[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-06 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
You were in a publicly known place with other people, with a very popular 
person; one cannot be private in such a situation, one is seen in such a 
situation; you may even have been photographed in such a situation. That is 
public knowledge even though you might want to hide such behaviour from a 
certain organisation, but you were seen. In the light of your comments in the 
past, you would be considered what you have called others, an apostate. The 
other comments were factual, concerning your behaviour in the past, what you 
publicly posted on Fairfield Life, so it is not a slur. Your name was not 
mentioned in the post, and everybody knows it anyway, you never requested 
anonymity when you were on FFL. End of Message. 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Dear Xenophaneros Anartaxius you are well aware of the yahoo-groups guidelines 
of invading privacy or slurring people on yahoo-groups. Bye. 

[FairfieldLife] Apostates

2015-07-06 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I hear our moderator, a TM apostate now, was up visiting one of the 
non-approved Indian saints up in Chicago. As one of FFL's biggest spammers and 
generally non-interactive complainer, he has been relatively silent now that he 
holds the moderator button. In particular with that complete lack of 
transparency as far as TuquoiseBee was concerned. The few glimpses he gave for 
reasons to press the delete button on him were absurdly implausible, 
considering things that have gotten by subsequently. I mean, if a single poster 
negatively impacts your view of spirituality, and you cannot stand up to that 
person while in the relative safety of online discourse, it only shows that 
whatever spirituality you have got is meaningless and in a practical sense, 
ineffective, and have a need to resort to secrecy and subterfuge to achieve 
ones goal.
Spirituality, and most other disciplines are laced with all kinds of absurd 
beliefs which followers seem to have a need to maintain. Some of these absurd 
beliefs are temporary necessities on a spiritual path because they provide a 
soft landing for the passage of various experiences (TC, CC, GC, UC, 
experiences like that), but in the end they all go if you find what you were 
actually seeking. Yet it seems inevitable that spiritual teachings are adopted 
not because they are true, but because they provide an axe with which the human 
ego can justify its carnage in the world by acting as if those ridiculous 
statements about reality were true, hiding the doubts that surround such 
beliefs from itself.
There is a certain humour in the human condition here, well stated by Andy 
MINNEAPOLIS (The Borowitz Report) – Scientists have discovered a powerful new 
strain of fact-resistant humans who are threatening the ability of Earth to 
sustain life, a sobering new study reports.
The research, conducted by the University of Minnesota, identifies a virulent 
strain of humans who are virtually immune to any form of verifiable knowledge, 
leaving scientists at a loss as to how to combat them.
'These humans appear to have all the faculties necessary to receive and process 
information,' Davis Logsdon, one of the scientists who contributed to the 
study, said. 'And yet, somehow, they have developed defenses that, for all 
intents and purposes, have rendered those faculties totally inactive.'
More worryingly, Logsdon said, 'As facts have multiplied, their defenses 
against those facts have only grown more powerful.'
While scientists have no clear understanding of the mechanisms that prevent the 
fact-resistant humans from absorbing data, they theorize that the strain may 
have developed the ability to intercept and discard information en route from 
the auditory nerve to the brain. 'The normal functions of human consciousness 
have been completely nullified,' Logsdon said.
While reaffirming the gloomy assessments of the study, Logsdon held out hope 
that the threat of fact-resistant humans could be mitigated in the future. 'Our 
research is very preliminary, but it’s possible that they will become more 
receptive to facts once they are in an environment without food, water, or 
oxygen,' he said.


2015-07-06 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
My sister still lives in the Bay Area and she was always stuck in traffic when 
I talked to her on her mobile (cell phone) because she worked in the city. She 
seems to have retired now, tired of the hassle of driving around. I have not 
been back there for some time now. My car has over 200K miles on it now. The 
official repair shop said the older models were lasting better than the newer 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I know what you mean.  You know the Bay Area and San Francisco is probably 
getting as bad as New York to drive into.  And it is only about 35 miles away 
from here.  Last time I did that was 3 years ago for a conference.
 My car is 17 years old but then it's a Subaru Forester and I've kept it up.  
Funny thing, the dealer left a robocall the other day that I hadn't been in for 
service since 2009.  Yup, I found a independent shop up the street that has a 
Subaru mechanic and they've been keeping it up for me. And they cost less than 
the dealer.  I don't need to do much driving since everything is just a few 
miles away.  But I did have to replace a few things around 110,000 miles and 
those will be good for another 100K.
 On 07/05/2015 08:27 AM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@... 
mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Thanks for the invitation, but I have other obligations.
 I deleted my post as I tend not to have any photos I have taken remain on the 
Internet in a public space for very long. I live about a 60 mile drive out of 
the City, and tend to avoid going into the City unless I have to. Normally I 
drive to the Metro North Train Station in Brewster (and at my age the round 
trip costs about $18.50), which actually costs less that the total cost of 
driving, though it takes longer. Parking is expensive in New York unless you 
hunt around. I have medical appointments on Monday. As I get older these 
appointments seem to be increasing in frequency.
 My vehicle is about 15 years old and I need to take it in for repairs, the 
exhaust system needs patching (I hope) as there are some holes in it and my SO 
is complaining about fumes, she is very sensitive to industrial fumes even 
though she thinks nothing of asphyxiating me with smoke particles from incense. 
 The Cloisters was interesting. That day I was there, I went with a local photo 
club. The museum gave me temporary permission to use a tripod so I was able to 
get shots in darker areas until my camera died. I used my SO's camera for the 
rest of the day. I think that camera died a few months later too.
 Once again thanks for the invite, but it takes a lot of pressure to get me to 
go into New York City. If I go in more than two or three times a year, it's 
 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, July 5, 2015 1:50 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: PROVIDER OF KNOWLEDGE
   Xeno, I replied to a message you had posted here last night, but my reply 
never showed up, and now I don't see your original message.
 But I enjoyed your piece about The Cloisters, and wanted to invite you for 
lunch at the Four Seasons, Pool Room tomorrow (Monday), at noon.
 That may depend if our attire will permit us entrance, but if not we will dine 
somewhere else.
 We'll be a party of four, two adults, and two grown kids.
 I know little about the Four Seasons other than hearing about it occasionally, 
but I read that it may have to relocate, and that it had a wonderful atmosphere.
 And me, being a sucker for "darshan", of any sort, I though,we'd make a 
 Hope you can make it, even with the last minute notice!

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:anartaxius@... wrote :
 Having located the source of our knowledge from India it turns out to be 
 Dikshit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 Dikshit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Dikshit or Dikshitar (/ˈdɪkʃɪt/) 
(Hindi: दीक्षित) is a Hindu family name. The word is an adjective form of the 
Sanskrit word diksha, meaning provider of knowledge. Dikshit in Sanskrit 
derives itself as a person involved in scientific studies, and literally 
translates as "one ...

 View on en.wikipedia.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 This simple discovery solves a lot of problems with regard to technical and 
intellectual difficulties anyone has encountered in the TM movement.




2015-07-06 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I have not been to the World Trade Center area since 2001. About three months 
after the attack, I walked around the entire complex, which was boarded off, 
except for the egress road where they were carting debris out of the area. An 
endless stream of large trucks carrying beams and concrete and other rubble.
I recall flying (not me as pilot of course) within a couple of hundred feet of 
the towers back in the 1980s in a small plane. And being up on the observation 
deck of one of the towers, maybe in 1979.
Security in the city varies depending on assessed threat level.
How is St. Pat's, I have not been in there for a while, is the scaffolding on 
the inside finally gone? Sometime I meditate in Cathedrals. There is another 
called St. Mary's just off Times Square and it seems a bit quieter. I am of 
course not Catholic, I am blissfully non-theistic, invading the sacred spaces 
of the reality challenged. 

 On Sunday, July 5, 2015 4:32 PM, "steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

     Xeno, thank you for your detailed response.
I enjoyed every minute of it!
Oh, a little follow up on Bhairitu's comment about high security in NYC.
As I met my wife and daughter after they attended Mass at St. Patrick's 
Cathedral ,there was a heavy police presence,. They were with armed semi, or 
fully automatic assault rifles and other gear.  So, that was interesting.
Also, the two Memorial Pools at the 9-11 site, marking the location of the two 
towers, was very impressive, IMO.  
Everything to do with the memorial was controversial including the memorials, 
but I found them to be rather perfect.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Thanks for the invitation, but I have other obligations.

I deleted my post as I tend not to have any photos I have taken remain on the 
Internet in a public space for very long. I live about a 60 mile drive out of 
the City, and tend to avoid going into the City unless I have to. Normally I 
drive to the Metro North Train Station in Brewster (and at my age the round 
trip costs about $18.50), which actually costs less that the total cost of 
driving, though it takes longer. Parking is expensive in New York unless you 
hunt around. I have medical appointments on Monday. As I get older these 
appointments seem to be increasing in frequency.
My vehicle is about 15 years old and I need to take it in for repairs, the 
exhaust system needs patching (I hope) as there are some holes in it and my SO 
is complaining about fumes, she is very sensitive to industrial fumes even 
though she thinks nothing of asphyxiating me with smoke particles from incense. 
The Cloisters was interesting. That day I was there, I went with a local photo 
club. The museum gave me temporary permission to use a tripod so I was able to 
get shots in darker areas until my camera died. I used my SO's camera for the 
rest of the day. I think that camera died a few months later too.
Once again thanks for the invite, but it takes a lot of pressure to get me to 
go into New York City. If I go in more than two or three times a year, it's 
  From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, July 5, 2015 1:50 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: PROVIDER OF KNOWLEDGE
 Xeno, I replied to a message you had posted here last night, but my reply 
never showed up, and now I don't see your original message.
But I enjoyed your piece about The Cloisters, and wanted to invite you for 
lunch at the Four Seasons, Pool Room tomorrow (Monday), at noon.
That may depend if our attire will permit us entrance, but if not we will dine 
somewhere else.
We'll be a party of four, two adults, and two grown kids.
I know little about the Four Seasons other than hearing about it occasionally, 
but I read that it may have to relocate, and that it had a wonderful atmosphere.
And me, being a sucker for "darshan", of any sort, I though,we'd make a splurge.
Hope you can make it, even with the last minute notice!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Having located the source of our knowledge from India it turns out to be 
Dikshit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

|  |
|  | Dikshit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Dikshit or Dikshitar 
(/ˈdɪkʃɪt/) (Hindi: दीक्षित) is a Hindu family name. The word is an adjective 
form of the Sanskrit word diksha, meaning provider of knowledge. Dikshit in 
Sanskrit derives itself as a person involved in scientific studies, and 
literally translates as "one ... |  |
| View on en.wikipedia.org|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |

This simple discovery solves a lot of problems with regard to technical and 
intellectual difficulties anyone has encountered in the TM movement.

  #yiv5904698409 #yiv5904698409 -- #yiv5904698409ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv5904698409 
#yiv5904698409ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv590469


2015-07-05 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Thanks for the invitation, but I have other obligations.

I deleted my post as I tend not to have any photos I have taken remain on the 
Internet in a public space for very long. I live about a 60 mile drive out of 
the City, and tend to avoid going into the City unless I have to. Normally I 
drive to the Metro North Train Station in Brewster (and at my age the round 
trip costs about $18.50), which actually costs less that the total cost of 
driving, though it takes longer. Parking is expensive in New York unless you 
hunt around. I have medical appointments on Monday. As I get older these 
appointments seem to be increasing in frequency.
My vehicle is about 15 years old and I need to take it in for repairs, the 
exhaust system needs patching (I hope) as there are some holes in it and my SO 
is complaining about fumes, she is very sensitive to industrial fumes even 
though she thinks nothing of asphyxiating me with smoke particles from incense. 
The Cloisters was interesting. That day I was there, I went with a local photo 
club. The museum gave me temporary permission to use a tripod so I was able to 
get shots in darker areas until my camera died. I used my SO's camera for the 
rest of the day. I think that camera died a few months later too.
Once again thanks for the invite, but it takes a lot of pressure to get me to 
go into New York City. If I go in more than two or three times a year, it's 
  From: "steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, July 5, 2015 1:50 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: PROVIDER OF KNOWLEDGE
    Xeno, I replied to a message you had posted here last night, but my reply 
never showed up, and now I don't see your original message.
But I enjoyed your piece about The Cloisters, and wanted to invite you for 
lunch at the Four Seasons, Pool Room tomorrow (Monday), at noon.
That may depend if our attire will permit us entrance, but if not we will dine 
somewhere else.
We'll be a party of four, two adults, and two grown kids.
I know little about the Four Seasons other than hearing about it occasionally, 
but I read that it may have to relocate, and that it had a wonderful atmosphere.
And me, being a sucker for "darshan", of any sort, I though,we'd make a splurge.
Hope you can make it, even with the last minute notice!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Having located the source of our knowledge from India it turns out to be 
Dikshit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

|  |
|  | Dikshit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Dikshit or Dikshitar 
(/ˈdɪkʃɪt/) (Hindi: दीक्षित) is a Hindu family name. The word is an adjective 
form of the Sanskrit word diksha, meaning provider of knowledge. Dikshit in 
Sanskrit derives itself as a person involved in scientific studies, and 
literally translates as "one ... |  |
| View on en.wikipedia.org|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |

This simple discovery solves a lot of problems with regard to technical and 
intellectual difficulties anyone has encountered in the TM movement.  
#yiv6755981892 #yiv6755981892 -- #yiv6755981892ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv6755981892 
#yiv6755981892ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv6755981892 
#yiv6755981892ygrp-mkp #yiv6755981892hd 
0;}#yiv6755981892 #yiv6755981892ygrp-mkp #yiv6755981892ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv6755981892 #yiv6755981892ygrp-mkp .yiv6755981892ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv6755981892 #yiv6755981892ygrp-mkp .yiv6755981892ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv6755981892 #yiv6755981892ygrp-mkp .yiv6755981892ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv6755981892 #yiv6755981892ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv6755981892ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv6755981892 
#yiv6755981892ygrp-sponsor #yiv6755981892ygrp-lc #yiv6755981892hd {margin:10px 
#yiv6755981892ygrp-sponsor #yiv6755981892ygrp-lc .yiv6755981892ad 
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{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv6755981892 
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{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv6755981892 #yiv6755981892activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv6755981892 #yiv6755981892activity span 
.yiv6755981892underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv6755981892 
0;width:400px;}#yiv6755981892 .yiv6755981892attach div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv6755981892 .yiv6755981892attach img 
{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv6755981892 .yiv6755981892att


2015-07-04 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Having located the source of our knowledge from India it turns out to be 

 Dikshit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

 Dikshit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dikshit Dikshit or Dikshitar (/ˈdɪkʃɪt/) (Hindi: 
दीक्षित) is a Hindu family name. The word is an adjective form of the Sanskrit 
word diksha, meaning provider of knowledge. Dikshit in Sanskrit derives itself 
as a person involved in scientific studies, and literally translates as "one ...
 View on en.wikipedia.org https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dikshit 
 Preview by Yahoo 
 This simple discovery solves a lot of problems with regard to technical and 
intellectual difficulties anyone has encountered in the TM movement.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: We Were at this Place Today [1 Attachment]

2015-07-04 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
The one time I was at the Cloisters, my camera died. I was photographing a 
wooden statue of Jesus, and the camera's life came to an end, unrepairable. 
What can you expect from a Jesus dummy. As the ticket also included the Met 
museum as well, I went there next. I took an image of an Egyptian statue, some 
tomb builder or something who lived several thousand years ago.
  From: "steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, July 4, 2015 2:15 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: We Were at this Place Today
    well, actually you go back in time.
017 | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
||   017 | The Metropolitan Museum of Art  Unicorn Tapestries||
|  View on www.metmuseum.org  |Preview by Yahoo|


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I had no idea that anything physically existed above Central Park.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

We were at this place today.
Visit The Cloisters | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
|  |
|  | Visit The Cloisters | The Metropolitan Museum of Art The Cloisters 
museum and gardens is the branch of The Metropolitan Museum of Art in northern 
Manhattan devoted to the art and architecture of medieval Europe. |  |
| View on www.metmuseum.org|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |

  Was gonna invite xeno to meet us for lunch one day up here in NYC, but guess 
that ain't gonna happen.
Got some funny directions leaving the museum trying to find the subway,and we 
ended up walking two miles along the freeway, looking down at the Hudson River, 
before we finally found it.
Ain't a lot of green in NYC, but we had a nice stroll through Central Park.
Tired as hell, but we're gonna have some dindin, and check out Times Square.
Good Times!  #yiv9462255586 #yiv9462255586 -- #yiv9462255586ygrp-mkp 
{border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 
10px;}#yiv9462255586 #yiv9462255586ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;}#yiv9462255586 #yiv9462255586ygrp-mkp #yiv9462255586hd 
0;}#yiv9462255586 #yiv9462255586ygrp-mkp #yiv9462255586ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv9462255586 #yiv9462255586ygrp-mkp .yiv9462255586ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv9462255586 #yiv9462255586ygrp-mkp .yiv9462255586ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv9462255586 #yiv9462255586ygrp-mkp .yiv9462255586ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9462255586 #yiv9462255586ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv9462255586ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv9462255586 
#yiv9462255586ygrp-sponsor #yiv9462255586ygrp-lc #yiv9462255586hd {margin:10px 
#yiv9462255586ygrp-sponsor #yiv9462255586ygrp-lc .yiv9462255586ad 
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{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv9462255586 #yiv9462255586activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9462255586 #yiv9462255586activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv9462255586 #yiv9462255586activity span 
.yiv9462255586underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv9462255586 
0;width:400px;}#yiv9462255586 .yiv9462255586attach div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv9462255586 .yiv9462255586attach img 
{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv9462255586 .yiv9462255586attach label 
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{text-decoration:none;}#yiv9462255586 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 
4px;}#yiv9462255586 .yiv9462255586bold 
.yiv9462255586bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv9462255586 dd.yiv9462255586last 
p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv9462255586 dd.yiv9462255586last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv9462255586 
dd.yiv9462255586last p span.yiv9462255586yshortcuts 
{margin-right:0;}#yiv9462255586 div.yiv9462255586attach-table div div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv9462255586 div.yiv9462255586attach-table 
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div.yiv9462255586file-title a:active, #yiv9462255586 
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a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv9462255586 div.yiv9462255586photo-title a, 
#yiv9462255586 div.yiv9462255586photo-title a:active, #yiv9462255586 
div.yiv9462255586photo-title a:hover, #yiv9462255586 
div.yiv9462255586photo-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv9462255586 
div#yiv9462255586ygrp-mlmsg #yiv9462255586ygrp-msg p a 

[FairfieldLife] A Previous Farewell

2015-07-03 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
The following is a previous farewell to FFL. I ran it through Google Translate, 
translating the original post into various languages one to the other, and 
finally back into English. This is kind of what happens when, even just in 
English, one person listens to another. What is said goes through a translation 
process, in a different neural net, with different connexions and different 
inputs, and differences in the base programme.

 Rick, I'm sorry, a forum on sexual violence against children, it can be 
assumed that this is not what you want. I must, unfortunately, you can tell 
really bad. I think I have to include a detailed report on the title screen of 
the ongoing activities of Yahoo, Yahoo is a local company.

 After Barry, a friend, to use a poor excuse, because there is no sound, it is 
clear that it is balanced. It does not participate in all the healthy 
environment for.

 I do not agree with another opinion, to choose that any mental illness to 
play, I have to participate can be fun, I think this is one of the 
representatives of the victim you. Bless!

[FairfieldLife] Freedom of Speech

2015-07-03 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I just plugged a query about freedom of speech into an artificial intelligence 
robot. Here is the reply:

 'Freedom of speech in the United States is protected by the First Amendment to 
the United States Constitution and by many state constitutions and state and 
federal laws. Criticism of the government and advocacy of unpopular ideas that 
people May find distasteful or against public policy, such as racism, sexism, 
and other hate speech are almost always permitted.'


 FFL is less liberal now than the United States, while still being in the 
United States, having a lack of transparency, a certain arbitrary* oversight 
that is certainly not based on any rational criteria. Even a computer has 
better judgement.

 *ARBITRARY: based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or 
system; unrestrained and autocratic in the use of authority.



[FairfieldLife] FFL

2015-06-29 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Self/Less

2015-06-29 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Another way to enter a person's body is to fire large bullets at it, and then 
stick your hands in the holes. If you want to make money doing this, it is 
probably better to train as a thoracic surgeon.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Patanjali mentioned that there is a siddhi for entering somebody's body 
through one's own consciousness. But that would mean leaving your own body.  
The Srimad Bhagavatam stated that this was accomplished by someone in one of 
it's chapters.   

 I'm sure MMY was familiar with this sutra.  However, we don't know if he had 
experimented with this sutra and tried the technique with one of the Purusha 
members.  So far, with the known TM siddhi techniques, we have not seen anyone 
floating in the air, nor walking through walls.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 New movie that could have an appeal for FFL. In Self/Less an extremely wealthy 
man (Ben Kingsley), dying from cancer, undergoes a radical medical procedure 
that transfers his consciousness into the body of a healthy young man (Ryan 
Reynolds). It's not been released yet so it's a pity Barry isn't still posting 
here as he's probably seen it via some dodgy download site.

 Hey! There isn't a TM Sidhi for securing immortality is there? (Or is that 
reserved for those with golden crowns?)




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can AI Machines Know Ethics?

2015-06-29 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Accounts without evidence are hearsay. The boy without food or water is 
interesting. These accounts always tend to be superficial investigation in 
which the person is not placed in a real scientific environment where variables 
can be constrained. The person tends to be in control to some extent. There are 
a number of things one can look for. The film crew (videos on YouTube are 
missing) only films up to the upper limit of what is known about people living 
without water (typically three or four days). Yogananda gives a report of a 
woman who never ate, under completely uncontrolled conditions, but Yogananda 
was pretty gullible. Basically you would look for hidden sources of food and 
water, and extend observation to the full time period, and check the person for 
hidden pockets in clothing etc. 

 If you postulate an alternative record keeping source to the 'akashic 
records', say a made up 'quantum gap storage field', and have similar accounts 
of people accessing it, how do you tell the difference? The number of people 
attesting to something does not provide concrete evidence of its existence. 
This is a basic problem with spirituality, why people tend to have wide 
disagreement as to what is true and real. Subjective verification of say, a 
state of consciousness, does not provide verification for someone else who did 
not have that experience.

 Prior to being born, I spent billions of years without food and water.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Well, there are detailed accounts of individuals accessing the Akashic Records 
, but in a subjective, non verifiable way. 

 Hence, here at least, I don't think you have anyone lobbying for its existence.

 I have read enough accounts to make me believe it exists.  On the other hand, 
I have always enjoyed reading accounts of this sort, so it is always of 

 And, of course, what is said to be far fetched, or impossible at one point in 
time, has become the reality, and commonplace little farther down the line.

 Speaking of unexplained phenomena in the here and now, what would you make of 
something like this?

 “Buddha Boy” Goes 10 Months Without Food Or Water, Scientific Community Is 
 “Buddha Boy” Goes 10 Months Without Food Or W... 
 Is it possible for humans to not eat or consume water for longer than 3 or 4 
days? What used to be scientifically impossible is now under great question ...

 View on www.collective-evolut... 
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 I agree with Michael, that the idea seems to be woo bullshit. In a scientific 
system (physics) the differential equations can show the state of a system 
past, present, and future, if you have some data to plug in, but the 
indeterminacy effect of the statistical uncertainty in quantum mechanics makes 
dredging up the past or predicting the future fuzzy. Also in Woo-land the 
mechanics of how 'akashic records' could be accessed does not seem to be 
described with any particular clarity. The only really certain thing is the 
strong belief that people have in what they imagine to be true.

 It seems to me the universe has properties that prevent us from finding out 
stuff beyond a certain level of detail. For example, the speed of light 
prevents us from knowing what is happening in distant galaxies now, we only can 
see the way they were millions of years ago.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 As usual, you are pretty funny Michael. 

 Of course there have been numerous references to the Akashic Records before 
Madame Blavatsky, they just didn't call them, the Akashic Records.

 Does that mean they are real?

 I don't hear anyone claiming they are, do you?

 But, with your permission, perhaps we can discuss the possibility.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Might you be willing to entertain the idea that the akashic records are just 
some esoteric bullshit that well meaning new age bullshiters made up, even if 
they really believed in their existence? I definitely include C Lutes in the 
ranks of esoteric new age bullshiters -for all his connections with Marshy and 
his declaration of being enlightened, he was as much of a fringe guy as anyone 
who ever gave a lecture

 Doesn't seem to be any record of akashic records before Blavatsky and her 
theosophical kooks - they made it up. Good for psychics and other readers who 
purport to read t

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can AI Machines Know Ethics?

2015-06-29 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Accroding to Wikipedia: 

 'Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning "sky", "space", "luminous", or "æther", and 
it entered the language of theosophy through H. P. Blavatsky (1831-1891), who 
characterized it as a sort of life force; she also referred to "indestructible 
tablets of the astral light" recording both the past and future of human 
thought and action, but she did not use the term "akashic". The notion of an 
akashic record is attributed to Alfred Percy Sinnett, who, in his book Esoteric 
Buddhism (1884), wrote of a Buddhist belief in "a permanency of records in the 
Akasa" and "the potential capacity of man to read the same."By C. W. 
Leadbeater's Clairvoyance (1899) the association of the term with the idea was 
complete, and he identified the akashic records by name as something a 
clairvoyant could read. According to Marshal McKusick, former professor of 
Anthropology at the University of Iowa, the term Akashic record was created by 
Rudolf Steiner.'

 If this is correct, Blavatsky did not use the term 'akashic records'.

 I agree with Michael, that the idea seems to be woo bullshit. In a scientific 
system (physics) the differential equations can show the state of a system 
past, present, and future, if you have some data to plug in, but the 
indeterminacy effect of the statistical uncertainty in quantum mechanics makes 
dredging up the past or predicting the future fuzzy. Also in Woo-land the 
mechanics of how 'akashic records' could be accessed does not seem to be 
described with any particular clarity. The only really certain thing is the 
strong belief that people have in what they imagine to be true.

 It seems to me the universe has properties that prevent us from finding out 
stuff beyond a certain level of detail. For example, the speed of light 
prevents us from knowing what is happening in distant galaxies now, we only can 
see the way they were millions of years ago.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 As usual, you are pretty funny Michael. 

 Of course there have been numerous references to the Akashic Records before 
Madame Blavatsky, they just didn't call them, the Akashic Records.

 Does that mean they are real?

 I don't hear anyone claiming they are, do you?

 But, with your permission, perhaps we can discuss the possibility.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Might you be willing to entertain the idea that the akashic records are just 
some esoteric bullshit that well meaning new age bullshiters made up, even if 
they really believed in their existence? I definitely include C Lutes in the 
ranks of esoteric new age bullshiters -for all his connections with Marshy and 
his declaration of being enlightened, he was as much of a fringe guy as anyone 
who ever gave a lecture

 Doesn't seem to be any record of akashic records before Blavatsky and her 
theosophical kooks - they made it up. Good for psychics and other readers who 
purport to read them  for folks, always for a fee of course.


 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2015 5:38 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can AI Machines Know Ethics?
 Charlie Lutes liked to talk a lot of about it but I've read a number of others 
on the subject.  I didn't find them varying much in the description.  
Scientifically, if we radiate electrical impulses those might get caught in 
some kind of "ether" or "celestial realms".  This is something that has not 
been researched much.
 This would mean that human beings are a "terminal" to a cosmic computer. :-D 
 On 06/28/2015 02:17 PM, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


   which akashic record you talkin' about? there are quite a few depending on 
which new age whacko you consult for your records

 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2015 5:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can AI Machines Know Ethics?
 The intellect is binary so not that hard to model.  It is yes or no.  A US 
Berkeley student did a graduate paper which I read back in the 1990s.  I had 
suggested this to our development team before the paper was published and one 
of the project leads came across it.  I recall the student got some interesting 
and unexpected results with his model.
 Neural networks are a way of learning.  They've been around for awhile.  My 
books probably date back to the 1980s.  But what if our brains are really 
nothing more than receiver/transmitters that communicate with the "akashic 
record"?  Yeah, a bit "woo-woo" maybe but could indeed be a possibility.  Might 
explain some things.
 On 06/28/2015 12:01 PM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] 

   Everythingis debatable. In an ironic sort of way, artificial intelligenc

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can AI Machines Know Ethics?

2015-06-28 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Does anyone know the brand of cigars or cigarettes that Helena Blavatsky 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 As usual, you are pretty funny Michael. 

 Of course there have been numerous references to the Akashic Records before 
Madame Blavatsky, they just didn't call them, the Akashic Records.

 Does that mean they are real?

 I don't hear anyone claiming they are, do you?

 But, with your permission, perhaps we can discuss the possibility.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Might you be willing to entertain the idea that the akashic records are just 
some esoteric bullshit that well meaning new age bullshiters made up, even if 
they really believed in their existence? I definitely include C Lutes in the 
ranks of esoteric new age bullshiters -for all his connections with Marshy and 
his declaration of being enlightened, he was as much of a fringe guy as anyone 
who ever gave a lecture

 Doesn't seem to be any record of akashic records before Blavatsky and her 
theosophical kooks - they made it up. Good for psychics and other readers who 
purport to read them  for folks, always for a fee of course.


 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2015 5:38 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can AI Machines Know Ethics?
 Charlie Lutes liked to talk a lot of about it but I've read a number of others 
on the subject.  I didn't find them varying much in the description.  
Scientifically, if we radiate electrical impulses those might get caught in 
some kind of "ether" or "celestial realms".  This is something that has not 
been researched much.
 This would mean that human beings are a "terminal" to a cosmic computer. :-D 
 On 06/28/2015 02:17 PM, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


   which akashic record you talkin' about? there are quite a few depending on 
which new age whacko you consult for your records

 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2015 5:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can AI Machines Know Ethics?
 The intellect is binary so not that hard to model.  It is yes or no.  A US 
Berkeley student did a graduate paper which I read back in the 1990s.  I had 
suggested this to our development team before the paper was published and one 
of the project leads came across it.  I recall the student got some interesting 
and unexpected results with his model.
 Neural networks are a way of learning.  They've been around for awhile.  My 
books probably date back to the 1980s.  But what if our brains are really 
nothing more than receiver/transmitters that communicate with the "akashic 
record"?  Yeah, a bit "woo-woo" maybe but could indeed be a possibility.  Might 
explain some things.
 On 06/28/2015 12:01 PM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] 

   Everythingis debatable. In an ironic sort of way, artificial intelligence 
does apply to humans. I often think of you as having artificial intelligence. 
Attempting to replicate human intelligence has so far failed because the human 
neural network of connexions is so complex. Many researchers are investigating 
insect intelligence, which is a simpler model to try to understand. That Google 
paper was interesting. Here is one of the conversations from that original 
 Human: what is the purpose of life?
 Machine: to serve the greater good.
 Human: what is the purpose of living?
 Machine: to live forever.
 Human: what is the purpose of existence?
 Machine: to find out what happens when we get to the planet earth.
 Human: where are y! ou now?
 Machine: i'm in the middle of nowhere.
 Human: what is the purpose of dying?
 Machine: to have a life.
 Human: what is the purpose of being intelligent?
 Machine: to find out what it is.
 Human: what is the purpose of emotions?
 Machine: i don't know.

 I attached the original paper, A Neural Conversational Model, to this post.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:jr_esq@... wrote :

 I had to take a double-take to understand what you're saying.  You seem to be 
saying that humans are machines too.  That's debatable.  In this context, we're 
talking about artificial intelligence which does not apply to humans.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:anartaxius@... wrote :
 Of course we can. The query to be answered is whether it is worth the 
computing time and the bother of implementation.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:jr_esq@... wrote :
 One machine said NO...which is correct.  It's database was based on movie 
scripts.  But if the database included philosophical and

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can AI Machines Know Ethics?

2015-06-28 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Empty seems to be replying to the digest version of FFL. This does not supply a 
means to duplicate the message you are responding to. To do that you have to 
manually copy the content of the message and paste it into the response, which 
otherwise starts as a blank slate with just the title of the thread. There is 
no message history mechanism in the digest if you reply to the group via 
e-mail. So to clue people into who you are talking to you have to do some 
additional work. I simply ignore most messages that do not contain message 
history in the reply.
  From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2015 6:25 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can AI Machines Know Ethics?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

This msg was a reply to Duveyoung's post on the thread :

Can AI Machines Know Ethics?
Msg 8 of 11
June 27, 6:27pm
So you aren't going to click on "show message history"? It's a lot easier  
#yiv6059738641 #yiv6059738641 -- #yiv6059738641ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Can AI Machines Know Ethics?

2015-06-28 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Everything is debatable. In an ironic sort of way, artificial intelligence does 
apply to humans. I often think of you as having artificial intelligence. 
Attempting to replicate human intelligence has so far failed because the human 
neural network of connexions is so complex. Many researchers are investigating 
insect intelligence, which is a simpler model to try to understand. That Google 
paper was interesting. Here is one of the conversations from that original 

 Human: what is the purpose of life?
 Machine: to serve the greater good.
 Human: what is the purpose of living?
 Machine: to live forever.
 Human: what is the purpose of existence?
 Machine: to find out what happens when we get to the planet earth.
 Human: where are you now?
 Machine: i'm in the middle of nowhere.
 Human: what is the purpose of dying?
 Machine: to have a life.
 Human: what is the purpose of being intelligent?
 Machine: to find out what it is.
 Human: what is the purpose of emotions?
 Machine: i don't know.

 I attached the original paper, A Neural Conversational Model, to this post.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 I had to take a double-take to understand what you're saying.  You seem to be 
saying that humans are machines too.  That's debatable.  In this context, we're 
talking about artificial intelligence which does not apply to humans.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Of course we can. The query to be answered is whether it is worth the 
computing time and the bother of implementation.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 One machine said NO...which is correct.  It's database was based on movie 
scripts.  But if the database included philosophical and ethics discussions, 
the machine could have gotten the correct answer from those discussions.  Even 
if it got the correct answer, the machine still does not know what it said.

 Artificial Intelligence Machine Gets Testy With Its Programmer 

 Artificial Intelligence Machine Gets Testy With Its Prog... 
 Machine is asked to define morality, gets annoyed when it can't.

 View on blogs.wsj.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Uncle Tantra an enigma, a paradox (Reaffirming The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines)

2015-06-27 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

  From: "jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2015 8:02 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Uncle Tantra an enigma, a paradox (Reaffirming 
The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines)

Uncle Tantra was really a complex character. 

One of the reasons you guy were so pissed with him is 
because, he constantly brags about how fantastic his life 
is, how much he is really enjoying is life, and how dull and 
drab are the lives of other members of FFL.

A guy who is *really* enjoying his life will never brag to 
others about his fantastic life, and such a person will also 
never make fun of other peoples drab lives.
That is just a guess, it is certainly logically possible to have a fantastic 
life and to talk about how fantastic it is.

Imagine Bill Gates coming to this forum and bragging how 
rich he is and how poor we all are. You would certainly 
think something is seriously wrong here.
Maybe, but Gates could prove he was richer than just about anyone else.

He was really a primadonna queen, treating this forum as his 
personal blog. It ate up too much space. I warned him about 
it on a few occasions, but it fell on deaf ears. He often 
ranted about how well he is ignoring certain other people on 
the forum. "ignore their sill asses, ignore their silly 
asses" as he would say.

Barry has amazing philosophical talent and intellectual 
talent. But as all immensely talented people have flaws, he 
too had some.

These things don't change the fact, that I learnt a lot of 
valuable things from him. I would be a churl if I denied 

I think he learnt most of his tacky-tawdry psychological 
trickery, and a number of bad habits from that charlatan 
Rama Lenz. I think it corrupted his soul, and he never 
really got out of that strangle hold.

Barry also had a bright side. An amazing sense of humor. A 
fine appreciation of music and movies. An excellent 
understanding of both science and philosophy and how the two 
fit together. Some of the conversations he had on the forum 
are very memorable.

A 100 years in the future, if a historian does research on 
the TM-movement, I am sure he would be mentioned in that.

--- Duveyoung  wrote :

Judy said: (Goodness knows you don't have the integrity to retract it.)

Um, that's exactly the kind of trollery that the dearly departed perfected.  
Posts at FFL are never enough to decide on someone's integrity.

Face it, Judy, you're still smacking back, instead of turning a cheek.  Are you 
really that victimized by anything anyone says here?  

If you won this argument, if everyone but Curtis backed you up, even then, I 
don't see you getting happier, but merely going on to the next issue with the 
same 'tude.  Is that a fair assumption on my part?  Or have I just trolled you? 

After all these years, with this new-life spurt here, why not give it a rest?  
You're much bigger than these tiny shit barbs.  Of course, I've made it harder 
to suck it up, because I'm not a pal, and here am I giving therapeutic advice, 
but it is what it is. 
Heh, some of my most commonly recurring truth-concepts have been taught to me 
by my enemies.I'm talking serious fucking enemies who left still deeply red 
scars on my soulso I have to bat away thoughts about them when I dwell with 
the truths they taught.  

It just so sucks, eh?  

Heh, gotta ask, "what's the actual risk of Doug?"  Will he bounce others?   I 
don't think so.  Look at this scurvy's crew's roiling bitching at each other 
that's going on RIGHT NOW, and he's done nothing about that.  

Maybe it was a vendetta against the trolls with "any reason" being enough.  So? 
 Yeah, abusive.  So?

I just don't see this kind of fascism happening again unless someone truly 
rises to the troll heights -- which was a very high bar being set.   Doug 
chided me about swearing, but nothing since even though I still swear -- this 
shows his, um, forbearance?

Bah, I'm just happy I can post here again without really having to steel myself 
for the barbs.  Short sighted of me, but there it is. If there is a Sword of 
Damocles, it's a heavy chain holding it up.

More than you know, Bro.  If anything, all I can do is excuse myself is say, 
"I'm still giddy with all the new-found freedom here."  But, too, yes, I do 
sincerely get it that you and Turq had a robust and decent relationship here at 
FFL that often served our needs.  Sorry for your loss.  Hey, ask Turq to tell 
you where else he's posting about spiritual stuff -- maybe you guys can tag 
team there!  

   #yiv8554524016 #yiv8554524016 -- #yiv8554524016ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv8554524016 
#yiv8554524016ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv8554524016 
#yiv8554524016ygrp-mkp #yiv8554524016hd 
0;}#yiv8554524016 #yiv8554524016ygrp-mkp #yiv8554524016a

[FairfieldLife] Re: Can AI Machines Know Ethics?

2015-06-27 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Of course we can. The query to be answered is whether it is worth the computing 
time and the bother of implementation.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 One machine said NO...which is correct.  It's database was based on movie 
scripts.  But if the database included philosophical and ethics discussions, 
the machine could have gotten the correct answer from those discussions.  Even 
if it got the correct answer, the machine still does not know what it said.

 Artificial Intelligence Machine Gets Testy With Its Programmer 

 Artificial Intelligence Machine Gets Testy With Its Prog... 
 Machine is asked to define morality, gets annoyed when it can't.

 View on blogs.wsj.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Reaffirming The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines

2015-06-26 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

  From: Duveyoung 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, June 26, 2015 2:27 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Reaffirming The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines
    Heh, gotta ask, "what's the actual risk of Doug?"  Will he bounce others?   
I don't think so.  Look at this scurvy's crew's roiling bitching at each other 
that's going on RIGHT NOW, and he's done nothing about that.  

Maybe it was a vendetta against the trolls with "any reason" being enough.  So? 
 Yeah, abusive.  So?

I just don't see this kind of fascism happening again unless someone truly 
rises to the troll heights -- which was a very high bar being set.   Doug 
chided me about swearing, but nothing since even though I still swear -- this 
shows his, um, forbearance?

Bah, I'm just happy I can post here again without really having to steel myself 
for the barbs.  Short sighted of me, but there it is. If there is a Sword of 
Damocles, it's a heavy chain holding it up.Why do you have to steel yourself 
against the barbs? Why not let them just pass by like the wind. They are not 
going to knock you over.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Me: You just saved me some typing time. Excellent, thank you.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

But the spirit of FFL was far more interesting than this drivel, and in 10 
years Yahoo never made any attempt to change or alter what happened on FFL, 
Yahoo really does not care what happens in their groups unless it somehow 
affects them financially. You are also incorrect in using the term 
re-moderation. This group was moderated, with a light and just hand that 
allowed far more than now, true freedom of speech. 
Your lack of transparency in the issues you have handled so far reveals the 
dark, covert spirit that dwells within. This clandestine spirit is the enemy of 
truth seeking, and I for one, vote for your removal from this position.
I see you have resumed spamming FFL, and this is also a violation of the 
so-called guidelines.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Dear Friends of FFL; I feel we are moving verymuch within the spirit and intent 
of letter of the Yahoo-groups guidelines inthe re-moderation we have done thus 
far .

  #yiv2087664588 #yiv2087664588 -- #yiv2087664588ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv2087664588 
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span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv2087664588 #yiv2087664588activity span 
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4px;}#yiv2087664588 .yiv2087664588bold 
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{width:400px;}#yiv2087664588 div.yiv2087664588file-title a, #yiv2087664588 
div.yiv2087664588file-title a:active, #yiv2087664588 

[FairfieldLife] Freedom of Speech

2015-06-26 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
'What is freedom of speech anyway? There is the joke told years ago by the 
Russian comedian Yacov Smirnoff. He was confronted by an American bragging 
about freedom of speech. Smirnoff retorted: "Big deal! We also have freedom of 
speech in Russia. What we don’t have is freedom after speech."'

Just thought our moderator would like to know the company he keeps.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Doing full justice to something magnificant

2015-06-26 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

  From: "curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, June 26, 2015 1:32 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Doing full justice to something magnificant
    I can't even comment on this right away. I just want it to sink in for the 
readers. Take it in, let it wallow in your mind. Take a moment, perhaps with a 
cup of tea, open the windows, hear the birds, breath in the the fresh air of 
Summer and enjoy something special, nay, something beautiful. In the way an 
Amazon naturalist might approach a spider in a web face high. Cautiously, with 
equal parts revulsion and fascination...

Exchange from a previous post:

Buck being channeled though Doug:

Yes, Turqb and Serious are gone fromFFL by moderation. I am only the CEO. My 
master is the list owner.We had quite sufficient back and forth about this 
before taking ouradditional time to go in to pull the moderation levers in 

Where does Doug say bouncing Barry was a joint decision by him and Rick? Isn't 
that what you accused him of lying about?
I don't see it. "This" refers to "I am only the CEO. My master is the list 
owner." Entirely proper, and what Rick said as well ("If Doug abuses his 
authority and/or fails to moderate fairly and objectively, I will revoke his 
moderator status").
"Pull the moderation levers in the controls" refers to Rick changing the member 
settings for the group to allow Doug to moderate (delete posts, bounce people, 
approve posts before they go up, etc.).
 Where's the lie, Curtis?
Yer gettin' old, Curtis. Your technique is becoming calcified.

  #yiv6151082582 #yiv6151082582 -- #yiv6151082582ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv6151082582 
#yiv6151082582ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv6151082582 
#yiv6151082582ygrp-mkp #yiv6151082582hd 
0;}#yiv6151082582 #yiv6151082582ygrp-mkp #yiv6151082582ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv6151082582 #yiv6151082582ygrp-mkp .yiv6151082582ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv6151082582 #yiv6151082582ygrp-mkp .yiv6151082582ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv6151082582 #yiv6151082582ygrp-mkp .yiv6151082582ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv6151082582 #yiv6151082582ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv6151082582ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv6151082582 
#yiv6151082582ygrp-sponsor #yiv6151082582ygrp-lc #yiv6151082582hd {margin:10px 
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.yiv6151082582underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv6151082582 
0;width:400px;}#yiv6151082582 .yiv6151082582attach div a 
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{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv6151082582 .yiv6151082582attach label 
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4px;}#yiv6151082582 .yiv6151082582bold 
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span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv6151082582 
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{width:400px;}#yiv6151082582 div.yiv6151082582file-title a, #yiv6151082582 
div.yiv6151082582file-title a:active, #yiv6151082582 
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a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv6151082582 div.yiv6151082582photo-title a, 
#yiv6151082582 div.yiv6151082582photo-title a:active, #yiv6151082582 
div.yiv6151082582photo-title a:hover, #yiv6151082582 
div.yiv6151082582photo-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv6151082582 
div#yiv6151082582ygrp-mlmsg #yiv6151082582ygrp-msg p a 
.yiv6151082582green {color:#628c2a;}#yiv6151082582 .yiv6151082582MsoNormal 
{margin:0 0 0 0;}#yiv6151082582 o {font-size:0;}#yiv6

[FairfieldLife] Re: Reaffirming The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines

2015-06-26 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
But the spirit of FFL was far more interesting than this drivel, and in 10 
years Yahoo never made any attempt to change or alter what happened on FFL,  

 Yahoo really does not care what happens in their groups unless it somehow 
affects them financially. You are also incorrect in using the term 
re-moderation. This group was moderated, with a light and just hand that 
allowed far more than now, true freedom of speech. 

 Your lack of transparency in the issues you have handled so far reveals the 
dark, covert spirit that dwells within. This clandestine spirit is the enemy of 
truth seeking, and I for one, vote for your removal from this position. 

 I see you have resumed spamming FFL, and this is also a violation of the 
so-called guidelines.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Dear Friends of FFL; I feel we are moving very much within the spirit and 
intent of letter of the Yahoo-groups guidelines in the re-moderation we have 
done thus far . 

Re: [FairfieldLife] A Query, not the first line of a joke, or maybe it is?

2015-06-25 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
But what it means is something like God consciousness is not really about the 
consciousness of any God because the word 'God' is a metaphor, even though 
there is a conscious experience that has certain characteristics.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Okay, that's about what I figured. 

 I know we've covered this ground before, but sometimes revisiting, brings some 
new insights.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Try explaining the "absolute" and "relative" to uneducated village people.  It 
won't work so they made up metaphors for those.  Think about that picture of 
Kali standing on Shiva which is the active and the passive.  People may worship 
them devotionally (Bhakti)  as "gods" like they are real beings but in reality 
they are metaphors or devices for the forces of nature that rule the universe.  
It's kinda like your IP address being like but we refer to you 
by your handle.  Imagine if we had to refer to everyone by their IP address.  
BTW, the one I just gave is a "Hollywood" version which they are now using in 
TV shows like they use 555 telephone numbers.
 On 06/25/2015 10:46 AM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Can you elaborate on that some?
 What would be an example?
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 All gods are metaphors so they are all "imaginary."
 On 06/25/2015 09:52 AM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@... 
mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   How do you distinguish an imaginary god from a real one? 



Re: [FairfieldLife] A Query, not the first line of a joke, or maybe it is?

2015-06-25 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I think of them as metaphors too, so elaboration probably is not necessary. As 
cultures shift and language changes, metaphors used to describe the world 
change. Does't give much hope to find truth in what we say about the world.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I like it too. 

 What's your take on it, Xeno?

 Can you elaborate some on it?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I like this answer.

 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] A Query, not the first line of a joke, or maybe 
it is?
 All gods are metaphors so they are all "imaginary."
 On 06/25/2015 09:52 AM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@... 
mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:


   How do you distinguish an imaginary god from a real one? 




[FairfieldLife] Ethics and Driverless Cars

2015-06-25 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Should a Driverless Car Decide Who Lives or Dies?

'Right now, ethicists have more questions than answers. Should rules governing 
autonomous vehicles emphasize the greater good -- the number of lives saved -- 
and put no value on the individuals involved?'

Should a Driverless Car Decide Who Lives or Dies?

|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| Should a Driverless Car Decide Who Lives or Dies?The gearheads in Detroit, 
Tokyo and Stuttgart have mostly figured out how to build driverless vehicles. 
Even the Google guys seem to have solved the riddle.  |
|  |
| View on www.bloomberg.com | Preview by Yahoo |
|  |
|   |

[FairfieldLife] Appearances

2015-06-25 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I don't know what our moderator looks like. I know what Rick looks like. I 
typed 'Doug' into an image search, and the following image came up; perhaps one 
could think of it as a metaphor for something:

Re: [FairfieldLife] A Query, not the first line of a joke, or maybe it is?

2015-06-25 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I like this answer.
  From: "Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] A Query, not the first line of a joke, or maybe 
it is?
 All gods are metaphors so they are all "imaginary."
 On 06/25/2015 09:52 AM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

     How do you distinguish an imaginary god from a real one?    
  #yiv2592264090 #yiv2592264090 -- #yiv2592264090ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv2592264090 
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0;}#yiv2592264090 #yiv2592264090ygrp-mkp #yiv2592264090ads 
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div#yiv2592264090ygrp-mlmsg #yiv2592264090ygrp-msg p a 
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[FairfieldLife] A Query, not the first line of a joke, or maybe it is?

2015-06-25 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
How do you distinguish an imaginary god from a real one? 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Of course you did not say it. I was pretending I know what your are thinking 
and what you are feeling when you post something. Now when you post, what do 
you do?
  From: "authfri...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 3:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug
I do not say this. But sometimes it's obvious what state of mind a poster is in.
salyavin was just demanding that Ann quit what he called her "dumb harassment 
of Xeno." How about you quit your dumb harassment of me and other TM supporters?
Or is the idea to make up for Barry's absence by emulating his harassing 
behavior? You, salyavin, and Curtis seem to be working pretty hard at it, if 
not very coherently.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Ah. The master projector oracle speaks. I know, she says, exactly what everyone 
is really thinking and why.
  From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:00 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I would certainly have to agree with you, xeno.
The question is how, or why do you respond to someone who, for a great majority 
of the time, is just going for a reaction.
It is a total waste of time, for which I am guilty.
I agree that Barry was likely never upset when he posted.

I beg to differ with both of you. He was often incoherent with rage and 
completely out of control when he posted after someone had dissected one of his 
posts. You could count on it: he would very rarely respond directly to 
criticism, but a day or so later, he'd come out with one of his long posts 
attacking the critic on whatever grounds he could dream up.
All his bluster about folks being attached to the self was projection; he was 
as attached as anybody and much more attached than some.

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#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv4237418689 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-25 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
This place may just fade into the woodwork. It does get tiresome. I am pretty 
sure Barry was feeling wearisome about it. He did post many marvellous things. 
His not being here seems the result of a personal vendetta at the hands of the 
moderator. The problem with power is it reveals one's corruption. Judy seemed 
to lose interest, maybe she just got tired. Her method of posting did not seem 
to have changed. Barry challenged people at the gut level as well as at the 
intellectual level. The gut level is much more difficult to respond to because 
it activates the lower emotional brain functions, and the intellect goes into 
hibernation as a result. You even see this in the Bhagavad-Gita: 'From anger 
delusion occurs, from delusion bewilderment of memory, after forgetfulness of 
memory, the loss of spiritual intelligence, and losing spiritual intelligence, 
one perishes'.
  From: "jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 12:50 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL (Great Beyond 
Dispatch #2)

Both, Barry and Judy are no longer posting here. I also 
losing my inclination to post here.

Is it time for Rick to shut down FFL? Nothing lasts forever. 
All things must end.

If Barry were around he would have quoted Nietzsche.

"Not only the wisdom of centuries --- also their madness 
breaketh out in us. Dangerous is it to be an heir."
  ~ Nietzsche

---  wrote :

I must say I'm impressed at your patience with this bullshit Xeno. But perhaps 
it's time to point out the irony in what's happening. Here we have a bunch of 
people with not much to say about anything claiming that "mean old Bawee" 
stopped them from posting because he was such a mean old meanie.
And here they are pouring abuse on you in the same way they claim he used to 
get at them! I've said these people have no sense of awareness but isn't this 
taking it too far? I think that amoeba I posted about yesterday has a better 
grasp of what's going on than Ms "Back for More".
Lets make a challenge out of it. If it was the Big Bad Wolf stopping 
conversations here then why haven't they started again? How come it's looking 
more like a teenage girl's facebook page every day?
If you were being prevented from posting, start posting. Start a thread, say 
something interesting, tell us something we didn't know, give us an insight 
into something - anything.But stop this dumb harassment of Xeno, you're just 
making yourself look stupid, he's got more to say than the rest of us put 
If you can't manage a whole thread you can share brain cells until you've 
thought of something. Better still, have a look back through the archives at 
some of Barry's pieces about creative writing. He posted some good essays on 
how to get started on the subject because, like me, he got fed up of the lack 
of participation and one line posts that add nothing that infest this place. 
But any appreciation of Barry's writing and contributions about archaeology, 
travel or history or even TV reviews would be a way of admitting that he made 
up a huge part of what was worth reading. Can't have that eh? Got to paint him 
bad and use him to blame your lack of meaningful participation on.
When was the last time Judy started a thread? Hell, when was the first time 
Judy started a thread!
Make an effort, stop the hypocritical bullshit or this place will drown in 
bland your pap.

   #yiv3536668739 #yiv3536668739 -- #yiv3536668739ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv353666

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
And (continuation of post #417750), the authfriend clone is the other one who 
always knows what others are thinking and why.
  From: "awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 4:48 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 3:44 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug
I am in disagreement with xeno's assertion that he (Barry) was just too clever 
in his arguments such that no one could offer an effective rebuttal.
I did not say Turq was too clever, I implied that those who could not provide 
an effective rebuttal could not find the right angle of attack or response. 
Generally if you are attacked and have an emotional response, your IQ drops 
because the fight or flight response tends to reallocate bodily resources away 
from the cerebral cortex. So the first thing one had to do to respond to Turq 
was not to get emotional about anything he said. You had to be neutral. That is 
just the first step, and that does not mean if you chill out, it will then 
work. It provides a platform from which to try various kinds of responses. To 
my mind, Turq was never upset when he posted, so he was in an optimum form to 
respond or not to respond what came back. If you have strong likes and dislikes 
when posting, that works against you when posting against Turq.
Trust me Xeno, you are imagining things if you don't think bawee has strong 
emotional responses to those he was responding to. He could not tolerate those 
who didn't suck up to him or support him. Every single person who took 
exception to his rantings and repetitive nonsense was an enemy in his brain and 
he disliked, intensely, many people at FFL including myself. He probably has 
stronger feelings about me than I do about him, in fact. For example, if you 
could see him reading this right now you would see the steam emanating from 
every orifice he possesses.

  #yiv4166225870 #yiv4166225870 -- #yiv4166225870ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv4166225870 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Ah. The master projector oracle speaks. I know, she says, exactly what everyone 
is really thinking and why.
  From: "authfri...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:00 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I would certainly have to agree with you, xeno.
The question is how, or why do you respond to someone who, for a great majority 
of the time, is just going for a reaction.
It is a total waste of time, for which I am guilty.
I agree that Barry was likely never upset when he posted.

I beg to differ with both of you. He was often incoherent with rage and 
completely out of control when he posted after someone had dissected one of his 
posts. You could count on it: he would very rarely respond directly to 
criticism, but a day or so later, he'd come out with one of his long posts 
attacking the critic on whatever grounds he could dream up.
All his bluster about folks being attached to the self was projection; he was 
as attached as anybody and much more attached than some.
  #yiv1624484483 #yiv1624484483 -- #yiv1624484483ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Thank you Ravi. And yes, I am happy. I do not feel all that dissonant. I do not 
feel obsessive, it just kind of oozes out. It is hard to philosophise when you 
are insane, but guys like Charles Manson made interesting attempts. Keep 
trying. I hope your grandmother's passing was an easy one.
  From: dr_rc_racy 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 7:28 AM
 Subject: Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to 
come clean Doug
    Hi dear Grandpa Xeno - yes I'm doing very well indeed. My grandmother, alas 
is no longer with us, she passed away last year in April. Thank you for your 
concern, much appreciated.
Jekyll & Hyde you say?
This is my insight for you grandpa, this dissonance is the product of your mind 
that goes on this incessant, obsessive philosophizing, almost effortless, 
mechanical and autonomic,  totally insulated from the truth.
It fools people into believing you are presenting some sort of objective, 
enlightened, dispassionate, disinterested position when in reality it is 
masquerading your biases.
I almost admire and envy this ability of you to philosophize on auto-pilot. I 
tried a few times to emulate you, as an experiment in response to specific 
situations. I tried to come up with the sort of philosophizing that you indulge 
in with such wild abandon and I mostly failed, it's hard. I cant' be you 
Grandpa Xeno.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

How are you these days? Is your grandmother still with us? I still remember 
that picture you posted. As for you, you always seemed to have Dr Jekyll/Mr 
Hyde personality here. This here is Dr Jekyll posting. When the Mr Hyde side 
posted, it was difficult to respond because there was no logical handle upon 
which to grasp. Have you had any big insights recently?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Curtis - you really need to stop this malice and deception please. I don't have 
the time or energy or the inclination to post here and re-hash old issues from 
4 years back. The fact of the matter is Ravi didn't cause you any personal harm 
nor did I cause this international conspiracy of flooding the search engines, 
how hilarious and preposterous.
You got a taste of your own medicine and a taste of what your pal dishes out to 
everyone else - gratuitous, egregious barrage of insults.
Please move on Curtis - stop your poor me routine.
Same goes for the likes of Xeno and empty bill, stop these personal attacks on 
Otherwise I agree with you. Doug's not the moderator I would have, he has been 
a TM cult enabler, an unoriginal, uninteresting poster who spammed the list 
repeatedly over the years. But that doesn't disqualify him from being a 
moderator but I would be concerned if his moderatorship results in stopping the 
freedom of expression FFL is renowned for. You are right in questioning his 
motivations in banning Barry, he just needs to state clearly why he has banned 
Barry that's all.
As a former poster I'm glad to see Barry go, Edg's impassioned posts 
demonstrate why Barry has been such a toxic influence here and you Curtis have 
been one of his greatest enablers here, and you should be ashamed for that.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


I was not in Barry's crosshairs and you were. I never viewed you through his 
eyes. You and I became friends on our own as we sized each other up as good 
people. So I am not judging you for your opinion of him nor him for his opinion 
of you. That is between you two guys and is none of my business. I always deal 
one on one and make up my own mind on people here.

If I was Barry's target I would probably feel as you do. But I would just tune 
him out like I did others who went after me or find a way to interact that 
suited my writing interests. And I might write as you have dancing on his grave 
a bit. I get the appeal and I always enjoy reading you whatever the topic.

But the bigger issue for me isn't Barry, it is an environment I have valued for 
a place to exercise free thought. It has been hijacked by someone who not only 
does not value free expression, he has acted against it. I know you felt the 
chill when he went after that Lynch comment as an actionable offense. 

If we want to understand what freedom of speech is all about, defend it for 
someone whose views we disagree with. I used to argue against banning Ravi for 
raving here until he crossed over a clear line of personal harm. I thought he 
deserved to be able to post because I didn't want anyone making that kind of 
content judgement calls on anyone here. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I would be willing to give Turq an offer to post ONCE more.cuz it'd be 
great to see how hard he'd cram everything into it.  Hilarious, right?

I tried hard as hell to like Turq, because: Curtis.

I'd do numbers on my head about "Turq's a good writer, posts some newsy stuff, 
gives some headsup 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT THE HELL? (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-24 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

  From: "awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 3:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT THE HELL? (Great Beyond Dispatch 
#2)---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :---In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :---In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

So FFL is still the best bet to find a decent conversation,
What, on the whole internet? I realize you don't get out much but this is 
rather far fetched.
I am talking about spiritual groups related to TM
Xeno, until we removed the biggest impediment to a real conversation this place 
was being relentlessly moderated by that impediment. No one was exempt from his 
malicious and twisted lies and false allegations, not to mention bone-headed 
conclusions, except those who agreed with and stroked his ego. For you to 
assert that FFL, of all places, was "the best place to find a decent 
conversation", is perverse if not simply bizarre.
It is the ideas and what you can learn from them, or make out of them, not the 
people that propose them that I find interesting. What you do not like, skip 
over or delete (if you interact by email). Perhaps all of us have had an idol 
that did not live up to the image we pretended to ourselves that they were. In 
the movement, even shortly after one started to get involved with TM, there 
were strange warning signs something was amiss, and we would ignore it. The 
main problem is human beings are never ever really a match for the ideals they 
create. Still, we can sometimes extract value out of a 
much-less-than-what-we-would-consider-ideal situation.

Funny, I wrote a post about this very thing to MJ. The big difference was I 
made it personal, I used "I" a lot whereas you tend to keep things in the 
abstract. Dry and brittle, a tad pedantic; I'm hoping you weren't a teacher or 
professor in your working days - the class would have been on snooze fer sure. 
Sorry, but it's true.
No, I was not a teacher or a professor, so no one had to fall asleep on my 
account. I used to live next to a professor of engineering. He would come over 
and talk for hours in a monotone. Most of the time, in 'person' I don't talk 
that much. As for an 'I', you think you are a person. Too bad, what a loss.

Ho, ho, hee, hee, snort. That is fucking hilarious!! And thank you for that. 
You have seriously missed the boat, lost the thread, stumbled off the platform. 
There is no loss Xeno, you evidently misunderstood something when you became 
"enlightened" or read the wrong book or misinterpreted some sage. There is no 
"too bad" for living amid personhood. I can vouch for that. Whatever you have 
lost, you need to find it again, and soon before you leave that body of yours.
It's all in the eye of the beholder, and it's 'eye', not eyes. POVs are not 
interchangeable. I have not lost anything that is real. I lost a lot of other 
stuff though. I could lose some more; it is a waste of time to seek what cannot 
be found.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-24 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

  From: "steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 3:44 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug
I am in disagreement with xeno's assertion that he (Barry) was just too clever 
in his arguments such that no one could offer an effective rebuttal.
I did not say Turq was too clever, I implied that those who could not provide 
an effective rebuttal could not find the right angle of attack or response. 
Generally if you are attacked and have an emotional response, your IQ drops 
because the fight or flight response tends to reallocate bodily resources away 
from the cerebral cortex. So the first thing one had to do to respond to Turq 
was not to get emotional about anything he said. You had to be neutral. That is 
just the first step, and that does not mean if you chill out, it will then 
work. It provides a platform from which to try various kinds of responses. To 
my mind, Turq was never upset when he posted, so he was in an optimum form to 
respond or not to respond what came back. If you have strong likes and dislikes 
when posting, that works against you when posting against Turq.

  #yiv7697595918 #yiv7697595918 -- #yiv7697595918ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv7697595918 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT THE HELL? (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-24 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

  From: "Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
 Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 9:46 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT THE HELL? (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)
    Reading your post about the warning signs soon after beginning TM - can you 
believe that when I first started I was so stupid I really believed that all 
the local TM teachers were enlightened???
I will try not to hold it against you, but if that was the case, I can overlook 
it. I was really interested in finding an easy meditation technique, so I was 
going to try it even before I heard a lecture, so I really did not listen that 
carefully, or care who or what taught me. It was like, teach me, and I'll see 
if it works. I had a very non-TM mindset when I learned, and it never 
completely went away.


 From: "Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
 Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 3:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT THE HELL? (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)
    None of us are perfect, and there does seem to be a narrowing of one's 
focus on certain things as we move into older age. I wasn't on FFL in the early 
days, but sniping back and forth did seem to be increasing, it's basically a 
lower brain function. Maharishi seemed to be in much better form when he was 
younger too. Each conversation has two sides. I cannot see that those that 
opposed Turq so vociferously here really acted much better or more 
intelligently. I cannot see that the Peak with its absurd discussions of crop 
circles etc., is a Peak of intelligence. The goal, if you will, is to have the 
extremes of existence all functioning within that existence, not as separated 
So FFL is still the best bet to find a decent conversation, but there is a dark 
cloud of suppression overhead at the moment, and so far it has been what seems 
to be personally selective. It is the ideas and what you can learn from them, 
or make out of them, not the people that propose them that I find interesting. 
What you do not like, skip over or delete (if you interact by email). Perhaps 
all of us have had an idol that did not live up to the image we pretended to 
ourselves that they were. In the movement, even shortly after one started to 
get involved with TM, there were strange warning signs something was amiss, and 
we would ignore it. The main problem is human beings are never ever really a 
match for the ideals they create. Still, we can sometimes extract value out of 
a much-less-than-what-we-would-consider-ideal situation.

 From: "jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 6:34 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT THE HELL? (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

You know Xeno, about 14 years ago 'Uncle Tantra' was like a 
giant to me, battling the TM-mov't and other cults. As all 
three of us are basically on the same page philosophically, 
I did learn a lot from him.

But, as years of interaction showed he is not as perfect as 
I thought him to be.  I guess we all are human.  But, it's a 
fact that I learnt quite a number of valuable things from 

What I tried to explain is that his reaction when I was 
bounced, was almost brazen and callous. Some of his 
critiques about the TM-mov't a decade ago were well written 
and should be read by the people on the highest level in the 
mov't.  It seemed, he began to slowly deterioriate mentally 
as years rolled by.

Time is time, it eventually catches you, and you are 

By the way, don't you think MJ should start "the_abyss" 
group.  The peak can be the north pole. The FairfieldLife 
the equator, and 'the abyss' the south pole.

---  wrote :

Senility just means life is getting mellower. While it is true authfriend would 
root out various kinds of errors in what people wrote, she often did not see 
the forest for the trees, and did not expound much on what she actually knew 
about the subjects she was criticising were discussing. It was all dissection 
and no integration. If you go over Turq's posts for the last 10 years, you will 
find he also could provide clarity. Both Turq and authfriend tried made people 
look like idiots, and possibly some us were and still are.

---  wrote :

Hey Xeno, it's me, moi, the old jedi_spock. Rick bounced me 
along with 'Dan firedman'.

I never got yahoo to interfere in the freedom of speech 
here. It was Dan who did it. Rick didn't give me an 
opportunity to explain my POV. A few days later Rick kindly 
reinstated me. Thanks to Curtis who put in a good word to 

Looks like you too are becoming senile like Barry. It's 
these kind of errors that irritated authfriend.

Tell you what, you and me, along with Salyavi

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT THE HELL? (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-24 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



 So FFL is still the best bet to find a decent conversation,

 What, on the whole internet? I realize you don't get out much but this is 
rather far fetched.

 I am talking about spiritual groups related to TM

 It is the ideas and what you can learn from them, or make out of them, not the 
people that propose them that I find interesting. What you do not like, skip 
over or delete (if you interact by email). Perhaps all of us have had an idol 
that did not live up to the image we pretended to ourselves that they were. In 
the movement, even shortly after one started to get involved with TM, there 
were strange warning signs something was amiss, and we would ignore it. The 
main problem is human beings are never ever really a match for the ideals they 
create. Still, we can sometimes extract value out of a 
much-less-than-what-we-would-consider-ideal situation.


 Funny, I wrote a post about this very thing to MJ. The big difference was I 
made it personal, I used "I" a lot whereas you tend to keep things in the 
abstract. Dry and brittle, a tad pedantic; I'm hoping you weren't a teacher or 
professor in your working days - the class would have been on snooze fer sure. 
Sorry, but it's true.

 No, I was not a teacher or a professor, so no one had to fall asleep on my 
account. I used to live next to a professor of engineering. He would come over 
and talk for hours in a monotone. Most of the time, in 'person' I don't talk 
that much. As for an 'I', you think you are a person. Too bad, what a loss.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT THE HELL? (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-24 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
None of us are perfect, and there does seem to be a narrowing of one's focus on 
certain things as we move into older age. I wasn't on FFL in the early days, 
but sniping back and forth did seem to be increasing, it's basically a lower 
brain function. Maharishi seemed to be in much better form when he was younger 
too. Each conversation has two sides. I cannot see that those that opposed Turq 
so vociferously here really acted much better or more intelligently. I cannot 
see that the Peak with its absurd discussions of crop circles etc., is a Peak 
of intelligence. The goal, if you will, is to have the extremes of existence 
all functioning within that existence, not as separated things. 
So FFL is still the best bet to find a decent conversation, but there is a dark 
cloud of suppression overhead at the moment, and so far it has been what seems 
to be personally selective. It is the ideas and what you can learn from them, 
or make out of them, not the people that propose them that I find interesting. 
What you do not like, skip over or delete (if you interact by email). Perhaps 
all of us have had an idol that did not live up to the image we pretended to 
ourselves that they were. In the movement, even shortly after one started to 
get involved with TM, there were strange warning signs something was amiss, and 
we would ignore it. The main problem is human beings are never ever really a 
match for the ideals they create. Still, we can sometimes extract value out of 
a much-less-than-what-we-would-consider-ideal situation.
  From: "jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 6:34 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT THE HELL? (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

You know Xeno, about 14 years ago 'Uncle Tantra' was like a 
giant to me, battling the TM-mov't and other cults. As all 
three of us are basically on the same page philosophically, 
I did learn a lot from him.

But, as years of interaction showed he is not as perfect as 
I thought him to be.  I guess we all are human.  But, it's a 
fact that I learnt quite a number of valuable things from 

What I tried to explain is that his reaction when I was 
bounced, was almost brazen and callous. Some of his 
critiques about the TM-mov't a decade ago were well written 
and should be read by the people on the highest level in the 
mov't.  It seemed, he began to slowly deterioriate mentally 
as years rolled by.

Time is time, it eventually catches you, and you are 

By the way, don't you think MJ should start "the_abyss" 
group.  The peak can be the north pole. The FairfieldLife 
the equator, and 'the abyss' the south pole.

---  wrote :

Senility just means life is getting mellower. While it is true authfriend would 
root out various kinds of errors in what people wrote, she often did not see 
the forest for the trees, and did not expound much on what she actually knew 
about the subjects she was criticising were discussing. It was all dissection 
and no integration. If you go over Turq's posts for the last 10 years, you will 
find he also could provide clarity. Both Turq and authfriend tried made people 
look like idiots, and possibly some us were and still are.

---  wrote :

Hey Xeno, it's me, moi, the old jedi_spock. Rick bounced me 
along with 'Dan firedman'.

I never got yahoo to interfere in the freedom of speech 
here. It was Dan who did it. Rick didn't give me an 
opportunity to explain my POV. A few days later Rick kindly 
reinstated me. Thanks to Curtis who put in a good word to 

Looks like you too are becoming senile like Barry. It's 
these kind of errors that irritated authfriend.

Tell you what, you and me, along with Salyavin, MJ, Curtis 
move over to "the abyss".  Let 'the abyss' be the mirror of 

Hell, I wish someone like "gullible fool" comes back and 
takes over the moderatership from Buck.

Barry's posts were never designed to give people clarity. 
Barry's posts were designed to hurt people at the tender 
feeling level and make them look like idiots. There was a 
sadistic streak in his posts that befuddled people.

---  wrote :

No, he doesn't appear to be a psychopath. If anything, I am closer to being one 
than him. His career path, and the people he lives with probably would not have 
worked out that way if he were a psychopath. Psychopaths tend to be 
ingratiating, they have an ability to make you like them. Turq does not seem to 
have that ability to create a fake, loving façade that will fool most people, 
if anything, he is the opposite, an acquired taste that many here cannot 
stomach. You were trying to get Yahoo to interfere with freedom of speech here, 
and Rick did not care for such a threat. But now of course, freedom of speech 
is curtailed, just in another direction, a bit more in the direction of 
insanty, as he gave moderation to the one here most infected with religion. 
Religious people tend not to enjoy f

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fuck the Fucking Fuckers! [1 Attachment]

2015-06-24 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
One reason income is no longer functional is the benchmarks we have used to 
measure them have been tinkered with, starting in about 1980. If you use the 
current U.S. CPI to measure how far you are ahead or behind, guess what? The 
economies are broken all over the world. Today we are watching to see if Greece 
will break first. It is not just uber rich, but the governments as well. The 
rich know how to game the system and the politicians go along with the game, 
not many are vocal about this, and seem to be either ignorant of or complicit 
in the deception.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The real question would be how functional is your income?  How does it compare 
to 20 years ago?  Are you slowly and stealthily being pushed into austerity? 
 The other day I heard someone exclaim "the economy is great again!"  I had 
half a notion to ask where they got that information.  They must have one of 
those gigs in the government that is paying well for now.  Fact is many 
people don't have enough savings to get themselves out of a fix if an emergency 
occurs.  People who could and want to work until they are much older can't get 
work even though they have tremendous experience.  Young folks come out of 
college with degrees but training that is mainly theoretical but worse yet a 
huge college debt and too high of expectations.
 In reality the economy is broken.  Raided by the uber rich with their big 
banks.  It really is time for a global revolution and that doesn't mean a "new 
world order."

[FairfieldLife] Re: The eyes have it!

2015-06-24 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote : ---In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
 Nisargadatta Maharaj: The seeker is he who is in search of himself. Soon he 
discovers that his own body he cannot be. Once the conviction: 'I am not the 
body' becomes so well grounded that he can no longer feel, think and act for 
and on behalf of the body, he will easily discover that he is the universal 
being, knowing, acting, that in him and through him the entire universe is 
real, conscious and active. 


 CDB: Believing that we are not the body is refuted by death itself. What he is 
describing sounds more like clinical dissociation than an exalted state worth 

 X: Curtis, it is really difficult to explain what N is talking about, it is a 
shift in one's sense of identity. It decentralises from the body. This does not 
mean there is some entity that moves out of the body. The sense one has of 
being awareness after meditating for a while as if diffuses completely and 
becomes the environment of the universe (not promoting any particular technique 
here). Eventually the realisation comes it was always this way, so nothing 
really happened. It feels like waking up from a dream. In a sense it is waking 
up from your idea of individuality, body, mind, thought now seem as if they are 
part of the environment, no different than anything else in the universe. The 
functions of nature we call laws continue to function the same way, nature is 
in control, the body has a limited sense of control, you can pick up a cup of 
coffee, but not lift a mountain.


 N:G: This is the heart of the problem. Either you are body-conscious and a 
slave of circumstances, or you are the universal consciousness itself -- and in 
full control of every event.

 CDB: This is a grandiose claim isn't it? Who is in full control of every even 
and who is pompous enough to WANT to be? Many of life's delights are in being 
surprised by stuff we have not control over for good reason.

 X: Sounds grandiose, but all that has happened is the mind has let go and 
surrendered to the natural progress of the world, which includes body, mind, 
and thoughts. When the body dies, the world comes to an end, the mechanisms of 
experience no longer function. To an impacted sense of individuality this whole 
thing sounds like disassociation, but everything is really just fine, and the 
world becomes an intimate part of experience in reference to awareness rather 
than in something we are in as physical objects. Saying the world is somehow 
'in us' sounds kind of strange. That is only one way of saying it. Language is 
a significant barrier because it is being used to describe an aspect of 
experience that is beyond words. 

 So 'we', from the viewpoint of the body, can still be surprised by things, 
because the body does not know anything more about the world than it did 
before, but all those of years of meditation, getting one's ego challenged, and 
continual curiosity about what life is about, basically have the effect of 
shifting the mind's perspective away from the idea of being an individual 
entity to just being without a sense of having a real centre. But it does not 
look different, and one's activities are not different. The difference with 
this thing called 'enlightenment' is just that little mental shift of 
understanding: everything looks, feels, and acts just like in ordinary waking, 
because it is just that, with just that overlay of conceptual thinking 
regulated to a secondary reality; the intellect no longer defines reality and 
tells us what is real, but we can still use intellect to analyse experience and 
try to describe it.

 It is all utterly unremarkable. Why it gets blown up to such grandiose 
verbosity is a continual problem. Part of the problem with Indian systems is 
they tend to sound ambiguous because of the use of the word translated as 
'self' in different ways. I think Buddha was a bit more direct in saying there 
is no self. The self you think you are is just a bundle of impressions that one 
has tied a nice ribbon around called 'me'. When the ribbon gets untied, the 
impressions and everything else remain the same, but the mind now knows that 
that bundle of stuff was not an entity, was not a self, it was just a 
collection of stuff we gave a name to; now we see these things as being 
independent of that conception.



[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT THE HELL? (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-24 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote : ---In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
 Senility just means life is getting mellower. While it is true authfriend 
would root out various kinds of errors in what people wrote, she often did not 
see the forest for the trees, and did not expound much on what she actually 
knew about the subjects she was criticising were discussing. It was all 
dissection and no integration. If you go over Turq's posts for the last 10 
years, you will find he also could provide clarity. Both Turq and authfriend 
tried made people look like idiots, and possibly some us were and still are.

 I would say, based on this post of yours, the last sentence, after the comma, 
is an astute description of yourself. You just keep proving it over and over. 
Don't know about the senility part, I haven't gotten there yet.

 One of the first signs of senility is you don't understand the first part of a 
paragraph you read.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT THE HELL? (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-24 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Senility just means life is getting mellower. While it is true authfriend 
would root out various kinds of errors in what people wrote, she often did not 
see the forest for the trees, and did not expound much on what she actually 
knew about the subjects she was criticising were discussing. It was all 
dissection and no integration. If you go over Turq's posts for the last 10 
years, you will find he also could provide clarity. Both Turq and authfriend 
tried made people look like idiots, and possibly some us were and still are.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Hey Xeno, it's me, moi, the old jedi_spock. Rick bounced me 
along with 'Dan firedman'.

I never got yahoo to interfere in the freedom of speech 
here. It was Dan who did it. Rick didn't give me an 
opportunity to explain my POV. A few days later Rick kindly 
reinstated me. Thanks to Curtis who put in a good word to 

Looks like you too are becoming senile like Barry. It's 
these kind of errors that irritated authfriend.

Tell you what, you and me, along with Salyavin, MJ, Curtis 
move over to "the abyss".  Let 'the abyss' be the mirror of 

Hell, I wish someone like "gullible fool" comes back and 
takes over the moderatership from Buck.

Barry's posts were never designed to give people clarity. 
Barry's posts were designed to hurt people at the tender 
feeling level and make them look like idiots. There was a 
sadistic streak in his posts that befuddled people.

---  wrote :

 No, he doesn't appear to be a psychopath. If anything, I am closer to being 
one than him. His career path, and the people he lives with probably would not 
have worked out that way if he were a psychopath. Psychopaths tend to be 
ingratiating, they have an ability to make you like them. Turq does not seem to 
have that ability to create a fake, loving façade that will fool most people, 
if anything, he is the opposite, an acquired taste that many here cannot 
stomach. You were trying to get Yahoo to interfere with freedom of speech here, 
and Rick did not care for such a threat. But now of course, freedom of speech 
is curtailed, just in another direction, a bit more in the direction of 
insanty, as he gave moderation to the one here most infected with religion. 
Religious people tend not to enjoy free speech when it comes to their sacred 
cows. I think all people who believe in a religion are insane, so apparently 
you would fall into that category. But it is a limited insanity. For example, 
you might know how to make a good cup of coffee, and know precisely how to 
proceed to accomplish that and have other skills. But the human mind comes to a 
strange disconnect when it comes to religious beliefs. It is felt they must be 
protected and that somehow they are different from other beliefs. But all 
beliefs have one characteristic, they are a pretence to knowledge which one 
does not really have, and religious beliefs tend to be programmed into the mind 
at an early age where the mind is very plastic and vulnerable and gullible. It 
is a form of conditioning that results in a mechanical response to certain 
kinds of input later in life. A spiritual life is one in which those 
conditioned beliefs are unwound and are replaced by something you would never 
in a million years expect.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The eyes have it!

2015-06-24 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 There you go. We have always had 100% consciousness.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Seems to me there's never not total consciousness.  Heh.  Two atoms "know" of 
each others existence -- this is seen when their motions change in strict 
correspondence to the others motions.  They're "in touch."  No true 
independence of each other.  I would be willing to call this interaction 

Consider, too, that scientists can tell "what you're thinking" by inserting a 
probe into your brain that solely registers one single cell's activity.  The 
cell is in a known-area of the brain, and if it lights up, well, we know you're 
dealing with, say, "thinking about walking."  This is today's science.  Crude, 
but coming along nicely.

And as the photons enter ones eye -- stars that died billions of years ago yet 
still affect our streams of consciousness.  

So tired of trying to figure all this out.  Easy to just relax and sip my fruit 
juice and not ever know anything for sure again, cuz certainty's a bitch.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Amazing, an animal of just one cell has a functioning eye. That puts the birth 
of consciousness right back to the beginning. Stimulus/response, a sensitivity 
to light. Start from there and work your way up. Select for improved vision by 
dying if you get caught and before you know it - OK a couple of billion years - 
you'll have a system of nerves and a processing unit to tell you what you're 
looking at so you don't have to run from everything.

 The evolution of complexity in a nutshell...

 This single-celled bug has the world's most extraordinary eye 

 This single-celled bug has the world's most extraord... 
 It doesn't even have a brain, but a type of plankton seems to use the smallest 
camera-like eye to catch nearly invisible prey using polarised light

 View on www.newscientist.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-24 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 How are you these days? Is your grandmother still with us? I still remember 
that picture you posted. As for you, you always seemed to have Dr Jekyll/Mr 
Hyde personality here. This here is Dr Jekyll posting. When the Mr Hyde side 
posted, it was difficult to respond because there was no logical handle upon 
which to grasp. Have you had any big insights recently?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Curtis - you really need to stop this malice and deception please. I don't 
have the time or energy or the inclination to post here and re-hash old issues 
from 4 years back. The fact of the matter is Ravi didn't cause you any personal 
harm nor did I cause this international conspiracy of flooding the search 
engines, how hilarious and preposterous.

 You got a taste of your own medicine and a taste of what your pal dishes out 
to everyone else - gratuitous, egregious barrage of insults.

 Please move on Curtis - stop your poor me routine.

 Same goes for the likes of Xeno and empty bill, stop these personal attacks on 

 Otherwise I agree with you. Doug's not the moderator I would have, he has been 
a TM cult enabler, an unoriginal, uninteresting poster who spammed the list 
repeatedly over the years. But that doesn't disqualify him from being a 
moderator but I would be concerned if his moderatorship results in stopping the 
freedom of expression FFL is renowned for. You are right in questioning his 
motivations in banning Barry, he just needs to state clearly why he has banned 
Barry that's all.

 As a former poster I'm glad to see Barry go, Edg's impassioned posts 
demonstrate why Barry has been such a toxic influence here and you Curtis have 
been one of his greatest enablers here, and you should be ashamed for that.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


I was not in Barry's crosshairs and you were. I never viewed you through his 
eyes. You and I became friends on our own as we sized each other up as good 
people. So I am not judging you for your opinion of him nor him for his opinion 
of you. That is between you two guys and is none of my business. I always deal 
one on one and make up my own mind on people here.

If I was Barry's target I would probably feel as you do. But I would just tune 
him out like I did others who went after me or find a way to interact that 
suited my writing interests. And I might write as you have dancing on his grave 
a bit. I get the appeal and I always enjoy reading you whatever the topic.

But the bigger issue for me isn't Barry, it is an environment I have valued for 
a place to exercise free thought. It has been hijacked by someone who not only 
does not value free expression, he has acted against it. I know you felt the 
chill when he went after that Lynch comment as an actionable offense. 

If we want to understand what freedom of speech is all about, defend it for 
someone whose views we disagree with. I used to argue against banning Ravi for 
raving here until he crossed over a clear line of personal harm. I thought he 
deserved to be able to post because I didn't want anyone making that kind of 
content judgement calls on anyone here. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I would be willing to give Turq an offer to post ONCE more.cuz it'd be 
great to see how hard he'd cram everything into it.  Hilarious, right?

I tried hard as hell to like Turq, because: Curtis.

I'd do numbers on my head about "Turq's a good writer, posts some newsy stuff, 
gives some headsup on films" like that like that, because Curtis is smarter 
than any two of us here and he was okay with Turq, so I had to re-think this 
issue many times, but every single time I posted something -- even if it was 
neutral-ish and not turq-ish related and not even true-believer-ish -- BAM this 
dick would go out of his way to somehow find something with which to, once 
again as he did for so many here, deride me, the person, instead of trying to  
uplift with countering and educating debate points.  

Turq was a hunting sniper here -- shooting to crush anyone's spirit and ruin 
their fucking day with a major self-esteem wound.  

Psychic fucking vampire slavering to lick up any spilled blood.  

Sick.  Sociopath almost certainly.  Willfully anti-sanity.  Living inside a 
bullet proof bubble.  Not blinkered, blind.

I tried.  He shot poisoned arrows.  I am not the most lovable person, hee 
fucking hee, but Turq attacked almost everyone in this manner, so I'm felling 
pretty okay about being targeted "for no reason."  Yeah, I post some crap here 
and should be wrist slapped maybe sorta but shit, gimme a break.

Not that Turq couldn't have had great insights in the psychological and 
spiritual dissonances some of us experience regularly, but that he NEVER wanted 
to help anyone towards clarity -- he was only here to rape your mind in public 
and then walk away like he'd slain a dragon for all our benefits.

Talk about yo

Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-24 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


I tried hard as hell to like Turq, because: Curtis.

 Trying to like someone is like trying to crush a mantra into transcendence. 
You have the wrong technique. Some people we do not like. It is easier to like 
something you understand.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-24 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 This is not a place for someone who has a stated agenda to prove his point 
that an organization is a cult, and to label anyone who may defend the 
organization as cult apologist.


 According to the spiel on the Fairfield Life home page, this is the perfect 
place to discuss whether the TM Org is a cult. If what you say is true, then 
you feel this place has a stated agenda to prove the point that the TM Org is 
not a cult. This is a blatant statement showing you wish to suppress opposing 
points of view, as do many others here. Remember the first quotation on that 

 "What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out, which is 
the exact opposite." ~ Bertrand Russell


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Great Beyond Dispatch #2

2015-06-23 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
No, he doesn't appear to be a psychopath. If anything, I am closer to being one 
than him. His career path, and the people he lives with probably would not have 
worked out that way if he were a psychopath. Psychopaths tend to be 
ingratiating, they have an ability to make you like them. Turq does not seem to 
have that ability to create a fake, loving façade that will fool most people, 
if anything, he is the opposite, an acquired taste that many here cannot 
stomach. You were trying to get Yahoo to interfere with freedom of speech here, 
and Rick did not care for such a threat. But now of course, freedom of speech 
is curtailed, just in another direction, a bit more in the direction of 
insanty, as he gave moderation to the one here most infected with religion. 
Religious people tend not to enjoy free speech when it comes to their sacred 
cows. I think all people who believe in a religion are insane, so apparently 
you would fall into that category. But it is a limited insanity. For example, 
you might know how to make a good cup of coffee, and know precisely how to 
proceed to accomplish that and have other skills. But the human mind comes to a 
strange disconnect when it comes to religious beliefs. It is felt they must be 
protected and that somehow they are different from other beliefs. But all 
beliefs have one characteristic, they are a pretence to knowledge which one 
does not really have, and religious beliefs tend to be programmed into the mind 
at an early age where the mind is very plastic and vulnerable and gullible. It 
is a form of conditioning that results in a mechanical response to certain 
kinds of input later in life. A spiritual life is one in which those 
conditioned beliefs are unwound and are replaced by something you would never 
in a million years expect.
  From: "jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 2:03 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Great Beyond Dispatch #2

Too bad things ended this way for 'uncle tantra'. He is a 
high calibre intellectual, but unfortunately a horrendous 
psychopath. As Judy pointed out, he is so focussed on 
displaying his dazzling language skills that he loses 

This is what he said when I got bounced by Rick,

"So IMO during this latest kerfuffle Jedi was just being an 
annoying Internet troll by trolling religious fanatic Jews. 
Dan, on the other hand, was trying to be a dictatorial 
bastard by trying to threaten Rick for not silencing him. 
Jedi was merely willing to diss religious fanatics. Dan was 
being *such* a dictatorial bastard that he was willing to 
try to get Yahoo to censure Fairfield Life or take it down 
because people on it were saying some things he didn't like. 
*That*, I am pretty sure, is what pushed Rick to act. In his 
own sick, twisted way, Dan was trying to do exactly the same 
thing that other asshole from the past was doing when he 
posted porn to FFL and then reported it to Yahoo, again in 
an attempt to get it taken down, and again for the same 
reason -- he didn't like what some people were saying about 
things he was attached to.

Jedi was merely expressing his opinion, no matter how 
crudely or stupidly. Dan was trying to force other people to 
do what *he* wanted them to do. Given a choice, I'd rather 
live with foul-mouthed critics like Jedi than live with the 
insane people like Dan. But Rick made the "wisdom of 
Solomon" choice and got rid of BOTH of them. Win-win. 
Congratulations, Rick.

Agreed. Very Solomon-like, getting rid of both the 
12-year-old and the whiner. I don't "auto delete" jedi's 
posts, just nuke them at the first glimpse of crazy, which 
is much of the time. Dan, however, has been on my DNR list 
since he reappeared, but he *still* required maintenance, 
just to empty the folder collecting his posts. It's been 
like living alone but having to flush the toilet 100 times a 
day to get rid of someone else's shit. Good riddance.

---  wrote :

How come so many are talking about Turq? It seems he is still very much with us 
here, in spite of the cadre that wanted him removed. And note that when one 'R' 
was talked about after having been canned, he came back courtesy of Rick. And 
we still do not know the offence Turq was canned for, a total lack of 
transparency is still operational here by the head of the Fairfield 
Inquisition. What you wrote here is about equal to anything Turq ever wrote on 
this group, as far as content and tone, so his removal is all the more 
inexplicable. TurquoiseBee's alleged 'badness' really has counterparts among 
other members of this group, including those that ran to the Peak. Since I last 
cleared my email, there are practically no posts on the Peak. It seems as if 
the cowards there are returning here. An overpopulation of wussies spells ill 
for the quality of content on FFL. The problem with Turq was there were few who 
could make a reasoned argument against 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everything is Information

2015-06-23 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

  From: "jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 3:43 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everything is Information
No. The point is that the universe functions as information in a virtual 
reality.  It also means that Consciousness or the unified field is the main 
computer (the CPU) that runs this virtual reality.  Logic would tell you that 
this virtual reality or information can't create itself.  It has to be created 
by Somebody, which is Consciousness.
How do you get from 'unified field' to 'consciousness' to 'somebody', all with 
capital starting letters? 'Unified field' in science is a physical construct. 
Logic can only process what you know, it doesn't tell you anything unless you 
plug in values. You are surmising that virtual reality or information must have 
some sort of creation process behind them. Why does it have to be a somebody? 
Consciousness is not a somebody. 
As the creator, it is only logical that Consciousness is the source of 
everything.  As such, It has the quality of the Observer, the Process of 
Observing, and the Observed.  Why?  Because there is nobody else present.  It 
is the Prime Mover.  IOW, It attains the dynamic nature of the unified field, 
the samhita of the Rishi-Devata-Chandas.
We know things because we are conscious, but that is far cry from it being the 
source of everything. If a light shines on an object in a dark room, then the 
object becomes visible, but one has to assume that the light and room and the 
object already existed, and the fact the light made us see it does not mean the 
light created the object.

Most scientists are still trapped in the objective universe paradigm.  That's 
why they have an adverse reaction to the possibility that the universe is run 
by a subjective reality, Consciousness or the Unified Field.
I do not know why people always say this. Science is the objective universe 
paradigm. Scientists are not trapped in it. It is the modus operandi of 
science. A scientist can investigate an autombile crash because the automobile 
is objective. Now if the automobile crash were subjective, in subjective space, 
and no physical automobile were present, how would they proceed to investigate 
the crash?
The observer, observed, and process of observing illustration is to give 
temporary meaning to certain experiences people might have if they are seeking 
enlightenment. It is in fact also how science works, there is an observer, a 
scientist or a machine recording data about an event (like the LHC at CERN), 
there is what is observed, and the process of observations takes place in time 
from the beginning to the end of the observation.
As far a consciousness is concerned it makes experience possible, but whether 
it is active or passive in that observation is another question. A nervous 
system seems to be required. And machines make observations and then we, with 
our consciousness observe what the machines recorded, but we don't know if the 
machine is conscious. If they are not then an observation might take place and 
yet that observation would remain forever unknown.
The thing about unity as a spiritual phenomenon is consciousness and the 
physical world are not distinct, they are as distinct as they are in ordinary 
waking consciousness. It is only on the spiritual path that consciousness and 
the physical objective world seem to be different from one another. As you are 
speaking here of M's Hindu philosophy, I again re-quote for you from Vasistha, 
considered one of the greatest of Indian sages: 'But all this talk about who 
created this world and how it was created is intended only for the purpose of 
composing scriptures and expounding them: it is not based on truth... 
Descriptions of creation, etc., are given in the scriptures for the purpose of 
instructing disciples: do not let your mind be coloured by them. When you 
realise that which is indicated by the words, then naturally you will abandon 
the jugglery of words. In the infinite consciousness itself there is neither an 
intention nor the veil of delusion. But, that itself is before you as the 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Interesting. So this means that information rather than consciousness is the 
basis of the universe and our experience, that consciousness is an emergent 
property of information? Scientists would love this because it makes 
consciousness amenable to developing equations to explain its existence.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Please, read my recent post to Salyavin regarding this thread.  We've talked 
about this Information theory the other day.  So, I believe it has some merit.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

The universe is a virtual reality.  The main computer is Consciousness, or the 
Unified Field.  Tom Campbell discusses these ideas in the future of physics 

[FairfieldLife] A Final Last Message?

2015-06-23 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I received a rather cryptic message from TurquoiseBee, in which he merely 
mentioned as possibly a 'last message' and all it is is a link to a video. I 
normally don't watch videos because they take too much time. I think he is 
using the song in this video to communicate a message; he had nothing to say 
personally, so whatever he wants to say seems to be embedded in either the 
visuals or the lyrics here.
True Detective Season 2: Opening Credits Episode #1 (HBO)

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| True Detective Season 2: Opening Credits Episode #1 (HBO... |
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| View on youtu.be | Preview by Yahoo |
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Great Beyond Dispatch #2

2015-06-23 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
How come so many are talking about Turq? It seems he is still very much with us 
here, in spite of the cadre that wanted him removed. And note that when one 'R' 
was talked about after having been canned, he came back courtesy of Rick. And 
we still do not know the offence Turq was canned for, a total lack of 
transparency is still operational here by the head of the Fairfield 
Inquisition. What you wrote here is about equal to anything Turq ever wrote on 
this group, as far as content and tone, so his removal is all the more 
inexplicable. TurquoiseBee's alleged 'badness' really has counterparts among 
other members of this group, including those that ran to the Peak. Since I last 
cleared my email, there are practically no posts on the Peak. It seems as if 
the cowards there are returning here. An overpopulation of wussies spells ill 
for the quality of content on FFL. The problem with Turq was there were few who 
could make a reasoned argument against what he threw at you. Anything is 
possible. Turq's main gripe, if we could call it that, was that ego co-opted 
just about everything spiritual here, and so he poked repeatedly at that ego 
value masquerading as spiritual wisdom.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Sour grapes, Turq?  You've been here for fucking ever and now you can walk 
away as if it were nothing, eh?

Nobody gunna miss ya much.  Nobody gunna tearfully read your old posts like 
they were photos in an album.  Nobody gunna say, "You know, Turq got us all on 
the right track about that issue."  Not even Curtis will miss how you strode so 
haughtily into denial and tried to leave blood everywhere in your wake.

Nobody gunna give ya a quick fix for your addiction:  imagining emotional 
discomfort in others.  What a fucked hobby that is. Dude, I mean, really?

You added up to a negative number here.  

And now what?  More coffee, group sex, films and running from the law?  Just 
askin'.  I have always suspected you were over there because of some problems 
over here.  It just seems like such a natural conclusion given what a pissant 
sod you seem to be in real life.  What is it?  Back alimony?  Law suit liens?  
Drug charges?  One finds such a list easy to imagine.

And here's me dissin' on your ass for no reason at all, eh?  You never did jack 
shit one to anybody here and you can't imagine why all the chop-bustin' on ya?  

And I love it that you're saying you would never come back.  GAWDyou just 
made it harder for yourself to beg for forgiveness.   And you would've, but 
now, you've purposefully made it harder because you know you would have.  See 
ya in a few years then.  Time heals so much.

But watch, by getting Alex to repost your replies, etc., you'll weasel your way 
back here and pretend you just "went on vacation is all."

Aaaand, the reason I'm doing this beating of your dead stinking 
horse, is that I know how much you'd like to give one of your classic asshole 
responses that always and solely end up being raw vile hatred of all things 
human..and now can't.  Turning purple with rage over there?  

You're a pill. Glad you're the one who had to end up swallowing it.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Everything is Information

2015-06-23 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Interesting. So this means that information rather than consciousness is the 
basis of the universe and our experience, that consciousness is an emergent 
property of information? Scientists would love this because it makes 
consciousness amenable to developing equations to explain its existence.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 Please, read my recent post to Salyavin regarding this thread.  We've talked 
about this Information theory the other day.  So, I believe it has some merit.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The universe is a virtual reality.  The main computer is Consciousness, or the 
Unified Field.  Tom Campbell discusses these ideas in the future of physics and 


 Yahoo Guidelines: Post Your Own Content. It's Okay to post other things, but 
write something about what you think about what you post that is not created by 
you instead of letting it stand in for what you think. I rarely watch videos 
because it takes more time than scanning text that people write themselves. I 
do not usually care what some video says, but I might respond to you if you 
write something that supports your view of whatever you are interested in.

 Why do YOU think the universe is a virtual reality? What is a virtual reality? 
How can consciousness BE a computer? Those questions are implied in what you 
briefly wrote. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] What is a single thought?

2015-06-22 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Nice post. You might be interested in some Taoist benchmarks concerning 
Normal State — Wandering mind. Some will often have 3-6 (or more) 
threads/dialogs of thought jumping around.Temporary One Thread — In meditation, 
one quiets to one focused thread (as in mantra or concentration). At this 
state, one may begin to notice energy (if looking for it).Temporary Quiet Mind 
— One can begin to see/trace thoughts.Stable Quiet Meditation — One can 
perceive the nature/energy of mind. Can perceive astral experiences.Expansion 
of Quiet Mind to Normal Life — One begins to "see themselves" doing things. An 
example is seeing yourself getting angry, but can't stop yourself.Quiet Mind in 
Life — Usually only one thread going, sometimes no threads. Can see and stop 
yourself from getting angry.Calm Mind — No real thoughts unless there is 
something to do/decide. Meditation and life are the same. Often described as 
nothingness. Many stop here and declare victory.Noticing Oneness — Something 
"tickles" the calm mind. Curiosity returns. Begin to break beyond the local 
body-mind.See Oneness — Feels like every soul is inside you. Begin integration 
with existence.Oneness — Can feel everyone and everything.Oneness beyond time — 
Can perceive parallel realities and beyond time.Primordial State — Integration 
with God/Existence/Emptiness (depending on your perspective).

  From: Duveyoung 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, June 22, 2015 3:28 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] What is a single thought?
    I once heard Maharishi Mahesh Yogi say, ".and they don't even know what 
a thought is."

At the time, we all felt so smug, but 40 years later, I'm wondering if FFL 
could possibly agree on a definition.

I maintained that I have 5 thoughts per second.  My definition of thought is "a 
complete concept."

Using this definition, I note that when I count as fast as I can, mentally, I 
can get up to five before the second hand clicks to the next second.

Each number is clearly heard in my mind rather than it being kind of slurringly 
said process.


Here's the rub:  obviously the brain/body is processing actual millions of 
inputs, and most of the material is "ignored."  Proof being that YOUR elbow 
just now that I mention it is found to be sending you messages about its 
position, pressures on it, clothing rubbing sensations etc.  This information 
is broadcast 24/7 to you, but almost never gets to the front burner of 
Clearly 5 thoughts per second is a relative concept.

Never-the-less, I like to offer it as a starter concept about thought.  If one 
CAN have conscious awareness of five thoughts per second, then the concept of 
"cherry picking" comes to my fore.  Seems to me that all of us are cherry 
picking which of our thoughts to attend and which to ignore, but this "picking" 
is automated and usually not a conscious choice.  

Seems to me, enlightenment is a kind of surrendering to this vastness of 
processing -- it being a perfect example of "karma is unfathomable" and so just 
relax and let it all happen.

Q:   Can there be awareness without an object of awareness?

Nisargadatta:  Awareness with an object we called witnessing. When there is 
also self-identification with the object, caused by desire or fear, such a 
state is called a person. In reality there is only one state; when distorted by 
self-identification it is called a person, when coloured with the sense of 
being, it is the witness; when colourless and limitless, it is called the 

   #yiv3740496385 #yiv3740496385 -- #yiv3740496385ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Everything is Information

2015-06-22 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The universe is a virtual reality.  The main computer is Consciousness, or the 
Unified Field.  Tom Campbell discusses these ideas in the future of physics and 


 Yahoo Guidelines: Post Your Own Content. It's Okay to post other things, but 
write something about what you think about what you post that is not created by 
you instead of letting it stand in for what you think. I rarely watch videos 
because it takes more time than scanning text that people write themselves. I 
do not usually care what some video says, but I might respond to you if you 
write something that supports your view of whatever you are interested in.

 Why do YOU think the universe is a virtual reality? What is a virtual reality? 
How can consciousness BE a computer? Those questions are implied in what you 
briefly wrote. 


[FairfieldLife] The Danger of Community

2015-06-22 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 1. a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular 
figure or object.

 2. a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices 
regarded by others as strange or sinister.

 synonyms: sect, denomination, group, movement, church, persuasion, body, 

 3. a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.

 synonyms: obsession with, fixation on, mania for, passion for, idolization of, 
devotion to, worship of, veneration of

 Now that the banished person on FFL who devoted a considerable amount of free 
time energy to explaining that the TM org is a cult is gone, and that 
observation indicates approximately half the active members of FFL are still 
under the influence of cult-like thought patterns; now that that person has 
been eliminated, we should see an increase in docile, cult-like behaviour on 
FFL, and a lowering of the level of intelligent discussion. (That is an 
hypothesis by the way, not a truth)

 There was a scientific paper written in 1984 by neuroscientist Michael 
Persinger titled Striking EEG Profiles from Single Episodes of Gossolalia and 
Transcendental Meditation in which he wrote:

 'Transient, focal, epileptic-like changes in the temporal lobe, without 
convulsions, have been hypothesised to be primary correlates of religious 
experiences. Given these properties, direct measurement of these phenomena 
within the laboratory should be rare. However, two illustrated instances have 
been recorded. The first case involved the occurrence of a delta-wave-dominant 
electoral seizure for about 10 sec. from the temporal lobe only of a 
Transcendental Meditation teacher during a peak experience within a routine TM 
episode. The second case involved the occurrence of spikes within the temporal 
lobe only during protracted intermittent episodes of glossolalia [speaking in 
tongues] by a member of a Pentecostal sect. Neither subject had any psychiatric 
history. These observations are commensurate with the hypothesis that religious 
experiences are natural correlates of temporal lobe transients that can be 
detected by routine EEG measures.'

 Persinger is a cognitive neuroscientist, and his theories of religious 
experience have received some criticism; he is of the belief that strong 
magnetic field can induce religious experiences, but his research has not been 
convincingly replicated.

 More of note Persinger wrote a book with two other authors in 1980 called TM 
and Cult Mania in which he investigated the efficacy of TM.

 'TM and Cult Mania takes a look at the assertions made by the Transcendental 
Meditation movement and analyses them from a scientific perspective. The book 
acknowledges that those who practice the Transcendental Meditation technique 
feel relaxed and experience an increase in creativity. According to the book, 
the physiological effects reported by the scientific studies on Transcendental 
Meditation are relatively small from a scientific perspective and "no more 
effective than many other meditation techniques". Transcendental Meditation is 
seen as most noteworthy due to its ability to manipulate stress and expectancy.'

 The authors concluded 'Transcendental Meditation has achieved international 
recognition through commercial exploitation' and 'poor scientific procedures ' 
and that 'the reported effects of TM upon human behaviour are trivial. 
Considering the alleged potency of the TM procedure, the changes in 
physiological and behavioural measures are conspicuously minute'. TM and Cult 
Mania comes to the conclusion that, 'science has been used as a sham for 
propaganda by the TM movement.'

 The book was criticised by some because Persinger associated religious beliefs 
and spiritual practices with mental illness, that he cast spiritual interests 
under a cloud of psychopathology.

 Having been on FFL now for about four years, I think that psychopathy is quite 
evident on this Yahoo group, and that now that the Buck persona seems to be in 
charge of the way things go, that pathology of cult behaviour will intensify 
unless there are enough counterbalancing voices that are not suppressed, to 
keep this mental illness from spreading.

 Now I have practiced TM into my fifth decade, and as is known here, I seem to 
have some slight sociopathic tendencies. These tendencies have increased 
through the practice of TM. I feel the changes are positive, but they can be 
described in negative language. Loss of the small self can be described as 
'depersonalisation' which is as good a tag as any. The persona gets thrown out 
from the centre of your life to the periphery, where it becomes an object, like 
trees and rocks. Everything in the universe becomes an object, and 
consciousness or awareness becomes the subject, and disappears from view.

 During most of the practice though, before this depersonalisation occurs, 
awareness/consciousness is basically regarded as 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: Alex, can you post a question to the forum for me?

2015-06-21 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Perhaps we never have a vote here, this is Rick's place. But it is clear there 
is divided opinion on this issue. So geezerfreak posts once a month or so. When 
people vote in an election, some are involved in politics all year round, and 
then vote for whom they like, while others pay no attention to politics at all, 
and then just the same, vote for the one whom they like best, or against the 
one they hate the worst as the case may be. Under the system, they both have 
the same right to vote.  

 We do not have a vote here, but we do have preferences and we are expressing 
them. And this is precisely the issue at hand, whether we can speak our minds 
freely, or have our speech suppressed by would be manipulators, who would 
prefer we only think their kind of thoughts and ideas. When your ideas are not 
challenged mightily, you brain dries up like old pudding sitting on a shelf. 
People like Turq cannot manipulate you if you simply ignore what they say. You 
have a choice not to interact. If you cannot deal with it, but nonetheless read 
it, and complain, it means you are complicit, a partner in crime, if you so 
characterise what someone is saying.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 says the one post a month, twelve posts a year, guy

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Alex:  Regardless of how folks feel about Turq, moderation should be carried 
out transparently, and not in a secret, undefined manner. So far, this 
experiment with Doug as moderator is starting to remind me of when Rick put an 
Amma fanatic in charge of moderating the Amma free speech group, with the end 
result being the loss of free speech and the creation of the Amma Real Free 
Speech group.


 Me: 100% agree Alex. I looked in late last week as part of my 
once-every-few-months look and was appalled to see what is going on. Turq was 
ALWAYS an interesting and entertaining poster, only rivaled by Curtis IMO. And 
now this guy Buck/Doug is running roughshod on the group deciding who is 'on 
program' and who is not? Fuck that, that is EXACTLY the kind of TMO bullshit 
that drove me from the organization in the first place.

 Rick, you once told me that Doug was "really a great guy" when I complained 
about his Buck persona to you privately years ago. I'm not in a position to 
know what kind of guy he is, great or otherwise, but he is so clearly a fucking 
joke of a moderator. Seriously, Rick are you kidding me? Unless you yourself 
have gone insane I refuse to believe you think Doug is the man for this job. 
Say it ain't so Rick!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: Alex, can you post a question to the forum for me?

2015-06-21 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Xeno, let's unpack this a bit. 

 You, I repeat, you, are the person who has stated on several occasions that 
you have a touch of sociopath.

 Perhaps you can do me a favor and look up the definition of sociopath.

 But, here's my understanding.

 A sociopath is someone who takes a certain pleasure in making people 
uncomfortable, by any means. And the means don't really matter much. The goal 
is to make them uncomfortable.

 A true sociopath sees people as objects, and does not experience empathy or 
guilt. They do apparently experience other emotions, but not like a normal 
person. So under normal circumstances, say you had one for a friend, if you 
died, they would not care, they would move on easily. They can be manipulative 
because they have desires, things they want etc., their sense of self, is 

 I seem to have a touch of this, but I am not a true sociopath. The thing here 
is people in general ('normal') get uncomfortable when their world view is 
challenged. If you take the basic idea and theory of enlightenment for example 
as being true, then until full awakening, you are not living reality at all, 
but are living a dream, a fictitious existence in which every thought and idea 
you have about the world is just plain wrong. How uncomfortable the path of 
enlightenment can be depends on how fast that fictitious world in the mind is 
ripped away. TM does it gently, slowly most of the time, so it is not horribly 
upsetting, but a person might be surprised at how uncomfortable life can be as 
the dark stuff comes to the surface. It's kind of like dying because you have 
to give up everything you thought was real. That TM is gentle, it is for gentle 
people who can't take a lot of pain, but it is also therefore, with its light 
touch, likely to be slow. To go really really fast, sometimes you need a 
crowbar or some truly horrible life experience to jar the nervous system out of 
its slumbers. Even enlightened people have residual conditioning and that 
conditioning can get challenged. They are more likely to deal with it 
gracefully and not on a personal level.

 In a way, enlightenment seems to create a situation similar to sociopathy, in 
that the personal level of existence drops away. This is why some 'masters' can 
be quite uncomfortable to be around, because they are not going to buy your 
shit. Of course some so-called masters can be difficult to be around because 
they are just rotten to begin with.

 Maybe others here don't care for a forum that has devolved into that sort of 
atmosphere due to the continual posts by one of one of the most active 

 That's because they are living in a fantasy world. This is, or was, the place 
to grapple with these issues. People really want to get enlightened up to a 
point, but once they begin to discover what you really have to give up to get 
over the threshold, they balk. This won't happen this way for everyone. There 
are always a few who are pretty clear to begin with, and they might have a 
really easy time of it. The probability you will be that fortunate is unlikely. 
That is just statistical, not a statement of your personal worth. Your personal 
worth is what you give up with enlightenment. What takes its place is much 


 And, by the way, that particular participant has stated on many occasions 
that, that is his raison d'etre for participating here.

 I was not particularly fond of another poster here, 'R' who also was let off. 
I am happy he is gone, but Rick, for a long time, let him stay. If he had not 
crossed the line with Curtis, he still would be here. My method was to skip 
over his posts and not waste my time reading them, and set my e-mail to drop 
them in the trash folder. No problem. As long as people are not physically 
harming each other, which is impossible for the most part here, you can just 
not pay attention to what you do not like. If you do put your attention on 
these things, then you might ask yourself what are you getting off on, in 
complaining about it?

 I also came to dislike authfriend's posting as well, but I would never ban her 
annoying as I found her. She is sharp, in her own way a sniper like Turq. I 
consider her the polar opposite of Turq, so they are in some way very similar. 
There is an intimate relationship between opposing forces. But like matter and 
anti-matter, an explosion when they come together too closely.

 I think a lot of people here think of Turq as a low-vibe spiritual loser, but 
they gloss over things that show he has definite insight into spiritual 
matters. For example here is something he wrote in 2008:

 'One of the things I cannot help but notice, having been exposed to views of 
spirituality other than the ones dealt with in TM, is that the TM view often 
seems blissfully unaware of the occult. The "occult" deals not with "black 
magic" or other low-vibe stuff, but with ENE

Re: [FairfieldLife] Why Does Time Exist?

2015-06-21 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 A few weeks ago, I posted an article about the new developments in physics 
discussed at a conference in Puerto Rico.  Apparently, some physicists are 
raising the issue that information is more fundamental than matter and energy.  
That means Hawking, Krauss and Dawkins are wrong in their interpretation of the 
Big Bang.

 Information is certainly important. But how can it be structured without 
space-time, energy-matter? Without matter there is no way to encode 
information, without energy, no way to transmit it

 Information can be interpreted as consciousness that springs forth from the 
unified field.  As such, this information is the observer, the process of 
observing, and the observed.  This is the dynamic relationship that creates the 
infinite universes which includes our own.

 Consciousness that springs forth requires a nervous system, and that is matter 
and energy. If we assume the universe is unified, all these things are together 
as one anyway so there is no point in trying to get rid of one and the same 
thing to make the idea sound more 'spiritual'. The physical universe and 
'spirit' are one and the same, that is what unification means, so it is not 
necessary to eliminate or redefine levels of existence. Because they are 
unified, it is no longer necessary to postulate emergence because it is not a 
sequence of events that is unfolding; the idea of creator or a beginning only 
comes into play if you have a world that is dis-unified.


 Take Yoga Vasistha for example on this point:

 Vasistha: 'But all this talk about who created this world and how it was 
created is intended only for the purpose of composing scriptures and expounding 
them: it is not based on truth. Modifications arising in the infinite 
consciousness or organisation of the cosmic being, do not really take place in 
the Lord, though they appear to do so. There is naught but the infinite 
consciousness, even in imagination! To think of that being the creator and the 
universe as the created, is absurd: when one lamp is kindled from another, 
there is no creator-creature relationship between them—fire is one. Creation is 
just a word, it has no corresponding substantial reality.'

 As a product of the unified field, our universe is a reflection of its 
creator.  Our earth and everything in it are part of this universe and the 
quantum wave function which made this all happen.  MMY stated that this wave 
function can be accessed while in transcendental consciousness or samadhi.

 I doubt this is true, but because you are saying it is a quantum mechanical 
function, then there are physical qualities that could be measured to check out 
the idea. You just have to formulate the meditation theory in a way that it 
predicts certain quantum mechanical events, and design the experiment to see if 
that happens. If it does not, the theory is wrong.


 Dr. John Hagelin stated in one of internet videos that the expansion of the 
universe is powered by dark energy, the emptiness of space, i.e. the unified 
field itself.

 We really do not seem to know what dark energy is or how and why it is there, 
if it is there. Some scientists feel there are other explanations for the 
observations for which dark energy and matter are hypothesised. Hagelin is of 
course no longer really a physicist that communicates with his physicist peers. 
He doesn't write papers or formulate anything scientifically any more.

 Other scientists, like Dr. Leonard Susskind, are proposing that the beginning 
and end of the universe can be compared to information stored in a hologram 
which can be expressed in scientific formulas.  But this idea lacks the lively 
intelligence of the information expressed in MMY's samhita of the 

 Without formulating these theories (hologram or samhita) in a way that 
generates parameters that can be physically measured, there is no way to tell 
the difference between them. You might as well say the universe came from a 
chicken sandwich (a very special sort of chicken sandwich of course).


 You may disagree with this idea from MMY, but the new concept, that 
information is more fundamental than matter and energy, is somewhat similar to 
the thoughts that MMY formulated many years ago.

 With a unified system, information, matter and energy will appear to emerge 
simultaneously. Saying one is more fundamental than the other is a post hoc 
explanation mapped onto the world to explain how it appears when viewed not as 
being but as becoming. That means the attention is narrowed so experience is 
fragmented and the world then appears in pieces that seem to move in relation 
to one another and the mind must try to figure out how they are related. Take 
the formula for general relativity. The equation shows how the whole system 
stands as a whole, but if you plug a particular value into one of the values in 
the equation, it wi

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: Alex, can you post a question to the forum for me?

2015-06-21 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
This is still a complete lack of transparency (except for the case of 'R'). 
This explains nothing about precisely why Turq was dropped. It's not about 
coloured cards. It is about certain specific posts that occurred after you took 
this moderator job, because you specified 'going forward' — not what happened 
previous to that. So exactly what led you to pull the trigger. My vote is to 
unseat the CEO. But I have only one vote, and it depends on how democratic Rick 
feels, as you are not democratic in regards to spiritual philosophy. You do not 
look at it in an abstract philosophical way, you look at it in a much more 
rigid religious way. In 2009 you wrote to Turq 

 Om no, no, Turq;
That what thee don't know may not hurt thee or else explains a lot otherwise.
Spiritually aware people seem to know... 
 You are talking to him like a Quaker here (except for the 'Om'). I would say 
you have a predisposition against free-thinking philosophical enquiry, 
something that is absolutely necessary to engage with finding out what 
enlightenment is or is not. You also repeatedly posted items substituting 'the 
unified field' for the word 'God'. I am suggesting that you have a built-in 
bias that underlies, out of sight, your desire to use the Yahoo guidelines to 
eliminate those who do not share your ideas of community and spirituality.
 Writing here as a conservative meditator I should like to share this 
hymn with our straying meditator friend [Turq] and once benighted soul here.

Is a beautiful meditation hymn with a strong lesson for even fallen away 
meditators.  To come home.  Oh there is tremendous mercy in the unified field, 
its compassion mercifully is in the physics of it.   Ex-patriots, come home to 
meditation.   Make your choice and grace  you'll find there is in the natural 
law of the Unified Field. 
 You also said the above. That pretty much nails your attitude against rigorous 
questioning of spiritual concepts to discover if they have any real value. You 
want a conservative retreat from this with everything settled in a certain 
predetermined way. Some spiritual concepts do have value, but one cannot know 
this without discovering value oneself, at some point you have to toss the 
guidebooks and take the matter in hand. And what works for one person may not 
work for another. I feel you want people to slide back into a nice cult-like 
mentality, and this is exactly what we are attempting to rid ourselves of. You 
are using the guidelines as a smokescreen for your real intentions, and as such 
I feel you are unsuited for the job.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Yes, Turqb and Serious are gone from FFL by moderation. I am only the CEO. My 
master is the list owner. We had quite sufficient back and forth about this 
before taking our additional time to go in to pull the moderation levers in the 
 From Soccer..
 A red card will be shown to a player who has committed a serious offence such 
as violent conduct or an illegal and purposeful obstruction of a goal scoring 
opportunity for the opposing team. A red card will also be shown to a player 
who accumulates two yellow cards for more minor offenses.
 These guys who have presently been ejected from FFL were well beyond 
accumulating two yellow cards. 
 It was quite time for their ejections from FFL to secure our alignment as a 
yahoo-group with the yahoo-guidelines. 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: Alex, can you post a question to the forum for me?

2015-06-21 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
On one Yahoo page Guidelines for Comments on Yahoo, the following appeared at 
the end of their so-called guidelines: 

 'Yahoo is not responsible or liable in any way for comments posted by its 

 That rather undoes any responsibility on Yahoo's part regarding the content of 
the guidelines and enforcement.


 There are those of us who would like to unseat the current CEO of moderation 
so we could have more interesting conversations about how TM fails to produce 
rational human beings who can take anything that is thrown at them (we are 
talking about words here, not bullets, that's another story).

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Thanks for all your concern for the community here.  The yahoo-guidelines are 
really quite simple. Folks will be quite fine on FFL as they write well within 
the wide margins of tolerance that are the Yahoo-groups guidelines.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Regardless of how folks feel about Turq, moderation should be carried out 
transparently, and not in a secret, undefined manner.

Me: Exactly Alex. No one can follow the lines if they are not painted clearly. 
When people hide the criteria they are using to judge people it creates...

another TM movement.

 So far, this experiment with Doug as moderator is starting to remind me of 
when Rick put an Amma fanatic in charge of moderating the Amma free speech 
group, with the end result being the loss of free speech and the creation of 
the Amma Real Free Speech group.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Turq's posting is exactly the reason so many social sites have shut down their 
comment sections. 

 Excessive and abusive trolling.

 I see little downside to having his participation here terminated.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I sincerely hope that TurquoiseB is never allowed to post here again. He is 
toxic for the entire group and should have been removed a long time ago. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Gonna ask again, Doug: did you ban Turq for good or will you be restoring his 
posting privileges at some point?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I looked at the activity log, and Turq is still subscribed; all Doug did was 
kill his ability to post. Whereas, Rick booted *and* banned the one who shall 
not be mentioned (I think the banned list prevents a person from even sending a 
subscription request.) The only people I've given the boot are spammers, and I 
don't regard them as worthy of any kind of explanation. But, in the case of 
people who are actual participants, I think full disclosure is in order. In 
Turq's case, the reason is apparent, but it has not been disclosed if this is 
just a temporary time-out or permanent. The fact that Doug didn't actually 
unsubscribe him suggests the possibility that it isn't permanent.

What sayest thou, Doug? Is Turq gone for good?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Thanks for posting this Alex. Perhaps Buck/Doug will share the rational here 
so we can understand which of his interpretation of the previously never 
enforced vague Yahoo guidelines Barry violated.

In the spirit of Barry's sense of humor here I think the only appropriate thing 
to do now is to initiate a "dead pool" list of who is going to be next in the 
the current purge.

1. Salyavin808 for his last brilliant, scathing indictment of Buck/Doug

2. Michael for his consistent efforts to put his finger in the eye of the 
pompous powers that be in the movement.

3. Me for trying to focus my lens more and more precisely on what it is that I 
object to in Buck/Doug's misuse of moderator power here. (I am speaking about 
his threat to Barry for stating his opinion of David Lynch, not for getting 
banned. Until he reveals it I don't know what his reasons were for that.)

Game on! Who will be next?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I have zero idea what's going on, but I'll at least let him say goodbye.

 - Forwarded Message -
 From: TurquoiseBee 
 To: Alex Stanley  
 Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 5:46 AM
 Subject: Alex, can you post a question to the forum for me?
 It appears that Doug has gone ahead with his threats and has deleted my access 
to Fairfield Life. I'm just wondering how he justifies doing this based on 
supposedly "offending" posts of mine made back in May when on June 9th in post 
 he explicitly said:

 In moderation at this point I feel “the past is a lesser state of evolution” 
and I am going forward with a clean slate on everyone and not one is on 
moderation in any way from this point. I would only suggest in our going 
forward that folks take the time to actually read the Yahoo-groups guidelines 
if they want to continue fluidly posting on FFL. We should appr

[FairfieldLife] Re: Matching Gifts For Consciousness-Based Education

2015-06-21 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
As consciousness is required to learn anything, all education by whatever means 
is consciousness based, and therefore any donation to any organisation that 
provides some educational resources and can effectively impart them would be 
worthy. What tends to reduce the value of education is instilling beliefs that 
have no support other than people think they are true, and this works against 
creating an educated society because it reduces the capacity of the mind to 
think clearly and objectively. We see these two values pitted against each 
other in educational systems and whichever gets the upper hand determines 
whether we end up with an educated populace, or a crate of idiots. MUM's 
ability to create a positive educational ratio (objectivity vs. belief) has 
declined as it has matured. One needs to do prior research to find out if a 
gift to an educational institution is truly worthwhile, or simply foolish. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On May 23, a record graduating class of 391 students from 61 countries
graduated from Maharishi University of Management.
Former Japan Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama gave the commencement address and 
received an honorary degree from President Morris.
Watch the video of the graduation ceremonies here. 
 Everyone who makes a gift to the Annual Fund
provides invaluable financial support to our students, faculty, and 
bringing the fulfillment of 391 new graduates.
 Your gift to the Annual Fund
between now and June 30 will be matched!
 Every Gift Counts!
Maharishi University of Management -> Annual Giving -> June 30, 2015 Annual 
Fund http://www.mum.edu/annualfund
 Maharishi University of Management -> Annual Giving -> June 30, 2015 Annual 
Fund http://www.mum.edu/annualfund

 View on www.mum.edu http://www.mum.edu/annualfund
 Preview by Yahoo 



[FairfieldLife] Significance?

2015-06-21 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Celebrating Insignificance Day

 Today, 21 June 2015, we celebrate the 30th annual pean to our insignificance. 
We are tiny points of dim light that briefly shine in a vast universe of 
impersonal forces, only to be extinguished after an average of some 65 years. 
As of this date this year 27,800,000 of us have perished as part of the 
recycling processes of existence. We and our consciousness are expendable. 
Please do not send donations, you are not that important.

 Blast from the Past Quotation of the Day

 'And yet spiritual seekers throughout the centuries have managed to find fault 
with the stuff that other seekers -- usually from other traditions -- have 
found Cool about the universe they perceived around them when they didn't.'

 'What's up with that, eh?'


 Copyright © 1985–2015 Foundation for Insignificance


Re: [FairfieldLife] Experimenting

2015-06-20 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

  From: "awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2015 10:44 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Experimenting
    I've been away for a while and thought it might be interesting to test the 
waters here now that the dynamic is altered. It might just end up being the 
same old, same old but, being an optimist, I'm going to give it a shot. 
Hello FFL.
If you  remove the o from your greeting, that might give you an indication 
of the temperature of the waters. I was watching a program about wolves 
recently. It seems when wolves are removed from the ecosystem, the system 
becomes more unhealthy. The sick and weak animals proliferate and the health of 
the herds deteriorates. That does not imply you are sick and weak, but having 
run off, there are questions that may be asked, of all those who might be 
reversing their departures. When a lot of prey is reintroduced to an area, one 
wonders what might subsequently return.Experimental subjects are always welcome 
here, however.  #yiv5208382235 #yiv5208382235 -- #yiv5208382235ygrp-mkp 
{border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 
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#d8d8d8;}#yiv5208382235 #yiv5208382235ygrp-mkp #yiv5208382235hd 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Why Does Time Exist?

2015-06-20 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

  From: "jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2015 7:41 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Why Does Time Exist?
    Sean Carroll, a physicist, discusses the various aspects of time but does 
not cover the various theories of the Big Bang.  He did not talk about the 
unified field or the quantum wave function which was the source of the Big 
Bang.IMO, the fact that the universe is expanding to eternity means that the 
universe came out of eternity, through the quantum wave function.In the Big 
Bang theory, if space were negatively curved, the universe would expand, as a 
measure of time, eternally, but that does not say anything about where it came 
from or what it came from, or in fact if it came at all. The beginning, as a 
function of quantum mechanical ideas might be a quantum fluctuation, but did 
any quantum field exist before the universe began. But before it began, or even 
at the beginning there would be no quantum wave function, which requires there 
be particles, but no particles exist in that highly compressed state at the Big 
Bang. A wave function in quantum mechanics describes the quantum state of an 
isolated system of one or more particles.Exactly what does 'coming out of 
eternity' mean in your scenario. Is the eternity the universe comes out of time 
based? Because without space-time, there is no time. Whereas the universe 
expanding to eternity takes, in terms of time, forever, and that is 
time-based.Sean Carroll: Why Does Time Exist?
||||   Sean Carroll: Why Does Time Exist?  Cosmologist Sean 
Carroll tackles a deceptively simple question: Why does time exist at all? The 
potential answers point to a surprising view of the nature o...||
|  View on www.npr.org  |Preview by Yahoo|


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: Alex, can you post a question to the forum for me?

2015-06-20 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
What is past is past. Long live the present, an infinitesimal slice between a 
remembered then and an imaginary to be. But to resurrect a quote from the past: 

 'Judy is doing what she has done often before -- offering her opinion, and 
thereafter assuming it (and STATING it) as if it were fact. In other words, she 
is attempting to establish her own opinion AS fact.'



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Declaring one is going to ignore the authority figure, of course, adds up to 
far more than simply talking back to the authority figure. And it has nothing 
to do with the Yahoo Guidelines per se; it has to do with the authority figures 
themselves. If they want to maintain their authority, they need to sanction 
those who openly defy it. 

 But you're well aware of this.

 Thanks for confirming my suspicions about your "dead pool" implication. 
Unfortunately you've screwed up again. I came "out of lurkerdom" on May 31, a 
week before Rick decided to appoint a moderator, a week before any of us knew 
he was even considering it.

 Doug is not now and never has been either my friend or my enemy. But what's 
fascinating about your absurd remark is that you can't seem to envision 
defending someone who isn't a friend who is being treated unfairly and 
dishonestly just because it's the right thing to do. There has to be an 
ulterior, self-interested motive as far as you're concerned.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Curtis deliberately misrepresents what I said in an effort to switch the 
context his way. Again, standard. 

 My conclusion about why Turq got bounced was that he declared he was going to 
ignore anything Doug posted. Kind of like a football player announcing publicly 
that he was going to ignore anything the umpire said. How much longer do you 
think he'd stay in the game--or on the team, for that matter--after that? Just 
a *wee* bit different from "talking back" to the umpire. And Turq wasn't even 
addressing Doug when he said what he did.

Me: It all adds up to talking back to the authority figure and this is not an 
actionable offense in the Yahoo guidelines. You are making Judy distinctions 
between things that do not matter.

 The implication of your "dead pool" remark was, of course, that I was sucking 
up to Doug to ensure I wouldn't get bounced, rather than just doing the right 
thing by defending him from the unfair and dishonest treatment he's been 

Me: You are making up your "implication" so you can enjoy your favorite 
emotional outrage buzz Judy. That was neither intended nor implied in what I 
wrote. I hadn't even conspired that as an angle when I wrote that. I was 
stating the obvious and as usual you got bent about it. Your choice. I don't 
believe that you act in that calculated a way here, so from my POV I would not 
accuse you of this directly or in implication.

But seeing how reactive you got makes me think that perhaps a bit of the ol' 
enemy of my enemy is my friend at work here that brought you out of lurkdom, 
which has been replayed so many times in your years of posing here I hope you 
make a comical attempt to deny it.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

But your support for him has eliminated you from the FFL dead pool so in the 
end your choice my be the wise one here if you still care to post.

 I resent the implication. Standard Curtis. As it happens, I don't intend to 
stay around much longer. 

Me: Nothing was implied Judy, it was all stated clearly. Even by your own 
analysis that opposing Doug/Buck may lead to being banned. It was your 
conclusion about why he bounced Barry for talking back to him. Being offended 
by the most obvious comment was your MO here so this is standard Judy. 

The only reason I've stayed as long as I have is to try to keep you guys more 
honest than you would be otherwise.

Me: Always nice to end with a note of condescension and self aggrandizement so 
we know it is really you. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: Alex, can you post a question to the forum for me?

2015-06-20 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Were that true, it was not a post to a Yahoo group, but a personal e-mail and 
not subject to Yahoo groups guidelines.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Pastor Barry probably emailed Doug some expletives which sealed his fate.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 What on earth is the difficulty understanding the obvious here? Turq got 
thrown out because he declared he was not subject to Doug's moderation. There's 
no need to have Doug explain it to us when we have the evidence of the post in 
which he explicitly announced he was going to completely ignore anything Doug 
said. (He had also repeatedly insulted Doug, among other things by calling him 

 And BTW, Xeno, there were some very smart people--some smarter than you, in 
fact--who wanted Turq removed.


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I agree with the need to know. If we are expected to follow your 
interpretation of the vague yahoo guidelines, it is only fair for us to find 
out what POV we need to align ourselves to until all dissenting voices are 
inevitably quelled here.

So far it is a perfect reflection of the movement style. One of the longest 
posters here has suddenly been removed and we have no idea why.

This is in contrast to what happened when R was removed for a very specific 
infraction of the rules that help us be safe posting here. We know why and if 
you don't do what he did, you wont get what he got.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Buck, what were your reasons for removing Turq from the group? I know there 
have been many complaints about him from spiritual cretins as to why they 
wanted him removed, but you have been silent about it, even though you seemed 
vocal about it in a general way prior to being appointed moderator. I am 
interested in the mind of our moderator. As you performed the action of 
blocking him, what were you feeling? He had, after all, been on your case for 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: Alex, can you post a question to the forum for me?

2015-06-20 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Buck, what were your reasons for removing Turq from the group? I know there 
have been many complaints about him from spiritual cretins as to why they 
wanted him removed, but you have been silent about it, even though you seemed 
vocal about it in a general way prior to being appointed moderator. I am 
interested in the mind of our moderator. As you performed the action of 
blocking him, what were you feeling? He had, after all, been on your case for 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: Alex, can you post a question to the forum for me?

2015-06-20 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

  From: "authfri...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2015 3:52 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: Alex, can you post a question to the 
forum for me?
    This post is almost entirely irrelevant to the current situation on FFL. 
Moreover, it has quite a few inaccuracies.
There is no reason that anyone's equanimity should be deliberately tested by 
trying to upset them. It may happen naturally in the course of a discussion or 
argument, but otherwise it's just an excuse to indulge one's aggression and 
treat them badly.
If your equanimity is tested and you fail, then you realise you have more work 
to do in that regard. Before I learned TM, most of what I was engaged in was 
all about button pushing and discovering the extent of one's conditioning. It 
can be valuable. This feature of spiritual technology is heavily suppressed in 
the TM movement. 
Turq's posts were frequently poorly reasoned. He was a flashy writer, and this 
tended to be deceptive: one assumed he was saying something insightful because 
one was dazzled by the language. But if you looked more closely, you found that 
he was so focused on showing off his language skills that he didn't pay much 
attention to working out his ideas properly. Also, he often got his facts 
wrong, inadvertently or otherwise.
Turq's post were almost always exaggerated for effect. Maharishi always 
exaggerated too to emphasise points. And in discussing metaphysical aspects of 
spirituality, there are no facts, so it does not matter if you make a mistake, 
everyone is dreaming in that regard.
I'm not sure anybody cares which "R's" you would or would not have removed. 
Tell that to those that argued with them, or had to wade through their posts.
Doug has not yet demonstrated a tyrannical side. As Alex confirmed, he has not 
deleted any posts. He has "deleted" two posters, both for more than sufficient 
reason. He has not moderated any "contrary views" except for one slip with 
Turq's nasty post about David Lynch (which has not been deleted). Every new 
moderator, as far as I'm concerned, gets to make a couple of mistakes at first. 
That's how they learn what it's about.
I suspect that is only because Rick is looking over his shoulder.

Doug has been under withering fire from Turq for *years*. It's no wonder he has 
"personal enmity"; he wouldn't be human if he didn't. He's stood up under it 
remarkably well. But Turq handed him a justification to expel him on a silver 
platter when he declared himself not subject to Doug's authority as moderator. 
What was he *thinking*?? How could there have been any question in his mind as 
to why he'd been denied access to the forum?
Doug is a rather strange persona in my opinion, constant spamming, often a 
complete lack of original thinking in those repetitive whining post that went 
on for all those years. With Turq gone, I am interested though in seeing if he 
comes out into the sun. There have always been signs he can think independently 
of his TMO conditioning, and that the TMO has essentially excommunicated him 
perhaps it will emerge.

Doug's "religious persona" is hardly medieval. Nineteenth century, maybe. I 
vote for giving him a chance and a bit of benefit of the doubt, maybe even 
helping him out rather than continually nastily criticizing him.
That was an exaggeration, 19th century is a more accurate characterisation. Of 
course it is no longer the 19th century either, its a 21st century persona with 
historical influences.

Did anyone argue that personal attacks always involved profanity? Personal 
attacks do not require profanity.
Did anyone argue that personal attacks were always gratuitous? Personal attacks 
are often a response to a personal attack, they can be a reaction.
Did anyone argue that likes and dislikes have something to do with the truth? 
What do likes and dislikes have to do with truth, other than if you like the 
idea of truth, it might point the mind in looking to find out?
As for your quotes, at this point they're straw men. Nobody's freedom of speech 
has been taken away, nobody has tried to suppress others' opinions or ideas, 
nobody has censored anything.
Turq is not here so he can no longer speak freely here, his opinions have been 
now suppressed. He has been censored. So has 'R', removed by Rick. To me 'R' 
was like a swarm of mosquitoes; certainly you remember when he began to focus 
on you.

And your final paragraph is gratuitously insulting to Doug. Insulting, perhaps, 
but not gratuitous. Doug is not a free thinker, not a secular humanist, I think 
if he did not have Rick looking over his shoulder here, we would see the real 
persona unchained.
But you know, none of the interplay here is really personal, we are just text 
on a computer screen. We are trading our ideas about what we think, our ideas 
about what others are, there is no flesh and blood interaction, no real 
personal interaction. Of course where spirit

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The birth of computer consciousness?

2015-06-20 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
First of all the idea 'heart chakra' has to be discovered as a physical 
construct rather than being conceived as a metaphysical imaginary entity. What 
is missing so far in artificial intelligence is awareness. What is 
consciousness that a computer could be conscious? One of the scientific 
theories of consciousness (integrated information theory) indicates that simple 
neural nets could be conscious but a complex one might not be. This would mean 
consciousness is an emergent phenomenon. Some other theories (the unprovable 
ones) postulate panpsychism, the view that consciousness, mind or psyche is a 
universal feature of all things, and the primordial feature from which all 
other characteristics are derived. This is the basic idea in the Upanishads, 
Taoism, and Zen. Panpsychism takes the idea of gods or god and diffuses it, 
completely abstracting it, de-anthropomorphising it, removing the intentional 
stance as impetus for action, de-entifying it entirely. It basically makes 
consciousness disappear by making it what everything is. In this case, 
supposing that were true, any computer given sensory hardware would be 
conscious, but not necessarily self-aware, which would require a particular 
topology of the neural net.
In speaking of the heart, we could consider psychopaths, which are often 
engaging, seemingly caring people, but inside they have zero compassion, zero 
empathy. A computer neural net could be programmed, or even taught, to give the 
appearance and behaviour of emotional warmth without actually having it. On the 
other hand, would that programming actually result in it having heart? An 
actor, or a psychopath can fake having heart, so perhaps it would depend on how 
many layers devoted to the feature exist in the neural net, how deep it really 
In mixing computer science and physics with ideas like 'heart chakra' you have 
to provide real demonstrable confirmation of the existence of this feature, not 
just postulate it is there because someone planted the idea in your mind. I 
have heard the idea for over 40 years, but don't know if it is real, and I 
suspect there are much better explanation for human emotional behaviour and 
feeling than this insubstantial concept.
  From: "dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2015 11:01 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The birth of computer consciousness?
    Yep, that is interesting speculation. Butcan they make a heart chakra and 
its field affect for a computer? This entraining of computers theytalk about 
with layers of stacked layers sounds a lot like methodwithin training of field 
dogs for coordinated hunting with humans orstarting horses and bringing them 
along as working horses or ridinghorses with humans. What seems is yet missing 
in this artificialintelligence is the operation of a heart chakra by experience.
“..We train an artificial neural network by showing it millions of training 
examples and gradually adjusting the network parameters until it gives the 
classifications we want.”
"Oneof the challenges of neural networks is understanding what exactlygoes on 
at each layer. We know that after training, each layerprogressively extracts 
higher and higher-level features of the image,until the final layer essentially 
makes a decision on what the imageshows. For example, the first layer maybe 
looks for edges or corners.Intermediate layers interpret the basic features to 
look for overallshapes or components, like a door or a leaf. The final few 
layersassemble those into complete interpretations—these neurons activatein 
response to very complex things such as entire buildings or trees."
Working with a heart chakra, by contrast..

Buck | trailer SUNDANCE 2011
||||   Buck | trailer SUNDANCE 2011  Buck - U.S. 
Documentary Competition from the SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVAL 2011 Genre: documentary 
Regie / directed by: Cindy Meehl Darsteller / cast: Kino...||
|  View on www.youtube.com  |Preview by Yahoo|


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

This is really fascinating:
Inceptionism: Going Deeper into Neural Networks

|  |
|  | |  | Inceptionism: Going Deeper into Neural Networks Posted by 
Alexander Mordvintsev, Software Engineer, Christopher Olah, Software 
Engineering Intern and Mike Tyka, Software Engineer |  |
|View on googleresearch.blogsp...  |   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |

  #yiv0446224106 #yiv0446224106 -- #yiv0446224106ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv0446224106 
#yiv0446224106ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv0446224106 
#yiv0446224106ygrp-mkp #yiv0446224106hd 
0;}#yiv0446224106 #yiv0446224106ygrp-mkp #yiv0446224106ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv0446224106 #yiv0446224106ygrp-mkp .yiv0446224106ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv0446224106 #yiv044

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: Alex, can you post a question to the forum for me?

2015-06-19 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
This is interesting, because in arguing with authfriend, I would say something, 
and she would interpret it differently than I meant, and she would say 
something similar. I am not sure the misrepresentation is necessarily 
deliberate, but think that sometimes, maybe frequently, the world views of each 
prevent us from honing in on what the person is really thinking; we don't know 
what they are thinking, but interpret what they say through our own filter. The 
mismatch for me is greatest with authfriend. Some people deliberately seem to 
skew the argument that way, but I am not convinced it is always deliberate. We 
do not actually have more than one world view, and are probably not aware of 
its extent. A combination of hard wiring, software, and some soft wiring. When 
we encounter another world view, it seems strange and 'wrong', something askew 
— but our own, it always seem 'right'.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



 Funny you use the example of a physical fight.  What I think is the feeling 
here, is that many of us come expecting a knife fight, only to find that others 
have come loaded for bear.  In other words, you think you are engaging in 
honest dialog, albeit with an edge, and then you find yourself being 
misrepresented.  But here we come back do our original conundrum: Are we really 
being misrepresented, or is just our ox being gored.

 Is it real, or is it Memorex.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: Alex, can you post a question to the forum for me?

2015-06-19 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Getting your buttons hammered is a test of equanimity, which fails miserably 
with many, many meditators. Tuquoiseb was pretty intense this way, but also 
posted well reasoned posts and other interesting things. He was not a one note 
guy. I found authfriend just as annoying eventually as I did Turq in the 
beginning. Unlike the irrelevant posts of 'R' and the rather insanely abusive 
posts of another 'R' a few years ago. In fact those two 'Rs' were the only ones 
I would have removed from FFL myself were I in control. There was a third 'R' 
whom I found rather creepy, but he had reasoned if sometimes devious 
argumentation, so even though I did not care for him, I would not have removed 
him because I disagreed with him. Turq provided a strong pole for the 
non-theistic path of spirituality, and I miss the authfriend/turq battles of 
the past. Intellectually Turq is far more well rounded than our farmer turned 
tyrant, who I feel does not have the mental flexibility to deal with strong 
contrary views. His own posting has been spammy in mostly non-interactive, and 
until now, mostly a complaint. 

 We should note that personal attacks also do not necessarily involve profanity 
and can take on a much more subtle quality, and in this light everyone one here 
has engaged in that in my observation. It is very easy to slip from arguing 
against an idea and aiming at the person. Our moderator seems to have had a 
personal enmity against Turq and others opposed to his medieval religious 
persona. I for one vote for removing him as moderator.

 Also not all personal attacks here are gratuitous. What do you say if you are 
arguing against a point you regard as stupid? That implies the person holding 
that view is also stupid because they are holding it. And the converse is true, 
the person hold that stupid belief thinks it is true and holds the other in 
contempt for disagreeing, thinking it is stupid. Likes and dislikes have 
nothing to do with truth. Truth transcends even the gods, or however many you 
are pretending there are (the range is 0 or more).

 If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they 
do not want to hear.
 —George Orwell

 If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like 
sheep to the slaughter. 
 —George Washington

 Freedom of speech does not protect you from the consequences of saying stupid 
 —Jim C. Hines

 Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of 
opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of 
increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all 
its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.
 —Harry S. Truman

 My own opinion is enough for me, and I claim the right to have it defended 
against any consensus, any majority, anywhere, any place, any time. And anyone 
who disagrees with this can pick a number, get in line, and kiss my ass.
 —Christopher Hitchens

 I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the 
people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent 
and sudden usurpations.
 —James Madison

 Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to 
conscience, above all liberties.
 —John Milton

 Because if you don't stand up for the stuff you don't like, when they come for 
the stuff you do like, you've already lost.
 —Neil Gaiman

 If there's one American belief I hold above all others, it's that those who 
would set themselves up in judgment on matters of what is "right" and what is 
"best" should be given no rest; that they should have to defend their behavior 
most stringently. ... As a nation, we've been through too many fights to 
preserve our rights of free thought to let them go just because some prude with 
a highlighter doesn't approve of them.
 —Stephen King

 Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all 
subversions. It is the one un-American act that could most easily defeat us 
 The framers of the constitution knew human nature as well as we do. They too 
had lived in dangerous days; they too knew the suffocating influence of 
orthodoxy and standardized thought. They weighed the compulsions for restrained 
speech and thought against the abuses of liberty. They chose liberty.
 —William O. Douglas

 Most people do not really want others to have freedom of speech, they just 
want others to be given the freedom to say want they want to hear. 
 —Mokokoma Mokhonoana

 Religion grants its adherents malign, intoxicating and morally corrosive 
sensations. Destroying intellectual freedom is always evil, but only religion 
makes doing evil feel quite so good. 
 —Philip Pullman

 It is the rare fortune of these days that one may think what one likes and say 
what one thinks. 

 The moment you say that any idea system is sacred, whether it's a religious 
belief system or a secular

[FairfieldLife] Dark Medieval Consciousness

2015-06-19 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
It would appear a dark, medieval consciousness is beginning to take over 
Fairfield Life, in the likeness of the Transcendental Meditation Organisation's 
tyrannical manner.
1. of or relating to the Middle Ages.

2. Informal, very old-fashioned or primitive.
Synonyms:  antique  archaic  feudal  Gothic  primitive  antediluvian  
antiquated  old  old-fashioned  unenlightened  antiquated  out of date  
outdated  outmoded  anachronistic  passé  obsolete  horse-and-buggy
3. cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control.

Synonyms:  authoritarianism  autocracy   coercion   cruelty   despotism   
domination   oligarchy   oppression   terrorism   totalitarianism   absolutism  
 fascism   high-handedness   imperiousness   monocracy   severity   totality   
peremptoriness   reign   of   terror   unreasonableness
 #yiv3597600988 #yiv3597600988 -- #yiv3597600988ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL by the Numbers

2015-06-18 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Yes, the biker event was the impetus for the current spate, but in post 
#415501 the drone issue is mentioned, and has been brought up a number of times.

 And  'dh...' has just posted the following trying to downplay the drone 
comment in his usual opaque prose.

 'Dear MJ, on a fair re-reading of the evidence presented below in context 
quite evidently this is not an actionable threat as you and others seem so 
willingly to misinterpret it but a simile based on an empathy around a larger 
order. Case dismissed. No action of moderation required against Buck.'

 There are very few actionable threats on FFL, just empty threats and put-downs 
most of the time. Turq seems to just say what he wants and at some point stops. 
I really don't know if he ever recants anything he says. 'Buck' is to my mind 
hypocritical in maintaining a certain moral stance, while Turq is 
hypercritical, and morality is not a concern. He has not mentioned the word 
this year in relation to himself. Last year he gave this definition of morality 
in relation to religion:

 "'Morality' consists of doing what *we* say to do during your life so that Bad 
Things don't happen to you after your death."

 I myself don't think in terms of morality. The word ethics comes to mind, but 
in a world in which pure being somehow runs the show, such a concept is 
meaningless. If the laws of nature are truly laws, then everything we do is a 
function of those, and we need not be concerned about morality or ethics. Those 
concepts are for those trying to figure out why the world behaves differently 
than they would like, and those words only apply to those whose behaviour we 
find disturbing compared to the way we think of our own, even if we behave the 
same way, but pretend we are not behaving the same way. We do not think of an 
auto-mobile, a lawn mower, or a toothbrush as having a moral compass, the word 
is aimed at our own species only.

 So I do not think Turq is concerned with the concept of morality except in the 
case when someone else uses the word to justify their actions and statements in 
which case it becomes a lever to pry out prevarication; and note that 
prevarication can be used to bring prevarication to light. So wonderfully dark 
it sparkles!

 I am not interested in exonerating Turq, or Buck, or you, or myself. 
Exoneration implies a level of loftitude, incorruptibility, principle, and 
sincerity as the basis for FFL and its opposing teams of henchmen that hardly 
seems underlie the actuality here. And a faux moralist like 'Buck' does not 
undermine that contention. We are scrapping here for the hell of it, and if one 
considers this place serious business aimed at a better world, then all of that 
sentiment is for naught. Perhaps if it helps us see a bit deeper into our 
folly, it might have a bit of a positive ring to it.

 As the character of Captain Louis Renault in the movie Casablanca says...

 Renault: Everybody is to leave here immediately! This café is closed until 
further notice. Clear the room, at once!
 Rick: How can you close me up? On what grounds?
 Renault: I am shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!
 Croupier: [hands Renault money] Your winnings, sir.
 Renault (quietly): Oh, thank you very much. (louder) Everybody out at once!

 This is the ethics of this place.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Let's not get confused here. It's much more closely related to a post made by 
Doug (not "Buck") on May 25, 2015, about the biker fight at the Twin Peaks 
restaurant in Waco, Texas. 

 We know you're doing your best to exonerate Turqb. That tells us a lot about 
who you are.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 All these posts are related to a March, 2014 post in which 'Buck' says to 'MJ' 
(the highlighted portion is the passage others fixated upon): 

 Spirituality, . ..stems from being initiated into TM
 MJ, you bet. More experience of the transcendent as the unified field is the 
basis of spiritual progress and transformation, call that cultivation a 
transcendent meditation however you want; transcending can go by different 
names culturally but it in large nature is all the same. These people were glad 
to have run in to TM as it was taught and started something for themselves 
then. Now, otherwise it is something else to wonder that you methodically 
dissuade your friends from meditating and rejoice in that. That you actively 
work to sink transcendental meditation and consciousness-based education.  That 
is incredibly anti-science and ultimately anti-spiritual. It is shocking and 
diabolical. I can empathize with Obama now. Were I President Obama securing the 
nation I'd have you straight-away on the drone list as a dangerous plotting 
enemy-combatant to civil society. I was going to suggest that may be you could 
get your own meditation checked for efficacy at transcendence.
 -Buck in the Dome

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  w

[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL by the Numbers

2015-06-18 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
All these posts are related to a March, 2014 post in which 'Buck' says to 'MJ' 
(the highlighted portion is the passage others fixated upon): 

 Spirituality, . ..stems from being initiated into TM
 MJ, you bet. More experience of the transcendent as the unified field is the 
basis of spiritual progress and transformation, call that cultivation a 
transcendent meditation however you want; transcending can go by different 
names culturally but it in large nature is all the same. These people were glad 
to have run in to TM as it was taught and started something for themselves 
then. Now, otherwise it is something else to wonder that you methodically 
dissuade your friends from meditating and rejoice in that. That you actively 
work to sink transcendental meditation and consciousness-based education.  That 
is incredibly anti-science and ultimately anti-spiritual. It is shocking and 
diabolical. I can empathize with Obama now. Were I President Obama securing the 
nation I'd have you straight-away on the drone list as a dangerous plotting 
enemy-combatant to civil society. I was going to suggest that may be you could 
get your own meditation checked for efficacy at transcendence.
 -Buck in the Dome

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Another post from turqb was also deleted that was even more vicious. Not sure 
of the number, but it's quoted in full in #415504 from seventhray. 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Four May 25 posts #415498 to #415501 are missing, but are in my e-mail. The 
first three are from 'steve.sundar', which are a reply to a post #415494 by 
'turquoiseb', and the content of #415494 is in all of the three, but the 
original #415494 is also intact on the group. Each of two following the first 
adds some more comments. The fourth missing post is #415501 by 'turquoiseb' 
which is an additional comment added to $415494. These comments were in 
response to post #415487 by 'dh...' which remains on FFL for the moment, and in 
which 'dh...' says: 

 'Well, one could certainly empathize with someone standing by monitoring and 
then in the middle of a firefight between a bunch of bikers. At a point it is 
just plain self-defense to shoot or be shot in the moment. Put yourself in the 
middle of a rough looking people all wearing vests who are shooting at each 
other with heavy caliber weapons. Once order is set in you betcha the cops 
shouted, "Hands up, Don't Shoot!".   We could use some assertion of moderation 
around here too.'

 Post #415501 suggests that 'dh...' is prone to 'violent fantasies'.

 The deletion of material suggests 'dh...' found the material not to his/her 
liking, but it was incompletely deleted. On June 8 Rick announced he was 
thinking of appointing a moderator. I do not know what date the posts were 
deleted, nor who deleted them unless they speak up. Worse has been said earlier 
and subsequently, to me the deletions are just curious.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The posts in question were made on May 25. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL by the Numbers

2015-06-18 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
It wasn't quoting #415501. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Another post from turqb was also deleted that was even more vicious. Not sure 
of the number, but it's quoted in full in #415504 from seventhray. 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Four May 25 posts #415498 to #415501 are missing, but are in my e-mail. The 
first three are from 'steve.sundar', which are a reply to a post #415494 by 
'turquoiseb', and the content of #415494 is in all of the three, but the 
original #415494 is also intact on the group. Each of two following the first 
adds some more comments. The fourth missing post is #415501 by 'turquoiseb' 
which is an additional comment added to $415494. These comments were in 
response to post #415487 by 'dh...' which remains on FFL for the moment, and in 
which 'dh...' says: 

 'Well, one could certainly empathize with someone standing by monitoring and 
then in the middle of a firefight between a bunch of bikers. At a point it is 
just plain self-defense to shoot or be shot in the moment. Put yourself in the 
middle of a rough looking people all wearing vests who are shooting at each 
other with heavy caliber weapons. Once order is set in you betcha the cops 
shouted, "Hands up, Don't Shoot!".   We could use some assertion of moderation 
around here too.'

 Post #415501 suggests that 'dh...' is prone to 'violent fantasies'.

 The deletion of material suggests 'dh...' found the material not to his/her 
liking, but it was incompletely deleted. On June 8 Rick announced he was 
thinking of appointing a moderator. I do not know what date the posts were 
deleted, nor who deleted them unless they speak up. Worse has been said earlier 
and subsequently, to me the deletions are just curious.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The posts in question were made on May 25. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL by the Numbers

2015-06-18 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Four May 25 posts #415498 to #415501 are missing, but are in my e-mail. The 
first three are from 'steve.sundar', which are a reply to a post #415494 by 
'turquoiseb', and the content of #415494 is in all of the three, but the 
original #415494 is also intact on the group. Each of two following the first 
adds some more comments. The fourth missing post is #415501 by 'turquoiseb' 
which is an additional comment added to $415494. These comments were in 
response to post #415487 by 'dh...' which remains on FFL for the moment, and in 
which 'dh...' says: 

 'Well, one could certainly empathize with someone standing by monitoring and 
then in the middle of a firefight between a bunch of bikers. At a point it is 
just plain self-defense to shoot or be shot in the moment. Put yourself in the 
middle of a rough looking people all wearing vests who are shooting at each 
other with heavy caliber weapons. Once order is set in you betcha the cops 
shouted, "Hands up, Don't Shoot!".   We could use some assertion of moderation 
around here too.'

 Post #415501 suggests that 'dh...' is prone to 'violent fantasies'.

 The deletion of material suggests 'dh...' found the material not to his/her 
liking, but it was incompletely deleted. On June 8 Rick announced he was 
thinking of appointing a moderator. I do not know what date the posts were 
deleted, nor who deleted them unless they speak up. Worse has been said earlier 
and subsequently, to me the deletions are just curious.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The posts in question were made on May 25. 


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Here are the last few days by message number. Note that Doug is omitted 
 because he's sent to another message box as well as he who shall remain 
 416851: PostCount [FairfieldLife] Post Count Mon 15-Jun-15 00:15:08 
 UTC -- 2015/6/15
 416852: Duveyoung [FairfieldLife] Re: Synthesizing a Vedic Psychiatry 
 -- 2015/6/15
 416858: seventhray27 [FairfieldLife] Re: Synthesizing a Vedic 
 Psychiatry -- 2015/6/15
 416859: turquoiseb Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Mon 15-Jun-15 
 00:15:08 UTC -- 2015/6/15
 416860: Duveyoung [FairfieldLife] Re: Synthesizing a Vedic Psychiatry 
 -- 2015/6/15
 416861: salyavin808 [FairfieldLife] Re: Synthesizing a Vedic 
 Psychiatry -- 2015/6/15
 416862: turquoiseb Re: [FairfieldLife] Philae only playing possum -- 
 416863: turquoiseb Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Synthesizing a Vedic 
 Psychiatry -- 2015/6/15
 416864: salyavin808 Re: [FairfieldLife] Philae only playing possum -- 
 416865: jason_blue22 [FairfieldLife] Re: An Honest Message from the 
 Republican Party -- 2015/6/15
 416866: jason_blue22 [FairfieldLife] Re: Dig deep for Asteroid Day.. 
 -- 2015/6/15
 416867: turquoiseb [FairfieldLife] A Coded Message - What the Recent 
 "Moderation" Is Really About -- 2015/6/15
 416868: jason_blue22 [FairfieldLife] Re: Dig deep for Asteroid Day.. 
 -- 2015/6/15
 416869: jason_blue22 [FairfieldLife] Re: Dig deep for Asteroid Day.. 
 -- 2015/6/15
 416870: turquoiseb [FairfieldLife] Journalism At Its Worst -- 2015/6/15
 416872: turquoiseb [FairfieldLife] None Of That -- 2015/6/15
 416873: salyavin808 [FairfieldLife] Re: Journalism At Its Worst -- 
 416874: seventhray27 [FairfieldLife] Re: Synthesizing a Vedic 
 Psychiatry -- 2015/6/15
 416885: mjackson74 Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Synthesizing a Vedic 
 Psychiatry -- 2015/6/15
 416886: leedwilliam [FairfieldLife] Fwd: : EVOLUTION OF SWIMWEAR IN 
 FRANCE -- 2015/6/15
 416888: bhairitu Re: [FairfieldLife] None Of That -- 2015/6/15
 416889: bhairitu Re: [FairfieldLife] A Coded Message - What the 
 Recent "Moderation"
 Is Really About -- 2015/6/15
 416890: anartaxius Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Moderating The Peep Show 
 -- 2015/6/15
 416891: anartaxius [FairfieldLife] Re: Synthesizing a Vedic 
 Psychiatry -- 2015/6/15
 416893: turquoiseb Re: [FairfieldLife] A Coded Message - What the 
 Recent "Moderation"
 Is Really About -- 2015/6/15
 416894: seventhray27 Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Moderating The Peep Show 
 -- 2015/6/15
 416895: seventhray27 [FairfieldLife] Re: Synthesizing a Vedic 
 Psychiatry -- 2015/6/15
 416896: Duveyoung [FairfieldLife] Re: Synthesizing a Vedic Psychiatry 
 -- 2015/6/15
 416898: bhairitu Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Synthesizing a Vedic 
 Psychiatry -- 2015/6/15
 416901: seventhray27 [FairfieldLife] Re: Synthesizing a Vedic 
 Psychiatry -- 2015/6/15
 416902: bhairitu [FairfieldLife] TM 1913 Style -- 2015/6/15
 416903: mjackson74 Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Synthesizing a Vedic 
 Psychiatry -- 2015/6/15
 416904: mjackson74 Re: [FairfieldLife] A Coded Message - What the 
 Recent "Moderation"
 Is Really About -- 2015/6/15
 416905: authfriend [FairfieldLife] Re: A Coded Message - What the 
 Recent "Moderation" Is Really About -- 2015/6/15
 416906: seventhray27 [FairfieldLife] Re: A Coded Message - What the 
 Recent "Moderation" Is Really About -- 2015/6/15
 416909: bhairitu Re: [FairfieldLife] R

[FairfieldLife] Re: How Did You Find FFL?

2015-06-18 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I found FFL looking for an e-mail address for L.B. Shriver, this was in the 
early part of the 2000s. I did not join then as I had other things to do. After 
a half decade or so, I seem to recall looking for his address again, but he was 
in China, but I started to look at the site. I had some correspondence by 
e-mail with some other meditators, but the canned TB responses were as 
satisfying as eating sand, and FFL seemed interesting, as it turned out much 
more interesting than I had anticipated. I was greeted in a friendly way by 
authfriend, and some crazy Indian guy, and attacked by some other guy named 
after a blue insect. Shortly thereafter, those roles reversed. The blue insect 
made a prophesy, that a certain person, once disagreed with, would forever be 
an antagonist. This turned out to be mostly correct, though not 100% correct. 
Prophesy is a lousy business because it has to rely on idiots to succeed.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

2015-06-18 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 What was the post Turq made that was supposedly deleted by Rick? Anyone have 
the post#? At least in the past 24 hours, they all seem to be intact. I deleted 
one of my posts to see if Yahoo would leave a gap in the number sequence and it 
did. If a post is deleted on the forum it still shows in the e-mail, if you get 
it that way.

 dhamiltony2k5 said:

 'Dear Dear Friends of FFL;
 These posts in this thread are all very interesting but it turns out as I look 
at the moderator's moderation log for FFL that Rick, my master, was ahead of me 
and deleted an even more inflammatory post by Turqb in this thread before this 
one of Turq's that I cited. ..as the world turns. 5,4,3,2.'

 From what I have been able to tell, the only post deleted from this thread was 
the one I deleted to test the system and that was after D's post. All of Turq's 
seemed to be intact. So I don't know what 'dhamiltony2k5', that mysterious 
spamming overlord is referring to. Does someone know if this happened?

 Executive Summary of Yahoo Guidelines

 Be a good citizen
 Stay on topic
 Follow the law
 Share what you know.
 Stay on topic.
 Moderate your content. No age-restricted content
 Post your own content.

 Don't violate the law.
 Don't use Groups for personal storage.
 Don't use Groups as a business.
 Don't be a spammer.







Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

2015-06-17 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Thanks for that too.
  From: "Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 3:03 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy
 Message numbers are embedded in the headers emails from Yahoo Groups. It 
is the second part of the Newman-Id:
 X-Yahoo-Newman-Id: 3920196-m417027 417027 is the message number for your post 
below.  Not sure if that helps any but that's where it's given in the message 
 On 06/17/2015 07:34 PM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

     That was helpful, I do not think I ever noticed that. But when I am using 
e-mail it is a bit more difficult as there is no box. Usually a post number is 
not mentioned. That the word message# is in grey reduces its visibility. Part 
of ergonomic software design is to test a population of typical users and give 
them a task and see if they can complete it. Often software designers discover 
what seemed obvious to them was in effect, invisible to the  typical user, in 
which case, if there is time, they make a change. On the other hand the Search 
bar at the top is rather prominent. A good design would allow the typing 
'message #xx' in that box and would come up with results, but that does not 
work  unless the message# is in the message itself. If not it returns posts 
with the word message in them. So the software has the search routines split 
into two separate functions. I see the date functions in Advanced Search now do 
not give error messages, but  with my browser, still do not return a date 
range. I am not usually interested in past posts so I do not use the search 
functions that often. 
  From: "authfri...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 9:30 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy
    Just popping back in quickly with a helpful note: 
  It's absurdly easy to find a post via the Website when you have the post 
number,  which was provided by the moderator in this case. Just go to the 
Message View page. At the top, under the banner photo to the right, is a box 
labeled "Message #," with a magnifying glass icon. Type the post number in the 
box. Hit Return. Voila! 
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
 [...] I find it incredibly difficult to find any message even a couple  of 
days old. Neo has made it very difficult to locate past messages.[...] 
   ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
  [...] Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this 
posting of his post haste and protect his membership status here or  will this 
be left to the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. 
  reference:  FFL# 416332   

  #yiv0519605349 #yiv0519605349 -- #yiv0519605349ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv0519605349 
#yiv0519605349ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv0519605349 
#yiv0519605349ygrp-mkp #yiv0519605349hd 
0;}#yiv0519605349 #yiv0519605349ygrp-mkp #yiv0519605349ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv0519605349 #yiv0519605349ygrp-mkp .yiv0519605349ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv0519605349 #yiv0519605349ygrp-mkp .yiv0519605349ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv0519605349 #yiv0519605349ygrp-mkp .yiv0519605349ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv0519605349 #yiv0519605349ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv0519605349ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv0519605349 
#yiv0519605349ygrp-sponsor #yiv0519605349ygrp-lc #yiv0519605349hd {margin:10px 
#yiv0519605349ygrp-sponsor #yiv0519605349ygrp-lc .yiv0519605349ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv0519605349 #yiv0519605349actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv0519605349 
 #yiv0519605349activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv0519605349 
#yiv0519605349activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv0519605349 #yiv0519605349activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv0519605349 #yiv0519605349activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv0519605349 #yiv0519605349activity span 
.yiv0519605349underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv0519605349 
0;width:400px;}#yiv0519605349 .yiv0519605349attach div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv0519605349 .yiv0519605349attach img 
{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv0519605349 .yiv0519605349attach label 
{display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv0519605349 .yiv0519605349attach label a 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

2015-06-17 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I like Lynch's films too. They are dark for the most part, and in the view of 
people I watched them with, sick. He seems to have a preference for head 
injuries. My favourite is still his first major foray, Eraserhead. Although I 
suspect the non-linear character of many of them lead some to consider him a 
genius because they cannot understand them. It is those short scenes of human 
behaviour that display a strange deviant creepiness that I find intriguing, 
such as feeding the mutan kid in Eraserhead, or that guy in Muholland Drive 
dumping his trollop wife's jewellery into paint cans and massaging them with 
his hands to get revenge. That his films contain scenes most people I know 
would rather not experience does not necessarily mean he is sick, but I am sure 
it makes a lot of people wonder about him, because such thoughts do not occur 
to them, or if they do, they edit them out of their minds, especially in 
conversation so they appear nice and normal.
  From: "Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 1:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy
 I like Lynch's films.  I also being in the arts myself know how some 
artists think and Lynch has found TM useful and doesn't want to be bothered 
doing anything else.  I'm sure some of his artist friends have told him there 
are better things out there but he doesn't care, he just wants to get on with 
his art.  OTOH, I've known MUM Vedic Studies grads who like to explore other 
paths too.
 But I hear that all seasons of the Andy Griffith Show are available on Netflix 
if that suits you.  :-D 
 On 06/17/2015 02:52 PM, Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 

    For whatever my opinion is worth, I would slur and revile Lynch to a 
fair-thee-well. He is obviously a hypocrite which puts him in good company 
since most of the TM leadership I ever had dealings with were too, and he is 
the purveyor of a way to "save" the world while adding to  its degradation with 
his awful twisted schlock. 
  From: "anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 4:27 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy
    David Lynch is a public figure in the TM movement, and worldwide. He is 
not part of the FFL Yahoo group. He is in a different category than members of 
this group. Criticism of Lynch as a  public figure is fair game on-line and in 
the press as long as it is not libel. I feel this is NOT a violation of Yahoo 
group guidelines and you are overstepping your authority. I find it  incredibly 
difficult to find any message even a couple of days old. Neo has made it very 
difficult to locate past messages. However, I did find that post. You have got 
to be kidding  'dhamiltonyk5'. 
  I believe I know someone who went on that course. That person did not get  
enlightened. I think that person is very gullible, based on considerations 
other than that person having gone on that course. Saying someone is gullible 
is a mere opinion, but it is something that could be backed up with evidence. 
Gullible: easily persuaded to believe something; credulous, naive, 
over-trusting, over-trustful, easily deceived, easily taken in,  exploitable, 
dupable, impressionable, unsuspecting, un-suspicious, unwary, ingenuous, 
innocent, inexperienced, unworldly, green; 
  Furthermore, it was not a non sequitur, 'TurquoiseBee' was responding to a 
similar event of gullibility, providing what he  thought was another example of 
the same, so it was germane to the conversation. 
  We have all been taken in by something in our lives. There are a lot of us  
who feel that the TMO has taken advantage of people's inexperience in certain 
areas of life, and that  as a spiritual movement, it and those supporting it 
have in some ways gone off track. 
  And if you have ever watched all of David Lynch's work, he is a pretty weird 
guy by most normal person standards. 
  And that post was over 10 days ago. A moderator is supposed to be doing this 
more or less in real time, dealing with current 'offences', like the broadcast 
loop delay on  live broadcasts a moderator can delete certain words in almost 
real time. This example is more like the Inquisition looking for someone as a 
  I think anyone who took a course for a fee like that is out of their mind. 
Even worse than gullible. Unless they are thinking of it as a conscious 
donation to a cause they believe is  real, it seems to lack judgement.   
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
  Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in  
Groups.” “..and don't invade other people's privacy.” The dragging of someone 
in to an unrelated thread 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

2015-06-17 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
That was helpful, I do not think I ever noticed that. But when I am using 
e-mail it is a bit more difficult as there is no box. Usually a post number is 
not mentioned. That the word message# is in grey reduces its visibility. Part 
of ergonomic software design is to test a population of typical users and give 
them a task and see if they can complete it. Often software designers discover 
what seemed obvious to them was in effect, invisible to the typical user, in 
which case, if there is time, they make a change. On the other hand the Search 
bar at the top is rather prominent. A good design would allow the typing 
'message #xx' in that box and would come up with results, but that does not 
work unless the message# is in the message itself. If not it returns posts with 
the word message in them. So the software has the search routines split into 
two separate functions. I see the date functions in Advanced Search now do not 
give error messages, but with my browser, still do not return a date range. I 
am not usually interested in past posts so I do not use the search functions 
that often.
  From: "authfri...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 9:30 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy
    Just popping back in quickly with a helpful note:
It's absurdly easy to find a post via the Website when you have the post 
number, which was provided by the moderator in this case. Just go to the 
Message View page. At the top, under the banner photo to the right, is a box 
labeled "Message #," with a magnifying glass icon. Type the post number in the 
box. Hit Return. Voila!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

[...] I find it incredibly difficult to find any message even a couple of days 
old. Neo has made it very difficult to locate past messages.[...]
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

[...] Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this 
posting of his post haste and protect his membership status here or will this 
be left to the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. 
reference:  FFL# 416332 

  #yiv7069415923 #yiv7069415923 -- #yiv7069415923ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv7069415923 
#yiv7069415923ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv7069415923 
#yiv7069415923ygrp-mkp #yiv7069415923hd 
0;}#yiv7069415923 #yiv7069415923ygrp-mkp #yiv7069415923ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv7069415923 #yiv7069415923ygrp-mkp .yiv7069415923ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv7069415923 #yiv7069415923ygrp-mkp .yiv7069415923ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv7069415923 #yiv7069415923ygrp-mkp .yiv7069415923ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv7069415923 #yiv7069415923ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv7069415923ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv7069415923 
#yiv7069415923ygrp-sponsor #yiv7069415923ygrp-lc #yiv7069415923hd {margin:10px 
#yiv7069415923ygrp-sponsor #yiv7069415923ygrp-lc .yiv7069415923ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv7069415923 #yiv7069415923actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv7069415923 
 #yiv7069415923activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv7069415923 
#yiv7069415923activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv7069415923 #yiv7069415923activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv7069415923 #yiv7069415923activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv7069415923 #yiv7069415923activity span 
.yiv7069415923underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv7069415923 
0;width:400px;}#yiv7069415923 .yiv7069415923attach div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv7069415923 .yiv7069415923attach img 
{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv7069415923 .yiv7069415923attach label 
{display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv7069415923 .yiv7069415923attach label a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv7069415923 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 
4px;}#yiv7069415923 .yiv7069415923bold 
.yiv7069415923bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv7069415923 dd.yiv7069415923last 
p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv7069415923 dd.yiv7069415923last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv7069415923 
dd.yiv7069415923last p span.yiv7069415923yshortcuts 
{margin-right:0;}#yiv7069415923 div.yiv7069415923attach-table div div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv7069415923 div.yiv7069415923attach-table 
{width:400px;}#yiv7069415923 div.yiv7069415923file-title a, #yiv7069415923 
div.yiv7069415923file-title a:active, #yiv7069415923 
div.yiv7069415923file-title a:hover, #yiv7069415923 div.yiv7069415923f

[FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

2015-06-17 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
David Lynch is a public figure in the TM movement, and worldwide. He is not 
part of the FFL Yahoo group. He is in a different category than members of this 
group. Criticism of Lynch as a public figure is fair game on-line and in the 
press as long as it is not libel. I feel this is NOT a violation of Yahoo group 
guidelines and you are overstepping your authority. I find it incredibly 
difficult to find any message even a couple of days old. Neo has made it very 
difficult to locate past messages. However, I did find that post. You have got 
to be kidding 'dhamiltonyk5'. 

 I believe I know someone who went on that course. That person did not get 
enlightened. I think that person is very gullible, based on considerations 
other than that person having gone on that course. Saying someone is gullible 
is a mere opinion, but it is something that could be backed up with evidence. 
Gullible: easily persuaded to believe something; credulous, naive, 
over-trusting, over-trustful, easily deceived, easily taken in, exploitable, 
dupable, impressionable, unsuspecting, un-suspicious, unwary, ingenuous, 
innocent, inexperienced, unworldly, green;

 Furthermore, it was not a non sequitur, 'TurquoiseBee' was responding to a 
similar event of gullibility, providing what he thought was another example of 
the same, so it was germane to the conversation.

 We have all been taken in by something in our lives. There are a lot of us who 
feel that the TMO has taken advantage of people's inexperience in certain areas 
of life, and that as a spiritual movement, it and those supporting it have in 
some ways gone off track.

 And if you have ever watched all of David Lynch's work, he is a pretty weird 
guy by most normal person standards.

 And that post was over 10 days ago. A moderator is supposed to be doing this 
more or less in real time, dealing with current 'offences', like the broadcast 
loop delay on live broadcasts a moderator can delete certain words in almost 
real time. This example is more like the Inquisition looking for someone as a 

 I think anyone who took a course for a fee like that is out of their mind. 
Even worse than gullible. Unless they are thinking of it as a conscious 
donation to a cause they believe is real, it seems to lack judgement. 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups.”
 “..and don't invade other people's privacy.”
 The dragging of someone in to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them 
using FFL, a yahoo-group..
 Whoa, for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for good reasons and 
quite evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the 'what for and why' he 
was there. Quite evidently Turqb here is actively trying to slur and degrade 
DLynch personally by jumping in to this thread with an unqualified non sequitur 
posting publicly using [ 'exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL]. 
 Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this posting of 
his post haste and protect his membership status here or will this be left to 
the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. -JaiGuruYou

 reference:  FFL# 416332



Re: [FairfieldLife] On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

2015-06-17 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Note that 'Buck' does not appear in the data Yahoo now posts on the group, nor 
does it appear in the e-mail. And what do we do if someone's real name is part 
or the whole of their e-mail address, or if the person signs off with their 
real name somewhere in the e-mail and does not care, and we respond to that? 
What if we repost an older post and the person's real name was in that? Buck is 
a nickname, but I assume others might use it where you live. I sometimes use 
the full e-mail address name, but not the company name (yahoogroups.com for 
example). What if a person wants to use their real name, are they prohibited? 
Please clarify.
Summary of this message   
   - person's real name in e-mail address   

   - person wants to use real name   

   - person wants to use a nickname that people in real life call him/her by   

   - person's real name appears in older posts   

   - person doesn't care if real name is used
   - person's real name is posted by person somewhere in e-mail (deliberately)  

Xenophaneros Anartaxius  From: "dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 5:00 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] On Gratuitous invasions of privacy
    “ ..anddon't invade other people's privacy.”
Ingoing forward in accord with Rick's original intent for protectingprivacy on 
FFL know that in responding [replying] to posts made onFFL an unsolicited use 
of someone's legal name on FFL is an invasionof privacy as it also is 
considered a violation of the yahoo-groupsguidelines here. Expect to have your 
writing removed from FFL. Expect to have your posts moderated. Expect to have 
your membershiprevoked if such invasion of people's privacy continues either as 
byimpulse without intent or with meditated intent to abuse someone byinvasion 
of privacy as used in method. 
Forinstance, as people signing on to FFL do post and people do respondwith 
replies then for example in reply: 'Turqb isTurqb', 'Fleetwoodis Fleetwood', 
'CDB is CDB', 'Serious is Serious', 'Buck is Buck', 'Nablusoss is Nablusoss', 
and 'Authfriend is Authfriend'. Whatevertheir legal names in life may be, now 
going forward you shall bemoderate in this as Rick originally intended. Show 
self-restraintand respect for other people's privacy here. Simple. That is part 
ofthe communal collaboration asked for in making this a particularfree-speech 
zone as it was hoped for. Have a nice day, -JaiGuruYou

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Thanks A., good to know. In going forward with moderation on FFL, protection of 
privacy has always been a mainstay feature of FFL as Rick's free speech list. 
This feature of protection has been under siege and fallen to a form of a 
disrespect used by some writers on FFL. Everyone take this as a warning right 
now going forward: where someone posting to the list uses an anonymous screen 
name it is quite proper form on FFL as a yahoo-group to respond to posts using 
a person's screen name and make no mention of their real name otherwise.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Please ignore what he says about me. He has it completely wrong.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Serious_Richardbrings up in this particular thread an important point about 
privacyon FFL. From the beginning Rick has been intent on creating asafe-space 
of privacy for folks to post on FFL. Rick's principlesin creating safe-space 
have been under attack, degraded andmethodically violated by some writers here 
evidently to abuse or intimidateother folks personally who have been members of 
the community of FFL. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Thanksfor offering this, Serious. Yes I feel this is an excellent examplethat 
you offer of precedence in how to directly moderate a list thathas gone so bad 
like this. I shall make note of it and emulate Rickin this as much as possible. 
The yahoo-groups guidelines themselvesare quite simple and require of writers 
only some self-control. -JaiGuruYou!

Just for the record, I should point out that Rick banned me from the group 
without sending me a single message or email explaining why. So, I appealed to 
him and he reinstated my posting privileges. Apparently an informant objected 
to my using their real name, although they had previously posted under their 
real name. Go figure.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Sad news. 

The really sad part of this is that [] has not apologized to me for over two 
decades for posting my real name on a.m.t. Go figure.
But, this brings up an interesting subject. From what I've read,  
has never used her real name on FFL, so I guess that everyone that ever used 
her real name should be banned from the group. That would include almost 
everyone currently posting. Can anyone spell cognitive dissonance?
Might I propose, before Doug starts banning people, that you and Rick insist on 
a few guidelines for *

[FairfieldLife] Re: Trump Runs for President

2015-06-17 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
On the news this morning, the Trump campaign said they paid for the rights to 
use the song. Song writers are not usually involved in rights negotiations 
directly. For example an acquaintance of mine paid about $500 to use four lines 
of one of Paul Simon's songs in a book. Simon was not involved at all, it was 
just a standard fee for a particular use, handled by his company. Be 
interesting to see how this will pan out.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Neil Young: Donald Trump wasn't authorized to use my song 
 Neil Young: Donald Trump wasn't authorized to use my... 
 Neil Young isn't happy too with Donald Trump. 

 View on www.foxnews.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Gary Larson influence

2015-06-17 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I believe Larson's The Far Side inspired a whole new generation of cartoonists, 
although most of them have never been able to maintain the amount of 
consistency he achieved. If one (in the U.S) looks at the comics section in 
today's papers, it is terribly bland. When I was a child, there were many 
strips that were dramatic stories, science fiction, detectives, espionage, etc. 
Most of this is all gone. A whole new generation of cartoonists is appearing on 
the Internet given them the opportunity to discuss subjects that newspaper 
editors would shy away from, and Larson created that crack in the door. 

 Larson made use of contradictory ideas such as in his panel showing a meat 
wagon about to crash into a vegetarian restaurant.

 The following cartoon appeared on a site called alarmingnews.com and the file 
name was 'unfunny joke' as someone did not like it but posted it from its 
original website. But the cartoon shows up the nature of hypocrisy, in which 
the human mind holds two opposing views at the same time. I feel Larson opened 
the way for cartoonists to deal with more an just simple-minded situation 
humour and although he typically did not delve into the darker side of human 
thought, he provided the inspiration for others to try these things out.


[FairfieldLife] Limitations of Thought

2015-06-16 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I was in New England a couple of days ago, and I passed this church. It 
occurred to me that ministers come up with some rather dim copy when it comes 
to trying to entice their parishioners to show up for services. 

 Perhaps being saved at Wal-Mart would be less expensive because Wal-Mart does 
not sell mythology concerning invisible beings. Note the lightning rod at the 
top of the cross. A lack of faith, obviously. Note the international symbol for 
access on the sign: the message is, that those already zapped by the good lord 
are welcome for another shot.



Explore anartaxius' photos on Flickr. anartaxius has uploaded 1 photo to Flickr.
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Synthesizing a Vedic Psychiatry

2015-06-16 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
You are obviously an idiot — that was a new post with new material. You writers 
are just an elitist bunch of crappers. 

 On another benign note, I was once on a walk with a couple of people in 
Washington D.C. who were working for the college of natural law (real estate 
speculation). One of these fellows said that creativity was 'working to 
accepted standards'. I disagreed. The discussion had begun because I had 
brought up Gary Larson, the artist/writer who at the time was the creator of 
the Far Side comic published in the newspapers then. This fellow did not think 
Larson creative. Another in the same profession, Bill Waterson who wrote and 
drew Calvin and Hobbes is another who I considered creative. These two guys 
gave depth to comics because their writing and art had subtext, it did not hit 
you directly as most comics did with a rather flat model of humour, they forced 
you to think and draw lines between the dots and appreciate the irregularities 
of human behaviour.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 As much as I hate to admit it, as a writer I must admit that the version with 
all the [explicative deleted] and {phrase deleted} entries had better 
alliterative qualities than the unexpurgated version below. Go figure.  :-)


 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 6:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Synthesizing a Vedic Psychiatry
   Now just what the #$&*@# do you mean by that you son of a #@&%$, sitting 
there in some ultra liberal Dutch coffee shop with a bunch of god$#$%#& 
non-believers spouting off your irreligious claptrap while drinking that vile 
brown forsaken liquid you use as a drug. No doubt that will lead to some 
substantial behaviour faults that will lead to serious and damning consequences 
like watching TV. Don't you know THAT I DO KNOW THE SECRET OF LIFE you 
insignificant squashed bug. I have a certificate from the Institute of 
Incomprehensible Ascended Masters of Ultimate Wisdom. You should be grovelling 
on your knees with your face in the mud you $%#&@#!!# infidel! A pox on you and 
your generation. A pox on your descendents (as if there will be any)! A pox on 
your Oh, what the $#@%.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 And thus, the formulae to grasp the secret of life is delineated.

 Secret of life, my ass. I find this post almost completely offensive, 
especially the next-to-the-last paragraph, which is as egregious an example of 
"personalized insult" as anything I've ever seen here on FFL. And just when we 
were doing so much better, too...

 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 5:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Synthesizing a Vedic Psychiatry

  [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] 
[explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative 
deleted] [explicative deleted] ...







Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Synthesizing a Vedic Psychiatry

2015-06-16 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Now just what the #$&*@# do you mean by that you son of a #@&%$, sitting there 
in some ultra liberal Dutch coffee shop with a bunch of god$#$%#& non-believers 
spouting off your irreligious claptrap while drinking that vile brown forsaken 
liquid you use as a drug. No doubt that will lead to some substantial behaviour 
faults that will lead to serious and damning consequences like watching TV. 
Don't you know THAT I DO KNOW THE SECRET OF LIFE you insignificant squashed 
bug. I have a certificate from the Institute of Incomprehensible Ascended 
Masters of Ultimate Wisdom. You should be grovelling on your knees with your 
face in the mud you $%#&@#!!# infidel! A pox on you and your generation. A pox 
on your descendents (as if there will be any)! A pox on your Oh, what the 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 And thus, the formulae to grasp the secret of life is delineated.

 Secret of life, my ass. I find this post almost completely offensive, 
especially the next-to-the-last paragraph, which is as egregious an example of 
"personalized insult" as anything I've ever seen here on FFL. And just when we 
were doing so much better, too...

 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 5:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Synthesizing a Vedic Psychiatry

  [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] 
[explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative 
deleted] [explicative deleted] ...





[FairfieldLife] For Doug, definitions and legal concerns

2015-06-16 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
For Doug, definitions and legal concerns

 blasphemous or obscene language.
 irreligious or irreverent behaviour.

 Legal: Irreverence towards sacred things; particularly, an irreverent or 
blasphemous use of the name of God (which one is not specified). Vulgar, 
irreverent, or coarse language. (This supposes that sacred things exist.)

 The word profane means: relating or devoted to that which is not sacred or 
biblical; secular rather than religious. Not respectful of orthodox religious 
practice; irreverent. Suppression of the profane violates the rights of 
non-believers, atheists, agnostics, secular humanists, and probably some 
Unitarians who prefer not to be bothered by this sort of activity, and not to 
be pestered by those whose imaginings of invisible, unprovable things they 
consider lunacy.

 the state or quality of being obscene; obscene behaviour, language, or images.
 an extremely offensive word or expression. Also, indecency, immorality, 
impropriety, salaciousness, smuttiness, smut, lewdness, impurity, crudeness, 
vulgarity, dirtiness, dirt, filth, coarseness, crudity.

 Both these words, profanity and obscenity, are derived from religious 
thinking, that is, these concepts relate to a non-human imaginary standard of 
behaviour derived from an imaginary invisible force. This force is never seen, 
only spoken of by the supposed representatives thereof.

 'The English adjective 'obscene' dates to the late 16th century. It's taken 
from the Middle French obscène and ultimately is from the Latin obscenus, 
meaning ill-omened, filthy, or disgusting.'

 'According to U.S. law, obscene material or speech is not protected by the 
First Amendment and it may be prohibited outright by the government. 

 'What exactly constitutes obscenity? Unlike Stewart’s "I know it when I see 
it" doctrine, the definition of obscenity in U.S. law is fairly clear, albeit 
still open to some interpretation. The operating standard was penned by Chief 
Justice Warren Burger in his majority opinion in Miller v. California (1973). 
Burger proposed a three-pronged test for obscenity:'

 '"(a) whether 'the average person, applying contemporary community standards' 
would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest, 
(b) whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual 
conduct specifically defined by the applicable state law; and (c) whether the 
work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or 
scientific value."'

 'What this means is that, at least as far as the law is concerned, individual 
words, phrases, or passages cannot be declared to be obscene. The work must be 
considered as a whole. Therefore, a novel that uses a certain four-letter word 
or contains some erotic passages, like D.H. Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover 
to name one that is famous for having been censored for both these reasons, 
cannot be considered obscene.'

 It would appear that Yahoo's guidelines are not entirely clear in their 
relationship to United States law. A few passages here and there cannot be 
considered obscene and profanity is not necessarily obscene either. That these 
words and concepts continue in our society is a reflection of our continuing 
ascendency out of the dark ages of religious thought control.

 It appears to me that Edg (Duveyoung) foisted upon us a creative work, at 
least he considers it such. It is not sexually oriented to 'prurient interest'.

[FairfieldLife] Expletive vs Explicative

2015-06-16 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Expletive is an oath or a swear word.
 Explicative is an adjective that means to explain logically.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Synthesizing a Vedic Psychiatry

2015-06-16 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
 [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative 
deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] 
[explicative deleted] [explicative deleted]  {phrase redacted} [explicative 
deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] or expectations 
[explicative deleted] [explicative deleted], [explicative deleted] [explicative 
deleted], [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] 
[explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative 
deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] {phrase redacted}  {phrase 
redacted}  [explicative deleted], [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] 
[explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative 

 [explicative deleted] {phrase redacted} [explicative deleted] [explicative 
deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] 
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deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] 
[explicative deleted], [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative 
deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] 
[explicative deleted] 

 Consequently, [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative 
deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] 
[explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative 
deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted]. 
Why? [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] 
[explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] {phrase 
redacted}  [explicative deleted] {phrase redacted} [explicative deleted] 
[explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative 
deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] subsequently [explicative 
deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] 
[explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted]. And 
[explicative deleted] [explicative deleted]. 

 [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative 
deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] 
[explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative 
deleted]. Now concerning the use of [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] 
[explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] {phrase 
redacted} [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] 
[explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative 
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deleted] [explicative deleted]; [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] 
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[explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] {phrase 
redacted}  {phrase redacted}  {phrase redacted}  {phrase redacted}  
[explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted], and 
also[explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] 
[explicative deleted] {phrase redacted}  [explicative deleted] [explicative 
deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] 
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deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] 
[explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative 
deleted] [explicative deleted]!


 [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative 
deleted] {phrase redacted} [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] 
[explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative 
deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] 
[explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative 
deleted] {phrase redacted} [explicative deleted] joy [explicative deleted] 
[explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative 
deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] [explicative deleted] 

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Coded Message - What the Recent "Moderation" Is Really About

2015-06-15 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Interestingly, the moderation approach Doug has chosen, which Barry has 
vehemently denounced--in which offending posts are deleted "secretly" behind 
the scenes with no explanation--will actually protect transgressors from being 
shamed by anybody (crazed or otherwise). I guess the Game of Thrones parallel 
Barry has attempted to draw is not so apt after all.



 My free time is up, so this is my last post for this visit. I may or may not 
show up again at some point.

 Doug, it looks like your gig is off to a good start. You're a brave man; best 
of luck to you. Illegitimi non carborundum!*



 *Yes, Xeno, I know. As always.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 This is a fun rap to write in a way, because the audience that understands it 
will be almost by definition be limited to a small, self-selecting number of 
people on this forum. The others won't really get it, and I think we all know 
they won't do the "homework" necessary for them to *ever* get it, because they 
won't watch the TV show. Basically, this is the rap:

 My suggestion for the best example I've found in fiction to represent what the 
mindset driving this recent push for "moderation" on Fairfield Life really is, 
what the emotions and motivations are that drive it, and what it hopes to 
accomplish, are the moments between 40:40 and 52:50 in the season finale of 
Game Of Thrones titled "Mother's Mercy."

 In that segment, a representative of the fanatical religious cult who calls 
himself the High Sparrow gets to force someone he hates to undergo his idea of 
"atonement," walking naked through a crowd of people who jeer at the High 
Sparrow's victim and throw shit and and garbage at them, while his female 
sycophant walks along behind the victim, ringing a bell and chanting "Shame!  
Shame!  Shame!  Shame!" And all of this is viewed as not only necessary but the 
vindication of spirituality and religion -- what is needed to "set things 
right" and return society to its proper balance.


 For those who have been watching Game Of Thrones, I allow you to choose who on 
FFL plays the role of the High Sparrow, and who plays the part of the Crazed 
Nun chanting "Shame!  Shame!  Shame!  Shame!" with a look of ecstasy on her 
face, as if finally being able to do this *and* get praised for it is the 
highest moment in her life. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Synthesizing a Vedic Psychiatry

2015-06-15 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 When is someone going to get that I'm fucking having funzies here with my 
creativity that often features the anger tone?   Geeeze.  If I'm vociferous, so 
the fuck what?  

 That's fine.

And it was an ad hominem, because the issue was "Is Edg a quality thinker?" -- 
unexpressed, yes, but, no, IT WAS EXPRESSED.  And to deny this when everyone 
here knows that Steve was trying to elbow my ribs is ANOTHER ACT OF AGGRESSION 

 No, you are just reading that into. I did not read the same message. When you 
see a certain irregularity on an animal cracker, do you read some significance 
into that?

Hee hee, fucking hee..I loves me da capital letters.

Can I get angry in a nanosecond?  OF FUCKING COURSE I CAN.  Can't you?

Can I have love flowing instantly?  OF FUCKING COURSE I CAN.  Can't you?

Have I lived a mostly normal life?  OF FUCKING COURSE I DID.  Didn't you?

I have been every kind of person -- shitheel, joker, leader, teacher, priest, 
lover, devotee, businessman, sportsman, psychologist, father, son, brother, 
husband, uncle, cousin, loser, winner.  Got me tons of success and tons of 

I'm having five thoughts per second -- I can cherry pick any emotion I want and 
by attending it, amplifying it into a full flown mental event with tons of 
processing.  CAN'T YOU?  Or rather, DON'T YOU SEE THAT YOU DO THIS TOO?

 I don't have that many thoughts per second, if you are referring to different 
mental streams, different subjects and emotions in those thoughts

If you haven't been all roles of life and gotten really muddified, shame on you 
for wasting a life.  

Am I angry right now as I type this?  NOOO!  THIS IS FUN !  I'm writing!  
I'm putting words together "just so."  

If I was angry, you'd not know  it until the boom was lowered -- would not want 
to give you advanced warning...that I was just now stepping up onto your 
porchwith a blunt instrument.hee heesee?I just put an onerous 
image into your mind..writers get away with this shit.

And, me?, angry at the pissants here when I have had REAL ENEMIES WHO DID 
MASSIVE DAMAGE TO ME IN EVERY WAY?  Get real -- no one here is worth my anger.  
And by the way, I have never taken revenge on anyone in the real 
world.though I did win three lawsuits.I mostly mean punching someone in 
the nose -- haven't been in a fist fight since I was 13 years old.  Not saying 
that Willy's nose wouldn't be bloodied if I was stuck in an elevator with him, 
but God has protected me by not putting me in said circumstances.  Lucky me, eh?

The real issue that I was addressing with satire is that Steve's trolling is 
too subtle for the likes of Doug to moderate.  Doug can't nail Steve for having 
an evil intent, because it would require a massive trial and gathering of facts 
-- impossible.  THAT WAS MY POINT. Doug is going to fail at moderation, because 
everyone would fail at it.

 Your writing style, like that of Ravi some years ago seems to give the 
impression to others that you are not quite right mentally.

And how much more does it take for Doug to declare someone a misfit troll out 
to make someone feel bad?

 I would say your previous post might trigger some action, based on a rather 
literal reading of Yahoo guidelines.

Does it really have to be such a large deal like someone asserting a lie that 
amounts to legal libel before Doug will ban someone? 

 Doug may be feeling compassion. Perhaps he thinks you should be hospitalised.

It's obvious that there's many here who LOVE TO DIG AT SOMEONE and get them 
riled up, and yet, Doug has not addressed anyone's MANY sins since he "took 
over here."  See? That's proof about how hard it is to pull it off -- Doug's 
probably regretting this, heh. 

 I think, based on what Doug posted recently, is he is trying to get the feel 
of what is going on. I am not sure how many of everyone's messages he read 
before, but now he has to scrutinise a lot more messages, which I would think 
is a thankless chore, and then make some kind of judgement call that seems fair 
in relation to the group's dynamics and all the other considerations. It's a 
new job for him and he has a number of people here not liking the idea he a 
moderator, thinking he will be too strict and narrow minded, and on the other 
side there is Rick, who could yank the moderator job away from him if he gets 
too enthusiastic about the job, and there are those who do favour moderation 
with a firm hand, but those could just go over to The Peak and see what happens.

 So after reading the above, we should not take anything you say as being 
representative of anything you actually think, or of reality in general?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Steve did not commit an ad hominem 

 All he said was:

 1.  Doug w

[FairfieldLife] Re: Synthesizing a Vedic Psychiatry

2015-06-15 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Steve did not commit an ad hominem 

 All he said was:

 1.  Doug was a moderator and not responsible for vetting all content (that 
would be rather difficult because Doug has to go outside and work). This is 
basically a factual statement.

 2. He said Doug was not a therapist, which is also probably a factual 
statement. Then he expressed an opinion that you had personal issues with 
anger. This may or may not be true. But his short post was not concerned with 
any argument you made supporting some position, so it is not an ad hominem. Ad 
hominem refers to logical argumentation as was discussed in post #416814. With 
out supporting arguments an opinion is just that, a surmise. Based on your 
response, I think Steve's surmise has some merit, but that is still an opinion. 
Nobody knows exactly what a person's inner emotional state is, but people do 
make judgements based on the perceived outer behaviour of a person, gestures, 
what they say, how they say or write.

 Your response to Steve appears to be what is called a diatribe which is 
defined (courtesy of google.com):

 A forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something.

 synonyms: tirade, harangue, onslaught, attack, polemic, denunciation, 
broadside, fulmination, condemnation, censure, criticism.

 Now that sounds like someone who is angry, that anger directed at Steve in 
this case. This pretty much looks like a personal attack, whereas Steve, it 
seemed to me (opinion), was just making a suggestion. If any one has violated 
the guidelines here in this exchange, you have.

 I have to admit though, it is very entertaining. People to not require a Ph.D. 
to determine whether they think someone is angry or unbalanced, though 
eventually other factors may intervene for that someone, such as law 
enforcement officers or medical professionals working in the area of mental 

 If I were to comment on 'your case', I would have the opinion you have low 
self esteem, that you blow up some simple comments into a vast conspiracy 
against your person.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Steve, You are labeling me as someone with stored up anger."to whatever 
degree"and for a large part of my adult life.

This is an ad hominem -- in a public forum.  

How so?

Quite simply I have not reported (here at FFL or elsewhere online) my inner 
emotional states throughout my life with any detail such that a, what?, couch 
psychiatrist?, can insinuate about my past or present or future emotional 
states.let alone present a logical assembly of my posts that would 
demonstrate to a scientific prognosticator enough information for that 
"decider" to say, "Oh, yeah, that kind of mind, piss on it, that anger just 
clouds his judgment and it's just not worth dealing with this fuckwad."

Yet this is exactly the intent of your post.  You with no credentials are 
asserting something untrue about me.   
This is a foul accusation about me.  I protest to Doug.  

Doug?  There are not enough facts in evidence that I am someone with stored up 
anger -- which is merely code for "might blow at any minute."  My online 
history is checkered with every manner of emotionalism, because I'm a writer 
and give myself permission to be silly, satirical, rude, outrageous, poetic, 
raw, real, fake OR WHATEVER.  To interpret who I am from my online posts would 
require a PhD jury to authenticate some candidate's findings.  AS FUCKING IF.  
This is an outrageous smear job by any decent minded regard.

And, further, the question: "Does that make sense?" is clearly another 
attempt to present the concept "Edg is sooo fucking 
stupid, you have to treat him like child, and always double check what's going 
on in that little noggin' of his."  

It is this sort of tactic that everyone here understands for what it is:  plain 
old trolling -- with a smirk that assumes there's denial ability to shield all 
protests.  "What?  I never meant that. Why how dare you accuse me of having 
such a low intent." -- like that. Like fucking that.  That's the tactic -- to 
me, it's Gestapol shit.

Now, in the past, I would enter into a delightful tirade of withering 
statements about you, personally, that would leave stains on your soul, but 

But you have violated the intent and spirit of the guidelines -- IN MY OPINION, 
and I call for Doug to arbitrate this issue and give us the benefit of his 
wisdom -- here in the public forum where the "act" occurred. Let's see if you 
have, indeed, befouled our pristine and new intent to be civil here, or if I'm 
mistaken and, truly, everyone thinks I'm way over the top in my interpretation 
of your below text.
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 He's a moderator Edg, not responsible for vetting all the content that passes 
through here in terms of its future efficacy.  Or present efficacy for that 

 Nor is he a

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Moderating The Peep Show

2015-06-15 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I wasn't really complaining. Sparring with Judy is a unique challenge. I do not 
think I ever quite got the hang of it, it is an ongoing learning process 
dealing with other minds, or what appears to be other minds (y'all could be 
robots or zombies). I do think your arguments tend to be spongy, and yours is 
another mind I do not fully grok. 

 Note however I do appear to be more courteous than Edg in responding to you. I 
think your comments there were well taken.

 So that you can respond to me with greater precision subsequently, I have a 
non-theistic view of the world, care about facts and scientific reasoning, and 
to the extent I am able, logic. I do think there is something to spirituality, 
but that all descriptions thereof are metaphorical, that we are dealing with a 
subject matter that lies outside the thinking process, but not outside 
experience, and that all statements concerning this are basically untrue but 
function as guideposts for experience and discovery much in the same way poetry 
and music provide avenues into experience that mere prose cannot fathom.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Xeno, you have to admit, this is sort of funny. 

 For the last few months, we've had to hear how much you've missed sparring 
with Judy, and how inadequate those of us who you describe as being in that 
"other " camp of FFLers are, in engaging in intellectual discussions.

 But now  you have your wish, (at least temporarily), and you're complaining 

 Son, make up your mind.  (-:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 No, I am not going to think about it. I probably would not score all that high 
anyway. Too bad there isn't an inventory for antagonism. I bet you would get a 
very high score on that. You are really back in form. The long vacation from 
here must have restored something that was depleted. Or perhaps whatever else 
you were doing came to an end. That is of course total speculation.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 P.S.: You may also want to think about justifying the use of the Wechsler IQ 
scale (assuming it can be determined for each FFL member) for evaluation of 
members, given the questions that have been raised about its utility (e.g., "to 
base a concept of intelligence on IQ test scores alone is to ignore many 
important aspects of mental ability"). See:





---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Intelligence Quotient (IQ) as determined by the  Wechsler Adult Intelligence 
Scale. That should be sufficient.

 And you propose to determine this measurement for FFL members (especially for 
those no longer posting here) how?

 Can you give me a recent example where I asked someone to define a term? I 
don't recall doing this 'frequently' but also my memory is not particularly 
good at this stage in my life. If you cannot do that we can consider this post 

 (Is this the royal or the editorial "we"?) Now that you've defined what you 
mean by "stupidest" and "smartest," the question of why you haven't been 
willing to define them previously is obviously moot. But Steve's similar 
recollection should be sufficient to confirm mine, so let's just chalk up your 
inability to recall any such demands to your failing memory.

 If you first establish the fact, then you can wonder why, and perhaps I will 
give an answer.

 Actually I can wonder why regardless of whether the fact is first established. 
(Note that my wondering was not in the form of a question to you in any case. 
Perhaps the trolling is yours rather than mine here.)








---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I note that while you frequently demand that other people define their terms, 
you have not been willing to define "stupidest" (and now "smartest") that 
you've been harping on recently. Why would that be, I wonder? 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Confusion

2015-06-13 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote (to Curtis) :

 That personalized invasion of your privacy was a low point on FFL that was way 
against Rick's original intentions for the site and clearly against what are 
now the yahoo-groups guidelines. Yours was proly not the moment of decline but 
the list had evidently jumped a shark before with an influx of personal 
antagonisms which have since developed into some literary forms of perfection 
in a hyper personalization of the ad hominem meme here to hurt people. 

 Doug, ad hominem is not a meme, it is an informal logical fallacy in which a 
personal characteristic or action or situation a person has or is in is taken 
as proof his/her argument is false. 'Ad hominem' means 'to the man', instead of 
refuting a logical argument or position directly, one diverts attention to the 
person who made the argument one does not believe or like. An ad hominem is not 
necessarily a personal attack although it could be. It's primary function is to 
act as a diversion to what the real discussion is about while seeming to be a 
point in the argument for a particular idea or line of reasoning. Extremely 
common in politics. 

 A meme is 'an idea, behaviour, or style that spreads from person to person 
within a culture' and has little to do with ad hominem as a logical error. 

 If I said regarding this subject here 'Doug cannot understand what 'ad 
hominem' means because he is a farmer', that would be an example of ad hominem. 
If I said 'Doug appears to be unaware of the definition of 'ad hominem', that 
would not be be ad hominem, it would just be an opinion I expressed, because it 
is not a reasoned argument about anything. A direct personal attack might also 
not be ad hominem either if it is not being used to refute the other person's 
position on a subject. It would just be personal invective. Saying something 
like 'You are so and so you $&@#$', is not ad hominem. Because Curtis studied 
philosophy, he would probably be the best person here to delineate these 
points. Now that last statement is called pro hominem, the opposite of ad 
hominem. That he studied philosophy is no guarantee that he would know, even 
though I think he does know and better than me. Here are some more samples of 
ad hominem. (from another website)

 A lawyer attacking a defendant’s character rather than addressing or 
questioning based on the case, e.g., in a case of theft pointing out the 
defendant’s level of poverty. A politician degrading another politician during 
a political campaign when asked about a specific policy, e.g. “Well, I think we 
need to look at the other candidate’s failures regarding this topic.” 
Responding in any debate with an attack on one’s personal beliefs. Using 
someone’s known background or beliefs to respond in a way such as “Of course 
you would say that, because you believe _.” Stating that someone’s 
argument is incorrect because of her religious beliefs, such as, “Perhaps if 
you weren’t part of the religious group that you are, you would see this quite 
differently.” Attacking someone’s own sexual orientation in arguing about the 
right of LGBT individuals to marry such as “The only reason you could possibly 
be in favor of this is because you are not being honest about your own 
sexuality.” Demeaning a teacher’s decision on grading by insulting her 
intelligence, e.g., “Well, it’s not like you graduated from the best school, so 
I can see why you wouldn’t know how to properly grade a writing assignment.” 
Using racial slurs to demean a person of another race in an argument about a 
crime involving people of different racial backgrounds, such as, “People like 
you don’t understand what it’s like to be of my race so you blatantly have no 
right to make an argument about this situation.” Generalizing views of a 
political party as an insulting argument to an individual who is a member of a 
different party, e.g., “Well, it’s pretty obvious that your political party 
doesn’t know how to be fiscally responsible, so I wouldn’t expect you to, 
either.” Stating that one’s age precludes him from being able to make an 
intelligent or meaningful argument, such as, “You are clearly just too young to 
understand.” Use of marital status to invalidate an opinion of someone of a 
different status, e.g., “How can you make a decision about someone having 
marital problems if you’ve never been married yourself?” Asserting that 
someone’s geographical location prevents him from being able to make a clear 
judgment, such as, “You’ve only ever lived in an urban environment. The issues 
of those in other areas is clearly beyond you.” Using gender as a means to 
devalue an argument from an opposing gender, e.g., “This is a female issue. As 
a man, how can you have an opinion about this?” Stating that the ethnicity of 
the opposing individual keeps him from formulating a valuable opinion, e.g., 
“You are from the United States, so you could never understa

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Moderating The Peep Show

2015-06-13 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Your hypothesis is once again way off base. You've picked up that canard from 
Barry, but it's never been true. What I was attempting to point out is that the 
whole notion of the "stupidest" (or "smartest") person on FFL is, well, just 


 I did not pick it up from Barry. It is a memory from adolescence, or even 
earlier, thinking about people that way. It provided the nexus for a post. Glad 
you are not thinking of being the brightest or dimmest light. But we have not 
discussed saintliness or pure evil yet.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Smartest Person

2015-06-13 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 I think the term enlightenment is misunderstood. People think of it as 
something one acquires by doing certain things. But because it is about what we 
intrinsically are, this cannot be revealed by doing anything, because that 
value is already there. It is a tautology. We are what we are. Techniques are 
for the removal of psychological garbage.

Me: I am not sure the word refers to anything more than a cluster of beliefs 
about someone's perspective on life. Although I have experienced fundamental 
shifts of my internal experience, I am not convinced that they represent 
anything close to how it gets hyped. It may not be realization of any reality 
other than something our brains can do if you think about things in a certain 
way or cultivate the altered states of consciousness from excessive meditation 
practice. I am not convinced that we all have psychological garbage that we 
need to remove. What some might view as garbage, I might view as a critical 
aspect of what makes me an individual. 

 'Enlightenment' is always about belief. It seems to me people respond to the 
prospects in which this term is embedded in different ways. Some belief is 
always involved. Some become true believers in whatever system they have 
adopted and they stay stuck in that system. Others simply drift away at some 
point, it did not pan out for them. Others follow the idea rather intently 
until at some point it simply evaporates, and one is left with what one started 
on the journey with. The term is only real to the true believer. To the 
dissatisfied person, perhaps a bad taste is left for the failure of the term to 
come to any distinct conclusion for them. For those for whom the pursuit has 
evaporated, there is the satisfaction that one never again need pursue that 
dream because somehow that trip of deception was built into the universe. These 
three different endpoints will never align in a discussion as far as I can tell.

 If an empty glass represents what we are, then all the stuff that prevents us 
seeing the empty glass is like water in the glass. Nobody really wants an empty 
glass, so they look elsewhere. A glass of clear water captures the attention 
more than an empty glass. The technique of enlightenment is like this: The 
glass with the water just sits still. The water slowly evaporates. When all the 
water has evaporated, voilà, the empty glass appears. Throughout all this, the 
glass did not change, nothing was gained as far as what we are, but the process 
we subjected ourselves to, shifted the perceptions.

 For those with mental impairments, this is a simple-minded analogy, not a 
truth; it might work for some, not others. Pursued to extreme, analogies break 

Me: Proof by analogy aside, I am not sure anyone has made a case for the need 
for such a concept concerning people who claim to be in such a state where they 
experience "whatever". Enlightenment is one of those words like "God" where the 
belief system it is embedded in needs to be evaluated together with the term. 
It is highly context dependent. I am interested in the belief systems that 
surround such terms to the extent that it helps me understand how people 
participate in shaping their conceptions of reality. So far, for me, I think it 
refers to a lot of mental states and perspectives that require a boatload of 
assumptions to be presupposed to exist. Even to evaluate one's mental state 
through such parameters is a filter choice on perception. I am not against 
someone believing this about themselves per se (must be Judy's influence) but I 
do object to any claim that these states somehow reveal the reality of life. To 
my profound disappointment Sam Harris seems to have absorbed this assumption 

 Not sure how to respond to this. I found Harris' recent book interesting, but 
discovered he was really unable to disconnect from Buddhist philosophy. From my 
current point of view, 'enlightenment' has to do with undermining the tendency 
for the mind to believe things, and has nothing to do with states of mind in 
the sense that one kind of state represents 'enlightenment'. It has more to do 
with raw sensory experience, to the extent that a human nervous system can be 
free of filters (as raw experience is also filtered by the nervous system 
outside of our thinking processes). Maybe something like the interpretive 
filters of the thinking process step aside as it were, they do not come into 
play the way they did before even though one can still think and reason; 
perhaps the mind recognises an arbitrariness in applying thought to describing 
experience, in making up a story about what happened, what came down, and no 
longer assigns the term 'reality' to that story. In other words, raw 
experience, as raw as it is possible to be for us, becomes the primary sense of 
what we would call real, and the stories and ideas we attach to those 
experiences are frivolou

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Moderating The Peep Show

2015-06-13 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
No, you have not got it right, period. My hypothesis is your asking about how I 
was parsing levels of intelligence was simply to extend this discussion 
interminably, a per your previous custom. My bringing up the subject of 'the 
stupidest person on FFL' was simply a device to bring up issues related to 
potential censorship, for if named, 'the stupidest person on FFL' would be an 
insult, though perhaps the stupidest person, were there one, might not be aware 
it would be an insult or even unkind if they were truly stupid enough. Others 
though, might claim it was an insult, and this might bring down the moderator's 
boom on whoever pointed the finger using a name. I am sure you are clever 
enough to realise that, eventually. 

 '2. Don't be unkind. Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in 
Groups. Also not welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or 
ranting. If you wouldn't say it in public or with a group of friends, don't 
post it.'

 Doug is fond of this guideline. Just about everyone here in the past has 
violated this guideline, including you, including me, including Barry, and even 
our moderator. So my bringing up the 'stupidest' and 'smartest' person really 
has little or nothing to do with IQ, however it might be measured or assumed.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 OIC. So you're just guessing as to IQ scores when you talk about "the 
stupidest person" and "the smartest person" on FFL. Have I got it right now? 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 OIC. So you're just guessing as to IQ scores when you talk about "the 
stupidest person" and "the smartest person" on FFL. Have I got it right now? 


[FairfieldLife] Smartest Person

2015-06-13 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Imagine my surprise...

So my question is, who exactly is the person Rick put in charge of  "protecting 
and enforcing the civility" here, the faux persona "Buck" or the actual person 
behind the schtick?

And whose personal sensibilities are we to avoid (what Rauncy used to refer to 
as) the peal clutching reaction to things people write here?

Am I supposed to write as if the strict movement fundamentalist "Buck" might be 
offended as part of his act, or am I supposed to imagine what the real person 
behind the put-on might think about what I write? And who is that guy anyway 
since I have read so much more from the mask creature.

Can I perhaps use the same artifice to express feelings I have, for example 
castigating any person who would suggest that perhaps this easily offended 
person should just "grow a pair" and stop trying to control what other people 
express here? Would I be protected if I said that I am vehemently opposed to 
anyone who might suggest that perhaps this whole ruse was just an attempt by a 
person who doesn't have the ability to generate meaningful content here to 
exert power over people with creative ability?

Would a  post heading of "Why I believe that Maharishi was wrong about 
everything" be grounds for me being expelled for hurting the tender feelings of 
people with weak intellectual boundaries? (Would the suggestion that some 
posters here HAVE weak intellectual boundaries be enough to bring the Church 
Lady down on my ass? Could referring to the persona "Buck" as the Church Lady 
be seen as hurting tender feelings or would it just fit into his Movement 
schtick and be exempt from his mighty power?

So many questions...

FFL was one of the most wonderful writing resources in my life. It encouraged 
me to write enough to express all the changing perspectives I had on the 
movement through a long period of time. And although to some, my views might be 
seen as not going through an evolution, I can assure you they did. Not about 
fundamentals like whether Maharishi's model of development of consciousness has 
merit, but in how I relate to people who still maintain what I view as a 
fantasy equivalent to the Christian concept of being saved, getting 
"enlightened." There was even a period after Maharishi died where I 
experimented with TM again to give it another consideration from my perspective 
today, on its own without the belief hype. And although I concluded that as 
enjoyable as the experience is, it does not serve a value for my life today, I 
loved taking that trip down Mantra-Memory Lane.

FFL became unsafe for me to post on a while back when people decided that going 
after my personal life would be the best way to stop me from voicing my 
opinions here. It worked and they won. I accept that. But before I accept that 
the whole place has jumped the shark with regard to freedom of expression for 
everyone I want to say this:

I am completely against anyone who would flip the bird to this self-appointed 
feeling-level policing of FFL. If anyone suggested that this is an example of a 
fragile ego gone wild and allowed to fulfill his fantasy of being in charge of 
what other people express, as well as being a complete pain in the ass to even 
have to think of what this person's idiotically tiny perspective might be about 
what I write...

I would report this person to the moderator right away to protect the tender 
feelings of what (and again I oppose this view completely so try to keep up) 
might be charitably referred to F'n crybabies whose beliefs are so 
unsupportable and fanciful that they cannot accept any challenge.

 I think the term enlightenment is misunderstood. People think of it as 
something one acquires by doing certain things. But because it is about what we 
intrinsically are, this cannot be revealed by doing anything, because that 
value is already there. It is a tautology. We are what we are. Techniques are 
for the removal of psychological garbage.

 If an empty glass represents what we are, then all the stuff that prevents us 
seeing the empty glass is like water in the glass. Nobody really wants an empty 
glass, so they look elsewhere. A glass of clear water captures the attention 
more than an empty glass. The technique of enlightenment is like this: The 
glass with the water just sits still. The water slowly evaporates. When all the 
water has evaporated, voilà, the empty glass appears. Throughout all this, the 
glass did not change, nothing was gained as far as what we are, but the process 
we subjected ourselves to, shifted the perceptions.

 For those with mental impairments, this is a simple-minded analogy, not a 
truth; it might work for some, not others. Pursued to extreme, analogies break 

[FairfieldLife] Smartest Person

2015-06-13 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I do believe the smartest person on FFL may have made a post. Music to my ears.

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