[FairfieldLife] RE: Cause of benefits

2014-01-11 Thread emptybill
I traced back one or two TM mantras in the same way that a past-life trace is performed. It went a long way back to some guy in a forest (who was not sitting around in padmâsana looking like Shiva). However, the mantra emerged in radiant, exalted perception - sort of a cross between an shining r

[FairfieldLife] RE: All About the Fighting Ascetics of India

2014-01-11 Thread emptybill
Apparently Thunderbird doesn't allow you to understand common English. So I'll repeat my question ... "What is the position of the TMO towards the authority of the Shankaracharyas since the TMO is technically not a Hindoo organization?" Does anyone on the list know the views of the Shan

[FairfieldLife] RE: All About the Fighting Ascetics of India

2014-01-11 Thread emptybill
The Shankaracharyas are Hindu authorities - sort of like four (4) pontiffs among the smarta-s. What is the position of the TMO towards the authority of the Shankaracharyas since the TMO is technically not a Hindoo organization? ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wrote: Nandkishore, do

[FairfieldLife] RE: Cause of benefits

2014-01-10 Thread emptybill
"Pure" Awareness? ... So what is "Impure" Awareness? Awareness with a "content"? If so then such a definition would include the use of a mantra also. Awareness (pure or impure) is neither an experience nor an experiencer. Awareness precedes the separation between these two. The m

[FairfieldLife] RE: Cause of benefits

2014-01-10 Thread emptybill

[FairfieldLife] RE: MMY's Adwaita

2014-01-02 Thread emptybill
Sure enough - this is beyond your understanding. However, you shouldn't interrupt our conversation because it is exceeds you. Not everything here on FFL is about you.

[FairfieldLife] RE: MMY's Adwaita

2014-01-01 Thread emptybill
Yes, it was coming across excerpts in anthologies of Stephen MacKenna's acclaimed translation of the Enneads that intrigued me. Yep, me too. I like the MacKenna version because it is readable. However, I actually use the translation by A.H. Armstrong of the complete Enneads in 7 volumes in the L

[FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread emptybill
You declared your zero interest yet you read the post and thus your mind is now boggled. You called it "a waste of life" - thus admitting to wasting your life by reading it. "Dueling Egos" need to be occupied to maintain a sense of worth. Don't discourage them from frivolous pursuits.

[FairfieldLife] RE: MMY's Adwaita

2014-01-01 Thread emptybill
The Seraph sez: Yes, but the Christian theologians were indebted to the Neoplatonists, especially the divine Plotinus and Iamblichus. Emptybill sez: The doctrine of the Trinity was decided by decree not by philosophic analysis. The Platonists (nothing neo about them) set the stage

[FairfieldLife] RE: Secret Doctrines

2013-12-31 Thread emptybill
Back to the usual clap-trap. If there is no false interpretation then Buddhists are free to believe that: 1. there is an eternal Atman along with 2. a changeless, eternal substance supporting the universe and 3. a personal god who creates people like you to subvert the essential

[FairfieldLife] RE: Gallup: Only 5% of Religious Americans Are Non-Christians

2013-12-31 Thread emptybill
Barack Hussein O'Muslim said it so well ... We have never been "just a Christian nation". America has long included Jews, Mormons, Freemasons and other non-Christians. They made up proly close to 5%. Now we have Muslims here to ennoble us and lead us to Dar-As-Salam.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Nephew Arrested on Rape Charge - The New Indian Express

2013-12-31 Thread emptybill
A purported $9.7 Billion fortune. Hummh ... Could the TMO just be about the $$$? May this is what they mean by evolution of consciousness.

[FairfieldLife] Gallup: Only 5% of Religious Americans Are Non-Christians

2013-12-31 Thread emptybill
A recent Gallup poll refutes the claim http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmC3IevZiik made by Barack Obama on March 9, 2008 that “we are no longer a Christian nation.” Gallup http://www.gallup.com/ found that three quarters of all Americans - a supermajority - identify themselves as Christians,

[FairfieldLife] RE: Scientific Breakthroughs of 2013

2013-12-31 Thread emptybill
Since this thread is about assaying alien life, my guess is that both Bari2 and Sharon are aliens who are now trying to change the topic so they can more easily cover up their scaley hides.

[FairfieldLife] RE: ACLU Sues for Disclosure of Surveillance Executive Order

2013-12-31 Thread emptybill
What else but to keep you from "Sharon" them. Just repeat to the clerk ... my name ain't Sharon.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Secret Doctrines

2013-12-31 Thread emptybill
Robin claimed enlightenment. Professor claims "only as much". Enlightenment! Enlightenment! If it was a candy bar we could eat a piece to get "only as much". If we ate the whole bar we could claim to be "The World Teacher". Either way, when we got to the end we could say "I gave it up".

[FairfieldLife] ACLU Sues for Disclosure of Surveillance Executive Order

2013-12-31 Thread emptybill
The American Civil Liberties Union filed suit http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/12/30/us-usa-security-aclu-idUSBRE9BQ0DA20131230 against the US Government yesterday to force disclosure of the executive order dealing with electronic surveillance. The suit relates to executive order 12333 that

[FairfieldLife] RE: Scientific Breakthroughs of 2013

2013-12-31 Thread emptybill
Where are the aliens? Consider this ... http://www.space.com/9206-finding-harder-aliens-digital.html http://www.space.com/9206-finding-harder-aliens-digital.html

[FairfieldLife] RE: Secret Doctrines

2013-12-31 Thread emptybill
"You are not going to get any more enlightenment than you are going to get." This sound similar to Robin's self-delusion. The real truth has long ago been put into plain words. No one is going to "get" enlightened. Ever! What is this "enlightenment"? There never was and never will b

[FairfieldLife] RE: Radical Transcendentalism, Maharishi Waging Peace World Wide

2013-12-30 Thread emptybill
New Bomber Can Nuke US Military Bases, Brags Chinese State Med http://www.infowars.com/new-bomber-can-nuke-us-military-bases-brags-chinese-state-media/

[FairfieldLife] RE: MMY's Adwaita

2013-12-30 Thread emptybill
That is an excellent recommendation. The Trinity is a theological formulation in Christianity ... not a philosophical idea. It is also defined differently between Latin based traditions (Catholic and Protestant) and Greek based traditions (Eastern Orthodox). Speculating about the Chr

[FairfieldLife] RE: Scientific Breakthroughs of 2013

2013-12-30 Thread emptybill
I recently read an article that discussed the impending search for the spectral signatures of organic life. That search is going on now and is expected to yield positive evidence soon enough. All such estimates are based on the probabilities revealed by a revised formula. However, the sear

[FairfieldLife] RE: Post Count Sat 28-Dec-13 00:15:02 UTC

2013-12-29 Thread emptybill
Wolf Baiter You are showing your vicious side. Obviously you are trying to usurp the throne so you can now declare yourself as the Ankle Bite Queen.

[FairfieldLife] RE: MMY's Buddha

2013-12-29 Thread emptybill
You can just call me Phool Das if that works better. If we were PhD.s we wouldn't be here. Academics don't inhabit forums like this but take their insights and judgements to professional conferences and to academic journals. Primary teacher was Alfonso Verdu, originally an academic Jesuit who s

[FairfieldLife] RE: Palm leaves are still out there doing their job.

2013-12-28 Thread emptybill
(bada bing!) Be pleased that this is your reward for being a loyal menshevik.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Camille Paglia: A Feminist Defense of Masculine Virtues

2013-12-28 Thread emptybill
It is all preparation for the Euro-Muslim apocalypse. Look down and smell the sulfur -- you kafir!

[FairfieldLife] RE: MMY's Buddha

2013-12-28 Thread emptybill
Wake up and smell the sulfur. The link will enable you to download a .pdf of an important presentation by someone who mastered these jhana-s/dyana-s.

[FairfieldLife] Camille Paglia: A Feminist Defense of Masculine Virtues

2013-12-28 Thread emptybill
The cultural critic on why ignoring the biological differences between men and women risks undermining Western civilization itself. http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303997604579240022857012920 http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB100014240527023039976045792400228570129

[FairfieldLife] RE: Palm leaves are still out there doing their job.

2013-12-28 Thread emptybill
Oh yeah ... the Bolshevik revolution. And everyone free and equal. Thanks for the comedy sidelights.

[FairfieldLife] RE: MMY's Buddha

2013-12-28 Thread emptybill
The name is Ajahn Brahmavamso or Ajahn Brahm for short, not A.J. Bahm. Get your fact straight "professor". Read this to see how close it is to MMY's practice. http://ebookbrowsee.net/ajahn-brahm-the-jhanas-pdf-d216535250 http://ebookbrowsee.net/ajahn-brahm-the-jhanas-pdf-d216535250

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-28 Thread emptybill
These wall icons are traditional Orthodox murals for older churches and monasteries. Most Orthodox churches in America don't have the luxury of a wide population so they don't have many artists trained in following the Orthodox canons of iconography. Russia and Greece dominate in this area.

[FairfieldLife] RE: All About Zen

2013-12-28 Thread emptybill
Don't you have anything better than these old '60-s blah blah? http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=kAPCaagc3QsC&oi=fnd&pg=PR7&dq=alfonso+verdu&ots=Dwdjq2ldx5&sig=qR41Va-LeAUYTIID9U-Y-D3eopc#v=onepage&q=alfonso%20verdu&f=false http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=kAPCaagc3QsC&oi=fn

[FairfieldLife] RE: All About Shankara

2013-12-28 Thread emptybill
Not good, not bad. You need to read James Swartz's "How to Attain Enlightenment", which is a good presentation of the basis and ramifications of Shankara's teachings. Swami Dayananada While the publisher probably insisted upon the title, he must have found it quite amusing to imply that somet

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-28 Thread emptybill
Share P.S. ... the original artists are either mind-painting up a storm in the Christian heaven or have been reborn here to dance with the devils.

[FairfieldLife] Ten People, Groups, and Countries Thrown Under Obama's Bus in 2013

2013-12-28 Thread emptybill
http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/12/27/Ten-People-Groups-and-Countries-Thrown-Under-Obamas-Bus-in-2013 http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/12/27/Ten-People-Groups-and-Countries-Thrown-Under-Obamas-Bus-in-2013

[FairfieldLife] RE: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-28 Thread emptybill
Better than a painting is this: http://www.700mountains.org/2012/08/the-divine-meteora-of-greece/ http://www.700mountains.org/2012/08/the-divine-meteora-of-greece/

[FairfieldLife] RE: Part 1- Vedic Sound and Brain Wave Coherence

2013-12-28 Thread emptybill
I find the inevitable sing-song TM mode of speaking to be difficult to listen to for very long. It sounds so TM-robotic in presentation that I cringe. Apparently I've been out of the kool-aid loop too long.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-28 Thread emptybill
Wasn't sent by me but it is a nice picture. Probably this staged photo was part of a $ deal with the money going to the monastery. However since they seem to be Tibetan monks they proly kept the $ for themselves. Why else risk falling?

[FairfieldLife] RE: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-28 Thread emptybill
In general I don't reply to the psucho-nuts. I basically don't care what they say to me or say about me. That is because they lack "standing". I am not alone is consigning them to the class of people who are willfully engaged at being "outraged". My advise is to realize that your need t

[FairfieldLife] RE: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-27 Thread emptybill
Great idea Buck. Combatants can create an alternate Yahoo email i.d. to communicate their hateful, malevolent thoughts about each other. Vaj and I knew each others actual alternate Yahoo i.d. We disagreed about many things "TM" but sometimes took it off the "mat" to clarity a point of

[FairfieldLife] RE: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-25 Thread emptybill
festus You are wasting you time. Judy draws her pistol at just the word "you".

[FairfieldLife] RE: Enoch Powell was a prophet

2013-12-23 Thread emptybill
"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, s

[FairfieldLife] RE: Enoch Powell was a prophet

2013-12-22 Thread emptybill
It'll be real interesting living here in the Un-United States to watch the pub boys battle the Paki-s on the streets of so many English cities and towns. If the Paki-s can take over a town or small city then they can declare strict Sharia and institute their dream of Dar-as-Salam. It will be h

[FairfieldLife] RE: Enoch Powell was a prophet

2013-12-22 Thread emptybill
t be cool to go to one of Osama's camps for training. He hated it and when he came back to the US was arrested. Worse yet they arrested his dad who didn't want any part of Islamic zealousness and loves the US. On 12/22/2013 03:48 PM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... wrote: Ju

[FairfieldLife] Enoch Powell was a prophet

2013-12-22 Thread emptybill
Just wait ... the rivers of blood will flow. Will they flow toward you?

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Quran on Israel!

2013-12-22 Thread emptybill
What utter BS. Here is just a tidbit about how much they admired the Jews. 4:91 http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/quran/4/index.htm#91 Take them [unbelivers] and kill them wherever ye find them. Against such We have given you clear warrant. 2:65 And you know well the story of those among y

[FairfieldLife] A conspiracy so vast -- it's not just the NSA, now the FBI, your local police are also spying on US citizens

2013-12-21 Thread emptybill
http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/12/12/conspiracy-so-vast/?intcmp=obnetwork http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/12/12/conspiracy-so-vast/?intcmp=obnetwork

[FairfieldLife] Study: Clear Majority of European Muslims Pro-Sharia Fundamentalists

2013-12-21 Thread emptybill
The majority of Muslims in Europe believe Islamic Sharia law should take precedence over the secular constitutions and laws of their European host countries, according to a new study, which warns that Islamic fundamentalism is widespread and rising sharply in Western Europe. http://www.gatest

[FairfieldLife] RE: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-18 Thread emptybill
feste37 sez: He strikes me as mentally unbalanced. A bit of a psycho. His ex-wife said the same here sometime ago.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Professor Post

2013-12-18 Thread emptybill
The Mean Girls get meaner. How about if we have a contest for the most spiteful, mean-spirited comments? Of course, one is not enough ... we gotta have a bunch to get a good evaluation. What should we offer as the prize? A ritualistic, matriarchal human sacrifice? Bet some "Ladies" here

[FairfieldLife] Chinese Hackers Attacked the Federal Election Commision website

2013-12-18 Thread emptybill
A report released on Tuesday by the Center for Public Integrity says Chinese hackers attacked the Federal Election Commission (FEC) website that contains records of donations received and spent by federal candidates. The Chinese hacking of the FEC website occurred nearly a year after the Gover

[FairfieldLife] RE: MMY's Shakti

2013-12-17 Thread emptybill
Explain this claim: My teacher, the late Lama Anagorika Govinda...

[FairfieldLife] RE: Is Cohabitation the Next Constitutional Right?

2013-12-17 Thread emptybill
Prenups will probably become the norm for multiple marriage partners. Imagine the difficulty sorting out the law among divergent claims for progeny parentage and progeny divorce. Yep ... including kids divorcing their parents in court. As always, our friendly attorney$ will save us from wasti

[FairfieldLife] Document Reveals State’s Move To Vastly Expand Continuity of Government Powers

2013-12-17 Thread emptybill
Once this spreads you can kiss your ass goodbye. A document currently circulating through the Washington state government details the attempt to vastly expand Continuity of Government powers by amending the state’s constitution. http://www.storyleak.com/document-reveals-states-move-vastly-exp

[FairfieldLife] RE: Is Cohabitation the Next Constitutional Right?

2013-12-17 Thread emptybill
First gay-lesbian marriage. Then polygamist and group marriages. This was predicted and surely will come to pass. There was never any reason other than Judeo-Christian religious law for its banning in the first place. However, it may bring some degree of social chaos. Imagine having two or thre

[FairfieldLife] RE: MMY's Shakti

2013-12-17 Thread emptybill
Buck, You won't get much real knowledge by consulting the opinions found in a freshman theme paper - maybe even a high-school freshman paper at that. (If you get my meaning.) The sources of the Dome derive from the vedi, the Vedic fire altar. This formal influence extends down to the Budd

[FairfieldLife] Stunning revelation from man who sued NSA

2013-12-17 Thread emptybill
It is even worse than most people thought. It is the United Statsi of Amerika. http://www.wnd.com/2013/12/stunning-revelation-from-man-who-sued-nsa/ http://www.wnd.com/2013/12/stunning-revelation-from-man-who-sued-nsa/

[FairfieldLife] RE: Professor Post

2013-12-15 Thread emptybill
The Professor sez about E-Bill: He never gets back to anyone except for a few snarks anyway and I've yet to see him post anything very profound or even interesting. I say that the Professor has been asleep and didn't pick up this thread quoting Patanjali, Vyasa and Shankara when it began.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Professor Post

2013-12-14 Thread emptybill
When we start ascending towards 200 posts per week per person, we should no longer call it FFL "ad astra" but corn-field compost. Others might call the majority of it "thoughtless drivel" - which is apparently what is passed off for claims of yogic, high samâdhi. Patanjali proly had a sutra d

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Rent is Too Damn High!

2013-12-13 Thread emptybill
Vata mantras? Are you saying rahm or rum? The mantra "ram(rum) is the bhuta bija of fire. So what are you talking about?

Re: [FairfieldLife] See what I mean about the "battle" mentality?

2013-12-13 Thread emptybill
And you know what a fatty is because ... ?

[FairfieldLife] Professor Post

2013-12-13 Thread emptybill
167 posts for Richard and his brother Richard J. And the reason ...? "Because I could". This is what happens when someone posts to validate themselves. Not even Judy comes close.

[FairfieldLife] Beneath Yellowstone, a volcano that could wipe out U.S.

2013-12-13 Thread emptybill
Mere prattle. Refuse to consider it. Don't worry - be happy. Smoke another one. http://nypost.com/2013/12/12/beneath-yellowstone-a-volcano-that-could-wipe-out-u-s/ http://nypost.com/2013/12/12/beneath-yellowstone-a-volcano-that-could-wipe-out-u-s/

[FairfieldLife] RE: Unanswered question

2013-12-13 Thread emptybill
Why quote such a psuchophantic bullshitter. He committed seppuku without the honor of serving faithfully. Which one of MMY's seven states is this?

[FairfieldLife] RE: Unanswered question

2013-12-12 Thread emptybill
An-artaxios sez: "I recall reading something long ago about the gnostics, that our awareness is imprisoned, and there are seven levels to this prison and we have to escape each one before we are free." These stations are known as the toll-houses of the soul. Each one is controlled by an plan

[FairfieldLife] RE: Unanswered question

2013-12-11 Thread emptybill
I don't know where MMY got this schemata either. It is not some seven states schema found in some distant yogic or vedantic literature. I think MMY just made it up. However, I believe he "made it up" with a view towards traditional Vedanta's categories of states of consciousness. That invo

[FairfieldLife] Unanswered question

2013-12-11 Thread emptybill
Where did MMY get his teaching about seven (7) states of consciousness? Did he just make it up? The professor just repeated a few descriptions without answering the question. Anyone else know?

[FairfieldLife] What to Do When China Nukes the U.S.

2013-12-10 Thread emptybill
http://dailyreckoning.com/what-to-do-when-china-nukes-the-u-s/ http://dailyreckoning.com/what-to-do-when-china-nukes-the-u-s/

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditation Fairfield, Iowa

2013-12-10 Thread emptybill
Wolf Baiter sez: Perhaps Richard cares. But then you might be right. What are we? Suppose that in reality we are all NOBODY inside, that our personal life is but the stuff dreams are made of, a fiction created by mistaking our idea of ourselves for something that is real? Great synopsis

[FairfieldLife] RE: Life After An EMP Attack: No Power, No Food, No Transportation, No Banking And No Internet

2013-12-09 Thread emptybill
One lives down South in a major city. The other works at a Rocky Mt. winter resort. One has to put on a jacket sometimes. The other works at a ski shop. Warmth is built in for both. I'd be more worried about roaming zombies coming over the wire in a major city. If an EMP blasts occurs all bets

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Life After An EMP Attack: No Power, No Food, No Transportation, No Banking And No Internet

2013-12-09 Thread emptybill
Finally we find out how to get only a one word statement from the professor.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Life After An EMP Attack: No Power, No Food, No Transportation, No Banking And No Internet

2013-12-08 Thread emptybill
Do less. Think less. Understand less. Be less. Don't worry - be happy. Smoke another one. Hmmm ...

[FairfieldLife] RE: OMG: Govinda Bhagvatpaada = RIC of Patañjali??

2013-12-08 Thread emptybill
Typical hindoo apocrypha

[FairfieldLife] RE: Congress Fears Out of Control Obama Could Suspend Election Laws

2013-12-08 Thread emptybill
Just call up jeezus on yur cell phone and say "hey jeezus ... I'm making you a little manger in my heart. Jus' say ... 'I' am throwing down 'my' 'I' an' puttin' 'You" on 'my' throne. Jeezus yur my CEO, etc.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Congress Fears Out of Control Obama Could Suspend Election Laws

2013-12-08 Thread emptybill
A single EMP detonation along the upper West coast will turn Chanukastan into a dark hole after the fourth day. The hoards will roam looking for food because of the barren shelves and inoperable gas stations. Think North Korean balloon launch from a submarine in prelude to an invasion of t

[FairfieldLife] RE: MMY's Seven states of Consciousness

2013-12-08 Thread emptybill
Nuns who set up earthen altars to the great mother ... which happened here (back in the late '70) at a retreat center. That was before the the U.S Conference of Catholic Bishops was pacified by changing the center name from Sanskrit to English and instituting a strictly Catholic prayer and "retr

[FairfieldLife] RE: Inside China: Nuclear submarines capable of widespread attack on U.S.

2013-12-08 Thread emptybill
And no possible chance of over-arching conflict with the North Koreans. Everyone knows they are really just bluffing so they can get more Gucci belts for their consorts.

[FairfieldLife] RE: MMY's Seven states of Consciousness

2013-12-08 Thread emptybill
Don't you realize that the Inquisition still exists? It is now called The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Yep, it was always male-dominated, church-appointed accusers but the "civil authorities" enacted the torture and punishment. Sorta like the current inquisitions into the

[FairfieldLife] RE: MMY's Seven states of Consciousness

2013-12-08 Thread emptybill
Don't you realize that the Inquisition still exists? It is now called The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Yep, it was always male-dominated, church-appointed accusers but the "civil authorities" enacted the torture and punishment. Sorta like the current inquisitions into the

[FairfieldLife] RE: MMY's Seven states of Consciousness

2013-12-08 Thread emptybill
OK meister professor ... tell us the where MMY got the teachings about the seven states of consciousness. You wanna lecture us? Here's your chance. Cite the specific, traditional sources for MMY's schema. However, no speculation! MMY asserted that his teachings were the embodimen

[FairfieldLife] Pentagon Prepping for ‘Large Scale Economic Breakdown

2013-12-07 Thread emptybill
High level government documents reveal that the Pentagon is preparing in full force for ‘large scale economic meltdown’ and massive revolt via the US public — exactly what we are criticized for doing. No wonder they are purchasing hundreds of millions of rounds for small arms. Read it and we

[FairfieldLife] Congress Fears Out of Control Obama Could Suspend Election Laws

2013-12-07 Thread emptybill
From DHS enacting ‘Constitution-free zones‘, to executive orders taking over all forms of communication authority within the United States — the Obama Administration has already gone far beyond corruption and deception and into an entirely new level of dictatorial control. And now, even leading

[FairfieldLife] Government Criminalizes Church Groups Feeding Homeless

2013-12-07 Thread emptybill
In what amounts to one of the most blatant displays of how truly corrupt the entire hierarchy of the establishment has become, church groups feeding the homeless are now being targeted by law enforcement and local government around the nation. Back on November 29th, I was alerted to the real

[FairfieldLife] RE: Whatever

2013-12-07 Thread emptybill
Since when is Turq an actual, real Tantrika? Freddy was Mr. B.S. Guru ... so he doesn't count. As far as represented, Turq is a TINO, Tantric in Name Only. If a real Tantrika, I have some of the standard questions: Who was or is his teacher/lineage? What teachings did he receive which he still p

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: MMY's Seven states of Consciousness

2013-12-07 Thread emptybill
The Romans were horrified by the practice of human sacrifice which they found during their conquests. They not only banned it but also persecuted anyone found practicing it. The Roman ideal was the Spartan civilization of heroic men performing valiant deeds in battle. Think of the movie Gl

[FairfieldLife] RE: MMY's Seven states of Consciousness

2013-12-07 Thread emptybill
You forgot the best part ... Maybe we should also reinstate human sacrifice and return to matriarchy's good graces. Yeah ... that's it. You offer yourself first and then we'll sit around making up slogans praising you.

[FairfieldLife] RE: I Like UG

2013-12-07 Thread emptybill
Ugh ...

[FairfieldLife] RE: MMY's Seven states of Consciousness

2013-12-07 Thread emptybill
Perhaps we should all be more relaxed about the spiritual trip and just let Mother Nature take her course. She probably knows better than us what it's all about. What utter ecco-babble this is. Terra Mater is a Viscious Bitchious with no heart, no conscience and no real intelligence.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Go Out and Radiate!

2013-12-07 Thread emptybill
Take your pick - invite Shiva-Shakti into your heart or Jesus into your heart. Just remember though - Allah is already there waiting to throw you into the eternal fire. After all, you are indeed an unbeliever (kafir). The TMO translation: “Whether pure or impure, whoever opens thems

[FairfieldLife] McClintock–The Great Question: Will Our Constitution Stand?

2013-12-07 Thread emptybill
Who needs one anyway? It's been outdated by the Great One. He'll protect us! http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/12/05/Exclusive-McClintock-The-Great-Question-Will-Our-Constitution-Stand http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/12/05/Exclusive-McClintock-The-Great-Question-Will-Ou

[FairfieldLife] Ministry of Homeland Security Rolls Out Armored Vehicles

2013-12-07 Thread emptybill
They are here just for you. http://www.infowars.com/ministry-of-homeland-security-rolls-out-armored-vechiles/ http://www.infowars.com/ministry-of-homeland-security-rolls-out-armored-vechiles/

[FairfieldLife] Inside China: Nuclear submarines capable of widespread attack on U.S.

2013-12-05 Thread emptybill
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/oct/31/inside-china-nuclear-submarines-capable-of-widespr/?page=1 http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/oct/31/inside-china-nuclear-submarines-capable-of-widespr/?page=1 http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/oct/31/inside-china-nuclear-submarine

[FairfieldLife] Romain Hatchuel: The Coming Global Wealth Tax

2013-12-04 Thread emptybill
Indebted governments may soon consider a big one-time levy on capital assets. 70% recommended for the USA ... Bhari2 should love it. http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304355104579232480552517224 http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304355104579232480552517

[FairfieldLife] RE: Hackers

2013-12-04 Thread emptybill
Rick should loan you $1 to start your own group. After all ... the purity of the teachings is reflected in the purity of an individual's consciousness. Especially yours.

[FairfieldLife] Never too soon too be late

2013-12-04 Thread emptybill
Oh my gods of Maharishi. Now it can be told! A mere pup. That explains everything. No wonder. Emily May be Not Richard, some of us missed the Beatles - horrors, I know. I was born in 1962 and was sheltered from popular culture growing up. Regardless of that, I never associated them with TM unt

[FairfieldLife] RE: Chinese give birth in the United States t o secure benefits: ‘Birth-tourism’ is born

2013-12-02 Thread emptybill
---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, wrote: It would also be interesting to see what percentage of home buyers in the US are from China. The house I sold back in September was bought by a couple from China. After all they've got the money. American's don't. So it goes.

RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Why FFL isn't more interesting, in one graphic

2013-12-01 Thread emptybill
I addressed Emily rather than you. Perhaps you believe you now speak for her and can now answer questions posed to her. However, I am interested in Emily's response. I have faith that she is capable of responding directly with some intelligence - unencombered by your personal likes and dislike

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Why FFL isn't more interesting, in one graphic

2013-12-01 Thread emptybill
Empty, been noticing Alex Jones using phrases like "absolute enlightenment" these days? On 12/01/2013 02:58 PM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... wrote: Yep Bhari2, that has become my question also. So Emily, since you never learned TM, why are you here on this forum? Is

[FairfieldLife] Senate and House Intelligence Committees Defend Destruction of Constitution

2013-12-01 Thread emptybill
http://www.infowars.com/senate-and-house-intelligence-committees-defend-destruction-of-constitution/ http://www.infowars.com/senate-and-house-intelligence-committees-defend-destruction-of-constitution/

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Why FFL isn't more interesting, in one graphic

2013-12-01 Thread emptybill
Yep Bhari2, that has become my question also. So Emily, since you never learned TM, why are you here on this forum? Is this your little gossip parlor? Maybe instead this is this your prayer hut. So which deity do you pray to anyway? Yhvh? Jesus? Christos Pantocrator? Is it a He, a She o

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