[FairfieldLife] Re: Rodney Howard Browne's Laughology

2016-04-27 Thread emily.ma...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Oh ohI used to laugh like this on FFL...sometimes I would laugh for 
hours...very healing!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 A Christian Laughology cult.  2 min video.  Watch it and you'll laugh!  Could 
be a specific manifestation of the Kundalini, which has many variants in 
diverse religious and practices.  When taken up by Evangelical sects, they call 
it "The Holy Spirit".  Reminds me of the Subud movement, originating in 

 Dare I say, "Hilarious"? I'm not sure what it's all about but laughing is fun. 
Is it religious experience? Probably not. It is release? Sure. Would I like to 
see what it feels like if the guy touched me? Sure. Is it something to get tied 
up in knots about? Probably not. Let them laugh their guts out.

 Rodney Howard Brown's "holy laughter" HERESY 
 Rodney Howard Brown's "holy laughter" HERE... 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXJ2hxbNCa4 Holy laughter is not Biblical, 
especially in light of this, there is not one place in scripture where you will 
find this behavior. And NO not even Acts chapt...

 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXJ2hxbNCa4 
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Rodney Howard Browne's Laughology

2016-04-27 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 A Christian Laughology cult.  2 min video.  Watch it and you'll laugh!  Could 
be a specific manifestation of the Kundalini, which has many variants in 
diverse religious and practices.  When taken up by Evangelical sects, they call 
it "The Holy Spirit".  Reminds me of the Subud movement, originating in 

 Dare I say, "Hilarious"? I'm not sure what it's all about but laughing is fun. 
Is it religious experience? Probably not. It is release? Sure. Would I like to 
see what it feels like if the guy touched me? Sure. Is it something to get tied 
up in knots about? Probably not. Let them laugh their guts out.

 Rodney Howard Brown's "holy laughter" HERESY 
 Rodney Howard Brown's "holy laughter" HERE... 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXJ2hxbNCa4 Holy laughter is not Biblical, 
especially in light of this, there is not one place in scripture where you will 
find this behavior. And NO not even Acts chapt...

 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXJ2hxbNCa4 
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity

2016-04-27 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I have a pretty strong background in Christian faith, the real kind, where you 
don't always agitate for OTHERS to change THEIR behavior. Instead, it is all 
about trying to be a better person yourself. If you look at the evangelical 
template, it is largely composed of shoulds and should nots that they want to 
apply to everyone else. Just like the radical Muslims. No difference in 
mindset. Both think they have a hotline to God, when in actuality it is ego 
driven delusion. They say this country has lost its way - I say look in the 
mirror for who has lost their way. I am proud of this country, and I don't need 
any Bible thumpers running it down, or telling me what I need to do to fix my 
life. It makes them sound like such assholes. 

 I am really sorry that the "Christian" radicals have put themselves in a 
position to oppose so much of mainstream American life. Perhaps they can all 
buy an island someplace and impose their will on each other. They are against 
so much of what makes this country a great place, and I wish they would pray 
more, a lot more, and yap less. 

 Evangelicals have nothing to do with Christ, as far as I'm concerned. If 
Christ existed and if he actually said the things that I find useful and 
powerful and meaningful then these things have no relationship to how 
Evangelicals think or act. A staunch "fundy" Catholic who I recently ran into 
from the old Robin Carlsen days proved to be one of the most intolerant, 
bigoted, unloving, intolerant person I have met in a long time. I am proud to 
say she not only unfriended me on FB but blocked my ass totally. Testimony to 
the fact she and I have nothing in common other than a vagina.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 One thing Ollie, there are people that refer to themselves as *Christians* 
because the family has always worn the label but have never so much as cracked 
a Bible open to see what it says, much less contemplate it. Maybe they were 
even baptized. Even a baby has to be born and take a breath before it ever does 
great things later in life.
  Then there are people that actually mature and begin to practice, more 
seriously, according to their ability to understand.
 Most people that would be willing to wear the label *evangelical* or 
*fundamentalist* would consider abortion to be murder( see ten commandments).
 Somehow, I don't think abortion was ever considered an option by ancient  Jews 
of the Patriarch  considering Sarah, wife of Abraham, was barren until she was 
in her eighties and having children was considered not only a blessing but an 
absolute necessity. Then there was Rebeca who was barren until later in life 
who gave birth to Joseph and saved the line of Abraham Isaac and  Jacob.Moses 
covered abortion in the Ten Commandments with *Thou shalt not Murder*. Of 
course there was Mary, mother of Yeshua who went through the humiliation of 
being pregnant in her community before marriage. Imagine her having taken the 
legal option of aborting her *inconvenience*. 

 The fact is Ollie, that American's opinions on abortion are changing and for 
the better. It is no longer seen as an option by the majority, as a means of 
birth control. More and more people are wanting it restricted to cases of rape, 
incest and to protect the life of the mother. From a Biblical perspective, it 
would only be acceptable if it was necessary to protect the life of the mother. 
It is not considered murder to take a life that is directly threatening your 

 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity
   Excuse me? "Most Christians believe the United States has greatly offended 
God with 50 million abortions..."

 Utter crap. This is little more than facile projection by the largely white 
male congregations of the most radical and repressed evangelical churches, 
decrying the ability of women to make their own choices. Why do fundamentalist 
conservatives always take their own shortcomings and try to make them "biblical 
prophecy or testimony"?? It is delusion, craziness, the attempt of a disordered 
mind to be brain-washed by egotism.

 I'll bet that many of those against abortion are madly in favor of the second 
ammendment. Again, a religionized attempt to let women know that the old white 
guys are still Firmly In Control. A pretty limp effort, imo

 Most Christians in this country go about their daily life to the best of their 
ability, not filled with the judgment and hatred of those who have fooled 
themselves into believing they talk to Jesus Christ, and are therefore 
unassailable. The country faces some problems, not the least of which are a 
bunch of racist and sexist religious fanatics. The Muslims? Hell no, all the 
"born again" Christians. Never content to live like normal folk, they need to 
get "born again" 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity

2016-04-27 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 This is interesting...

 It is interesting and thanks for posting. 
 Stated Clerk issues letter to Trump on refugees, immigrants Stated Clerk 
issues letter to Trump on refugees, immigrants 

 Stated Clerk issues letter to Trump on refugees, immigrants By Presbyterian 
Church (U.S.A.) Stated Clerk issues letter to Trump on refugees, immigrants 



 From: "yifuxero@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 5:01 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity
 Articles from two different brands of Evangelical Christianity: (liberal - C. 
Today; and conservative - Charisma Magazine) both find Trump's supposed 
Christianity troubling and add odds with their Biblical interpretations.
 C. Today says that his theology is closer to that of Norman Vincent Peale and 
Joel Osteen than their strict literal interpretations of the Bible.
 Charisma Magazine contributor Michael L. Brown in May 2016, ("Can We Question 
Donald Trump's Christianity?"), concludes: "But let's not foolishly proclaim 
him to be a Christian when, until recently, many of his ardent supporters 
acknowledge he was not.  Just consider what a world changer Donald Trump could 
be if he really knew the Lord.  Through prayer and God's mercy, it could 

 The Theology of Donald Trump 
 The Theology of Donald Trump 
 Four words that reveal what his followers really believe.

 View on www.christianitytoday... 
 Preview by Yahoo 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity

2016-04-27 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Emily, I never read the article. I'm just offering my opinion based on my 
observations. It all boils down to trust and perception. Cruz talks a good game 
but many see him as *just another Washington politician* that says one thing 
but delivers something quite different. However, that has not been the case 
with Cruz. He has campaigned on his record which is very consistent with what 
his campaign promises were when he ran for the Senate.
 The people flocking to Trump feel absolutely betrayed by Washington's elite 
whether they are Republican or Democrat, Evangelical or Atheist. They want a 
divorce! They know he's not a *professional* politician and that is why they 
forgive his foibles. As I said earlier, they see Trump as the fork in the road 
and they are going to take it because they don't like where the road has been 
going so far.


 Fair enough, I get it that many want something more for themselves and their 
families. That they feel hard done by and they don't trust politicians and they 
are, evidently, looking for some magic bullet somewhere, anywhere. Then along 
comes Mr Blowhard and they fall head over heels for his virolent politically 
incorrect bravado which seems to spit in the face of the Establishment as they 
know it in Washington. They positively fall over themselves to clutch the hem 
of his cloak, to fawn at his feet all the while failing to see what is behind 
the bluster and the inconsistencies and the bullshit. This is their one chance, 
their Godsend who will lead them all to eradicate the illegal immigrants, the 
foreigners who threaten them religious-inspired terrorism and will bring jobs 
back to America (even though it is the market place who clamors for cheap goods 
that only places like China, India or Mexico can produce at such low prices). 
Yessiree, Trump supporters are gullible, short-sighted angry people who, if 
they aren't able to open their eyes, will be the recipients of some very big 


 From: "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 12:09 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity

   Well said, both of you (Ollie and Ann).  

 Mr. Dixon, I was surprised to read what you wrote there - what you wrote seems 
that it would apply to a reasoning why "Christians" should be flocking to Cruz, 
not Trump.  The article doesn't really make much sense to me - to me it simply 
recognizes the "Christians" that are zealously confused (at least during this 
election) and perhaps have been "deceived" by "Satan" into taking up "idol 
worship."  Psalm 115:"their idols are silver and gold." 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Excuse me? "Most Christians believe the United States has greatly offended God 
with 50 million abortions..." 

 Utter crap. This is little more than facile projection by the largely white 
male congregations of the most radical and repressed evangelical churches, 
decrying the ability of women to make their own choices. Why do fundamentalist 
conservatives always take their own shortcomings and try to make them "biblical 
prophecy or testimony"?? It is delusion, craziness, the attempt of a disordered 
mind to be brain-washed by egotism.

 I'll bet that many of those against abortion are madly in favor of the second 
ammendment. Again, a religionized attempt to let women know that the old white 
guys are still Firmly In Control. A pretty limp effort, imo

 Most Christians in this country go about their daily life to the best of their 
ability, not filled with the judgment and hatred of those who have fooled 
themselves into believing they talk to Jesus Christ, and are therefore 
unassailable. The country faces some problems, not the least of which are a 
bunch of racist and sexist religious fanatics. The Muslims? Hell no, all the 
"born again" Christians. Never content to live like normal folk, they need to 
get "born again" to flaunt their desperation and arrogance. I don't give 'em 
the time of day. If they want to stop pretending to be anything except just 
like everybody else, Jesus or no Jesus, I can interact, but all the exclusion 
and faux superiority makes me look on them with pity and their ideas with 
contempt, as they so richly deserve. Even Jewish Law passed down to "the chosen 
people" does not outlaw abortion. Same God, different day...

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 There are those that define a Christian as someone practicing the *religion* 
to the best of their ability and then there are those that define a Christian 
as someone having a relationship with Christ, as perfect or imperfect as it may 
be, regardless of the religious trappings.
 I think most people that consider themselves *evangelical* fully realize the 
short comings of Trump as an ideal reflection of Christianity b

[FairfieldLife] Peace and Groups Joining to Meditate

2016-04-27 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
In Mediation. Yes, all of the AOLiving's able meditators should go to the front 
lines of meditation there in the Mideast and join the group meditation 
mediation there, if not only by the proof of secular and modern science but for 
what we know of ourselves as the spiritual power of what is good in deep 
meditation. It is time.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 AOLiving should stand tall on this, Damn the ISIS torpedoes, mobilize and get 
moving!   AOLving's speed on this should be full speed ahead for a group 
meditation there. A beach-head is already made there on the front lines to be 
re-enforced by a group such as Art of Living too. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Evidently, Turkey is currently experiencing a *phase transition* with so many 
bombings going on.:)

 From: "dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2016 6:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sri Sri on the Gayatri mantra
   The AOLiving people should now turn around and re-enforce the group 
 in Turkey.   

 Join the Antalya Assembly this spring for 19 EUR per day
 Peace creating project in the Middle East 
 Peace creating project in the Middle East 
http://www.middleeastpeaceinitiative.org/ The aim of the Middle East Peace 
Initiative is to establish a large group practicing Maharishis' Peace creating 
technologies in Turkey, to support pea...

 View on www.middleeastpeace... http://www.middleeastpeaceinitiative.org/
 Preview by Yahoo 



 Art of Living is a huge vibrant movement.  They should use the power of their 
meditating numbers to move up to the front and help out with the collective 
meditation going on there.  They are organized enough they should go rent out 
other hotels there alongside the TM group,   Even join them.  



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I just saw on Yahoo News that Sri Sri Ravi Shankar tried to get *peace talks* 
initiated with ISIS. 

 Their response was to send him a photograph of a decapitated body.
 Seems Sri Sri became resigned to the fact that maybe only the military should 
deal ISIS.

 From: "dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, April 22, 2016 10:35 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sri Sri on the Gayatri mantra


 There are scholarly teachers, gurus who teach technique, and saints who give 
help and can directly transform people. With any one or in combination then 
what is the experience of charisma and where is the TMO now with charisma? 
  What is charisma?
 One author talks about 'prophetic charisma', on a different continuum than 
what we may see as narcissism, or narcissistic personality or disorders.
 Pure charisma thus is personal and is based on face-to-face contact and 
feelings of trust, duty, and love on the part of the followers (Schweitzer 
1984, 33). It is creative and revolutionary, for "in its pure form charisma . . 
. may be said to exist only in the process of originating" (Weber 1964, 364). 
At the other end of the continuum, routinized charisma describes what happens 
when a leader’s charisma is thinly dispersed throughout the followers who act 
in the leader’s name, typically after he has died. It may survive many 
generations and underlie a stable social order, but it is conservative and is 
not a force for social change (Miyahara 1983, 370).


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Nine years on, I'd exhale if I were them.:-) 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Ollie, yours seems a fair critique of the situation here by comparison.  The 
True-believers of the TM meditating community are hopeful that Dr. Nader is 
that person though he is not too available to be experienced or quoted unless 
you have the money to be on courses with him.  Those who have been with him 
seem to ‘like’ him.   It remains to be more widely seen what the ‘nature’ of 
his charisma is in leadership going forward.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 True, the spectrum of consciousness available through TM and TMSP is complete, 
spanning the transcendental states of consciousness, and bringing one to 
Brahman. None of these other programs cover such a range, though they can be 
helpful in offering a new, partial perspective on the journey. 

 The kicker with the TMO is there is no one living in Brahman heading the 
organization, so that these other programs are seen in opposition, and as 
threats, instead of seeing them as a partial picture, with the complete 
definition of the growth of consciousness always available through the 
techniques, and associated documents, and media of the TM program and TMSP.  

 Without someone new at the top to put this into perspective, Maharishi's 
teachings are the only fallback, with the

Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity

2016-04-27 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 One thing Ollie, there are people that refer to themselves as *Christians* 
because the family has always worn the label but have never so much as cracked 
a Bible open to see what it says, much less contemplate it. Maybe they were 
even baptized. Even a baby has to be born and take a breath before it ever does 
great things later in life.
  Then there are people that actually mature and begin to practice, more 
seriously, according to their ability to understand.
 Most people that would be willing to wear the label *evangelical* or 
*fundamentalist* would consider abortion to be murder( see ten commandments).
 Somehow, I don't think abortion was ever considered an option by ancient  Jews 
of the Patriarch  considering Sarah, wife of Abraham, was barren until she was 
in her eighties and having children was considered not only a blessing but an 
absolute necessity. Then there was Rebeca who was barren until later in life 
who gave birth to Joseph and saved the line of Abraham Isaac and  Jacob.Moses 
covered abortion in the Ten Commandments with *Thou shalt not Murder*. Of 
course there was Mary, mother of Yeshua who went through the humiliation of 
being pregnant in her community before marriage. Imagine her having taken the 
legal option of aborting her *inconvenience*. 

 The fact is Ollie, that American's opinions on abortion are changing and for 
the better. It is no longer seen as an option by the majority, as a means of 
birth control. More and more people are wanting it restricted to cases of rape, 
incest and to protect the life of the mother. From a Biblical perspective, it 
would only be acceptable if it was necessary to protect the life of the mother. 
It is not considered murder to take a life that is directly threatening your 

 I guess, according to the Bible and perhaps you, the act of murder is 
relative. I'm not sure I agree. I think if you kill a fully formed, 
functioning, conscious human being, whether it is self defense or not, is 
murdering someone. There may be just cause or there may be self defense 
involved or it may be relatively random but, in the end, you have killed 
someone's mortal body - rendered it incapable of continuing to support life. I 
think you can't have it both ways. You can't say it is not murder if it 
(another person) "is threatening your own" because either way the other person 
ends up dead. Whether abortion is murder is another matter for me because of 
the fact that a fetus is not a fully formed human being nor is it consciously 
functioning as an independent identity. But still, by aborting a fetus one is 
killing a developing life and that counts for something.

 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity
   Excuse me? "Most Christians believe the United States has greatly offended 
God with 50 million abortions..."

 Utter crap. This is little more than facile projection by the largely white 
male congregations of the most radical and repressed evangelical churches, 
decrying the ability of women to make their own choices. Why do fundamentalist 
conservatives always take their own shortcomings and try to make them "biblical 
prophecy or testimony"?? It is delusion, craziness, the attempt of a disordered 
mind to be brain-washed by egotism.

 I'll bet that many of those against abortion are madly in favor of the second 
ammendment. Again, a religionized attempt to let women know that the old white 
guys are still Firmly In Control. A pretty limp effort, imo

 Most Christians in this country go about their daily life to the best of their 
ability, not filled with the judgment and hatred of those who have fooled 
themselves into believing they talk to Jesus Christ, and are therefore 
unassailable. The country faces some problems, not the least of which are a 
bunch of racist and sexist religious fanatics. The Muslims? Hell no, all the 
"born again" Christians. Never content to live like normal folk, they need to 
get "born again" to flaunt their desperation and arrogance. I don't give 'em 
the time of day. If they want to stop pretending to be anything except just 
like everybody else, Jesus or no Jesus, I can interact, but all the exclusion 
and faux superiority makes me look on them with pity and their ideas with 
contempt, as they so richly deserve. Even Jewish Law passed down to "the chosen 
people" does not outlaw abortion. Same God, different day... 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 There are those that define a Christian as someone practicing the *religion* 
to the best of their ability and then there are those that define a Christian 
as someone having a relationship with Christ, as perfect or imperfect as it may 
be, regardless of the religious trappings.
 I think most people that consider themselves *evangelical* fully realize the 

[FairfieldLife] Ted Cruz Father and Kennedy assasination?

2016-04-27 Thread srijau
Tabloid says it has proof: Ted Cruz’s father is mystery man in Lee Harvey 
Oswald photo 
 Tabloid says it has proof: Ted Cruz’s father is mystery ... 
http://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article73449297.html The 
National Enquirer has published what it says is conclusive evidence that Ted 
Cruz’s father, Rafael B. Cruz, is the man photographed next to suspected JFK 
 View on www.miamiherald.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] "Taiwan Declaration"

2016-04-27 Thread srijau
Rejecting GM crops to protect indigenous culture 
 Rejecting GM crops to protect indigenous culture 
 Academics, experts, indigenous people and farmers from Taiwan and eight 
countries signed the “Taiwan Declaration” that seeks protection of indigenous 
 View on www.chinapost.com.tw 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rodney Howard Browne's Laughology

2016-04-27 Thread Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Rodney Brown is of the Pentecostal Church, I.E. Holy Rollers. They never did 
get much respect from the Baptist etc.

  From: "yifux...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 8:22 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Rodney Howard Browne's Laughology
    A Christian Laughology cult.  2 min video.  Watch it and you'll laugh!  
Could be a specific manifestation of the Kundalini, which has many variants in 
diverse religious and practices.  When taken up by Evangelical sects, they call 
it "The Holy Spirit".  Reminds me of the Subud movement, originating in 
Rodney Howard Brown's "holy laughter" HERESY 
||||   Rodney Howard Brown's "holy laughter" HERE...  Holy 
laughter is not Biblical, especially in light of this, there is not one place 
in scripture where you will find this behavior. And NO not even Acts chapt...   
|  View on www.youtube.com |Preview by Yahoo|

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Rodney Howard Browne's Laughology

2016-04-27 Thread Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
You know about Subud? Obama and his mother were practitioners of it. Maharishi 
said not to initiate them until they had abstained from it for at least six 
months. Don't remember much about the details other than I think it involved 
spirit possession.
As for Rodney H. Brown. I've attended one of his meetings. I believe he is 
practicing some sort of Shaktipat. He touched me in the chest and bliss began 
bubbling up within  like a fountain, very similar to a TM experience of bliss.  
Evidently he recognized that I was open to the experience because he kept 
coming back to me and repeating it over and over, each time with more 
intensity. A Samarian woman gave Jesus a drink of water from the well. He told 
her that if she drank of His *water* that she would never thirst again.In the 
Book of Acts, when the disciples gathered in the upper room, the Holy Spirit 
descended upon all that had gathered and they became *drunk* in the Spirit. A 
crowd had gathered outside and thought they had all been drinking. Peter told 
the crowd are you crazy, it's only 9 o'clock in the morning! 

  From: "yifux...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 8:22 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Rodney Howard Browne's Laughology
    A Christian Laughology cult.  2 min video.  Watch it and you'll laugh!  
Could be a specific manifestation of the Kundalini, which has many variants in 
diverse religious and practices.  When taken up by Evangelical sects, they call 
it "The Holy Spirit".  Reminds me of the Subud movement, originating in 
Rodney Howard Brown's "holy laughter" HERESY 
||||   Rodney Howard Brown's "holy laughter" HERE...  Holy 
laughter is not Biblical, especially in light of this, there is not one place 
in scripture where you will find this behavior. And NO not even Acts chapt...   
|  View on www.youtube.com |Preview by Yahoo|

     #yiv0508492875 #yiv0508492875 -- #yiv0508492875ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv0508492875 div.yiv0508492875photo-title a, 
#yiv0508492875 div.yiv0508492875photo-title a:active, #yiv0508492875 
div.yiv0508492875photo-title a:hover, #yiv0508492875 

[FairfieldLife] Rev. Robert Jeffress supports Trump

2016-04-27 Thread yifux...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Resident Fox channel Pastor Robert Jeffress is one smart Evangelical dude who 
knows his stuff!.and who supports Trump.

 Donald Trump reaches evangelical vote through Dallas pastor Robert Jeffress 

 Donald Trump reaches evangelical vote through Da... 
 Donald Trump bellowed out to thousands of supporters at the Fort Worth 
Convention Center. He spoke not of God and faith but of border walls, of his 
 View on thescoopblog.dallas... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Hugh Jackman on TM

2016-04-27 Thread yifux...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Hugh Jackman praises TM.

 How To Handle Stress and Live Authentically According to Hugh Jackman 
 How To Handle Stress and Live Authentically Accordin... 
http://www.tm.org/blog/people/hugh-jackman-interview/ Hugh Jackman talks to Bob 
Roth about the role the TM technique plays with stress and being an actor, 
living an authentic life, and staying connected wi...
 View on www.tm.org http://www.tm.org/blog/people/hugh-jackman-interview/ 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity

2016-04-27 Thread Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Why don't you share this evangelical template of what we must all do and not do?

  From: "olliesed...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 5:07 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity
    I have a pretty strong background in Christian faith, the real kind, where 
you don't always agitate for OTHERS to change THEIR behavior. Instead, it is 
all about trying to be a better person yourself. If you look at the evangelical 
template, it is largely composed of shoulds and should nots that they want to 
apply to everyone else. Just like the radical Muslims. No difference in 
mindset. Both think they have a hotline to God, when in actuality it is ego 
driven delusion. They say this country has lost its way - I say look in the 
mirror for who has lost their way. I am proud of this country, and I don't need 
any Bible thumpers running it down, or telling me what I need to do to fix my 
life. It makes them sound like such assholes.
I am really sorry that the "Christian" radicals have put themselves in a 
position to oppose so much of mainstream American life. Perhaps they can all 
buy an island someplace and impose their will on each other. They are against 
so much of what makes this country a great place, and I wish they would pray 
more, a lot more, and yap less. 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

One thing Ollie, there are people that refer to themselves as *Christians* 
because the family has always worn the label but have never so much as cracked 
a Bible open to see what it says, much less contemplate it. Maybe they were 
even baptized. Even a baby has to be born and take a breath before it ever does 
great things later in life. Then there are people that actually mature and 
begin to practice, more seriously, according to their ability to 
understand.Most people that would be willing to wear the label *evangelical* or 
*fundamentalist* would consider abortion to be murder( see ten 
commandments).Somehow, I don't think abortion was ever considered an option by 
ancient  Jews of the Patriarch  considering Sarah, wife of Abraham, was barren 
until she was in her eighties and having children was considered not only a 
blessing but an absolute necessity. Then there was Rebeca who was barren until 
later in life who gave birth to Joseph and saved the line of Abraham Isaac and  
Jacob.Moses covered abortion in the Ten Commandments with *Thou shalt not 
Murder*. Of course there was Mary, mother of Yeshua who went through the 
humiliation of being pregnant in her community before marriage. Imagine her 
having taken the legal option of aborting her *inconvenience*. 
The fact is Ollie, that American's opinions on abortion are changing and for 
the better. It is no longer seen as an option by the majority, as a means of 
birth control. More and more people are wanting it restricted to cases of rape, 
incest and to protect the life of the mother. From a Biblical perspective, it 
would only be acceptable if it was necessary to protect the life of the mother. 
It is not considered murder to take a life that is directly threatening your 

  From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity
 Excuse me? "Most Christians believe the United States has greatly offended God 
with 50 million abortions..."
Utter crap. This is little more than facile projection by the largely white 
male congregations of the most radical and repressed evangelical churches, 
decrying the ability of women to make their own choices. Why do fundamentalist 
conservatives always take their own shortcomings and try to make them "biblical 
prophecy or testimony"?? It is delusion, craziness, the attempt of a disordered 
mind to be brain-washed by egotism.
I'll bet that many of those against abortion are madly in favor of the second 
ammendment. Again, a religionized attempt to let women know that the old white 
guys are still Firmly In Control. A pretty limp effort, imo
Most Christians in this country go about their daily life to the best of their 
ability, not filled with the judgment and hatred of those who have fooled 
themselves into believing they talk to Jesus Christ, and are therefore 
unassailable. The country faces some problems, not the least of which are a 
bunch of racist and sexist religious fanatics. The Muslims? Hell no, all the 
"born again" Christians. Never content to live like normal folk, they need to 
get "born again" to flaunt their desperation and arrogance. I don't give 'em 
the time of day. If they want to stop pretending to be anything except just 
like everybody else, Jesus or no Jesus, I can interact, but all the exclusion 
and faux superiority makes me look on them with pity and their ideas with 
contempt, as they so richly deserve. Even Jewish Law passed down to "the chosen 
people" does not outlaw abortion. S

[FairfieldLife] Rodney Howard Browne's Laughology

2016-04-27 Thread yifux...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
A Christian Laughology cult.  2 min video.  Watch it and you'll laugh!  Could 
be a specific manifestation of the Kundalini, which has many variants in 
diverse religious and practices.  When taken up by Evangelical sects, they call 
it "The Holy Spirit".  Reminds me of the Subud movement, originating in 

 Rodney Howard Brown's "holy laughter" HERESY 
 Rodney Howard Brown's "holy laughter" HERE... 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXJ2hxbNCa4 Holy laughter is not Biblical, 
especially in light of this, there is not one place in scripture where you will 
find this behavior. And NO not even Acts chapt...
 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXJ2hxbNCa4 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity

2016-04-27 Thread olliesed...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I have a pretty strong background in Christian faith, the real kind, where you 
don't always agitate for OTHERS to change THEIR behavior. Instead, it is all 
about trying to be a better person yourself. If you look at the evangelical 
template, it is largely composed of shoulds and should nots that they want to 
apply to everyone else. Just like the radical Muslims. No difference in 
mindset. Both think they have a hotline to God, when in actuality it is ego 
driven delusion. They say this country has lost its way - I say look in the 
mirror for who has lost their way. I am proud of this country, and I don't need 
any Bible thumpers running it down, or telling me what I need to do to fix my 
life. It makes them sound like such assholes. 

 I am really sorry that the "Christian" radicals have put themselves in a 
position to oppose so much of mainstream American life. Perhaps they can all 
buy an island someplace and impose their will on each other. They are against 
so much of what makes this country a great place, and I wish they would pray 
more, a lot more, and yap less. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 One thing Ollie, there are people that refer to themselves as *Christians* 
because the family has always worn the label but have never so much as cracked 
a Bible open to see what it says, much less contemplate it. Maybe they were 
even baptized. Even a baby has to be born and take a breath before it ever does 
great things later in life.
  Then there are people that actually mature and begin to practice, more 
seriously, according to their ability to understand.
 Most people that would be willing to wear the label *evangelical* or 
*fundamentalist* would consider abortion to be murder( see ten commandments).
 Somehow, I don't think abortion was ever considered an option by ancient  Jews 
of the Patriarch  considering Sarah, wife of Abraham, was barren until she was 
in her eighties and having children was considered not only a blessing but an 
absolute necessity. Then there was Rebeca who was barren until later in life 
who gave birth to Joseph and saved the line of Abraham Isaac and  Jacob.Moses 
covered abortion in the Ten Commandments with *Thou shalt not Murder*. Of 
course there was Mary, mother of Yeshua who went through the humiliation of 
being pregnant in her community before marriage. Imagine her having taken the 
legal option of aborting her *inconvenience*. 

 The fact is Ollie, that American's opinions on abortion are changing and for 
the better. It is no longer seen as an option by the majority, as a means of 
birth control. More and more people are wanting it restricted to cases of rape, 
incest and to protect the life of the mother. From a Biblical perspective, it 
would only be acceptable if it was necessary to protect the life of the mother. 
It is not considered murder to take a life that is directly threatening your 

 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity
   Excuse me? "Most Christians believe the United States has greatly offended 
God with 50 million abortions..."

 Utter crap. This is little more than facile projection by the largely white 
male congregations of the most radical and repressed evangelical churches, 
decrying the ability of women to make their own choices. Why do fundamentalist 
conservatives always take their own shortcomings and try to make them "biblical 
prophecy or testimony"?? It is delusion, craziness, the attempt of a disordered 
mind to be brain-washed by egotism.

 I'll bet that many of those against abortion are madly in favor of the second 
ammendment. Again, a religionized attempt to let women know that the old white 
guys are still Firmly In Control. A pretty limp effort, imo

 Most Christians in this country go about their daily life to the best of their 
ability, not filled with the judgment and hatred of those who have fooled 
themselves into believing they talk to Jesus Christ, and are therefore 
unassailable. The country faces some problems, not the least of which are a 
bunch of racist and sexist religious fanatics. The Muslims? Hell no, all the 
"born again" Christians. Never content to live like normal folk, they need to 
get "born again" to flaunt their desperation and arrogance. I don't give 'em 
the time of day. If they want to stop pretending to be anything except just 
like everybody else, Jesus or no Jesus, I can interact, but all the exclusion 
and faux superiority makes me look on them with pity and their ideas with 
contempt, as they so richly deserve. Even Jewish Law passed down to "the chosen 
people" does not outlaw abortion. Same God, different day... 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 There are those that define a Christian as someone practicing the *religion* 
to the best of their ability and then there are those that define a Christian 
as someon

[FairfieldLife] Eurabia: war criminal in a day care center!

2016-04-27 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]





Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity

2016-04-27 Thread Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Michael L Brown is a messianic Jew mentioned in the article. He states 
regarding refugees, that it is the duty of the state to maintain security first 
and the Church to administer charity. I couldn't agree with him more. Kind of 
fits in with the idea of separation of church and state.
BTW, no one knows the policies that Egypt maintained regarding *refugees* when 
Joseph, Mary and Yeshua  fled there. However, the magi had given them gold 
which would indicate that they were self sufficient(support of nature), there 
was a non- threatening Jewish presence already there and Joseph had a skill.  

  From: "Dawn maya_moon_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
 Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:17 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity
    This is interesting...

Stated Clerk issues letter to Trump on refugees, immigrants
Stated Clerk issues letter to Trump on refugees, immigrants
|   ||


|   |  
Stated Clerk issues letter to Trump on refugees, immigrants
 By Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Stated Clerk issues letter to Trump on 
refugees, immigrants  |   |




  From: "yifux...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 5:01 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity
    Articles from two different brands of Evangelical Christianity: (liberal - 
C. Today; and conservative - Charisma Magazine) both find Trump's supposed 
Christianity troubling and add odds with their Biblical interpretations.C. 
Today says that his theology is closer to that of Norman Vincent Peale and Joel 
Osteen than their strict literal interpretations of the Bible.Charisma Magazine 
contributor Michael L. Brown in May 2016, ("Can We Question Donald Trump's 
Christianity?"), concludes: "But let's not foolishly proclaim him to be a 
Christian when, until recently, many of his ardent supporters acknowledge he 
was not.  Just consider what a world changer Donald Trump could be if he really 
knew the Lord.  Through prayer and God's mercy, it could happen.".
The Theology of Donald Trump 
||||   The Theology of Donald Trump  Four words that reveal 
what his followers really believe.||
| View on www.christianitytoday...|Preview by Yahoo|


 #yiv1877605500 #yiv1877605500 -- #yiv1877605500ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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[FairfieldLife] Post Count Thu 28-Apr-16 00:15:05 UTC

2016-04-27 Thread FFL PostCount ffl.postco...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 04/23/16 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 04/30/16 00:00:00
89 messages as of (UTC) 04/27/16 21:17:18

 16 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 14 dhamiltony2k5
 12 awoelflebater
  9 Bhairitu noozguru
  6 yifuxero
  6 hepa7
  5 s3raphita
  5 olliesedwuz
  5 jr_esq
  3 emily.mae50
  2 srijau
  2 email4you mikemail4you
  1 j_alexander_stanley
  1 Dick Mays dickmays
  1 Dawn maya_moon_sun
  1 'Rick Archer' rick
Posters: 16
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity

2016-04-27 Thread Dawn maya_moon_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
This is interesting...

Stated Clerk issues letter to Trump on refugees, immigrants
Stated Clerk issues letter to Trump on refugees, immigrants
|   ||


|   |  
Stated Clerk issues letter to Trump on refugees, immigrants
 By Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Stated Clerk issues letter to Trump on 
refugees, immigrants  |   |




  From: "yifux...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 5:01 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity
    Articles from two different brands of Evangelical Christianity: (liberal - 
C. Today; and conservative - Charisma Magazine) both find Trump's supposed 
Christianity troubling and add odds with their Biblical interpretations.C. 
Today says that his theology is closer to that of Norman Vincent Peale and Joel 
Osteen than their strict literal interpretations of the Bible.Charisma Magazine 
contributor Michael L. Brown in May 2016, ("Can We Question Donald Trump's 
Christianity?"), concludes: "But let's not foolishly proclaim him to be a 
Christian when, until recently, many of his ardent supporters acknowledge he 
was not.  Just consider what a world changer Donald Trump could be if he really 
knew the Lord.  Through prayer and God's mercy, it could happen.".
The Theology of Donald Trump 
||||   The Theology of Donald Trump  Four words that reveal 
what his followers really believe.||
| View on www.christianitytoday...|Preview by Yahoo|

     #yiv7129951159 #yiv7129951159 -- #yiv7129951159ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity

2016-04-27 Thread Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Emily, I never read the article. I'm just offering my opinion based on my 
observations. It all boils down to trust and perception. Cruz talks a good game 
but many see him as *just another Washington politician* that says one thing 
but delivers something quite different. However, that has not been the case 
with Cruz. He has campaigned on his record which is very consistent with what 
his campaign promises were when he ran for the Senate.The people flocking to 
Trump feel absolutely betrayed by Washington's elite whether they are 
Republican or Democrat, Evangelical or Atheist. They want a divorce! They know 
he's not a *professional* politician and that is why they forgive his foibles. 
As I said earlier, they see Trump as the fork in the road and they are going to 
take it because they don't like where the road has been going so far.


   From: "emily.ma...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 12:09 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity
    Well said, both of you (Ollie and Ann).  
Mr. Dixon, I was surprised to read what you wrote there - what you wrote seems 
that it would apply to a reasoning why "Christians" should be flocking to Cruz, 
not Trump.  The article doesn't really make much sense to me - to me it simply 
recognizes the "Christians" that are zealously confused (at least during this 
election) and perhaps have been "deceived" by "Satan" into taking up "idol 
worship."  Psalm 115:"their idols are silver and gold." 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Excuse me? "Most Christians believe the United States has greatly offended God 
with 50 million abortions..."
Utter crap. This is little more than facile projection by the largely white 
male congregations of the most radical and repressed evangelical churches, 
decrying the ability of women to make their own choices. Why do fundamentalist 
conservatives always take their own shortcomings and try to make them "biblical 
prophecy or testimony"?? It is delusion, craziness, the attempt of a disordered 
mind to be brain-washed by egotism.
I'll bet that many of those against abortion are madly in favor of the second 
ammendment. Again, a religionized attempt to let women know that the old white 
guys are still Firmly In Control. A pretty limp effort, imo
Most Christians in this country go about their daily life to the best of their 
ability, not filled with the judgment and hatred of those who have fooled 
themselves into believing they talk to Jesus Christ, and are therefore 
unassailable. The country faces some problems, not the least of which are a 
bunch of racist and sexist religious fanatics. The Muslims? Hell no, all the 
"born again" Christians. Never content to live like normal folk, they need to 
get "born again" to flaunt their desperation and arrogance. I don't give 'em 
the time of day. If they want to stop pretending to be anything except just 
like everybody else, Jesus or no Jesus, I can interact, but all the exclusion 
and faux superiority makes me look on them with pity and their ideas with 
contempt, as they so richly deserve. Even Jewish Law passed down to "the chosen 
people" does not outlaw abortion. Same God, different day...

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

There are those that define a Christian as someone practicing the *religion* to 
the best of their ability and then there are those that define a Christian as 
someone having a relationship with Christ, as perfect or imperfect as it may 
be, regardless of the religious trappings.I think most people that consider 
themselves *evangelical* fully realize the short comings of Trump as an ideal 
reflection of Christianity but see him as an instrument through which God is 
There you go: they're utterly batshit, that proves it.
They see him as a choice. Take a new road or keep going down the one that they 
really believe is bringing judgement or a deterioration of our country and 

"New road" my ass. Donald's road is the same age as the day narcissism and self 
interest were born.
Most Christians believe the United States has greatly offended God with 50 
million abortions, as the Jews did with child sacrifices to Moloch, during the 
time of Jeremiah. God judged Israel, withdrew his protection and allowed the 
Jews to be conquered, destroyed the temple of Solomon  and be taken into 
captivity in Babylon. Some see Trump as the fork in the road and we better take 
This is utter bollocks. "Most Christians" don't believe any such thing and 
Trump is the furthest thing from what might prove to be the salvation of the 
US. He is a chameleon who will glow whatever color he thinks his fans will want 
to see at any given time. He is neither true to himself nor to his addled 
supporters. Part of me would love to see him gain the White House just so I 
could watch those idiots who supported 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity

2016-04-27 Thread Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Well, I have to say I pretty much agree with you again Anne.
 I don't trust Trump any further than I could throw him. He says whatever he 
thinks will appeal to the most people.Most *Christians* are simply wearing a 
label by tradition. Parent and grandparents were baptized and so were they.Most 
Christians tend to be like secular Jews, by name only, not by practice. But 
those Christians that take their faith more seriously, for the most part, 
reject abortion on demand and see it as murder. They equate abortion with the 
holocaust and  pure evil. And they will also draw parallels between today and 
events in the old testament.  

  From: "awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 8:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Excuse me? "Most Christians believe the United States has greatly offended God 
with 50 million abortions..."
Utter crap. This is little more than facile projection by the largely white 
male congregations of the most radical and repressed evangelical churches, 
decrying the ability of women to make their own choices. Why do fundamentalist 
conservatives always take their own shortcomings and try to make them "biblical 
prophecy or testimony"?? It is delusion, craziness, the attempt of a disordered 
mind to be brain-washed by egotism.
I'll bet that many of those against abortion are madly in favor of the second 
ammendment. Again, a religionized attempt to let women know that the old white 
guys are still Firmly In Control. A pretty limp effort, imo
Most Christians in this country go about their daily life to the best of their 
ability, not filled with the judgment and hatred of those who have fooled 
themselves into believing they talk to Jesus Christ, and are therefore 
unassailable. The country faces some problems, not the least of which are a 
bunch of racist and sexist religious fanatics. The Muslims? Hell no, all the 
"born again" Christians. Never content to live like normal folk, they need to 
get "born again" to flaunt their desperation and arrogance. I don't give 'em 
the time of day. If they want to stop pretending to be anything except just 
like everybody else, Jesus or no Jesus, I can interact, but all the exclusion 
and faux superiority makes me look on them with pity and their ideas with 
contempt, as they so richly deserve. Even Jewish Law passed down to "the chosen 
people" does not outlaw abortion. Same God, different day...

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

There are those that define a Christian as someone practicing the *religion* to 
the best of their ability and then there are those that define a Christian as 
someone having a relationship with Christ, as perfect or imperfect as it may 
be, regardless of the religious trappings.I think most people that consider 
themselves *evangelical* fully realize the short comings of Trump as an ideal 
reflection of Christianity but see him as an instrument through which God is 
There you go: they're utterly batshit, that proves it.
They see him as a choice. Take a new road or keep going down the one that they 
really believe is bringing judgement or a deterioration of our country and 

"New road" my ass. Donald's road is the same age as the day narcissism and self 
interest were born.
Most Christians believe the United States has greatly offended God with 50 
million abortions, as the Jews did with child sacrifices to Moloch, during the 
time of Jeremiah. God judged Israel, withdrew his protection and allowed the 
Jews to be conquered, destroyed the temple of Solomon  and be taken into 
captivity in Babylon. Some see Trump as the fork in the road and we better take 
This is utter bollocks. "Most Christians" don't believe any such thing and 
Trump is the furthest thing from what might prove to be the salvation of the 
US. He is a chameleon who will glow whatever color he thinks his fans will want 
to see at any given time. He is neither true to himself nor to his addled 
supporters. Part of me would love to see him gain the White House just so I 
could watch those idiots who supported him lament the day they ever voted for 
the guy. It will almost be worth the price of what will happen to the country 
with him in power. He is a menace in every way - terrifying - and there will be 
nowhere to run. I am truly horrified that so many Americans are voting for him 
- a nightmare.

  From: "yifuxero@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:01 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity
 Articles from two different brands of Evangelical Christianity: (liberal - C. 
Today; and conservative - Charisma Magazine) both find Trump's supposed 
Christianity troubling and add odds with their Biblical interpretations.C. 
Today says that his theology is closer to that of Norman Vincent Peale and

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditators Should Come (back) to the Domes the next 4-5 weeks ~ Important time for coherence in consciousness

2016-04-27 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
How could the collective Dome group meditation numbers have been administrated 
so badly in Fairfield?  

 The Dome, it’s yet a powerful place to meditate.  The group meditation in the 
Dome is still very nice.  In truth it is one of the wonders of the world.  It 
is sad note about TM how people were driven away from it for so long. 
 “What would it take to reconcile with you to have you come back to the Dome to 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Is incredible really that such a major tenet in TM as the importance of 
collective meditation was let to get so bad.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 World peace research http://www.worldpeacegroup.org/world_peace_research.html 
 World peace research http://www.worldpeacegroup.org/world_peace_research.html 
World peace research carried out over the last 35 years is the basis for this 
world peace project. Science understands that we can get people to meditate on 
our behalf to create a transformation in social well being and prosperity

 View on www.worldpeacegroup.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 



 Research shows that with enough TM-Sidhas meditating together in one place at 
the same time, World Peace is within our grasp within 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Asking around how it got so bad for the Dome meditation numbers, someone 
reflecting was saying:
 “Meditators once came to Fairfield and we are here for world peace and with no 
denouncement of other gurus or comment on other people and not burdened by 
fear, deceit and judgment.  If that had been the movement’s continued 
administration it would not have died.  When the fear and lying became 
requirements, not an option but required, to just lie, it ended.   The irony is 
that in the stand of people’s own integrity people have left.”

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 This new order of business that came in to the new TM movement was very much 
about exclusivity and securing trademark and market share in their minds.  This 
is embedded in the group meditation guidelines too.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 This business shift over to Old Testament-like judgements about people and 
vengeful retributions in separating off old TM teachers by a kind of summary 
business personality in the middle of TM has become something of a huge loss of 
resource, both human and financial, that could have been handled differently. 
 By a Corporate coldness and a mercantile administration of a bunch of wealthy 
people there was not much of a sustained attempt at visiting around with people 
of the old movement after Maharishi died by 2008. In effect they turned a lot 
of people out by trying to use the org to discipline people to their own minds. 
 They quite effectively lost a lot of capital and love.  The metrics are not 
good when you look at them.   

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Old TM teachers had a relationship more directly to Maharishi in being 
cultivated and certified by him and under essential understanding in 
relationship to use what they learned from him without letting money get in the 
way of people learning to meditate.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 There was a further mercantile shift in administration of old TM after 
Maharishi.  The complete change over after Maharishi was handled most 
unfortunately by a strong mind of making old testament like judgments about old 
teachers and then retributions by some business-minded group consciousness of 
some wealthy fanatical followers, ..as Feste here reduces how they 'frame' it. 
Sounds so rational but was poorly handled. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 You know, the TMO has always operated in a cliquish manner. When you first get 
initiated ,everything is cool. You belong to a unique group of people *saving 
the world*. But then you notice various cliques have formed. There are plane 
ol' meditaters,( the lowest of the low, that nobody wants to hang with) sidhas, 
pre-teachers, Teachers, Governors, Rajas, Maharajas, ministers of this and 
that, administrators, cooks and dish washer, etc
 Disenfranchising a group could have the effect of making them scramble to get 
in a better position, even if it costs them a lot of money to *belong*.
 Thank God, I don't want to *belong*!
 I don't remember how many teachers Maharishi trained before this 
recertification program started but imagine getting every, or nearly every, 
teacher to plop down a couple of thousand bucks just to maintain their status. 
Might pay some bills with that kind of cash. Plus, you can tighten your grip on 
confidentiality of the teaching process.


 I think I managed to avoid all of this messy stuff by not becoming an 
initiator. It just never appealed to me - all that standardized code of 

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Study: Invincible America Assembly Reduced Homicides 21.2% and Violent Crime 18.5%

2016-04-27 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Yeah the Dome meditation numbers, but how did it get let to be so bad for the 
group numbers now in the Dome meditation?   
 Seems a terrible thing and real failure that they seem to have antagonized a 
whole community of meditators and let the Dome numbers get so bad.  This 
published science just adds to the significance of a failure in leadership with 
the meditating community here.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The Review, Vol. 31, #14, April 27, 2016, Maharishi University of Management 

 New Study: Invincible America Assembly Reduced Homicides 21.2% and Violent 
Crime 18.5%
 A new study has found that the community Invincible America Assembly reduced 
the rate of homicides by a total of 21.2% over the four-year period when 
attendance was at its peak, and reduced the rate of violent crime by a total of 
18.5% over the same period.
 The study estimates that 8,157 homicides were averted by the significant shift 
from an increasing to a decreasing trend in homicide rates.
 Published earlier this month in the journal SAGE Open, the study established 
baseline rates of homicide for the whole U.S. and violent crime for a sample of 
206 urban areas with a population over 100,000 during the period of 2002–2006, 
and then compared that baseline with the period 2007–2010.
 The researchers found that a rising trend of U.S. homicide during the baseline 
period 2002-2006 was reversed during the 2007-2010 intervention period. In the 
case of violent crime, the study found a highly significant shift from a flat 
trend in 2002-2006 to a declining trend in 2007-2010.
 From January of 2007 through December 2010, the Assembly was above or near the 
threshold of 1,725 participants, the size predicted to have an influence on the 
U.S. This threshold represents the square root of 1% of the U.S. population.
 "Given that there are now multiple studies showing a highly significant 
relationship between a large group practicing the Transcendental Meditation and 
TM-Sidhi programs and decreased violence, this obviously has implications for 
crime prevention," said research professor Michael Dillbeck, lead author of the 
 This study is the latest in a series of studies spanning decades that have 
suggested that a sufficiently large group practicing an advanced program of the 
Transcendental Meditation® technique, the TM-Sidhi® program, is associated with 
decreased social violence.
 Nine peer-reviewed articles, comprising 14 studies, have now been published.
 The earlier studies were for periods of several weeks or months. This current 
study was based on group practice over a number of years, which gave 
researchers an opportunity to study potential long-term changes.
 They used a battery of diagnostic tests to establish the validity of the key 
statistical assumptions of the analysis, which utilized "broken-trend 
intervention analysis" of outcomes, a form of interrupted time series analysis.
 In the study the authors discuss alternative hypotheses, such as economic 
trends, incarceration rates, seasonal cycles, demographic changes, and policing 
strategies, but found they weren't sufficient to explain the observed reduction.
 The study, titled "Societal Violence and Collective Consciousness: Reduction 
of U.S. Homicide and Urban Violent Crime Rates 
http://sgo.sagepub.com/content/6/2/2158244016637891,"; was coauthored by 
professor Ken Cavanaugh.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Tony Nader's new lot

2016-04-27 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Tonight's Phone Call with Maharaja Rajaraam

 Enjoy an Evening with
Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam
 Extra seating will be available in Festival Hall


 We are looking forward to the phone call from Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam during 
Lesson Two of the Ramayan in Human Physiology Course this evening. Everyone is 
invited. This event is free, and you can come even if you missed Lesson One. It 
starts at 7:45in Dalby Hall. We expect lots of people, so please come early. 
Extra room is provided in Festival Hall.


 The first two lessons of the Ramayan in Human Physiology are free and open to 
the community. Everyone is invited. 

 The prerequisite for the course is instruction in the TM Technique and 
completion of STC108 or equivalent; or completion of the TM-Sidhis Course and a 
valid dome badge.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Brilliant. Yes, two sides of the same coin, yet not letting go of the coin, 
which rusted through a long time ago. A dodge and distraction from life's 
procession. Both the followers and anti-followers create meaning around an 
object which cannot be perfected nor destroyed, perpetually. A spinning mirror 
to look into, transfixed, instead of simply dealing with the nature of life and 
our intimate relationship with it. The mind as the naked emperor, parading in 
front of its fantasies.  
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Yeah, he be the MAHARAJA! I would guess his family has money, especially if 
he's a doctor and hung out with Maharishi a lot. I doubt he has had to spend 
much time in an emergency room or maintain a practice  fixing up people to pay 
off student loans.

 It is very apparent that the guy has money, and it makes sense to me. Why 
wouldn't a highly educated medical man have made a decent amount of money and 
has anyone (imagine!) considered that perhaps his wife has a good job? Or maybe 
there is family money as well. 
 As for some of these other people who became rajas and ranis, I've heard at 
least one and maybe more had to virtually beg for assistance to pay the million 
dollar fee. The TM movement is and always been full of idiots. I have my doubts 
as to whether many could have made it in the real world.

 I know for a fact they couldn't and didn't. There are so many airy fairy 
neurotics who crowd into the lineup to see their current favorite guru or who 
run, feverishly, to jump on some bandwagon that sounds like the next greatest 
thing. There are many "misfits" and just plain strange human beings on this 
Earth and we have a small proportion right here on FFL (not to mention over at 
number 2) who fell into that category and who still appear (as of my last 
viewing of them before the Great Divide) just as obsessed as ever with the 
Movement and what it's up to or how they can work out their unresolved feelings 
about having been screwed by MMY and those who were his "henchmen". You really 
have to wonder what it would take for many of them to simply move on and make 
an effort to unencumber themselves from it all. Personally, I sense a kind of 
addiction - as twisted as it actually is. The irony of it all is many of these 
obsessors think of themselves as unattached just because they have a negative 
opinion. It doesn't matter whether one's opinion is negative or positive; as 
long as you keep obsessing and showing interest you're still very much involved.


 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 10:38 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Tony Nader's new lot


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



 I just read this. Isn't Tony Nader one of the Rajas? Or is he just a 
scientist/doctor? Not having been a follower of what goes on in the TM Movement 
since 1985 I presume this is news - the fact that he has some bucks? If you're 
a Raja don't you have had to have donated a wheelbarrow full of money or 
something? If that is the case, the amount is $1m (?) then it comes as no 
surprise that someone has a lot more than that in their bank account. Only an 
idiot would donate $1m and not have at least $10m in the bank, minimum. 




[FairfieldLife] Thomas Razzeto: New Interview on Buddha at the Gas Pump - 04/27/2016

2016-04-27 Thread 'Rick Archer' r...@searchsummit.com [FairfieldLife]



Updates from 

Buddha at the Gas Pump

New interview posted 04/27/2016:

*   343. Thomas Razzeto - Buddha at the Gas Pump



 343. Thomas Razzeto - Buddha at the Gas Pump

By Rick Archer on Apr 27, 2016 07:30 am

Thomas Razzeto is one of the newest and freshest voices among the teachers of 
our balanced, ancient nondual wisdom. Thomas easily digs deeply into the core 
of this wisdom to reveal both its essential truth and the heart-felt compassion 
that …  

 Continue reading →

The post  

 343. Thomas Razzeto appeared first on  

 Buddha at the Gas Pump.


 Read in browser »




Recent Interviews:


 342. Chadwick Johnson - Buddha at the Gas Pump

 341. Suzanne Giesemann - Buddha at the Gas Pump

 340. JC Tefft - Buddha at the Gas Pump

 339. Dana Sawyer on Huston Smith - Buddha at the Gas Pump

 338. Matthew Wright - Buddha at the Gas Pump 

Copyright © 2016 Buddha at the Gas Pump, All rights reserved.
Regular announcement of new interviews posted at http://batgap.com.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity

2016-04-27 Thread Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
One thing Ollie, there are people that refer to themselves as *Christians* 
because the family has always worn the label but have never so much as cracked 
a Bible open to see what it says, much less contemplate it. Maybe they were 
even baptized. Even a baby has to be born and take a breath before it ever does 
great things later in life. Then there are people that actually mature and 
begin to practice, more seriously, according to their ability to 
understand.Most people that would be willing to wear the label *evangelical* or 
*fundamentalist* would consider abortion to be murder( see ten 
commandments).Somehow, I don't think abortion was ever considered an option by 
ancient  Jews of the Patriarch  considering Sarah, wife of Abraham, was barren 
until she was in her eighties and having children was considered not only a 
blessing but an absolute necessity. Then there was Rebeca who was barren until 
later in life who gave birth to Joseph and saved the line of Abraham Isaac and  
Jacob.Moses covered abortion in the Ten Commandments with *Thou shalt not 
Murder*. Of course there was Mary, mother of Yeshua who went through the 
humiliation of being pregnant in her community before marriage. Imagine her 
having taken the legal option of aborting her *inconvenience*. 
The fact is Ollie, that American's opinions on abortion are changing and for 
the better. It is no longer seen as an option by the majority, as a means of 
birth control. More and more people are wanting it restricted to cases of rape, 
incest and to protect the life of the mother. From a Biblical perspective, it 
would only be acceptable if it was necessary to protect the life of the mother. 
It is not considered murder to take a life that is directly threatening your 

  From: "olliesed...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity
    Excuse me? "Most Christians believe the United States has greatly offended 
God with 50 million abortions..."
Utter crap. This is little more than facile projection by the largely white 
male congregations of the most radical and repressed evangelical churches, 
decrying the ability of women to make their own choices. Why do fundamentalist 
conservatives always take their own shortcomings and try to make them "biblical 
prophecy or testimony"?? It is delusion, craziness, the attempt of a disordered 
mind to be brain-washed by egotism.
I'll bet that many of those against abortion are madly in favor of the second 
ammendment. Again, a religionized attempt to let women know that the old white 
guys are still Firmly In Control. A pretty limp effort, imo
Most Christians in this country go about their daily life to the best of their 
ability, not filled with the judgment and hatred of those who have fooled 
themselves into believing they talk to Jesus Christ, and are therefore 
unassailable. The country faces some problems, not the least of which are a 
bunch of racist and sexist religious fanatics. The Muslims? Hell no, all the 
"born again" Christians. Never content to live like normal folk, they need to 
get "born again" to flaunt their desperation and arrogance. I don't give 'em 
the time of day. If they want to stop pretending to be anything except just 
like everybody else, Jesus or no Jesus, I can interact, but all the exclusion 
and faux superiority makes me look on them with pity and their ideas with 
contempt, as they so richly deserve. Even Jewish Law passed down to "the chosen 
people" does not outlaw abortion. Same God, different day...
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

There are those that define a Christian as someone practicing the *religion* to 
the best of their ability and then there are those that define a Christian as 
someone having a relationship with Christ, as perfect or imperfect as it may 
be, regardless of the religious trappings.I think most people that consider 
themselves *evangelical* fully realize the short comings of Trump as an ideal 
reflection of Christianity but see him as an instrument through which God is 
working. They see him as a choice. Take a new road or keep going down the one 
that they really believe is bringing judgement or a deterioration of our 
country and culture.
Most Christians believe the United States has greatly offended God with 50 
million abortions, as the Jews did with child sacrifices to Moloch, during the 
time of Jeremiah. God judged Israel, withdrew his protection and allowed the 
Jews to be conquered, destroyed the temple of Solomon  and be taken into 
captivity in Babylon. Some see Trump as the fork in the road and we better take 

  From: "yifuxero@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:01 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity
 Articles from two different brands of Evangelical Christianity: (liberal - C. 
Today; and conservative - Charisma M

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Tony Nader's new lot

2016-04-27 Thread olliesed...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Brilliant. Yes, two sides of the same coin, yet not letting go of the coin, 
which rusted through a long time ago. A dodge and distraction from life's 
procession. Both the followers and anti-followers create meaning around an 
object which cannot be perfected nor destroyed, perpetually. A spinning mirror 
to look into, transfixed, instead of simply dealing with the nature of life and 
our intimate relationship with it. The mind as the naked emperor, parading in 
front of its fantasies.  
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Yeah, he be the MAHARAJA! I would guess his family has money, especially if 
he's a doctor and hung out with Maharishi a lot. I doubt he has had to spend 
much time in an emergency room or maintain a practice  fixing up people to pay 
off student loans.

 It is very apparent that the guy has money, and it makes sense to me. Why 
wouldn't a highly educated medical man have made a decent amount of money and 
has anyone (imagine!) considered that perhaps his wife has a good job? Or maybe 
there is family money as well. 
 As for some of these other people who became rajas and ranis, I've heard at 
least one and maybe more had to virtually beg for assistance to pay the million 
dollar fee. The TM movement is and always been full of idiots. I have my doubts 
as to whether many could have made it in the real world.

 I know for a fact they couldn't and didn't. There are so many airy fairy 
neurotics who crowd into the lineup to see their current favorite guru or who 
run, feverishly, to jump on some bandwagon that sounds like the next greatest 
thing. There are many "misfits" and just plain strange human beings on this 
Earth and we have a small proportion right here on FFL (not to mention over at 
number 2) who fell into that category and who still appear (as of my last 
viewing of them before the Great Divide) just as obsessed as ever with the 
Movement and what it's up to or how they can work out their unresolved feelings 
about having been screwed by MMY and those who were his "henchmen". You really 
have to wonder what it would take for many of them to simply move on and make 
an effort to unencumber themselves from it all. Personally, I sense a kind of 
addiction - as twisted as it actually is. The irony of it all is many of these 
obsessors think of themselves as unattached just because they have a negative 
opinion. It doesn't matter whether one's opinion is negative or positive; as 
long as you keep obsessing and showing interest you're still very much involved.


 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 10:38 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Tony Nader's new lot


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



 I just read this. Isn't Tony Nader one of the Rajas? Or is he just a 
scientist/doctor? Not having been a follower of what goes on in the TM Movement 
since 1985 I presume this is news - the fact that he has some bucks? If you're 
a Raja don't you have had to have donated a wheelbarrow full of money or 
something? If that is the case, the amount is $1m (?) then it comes as no 
surprise that someone has a lot more than that in their bank account. Only an 
idiot would donate $1m and not have at least $10m in the bank, minimum. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity

2016-04-27 Thread emily.ma...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Well said, both of you (Ollie and Ann).   

 Mr. Dixon, I was surprised to read what you wrote there - what you wrote seems 
that it would apply to a reasoning why "Christians" should be flocking to Cruz, 
not Trump.  The article doesn't really make much sense to me - to me it simply 
recognizes the "Christians" that are zealously confused (at least during this 
election) and perhaps have been "deceived" by "Satan" into taking up "idol 
worship."  Psalm 115:"their idols are silver and gold." 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Excuse me? "Most Christians believe the United States has greatly offended God 
with 50 million abortions..." 

 Utter crap. This is little more than facile projection by the largely white 
male congregations of the most radical and repressed evangelical churches, 
decrying the ability of women to make their own choices. Why do fundamentalist 
conservatives always take their own shortcomings and try to make them "biblical 
prophecy or testimony"?? It is delusion, craziness, the attempt of a disordered 
mind to be brain-washed by egotism.

 I'll bet that many of those against abortion are madly in favor of the second 
ammendment. Again, a religionized attempt to let women know that the old white 
guys are still Firmly In Control. A pretty limp effort, imo

 Most Christians in this country go about their daily life to the best of their 
ability, not filled with the judgment and hatred of those who have fooled 
themselves into believing they talk to Jesus Christ, and are therefore 
unassailable. The country faces some problems, not the least of which are a 
bunch of racist and sexist religious fanatics. The Muslims? Hell no, all the 
"born again" Christians. Never content to live like normal folk, they need to 
get "born again" to flaunt their desperation and arrogance. I don't give 'em 
the time of day. If they want to stop pretending to be anything except just 
like everybody else, Jesus or no Jesus, I can interact, but all the exclusion 
and faux superiority makes me look on them with pity and their ideas with 
contempt, as they so richly deserve. Even Jewish Law passed down to "the chosen 
people" does not outlaw abortion. Same God, different day...

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 There are those that define a Christian as someone practicing the *religion* 
to the best of their ability and then there are those that define a Christian 
as someone having a relationship with Christ, as perfect or imperfect as it may 
be, regardless of the religious trappings.
 I think most people that consider themselves *evangelical* fully realize the 
short comings of Trump as an ideal reflection of Christianity but see him as an 
instrument through which God is working. 

 There you go: they're utterly batshit, that proves it.

 They see him as a choice. Take a new road or keep going down the one that they 
really believe is bringing judgement or a deterioration of our country and 


 "New road" my ass. Donald's road is the same age as the day narcissism and 
self interest were born.

 Most Christians believe the United States has greatly offended God with 50 
million abortions, as the Jews did with child sacrifices to Moloch, during the 
time of Jeremiah. God judged Israel, withdrew his protection and allowed the 
Jews to be conquered, destroyed the temple of Solomon  and be taken into 
captivity in Babylon. 
 Some see Trump as the fork in the road and we better take it.

 This is utter bollocks. "Most Christians" don't believe any such thing and 
Trump is the furthest thing from what might prove to be the salvation of the 
US. He is a chameleon who will glow whatever color he thinks his fans will want 
to see at any given time. He is neither true to himself nor to his addled 
supporters. Part of me would love to see him gain the White House just so I 
could watch those idiots who supported him lament the day they ever voted for 
the guy. It will almost be worth the price of what will happen to the country 
with him in power. He is a menace in every way - terrifying - and there will be 
nowhere to run. I am truly horrified that so many Americans are voting for him 
- a nightmare.

 From: "yifuxero@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:01 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity
 Articles from two different brands of Evangelical Christianity: (liberal - C. 
Today; and conservative - Charisma Magazine) both find Trump's supposed 
Christianity troubling and add odds with their Biblical interpretations.
 C. Today says that his theology is closer to that of Norman Vincent Peale and 
Joel Osteen than their strict literal interpretations of the Bible.
 Charisma Magazine contributor Michael L. Brown in May 2016, ("Can We Question 
Donald Trump's Christianity?"), concludes: "But let's not foolishly proclai

Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity

2016-04-27 Thread Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Yes, you are excused.

  From: "olliesed...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity
    Excuse me? "Most Christians believe the United States has greatly offended 
God with 50 million abortions..."
Utter crap. This is little more than facile projection by the largely white 
male congregations of the most radical and repressed evangelical churches, 
decrying the ability of women to make their own choices. Why do fundamentalist 
conservatives always take their own shortcomings and try to make them "biblical 
prophecy or testimony"?? It is delusion, craziness, the attempt of a disordered 
mind to be brain-washed by egotism.
I'll bet that many of those against abortion are madly in favor of the second 
ammendment. Again, a religionized attempt to let women know that the old white 
guys are still Firmly In Control. A pretty limp effort, imo
Most Christians in this country go about their daily life to the best of their 
ability, not filled with the judgment and hatred of those who have fooled 
themselves into believing they talk to Jesus Christ, and are therefore 
unassailable. The country faces some problems, not the least of which are a 
bunch of racist and sexist religious fanatics. The Muslims? Hell no, all the 
"born again" Christians. Never content to live like normal folk, they need to 
get "born again" to flaunt their desperation and arrogance. I don't give 'em 
the time of day. If they want to stop pretending to be anything except just 
like everybody else, Jesus or no Jesus, I can interact, but all the exclusion 
and faux superiority makes me look on them with pity and their ideas with 
contempt, as they so richly deserve. Even Jewish Law passed down to "the chosen 
people" does not outlaw abortion. Same God, different day...
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

There are those that define a Christian as someone practicing the *religion* to 
the best of their ability and then there are those that define a Christian as 
someone having a relationship with Christ, as perfect or imperfect as it may 
be, regardless of the religious trappings.I think most people that consider 
themselves *evangelical* fully realize the short comings of Trump as an ideal 
reflection of Christianity but see him as an instrument through which God is 
working. They see him as a choice. Take a new road or keep going down the one 
that they really believe is bringing judgement or a deterioration of our 
country and culture.
Most Christians believe the United States has greatly offended God with 50 
million abortions, as the Jews did with child sacrifices to Moloch, during the 
time of Jeremiah. God judged Israel, withdrew his protection and allowed the 
Jews to be conquered, destroyed the temple of Solomon  and be taken into 
captivity in Babylon. Some see Trump as the fork in the road and we better take 

  From: "yifuxero@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:01 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity
 Articles from two different brands of Evangelical Christianity: (liberal - C. 
Today; and conservative - Charisma Magazine) both find Trump's supposed 
Christianity troubling and add odds with their Biblical interpretations.C. 
Today says that his theology is closer to that of Norman Vincent Peale and Joel 
Osteen than their strict literal interpretations of the Bible.Charisma Magazine 
contributor Michael L. Brown in May 2016, ("Can We Question Donald Trump's 
Christianity?"), concludes: "But let's not foolishly proclaim him to be a 
Christian when, until recently, many of his ardent supporters acknowledge he 
was not.  Just consider what a world changer Donald Trump could be if he really 
knew the Lord.  Through prayer and God's mercy, it could happen.".
The Theology of Donald Trump
|  |
|  | |  | The Theology of Donald Trump Four words that reveal what his 
followers really believe. |  |
|View on www.christianitytoday...  |   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity

2016-04-27 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Excuse me? "Most Christians believe the United States has greatly offended God 
with 50 million abortions..." 

 Utter crap. This is little more than facile projection by the largely white 
male congregations of the most radical and repressed evangelical churches, 
decrying the ability of women to make their own choices. Why do fundamentalist 
conservatives always take their own shortcomings and try to make them "biblical 
prophecy or testimony"?? It is delusion, craziness, the attempt of a disordered 
mind to be brain-washed by egotism.

 I'll bet that many of those against abortion are madly in favor of the second 
ammendment. Again, a religionized attempt to let women know that the old white 
guys are still Firmly In Control. A pretty limp effort, imo

 Most Christians in this country go about their daily life to the best of their 
ability, not filled with the judgment and hatred of those who have fooled 
themselves into believing they talk to Jesus Christ, and are therefore 
unassailable. The country faces some problems, not the least of which are a 
bunch of racist and sexist religious fanatics. The Muslims? Hell no, all the 
"born again" Christians. Never content to live like normal folk, they need to 
get "born again" to flaunt their desperation and arrogance. I don't give 'em 
the time of day. If they want to stop pretending to be anything except just 
like everybody else, Jesus or no Jesus, I can interact, but all the exclusion 
and faux superiority makes me look on them with pity and their ideas with 
contempt, as they so richly deserve. Even Jewish Law passed down to "the chosen 
people" does not outlaw abortion. Same God, different day...

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 There are those that define a Christian as someone practicing the *religion* 
to the best of their ability and then there are those that define a Christian 
as someone having a relationship with Christ, as perfect or imperfect as it may 
be, regardless of the religious trappings.
 I think most people that consider themselves *evangelical* fully realize the 
short comings of Trump as an ideal reflection of Christianity but see him as an 
instrument through which God is working. 

 There you go: they're utterly batshit, that proves it.

 They see him as a choice. Take a new road or keep going down the one that they 
really believe is bringing judgement or a deterioration of our country and 


 "New road" my ass. Donald's road is the same age as the day narcissism and 
self interest were born.

 Most Christians believe the United States has greatly offended God with 50 
million abortions, as the Jews did with child sacrifices to Moloch, during the 
time of Jeremiah. God judged Israel, withdrew his protection and allowed the 
Jews to be conquered, destroyed the temple of Solomon  and be taken into 
captivity in Babylon. 
 Some see Trump as the fork in the road and we better take it.

 This is utter bollocks. "Most Christians" don't believe any such thing and 
Trump is the furthest thing from what might prove to be the salvation of the 
US. He is a chameleon who will glow whatever color he thinks his fans will want 
to see at any given time. He is neither true to himself nor to his addled 
supporters. Part of me would love to see him gain the White House just so I 
could watch those idiots who supported him lament the day they ever voted for 
the guy. It will almost be worth the price of what will happen to the country 
with him in power. He is a menace in every way - terrifying - and there will be 
nowhere to run. I am truly horrified that so many Americans are voting for him 
- a nightmare.

 From: "yifuxero@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:01 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity
 Articles from two different brands of Evangelical Christianity: (liberal - C. 
Today; and conservative - Charisma Magazine) both find Trump's supposed 
Christianity troubling and add odds with their Biblical interpretations.
 C. Today says that his theology is closer to that of Norman Vincent Peale and 
Joel Osteen than their strict literal interpretations of the Bible.
 Charisma Magazine contributor Michael L. Brown in May 2016, ("Can We Question 
Donald Trump's Christianity?"), concludes: "But let's not foolishly proclaim 
him to be a Christian when, until recently, many of his ardent supporters 
acknowledge he was not.  Just consider what a world changer Donald Trump could 
be if he really knew the Lord.  Through prayer and God's mercy, it could 

 The Theology of Donald Trump 
 The Theology of Donald Trump 

[FairfieldLife] New Study: Invincible America Assembly Reduced Homicides 21.2% and Violent Crime 18.5%

2016-04-27 Thread Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com [FairfieldLife]
The Review, Vol. 31, #14, April 27, 2016, Maharishi University of Management

New Study: Invincible America Assembly Reduced Homicides 21.2% and Violent 
Crime 18.5%

A new study has found that the community Invincible America Assembly reduced 
the rate of homicides by a total of 21.2% over the four-year period when 
attendance was at its peak, and reduced the rate of violent crime by a total of 
18.5% over the same period.

The study estimates that 8,157 homicides were averted by the significant shift 
from an increasing to a decreasing trend in homicide rates.

Published earlier this month in the journal SAGE Open, the study established 
baseline rates of homicide for the whole U.S. and violent crime for a sample of 
206 urban areas with a population over 100,000 during the period of 2002–2006, 
and then compared that baseline with the period 2007–2010.

The researchers found that a rising trend of U.S. homicide during the baseline 
period 2002-2006 was reversed during the 2007-2010 intervention period. In the 
case of violent crime, the study found a highly significant shift from a flat 
trend in 2002-2006 to a declining trend in 2007-2010.

>From January of 2007 through December 2010, the Assembly was above or near the 
>threshold of 1,725 participants, the size predicted to have an influence on 
>the U.S. This threshold represents the square root of 1% of the U.S. 

"Given that there are now multiple studies showing a highly significant 
relationship between a large group practicing the Transcendental Meditation and 
TM-Sidhi programs and decreased violence, this obviously has implications for 
crime prevention," said research professor Michael Dillbeck, lead author of the 

This study is the latest in a series of studies spanning decades that have 
suggested that a sufficiently large group practicing an advanced program of the 
Transcendental Meditation® technique, the TM-Sidhi® program, is associated with 
decreased social violence.

Nine peer-reviewed articles, comprising 14 studies, have now been published.

The earlier studies were for periods of several weeks or months. This current 
study was based on group practice over a number of years, which gave 
researchers an opportunity to study potential long-term changes.

They used a battery of diagnostic tests to establish the validity of the key 
statistical assumptions of the analysis, which utilized "broken-trend 
intervention analysis" of outcomes, a form of interrupted time series analysis.

In the study the authors discuss alternative hypotheses, such as economic 
trends, incarceration rates, seasonal cycles, demographic changes, and policing 
strategies, but found they weren't sufficient to explain the observed reduction.

The study, titled "Societal Violence and Collective Consciousness: Reduction of 
U.S. Homicide and Urban Violent Crime Rates 
," was coauthored by 
professor Ken Cavanaugh.

[FairfieldLife] England's racist flag!

2016-04-27 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]

 England Bans Its Own Flag to Avoid Offending Muslims 

 England Bans Its Own Flag to Avoid Offending Muslims 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTlr0707vLU English people are terrified of 
displaying their own flag after being endlessly lectured that it's racist and 
offensive to immigrants. Facebook @ https://www...
 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTlr0707vLU 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity

2016-04-27 Thread olliesed...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Excuse me? "Most Christians believe the United States has greatly offended God 
with 50 million abortions..." 

 Utter crap. This is little more than facile projection by the largely white 
male congregations of the most radical and repressed evangelical churches, 
decrying the ability of women to make their own choices. Why do fundamentalist 
conservatives always take their own shortcomings and try to make them "biblical 
prophecy or testimony"?? It is delusion, craziness, the attempt of a disordered 
mind to be brain-washed by egotism.

 I'll bet that many of those against abortion are madly in favor of the second 
ammendment. Again, a religionized attempt to let women know that the old white 
guys are still Firmly In Control. A pretty limp effort, imo

 Most Christians in this country go about their daily life to the best of their 
ability, not filled with the judgment and hatred of those who have fooled 
themselves into believing they talk to Jesus Christ, and are therefore 
unassailable. The country faces some problems, not the least of which are a 
bunch of racist and sexist religious fanatics. The Muslims? Hell no, all the 
"born again" Christians. Never content to live like normal folk, they need to 
get "born again" to flaunt their desperation and arrogance. I don't give 'em 
the time of day. If they want to stop pretending to be anything except just 
like everybody else, Jesus or no Jesus, I can interact, but all the exclusion 
and faux superiority makes me look on them with pity and their ideas with 
contempt, as they so richly deserve. Even Jewish Law passed down to "the chosen 
people" does not outlaw abortion. Same God, different day... 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 There are those that define a Christian as someone practicing the *religion* 
to the best of their ability and then there are those that define a Christian 
as someone having a relationship with Christ, as perfect or imperfect as it may 
be, regardless of the religious trappings.
 I think most people that consider themselves *evangelical* fully realize the 
short comings of Trump as an ideal reflection of Christianity but see him as an 
instrument through which God is working. They see him as a choice. Take a new 
road or keep going down the one that they really believe is bringing judgement 
or a deterioration of our country and culture.

 Most Christians believe the United States has greatly offended God with 50 
million abortions, as the Jews did with child sacrifices to Moloch, during the 
time of Jeremiah. God judged Israel, withdrew his protection and allowed the 
Jews to be conquered, destroyed the temple of Solomon  and be taken into 
captivity in Babylon. 
 Some see Trump as the fork in the road and we better take it.

 From: "yifuxero@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:01 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Trump's Christianity
 Articles from two different brands of Evangelical Christianity: (liberal - C. 
Today; and conservative - Charisma Magazine) both find Trump's supposed 
Christianity troubling and add odds with their Biblical interpretations.
 C. Today says that his theology is closer to that of Norman Vincent Peale and 
Joel Osteen than their strict literal interpretations of the Bible.
 Charisma Magazine contributor Michael L. Brown in May 2016, ("Can We Question 
Donald Trump's Christianity?"), concludes: "But let's not foolishly proclaim 
him to be a Christian when, until recently, many of his ardent supporters 
acknowledge he was not.  Just consider what a world changer Donald Trump could 
be if he really knew the Lord.  Through prayer and God's mercy, it could 

 The Theology of Donald Trump 
 The Theology of Donald Trump 
 Four words that reveal what his followers really believe.

 View on www.christianitytoday... 
 Preview by Yahoo