RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: I blame the haystacks (was Sacre Bleu)

2013-09-05 Thread bobpriced

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: I blame the haystacks (was Sacre Bleu)

2013-09-05 Thread bobpriced

[FairfieldLife] G-d (YHVH) , bats and rats' laughter?

2013-09-05 Thread cardemaister

[FairfieldLife] True Attention

2013-09-05 Thread turquoiseb
This post never "came back" from the Yahoo! black hole yesterday, so
I'll try again because I had so much fun writing it...

Overheard in a cafe on Ile Saint-Louis this morning:

"Saul? Is that you? How amazing to run into you here in Paris. What are
you doing here?"

"Knock it off, Morty. I saw you earlier stalking me outside my hotel,
and following me here. You probably stalked me here all the way from
L.A. What do you want?"

"That was *your* hotel? I wasn't stalking you...I was...uh...just
looking through the garbage cans to see whether Parisians recycle. Yeah,
that's the ticket."

"Cut to the chase, Morty. What the fuck do you want?"

"I want to pitch you a story idea for a new series, Saul. I know that
you're interested in new ideas, original ideas, so I'm bringing it to
you first, even though a bunch of other producers are already bugging me
about it."

"Yeah, right. But OK, I'm in a good mood, and the *real* writer I'm
waiting for isn't due for a few minutes, so you've got that long to give
me your 'elevator pitch.'"

"Thanks, Saul. I call it 'True Attention.' It's a story about a bunch of
vampires who live in Faux Temps, Iowa and survive by sucking attention
from other people."

"Iowa? It sounds more like L.A."

"Yeah, we could probably set it in L.A. if you wanted. Anyway, the main
character is named Nookie Snackhouse, and she's *not* a vamp. But she is
half fey...sort of a closet fey...and she has this ability to read
people's minds, and know what their real thoughts and intentions are
even better than the people whose minds she's reading do."

"She sounds like a real pain in the ass. But go on...where do the vamps
fit into all of this?"

"Well, first, they're not real vamps, like in that other series that
this one is nothing like. They don't feed on blood or anything. Instead,
just as you noted, they feed off of attention. Being unable to generate
any kind of energy themselves, they suck it from other people by getting
them to focus on them."

"So how do they do this? Do they, for example, stalk these victims whose
attention they want to steal halfway around the world and corner them in
a sidewalk cafe?"

"No, no...nothing like that. Heh heh...good one, Saul. What they do,
since none of these attention vamps have actually ever DONE anything in
their lives that would attract the attention they feed off of, they get
people to focus on them by insulting them, trying to portray them as
stupid, and calling them names."

"And that works?"

"More than you might think. Many of the vamps in Faux Temps have been
running this number for *years*, and have managed to get a *lot* of
people to focus on them and give them their attention so that they can
feed off of it. And all without ever DOING anything to deserve that
attention in the first place."

"I don't get it...they accomplish all this just by insulting people?"

"Not *just* insulting people. Sometimes they make up stories about
themselves and try to convince others that those stories are real. For
example, they brag about their 'endarkenment,' or imply that they're
successes in life even though they've never been anything but wage
slaves. That's where Nookie comes in."

"The suspense is killing me. Do tell..."

"Well, as I said, Nookie is *not* one of these vamps per se, and in fact
is even less interesting than they are and has DONE even less in her
life than they have, but she can read their thoughts and so she knows
when they're bullshitting to attract attention and when they're not."

"Aha. So she busts them when she catches them lying?"

"No, not at all. That's the twist. She ignores their bullshit, and
instead praises them so that they'll focus on HER. When they do that,
she sucks *their* attention. So in effect, she's got all these attention
vampires *working for her*, stealing attention and energy from other
people, and then passing it along to her by focusing on her. Brilliant,

"Sounds boring to me. Who on earth would tune in each week to watch a
bunch of people who have never DONE anything in their lives try to suck
attention, as if they were the center of the universe?"

"Hey, Saul...don't knock worked for 'Seinfeld.'"

"Good point."

"So? Ya interested?"

"Not really. Got anything else?"

"Well, I am working on another completely original treatment called
'Freaking Mad.' It's about a mild-mannered meditation teacher who starts
selling black-market enlightenment..."

"Nice talking to you, Morty. But I see a real writer approaching, so
buzz off. Give my secretary a call when you get back to L.A. We won't do

RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 20 Big Questions.

2013-09-05 Thread awoelflebater

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: Military Solution to Syria Is Futile: Pope Francis

2013-09-05 Thread Bhairitu
Ah, feeling desperate?  I could have pointed out your non-sequitur.  I 
was talking about urgent care units not heart attacks.  IOW, around here 
it might be just as expedient to walk into an urgent care unit where 
they can decide where you should go (ER is often just around the 
corner).  And if we had medical care that was worth a shit, John 
probably could have simple gone to a neighborhood clinic to sort things 
out.  But no those are folding.  In Turqland, he could have a doctor 
drop by the house too.

And I don't agree with empty.  There is no reason that a nurse 
practitioner can't sort out things for you.

My employees used to see a doctor every time they got the sniffles just 
because they had "free heathcare."  Well, they didn't have free health 
care.  If we didn't have that benefit we could have paid them more.

And when was the last time you heard of someone getting a medical 
scholarship to become a doctor?  In this country it is about pedigree 
not any ability or interest in medicine.  What a commercial piece of 
crap our medical system is.

And in case you forgot, my tantra teacher passed away last October from 
congestive heart failure.  He DID go to the hospital twice for heart 
attacks.  Didn't help much did it?  Doctors and hospitals are more 
interested in making money than helping you. In fact they want to help 
themselves to your bank account.

On 09/05/2013 08:02 PM, wrote:

*Translation: Bhairitu fucked up again.*

--- In,  

I read the post, Judy. It's you who are behaving like a hysterical dope.

On 09/05/2013 07:12 PM, authfriend@... wrote:


It's always good to read the posts you're commenting on. Otherwise
you look like a big dope.Â

--- In,

So Dr. Judy is diagnosing John as having a heart attack.  Maybe
he only has heartburn or high pitta.

On 09/05/2013 05:51 PM, authfriend@... wrote:


No, that wouldn't necessarily be "Urgent Care." Not all
hospitals have a separate walk-in service; or it may be part
of the overall ER service.

But more importantly, for something like chest pain, you are
not competent to judge whether it's an emergency. You just go
to the ER and let them take it from there. You don't spend
time wandering around trying to find Urgent Care (especially
at night when an Urgent Care service may not even be open).

--- In,

FYI, that would be "Urgent Care".  ER is for
emergencies.  Urgent Care is for walk-ins.  I
went to one Christmas Day of 2007 because I had slammed my
finger in the car door and I wanted to make sure it was
done right.  The doctor (who was Chinese) only wanted
to send me home and take Tylenol.  I told here I would
prefer draining the buildup under the fingernail.  She
went ahead and got a tiny drill bit and was a bit surprised
that there was enough pressure to spurt out the blood. 
Tylenol would not have done but I think she was trying to save

me the "surgical bill" which was all of $60.  I had
actually gone there the afternoon the day before but they were
so busy suggested I come back on Christmas Day and I was
surprised they would be open.

I hope there is no next time but if so I now know that just
drilling a little hole in the nail will solve the
problem.  There are even videos on YouTube for this.

On 09/05/2013 05:07 PM, Share Long wrote:

John, I'm with Judy on this one. If your symptom
continues, you definitely should go to an ER and get it
checked out. Safety first and all that. You're not
committing to any treatment simply by having it checked out.

*From:* "jr_esq@..." 
*Sent:* Thursday, September 5, 2013 6:52 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: Military Solution
to Syria Is Futile: Pope Francis


Thanks for your concern.  I was thinking of doing
that last night.  Now, I'm trying to see the
connection between my ankle sprain and the
heartburn.  And, I can see the pattern revealed by
jyotish as I explained to Bhairitu.  I'm pretty
much under control right now.  I'll just have watch
what I'm eating.  I'll keep you guys posted with my

By the way, my ankle sprain is getting better.  I
used an

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: Military Solution to Syria Is Futile: Pope Francis

2013-09-05 Thread authfriend

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: I blame the haystacks (was Sacre Bleu)

2013-09-05 Thread Emily Reyn
Yeah.I know. I think it's that I was incorrectly labeled an extrovert as a 
child; based on Ravi's post of the other day, I am confirming what I always 
thought; in fact I am an introvert.  All these years spent trying to be an 
extrovert; so stressful it has been. I can probably stop unstressing about it 
all now online and retreat into my den for a little inner child work.  Smile.  

 From: "" 
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2013 5:32 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: I blame the haystacks (was Sacre 

--- In,  wrote:

 Or with a lot of effortsmile. 

--- In,  wrote:

Ann, don't underplay your strengths here as CEO of the club or underestimate 
the range of skills we need and already have.  You, for one, are both bold and 
smarter than average mean girl.  Me, I'm just a normal meanie, but I look up to 
you to teach me, which you do every day.  We *want* Bob in this club with the 
skill set he has; we don't want that guy off starting his own club (RMGC); it 
will go to his head, trust me. Bob, as he's stated, and you've noticed, can get 
a little *intense* at times and he needs the group to keep him in line.  For 
example, back before I think you were here (not sure) there was a whole series 
of posts featuring Bubbles Devere that I remember well.  Here's one for old 
times sake:

I do agree that it is best to stay on Bob's good side, but not because he gets 
mad (Bob doesn't get mad, he just gets even).  Smile.  And, bear in mind, if he 
gets too out of line, Judy will correct him.  He's a bit of a wild horse that 
one, but those are the ones that have the largest hearts, and they can be 
trained, with a little effort. 


--- In,  wrote:

Now Bob, I think after reading this that I have underestimated you. I am not 
sure our little MGC is big enough or smart enough or bold enough for you. You 
might want to check out the RMGC (the "R" is for Really). However, I will be 
thrilled if you want to stay with THIS club. I hear you have a dynamite garage 
and are already making great headway with the clubhouse. And The Wife, I hear, 
is thrilled you will be close to home during the meetings. So, all in all, I 
hope you will remain with our humble little group. Just don't ever get mad at 
me, okay? I wouldn't know where to begin disarming you if you did.

--- In,  wrote:

BP2: Just kidding about your other post, but isn't this fun, learning all about 
color---as we learn to play well with others.

--- In,  wrote:

BW1: Just as a followup, the roach's claim that the blue
in question as sacrÃÂÃÂÃÂé bleu (the sacred blue) is "cobalt
blue" is completely incorrect. 

BP2: I was thrilled to learn you've been reading my posts, I assume you 
agree with everything else I've posted, since this is the only one you 
responded to; I can't wait to see what software, or dark art, you'll come 
up with going forward to continue to read my posts without actually reading 
them; please don't go all beta on me; you might consider using the 
ultramarine molecule---as we all know Lapis Lazuli is magical. And don't 
worry about calling me a "roach", I know you mean well, and I've been 
called worse; I am wondering if this means roaches are boring; I know they 
can survive a nuclear explosions. Also, please correct me if I'm wrong (I 
understand reading is not one of your preferred activities), but I don't 
believe I actually wrote that cobalt blue was the sacrÃÂÃÂÃÂé bleu your 
Mr. Moore was going on about; I'm still curious why you didn't mention 
cobalt blue or ultramarine---or any other color---in a book review about a 
book about
 van Gogh and his contemporaries.    

BP1: Considering the title of the book he was reviewing, I'm surprised 
Barry mentioned 
nothing about cobalt blue--- *sacred* or otherwise, or any other color 
for that matter (comedy or not he was writing about painters); and since its 
fairly common knowledge that Thenard discovered cobalt blue in 1802 (as in 
"Thenards Blue"---another name for cobalt blue ) who the hell is The Colorman 
("In the shadows, lurking for centuries...")? Obviously Vincent shot 
himself, after one too many haystacks, in the stomach, and the reason he picked 
his tummy was because it was so upset from all the lead in the 
cobalt blue and chrome yellow he had been tasting to make sure the 
mixture was up to his standards: I understand its a work of fiction, but I 
think Barry could have 
mentioned something about color without getting to close to "haystacks".

BW1: Cobalt blue was made
from cobalt sulfinate, w

[FairfieldLife] RE: Why we are gaga over Lady Gaga

2013-09-05 Thread s3raphita

[FairfieldLife] Damn - the bastards have known all about my "private" vices all the time

2013-09-05 Thread s3raphita

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: Our National Anthem

2013-09-05 Thread dhamiltony2k5

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: Military Solution to Syria Is Futile: Pope Francis

2013-09-05 Thread Bhairitu
So Dr. Judy is diagnosing John as having a heart attack.  Maybe he only 
has heartburn or high pitta.

On 09/05/2013 05:51 PM, wrote:

No, that wouldn't necessarily be "Urgent Care." Not all hospitals have 
a separate walk-in service; or it may be part of the overall ER service.

But more importantly, for something like chest pain, you are not 
competent to judge whether it's an emergency. You just go to the ER 
and let them take it from there. You don't spend time wandering around 
trying to find Urgent Care (especially at night when an Urgent Care 
service may not even be open).

--- In,  

FYI, that would be "Urgent Care".  ER is for emergencies.  Urgent 
Care is for walk-ins.  I went to one Christmas Day of 2007 because I 
had slammed my finger in the car door and I wanted to make sure it was 
done right.  The doctor (who was Chinese) only wanted to send me home 
and take Tylenol.  I told here I would prefer draining the buildup 
under the fingernail.  She went ahead and got a tiny drill bit and 
was a bit surprised that there was enough pressure to spurt out the 
blood.  Tylenol would not have done but I think she was trying to 
save me the "surgical bill" which was all of $60.  I had actually 
gone there the afternoon the day before but they were so busy 
suggested I come back on Christmas Day and I was surprised they would 
be open.

I hope there is no next time but if so I now know that just drilling a 
little hole in the nail will solve the problem.  There are even 
videos on YouTube for this.

On 09/05/2013 05:07 PM, Share Long wrote:

John, I'm with Judy on this one. If your symptom continues, you
definitely should go to an ER and get it checked out. Safety first
and all that. You're not committing to any treatment simply by
having it checked out.

*From:* "jr_esq@..." 
*Sent:* Thursday, September 5, 2013 6:52 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: Military Solution to Syria
Is Futile: Pope Francis


Thanks for your concern. Â I was thinking of doing that last
night. Â Now, I'm trying to see the connection between my ankle
sprain and the heartburn. Â And, I can see the pattern revealed by
jyotish as I explained to Bhairitu. Â I'm pretty much under
control right now. Â I'll just have watch what I'm eating. Â I'll
keep you guys posted with my progress.

By the way, my ankle sprain is getting better. Â I used an ice
pack to cure it. Â So, thanks to Dr.D, Share, and Ann for their
help on that regard. I'm walking fairly normal now, although a bit

--- In,

*John, you need to go to the emergency room and get checked out.
No kidding. *

--- In,


It was rather cold over here. Â It was most definitely a pitta
symptom since I had this heavy burning sensation in the chest. Â I
was thinking of checking myself into a hospital. Â But I was
determined to find out what's going on.

I did some yoga asanas a few minutes ago to see what would happen.
 I feel a little relieved but the stress is still there in the
chest. Â I'm a bit apprehensive of checking myself into Kaiser
Permanente Hospital and subject myself to their misdiagnoses,
which I vividly remember when my parents were having health
problems many years ago.

The allopathic doctors will not understand it. Â But I feel
certain that it's due to the Mars transit in Cancer which has the
Sun and Mercury in my natal chart. Â Yes, you nailed it on the
head. Â Mars and the Sun in conjunction is called Ugra Yoga or
Fire Yoga. Â Hence, I'm feeling a heartburn in my chest.

I'm now wearing my red coral ring to see if that would relieve the
problem. Â I'll let you know the outcome.

But relating to the US national chart, Cancer is the 8th house and
has Rahu and Mercury placed in it. Â Since Mars is now transiting
Cancer, the US is finding itself in the verge of war. Â I'm afraid
that if our Congressmen fail to see the futility of the situation,
the US may be involved in World War III.

IMO, Pope Francis' solution appears to be the quickest and
cheapest way to solve the problem. Â If he can pull it off, he
would be considered heaven sent.


--- In,  wrote:

What was the temp in SF last night?àWe've been having
a heat spell.àGood to do a little high pitta
intervention as high pitta can cause insomnia too.ÃÂÂ
Didn't you do any ayurveda along with the jyotish
classes?àDr. Svoboda did some excellent weekend
workshops up 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: Military Solution to Syria Is Futile: Pope Francis

2013-09-05 Thread Bhairitu
Things are probably different here than on the East Coast.  Of course if 
John had a regular doctor he could just contact him instead of dealing 
with the HMO which is what Kaiser is.  Our medical system is all screwed 
up.  John fears a misdiagnoses and I would fear being the doctor's new boat.

On 09/05/2013 05:51 PM, wrote:

No, that wouldn't necessarily be "Urgent Care." Not all hospitals have 
a separate walk-in service; or it may be part of the overall ER service.

But more importantly, for something like chest pain, you are not 
competent to judge whether it's an emergency. You just go to the ER 
and let them take it from there. You don't spend time wandering around 
trying to find Urgent Care (especially at night when an Urgent Care 
service may not even be open).

--- In,  

FYI, that would be "Urgent Care".  ER is for emergencies.  Urgent 
Care is for walk-ins.  I went to one Christmas Day of 2007 because I 
had slammed my finger in the car door and I wanted to make sure it was 
done right.  The doctor (who was Chinese) only wanted to send me home 
and take Tylenol.  I told here I would prefer draining the buildup 
under the fingernail.  She went ahead and got a tiny drill bit and 
was a bit surprised that there was enough pressure to spurt out the 
blood.  Tylenol would not have done but I think she was trying to 
save me the "surgical bill" which was all of $60.  I had actually 
gone there the afternoon the day before but they were so busy 
suggested I come back on Christmas Day and I was surprised they would 
be open.

I hope there is no next time but if so I now know that just drilling a 
little hole in the nail will solve the problem.  There are even 
videos on YouTube for this.

On 09/05/2013 05:07 PM, Share Long wrote:

John, I'm with Judy on this one. If your symptom continues, you
definitely should go to an ER and get it checked out. Safety first
and all that. You're not committing to any treatment simply by
having it checked out.

*From:* "jr_esq@..." 
*Sent:* Thursday, September 5, 2013 6:52 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: Military Solution to Syria
Is Futile: Pope Francis


Thanks for your concern. Â I was thinking of doing that last
night. Â Now, I'm trying to see the connection between my ankle
sprain and the heartburn. Â And, I can see the pattern revealed by
jyotish as I explained to Bhairitu. Â I'm pretty much under
control right now. Â I'll just have watch what I'm eating. Â I'll
keep you guys posted with my progress.

By the way, my ankle sprain is getting better. Â I used an ice
pack to cure it. Â So, thanks to Dr.D, Share, and Ann for their
help on that regard. I'm walking fairly normal now, although a bit

--- In,

*John, you need to go to the emergency room and get checked out.
No kidding. *

--- In,


It was rather cold over here. Â It was most definitely a pitta
symptom since I had this heavy burning sensation in the chest. Â I
was thinking of checking myself into a hospital. Â But I was
determined to find out what's going on.

I did some yoga asanas a few minutes ago to see what would happen.
 I feel a little relieved but the stress is still there in the
chest. Â I'm a bit apprehensive of checking myself into Kaiser
Permanente Hospital and subject myself to their misdiagnoses,
which I vividly remember when my parents were having health
problems many years ago.

The allopathic doctors will not understand it. Â But I feel
certain that it's due to the Mars transit in Cancer which has the
Sun and Mercury in my natal chart. Â Yes, you nailed it on the
head. Â Mars and the Sun in conjunction is called Ugra Yoga or
Fire Yoga. Â Hence, I'm feeling a heartburn in my chest.

I'm now wearing my red coral ring to see if that would relieve the
problem. Â I'll let you know the outcome.

But relating to the US national chart, Cancer is the 8th house and
has Rahu and Mercury placed in it. Â Since Mars is now transiting
Cancer, the US is finding itself in the verge of war. Â I'm afraid
that if our Congressmen fail to see the futility of the situation,
the US may be involved in World War III.

IMO, Pope Francis' solution appears to be the quickest and
cheapest way to solve the problem. Â If he can pull it off, he
would be considered heaven sent.


--- In,  wrote:

What was the temp in SF last night?àWe've been having
a heat spell.àGood to do a little high pitta

[FairfieldLife] RE: Why we are gaga over Lady Gaga

2013-09-05 Thread authfriend

RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 20 Big Questions.

2013-09-05 Thread bobpriced

[FairfieldLife] Why we are gaga over Lady Gaga

2013-09-05 Thread turquoiseb
Great article. No commentary intended about the poster who actually
*liked* Lady Gaga, but this article explains even that.  :-)

"We obsess over celebrities because, for better or worse, we feel a deep
personal sense of connection with people who aren't real."

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: Military Solution to Syria Is Futile: Pope Francis

2013-09-05 Thread authfriend

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Our National Anthem

2013-09-05 Thread bobpriced

[FairfieldLife] Re: RE: RE: Military Solution to Syria Is Futile: Pope Francis

2013-09-05 Thread emptybill
Urgent care would be the best solution but make sure you see
an M.D. rather than a nurse-practitioner.

--- In, Bhairitu  wrote:
> FYI, that would be "Urgent Care".  ER is for emergencies.  Urgent Care
> is for walk-ins.  I went to one Christmas Day of 2007 because I had
> slammed my finger in the car door and I wanted to make sure it was
> right.  The doctor (who was Chinese) only wanted to send me home and
> take Tylenol.  I told here I would prefer draining the buildup under
> fingernail. She went ahead and got a tiny drill bit and was a bit
> surprised that there was enough pressure to spurt out the blood.
> Tylenol would not have done but I think she was trying to save me the
> "surgical bill" which was all of $60.  I had actually gone there the
> afternoon the day before but they were so busy suggested I come back
> Christmas Day and I was surprised they would be open.
> I hope there is no next time but if so I now know that just drilling a
> little hole in the nail will solve the problem.  There are even videos
> on YouTube for this.
> On 09/05/2013 05:07 PM, Share Long wrote:
> > John, I'm with Judy on this one. If your symptom continues, you
> > definitely should go to an ER and get it checked out. Safety first
> > all that. You're not committing to any treatment simply by having it
> > checked out.
> >
> >
> >

> > *From:* "jr_esq@..." jr_esq@...
> > *To:*
> > *Sent:* Thursday, September 5, 2013 6:52 PM
> > *Subject:* [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: Military Solution to Syria Is
> > Futile: Pope Francis
> >
> > Judy,
> >
> > Thanks for your concern.  I was thinking of doing that last night.
> >  Now, I'm trying to see the connection between my ankle sprain and
> > heartburn.  And, I can see the pattern revealed by jyotish as I
> > explained to Bhairitu.  I'm pretty much under control right now. 
> > just have watch what I'm eating.  I'll keep you guys posted with my
> > progress.
> >
> > By the way, my ankle sprain is getting better.  I used an ice pack
> > cure it.  So, thanks to Dr.D, Share, and Ann for their help on that
> > regard. I'm walking fairly normal now, although a bit gingerly.
> >
> >
> > --- In,
> > wrote:
> >
> > *John, you need to go to the emergency room and get checked out. No
> > kidding. *
> >
> >
> > --- In,
> > wrote:
> >
> > Bhairitu,
> >
> > It was rather cold over here.  It was most definitely a pitta
> > since I had this heavy burning sensation in the chest.  I was
> > of checking myself into a hospital.  But I was determined to find
> > what's going on.
> >
> > I did some yoga asanas a few minutes ago to see what would happen. 
> > feel a little relieved but the stress is still there in the chest.
> >  I'm a bit apprehensive of checking myself into Kaiser Permanente
> > Hospital and subject myself to their misdiagnoses, which I vividly
> > remember when my parents were having health problems many years ago.
> >
> > The allopathic doctors will not understand it.  But I feel certain
> > that it's due to the Mars transit in Cancer which has the Sun and
> > Mercury in my natal chart.  Yes, you nailed it on the head.  Mars
> > the Sun in conjunction is called Ugra Yoga or Fire Yoga.  Hence, I'm
> > feeling a heartburn in my chest.
> >
> > I'm now wearing my red coral ring to see if that would relieve the
> > problem.  I'll let you know the outcome.
> >
> > But relating to the US national chart, Cancer is the 8th house and
> > Rahu and Mercury placed in it.  Since Mars is now transiting Cancer,
> > the US is finding itself in the verge of war.  I'm afraid that if
> > Congressmen fail to see the futility of the situation, the US may be
> > involved in World War III.
> >
> > IMO, Pope Francis' solution appears to be the quickest and cheapest
> > way to solve the problem.  If he can pull it off, he would be
> > considered heaven sent.
> >
> >
> >
> > .
> >
> >
> > --- In, noozguru@ wrote:
> >
> > What was the temp in SF last night?ÃÂ  We've been
having a
> > heat spell.ÃÂ  Good to do a little high pitta
intervention as
> > high pitta can cause insomnia too.ÃÂ  Didn't you do
> > ayurveda along with the jyotish classes?ÃÂ Dr.
Svoboda did
> > some excellent weekend workshops up in San Rafael in the
> > 1990s.ÃÂ He might have done them in Seattle too.
> >
> > I'm intrigued with the news but it doesn't keep me up at
> >
> > On 09/05/2013 09:49 AM, jr_esq@ wrote:
> >
> > ÃÂ
> > Richard and All:
> >
> > There's something bad that's brewing in the world.
> > couldn't sleep at all last night. ÃÂ

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: Military Solution to Syria Is Futile: Pope Francis

2013-09-05 Thread Bhairitu
FYI, that would be "Urgent Care".  ER is for emergencies.  Urgent Care 
is for walk-ins.  I went to one Christmas Day of 2007 because I had 
slammed my finger in the car door and I wanted to make sure it was done 
right.  The doctor (who was Chinese) only wanted to send me home and 
take Tylenol.  I told here I would prefer draining the buildup under the 
fingernail. She went ahead and got a tiny drill bit and was a bit 
surprised that there was enough pressure to spurt out the blood.  
Tylenol would not have done but I think she was trying to save me the 
"surgical bill" which was all of $60.  I had actually gone there the 
afternoon the day before but they were so busy suggested I come back on 
Christmas Day and I was surprised they would be open.

I hope there is no next time but if so I now know that just drilling a 
little hole in the nail will solve the problem.  There are even videos 
on YouTube for this.

On 09/05/2013 05:07 PM, Share Long wrote:
John, I'm with Judy on this one. If your symptom continues, you 
definitely should go to an ER and get it checked out. Safety first and 
all that. You're not committing to any treatment simply by having it 
checked out.

*From:* "" 
*Sent:* Thursday, September 5, 2013 6:52 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: Military Solution to Syria Is 
Futile: Pope Francis


Thanks for your concern.  I was thinking of doing that last night. 
 Now, I'm trying to see the connection between my ankle sprain and the 
heartburn.  And, I can see the pattern revealed by jyotish as I 
explained to Bhairitu.  I'm pretty much under control right now.  I'll 
just have watch what I'm eating.  I'll keep you guys posted with my 

By the way, my ankle sprain is getting better.  I used an ice pack to 
cure it.  So, thanks to Dr.D, Share, and Ann for their help on that 
regard. I'm walking fairly normal now, although a bit gingerly.

--- In,  

*John, you need to go to the emergency room and get checked out. No 
kidding. *

--- In,  


It was rather cold over here.  It was most definitely a pitta symptom 
since I had this heavy burning sensation in the chest.  I was thinking 
of checking myself into a hospital.  But I was determined to find out 
what's going on.

I did some yoga asanas a few minutes ago to see what would happen.  I 
feel a little relieved but the stress is still there in the chest. 
 I'm a bit apprehensive of checking myself into Kaiser Permanente 
Hospital and subject myself to their misdiagnoses, which I vividly 
remember when my parents were having health problems many years ago.

The allopathic doctors will not understand it.  But I feel certain 
that it's due to the Mars transit in Cancer which has the Sun and 
Mercury in my natal chart.  Yes, you nailed it on the head.  Mars and 
the Sun in conjunction is called Ugra Yoga or Fire Yoga.  Hence, I'm 
feeling a heartburn in my chest.

I'm now wearing my red coral ring to see if that would relieve the 
problem.  I'll let you know the outcome.

But relating to the US national chart, Cancer is the 8th house and has 
Rahu and Mercury placed in it.  Since Mars is now transiting Cancer, 
the US is finding itself in the verge of war.  I'm afraid that if our 
Congressmen fail to see the futility of the situation, the US may be 
involved in World War III.

IMO, Pope Francis' solution appears to be the quickest and cheapest 
way to solve the problem.  If he can pull it off, he would be 
considered heaven sent.


--- In,  wrote:

What was the temp in SF last night?ÃÂ  We've been having a
heat spell.ÃÂ  Good to do a little high pitta intervention as
high pitta can cause insomnia too.ÃÂ  Didn't you do any
ayurveda along with the jyotish classes?ÃÂ Dr. Svoboda did
some excellent weekend workshops up in San Rafael in the
1990s.ÃÂ He might have done them in Seattle too.

I'm intrigued with the news but it doesn't keep me up at nights.

On 09/05/2013 09:49 AM, jr_esq@... wrote:

Richard and All:

There's something bad that's brewing in the world. ÃÂ I
couldn't sleep at all last night. ÃÂ I have this burning
sensation, like a heartburn, in my chest. ÃÂ In jyotish,
this burning sensation is being caused by the debilitated
Mars in Cancer, which is the significator for the chest.
ÃÂ I have a very deep foreboding of the near future in
Syria and the rest of the Middle East.

Obama will have to play his hand very delicately to solve
this problem. ÃÂ A military solution is not the answer.
ÃÂ Let's hope the Pope is right. ÃÂ If he can pull out a

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: I blame the haystacks (was Sacre Bleu)

2013-09-05 Thread bobpriced

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: I blame the haystacks (was Sacre Bleu)

2013-09-05 Thread bobpriced

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Re: More Yahoo! "features"

2013-09-05 Thread Bhairitu
Here's what I've found  so far.  On my Windows 7 machine with Firefox it 
was showing Neo.  Then I logged in and it went back to the old site 
design.  I logged out and it still showed the old site.  Yahoo is afraid 
of me. :-D

On 09/05/2013 01:50 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

On 09/05/2013 01:21 PM, wrote:

Bhairitu wrote:

> Lynx probably doesn't know about CSS which came along later.  
That's the kind of display you'll get without CSS.  It's generally 
good to avoid JavaScript unless entirely necessary. I've built web 
sites with drop down menus using CSS instead of JavaScript.  The 
browser on my Nexus originally showed the Topics, Messages and 
Trending.  It doesn't now and if I click on a post it pops up an 
login.  When canceled the posts will appear.  I'm not logged in on 
Chrome on Ubuntu but it shows the Topics, Messages and Trending 

Lynx is absolutely text only, so CSS would have nothing to work on as 
there are zero graphics, zero pictures, and zero video. This browser 
is a great way to see just how much information on a web site is 
really visible to a search engine, though Google, Yahoo, etc., are 
trying to find ways to read content created by scripts or put in 
images and in video.

Did you take a look at the source on the Neo pages?  There's some 
embedded CSS and even some embedded JavaScript.  Very definitely a 
work in progress.

I ran the Ubuntu Studio 12.04 Live DVD on my Windows 7 machine and 
Firefox there brought up the Neo version.  So I logged out of FFL on 
Firefox here where Ubuntu Studio 12.04 is installed and Neo came up 
for groups.  Logged back in and the old site design came up.  Hilarious.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 06-Sep-13 00:15:04 UTC

2013-09-05 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 08/31/13 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 09/07/13 00:00:00
746 messages as of (UTC) 09/06/13 00:07:15

 85 authfriend
 85 Share Long 
 61 Bhairitu 
 40 iranitea 
 39 turquoiseb 
 39 Michael Jackson 
 29 doctordumbass
 29 awoelflebater
 28 j_alexander_stanley
 28 bobpriced
 25 Steve Sundur 
 25 Richard J. Williams 
 23 dhamiltony2k5
 23 Emily Reyn 
 20 Richard J. Williams 
 15 jr_esq
 14 Rick Archer 
 13 obbajeeba 
 12 anartaxius
 12 Ann Woelfle Bater 
 11 emptybill 
 11 emilymae.reyn
 11 Mike Dixon 
 10 s3raphita
  8 salyavin808 
  8 cardemaister
  6 Dick Mays 
  4 nablusoss1008 
  3 LEnglish5
  3 Arhata Osho 
  2 steve.sundur
  2 srijau
  2 fintlewoodlewix
  2 compost1uk
  1 wleed3 
  1 uns_tressor
  1 ultrarishi 
  1 trunkp
  1 swami_gulabjamunanda 
  1 sharelong60 
  1 merudanda 
  1 martyboi
  1 martin.quickman
  1 krysto
  1 judy stein 
  1 j_alexander_stanley 
  1 WLeed3
  1 Richard Williams 
  1 Ravi Chivukula 
  1 Paulo Barbosa 
  1 FairfieldLife
  1 Duveyoung 
Posters: 52
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: I blame the haystacks (was Sacre Bleu)

2013-09-05 Thread bobpriced

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: Military Solution to Syria Is Futile: Pope Francis

2013-09-05 Thread authfriend

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: Military Solution to Syria Is Futile: Pope Francis

2013-09-05 Thread Share Long
John, I'm with Judy on this one. If your symptom continues, you definitely 
should go to an ER and get it checked out. Safety first and all that. You're 
not committing to any treatment simply by having it checked out.

 From: "" 
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2013 6:52 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: Military Solution to Syria Is Futile:  
Pope Francis


Thanks for your concern.  I was thinking of doing that last night.  Now, I'm 
trying to see the connection between my ankle sprain and the heartburn.  And, I 
can see the pattern revealed by jyotish as I explained to Bhairitu.  I'm pretty 
much under control right now.  I'll just have watch what I'm eating.  I'll keep 
you guys posted with my progress.

By the way, my ankle sprain is getting better.  I used an ice pack to cure it.  
So, thanks to Dr.D, Share, and Ann for their help on that regard. I'm walking 
fairly normal now, although a bit gingerly.

--- In,  wrote:

John, you need to go to the emergency room and get checked out. No kidding. 

--- In,  wrote:


It was rather cold over here.  It was most definitely a pitta symptom since I 
had this heavy burning sensation in the chest.  I was thinking of checking 
myself into a hospital.  But I was determined to find out what's going on.

I did some yoga asanas a few minutes ago to see what would happen.  I feel a 
little relieved but the stress is still there in the chest.  I'm a bit 
apprehensive of checking myself into Kaiser Permanente Hospital and subject 
myself to their misdiagnoses, which I vividly remember when my parents were 
having health problems many years ago.

The allopathic doctors will not understand it.  But I feel certain that it's 
due to the Mars transit in Cancer which has the Sun and Mercury in my natal 
chart.  Yes, you nailed it on the head.  Mars and the Sun in conjunction is 
called Ugra Yoga or Fire Yoga.  Hence, I'm feeling a heartburn in my chest.

I'm now wearing my red coral ring to see if that would relieve the problem.  
I'll let you know the outcome.

But relating to the US national chart, Cancer is the 8th house and has Rahu and 
Mercury placed in it.  Since Mars is now transiting Cancer, the US is finding 
itself in the verge of war.  I'm afraid that if our Congressmen fail to see the 
futility of the situation, the US may be involved in World War III.

IMO, Pope Francis' solution appears to be the quickest and cheapest way to 
solve the problem.  If he can pull it off, he would be considered heaven sent.


>>--- In,  wrote:
>>What was the temp in SF last night?à We've been having a heat spell.à 
>>Good to do a little high pitta intervention as high pitta can cause insomnia 
>>too.à Didn't you do any ayurveda along with the jyotish classes?à Dr. 
>>Svoboda did some excellent weekend workshops up in San Rafael in the 1990s.à
>> He might have done them in Seattle too.
>>I'm intrigued with the news but it doesn't keep me up at nights.
>>On 09/05/2013 09:49 AM, jr_esq@... wrote:
>>>Richard and All:
>>>There's something bad that's brewing in the world. àI couldn't sleep at 
>>>all last night. àI have this burning sensation, like a heartburn, in my 
>>>chest. àIn jyotish, this burning sensation is being caused by the 
>>>debilitated Mars in Cancer, which is the significator for the chest. àI 
>>>have a very deep foreboding of the near future in Syria and the rest of the 
>>>Middle East.
>>>Obama will have to play his hand very delicately to solve this problem. àA 
>>>military solution is not the answer. àLet's hope the Pope is right. àIf 
>>>he can pull out a peaceful solution, it will be a miracle.
>>>--- In,  wrote:
>>>John Jr:
 He's asking everyone to join him in a day of prayer this 
> Saturday for a peaceful solution to the
conflict. It's a 
> form of yagya at no additional costs to anyone. 

It's like a long standing disease that's infected the 
>>>Middle East. 
>>>Now the religious radicals have hijacked the Arab Spring 
>>>and there's a proxy war going on in Syria by Iran. It's
>>>civil war - a clash between Arabs and Islamic
>>>It's probably the beginning of the end for countries
>>>Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. It will be
>>>just like the Iraq-Iran war only much bigger.
>>>If it's just a regional war there will probably be no 
>>>winners. When it's over in ten years or so, all the
>>>that were drawn in the sand after WW I will have been 
>>>According to David Brooks, the U.S. has three options:
>>>1. Containment - "Trying to keep each nation's civil 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Now we know: the US is Saudi Arabia's whore

2013-09-05 Thread emptybill
Comrade Bari2

Don't act like such a Menshevik ... you are the divide.

--- In, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Nah, I try to stay above the left/right divide.
> On 09/05/2013 10:10 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Bhairitu:
> > > Gosh Willy, we all thought you were a Bircher and hated
> > > the UN! Go figure. :-D
> > >
> > We all thought you were a Dem, not a Libertarian. You're
> > not even making any sense these days. Nuke your own
> > source of oil? Go figure.
> >
> > > > > I've got a better idea, send one well aimed nuke at
> > > > > Saudi Arabia and everyone will be happy.
> > > > >
> > > > You're not even making any sense. If you sent a nuke to
> > > > Saudi Arabia, you guys out there in CA wouldn't have any
> > > > fuel. Your whole state would become one big parking lot.
> > > >
> > > > And that wouldn't stop the killing in Syria.
> > > >
> > > > There's only one way to stop the killing in Syria - boots
> > > > on the ground. The United Nations should send in troops
> > > > TODAY in order to prevent the WMD from falling into the
> > > > wrong hands.
> > > >
> > > > If some of the WMD gets lost and finds it's way to New
> > > > York City, the 9-11 attacks will seem like an ant hill
> > > > compared to a mountain.
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> >

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: Military Solution to Syria Is Futile: Pope Francis

2013-09-05 Thread jr_esq

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: RE: Our National Anthem

2013-09-05 Thread Bhairitu

On 09/05/2013 03:24 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

> > > Do you remember what I proposed doing to the bunkers
> > > of the elites
> > >
> > Not really. Remind me if it's funny.
> >
> I suggested we back up cement trucks and seal up the
> entrances to the bunkers...
Wait just one minute - if all the others are the 'sheeple',
then you must be one of the 'elites'. If so, maybe you've
got a good idea. That's funny!

Sheeple refers to people who aren't paying attention and just doing as 
they are told.  That doesn't mean those who are paying attention and 
questioning authority are "elites".

> Folks on InfoWars loved the idea.
You mean the Libertarians on InfoWars?

InfoWars has Libertarians, Liberals, Progressives and Conservatives, 
Socialists  etc.   Bet you've never even looked at the PrisonPlanet 

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Military Solution to Syria Is Futile: Pope Francis

2013-09-05 Thread authfriend

[FairfieldLife] RE: Military Solution to Syria Is Futile: Pope Francis

2013-09-05 Thread jr_esq

[FairfieldLife] RE: Military Solution to Syria Is Futile: Pope Francis

2013-09-05 Thread jr_esq

[FairfieldLife] Re: Now we know: the US is Saudi Arabia's whore

2013-09-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > > Gosh Willy, we all thought you were a Bircher and hated
> > > the UN! Go figure. :-D
> > >
> > We all thought you were a Dem, not a Libertarian. You're
> > not even making any sense these days. Nuke your own
> > source of oil? Go figure.
> >
> Nah, I try to stay above the left/right divide.
You're sounding more and more like a Libertarian every day.
> > > > > I've got a better idea, send one well aimed nuke at
> > > > > Saudi Arabia and everyone will be happy.
> > > > >
> > > > You're not even making any sense. If you sent a nuke to
> > > > Saudi Arabia, you guys out there in CA wouldn't have any
> > > > fuel. Your whole state would become one big parking lot.
> > > >
> > > > And that wouldn't stop the killing in Syria.
> > > >
> > > > There's only one way to stop the killing in Syria - boots
> > > > on the ground. The United Nations should send in troops
> > > > TODAY in order to prevent the WMD from falling into the
> > > > wrong hands.
> > > >
> > > > If some of the WMD gets lost and finds it's way to New
> > > > York City, the 9-11 attacks will seem like an ant hill
> > > > compared to a mountain.

[FairfieldLife] Re: RE: Our National Anthem

2013-09-05 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > > Do you remember what I proposed doing to the bunkers 
> > > of the elites
> > >
> > Not really. Remind me if it's funny.
> >
> I suggested we back up cement trucks and seal up the 
> entrances to the bunkers...
Wait just one minute - if all the others are the 'sheeple',
then you must be one of the 'elites'. If so, maybe you've
got a good idea. That's funny! 

> Folks on InfoWars loved the idea.
You mean the Libertarians on InfoWars?

[FairfieldLife] Gone in 90 Seconds

2013-09-05 Thread Richard J. Williams

"We crunched the new sales data and found seven models that were
gone in 90 seconds or less last month—a target that required almost
32,000 vehicles zipping off of lots in 31 days."

'Gone in 90 Seconds: America's Quickest-Selling Cars' 

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See also:

356334 Best American Cars on the Road?

355793 The Most Beautiful Cars Of The Year?

348211 World's fastest production car on the planet

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Re: More Yahoo! "features"

2013-09-05 Thread Bhairitu

On 09/05/2013 12:58 PM, wrote:

 > --- In, turquoiseb wrote:

> I still get the old interface. Cleared the cookies, cleared the 
cache, have logged in...

> I have to believe it's because they've stopped forcibly rolling it 
out to French users until they've gotten some of the bugs worked out.

I am getting the new interface on all my computers and browsers on 
Windows 7 and Windows XP machines. Internet Explorer (back to version 
8), Firefox, Chrome, SeaMonkey, Opera, the last version of Safari for 
Windows before Apple stopped development, and even Lynx, a Windows 
port of the plain text browser, is showing the interface text of Neo, 
even though it cannot display it graphically or run JavaScript. I 
still have some trouble using browsers on an Android tablet.

Lynx probably doesn't know about CSS which came along later.  That's the 
kind of display you'll get without CSS.  It's generally good to avoid 
JavaScript unless entirely necessary. I've built web sites with drop 
down menus using CSS instead of  JavaScript.  The browser on my Nexus 
originally showed the Topics, Messages and Trending.  It doesn't now and 
if I click on a post it pops up an login.  When canceled the posts will 
appear.  I'm not logged in on Chrome on Ubuntu but it shows the Topics, 
Messages and Trending options.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 20 Big Questions.

2013-09-05 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Thank you dear. Now a picture to make the dog lovers - Ann, Emily, Bob

[image: Inline image 1]

On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 5:15 AM, obbajeeba  wrote:

> Shut up, Share.
> Oh, I mean, there are more important things to think about. LOL.
> I quoted this below today from a post I made  on this subject, over a day
> ago, that finally arrived in my inbox today at 7:28am;
>  "Testing.
> Last post did not arrive in my email box, nor the filtered box, nor the
> spam box.
> Blahh."
> Yep. Yahoo is working fine and dandy. NOT!
> PS. Ravi, Cute picture of the pussies watching cartoons.
> --- In, obbajeeba  wrote:
> >
> >
> > Testing.
> >
> > This morning, I received the 3 most recent posts on FFL Message Board to
> my email box.
> > Testing, randomly until I fuddle around with options and heck if I know
> why I have not received all the other posts through no_reply@
> > I noticed the few that came through the other day, to my email account
> were posts made by members who used their unhidden email account to post.
> > Sorry I can't keep up with the streaming. My time schedule is a bit
> busier, but soon I will be able to glide through this and whack Nabby or
> someone upside the virtual head again. lol
> >
> --- In, Share Long  wrote:
> >
> > Experts, Emily?! I only have one expert and I haven't really asked her
> about the karma between you and me. And yes, I'm calling you looney. But
> only because you are reading posts that according to you say nothing, that
> are written by someone you think is operating with a certain level of
> insanity. That's looney IMHO!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >  From: Emily Reyn 
> > To: "" 
> > Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2013 8:30 PM
> > Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 20 Big
> Questions.
> >
> >
> >
> > Â
> > I didn't say you were looney, Share. Â You did. Â Are you calling me
> looney? Â I won't argue; I'm very fond of the loon and its "mournful wail."
> This will remind you:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > I said you could try connecting your mind with your heart, because in
> your case, I believe that would help you out. Â And remember Share, I never
> give any advice to others' I don't give myself. Â What do your experts say
> about the karma that you and I have? Â
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >  From: Share Long 
> > To: "" 
> > Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2013 5:03 PM
> > Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 20 Big
> Questions.
> >
> >
> >
> > Â
> > Emily, here's a question for you: who's loonier, the poster who's
> allegedly looney, me, or the poster who continues to read the posts of the
> alleged looney one?!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >  From: Emily Reyn 
> > To: "" 
> > Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2013 1:11 PM
> > Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 20 Big
> Questions.
> >
> >
> >
> > Â
> > La la la.Share, it is amazing the volume of posts that you send that
> say absolutely nothing. Â Look for your heart, Share, and connect it with
> your mind. Â Your brain is wired poorly (so is mine, so don't feel badly)
> and your mind is operating with a certain level of insanity that you don't
> seem to see. Â You need to stop "thinking" and start "feeling" -
> internally, not externally. Â Â
> >
> >
> > 
> >  From: Share Long 
> > To: "" 
> > Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2013 7:17 AM
> > Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 20 Big
> Questions.
> >
> >
> >
> > Â
> > Emily, I think it's wonderful the knowledge and skill that people have
> been sharing and I'm so glad so many have made it through neo and just hope
> that Obbajee and salyavin are soon in that group.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >  From: Emily Reyn 
> > To: "" 
> > Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2013 12:14 AM
> > Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 20 Big
> Questions.
> >
> >
> >
> > Â
> > Share, did you ever thank Judy for taking the lead on informing us as a
> group and responding to individual questions re: how to navigate Neo?
> Â Given your fervent "thank you's" to so many others', perhaps one for Judy
> would have been in order, instead of post after post from you in the early
> stages of this major change, containing nonsense (on a topic you know
> absolutely nothing about)Â and interfering in the attempts by the smarter
> ones to figure things out, followed by bickering and pouting when she and
> Alex both asked you to restrain yourself due to the ongoing confusion.
> Â For the good of the all and the individual, thank goodness Alex and Judy
> stood up to the plate on 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Re: More Yahoo! "features"

2013-09-05 Thread Bhairitu

On 09/05/2013 01:21 PM, wrote:

Bhairitu wrote:

> Lynx probably doesn't know about CSS which came along later.  
That's the kind of display you'll get without CSS.  It's generally 
good to avoid JavaScript unless entirely necessary. I've built web 
sites with drop down menus using CSS instead of  JavaScript.  The 
browser on my Nexus originally showed the Topics, Messages and 
Trending.  It doesn't now and if I click on a post it pops up an 
login.  When canceled the posts will appear.  I'm not logged in on 
Chrome on Ubuntu but it shows the Topics, Messages and Trending options.Â

Lynx is absolutely text only, so CSS would have nothing to work on as 
there are zero graphics, zero pictures, and zero video. This browser 
is a great way to see just how much information on a web site is 
really visible to a search engine, though Google, Yahoo, etc., are 
trying to find ways to read content created by scripts or put in 
images and in video.

Did you take a look at the source on the Neo pages?  There's some 
embedded CSS and even some embedded JavaScript.  Very definitely a work 
in progress.

I ran the Ubuntu Studio 12.04 Live DVD on my Windows 7 machine and 
Firefox there brought up the Neo version.  So I logged out of FFL on 
Firefox here where Ubuntu Studio 12.04 is installed and Neo came up for 
groups.  Logged back in and the old site design came up. Hilarious.

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Re: More Yahoo! "features"

2013-09-05 Thread anartaxius

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Re: More Yahoo! "features"

2013-09-05 Thread iranitea

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Military Solution to Syria Is Futile: Pope Francis

2013-09-05 Thread anartaxius

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Life On Ice Cream Island

2013-09-05 Thread doctordumbass

[FairfieldLife] RE: Re: More Yahoo! "features"

2013-09-05 Thread anartaxius

[FairfieldLife] Re: People who lie while texting take longer to respond

2013-09-05 Thread turquoiseb
Xeno opines:
> 'Ever been trading a flurry of text messages when 
> there's an awkward pause? Well, new research shows 
> you probably should be suspicious.' 
> 'A Brigham Young University study finds when people 
> lie in digital messages - texting, social media or 
> instant messaging - they take longer to respond, 
> make more edits and write shorter responses than 
> usual...'

So much for those who give me shit about writing
fast, never editing, and yet call me a liar anyway.
Seems to me, given this research, we might want to
re-examine the "veracity quotient" of those who
become professional editors.  :-)  :-)  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Life On Ice Cream Island

2013-09-05 Thread Michael Jackson
Maybe Barry is a history buff like me.

 From: "" 
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2013 8:59 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Life On Ice Cream Island

Hey, Barry, don't you ever enjoy something for what it is, rather than having 
it remind you of an event thirty or more years ago? Do you not ever live in the 
present, in the "Now"? You might want to try to accomplish it - very 
beneficial, and excellent at resolving past trauma.

--- In,  wrote:

As I've probably mentioned before, this month in Paris I'm staying on Ãle 
Saint-Louis, which along with the Ãle de la Cité is one of the two natural 
islands in the Seine. (There is a third, called Ãle aux Cygnes, but it's 
artificial, and does little more than provide a home for swans and the smaller 
prototype of the Statue Of Liberty.) 

When I mention that I'm staying on Ãle Saint-Louis, Parisians look at me the 
way Los Angelenos might if I'd told them I lived in Beverly Hills. Their 
impressions of the place are that it's full of rich, snooty people, the only 
ones who can afford the million-Euro apartments there. Having been here for a 
week or so, I beg to differ. There may, in fact, *be* a bunch of rich, snooty 
types living here, but I never see them on the streets. Maybe they're like 
rich, snooty people in other cities, and only appear on the streets long enough 
to be picked up by their limos and whisked off somewhere else, but I actually 
see fewer of them here than I might in areas of the VIth or VIIth 
arrondissements. The folks I run into in cafés and restaurants (and, you will 
see if you keep reading, ice cream joints) are pretty normal, everyday French 
people, *not* ostentatiously rich, and remarkably fun to interact with. 

The island itself is small, and looks kinda like this:

There are really only three streets, and little traffic. There are a few art 
galleries and stores, two small markets, a number of bars and restaurants. And 
unlike the rest Paris -- which seems to have a church on every corner, as if 
the population could not endure being more than a block away from one in case 
they suddenly develop the need to either pray or donate money to God (whom we 
all know needs it so badly) -- there is only one large church, 

The island is named for Saint Louis, otherwise known as King Louis IX of 
France. He's the only French king recognized by the Catholic Church as a saint, 
and not being Catholic myself, I'm not sure what he did to deserve this, but I 
suspect that he is the patron saint of ice cream. 

Ãle Saint-Louis is home to Berthillon, which serves what is rightly considered 
the Best Ice Cream In Paris. 

It started as one small establishment, but now there are at least a dozen other 
restaurants on the island that advertise its ice creams on their signs and 
awnings. Naturally, market forces being what they are, a number of wannabee 
competitors have appeared on the island as well, selling *their* brands of ice 
cream, and trying to lure away some of the people who come here daily for their 
ice cream fix. Ice cream is so much a part of this island's culture that I hear 
they even use tiny Berthillon cones in the Saint-Louis-en-l'Ãle Church instead 
of communion wafers. 

All of this makes me remember one of my favorite TM stories, which I have 
related here before (and which actually happened to a former poster here), but 
which I will shamelessly tell again, because I think it captures so much about 
the TM mindset. This guy, a TM Governor of the Age of Enlightenment whom we'll 
call Joe, was on an ATR course in Europe, and found that he just couldn't 
stomach the hot milk with cardamom he was expected to drink each night after 
the meeting to speed him on his way to catching the Angel Train. 

So he developed an alternative routine, walking out the door of his hotel and 
into the café across the street, where he ordered an ice cream cone. He then 
took it back to his room and ate it there. 

At a certain point on this course, This Guy We're Calling Joe suddenly received 
a summons to appear before the Inquisition. They didn't call it that, of 
course, but when he walked into the room and saw the row of course leaders 
wearing their cheap suits and their standard-issue German scowls, he knew he 
was in Deep Shit.

They proceeded to lecture him about his Off The Program behavior, and 
threatened to not only send him home from the course if he didn't cut it out, 
but to put a black mark on his "permanent record" so that he'd never be 
accepted to any course in the future. At first he was concerned, as any 
red-blooded TM TB might be as such a terrible karmic prospect, but then he had 
a kind of satori experience. 

He suddenly realized that he was sitting in a room being grilled by a bunch of 
Bliss Nazis and being threatened *for the Sin Of Eating Ice Cream*. He sta

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Military Solution to Syria Is Futile: Pope Francis

2013-09-05 Thread Bhairitu
What was the temp in SF last night? We've been having a heat spell.  
Good to do a little high pitta intervention as high pitta can cause 
insomnia too.  Didn't you do any ayurveda along with the jyotish 
classes?  Dr. Svoboda did some excellent weekend workshops up in San 
Rafael in the 1990s.  He might have done them in Seattle too.

I'm intrigued with the news but it doesn't keep me up at nights.

On 09/05/2013 09:49 AM, wrote:

Richard and All:

There's something bad that's brewing in the world.  I couldn't sleep 
at all last night.  I have this burning sensation, like a heartburn, 
in my chest.  In jyotish, this burning sensation is being caused by 
the debilitated Mars in Cancer, which is the significator for the 
chest.  I have a very deep foreboding of the near future in Syria and 
the rest of the Middle East.

Obama will have to play his hand very delicately to solve this 
problem.  A military solution is not the answer.  Let's hope the Pope 
is right.  If he can pull out a peaceful solution, it will be a miracle.

--- In,  wrote:

John Jr:

> He's asking everyone to join him in a day of prayer this
> Saturday for a peaceful solution to the conflict. It's a
> form of yagya at no additional costs to anyone.

It's like a long standing disease that's infected the
Middle East.

Now the religious radicals have hijacked the Arab Spring
and there's a proxy war going on in Syria by Iran. It's a
civil war - a clash between Arabs and Islamic sectarians.

It's probably the beginning of the end for countries like
Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. It will be
just like the Iraq-Iran war only much bigger.

If it's just a regional war there will probably be no
winners. When it's over in ten years or so, all the lines
that were drawn in the sand after WW I will have been

According to David Brooks, the U.S. has three options:

1. Containment - "Trying to keep each nation's civil
strife within it's own borders..."

2. Reconciliation - diplomatic peace between Iran and
Saudi Arabia - between Shiites and Sunnis

3. Neutrality - taking sides is not an effective long
term option

Read more:

'Mideast sectarian strife poses the gravest threat'
David Brooks, The New York Times
Thursday, September 5, 2013

[FairfieldLife] People who lie while texting take longer to respond

2013-09-05 Thread anartaxius

[FairfieldLife] RE: Fall

2013-09-05 Thread anartaxius

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Military Solution to Syria Is Futile: Pope Francis

2013-09-05 Thread jr_esq

[FairfieldLife] Re: More Yahoo! "features"

2013-09-05 Thread turquoiseb
--- In, Bhairitu  wrote:
> I suspect you'll need to clear all your cookies to get the Neo
> interface.  That's what I did with Chrome. On Firefox I cleared the
> cookie that had to do with Fairfield life but apparently that was not
> enough.  I still get the old web site on Firefox.

Been there, done that, and I still get the old interface. Cleared
the cookies, cleared the cache, have logged in to many different
Net providers and thus have had to log in to Yahoo! several
times, and I still get the old interface.

I have to believe it's because they've stopped forcibly rolling it
out to French users until they've gotten some of the bugs
worked out.

> BTW, I suggested that CNET cover the Neo furor this morning in the
> comment section in their article on the new logo.  Undoubtedly I'll
> a few visceral replies from the SV wannabees who are rah-rah for
> anything SV.  They are such putzes.
> On 09/05/2013 10:38 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> >
> > Just so y'all know it's not just you Chosen Few who have been
> > to be the early-adopter beta testers for Neo who are suffering, the
> > interface has gone bonkers, too. For some reason (probably the fact
> > the French very vocally resist being used as guinea pigs for
> > software), I'm still on the old interface. It switches over
> > periodically, but then the minute I log in, it switches me back to
> > Old Favorite.
> >
> > But it's not. *It* keeps changing and freaking out, too. Whatever
> > Yahoo! pseudo-developers are doing to Neo, it's affecting the old
> > interface, too. The quoting of text only works about half the time.
> > today at least three posts I've made have disappeared into the Black
> > Hole Of Yahoo!, never to reappear.
> >
> > Those who don't like my posts may interpret this more as the
> > of the Laws Of Nature than another fuckup on the part of Yahoo! Then
> > again, why would those who don't like my posts be reading them, far
> > enough to read this? How does *that* fit into the Laws Of Nature?
> >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Fall

2013-09-05 Thread turquoiseb
As much as the lecher in me has appreciated the summer (French women in
summer dresses are just the BEST), the artist in me is already looking
forward to Fall.

It's my favorite season, the one in which the world's cycles seem most
in evidence. Plants fade and fall in on themselves to sleep for a while,
before awakening as seeds. Squirrels start to store food and bears start
looking for a cool cave to hibernate in. Americans swap their baseball
hats for football hats.

Me, I just look forward to being able to walk through forests that are
doing their color-dance thang. Vincent Van Gogh painted down in Arles,
where there really isn't much of a Fall, and he got off on the
color-dance anyway. Can you imagine what he might have painted if his
brother hadn't been such a cheapskate and had sprung for a Fall vacation
for him in Vermont? The mind boggles.

As much as it may mean that the women will be wearing more clothing (a
negative), I look forward to seeing and appreciating their selection of
Fall colors (a positive). They're usually more subtle, more refined and
'earthy' than the fashion colors of Spring and Summer.

Anyway, I'm just sitting here in one of my old cafe haunts in Saint
Michel, before walking back to Ile Saint-Louis, and noticing that the
trees across the street at the Cluny museum are already beginning to
turn. And it's not even technically Fall yet. Maybe they know something
we don't about the coming Winter.

Whatever. For those of you who also love Fall, here's Bruce Cockburn's
song of the season. It was originally written immediately after reading
a book of Robert Graves' poetry, and reflects some of that poet's
sensibilities. But it still 'captures' Fall for me. I first heard this
song live, before Bruce had even released his first album, in Toronto,
and during the Fall. It's been my 'soundtrack' for the season ever

Re: [FairfieldLife] More Yahoo! "features"

2013-09-05 Thread Bhairitu
I suspect you'll need to clear all your cookies to get the Neo 
interface.  That's what I did with Chrome. On Firefox I cleared the 
cookie that had to do with Fairfield life but apparently that was not 
enough.  I still get the old web site on Firefox.

BTW, I suggested that CNET cover the Neo furor this morning in the 
comment section in their article on the new logo.  Undoubtedly I'll get 
a few visceral replies from the SV wannabees who are rah-rah for 
anything SV.  They are such putzes.

On 09/05/2013 10:38 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

Just so y'all know it's not just you Chosen Few who have been selected
to be the early-adopter beta testers for Neo who are suffering, the old
interface has gone bonkers, too. For some reason (probably the fact that
the French very vocally resist being used as guinea pigs for untested
software), I'm still on the old interface. It switches over
periodically, but then the minute I log in, it switches me back to the
Old Favorite.

But it's not. *It* keeps changing and freaking out, too. Whatever the
Yahoo! pseudo-developers are doing to Neo, it's affecting the old
interface, too. The quoting of text only works about half the time. And
today at least three posts I've made have disappeared into the Black
Hole Of Yahoo!, never to reappear.

Those who don't like my posts may interpret this more as the functioning
of the Laws Of Nature than another fuckup on the part of Yahoo! Then
again, why would those who don't like my posts be reading them, far
enough to read this? How does *that* fit into the Laws Of Nature? :-)

[FairfieldLife] Memo to self

2013-09-05 Thread turquoiseb
Don't fall into the Seine on the way home. Just sayin'...  :-)

Testicle-biting fish found in Paris could be on way to UK
  [Grin a bear it ... the nasty end of a pacu]

THE Pacu, a fish dubbed the 'ball-cutter' because it has reportedly 
bitten off men's testicles, has been found in Paris and there are fears 
it could be making its way to the UK.

The small piranha-like fish was found in European waters for the first 
time in August with experts warning men to keep their trunks on if 
swimming in the Øresund channel between Denmark and Sweden.

Now the pacu has been found in the River Seine, The Paris Prefecture of 
Police newsletter revealed on Tuesday. Although officers were skeptical 
of the tropical catch, its human-like teeth marked the species as the 
feared 'testicle eating' pacu.

Fish expert Henrik Carl told the Local earlier in August: "The pacu is 
not normally dangerous to people but it has quite a serious bite. There 
have been incidents in other countries, such as Papua New Guinea where 
some men have had their testicles bitten off.

"They bite because they're hungry, and testicles sit nicely in their

The pacu, a relative of the piranha that is commonly found around the 
Amazon, can grow to up to 90cm and weigh in at a staggering 25kg. 
Fishermen in South America attacked by the pacu have reportedly bled to 
death after losing their testicles in the fish's vicious teeth.

The fish are found in most rivers in the Amazon and Orinoco basins in 
South America and have also been spotted in Papua New Guinea, where they
are believed to have been introduced in order to boost fish stocks.

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Our National Anthem

2013-09-05 Thread doctordumbass

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 20 Big Questions.

2013-09-05 Thread sharelong60
I agree Emily, I'd say a little looney is very good in this funny old world. 

BTW, I'm answering from Message View because I haven't received this post in my 
email. What I'm replying to has disappeared! And I wasn't able to open the link 
for the loon picture. Oy!

[FairfieldLife] Investment/finance dharma group meeting schedule for September

2013-09-05 Thread Dick Mays
Forwarded from: John Salerno 
Subject: investment/finance dharma group meeting schedule for September


This month of September, every Monday starting on the 9th, chartered financial 
consultant/advisor, John Raines, will be giving a free series of presentations 
entitled 'Creating Wealth'. This is for the whole community and may be of 
particular interest to many DG members. 

Several of you attended the one I set up for him at end of July on 
medicaid/medicare and retirement planning. This talk will be given again on 
Sept 30th for those who missed it.  

The first presentation will be 'Becoming You Own Banker: how to save a fortune 
on major expenses" will be given this coming Monday Sept 9th at 8 pm in the 
Tetra I building across from Everybodys. 

The following two lectures on Mortgage mastering: least expensive way to own 
your home (Sept 16th) may be of interest to those who in real estate or who are 
thinking of buying a house. The lecture on Sept 23rd is on College Planning: 
how to minimize cost of attendance and may only be important to those who are 
still putting their children thru college

This Creating Wealth series is also advertised in the latest Weekly Reader. 

Hope to see some of you there on the 9th.

John Salerno
2153 185th St
Abundance Ecovillage
Fairfield, Iowa 52556
Tel: 641-472-1718

[FairfieldLife] Re: RE: Our National Anthem

2013-09-05 Thread turquoiseb
Not really. Remind me if it's funny.

--- In, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Do you remember what I proposed doing to the bunkers of the elites
> you thought might make a good sci-fi movie?
> On 09/05/2013 10:04 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> >
> > --- In, Bhairitu wrote:
> > >
> > > That's why I call him "Reverend Buck of the Church of the Holy
> > > Buck sounds like he is standing on some street corners thumping a
> > > and saying "the end is near! Go to the domes." :-D
> >
> > Domes, schmomes. If you're concerned that the end is near,
> > buy this place in Vegas. Views, grass, trees, and all 24 feet
> > underground, in a nuke-safe bunker.
> >
> >\
> >
> >

[FairfieldLife] RE: Life On Ice Cream Island

2013-09-05 Thread doctordumbass

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: RE: Our National Anthem

2013-09-05 Thread Bhairitu
Do you remember what I proposed doing to the bunkers of the elites that 
you thought might make a good sci-fi movie?

On 09/05/2013 10:04 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

--- In, Bhairitu wrote:
> That's why I call him "Reverend Buck of the Church of the Holy Domers".
> Buck sounds like he is standing on some street corners thumping a Gita
> and saying "the end is near! Go to the domes." :-D

Domes, schmomes. If you're concerned that the end is near,
buy this place in Vegas. Views, grass, trees, and all 24 feet
underground, in a nuke-safe bunker.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Now we know: the US is Saudi Arabia's whore

2013-09-05 Thread Bhairitu

Nah, I try to stay above the left/right divide.

On 09/05/2013 10:10 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

> Gosh Willy, we all thought you were a Bircher and hated
> the UN! Go figure. :-D
We all thought you were a Dem, not a Libertarian. You're
not even making any sense these days. Nuke your own
source of oil? Go figure.

> > > I've got a better idea, send one well aimed nuke at
> > > Saudi Arabia and everyone will be happy.
> > >
> > You're not even making any sense. If you sent a nuke to
> > Saudi Arabia, you guys out there in CA wouldn't have any
> > fuel. Your whole state would become one big parking lot.
> >
> > And that wouldn't stop the killing in Syria.
> >
> > There's only one way to stop the killing in Syria - boots
> > on the ground. The United Nations should send in troops
> > TODAY in order to prevent the WMD from falling into the
> > wrong hands.
> >
> > If some of the WMD gets lost and finds it's way to New
> > York City, the 9-11 attacks will seem like an ant hill
> > compared to a mountain.
> >
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yahoot!

2013-09-05 Thread Bhairitu

On 09/05/2013 10:19 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

--- In, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Yahoo has decided on their new logo. They probably spent
> more time and money on the logo than they did on Neo. :-D

Working as I do inside another Incredibly Big Machine
of a corporation, I agree. There would have more people
who would have had to add their ego-signatures to the
sign-off, too. :-)

But ya really got to hand it to Yahoo! What other tech
company is able to do away with QA personnel entirely,
and use their end users as beta testers? :-)


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Our National Anthem

2013-09-05 Thread Share Long
Buck is very intelligent and personable in person. I like that he gets so 
passionate about things. I think he's quite brave to do so. Ok, so it's a 
little over the top. Better that than cowardly or blase'.

 From: Bhairitu 
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2013 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Our National Anthem

That's why I call him "Reverend Buck of the Church of the Holy Domers".  Buck 
sounds like he is standing on some street corners thumping a Gita and saying 
"the end is near!  Go to the domes." :-D 

On 09/05/2013 06:07 AM, wrote:

>I'll give you this, Buck - you write some really strange stuff sometimes.:-)
>--- In,  wrote:
in a lifetime we're extremely fortunate to be meditators. And, to be in 
Fairfield going to the group meditation everyday is extreme wealth and good 
fortune in life. Yep, by the necessity of the evident science and our evident 
experience with it the national anthem should ought to be our old song,
BEFORE WAR! It is time to march to meditation with that song sung proudly. Then 
sit up straight inside and Be all that we can Be deep of the transcendent in 
life together, extend a perimeter of light field, secure lines of eternal 
supply and give the best support to everyone everywhere to help defend and 
secure the equal rights of all humankind to all our spiritual birthright of the 
transcendent. Don't sell yourself short. You are extremely fortunate to be 
living alive in these times. Come to meditation, it is so easy. We are all 
fortunate souls here. We don't need no shitty songs like that CCR playing here 
to bring us down. Even though the guitar lick is revolution we don't need 
bummer lyrics like the drug-infested CCR said playing here. Ours is spiritual 
>>--- In,  wrote:
>>In light of the possible contribution of our country to the civil war in 
>>Syria, I wanted to take a minute to remind everyone of our national anthem. 
>>So if you are at home, please stand, face the flag, and listen. I thank you, 
>>and your country thanks you:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Military Solution to Syria Is Futile: Pope Francis

2013-09-05 Thread Share Long
John, sorry to read about your bad night last night. Hope you feel better 
today. Also I've noticed that sometimes holy days can be very purifying and 
last night was the beginning of Rosh Hashanah. I bet you'll sleep better 
tonight. That post of yours has not arrived in my inbox yet, but I saw it in 
Message View.

 From: "" 
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2013 11:07 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Military Solution to Syria Is Futile:  Pope Francis

He's asking everyone to join him in a day of prayer this Saturday for a 
peaceful solution to the conflict.  It's a form of yagya at no additional costs 
to anyone.


[FairfieldLife] More Yahoo! "features"

2013-09-05 Thread turquoiseb
Just so y'all know it's not just you Chosen Few who have been selected
to be the early-adopter beta testers for Neo who are suffering, the old
interface has gone bonkers, too. For some reason (probably the fact that
the French very vocally resist being used as guinea pigs for untested
software), I'm still on the old interface. It switches over
periodically, but then the minute I log in, it switches me back to the
Old Favorite.

But it's not. *It* keeps changing and freaking out, too. Whatever the
Yahoo! pseudo-developers are doing to Neo, it's affecting the old
interface, too. The quoting of text only works about half the time. And
today at least three posts I've made have disappeared into the Black
Hole Of Yahoo!, never to reappear.

Those who don't like my posts may interpret this more as the functioning
of the Laws Of Nature than another fuckup on the part of Yahoo! Then
again, why would those who don't like my posts be reading them, far
enough to read this? How does *that* fit into the Laws Of Nature?  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yahoot!

2013-09-05 Thread turquoiseb
--- In, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Yahoo has decided on their new logo.  They probably spent 
> more time and money on the logo than they did on Neo. :-D

Working as I do inside another Incredibly Big Machine
of a corporation, I agree. There would have more people
who would have had to add their ego-signatures to the
sign-off, too. :-)

But ya really got to hand it to Yahoo! What other tech
company is able to do away with QA personnel entirely,
and use their end users as beta testers?  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Now we know: the US is Saudi Arabia's whore

2013-09-05 Thread Richard J. Williams

> Gosh Willy, we all thought you were a Bircher and hated 
> the UN! Go figure. :-D
We all thought you were a Dem, not a Libertarian. You're
not even making any sense these days. Nuke your own
source of oil? Go figure.
> > > I've got a better idea, send one well aimed nuke at
> > > Saudi Arabia and everyone will be happy.
> > >
> > You're not even making any sense. If you sent a nuke to
> > Saudi Arabia, you guys out there in CA wouldn't have any
> > fuel. Your whole state would become one big parking lot.
> >
> > And that wouldn't stop the killing in Syria.
> >
> > There's only one way to stop the killing in Syria - boots
> > on the ground. The United Nations should send in troops
> > TODAY in order to prevent the WMD from falling into the
> > wrong hands.
> >
> > If some of the WMD gets lost and finds it's way to New
> > York City, the 9-11 attacks will seem like an ant hill
> > compared to a mountain.
> >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Yahoot!

2013-09-05 Thread Bhairitu
Yahoo has decided on their new logo.  They probably spent more time and 
money on the logo than they did on Neo. :-D

[FairfieldLife] Too true!

2013-09-05 Thread turquoiseb
How soon we forget...


RE: [FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List

2013-09-05 Thread Rick Archer
From: [] On 
Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 9:41 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Purusha Passing List




The passing of this generation. This is not good for the Dome numbers. I showed 
this Purusha list to a local nurse here in Fairfield who vigils with 
individuals who are passing away and their families. She has worked with more 
than 30 meditators just in the last 18 months here in FF who have passed away.

And who might this mysterious local nurse be, pray tell?

[FairfieldLife] Re: RE: Our National Anthem

2013-09-05 Thread turquoiseb
--- In, Bhairitu  wrote:
> That's why I call him "Reverend Buck of the Church of the Holy
> Buck sounds like he is standing on some street corners thumping a Gita
> and saying "the end is near!  Go to the domes." :-D

Domes, schmomes. If you're concerned that the end is near,
buy this place in Vegas. Views, grass, trees, and all 24 feet
underground, in a nuke-safe bunker.\

[FairfieldLife] RE: Military Solution to Syria Is Futile: Pope Francis

2013-09-05 Thread martyboi

[FairfieldLife] RE: Military Solution to Syria Is Futile: Pope Francis

2013-09-05 Thread jr_esq

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Now we know: the US is Saudi Arabia's whore

2013-09-05 Thread Bhairitu
Gosh Willy, we all thought you were a Bircher and hated the UN!  Go 
figure. :-D

On 09/05/2013 07:15 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

> I've got a better idea, send one well aimed nuke at
> Saudi Arabia and everyone will be happy.
You're not even making any sense. If you sent a nuke to
Saudi Arabia, you guys out there in CA wouldn't have any
fuel. Your whole state would become one big parking lot.

And that wouldn't stop the killing in Syria.

There's only one way to stop the killing in Syria - boots
on the ground. The United Nations should send in troops
TODAY in order to prevent the WMD from falling into the
wrong hands.

If some of the WMD gets lost and finds it's way to New
York City, the 9-11 attacks will seem like an ant hill
compared to a mountain.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Our National Anthem

2013-09-05 Thread Bhairitu
That's why I call him "Reverend Buck of the Church of the Holy Domers".  
Buck sounds like he is standing on some street corners thumping a Gita 
and saying "the end is near!  Go to the domes." :-D

On 09/05/2013 06:07 AM, wrote:

I'll give you this, Buck - you write some really strange stuff 

--- In,  

*Son, in a lifetime we're extremely fortunate to be meditators. And, 
to be in Fairfield going to the group meditation everyday is extreme 
wealth and good fortune in life. Yep, by the necessity of the evident 
science and our evident experience with it the national anthem should 
ought to be our old song,*

*!VICTORY BEFORE WAR! It is time to march to meditation with that song 
sung proudly. Then sit up straight inside and Be all that we can Be 
deep of the transcendent in life together, extend a perimeter of light 
field, secure lines of eternal supply and give the best support to 
everyone everywhere to help defend and secure the equal rights of all 
humankind to all our spiritual birthright of the transcendent. Don't 
sell yourself short. You are extremely fortunate to be living alive in 
these times. Come to meditation, it is so easy. We are all fortunate 
souls here. We don't need no shitty songs like that CCR playing here 
to bring us down. Even though the guitar lick is revolution we don't 
need bummer lyrics like the drug-infested CCR said playing here. Ours 
is spiritual revival,*

*-Buck *

--- In, 

In light of the possible contribution of our country to the civil
war in Syria, I wanted to take a minute to remind everyone of our
national anthem. So if you are at home, please stand, face the
flag, and listen. I thank you, and your country thanks you:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Military Solution to Syria Is Futile: Pope Francis

2013-09-05 Thread Richard J. Williams

John Jr:
> He's asking everyone to join him in a day of prayer this 
> Saturday for a peaceful solution to the conflict. It's a 
> form of yagya at no additional costs to anyone. 
It's like a long standing disease that's infected the 
Middle East. 

Now the religious radicals have hijacked the Arab Spring 
and there's a proxy war going on in Syria by Iran. It's a 
civil war - a clash between Arabs and Islamic sectarians. 

It's probably the beginning of the end for countries like 
Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. It will be
just like the Iraq-Iran war only much bigger.

If it's just a regional war there will probably be no 
winners. When it's over in ten years or so, all the lines 
that were drawn in the sand after WW I will have been 

According to David Brooks, the U.S. has three options:

1. Containment - "Trying to keep each nation's civil 
strife within it's own borders..."

2. Reconciliation - diplomatic peace between Iran and 
Saudi Arabia - between Shiites and Sunnis

3. Neutrality - taking sides is not an effective long 
term option 

Read more:

'Mideast sectarian strife poses the gravest threat'
David Brooks, The New York Times
Thursday, September 5, 2013

RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 20 Big Questions.

2013-09-05 Thread emilymae.reyn

[FairfieldLife] Re: Non-Dual Dating

2013-09-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
> It's funny, there's actually an underlying truth to that
> perspective, but in navigating ordinary life, it's best
> left unsaid.
When you're lost everything be a sign?

> > This body-mind organism called "Dan" would like to ask
> > out that illusory, story-based character named "Suzy."
> > 


[FairfieldLife] Military Solution to Syria Is Futile: Pope Francis

2013-09-05 Thread jr_esq

Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Non-Dual Dating

2013-09-05 Thread Emily Reyn
Ahhh...ok...I think I knew that definition.  Thanks for reminding me.  Have a 
good day.  

 From: Share Long 
To: ""  
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2013 8:21 AM
Subject: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Non-Dual Dating

Emily, a compatibility reading is a standard jyotish reading in which the 
charts of two people are analyzed for compatibility. From my experience it's 
very accurate. Usually it's done when 2 people want to get married but it can 
also be done for business partnerships.

 From: "" 
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2013 10:12 AM
Subject: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Non-Dual Dating

 Share, can you define for me what a "compatibility reading" is from your 
perspective?  How is "compatibility" defined and what are the markers, if any, 
that are matched up?  I'm curious.  

Now the question for Barry is..."can he appreciate the loon?"  

Remember Share, I told you months ago that "we don't speak the same language" - 
perhaps that is why I experience a certain portion of your posts as "saying 
nothing."  I figured, if you connect your mind with your heart, I might be able 
to understand what you are saying better.  Maybe you already do.  Smile.  Don't 
take it too seriously or think too hard about it.  

--- In,  wrote:

Emily, are you kidding?! You and turq are PERFECT for each other. He stays on 
FFL of which he has a low opinion. And you read posts that according to you say 
nothing. You and turq have so much in common! Go for it! But first, be sure to 
have compatibility reading smile.

 From: "emilymae.reyn@..." 
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2013 1:32 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Non-Dual Dating

Barry!  Is this your amends to Share?  It contains the perfect pick-up line for 
her - "Uh, nothing is really good or bad, except the way the mind makes 
it." (smiley face)

>--- In,  wrote:
>This body-mind organism called "Dan" would like to ask out 
>that illusory, story-based character named "Suzy."


Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Non-Dual Dating

2013-09-05 Thread Share Long
Emily, a compatibility reading is a standard jyotish reading in which the 
charts of two people are analyzed for compatibility. From my experience it's 
very accurate. Usually it's done when 2 people want to get married but it can 
also be done for business partnerships.

 From: "" 
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2013 10:12 AM
Subject: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Non-Dual Dating

 Share, can you define for me what a "compatibility reading" is from your 
perspective?  How is "compatibility" defined and what are the markers, if any, 
that are matched up?  I'm curious.  

Now the question for Barry is..."can he appreciate the loon?"  

Remember Share, I told you months ago that "we don't speak the same language" - 
perhaps that is why I experience a certain portion of your posts as "saying 
nothing."  I figured, if you connect your mind with your heart, I might be able 
to understand what you are saying better.  Maybe you already do.  Smile.  Don't 
take it too seriously or think too hard about it.  

--- In,  wrote:

Emily, are you kidding?! You and turq are PERFECT for each other. He stays on 
FFL of which he has a low opinion. And you read posts that according to you say 
nothing. You and turq have so much in common! Go for it! But first, be sure to 
have compatibility reading smile.

 From: "emilymae.reyn@..." 
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2013 1:32 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Non-Dual Dating

Barry!  Is this your amends to Share?  It contains the perfect pick-up line for 
her - "Uh, nothing is really good or bad, except the way the mind makes 
it." (smiley face)

>--- In,  wrote:
>This body-mind organism called "Dan" would like to ask out 
>that illusory, story-based character named "Suzy."


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 20 Big Questions.

2013-09-05 Thread Share Long
Well Obbajee, if it's any consolation, today I'm having lots of trouble simply 
opening posts. As you can see, I fiddled about and have had some success but 
it's very iffy. sigh...

 From: obbajeeba 
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2013 7:15 AM
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 20 Big Questions.


Shut up, Share. 
Oh, I mean, there are more important things to think about. LOL.
I quoted this below today from a post I made  on this subject, over a day ago, 
that finally arrived in my inbox today at 7:28am;
Last post did not arrive in my email box, nor the filtered box, nor the spam 

Yep. Yahoo is working fine and dandy. NOT!

PS. Ravi, Cute picture of the pussies watching cartoons.

--- In, obbajeeba  wrote:
> Testing.
> This morning, I received the 3 most recent posts on FFL Message Board to my 
> email box.
> Testing, randomly until I fuddle around with options and heck if I know why I 
> have not received all the other posts through no_reply@
> I noticed the few that came through the other day, to my email account were 
> posts made by members who used their unhidden email account to post.
> Sorry I can't keep up with the streaming. My time schedule is a bit busier, 
> but soon I will be able to glide through this and whack Nabby or someone 
> upside the virtual head again. lol

--- In, Share Long  wrote:
> Experts, Emily?! I only have one expert and I haven't really asked her about 
> the karma between you and me. And yes, I'm calling you looney. But only 
> because you are reading posts that according to you say nothing, that are 
> written by someone you think is operating with a certain level of insanity. 
> That's looney IMHO!
>  From: Emily Reyn 
> To: ""  
> Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2013 8:30 PM
> Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 20 Big 
> Questions.
> I didn't say you were looney, Share.  You did.  Are you calling me looney? 
>  I won't argue; I'm very fond of the loon and its "mournful wail." This will 
> remind you:
> I said you could try connecting your mind with your heart, because in your 
> case, I believe that would help you out.  And remember Share, I never give 
> any advice to others' I don't give myself.  What do your experts say about 
> the karma that you and I have?  
>  From: Share Long 
> To: ""  
> Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2013 5:03 PM
> Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 20 Big 
> Questions.
> Emily, here's a question for you: who's loonier, the poster who's allegedly 
> looney, me, or the poster who continues to read the posts of the alleged 
> looney one?!
>  From: Emily Reyn 
> To: ""  
> Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2013 1:11 PM
> Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 20 Big 
> Questions.
> La la la.Share, it is amazing the volume of posts that you send that say 
> absolutely nothing.  Look for your heart, Share, and connect it with your 
> mind.  Your brain is wired poorly (so is mine, so don't feel badly) and your 
> mind is operating with a certain level of insanity that you don't seem to 
> see.  You need to stop "thinking" and start "feeling" - internally, not 
> externally.   
>  From: Share Long 
> To: ""  
> Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2013 7:17 AM
> Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 20 Big 
> Questions.
> Emily, I think it's wonderful the knowledge and skill that people have been 
> sharing and I'm so glad so many have made it through neo and just hope that 
> Obbajee and salyavin are soon in that group.
>  From: Emily Reyn 
> To: ""  
> Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2013 12:14 AM
> Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 20 Big 
> Questions.
> Share, did you ever thank Judy for taking the lead on informing us as a group 
> and responding to individual questions re: how to navigate Neo?  Given your 
> fervent "thank you's" to so many others', perhaps one for Judy would have 
> been in order, instead of post after post from you in the early stages of 
> this major change, containing nonsense (on a topic you know absolutely 
> nothing about) and interfering in the attempts by the smarter ones to figure 
> things out, followed by bickering and pouting when she and Alex both asked 
> you to restrain yourself due to the

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Non-Dual Dating

2013-09-05 Thread emilymae.reyn

[FairfieldLife] Re: Life On Ice Cream Island

2013-09-05 Thread Richard J. Williams

Yeah, I've read this story at least six times on Usenet.

You really do like ice cream, Turq! 

But, what is really funny is  - what it's like to be on 
a TMO ATR over in Switzerland. But, at least YOU can say 
you learned yoga in downtown L.A. and on a beach hotel 
over in Spain. Go figure.

You and the guy in the story would probably last about 
ten minutes in an average Zen meditation retreat!

You need to face the facts, Turq - a TMO ATR is just
about as intensive as a day at a Butlin's Holiday 
Camp with hot milk served in the evening. LoL!

> As I've probably mentioned before, this month in Paris I'm staying on
> Île Saint-Louis, which along with the Île de la Cité is one of
> the two natural islands in the Seine. (There is a third, called Île
> aux Cygnes, but it's artificial, and does little more than provide a
> home for swans and the smaller prototype of the Statue Of Liberty.)
> When I mention that I'm staying on Île Saint-Louis, Parisians look at
> me the way Los Angelenos might if I'd told them I lived in Beverly
> Hills. Their impressions of the place are that it's full of rich, snooty
> people, the only ones who can afford the million-Euro apartments there.
> Having been here for a week or so, I beg to differ. There may, in fact,
> *be* a bunch of rich, snooty types living here, but I never see them on
> the streets. Maybe they're like rich, snooty people in other cities, and
> only appear on the streets long enough to be picked up by their limos
> and whisked off somewhere else, but I actually see fewer of them here
> than I might in areas of the VIth or VIIth arrondissements. The folks I
> run into in cafés and restaurants (and, you will see if you keep
> reading, ice cream joints) are pretty normal, everyday French people,
> *not* ostentatiously rich, and remarkably fun to interact with.
> The island itself is small, and looks kinda like this:
> There are really only three streets, and little traffic. There are a few
> art galleries and stores, two small markets, a number of bars and
> restaurants. And unlike the rest Paris -- which seems to have a church
> on every corner, as if the population could not endure being more than a
> block away from one in case they suddenly develop the need to either
> pray or donate money to God (whom we all know needs it so badly) --
> there is only one large church, Saint-Louis-en-l'Île.
> The island is named for Saint Louis, otherwise known as King Louis IX of
> France. He's the only French king recognized by the Catholic Church as a
> saint, and not being Catholic myself, I'm not sure what he did to
> deserve this, but I suspect that he is the patron saint of ice cream.
> Île Saint-Louis is home to Berthillon, which serves what is rightly
> considered the Best Ice Cream In Paris.
> It started as one small establishment, but now there are at least a
> dozen other restaurants on the island that advertise its ice creams on
> their signs and awnings. Naturally, market forces being what they are, a
> number of wannabee competitors have appeared on the island as well,
> selling *their* brands of ice cream, and trying to lure away some of the
> people who come here daily for their ice cream fix. Ice cream is so much
> a part of this island's culture that I hear they even use tiny
> Berthillon cones in the Saint-Louis-en-l'Île Church instead of
> communion wafers.
> All of this makes me remember one of my favorite TM stories, which I
> have related here before (and which actually happened to a former poster
> here), but which I will shamelessly tell again, because I think it
> captures so much about the TM mindset. This guy, a TM Governor of the
> Age of Enlightenment whom we'll call Joe, was on an ATR course in
> Europe, and found that he just couldn't stomach the hot milk with
> cardamom he was expected to drink each night after the meeting to speed
> him on his way to catching the Angel Train.
> So he developed an alternative routine, walking out the door of his
> hotel and into the café across the street, where he ordered an ice
> cream cone. He then took it back to his room and ate it there.
> At a certain point on this course, This Guy We're Calling Joe suddenly
> received a summons to appear before the Inquisition. They didn't call it
> that, of course, but when he walked into the room and saw the row of
> course leaders wearing their cheap suits and their standard-issue German
> scowls, he knew he was in Deep Shit.
> They proceeded to lecture him about his Off The Program behavior, and
> threatened to not only send him home from the course if he didn't cut it
> out, but to put a black mark on his "permanent record" so that he'd
> never be accepted to any course in the future. At first he was
> concerned, as any red-blooded TM TB might be as such a terrible karmic
> prospect, but then he had a kind of satori experience.
> He suddenly realized that he was sitting in a room being grilled by a
> bunch of Bliss Nazis and being threatened

[FairfieldLife] Re: Life On Ice Cream Island

2013-09-05 Thread turquoiseb
Iranitea opines:
> ...if Barry is allowed to report only what's going on 
> in the present moment, he would have to  write, 'I'm 
> typing, I'm typing'... This is typical Neo-Advaita BS 
> to think you couldn't have memories. In fact the 
> memories are in the present moment..even brain 
> researchers will tell you, that whatever experience 
> you remember, it is being recreated in the brain, 
> just quite similar to what it was at the time. If you 
> always stay in the present, you can't even work, just 
> imagine you are an accountant.

Not to mention how you're going to select which flavor
of ice cream you want at Berthillon. The list contains
something like 50 flavors, including standards like
vanilla and chocolate, but also including more rare 
concoctions like ice creams made from flowers -- violet,
lavender, etc. 

If you're *completely* "in the present," how would you
remember that you like chocolate but don't like tutti-
frutti? When the guy asks you whether you want it in a
dish or on a cone, how would you know what those options
represent?  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Non-Dual Dating

2013-09-05 Thread Share Long
iranitea, realized, schmealized!

 From: iranitea 
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2013 8:08 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Non-Dual Dating

Tony Parsons is still very active. Indeed I have a friend, not Dan, whose girl 
friend, not Suzie, got 'realized', (not Neo-Advaita'ed) in just less than 10 
years ago.

Go figure!

--- In,  wrote:

Cute, iranitea and turq but so dated, like 10 years ago. Are there still people 
like this in your world? I thought they had all moved to Washington state (-:

 From: iranitea 
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2013 2:57 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Non-Dual Dating

This is hilarious. I liked this one even better
Dan calls Tony Parson, also mentions TM (among about everything else)

>--- In,  wrote:
>This body-mind organism called "Dan" would like to ask out 
>that illusory, story-based character named "Suzy."


[FairfieldLife] Re: Now we know: the US is Saudi Arabia's whore

2013-09-05 Thread Richard J. Williams

> I've got a better idea, send one well aimed nuke at 
> Saudi Arabia and everyone will be happy.
You're not even making any sense. If you sent a nuke to 
Saudi Arabia, you guys out there in CA wouldn't have any
fuel. Your whole state would become one big parking lot.

And that wouldn't stop the killing in Syria.

There's only one way to stop the killing in Syria - boots 
on the ground. The United Nations should send in troops 
TODAY in order to prevent the WMD from falling into the 
wrong hands. 

If some of the WMD gets lost and finds it's way to New 
York City, the 9-11 attacks will seem like an ant hill 
compared to a mountain.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our National Anthem

2013-09-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
Michael Jackson :
So, by posting this I guess you're what, admitting to your own

Why don't you just slap them in the face - everyone knows that 99% of
respondents on FFL are Dems. If they don't slap you down for this, I
they've lost the will to fight. Go figure.

Even so, you're still the loser because you stooped this low just to try
win a religious debate. I knew it was only a matter of time until the
about you came out.

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Bridge

2013-09-05 Thread iranitea

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Life On Ice Cream Island

2013-09-05 Thread iranitea

[FairfieldLife] RE: Non-Dual Dating

2013-09-05 Thread iranitea

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Our National Anthem

2013-09-05 Thread doctordumbass

[FairfieldLife] RE: Life On Ice Cream Island

2013-09-05 Thread doctordumbass

[FairfieldLife] RE: Non-Dual Dating

2013-09-05 Thread j_alexander_stanley

[FairfieldLife] Re: My apologies

2013-09-05 Thread obbajeeba
If I rely on my email, as of now, I am getting everyone's posts out of order 
and as Alex said something about the rabbit,done died...a long time ago and the 
freshness of responding back is like a whore who fails the lemon squeeze test. 
I am now thinking to just read the FFL Yahoo message board only and respond 
accordingly when I have a little more time

--- In, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> I'm not even attempting to use the group page anymore, just sticking to yahoo 
> mail where I receive the posts
>  From: "awoelflebater@..." 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2013 12:59 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] My apologies
> Since I am proving a bit of a clumsy oaf getting used to this new 
> configuration of things I need to apologize to anyone who I have 
> inadvertently sent a private email to in an attempt to actually reply to the 
> group. I mistakenly did this with JR tonight and realized I have probably 
> done this on numerous occasions. So don't mind me, I will get the hang of 
> this eventually. 

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 20 Big Questions.

2013-09-05 Thread obbajeeba

Shut up, Share. 
Oh, I mean, there are more important things to think about. LOL.
I quoted this below today from a post I made  on this subject, over a day ago, 
that finally arrived in my inbox today at 7:28am;
Last post did not arrive in my email box, nor the filtered box, nor the spam 

Yep. Yahoo is working fine and dandy. NOT!

PS. Ravi, Cute picture of the pussies watching cartoons.

--- In, obbajeeba  wrote:
> Testing.
> This morning, I received the 3 most recent posts on FFL Message Board to my 
> email box.
> Testing, randomly until I fuddle around with options and heck if I know why I 
> have not received all the other posts through no_reply@
> I noticed the few that came through the other day, to my email account were 
> posts made by members who used their unhidden email account to post.
> Sorry I can't keep up with the streaming. My time schedule is a bit busier, 
> but soon I will be able to glide through this and whack Nabby or someone 
> upside the virtual head again. lol

--- In, Share Long  wrote:
> Experts, Emily?! I only have one expert and I haven't really asked her about 
> the karma between you and me. And yes, I'm calling you looney. But only 
> because you are reading posts that according to you say nothing, that are 
> written by someone you think is operating with a certain level of insanity. 
> That's looney IMHO!
>  From: Emily Reyn 
> To: ""  
> Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2013 8:30 PM
> Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 20 Big 
> Questions.
> I didn't say you were looney, Share.  You did.  Are you calling me looney? 
>  I won't argue; I'm very fond of the loon and its "mournful wail." This will 
> remind you:
> I said you could try connecting your mind with your heart, because in your 
> case, I believe that would help you out.  And remember Share, I never give 
> any advice to others' I don't give myself.  What do your experts say about 
> the karma that you and I have?  
>  From: Share Long 
> To: ""  
> Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2013 5:03 PM
> Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 20 Big 
> Questions.
> Emily, here's a question for you: who's loonier, the poster who's allegedly 
> looney, me, or the poster who continues to read the posts of the alleged 
> looney one?!
>  From: Emily Reyn 
> To: ""  
> Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2013 1:11 PM
> Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 20 Big 
> Questions.
> La la la.Share, it is amazing the volume of posts that you send that say 
> absolutely nothing.  Look for your heart, Share, and connect it with your 
> mind.  Your brain is wired poorly (so is mine, so don't feel badly) and your 
> mind is operating with a certain level of insanity that you don't seem to 
> see.  You need to stop "thinking" and start "feeling" - internally, not 
> externally.   
>  From: Share Long 
> To: ""  
> Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2013 7:17 AM
> Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 20 Big 
> Questions.
> Emily, I think it's wonderful the knowledge and skill that people have been 
> sharing and I'm so glad so many have made it through neo and just hope that 
> Obbajee and salyavin are soon in that group.
>  From: Emily Reyn 
> To: ""  
> Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2013 12:14 AM
> Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 20 Big 
> Questions.
> Share, did you ever thank Judy for taking the lead on informing us as a group 
> and responding to individual questions re: how to navigate Neo?  Given your 
> fervent "thank you's" to so many others', perhaps one for Judy would have 
> been in order, instead of post after post from you in the early stages of 
> this major change, containing nonsense (on a topic you know absolutely 
> nothing about) and interfering in the attempts by the smarter ones to figure 
> things out, followed by bickering and pouting when she and Alex both asked 
> you to restrain yourself due to the ongoing confusion.  For the good of the 
> all and the individual, thank goodness Alex and Judy stood up to the plate on 
> this.  No need to react to this Share...just internalize it.
>  From: Share Long 
> To: ""  
> Sent: Monday, September 2, 2013 5:50 PM
> Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [Fairf

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Our National Anthem [1 Attachment]

2013-09-05 Thread Michael Jackson

 From: "" 
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2013 7:56 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Our National Anthem

in a lifetime we're extremely fortunate to be meditators. And, to be
in Fairfield going to the group meditation everyday is extreme wealth
and good fortune in life. Yep, by the necessity of the evident
science and our evident experience with it the national anthem should
ought to be our old song,
BEFORE WAR! It is time to march to meditation with that song sung
proudly. Then sit up straight inside and Be all that we can Be deep
of the transcendent in life together, extend a perimeter of light
field, secure lines of eternal supply and give the best support to
everyone everywhere to help defend and secure the equal rights of all
humankind to all our spiritual birthright of the transcendent. Don't
sell yourself short. You are extremely fortunate to be living alive
in these times. Come to meditation, it is so easy. We are all
fortunate souls here. We don't need no shitty songs like that CCR
playing here to bring us down. Even though the guitar lick is
revolution we don't need bummer lyrics like the drug-infested CCR
said playing here. Ours is spiritual revival,

--- In,  wrote:

In light of the possible contribution of our country to the civil war in Syria, 
I wanted to take a minute to remind everyone of our national anthem. So if you 
are at home, please stand, face the flag, and listen. I thank you, and your 
country thanks you:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Yagya Solution for Syria

2013-09-05 Thread Michael Jackson
"From time immemorial, great kings and leaders of India have gathered 
together large groups of Pandits for Vedic performances in order to 
avert or mitigate any threat to society—present or future."

H, evidently it didn't work very well or the world and especially India 
wouldn't be in the shape its in today. But let us not allow that to deter us 
from asking for mooore money! 

After all, we at the TM Raja Movement Corporation have taken our philosophy 
from the Dolmansaxlil shoe corporation - "Just one tiny little thing wrong 
here, these planets are not making money for the Dolmansaxlil shoe corporation!"

 From: Dick Mays 
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2013 7:51 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Yagya Solution for Syria


“So today is the day of clearing the passage, and the long journey from 
infinite diversity to absolute unity has been cut short.
By whom have the obstacles been eliminated? By Ganesh, the Devata of 
Maharishi, Ganesh Chathurthi 2007
Dear Governors, Sidhas and Meditators,
We trust that you received this important announcement from Raja John Hagelin. 
We also wanted you to know that our Maharishi Jyotish Council has expressed the 
critical need to create more coherence in the world, especially for this next 
We hope you are able to participate in Maharishi National YagyaSM performances 
and, if possible, personal Yagyas for yourself.
Jai Guru Dev,
Charlie and Marguerite Heath, Preston and Leslie Frieder, Jennifer Blair
Dear Friends,
>From time immemorial, great kings and leaders of India have gathered together 
>large groups of Pandits for Vedic performances in order to avert or mitigate 
>any threat to society—present or future.
Today, very negative planetary influences are feeding upheaval and conflict 
around the world. Syria, in particular, has become a dangerous flashpoint.
In the light of the seriousness of the situation, and its potential impact on 
Syria, the Unites States, and the entire world, the TM Movement’s Global 
Council has encouraged National Yagyas in every country to focus on a speedy, 
peaceful resolution to the war in Syria.
Fortunately, our next 11-day Maharishi National YagyaSM performance for the 
U.S. will begin soon, on September 12, during the 10-day celebration of Ganesh 
Chathurthi, the birth of Ganesh.
During this time, the aspect of Cosmic Creative Intelligence that removes 
obstacles and hindrances in all areas of life is maximally lively. By 
nourishing this specific Law of Nature through the performance of National 
Yagyas, we enliven our ability to overcome obstacles—including obstacles to 
peace—and to rapidly achieve all our goals.
The Sankalpa (intention) of the Yagya will now be:
A peaceful, non-violent resolution to the violence in Syria 
>which is also supportive of the United States’ national interests.
The final day to sign up is Saturday, September 7.
Please click now to offer your support.
Better still . . . join our Monthly Giving Circle to bring continuous, ongoing 
support for the Maharishi Vedic Pandits and the National Yagya program.
When you contribute $1,250 or more to a National Yagya, you will be 
acknowledged by name on each day of the Vedic performance. Or you may designate 
your company, a group, or another person to be named.
My deepest, heartfelt thanks for the heroic support of our dear donors for the 
Maharishi Vedic Pandits and National Yagya program.
Jai Guru Dev
John Hagelin
National Director
Transcendental Meditation® Program
P.S. Feel free to contact Stan Crowe, the Director of our U.S. Maharishi 
National Yagya program:   
©2013 Maharishi Foundation USA, a non-profit educational organization. All 
rights reserved.
Transcendental Meditation®, TM®, Maharishi Yagya®, Maharishi Vedic, Maharishi 
National Yayga,
and National Yagya are protected trademarks and are used in the U.S. under 
license or with permission. 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] RE:National Anthemlet return t OLD one of 1932 Am..Beautiful

2013-09-05 Thread WLeed3
In a message dated 9/5/2013 7:56:32 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Son, in a lifetime we're extremely fortunate to be  meditators. And, to be 
in Fairfield going to the group meditation everyday is  extreme wealth and 
good fortune in life. Yep, by the necessity of the evident  science and our 
evident experience with it the national anthem should ought to  be our old 
!VICTORY BEFORE WAR! It is time to march to  meditation with that song sung 
proudly. Then sit up straight inside and Be all  that we can Be deep of the 
transcendent in life together, extend a perimeter  of light field, secure 
lines of eternal supply and give the best support to  everyone everywhere to 
help defend and secure the equal rights of all  humankind to all our 
spiritual birthright of the transcendent. Don't sell  yourself short. You are 
extremely fortunate to be living alive in these times.  Come to meditation, it 
so easy. We are all fortunate souls here. We don't  need no shitty songs 
like that CCR playing here to bring us down. Even though  the guitar lick is 
revolution we don't need bummer lyrics like the  drug-infested CCR said 
playing here. Ours is spiritual  revival, 

--- In,   wrote:

In light of the possible contribution of our country to the civil war in  
Syria, I wanted to take a minute to remind everyone of our national anthem. 
So  if you are at home, please stand, face the flag, and listen. I thank you, 
and  your country thanks you:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Life On Ice Cream Island

2013-09-05 Thread Michael Jackson
Excellent Barry, thank you for sharing this - I am entitling it "the Epitome of 
the Movement"

yet people still don't ask the question "How can something that has no negative 
effects and no downside, something that produces freedom from all problems and 
gives one the support of all the laws of nature produce people and behavior 
like this? No one asks and if they do, they blame the people instead of looking 
twice at the technique (and its original teacher)

 From: turquoiseb 
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2013 4:50 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Life On Ice Cream Island

As I've probably mentioned before, this month in Paris I'm staying on Île 
Saint-Louis, which along with the Île de la Cité is one of the two natural 
islands in the Seine. (There is a third, called Île aux Cygnes, but it's 
artificial, and does little more than provide a home for swans and the smaller 
prototype of the Statue Of Liberty.) 

When I mention that I'm staying on Île Saint-Louis, Parisians look at me the 
way Los Angelenos might if I'd told them I lived in Beverly Hills. Their 
impressions of the place are that it's full of rich, snooty people, the only 
ones who can afford the million-Euro apartments there. Having been here for a 
week or so, I beg to differ. There may, in fact, *be* a bunch of rich, snooty 
types living here, but I never see them on the streets. Maybe they're like 
rich, snooty people in other cities, and only appear on the streets long enough 
to be picked up by their limos and whisked off somewhere else, but I actually 
see fewer of them here than I might in areas of the VIth or VIIth 
arrondissements. The folks I run into in cafés and restaurants (and, you will 
see if you keep reading, ice cream joints) are pretty normal, everyday French 
people, *not* ostentatiously rich, and remarkably fun to interact with. 

The island itself is small, and looks kinda like this:

There are really only three streets, and little traffic. There are a few art 
galleries and stores, two small markets, a number of bars and restaurants. And 
unlike the rest Paris -- which seems to have a church on every corner, as if 
the population could not endure being more than a block away from one in case 
they suddenly develop the need to either pray or donate money to God (whom we 
all know needs it so badly) -- there is only one large church, 

The island is named for Saint Louis, otherwise known as King Louis IX of 
France. He's the only French king recognized by the Catholic Church as a saint, 
and not being Catholic myself, I'm not sure what he did to deserve this, but I 
suspect that he is the patron saint of ice cream. 

Île Saint-Louis is home to Berthillon, which serves what is rightly considered 
the Best Ice Cream In Paris. 

It started as one small establishment, but now there are at least a dozen other 
restaurants on the island that advertise its ice creams on their signs and 
awnings. Naturally, market forces being what they are, a number of wannabee 
competitors have appeared on the island as well, selling *their* brands of ice 
cream, and trying to lure away some of the people who come here daily for their 
ice cream fix. Ice cream is so much a part of this island's culture that I hear 
they even use tiny Berthillon cones in the Saint-Louis-en-l'Île Church instead 
of communion wafers. 

All of this makes me remember one of my favorite TM stories, which I have 
related here before (and which actually happened to a former poster here), but 
which I will shamelessly tell again, because I think it captures so much about 
the TM mindset. This guy, a TM Governor of the Age of Enlightenment whom we'll 
call Joe, was on an ATR course in Europe, and found that he just couldn't 
stomach the hot milk with cardamom he was expected to drink each night after 
the meeting to speed him on his way to catching the Angel Train. 

So he developed an alternative routine, walking out the door of his hotel and 
into the café across the street, where he ordered an ice cream cone. He then 
took it back to his room and ate it there. 

At a certain point on this course, This Guy We're Calling Joe suddenly received 
a summons to appear before the Inquisition. They didn't call it that, of 
course, but when he walked into the room and saw the row of course leaders 
wearing their cheap suits and their standard-issue German scowls, he knew he 
was in Deep Shit.

They proceeded to lecture him about his Off The Program behavior, and 
threatened to not only send him home from the course if he didn't cut it out, 
but to put a black mark on his "permanent record" so that he'd never be 
accepted to any course in the future. At first he was concerned, as any 
red-blooded TM TB might be as such a terrible karmic prospect, but then he had 
a kind of satori experience. 

He suddenly realized that he was sitting in a room being grilled by a bunch of 
Bliss Na

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