Re: Since JSDoc seems cerebrally dead...

2020-08-17 Thread Bergi

> They don't want to add TS to their stack.

Then what else would they want to add to their stack? Notice one doesn't
necessarily need the TypeScript Compiler to add TypeScript- or Flow-like
type annotations and remove them in a build step - Babel for example
could do that just fine as well.
Or are you asking for a jsdoc-like thing that lives in comments, where
the code can be run without a compilation step?

kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: [PROPOSAL] Provide a way to enforce integrity check on module imports

2020-08-01 Thread Bergi

> The problem with inlining the integrity into every import site is that this
> is naturally incompatible with import maps.

I don't see a problem with that. When using import maps, you should be
able to specifiy the integrity check in the import map, not needing it
in the module itself.
When not using import maps, specifying the integrity in the importing
module itself seems to give the best developer experience, following the
rationale of
When using it in *both* places, then of course both integrity checks
would need to match, and an import map would be prevented from swapping
out the module under your hands.

kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: A Function.tag proposal?

2020-06-22 Thread Bergi
Hi Andrea,

my 5ct: Putting the static function on the `Function` object doesn't
make any sense to me. Using `String.tag` seems like much more sensible
choice. Or, how about `String.plain`, in contrast to `String.raw`?

I can see the use case, altough I'd really prefer tooling to become more
intelligent in that regard.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: A way to construct Functions with custom scopes?

2020-06-10 Thread Bergi
It's a bit unclear to me what problem you are trying to solve, but you
can already construct closures with custom scopes using the `Function`

function makeFunction(name, args, body, scope, values) {
if (typeof args == "string")
values = scope, scope = body, body = args, args = [];
if (!Array.isArray(scope) || !Array.isArray(values)) {
if (typeof scope == "object") {
values = Object.values(scope);
scope = Obect.keys(scope);
} else {
values = [];
scope = [];
return Function(scope, `
function ${name}(${args.join(", ")}) {
return ${name};

const foo = makeFunction("foo", [], "console.log(x)", {x: 10})
foo(); // logs 10

kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Conditional assign operator

2020-04-13 Thread Bergi

> What I've long wanted is an assignment operator which evaluates to the
> pre-assignment value of the LHS.
> You know, sort of like `a++` evaluates to the pre-incremented value of `a`.

Given the amount of confusion that the difference between `++a`, `a++`
(and `a += 1`) already has caused, I doubt that would be a good idea.
In most, if not all, cases the desired behaviour can be easier and
cleaner expressed with two statements, and a temporary variable if
absolutely necessary.

> ```
> let a = 1;
> console.log(a =^= 2); // logs 1 and then sets a to 2
> ```

would be just
let a = 1;
a = 2;

kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Yet another attempt at typed JS data

2020-02-10 Thread Bergi

> Unfortunately, `Array.from({ length: 4 }, () => whatever)` produces a holey
> array

Does it? But really, if the performance difference betweeen HOLEY and
PACKED arrays were large enough to be relevant[1], the engine
programmers would certainly already have optimised all those trivial
cases where an array is filled gradually to produce the more efficient

kind regards,

[1]: it probably isn't:
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Async iterator destructuring?

2020-02-07 Thread Bergi

> It might be useful on some occasions to [collect] async iterators [into an 
> array].
No need for destructuring or spreading here. The iterator helpers
proposal <> already
covers these:

return Buffer.concat(await someStream.setEncoding('buffer').toArray())

// It's different for each database
const [item] = await db.scan({
filter: {key: value},
limit: 1,

kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proposal: `await.all {...}` for parallelism

2019-11-20 Thread Bergi

> This [current] structure is also just fundamentally different from working
> serially in async/await and it forces you to reason about the problem
> in a specific way. This doesn't appear to be a conscious decision to
> force good code practices

Actually I'd argue that it is. Doing stuff concurrently *is*
fundamentally different from doing it serially, and should be reasoned
about every time you use it.

kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Optional Curly Braces in JavaScript

2019-11-03 Thread Bergi

> If it's possible in JavaScript to have `:`, and enable significant spacing, 
> that would be great.
> Why you don't *want* to?

Your argument for significant whitespace seems to be that the simplicity
of Python is great. However, adding an alternative block syntax to
JavaScript would fail to achieve this goal, in contrast, it would only
make the language more complex.

So no, my educated guess is that it's not possible for you to persuade
the wider community and especially the technical committee to accept
your proposal. They are very reluctant to add features that don't show a
clear benefit.

Since you asked for my personal feedback: JS syntax was influenced by C
and Java, and it will consistently keep its curly braces. A different
block style would only be a viable choice for a new language or dialect,
which should not allow curly braces at all, and would not provide
backwards compatibility.

kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Optional Curly Braces in JavaScript

2019-11-03 Thread Bergi

> Note that significant whitespace greatly minimizes the yields of minification

Why would it? Nothing would prevent a minifier from changing significant
whitespace into braced blocks - just like today, they omit semicolons
where possible and remove braces around single-statement blocks.

kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Optional Curly Braces in JavaScript

2019-11-03 Thread Bergi
Hi Ed!

> Update to the proposal:
> Since we can't make spaces in JavaScript, the best we can do is use '_' 
> instead.

You misunderstood. We *could* make use of significant whitespace in
JavaScript (enabled by the `:` instead of a brace after a statement) -
we just don't *want* to.

That said, `_` is not a workable solution - apart from _ (and any
repetitions of it) being a valid identifier already, *chaining* it like
you described doesn't work with nested blocks:
for (const x of [1,2,3])
_ if (x % 2)
  _ console.log('odd')
_ console.log(x)
would be indistinguishable from
for (const x of [1,2,3])
_ if (x % 2)
  _ console.log('odd')
  _ console.log(x)
(and no, please don't suggest repetion of whatever token you come up
with for signifying nesting level)

kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Optional Curly Braces in JavaScript

2019-11-02 Thread Bergi
Hello Ed!

> That would make JavaScript an easy to write on board language, where a 
> language like python dominates because of it's simplicity in writing. This 
> would make JavaScript spread into more areas in science, education and 
> engineering.

You seem to not only want to make block syntax optional, but rather make
whitespace indentation significant. You might want to have a look at
CoffeeScript <> which is a
compile-to-JS language that uses this concept. Its function syntax is a
bit different from what you imagined though, most importantly it doesn't
offer any declarations.

kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ECMAScript feature suggestion: Streaming Array items through filter/map/reduce functions

2019-06-21 Thread Bergi


However, when I want to write performance sensitive code, chaining these
functions is not a good approach.
const b = a.filter().map()

will require 2 traversals over the whole array, up to 2*N iterations (if
the filter passes all items).

Actually, the number of passes hardly matters. It's still linear
complexity. What makes this slow is the allocation of the unnecessary
temporary array.

I suggest adding a capability to streamline items to these functions.

We don't need streams, JavaScript already has iterators. What we do need
are proper helper functions for those - see the existing proposal at
<>. You then can write

const b = Array.from(a.values().filter(…).map(…))


for (const x of a.values().filter(…).map(…))

kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proposal for Promise.prototype.flatten

2019-04-24 Thread Bergi


I oppose this proposal.

In my opinion, mixing normal exceptions (promise rejections) with
result-error-tuples is rather inconsistent than a more consistent
interface. The only thing it might interface better with are
node.js-style callbacks, but we already deprecated those in favour of
`if (err) throw err;` is reminiscent of this old style, it's no longer
necessary to explicitly re-throw with modern syntax.

It's not even simpler, or better to read. The example you gave could
easier be written as
async function test(promise1, promise2, promise3) {
  const val1 = await promise1.catch(err => void err); // ignore exceptions
  const [val2, val3] = await Promise.all([promise2, promise3]); //
throw to caller

  return val1 + val2 + val3;
(Notice also that no default value for the destructuring is necessary,
which is a rather error-prone part of your snippet). Using `catch`
forces the programmer into explicitly providing a default value (even if
`undefined`), which could go unnoticed otherwise.
Can you please add an example where using `.flatten()` actually
introduces an advantage?

If one needs a more powerful error handling approach, you should use
`then` with two callbacks. (Getting a try-catch-else syntax
for that would be nice, though).

As already mentioned, the name `flatten` is ill-suited for this method.

If you absolutely need this functionality, use `.then(r=>[,r],e=>[e])`
in your code, or put it inside a helper function. (Or use one from  a
library like <>).
We do not need this as a method in the EcmaScript standard.

best regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proposal: Static Typing

2019-03-25 Thread Bergi


I am having hard time understanding the counter argument "you need a
transpiler anyway".

Sorry, I agree it's a bad argument, I should have just omitted it.
It was meant to support "If you are only looking for development-time
benefits, you have to install a static toolchain anyway - which might as
well transpile away the annotations".

the real value of strict types, in my view, is at development time,

not at run time.

This is not correct. Check what AssemblyScript managed to do via types,
targeting WASM instead of non-typed JS

I would be curious to know if anybody has a usage for them at run time

Developers might not have such usage, but V8 / Chakra / JSC /
SpiderMonkey might spin up optimizations ahead of time, enabling right
away hot code.

...or at least allow throwing exceptions instead of having to
de-optimise a JITted code, which allows simpler & better optimisation

These are the kinds of arguments I want to hear, reasons for sending
type annotations to the client/runtime. And such a goal puts a very
different focus on what the type system should look like: WASM
interoperability and optimiser efficiency instead of developer productivity.

kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proposal: Static Typing

2019-03-24 Thread Bergi

to play the devils advocate: why does JavaScript need static typing?

Your proposal doesn't really answer that. Sure, it mentions tooling and
IDEs that can provide you with type hints and complain on mistakes, but
things like Flow and Typescript do this today already.
What's your goal, to have JS engines run Typescript(-like) code natively
without transpiling? For backwards-compatibility you'd have to do that
anyway, especially if new type system features are introduced incrementally.

What's the point of building this feature into engines? It just provides
additional complexity. Not to mention the difficulty of finding a
suitable type system that is both sophisticated enough to describe all
useful code (not taking away too much flexibility) and simple enough to
understand without a CS degree. And which interfaces well with un-typed
completely dynamic code.

What does "static typing" even mean to you in a dynamic scripting
language? JavaScript is not compiled by the developer, it is run by the
user. Where (when) do you expect types to be checked? Should the engine
throw early errors (during parsing)? During parsing of which parts of
the code, even when "normal" (untyped) code is calling into typed code?
Or do you expect dynamic runtime errors, like when assigning an invalid
value to a "typed variable" or calling a "typed function" with wrong
arguments? Are type definitions completely constant or could they be
mutated/extended/etc dynamically (and what happens when you introduce
new types with `eval` or by loading another script)?

A proposal would need to provide an objective that answers all these
questions, before even considering any particular type system or syntax.

One way to go forward that I can see would be a proposal that reserves a
relatively unrestricted syntax for type annotations (which are already
considered during every grammar amendment anyway, for compatibility with
Flow/Typescript), but not assign any semantics to them and require
engines to simply ignore them. External tooling could then use these
annotations according to its own rules.

kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proposal For A New Alternative Keyword To “this” For Classes

2019-03-11 Thread Bergi

Hi John!

I think the js run-time already has that information at hand, so as
long as we don't implement this as pure syntactical sugar, there would
not be a need to keep an extra reference to anything, because it would
be already there. The run-time will know which instance the invoked
method belongs to.

Well no, you're wrong here: the runtime does not have this information
at hand. In your example (simplified)
var reqManager = new RequestManager();
function addEventListener(f) {
the `addEventListener` function will not know that the function `f` you
passed was a method of the `reqManager` instance. It cannot distinguish
that call from
var g = otherReqManager.responseHandler;

It is exactly the same function that is passed in all three cases. There
is no instance bound to `f`, and `f(event)` will not invoke it as a
method (with a receiver/`this` value).

Best regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proposal For A New Alternative Keyword To “this” For Classes

2019-03-09 Thread Bergi

Hi John,

I believe that it would be a trivial task for
current static code analyzers to restrict usage of "this" for anyone
opting in to use this new keyword exclusively.

Static tooling, like the TypeScript compiler, can detect problematic
method usage already today. Sure, having a dedicated syntax for this
will make static analysis simpler, but I don't deem that a worthy
addition to the language.

As you mentioned, arrow functions might have their own
problems. Wouldn't such an alternative keyword be a good addition to our
toolkit anyway?

What I was trying to say is that your proposed alternative has exactly
the same problems as instance-member arrow functions have today.

Best regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proposal For A New Alternative Keyword To “this” For Classes

2019-03-09 Thread Bergi

Hi John,
I don't think we do need another keyword for this. People would forget
to use that new keyword instead of using this, just like they currently
forget to use arrow functions.
That said, your desired "behind-the-scenes implementation" can already
be achieved easily with the class fields proposal and an arrow function.
However, [there are many problems with that

kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Reflect.toStringSpec proposal

2016-12-13 Thread Bergi

Sergey R schrieb:

I want to propose a new language feature — Reflect.toStringSpec.

`Reflect.toString` or `Reflect.toStringSpec`?

Here is a repo

| Rationale
| There is no exact way to call spec's `ToString` in JS.
| However it may be necessary for polyfills.

It's not that hard to emulate, is it? There are other internal 
operations would be more important.

Regardless, the `Reflect` namespace is supposed to only contain object 
tools that would be the default for proxy traps. No `ToString` in there.

| Current solution is to do something like:
| function toStringSpec(target) {
|return target == null ? target : String(Object(target));
| }

That looks horribly wrong. It doesn't do the least what `ToString` does 
in ES6.

The spec says it should do
function ToString(x) {
if (typeof x != "symbol) return String(x);
else throw new TypeError("…");
This would be a pretty standard approach, also being used e.g. in

And if you don't care about Symbols, you can easily just use `String`.

Kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Conditional object properties

2016-11-02 Thread Bergi

Luke Mitchell schrieb:

Hi all,

I often come across a situation where I wish to extend an object
(usually an argument for an API request) if a particular condition is
satisfied, such as the presence of a function parameter. Currently the
only way to do this is by assigning the object to a variable, checking
the condition using an `if` statement and then extending the object. I
am proposing the inclusion of an operator that allows a property to be
included, subject to a particular condition, inside the object

You can already do
let obj = Object.assign({
}, cond ? { prop: value } : null);
Or depending on your condition, also just `cond && { prop: value }`.

The object spread proposal will achieve the same, without the need for 
any extra operator.

- Bergi
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Cancel Promise pattern (no cancellable promises)

2016-10-28 Thread Bergi

Jan-Ivar Bruaroey wrote:

On 10/27/16 4:25 PM, Bergi wrote:

I'd however love to be able to cancel specific chaining operations,
i.e. `then` callbacks.

If you try the fiddle - - you'll see
cancelling terminates the chain. If you intersperse non-cancellable
operations, there'd be a delay if cancel is detected during those.

Yes, that's what I mean. Sure, I could use `Promise.race` to get the 
cancellation even if the non-cancellable operation resumes, but that's 
quite ugly:


especially when you'll need to nest that pattern. Instead, I'd just like 
to write

.then(callback, cancelToken)

with the same behaviour.

A crucial problem that promises don't solve is synchronous inspection.
If my operation was cancelled, I'd like to know immediately (before
starting further work) about it, instead of waiting another tick
to be notified.

I think it'd be odd to observe cancellation and not success nor failure,
so this seems orthogonal.

I meant the producer would want to observer the cancellation so that he 
doesn't attempt to resolve the promise.

But yeah, observing cancellation vs success/failure is another problem 
that would benefit from inspection. Let's say I have a cancel token and 
a promise chain. Now I want to do exactly one of three different things, 
depending on what happens first: the operation is cancelled, the promise 
is rejected, or the promise fulfills. How do I do that?

But the fundamental problem with promises as cancellation tokens is
memory leaks. In your example, if the cancel button isn't clicked for
10 seconds, the `token` promise will reference 3 `() =>
clearTimeout(id)` callbacks which close over their respective `id`s.
Three functions and three integer ids doesn't sound like much, but in
real applications with long-running un-cancelled operations a token
could accumulate quite an amount of resources which cannot be collected.
A clever programmer might make the callbacks become cheap no-ops, but
still at least the functions themselves will consume memory. For the
simple programmer, we need an automatic (not error-prone)
unsubscription mechanism once the respective cancellable operation ended.

Thanks for the links. I think I'm in the camp of not being concerned
about this. Recall I'm not proposing new functionality, just using
promises, so this stands to benefit from optimizations browsers ought to
make already, without needing special attention. Once browsers optimize:

function poll() { return isDone() || wait(1000).then(poll); }

I'll worry about this. ;)

Yeah, I just think that we *need* new functionality (like the ability to 
remove callbacks from a promise) to solve cancellation properly.

It's true that ES6 has a bug that prevents implementors from optimising 
recursive assimilation, but it's a different kettle of fish to fix that 
in the spec. I'm trying to avoid that we make the same mistake again for 
cancellation tokens, so I think you *should* be concerned.

kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Cancel Promise pattern (no cancellable promises)

2016-10-27 Thread Bergi

Jan-Ivar Bruaroey wrote:

I'm posting this here in hopes to bring the discussion back to practical
use cases and minimal needs.

Sorry, did we leave that somewhere? :-)

But you've got some good and important points.

Things to note:
- Cancellation is targeted to specific operations (no "cancel chain"

I'd however love to be able to cancel specific chaining operations, i.e. 
`then` callbacks.

- Token can be reused down the chain.
- Cancellation is propagated using a regular (new) CancellationError (no
third rail).
- It is up to the caller whether to treat cancellations as non-exceptional.

Very important. I'd even go so far to let the caller only treat 
cancellations that he caused himself as non-exceptional.

- Basic Promise.race pattern works even to wrap APIs that aren't
cancellable (stop waiting)
- Pattern allows substituting any error (though I hope we standardize
- Pattern allows chain resumption by resolving token with any desired
value instead.

I'm not sure what you mean by "resumption". And what would that value be 
used for?

I'm open to hearing what use-cases are not be covered by this.

Looking forward to your feedback about
using a regular promise as a cancellation token.

A crucial problem that promises don't solve is synchronous inspection. 
If my operation was cancelled, I'd like to know immediately (before 
starting further work) about it, instead of waiting another tick

to be notified.

But the fundamental problem with promises as cancellation tokens is 
memory leaks. In your example, if the cancel button isn't clicked for 10 
seconds, the `token` promise will reference 3 `() => clearTimeout(id)` 
callbacks which close over their respective `id`s. Three functions and 
three integer ids doesn't sound like much, but in real applications with 
long-running un-cancelled operations a token could accumulate quite an 
amount of resources which cannot be collected.
A clever programmer might make the callbacks become cheap no-ops, but 
still at least the functions themselves will consume memory. For the 
simple programmer, we need an automatic (not error-prone) unsubscription 
mechanism once the respective cancellable operation ended.

Kind regards,


Of course, my own proposal 
<> is the holy grail. 
Feedback welcome :-)

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proposal: Array.prototype.accumulate and Array.prototype.accumulateRight

2016-10-27 Thread Bergi

Mark M. Young wrote:

I am proposing a replacement for Array.prototype.reduce and 

Nice. Allowing to pass an argument for the `this` value was missing when 
folding an array, and your suggestion `accumulate` is a fitting method name.

However, I fear the use cases are too unimportant to need a fix.
The `this` keyword is becoming less and less used for anything but class 
methods. And for those, arrow functions solve the problem needing to 
invoke functions on the expected receiver.
For passing in data to a reusable reducer function, closures are much 
simpler than setting the `this` value for the callback. 
<> says

`reduce` is not reusable code because there is no way to know what the second 
parameter was once beyond the first iteration.

That makes no sense. The whole point of the initial value parameter is 
that it only goes into the first call (if any), or is the return value 
in case the array is empty.

the second parameter is always available as `this`.

It really should not be. If you want to pass a value for `this`, it 
needs a third parameter.

kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Alternative way to achieve cancelable promise

2016-10-19 Thread Bergi

Kagami Rosylight wrote:

I want to find a way to replace cancellation token in the current [stage 1 
cancelable promise 
proposal]( with an 
alternative way which does not require passing an additional parameter.

You're not the only one who is unsatisfied with the current proposal :-)
Also have a look at
* (mine)

Here is a short representation of [my current 

// A cancelable object supports new `Symbol.cancel`.
// `object[Symbol.cancel]()` will cancel any tasks related to the object.
interface Cancelable {
  [@@cancel](): void;

interface Promise extends Cancelable {}

That's not going to happen. Promises are result values that can be 
passed to multiple consumers, and not every consumer should be allowed 
to cancel the computation. So by default, promises must not be cancellable.
There could be such promises that can be cancelled by whomever gets a 
hold on them - they are known as `Task`s iirc - but that needs to be an 

// Here, a new `chain` object from promise constructor callback will
// help chaining cancelable tasks and provide cancellation related
// helper functions.

I don't see the major difference between these "chain" objects and 
"tokens" from the other proposals. Can you expand on that, please?

function foo() {
  return new Promise(async (resolve, reject, chain) => {
await nonCancelableSubWork1();
chain.throwIfCanceled(); // This line will throw `Cancel` object if the 
promise got a cancellation request
await nonCancelableSubWork2();

That's not going to work. You should never pass an `async function` to 
the `new Promise` constructor, have a look 

Fortunately, the code in your actual proposal seems more reasonable here.

And with some syntax sugar for readability:

cancelable function foo() {
  // `chain` is a keyword inside cancelable function blocks
  await nonCancelableSubWork1();
  chain.throwIfCanceled(); // similar form like ``
  await nonCancelableSubWork2();

cancelable function bar() {
  chain foo();
  chain baz();

const promise = bar();

If I understood correctly, your `chain` keyword could be used like 
`await`? What is the difference between them?

But I really like the idea of `cancelable function` sugar that does the 
housekeeping implicitly and returns cancellable promises automatically.
This very much reminds me of my own ideas 

kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Making Object Literals a sub-class of Object

2016-10-14 Thread Bergi

I wrote:

Brian Ninni wrote:

On more than one occasion I've had to determine whether something was a
plain old Object, or some other class. This involves checking that the
given object was NOT an instanceof any other acceptable class.

`Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf(o)` should do that (if you don't care
about other realms).

Ooops, `Object.getPrototypeOf(o) === Object.prototype` is what I meant.

- Bergi

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Try/Catch always needed for await?

2016-10-14 Thread Bergi

Jordan Rome schrieb:

My apologies if this has already been discussed but what is the "preferred"
pattern for using await ? Since await, which runs on promises, will now
throw if the promise is rejected (preventing execution of code after the
await and killing the process in Node), is it neccesary to always be
wrapping await in try/catch?

No. Just like in synchronous code, you only wrap a part of your code in 
try-catch if you actually want to *handle* an exception.

If you don't handle it, it will bubble as usual and reject the promise 
returned by the `async function`. Let the caller deal with the 
exceptions you can't handle - just like always.
Of course, in the top-level invocation it might be a good idea to use a 
`catch` (or the `.catch()` method) to catch any exceptions and log them 
to whereever you want if you don't want to get an unhandled rejection, 
but those are usually exceptions you *don't expect* so you might not 
need to deal with them at all.

- Bergi
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Making Object Literals a sub-class of Object

2016-10-14 Thread Bergi

Brian Ninni wrote:

On more than one occasion I've had to determine whether something was a
plain old Object, or some other class. This involves checking that the
given object was NOT an instanceof any other acceptable class.

`Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf(o)` should do that (if you don't care 
about other realms).

Array, RegExp, Function, and Class Literals all already create an Object
sub-class, so why not Object Literals?

Because Object-objects are just Objects and not anything special that 
would need a subclass with specific methods.

Are there any other major reasons why this is a bad idea?

As you already said, it would break a great lot of code.

- Bergi
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Power operator, why does -2**3 throws?

2016-10-14 Thread Bergi

Cyril Auburtin schrieb:

I would expect `-2**3` to return -8, or `-2**2 == -4`, since it should be
like `-(2**3)`

You would, others would not. -2 ** 2 clearly should return 4, shouldn't it?

Is there a reason for this restriction? Python does it `-2**3` fine

Because of the ambiguity it has been decided to make it a syntax error 
if the two operators are used together. If you want `-(2**3)`, you have 
to write it like that, and if you want `(-2)**3` you have to write it 
explicitly as well.
See for 
the full discussion.

- Bergi
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Why no tail calls from generators?

2016-10-12 Thread Bergi

Joe Gibbs Politz wrote:

What is the rationale for explicitly disallowing PTC in generators?  (Or,
in the case of proposals like STC, why not allow users to opt in to TCO in
generator bodies?)

I'd guess that generator functions are already complicated enough, and 
the `next()` call that at least has to wrap the result in `{value: …, 
done:true}` would always have to stay on the stack.
However, it would be possible to do tail-recursive calls in generator 
functions via

return yield* f(…)

Kind regards,

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Syntax Proposal: Add getter/setter directly on current scope ??

2016-09-27 Thread Bergi

Li Xiaolong schrieb:

Sometimes, we want to get a representation of another variable, or get an
abstract representation of some other variables. In this case, we often use
getter/setter. But defining a getter/setter in current scope is complex.

Can we make adding a getter or setter to current scope easier like the
following example?


var a = 2;

get b() {return a+1;}

b;  //returns 3

You already can do that:
var a = 2;
with({get b() { return a+1; }) {
b // 3

However, magic bindings (that do something else than variable assignment 
and access) are a source of confusion and usually a bad idea.
Why not simply use a function `b()` that you can call? It's clear what 
happens with that.
We hardly need a special syntax for getter/setter variables in lexical 

- Bergi
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proposal: use "One More Point" to handle async functions

2016-09-27 Thread Bergi
What you call "one more point" already exists as the `await` keyword and 
is much more powerful than a limited `.return` operator:

Please make sure to be familiar with the topic before making further 

- Bergi
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Clarification regarding Completion Records

2016-09-23 Thread Bergi

Felix Kling wrote:

- `ResolveBinding` is an *"abstract operation"* so it returns a
completion record, whose value is a *"Reference"*, even though
completion records are only supposed to have language values as value
(6.2.2) (this still confuses me)

Uh, that's weird indeed. Looks like you found a mistake.

- As per your quote, `Return ?ResolveBinding(...)` simply returns that
completion record.

- In `Let exprRef be the result of evaluating Expression`, `exprRef` is
a Reference, the completion record obtained by *"evaluating Expression"*
was implicitly unwrapped, according to *"Any reference to a
Completion Record value that is in a context that does not explicitly
require a complete Completion Record value is equivalent to an explicit
reference to the `[[Value]] field of the Completion Record value unless
the Completion Record is an abrupt completion."`

Am I right so far?

I believe so, yes.

Then, does the sentence

The algorithms of this specification often implicitly return
Completion Records whose `[[Type]]` is `normal`.

mean that

1. Algorithms may or may not return a completion record (i.e. some do
and some don't).
2. Algorithms *always* return a completion record, but it's not always
*explicitly* stated in the algorithm.

I'd say the second. But then again, there might be some algorithms that 
get the [[Value]] from a completion record, and those hardly will return 
a completion record, would they? Take `ReturnIfAbrupt` as an example. 
It's weird.

- Bergi
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Clarification regarding Completion Records

2016-09-23 Thread Bergi

Felix Kling wrote:

I need some clarification around completion records.

You'll want to have a look at the algorithmic conventions 
and the implicit coercion of completion values 

| Calls to abstract operations return Completion Records.

| The algorithms of this specification often implicitly return
| Completion Records whose [[Type]] is normal. Unless it is otherwise
| obvious from the context, an algorithm statement that returns a value
| that is not a Completion Record, such as:
| > Return "Infinity".
| means the same thing as:
| > Return NormalCompletion("Infinity").
| However, if the value expression of a “return” statement is a
| Completion Record construction literal, the resulting Completion
| Record is returned. If the value expression is a call to an abstract
| operation, the “return” statement simply returns the Completion
| Record produced by the abstract operation.

Yes, it's a bit sloppy, but makes the spec much more readable. It's 
already technical enough, so this does formally apply some common sense :-)

kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Extended dot notation (pick notation) proposal

2016-09-22 Thread Bergi

Bob Myers wrote:

This is a creative idea. I'd rather see it in the language than not. But
still half a loaf.

Yeah, it's not the whole thing, but I believe it's something the TC 
could agree on before moving further.

Minor nit: I don't see how this is a "simplification in object
destructuring". It has nothing to do with destructuring, right?

For consistency and ease of understanding I would apply the same pattern 
for destructuring cases, i.e.

({o1.x, o1[y]} = o2);
desugars to
({x: o1.x, [y]: o1[y]} = o2); // but `y` being evaluated only once

This would help a great deal where the object on which the properties 
should be assigned already exists, e.g. in a constructor:

constructor(options) {
({this.propA, this.propB, this.optOne} = options);
to provide some kind of "selective `Object.assign`".

It's a bit sad that I don't see how to get to renaming and defaults with
this syntax.

Renaming has always been part of the language:
o2 = {y: o1.x} // o2.y = o1.x
({y: o2.z} = o1); // o2.z = o1.y
and with destructuring we'd also get defaults.

- Bergi
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Extended dot notation (pick notation) proposal

2016-09-22 Thread Bergi

Jonathan Bond-Caron wrote:

On Tue Sep 20 03:38 PM, Bob Myers wrote:

People in the real world continue to wonder why they can't
pick/destructure from objects into objects, instead of just variables.

Yeah, StackOverflow is hit pretty often with people asking how to do that.

Seems like allowing to "dot" into another identifier could work:

  IdentifierReference[?Yield]  Initializer[+In, ?Yield]
  IdentifierReference[?Yield]  . IdentifierName

I don't think that's the right grammar rule, but yes, I'd love to see this:

const IDENTIFIER = 1;

Use the RHS identifier as the member/property name and resolve the "dot" 
expression to get the value.

const sandwichesIWantToEatResult = { CHEESE_STEAK: SANDWICHES.CHEESE_STEAK, 

This simplification in object destructuring and shorthand property 
intialisers should be easy to add to the language and rather simple to 
understand. There are no grammar ambiguities, and no completely new 
productions, but I believe it would help a great deal.
Yes, one would still have to repeat the name of the object to/from which 
the properties to assign/take, but that's usually rather short so it's 
not a large burden.

I could create a proposal repo, who would like to help?

kind regards,

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proposal: anaphoric if and while syntax

2016-09-14 Thread Bergi

Danielle McLean wrote:

variables declared
using `let` or `const` would be scoped to the individual `if` or `while`
statement, rather than the containing block. In other words, the above syntax
would be equivalent to the following currently-valid form I ended up writing:

  const oldValue = _.get(object, 'some.long.path');
  if (oldValue) object.some.long.path = transform(oldValue);

What about `else` blocks, would the variables be available in them as well?

- Bergi

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Function composition syntax

2016-09-07 Thread Bergi

interesting proposal!

Here's what I propose: a new infix operator `>=>` (operator and direction
can change) for composing two functions.

Sweet, reminds me of Kleisli composition in Haskell 
(which does something different to functions though).

2. It allows engines to statically optimize functions in the middle (avoid
an extra function allocation), like with `f >=> x => console.log("x:" + x)`.

I don't understand that one. Wouldn't `x => console.log("x:" + f(x))` be 
optimised better (and also be easier to read)?

3. It can simplify the internal model some to deal with a binary pair instead
of an array, especially when pipelining gets involved.
4. Composition isn't usually combined as a function in JS.

Can you clarify what you mean with this?

My questions would be
* What precedence would the operator have? Clearly something between 
member access and assignment, but what exactly?

  Particularly interesting cases:
  f >=> g (x)
  f >=> p ? g : h
  f >=> x => x >=> g
* Do we also need a partial application operator to make this syntax useful?
  I guess the discussions from and are relevant here.

Kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Static `super` may cause a unwanted "memory leak".

2016-08-02 Thread Bergi

/#!/JoePea schrieb:

export default
function SomeFactory(name) {
  let tmp = {
[name]() { /* this doesn't use `super` */ }
  return tmp[name]

Then that will store each new `tmp` object in memory although the user of
the factory only cares about the functions created.

Why would `tmp` be stored as the [[HomeObject]] when the function 
doesn't use `super`? In that case a [[HomeObject]] is not needed at all.

kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Looking for champion (Was: Alternative Promise cancellation proposal)

2016-07-25 Thread Bergi
I am searching for a champion to present this proposal as a strawman to 

I would like to get an official feedback from the committee, as Domenic 
seems unwilling to incorporate my fundamentally different ideas into his 

Looking forward to see you step up,
es-discuss mailing list

Alternative Promise cancellation proposal

2016-07-25 Thread Bergi
ng ES6 and ES7)
* A+ assimilation would translate cancellation into forever-pending 

* it's confusing if it does not behave the least like the other states

So after all, I believe that my approach requires no changes to 
completion semantics, has better backward compatibility, offers nicer, 
simpler and more composable syntax to developers, and gives more 
predicability with cancellation semantics that are easier to reason about.
If you want a particular behaviour from Domenics proposal, you still can 
model it fairly easy with explicit rejections; In contrast, you can't 
get the behaviour I desire with Domenics approach.

Feedback here on the mailing list and at the repo is warmly welcome.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: The `super` keyword doesn't work as it should?

2016-07-19 Thread Bergi

Raul-Sebastian Mihăilă wrote:

An alternative would be to consider the object where the method key was
found as the home object of the method.

That's just as error-prone, method borrowing would only work when the 
two objects had the same superclass.
Also, what about methods that are not "found" anywhere when called, for 
example when used with `call`/`apply`/`bind`? Or static class methods 
that don't use `this` at all and are called like a plain function?

Are you suggesting that every property access that yields a function 
implicitly creates a closure over the "home"/"found" object? That's a 
no-no for obvious reasons.

Kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: The `super` keyword doesn't work as it should?

2016-07-18 Thread Bergi

/#!/JoePea wrote:

Why can't `super` simply be a shortcut
for "look up the prototype of the object that the method is called on, then
find the `.constructor` property and call it on `this`"? That seems to be

Simple, yes, and broken in the case of multi-level inheritance:
const x = Object.assign(Object.create({
method() {
}), {
method() {
Object.getPrototypeOf(this).method(); // super.method()
x.method(); // works as expected

const y = Object.create(x);
y.method(); // infinite loop/stack overflow
A `super` query must not depend on `this` (only), it must statically 
resolve the object on which the called method is defined.

In constructors, using the prototype of the currenctly called 
constructor for `super()` works well, but you'd need to use 
`Object.setPrototype` as there is currently no declarative way other 
than `class`es to define functions with custom prototypes.

In methods, there would need to be a way to populate the [[HomeObject]] 
other than declaring the method as part of a class/object literal.

Kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Class expressions in object initializers.

2016-07-14 Thread Bergi

/#!/JoePea schrieb:

A use case could be to dynamically name a class at runtime without `eval`.
`let o = { [name]() {} }` produces a named function inside of `o` (at least
in Chrome) without needing eval, and then we can extract it from the object.

If you just want to name a class, there are much easier ways to do that:

let x = class {
get name() {
return dynamicName;


class x {
Object.defineProperty(x, "name", { value: dynamicName });

Kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Class expressions in object initializers.

2016-07-13 Thread Bergi

/#!/JoePea wrote:

Might be nice to be able to do it with classes too:

let dynamicName = "foo"
let o = {
  class [dynamicName] { /* ... */ }
console.log( // logs the class

You can already do

let dynamicNAme = "foo";
let o = {
[dynamicName]: class {

but I can see absolutely no reason why you'd want to put a class inside 
an object literal.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Can strict parameters shadow strict function names?

2016-06-09 Thread Bergi

Mark S. Miller wrote:

var foo = function bar(bar) {'use strict'};

On all version of Safari/JSC I just tested, this code gives a
SyntaxError: Invalid parameters or function name in strict mode.

On all versions of Chrome/v8 and FF/SpiderMonkey I just tested, this code
is accepted without error.

Which behavior is incorrect?

This appears to be a bug in Safari/JSC.

Is this an ES5 vs ES2015 issue?

No, both ES5 <> and ES6 
only have a syntax error if there are duplicate *parameter* names, 
regardless of the name of the function.

We are running into this when loading the output of a minifier as strict

Guess you should file a bug there - it a) doesn't make sense to name a 
function expression (does it ever in minified code) and use the same 
name for a parameter b) it should not fail in real-world engines even if 
the spec says something else.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Oddly accepted RegExps

2016-06-03 Thread Bergi

Jeremy Darling wrote:

/[]]/ This one throws me, that should require the first ] to be escaped
(\]) to be useful.  I can see it parse and accept but have no clue why or
what it would do.  It should throw an error.

I can't see it accept anything. Afaics, it's equivalent to /[]\]/ - 
which contains an empty class that never matches anything, which is 
followed by a literal "]".

Kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Reflect.create()

2016-05-26 Thread Bergi

… was bad typed by me there.

Indeed it was.

I tried to explain why I
mean that this isn't a real object by saying that it doesn't contain
prototype or constructor and thereby people got the analogy. Often when I
say things are not things, as by object is not objects, I assume people
manage to reason without having to pin facts straight into their faces.

Sorry, but this approach isn't going to work on this mailing list here 
or when you are going to write a technical document like a spec 
proposal. Don't talk in (bad) metaphors, state facts and use precise 

We still don't understand how your `Reflect.create` is supposed to work 
or be implemented, how it is different from the old approach, and what 
exactly its advantage(s) will be.

Kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Reflect.create()

2016-05-26 Thread Bergi

Hi Even!

Wierd. Was having this discussion / pep-talk with Brendan Eich and think he
understood that fairly.(

Thanks for that link, but while Brendan Eich seemed to agree with the 
idea that *something* had to be done about defaulting declarations, he 
also showed some confusion about your ideas.
Btw, that gist you linked 
seems to be broken now.

About lack of answer in the reason, you should read the Medium article
again, and reconsider what I said about ambiguously written code. I think
it provides a clear intent, of which we want to avoid re-writing an
assignment in order to use the logical OR.

Yes, I did reread the article. I know that there are many wrongs about

| var value = value || "another value";

but I failed to understand which ones you mean. By "avoid re-writing an 
assignment" you refer to the duplication/repetition of the variable name?
And what is ambiguous about this code? It's purpose is well-known, it's 
behaviour is well-defined, and after all it's a common JS idiom.

In the medium post you seemed to propose a new "declare" keyword that 
could replace the repeated variable name, and that keyword would 
magically resolve the the contextual variable if I understand correctly. 
OK, regardless of what I think about this idea (too verbose, too 
implicit), what does this have to do with your `Reflect.create` proposal?

I advice you to read this on MDN
explains what I mean about "not an object" . ( It's a built-in object)

Uh, `Reflect` is still an object if that's what you refer to here.
Maybe what you actually wanted is to introduce a new Specification Type 
that works similar to a Reference?

Where you need to assign it through a object assignment. And yea, the name
was intentional. What makes this somewhat similar to `Object.create` is
that we create an logical instance, but not an actual object like
`Object.create` does.

Sorry, you lost me here again.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Reflect.create()

2016-05-26 Thread Bergi

even stensberg wrote:

I wrote up a draft about how I'd like this to look at:

I'm sorry for the harsh tone, but that's not a draft.

I tried to read [your medium 
but failed to understand anything (and didn't get any point you were 
going to make). As such, the "Reason" for this proposal is completely 
missing to me.

While I fail to understand what your proposal is all about, it seems to 
have something to do with defaulting values. And great, you've even 
asked the question "How is this different to Default Param in ES6 / the 
OR operator?" yourself in that text - but there is no answer?!

The next thing that completely escaped me is your API description

| `Reflect.create(target, value, [DefaultValue])`
| Creates a Reflect, which is not an object.

Uh, what? What is "a Reflect"?

And the first thing that came to my mind after I read what you're 
talking about is that you should rename the proposal. `Reflect.create` 
will remind everyone of `Object.create` (given that some of the methods 
are duplicated between `Object` and `Reflect`) and one would expect that 
they do the same or at least have a similar purpose.
You seem to be proposing something completly different that has nothing 
to do with creation.

Kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: stable sort proposal

2016-03-19 Thread Bergi

Isiah Meadows wrote:

A polyfill could check if `A.p.sort` is stable, replacing if necessary, and
alias the old one to `A.p.fastSort` if it doesn't exist.

How does one check/test for the stability of a black-box sort? You 
can't, afaik.

In my opinion, you'll never be able to rely on the stability of 
`Array.prototype.sort` because of backward-compatibility with older 
implementations where it is unstable.

As ugly as it might be, I'd recommend a separate 
`Array.protytype.stableSort` (with an unambiguous name) therefore that 
can be tested for existence and polyfilled in absence.

Or at least we'd need to tag the available implementations explicitly:
Array.prototype.fastSort[Symbol.isStable] = false;
Array.prototype.stableSort[Symbol.isStable] = true;
Array.prototype.sort[Symbol.isStable] = /* to be chosen by implementer */;
which has the benefit that a test `if (…sort[Symbol.isStable])` will 
yield a falsy default value (`undefined`) in legacy implementations.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object.prototype.forIn

2016-03-07 Thread Bergi

Langdon wrote:

Something that simply wraps this all-to-common code:

var key;

for (key in obj) {
   if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key) === true) {

Imo the problem is not that there is no wrapper method for this pattern, 
but that this code is all too common. It should rarely be needed, and is 
mostly wrong anyway.

The cases to consider are

* You use `obj` as a dictionary. If you want to safeguard against 
inherited properties, you use `obj = Object.create(null)`. Those objects 
don't even have a `.hasOwnProperty` method.

And with ES6, a `Map` is a better solution anyway.

* You are enumerating array keys. To safeguard against inherited 
properties from `Array.prototype`, you should not use `hasOwnProperty` 
but rather use the proper loop type that iterates indices instead.

* You are processing JSON. `JSON.parse`'d objects inherit only from 
`Object.prototype` which does not have enumerable properties anyway.

* You are processing (JSON/dictionary) objects and fear that someone 
added enumerable properties to `Object.prototype`. Well, that's their 
fault, not your loop's one. If the environment is broken, your code is 
as well; there's nothing you can - and need - to do against.

* You are processing arbitrary objects with unknown prototype chains. To 
skip inherited properties in a `for in` loop, the only safe approach is 
to use `if (, key))` or avoid 
the drama altogether via `Object.keys`/`Object.getOwnProperty…`.

The last case is the only one where you'd really need `hasOwnProperty`.
The proliferation of `if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key))` needs to be stopped, 
it's cargo cult programming at best.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: non-self referencial cyclical promises?

2016-02-24 Thread Bergi

Bradley Meck wrote:

I was doing some recursive data structure work and ended up with a cyclical
promise that did not use a direct self reference. It can be reduced down to:

var af, a = new Promise(f=>af=f);
var bf, b = new Promise(f=>bf=f);

af(b);bf(a); // the problem

a.then(_=>_) // some env/libs need this to start checking status

According to
it looks like this should cause a recursive and infinite set of

I fear that's what the standard says, yes. The ES6 spec does too many 
(and in some cases, unreasonably many) `then` calls on promises anyway 
to be followed by an efficient promise implementation.

[Promises/A+]( in contrast says

| Implementations are encouraged, but not required, to detect such
| recursion and reject promise with an informative TypeError as the
| reason.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Destructuring an object into a new object (like Underscore pick but ESier)

2016-02-21 Thread Bergi

Viktor Kronvall schrieb:

What would this do?
let newObj = {obj.a.b}

`{a: {b: obj.a.b}}`
`{a: obj.a.b}`?

Or should nested property access be disallowed?

Neither - `obj.a.b` is `(obj.a).b`, so it's equivalent to `let newObj = 
{b: obj.a.b}`.

The spec would basically be something like

| Let propKey be GetReferencedName(exprValue)

and otherwise [the 

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Destructuring an object into a new object (like Underscore pick but ESier)

2016-02-21 Thread Bergi

Zacqary Adam Xeper wrote:

But if I want to initialize a new object that pulls in just the foo and bar
properties, I have to type this whole structure out:
let newObj = {foo:, bar:, quux: 4}

Or, if I want to use shorthand property names, I can use a destructuring
statement, but then I have to type all the property names twice:
let {foo, bar} = obj;
let newObj = {foo, bar, quux: 4};

I would suggest that we also allow property references, not only 
variable identifiers in shorthand property notation:

let newObj = {,, quux: 4};

What do you think?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Any reason why __proto__ is not a well known symbol?

2016-02-16 Thread Bergi

Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

As much as Id love to see dunder-`__proto__` burn away from any future

Before doing that, we should burn it away from everyones code :-)

there are at least two use cases I do like in terms of

1. to shortcut literals with enumerable, configurable, and writable own
properties that extend known objects (or null) such `{__proto__:null, key:
'value'}` . This cannot be compared with the tedious `Object.create(null,
{key: {enumerable: true, writable: true, configurable: true, value:

The much simpler solution to that would be `Object.setPrototypeOf({key: 
'value'}, null)` (which also returns the object). Admittedly, putting 
the prototype in the end is a bit awkward, and `__proto__` in a literal 
probably simplifies creation optimisations.
The way to overcome this would be to promote the [prototype `<|` 
operator](, which 
I would love to see in ES8. Anyone up for making an up-to-date proposal?

2. to explain inheritance through the console or to people in general,
using it only as virtual-read-only reference to the inheritance chain

I wholeheartedly recommend to use the term *[[prototype]]* (in italics 
or color) for this, and call it out as what it is: an **internal** 
property. Don't teach people that `__proto__` is a magical property - it 
is not (causing confusion); and they only will start or continue using 
it in new code.
Even in code examples, or simple demonstrations, use `console.log(x, 
Object.getPrototypeOf(x))` over `console.log(x, x.__proto__)`.


PS: Ceterum censeo __proto__ esse delendum :-)
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Optional Chaining (aka Existential Operator, Null Propagation)

2016-02-07 Thread Bergi

Claude Pache wrote:


Yes, that syntax is possible. Whether it is preferable is a question of taste. 
Personally, I don’t like it:

* I slightly prefer `?.` over `.?` for the following reason: The `?.` token may 
be conceptually separated in two, first the question mark which checks whether 
the expression at its left evaluates to null/undefined (and orders to stop 
processing if it is the case); then the dot which proceeds with property lookup.

Totally agreed.

* I find that the question mark inside the brackets is out of place, as it 
isn’t part of the arguments (for function call) or of the expression defining 
the key (for property access).

I agree here as well, it does feel out of place, and `?[…]`/`?(…)` would 
feel a lot more natural. Given that those are not feasible for parsing 
however, I would still prefer them

func(? …args)
new C(? …args)

over the proposed alternative

new C?.(…args)

where the placement of the dot is just horrifying my eyes.
Maybe we could at least use some other character instead of the dot?

new C?:(…args)

might bear too much resemblance to the ternary, but imo the colon fits 
better than the dot here.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Using 'this' in default parameters

2016-01-31 Thread Bergi

Jason Orendorff wrote:

On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 8:14 AM, ` Mystery . <> wrote:

IMHO I don't think the default parameters should be evaluated within the
context of the function being called, at least not while it's outside of
function body's region.. Is there a specific reason to do that, or it's
just a design preference?

Sure, there is a reason: it's about how defaults are used.

Most defaults are probably constants or empty objects. Those don't
need to refer to any variables at all, so we can set them aside.

Well, primitive-valued constants are fine. But if you have an empty 
object constant, which is statically attached to the function instance 
instead of being re-evaluated at every call, that would surely cause 
enough havoc already :-)

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Using 'this' in default parameters

2016-01-29 Thread Bergi

` Mystery . wrote:

During the development of an ES6 web application, I came across a situation
where I wanted to bind 'this' of the outer function to a parameter of an
inner function

Use an arrow function for that:
function outer() {
const inner = (_this = this) => {
console.log(_this.a); // 1
}{a: 1});

In the latest Firefox, the above script prints 'undefined'. This seems
pretty counter-intuitive, and it also fails when I try to pass 'this.a' as
default value for the parameter of the inner function. I wonder if this is
an intended behavior? Thanks in advance.

Yes, it is intended, and pretty intuitive - default initialisers are 
evaluated in the scope of the called function, at the call - they're not 
values that are computed at the time of the definition of the function.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: JavaScript Language feature Idea

2016-01-25 Thread Bergi

Bob Myers schrieb:

The syntactical construct `array()` is unused as far as I know, since
currently it would always generate a syntax error--an array is not a

It's a runtime `TypeError` rather.

Thus we can use this as in


Shouldn't break anything.

This would break much more than a `last` getter/method or `nth`/`at` method.
Arrays becoming callable would mean that their `typeof` changes from 
`"object"` to `"function"`, which is a very bad idea.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Legitimate uses of IIFEs?

2015-12-20 Thread Bergi

Fabrício Matté schrieb:

Btw, the term "IIAFE" should probably be avoided, as the "A" can
ambiguously mean "Arrow" or "Async".

I've never heard of an "Arrow function expression" - it's just "arrow 
function" :-)

I think it would always be clear from the context anyway.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Legitimate uses of IIFEs?

2015-12-20 Thread Bergi

Andrea Giammarchi schrieb:

Reading this thread felt like one problem is gone and another is coming ...
and to be honest, a `module.exports = new Promise(myModule);` should most
likely become a new standard for asynchronously defined modules in the
node.js world, and I've no idea how that could be represented through the
current ES2015 specs which seem to assume every module loading could be
asynchronous, but the exported behavior would  be definitively sync.

I think a top-level (read: module-level) `await` could solve this quite 

... or maybe I am missing something, like the fact if a module export a
Promise it's automatically usable no matter if the requester was within a
sync execution or async?

That would be up to the loader. But I don't think a module loader should 
mess with these things, for various reasons. Error (=rejection) handling 
would be obscure. Sometimes I *want* to export promises without anyone 
awaiting them. And of course, exports do resolve to variable bindings, 
not to values, so this would be hard to align with the current spec.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Fwd: Indirect references to variables

2015-12-08 Thread Bergi

John Gardner schrieb:

ECMAScript currently offers no clean way to "dereference" a variable in the
current scope.

There is one. It's called `eval`.

A hacky workaround is to create an anonymous function that simply returns a
reference to the named variable:

 function dereference(name){
 return new Function([], "return " + name)();
 dereference("Paintbrush") === Paintbrush; // true

Actually that does only work with global variables as well, quite like 
the property access on the global object.

Another approach
might be to leverage `eval`, which opens up the obvious issues of
performance and security.

And so does your proposed backslash operator.
The only difference I can see would be that you are wishing to 
`eval`uate only identifier references not arbitrary expressions, but 
*that* can be trivially dealt with by testing the expression to match 
the Identifer production. A regex could do that.

Neither performance nor security would be any better though.

The preferred way of what you are trying to do is to whitelist the 
classes you want to make available, and by naming/aliasing them 
explicitly. Basically

var classReference = {Paintbrush, …}[className];
var instance = new classReference();

For additional security, you might want to use an object that doesn't 
inherit from `Object.prototype`, or just a `Map` right away.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Could String internalize an ArrayBuffer?

2015-12-06 Thread Bergi

Coroutines schrieb:

What I want is to be able to view a String through a typed array
without duplicating the memory/contents of that string.

The largest problem I see with this is that strings are immutable while 
typed arrays / buffers do allow indexed write access. So before using 
strings instead of buffers (or efficiently creating buffers from 
strings), we'd need to introduce something like ConstTypedArrays.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Reflection to know if executed within a generator/async ?

2015-12-06 Thread Bergi

Andrea Giammarchi schrieb:

simply adding
async and await and the only change to do in a well known/used
*synchronous* API would be to check if the returned value is held and
behave accordingly?

No, making a consumer of an API asynchronous should not be simple. 
Unless you are only writing pure functions, everything that involves 
states will very likely break. Concurrency is not trivial, it needs a 
lot of consideration.

as soon as you go for
async/await or a generator that function will return a Promise for you.

Please never do that. Functions that sometimes return promises and 
sometimes not are already known to be an antipattern. Making this 
obscurely dependent on some fragile syntactic conditions could only make 
this worse.

If you want to migrate your library to asynchrony, just make it a 
breaking change. Your consumers will thank you for it.

Kind regards,
es-discuss mailing list

Re: String.prototype.padLeft / String.prototype.padRight

2015-11-17 Thread Bergi

Coroutines schrieb:

I disagree with what has been decided. :p

I was in favor of {trim,pad}{Right,Left}().  The reason: Iterators.

As JS moves forward toward people creating iterators to traverse an
object, referring to the start and end of something *can* be
ambiguous.  There is no confusion with *Left() or *Right().

I could not disagree more with that. Iterators don't have a "left" or 
"right" side, they have a start and an end? The former would be much 
more confusing.
So when you `padStart` or `trimStart` an iterator you can be sure it 
will always put something in front of it or cut something at the 
beginning, regardless whether your iterator does iterate your array or 
structure backwards (right-to-left?), from left to right, top-down, 
bottom-up, or whatever direction you've drawn/imagined it in.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: String.prototype.padLeft / String.prototype.padRight

2015-11-17 Thread Bergi

Jeremy Darling schrieb:

Just as an aside, I think padLeft/padRight should still be added in
addition to padStart/padEnd.  There are times (token generation, identity
padding, etc) where you would want to specify the handedness of the pad
operation and ignore the locale.  This goes for the trim* methods as well.

I don't get that argument. Doesn't `start`/`end` exactly do that: ignore 
the locale? It always trims/pads at the start/end of the string, 
regardless whether that will be rendered to the left or right of the screen?


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Concise Method Binding

2015-11-11 Thread Bergi

Andrea Giammarchi schrieb:

Just my thoughts, I wouldn't put any self-bound thing in the class and
rather improve that `::` proposal so that whenever you `obj::method` it
creates a uniquely bound callback so that `obj::method === obj::method`

This was considered: - it's quite 
unexpected that an operator would return the same result every time, and 
there are security considerations as well. Also it would be quite 
complicated to spec - how and where did you store the memoisation. Feel 
free to join the discussion!

Using the `::` operator in the class declaration itself makes sense to 
me. It conveys "this method will always be bound" very effectively, and 
you wouldn't even need special syntax to access it.

class Xample {
  ::myListener(…) {…}
should desugar to
class Xample {
  // a getter on the prototype
  get myListener() {
// with per-instance memoisation
return this.myListener = (…) => {
  // that returns a bound method
It might be equivalently done via a custom decorator of course:
class Xample {
  myListener(…) {…}

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Concise Method Binding

2015-11-11 Thread Bergi

Gilbert B Garza schrieb:

Forgive me if I'm missing the point, but isn't the entire purpose of using
classes to make all instances share the same function in memory via `this`
? If you want methods to always be bound, why not use closures instead?

function Person (name) {
   var person = this
   person.greet = function () {
 return + " says hi!";

Yes, the point of prototypes is sharing. But maybe we don't want (cannot 
use) that.
The point of the `class` syntax is just to enable a more declarative 
definition of class methods - which should include some way to create 
instance methods as well, simply because they're needed often enough.

And being able to declare methods that will get bound outside of the 
constructor (even if that's a bit confusing) avoids much boilerplate 
again. Just compare

class Person extends … {
  constructor(name) {
this.greet = () => {
  return + " says hi!";
class Person extends … { // with default constructor
  ::greet() {
return + " says hi!";


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Generator getter method

2015-11-10 Thread Bergi

Mohsen Azimi schrieb:

I'm proposing to allow  `get corners* () { ...` (a generator getter
method) so the for..of loop can be written like this:

for (let corner of rectangle.corners) {

I would avoid that. `rectangle.corners !== rectangle.corners` could be 
quite confusing. Creating the generator explicitly is a better idea.
And as kevin said, you still can return generators from your getters 
manually if you really want that.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Concise Method Binding

2015-11-09 Thread Bergi

Jordan Harband schrieb:

> JD Isaacks <> wrote:
>> class Foo {
>>bar = () => {
>>  // bound
>>buz() {
>>  // unbound
>> }

In your first example, the arrow function's "this" would be the "this" of
the context the "class" is defined in - it wouldn't be bound at all.

No, the methods defined with "=" are automatically moved into the 
constructor, so that they are created once for each new instance. `this` 
in the arrow function would in fact be bound to the instance.

It's indeed super-confusing to "declare" such methods right inside the 
`class` though, that's why I'm really opposing that proposal 

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Arrow function declaration

2015-10-26 Thread Bergi

Федор Неживой schrieb:

I'm looking for a champion for

Your proposal doesn't seem to solve the problem that you gave in your 
rationale. Let me paraphrase:

You've got curried functions, and you want to partially apply them 
declaratively without caring for order.

// does not work
const sumOfSquares = compose(sum, squares);
const sum = reduce((x, y) => x + y, 0);
const squares = map(x => x * x);
// would work because of hoisting:
function sumOfSquares(xs) { return compose(sum, squares)(xs); }
function sum(xs) { return reduce((x, y) => x + y, 0)(xs); }
function squares(xs) { return map(x => x * x); }

Now you are proposing some kind of "arrow declaration" that desugars to 
a function declaration. This makes no sense. The non-working code 
doesn't benefit of that in any way - there are no arrows function, only 
function calls.

What you are *actually* looking for seems to be a lazy initialisation of 
variables - the variable declaration is hoisted just as usual, but the 
initialiser would run when the variable is used the first time.

The following would be what I'd envision to solve your problem:
// does work
lazy sumOfSquares = compose(sum, squares);
lazy sum = reduce((x, y) => x + y, 0);
lazy squares = map(x => x * x);
where `lazy` would work pretty much like a `lazy val` in Scala.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Exponentiation operator precedence

2015-08-26 Thread Bergi

Alexander Jones schrieb:

Exponentiation is written in conventional mathematics as if it were a
postfix unary operator, parameterised by a value written in superscript.
IMO this puts it in a whole different class to binary operators where both
operands are written equally. I don't see a ** b ** c as a good reflection
of mathematical convention.

I disagree. When in maths we write x sup y sup z /sup/sup, we 
mean x ^ (y ^ z). Which is exactly what `x ** y ** z` will do.
And no, we never write x supy/sup supz/sup, if we wanted to 
express that we'd write x supy * z/sup (or often enough, with 
implicit multiplication, i.e. no * operator: x supy z/sup).

If we'd want to express that in JS, it would by x ** (y * z).

Number.prototype.pow, on the other hand, would be fine.

You don't mean to use it like `x.pow(y).pow(z)`, do you? Sure, a 
function or method invocation is always explicit with parenthesis. But 
that's no improvement over the current `Math.pow`.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: please add x .= f()

2015-08-10 Thread Bergi

Isiah Meadows schrieb:

That's not really the point.

The suggestion is this instead:

if (s[0] === '/') s = s.slice(1);
if (s[0] === '/') s .= slice(1);

This already exists in CoffeeScript and most derivatives/dialects.

s .= slice 1 if s[0] is '/'

Don't know of any other languages that have an equivalent, though.

Really? Which version of CS, or which dialect are you using? It doesn't 
work for me in the online tool'%2F'.

But if you're that much inclined to save single characters, I'd 
recommend to use

s = s.slice(s[0] == '/');

es-discuss mailing list

Re: name anonymous functions on property assignments

2015-07-28 Thread a . d . bergi
 Just saying that an exposed property name is a different (and potentially 
 more broadly exploitable) capability than exposing a local variable name.
 TC39 reached consensus on automatically assigning the `name` property for 
 expression forms like:
       Identifier = FunctionExpression
 and so it is part of ES2015.  We did not have consensus on doing the same for:
       MemberExpression.IdentifierName = FunctionExpression
       MemberExpression[Expression] = FunctionExpression
 so it is not part of ES2015. There were various objections that would have to 
 be overcome before we could adopt that.

Ah, that's what I wanted to know. Can you detail these objections, please? Or 
link to the TC39 notes where these were discussed?

I see that method names are more capable than local variable names, but aren't 
we already naming methods by default everywhere else? Even those with computed 
To me, there is not much difference between

let o = {
method: () = {…}


let o = {};
o.method = () = {…};

yet the first function gets a name while the second one doesn't.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: name anonymous functions on property assignments

2015-07-28 Thread a . d . bergi
 I'm completely against magic-function-name assignment for various reason and 
 leaking ain't one.

What are these reasons? (I couldn't find previous discussions; if there are 
any, a link would be sufficient)

I agree that explicit naming is better than implicit, and like to use function 
declarations over unnamed function expressions myself, but for named arrow 
functions this seems like a good idea. And browsers are doing it already anyway 
for a better debugging experience. Regardless, it's in ES6 now, I just wondered 
why it's not as consistent as I expected it to be.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: name anonymous functions on property assignments

2015-07-28 Thread a . d . bergi
 a big concern for me is what to do about functions being passed around

Nothing happens to them. This feature is only about assignments where the right 
hand side consists of a function expression.

 var a = {}; = function () {}
 // .name would be foo


 var b = {}; =;
 // .name would be bar

No, the name would still be foo. It doesn't change when the function already 
has a `.name`, and `` is not an anonymous function definition but a 

 // what is .name?

Nothing. There is no identifier hanging around the function expression. It's 
anonymous, and will stay so.

You see, no magic! :-)

es-discuss mailing list

name anonymous functions on property assignments

2015-07-25 Thread a . d . bergi

Currently, unnamed function (and class) definitions that are part of a variable assignment or property definition are automatically given the name of the target identifier (see and Same thing happens for (destructuring) default initialisers and variable initialisers.

However, if a function (or class) definition is assigned to a property of an object, this doesnt happen:

  var o = {};

  o.someProperty = function() {  };

  o.otherProperty = class {  };

I dont see any reason for not doing this, it just seems to be advantageous and make the language more consistent. Im quite sure it wouldnt break any compatibility.

This would only require a minor change tosection, namely making IsIdentifierRef for

  MemberExpression :
MemberExpression [ _expression_ ]
MemberExpression . IdentifierName

return true.

(where it currently yields false). Everything else had already been abstracted out enough :-)

What do you think, can we fix this? Do I need to make a more explicit proposal?


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Extensible destructuring proposal

2015-07-21 Thread Bergi

Domenic Denicola schrieb:

For maps you can just do

const [[k1, v1], [k2, v2],] = map.entries();

The problem with this is that you would need to know the order of the 
keys in the map. Your code does only extract the first and second 
key-value pairs, allowing us to get the key values of them, but this 
syntax does not allow us to extract the value for a given key from 
somewhere in the map.
Predictability is all fine, but I still consider maps to be inherently 

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Extensible destructuring proposal

2015-07-21 Thread Bergi

Samuel Hapák schrieb:

I find your idea really interesting. If get it, benefit of your approach is 
that user explicitly specifies how to extract data instead of relying on 
extraction method defined by object being extracted.
This way, you can create multiple competing extractors

That wasn't my primary goal (indeed most data structures would have only 
a single extractor).

The main benefits I see are:
* explicit is better than implicit
* works anywhere in a destructuring pattern, not only the topmost level
* can be chosen not to be used (e.g. for `let {size} = myMap;`)

The only downside I see is the verbosity.

That's an advantage imo :-)

Could you show some examples? Thanks!

I don't think there's much more than the ones I already gave.
Notice that those `NoOptions` and `WithOptions()` was even an example 
for multiple extractors to be used for destructuring factory functions 
(by applying them), though I don't know whether that's the best solution 
for this `import` problem.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Extensible destructuring proposal

2015-07-21 Thread Bergi

Ben Newman schrieb:

That said, virtually every time I've written an unapply or unapplySeq
method in Scala, it has been with multi-case pattern matching in mind, and
we're only talking about destructuring assignment here, which I suppose is
like a single-case pattern match.

Right, we don't really have pattern matching in ES yet. I don't want to 
introduce that as well, it would be a pretty heavy change imo.

If you have time/motivation to put together a proposal for
Symbol.extractor, I would very much encourage you to think about the
possibility of introducing multi-case pattern matching as well, as I think
that would add significant value to the proposal, as well as highlighting
some tricky issues.

I've seen that Scala returns an Option for a pattern. My first thought 
was to make @@extractor return an empty iterator, but I'm not sure 
whether that's semantically sound.
We then could consider an iterator to be not matching if any of the 
target elements are left `undefined`, i.e. when the iterator is 
exhausted before all elements have gotten a value, similar to default 
initialisers are handled today.

Do you think that is viable?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Extensible destructuring proposal

2015-07-21 Thread Bergi

Domenic Denicola schrieb:

Well,  the spec says they are ordered, so I'm not sure where you're getting 
that from.

Yes, the spec defines an order to make iteration predictable and 
consistent, but that doesn't mean anyone would use a `Map` for an 
ordered structure. I would consider

new Map(Object.entries({a: 1, b: 2}))


new Map(Object.entries({b: 2, a: 1}))

to be equivalent for all purposes of an algorithm that uses commutative 

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Extensible destructuring proposal

2015-07-21 Thread Bergi

Samuel Hapák schrieb:

The main idea is, that if object defines `Symbol.get` method, it gets used to 
access properties of object instead of `[]` when destructuring.

Aw, when I read extensible destructuring I had hoped to see an 
extension to the destructuring syntax, not to see how semantics of 
destructuring objects are changed.

What do you think about extractor functions, like in Scala
Instead of `unapply` or `unapplySeq` methods we'd probably use an 
`@@extractor` (`Symbol.extractor`) method or so, allowing us to do

let Map({a, b, c}) = myMap;

let List(a, b, c) = myList;

const Map({author: Map({name: {first, last}, birthdate})}) = book;

which would desugar to

let [{a, b, c}] = Map[Symbol.extractor](myMap);

let [a, b, c] = List[Symbol.extractor](myList);

const [{author: __author}] = Map[Symbol.extractor](book);
const [{name: {first, last}, birthdate}] = 

where each extractor method would return an Iterable that is assigned to 
the arguments of the extractor. (A Proxy to lazily destructure object 
literals in there is a good idea, thanks @Claude).

This would even allow us to call functions on destructuring, think about 
module imports:

// a.js
export default function factory(options) {
return moduleInstance;

// b.js
const NoOptions = {
[Symbol.extractor](factory) { return [factory()]; }
const WithOptions = (...args) = ({
[Symbol.extractor](factory) { return [factory(...args)]; }

import NoOptions(A) from a;
import WithOptions(config)(A) from a;
// A === moduleInstance

What do you think about that?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Instance bound class methods

2015-07-19 Thread Bergi

Matthew Robb schrieb:

What I'd really like to have in the language is the ability to store a
property access into a single binding

Notice that the proposal 
does exactly this, at least for methods (and I don't think I would want 
it for arbitrary assignments). Your example code would look like this:

let someObj = { doStuff(){} };

let doStuff = ::someObj.doStuff;



es-discuss mailing list

Re: function.sent beta equivalence?

2015-06-25 Thread Bergi

Mark S. Miller schrieb:

Something strange and bizarre that Jafar and I just discovered after the
TC39 meeting:

We all know that there are a set of conventional combinators, like
flatMap, that work fine for iterators.

Iterators are uni-directional. Generators are bi-directional. (As Jara
observes: Generator implements Iterator, Observer)

We thought that these combinators did not apply to generators in their
full bidirectional glory. We were wrong.

Flatmap of generators can approximately be modeled in terms of yield*

So you have a signature of `IterableGeneratori, o, r - Generatori, 
o, r` in mind, not a monadic `join`-like function that takes a generator?

flatMap([g1, g2]) is equivalent to

(function*() {
   yield* wrap(g1, function.sent); // result of g1 ignored!
   return yield* g2;

Maybe it should be

(function*() {
   return [yield* wrap(g1, function.sent), yield* g2];

with `IterableGeneratori, o, r - Generatori, o, Iterabler`?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: insteadof operator

2015-06-25 Thread Bergi

Bucaran schrieb:

It would be nice if there was a special construct like `typeof` or `instanceof` 
that would take a name and evaluate to whatever
variable / function of the same name existing in the parent scope (or undefined 

Sorry, no. Please not.
This would be a horrible feature, making name collisions (which are 
already confusing as hell at times) even more confusing. Scoping is 
already complicated, no need to introduce an edge case that all tooling 
(including human brains) would need to get learned.

There already does exist a simple, familiar, and working solution (well, 
multiple ones actually), it's not worth the trouble of introducing a new 

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Fwd: Re: insteadof operator

2015-06-25 Thread Bergi

joe wrote:

Would there be any security issues? Also,  runtime or lexical scope?

I've actually wanted this feature for a while now, but  always assumed it
had no chance of happening due to security issues. Of course, I know
nothing about security so I could be wrong.

Actually, now that you mention it, yes there might be.
Iirc, some sandboxing techniques rely on executing unknown scripts in an 
own scope where globals (and other stuff that could be used to escape) 
are shadowed by local variables that contain the secured counterparts. 
By introducing an operator to undo shadowing, you could break out of that.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Pick operator

2015-06-22 Thread Bergi

Bob Myers schrieb:

In the spirit of the discussion about language complexity and
extensibility, consider the following brain-addled, pre-strawman proposal
for a new pick operator.

Thanks, some quite interesting ideas!

Some quick thoughts while reading:
* `o  typeof o === 'object'` should just test for `o != null`. Or at 
least not ignore function objects.
* that array picker operator should be omitted. Nobody needs this, 
picking from an array is very rare. Just use the standard `#` picker 
operator, onto an array literal, with explicit property names if need be.
* Don't introduce a new syntax for computed properties, we have brackets 
already. That `*` looks to much like generator functions.

However, instead of introducing a new operator I'd rather like to extend 
destructuring and property shorthands to take more than single 
identifier. The basic examples from your motivation could easily handled 
by this, withoug looking much worse:

  let pickedObj = {o.p1, o.p2}; // uses p1 and p2 for property names

  {pickedObj.p3} = o; // takes p3 as property name, assigns to LHS 


es-discuss mailing list

Re: let function

2015-05-14 Thread Bergi

Alexander Jones schrieb:
 On Thursday, May 14, 2015, Domenic Denicola wrote:

   They can, in fact, be scoped in a for loop.

That's not what I see, in strict mode at least, which I assume most people
consider de facto by now!

From V8:

 SyntaxError: In strict mode code, functions can only be declared at top
level or immediately within another function.

That's ES5. In ES6, function declarations are allowed in blocks - with 
the new block scope semantics. This was only possible as ES5 strict mode 
held that spot open so now it doesn't break anything :-)

Yes, it will need a while until people get accustomed to that.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Evaluate postfix after assignment

2015-05-12 Thread Bergi

Emanuel Allen schrieb:

Typo. I'm worrying about this:


arr[i++]//this will evaluate first before the value return since the = have a 
precedence than ++.

Notice that operator precedence has to do with parsing an (otherwise 
ambiguous) expression, not with evaulation order.

So this is parsed to


and then basically evaluated left-to-right.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: is an iterator allowed to reuse the same state object?

2015-04-27 Thread Bergi

No, it must return a new object every time.

for the last discussion on this.

es-discuss mailing list

stack-unlike behaviour of the execution context stack

2015-04-20 Thread a . d . bergi
a paragraph reads:

| Transition of the running execution context status among execution
| contexts usually occurs in stack-like last-in/first-out manner.
| However, some ECMAScript features require non-LIFO transitions of the
| running execution context.

I wonder what this means?
My first guess was that this refers to generators, whose contexts enter and 
leave the stack multiple times at will (in contrast to a normal context that 
enters only once and is destroyed after being suspended), but I found that 
generator contexts are pushed to and popped from the stack as everything else.

On closer inspection, I found that the spec sometimes uses the term remove 
and sometimes pop when suspending an execution context, but I can't imagine a 
case where this did not refer to the topmost context on the stack.
Can you give me an example? Did I miss something?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: super.prop assignment can silently overwrite non-writable properties

2015-04-20 Thread Bergi

Jason Orendorff schrieb:
 […] `super.prop = 2` ends up with O=X.prototype.

Uh, yes. And it should set `X.prototype.prop` to `2`, because that still 
is writable and not affected by the attributes of `x.prop`. So I would 
expect `x.prop` to still have the value `1`, shadowing the prototype 

(at least that's how I understood super references)

es-discuss mailing list

Don't test promise results on their thenability multiple times

2015-04-16 Thread a . d . bergi
while working on the promise memory-leak problem I noticed the 
following in the current ES6 spec:

var count = 0,
nonThenable = {get then() { count++; return undefined; }};

function GetResult(n) {
if (n = 0)
return nonThenable;
return Promise.resolve().then(()= // just for a little delay
GetResult(5).then((res) = {
assert(res == nonThenable);
assert(count == 1); // !!!
Since we only *resolved* a promise once with `nonThenable` (the promise that is 
returned from `GetResult(1)`), I expect that `.then` is only accessed once. The 
other 4 promises are *fulfilled* with it, and we know that [[PromiseResult]]s 
are never thenables. Or should not be, if it didn't change in the meantime.

I suggest to change the spec so that a Promise Resolve Function ( is 
not called multiple times, even if multiple promises (that adopt each other) 
are fulfilled with it. This would pave the road to allow fixing memory leaks 
from long recursive adoption chains, so that intermediate promises are no 
longer considered and can be garbage-collected before the eventual resolution.

A possible change could be made by amending the sections 
CreateResolvingFunctions and Promise.prototype.then like so:

* A promise resolve function is an anonymous built-in function that has 
[[Promise]], [[AlreadyResolved]] *and [[fulfillAdopter]]* internal slots.

* CreateResolvingFunctions would set the [[fulfillAdopter]] slot of `resolve` 
to a function like
  function fulfiller(resul) {
  if (! F.[[AlreadyResolved]]) {
  F.[[AlreadyResolve]] = true
  Return FulfillPromise(F.[[Promise]], result)

* Insert a step 5.5 in PerformPromiseThen, like
  If `onFulfilled` has a [[fulfillAdopter]] internal slot, set 
fulfillReaction.[[handler]] to onFulfilled.[[fulfillAdopter]]

So when a promise is adopted, and its `.then()` method is called, a `fulfill` 
handler is installed not a `resolve` handler. Which works as long as the 
invariant holds that result values are not thenable.

I haven't thought through the implications that this had on subclassing, but 
this is supposed to work even if `.then` was overwritten as long as it calls 
`super.then()` with the original resolve handler. (If it wrapped the resolve 
handler, we should resolve the value again indeed).

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Re: Nailing object property order

2015-04-16 Thread Bergi

Scott Sauyet schrieb:

 Do you see good reasons *not* to do it, or are you just wondering if
 there actually were pros to this?

Oh, I can see the use cases (you've given a good example, thanks). 
Everyone needs ordered dictionaries/maps once in a while. Maybe even 
sortable ones, including `insertAt` or `insertOrderedBy(comp)` methods?

I would have loved to get another new data structure (`OrderedMap`? 
`SortableMap`?) for this purpose. What I am opposing is that objects - 
originally meant as unordered records - are now officially abused for 
this. I can see the argument for speccing backwards-compability, but now 
the people who were originally writing bad (implementation-dependent) 
code are supported by the spec and can claim that the end users had to 
update their browsers to ES6-compatibility, instead of needing to fix 
their bugs.

I could even write an `isStrictlyEqual` that goes beyond
property equality and checks key order.

That's exactly what I am fearing. If such usage takes overhand, are we 
going to get `Object.prototype.reorderKeys` at some point? (Oh, wait, 
`Object.reorderKeys` of course).
I think there should be a clear distinction between ordered and 
unordered dictionaries somewhere, with tooling supporting both versions. 
Instead of stuffing everything into objects.
How does an algorithm know whether to use `==`, `===`, ``, 
`Object.isSameOrdered`, `Object.equals`…?


(sorry if this came off as a rant. I know it cannot/will not be changed 
any more in ES6. I'm just missing a clear strategy statement)

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Re: Don't test promise results on their thenability multiple times

2015-04-16 Thread Bergi

Another, maybe simpler way to put this:

`Promise.resolve` needs to become idempotent, i.e. for all values `x` 
the expression


must behave exactly as the expression


where it accesses `x.then` only exactly once. The current spec would 
test for it twice, which even gives way to fulfilling promises with 
thenables - if only the `then` method is attached to your object after 
you have resolved your promise with it. Which could cause some quite 
unexpected results.

es-discuss mailing list

Nailing object property order

2015-04-15 Thread a . d . bergi
Why does ES6 specify the order of keys in objects, maps and sets?
Specifically section 9.1.12 [[OwnPropertyKeys]] says the result list must be 
integer indices in ascending numeric, then strings in property creation order, 
then symbols in property creation order.
Similarly, Map.prototype.forEach and Set.prototype.forEach 
use the original insertion order of keys for their callbacks, and also their 
respective @@iterators use the ordered entries lists.

What was the motivation to pin these down in ES6?

In ES5, objects were intrinsically unordered. ES3 was explicit about that an 
object is an unordered collection of properties, the same thing is still in 
JSON for example, where objects are defined as unordered set of name/value 
ES5 did only specify that for-in and Object.keys should use the same order (if 
an implementation specifies one at all). ES6 didn't even tighten this, it only 
describes it with a new [[enumerate]]-mechanism.

But would it be reasonable to expect that every implementation will use the 
same order in for-in loops and Object.keys as in 
Object.getOwnPropertyNames/Symbols property listings? I can't imagine how a 
different ordering would be helpful for an implementation.

To me, a fixed order sounds like an arbitrary restriction. There would always 
be a little overhead in remembering the order, and it would prevent 
optimisations that could treat {x:1, y:2} and {y:2, x:1} as having the same 
And while ordered maps/sets are a good thing, they are not really sortable by 
ones own criteria. If I wanted to insert a value at a certain position, I'd 
need to first clear the map/set and then re-append all entries in the desired 
order. There will surely be people who want to use maps/sets like that, and I 
wonder whether it was deliberately made that complicated/inperformant to 
support this use case.

Does anyone share my concerns? The only thing I've found online was 
deterministic enumeration, 
pointers to other discussions are welcome.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Nailing object property order

2015-04-15 Thread Bergi

Tab Atkins Jr. schrieb:

On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 6:39 PM, wrote:

What was the motivation to pin these down in ES6?

Because, for objects at least, all implementations used approximately
the same order (matching the current spec), and lots of code was
inadvertently written that depended on that ordering, and would break
if you enumerated it in a different order.  Since browsers have to
implement this particular ordering to be web-compatible, it was
specced as a requirement.

I see, that makes some sense at least. But why was the default object 
[[enumerate]] algorithm not specced to match the [[OwnPropertyKeys]] 
order then?
Most, if not all, of the codes I've seen that unfortunately depend on 
this insertion-order ordering do use simple `for in` loops (sometimes 
accompanied by a `obj.hasOwnProperty` check, very rarely an 
`` check). None iterated over the 
`Object.keys` or even `Object.getOwnPropertyNames` array.

Shouldn't we add a guarantee to [[enumerate]] that the subset of 
enumerated *own* properties comes in insertion order as well? That would 
still leave open to engines how they deal with inherited properties.
Similarly, we remove step 6 (*Order the elements of names so they are 
in the same relative order as would be produced by the Iterator that 
would be returned if the [[Enumerate]] internal method was invoked on 
O.*) from `EnumerableOwnNames` (`Object.keys`)?

es-discuss mailing list

Default `this` value for static promise functions

2015-04-07 Thread a . d . bergi
I've just got bitten by

return getError().then(Promise.reject);

where `reject` threw an error that its `this` value was not a Promise 

Would it help to make the `C` constructor (in Promise.resolve, Promise.reject, 
Promise.all, Promise.race algorithms) default to `Promise` when no `this` value 
is supplied (throw only if it's there, but not an object and constructor 
Or is this considered to be too error-prone with Promise subclassing, where 
`.then(MyCustomPromise.reject)` would not work as expected (fail silently)?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: `of` operator ES7 proposal from Ian Bicking

2015-03-30 Thread Bergi

Brendan Eich schrieb:


Huh, for (attr in obj) goes along with if (attr in obj), but for
(item of array) doesn't have an equivalent if (item of array)

It's obvious in hindsight. An `of` operator …

I would like such an operator as well, but I can see a big problem with 
this proposal: of is not a reserved keyword.
And it certainly has its usage as an identifier name already, most 
prominently: Array.of.
The fantasyland applicatives do have such a 
method as well. I found a few uses of it in github code 
(most of those thousands are false positives or a particular test case, 
this example 
is not).

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