Re: OT - 2 things

2005-07-02 Thread Del Daniels

He's a handsome fella.  He looks neutered 
now.  Love those big eyes, my Butch has large open expressive eyes, 
too.  You can see a lot going on in their thoughts and are ready to tell us 
about it any minute.  

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2005 10:09 
  Subject: Re: OT - 2 things
  LOL! Well, I take him out now on a leash 
  sometimes, and he's never acted TOO violent, though he has given me "the look" 
  a few times if I tried to tell him it was time to go in too soon. I tell you 
  what WE didn't know HIM either! This is my BABY, mind you, my absolute 
  favorite cat, my angel. I bottle fed this guy.
  This is him, his most recent picture, taken 
  about 2 weeks ago: 
  You answered your own question as to why Doobie 
  acted so weird and terrified ... since he had never been outside before the 
  incident, he spooked really bad and 
  didn't know either you or Jeff.  We have had a couple of episodes 
  with cats that got out when they never had before and they did freak horribly 
  although didn't react quite like Doobie.  He wins a gold star 
  performance.  If he gets outside again, Do Be careful of Doobie  
  ...  I couldn't resist

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Re: OT - 2 things

2005-07-02 Thread felv

LOL! Well, I take him out now on a leash 
sometimes, and he's never acted TOO violent, though he has given me "the look" a 
few times if I tried to tell him it was time to go in too soon. I tell you what 
WE didn't know HIM either! This is my BABY, mind you, my absolute favorite cat, 
my angel. I bottle fed this guy.
This is him, his most recent picture, taken about 
2 weeks ago: 

You answered your own question as to why Doobie 
acted so weird and terrified ... since he had never been outside before the 
incident, he spooked really bad and 
didn't know either you or Jeff.  We have had a couple of episodes with 
cats that got out when they never had before and they did freak horribly 
although didn't react quite like Doobie.  He wins a gold star 
performance.  If he gets outside again, Do Be careful of Doobie  
...  I couldn't resist
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Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.8/37 - Release Date: 7/1/2005

Re: (Pee Club) and for Michelle......over grooming again :(

2005-07-02 Thread catatonya
Lol!  I was wrong on the dosage.  It's 25 mg per mL, but the dose is .1 mL, so it's 2.5 grams per dose or 5 grams total per day.
We all eat ivd modified formula from the vet because of bob's bladder problems..

That is a HIGH dose for a cat. If that's not helping at that dose, I'd try something else. Have you tried changing to a no grain food yet?
~~~I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a free can of formula!PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.8/37 - Release Date: 7/1/2005

Re: OT - 2 things

2005-07-02 Thread felv

And I see you are not even ATTEMPTING to train 
the man, but instead looking for ways to train the cat. LOL, I have to laugh, 
because it just goes to show what every woman knows, it's harder to train a man 
to change his routine, than to re-house-train a cat!
You do know that adding a cup of distilled white 
vinegar to the laundry wash cycle will remove all the cat pee smell, but does 
not leave a vinegar smell or fade the clothes at all, right?
Also, if you install some hooks RIGHT beside the 
man's side of the bed, in EASY reach, it is easier to break them out of throwing 
things on the floor, since it's right there, and they don't have to make any 
special trips to throw things on the hooks. I've found, though years of 
experience with a few different men, the "I told you so" and "This happens every 
time, why can't you learn from your mistakes" gets totally LOST on men, they 
just DO not grasp the concept of a normal time line and cause and effect. I even 
did the whole, "If it ends up on the floor, It's going in the trash" routine 
once for about 3 days.. it caused a HUGE fight, but he still just threw his 
clothes on the floor (this was with my EX, not Jeff). Maybe the cats have 
an idea there, next time Jeff leaves something where I told him it can't be 
left, I'll just hike up my skirt, haul down my panties, and PISS all over 
whatever it is. LOL Maybe that would get the point across? There's an old 
junk TV on the porch he SAID he would put in the storage room 2 weeks 
ago ;-)~
Sorry guys... I apologize in advance if I hurt 
any feelings! We should probably take this conversation over to the OT list, OK 
guys? Reply to this address, instead of hitting your reply button: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
For those of you not signed up for the OT list 
yet, here's the URL to sign up:

so funny.  Bruce woke up this morning to catch Grace peeing on the 
clothes he once again left by the side of the bed.  I couldn't help 
thinking that I'd somehow brought it on with all the pee talk yesterday! 
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Re: Angel Wings: I have sent two cats to AW

2005-07-02 Thread Belinda Sauro

  Opps, sent my email to the wrong address, sorry :(

 Hi Jan,
 Got the new application ready and the new graphoc but petfinder's FTP 
is down, so I can't put them up :(   Will try again tomorrow!  >

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: OT - 2 things

2005-07-02 Thread Del Daniels

You answered your own question as to why Doobie 
acted so wierd and terrified ... since he had never been outside before the 
incident, he spooked really bad and 
didn't know either you or Jeff.  We have had a couple of episodes with 
cats that got out when they never had before and they did freak horribly 
although didn't react quite like Doobie.  He wins a gold star 
performance.  If he gets outside again, Do Be careful of Doobie  
...  I couldn't resist

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2005 9:37 
  Subject: Re: OT - 2 things
  I really just do not know what he was thinking. 
  I still ask myself WHY? What was the purpose of that. I guess we must have 
  pissed him off earlier that day, and he was just out for revenge. LOL! 
  Then there was the one time he ran out the back 
  door (this was about a month before the bed peeing episode). So we run out 
  into the yard, to try to catch him, and as we approach, he growls and folds 
  his ears back. So we kneel down, and try to sweet talk him into letting us 
  catch him, but then he begins to make this horrible WAILING sound, intermixed 
  with growls and hisses. At this point, I'm like, whoa, he is serious, he does 
  NOT want to come back in, and I say, well, he will come back in a while. My 
  boyfriend, on the other hand, is not going to let Doobie risk his life just 
  for a night out catting, so I go up to the steps and sit down, and watch, and 
  he approaches Doobie. He reaches down, amidst this HORRIBLE wailing and 
  growling, and goes to grab Doobie, and bring him in, and as he is bending down 
  to get him, Doobie suddenly just comes FLYING through the air at his face, 
  arms outstretched, and claws flying, making the most horrific sound you have 
  ever hear from a cat. In fact it was SO scary that I doubt any of you have 
  ever HEARD a cat make this kind of noise (he sounded like a jaguar)! And so 
  Jeff, (that's my boyfriend's name) jumps back real quick, and luckily, Doobie 
  only gets his shin. Jeff's got blood running down his leg, and Doobie is now 
  in crouched down pissed off cat mode, and making more of those noises, so Jeff 
  finally says "Ok man, you win!" and as we watch, Doobie goes through a hole in 
  the back fence and disappears. Now, mind you, we are worried to death, but 
  it's only about 5 PM, so I figure, when it's getting dark, Doobie will 
  probably come home (I'm hoping he can FIND his way home, since he has NEVER 
  been outside before). We pace the floors for about 2 hours, and then I go out 
  into the back yard, and call Doobie (He comes to Frank Sinatra's "Strangers in 
  the Night" tune of "Doobie-doobie do, doob doobie doobie, Doobie-doobie Do!) 
  and low and behold, Doobie's body appears over the top of the fence, and he 
  jumps down back into the yard, and walks up to me like "Hey, what's up, how's 
  it going?" as if NOTHING ever happened! He gets closer, and I see he is 
  limping, on one leg, and his face is all clawed up... He'd been out fighting, 
  I'm sure, over a female (mind you, he's not neutered yet, and he's almost 18 
  months old). So, I open the door, and let him in, and one of our other rescue 
  cats at the time, LAYS into him, and basically kicks his butt, right there in 
  the kitchen. As if to say, "Hey you moron, where did you think YOU were going, 
  I'm going to show you where YOUR place is!". So, in the end, he abscessed in 3 
  legs, and once on his neck, and he couldn't walk for about 2 weeks straight. 
  But, I tell you what, I found a new respect for domestic cats after that day. 
  I never FEARED housecats before, but that day, I learned, IF they wanted to, 
  they could KILL YOU! He has, to this day, NEVER repeated that type of 
  behavior. We are not sure what the deal was that day, but we are glad he got 
  over it!
  Well, you have the #1 disaster so far to pee 
  on you while you were sleeping!  If this was a contest, you would win ... 
  or Doobie would win.

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  Anti-Virus.Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.8/37 - Release Date: 

Re: OT - 2 things

2005-07-02 Thread felv

I really just do not know what he was thinking. I 
still ask myself WHY? What was the purpose of that. I guess we must have pissed 
him off earlier that day, and he was just out for revenge. LOL! 
Then there was the one time he ran out the back 
door (this was about a month before the bed peeing episode). So we run out into 
the yard, to try to catch him, and as we approach, he growls and folds his ears 
back. So we kneel down, and try to sweet talk him into letting us catch him, but 
then he begins to make this horrible WAILING sound, intermixed with growls and 
hisses. At this point, I'm like, whoa, he is serious, he does NOT want to come 
back in, and I say, well, he will come back in a while. My boyfriend, on the 
other hand, is not going to let Doobie risk his life just for a night out 
catting, so I go up to the steps and sit down, and watch, and he approaches 
Doobie. He reaches down, amidst this HORRIBLE wailing and growling, and goes to 
grab Doobie, and bring him in, and as he is bending down to get him, Doobie 
suddenly just comes FLYING through the air at his face, arms outstretched, and 
claws flying, making the most horrific sound you have ever hear from a cat. In 
fact it was SO scary that I doubt any of you have ever HEARD a cat make this 
kind of noise (he sounded like a jaguar)! And so Jeff, (that's my boyfriend's 
name) jumps back real quick, and luckily, Doobie only gets his shin. Jeff's got 
blood running down his leg, and Doobie is now in crouched down pissed off cat 
mode, and making more of those noises, so Jeff finally says "Ok man, you win!" 
and as we watch, Doobie goes through a hole in the back fence and disappears. 
Now, mind you, we are worried to death, but it's only about 5 PM, so I figure, 
when it's getting dark, Doobie will probably come home (I'm hoping he can FIND 
his way home, since he has NEVER been outside before). We pace the floors for 
about 2 hours, and then I go out into the back yard, and call Doobie (He comes 
to Frank Sinatra's "Strangers in the Night" tune of "Doobie-doobie do, doob 
doobie doobie, Doobie-doobie Do!) and low and behold, Doobie's body appears over 
the top of the fence, and he jumps down back into the yard, and walks up to me 
like "Hey, what's up, how's it going?" as if NOTHING ever happened! He gets 
closer, and I see he is limping, on one leg, and his face is all clawed up... 
He'd been out fighting, I'm sure, over a female (mind you, he's not neutered 
yet, and he's almost 18 months old). So, I open the door, and let him in, and 
one of our other rescue cats at the time, LAYS into him, and basically kicks his 
butt, right there in the kitchen. As if to say, "Hey you moron, where did you 
think YOU were going, I'm going to show you where YOUR place is!". So, in the 
end, he abscessed in 3 legs, and once on his neck, and he couldn't walk for 
about 2 weeks straight. But, I tell you what, I found a new respect for domestic 
cats after that day. I never FEARED housecats before, but that day, I learned, 
IF they wanted to, they could KILL YOU! He has, to this day, NEVER repeated that 
type of behavior. We are not sure what the deal was that day, but we are glad he 
got over it!

Well, you have the #1 disaster so far to pee 
on you while you were sleeping!  If this was a contest, you would win ... 
or Doobie would win.
No virus found in this outgoing message.
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Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.8/37 - Release Date: 7/1/2005

Re: Angel Wings: I have sent two cats to AW

2005-07-02 Thread Belinda Sauro

  Hi Jan,
  Got the new application ready and the new graphoc but petfinder's FTP 
is down, so I can't put them up :(  Will try again tomorrow!

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: FELV and FIV cats removed from Angel Wings yesterday

2005-07-02 Thread felv

I just saw your color pics Deb, I sent them down 
to Kara, she will look for him, and let me know. I don't have the pictures of 
the cats yet, just got home from work. Kara must have gotten tied up, or not got 
the pictures online yet. Ignore my previous email asking if he was orangy, he 
ovbiously is NOT at all orange or buff, definately a lilac point. We will look 
for him and let you know if anyone might be him!

I found his picture from the transport, he was a 
very light himmy, August 02.  Bad ears and eyes, sure did not survive under 
Rehnee's lack of care.  I'm sick.
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Re: (Pee Club) and for Michelle......over grooming again :(

2005-07-02 Thread felv

That is a HIGH dose for a cat. If that's not 
helping at that dose, I'd try something else. Have you tried changing to a no 
grain food yet?

collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who 
must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.Bazil's caretaker 
collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a free 
can of formula!PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address 
you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!
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Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.8/37 - Release Date: 7/1/2005

Re: Angel Wings: I have sent two cats to AW

2005-07-02 Thread felv

That would be me. I need detailed descriptions 
(colors, markings, patterns, hair length, eye color, body shape, tail length, 
etc) and any photos you have of them.
Are you interested in taking them back, or able 
to sponsor them if they are found? Where are you located, if you want them 

I have sent two FIV+ cats to Angel 
Wings.  Please let me know who I should contact to inquire about 
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Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.8/37 - Release Date: 7/1/2005

Re: Flavia's PCV count maintained at 17

2005-07-02 Thread catatonya
Hi Kerry,
I hope the hematocrit starts back up!  Could you possibly keep Flavia crated while you're gone?
tonyaKerry MacKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi everyone
Well, we went to the vet again today, and much to my relief, Flavia's count remains at 17!
So, so far, between June 22 and today it's gone: 6-7.5; 21; 21; 17; 17.

She lost 3 oz weight. (When they first weighed her, she had "lost a pound"--I said that couldn't possibly be right--surely? So they started again, and this time she was 8lb 12 oz. She was 8lb 15oz the last 2 visits.)
We go back on Tuesday again. And I have to leave on Wednesday evening.
I'm trying to figure a way to start the immunoregulin on Tuesday, as it will have to be continued while I'm not here (have already primed the vet, to get a jump on the holiday--she's new, I haven't even met her yet--and emailed her info from Kyle; plus she has the 3 articles posted on the website). This will be the challenge over the next 2 days!
Thank to all of you wonderful people for your support and god wishes--please continue sending good vibes for Flavia.

Flavia's PCV count maintained at 17

2005-07-02 Thread Kerry MacKenzie

Hi everyone
Well, we went to the vet again today, and much to my relief, Flavia's count 
remains at 17!
So, so far, between June 22 and today it's gone: 6-7.5; 21; 21; 17; 

She lost 3 oz weight. (When they first weighed her, she had "lost a 
pound"--I said that couldn't possibly be right--surely? So they started again, 
and this time she was 8lb 12 oz. She was 8lb 15oz the last 2 
We go back on Tuesday again. And I have to leave on Wednesday 
I'm trying to figure a way to start the immunoregulin on Tuesday, as it 
will have to be continued while I'm not here (have already primed the vet, 
to get a jump on the holiday--she's new, I haven't even met her yet--and emailed 
her info from Kyle; plus she has the 3 articles posted on the website). 
This will be the challenge over the next 2 days!
Thank to all of you wonderful people for your support and god 
wishes--please continue sending good vibes for Flavia.

Re: Anyone know how immuno regulin is administered?

2005-07-02 Thread Kerry MacKenzie

Once again Michelle, I'm so very grateful to you. I sent the text of your 
and Kyle's emails to the vet, and I checked they got there before she left for 
the holiday weekend. (She said she had never used immunoregulin, so now she has 
something to read over the weekend!)
Flavia's PCV count was maintained at 17 today. Of course, I was 
relieved. We go back on Tuesday. I'm still trying to figure out how to make 
the IR (if I go ahead) work logistically while I'm gone. (I leave on Wed 
evening.) Flavia is feral, so it's not an easy matter to put her in a carrier, 
and I'm not sure any of my friends are up to doing that. (The petsitter is going 
to be stretched to her limit with all her clients because her helper just left.) 
I'll have to put some thought into this...
One step at a time
many thanks again Michelle.
love and hugs, Kerry

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 8:47 PM
  Subject: Re: Anyone know how immuno 
  regulin is administered?
  No hospitalization is required. A vet is only needed to do it because it 
  is an IV injection. If you know someone who can do IV injections, or if you 
  want to get a house call vet to do it, that is all that is needed. The dose is 
  every 3 days or once a week for the first 2 weeks, then once a week 
  thereafter.  She may need another transfusion too, and/or another shot of 
  dexamethasone depending on what is happening that is making her HCT fall like 
  that. Is she sluggish?  One word of caution-- IR causes fever and chills 
  and some other side effects in a small percentage of cats. It caused very high 
  fever with Ginger (105.8) and chills for about an hour, but I do think it 
  helped her get over her URI and start eating again. My cat Patches got it with 
  no side effects and I think it helped her get over pneumonia quickly.  My 
  only hope that IR will help with anemia is from that article on our website, 
  but I hope it does. I think it might be hard to administer to a feral, but if 
  they gave her a transfusion that is IV too (though her HCT was so low that she 
  probably could not fight or care at that point).
     Are you leaving your pet sitter with instructions about 
  things to do if she seems to be more anemic? I think there is a good chance 
  her HCT will fall while you are gone even if you get it back up now.  You 
  might want to do another transfusion if you can before you leave, since the 
  last one seems to have helped her for over 2 weeks, right? Maybe it will get 
  her through your trip?
  In a message dated 7/1/05 6:26:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
Hi Kerry,  
I'm sorry the hematocrit went down.  I don't know that much about 
the numbers, but it seems that's not a huge drop.  When I used 
immunoregulin I had to take my cat in for injections.  I believe we 
started out every other day or even every day, and then tapered down.  
With a feral cat I don't know if that's the way to go.  My cat was very 
skittish, and after all she went through with the immunoregulin vet visits 
and then the eye drops treatment for herpes she was always semiferal after 
I hope your next test shows no drop in the hematocrit.  You and 
Flavia are in my thoughts and prayers.
tonyaKerry MacKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  everyoneFlavia's test was not so good last night--her hematocrit went 
  down from 21to17. I'm taking her again on Saturday for the same test. 
  I wish so muchthat I wasn't going out of the country on Wednesday--it 
  is such bad timing.Michelle had suggested I read the article on 
  immunoregulin posted on thisgroup's site--how it had been successful 
  in treating FeLV cats with varioussymptoms including severe anemia. My 
  Q is, does anyone know what's involvedwith immunoregulin treatment 
  --does it involve hospitalization for severaldays? I'm not keen to do 
  that--Flavia is feral, and gets very stressed outby human contact and 
  change. If anyone has any experience of treating akitty with 
  immunoregulin I'd really appreciate any info.Thanks, 

Angel Wings: I have sent two cats to AW

2005-07-02 Thread Sally Quillian

I have sent two FIV+ cats to Angel 
Wings.  Please let me know who I should contact to inquire about 
Thank you.
Sally Quillian
Ms. Kitty's Cat Rescue,

Re: ......over grooming again :(

2005-07-02 Thread catatonya
I agree about the stress.  It's strange, too, but she has always slept with me and recently she hasn't been doing so.  So in the past we've always had 'together' time more than lately.  I don't know what's going on with her right now, but there have been no changes good or bad to the amount of overgrooming.
tNina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tonya,You may not think I'm crazy, though lots and lots of people do :) ...Grace has a tendency to itch, scratch and groom, (nasty pulling out hair kind of grooming), when she's been stressed. Something that has really helped with her, is having our "quality" time together, just her and me. When I finally collapse in front of the TV at night, I'll call her over for a cuddle session. I tell her this is our time, that she's so special to me, I even whisper in her ear, (so the others don't hear :) ), that she's my favorite! I started doing this when she was fussing with herself and it helped. Now, she'll jump in my lap before I even settle on the couch! It's not easy finding one-on-one time with so many, but I do my best to try. I've taken in the Chow/Husky pups my mom rescued, (I'm telling you, they are FOSTERS!), so we're now up to 6
 cats and 6 dogs! Isn't that nice, a even dozen, even the sexes come out even!Ninacatatonya wrote:> Thanks Michelle,> > I may try upping her dosage. I doubt I could get the amatryptoline > because my vet insists it's allergies and not behavioral. (although I > disagree.) I'm hoping when I move and have more space she will be less > stressed and stop some of this.> > Basically it just scares me sh*tless because it's how I lost my first > leukemia cat. She was a very timid cat and HATED going to the vet, so > I didn't take her in until she did have a raw place. They gave her a > half dose shot of pred. and then she came down with an upper resp. > infection and had a herpes relapse, etc... and I lost her. She would > NOT be medicated.> > I don't want DD to overgroom to that point, and I don't really want to > put her on pred. and I don't want to take her to
 the vet more than > necessary. I know she's a different cat, and not timid etc... In fact > I can easily mediate her, I guess it's just fear from having been > through the same thing with CC and losing her.> > Thank you for the info.> > t> *//*

Re: Long distance travel with kitties

2005-07-02 Thread catatonya
Hi Alejandra,
I'm glad you all made it and are getting settled.  It sounds like your cats did pretty well on the long trip!  I hope Adri and Chema check out well at the vet's.  They still may just be 'adjusting' and may feel better on their own soon, but I would be concerned about the paleness.
good luck in Texas!
tonyaMartha Alejandra Moreno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Everybody 
I am at Corpus Christi with my two cats (Adri and Chema) I’ve been here for 2 weeks.  
The veterinarian advised me sedate the cats with Benadryl.  One week before the trip I gave them benadryl.  Adri was ok, but Chema srtated to foaming, running like crazy, he scared me.  After 1 hour he began to calm down.  I decided do not to give them benadryl.  
I followed all your advices; I bought a crate, a small sand box and sprayed felinway in the entire truck cabin etc...  I thought we were going to travel tight, (my sister, the cats and I) but the trip was comfortable enough.  They were very stressed while the truck was load (at Jackson) and unload (at corpus Christi) I left them in the bathroom.  
The first day we drove the truck by 14 hours.  Chema did not want to eat anything and he was breathing as a dog (with the tongue outside), Adri slept all the way.  NONE of them wanted to use the sand box (for 14 hours).  At the hotel that night, I putted together the sandbox they use every day at home. They were pleased. (They never wanted to use small sand box I bought them).  The second day we drove for 5 hours.  
I believe that they have adapted very well to the new apartment.  Now the outside birds are driving them crazy.  I think it is very nice to hear birds early in the mornings and late in the afternoons, but clearly they do not agree with me.  I believe they want to chase those birds.  
Now, I need to look for a veterinarian here.  These last days I see Adri pale, (although she is eating and playing well).  Chema is “down” he is eating less than usual and does not want be petted.


2005-07-02 Thread catatonya
Has herpes been ruled out?  allergies?  I recently had a cat with a sinus infection that was given zythromax.  What antibiotics have you used?
t"Gloria B. Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey Tonya,I just attempted to have some Chlorphenarimine / Chlor Trimeton compounded into an ear cream. They got it wrong and made a liquid for oral consumption. The pharmacy said the ear cream would be $50.I'm curious - how much do you get and how much does it cost?I didn't know you could give kitties Benadryl, so interested in that.My problem is Lancelot - got him in January,February - declawed, outdoors for two months. He had the sniffles. I've tried everything - Lysine, Interferon, antibiotics, most recently a depo shot, which of course did help some. THought I'd do the ear cream because he's so hard to pill.Anyhow - any suggestions are appreciated, and info on *ear cream* !GloriaAt 12:26 PM 7/2/2005, you wrote:>I had it compounded into a cream for her ears to make it easier to give it
 >to her. She is overgrooming her tummy and her 2 back legs to where there >is very little hair yet. The vet says it's allergies and recommended >prednisolone. We tried the baths, but she really HATED that!>>her benadryl dose is 25 mg. twice daily.>>t>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:>What is the dose, and why is she getting it? And why in her ears? You can >actually give Benadryl orally to cats, the dosage is 1MG per pound, so >since a tablet is 25MG, you'd need to give a little less than 1/2 a tablet >to a 10 pound cat, or if you buy the capsules, you can dissolve the opened >capsule's powder into a bit of water, shake well, and only give 1/3 of the >liquid, OR use children's benadryl liquid, but I'm not sure the strength >of that, so you'd have to do the math. When you say she is overgrooming, >do you mean she is cleaning one spot until she has no hair left? For
 >Mythic's skin itchies, I just used a good quality aloe cat shampoo and >bathed him once a week, and it seemed to help him a lot. The vet gave me a >special shampoo, but I found some stuff at the hardware store that seems >to help even more. The stuff the vet sold me is made by Virbac, and it's >called Epi-Soothe Shampoo (label says available through vets only, and no >number). The stuff that works better for Mythic, is made by TropiClean, >and it's called Aloe Moist Natural Shampoo (1-800-542-7387). I wont ever >buy any other kind of shampoo again, it's really awesome stuff, smells >great too. Mythic also got shots at the vet for a while, I'd have to dig >up his records to tell you what it was though. They only last for a couple >of weeks, wasn't really worth the trip. Changing his food to one with no >grains helped more than anything, his hair is still thin, but he does not >scratch much at
 all now.>>Jenn>>>>~~~>DD is still overgrooming with the benadryl cream. It doesn't seem to >effect her. Her dosage is 1mL twice daily (alternate ears) do you >remember what you used? I saved some other ideas I may try next, but the >pharmacist said my prescription was a very 'low' dose. I wonder if my vet >prescribed a low dose because she didn't think it would work and I >insisted on trying it? My vet can be like that>No virus found in this outgoing message.>Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.>Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.8/35 - Release Date: 6/30/2005

Re: (Pee Club) and for Michelle and ear cream

2005-07-02 Thread catatonya
Hi Gloria,
I'm not familiar with Chlor Trimeton.  My benadryl ear cream was about 36 dollars including shipping and handling I believe.  I got 3 tubes with 10 doses each. So it was only about 2 weeks worth!  However, it didn't help.  I think I'm going to go with oral benedryl and try upping the dosage a bit before going on to something else.
Also, on a different cat I tried the ear cream for tapazole and my cat was allergic to it.  It caused her ears to break out.  :(
tonya"Gloria B. Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey Tonya,I just attempted to have some Chlorphenarimine / Chlor Trimeton compounded into an ear cream. They got it wrong and made a liquid for oral consumption. The pharmacy said the ear cream would be $50.I'm curious - how much do you get and how much does it cost?I didn't know you could give kitties Benadryl, so interested in that.My problem is Lancelot - got him in January,February - declawed, outdoors for two months. He had the sniffles. I've tried everything - Lysine, Interferon, antibiotics, most recently a depo shot, which of course did help some. THought I'd do the ear cream because he's so hard to pill.Anyhow - any suggestions are appreciated, and info on *ear cream* !GloriaAt 12:26 PM 7/2/2005, you wrote:>I had it compounded into a cream for her ears to make it easier to give it
 >to her. She is overgrooming her tummy and her 2 back legs to where there >is very little hair yet. The vet says it's allergies and recommended >prednisolone. We tried the baths, but she really HATED that!>>her benadryl dose is 25 mg. twice daily.>>t>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:>What is the dose, and why is she getting it? And why in her ears? You can >actually give Benadryl orally to cats, the dosage is 1MG per pound, so >since a tablet is 25MG, you'd need to give a little less than 1/2 a tablet >to a 10 pound cat, or if you buy the capsules, you can dissolve the opened >capsule's powder into a bit of water, shake well, and only give 1/3 of the >liquid, OR use children's benadryl liquid, but I'm not sure the strength >of that, so you'd have to do the math. When you say she is overgrooming, >do you mean she is cleaning one spot until she has no hair left? For
 >Mythic's skin itchies, I just used a good quality aloe cat shampoo and >bathed him once a week, and it seemed to help him a lot. The vet gave me a >special shampoo, but I found some stuff at the hardware store that seems >to help even more. The stuff the vet sold me is made by Virbac, and it's >called Epi-Soothe Shampoo (label says available through vets only, and no >number). The stuff that works better for Mythic, is made by TropiClean, >and it's called Aloe Moist Natural Shampoo (1-800-542-7387). I wont ever >buy any other kind of shampoo again, it's really awesome stuff, smells >great too. Mythic also got shots at the vet for a while, I'd have to dig >up his records to tell you what it was though. They only last for a couple >of weeks, wasn't really worth the trip. Changing his food to one with no >grains helped more than anything, his hair is still thin, but he does not >scratch much at
 all now.>>Jenn>>>>~~~>DD is still overgrooming with the benadryl cream. It doesn't seem to >effect her. Her dosage is 1mL twice daily (alternate ears) do you >remember what you used? I saved some other ideas I may try next, but the >pharmacist said my prescription was a very 'low' dose. I wonder if my vet >prescribed a low dose because she didn't think it would work and I >insisted on trying it? My vet can be like that>No virus found in this outgoing message.>Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.>Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.8/35 - Release Date: 6/30/2005

Re: OT - 2 things

2005-07-02 Thread Nina
That's so funny.  Bruce woke up this morning to catch Grace peeing on 
the clothes he once again left by the side of the bed.  I couldn't help 
thinking that I'd somehow brought it on with all the pee talk yesterday! 

catatonya wrote:

I tie.  I've been peed on in bed before too!  More than once.  And 
after running my mouth last night, this morning I found 2 loose poops 
and get to clean the carpet!

Re: ......over grooming again :(

2005-07-02 Thread Nina

You may not think I'm crazy, though lots and lots of people do :) ...

Grace has a tendency to itch, scratch and groom, (nasty pulling out hair 
kind of grooming), when she's been stressed.  Something that has really 
helped with her, is having our "quality" time together, just her and 
me.  When I finally collapse in front of the TV at night, I'll call her 
over for a cuddle session.  I tell her this is our time, that she's so 
special to me, I even whisper in her ear, (so the others don't hear :) 
), that she's my favorite!  I started doing this when she was fussing 
with herself and it helped.  Now, she'll jump in my lap before I even 
settle on the couch!   It's not easy finding one-on-one time with so 
many, but I do my best to try.  I've taken in the Chow/Husky pups my mom 
rescued, (I'm telling you, they are FOSTERS!), so we're now up to 6 cats 
and 6 dogs!  Isn't that nice, a even dozen, even the sexes come out even!


catatonya wrote:

Thanks Michelle,
I may try upping her dosage.  I doubt I could get the amatryptoline 
because my vet insists it's allergies and not behavioral.  (although I 
disagree.) I'm hoping when I move and have more space she will be less 
stressed and stop some of this.
Basically it just scares me sh*tless because it's how I lost my first 
leukemia cat.  She was a very timid cat and HATED going to the vet, so 
I didn't take her in until she did have a raw place.  They gave her a 
half dose shot of pred. and then she came down with an upper resp. 
infection and had a herpes relapse, etc... and I lost her.  She would 
NOT be medicated.
I don't want DD to overgroom to that point, and I don't really want to 
put her on pred. and I don't want to take her to the vet more than 
necessary.  I know she's a different cat, and not timid etc... In fact 
I can easily mediate her, I guess it's just fear from having been 
through the same thing with CC and losing her.
Thank you for the info.


Re: OT - 2 things

2005-07-02 Thread catatonya
I tie.  I've been peed on in bed before too!  More than once.  And after running my mouth last night, this morning I found 2 loose poops and get to clean the carpet!
tDel Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well, you have the #1 disaster so far to pee on you while you were sleeping!  If this was a contest, you would win ... or Doobie would win.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 11:28 PM
Subject: Re: OT - 2 things

LOL, that's why Doobie got neutered. We were sound asleep one night, and all of a sudden, it got warm and wet on our backs. He had peed about a gallon of stinky tom cat pee on top of all of our covers, at just about shoulder level, and it had soaked all the way through the comforter, blanket, sheet, and US! I was SO mad, I called the vet at 7:00 AM that morning, and said "I have a cat that needs to have his nuts chopped off TODAY!", and they fit him right in. He has NEVER peed on the bed since. I think when I told him "OH, buddy, you are gonna PAY for this one!" he realized I was serious when I loaded him up and took him to the vet first thing that morning, and that night when he was flopping around in a drunken stupor minus two testicles! To say he learned a lesson is putting it mildly. I know, it's mean to neuter a cat as punishment, but he REALLY asked for that one! He might have stayed a tom for his entire life, if he hadn't pulled that trick! Now,
 when he's being bad, and I say "Don't you EVEN think about it!" he generally stops! I also trim claws as punishment around here. One cat scratches another, that cat gets a claw trimming. They hate it, because they can't do wild acrobatics on the cat tree when they don't have claws. Oh, hey, you guys recall me saying how my girl cat doesn't use the box, but will go in front of it, or in an empty box with no filler? Well, on many people's advise, I went and bought a new large UNcovered litterbox and I have not found any pee on the floor since. It WAS the covered boxes, she felt trapped in them, I think!
How about being already in BED and sniffing and realize someone peed on it!  I run a dehumidifier and I guess someone did it during the day and it had dried before I got in bed that night. agh!!!

No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.8/35 - Release Date: 6/30/2005

......over grooming again :(

2005-07-02 Thread catatonya
Thanks Michelle,
I may try upping her dosage.  I doubt I could get the amatryptoline because my vet insists it's allergies and not behavioral.  (although I disagree.) I'm hoping when I move and have more space she will be less stressed and stop some of this.
Basically it just scares me sh*tless because it's how I lost my first leukemia cat.  She was a very timid cat and HATED going to the vet, so I didn't take her in until she did have a raw place.  They gave her a half dose shot of pred. and then she came down with an upper resp. infection and had a herpes relapse, etc... and I lost her.  She would NOT be medicated.
I don't want DD to overgroom to that point, and I don't really want to put her on pred. and I don't want to take her to the vet more than necessary.  I know she's a different cat, and not timid etc... In fact I can easily mediate her, I guess it's just fear from having been through the same thing with CC and losing her.
Thank you for the info.

I think that is the dose that Patches gets. It's been so long that I've been doing it and I go by the unit marks on the syringes, that I have forgotten the actual dose.  Patches may get more, actually. I think the vet had said to give her 6 mg of benadryl orally, so I assume he would have prescribed at least as much transdermally.  You can try giving her 6 mg (1/4 of an over-the-counter 25 mg pill) orally. It would be ok-- my vet said they can get a whole 25 mg pill for extreme anxiety and recommended I give a whole one to Lucy when we move because she freaks out so much in the car.  
I should tell you that even with the benadryl cream Patches does still overgroom, in that the hair never fully grows back on her belly and back legs. But without it she is totally bald there and licks herself raw,  She at least has some hair there on the benadryl and feliway (diffuser plus I spray the edges of the room she hangs out in most every morning and, if I remember, at night).  
Amitryptaline seems to be used for a lot of anxiety-caused behavior problems. Maybe it would help with this?
In a message dated 7/2/05 1:23:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DD is still overgrooming with the benadryl cream.  It doesn't seem to effect her.  Her dosage is 1mL twice daily (alternate ears) do you remember what you used?  I saved some other ideas I may try next, but the pharmacist said my prescription was a very 'low' dose.  I wonder if my vet prescribed a low dose because she didn't think it would work and I insisted on trying it?  My vet can be like that


Long distance travel with kitties

2005-07-02 Thread Martha Alejandra Moreno
Hello Everybody 
I am at Corpus Christi with my two cats (Adri and Chema) I’ve been here for 2 weeks.  
The veterinarian advised me sedate the cats with Benadryl.  One week before the trip I gave them benadryl.  Adri was ok, but Chema srtated to foaming, running like crazy, he scared me.  After 1 hour he began to calm down.  I decided do not to give them benadryl.  
I followed all your advices; I bought a crate, a small sand box and sprayed felinway in the entire truck cabin etc...  I thought we were going to travel tight, (my sister, the cats and I) but the trip was comfortable enough.  They were very stressed while the truck was load (at Jackson) and unload (at corpus Christi) I left them in the bathroom.  
The first day we drove the truck by 14 hours.  Chema did not want to eat anything and he was breathing as a dog (with the tongue outside), Adri slept all the way.  NONE of them wanted to use the sand box (for 14 hours).  At the hotel that night, I putted together the sandbox they use every day at home. They were pleased. (They never wanted to use small sand box I bought them).  The second day we drove for 5 hours.  
I believe that they have adapted very well to the new apartment.  Now the outside birds are driving them crazy.  I think it is very nice to hear birds early in the mornings and late in the afternoons, but clearly they do not agree with me.  I believe they want to chase those birds.  
Now, I need to look for a veterinarian here.  These last days I see Adri pale, (although she is eating and playing well).  Chema is “down” he is eating less than usual and does not want be petted.
>From: tamara stickler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>Reply-To:>To:>Subject: Re: I NEED HELP -Long distance Traveling with kitties>Date: Thu, 12 May 2005 08:21:05 -0700 (PDT)>>Hi Martha!>>Don't worry, you can take your cats with you and it really ISN'T difficult to do. The trick is you need the right type of crate for them where you can put a litter box and a scrap of rubber-backed rug, and off you go.>>1) Do you have a PetSmart near you? If so you can pick up a small DOG crate, open wire, plastic tray bottom (collapsable) for about $40 ea. They stand about 3 foot x 2.5 x 3 foot and you can fit two in the back seat of a small compact car. (I shoved two in the back of my Chevy Metro just last 
summer).>>2) Assemble crate and place a rug remnant ($1.00 each at most carpet stores- they use them as color samples) in the crate's bottom.>>3) Purchase a plastic kitten-sized litter pan for each crate. Punch two holes, horizontally about 1/2" from the upper lip of each pan, on one of the lengthier sides of the pan.>>4) Thread a plastic covered twistie (you can get from a box of lawn and leaf bags, or purchase separately). You may have to twist two or three securely together to give you the length you'll need.>>5) Place a litter pan in each crate...position at the shorter width end, and using twistie, secure pan to bars of crate. -cover pan bottom with a thin layer of litter.>>6) Put one kitty in each crate, put crates in car's back seat.>>7) The crates are open wire, so you can thread the rear seat 
belt through the bottom of the side of them and then fasten it as you would around a keep them from moving too much.>>8) If kitties are nervous travellers, you can get Feliaway or another herbal cat calmitive and administer. Feliaway can be sprayed on rug in crate...or in carthe herbalsome kind of flower extract (Bach me out here folks, perhaps someone else knows the name), can be rubbed in earsBoth work rather well. (If kitties get nauseousdon't feed three hours before begining travel).>>9) Add to car, bottled water -room temp., two small bowls for water, (if you want to put in crate you can...just be certain to secure them to bars, and only add a very little bit of water b/c it'll slosh around), plenty of plastic bags, paper towels & a scooper (for removing cat hack or litter box waste), a handfull of extra 
towels...(incase kitty gets sick...wipe up rug as best as you can, and cover with terricloth one likes to travel messy, dirty or smelly).>>10) Cover car seat behind secured crates with old beach towel or the like just incase of spraying or projectile vomiting...(not usual, but just in case).>>11) Carry a copy of both kitties' vet records with you...just incase there is need (accident or the like- not usual of course...but I've found if you are prepared, you won't need it) to stop at an emergency vet along the way, there will be no need for second guessing or over testing. Its also a good thing to have your vet recommend, or someone from this list recommend a vet near where you are moving and fax the cats' records down there ahead of youjust in case you loose your copies on the move.>>12) As you drive, play the radio...just not too 
loud...crack a window or two...but not too much, just enough for fresh air

Re: ear cream - Chlorphenarimine

2005-07-02 Thread Del Daniels

  I give the 
Chlorphenarimine c j k in a capsule so he 
doesn't taste it and that works for Butch but Smokey has a hard time swallowing 
any pills/capsules ... but $50 is pricey for the cream when the pills are 
very cheap, isn't it.  However, if it helps.  Lucy is helping my type 
and she can't spell :) Del

  - Original Message - 
  Gloria B. 
  Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2005 12:45 
  Subject: Re: (Pee Club) and for Michelle 
  and ear cream
  Hey Tonya,I just attempted to have some 
  Chlorphenarimine / Chlor Trimeton compounded into an ear cream.  They 
  got it wrong and made a liquid for oral consumption.  The pharmacy 
  said the ear cream would be $50.I'm curious - how much do you get and 
  how much does it cost?I didn't know you could give kitties Benadryl, 
  so interested in that.My problem is Lancelot - got him in 
  January,February - declawed, outdoors for two months.  He had the 
  sniffles.  I've tried everything - Lysine, Interferon, antibiotics, 
  most recently a depo shot, which of course did help some.  THought 
  I'd do the ear cream because he's so hard to pill.Anyhow - any 
  suggestions are appreciated, and info on *ear cream* 
  !GloriaAt 12:26 PM 7/2/2005, you wrote:>I had 
  it compounded into a cream for her ears to make it easier to give it 
  >to her.  She is overgrooming her tummy and her 2 back legs to 
  where there >is very little hair yet.  The vet says it's allergies 
  and recommended >prednisolone.  We tried the baths, but she really 
  HATED that!>>her benadryl dose is 25 mg. twice 
  daily.>>t>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:>What is the 
  dose, and why is she getting it? And why in her ears? You can >actually 
  give Benadryl orally to cats, the dosage is 1MG per pound, so >since a 
  tablet is 25MG, you'd need to give a little less than 1/2 a tablet >to 
  a 10 pound cat, or if you buy the capsules, you can dissolve the opened 
  >capsule's powder into a bit of water, shake well, and only give 1/3 of 
  the >liquid, OR use children's benadryl liquid, but I'm not sure the 
  strength >of that, so you'd have to do the math. When you say she is 
  overgrooming, >do you mean she is cleaning one spot until she has no 
  hair left? For >Mythic's skin itchies, I just used a good quality aloe 
  cat shampoo and >bathed him once a week, and it seemed to help him a 
  lot. The vet gave me a >special shampoo, but I found some stuff at the 
  hardware store that seems >to help even more. The stuff the vet sold me 
  is made by Virbac, and it's >called Epi-Soothe Shampoo (label says 
  available through vets only, and no >number). The stuff that works 
  better for Mythic, is made by TropiClean, >and it's called Aloe Moist 
  Natural Shampoo (1-800-542-7387). I wont ever >buy any other kind of 
  shampoo again, it's really awesome stuff, smells >great too. Mythic 
  also got shots at the vet for a while, I'd have to dig >up his records 
  to tell you what it was though. They only last for a couple >of weeks, 
  wasn't really worth the trip. Changing his food to one with no >grains 
  helped more than anything, his hair is still thin, but he does not 
  >scratch much at all now.>>Jenn>>>>~~~>DD 
  is still overgrooming with the benadryl cream.  It doesn't seem to 
  >effect her.  Her dosage is 1mL twice daily (alternate ears) do 
  you >remember what you used?  I saved some other ideas I may try 
  next, but the >pharmacist said my prescription was a very 'low' 
  dose.  I wonder if my vet >prescribed a low dose because she 
  didn't think it would work and I >insisted on trying it?  My vet 
  can be like that>No virus found in this outgoing 
  message.>Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.>Version: 7.0.323 / Virus 
  Database: 267.8.8/35 - Release Date: 

Re: (Pee Club) and for Michelle and ear cream

2005-07-02 Thread Gloria B. Lane

Hey Tonya,

I just attempted to have some Chlorphenarimine / Chlor Trimeton compounded 
into an ear cream.  They got it wrong and made a liquid for oral 
consumption.  The pharmacy said the ear cream would be $50.

I'm curious - how much do you get and how much does it cost?

I didn't know you could give kitties Benadryl, so interested in that.

My problem is Lancelot - got him in January,February - declawed, outdoors 
for two months.  He had the sniffles.  I've tried everything - Lysine, 
Interferon, antibiotics, most recently a depo shot, which of course did 
help some.  THought I'd do the ear cream because he's so hard to pill.

Anyhow - any suggestions are appreciated, and info on *ear cream* !


At 12:26 PM 7/2/2005, you wrote:
I had it compounded into a cream for her ears to make it easier to give it 
to her.  She is overgrooming her tummy and her 2 back legs to where there 
is very little hair yet.  The vet says it's allergies and recommended 
prednisolone.  We tried the baths, but she really HATED that!

her benadryl dose is 25 mg. twice daily.


What is the dose, and why is she getting it? And why in her ears? You can 
actually give Benadryl orally to cats, the dosage is 1MG per pound, so 
since a tablet is 25MG, you'd need to give a little less than 1/2 a tablet 
to a 10 pound cat, or if you buy the capsules, you can dissolve the opened 
capsule's powder into a bit of water, shake well, and only give 1/3 of the 
liquid, OR use children's benadryl liquid, but I'm not sure the strength 
of that, so you'd have to do the math. When you say she is overgrooming, 
do you mean she is cleaning one spot until she has no hair left? For 
Mythic's skin itchies, I just used a good quality aloe cat shampoo and 
bathed him once a week, and it seemed to help him a lot. The vet gave me a 
special shampoo, but I found some stuff at the hardware store that seems 
to help even more. The stuff the vet sold me is made by Virbac, and it's 
called Epi-Soothe Shampoo (label says available through vets only, and no 
number). The stuff that works better for Mythic, is made by TropiClean, 
and it's called Aloe Moist Natural Shampoo (1-800-542-7387). I wont ever 
buy any other kind of shampoo again, it's really awesome stuff, smells 
great too. Mythic also got shots at the vet for a while, I'd have to dig 
up his records to tell you what it was though. They only last for a couple 
of weeks, wasn't really worth the trip. Changing his food to one with no 
grains helped more than anything, his hair is still thin, but he does not 
scratch much at all now.


DD is still overgrooming with the benadryl cream.  It doesn't seem to 
effect her.  Her dosage is 1mL twice daily (alternate ears) do you 
remember what you used?  I saved some other ideas I may try next, but the 
pharmacist said my prescription was a very 'low' dose.  I wonder if my vet 
prescribed a low dose because she didn't think it would work and I 
insisted on trying it?  My vet can be like that

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.8/35 - Release Date: 6/30/2005

Re: (Pee Club) and for Michelle......over grooming again :(

2005-07-02 Thread catatonya
I had it compounded into a cream for her ears to make it easier to give it to her.  She is overgrooming her tummy and her 2 back legs to where there is very little hair yet.  The vet says it's allergies and recommended prednisolone.  We tried the baths, but she really HATED that!
her benadryl dose is 25 mg. twice daily.

What is the dose, and why is she getting it? And why in her ears? You can actually give Benadryl orally to cats, the dosage is 1MG per pound, so since a tablet is 25MG, you'd need to give a little less than 1/2 a tablet to a 10 pound cat, or if you buy the capsules, you can dissolve the opened capsule's powder into a bit of water, shake well, and only give 1/3 of the liquid, OR use children's benadryl liquid, but I'm not sure the strength of that, so you'd have to do the math. When you say she is overgrooming, do you mean she is cleaning one spot until she has no hair left? For Mythic's skin itchies, I just used a good quality aloe cat shampoo and bathed him once a week, and it seemed to help him a lot. The vet gave me a special shampoo, but I found some stuff at the hardware store that seems to help even more. The stuff the vet sold me is made by Virbac, and it's called Epi-Soothe Shampoo (label says available through vets only, and no number).
 The stuff that works better for Mythic, is made by TropiClean, and it's called Aloe Moist Natural Shampoo (1-800-542-7387). I wont ever buy any other kind of shampoo again, it's really awesome stuff, smells great too. Mythic also got shots at the vet for a while, I'd have to dig up his records to tell you what it was though. They only last for a couple of weeks, wasn't really worth the trip. Changing his food to one with no grains helped more than anything, his hair is still thin, but he does not scratch much at all now.
~~~DD is still overgrooming with the benadryl cream.  It doesn't seem to effect her.  Her dosage is 1mL twice daily (alternate ears) do you remember what you used?  I saved some other ideas I may try next, but the pharmacist said my prescription was a very 'low' dose.  I wonder if my vet prescribed a low dose because she didn't think it would work and I insisted on trying it?  My vet can be like thatNo virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.8/35 - Release Date: 6/30/2005

Re: OT - 2 things

2005-07-02 Thread TatorBunz

I'd say so tooif that would have happened to me I would be furious as well.
In a message dated 7/2/2005 8:55:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Well, you have the #1 disaster so far to pee on you while you were sleeping!  If this was a contest, you would win ... or Doobie would win.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 11:28 PM
Subject: Re: OT - 2 things

LOL, that's why Doobie got neutered. We were sound asleep one night, and all of a sudden, it got warm and wet on our backs. He had peed about a gallon of stinky tom cat pee on top of all of our covers, at just about shoulder level, and it had soaked all the way through the comforter, blanket, sheet, and US! I was SO mad, I called the vet at 7:00 AM that morning, and said "I have a cat that needs to have his nuts chopped off TODAY!", and they fit him right in. He has NEVER peed on the bed since. I think when I told him "OH, buddy, you are gonna PAY for this one!" he realized I was serious when I loaded him up and took him to the vet first thing that morning, and that night when he was flopping around in a drunken stupor minus two testicles! To say he learned a lesson is putting it mildly. I know, it's mean to neuter a cat as punishment, but he REALLY asked for that one! He might have stayed a tom for his entire life, if he hadn't pulled that trick! Now, when he's being bad, and I say "Don't you EVEN think about it!" he generally stops! I also trim claws as punishment around here. One cat scratches another, that cat gets a claw trimming. They hate it, because they can't do wild acrobatics on the cat tree when they don't have claws. Oh, hey, you guys recall me saying how my girl cat doesn't use the box, but will go in front of it, or in an empty box with no filler? Well, on many people's advise, I went and bought a new large UNcovered litterbox and I have not found any pee on the floor since. It WAS the covered boxes, she felt trapped in them, I think!
How about being already in BED and sniffing and realize someone peed on it!  I run a dehumidifier and I guess someone did it during the day and it had dried before I got in bed that night. agh!!!

 Terrie MohrCheck site for available Siameses for adoption!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverPetfinder.comAdopt a Homeless Pet! CA. Siamese Rescue CA. Siamese Rescue

Re: OT - 2 things

2005-07-02 Thread Del Daniels

Yeah, I have them with the drippy and oozing poop 
but that didn't count because they were sick and  could not help it.  

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 10:18 
  Subject: Re: OT - 2 things
  Not that I'm looking for pity, but...   When my poor 
  Gypsy was at her worst with IBD, she was constantly leaking just 
  that!  I kept thinking that for the sake of everyone else in the 
  household I should confine her, but she would freak out when shut away 
  from everyone else.  So, instead, I spent a great deal of time 
  following her around on my hands and knees cleaning up after her.  I 
  had towels and throws over almost every stick of furniture.  What a 
  nightmare!  Thank God that's over with!NinaDel Daniels 
  wrote:> Yes ... last year the vet suggested we take Antonio off the 
  Prozac and > I had thought about it but the night before when I was 
  getting into > bed, my pillow had been zapped.  Now we keep 
  Antonio confined to the > large family room and enclosed back 
  porch.  There is a screen door > between the family room and 
  dining room.  Even though there are others > peeing around, he 
  goes full blast when he gets into the main house.  > Knowing there 
  are others dealing with these situations helps keep me > sane while 
  being sorry you have the problems, too.  I continually > remind 
  myself to be grateful this is not POOP all over. >> 

Re: OT - 2 things

2005-07-02 Thread Del Daniels

Well, you have the #1 disaster so far to pee 
on you while you were sleeping!  If this was a contest, you would win ... 
or Doobie would win.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 11:28 
  Subject: Re: OT - 2 things
  LOL, that's why Doobie got neutered. We were 
  sound asleep one night, and all of a sudden, it got warm and wet on our backs. 
  He had peed about a gallon of stinky tom cat pee on top of all of our covers, 
  at just about shoulder level, and it had soaked all the way through the 
  comforter, blanket, sheet, and US! I was SO mad, I called the vet at 7:00 AM 
  that morning, and said "I have a cat that needs to have his nuts chopped off 
  TODAY!", and they fit him right in. He has NEVER peed on the bed since. I 
  think when I told him "OH, buddy, you are gonna PAY for this one!" he realized 
  I was serious when I loaded him up and took him to the vet first thing that 
  morning, and that night when he was flopping around in a drunken stupor minus 
  two testicles! To say he learned a lesson is putting it mildly. I know, it's 
  mean to neuter a cat as punishment, but he REALLY asked for that one! He might 
  have stayed a tom for his entire life, if he hadn't pulled that trick! Now, 
  when he's being bad, and I say "Don't you EVEN think about it!" he generally 
  stops! I also trim claws as punishment around here. One cat scratches another, 
  that cat gets a claw trimming. They hate it, because they can't do wild 
  acrobatics on the cat tree when they don't have claws. Oh, hey, you guys 
  recall me saying how my girl cat doesn't use the box, but will go in front of 
  it, or in an empty box with no filler? Well, on many 
  people's advise, I went and bought a new large UNcovered litterbox 
  and I have not found any pee on the floor since. It WAS the covered boxes, she 
  felt trapped in them, I think!
  How about being already in BED and sniffing and realize someone peed on 
  it!  I run a dehumidifier and I guess someone did it during the day and 
  it had dried before I got in bed that night. agh!!!

  No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG 
  Anti-Virus.Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.8/35 - Release Date: 

Re: Current FELV and FIV cats up for euthansia - could these be yours?

2005-07-02 Thread Del Daniels

Could this fellow be a himmy/siamese look?  
The one I transported was more buff with light gray.  could you send 
me a pix if you think he could be him?  Actually, if it were him, 
I would not hesitate to euthanize him, he was in bad shape 8/02 with we 
moved him there.  
Then I have two bad FIVs:
White with gray DSH, 5 years
Eyes - sunken
Ears - mites
Skin - fleas, thin hair
Mouth - see below
Notes - mouth ulcer tongue, severe tarter, periodontal, gingivitis, 
Body condition, 1.5
Vet recommends euthanasia

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 10:52 
  Subject: Current FELV and FIV cats up for 
  euthansia - could these be yours?
  This is the list of cats that the vets are holding JUST FOR ME, and would 
  overwise already be DEAD. I need opinions people, do these sound treatable, 
  and should we try to get them transported? Tad? Do you have the time to nurse 
  open sores and that type of severe injury? I'm recommending saving the dilute 
  calico, sounds like she just needs rehydrated and fed. I'm also demanding they 
  save the black DSH, because I may know his owner, so he will be held til I can 
  get picture tomorrow. I'm up in the air about the buff guy with open pressure 
  sores, and all that mess, he sounds like he is suffering, should I give the OK 
  to euthanise him guys?
  I have no say over the FIV cats, as I don't have fosters for them, so if 
  they sound like they could be one you are seeking, let me know ASAP, before 
  they euthanise them!
  I have the records for the 3 FeLV cats:  I will just list what is 
  abnormal.  Please let me know what you think.  I can get pictures 
  and send them to you if you need them tomorrow.
  Dilute calico DMH, ~4 years
  Eyes - sunken, 3rd eyelid up
  Ear mites
  Fleas 4+
  Mouth - peridontal/missing teeth
  Notes:  very thin, dehydrated, Recommend euthanasia
  Buff DSH, ~4 years
  Eyes - conjunctivitis
  Ears - mites
  Skin - dermatitis, hair loss, self trauma
  Abdomen - hernia over incision
  Mouth - missing teeth, periodontal, gingivitis
  Legs/feet - pressure sores
  Notes: ear flaps ulcerated necrotic, conjuct, nasal discharge, missing 
  teeth, periodontal, gingivitis, pressure sores on hocks, fleas
  Needs Euthanized
  Black DSH, >6 years
  Ears - mites
  Skin/coat - fleas ++, severe (??) dermatitis
  Abdominal - thin
  Mouth - moderate tarter
  Notes: none
  Then I have two bad FIVs:
  White with gray DSH, 5 years
  Eyes - sunken
  Ears - mites
  Skin - fleas, thin hair
  Mouth - see below
  Notes - mouth ulcer tongue, severe tarter, periodontal, gingivitis, 
  Body condition, 1.5
  Vet recommends euthanasia
  Buff DSH, 4 years
  Eyes - sunken
  Ears - mites
  Skin - fleas, self trauma to skin, wounds on right rear leg, pressure 
  sores, possible mange
  Mouth - severe gingivitis, periodontal disease, acne
  Notes - recommends euthanasia
  collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who 
  must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.Bazil's caretaker 
  collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a 
  free can of formula!PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for 
  If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address 
  you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!

  No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG 
  Anti-Virus.Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.8/35 - Release Date: 

Re: {OT} FELV and FIV cats removed from Angel Wings yesterday

2005-07-02 Thread felv

The "white" cat in danger of being put 
down due today to nasty ears, sores, and etc, has now been discovered to be a 
very light BUFF cat, NOT white, as first suspected. She is FEMALE. 

I have to go to work, if she is anyone's cat, and 
you want to save her, email Kara at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(please do NOT bombard Kara with emails that I 
could answer, as she is already very overwhelmed! ONLY email her if one of these 
cats may be yours! I can't do anything from work though, and don't want anyone's 
cat to die just because I am not at home to relay messages!)
I will have pictures TODAY when I get home from 
work, 10PM eastern time. Stay up late if interested!
I will answer all other emails tonight if time 
allows, including your questions Tad. Yes, I THINK I can get 

Dilute calico DMH, ~4 years -  female
Eyes - sunken, 3rd eyelid up
Ear mites
Fleas 4+
Mouth - peridontal/missing teeth
Notes:  very thin, dehydrated, Recommend euthanasia
Buff DSH, ~4 years -  female
Eyes - conjunctivitis
Ears - mites
Skin - dermatitis, hair loss, self trauma
Abdomen - hernia over incision
Mouth - missing teeth, periodontal, gingivitis
Legs/feet - pressure sores
Notes: ear flaps ulcerated necrotic, conjuct, nasal discharge, missing 
teeth, periodontal, gingivitis, pressure sores on hocks, fleas
Needs Euthanized
Black DSH, >6 years - Female
Ears - mites
Skin/coat - fleas ++, severe (??) dermatitis
Abdominal - thin
Mouth - moderate tarter
Notes: none
Then I have two bad FIVs:
White with gray DSH, 5 years -   male - this has been there for at least 5 years - 
Eyes - sunken
Ears - mites
Skin - fleas, thin hair
Mouth - see below
Notes - mouth ulcer tongue, severe tarter, periodontal, gingivitis, 
Body condition, 1.5
Vet recommends euthanasia
Buff DSH, 4 years -  male
Eyes - sunken
Ears - mites
Skin - fleas, self trauma to skin, wounds on right rear leg, pressure 
sores, possible mange
Mouth - severe gingivitis, periodontal disease, acne
Notes - recommends euthanasia
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.8/37 - Release Date: 7/1/2005

Re: (Pee Club) and for Michelle......over grooming again :(

2005-07-02 Thread Lernermichelle

I think that is the dose that Patches gets. It's been so long that I've 
been doing it and I go by the unit marks on the syringes, that I have forgotten 
the actual dose.  Patches may get more, actually. I think the vet had said 
to give her 6 mg of benadryl orally, so I assume he would have prescribed at 
least as much transdermally.  You can try giving her 6 mg (1/4 of an 
over-the-counter 25 mg pill) orally. It would be ok-- my vet said they can get a 
whole 25 mg pill for extreme anxiety and recommended I give a whole one to Lucy 
when we move because she freaks out so much in the car.  
I should tell you that even with the benadryl cream Patches does still 
overgroom, in that the hair never fully grows back on her belly and back legs. 
But without it she is totally bald there and licks herself raw,  She at 
least has some hair there on the benadryl and feliway (diffuser plus I spray the 
edges of the room she hangs out in most every morning and, if I remember, at 
Amitryptaline seems to be used for a lot of anxiety-caused behavior 
problems. Maybe it would help with this?
In a message dated 7/2/05 1:23:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

  DD is still overgrooming with the benadryl cream.  It doesn't seem 
  to effect her.  Her dosage is 1mL twice daily (alternate ears) do 
  you remember what you used?  I saved some other ideas I may try next, but 
  the pharmacist said my prescription was a very 'low' dose.  I wonder if 
  my vet prescribed a low dose because she didn't think it would work and I 
  insisted on trying it?  My vet can be like that


Re: Current FELV and FIV cats up for euthansia - could these be yours?

2005-07-02 Thread Tad Burnett

I think it was Mary that said to talk to them and ask
them if they want to live...
I think a cats natural instinct is to stop eating when its time to go...
Thus this would be a good test too...If they eat and drink well thats a
good sign...
A/D or A/D with a little tomato juice (same as liver shake) is a good
way to ask 

Tad Burnett wrote:

  I suppose the bottom line...Do any of these cats have
sponsers that would want to help with expenses should be a
consideration and on the other hand its probably just as easy to
transport 4 or 6 as it is to transport only 1
Tad Burnett wrote:

Hi Jenn
  Just got home from a big family get to gether supper...
And reading your message...
Sounds like I would be making a number of trips to my vet...Handeling
open woonds isn't my favorit thing to do but my vet is very reasonable
Are these woonds from scratching themselves becouse of the fleas???
  One question I would ask...Are these cats people friendly and easy to
And we are talking about a 1500 mile transport which will be a big
stress for an FeLV+...
Are they strong enough to survive that??
If they are reasonably tame I will deal with the medical problems so
long as there are no hard feelings if at my vets advice I have them
PTS...Neather my vet nor I call for that easily
Getting the transport will be the big job...
In the mean time will the vet down there get rid of the flras and ear
mites...They can kill a healthy cat...Antibiotics and sub-q liquid and
a couple good meales shouldn't be a big deal..See what they look like
then...If they are strong enough to show improvement I would say save
  Whats everybody else think...Can we do it ???


  This is the list of cats that the vets are holding JUST FOR
and would overwise already be DEAD. I need opinions people, do these
sound treatable, and should we try to get them transported? Tad? Do you
have the time to nurse open sores and that type of severe injury? I'm
recommending saving the dilute calico, sounds like she just needs
rehydrated and fed. I'm also demanding they save the black DSH, because
I may know his owner, so he will be held til I can get picture
tomorrow. I'm up in the air about the buff guy with open pressure
sores, and all that mess, he sounds like he is suffering, should I give
the OK to euthanise him guys?
  I have no say over the FIV cats, as I don't have fosters for
them, so if they sound like they could be one you are seeking, let me
know ASAP, before they euthanise them!
  I have the records for the 3 FeLV cats:  I will just list
is abnormal.  Please let me know what you think.  I can get pictures
and send them to you if you need them tomorrow.
  Dilute calico DMH, ~4 years
  Eyes - sunken, 3rd eyelid up
  Ear mites
  Fleas 4+
  Mouth - peridontal/missing teeth
  Notes:  very thin, dehydrated, Recommend euthanasia
  Buff DSH, ~4 years
  Eyes - conjunctivitis
  Ears - mites
  Skin - dermatitis, hair loss, self trauma
  Abdomen - hernia over incision
  Mouth - missing teeth, periodontal, gingivitis
  Legs/feet - pressure sores
  Notes: ear flaps ulcerated necrotic, conjuct, nasal
missing teeth, periodontal, gingivitis, pressure sores on hocks, fleas
  Needs Euthanized
  Black DSH, >6 years
  Ears - mites
  Skin/coat - fleas ++, severe (??) dermatitis
  Abdominal - thin
  Mouth - moderate tarter
  Notes: none
  Then I have two bad FIVs:
  White with gray DSH, 5 years
  Eyes - sunken
  Ears - mites
  Skin - fleas, thin hair
  Mouth - see below
  Notes - mouth ulcer tongue, severe tarter, periodontal,
gingivitis, URI
  Body condition, 1.5
  Vet recommends euthanasia
  Buff DSH, 4 years
  Eyes - sunken
  Ears - mites
  Skin - fleas, self trauma to skin, wounds on right rear leg,
pressure sores, possible mange
  Mouth - severe gingivitis, periodontal disease, acne
  Notes - recommends euthanasia
I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs
cat who must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.
Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add
up until she earns a free can of formula!
PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
  If you use KMR, even just one can,
please ask me for the mailing address you can send them to, to help
feed Bazil!
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.8/35 - Release D

Re: Current FELV and FIV cats up for euthansia - could these be yours?

2005-07-02 Thread TenHouseCats
transporting FeLVs, even sick ones, IS possible--we moved 19 from
Texas to Michigan two years ago, losing only one: she was very very
ill, but when i asked her if she wanted to come with us or stay in the
safe place she was in, she made it very clear that she wanted to make
the journey. i will never be able to explain the experience with
her--she had just met me, and was clearly close to death, but when i
talked with her she perked up and purred. she spent the first night on
the road with me, at our Gloria's house, where we both loved and cared
for her, and spent the last few hours on this earth under my shirt,
close to my heart, gazing up at me with a look that no creature, of
any species, has EVER given me. we didn't know her name at that time
(the records were packed away), so we called her, "Bliss," because
that was what showed on her face. i have never seen such trust and
love before, or since, and carry that blessing with me still. when she
was ready to journey on, we stopped at a rest area and let her
complete her passage on a blanket laid on the grass in the sun...

we had 29 cats total on that trip, and we were racing tornadoes the
whole trip north--i would have liked the luxury of stopping more

i'm talking with folks here in michigan who've done the trip to angel
wings numerous times--they don't have the time off from work they used
to, but we're trying to see if there's anyway to juggle it--they'd
need help with gas money, maybe overnight places to stay. (jenn,
this is n and g, who've been in touch with you/TN folks)

it'd be easier if someone could make part of the trip north--as close
to baltimore as possible, to cut off some of the triangle between


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892