[FairfieldLife] Re: Rue de l'Esperance

2013-10-26 Thread TurquoiseB
Thank you, merudanda. Made my day.

Robert just nails it. Those who have never been able to create anything
in their lives look at the old writer and see nothing but a poseur.
Robert sees holiness.

I hope that those who have never been able to overcome their fear of
rejection long enough to feel the rush of creativity and give expression
to it manage to do so someday. Maybe then they wouldn't be so insanely
jealous of those who do it on a regular basis, and feel the need to lash
out at them.

The mural you found on Rue de l'Esperance is not opposite the cafe and I
haven't seen it, but now you've given me something cool to search for on
my walks around the quartier. I guess someone else was as taken by the
name of the street as I was.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda  wrote:


  Wonderful  Robert Crumb drawing.The caption reads, “Old writer
puts on sweater,  sits down, leers into the computer screen and writes
about life. How  holy can we get?”
"hey, you hear,
Chinaski got a


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

That's what it says on the steet sign across the road from where I'm
sitting. The Street Of Hope. Cool. And the password for the free Wifi at
this cafe is 'cafe'. That's cool, too. And they have Westmalle Tripel.
That's just WAY cool. What can I say? I am easily amused by little

But still, doesn't sitting down in a new cafe to write in and
discovering that you're literally sitting on the Street Of Hope sound
like a *sign*? Maybe what I should write about, in this new writing
cafe, is HOPE.

OK, here goes.

Hope. I still have it, in spades.

Despite what has been said about me on this forum and others in the
past, I am *not* at heart a cynic. I know few people *more* hopeful than
I am. And I see ample reason in the world I see around me to *be*

It's really not such a bad place.

Get over it, if you believe it is.

This world is full of great beauty and great art and great love. And
these things are there even in the darkest corners of supposed
hopelessness. And what you focus on, you become.

When I find someone who's invented a new artform, as has Elena Divina
with her Cyr wheel in the videos I posted earlier, I focus on that, and
I feel more hopeful. A world that can produce that is FAR from hopeless.

It's like the ending to Woody Allen's "The Purple Rose Of Cairo."
Cecilia (Mia Farrow) has had a bad day. She's on the street, homeless
after telling her abusive husband to fuck off, and finding out that the
other man she'd fallen in love with is fictional. She has nowhere to
stay, and nowhere to go, and has very little money in her pockets. But
she finds herself standing in front of a movie theater, and spends one
of her last coins to go in and watch the movie.

And up on the screen is Fred Astaire. And suddenly there is hope.
Because no world that has Fred Astaire in it could possibly be hopeless.

[FairfieldLife] Holy Hell - a book by Gail Tredwell on Amma, Mata Amritanandamayi

2013-10-26 Thread indifferent_netizen
HOLY HELL: A Memoir of Faith, Devotion, and Pure Madness

 Here is a brief book description:
 Amma, universally known as "The Hugging Saint," went through a two-decade 
transformation from a simple fisherman's daughter to an international wonder 
worshiped by millions. Gail "Gayatri" Tredwell was there every step of the 
way—from early devotee to head female disciple, ever-present personal 
attendant, handmaiden, whipping post, and unwilling keeper of some devastating 

 Because she became fluent in the Malayalam language and had continual intimate 
proximity to Amma for twenty years, Tredwell is uniquely capable of portraying 
this famous woman. She tells her tale with straightforward honesty, fairness, 
and a dash of Aussie snap and wit. Although the guru’s flaws are a necessary 
part of her story and awakening, she strives to be factual throughout, digging 
deep to eschew victim frameworks and take responsibility for her own role in 
accepting the abuse and perpetuating the lies.

 Tredwell takes us vividly through her varying stages, starting with naïveté 
and innocent devotion, then on to dawning awareness and confusion, finally to 
emotional breakdown and her shocking "enlightenment"—her realization that the 
liberation she urgently required was is in fact liberation from her own guru. 

On Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Holy- Hell-Memoir-Devotion-Madness/ 
E-book: https://www.ebookpie.com/ search/ebooks?utf8=✓&keywords= holy+hell 

Gail's Website: http://gailtredwell.com/ http://gailtredwell.com/
Holy Hell Facebook page: 


[FairfieldLife] Test

2013-10-26 Thread indifferent_netizen
Please ignore - deleting shortly.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Om "embedded" in the tanakh?

2013-10-26 Thread emptybill
SSRS, although a mahapundit of the four vedas, should have asked you first. 
Although he had a number of teachers other than MMY, he  obviously never asked 
permission from you - the "punditster". I'm sure he regrets the omission to 
this day.

I'm also sure you could clarify his pronunciation of the riks, reveal the 
hidden connections between between the vaious chhanda-s. Maybe you could obtain 
the blessing of the deva-s and get him authorized for using these cheating 
bijas stolen from the Buddhists. 
 You should call him and offer to help him out. However, I wouldn't use your 
Prairie Dog credentials. Rather you should just introduce yourself as a pandit 
dedicated to cleaning up the fallen lineage of pseudo-pandits using fake bijas. 
You could give him a copy of the The Tantric Tradition by Leopold Fischer 
(agehananda bharati) and just point out "You need to read this and stop ripping 
everyone off!"


 So great of you to consider this. 


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Under whose authority would the SSRS be giving out any bija mantras? If you 
can't reveal where MMY got the bijas, so how could you say SSRS got any bijas? 
There aren't any bijas mentioned in the Vedas. From what I've read, SSRS, like 
Deepak Chopra and Charlie Lutes, never became TM teachers by completing a TTC. 
So, how would they be knowing any bijas? Go figure.
 On 10/24/2013 7:41 PM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... wrote:

 Authfriend: Today at 8:16 AM 
 So what would the problem be if "OM" wasn't included in a maha-mantra but 
rather along with, say, a bija mantra like what TM uses? Did Sri Sri give out 
bija mantras, or just the maha-mantras?
 SSRS does indeed give out bija-mantras for meditation. However, I was never 
taught his sahaj-meditation technique so I did not receive one of his chosen 
meditation bija-mantras. 
 What I asked him for (asked four times over a 7 year period) was 
"guru-mantra". When he finally gave it to me it was a maha-mantra that "named" 
the source of our teaching lineage. If you consider the guru-puja which is 
performed at initiation then you can guess which  mantra. I received it along 
with another one of SSRS's teachers who often stayed at my house. According to 
that teacher, he also received the same maha-mantra (it includes om).
 I couldn't have asked for a better mantra. I use it after my tm-mantra and 
before I perform sanyama on a few select sutras that work especially well for 
 SSRS did tell me and that all the different bija-mantras naturally merge into 
the om sound at the finest level. 
 BTW - the sankhya-yoga scholar said the same ... no problem with using om if 
sheltered in a longer mantra.  


[FairfieldLife] RE: Rue de l'Esperance

2013-10-26 Thread s3raphita
Sitting in cafés in Paris was cool when everyone was allowed to smoke Gauloises 
and Gitanes and talk about Existentialism. Now the health fascists have banned 
the practice the conformists have won the day. 


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 That's what it says on the steet sign across the road from where I'm
 sitting. The Street Of Hope. Cool. And the password for the free Wifi at
 this cafe is 'cafe'. That's cool, too. And they have Westmalle Tripel.
 That's just WAY cool. What can I say? I am easily amused by little
 But still, doesn't sitting down in a new cafe to write in and
 discovering that you're literally sitting on the Street Of Hope sound
 like a *sign*? Maybe what I should write about, in this new writing
 cafe, is HOPE.
 OK, here goes.
 Hope. I still have it, in spades.
 Despite what has been said about me on this forum and others in the
 past, I am *not* at heart a cynic. I know few people *more* hopeful than
 I am. And I see ample reason in the world I see around me to *be*
 It's really not such a bad place.
 Get over it, if you believe it is.
 This world is full of great beauty and great art and great love. And
 these things are there even in the darkest corners of supposed
 hopelessness. And what you focus on, you become.
 When I find someone who's invented a new artform, as has Elena Divina
 with her Cyr wheel in the videos I posted earlier, I focus on that, and
 I feel more hopeful. A world that can produce that is FAR from hopeless.
 It's like the ending to Woody Allen's "The Purple Rose Of Cairo."
 Cecilia (Mia Farrow) has had a bad day. She's on the street, homeless
 after telling her abusive husband to fuck off, and finding out that the
 other man she'd fallen in love with is fictional. She has nowhere to
 stay, and nowhere to go, and has very little money in her pockets. But
 she finds herself standing in front of a movie theater, and spends one
 of her last coins to go in and watch the movie.
 And up on the screen is Fred Astaire. And suddenly there is hope.
 Because no world that has Fred Astaire in it could possibly be hopeless.

[FairfieldLife] RE: New Stealth Destroyer for the Navy

2013-10-26 Thread s3raphita
Thanks again for the link. I've had a soft spot for subs ever since I saw 
Disney's 20,000 Leagues under the Sea (the godfather of the Steampunk genre!) 
and heard the Beatles' Yellow Submarine! 

 But you've missed the point of my input. The Kraut sub is *not* nuclear - it 
utilises hydrogen fuel cells - so is not expensive. The submarine can operate 
at high speed on diesel power or switch to the air-independent propulsion 
system for silent, slow cruising, staying submerged for up to three weeks 
without surfacing and with no exhaust heat. The system is also said to be 
vibration-free, extremely quiet and virtually undetectable. As it's so much 
cheaper than the destroyer it makes it a cost-effective deterrent. 

 Don't go in the water.





---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 The construction of an advanced nuclear submarine also cost a lot of money.  
Here's a documentary about building a British  nuclear sub.  It took 14 years 
to build and cost over one billion pounds.  I believe that's equivalent to 
about $2.5 billion.  You might find this video interesting.  I saw this one 
several months ago.  My thought then was,"I wouldn't want to be the captain of 
this sub given the responsibility of commanding this complicated machine, 
carrying several nuclear missiles, and a full crew who are working in it for 
months at a time underneath the ocean."






---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Re "Historically, there are several methods of protection against 

 Thanks - I read through the article. I'm still unsure as to whether subs have 
the edge still or ASW methods are now up to the job. You know what they say 
about generals always fighting the last war . . .

 The point of my original query is that the destroyer you link to is so bloody 
expensive ($3.5 billion) whereas a sub is comparatively cheap. The German Type 
212 class ($0.5 billion) is virtually undetectable, unlike diesel or nuclear 
submarines that generate more noise and higher heat signatures. One Type 212 
established a new record for non-nuclear submarines with 18 days submerged 
without snorkelling.  

 I guess I'll have to wait until the conflict between Japan and China over the 
Senkaku islands turns "hot" to find out. 

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

  Historically, there are several methods of protection against submarines.  
The latest ones are the guided weapons, as shown in this article below:





---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 How does the destroyer protect itself against a submarine strike? 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Its capabilities are impressive and highly technological.  But is it 





[FairfieldLife] RE: question for a biblical hebrew reader

2013-10-26 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Obviously metaphorically it is referring to collective consciousness in the 
Meissner Effect [ME] when groups sit together in transcendental meditation. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Psalm 65 verse 7 makes me think of the process of transcending or the 
transcendent aspect/Shiva, traditionally this Psalm has been associated with an 
influence of abundance (the dharmamegha?) what say you?

[FairfieldLife] RE: Maharishi on Kundalini

2013-10-26 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Which article you talking about?  
 Nice picture of Maharishi. 


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:


[FairfieldLife] Fwd: Altered Genes, Twisted Truth

2013-10-26 Thread Dick Mays
Forwarded from a friend:

A synopsis of Steven Druker's (former head counsel to MIU in Fairfield, IA and 
Governor of the Age of Englightenment)  book, "Altered Genes, Twisted Truth" 
and I thought you would find it of interest. Steve will be lecturing about his 
book in Atlanta in the next couple of weeks. Email Pete Nassos for info.

Book Description
Publication Date: September 12, 2012
This book tells the fascinating and frequently astounding story of the biggest 
scientific fraud in history, and how it has maintained its force in the face of 
overwhelming contrary evidence. It describes how the massive enterprise to 
restructure the genetic core of the world’s food supply has routinely violated 
the standards of science and how for more than three decades, hundreds of 
eminent biologists and scores of esteemed institutions have systematically 
contorted the truth in order to conceal the unique risks of its products – and 
get them onto our dinner plates.

Altered Genes, Twisted Truth reveals how this elaborate fraud was crafted and 
how it not only deceived the general public, but Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, 
Barack Obama and a host of other astute and influential individuals as well. 
The book also exposes how the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) became a 
key accomplice – and how it covered up the warnings of its own scientists, 
broke the law, and repeatedly lied in order to usher genetically engineered 
(GE) foods onto the market without the safety testing that’s required by 
federal statute. Consequently, for fifteen years, America’s families have been 
regularly ingesting a group of novel products that are not only being sold 
illegally, but were determined to be unduly hazardous by the FDA’s own 
scientific staff. 

By the time this gripping story comes to a close, it will be clear that the 
degradation of science it documents has not only been unsavory but 
unprecedented – and that in no other instance have so many scientists so 
seriously subverted the standards they were trained to uphold, misled so many 
people, and imposed such magnitude of risk on both human health and the health 
of the environment.

Steven M. Druker is a public interest attorney who initiated a lawsuit that 
forced the FDA to divulge its files on genetically engineered foods, which 
revealed that these novel products had entered the market through a colossal 
fraud. In organizing the suit, he assembled an unprecedented coalition of 
eminent scientists and religious leaders to join as co-plaintiffs. 

Praise for Altered Genes, Twisted Truth

“A fascinating book: highly informative, eminently readable, and most 
enjoyable. It’s a real page-turner and an eye-opener.” 
Richard C. Jennings, Ph.D. 
Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of 
Cambridge, UK 

“Altered Genes, Twisted Truth is lucid, illuminating, and alarming. As a former 
New York City prosecutor, I was shocked to discover how the FDA illegally 
exempted GE foods from the rigorous testing mandated by federal statute. And as 
the mother of three young kids, I was outraged to learn how America’s children 
are being callously exposed to experimental foods that were deemed abnormally 
risky by the FDA’s own experts.” 
Tara-Cook Littman, J.D. 

“Druker's brilliant exposé catches the promoters of GE food red-handed: 
falsifying data, corrupting regulators, lying to Congress. He thoroughly 
demonstrates how distortions and deceptions have been piled one on top of 
another, year after year, producing a global industry that teeters on a 
foundation of fraud and denial. This book is sure to send shockwaves around the 
Jeffrey M. Smith, international bestselling author of Seeds of Deception 
& Genetic Roulette

“This incisive and insightful book is truly outstanding. It dispels the cloud 
of disinformation spread by the biotech industry and allied scientists that has 
duped people into believing GE foods are adequately tested and safe to eat. 
It’s a must-read – and a pleasure to read.”
David Schubert, Ph.D. molecular biologist and Head of Cellular 
Neurobiology, Salk Institute for Biological Studies

[FairfieldLife] RE: TM Serves me well

2013-10-26 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Dear MJ; Son really you got to have some serious stuff if you want to play the 
Fairfield meditating community as a healer. This is a pretty sophisticated 
spiritual crowd by long experience. If someone don't got some real shakti and 
its all talk then folks just go on to the next meeting. 
 This last week we were visited by Janet Sussman and then there are the 
meetings with Connie Huebner most every week in Fairfield. And lots of 
satsangs, meditations, shaktipat and spiritual meetings always. You've seen the 
Fairfield, Iowa Directory of Active Spiritual Practice Groups? Others come 
through all the time. And then there are the Maha-saints, the sat-guru/ 
Jagatguru category like Ammachi or Mother Meera, Karunamayi and now John 
Douglas that come around and the meditating community will go to Be with them. 
However, a carpet bagging baptist reforming TM'er from some Carolina or where 
ever it be you are from at best could only hold a candle for some of what 
really goes on here. But you could certainly advertize here in the Weekly 
Reader like everyone else and try. Everyone gets a chance. Some have certainly 
flared out. It's a tough crowd of old meditators that is not so naive as it 
might have once been. But Fairfield, Iowa is certainly a very spiritual place 
by experience. You could try to milk it but I bet it would not give much for 
long unless you really got the goods and can be of real help.
 Though if you do come to Fairfield let us do coffee at Paradiso or Revelations 
once. Black coffee, none of that latte shit. I won't even ask to see your Dome 
badge, -Buck

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 That's right. I have finally figured out how grand TM is. 
 I am in fact going to blend my channeling and TM of the past and create a 
glorious new future. 
 I am moving to Fairfield and become a Vedic Channel. And since as a Vedic 
Channel I will be channeling from the Home of All the Laws of Nature, I will 
channel Pure Silence. 
 So the client will sit with me and I will channel Pure Silence for half an 
hour and they will pay me big money. Thus TM finally becomes useful.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Om "embedded" in the tanakh?

2013-10-26 Thread srijau
"It is said that Narayana mantra can take you all the way" - Maharishi Mahesh 

 there is versions that do not include om.

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Under whose authority would the SSRS be giving out any bija mantras? If you 
can't reveal where MMY got the bijas, so how could you say SSRS got any bijas? 
There aren't any bijas mentioned in the Vedas. From what I've read, SSRS, like 
Deepak Chopra and Charlie Lutes, never became TM teachers by completing a TTC. 
So, how would they be knowing any bijas? Go figure.
 On 10/24/2013 7:41 PM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... wrote:

 Authfriend: Today at 8:16 AM 
 So what would the problem be if "OM" wasn't included in a maha-mantra but 
rather along with, say, a bija mantra like what TM uses? Did Sri Sri give out 
bija mantras, or just the maha-mantras?
 SSRS does indeed give out bija-mantras for meditation. However, I was never 
taught his sahaj-meditation technique so I did not receive one of his chosen 
meditation bija-mantras. 
 What I asked him for (asked four times over a 7 year period) was 
"guru-mantra". When he finally gave it to me it was a maha-mantra that "named" 
the source of our teaching lineage. If you consider the guru-puja which is 
performed at initiation then you can guess which  mantra. I received it along 
with another one of SSRS's teachers who often stayed at my house. According to 
that teacher, he also received the same maha-mantra (it includes om).
 I couldn't have asked for a better mantra. I use it after my tm-mantra and 
before I perform sanyama on a few select sutras that work especially well for 
 SSRS did tell me and that all the different bija-mantras naturally merge into 
the om sound at the finest level. 
 BTW - the sankhya-yoga scholar said the same ... no problem with using om if 
sheltered in a longer mantra.  

[FairfieldLife] question for a biblical hebrew reader

2013-10-26 Thread srijau
Psalm 65 verse 7 makes me think of the process of transcending or the 
transcendent aspect/Shiva, traditionally this Psalm has been associated with an 
influence of abundance (the dharmamegha?) what say you?

[FairfieldLife] Maharishi on Kundalini

2013-10-26 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Sun 27-Oct-13 00:15:12 UTC

2013-10-26 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 10/26/13 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 11/02/13 00:00:00
63 messages as of (UTC) 10/27/13 00:14:29

  8 Richard J. Williams 
  7 jr_esq
  6 s3raphita
  6 authfriend
  6 TurquoiseB 
  5 dhamiltony2k5
  4 wgm4u 
  4 sharelong60
  4 Share Long 
  4 Bhairitu 
  3 Michael Jackson 
  2 cardemaister
  1 steve.sundur
  1 merudanda 
  1 Steve Sundur 
  1 Richard Williams 
Posters: 16
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] RE: New Stealth Destroyer for the Navy

2013-10-26 Thread jr_esq
The construction of an advanced nuclear submarine also cost a lot of money.  
Here's a documentary about building a British  nuclear sub.  It took 14 years 
to build and cost over one billion pounds.  I believe that's equivalent to 
about $2.5 billion.  You might find this video interesting.  I saw this one 
several months ago.  My thought then was,"I wouldn't want to be the captain of 
this sub given the responsibility of commanding this complicated machine, 
carrying several nuclear missiles, and a full crew who are working in it for 
months at a time underneath the ocean."






---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Re "Historically, there are several methods of protection against 

 Thanks - I read through the article. I'm still unsure as to whether subs have 
the edge still or ASW methods are now up to the job. You know what they say 
about generals always fighting the last war . . .

 The point of my original query is that the destroyer you link to is so bloody 
expensive ($3.5 billion) whereas a sub is comparatively cheap. The German Type 
212 class ($0.5 billion) is virtually undetectable, unlike diesel or nuclear 
submarines that generate more noise and higher heat signatures. One Type 212 
established a new record for non-nuclear submarines with 18 days submerged 
without snorkelling.  

 I guess I'll have to wait until the conflict between Japan and China over the 
Senkaku islands turns "hot" to find out. 

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

  Historically, there are several methods of protection against submarines.  
The latest ones are the guided weapons, as shown in this article below:





---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 How does the destroyer protect itself against a submarine strike? 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Its capabilities are impressive and highly technological.  But is it 




[FairfieldLife] RE: Rue de l'Esperance

2013-10-26 Thread merudanda

  Wonderful Robert Crumb drawing.The caption reads, “Old writer puts on 
sweater, sits down, leers into the computer screen and writes about life. How 
holy can we get?”
"hey, you hear,
Chinaski got a


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 That's what it says on the steet sign across the road from where I'm
 sitting. The Street Of Hope. Cool. And the password for the free Wifi at
 this cafe is 'cafe'. That's cool, too. And they have Westmalle Tripel.
 That's just WAY cool. What can I say? I am easily amused by little
 But still, doesn't sitting down in a new cafe to write in and
 discovering that you're literally sitting on the Street Of Hope sound
 like a *sign*? Maybe what I should write about, in this new writing
 cafe, is HOPE.
 OK, here goes.
 Hope. I still have it, in spades.
 Despite what has been said about me on this forum and others in the
 past, I am *not* at heart a cynic. I know few people *more* hopeful than
 I am. And I see ample reason in the world I see around me to *be*
 It's really not such a bad place.
 Get over it, if you believe it is.
 This world is full of great beauty and great art and great love. And
 these things are there even in the darkest corners of supposed
 hopelessness. And what you focus on, you become.
 When I find someone who's invented a new artform, as has Elena Divina
 with her Cyr wheel in the videos I posted earlier, I focus on that, and
 I feel more hopeful. A world that can produce that is FAR from hopeless.
 It's like the ending to Woody Allen's "The Purple Rose Of Cairo."
 Cecilia (Mia Farrow) has had a bad day. She's on the street, homeless
 after telling her abusive husband to fuck off, and finding out that the
 other man she'd fallen in love with is fictional. She has nowhere to
 stay, and nowhere to go, and has very little money in her pockets. But
 she finds herself standing in front of a movie theater, and spends one
 of her last coins to go in and watch the movie.
 And up on the screen is Fred Astaire. And suddenly there is hope.
 Because no world that has Fred Astaire in it could possibly be hopeless.

[FairfieldLife] RE: New Stealth Destroyer for the Navy

2013-10-26 Thread s3raphita
Re "Historically, there are several methods of protection against submarines.": 

 Thanks - I read through the article. I'm still unsure as to whether subs have 
the edge still or ASW methods are now up to the job. You know what they say 
about generals always fighting the last war . . .

 The point of my original query is that the destroyer you link to is so bloody 
expensive ($3.5 billion) whereas a sub is comparatively cheap. The German Type 
212 class ($0.5 billion) is virtually undetectable, unlike diesel or nuclear 
submarines that generate more noise and higher heat signatures. One Type 212 
established a new record for non-nuclear submarines with 18 days submerged 
without snorkelling.  

 I guess I'll have to wait until the conflict between Japan and China over the 
Senkaku islands turns "hot" to find out. 

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

  Historically, there are several methods of protection against submarines.  
The latest ones are the guided weapons, as shown in this article below:





---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 How does the destroyer protect itself against a submarine strike? 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Its capabilities are impressive and highly technological.  But is it 



RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: The curse of 'Dracula"......

2013-10-26 Thread wgm4u
One can read too much into an analogy :-) Desire and attachment go hand in 
hand, these powerful desires are the "Sleeping Elephants" MMY was talking 
about, they have to be dealt with, they reside deep in the subconscious mind 
and tie the consciousness to the body. They are spoken of in Christian ethics 
as the 7 cardinal sins; wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy and gluttony. In 
Yoga they are spoken of as the 'doshas' or faults of the ego.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 wgm, but in a way, wouldn't gold chains be harder to let go of? Even in the 
Gita Maharishi talks about having to let go of attachment to sattwa. Anyway, I 
remember hearing something about the desire for enlightenment being used to 
sublimate all other desires. Eeeek!

 On Saturday, October 26, 2013 11:43 AM, wgm4u  wrote:
   I think there are good desires and bad desires, one leads to heaven the 
other hell but both keep one bound to the wheel of Samsara. Charlie used to say 
you can have iron chains or gold chains depending on your Karma, obviously we'd 
prefer gold chains. I was mainly talking about sinful desire like lust, greed 
and the like. B 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 So I guess wgm, we got a case of it takes a thorn to remove a thorn in that 
during the Roman Catholic Mass, the wine is changed into the blood of Christ 
and all are invited to partake! Of course Maharishi had a very different take 
on desire, seeing it as what leads us to more and more bliss, to ultimate 
bliss. These days I'd say that if desire is a demon or a mistake of the 
intellect or a delusion it's because we already are that which we desire. What 
do you think? 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 The curse of Dracula! Is, the very *damnation* Christ warned about! The 
*blood* of *desire*!!! Drinking the blood of sensuality dooms those, who go so 
forth, to the wheel of eternal *in-satiability* and the wheel of birth and 
death (Samsara or eternal damnation to reincarnation because of desire) until 
the *demon* of desire is quelled and the peace of soul realization is gained 
through meditation and God realization.  ( Hey,  a little Halloween here, 




Re: [FairfieldLife] TM Serves me well

2013-10-26 Thread Bhairitu
The Vedic Channel might be quite popular in a burgeoning streaming video 
market.  You could, of course, charge more for it than Netflix because 
"it is worth more."  For content you can probably work a deal with the 
Bollywood producers of "religious movies" though you just might want to 
want to raid the local Indian grocery for cheap DVDs to rip because 
Bollywood doesn't seem to copyright many of their films.  They just move 
on to the next cash cow production.

On 10/26/2013 02:07 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:

That's right. I have finally figured out how grand TM is.

I am in fact going to blend my channeling and TM of the past and 
create a glorious new future.

I am moving to Fairfield and become a Vedic Channel. And since as a 
Vedic Channel I will be channeling from the Home of All the Laws of 
Nature, I will channel Pure Silence.

So the client will sit with me and I will channel Pure Silence for 
half an hour and they will pay me big money. Thus TM finally becomes 

[FairfieldLife] TM Serves me well

2013-10-26 Thread Michael Jackson
That's right. I have finally figured out how grand TM is. 

I am in fact going to blend my channeling and TM of the past and create a 
glorious new future. 

I am moving to Fairfield and become a Vedic Channel. And since as a Vedic 
Channel I will be channeling from the Home of All the Laws of Nature, I will 
channel Pure Silence. 

So the client will sit with me and I will channel Pure Silence for half an hour 
and they will pay me big money. Thus TM finally becomes useful.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Richest Cities in America

2013-10-26 Thread jr_esq
 The Silicon Valley industry is obviously the biggest contributor to the price 
creep of the salaries and home prices.  Also, Larry Ellison lives in the area.  
So, he definitely skews the demographics. But how long can this high standard 
go on?   The silicon based chips are reaching their upper limit.

 When the quantum computer is commercialized, the Silicon Valley may disappear. 
 But will it evolve into the Quantum Valley?  

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Obviously a handful of tech billionaires skewing the results.  I lived near a 
town that back in the 1950s had the highest income per capita.  It was pretty 
much a blue collar town but millionaire wheat ranchers were skewing the numbers.
 On 10/25/2013 01:01 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... wrote:
   San Jose, CA tops the list.  And Brownsville, TX is the poorest city in the 

[FairfieldLife] Halloween History

2013-10-26 Thread jr_esq
It means All Hallow's Evening.  But wait there's more... 

 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halloween http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halloween


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Re: Gettin' off on the wheel

2013-10-26 Thread Steve Sundur
Hi.  Well, to tell the truth, as I've often said, I don't watch much TV, but I 
got intrigued by all the buzz about "Breaking Bad", and so I've been absorbed 
in watching all five seasons.  In fact, I've watched all but the final episode 
which I intend to watch shortly.
Other than that, it's pretty much been business as usual.  
Divvying up World Series tickets among customers and employees is always quite 
a task.  The kids are going tonight, and I go tomorrow with a customer who is 
like the ultimate Red Sox fan, so that should be fun.  Luckily for him, he is 
ex MP, so that may come in handy for him.  Employee is taking another customer 
on Monday.  
Younger son took his ACT test a second time today.  Trying to bring it up close 
to 30 from 25 on the first round.  He felt pretty embarrassed by that low 
score, and so has been pretty self motivated the last couple weeks.

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 9:35 AM, "sharelon...@yahoo.com" 
Steve, not so fast! Tell us what's happening down St. Louis way. How's the 
family, the business, etc? 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

Great way to start the morning! Thanks for that.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "TurquoiseB"  wrote:
>>> I've never really understood those seekers who want to "get off the
>>> wheel," meaning the endless cycle of life, death, rebirth, and karma.
>>> I've always thought that people who have this as their goal in life just
>>> never learned how much fun you can have with a wheel. This video is for
>>> them.
>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4eBw4wxzzA 
>>OMG, another one:

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: New Stealth Destroyer for the Navy

2013-10-26 Thread jr_esq
 Historically, there are several methods of protection against submarines.  The 
latest ones are the guided weapons, as shown in this article below:





---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 How does the destroyer protect itself against a submarine strike? 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Its capabilities are impressive and highly technological.  But is it 


[FairfieldLife] RE: New Stealth Destroyer for the Navy

2013-10-26 Thread s3raphita
How does the destroyer protect itself against a submarine strike? 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Its capabilities are impressive and highly technological.  But is it 


[FairfieldLife] RE: Can't share this enough

2013-10-26 Thread s3raphita
Premier League champions Manchester United say Swastika-style logo is 
"completely inappropriate"
 http://tinyurl.com/pw8mzz9 http://tinyurl.com/pw8mzz9 


 Doesn't look like a swastika to me - typical Twitter hysteria. Twitter is 
becoming ever more like mob rule.


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Premier League champions Manchester United say Swastika-style logo is 
"completely inappropriate" http://tinyurl.com/pw8mzz9 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 My understanding is that the direction of the swastika "spin" is found in both 
forms in ancient reliefs. The idea that Hitler got it wrong is just propaganda 
- highly effective propaganda as so many people believe it.

 In most (probably all) European countries the display of swastikas is 
outlawed. I've got a swastika on a Sri Yantra disk and also on some old, 
pre-war hardback books (fiction titles); they have swastikas on the spine.

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 According to what I've read, the word 'swastika' does not occur in Vedic 
Sanskrit. Some of the early examples of the swastika originated in the Indus 
Valley around 2400 BCE and in south-eastern paleolithic Europe over 10,000 
years ago. 
 On 10/25/2013 9:45 PM, wgm4u wrote:
   The Swastika was a Hindu (now a Vedic Science symbol according to MMY and 
the new age gurus) representation of the spinning force of Prana, (Gods cosmic 
power, according to C. lutes) or evolution, unfortunately, (or fortunately), 
Hitler got it wrong, (ie. backwards).
 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:s3raphita@... wrote:
 Re "I suggest you try to find another phrase than "national socialism," 
because historically it's almost exclusively associated with fascism, 
anti-Semitism, and white supremacy.":
 True. On a related topic, I do wonder if the swastika can ever be 
rehabilitated. It has a long history across the world, in many different 
traditions. In Hinduism, the swastika maybe signifies Ganesha?
 To let the sign be completely absorbed into Nazi iconography is to give up on 
a powerful symbol.
 Maybe one day . . .
 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
 I suggest you try to find another phrase than "national socialism," because 
historically it's almost exclusively associated with fascism, anti-Semitism, 
and white supremacy. The term "Nazism" is a contraction of 
"Nationalsocialismus," the Nazi Party. Modern organizations whose ideology is 
similar to that of the Nazis incorporate the phrase into their titles to make 
what they stand for explicit.
 No matter what you mean by "national socialism," folks are going to 
instinctively recoil from it because of the horrific echoes it evokes (the way 
a German audience recoiled from Raja Emanuel's use of the term "Invincible 
Germany," but in this case worldwide).
 It really can't be sanitized. Maybe in a hundred years when memories have 
faded, it'll be usable again, but you're asking for trouble if you use it now.
 Buck wrote:
 > Yea, a kind of TM national socialism something like with larger human values 
 > that care about neighbors and neighborhood. From the neighborhood up a 
 > national socialism that Cares about the poor, the disabled, those in need by 
 > bringing meditation to everyone in every home to the benefit of everyone.


[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Can't share this enough

2013-10-26 Thread s3raphita
Premier League champions Manchester United say Swastika-style logo is 
"completely inappropriate" http://tinyurl.com/pw8mzz9 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 My understanding is that the direction of the swastika "spin" is found in both 
forms in ancient reliefs. The idea that Hitler got it wrong is just propaganda 
- highly effective propaganda as so many people believe it.

 In most (probably all) European countries the display of swastikas is 
outlawed. I've got a swastika on a Sri Yantra disk and also on some old, 
pre-war hardback books (fiction titles); they have swastikas on the spine.

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 According to what I've read, the word 'swastika' does not occur in Vedic 
Sanskrit. Some of the early examples of the swastika originated in the Indus 
Valley around 2400 BCE and in south-eastern paleolithic Europe over 10,000 
years ago. 
 On 10/25/2013 9:45 PM, wgm4u wrote:
   The Swastika was a Hindu (now a Vedic Science symbol according to MMY and 
the new age gurus) representation of the spinning force of Prana, (Gods cosmic 
power, according to C. lutes) or evolution, unfortunately, (or fortunately), 
Hitler got it wrong, (ie. backwards).
 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:s3raphita@... wrote:
 Re "I suggest you try to find another phrase than "national socialism," 
because historically it's almost exclusively associated with fascism, 
anti-Semitism, and white supremacy.":
 True. On a related topic, I do wonder if the swastika can ever be 
rehabilitated. It has a long history across the world, in many different 
traditions. In Hinduism, the swastika maybe signifies Ganesha?
 To let the sign be completely absorbed into Nazi iconography is to give up on 
a powerful symbol.
 Maybe one day . . .
 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
 I suggest you try to find another phrase than "national socialism," because 
historically it's almost exclusively associated with fascism, anti-Semitism, 
and white supremacy. The term "Nazism" is a contraction of 
"Nationalsocialismus," the Nazi Party. Modern organizations whose ideology is 
similar to that of the Nazis incorporate the phrase into their titles to make 
what they stand for explicit.
 No matter what you mean by "national socialism," folks are going to 
instinctively recoil from it because of the horrific echoes it evokes (the way 
a German audience recoiled from Raja Emanuel's use of the term "Invincible 
Germany," but in this case worldwide).
 It really can't be sanitized. Maybe in a hundred years when memories have 
faded, it'll be usable again, but you're asking for trouble if you use it now.
 Buck wrote:
 > Yea, a kind of TM national socialism something like with larger human values 
 > that care about neighbors and neighborhood. From the neighborhood up a 
 > national socialism that Cares about the poor, the disabled, those in need by 
 > bringing meditation to everyone in every home to the benefit of everyone.

[FairfieldLife] New Stealth Destroyer for the Navy

2013-10-26 Thread jr_esq
Its capabilities are impressive and highly technological.  But is it necessary? 


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: The curse of 'Dracula"......

2013-10-26 Thread Share Long
wgm, but in a way, wouldn't gold chains be harder to let go of? Even in the 
Gita Maharishi talks about having to let go of attachment to sattwa. Anyway, I 
remember hearing something about the desire for enlightenment being used to 
sublimate all other desires. Eeeek!

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 11:43 AM, wgm4u  wrote:
I think there are good desires and bad desires, one leads to heaven the other 
hell but both keep one bound to the wheel of Samsara. Charlie used to say you 
can have iron chains or gold chains depending on your Karma, obviously we'd 
prefer gold chains. I was mainly talking about sinful desire like lust, greed 
and the like. B 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

So I guess wgm, we got a case of it takes a thorn to remove a thorn in that 
during the Roman Catholic Mass, the wine is changed into the blood of Christ 
and all are invited to partake! Of course Maharishi had a very different take 
on desire, seeing it as what leads us to more and more bliss, to ultimate 
bliss. These days I'd say that if desire is a demon or a mistake of the 
intellect or a delusion it's because we already are that which we desire. What 
do you think? 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

The curse of Dracula! Is, the very *damnation* Christ warned
about! The *blood* of *desire*!!! Drinking the blood of sensuality dooms those,
who go so forth, to the wheel of eternal *in-satiability* and the wheel of
birth and death (Samsara or eternal damnation to reincarnation because of
desire) until the *demon* of desire is quelled and the peace of soul realization
is gained through meditation and God realization.  ( Hey,  a little Halloween 
here, enjoy!)

[FairfieldLife] RE: Can't share this enough

2013-10-26 Thread s3raphita
My understanding is that the direction of the swastika "spin" is found in both 
forms in ancient reliefs. The idea that Hitler got it wrong is just propaganda 
- highly effective propaganda as so many people believe it.

 In most (probably all) European countries the display of swastikas is 
outlawed. I've got a swastika on a Sri Yantra disk and also on some old, 
pre-war hardback books (fiction titles); they have swastikas on the spine.

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 According to what I've read, the word 'swastika' does not occur in Vedic 
Sanskrit. Some of the early examples of the swastika originated in the Indus 
Valley around 2400 BCE and in south-eastern paleolithic Europe over 10,000 
years ago. 
 On 10/25/2013 9:45 PM, wgm4u wrote:
   The Swastika was a Hindu (now a Vedic Science symbol according to MMY and 
the new age gurus) representation of the spinning force of Prana, (Gods cosmic 
power, according to C. lutes) or evolution, unfortunately, (or fortunately), 
Hitler got it wrong, (ie. backwards).
 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:s3raphita@... wrote:
 Re "I suggest you try to find another phrase than "national socialism," 
because historically it's almost exclusively associated with fascism, 
anti-Semitism, and white supremacy.":
 True. On a related topic, I do wonder if the swastika can ever be 
rehabilitated. It has a long history across the world, in many different 
traditions. In Hinduism, the swastika maybe signifies Ganesha?
 To let the sign be completely absorbed into Nazi iconography is to give up on 
a powerful symbol.
 Maybe one day . . .
 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
 I suggest you try to find another phrase than "national socialism," because 
historically it's almost exclusively associated with fascism, anti-Semitism, 
and white supremacy. The term "Nazism" is a contraction of 
"Nationalsocialismus," the Nazi Party. Modern organizations whose ideology is 
similar to that of the Nazis incorporate the phrase into their titles to make 
what they stand for explicit.
 No matter what you mean by "national socialism," folks are going to 
instinctively recoil from it because of the horrific echoes it evokes (the way 
a German audience recoiled from Raja Emanuel's use of the term "Invincible 
Germany," but in this case worldwide).
 It really can't be sanitized. Maybe in a hundred years when memories have 
faded, it'll be usable again, but you're asking for trouble if you use it now.
 Buck wrote:
 > Yea, a kind of TM national socialism something like with larger human values 
 > that care about neighbors and neighborhood. From the neighborhood up a 
 > national socialism that Cares about the poor, the disabled, those in need by 
 > bringing meditation to everyone in every home to the benefit of everyone.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The curse of 'Dracula"......

2013-10-26 Thread Share Long
Ok, Seraphita, maybe it's just at wedding masses that both wafer and wine are 
given to the people. Or First communions and Confirmations. Maybe also holy 
days. I know I've been to a few masses where both were distributed.

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 12:19 PM, "s3raph...@yahoo.com" 
Re "during the Roman Catholic Mass, the wine is changed into the blood of 
Christ and all are invited to partake":

Not so. The wine is for the priests alone. The congregation has to be satisfied 
with the bread. The official Church doctrine is that as *both* the bread and 
the wine are transformed into Christ's body and blood only the one need be 
taken. But as the priest partakes of both bread and wine the obvious 
implication is that he's getting a special privilege. As the blood clearly 
symbolises the "inner life force" the message taken away by everyone is that 
the priest is more spiritual than the lay members.

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

So I guess wgm, we got a case of it takes a thorn to remove a thorn in that 
during the Roman Catholic Mass, the wine is changed into the blood of Christ 
and all are invited to partake! Of course Maharishi had a very different take 
on desire, seeing it as what leads us to more and more bliss, to ultimate 
bliss. These days I'd say that if desire is a demon or a mistake of the 
intellect or a delusion it's because we already are that which we desire. What 
do you think? 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

The curse of Dracula! Is, the very *damnation* Christ warned
about! The *blood* of *desire*!!! Drinking the blood of sensuality dooms those,
who go so forth, to the wheel of eternal *in-satiability* and the wheel of
birth and death (Samsara or eternal damnation to reincarnation because of
desire) until the *demon* of desire is quelled and the peace of soul realization
is gained through meditation and God realization.  ( Hey,  a little Halloween 
here, enjoy!)

[FairfieldLife] RE: The curse of 'Dracula"......

2013-10-26 Thread s3raphita
Re "during the Roman Catholic Mass, the wine is changed into the blood of 
Christ and all are invited to partake":

 Not so. The wine is for the priests alone. The congregation has to be 
satisfied with the bread. The official Church doctrine is that as *both* the 
bread and the wine are transformed into Christ's body and blood only the one 
need be taken. But as the priest partakes of both bread and wine the obvious 
implication is that he's getting a special privilege. As the blood clearly 
symbolises the "inner life force" the message taken away by everyone is that 
the priest is more spiritual than the lay members.

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 So I guess wgm, we got a case of it takes a thorn to remove a thorn in that 
during the Roman Catholic Mass, the wine is changed into the blood of Christ 
and all are invited to partake! Of course Maharishi had a very different take 
on desire, seeing it as what leads us to more and more bliss, to ultimate 
bliss. These days I'd say that if desire is a demon or a mistake of the 
intellect or a delusion it's because we already are that which we desire. What 
do you think? 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 The curse of Dracula! Is, the very *damnation* Christ warned about! The 
*blood* of *desire*!!! Drinking the blood of sensuality dooms those, who go so 
forth, to the wheel of eternal *in-satiability* and the wheel of birth and 
death (Samsara or eternal damnation to reincarnation because of desire) until 
the *demon* of desire is quelled and the peace of soul realization is gained 
through meditation and God realization.  ( Hey,  a little Halloween here, 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Richest Cities in America

2013-10-26 Thread Bhairitu
Obviously a handful of tech billionaires skewing the results.  I lived 
near a town that back in the 1950s had the highest income per capita.  
It was pretty much a blue collar town but millionaire wheat ranchers 
were skewing the numbers.

On 10/25/2013 01:01 PM, jr_...@yahoo.com wrote:

San Jose, CA tops the list.  And Brownsville, TX is the poorest city 
in the country.


[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: The curse of 'Dracula"......

2013-10-26 Thread wgm4u
I think there are good desires and bad desires, one leads to heaven the other 
hell but both keep one bound to the wheel of Samsara. Charlie used to say you 
can have iron chains or gold chains depending on your Karma, obviously we'd 
prefer gold chains. I was mainly talking about sinful desire like lust, greed 
and the like. B 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 So I guess wgm, we got a case of it takes a thorn to remove a thorn in that 
during the Roman Catholic Mass, the wine is changed into the blood of Christ 
and all are invited to partake! Of course Maharishi had a very different take 
on desire, seeing it as what leads us to more and more bliss, to ultimate 
bliss. These days I'd say that if desire is a demon or a mistake of the 
intellect or a delusion it's because we already are that which we desire. What 
do you think? 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 The curse of Dracula! Is, the very *damnation* Christ warned about! The 
*blood* of *desire*!!! Drinking the blood of sensuality dooms those, who go so 
forth, to the wheel of eternal *in-satiability* and the wheel of birth and 
death (Samsara or eternal damnation to reincarnation because of desire) until 
the *demon* of desire is quelled and the peace of soul realization is gained 
through meditation and God realization.  ( Hey,  a little Halloween here, 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Where Are The Boomers Headed?

2013-10-26 Thread Bhairitu

On 10/26/2013 06:18 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

You just don't seem able to get it. People are loss-averse. That means 
people worry more about losing what they have, instead of worrying 
about some crack brain future savings theory like single payer. I can 
tell you've never been in a union. Go figure.

Au contraire, Pierre. I was a member of the AFM: the American Federation 
of Musicians. It was run by a bunch of has been musicians who liked 
carrying a brief case instead of an instrument case.  That union didn't 
adapt well with the times and is pretty much a has been in most of America.

"What made single payer impossible is the fact that tens of millions 
of voters have employer-sponsored insurance that they basically like, 
and they would freak out if you told them it was being replaced by a 
government-run national health-care program."

And that they believe is "free".  When you are an employer and do your 
budgets for hiring, part of the expense of your employee is the health 
care. IOW, you could play the employee more without that benefit.  It 
also tethers them to a company that some workers hate. With single payer 
that is taken out of the equation.

You really liked being fleeced by insurance companies?

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Rue de l'Esperance

2013-10-26 Thread authfriend
Oh, jeez, another poseur...

 Yes, Share, what a wonderful person you are, so very highly evolved.

 We all believe that, really we do. We know you're just as honest as Barry is.


 Share wrote:
 > I'm into gratitude these days. I just find one little thing to feel grateful 
 > for and 
 > then a whole bunch of other stuff pops into my mind.
 > http://www.gratefulness.org/brotherdavid/a-good-day.htm 
 > http://www.gratefulness.org/brotherdavid/a-good-day.htm 
 > I've even been grateful for gratitude (-:


[FairfieldLife] RE: Rue de l'Esperance

2013-10-26 Thread authfriend
Barry wrote: 
 > Hope. I still have it, in spades.
> Despite what has been said about me on this forum and others in the
> past, I am *not* at heart a cynic. I know few people *more* hopeful than
> I am. And I see ample reason in the world I see around me to *be*
> hopeful.

 You know, I'm hopeful too. I'm hopeful that one of these days it will
 occur to Barry to ask himself why, if he's so full of hope, on FFL he
 is so often deliberately hateful and dishonest. Just doesn't really
 seem to go with hope, you know?

 Sounds a lot more like someone taking a pose, trying very hard to
 convince us and himself that he's somebody he isn't, a better person
 than he actually is.

 I guess that must be what he's so hopeful about, huh?

RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Where Are The Boomers Headed?

2013-10-26 Thread sharelong60
Emily, Happy Birthday coming up, if I remember correctly... 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 What is on your bucket list, Share?   

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 turq, I'm light all right. Gave up eating salmon, for one thing!

 On Friday, October 25, 2013 12:57 PM, TurquoiseB  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long wrote:
> Anyone who doesn't think that the whole planet is being adversely 
> affected by radiation from Fukushima are IMO in denial. Better 
> to face it without fear and figure out how to handle it. 

Lighten up, Share. It's not as if radiation creates awful monsters
or anything. And even if it does, how bad can they be if they have
the word 'God' in their name?




[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Re: Gettin' off on the wheel

2013-10-26 Thread sharelong60
Steve, not so fast! Tell us what's happening down St. Louis way. How's the 
family, the business, etc? 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Great way to start the morning! Thanks for that. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "TurquoiseB" wrote:
> I've never really understood those seekers who want to "get off the
> wheel," meaning the endless cycle of life, death, rebirth, and karma.
> I've always thought that people who have this as their goal in life just
> never learned how much fun you can have with a wheel. This video is for
> them.
 > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4eBw4wxzzA 
 > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4eBw4wxzzA 

 OMG, another one:



Re: [FairfieldLife] Rue de l'Esperance

2013-10-26 Thread Share Long
I'm into gratitude these days. I just find one little thing to feel grateful 
for and then a whole bunch of other stuff pops into my mind. 
I've even been grateful for gratitude (-:

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 9:11 AM, Richard J. Williams 
Hope - yeah, that's the ticket!

A detailed depiction of a certain taboo male fantasy: the
  uninhibited poor American anti-social bachelor, alone and
  self-absorbed, wearing a goatee and a black T-shirt, typing into
  an iPhone - utterly free. That's our Uncle Tantra - full of hope
  that someone, anyone, will love him for what he is - a great and
  wise spiritual teacher. Go figure.


On 10/26/2013 8:27 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

>That's what it says on the steet sign across the road from where I'm
>sitting. The Street Of Hope. Cool. And the password for
  the free Wifi at
>this cafe is 'cafe'. That's cool, too. And they have
  Westmalle Tripel.
>That's just WAY cool. What can I say? I am easily amused
  by little
>But still, doesn't sitting down in a new cafe to write in
>discovering that you're literally sitting on the Street Of
  Hope sound
>like a *sign*? Maybe what I should write about, in this
  new writing
>cafe, is HOPE.
>OK, here goes.
>Hope. I still have it, in spades.
>Despite what has been said about me on this forum and
  others in the
>past, I am *not* at heart a cynic. I know few people
  *more* hopeful than
>I am. And I see ample reason in the world I see around me
  to *be*
>It's really not such a bad place.
>Get over it, if you believe it is.
>This world is full of great beauty and great art and great
  love. And
>these things are there even in the darkest corners of
>hopelessness. And what you focus on, you become.
>When I find someone who's invented a new artform, as has
  Elena Divina
>with her Cyr wheel in the videos I posted earlier, I focus
  on that, and
>I feel more hopeful. A world that can produce that is FAR
  from hopeless.
>It's like the ending to Woody Allen's "The Purple Rose Of
>Cecilia (Mia Farrow) has had a bad day. She's on the
  street, homeless
>after telling her abusive husband to fuck off, and finding
  out that the
>other man she'd fallen in love with is fictional. She has
  nowhere to
>stay, and nowhere to go, and has very little money in her
  pockets. But
>she finds herself standing in front of a movie theater,
  and spends one
>of her last coins to go in and watch the movie.
>And up on the screen is Fred Astaire. And suddenly there
  is hope.
>Because no world that has Fred Astaire in it could
  possibly be hopeless.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Things You Should Never Do

2013-10-26 Thread Richard Williams
At all costs, avoid involvement in cults - practice safe sects!

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 5:43 PM, Richard Williams wrote:

> Never, EVER, get into an argument with an idiot; people listening may not
> be able to tell the difference between you and them.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rue de l'Esperance

2013-10-26 Thread Richard J. Williams

Hope - yeah, that's the ticket!

A detailed depiction of a certain taboo male fantasy: the uninhibited 
poor American anti-social bachelor, alone and self-absorbed, wearing a 
goatee and a black T-shirt, typing into an iPhone - utterly free. That's 
our Uncle Tantra - full of hope that someone, anyone, will love him for 
what he is - a great and wise spiritual teacher. Go figure.


On 10/26/2013 8:27 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

That's what it says on the steet sign across the road from where I'm
sitting. The Street Of Hope. Cool. And the password for the free Wifi at
this cafe is 'cafe'. That's cool, too. And they have Westmalle Tripel.
That's just WAY cool. What can I say? I am easily amused by little

But still, doesn't sitting down in a new cafe to write in and
discovering that you're literally sitting on the Street Of Hope sound
like a *sign*? Maybe what I should write about, in this new writing
cafe, is HOPE.

OK, here goes.

Hope. I still have it, in spades.

Despite what has been said about me on this forum and others in the
past, I am *not* at heart a cynic. I know few people *more* hopeful than
I am. And I see ample reason in the world I see around me to *be*

It's really not such a bad place.

Get over it, if you believe it is.

This world is full of great beauty and great art and great love. And
these things are there even in the darkest corners of supposed
hopelessness. And what you focus on, you become.

When I find someone who's invented a new artform, as has Elena Divina
with her Cyr wheel in the videos I posted earlier, I focus on that, and
I feel more hopeful. A world that can produce that is FAR from hopeless.

It's like the ending to Woody Allen's "The Purple Rose Of Cairo."
Cecilia (Mia Farrow) has had a bad day. She's on the street, homeless
after telling her abusive husband to fuck off, and finding out that the
other man she'd fallen in love with is fictional. She has nowhere to
stay, and nowhere to go, and has very little money in her pockets. But
she finds herself standing in front of a movie theater, and spends one
of her last coins to go in and watch the movie.

And up on the screen is Fred Astaire. And suddenly there is hope.
Because no world that has Fred Astaire in it could possibly be hopeless.

[FairfieldLife] The Sun, the Vibration of Courage before Battle

2013-10-26 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Aditya Hrudayam  


http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=9CmUOLcJZBE 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Can't share this enough

2013-10-26 Thread Richard J. Williams
According to what I've read, the word 'swastika' does not occur in Vedic 
Sanskrit. Some of the early examples of the swastika originated in the 
Indus Valley around 2400 BCE and in south-eastern paleolithic Europe 
over 10,000 years ago.

On 10/25/2013 9:45 PM, wgm4u wrote:

The Swastika was a Hindu (now a Vedic Science symbol according to MMY 
and the new age gurus) representation of the spinning force of Prana, 
(Gods cosmic power, according to C. lutes) or evolution, 
unfortunately, (or fortunately), Hitler got it wrong, (ie. backwards).

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

Re "I suggest you try to find another phrase than "national 
socialism," because historically it's almost exclusively associated 
with fascism, anti-Semitism, and white supremacy.":

True. On a related topic, I do wonder if the swastika can ever be 
rehabilitated. It has a long history across the world, in many 
different traditions. In Hinduism, the swastika maybe signifies Ganesha?

To let the sign be completely absorbed into Nazi iconography is to 
give up on a powerful symbol.

Maybe one day . . .

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

I suggest you try to find another phrase than "national socialism," 
because historically it's almost exclusively associated with fascism, 
anti-Semitism, and white supremacy. The term "Nazism" is a contraction 
of "Nationalsocialismus," the Nazi Party. Modern organizations whose 
ideology is similar to that of the Nazis incorporate the phrase into 
their titles to make what they stand for explicit.


No matter what you mean by "national socialism," folks are going to 
instinctively recoil from it because of the horrific echoes it evokes 
(the way a German audience recoiled from Raja Emanuel's use of the 
term "Invincible Germany," but in this case worldwide).

It really can't be sanitized. Maybe in a hundred years when memories 
have faded, it'll be usable again, but you're asking for trouble if 
you use it now.

Buck wrote:

*> Yea, a kind of TM national socialism something like with larger 
human values *

*> that care about neighbors and neighborhood. From the neighborhood 
up a *

*> national socialism that Cares about the poor, the disabled, those 
in need by *

*> bringing meditation to everyone in every home to the benefit of 


[FairfieldLife] Rue de l'Esperance

2013-10-26 Thread TurquoiseB
That's what it says on the steet sign across the road from where I'm
sitting. The Street Of Hope. Cool. And the password for the free Wifi at
this cafe is 'cafe'. That's cool, too. And they have Westmalle Tripel.
That's just WAY cool. What can I say? I am easily amused by little

But still, doesn't sitting down in a new cafe to write in and
discovering that you're literally sitting on the Street Of Hope sound
like a *sign*? Maybe what I should write about, in this new writing
cafe, is HOPE.

OK, here goes.

Hope. I still have it, in spades.

Despite what has been said about me on this forum and others in the
past, I am *not* at heart a cynic. I know few people *more* hopeful than
I am. And I see ample reason in the world I see around me to *be*

It's really not such a bad place.

Get over it, if you believe it is.

This world is full of great beauty and great art and great love. And
these things are there even in the darkest corners of supposed
hopelessness. And what you focus on, you become.

When I find someone who's invented a new artform, as has Elena Divina
with her Cyr wheel in the videos I posted earlier, I focus on that, and
I feel more hopeful. A world that can produce that is FAR from hopeless.

It's like the ending to Woody Allen's "The Purple Rose Of Cairo."
Cecilia (Mia Farrow) has had a bad day. She's on the street, homeless
after telling her abusive husband to fuck off, and finding out that the
other man she'd fallen in love with is fictional. She has nowhere to
stay, and nowhere to go, and has very little money in her pockets. But
she finds herself standing in front of a movie theater, and spends one
of her last coins to go in and watch the movie.

And up on the screen is Fred Astaire. And suddenly there is hope.
Because no world that has Fred Astaire in it could possibly be hopeless.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Country Chuckles

2013-10-26 Thread Richard J. Williams
Before you criticize others, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That 
way, you'll be 5,280 feet away from them and they'll be barefooted.

On 10/25/2013 5:58 PM, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com wrote:

  * To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever
you hit the target.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  

While it is true that the early bird gets the worm, it's the second 
mouse that gets the cheese.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Where Are The Boomers Headed?

2013-10-26 Thread Richard J. Williams
You just don't seem able to get it. People are loss-averse. That means 
people worry more about losing what they have, instead of worrying about 
some crack brain future savings theory like single payer. I can tell 
you've never been in a union. Go figure.

"What made single payer impossible is the fact that tens of millions of 
voters have employer-sponsored insurance that they basically like, and 
they would freak out if you told them it was being replaced by a 
government-run national health-care program."

'The ObamaCare Fiasco Isn’t A Single-Payer Conspiracy'

On 10/25/2013 8:22 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

Would you care for some tuna then?

On 10/25/2013 06:08 PM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

*Bhairitu wrote:*

> Of course the corporate press (Bloomberg News) is going to say 
that!  Born yesterday? :-D

*Gone blind? I listed several others (including Scientific American) 
and noted that there were many more (and not just from the "corporate 

*The thing is, Bhairitu, the more experts' opinions on this that you 
read, the more you have to expand your conspiracy to account for the 
fact that so many of them agree. And the more you have to extend 
credibility to nonexperts, such as the right-wing former lawyer and 
evangelical Christian novelist who wrote the post poor Share puts so 
much stock in, and whose knowledgeable readers tore to shreds (see my 
other post with the negative comments--you won't read it, because, 
like Share, you much prefer to wallow in bad news, whether the news 
holds up to examination or not).*

*It isn't that there's a perfect consensus by any means. But there is 
very strong disagreement among qualified scientists about how much 
radiation is dangerous to human health. And there's a 
/tremendous/ amount of ignorance among laypeople about what 
constitutes a significant rise in radioactivity. I'm just as ignorant 
as most laypeople, but at least I have the smarts to know I'm 
ignorant and to seek other opinions.*

*For instance, from the comments from the blog in my other post on 
one of the "28 signs":*

"...The researchers looked at the isotopes found in the bluefin tuna 
and found that the 'naturally occurring' isotopes were present in 
amounts that were orders of magnitude larger than the amounts 
traceable to the Fukushima accident."

IOW, either the study didn't say what the blogger thought it said, or 
he knew it didn't say what he wanted /readers/ to think it said. And 
that isn't even an /opinion/, it's a scientific fact.

The commenters picked up on a whole bunch of these misleading (or 
deliberately false) conclusions. Did it even occur to Share to 
/wonder/ whether there might be any reason to question them? It did 
not. And it wouldn't to you either.

On 10/25/2013 02:21 PM, authfriend@...  wrote:

Absolutely hilarious, from one perspective. From another, sad and 
pathetic, to spend one's precious time and energy ignorantly 
worrying about wildly exaggerated threats to the "whole planet" when 
there are so many real threats to its welfare to which not enough 
attention is being paid.

Share wrote:

> Anyone who doesn't think that the whole planet is being adversely 
affected by radiation from

> Fukushima are IMO in denial. Better to face it without fear and 
figure out how to handle it.

Better to stop denying one's ignorance, and figure out how to handle 

Here's a start, from an article in Bloomberg News. (Share won't read 
any of this, because she doesn't want to have to give up her Prophet 
of Doom role; it makes her feel, you know, Important.)


Radiation Threat

And what of the lasting threat from radiation? Remarkably, outside 
the immediate area of Fukushima, this is hardly a problem at all. 
Although the crippled nuclear reactors themselves still pose a 
danger, no one, including personnel who worked in the buildings, 
died from radiation exposure. Most experts agree that future health 
risks from the released radiation, notably radioactive iodine-131 
and cesiums-134 and - 137, are extremely small and likely to be 

Even considering the upper boundary of estimated effects, there is 
unlikely to be any detectable increase in cancers in Japan, Asia or 
the world except close to the facility, according to a World Health 
Organization report. There will almost certainly be no increase in 
birth defects or genetic abnormalities from radiation.

Even in the most contaminated areas, any increase in cancer risk 
will be small. For example, a male exposed at age 1 has his lifetime 
cancer risk increase from 43 percent to 44 percent. Those exposed at 
10 or 20 face even smaller increases in risk -- similar to what 
comes from having a whole-body computer tomography scan or living 
for 12 to 25 years in Denver amid background radiation in 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Before evangelizing TM, consider your target audience

2013-10-26 Thread Richard J. Williams
It looks like Barry's spiritual pursuit has morphed into nothing more 
than a 'get Judy' practice.

Maybe this posting to FFL is the only spiritual endeavor Barry still 
performs - if so, he is very dedicated seeker of ways to disagree with you.

When you stoop as low as Barry to insult other seekers, you can see how 
empty a life can be for a guy like that immersed in the material world. 
Some people just feel better when they have someone to talk to, but most 
people do evolve intellectually over time for the better, not devolve 
down to mere sophistry. Go figure.

From: Uncle Tantra
Subject: Re: The "Disappearing" Of Aran A. Mous
Newsgroups: alt.dreams.castaneda
Date: 2003-03-12 17:00:34 PST

I'm a Buddhist.

 On 10/26/2013 7:44 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

*Buck has agreed with me about a couple of things recently, and it's 
freaking Barry out.*

Richard wrote:
> You've got to remember, Buck, if Judy is for it - then Barry is 
against it. It's that simple.

On 10/26/2013 6:20 AM, dhamiltony2k5@...


*I thank you for your ongoing interest in the welfare of the 
Spiritual Regeneration Movement,*

*-Buck *

.>Careful, Buck. You *know* what happens to those who dare
to disagree with Ms. Authority,

> Just sayin'...
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Before evangelizing TM, consider your target audience

2013-10-26 Thread Richard J. Williams

MMY and the TMO can't compare to all your life accomplishments, Barry. LoL!

Let's see, you've spent the major part of your adult life in cults and 
given thousands of dollars to at least two cults we know of. And, what 
have you got to show for it? A job that sucks in a town that sucks 
making a few dollars so you can buy coffee at a Paris cafe and write 
comments to post to spiritual groups on the internet. Very impressive! 
Did I leave anything out? LoL!

On 10/26/2013 3:09 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wrote:
> In my experience this is really good market analysis. I think you
guys really care.
> -Buck

Careful, Buck. You *know* what happens to those who dare
to disagree with Ms. Authority, especially if she's gone on
record as saying that the analyses you think are good are
bad, and STOOOPID. Keep this up and you'll become
FFL's next stalking victim. :-)

But yeah, I think the analysis is spot-on. The TMO's whole
marketing strategy is based on a cultist self-importance
fantasy -- that the world is filled with people who just can't
wait to become Just Like Them.

All those unhappy people out there in the world want
nothing more than to "evolve" to the level in which they
spend four hours a day sitting and grunting and bouncing
around on slabs of foam in a big room full of other people
Just Like Them. Having paid several thousand dollars
for the privilege. Yeah, right. :-)

That's a cult fantasy. The world is full of people who *might*
be in the market for a simple technique that could improve
their lives, and allow them to enjoy them more and be more
productive in them. They are *not* in the market for a
technique that *eats* their lives and renders them centered
on traveling across town like the Eloi marching to the domes
of the Morlocks in "The Time Machine" twice a day so they
can sit and grunt and bounce and sleep together. And by
"sleep together" I mean use the "flying time" to fall asleep,
not "sleep together" in the sense of gettin' it on with your
cult buddies. There *might* be a market for that; there
isn't one for convincing people to spend thousands of their
hard-earned dollars to become a classic cultist.

You know my position. I don't think the TMO has a ghost
of a chance of being able to "bring more people to meditation"
any more, because it drags along behind it the stinking corpse
of its own bad history and bad reputation. It's like a parade
of losers -- in the front is da King, followed by a bunch of
Raja-dweebs in their robes and crowns, followed at a discrete,
well-mannered, and above all *appropriate* distance by
their own wives, the Rajinis, who after all are not evolved
enough to walk beside their husbands. Then come the non-
Raja-dweebs like Bevan (a towering zeppelin of good health),
Hagelin (once considered a scientist and now considered a
crackpot), and David Lynch (accurately considered some-
thing of a pervert and the essence of gullibility itself). Then
come all the hangers-on still clinging to the ideas of self-
importance they were brainwashed with by Maharishi,
all chanting, "Come to the domes. Join us."

Yeah, right. That's gonna happen. John Q. Public is going
to look at these nutjobs and think, "Wow...I want to be just
like them. Honey, sell the cars...we're going to need the money
to pay for our TM-Sidhis courses, so we can go join in the
Cosmic Buttbouncing with these other paragons of

"Twenty minutes twice a day." "No change to your lifestyle
or your beliefs required." "You practice TM not for the time
spent in meditation but because of how it enables you to spend
your time *not* in meditation more fruitful and productive."
That's the way that TM *used* to be marketed.

Look at the parade of clowns trying to persuade people to
become Just Like Them and *give up their lives* in favor of
four or more hours a day of mass butt-bouncing. Kinda makes
you think that the original TM marketing phrases from the
60s were a lie, doesn't it?

For the clown parade, TM became a "gateway drug" to life
as a cultist, not to a better and more productive life by the
standards that most people would use to measure one. And
now they're like drug pushers on a school playground (literally)
trying to entice young, naive students to try TM. "Try it...
you'll like it. If you take advantage of the DLF special price,
the first one's free."

I think that most people are going to perceive this market-
ing approach as what it is -- a fraud, perpetrated by cultists
whose numbers are dwindling and dying off, and who are
becoming increasingly desperate to swell their ranks with
new suckers, just like them. Not gonna work. Not gonna

> > turq, I'm encouraged by these Gallup findings and I'm
> > sure a lot of long term TMers would be also. The ones
> > I know are practical, intelligent and compassionate.
> > Also I bet a lot of people would love to know about
> > and do something for world peace. Maybe whirled
> > peas too (-:
> My point is

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Before evangelizing TM, consider your target audience

2013-10-26 Thread authfriend
Buck has agreed with me about a couple of things recently, and it's freaking 
Barry out.
Richard wrote:

 > You've got to remember, Buck, if Judy is for it - then Barry is against it. 
 > It's that simple.
 On 10/26/2013 6:20 AM, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 I thank you for your ongoing interest in the welfare of the Spiritual 
Regeneration Movement,
 .>Careful, Buck. You *know* what happens to those who dare
 to disagree with Ms. Authority, > Just sayin'...
 > >

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Before evangelizing TM, consider your target audience

2013-10-26 Thread Richard J. Williams
You've got to remember, Buck, if Judy is for it - then Barry is against 
it. It's that simple.

On 10/26/2013 6:20 AM, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com wrote:


*I thank you for your ongoing interest in the welfare of the Spiritual 
Regeneration Movement,*

*-Buck *

.>Careful, Buck. You *know* what happens to those who dare
to disagree with Ms. Authority,

> Just sayin'...
> >

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Can't share this enough

2013-10-26 Thread authfriend
BillyG wrote:

 > The Swastika was a Hindu (now a Vedic Science symbol according to MMY and 
 > the new age gurus) 
 > representation of the spinning force of Prana, (Gods cosmic power, according 
 > to C. lutes) or evolution,

 The swastika was just about ubiquitous among ancient cultures, actually, not 
just Hindu/Vedic.

 > unfortunately, (or fortunately), Hitler got it wrong, (ie. backwards).

 No, he didn't. That's a popular myth. The pre-Hitler swastika was usually 
reversible; it went either way. (Ironically, where the two directions were 
differentiated and assigned positive vs. negative meanings, the one Hitler used 
had the positive meaning.)


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Re "I suggest you try to find another phrase than "national socialism," 
because historically it's almost exclusively associated with fascism, 
anti-Semitism, and white supremacy.":

 True. On a related topic, I do wonder if the swastika can ever be 
rehabilitated. It has a long history across the world, in many different 
traditions. In Hinduism, the swastika maybe signifies Ganesha?

 To let the sign be completely absorbed into Nazi iconography is to give up on 
a powerful symbol.


 Maybe one day . . .

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 I suggest you try to find another phrase than "national socialism," because 
historically it's almost exclusively associated with fascism, anti-Semitism, 
and white supremacy. The term "Nazism" is a contraction of 
"Nationalsocialismus," the Nazi Party. Modern organizations whose ideology is 
similar to that of the Nazis incorporate the phrase into their titles to make 
what they stand for explicit.



 No matter what you mean by "national socialism," folks are going to 
instinctively recoil from it because of the horrific echoes it evokes (the way 
a German audience recoiled from Raja Emanuel's use of the term "Invincible 
Germany," but in this case worldwide).

 It really can't be sanitized. Maybe in a hundred years when memories have 
faded, it'll be usable again, but you're asking for trouble if you use it now.

 Buck wrote:

 > Yea, a kind of TM national socialism something like with larger human values 
 > that care about neighbors and neighborhood. From the neighborhood up a 
 > national socialism that Cares about the poor, the disabled, those in need by 
 > bringing meditation to everyone in every home to the benefit of everyone.



Re: [FairfieldLife] The Collected Papers

2013-10-26 Thread Michael Jackson
that's one interpretation - another is he was interested in the RETURNS, 
monetary returns he would get on putting out his "message"

On Sat, 10/26/13, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Collected Papers
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, October 26, 2013, 2:43 AM
 is a copy of “The Collected Papers” of
 research on Transcendental Meditation [TM] that I wish to
 gift to the archive on communties at The University of ..
  The “The Collected Papers” was a
 strategic project undertaken by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the
 This was a collaborative project which Maharishi closely
 wrote and
 edited.  The two essays in the beginning, one under his name
 and the
 other under Larry Domash's name were both created and
 edited closely
 by Maharishi.  On this and with so many other publication
 Maharishi often would actively work with intellectuals of
 the TM
 movement writing and editing text material and the
 presentation of
 the publication.  For future scholars coming along and who
 would be
 looking in on the subject of Transcendental Meditation this
 book “The
 Collected Papers” is extremely important as a landmark in
 the work
 done by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and the Transcendental
 community in the second half of the 20th Century.
 Forward and the Introduction to “The Collected Papers”
 are worth
 reading for the insight of context they were intended to
 give to the
 work of the book.
 are still people around who handled the inner workings
 around this
 particular book.  One person who was like an aide-de-camp to
 Maharishi in Europe at the time of the publication and the
 release of
 “The Collected Papers” recently offered some comments
 about how
 Maharishi worked on these projects.  His name is Rick Archer
 and he
 lives presently in Fairfield, Iowa.  His comment re-enforces
 Maharishi worked closely on projects like these with great
 Often laboring hours over text and presentation with people.
 Maharishi was keenly interested in the whole presentation. 
 At that
 time the TM movement owned several Heidelberg color presses
 that were
 kept busy publishing TM movement publications.  If it was a
 being printed, Rick Archer commented that Maharishi then
 wanted to see the last proof before a press would run on a
 project.  If he
 made further editings at that point it would go all the way
 back to
 the steps of pre-production.  Right to the end of his life
 was interested in message.  Hence I wanted to first call
 attention to this particular publication with its forward,
 introduction and then of course the weight of the material
 in the
 text of the printed book.
 Best Regards,

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Gettin' off on the wheel

2013-10-26 Thread Richard J. Williams
So, you got mixed up again - "getting off the wheel" of endless 
transmigration means that you no longer have to be reincarnated as a 
soul-monad. It's not for those like yourself that are already liberated 
- it's for those millions of people that are suffering every day from 
pain, lamentation and grief, disease and old age.

Just because you're living in heaven on earth now doesn't mean you can't 
have some compassion for others that are suffering. While you continue 
to see life through rose-colored glasses that doesn't prove that others 
are not suffering. Apparently you got so mixed up in the material world 
that you forgot all about the spiritual path and why you first became a 
Buddhist. Go figure.

  On 10/26/2013 7:08 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "TurquoiseB" wrote:
> I've never really understood those seekers who want to "get off the
> wheel," meaning the endless cycle of life, death, rebirth, and karma.
> I've always thought that people who have this as their goal in life just
> never learned how much fun you can have with a wheel. This video is for
> them.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4eBw4wxzzA

OMG, another one:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Before evangelizing TM, consider your target audience

2013-10-26 Thread Michael Jackson
Now how can Big Bopper Bevan not be a raja? Hell, he's the damn prime minister 
of the global country of hucksterism, he wears the frock and the tiara, how can 
he not be a raja?

On Sat, 10/26/13, TurquoiseB  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Before evangelizing TM, consider your target 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, October 26, 2013, 8:09 AM
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
 >  In my experience this is really good market analysis.
 I think you
 guys really care.
 >  -Buck
 Careful, Buck. You *know* what happens to those who dare
 to disagree with Ms. Authority, especially if she's gone
 record as saying that the analyses you think are good are
 bad, and STOOOPID. Keep this up and you'll become
 FFL's next stalking victim.  :-)
 But yeah, I think the analysis is spot-on. The TMO's
 marketing strategy is based on a cultist self-importance
 fantasy -- that the world is filled with people who just
 wait to become Just Like Them.
 All those unhappy people out there in the world want
 nothing more than to "evolve" to the level in
 which they
 spend four hours a day sitting and grunting and bouncing
 around on slabs of foam in a big room full of other people
 Just Like Them. Having paid several thousand dollars
 for the privilege. Yeah, right.  :-)
 That's a cult fantasy. The world is full of people who
 be in the market for a simple technique that could improve
 their lives, and allow them to enjoy them more and be more
 productive in them. They are *not* in the market for a
 technique that *eats* their lives and renders them centered
 on traveling across town like the Eloi marching to the
 of the Morlocks in "The Time Machine" twice a day
 so they
 can sit and grunt and bounce and sleep together. And by
 "sleep together" I mean use the "flying
 time" to fall asleep,
 not "sleep together" in the sense of gettin'
 it on with your
 cult buddies. There *might* be a market for that; there
 isn't one for convincing people to spend thousands of
 hard-earned dollars to become a classic cultist.
 You know my position. I don't think the TMO has a ghost
 of a chance of being able to "bring more people to
 any more, because it drags along behind it the stinking
 of its own bad history and bad reputation. It's like a
 of losers -- in the front is da King, followed by a bunch
 Raja-dweebs in their robes and crowns, followed at a
 well-mannered, and above all *appropriate* distance by
 their own wives, the Rajinis, who after all are not evolved
 enough to walk beside their husbands. Then come the non-
 Raja-dweebs like Bevan (a towering zeppelin of good
 Hagelin (once considered a scientist and now considered a
 crackpot), and David Lynch (accurately considered some-
 thing of a pervert and the essence of gullibility itself).
 come all the hangers-on still clinging to the ideas of
 importance they were brainwashed with by Maharishi,
 all chanting, "Come to the domes. Join us."
 Yeah, right. That's gonna happen. John Q. Public is
 to look at these nutjobs and think, "Wow...I want to be
 like them. Honey, sell the cars...we're going to need
 the money
 to pay for our TM-Sidhis courses, so we can go join in the
 Cosmic Buttbouncing with these other paragons of
 "Twenty minutes twice a day." "No change to
 your lifestyle
 or your beliefs required." "You practice TM not
 for the time
 spent in meditation but because of how it enables you to
 your time *not* in meditation more fruitful and
 That's the way that TM *used* to be marketed.
 Look at the parade of clowns trying to persuade people to
 become Just Like Them and *give up their lives* in favor of
 four or more hours a day of mass butt-bouncing. Kinda makes
 you think that the original TM marketing phrases from the
 60s were a lie, doesn't it?
 For the clown parade, TM became a "gateway drug"
 to life
 as a cultist, not to a better and more productive life by
 standards that most people would use to measure one. And
 now they're like drug pushers on a school playground
 trying to entice young, naive students to try TM. "Try
 you'll like it. If you take advantage of the DLF special
 the first one's free."
 I think that most people are going to perceive this market-
 ing approach as what it is -- a fraud, perpetrated by
 whose numbers are dwindling and dying off, and who are
 becoming increasingly desperate to swell their ranks with
 new suckers, just like them. Not gonna work. Not gonna
 >  > turq, I'm

[FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Gettin' off on the wheel

2013-10-26 Thread steve.sundur
Great way to start the morning! Thanks for that. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "TurquoiseB" wrote:
> I've never really understood those seekers who want to "get off the
> wheel," meaning the endless cycle of life, death, rebirth, and karma.
> I've always thought that people who have this as their goal in life just
> never learned how much fun you can have with a wheel. This video is for
> them.
 > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4eBw4wxzzA 
 > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4eBw4wxzzA 

 OMG, another one:



[FairfieldLife] Re: Gettin' off on the wheel

2013-10-26 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "TurquoiseB"  wrote:
> I've never really understood those seekers who want to "get off the
> wheel," meaning the endless cycle of life, death, rebirth, and karma.
> I've always thought that people who have this as their goal in life
> never learned how much fun you can have with a wheel. This video is
> them.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4eBw4wxzzA

OMG, another one:



[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Re: Before evangelizing TM, consider your target audience

2013-10-26 Thread authfriend

 > I thank you for your ongoing interest in the welfare of the Spiritual 
 > Regeneration 
 > Movement,

 > -Buck

 .>Careful, Buck. You *know* what happens to those who dare
to disagree with Ms. Authority, > Just sayin'...
 > >

[FairfieldLife] RE: Gettin' off on the wheel

2013-10-26 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Om, had she performed that in the other hemisphere would she have spun in a 
clockwise direction for 4:59 minutes?  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 I've never really understood those seekers who want to "get off the wheel," 
meaning the endless cycle of life, death, rebirth, and karma. I've always 
thought that people who have this as their goal in life just never learned how 
much fun you can have with a wheel. This video is for them.


[FairfieldLife] Gettin' off on the wheel

2013-10-26 Thread TurquoiseB
I've never really understood those seekers who want to "get off the
wheel," meaning the endless cycle of life, death, rebirth, and karma.
I've always thought that people who have this as their goal in life just
never learned how much fun you can have with a wheel. This video is for



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Before evangelizing TM, consider your target audience

2013-10-26 Thread Share Long
methinks the laddy doth protest too much!

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 3:09 AM, TurquoiseB  wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
>  In my experience this is really good market analysis. I think you
guys really care.
>  -Buck

Careful, Buck. You *know* what happens to those who dare
to disagree with Ms. Authority, especially if she's gone on
record as saying that the analyses you think are good are
bad, and STOOOPID. Keep this up and you'll become
FFL's next stalking victim.  :-)

But yeah, I think the analysis is spot-on. The TMO's whole
marketing strategy is based on a cultist self-importance
fantasy -- that the world is filled with people who just can't
wait to become Just Like Them.

All those unhappy people out there in the world want
nothing more than to "evolve" to the level in which they
spend four hours a day sitting and grunting and bouncing
around on slabs of foam in a big room full of other people
Just Like Them. Having paid several thousand dollars
for the privilege. Yeah, right.  :-)

That's a cult fantasy. The world is full of people who *might*
be in the market for a simple technique that could improve
their lives, and allow them to enjoy them more and be more
productive in them. They are *not* in the market for a
technique that *eats* their lives and renders them centered
on traveling across town like the Eloi marching to the domes
of the Morlocks in "The Time Machine" twice a day so they
can sit and grunt and bounce and sleep together. And by
"sleep together" I mean use the "flying time" to fall asleep,
not "sleep together" in the sense of gettin' it on with your
cult buddies. There *might* be a market for that; there
isn't one for convincing people to spend thousands of their
hard-earned dollars to become a classic cultist.

You know my position. I don't think the TMO has a ghost
of a chance of being able to "bring more people to meditation"
any more, because it drags along behind it the stinking corpse
of its own bad history and bad reputation. It's like a parade
of losers -- in the front is da King, followed by a bunch of
Raja-dweebs in their robes and crowns, followed at a discrete,
well-mannered, and above all *appropriate* distance by
their own wives, the Rajinis, who after all are not evolved
enough to walk beside their husbands. Then come the non-
Raja-dweebs like Bevan (a towering zeppelin of good health),
Hagelin (once considered a scientist and now considered a
crackpot), and David Lynch (accurately considered some-
thing of a pervert and the essence of gullibility itself). Then
come all the hangers-on still clinging to the ideas of self-
importance they were brainwashed with by Maharishi,
all chanting, "Come to the domes. Join us."

Yeah, right. That's gonna happen. John Q. Public is going
to look at these nutjobs and think, "Wow...I want to be just
like them. Honey, sell the cars...we're going to need the money
to pay for our TM-Sidhis courses, so we can go join in the
Cosmic Buttbouncing with these other paragons of

"Twenty minutes twice a day." "No change to your lifestyle
or your beliefs required." "You practice TM not for the time
spent in meditation but because of how it enables you to spend
your time *not* in meditation more fruitful and productive."
That's the way that TM *used* to be marketed.

Look at the parade of clowns trying to persuade people to
become Just Like Them and *give up their lives* in favor of
four or more hours a day of mass butt-bouncing. Kinda makes
you think that the original TM marketing phrases from the
60s were a lie, doesn't it?

For the clown parade, TM became a "gateway drug" to life
as a cultist, not to a better and more productive life by the
standards that most people would use to measure one. And
now they're like drug pushers on a school playground (literally)
trying to entice young, naive students to try TM. "Try it...
you'll like it. If you take advantage of the DLF special price,
the first one's free."

I think that most people are going to perceive this market-
ing approach as what it is -- a fraud, perpetrated by cultists
whose numbers are dwindling and dying off, and who are
becoming increasingly desperate to swell their ranks with
new suckers, just like them. Not gonna work. Not gonna

>  > turq, I'm encouraged by these Gallup findings and I'm
>  > sure a lot of long term TMers would be also. The ones
>  > I know are practical, intelligent and compassionate.
>  > Also I bet a lot of people would love to know about
>  > and do something for world peace. Maybe whirled
>  > peas too (-:
>  My point is that the "marketing approach" of the TMO is that of
>  cultists, while pitching their product to non-cultists. Many
>  some of this forum) seem to equate "TMers" with "TM-Sidhas practicing
>  a group." They seem to believe that the leap from 20 minutes twice a
>  and an average of four hours per day (including travel time) is "No
>  Biggie," and that everyone that 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Before evangelizing TM, consider your target audience

2013-10-26 Thread dhamiltony2k5

 I thank you for your ongoing interest in the welfare of the Spiritual 
Regeneration Movement,

 .>Careful, Buck. You *know* what happens to those who dare
to disagree with Ms. Authority, > Just sayin'...
 > >

[FairfieldLife] The Fiction Of Memory, Dollhouse Edition

2013-10-26 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "TurquoiseB"  wrote:
> Trust your memories? You shouldn't.
> That's the message of this wonderful TED talk, *well* worth the 18
> minutes. Memory isn't static, like a recording device. It's more like
> Wikipedia, and can be "edited," both by yourself and by other people.

One of the reasons I liked this TED talk is the synchronicity and
timing of me stumbling upon it. I discovered it just after starting
to re-watch an old favorite TV series, which is *all about* memory,
the control and editing of it, identity, and self-identity.

I started re-watching it partly out of a sense of withdrawal. After
"Breaking Bad" went off the air, I've been trying to find a current
series that has that same level of brilliance to watch, and failing.
So I decided to go back and re-watch a series that I loved at the
time, and loved so much that I've seen it numerous times.
This will be my fourth re-watching of the entire series, all 26
hours of it. Consider this post a shameless commercial for the
series, if you've never seen it.

If you haven't, I think you've missed out on one of the best
science fiction TV series ever made. 'Way up there in the Top
Five, even ahead of its brother series "Firefly."

The series, of course, is "Dollhouse." And as I re-watch it I no
longer long for more episodes of "Breaking Bad." The old ones
will still be there on the shelf, ready to re-watch and re-enjoy
a second time, or a third, or a fourth. A good movie or a good
TV series is like a fine whiskey or tequila that "ages well,"
and develops more character over time. You see it again and
discover that your memories of it and how good it was were
*not* implanted, and that it's not only as good as the first
time you saw it, it's better.

"Dollhouse" deals with weighty issues, remarkably similar
issues to the ones that Elizabeth Loftus ended her talk
discussing: Memory, self-identity, and how those are
fragile things.

[FairfieldLife] RE: The curse of 'Dracula"......

2013-10-26 Thread sharelong60
So I guess wgm, we got a case of it takes a thorn to remove a thorn in that 
during the Roman Catholic Mass, the wine is changed into the blood of Christ 
and all are invited to partake! Of course Maharishi had a very different take 
on desire, seeing it as what leads us to more and more bliss, to ultimate 
bliss. These days I'd say that if desire is a demon or a mistake of the 
intellect or a delusion it's because we already are that which we desire. What 
do you think? 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 The curse of Dracula! Is, the very *damnation* Christ warned about! The 
*blood* of *desire*!!! Drinking the blood of sensuality dooms those, who go so 
forth, to the wheel of eternal *in-satiability* and the wheel of birth and 
death (Samsara or eternal damnation to reincarnation because of desire) until 
the *demon* of desire is quelled and the peace of soul realization is gained 
through meditation and God realization.  ( Hey,  a little Halloween here, 

RE: RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Where Are The Boomers Headed?

2013-10-26 Thread sharelong60
Emily, those are both pretty funny. Actually swim with dolphins is what first 
popped into my head. Probably on the east coast ha ha. Hmmm, wonder what fried 
Godzilla would taste like, organic of course...


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 I thought maybe that  it might include: 1) Stop Eating Food or 2) Get 
Enlightened. :) 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Emily, Bucket List, not for sharing on social media IMO!

 On Friday, October 25, 2013 2:24 PM, "emilymaenot@..."  wrote:
   What is on your bucket list, Share?   

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 turq, I'm light all right. Gave up eating salmon, for one thing!

 On Friday, October 25, 2013 12:57 PM, TurquoiseB  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long wrote:
> Anyone who doesn't think that the whole planet is being adversely 
> affected by radiation from Fukushima are IMO in denial. Better 
> to face it without fear and figure out how to handle it. 

Lighten up, Share. It's not as if radiation creates awful monsters
or anything. And even if it does, how bad can they be if they have
the word 'God' in their name?







[FairfieldLife] The Fiction Of Memory

2013-10-26 Thread TurquoiseB
Trust your memories? You shouldn't.

That's the message of this wonderful TED talk, *well* worth the 18
minutes. Memory isn't static, like a recording device. It's more like
Wikipedia, and can be "edited," both by yourself and by other people.



[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Can't share this enough

2013-10-26 Thread cardemaister

 BTW, perhaps Hitler's possible Jewish genes (great-grandfather??) made him 
"read" the Swastika from right to left? 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 The Swastika was a Hindu (now a Vedic Science symbol according to MMY and the 
new age gurus) representation of the spinning force of Prana, (Gods cosmic 
power, according to C. lutes) or evolution, unfortunately, (or fortunately), 
Hitler got it wrong, (ie. backwards).

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Re "I suggest you try to find another phrase than "national socialism," 
because historically it's almost exclusively associated with fascism, 
anti-Semitism, and white supremacy.":

 True. On a related topic, I do wonder if the swastika can ever be 
rehabilitated. It has a long history across the world, in many different 
traditions. In Hinduism, the swastika maybe signifies Ganesha?

 To let the sign be completely absorbed into Nazi iconography is to give up on 
a powerful symbol.


 Maybe one day . . .

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 I suggest you try to find another phrase than "national socialism," because 
historically it's almost exclusively associated with fascism, anti-Semitism, 
and white supremacy. The term "Nazism" is a contraction of 
"Nationalsocialismus," the Nazi Party. Modern organizations whose ideology is 
similar to that of the Nazis incorporate the phrase into their titles to make 
what they stand for explicit.



 No matter what you mean by "national socialism," folks are going to 
instinctively recoil from it because of the horrific echoes it evokes (the way 
a German audience recoiled from Raja Emanuel's use of the term "Invincible 
Germany," but in this case worldwide).

 It really can't be sanitized. Maybe in a hundred years when memories have 
faded, it'll be usable again, but you're asking for trouble if you use it now.

 Buck wrote:

 > Yea, a kind of TM national socialism something like with larger human values 
 > that care about neighbors and neighborhood. From the neighborhood up a 
 > national socialism that Cares about the poor, the disabled, those in need by 
 > bringing meditation to everyone in every home to the benefit of everyone.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Before evangelizing TM, consider your target audience

2013-10-26 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
>  In my experience this is really good market analysis. I think you
guys really care.
>  -Buck

Careful, Buck. You *know* what happens to those who dare
to disagree with Ms. Authority, especially if she's gone on
record as saying that the analyses you think are good are
bad, and STOOOPID. Keep this up and you'll become
FFL's next stalking victim.  :-)

But yeah, I think the analysis is spot-on. The TMO's whole
marketing strategy is based on a cultist self-importance
fantasy -- that the world is filled with people who just can't
wait to become Just Like Them.

All those unhappy people out there in the world want
nothing more than to "evolve" to the level in which they
spend four hours a day sitting and grunting and bouncing
around on slabs of foam in a big room full of other people
Just Like Them. Having paid several thousand dollars
for the privilege. Yeah, right.  :-)

That's a cult fantasy. The world is full of people who *might*
be in the market for a simple technique that could improve
their lives, and allow them to enjoy them more and be more
productive in them. They are *not* in the market for a
technique that *eats* their lives and renders them centered
on traveling across town like the Eloi marching to the domes
of the Morlocks in "The Time Machine" twice a day so they
can sit and grunt and bounce and sleep together. And by
"sleep together" I mean use the "flying time" to fall asleep,
not "sleep together" in the sense of gettin' it on with your
cult buddies. There *might* be a market for that; there
isn't one for convincing people to spend thousands of their
hard-earned dollars to become a classic cultist.

You know my position. I don't think the TMO has a ghost
of a chance of being able to "bring more people to meditation"
any more, because it drags along behind it the stinking corpse
of its own bad history and bad reputation. It's like a parade
of losers -- in the front is da King, followed by a bunch of
Raja-dweebs in their robes and crowns, followed at a discrete,
well-mannered, and above all *appropriate* distance by
their own wives, the Rajinis, who after all are not evolved
enough to walk beside their husbands. Then come the non-
Raja-dweebs like Bevan (a towering zeppelin of good health),
Hagelin (once considered a scientist and now considered a
crackpot), and David Lynch (accurately considered some-
thing of a pervert and the essence of gullibility itself). Then
come all the hangers-on still clinging to the ideas of self-
importance they were brainwashed with by Maharishi,
all chanting, "Come to the domes. Join us."

Yeah, right. That's gonna happen. John Q. Public is going
to look at these nutjobs and think, "Wow...I want to be just
like them. Honey, sell the cars...we're going to need the money
to pay for our TM-Sidhis courses, so we can go join in the
Cosmic Buttbouncing with these other paragons of

"Twenty minutes twice a day." "No change to your lifestyle
or your beliefs required." "You practice TM not for the time
spent in meditation but because of how it enables you to spend
your time *not* in meditation more fruitful and productive."
That's the way that TM *used* to be marketed.

Look at the parade of clowns trying to persuade people to
become Just Like Them and *give up their lives* in favor of
four or more hours a day of mass butt-bouncing. Kinda makes
you think that the original TM marketing phrases from the
60s were a lie, doesn't it?

For the clown parade, TM became a "gateway drug" to life
as a cultist, not to a better and more productive life by the
standards that most people would use to measure one. And
now they're like drug pushers on a school playground (literally)
trying to entice young, naive students to try TM. "Try it...
you'll like it. If you take advantage of the DLF special price,
the first one's free."

I think that most people are going to perceive this market-
ing approach as what it is -- a fraud, perpetrated by cultists
whose numbers are dwindling and dying off, and who are
becoming increasingly desperate to swell their ranks with
new suckers, just like them. Not gonna work. Not gonna

>  > turq, I'm encouraged by these Gallup findings and I'm
>  > sure a lot of long term TMers would be also. The ones
>  > I know are practical, intelligent and compassionate.
>  > Also I bet a lot of people would love to know about
>  > and do something for world peace. Maybe whirled
>  > peas too (-:
>  My point is that the "marketing approach" of the TMO is that of
>  cultists, while pitching their product to non-cultists. Many
>  some of this forum) seem to equate "TMers" with "TM-Sidhas practicing
>  a group." They seem to believe that the leap from 20 minutes twice a
>  and an average of four hours per day (including travel time) is "No
>  Biggie," and that everyone that wants to learn TM wants to learn to
>  butt-bounce and spend that much time away from their real life, too.

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Can't share this enough

2013-10-26 Thread cardemaister

 svastika <- su (well) + asti (it is) -ka (-er) ??? (well-itis-ser) 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 The Swastika was a Hindu (now a Vedic Science symbol according to MMY and the 
new age gurus) representation of the spinning force of Prana, (Gods cosmic 
power, according to C. lutes) or evolution, unfortunately, (or fortunately), 
Hitler got it wrong, (ie. backwards).

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Re "I suggest you try to find another phrase than "national socialism," 
because historically it's almost exclusively associated with fascism, 
anti-Semitism, and white supremacy.":

 True. On a related topic, I do wonder if the swastika can ever be 
rehabilitated. It has a long history across the world, in many different 
traditions. In Hinduism, the swastika maybe signifies Ganesha?

 To let the sign be completely absorbed into Nazi iconography is to give up on 
a powerful symbol.


 Maybe one day . . .

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 I suggest you try to find another phrase than "national socialism," because 
historically it's almost exclusively associated with fascism, anti-Semitism, 
and white supremacy. The term "Nazism" is a contraction of 
"Nationalsocialismus," the Nazi Party. Modern organizations whose ideology is 
similar to that of the Nazis incorporate the phrase into their titles to make 
what they stand for explicit.



 No matter what you mean by "national socialism," folks are going to 
instinctively recoil from it because of the horrific echoes it evokes (the way 
a German audience recoiled from Raja Emanuel's use of the term "Invincible 
Germany," but in this case worldwide).

 It really can't be sanitized. Maybe in a hundred years when memories have 
faded, it'll be usable again, but you're asking for trouble if you use it now.

 Buck wrote:

 > Yea, a kind of TM national socialism something like with larger human values 
 > that care about neighbors and neighborhood. From the neighborhood up a 
 > national socialism that Cares about the poor, the disabled, those in need by 
 > bringing meditation to everyone in every home to the benefit of everyone.