2012-05-31 Thread dot winkler

Thanks for everyone's advice. I need to leave the dry food there at all times 
because  I feed the cats meat during the day and pick up the plates so as not 
to leave food around.  The dry food in the station is there so that the cats 
have something to munch on all day long as well as if they get hungry later or 
the next morning in case I can't make it there to feed them that day.  I have 
tried feeding the cats only the meat once a day and they are too hungry the 
next day.  They need some kind of staple food.  Dotty

To: ""  
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 1:38 PM

RACCONS eat everything.The Bronx zoo told someone to gie them lettuce. Maybe 
you can leave lettuce,apples.grapes,outside.for them.If not don't leave the dry 
overnite,and maybe they wont come back.Cathy Bronx. N Y

From: dot winkler 
To: ""  
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 9:00 AM

Hi there - anyone out there - does anyone know how to construct or how to 
keep raccoon out of an outdoor cat colony dry feeder?  I am feeding 7 outdoor 
cats and now there is a raccoon in the area eating all the dry food every night 
in the dry food feeding station.  I feed the cats by day some meat and throw 
away the plates when done.  But the dry food is a staple food for them which 
they need to supplement the one feeding I give.  Also, in case I can't get 
there to feed them.  Any suggestions?  I have seen some constructions on line 
but the cats have to jump up to get into them and there is one older cat I 
don't think he can jump up into anything!  Please let me know.  I know this has 
nothing to do with leukemia, but it does have to do with helping cats.  Dotty - 
Freehold, NJ

From: Maureen Olvey 
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] What could it be?

Had to send this again because it bounced back the first time.  I hate it when 
it does that.

“I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are 
profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon 
unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me 
sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark Twain

Subject: RE: [Felvtalk] What could it be?
Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 13:40:59 -0400

Ha, ha - I love it!!!  You sound as pissed off as I was.  Believe me he is on 
my shitlist too.  I was boiling about it for days.  Matter of fact I was just 
telling my co-worker about him this morning and I got pissed off again thinking 
about it.

I guess he just wanted me to take her home and watch her die.  I don't know.  
He never did go as far as to say that exactly because I said I wanted him to 
give her fluids and do a blood test and then e-mail this other vet so I could 
get this experimental drug for dry form of FIP.  I didn't give him a chance to 
send me away with nothing.  Course, at the time other than the fever she was 
doing okay.  Although she was wobbly on her back legs she was still eating and 
everything although she had lost some weight.  So she wasn't in any pain.  But 
I think with a temperature of 104 he would have wanted to do something about 
that anyway.  The
 thing is that like toxoplasmosis shows the same symptoms as the dry form of 
FIP and if it was that it could be treated with some antibiotics that aren't 
even that expensive.  He's such a dumbass.  I didn't know that the symptoms 
were the same until a couple days later and when I asked him about it he said 
he had thought about it when he was looking at her.  So if he thought about it 
and didn't suggest a test for it then he didn't care.  He figured with FeLV 
she's going to die sooner or later so why spend money doing any kind of tests 
or treatments on her.  I'm surprised he didn't suggest killing her.  BTW - it's 
not euthanization unless it's to end suffering so at that point it would have 
been just killing her.

I like your answer about doing what you do for the animals.  I'm going to steal 
it.  Most everybody just thanks me for helping the animals (I feed ferals so I 
run into different people that see me
 doing it plus going to adoptions, etc.) but every now and then I get someone 
who asks why I do it, as though it's a bad thing or beneath me or something.  
I'll use your answer for those folks.  It's probably better than what I 
normally say to them, if you know what I mean!


“I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are 
profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon 
unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me 
sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark Twain

From: marcia


2012-05-31 Thread dot winkler
Hi Martha - I don't live nearby.  I live in the next town over.  I drive over 
there once a day.  Wish i did.  That would be a good idea if I could have noise 
at night to deter the critters!  Thanks

 From: Martha Walton 
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 6:13 PM

A radio playing at night has reduced the raccoon visits at our chicken-coop, 
maybe it would help with the cat situation?


Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list


2012-05-31 Thread dot winkler

Yeah, you are right.  I was thinking that this was a mommy raccoon and she was 
hungry and may have babies somewhere. And that's why she was coming around by 
day. I have stopped the dry food for 2 weeks and now only restarted to see what 
the outcome is.  I haven't seen the raccoon now for 2 weeks.  It was just hard 
feeding the cats only the meat once a day because they were too hungry and 
ravenous by the next day.  So, then i was driving over twice a day with the 
meat and it was too much for me, with working and all.  So, the dry food is a 
good idea for the cats to help supplement them.  thanks for your input.

 From: Natalie 
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 10:52 AM

Yes, raccoons are mostly nocturnal, but when they have young ones, they can 
also be seen during the day, looking for more food. This makes many people call 
ACOs when they see raccoons during the day, wrongly assuming that there’s 
something wrong with them, like rabies, distemper… 
[] On Behalf Of MaiMaiPG
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 10:17 AM
They are and they are a royal pain.  
On May 29, 2012, at 8:55 AM, Beth wrote:
I have the same problem with opossums. I have started feeding the ferals in a 
different place & putting dry food out for the Opossums. Also I feed the ferals 
during the day & the Opossums eat at night. I'm not sure if raccoons are 
nocturnal like opossums
Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!

From:dot winkler 
To: ""  
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 1:00 PM
Hi there - anyone out there - does anyone know how to construct or how to 
keep raccoon out of an outdoor cat colony dry feeder?  I am feeding 7 outdoor 
cats and now there is a raccoon in the area eating all the dry food every night 
in the dry food feeding station.  I feed the cats by day some meat and throw 
away the plates when done.  But the dry food is a staple food for them which 
they need to supplement the one feeding I give.  Also, in case I can't get 
there to feed them.  Any suggestions?  I have seen some constructions on line 
but the cats have to jump up to get into them and there is one older cat I 
don't think he can jump up into anything!  Please let me know.  I know this has 
nothing to do with leukemia, but it does have to do with helping cats.  Dotty - 
Freehold, NJ
Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list


2012-05-31 Thread MaiMaiPG
Do they have battery operated radios that have timers?  Be aware that  
coons can destroy about anything.  If this is one coon or maybe two,  
can you trap it and relocate it?

On May 31, 2012, at 6:32 AM, dot winkler wrote:

Hi Martha - I don't live nearby.  I live in the next town over.  I  
drive over there once a day.  Wish i did.  That would be a good idea  
if I could have noise at night to deter the critters!  Thanks

From: Martha Walton 
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 6:13 PM

A radio playing at night has reduced the raccoon visits at our  
chicken-coop, maybe it would help with the cat situation?

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list


2012-05-31 Thread dot winkler
Hi - That's an idea.  I'm waiting to see if the coon returns.  I just restarted 
the dry food after two weeks of not putting it out.  I'm afraid to trap it - it 
may have babies somewhere.  I'd feel bad.  I read coons can't jump or climb but 
also had some feedback that, yes they can. Wondering about this.  Dotty

 From: MaiMaiPG 
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 7:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] RACCOON GETTING INTO CAT STATION/reply

Do they have battery operated radios that have timers?  Be aware that coons can 
destroy about anything.  If this is one coon or maybe two, can you trap it and 
relocate it?  

On May 31, 2012, at 6:32 AM, dot winkler wrote:

Hi Martha - I don't live nearby.  I live in the next town over.  I drive over 
there once a day.  Wish i did.  That would be a good idea if I could have noise 
at night to deter the critters!  Thanks
> From: Martha Walton 
>Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 6:13 PM
>A radio playing at night has reduced the raccoon visits at our chicken-coop, 
>maybe it would help with the cat situation?
>Felvtalk mailing list
>Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list


2012-05-31 Thread dot winkler
Hi Lee - The feeder I saw on line showed a dry feed station up high on a pole 
but that's as far as the raccoon could climb.  It had one of those metal sheets 
that they use to keep squirrels out of bird feeders, and then the actual house 
construction on top of that to house the dry cat food. Then they had a small 
tiny cat house nearby from which the cats would go atop and jump to the feeder. 
 But acc to info on line the raccoon can't jump up there.  Wondering about 
this.  Also wondering how the cats would jump in winter when there is snow and 
ice on top of that smaller house.  Dotty 

 From: Lee Evans 
To: ""  
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 9:57 AM

The "jump up" feeder wouldn't work because raccoons can climb just like cats.  
Last year, when I was feeding a colony, two mama raccoons and a total of 12 
puff balls began dining at my cat feeding station.  I got some donated dog food 
that they ate, I guess as an appetizer before they cleaned out the cat food.  I 
don't think there's any way of stopping them.  They are so cute, especially the 
little puff ball kids.  Expensive too.  As they grew enormous, one of them 
would run over to me and try to grab the feeding container out of my hands.  
Scary!  I heard that raccoons like fruit.  Maybe get some donated fruit and 
nuts, anything that cats won't eat and offer it to the raccoon?

From: dot winkler 
To: ""  
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 8:00 AM

Hi there - anyone out there - does anyone know how to construct or how to 
keep raccoon out of an outdoor cat colony dry feeder?  I am feeding 7 outdoor 
cats and now there is a raccoon in the area eating all the dry food every night 
in the dry food feeding station.  I feed the cats by day some meat and throw 
away the plates when done.  But the dry food is a staple food for them which 
they need to supplement the one feeding I give.  Also, in case I can't get 
there to feed them.  Any suggestions?  I have seen some constructions on line 
but the cats have to jump up to get into them and there is one older cat I 
don't think he can jump up into anything!  Please let me know.  I know this has 
nothing to do with leukemia, but it does have to do with helping cats.  Dotty - 
Freehold, NJ

From: Maureen Olvey 
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] What could it be?

Had to send this again because it bounced back the first time.  I hate it when 
it does that.

“I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are 
profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon 
unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me 
sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark Twain

Subject: RE: [Felvtalk] What could it be?
Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 13:40:59 -0400

Ha, ha - I love it!!!  You sound as pissed off as I was.  Believe me he is on 
my shitlist too.  I was boiling about it for days.  Matter of fact I was just 
telling my co-worker about him this morning and I got pissed off again thinking 
about it.

I guess he just wanted me to take her home and watch her die.  I don't know.  
He never did go as far as to say that exactly because I said I wanted him to 
give her fluids and do a blood test and then e-mail this other vet so I could 
get this experimental drug for dry form of FIP.  I didn't give him a chance to 
send me away with nothing.  Course, at the time other than the fever she was 
doing okay.  Although she was wobbly on her back legs she was still eating and 
everything although she had lost some weight.  So she wasn't in any pain.  But 
I think with a temperature of 104 he would have wanted to do something about 
that anyway.  The
 thing is that like toxoplasmosis shows the same symptoms as the dry form of 
FIP and if it was that it could be treated with some antibiotics that aren't 
even that expensive.  He's such a dumbass.  I didn't know that the symptoms 
were the same until a couple days later and when I asked him about it he said 
he had thought about it when he was looking at her.  So if he thought about it 
and didn't suggest a test for it then he didn't care.  He figured with FeLV 
she's going to die sooner or later so why spend money doing any kind of tests 
or treatments on her.  I'm surprised he didn't suggest killing her.  BTW - it's 
not euthanization unless it's to end suffering so at that point it would have 
been just killing her.

I like your answer about doing what you do for the animals.  I'm going to steal 
it.  Most everybody just thanks me for helping the animals (I feed ferals so I 
run into different people that see me
 doing it plus going to adoptions, etc.) but every now and then


2012-05-31 Thread MaiMaiPG
Coons climb and jump.  Evidence:  Hunters tree coons; they eat bird  
eggs; they get on top of garbage cans and open them etc.  Google it.

On May 31, 2012, at 6:44 AM, dot winkler wrote:

Hi - That's an idea.  I'm waiting to see if the coon returns.  I  
just restarted the dry food after two weeks of not putting it out.   
I'm afraid to trap it - it may have babies somewhere.  I'd feel  
bad.  I read coons can't jump or climb but also had some feedback  
that, yes they can. Wondering about this.  Dotty

From: MaiMaiPG 
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 7:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] RACCOON GETTING INTO CAT STATION/reply

Do they have battery operated radios that have timers?  Be aware  
that coons can destroy about anything.  If this is one coon or maybe  
two, can you trap it and relocate it?

On May 31, 2012, at 6:32 AM, dot winkler wrote:

Hi Martha - I don't live nearby.  I live in the next town over.  I  
drive over there once a day.  Wish i did.  That would be a good  
idea if I could have noise at night to deter the critters!  Thanks

From: Martha Walton 
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 6:13 PM

A radio playing at night has reduced the raccoon visits at our  
chicken-coop, maybe it would help with the cat situation?

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list


2012-05-31 Thread GRAS
Please don't trap this time of year, they could still have babies
somewhere.and depending on the state, laws may prohibit relocation of
wildlife (as in CT).


[] On Behalf Of dot winkler
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 7:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] RACCOON GETTING INTO CAT STATION/reply/reply


Hi - That's an idea.  I'm waiting to see if the coon returns.  I just
restarted the dry food after two weeks of not putting it out.  I'm afraid to
trap it - it may have babies somewhere.  I'd feel bad.  I read coons can't
jump or climb but also had some feedback that, yes they can. Wondering about
this.  Dotty



From: MaiMaiPG 
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 7:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] RACCOON GETTING INTO CAT STATION/reply


Do they have battery operated radios that have timers?  Be aware that coons
can destroy about anything.  If this is one coon or maybe two, can you trap
it and relocate it?  

On May 31, 2012, at 6:32 AM, dot winkler wrote:

Hi Martha - I don't live nearby.  I live in the next town over.  I drive
over there once a day.  Wish i did.  That would be a good idea if I could
have noise at night to deter the critters!  Thanks



From: Martha Walton 
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 6:13 PM


A radio playing at night has reduced the raccoon visits at our chicken-coop,
maybe it would help with the cat situation?




Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list


Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list


2012-05-31 Thread Martha Walton
My neighbor puts out moth balls to keep raccoons & possums away, but cats
probably don't like the smell, either.

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 8:44 AM, GRAS  wrote:

> Please don’t trap this time of year, they could still have babies
> somewhere…and depending on the state, laws may prohibit relocation of
> wildlife (as in CT).
> ** **
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *dot winkler
> *Sent:* Thursday, May 31, 2012 7:45 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Felvtalk] RACCOON GETTING INTO CAT STATION/reply/reply
> ** **
> Hi - That's an idea.  I'm waiting to see if the coon returns.  I just
> restarted the dry food after two weeks of not putting it out.  I'm afraid
> to trap it - it may have babies somewhere.  I'd feel bad.  I read coons
> can't jump or climb but also had some feedback that, yes they can.
> Wondering about this.  Dotty
> ** **
> --
> *From:* MaiMaiPG 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Thursday, May 31, 2012 7:41 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [Felvtalk] RACCOON GETTING INTO CAT STATION/reply
> ** **
> Do they have battery operated radios that have timers?  Be aware that
> coons can destroy about anything.  If this is one coon or maybe two, can
> you trap it and relocate it?  
> On May 31, 2012, at 6:32 AM, dot winkler wrote:
> Hi Martha - I don't live nearby.  I live in the next town over.  I drive
> over there once a day.  Wish i did.  That would be a good idea if I could
> have noise at night to deter the critters!  Thanks
> ** **
> --
> *From:* Martha Walton 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 29, 2012 6:13 PM
> ** **
> A radio playing at night has reduced the raccoon visits at our
> chicken-coop, maybe it would help with the cat situation?
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ** **
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list


2012-05-31 Thread Lee Evans
Well, I can give you first hand information on how raccoons get where they want 
to go.  I was sitting on my deck out here in the middle of nowhere, watching my 
cats eat their kibble when I heard scrabbling in one of the trees.  The brave 
cats took off for under the house and I assumed that Batman and Robin had 
landed.  Then a giant mama raccoon and four puff ball kits came sauntering over 
the branches of the tree, plopped down on the deck and waddled over to the feed 
bowl.  They cleaned it in a matter of minutes, looked at me, sauntered back to 
the wooden railing on the deck, climbed up, jumped onto the large tree branch 
and were gone into the night with a maximum of scrabbling again and a flutter 
of twigs and leaves.  So that should clear up any doubt about how raccoons get 
around. They even get on top of my roof from time to time and I know they can't 

 From: dot winkler 
To: ""  
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 6:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] RACCOON GETTING INTO CAT STATION/reply

Hi Lee - The feeder I saw on line showed a dry feed station up high on a pole 
but that's as far as the raccoon could climb.  It had one of those metal sheets 
that they use to keep squirrels out of bird feeders, and then the actual house 
construction on top of that to house the dry cat food. Then they had a small 
tiny cat house nearby from which the cats would go atop and jump to the feeder. 
 But acc to info on line the raccoon can't jump up there.  Wondering about 
this.  Also wondering how the cats would jump in winter when there is snow and 
ice on top of that smaller house.  Dotty 

 From: Lee Evans 
To: ""  
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 9:57 AM

The "jump up" feeder wouldn't work because raccoons can climb just like cats.  
Last year, when I was feeding a colony, two mama raccoons and a total of 12 
puff balls began dining at my cat feeding station.  I got some donated dog food 
that they ate, I guess as an appetizer before they cleaned out the cat food.  I 
don't think there's any way of stopping them.  They are so cute, especially the 
little puff ball kids.  Expensive too.  As they grew enormous, one of them 
would run over to me and try to grab the feeding container out of my hands.  
Scary!  I heard that raccoons like fruit.  Maybe get some donated fruit and 
nuts, anything that cats won't eat and offer it to the raccoon?___
Felvtalk mailing list


2012-05-31 Thread MaiMaiPG

They don't and they contain a poison.
On May 31, 2012, at 7:57 AM, Martha Walton wrote:

My neighbor puts out moth balls to keep raccoons & possums away, but  
cats probably don't like the smell, either.

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 8:44 AM, GRAS  wrote:
Please don’t trap this time of year, they could still have babies  
somewhere…and depending on the state, laws may prohibit relocation  
of wildlife (as in CT).

From: [ 
] On Behalf Of dot winkler

Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 7:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] RACCOON GETTING INTO CAT STATION/reply/reply

Hi - That's an idea.  I'm waiting to see if the coon returns.  I  
just restarted the dry food after two weeks of not putting it out.   
I'm afraid to trap it - it may have babies somewhere.  I'd feel  
bad.  I read coons can't jump or climb but also had some feedback  
that, yes they can. Wondering about this.  Dotty

From: MaiMaiPG 
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 7:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] RACCOON GETTING INTO CAT STATION/reply

Do they have battery operated radios that have timers?  Be aware  
that coons can destroy about anything.  If this is one coon or maybe  
two, can you trap it and relocate it?

On May 31, 2012, at 6:32 AM, dot winkler wrote:

Hi Martha - I don't live nearby.  I live in the next town over.  I  
drive over there once a day.  Wish i did.  That would be a good idea  
if I could have noise at night to deter the critters!  Thanks

From: Martha Walton 
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 6:13 PM

A radio playing at night has reduced the raccoon visits at our  
chicken-coop, maybe it would help with the cat situation?

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list


2012-05-31 Thread Kathryn Hargreaves
The raccoons near one of my colonies climb the 3-story-high palm tree
there, to live in it, so yes, they can climb.

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 3:44 AM, dot winkler  wrote:

> Hi - That's an idea.  I'm waiting to see if the coon returns.  I just
> restarted the dry food after two weeks of not putting it out.  I'm afraid
> to trap it - it may have babies somewhere.  I'd feel bad.  I read coons
> can't jump or climb but also had some feedback that, yes they can.
> Wondering about this.  Dotty
>   --
> *From:* MaiMaiPG 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Thursday, May 31, 2012 7:41 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [Felvtalk] RACCOON GETTING INTO CAT STATION/reply
> Do they have battery operated radios that have timers?  Be aware that
> coons can destroy about anything.  If this is one coon or maybe two, can
> you trap it and relocate it?
> On May 31, 2012, at 6:32 AM, dot winkler wrote:
> Hi Martha - I don't live nearby.  I live in the next town over.  I drive
> over there once a day.  Wish i did.  That would be a good idea if I could
> have noise at night to deter the critters!  Thanks
>   --
> *From:* Martha Walton 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 29, 2012 6:13 PM
> A radio playing at night has reduced the raccoon visits at our
> chicken-coop, maybe it would help with the cat situation?
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
>  ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list


Go Get a Life---Go Get a Shelter Animal!

If you can't adopt, then foster "bottle baby" shelter animal, to save their

If you can't bottle feed, foster an older animal, to save their life, and
to free up cage space.

Ask your local animal pound to start saving over 90% of their intake by
implementing the No Kill Equation:

Legislate better animal pound conditions:
Felvtalk mailing list


2012-05-31 Thread Maureen Olvey

Yes, they can climb trees and recently I found out that they can get on top of 
my car.  I had put some bags of cat food on the trunk of my car one night.  
When I came back outside a couple hours later there were nice little raccoon 
paw prints on my car and windshield and a tear in the bag.  I didn't see any 
major scratches in the paint, like from them climbing, so I wondered if it was 
really the cats but those dirty paw prints gave it away.  Cat paw prints are 
different. My suggestion - give up.  You can't beat the raccoons.  Or the 
opposums for that matter.  They climb trees too.  I leave extra food out when I 
have donated food but if not it can get expensive trying to feed the raccoons, 
opposums and cats.  I don't mind feeding the raccoons but I'm not rich enough 
to feed all the hungry mouths in GA.  I'm wondering if raccoons are transient 
though.  Like I read on an opposum website that they don't plant roots.  They 
may stick around a few days but then they move on.  I have a feeling raccoons 
do that also.  I need to google it.  Right now at one of my feral locations 
there are no raccoons coming around at night.  But at times I know there are 
because all the food is gone and the water is dirty.  Plus I've seen them there 
when I go by at night.  But for the last couple of months when I show up the 
next day the cats have dry food left from the day before and the water is 
clean.  And at my house I also will sometimes see a mama and babies.  But a 
month or two later I'm only seeing one or two raccoons coming around, not the 
mama and four babies.  Where did they go? My friend that only has a couple cats 
at one feeding station uses one of those food containers with a timer on it.  
She feeds a certain amount in an open bowl during the day, but at 9:00 at night 
one side of the container opens with food and later in the night, like 2:00 am 
the other side opens.  That way the cats have food during the night.  But the 
timer thing is small and wouldn't work with a big colony.  Plus I've had 
raccoons carry bowls off so I would think they would carry that off too.

“I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are 
profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon 
unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me 
sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark Twain
 Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 09:46:07 -0800
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] RACCOON GETTING INTO CAT STATION/reply/reply

The raccoons near one of my colonies climb the 3-story-high palm tree there, to 
live in it, so yes, they can climb.

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 3:44 AM, dot winkler  wrote:

Hi - That's an idea.  I'm waiting to see if the coon returns.  I just restarted 
the dry food after two weeks of not putting it out.  I'm afraid to trap it - it 
may have babies somewhere.  I'd feel bad.  I read coons can't jump or climb but 
also had some feedback that, yes they can. Wondering about this.  Dotty

From: MaiMaiPG 

 Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 7:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] RACCOON GETTING INTO CAT STATION/reply

Do they have battery operated radios that have timers?  Be aware that coons can 
destroy about anything.  If this is one coon or maybe two, can you trap it and 
relocate it?  
On May 31, 2012, at 6:32 AM, dot winkler wrote:

Hi Martha - I don't live nearby.  I live in the next town over.  I drive over 
there once a day.  Wish i did.  That would be a good idea if I could have noise 
at night to deter the critters!  Thanks

From: Martha Walton 

 Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 6:13 PM

 A radio playing at night has reduced the raccoon visits at our chicken-coop, 
maybe it would help with the cat situation?


Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list


Felvtalk mailing list


Felvtalk mailing list


Go Get a Life---Go Get a Shelter Animal!
If you can't adopt, then foster "bottle baby" shelter animal, to save their 

If you can't bottle feed, foster an older animal, to save their life, and to 
free up cage space.

Ask your local an

Re: [Felvtalk] Charles Adams - Breeding cats

2012-05-31 Thread dlgegg

Yes Charles, they did run wild and breed.  They alwo werre killed by larger 
predators and often lived very short, unhealthy lives.  I have 7 "just cats, 
not papered purebreds" and I would never keep them in a cage.  they have the 
run of my house.  They go outside for a few hours in the day and yes, they are 
all neutered/spayed .  I do not consider myself a "bonehead jerk" as you call 
all of us, just someone who cares about animals as well as people.  I also have 
2 FELV positive cats in the house with my 5 negative cats.  All are up to date 
on their shots and very healthy.   Charles Adams  
> Hello Kelley,
     Thanks for your kind words. Seems like the majority out here are pure bone 
head jerks. I am not breeding to get rich. I love my cat and he get's out daily 
for walks. Hell if they really want to bitch about something all cat's and dogs 
were wild at one point and guess what they didn't get fixed in the wild so what 
give with these idiots? Again thanks for kind words and thinking about what is 
important here. A beautiful female who's life will be cut short because some 
greedy idiot goes to animal shelters and collects animals to sell to others.


 From: Kelley Saveika 
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 3:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Charles Adams - Breeding cats

You know, I do rescue too, but I seriously doubt attacking this man for 
breeding cats is going to help this female FELV+ bengal.  I doubt he's on this 
list anymore (I would not be) and I'm not sure how this is helping the cat, and 
isn't she what is important here?  Couldn't someone have steered him to some 
resources that would have helped the cat instead of attacking him? 

On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 3:18 PM, Lorrie  wrote:

I also rescue, and it is terribly upseting to me when people breed
>cats. There are already too many homeless cats and kittens out there!
>My heart aches for that poor Bengal male who spends his life in a
>cage just so his owner can make money from him.  I hope he is
>neutered and allowed to live his life as it should be lived. As for
>the FelV female Bengal. Please have her spayed and let her be adopted
>by someone who will be happy to have her as a pet and won't give a
>damn about making money from her!!
>On 05-27, Lee Evans wrote:
>>    This  is  for Charles Adams: Unfortunately, you are beginning to learn
>>    by  your  mistake  that breeding animals, whether cats, dogs, birds or
>>    any  other species can be more costly than it's worth.  You state that
>>    you  don't want a pet cat and never did. I am assuming that the Bengal
>>    you  have is just a potential source of money and that's what  you had
>>    in  mind  in  the  first place.  Your poor cat is definitely not happy
>>    without  being  able to breed.  He won't be happy ever because he will
>>    have  to  be  caged and bred many times in his life before he is of no
>>    more  use  in breeding.  Right now, if you are really ethical and want
>>    to  do best by your male cat, you should get him neutered and sell him
>>    as  a  pet  quality  Bengal.   Papers or not, he's a living being with
>>    feelings  just  like  you  and  I have.  As for the little female, she
>>    needs  to  be  retested.   She  also needs to be spayed.  If she still
>>    tests  positive  for  FeLv,  you  need to find a rescue that will take
>>    her.  Or advertise for an adopter who wants to have her as an only cat
>>    or companion to a small dog.  You can charge an adoption fee.
>>    I noticed that your email address is Texas Gold Buyers.  I assume that
>>    you  buy gold and re-sell it. That's a good business to be in.  Please
>>    stay  out  of  the  animal  breeding business from now on and stick to
>>    gold,  silver  and  any  other  inanimate  objects  that  people  will
>>    purchase.  Good luck to you and the cats.
>Felvtalk mailing list


Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties stores and save a kitty life!*

Buy or renew magazines and help our kitties!
Please help Trooper!

"And it is the most divisive incivility to tell true animal lovers they can’t 
complain about it, that they can’t fight for the animals, that they should sit 
down and shut up and allow the killing to continue."

- Nathan Winograd

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Charles Adams - Breeding cats

2012-05-31 Thread dlgegg
I am mostly judging him on his "attitude and language"He complains about 
Jennifer, what makes him think he is so different from her?
 Ben Williams  wrote: 
> I have to believe that the message from  "Charles" was someone's idea of a 
> joke.  That email hit just about every red flag for the kind of behavior that 
> no one on this list would condone.  

Sent from my iPhone

On May 28, 2012, at 7:34 PM, Natalie  wrote:

> If Charles is no longer on the list, there's always a way of contacting him 
> directly.
> I did suggest breed rescue.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Beth
> Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 7:59 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Charles Adams - Breeding cats
> I'm not about to apologize for having opinions & voicing them. You breed 
> animals you are going to get a lecture from me.
> Kelley Saveika  wrote:
>> Beth,
>> Not from me they won't.  Hope you emailed him and made that offer as I
>> expect he left the list after being attacked like that?   Too bad, this
>> list didn't used to be so judgmental.  Not sure what has happened over 
>> the years.  You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Perhaps 
>> he could have been educated, perhaps not, but going for the jugular 
>> immediately is going to put anyone on the defensive.
>> On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 4:38 PM, Susan Saunders  wrote:
>>> He needs to contact Bengal Rescue and see if they will take the cat.
>>>  *From:* Beth 
>>> *To:*
>>> *Sent:* Monday, May 28, 2012 5:35 PM
>>> *Subject:* Re: [Felvtalk] Charles Adams - Breeding cats
>>> I offered to take the cat, but anyone who mentions breeding is going 
>>> to get a lecture. No apologies.
>>> Kelley Saveika  wrote:
 You know, I do rescue too, but I seriously doubt attacking this man 
 for breeding cats is going to help this female FELV+ bengal.  I 
 doubt he's on this list anymore (I would not be) and I'm not sure 
 how this is helping
>>> the
 cat, and isn't she what is important here?  Couldn't someone have 
 steered him to some resources that would have helped the cat instead 
 of attacking him?
 On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 3:18 PM, Lorrie 
>>> wrote:
> I also rescue, and it is terribly upseting to me when people breed 
> cats. There are already too many homeless cats and kittens out there!
> My heart aches for that poor Bengal male who spends his life in a 
> cage just so his owner can make money from him.  I hope he is 
> neutered and allowed to live his life as it should be lived. As 
> for the FelV female Bengal. Please have her spayed and let her be 
> adopted by someone who will be happy to have her as a pet and 
> won't give a damn about making money from her!!
> Lorrie
> On 05-27, Lee Evans wrote:
>>   This  is  for Charles Adams: Unfortunately, you are beginning 
>> to
>>> learn
>>   by  your  mistake  that breeding animals, whether cats, dogs,
>>> birds or
>>   any  other species can be more costly than it's worth.  You 
>> state
>>> that
>>   you  don't want a pet cat and never did. I am assuming that 
>> the
>>> Bengal
>>   you  have is just a potential source of money and that's what  
>> you
>>> had
>>   in  mind  in  the  first place.  Your poor cat is definitely 
>> not
>>> happy
>>   without  being  able to breed.  He won't be happy ever 
>> because he
>>> will
>>   have  to  be  caged and bred many times in his life before he 
>> is
>>> of no
>>   more  use  in breeding.  Right now, if you are really ethical 
>> and
>>> want
>>   to  do best by your male cat, you should get him neutered and 
>> sell
>>> him
>>   as  a  pet  quality  Bengal.  Papers or not, he's a living 
>> being
>>> with
>>   feelings  just  like  you  and  I have.  As for the little 
>> female,
>>> she
>>   needs  to  be  retested.  She  also needs to be spayed.  If 
>> she
>>> still
>>   tests  positive  for  FeLv,  you  need to find a rescue that 
>> will
>>> take
>>   her.  Or advertise for an adopter who wants to have her as an 
>> only
>>> cat
>>   or companion to a small dog.  You can charge an adoption fee.
>>   I noticed that your email address is Texas Gold Buyers.  I 
>> assume
>>> that
>>   you  buy gold and re-sell it. That's a good business to be in.
>>> Please
>>   stay  out  of  the  animal  breeding business from now on and
>>> stick to
>>   gold,  silver  and  any  other  inanimate  objects  that  
>> people
>>> will
>>   purchase.  Good luck to you and the cats.
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Felvtalk Digest, Vol 10, Issue 16

2012-05-31 Thread dlgegg
When people breed catsa and dogs, they very seldom ask questions about the 
people buying and many times the cats end up in bad homes.  That is one reason 
I would never breed, I would never be able to find anyone good enough to buy 
buy "babies".
 S K SUSIE  wrote: 
> Charles,
> I too am a rescuer so I truly don't understand why someone would want to 
> breed their cats.  Do you have any idea how many purebred cats end up in 
> rescue??  It isn't ok when so many die.  
> You ended up with a felv cat, yeah you were scammed, but what about that 
> precious life??  Just think about it.  And neuter your cat and let him be 
> just a cat for petes sake.
> Shar
> "We who choose to surround ourselves with lives more temporary than our own, 
> live within a fragile circle, easily and often breached.
> Unable to accept its awful gaps.  We still would have it no other way."
> tp://

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] FIV kitty needs a home

2012-05-31 Thread dlgegg
You would not have that problem with anyone in this group.  We would not give, 
sell any animal in our charge unless we know the history fo the people getting 
them.  As for the "Jennifer", if I had her within my reach, she would have 
trouble ever adopting a cat or dog again and soeone would have to restrain me 
so I did do her bodily harm.  Hurt a child, senior citizen or an animal and in 
my opinion, you do not deserve the company or friendship of anyone.  I still do 
not approve of your language.

 Charles Adams  wrote: 
> Come on people wake up and smell the damn coffee. I got this cat from some 
> little tramp who goes to animal shelter posing to be someone who cares about 
> the animals and promises to take care of them and then sells them the first 
> chance she gets. Do you actually think I am going to trust some dirt bag that 
> give me that story again. I may have been born recently but it wasn't last 
> night. I have all of these so called do good savior to the animal population 
> offering to take a cat off of my hands. I wonder just how long it would be 
> before someone else lined their pocket with money off of her and then she 
> would have to be re-homed again. You just can't trust anyone anymore. At 
> least I am honest and telling you what I am doing with my cats.

 From: Lynda Wilson 
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 6:48 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] FIV kitty needs a home

Is there a FIV rescue group 
that can take a FIV positive kitty? If you'd like to find out more about her, 
to "Humane Society of Flower Mound" Facebook page. They are calling her "Miss 
Kristina". For now her photo and info is first on their page. She is a very 
beautiful cat with blue eyes and gorgeous stripped markings. I can't take her 
but hoping a rescue can.
Thank you!
Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Charles Adams - Breeding cats

2012-05-31 Thread dlgegg
A lot of unwanted cats and dogs get dumped in the country, get hit by cars, 
killed by a coyote or a pack of dogs or shot by hunters who consider them "good 
target practice".  Sometimes they are poisoned as vermin.  My 7 were headed for 
that fate, but someone found them and I ended up with them.  They are not fancy 
breeds, just cats, but the love and companonship they give makes the most 
valuable cats in the world.  Somehow, I don't get the feeling Charles has that 
same love for his Buddy and the poor unloved FELV female that he is so "pissed 
off" because he was ripped off.  Yes, I wold be upset at loosing the $300, but 
I would be even more angry and conserned about the little female and making up 
to her for the treatment she received before.  Guess that is why I will never 
be rich, I care moe about the life than the $$$.
 GRAS  wrote: 
> To everyone, including Charles, who still seems to be reading the mail:
> This is my final comment on this topic, and if it offends some, ask me to
> leave the group.
> I'm sorry, whether the first note from Charles was someone's idea of a joke,
> as suggested, or not, his second note certainly sounds like one too - it's a
> complete turnaround, a little hard to believe. His stud cat lives in a cage,
> gets out for daily walks, and that's "love" - and we're all idiots because
> we advocate spaying and neutering and express concern for a female cat that
> was purchased for only one purpose, to breed with his "beloved" stud cat,
> for what purpose? To sell the kittens.
> Sadly, the purchased breeder cat for whom he paid $300 is FeLV+, and that's
> where the problem came in, not a real concern for her illness. She wouldn't
> be able to be used as a breeder. Had she been healthy, she, too, would be
> living in a cage, with her kittens over and over again, like in a puppy
> mill.  The kittens wouldn't even have been "home-raised", as they deserve.. 
> According to Charles, some of us we were "bitching" about something that
> dogs and cats were in the wild - not spayed or neutered?  Where have you
> been living, Charles, in  cave? Try to understand what those who objected to
> your breeding go through the horrible and emotionally charged and
> financially debilitating work of rescuing a huge surplus of unwanted cats.
> I belong to a national Alert group; every day, a mere partial list of cats
> and dogs on a kill-list goes out of healthy, beautiful, young and old,
> begging to be rescued from the heart stick , gas chamber, or more humane
> euthanasia. Most don't even end up in nice shelters like the ones some of us
> operate, they go to municipal shelters that in many places in the country
> are dumping grounds for unwanted animals, living in squalor and filth. And
> those are just the ones that somehow got to a shelter or dumping area for
> killing.  The rest are discarded anywhere you can imagine, fending for
> themselves under horrible conditions, breeding several times a year until we
> step in - most times, our work is like a drop in the ocean - but to the
> saved cat, it's everything.
> Whether Charles' letter was a joke or not (I'm not laughing), the topic was
> definitely not.
> Whether the poor FeLV+ cat is real or imaginary, isn't funny either.
> Natalie - cat rescuer in CT
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Lorrie
> Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 6:59 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Charles Adams - Breeding cats
> Charles, Please give this beautiful female Bengal to someone who will love
> her.  Her life does not need to be cut short.  I have a FelV shelter and
> many of my positive cats live many years with the disease.  They have a home
> like setting, no cages, and a lady who lives there full time to care for
> them and give them companionship. I am in eastern WV, which is too far away
> for you, but there are many FelV shelters available, as well as people with
> no other cats who would love to have this female as a pet.
> Lorrie
> On 05-28, Charles Adams wrote:
> >Hello Kelley,
> >  Thanks for your kind words. Seems like the majority out here are
> >pure bone head jerks. I am not breeding to get rich. I love my cat and
> >he  get's out daily for walks. Hell if they really want to bitch about
> >something  all  cat's  and  dogs were wild at one point and guess what
> >they  didn't  get  fixed  in  the wild so what give with these idiots?
> >Again thanks for kind words and thinking about what is important here.
> >A  beautiful  female  who's life will be cut short because some greedy
> >idiot goes to animal shelters and collects animals to sell to others.
> >Charles
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list


2012-05-31 Thread dlgegg
I got some information on a screen that the manufacturer says is cat, dog and 
raccoon proof.  Also no seeums proof.  It cost $108.00 per roll (which is a 
large roll).  I will try to dig out the info and send it to you.  I was 
planning on fencing in my deck for days when I have to leave early and get back 
late.  At least they would be able to get outside.  Harley especially is a real 
pain when he can't go outside, knocking things down, over and driving the 
others crazy (this will make me give in and let him out).  I don't want to 
leave them outside when I am gone because they might get hurt and I would not 
get back in time to take them to the vet.  I know, crazy, but I don't want to 
loose any of them because of stupidity.

 dot winkler  wrote: 
> Hi there - anyone out there - does anyone know how to construct or how to 
> keep raccoon out of an outdoor cat colony dry feeder?  I am feeding 7 outdoor 
> cats and now there is a raccoon in the area eating all the dry food every 
> night in the dry food feeding station.  I feed the cats by day some meat and 
> throw away the plates when done.  But the dry food is a staple food for them 
> which they need to supplement the one feeding I give.  Also, in case I can't 
> get there to feed them.  Any suggestions?  I have seen some constructions on 
> line but the cats have to jump up to get into them and there is one older cat 
> I don't think he can jump up into anything!  Please let me know.  I know this 
> has nothing to do with leukemia, but it does have to do with helping cats.  
> Dotty - Freehold, NJ

 From: Maureen Olvey 
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] What could it be?

Had to send this again because it bounced back the first time.  I hate it when 
it does that.

“I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are 
profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon 
unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me 
sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark Twain

Subject: RE: [Felvtalk] What could it be?
Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 13:40:59 -0400

Ha, ha - I love it!!!  You sound as pissed off as I was.  Believe me he is on 
my shitlist too.  I was boiling about it for days.  Matter of fact I was just 
telling my co-worker about him this morning and I got pissed off again thinking 
about it.

I guess he just wanted me to take her home and watch her die.  I don't know.  
He never did go as far as to say that exactly because I said I wanted him to 
give her fluids and do a blood test and then e-mail this other vet so I could 
get this experimental drug for dry form of FIP.  I didn't give him a chance to 
send me away with nothing.  Course, at the time other than the fever she was 
doing okay.  Although she was wobbly on her back legs she was still eating and 
everything although she had lost some weight.  So she wasn't in any pain.  But 
I think with a temperature of 104 he would have wanted to do something about 
that anyway.  The thing is that like toxoplasmosis shows the same symptoms as 
the dry form of FIP and if it was that it could be treated with some 
antibiotics that aren't even that expensive.  He's such a dumbass.  I didn't 
know that the symptoms were the same until a couple days later and when I asked 
him about it he said he had
>  thought about it when he was looking at her.  So if he thought about it and 
> didn't suggest a test for it then he didn't care.  He figured with FeLV she's 
> going to die sooner or later so why spend money doing any kind of tests or 
> treatments on her.  I'm surprised he didn't suggest killing her.  BTW - it's 
> not euthanization unless it's to end suffering so at that point it would have 
> been just killing her.

I like your answer about doing what you do for the animals.  I'm going to steal 
it.  Most everybody just thanks me for helping the animals (I feed ferals so I 
run into different people that see me doing it plus going to adoptions, etc.) 
but every now and then I get someone who asks why I do it, as though it's a bad 
thing or beneath me or something.  I'll use your answer for those folks.  It's 
probably better than what I normally say to them, if you know what I mean!


“I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are 
profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon 
unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me 
sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark Twain

Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 12:14:58 -0500
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] What could it be?

What the hell is wrong with this vet, that he didn'


2012-05-31 Thread MaiMaiPG
I just put up a lot of chain link panels so my guys could safely spend  
time outside.  The area is big enough that I go out and read, work on  
the computer etc too.  The panels are less than half the cost of  
installed fencing.  I am considering chicken wire to screen in the  
porch.  Ceiling fans will take care of insects and cats will have a  
hard time wrecking the wire.  Just thoughts.
On May 31, 2012, at 10:41 PM,  > wrote:

I got some information on a screen that the manufacturer says is  
cat, dog and raccoon proof.  Also no seeums proof.  It cost $108.00  
per roll (which is a large roll).  I will try to dig out the info  
and send it to you.  I was planning on fencing in my deck for days  
when I have to leave early and get back late.  At least they would  
be able to get outside.  Harley especially is a real pain when he  
can't go outside, knocking things down, over and driving the others  
crazy (this will make me give in and let him out).  I don't want to  
leave them outside when I am gone because they might get hurt and I  
would not get back in time to take them to the vet.  I know, crazy,  
but I don't want to loose any of them because of stupidity.

 dot winkler  wrote:
Hi there - anyone out there - does anyone know how to construct or  
how to keep raccoon out of an outdoor cat colony dry feeder?  I am  
feeding 7 outdoor cats and now there is a raccoon in the area  
eating all the dry food every night in the dry food feeding  
station.  I feed the cats by day some meat and throw away the  
plates when done.  But the dry food is a staple food for them which  
they need to supplement the one feeding I give.  Also, in case I  
can't get there to feed them.  Any suggestions?  I have seen some  
constructions on line but the cats have to jump up to get into them  
and there is one older cat I don't think he can jump up into  
anything!  Please let me know.  I know this has nothing to do with  
leukemia, but it does have to do with helping cats.  Dotty -  
Freehold, NJ

From: Maureen Olvey 
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] What could it be?

Had to send this again because it bounced back the first time.  I  
hate it when it does that.

“I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results  
that are profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it  
inflicts upon unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward  
it, and it is to me sufficient justification of the enmity without  
looking further.” – Mark Twain

Subject: RE: [Felvtalk] What could it be?
Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 13:40:59 -0400

Ha, ha - I love it!!!  You sound as pissed off as I was.  Believe me  
he is on my shitlist too.  I was boiling about it for days.  Matter  
of fact I was just telling my co-worker about him this morning and I  
got pissed off again thinking about it.

I guess he just wanted me to take her home and watch her die.  I  
don't know.  He never did go as far as to say that exactly because I  
said I wanted him to give her fluids and do a blood test and then e- 
mail this other vet so I could get this experimental drug for dry  
form of FIP.  I didn't give him a chance to send me away with  
nothing.  Course, at the time other than the fever she was doing  
okay.  Although she was wobbly on her back legs she was still eating  
and everything although she had lost some weight.  So she wasn't in  
any pain.  But I think with a temperature of 104 he would have  
wanted to do something about that anyway.  The thing is that like  
toxoplasmosis shows the same symptoms as the dry form of FIP and if  
it was that it could be treated with some antibiotics that aren't  
even that expensive.  He's such a dumbass.  I didn't know that the  
symptoms were the same until a couple days later and when I asked  
him about it he said he had
thought about it when he was looking at her.  So if he thought  
about it and didn't suggest a test for it then he didn't care.  He  
figured with FeLV she's going to die sooner or later so why spend  
money doing any kind of tests or treatments on her.  I'm surprised  
he didn't suggest killing her.  BTW - it's not euthanization unless  
it's to end suffering so at that point it would have been just  
killing her.

I like your answer about doing what you do for the animals.  I'm  
going to steal it.  Most everybody just thanks me for helping the  
animals (I feed ferals so I run into different people that see me  
doing it plus going to adoptions, etc.) but every now and then I get  
someone who asks why I do it, as though it's a bad thing or beneath  
me or something.  I'll use your answer for those folks.  It's  
probably better than what I normally say to them, if you know what I  


“I am not interested to know whether vivisection produc


2012-05-31 Thread dlgegg
I feed the birds, so I also feed raccoons since they clean up what the birds 
don't get or drop.  I also get possums coming for the seed.  They both come to 
the feeders especially during a dry spell because I also put out water for the 
birds.  They come all during the day, especially the young ones who have just 
been weaned.  When they find an easy source of food, they will keep coming 
back.  Maybe try moving the food to a different location, confuse them?  Coons 
are smart, scheming little kids.  I had one that sekt stealing the bait out of 
a trap, so I watched all night and caught her.  She entered the trap, sucked in 
her stomachso she would not trip the door and reached across the trip plate, 
took the food and backed out.  Next night, I wired the bait to the floor of the 
trap and in the struggle to get it, she sprung the trap.  Big Momma, another 
(35lbs) kept getting in my seed can.  She would open it and let the babies in 
to eat.  Tried using straps from pick up.  She chewed thru them.  Brought it 
inside and she tried to turn the door handle so she could get in to it.  
Maybe you cold make a ramp - no, coons would jucst use it too.  I will ask Perk 
(an old timer round here who used to hunt them)  maybe he can come up with 
something.  Have you thought of bringing the dry food in at night and once the 
cats got used to the feeding schedule, they would not come for food at night.
 Natalie  wrote: 
> Yes, raccoons are mostly nocturnal, but when they have young ones, they can
> also be seen during the day, looking for more food. This makes many people
> call ACOs when they see raccoons during the day, wrongly assuming that
> there's something wrong with them, like rabies, distemper.
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of MaiMaiPG
> Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 10:17 AM
> To:
> They are and they are a royal pain.  
> On May 29, 2012, at 8:55 AM, Beth wrote:
> I have the same problem with opossums. I have started feeding the ferals in
> a different place & putting dry food out for the Opossums. Also I feed the
> ferals during the day & the Opossums eat at night. I'm not sure if raccoons
> are nocturnal like opossums
> Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!  
>   _  
> From: dot winkler 
> To: ""  
> Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 1:00 PM
> Hi there - anyone out there - does anyone know how to construct or how to
> keep raccoon out of an outdoor cat colony dry feeder?  I am feeding 7
> outdoor cats and now there is a raccoon in the area eating all the dry food
> every night in the dry food feeding station.  I feed the cats by day some
> meat and throw away the plates when done.  But the dry food is a staple food
> for them which they need to supplement the one feeding I give.  Also, in
> case I can't get there to feed them.  Any suggestions?  I have seen some
> constructions on line but the cats have to jump up to get into them and
> there is one older cat I don't think he can jump up into anything!  Please
> let me know.  I know this has nothing to do with leukemia, but it does have
> to do with helping cats.  Dotty - Freehold, NJ

Felvtalk mailing list


2012-05-31 Thread Lee Evans
I have an outside enclosure built around a fairly large wooden shed (the type 
you get at Home Depot or other undo-it-yourself places).  I also have the same 
wire fencing enclosing the porch of a small cottage type building (one large 
room, no plumbing) that the former owners used for crafts projects.  I use it 
for my FIV+ cat sanctuary.  They love going out on the porch and watching the 
enormous peacock who comes to eat cat food every evening on the deck of my 
mobile home.  When I get some money (never? ever?) I'm going to enclose the 
deck with the same gauge wire fencing. The peacock will have to eat near the 
garage when that happens.  I want my main community of cats who are inside the 
house right now to have access to the lovely scenery outside - birds, crickets 
as large as rats (gasp!), and all sorts of moths and other weird flying 
things.  It will also free up some space in my house for ME!  How selfish of 
me. I'll call the guy who built the
 enclosures for me and ask him what type of fencing he used, the gauge and what 
it is called (not chicken wire or chain link, I know that). I'll post here so 
those of you who want to make a safe outside enclosure for your fur kids will 
have some info on options. 

 From: MaiMaiPG 
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 10:50 PM
I just put up a lot of chain link panels so my guys could safely spend time 
outside.  The area is big enough that I go out and read, work on the computer 
etc too.  The panels are less than half the cost of installed fencing.  I am 
considering chicken wire to screen in the porch.  Ceiling fans will take care 
of insects and cats will have a hard time wrecking the wire.  Just 
On May 31, 2012, at 10:41 PM,   

> I got some information on a screen that the manufacturer says is cat, dog and 
> raccoon proof.  Also no seeums proof.  It cost $108.00 per roll (which is a 
> large roll).  I will try to dig out the info and send it to you.  I was 
> planning on fencing in my deck for days when I have to leave early and get 
> back late.  At least they would be able to get outside.  Harley especially is 
> a real pain when he can't go outside, knocking things down, over and driving 
> the others crazy (this will make me give in and let him out).  I don't want 
> to leave them outside when I am gone because they might get hurt and I would 
> not get back in time to take them to the vet.  I know, crazy, but I don't 
> want to loose any of them because of stupidity.___
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Charles Adams - Breeding cats

2012-05-31 Thread dlgegg
 Edna Taylor  wrote: 
> You see, I saw his email saying that too, about us "hoarders" going to 
> shelters and taking all the cats and then selling them for profit and might I 
> just ask "what effing planet are you from dude?"  I have been involved in 
> rescue for over 17 years and every year, I have the receipts to prove that we 
> have spent upwards of $5,000 to $10,000 on fosters and that doesn't even 
> include the litter, food, paper towels, weeks that I got up every two hours 
> to bottle feed a baby only to have her pass because she was just too far gone 
> when I got her. THEN, I ask ONLY an $85 adoption fee so you want to tell me 
> where all this money is I am making?  How much do you sell your cats for?  
> Thousands?   So, yea "SCR*W YOU!  YOU are the one breeding your cats for 
> profit, while I am the one picking up their broken little bodies off the 
> streets when people grow weary of having a pet and simply toss them aside.
> Oh, and I don't HAVE to be nice to someone who immediately starts in with his 
> "YOU PEOPLE" attitude when HE is the problem, not rescuers, we try to solve 
> the problems HE creates.
> Off my soapbox now ;)
> Edna (I calls em as I sees em) Taylor 
> Date: Tue, 29 May 2012 06:48:23 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Charles Adams - Breeding cats
> Charles offered to take the cat. I have vet references, personal references, 
> & shelter references. 
> I currently have 4 Feline Leukemia positive cats. 2 are foster cats for the 
> shelter I work with. The other 2 were found by friends of mine. 
> Sorry you think I am a bone-head jerk, who goes to shelters, pulls animals, & 
> resells them for a profit. Yeah, I wish...Most of the animals we pull from 
> animal control end up costing us 3 or 4 times what we end up getting in 
> adoption fees. We do it for the love of the animal. And many of these animals 
> are purebreds.In fact some of the worst cases be have taken on have been 
> purebred cats & retired breeding cats.
> If you aren't making money on these cats, why are you doing it??? There are 
> plenty of Bengals out there already looking for homes. A friend of mine just 
> got one someone was looking to rehome.
> I challenge you to work jut one day at a shelter & see what we go through for 
> these abandoned animals. Animals who are only there because people were too 
> bone-headed to spay & neuter.
> Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!
> From: Charles Adams 
> To: ""  
> Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 12:04 PM
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Charles Adams - Breeding cats
> Hello Lorrie,
>  I appreciate your message. I have been taking very good care of this 
> beautiful girl. I have a cage for her litter box and food but the door is 
> left open and she comes and goes as she pleases. Now as for your comment 
> about people viewing my message through colored glasses let me clarify that 
> for you. They not looking through colored glasses they are viewing it with 
> their heads up their asses. Bunch of jerks. My cats are treated better than 
> lots of children and I love them and they are part of my family. I don't know 
> who some of these jerks think they are. Last I recall I didn't get a message 
> from God informing me he left anyone a God and ruler of the cat population on 
> this planet.
> Charles Adams
> From: Lorrie 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 5:53 AM
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Charles Adams - Breeding cats
> On 05-28, Ben Williams wrote:
> > I have to believe that the message from  "Charles" was someone's
> > idea of a joke.  That email hit just about every red flag for the
> > kind of behavior that no one on this list would condone.
> It may be comforting to think it's all a joke, but this is
> exactly the way breeders are, so I think you're looking at this 
> post thru rose colored glasses.
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___ Felvtalk mailing list 

Felvtalk mailing list


2012-05-31 Thread dlgegg
My raccoons will eat anything they can het hold of.
one year I goofed and used a fertilizer on my house plants that was made from 
crab meal.  They dug up every plant I had and 1 even sat on my begonias while 
it dug up a foot tall barrel cactur - 3 times.  Course, they never found the 
crabs.  They did this because the river was up and they could not get to the 
crawfish on the riverbank.  NEVER USE FISH TYPE FERTILIZER!

 Lee Evans  wrote: 
> The "jump up" feeder wouldn't work because raccoons can climb just like 
> cats.  Last year, when I was feeding a colony, two mama raccoons and a total 
> of 12 puff balls began dining at my cat feeding station.  I got some donated 
> dog food that they ate, I guess as an appetizer before they cleaned out the 
> cat food.  I don't think there's any way of stopping them.  They are so cute, 
> especially the little puff ball kids.  Expensive too.  As they grew enormous, 
> one of them would run over to me and try to grab the feeding container out of 
> my hands.  Scary!  I heard that raccoons like fruit.  Maybe get some donated 
> fruit and nuts, anything that cats won't eat and offer it to the raccoon?

From: dot winkler 
To: ""  
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 8:00 AM

Hi there - anyone out there - does anyone know how to construct or how to 
keep raccoon out of an outdoor cat colony dry feeder?  I am feeding 7 outdoor 
cats and now there is a raccoon in the area eating all the dry food every night 
in the dry food feeding station.  I feed the cats by day some meat and throw 
away the plates when done.  But the dry food is a staple food for them which 
they need to supplement the one feeding I give.  Also, in case I can't get 
there to feed them.  Any suggestions?  I have seen some constructions on line 
but the cats have to jump up to get into them and there is one older cat I 
don't think he can jump up into anything!  Please let me know.  I know this has 
nothing to do with leukemia, but it does have to do with helping cats.  Dotty - 
Freehold, NJ

From: Maureen Olvey 
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] What could it be?

Had to send this again because it bounced back the first time.  I hate it when 
it does that.

“I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are 
profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon 
unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me 
sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark Twain

Subject: RE: [Felvtalk] What could it be?
Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 13:40:59 -0400

Ha, ha - I love it!!!  You sound as pissed off as I was.  Believe me he is on 
my shitlist too.  I was boiling about it for days.  Matter of fact I was just 
telling my co-worker about him this morning and I got pissed off again thinking 
about it.

I guess he just wanted me to take her home and watch her die.  I don't know.  
He never did go as far as to say that exactly because I said I wanted him to 
give her fluids and do a blood test and then e-mail this other vet so I could 
get this experimental drug for dry form of FIP.  I didn't give him a chance to 
send me away with nothing.  Course, at the time other than the fever she was 
doing okay.  Although she was wobbly on her back legs she was still eating and 
everything although she had lost some weight.  So she wasn't in any pain.  But 
I think with a temperature of 104 he would have wanted to do something about 
that anyway.  The thing is that like toxoplasmosis shows the same symptoms as 
the dry form of FIP and if it was that it could be treated with some 
antibiotics that aren't even that expensive.  He's such a dumbass.  I didn't 
know that the symptoms were the same until a couple days later and when I asked 
him about it he said he had
>  thought about it when he was looking at her.  So if he thought about it and 
> didn't suggest a test for it then he didn't care.  He figured with FeLV she's 
> going to die sooner or later so why spend money doing any kind of tests or 
> treatments on her.  I'm surprised he didn't suggest killing her.  BTW - it's 
> not euthanization unless it's to end suffering so at that point it would have 
> been just killing her.

I like your answer about doing what you do for the animals.  I'm going to steal 
it.  Most everybody just thanks me for helping the animals (I feed ferals so I 
run into different people that see me doing it plus going to adoptions, etc.) 
but every now and then I get someone who asks why I do it, as though it's a bad 
thing or beneath me or something.  I'll use your answer for those folks.  It's 
probably better than what I normally say to them, if you know 


2012-05-31 Thread dlgegg
cats and possums getting along.  That was one worry I had about feeding the 
birds, that the cats could be hurt by them.  So far, all my cats have enough 
good sense to back off when they and the coons come up to eat.  Somehow they 
seem to know they could not win a fight with either one of them.  Coons can 
kill a full grown dog, especially if they get them in enough water to hold 
their head down until the drown them.
 Dana Giordano  wrote: 
> I feed mine on the ground inside a bin which I have cut out the sides of so 
> they can pass through. I lean boards up   Against the sides. It's low perfect 
> for a cat and opossums but apparently too low and awkward for a raccoon to 
> get in there. I put a large deep square plastic food bin inside and a piece 
> of styrofoam on the floor inside to wedge the food bin into one place. 
> Opossums and cats get along fine so I let them share. My main issues end up 
> being ants and slugs which I use food grade diacetemous earth and sandpaper 
> to deter. I also have a rope light out there - dunno if that deters so wanted 
> to mention it. Hope that helps.
> On May 29, 2012, at 10:16 AM, MaiMaiPG  wrote:
> > They are and they are a royal pain.  
> > On May 29, 2012, at 8:55 AM, Beth wrote:
> > 
> >> I have the same problem with opossums. I have started feeding the ferals 
> >> in a different place & putting dry food out for the Opossums. Also I feed 
> >> the ferals during the day & the Opossums eat at night. I'm not sure if 
> >> raccoons are nocturnal like opossums
> >>  
> >> Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!
> >>  
> >> 
> >> From: dot winkler 
> >> To: ""  
> >> Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 1:00 PM
> >> 
> >> Hi there - anyone out there - does anyone know how to construct or how to 
> >> keep raccoon out of an outdoor cat colony dry feeder?  I am feeding 7 
> >> outdoor cats and now there is a raccoon in the area eating all the dry 
> >> food every night in the dry food feeding station.  I feed the cats by day 
> >> some meat and throw away the plates when done.  But the dry food is a 
> >> staple food for them which they need to supplement the one feeding I give. 
> >>  Also, in case I can't get there to feed them.  Any suggestions?  I have 
> >> seen some constructions on line but the cats have to jump up to get into 
> >> them and there is one older cat I don't think he can jump up into 
> >> anything!  Please let me know.  I know this has nothing to do with 
> >> leukemia, but it does have to do with helping cats.  Dotty - Freehold, NJ
> >> 
> >> 
> >> From: Maureen Olvey 
> >> To: 
> >> Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 1:57 PM
> >> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] What could it be?
> >> 
> >> Had to send this again because it bounced back the first time.  I hate it 
> >> when it does that.
> >> 
> >> “I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are 
> >> profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon 
> >> unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me 
> >> sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark 
> >> Twain
> >> 
> >> From:
> >> To:
> >> Subject: RE: [Felvtalk] What could it be?
> >> Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 13:40:59 -0400
> >> 
> >> Ha, ha - I love it!!!  You sound as pissed off as I was.  Believe me he is 
> >> on my shitlist too.  I was boiling about it for days.  Matter of fact I 
> >> was just telling my co-worker about him this morning and I got pissed off 
> >> again thinking about it.
> >> 
> >> I guess he just wanted me to take her home and watch her die.  I don't 
> >> know.  He never did go as far as to say that exactly because I said I 
> >> wanted him to give her fluids and do a blood test and then e-mail this 
> >> other vet so I could get this experimental drug for dry form of FIP.  I 
> >> didn't give him a chance to send me away with nothing.  Course, at the 
> >> time other than the fever she was doing okay.  Although she was wobbly on 
> >> her back legs she was still eating and everything although she had lost 
> >> some weight.  So she wasn't in any pain.  But I think with a temperature 
> >> of 104 he would have wanted to do something about that anyway.  The thing 
> >> is that like toxoplasmosis shows the same symptoms as the dry form of FIP 
> >> and if it was that it could be treated with some antibiotics that aren't 
> >> even that expensive.  He's such a dumbass.  I didn't know that the 
> >> symptoms were the same until a couple days later and when I asked him 
> >> about it he said he had thought about it when he was looking at her.  So 
> >> if he thought about it and didn't suggest a test for it then he didn't 
> >> care.  He figured with FeLV she's going to die sooner or later so why 
> >> spend money doing any kind of tests or treatments on


2012-05-31 Thread dlgegg
Why are they so hungry?  don't they get any mice to supplement the meat you 
give them?

 dot winkler  wrote: 

Thanks for everyone's advice. I need to leave the dry food there at all times 
because  I feed the cats meat during the day and pick up the plates so as not 
to leave food around.  The dry food in the station is there so that the cats 
have something to munch on all day long as well as if they get hungry later or 
the next morning in case I can't make it there to feed them that day.  I have 
tried feeding the cats only the meat once a day and they are too hungry the 
next day.  They need some kind of staple food.  Dotty

To: ""  
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 1:38 PM

RACCONS eat everything.The Bronx zoo told someone to gie them lettuce. Maybe 
you can leave lettuce,apples.grapes,outside.for them.If not don't leave the dry 
overnite,and maybe they wont come back.Cathy Bronx. N Y

From: dot winkler 
To: ""  
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 9:00 AM

Hi there - anyone out there - does anyone know how to construct or how to 
keep raccoon out of an outdoor cat colony dry feeder?  I am feeding 7 outdoor 
cats and now there is a raccoon in the area eating all the dry food every night 
in the dry food feeding station.  I feed the cats by day some meat and throw 
away the plates when done.  But the dry food is a staple food for them which 
they need to supplement the one feeding I give.  Also, in case I can't get 
there to feed them.  Any suggestions?  I have seen some constructions on line 
but the cats have to jump up to get into them and there is one older cat I 
don't think he can jump up into anything!  Please let me know.  I know this has 
nothing to do with leukemia, but it does have to do with helping cats.  Dotty - 
Freehold, NJ

From: Maureen Olvey 
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] What could it be?

Had to send this again because it bounced back the first time.  I hate it when 
it does that.

“I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are 
profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon 
unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me 
sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark Twain

Subject: RE: [Felvtalk] What could it be?
Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 13:40:59 -0400

Ha, ha - I love it!!!  You sound as pissed off as I was.  Believe me he is on 
my shitlist too.  I was boiling about it for days.  Matter of fact I was just 
telling my co-worker about him this morning and I got pissed off again thinking 
about it.

I guess he just wanted me to take her home and watch her die.  I don't know.  
He never did go as far as to say that exactly because I said I wanted him to 
give her fluids and do a blood test and then e-mail this other vet so I could 
get this experimental drug for dry form of FIP.  I didn't give him a chance to 
send me away with nothing.  Course, at the time other than the fever she was 
doing okay.  Although she was wobbly on her back legs she was still eating and 
everything although she had lost some weight.  So she wasn't in any pain.  But 
I think with a temperature of 104 he would have wanted to do something about 
that anyway.  The
 thing is that like toxoplasmosis shows the same symptoms as the dry form of 
FIP and if it was that it could be treated with some antibiotics that aren't 
even that expensive.  He's such a dumbass.  I didn't know that the symptoms 
were the same until a couple days later and when I asked him about it he said 
he had thought about it when he was looking at her.  So if he thought about it 
and didn't suggest a test for it then he didn't care.  He figured with FeLV 
she's going to die sooner or later so why spend money doing any kind of tests 
or treatments on her.  I'm surprised he didn't suggest killing her.  BTW - it's 
not euthanization unless it's to end suffering so at that point it would have 
been just killing her.

I like your answer about doing what you do for the animals.  I'm going to steal 
it.  Most everybody just thanks me for helping the animals (I feed ferals so I 
run into different people that see me
 doing it plus going to adoptions, etc.) but every now and then I get someone 
who asks why I do it, as though it's a bad thing or beneath me or something.  
I'll use your answer for those folks.  It's probably better than what I 
normally say to them, if you know what I mean!


“I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are 
profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon 
unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity to


2012-05-31 Thread dlgegg
You have them figured out !  The old timers around here say a coon can get into 
or out of anything.

 Lee Evans  wrote: 
> Well, I can give you first hand information on how raccoons get where they 
> want to go.  I was sitting on my deck out here in the middle of nowhere, 
> watching my cats eat their kibble when I heard scrabbling in one of the 
> trees.  The brave cats took off for under the house and I assumed that Batman 
> and Robin had landed.  Then a giant mama raccoon and four puff ball kits came 
> sauntering over the branches of the tree, plopped down on the deck and 
> waddled over to the feed bowl.  They cleaned it in a matter of minutes, 
> looked at me, sauntered back to the wooden railing on the deck, climbed up, 
> jumped onto the large tree branch and were gone into the night with a maximum 
> of scrabbling again and a flutter of twigs and leaves.  So that should clear 
> up any doubt about how raccoons get around. They even get on top of my roof 
> from time to time and I know they can't fly.

 From: dot winkler 
To: ""  
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 6:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] RACCOON GETTING INTO CAT STATION/reply

Hi Lee - The feeder I saw on line showed a dry feed station up high on a pole 
but that's as far as the raccoon could climb.  It had one of those metal sheets 
that they use to keep squirrels out of bird feeders, and then the actual house 
construction on top of that to house the dry cat food. Then they had a small 
tiny cat house nearby from which the cats would go atop and jump to the feeder. 
 But acc to info on line the raccoon can't jump up there.  Wondering about 
this.  Also wondering how the cats would jump in winter when there is snow and 
ice on top of that smaller house.  Dotty 

 From: Lee Evans 
To: ""  
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 9:57 AM

The "jump up" feeder wouldn't work because raccoons can climb just like cats.  
Last year, when I was feeding a colony, two mama raccoons and a total of 12 
puff balls began dining at my cat feeding station.  I got some donated dog food 
that they ate, I guess as an appetizer before they cleaned out the cat food.  I 
don't think there's any way of stopping them.  They are so cute, especially the 
little puff ball kids.  Expensive too.  As they grew enormous, one of them 
would run over to me and try to grab the feeding container out of my hands.  
Scary!  I heard that raccoons like fruit.  Maybe get some donated fruit and 
nuts, anything that cats won't eat and offer it to the raccoon?

Felvtalk mailing list


2012-05-31 Thread dlgegg
MY EXPERIENCE - chicken wire doesn't stop them, unless you make it real looseso 
they can't get up so easy.  
Just a thought.  Anyone watch "My Cat From Hell" on animal planet?  Funny, it 
always seems to be the owner's fault the cats are misbehaving.  One owner only 
BUT THAT WOULD DRIVE ME BONKERS!  Cats also like high places so they can survey 
the scenery.  I have lots of high perches, but got some wood to make some more 
so my little ones (6lbs) can walk around the room without being taunted by the 
larger ones.  Anyway, he said that if you put up a fence with several strands 
of wire at a 45 degree angle at thwe top, a cat will not try to climb because 
it thinks it can't.  It actually worked with 1 cat.  MAYBE it would work with 
the coons also.  Come to think of it, it might also keep them out of my vegies 
and flowers.  They have been making a shambles out of the garden, along with a 
family of ground hogs, deer, rabbits and a determined turrtle that munched his 
way thru a bed of portulaca.  Took 3 tries, but I finaly carried him about half 
a mile down the road to a tender patch of weeds and so far he has not come 
 MaiMaiPG  wrote: 
> I just put up a lot of chain link panels so my guys could safely spend  
> time outside.  The area is big enough that I go out and read, work on  
> the computer etc too.  The panels are less than half the cost of  
> installed fencing.  I am considering chicken wire to screen in the  
> porch.  Ceiling fans will take care of insects and cats will have a  
> hard time wrecking the wire.  Just thoughts.
> On May 31, 2012, at 10:41 PM,> wrote:
> > I got some information on a screen that the manufacturer says is  
> > cat, dog and raccoon proof.  Also no seeums proof.  It cost $108.00  
> > per roll (which is a large roll).  I will try to dig out the info  
> > and send it to you.  I was planning on fencing in my deck for days  
> > when I have to leave early and get back late.  At least they would  
> > be able to get outside.  Harley especially is a real pain when he  
> > can't go outside, knocking things down, over and driving the others  
> > crazy (this will make me give in and let him out).  I don't want to  
> > leave them outside when I am gone because they might get hurt and I  
> > would not get back in time to take them to the vet.  I know, crazy,  
> > but I don't want to loose any of them because of stupidity.
> >
> >
> >  dot winkler  wrote:
> >> Hi there - anyone out there - does anyone know how to construct or  
> >> how to keep raccoon out of an outdoor cat colony dry feeder?  I am  
> >> feeding 7 outdoor cats and now there is a raccoon in the area  
> >> eating all the dry food every night in the dry food feeding  
> >> station.  I feed the cats by day some meat and throw away the  
> >> plates when done.  But the dry food is a staple food for them which  
> >> they need to supplement the one feeding I give.  Also, in case I  
> >> can't get there to feed them.  Any suggestions?  I have seen some  
> >> constructions on line but the cats have to jump up to get into them  
> >> and there is one older cat I don't think he can jump up into  
> >> anything!  Please let me know.  I know this has nothing to do with  
> >> leukemia, but it does have to do with helping cats.  Dotty -  
> >> Freehold, NJ
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> > From: Maureen Olvey 
> > To:
> > Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 1:57 PM
> > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] What could it be?
> >
> >
> >
> > Had to send this again because it bounced back the first time.  I  
> > hate it when it does that.
> >
> > “I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results  
> > that are profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it  
> > inflicts upon unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward  
> > it, and it is to me sufficient justification of the enmity without  
> > looking further.” – Mark Twain
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> > From:
> > To:
> > Subject: RE: [Felvtalk] What could it be?
> > Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 13:40:59 -0400
> >
> >
> > Ha, ha - I love it!!!  You sound as pissed off as I was.  Believe me  
> > he is on my shitlist too.  I was boiling about it for days.  Matter  
> > of fact I was just telling my co-worker about him this morning and I  
> > got pissed off again thinking about it.
> >
> > I guess he just wanted me to take her home and watch her die.  I  
> > don't know.  He never did go as far as to say that exactly because I  
> > said I wanted him to give her fluids and do a blood test and then e- 
> > mail this other vet so I could get this experimental drug for dry  
> > form of FIP.  I didn't give him a chance to send me away with  
> > nothing.  Course, at the time other than the fever she was doing  
> > okay.  Although


2012-05-31 Thread dlgegg
I was going to say that the coons will just carry off the feeder and break it 
open at their convenience.  I loose a lot of suet feeders that way.  My outside 
water bowls are always dirty in the AM.  One has to wash their food before 
eating it. I think they also take a bath before eating.

 Maureen Olvey  wrote: 
> Yes, they can climb trees and recently I found out that they can get on top 
> of my car.  I had put some bags of cat food on the trunk of my car one night. 
>  When I came back outside a couple hours later there were nice little raccoon 
> paw prints on my car and windshield and a tear in the bag.  I didn't see any 
> major scratches in the paint, like from them climbing, so I wondered if it 
> was really the cats but those dirty paw prints gave it away.  Cat paw prints 
> are different. My suggestion - give up.  You can't beat the raccoons.  Or the 
> opposums for that matter.  They climb trees too.  I leave extra food out when 
> I have donated food but if not it can get expensive trying to feed the 
> raccoons, opposums and cats.  I don't mind feeding the raccoons but I'm not 
> rich enough to feed all the hungry mouths in GA.  I'm wondering if raccoons 
> are transient though.  Like I read on an opposum website that they don't 
> plant roots.  They may stick around a few days but then they move on.  I have 
> a feeling raccoons do that also.  I need to google it.  Right now at one of 
> my feral locations there are no raccoons coming around at night.  But at 
> times I know there are because all the food is gone and the water is dirty.  
> Plus I've seen them there when I go by at night.  But for the last couple of 
> months when I show up the next day the cats have dry food left from the day 
> before and the water is clean.  And at my house I also will sometimes see a 
> mama and babies.  But a month or two later I'm only seeing one or two 
> raccoons coming around, not the mama and four babies.  Where did they go? My 
> friend that only has a couple cats at one feeding station uses one of those 
> food containers with a timer on it.  She feeds a certain amount in an open 
> bowl during the day, but at 9:00 at night one side of the container opens 
> with food and later in the night, like 2:00 am the other side opens.  That 
> way the cats have food during the night.  But the timer thing is small and 
> wouldn't work with a big colony.  Plus I've had raccoons carry bowls off so I 
> would think they would carry that off too.
> “I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are 
> profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon 
> unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me 
> sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark Twain
>  Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 09:46:07 -0800
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] RACCOON GETTING INTO CAT STATION/reply/reply
> The raccoons near one of my colonies climb the 3-story-high palm tree there, 
> to live in it, so yes, they can climb.
> On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 3:44 AM, dot winkler  wrote:
> Hi - That's an idea.  I'm waiting to see if the coon returns.  I just 
> restarted the dry food after two weeks of not putting it out.  I'm afraid to 
> trap it - it may have babies somewhere.  I'd feel bad.  I read coons can't 
> jump or climb but also had some feedback that, yes they can. Wondering about 
> this.  Dotty
> From: MaiMaiPG 
>  To: 
>  Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 7:41 AM
>  Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] RACCOON GETTING INTO CAT STATION/reply
> Do they have battery operated radios that have timers?  Be aware that coons 
> can destroy about anything.  If this is one coon or maybe two, can you trap 
> it and relocate it?  
> On May 31, 2012, at 6:32 AM, dot winkler wrote:
> Hi Martha - I don't live nearby.  I live in the next town over.  I drive over 
> there once a day.  Wish i did.  That would be a good idea if I could have 
> noise at night to deter the critters!  Thanks
> From: Martha Walton 
>  To: 
>  Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 6:13 PM
>  A radio playing at night has reduced the raccoon visits at our chicken-coop, 
> maybe it would help with the cat situation?
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