Re: Autonomy? A proposal

2012-06-19 Thread Stephen P. King

On 6/19/2012 5:39 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 19 Jun 2012, at 08:01, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 6/18/2012 5:13 PM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

Brent, Stephen,

On 18 Jun 2012, at 18:55, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 6/18/2012 11:51 AM, meekerdb wrote:

On 6/18/2012 1:04 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

Because consciousness, to be relatively manifestable, introduced 
a separation between me and not me, and the "not me" below my 
substitution level get stable and persistent by the statistical 
interference between the infinitely many computations leading to 
my first person actual state.

How does on computation interfere with another? and how does that 
define a conscious stream of thought that is subjective agreement 
with other streams of thought?


They interfere statistically by the first person indeterminacy on 
UD* (or arithmetic).

Hi Bruno,

You seem to have an exact metric for this "measure" of "the first 
person indeterminacy on UD* (or arithmetic)".

Not at all. I only reduce the mind-body problem (including the body 
problem) into the problem of finding that metric. UDA must be seen as 
a proof of existence of that "metric" from the comp hypothesis. Then 
AUDA gives the logic of observable which is a step toward that metric 

Dear Bruno,

What I fail to understand is how the currently well known and 
existing proofs of the non-existence of generic metrics on infinite sets 
that are, AFAIK, identical to your concept of computations (as strings 
of numbers) do not seem to impress you at all. It is as if your are 
willfully blind to evidence that contradicts your claims. I am 
sympathetic to your motivation and am interested in finding a path 
around this serious problem that I see in your reasoning. My point here 
is that this claim that "UDA must be seen as a proof of existence of 
that "metric" from the comp hypothesis" has no epistemological "weight" 
if it cannot be associated with the other aspects of mathematics. One 
must show how one's new idea/discovery of mathematical 
"objects/relations" are related to the wider universe of mathematical 
objects and relations; or one is risking the path of solipsism.
I have tried to get your attention to look at various 
possibilities, such as the axiom of choice, non-well founded sets, the 
Tennenbaum theorem, etc. as possible hints to a path to the solution but 
you seem to be trapped in a thought, like light orbiting a black hole, 
endlessly repeating the same idea over and over. Would you snap out of 
it and see what I am trying to explain to you?

What I need to understand is the reasoning behind your choice of set 
theory and arithmetic axioms;

I don't use set theory. Only elementary arithmetic. At the ontological 

But Bruno, you are being disingenuous here. The phrase "only 
elementary arithmetic" is not all that is involved! in order to have a 
meaningful description of "only elementary arithmetic" one has to relate 
to a wider univerce of concepts and one must connect to the physical 
acts that support the experience of what numbers are.

At the meta-level I use all the math I need, like any scientist in any 
part of science.

I am not sure what that means.

after all there are many mutually-exclusive and yet self-consistent 
choices that can be made. Do you see a 1p feature that would allow 
you to known that preference is not biased?

As I said, I use arithmetic because natiural numbers are taught in 
high school, but any (Turing) universal will do.

Do you understand the idea that "natural numbers [as] ... taught in 
high school" does not have special ontological status? I am trying to 
get you to think of numbers in a wider context.

the point is that neither the laws of consciousness, nor the laws of 
matter depend on the choice of the basic initial system, so I use the 
one that everybody knows.

So, does a consensus of belief grant special ontological status? 
What else am I to think of the implication of the phrase "... that 
everybody knows". Closed sets of communications are (representationally) 
studied in network, game and graph theory. From what I have read, finite 
versions of these reach equilibrium in at least log_2 N steps and once 
there never change again. This only illustrates the point that we have 
to consider open systems and those are such that they do not allow for 
exact closed form descriptions in math. This is a well known fact to any 
competent engineer.

Sometimes I use the combinators or the lambda algebra. I don't use 
geometrical or physical system because that would be both a treachery, 
in our setting, and it would also be confusing for the complete 
derivation of the physical laws.

Nice excuse! LOL!

And it remains to be seen if that defines a conscious stream of 
thought that is subjective agreement with other streams of thought.

If it does not have "subjective argeement" with other mutually 
exclusive then there wou

Re: Autonomy? A proposal

2012-06-19 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 19 Jun 2012, at 08:01, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 6/18/2012 5:13 PM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

Brent, Stephen,

On 18 Jun 2012, at 18:55, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 6/18/2012 11:51 AM, meekerdb wrote:

On 6/18/2012 1:04 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

Because consciousness, to be relatively manifestable, introduced  
a separation between me and not me, and the "not me" below my  
substitution level get stable and persistent by the statistical  
interference between the infinitely many computations leading to  
my first person actual state.

How does on computation interfere with another? and how does that  
define a conscious stream of thought that is subjective agreement  
with other streams of thought?


They interfere statistically by the first person indeterminacy on  
UD* (or arithmetic).

Hi Bruno,

You seem to have an exact metric for this "measure" of "the  
first person indeterminacy on UD* (or arithmetic)".

Not at all. I only reduce the mind-body problem (including the body  
problem) into the problem of finding that metric. UDA must be seen as  
a proof of existence of that "metric" from the comp hypothesis. Then  
AUDA gives the logic of observable which is a step toward that metric  

What I need to understand is the reasoning behind your choice of set  
theory and arithmetic axioms;

I don't use set theory. Only elementary arithmetic. At the ontological  
At the meta-level I use all the math I need, like any scientist in any  
part of science.

after all there are many mutually-exclusive and yet self-consistent  
choices that can be made. Do you see a 1p feature that would allow  
you to known that preference is not biased?

As I said, I use arithmetic because natiural numbers are taught in  
high school, but any (Turing) universal will do. the point is that  
neither the laws of consciousness, nor the laws of matter depend on  
the choice of the basic initial system, so I use the one that  
everybody knows. Sometimes I use the combinators or the lambda  
algebra. I don't use geometrical or physical system because that would  
be both a treachery, in our setting, and it would also be confusing  
for the complete derivation of the physical laws.

And it remains to be seen if that defines a conscious stream of  
thought that is subjective agreement with other streams of thought.

If it does not have "subjective argeement" with other mutually  
exclusive then there would be a big problem. No?

No. It would be a refutation of comp+classical theory of knowledge (by  
UDA). That would be a formidable result.
But the evidences available now, is that the physics derived from  
arithmetic, through comp+ usual definition of knowledge, is similar to  
the empirical physics (AUDA).

Do you realize that you are asking Bruno the same question  
here that I have been asking him for a long time now? Exactly how  
do computations have any form of causal efficacy upon each other  
within an immaterialist scheme?

By the embedding of a large part of the constructive computer  
science in arithmetic.

What "part" is not embedded?

The non elementary, second order, or analytical part. It is not  
embedded in the number relations, but it appears in the mind of the  
universal numbers as tool to accelerate the self-study. It is  

There is a universal diophantine polynomial (I will say more on  
this on the FOAR list soon). Once you have a universal system, you  
get them all (with CT). I might identify a notion of cause with the  
notion of universal (or not) machine. Some existing number relation  
implements all the possible relations between all possible  
universal machine.

Universality (of computations) requires the existence of an  
equivalence class (modulo diffeomorphisms) of physical systems over  
which that computation is functionally equivalent. No?


If not, how is universality defined? Over a purely abstract set?  
What defines the axioms for that set?

You don't need set. You can define "universal" in arithmetic. I am  
starting an explanation of this on the FOAR list.

You have to study the detail of Gödel's proof, or study Kleene's  
predicate, which translate computer science in arithmetic. For the  
non materialist, the problem is not to get interactions, the  
problem is not having too much of them.

Correct! You get an infinite regress of "interactions"! Way too  
many! In fact, I bet that you get at least a aleph_1 cardinal  
infinity. But what about the continuum hypothesis? Do you take it as  
true or false in your sets?

I don't care at all.

If you take it as false then you obtain a very interesting thing in  
the number theory; it looks like all arithmetics are non-standard in  
some infinite limit! You have to have a means to necessitate a limit  
to finite sets. The requirement of Boolean satisfyability exactly  
gives us this "rule".

? (unclear).

Re: Autonomy? A proposal

2012-06-18 Thread Stephen P. King

On 6/18/2012 5:13 PM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

Brent, Stephen,

On 18 Jun 2012, at 18:55, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 6/18/2012 11:51 AM, meekerdb wrote:

On 6/18/2012 1:04 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

Because consciousness, to be relatively manifestable, introduced a 
separation between me and not me, and the "not me" below my 
substitution level get stable and persistent by the statistical 
interference between the infinitely many computations leading to my 
first person actual state.

How does on computation interfere with another? and how does that 
define a conscious stream of thought that is subjective agreement 
with other streams of thought?


They interfere statistically by the first person indeterminacy on UD* 
(or arithmetic).

Hi Bruno,

You seem to have an exact metric for this "measure" of "the first 
person indeterminacy on UD* (or arithmetic)". What I need to understand 
is the reasoning behind your choice of set theory and arithmetic axioms; 
after all there are many mutually-exclusive and yet self-consistent 
choices that can be made. Do you see a 1p feature that would allow you 
to known that preference is not biased?

And it remains to be seen if that defines a conscious stream of 
thought that is subjective agreement with other streams of thought.

If it does not have "subjective argeement" with other mutually 
exclusive then there would be a big problem. No?

Do you realize that you are asking Bruno the same question here 
that I have been asking him for a long time now? Exactly how do 
computations have any form of causal efficacy upon each other within 
an immaterialist scheme?

By the embedding of a large part of the constructive computer science 
in arithmetic.

What "part" is not embedded?

There is a universal diophantine polynomial (I will say more on this 
on the FOAR list soon). Once you have a universal system, you get them 
all (with CT). I might identify a notion of cause with the notion of 
universal (or not) machine. Some existing number relation implements 
all the possible relations between all possible universal machine.

Universality (of computations) requires the existence of an 
equivalence class (modulo diffeomorphisms) of physical systems over 
which that computation is functionally equivalent. No? If not, how is 
universality defined? Over a purely abstract set? What defines the 
axioms for that set?

You have to study the detail of Gödel's proof, or study Kleene's 
predicate, which translate computer science in arithmetic. For the non 
materialist, the problem is not to get interactions, the problem is 
not having too much of them.

Correct! You get an infinite regress of "interactions"! Way too 
many! In fact, I bet that you get at least a aleph_1 cardinal infinity. 
But what about the continuum hypothesis? Do you take it as true or false 
in your sets? If you take it as false then you obtain a very interesting 
thing in the number theory; it looks like all arithmetics are 
non-standard in some infinite limit! You have to have a means to 
necessitate a limit to finite sets. The requirement of Boolean 
gives us this "rule".

Keep in mind I submit a problem, for the computationalist. Not a 
solution., but precise problems. You can use the arithmetical 
quantization to test test the quantum tautologies.

We will see if there is or not some winning topological quantum 
computer on the border of numberland, as seen from inside all 

What physical experiment will measure this effect? If there is no 
physical effect correlated with the difference, then this idea is 
literally a figment of someone's imagination and nothing more. The 
physical implementation of a quantum computer is a physical event. I 
thought that your idea that computations are independent of all 
physicality was completely and causally independent from such. =-O

My argument is that a computational simulation is nothing more than 
"vaporware" (a figment of someone's imagination) until and unless there 
exists a plenum of physical systems that all can implement the "best 
possible version" of that simulation. When we recall that Wolfram 
defines the "real thing" as the "best possible simulation, we reach a 
conclusion. This "plenum" is the trace or action (???I am not sure???)  
of (on?) an equivalence class of spaces that are diffeomorphic to each 
*other under some ordering*. I am not certain of the wording of the 
first part of this, but I am absolutely certain of the latter part, "an 
equivalence class of spaces that are diffeomorphic to each *other under 
some ordering*" I am unassailably certain of.



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