RE: [FairfieldLife] Compulsive Arguing = "Bored and Boring"

2009-11-25 Thread Paula Youmans
Just as a funny side note, I had put yahoo groups to no email a long, long time ago.never bothered to look and semi-forgot about it. Went back in and told it to start sending me emails again like..yesterday. All I can think is, "wow.shit's changed" LOL Hello again, to anyone who mig

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hurdy Gurdy Man revealed

2005-11-30 Thread Paula Youmans
Did anyone see the Plant and Page tour around 1993-ish, when they were touring with that orchestra from Cairo? They had this kid who played the Hurdy gurdy with them and he was amazing!! He rocked so hard that I was almost saddened when Plant and Page took the stage back!!   I’ve look

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Where is Mr. M.DIXON?

2005-11-29 Thread Paula Youmans
  Democrats can make Bush look like a genius??? Miracle of miracles I mean…him and his cronies can’t even do that….   That’s power dude…true power! Ha-ha No, but he was elected and democrats have no interest in seeing his policies work. When  they do, it only proves th

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Selection from FFL Greatest Hits: you may

2005-11-23 Thread Paula Youmans
Don’t you think that is because it is a personal relationship with what is? “I” see from the standpoint of my self…. “I” see from the standpoint of the all...   I, I , I, I (I am the frito bandito )   Why not just enjoy?   Paula       there are now at least two

RE: [FairfieldLife] The Tao of Dubya

2005-11-23 Thread Paula Youmans
That was one of the funniest reads I’ve had in a long time! Thanks for passing it on! ~Paula     Funny: To subscribe, send a message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Or go to:

RE: [FairfieldLife] Birthday

2005-11-21 Thread Paula Youmans
Happy Happy B-day!! 32 years is a long damn time…does it make you sing or cringe? May they be filled with joy and wonder ☺ ~Paula Subject: [FairfieldLife] Birthday Todays my birthday. I was born 52 years ago. Holy Cow! I've got 32 years left and then

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Does anyone really care about

2005-11-21 Thread Paula Youmans
I was going to say that very exact thing regarding MMY saying that he only wanted to speak to certain people that “understand” him!! I was very much wondering why he thought anyone understands him…truly I mean.   What you say here is so very true…   ~Paula     You know

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Ascended Masters Pictures

2005-11-16 Thread Paula Youmans
Haha, that’s funny!   My first thought was, “Why do all of these people look like a bunch of white guys…I mean, even the chicks?!?”   Is it my imagination or do all of these guys look like dudes from some rock band? Also, according to this website, there are so few AM's

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Where is the truth?

2005-11-12 Thread Paula Youmans
  There can only one reality.  Rest is all Maya, illusion.   The more I think about this the more I think another possibility exists, and that is no reality. If it is seen at all…it’s already being taken through its 1st filter…the seer. I k

RE: [FairfieldLife] Two questions for the abortion-lovers

2005-11-09 Thread Paula Youmans
I wouldn’t call myself an “abortion-lover,” …nor anyone else for that matter, but that’s me. In answer to both of your questions I think it is futile and unethical to legislate morality. If someone does not want to carry a child for any reason it is not up to me to “force” her to do s

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Roe v. Wade (was paperboy)

2005-11-08 Thread Paula Youmans
You know.birth control pills and IUD's cause a mini abortion each month.(oh the horror). This is why we have pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions for Birth Control, etc. I can see people having issues with this, but they are their issues. How does one person or group tell others what is right

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Roe v. Wade (was paperboy)

2005-11-08 Thread Paula Youmans
Can anyone clarify with direct or spousal experience: Are abortions in the first trimester, particulary by second month, "violent" in nature. Is "violent induction" a reasonable and fair way to describe such early term abortions?     That’s kind of a weird question…. I mean…preg

[FairfieldLife] TM B-day chants

2005-11-05 Thread Paula Youmans
How about finding a cure for AIDS, establishing world peace, discovering an unlimited source of free energy, reversing global warming, etc. You're got the time, right? *** As far as world peace and global warming.I can't change people. But tell you what, If I ever figure ou

RE: [FairfieldLife] Happy Birthday Paula

2005-11-05 Thread Paula Youmans
Happy Birthday, Paula!!     Dhanyawad! :-D (thanks)   To subscribe, send a message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Or go to: and click 'Join This Group!' SPONSORED LINKS

RE: [FairfieldLife] Happy Birthday Paula

2005-11-05 Thread Paula Youmans
Ok, lemme try again…sometimes stuff just disappears ☺ Get fast access to your favorite Yahoo! Groups. Make Yahoo! your home page ~-> To subscribe, send a message to: [E

RE: [FairfieldLife] Happy Birthday Paula

2005-11-05 Thread Paula Youmans
Title: Happy Birthday Paula Happy Birthday to our dear, already-enlightened Paula Youmans! Long, long wakeful life in the direction of immortality, and all that. To subscribe, send a message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Or go to: and click

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mantras: Letter from Farrokh

2005-11-04 Thread Paula Youmans
If the mantra is going to be used to Transcend... Then if we assign a pre-determined name or form to it; We would keep one on a superficial level of thought; Trying to visualize or apply some meaning to the sound. Therefore, it is necessary to assign no meaning to the; "Vibration of Sound

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Short List of Items People Claiming MMY's

2005-11-04 Thread Paula Youmans
Aside from the fact that you had too much time on your hands and you were always conscious, how did you feel? Did you feel good, or strung out, tired, and wired?   I felt good…generally. Not tired at all or I could have slept I am assuming. It felt like being very awake. Kind of how y

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Short List of Items People Claiming MMY's

2005-11-04 Thread Paula Youmans
Desires so deep, they even have to do with sleep. :) Not exactly, "nothing can be added to this state, and nothing can be taken away".   Hey…you try sleeping for 4 hours a night for a year or so and tell me what weird ass hobbies you’ve picked up lol. I think people *seriousl

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Short List of Items People Claiming MMY's

2005-11-04 Thread Paula Youmans
>> > I enjoy sleeping but I would love to be able to get by on a few > hours. There are so many things I would rather be doing. > Meditating, reading, walking in the woods, etc. That's the way I feel as well. There's nothing nicer than good yogic sleep--as you awa

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Short List of Items People Claiming MMY's

2005-11-04 Thread Paula Youmans
I get this and find it just as boring a lot of the time and would like to avoid it if I could. I had the same problem with sleep. I don’t think sleeping less is a huge sign of enlightenment, so I’m not claiming anything, but there was a good year of my life (and it still happens o

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Experience of a Conscious Self

2005-11-01 Thread Paula Youmans
Soounds great. I suspect I'll be dead from a heart attack or in a looney bin from the rollercoaster ride before that happens to me. Never was good at rollercoasters. OffWorld   Ironically enough, I did end up in a loony bin from the roller coaster ride (thanks mom). No jok

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: An educational interlude

2005-10-26 Thread Paula Youmans

RE: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi on Government, was: Dome total numbers

2005-10-24 Thread Paula Youmans
The reason he doesn't like democracies is that he doesn't consider the common man qualified to have a say in governmental policy.   Something our founding fathers agreed with…..     * He thinks that individuals should just concern themselves with

RE: [FairfieldLife] google vs. yahoo

2005-10-22 Thread Paula Youmans
Hi –   I remember when we were looking into a new venue for AYP we checked out google for a bit. No one seemed to be entirely impressed with google…but for the life of me I don’t remember why… I kept all the dialogues from our testing and after I dig through them I will send you the

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic Flying, was: press report: Peace Palace in Nova Scotia, Canada

2005-10-18 Thread Paula Youmans
Most I hear of warn of this to prevent a premature crown opening. It can really land you in the nut house if you aren’t ready for it…and I’ve also heard of possible death though I’ve never known anyone who actually dies because of it.         * Seems like all yogis hav

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Awakening

2005-10-18 Thread Paula Youmans
I enjoyed it J Thanks   Rick wrote: I don't know squat. I just posted something I thought people would enjoy reading. To subscribe, send a message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Or go to: and click 'Join This Group!'

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Shurangama Sutra and TMer's Proclaiming their enlightenment.

2005-10-18 Thread Paula Youmans
THe original post was a reference to one of the Richard Bach stories, wasn't it? The Reluctant Messiah or somesuch? Hmm…don’t remember. I’m fairly certain though that anyone who comes out performing messiah-like feats openly is going to pretty much get slaughtered. No matter

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real levitation (not human)?

2005-10-18 Thread Paula Youmans
Very “Clockwork Orange” lol      

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Shurangama Sutra and TMer's Proclaiming their enlightenment.

2005-10-18 Thread Paula Youmans
It seems to me that enlightenment (which I think all of us agree is pretty much a useless term, but one we're stuck with) would be pretty wasted on a person who drew his or her primary sense of identity from the person of power, wealth or influence he or she had attached himself to. 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Shurangama Sutra and TMer's Proclaiming their enlightenment.

2005-10-18 Thread Paula Youmans
It would be like your small town car-mechanic, grease on his hands and all, stepped out of his garage and started to do these things and perform those miracles.. Oh boy, would this scare the establishment?   Not as much as if it was a girl lol How sad is that :P    

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: press report: Peace Palace in Nova Scotia, Canada

2005-10-17 Thread Paula Youmans
What translation are you reading? * Sri Swami Satchidananda Hope that is a fairly decent one! I read a couple of them and then ponder for a while... At this rate I should be finished by summer of '06 lol. It is just one of those books that I cannot sit and read through all in on

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: press report: Peace Palace in Nova Scotia, Canada

2005-10-17 Thread Paula Youmans
> > Hey, I think the TM-Sidhi program is great and I'm not > > a TB by any stretch of the imagination. It took years > > of regular practice before I noticed anything though > > and then did I notice!! What is TB? Is it like…transcendental baby? Haha…just a guess To subsc

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: press report: Peace Palace in Nova Scotia, Canada

2005-10-17 Thread Paula Youmans
Ok, Trancenet does not resolve for some reason, but I can try to poke into that later. I just spoke to a very dear friend in India about where I might find this and he pointed me towards chapter 3 of the yoga sutras - vibhuti pada But that chapter was written as somewhat of a warning….

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: press report: Peace Palace in Nova Scotia, Canada

2005-10-17 Thread Paula Youmans
It did help a little – thanks J I am reading patanjali now after years of being told I should lol Guess I’ll go from there and if I ever feel the need to levitate I’ll figure it out. Thanks for your time in explaining! I feel like a friend told me they saw a ghost and I am going, “Yo

RE: [FairfieldLife] Still a virgin AT 50... and proud of it

2005-10-17 Thread Paula Youmans
I know…it made me feel kind of sad for him that some construct in is head is keeping him from enjoying the simpler pleasures…   Oy, and if he ever marries a woman…that’s real nice to her; “I’m not attracted to you per ce – but this here book says I’ll go to hell if….”   Oh well, I w

RE: [FairfieldLife] press report: Peace Palace in Nova Scotia, Canada

2005-10-17 Thread Paula Youmans
This was interesting! Is the only way to find out about these practices the low low price of 30k? (lol) I would be interested in knowing about the practice itself…everything I google just talks about The effort towards world peace and stuff.   ~Paula   To subscribe,

RE: [FairfieldLife] Sat Yuga? Or Scorpions Sinking Into Hell?

2005-10-14 Thread Paula Youmans
  'I'm in the nude for dancing' *     OMG, I would be so nervous that I might bump into someone….pun intended lol.   To subscribe, send a message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Or go to: and click 'Join This Group!'

RE: [FairfieldLife] Literary accent decent ion

2005-10-14 Thread Paula Youmans
That was beautiful XXOO   ~Paula To subscribe, send a message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Or go to: and click 'Join This Group!' SPONSORED LINKS Maharishi mahesh

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-14 Thread Paula Youmans
Objectively? I belive MMY says that levitation is proof of samadhi. I suppose this means that if a person who is a known TMSP-practitioner repeatedly can take-off, hoover and settle down in a controlled manner, chances are this person is CC or above.   I’m thinking if what has a

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-14 Thread Paula Youmans
So, when we stop living the surrealistic reality of our assumed limitations, and become free, we are said to then be 'enlightened'. But it is merely relative to what our past experience has been.     Hi Jim …thanks for your reply. I was thinking about that line you wrote above

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-14 Thread Paula Youmans
Hi Akasha,     First, many here and elsewhere have so many understandings of the term, use of such a label, in contrast to direct descriptors of an experience, has little communicative value IMO. I know lol. I hear that word used so much, and I swear ….I don’t know what it means lol

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-13 Thread Paula Youmans
Yikes, not at all. And if I did, asking would hardly help me (as I was stating). I ask because people speak of enlightenment as if they know what it is and have never been able to find out. So to answer your questions I want to know you couldn’t pay me to take such a la

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-13 Thread Paula Youmans
To be like Shiva. He does it all the time.     Plus Ostriches are cool, and by cool I mean totally sweet! Fast as hell they are…. Swsh :-D   To subscribe, send a message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Or go to: and click

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-13 Thread Paula Youmans
I told Tom he was enlightened and he told me that I was enlightened, so there.   Haha…have you ever had someone tell you that you had reached enlightenment? It’s a lot like someone informing you of a past life you don’t remember; or getting the gas bill:   “Okeedoke, I’ll tak

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-12 Thread Paula Youmans
Or maybe it was "me" in the past, transmitting to my future self, in California, 1960. Ha ha, now thats funny. Then it was both "Me" and "me". *   I wouldn’t be surprised in the least J To subscribe, send a message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Or go to: http://groups.yah

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-12 Thread Paula Youmans
Hi again Akasha lol   This reminded me that I used to get really obsessed with the idea that there couldn’t be a beginning because something would have to “be” in order to begin anyway. It drove me nuts. Still does. Crap…I shouldn’t have even brought it up. Ugh.     > Or thinking

[FairfieldLife] Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-12 Thread Paula Youmans
Hi   That was a very interesting story. What you describe sounds like another way of experiencing the same concept of oneness, albeit much more empathetic than the incident I mentioned. Sounds like you were a pretty cool kid J   So the question is, does your sense of "no I" include

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-12 Thread Paula Youmans
I’ve been slapped silly…a few times lol. The ego loss was just the tip of the iceberg. Getting rather used to it by now…and each journey has gotten easier. I feel like through meditation that I have gained some control, but I have far to go.   I don’t mind one bit…I’d rather be on th

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-12 Thread Paula Youmans
Thank you for the suggested reading!  I have not read this yet… but I will J   I too was raised Christian (Catholic actually) …. You would not believe how incredibly fast I had to dump out my belief system just to “get by”   I look forward to reading this stuff!   Oh, btw…people me

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-12 Thread Paula Youmans
talk about your experiences directly? You seem to have experienced a degree of ego loss, one of the points of enlightenment discussed here quite often. Do you have an ego now, or is there only "no thing" when mind tries to reference an "I"? --- Paula Youmans <[

RE: [FairfieldLife] the monkey story..

2005-10-12 Thread Paula Youmans
I think you might be referring to this   hope so J   I'm talking about the research that found that once you taught 100 monkeys a trick and they learn something then in a different place other monkeys learn

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-12 Thread Paula Youmans
Irmeli wrote: People can get enlightened without these inner structures. Then they tend to think they are fully perfect as they are and also superior beings. They desperately need their enlightenment to be seen, and themselves to be seen as superior, because that is their personality s