at 10:37 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Brendan Eich wrote:
 But if we have a solid branding mechanism (like Domado's ideal in latest 
 browsers? ;-) then that should be used universally and this becomes a 
 Just to be crystal clear:
 * in pre-ES6 browsers, no @@toStringTag in the language to hack around with. 
 * in ES6+ browsers, the better branding mechanism and @toStringTag (one @) as 
 public symbol, no worries.
 Yes, this makes a fork in JS code that wants to do tag testing. Old code must 
 use O_p_toString_call (original value of, safe call binding) and string 
 compare. New code wants the better and universal scheme.

Yes, exactly what I envision.  New code that needs to do branding should do it 
in a new way.  But I still think we need to protect the integrity of the old 
mechanism in the presence of @@toStringTag.

It is also probably worthwhile taking a look at how internal branding is done 
in the draft spec. for Map.

We also need to be careful about making a branding mechanism too prominent.  If 
we do, too many people will misuse it as a poor man's nominal type system when 
they really should be doing behavior typing (or even more likely no explicit 
type checking at all).  Past experience is that excessive class brand checking 
is an anti-pattern for dynamic OO languages.

I think we have all the language features need to do reliable branding by ES 
programmers where they need it.  We just need to establish the patterns for 
doing that. Here is the one I propose:

private @FooBrand;
class Foo {
   constructor() {
/* establish the internal Fooness of the instance */
this.@FooBrand = true;
Foo.isFoo = function (obj) {return !!obj.@FooBrand};

private @BarBrand;
class Bar extends Foo {
   constructor() {
/* establish the internal Barness of the instance */
this.@BarBrand = true;
Bar.isBar = function (obj) {return !!obj.@BarBrand};

Note that an instance of Bar will be true for both Foo.isFoo and Bar.isBar

This  pattern is fine as long as it is ok that anything processed by the Foo or 
Bar constructor gets branded because not, anybody can do:
   let myFoo ={ });

If you really need to strongly tie instantiation with branding you probably 
have to use a factory function:

module Fooishness {
   export function FooFactory ( ){return  new Foo};
   FooFactory.isFoo = function (obj) {return !!obj.@FooBrand};

   private @FooBrand;
   class Foo {
  constructor() {
   /* establish the internal Fooness of the instance */
   this.@FooBrand = true;


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Must built-in prototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototype object's [[Class]] is Object?)

2012-10-02 Thread Brendan Eich

Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

On Oct 1, 2012, at 9:56 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

We can try to tell ES implementors that they must do certain things in order to 
be in conformance but that really doesn't work for code written by users of the 

You're right, we'd be letting usercode, not just some (benign or malign, but if 
malign then game over already) host object, spoof a core language built-in.

But if we have a solid branding mechanism (like Domado's ideal in latest 
browsers? ;-) then that should be used universally and this becomes a 


Great, but this is really an orthogonal issue from my extensible 
Obj.proto.toString design.

I know, but I'm trying to simplify the spec further than you are.

(Allen and I had a phone call -- thanks to that, better understanding of 
what's at stake.)

Unfortunately, toString is used as a brand test by old code and SES 
(targeting pre-ES6 browsers). But rather than enshrine this forever, I 
would like to discuss breaking one case slightly in order to have a 
simpler spec.

The case that the draft spec upholds is

* New ES6+ browser, old and new script mixing, old script uses 
O_p_toString_call to tag-test and new script uses @toStringTag to spoof.

I'd like to break this case, allowing old script in a new browser to be 
spoofed by new script using @toStringTag.

Mark, is this a worry? If so then perhaps we are stuck with the 
complicated Object.prototype.toString in the latest draft.

If not, and I would argue any SES subset must protect its old script 
from any spoofing new script, then we should try to unify 
[[NativeBrand]] and @@toStringTag by eliminating use of the former in 
Object.prototype.toString's spec, making the latter the sole extension 

Allen and I also discussed the plan I intend to try in SpiderMonkey: 
making Date.prototype, Number.prototype, etc. test as Object according 
to the O_p_toString_call tag test. We think this should not affect SES 
or any real code (as Oliver postulated).

Comments welcome,

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Must built-in prototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototype object's [[Class]] is Object?)

2012-10-02 Thread Kevin Smith
 private @FooBrand;
 class Foo {
constructor() {
 /* establish the internal Fooness of the instance */
 this.@FooBrand = true;
 Foo.isFoo = function (obj) {return !!obj.@FooBrand};

Using this strategy, will isFoo not fail, if the specified object came from
a different global context (frame)?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Must built-in prototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototype object's [[Class]] is Object?)

2012-10-02 Thread Mark S. Miller
Having isFoo succeed on an instance of Bar is correct. But there's another
case that's more worrisome:

Foo foo = new Foo();
Baz baz = Object.create(foo);

By Allen's pattern, isFoo will also succeed on an instance of baz. OTOH,
were the branding done with a WeakMap or the brandcheck done with an own

On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 10:12 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock al...@wirfs-brock.comwrote:

 On Oct 1, 2012, at 10:37 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

  Brendan Eich wrote:
  But if we have a solid branding mechanism (like Domado's ideal in
 latest browsers? ;-) then that should be used universally and this becomes
 a don't-care.
  Just to be crystal clear:
  * in pre-ES6 browsers, no @@toStringTag in the language to hack around
  * in ES6+ browsers, the better branding mechanism and @toStringTag (one
 @) as public symbol, no worries.
  Yes, this makes a fork in JS code that wants to do tag testing. Old code
 must use O_p_toString_call (original value of, safe call binding) and
 string compare. New code wants the better and universal scheme.

 Yes, exactly what I envision.  New code that needs to do branding should
 do it in a new way.  But I still think we need to protect the integrity of
 the old mechanism in the presence of @@toStringTag.

 It is also probably worthwhile taking a look at how internal branding is
 done in the draft spec. for Map.

 We also need to be careful about making a branding mechanism too
 prominent.  If we do, too many people will misuse it as a poor man's
 nominal type system when they really should be doing behavior typing (or
 even more likely no explicit type checking at all).  Past experience is
 that excessive class brand checking is an anti-pattern for dynamic OO

 I think we have all the language features need to do reliable branding by
 ES programmers where they need it.  We just need to establish the patterns
 for doing that. Here is the one I propose:

 private @FooBrand;
 class Foo {
constructor() {
 /* establish the internal Fooness of the instance */
 this.@FooBrand = true;
 Foo.isFoo = function (obj) {return !!obj.@FooBrand};

 private @BarBrand;
 class Bar extends Foo {
constructor() {
 /* establish the internal Barness of the instance */
 this.@BarBrand = true;
 Bar.isBar = function (obj) {return !!obj.@BarBrand};

 Note that an instance of Bar will be true for both Foo.isFoo and Bar.isBar

 This  pattern is fine as long as it is ok that anything processed by the
 Foo or Bar constructor gets branded because not, anybody can do:
let myFoo ={ });

 If you really need to strongly tie instantiation with branding you
 probably have to use a factory function:

 module Fooishness {
export function FooFactory ( ){return  new Foo};
FooFactory.isFoo = function (obj) {return !!obj.@FooBrand};

private @FooBrand;
class Foo {
   constructor() {
/* establish the internal Fooness of the instance */
this.@FooBrand = true;


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Must built-in prototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototype object's [[Class]] is Object?)

2012-10-02 Thread Herby Vojčík

Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

I think we have all the language features need to do reliable
branding by ES programmers where they need it. We just need to
establish the patterns for doing that. Here is the one I propose:

private @FooBrand;
class Foo {
constructor() {
 /* establish the internal Fooness of the instance */
 this.@FooBrand = true;
Foo.isFoo = function (obj) {return !!obj.@FooBrand};

private @BarBrand;
class Bar extends Foo {
constructor() {
 /* establish the internal Barness of the instance */
 this.@BarBrand = true;
Bar.isBar = function (obj) {return !!obj.@BarBrand};

Note that an instance of Bar will be true for both Foo.isFoo and Bar.isBar

This pattern is fine as long as it is ok that anything processed by
the Foo or Bar constructor gets branded because not, anybody can do:
let myFoo ={ });

If you really need to strongly tie instantiation with branding you
probably have to use a factory function:

module Fooishness {
export function FooFactory ( ){return  new Foo};
FooFactory.isFoo = function (obj) {return !!obj.@FooBrand};

private @FooBrand;
class Foo {
   constructor() {
/* establish the internal Fooness of the instance */
this.@FooBrand = true;

var iWillBeFoo = {};

In fact, it has its logic to `newFoo.@FooBrand = true;` in factory, 
which solves it, hopefully cleanly enough.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Must built-in prototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototype object's [[Class]] is Object?)

2012-10-02 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Oct 2, 2012, at 10:18 AM, Kevin Smith wrote:

 private @FooBrand;
 class Foo {
constructor() {
 /* establish the internal Fooness of the instance */
 this.@FooBrand = true;
 Foo.isFoo = function (obj) {return !!obj.@FooBrand};
 Using this strategy, will isFoo not fail, if the specified object came from a 
 different global context (frame)?

Indeed it would, but why shouldn't it?  Foo in another  frame is a different 
class.  If you need to do cross-frame brand, that seems like an additional 
requirement would require additional mechanism.

Wouldn't a WeakMap branding scheme has similar issues. You would need to share 
via some means a common WeakMap among constructors in different frames.  Just 
like to make symbol based branding work for this requirement you would have to 
share a private symbol between frames.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Must built-in prototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototype object's [[Class]] is Object?)

2012-10-02 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Oct 2, 2012, at 10:47 AM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

 Having isFoo succeed on an instance of Bar is correct. But there's another 
 case that's more worrisome:
 Foo foo = new Foo();
 Baz baz = Object.create(foo);
 By Allen's pattern, isFoo will also succeed on an instance of baz. OTOH, were 
 the branding done with a WeakMap or the brandcheck done with an own check

Yes, you're correct an own property check is needed in isFoo.  That is is one 
disadvantage of use private symbols as brands rather than WeakMaps.  On the 
other hand, if you have many instances that need to be branded I suspect that 
the distributed symbol based technique is going to have a better performance 
profile than the WeakMaps.  My old GC writer self cringes at the possible perf 
impact many WeakMaps with large numbers of entries.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Must built-in prototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototype object's [[Class]] is Object?)

2012-10-02 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Oct 2, 2012, at 10:52 AM, Herby Vojčík wrote:

 Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
 If you really need to strongly tie instantiation with branding you
 probably have to use a factory function:
 module Fooishness {
export function FooFactory ( ){return  new Foo};
FooFactory.isFoo = function (obj) {return !!obj.@FooBrand};
private @FooBrand;
class Foo {
   constructor() {
/* establish the internal Fooness of the instance */
this.@FooBrand = true;
 var iWillBeFoo = {};
 In fact, it has its logic to `newFoo.@FooBrand = true;` in factory, which 
 solves it, hopefully cleanly enough.

Good catch, I forgot that the constructor is still exposed as a property on the 
instance.   The other way to prevent the constructor from being used to brand a 
pre-existing object is force an instantiation inside the constructor:

private @FooBrand;
class Foo {
  constructor() {
   let newFoo = Object.create(Foo.prototype);
   /* establish the internal Fooness of the instance */
   newFoo.@FooBrand = true;
   return newFoo;
Foo.isFoo = function (obj) {return Reflect.hasOwn(obj,@FooBrand)  

But this prevents Foo branding of subclasses of Foo.  There is a tension here 
that I don't think is necessarily resolvable. To me, it is another example why 
such class branding should only be used in specific high integrity situations 
and not as a general practice for all classes.

es-discuss mailing list

Test for [[Construct]] invocation (was: Re: Must built-in prototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototype object's [[Class]] is Object?))

2012-10-02 Thread Herby Vojčík

Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

On Oct 2, 2012, at 10:52 AM, Herby Vojčík wrote:

Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

If you really need to strongly tie instantiation with branding you
probably have to use a factory function:

module Fooishness {
export function FooFactory ( ){return  new Foo};
FooFactory.isFoo = function (obj) {return !!obj.@FooBrand};

private @FooBrand;
class Foo {
   constructor() {
/* establish the internal Fooness of the instance */
this.@FooBrand = true;

var iWillBeFoo = {};

(here I missed `.call`)

In fact, it has its logic to `newFoo.@FooBrand = true;` in factory, which 
solves it, hopefully cleanly enough.



Good catch, I forgot that the constructor is still exposed as a property on the 
instance.   The other way to prevent the constructor from being used to brand a 
pre-existing object is force an instantiation inside the constructor:

private @FooBrand;
class Foo {
   constructor() {
let newFoo = Object.create(Foo.prototype);
/* establish the internal Fooness of the instance */
newFoo.@FooBrand = true;
return newFoo;
Foo.isFoo = function (obj) {return Reflect.hasOwn(obj,@FooBrand)  

But this prevents Foo branding of subclasses of Foo. There is a
tension here that I don't think is necessarily resolvable. To me, it
 is another example why such class branding should only be used in
specific high integrity situations and not as a general practice for
all classes.

Well, here (and in other cases, too) it would be handy to be able to 
distinguish whether the call is constructor (new operator, super() call 
in class constructor) or plain call (the rest). It can be 
`arguments.isConstruct`, for example.

Than, it would simply be solved by `if (!arguments.isConstruct) return;` 
(or throw) as the first line in constructor.



P.S.: Alternatively, this line can be intrinsic property of class 
constructor, but this makes class special and not a desugaring any more...

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Test for [[Construct]] invocation (was: Re: Must built-in prototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototype object's [[Class]] is Object?))

2012-10-02 Thread Brendan Eich

Herby Vojčík wrote:

It can be `arguments.isConstruct`, for example.

(One-handed Luke Skywalker voice:) NOo

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Must built-in prototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototype object's [[Class]] is Object?)

2012-10-02 Thread Kevin Smith
 On the other hand, if you have many instances that need to be branded I
 suspect that the distributed symbol based technique is going to have a
 better performance profile than the WeakMaps.

Is this true?  Are there performance caveats that come with current
WeakMap implementations?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Test for [[Construct]] invocation (was: Re: Must built-in prototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototype object's [[Class]] is Object?))

2012-10-02 Thread Herby Vojčík

Brendan Eich wrote:

Herby Vojčík wrote:

It can be `arguments.isConstruct`, for example.

(One-handed Luke Skywalker voice:) NOo
Or whatever else, I just happened to write first thing where it could 


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Test for [[Construct]] invocation (was: Re: Must built-in prototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototype object's [[Class]] is Object?))

2012-10-02 Thread Kevin Smith
 (One-handed Luke Skywalker voice:) NOo

: ) Another perfect response!

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Suggestions for Set

2012-10-02 Thread Erik Arvidsson
On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 11:46 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: [] 
 On Behalf Of Brendan Eich
 Sent: Monday, October 1, 2012 21:43
 To: Nicholas C. Zakas

  I would really like to see a *Set.prototype.toArray* method to easily 
  change the Set back into an array. A simple use case would be de-duping an 
  function dedupe(array) {
  return (new Set(array)).toArray();

 Array.from is the way we hope to avoid burdening many iterables with 
 toArray methods, as Rick pointed out. Ok?


 function dedupe(array) {
 return [ Set(array)];

I'm not sure we ended up with iteration for spread?

Another alternative:

function dedupe(array) {
  return [x for x of new Set(array)];

 This works in Firefox Aurora, for the record :)

 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Suggestions for Set

2012-10-02 Thread Rick Waldron
On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 4:26 PM, Erik Arvidsson erik.arvids...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 11:46 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
  -Original Message-
  From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Brendan Eich
  Sent: Monday, October 1, 2012 21:43
  To: Nicholas C. Zakas
   I would really like to see a *Set.prototype.toArray* method to easily
 change the Set back into an array. A simple use case would be de-duping an
   function dedupe(array) {
   return (new Set(array)).toArray();
  Array.from is the way we hope to avoid burdening many iterables with
 toArray methods, as Rick pointed out. Ok?
  function dedupe(array) {
  return [ Set(array)];

 I'm not sure we ended up with iteration for spread?

 Another alternative:

 function dedupe(array) {
   return [x for x of new Set(array)];

No iteration for spread, per July 24 resolution


  This works in Firefox Aurora, for the record :)
  es-discuss mailing list

 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

RE: Suggestions for Set

2012-10-02 Thread Domenic Denicola
From: Rick Waldron []
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 16:52

 No iteration for spread, per July 24 resolution

Oh, thanks for catching me on that. Silly Firefox...

This seems like an unfortunate decision, and I couldn't discern the motivation 
in the minutes. When would I want to use a syntax that fails for iterables? 
Does [...x] throw for an iterable, or result in something else?
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Suggestions for Set

2012-10-02 Thread Rick Waldron
On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 5:11 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:

 From: Rick Waldron []
 Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 16:52

  No iteration for spread, per July 24 resolution

 Oh, thanks for catching me on that. Silly Firefox...

 This seems like an unfortunate decision, and I couldn't discern the
 motivation in the minutes. When would I want to use a syntax that fails for
 iterables? Does [...x] throw for an iterable, or result in something else?

The direct reasoning for the resolution was:

Cannot be both iterable and array-like

It's possible that this could be added to the agenda for november, if
Brendan wants to discuss SpiderMonkey's experience implementing it. It
seems to me that if they're not having issues then it's at least worth a

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Suggestions for Set

2012-10-02 Thread Mark S. Miller
On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 2:18 PM, Rick Waldron wrote:

 On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 5:11 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:

 From: Rick Waldron []
 Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 16:52

  No iteration for spread, per July 24 resolution

 Oh, thanks for catching me on that. Silly Firefox...

 This seems like an unfortunate decision, and I couldn't discern the
 motivation in the minutes. When would I want to use a syntax that fails for
 iterables? Does [...x] throw for an iterable, or result in something else?

 The direct reasoning for the resolution was:

 Cannot be both iterable and array-like

 It's possible that this could be added to the agenda for november, if
 Brendan wants to discuss SpiderMonkey's experience implementing it. It
 seems to me that if they're not having issues then it's at least worth a

Please do. I'd really like to see a more pleasant resolution if one can be
found. What does SpiderMonkey actually do?


 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Must built-in prototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototype object's [[Class]] is Object?)

2012-10-02 Thread Mark S. Miller
On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 11:01 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock al...@wirfs-brock.comwrote:

 On Oct 2, 2012, at 10:18 AM, Kevin Smith wrote:

 private @FooBrand;
 class Foo {
constructor() {
 /* establish the internal Fooness of the instance */
 this.@FooBrand = true;
 Foo.isFoo = function (obj) {return !!obj.@FooBrand};

 Using this strategy, will isFoo not fail, if the specified object came
 from a different global context (frame)?


 Indeed it would, but why shouldn't it?  Foo in another  frame is a
 different class.  If you need to do cross-frame brand, that seems like an
 additional requirement would require additional mechanism.

 Wouldn't a WeakMap branding scheme has similar issues. You would need to
 share via some means a common WeakMap among constructors in different
 frames.  Just like to make symbol based branding work for this requirement
 you would have to share a private symbol between frames.

 For classes, I agree it should fail cross frame -- they are different
classes. But what about builtins? Note that ES5 [[Class]] is a cross-frame
brand for builtins. And Array.isArray is an ad-hoc one-off cross-frame
brand check.


es-discuss mailing list

RE: Suggestions for Set

2012-10-02 Thread Domenic Denicola
From: Rick Waldron [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 17:18

 On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 5:11 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
  From: Rick Waldron []
  Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 16:52

   No iteration for spread, per July 24 resolution
  Oh, thanks for catching me on that. Silly Firefox...

  This seems like an unfortunate decision, and I couldn't discern the 
  motivation in the minutes. When would I want to use a syntax that fails for 
  iterables? Does [...x] throw for an iterable, or result in something else?

 The direct reasoning for the resolution was:

 Cannot be both iterable and array-like

I can't really understand what this is trying to say. It must be because I 
don't understand iterable. Doesn't it just mean responds to for-of? I would 
imagine arrays, NodeLists, arguments, and other array-likes all respond to 
for-of; if they don't, that seriously decreases the utility of for-of!

 It's possible that this could be added to the agenda for november, if Brendan 
 wants to discuss SpiderMonkey's experience implementing it. It seems to me 
 that if they're not having issues then it's at least worth a mention.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Suggestions for Set

2012-10-02 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Oct 2, 2012, at 2:43 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

 On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 2:18 PM, Rick Waldron wrote:
 The direct reasoning for the resolution was:
 Cannot be both iterable and array-like
 It's possible that this could be added to the agenda for november, if Brendan 
 wants to discuss SpiderMonkey's experience implementing it. It seems to me 
 that if they're not having issues then it's at least worth a mention.
 Please do. I'd really like to see a more pleasant resolution if one can be 
 found. What does SpiderMonkey actually do?

This thread from July is relevant 

In particular
 On Jul 5, 2012, at 10:54 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:
  Allen privately observed that Array forEach skips holes, matching for-in. 
  That counts for a lot with me -- we have only a blind 
  for(i=0;ia.length;i++)... loop not skipping holes, but of course it 
  wouldn't. That is weak precedent on which to build for-of.
 Specifically, for consistency, I think
  for (let v of array) console.log(v);
 should yield the same results.
 [].forEach skips holes so the default iterator for arrays should too.  All 
 the other Array extras also have the skipping behavior. 
  Map may win at some point, who knows? It's not winning if one wants an 
  array, numeric indexing, .length, the usual prototype methods.
 We could consider also have dense interators available:
  for (let v of array.denseValues) console.log(v);

Hopefully we don't have to re-discuss too much of this. 

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Must built-in prototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototype object's [[Class]] is Object?)

2012-10-02 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Oct 2, 2012, at 2:46 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

 On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 11:01 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock 
 On Oct 2, 2012, at 10:18 AM, Kevin Smith wrote:
 private @FooBrand;
 class Foo {
constructor() {
 /* establish the internal Fooness of the instance */
 this.@FooBrand = true;
 Foo.isFoo = function (obj) {return !!obj.@FooBrand};
 Using this strategy, will isFoo not fail, if the specified object came from 
 a different global context (frame)?
 Indeed it would, but why shouldn't it?  Foo in another  frame is a different 
 class.  If you need to do cross-frame brand, that seems like an additional 
 requirement would require additional mechanism.
 Wouldn't a WeakMap branding scheme has similar issues. You would need to 
 share via some means a common WeakMap among constructors in different frames. 
  Just like to make symbol based branding work for this requirement you would 
 have to share a private symbol between frames.
 For classes, I agree it should fail cross frame -- they are different 
 classes. But what about builtins? Note that ES5 [[Class]] is a cross-frame 
 brand for builtins. And Array.isArray is an ad-hoc one-off cross-frame brand 

If you take a look at the recent draft spec. for Map you will see that is uses 
an internal branding check that is supposed to work across frame.   If that 
check is properly implemented then one can code 

function isBuiltinMap(obj) {
   try {
   } catch (e) {return false};
   return true;

But this does raise an interesting question for self-host built-in and for any 
user self hosted class definitions.

The spec leaves it up to the Map implementation to define the mechanism for 
testing for the presence of [[MapData]]. But, in an ES self hosted 
implementation a private symbol or WeakMap registry  are probably the two most 
plausible available mechanisms.   Both of these would require some secure 
mechanism for cross frame sharing in order make the branding work cross frame.  
I don't think we currently have this.  Perhaps it is a module loader issue.  Or 
perhaps it is an implementation issue.  If built-ins have magic powers and the 
implementation wants to support self hosting of built-in then perhaps it's the 
implementation responsibility to provide the mechanism for granting those 

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Suggestions for Set

2012-10-02 Thread Brendan Eich

Domenic Denicola wrote:

From: Rick Waldron []

This seems like an unfortunate decision, and I couldn't discern the motivation 
in the minutes. When would I want to use a syntax that fails for iterables? 
Does [...x] throw for an iterable, or result in something else?

The direct reasoning for the resolution was:

Cannot be both iterable and array-like

I can't really understand what this is trying to say. It must be because I don't understand 
iterable. Doesn't it just mean responds to for-of?

It means (in ES6, SpiderMonkey uses a string property name 'iterator') 
that the object in question (is obj iterable?) has an @iterator 
property, which when called gets or creates an iterator for obj.

I would imagine arrays, NodeLists, arguments, and other array-likes all respond 
to for-of; if they don't, that seriously decreases the utility of for-of!

Array.from is that an object is either iterable, or failing that, 
array-like (even if no .length property, ToUint32(undefined) = 0 so no 
elements). See bottom of

As Allen's followup points out, array iteration skips holes, to match 
Array.prototype.forEach. Should spread fill holes or skip them?

It's possible that this could be added to the agenda for november, if Brendan 
wants to discuss SpiderMonkey's experience implementing it. It seems to me that 
if they're not having issues then it's at least worth a mention.


I actually do not remember why we went back to only array-like instead 
of iterable || array-like for spread. Can someone (Rick? Dave? Arv?) recall?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Suggestions for Set

2012-10-02 Thread Brendan Eich

Brendan Eich wrote:
I would imagine arrays, NodeLists, arguments, and other array-likes 
all respond to for-of; if they don't, that seriously decreases the 
utility of for-of!

Array.from is


that an object is either iterable, or failing that, array-like (even 
if no .length property, ToUint32(undefined) = 0 so no elements). See 
bottom of

As for the list of built-ins after arrays, specifically NodeLists, 
arguments, ... I agree these should all be iterable.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Suggestions for Set

2012-10-02 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Oct 2, 2012, at 3:55 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Domenic Denicola wrote:
 From: Rick Waldron []
 This seems like an unfortunate decision, and I couldn't discern the 
 motivation in the minutes. When would I want to use a syntax that fails 
 for iterables? Does [...x] throw for an iterable, or result in something 
 The direct reasoning for the resolution was:
 Cannot be both iterable and array-like
 I can't really understand what this is trying to say. It must be because I 
 don't understand iterable. Doesn't it just mean responds to for-of?
 It means (in ES6, SpiderMonkey uses a string property name 'iterator') that 
 the object in question (is obj iterable?) has an @iterator property, which 
 when called gets or creates an iterator for obj.
 I would imagine arrays, NodeLists, arguments, and other array-likes all 
 respond to for-of; if they don't, that seriously decreases the utility of 
 Array.from is that an object is either iterable, or failing that, array-like 
 (even if no .length property, ToUint32(undefined) = 0 so no elements). See 
 bottom of

But also see and in particular 
comment 1 which says:

Did we talk about the implications of of using iterable protocol if the array
has holes?

The proposed standard iterator for Arrays turns holes into undefined.  While
normal array-like iteration skips holes. I would expect that

let a2 = Array.from([5]);

would produce a new array that was just like the argument array.  But using
iterator protocol would make it just like:

let a3 = Array.from([undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, 5]);

It seems to me that the right solution, is that if the from argument is a real
Array then Array-like, hole preservation, iteration should be used.  If it
isn't a real Array, then from should first try iterable protocol and if it
isn't there fall back to array-like.

 As Allen's followup points out, array iteration skips holes, to match 
 Array.prototype.forEach. Should spread fill holes or skip them?

Holes need to be skipped if we expect

var arrayWithHoles = [,,2,,,5];
var copyOfArrayWithHoles = [...arrayWithHoles]];

to make an accurate copy.  

 It's possible that this could be added to the agenda for november, if 
 Brendan wants to discuss SpiderMonkey's experience implementing it. It 
 seems to me that if they're not having issues then it's at least worth a 
 I actually do not remember why we went back to only array-like instead of 
 iterable || array-like for spread. Can someone (Rick? Dave? Arv?) recall?
 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Ecma 402 (i18n API) v2.0 features list

2012-10-02 Thread Norbert Lindenberg
This list is good input for the meeting. As a reminder of smaller items that 
didn't make it into edition 1.0, plus some possible enhancements, I also filed 
some tickets:

Another feature that's been mentioned are relative dates, e.g., a moment ago, 
3 hours ago, 5 months ago, in 3 days.

Note that as an Ecma group we have to keep records in standard archives, i.e., for feature proposals, for smaller 
items, and for minutes.


On Sep 27, 2012, at 9:14 , Nebojša Ćirić wrote:
 Please take a look at the document. Add new or comment on existing features.
 I'll send a calendar invite shortly.
 Nebojša Ćirić
 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Ecma 402 (i18n API) v2.0 features list

2012-10-02 Thread Nebojša Ćirić
We'll send meeting notes to Patrick, and any drafts/strawman will be posted
to wiki.

2012/10/2 Norbert Lindenberg

 This list is good input for the meeting. As a reminder of smaller items
 that didn't make it into edition 1.0, plus some possible enhancements, I
 also filed some tickets:

 Another feature that's been mentioned are relative dates, e.g., a moment
 ago, 3 hours ago, 5 months ago, in 3 days.

 Note that as an Ecma group we have to keep records in standard archives,
 i.e., for feature proposals, for
 smaller items, and for minutes.


 On Sep 27, 2012, at 9:14 , Nebojša Ćirić wrote:
  Please take a look at the document. Add new or comment on existing
  I'll send a calendar invite shortly.
  Nebojša Ćirić
  es-discuss mailing list

Nebojša Ćirić
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Suggestions for Set

2012-10-02 Thread Brendan Eich

Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
Did we talk about the implications of of using iterable protocol if the array 

has holes?

We did, and some of us agreed that a.forEach skips holes, so for (v of 
a) should too.

But you are right, that means spread can't sensibly use iteration.

On the other hand, drafted and prototyped iteration on arrays does not 
currently skip holes. It fills them in argument list and enclosing array 
literals. In the latter it could preserve holes rather than filling them 
undefined values, but in argument lists there's no such thing as a hole.

Which is more important, iterating over holes (preserved if possible), 
or skipping them and therefore spreading array-likes but not iterables?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Test for [[Construct]] invocation (was: Re: Must built-inprototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototypeobject's [[Class]] is Object?))

2012-10-02 Thread Uli Riehm
You ask jS how I do ask a class function: if (config is instanceof 
return; - please read how I'm doing such a class function:

It's really the only function syntax to do real OOP, in javaScript. I'd like 
to fork Function function but the main functionality is to check if it 
prototypes (prototyping), if it returns itself, undefined or throws an 
exception (functioning) or the function constructs the object instance 
(constructing). Read!


From: Kevin Smith 
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 10:11 PM
To: Brendan Eich 
Cc: es-discuss 
Subject: Re: Test for [[Construct]] invocation (was: Re: Must 
built-inprototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why 
DataView.prototypeobject's [[Class]] is Object?))

  (One-handed Luke Skywalker voice:) NOo

: ) Another perfect response!


es-discuss mailing list
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Must built-in prototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototype object's [[Class]] is Object?)

2012-10-02 Thread Norbert Lindenberg
TC 39, I need decisions so that I can finish the Internationalization spec and 
send it to the Ecma GA:

1) Instances of Intl.Collator, Intl.NumberFormat, and Intl.DateTimeFormat 
currently have [[Class]] Object. Should this change to Collator, 
NumberFormat, and DateTimeFormat, respectively?

2) If the answer to 1) is yes: The prototype objects of Intl.Collator, 
Intl.NumberFormat, and Intl.DateTimeFormat currently have [[Class]] Object. 
Should this change to Collator, NumberFormat, and DateTimeFormat, 

3) If the answer to 1) or 2) is no: The prototype objects of Intl.Collator, 
Intl.NumberFormat, and Intl.DateTimeFormat currently have all the state that 
allows them to be used as instances. Should they not have that state, and 
instead be plain objects with methods?

If I don't get votes from at least 10 of the usual TC 39 attendees within the 
next 24 hours, and a clear majority for change, the spec will remain as 
approved at the meeting two weeks ago.


On Sep 29, 2012, at 23:08 , Brendan Eich wrote:

 Norbert Lindenberg wrote:
 Last week TC 39 approved a standard defining three new built-in constructors 
 whose instances and prototype objects all have [[Class]] Object. Also, the 
 prototype objects are not constructed by their respective constructors, but 
 initialized by them, e.g., as{}).
 Are you suggesting they should have Collator, NumberFormat, and 
 DateTimeFormat, respectively, and the prototypes be specified as being 
 constructed by their constructors?
 All else equal, yes (sorry for not flagging these).
 Any non-equal elses in sight?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Must built-in prototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototype object's [[Class]] is Object?)

2012-10-02 Thread Brendan Eich
At this point I'd go with Object (IOW, _stet_), unless Allen has a 


Norbert Lindenberg wrote:
TC 39, I need decisions so that I can finish the Internationalization spec and send it to the Ecma GA: 

1) Instances of Intl.Collator, Intl.NumberFormat, and Intl.DateTimeFormat currently have [[Class]] Object. Should this change to Collator, NumberFormat, and DateTimeFormat, respectively? 

2) If the answer to 1) is yes: The prototype objects of Intl.Collator, Intl.NumberFormat, and Intl.DateTimeFormat currently have [[Class]] Object. Should this change to Collator, NumberFormat, and DateTimeFormat, respectively? 

3) If the answer to 1) or 2) is no: The prototype objects of Intl.Collator, Intl.NumberFormat, and Intl.DateTimeFormat currently have all the state that allows them to be used as instances. Should they not have that state, and instead be plain objects with methods? 

If I don't get votes from at least 10 of the usual TC 39 attendees within the next 24 hours, and a clear majority for change, the spec will remain as approved at the meeting two weeks ago. 


On Sep 29, 2012, at 23:08 , Brendan Eich wrote:

Norbert Lindenberg wrote:
Last week TC 39 approved a standard defining three new built-in constructors whose instances and prototype objects all have [[Class]] Object. Also, the prototype objects are not constructed by their respective constructors, but initialized by them, e.g., as{}). 

Are you suggesting they should have Collator, NumberFormat, and DateTimeFormat, respectively, and the prototypes be specified as being constructed by their constructors? 

All else equal, yes (sorry for not flagging these).

Any non-equal elses in sight?


es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Must built-in prototypes also be valid instances? (Was: Why DataView.prototype object's [[Class]] is Object?)

2012-10-02 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Oct 2, 2012, at 9:46 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 At this point I'd go with Object (IOW, _stet_), unless Allen has a thought.

I agree.

Regarding 3, if it is easy spec-wide to make the prototype non-instances that 
would be preferable, but as long as the per instance state in the prototype is 
immutable I think it would be ok leaving it as currently specified.


 Norbert Lindenberg wrote:
 TC 39, I need decisions so that I can finish the Internationalization spec 
 and send it to the Ecma GA: 
 1) Instances of Intl.Collator, Intl.NumberFormat, and Intl.DateTimeFormat 
 currently have [[Class]] Object. Should this change to Collator, 
 NumberFormat, and DateTimeFormat, respectively? 
 2) If the answer to 1) is yes: The prototype objects of Intl.Collator, 
 Intl.NumberFormat, and Intl.DateTimeFormat currently have [[Class]] 
 Object. Should this change to Collator, NumberFormat, and 
 DateTimeFormat, respectively? 
 3) If the answer to 1) or 2) is no: The prototype objects of 
 Intl.Collator, Intl.NumberFormat, and Intl.DateTimeFormat currently have all 
 the state that allows them to be used as instances. Should they not have 
 that state, and instead be plain objects with methods? 
 If I don't get votes from at least 10 of the usual TC 39 attendees within 
 the next 24 hours, and a clear majority for change, the spec will remain as 
 approved at the meeting two weeks ago. 
 On Sep 29, 2012, at 23:08 , Brendan Eich wrote:
 Norbert Lindenberg wrote:
 Last week TC 39 approved a standard defining three new built-in 
 constructors whose instances and prototype objects all have [[Class]] 
 Object. Also, the prototype objects are not constructed by their 
 respective constructors, but initialized by them, e.g., as{}). 
 Are you suggesting they should have Collator, NumberFormat, and 
 DateTimeFormat, respectively, and the prototypes be specified as being 
 constructed by their constructors? 
 All else equal, yes (sorry for not flagging these).
 Any non-equal elses in sight?
 es-discuss mailing list
 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list