Re: sniffles-gloria

2005-07-05 Thread Gloria B. Lane
Thank you Nina!  Well.. Lancelot  throws up late in the day and at night 
and seems constantly hungry but never gets fat.  Gotta be something that 
can be isolated, or a combination of things.. He's hard to pill.

He's a white cat.  Allergy-like eyes, sniffles, doesn't grow and "thrive" 
the way he oughtagrrr, frustrating not to see him be strong and 
healthy. A young boy, found outdoors in the freezing cold in January, declawed.


At 10:33 PM 7/5/2005, you wrote:
I don't have anything to add, but I wanted you to know I'm pulling for you 
and Lancelot to figure this out.  (My favorite feral is also named 
Lancelot).  Let us know how you make out with the blood work.  What do you 
expect to find out from the fecal?


Gloria B. Lane wrote:

Think I"ll do that - get the blood work, and maybe a fecal.

Re vet school - ho ho - no Arkansas does not or I would have been there 
long time ago.  And else we'd have an allergist, I reckon.
Arkansas has an agreement with Missisisippi, I think.  But all the 
surrounding states have Vet schools, so no pressure to get one here - a 
frugal state we are.  I know one person who drives out of state to the 
vet school, but it's a very long haul in any direction...

Thanks for the encouragement, think I'll get to the vet down the street 

Re: OT: St. Francis Medals! And the AW rescuers...

2005-07-05 Thread Sheila208
Jen , I can wait to for the medals if you need to send them to the rescuers. I think you and your Father are great for being so generous with your time and thoughts for these hard working people. Bless You.  Sheila

Re: DD's allergies again....

2005-07-05 Thread catatonya
Thanks Michelle,
I hadn't thought about a yeast infection, but  I've dealt with them in dogs. I have allergies myself and can't smell things that well, but I would definitely smell a yeast infection! I was thinking about the immune thing as well.  The other 2 cats that had goopy ears are older cats.  One of them was the one who had been on the zythromax for bartonella with gum infections and the other is the older cat who's always had allergy problems and has the urinary infection.  So anyway, the point of all that is I think it does have to do with their immunity being down.  :(

My Snowball, who had FIV, always had cruddy itchy ears. Simon always had black stuff in his ears too. I think some immune-compromised cats get that. It was not earmites for them.  
Sometimes it can be a yeast infection in the ears. You might want to get a swab checked for that. It requires special meds. Steroids make yeast worse.

Re: DD's allergies again....

2005-07-05 Thread catatonya
Hey Nina,
I smelled their ears and they didn't smell bad like were infected. The fiv cat I had years ago always had ear problems, and if they would get bad like this they would smell really bad. Also, I forgot to say that with DD it was just one ear.  And it's the side she's been having the scratch places.  I guess she'll get to go in to the vet  I think if it were earmites they would be on both sides.  I'm just surprised.  It 'seems' like they've just been to the vet.  But I think it always seems that way because I have so many. lol.  When I pull out the records and check it's always longer since they've been since I remember.  The vet usually looks into their ears, but she doesn't  swab them unless they look dirty.  I'm just surprised the ear could have got that bad that fast, since the last time I took her in and we were trying to find out what was going on with her overgrooming and the patch on her neck. ugh
tNina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm not sure how they could have picked up earmites if they haven't been outside, and no one new has come in. How long do the nasty little buggers live off of a host? I would be concerned about a dark discharge no matter what it is, the dark cruddy stuff is usually blood mixed with flaking skin. Does it smell bad as well? Poor babies. Hopefully this does not mean DD's immune system is weakened. After all, she's not the only one with the problem. Let us know what you find out.Ninacatatonya wrote:> Any ideas anyone?> > I've got some new info. about DD. As I've written before DD > overgrooms on her tummy and legs, but there have also been a couple of > raw places on her neck too. When looking at those places the vet has > said it's allergies. I had wondered if she had gotten into a fight or >
 something because they looked bloody.> > Well anyway, the past few days I noticed 2 OTHER cats scratching at > their ears. One of them is on pred. for allergies and has often > scratched his ears due to that. The other has had no problems.> > So I started watching DD to see if I could catch her scratching at her > ears as well, which I did.> > Yesterday I got out the q-tips and mineral oil and clippers and > decided to do nail trims and check ears.> > All 3 of them had very bad discharge in their ears. It was very > black. It looked like when cats have earmites (but I have never been > able to actually 'see' the actual mites like some people say they > can. None of my cats go outside. The last new cat they came in was > Mama Kitty over a year ago. Her ears were perfectly clean.> > Could they have got earmites here in the house? I had a couple of > mice
 caught by one of these cats this past winter. > > If it's not earmites they definitely must have something going on. > I've never seen allergies cause this much discharge. With allergies > in the past Shaft has scratched at his ears, but when I would clean > his ears it was more of a liquid light colored discharge. Not the > thick, black 'crud' kind of stuff you see with mites.> > I just hope that this ear thing on top of the allergies doesn't mean > DD's immune system is getting weak. I haven't had her on interferon, > but I think I'll start it.> > tonya> > 

Re: DD's allergies again....

2005-07-05 Thread Lernermichelle

My Snowball, who had FIV, always had cruddy itchy ears. Simon always had black stuff in his ears too. I think some immune-compromised cats get that. It was not earmites for them.  
Sometimes it can be a yeast infection in the ears. You might want to get a swab checked for that. It requires special meds. Steroids make yeast worse.

Re: DD's allergies again....

2005-07-05 Thread Nina
I'm not sure how they could have picked up earmites if they haven't been 
outside, and no one new has come in.  How long do the nasty little 
buggers live off of a host?  I would be concerned about a dark discharge 
no matter what it is, the dark cruddy stuff is usually blood mixed with 
flaking skin.  Does it smell bad as well?  Poor babies.  Hopefully this 
does not mean DD's immune system is weakened.  After all, she's not the 
only one with the problem.  Let us know what you find out.


catatonya wrote:

Any ideas anyone?
I've got some new info. about DD.  As I've written before DD 
overgrooms on her tummy and legs, but there have also been a couple of 
raw places on her neck too.  When looking at those places the vet has 
said it's allergies. I had wondered if she had gotten into a fight or 
something because they looked bloody.
Well anyway, the past few days I noticed 2 OTHER cats scratching at 
their ears.  One of them is on pred. for allergies and has often 
scratched his ears due to that.  The other has had no problems.
So I started watching DD to see if I could catch her scratching at her 
ears as well, which I did.
Yesterday I got out the q-tips and mineral oil and clippers and 
decided to do nail trims and check ears.
All 3 of them had very bad discharge in their ears.  It was very 
black. It looked like when cats have earmites (but I have never been 
able to actually 'see' the actual mites like some people say they 
can.  None of my cats go outside.  The last new cat they came in was 
Mama Kitty over a year ago.  Her ears were perfectly clean.
Could they have got earmites here in the house?  I had a couple of 
mice caught by one of these cats this past winter. 
If it's not earmites they definitely must have something going on.  
I've never seen allergies cause this much discharge.  With allergies 
in the past Shaft has scratched at his ears, but when I would clean 
his ears it was more of a liquid light colored discharge.  Not the 
thick, black 'crud' kind of stuff you see with mites.
I just hope that this ear thing on top of the allergies doesn't mean 
DD's immune system is getting weak.  I haven't had her on interferon, 
but I think I'll start it.

Re: sniffles-gloria

2005-07-05 Thread Nina
I don't have anything to add, but I wanted you to know I'm pulling for 
you and Lancelot to figure this out.  (My favorite feral is also named 
Lancelot).  Let us know how you make out with the blood work.  What do 
you expect to find out from the fecal?


Gloria B. Lane wrote:

Think I"ll do that - get the blood work, and maybe a fecal.

Re vet school - ho ho - no Arkansas does not or I would have been 
there long time ago.  And else we'd have an allergist, I reckon.  
Arkansas has an agreement with Missisisippi, I think.  But all the 
surrounding states have Vet schools, so no pressure to get one here - 
a frugal state we are.  I know one person who drives out of state to 
the vet school, but it's a very long haul in any direction...

Thanks for the encouragement, think I'll get to the vet down the 
street tomorrow.

DD's allergies again....

2005-07-05 Thread catatonya
Any ideas anyone?
I've got some new info. about DD.  As I've written before DD overgrooms on her tummy and legs, but there have also been a couple of raw places on her neck too.  When looking at those places the vet has said it's allergies. I had wondered if she had gotten into a fight or something because they looked bloody.
Well anyway, the past few days I noticed 2 OTHER cats scratching at their ears.  One of them is on pred. for allergies and has often scratched his ears due to that.  The other has had no problems.
So I started watching DD to see if I could catch her scratching at her ears as well, which I did.
Yesterday I got out the q-tips and mineral oil and clippers and decided to do nail trims and check ears.
All 3 of them had very bad discharge in their ears.  It was very black. It looked like when cats have earmites (but I have never been able to actually 'see' the actual mites like some people say they can.  None of my cats go outside.  The last new cat they came in was Mama Kitty over a year ago.  Her ears were perfectly clean.
Could they have got earmites here in the house?  I had a couple of mice caught by one of these cats this past winter.  
If it's not earmites they definitely must have something going on.  I've never seen allergies cause this much discharge.  With allergies in the past Shaft has scratched at his ears, but when I would clean his ears it was more of a liquid light colored discharge.  Not the thick, black 'crud' kind of stuff you see with mites.
I just hope that this ear thing on top of the allergies doesn't mean DD's immune system is getting weak.  I haven't had her on interferon, but I think I'll start it.

RE: OT - 2 things

2005-07-05 Thread catatonya
I've just stopped using rugs. lol.  I keep one in the bathroom for when I take a shower.  But I leave it hanging over the shower curtain rod and only put it in the floor for the time it takes to get a shower and get out!
tHideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
All I can say is - this is true love - for good times and bad times, welove them no matter what -- right?This morning, I just washed the cushion cover in the living room - assoon as the fresh cover was put on, my dog, Corky running so happily andjump on the cushion and peed on it - instead of yelling, I just had tolaugh as it was so pathetic. if you know what I mean.. I am like.. whybother yelling...Just as FYI - we have two dogs (Corky and Oreo) also poops on the rugsin the house - I have learned to become patient over the years...

Re: sniffles-gloria

2005-07-05 Thread catatonya
I would ask about the zythromax.  My vet gave it to my cats who had bartonella.  They said the bartonella could cause the mouth problems they were having.  Also, she put my cat with a urinary infection on it for 14 days as well.  It only has to be given once a day.  2 of my cats will take it in a pill with a pill pocket.  But she compounded it into a tuna flavored (supposedly, didn't smell like it!) liquid for Popeye because I can't pill him.  I just put it on wet food for him.
With my 2 with mouth problems it worked very well (haven't rechecked yet on the urinary).  They had very stinky breath and inflamed/infected gums even though they had dentals within the last year.  They had a course of 10 days of it.  Within about 4 days their breath started to improve.  By 10 days their breath had NO odor at all!  I was impressed.
Now that they're off of it their breath is back to 'regular' cat breath.  If it gets worse I guess we'll try another bout of it.  
tonyaGloria Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey Tonya,I've given him Lysine and Interferon till I'm blue in the face and he's still red in the face. I've used the standard antibiotics, though - amoxi, and clinidamycin. Not clavamox though. He's a PILL to give a pill to. And lately he's started throwing up in the evening. I just don't know. Sounds like maybe a combination of 

Re: July 5 update on Flavia

2005-07-05 Thread Lernermichelle

Procrit would be more effective IF the problem Flavia has is that her kidneys are not releasing the hormone. If her problem is something else, then the procrit will do nothing. The I-R's workings is still somewhat of a mystery to everyone, it seems, so it is worth trying for everything other than auto-immune disease and cancer. 
Which actually makes me think of a potential downside of I-R.  If Flavia's anemia is caused by her killing off her own red blood cells in an auto-immune reaction, I think the I-R could possibly make that worse by stimulating her immune system more. But it could possibly help too, depending on which part of the immune system it stimulates. B cells are immune cells that are "killer cells," and when they get out of control it is caused an auto-immune disease and they start attacking the body itself, like red blood cells. However, T cells are immune cells which, among other things, regulate B cells and keep them under control. So even if it is an auto-immune disorder, the I-R could still help if it strengthens T cells rather than B cells. When I spoke to Mike Lies, the author of those articles, on the phone a few years ago, I think he said that he thinks the I-R affects T cells, not B cells. I don't know.
Auto-immune disorders are controlled by steroids, like dex and depo, which Flavia has gotten.  
Just to add more confusion to the pot...
In a message dated 7/5/05 10:32:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I don't have any advice on procrit or immunoregulin.  I 'think' the immunoregulin would not be as effective as the procrit myself.  But if Flavia's numbers are holding and she still weighs 8 pounds I think she's doing very well!  

Re: sniffles-gloria

2005-07-05 Thread Gloria B. Lane

Think I"ll do that - get the blood work, and maybe a fecal.

Re vet school - ho ho - no Arkansas does not or I would have been there 
long time ago.  And else we'd have an allergist, I reckon.  Arkansas has an 
agreement with Missisisippi, I think.  But all the surrounding states have 
Vet schools, so no pressure to get one here - a frugal state we are.  I 
know one person who drives out of state to the vet school, but it's a very 
long haul in any direction...

Thanks for the encouragement, think I'll get to the vet down the street 


At 09:05 PM 7/5/2005, you wrote:
I think it's a good idea to get blood work done. I don't want to scare 
you, but another thing that depo helps a lot with is lymphoma, and they 
can sometimes get lymphoma  in their nasal passage as well as other places 
that would cause vomiting. If he has otherwise seemed ok I doubt this is 
the case, but it is a possibility to discuss with the vet. I think blood 
work is a good first course of action.  Also, is there a big veterinary 
hospital or vet school near Little Rock? If so, I would bet they have an 
allergist or dermatologist or someone who has at least studies these things.


In a message dated 7/5/05 9:34:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

Hey Thanks Michelle - no we don't have a veterinary allergist or
dermatologist in Little Rock.  Got an acupuncturist/chiropractor though,
and a nice variety of regular vets!

Well, could be allergies, virus, or bacteria, or something else  (ho
ho).  I somehow don't think it's a virus. Don't think it's Herpes,  it
didn't respond to Lysine at all.

But it not only the sinusitis, it's the throwing up in the evening.  So
maybe I'll talk to the vet, and maybe get a blood test and a fecal.  What
do you think?


Re: July 5 update on Flavia

2005-07-05 Thread catatonya
I don't have any advice on procrit or immunoregulin.  I 'think' the immunoregulin would not be as effective as the procrit myself.  But if Flavia's numbers are holding and she still weighs 8 pounds I think she's doing very well!  
tKerry MacKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi everyone
I'm sorry I've been out of touch---I've been going kinda crazy over Flavia's current illness and the logistics of her being cared for medically while I'm gone.
If the anemia is not below 18%, usually Procrit is not needed yet. Jean-Luc's HCT was actually down to 13% before he was put on Procrit.  They do a blood test after it gets below 20%, and that tells them if the anemia is regenerative or non-regenerative.  If it is still regenerative, meaning they are making red blood cells, then Procrit would not help.  If it is non-regenerative, then Procrit (or Epogen) is needed, because without replacing that building block, the cat will die in very short order.
I don't want people whose cats need it to be afraid to give Procrit.  I learned some of this from my specialist vet, who does a good job of explaining things, and some from the Feline anemia list, where there is a lot of great information."
PS.  I asked my vet about this too and she said she didn't know of any positive cats that had tried it, she didn't know if it would work or not, but said if Bailey ever came down with anemia that wasn't due to hemobartenella she would certainly give it a try if I wanted to and I most certainly would.  When cats get non-regenerative anemia they are going to die it is only a matter if time, and I wouldn't hesitate to try something that may possibly save Bailey since the only other option is certain death.

Description: JPEG image

Re: non profit status-- Hideyo

2005-07-05 Thread Lernermichelle

Hideyo-- did you find the help you need with this or do you still need a referral?
In a message dated 6/27/05 4:27:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

It would be great if you could refer me to someone – my boyfriend is a lawyer and he could probably do all the paper work for me, but he is not familiar with all the details at all – I would appreciate it, Michelle!
Thank you!

Re: sniffles-gloria

2005-07-05 Thread Lernermichelle

I think it's a good idea to get blood work done. I don't want to scare you, but another thing that depo helps a lot with is lymphoma, and they can sometimes get lymphoma  in their nasal passage as well as other places that would cause vomiting. If he has otherwise seemed ok I doubt this is the case, but it is a possibility to discuss with the vet. I think blood work is a good first course of action.  Also, is there a big veterinary hospital or vet school near Little Rock? If so, I would bet they have an allergist or dermatologist or someone who has at least studies these things.
In a message dated 7/5/05 9:34:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hey Thanks Michelle - no we don't have a veterinary allergist or dermatologist in Little Rock.  Got an acupuncturist/chiropractor though, and a nice variety of regular vets!Well, could be allergies, virus, or bacteria, or something else  (ho ho).  I somehow don't think it's a virus. Don't think it's Herpes,  it didn't respond to Lysine at all.But it not only the sinusitis, it's the throwing up in the evening.  So maybe I'll talk to the vet, and maybe get a blood test and a fecal.  What do you think?Gloria

RE: OT: St. Francis Medals!

2005-07-05 Thread Sue Feldbusch

I'd like a medal too

Subject: OT:  St. Francis Medals!
Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2005 10:35:20 -0500

Hi All!

Hope ya'll had a wonderful 4th of July weekend!  I haven't been able to
keep up with my Inbox for the past few weeks...but I want to send my
best to all of our beautiful fur-babies...

My Dad was down this past weekend!  He just couldn't say enough
wonderful things about the amazing group of people on this list... :)
He kept telling me, "If you need any more medals, just let me know and
I'll send them to you!"  I've got plenty of medals here, and I know a
few of you guys expressed an interest in wishing to give medals to
friends/family/other rescuers (which, of course, is so NOT a
problem!) the invitation goes out to everyone...if you'd like more
than one medal, just let me know!  I've got a file with everyone's
addresses, so I'll get them out this week!

I'll also include the prayer that my Dad used to bless the's
really sweet because he mostly thought it up himself especially for this
group...then, of course, he told me, "Now, if you need anymore medals,
please let me know!"  :)

Take care, All!


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan

Re: sniffles-gloria

2005-07-05 Thread Gloria B. Lane
Hey Thanks Michelle - no we don't have a veterinary allergist or 
dermatologist in Little Rock.  Got an acupuncturist/chiropractor though, 
and a nice variety of regular vets!

Well, could be allergies, virus, or bacteria, or something else  (ho 
ho).  I somehow don't think it's a virus. Don't think it's Herpes,  it 
didn't respond to Lysine at all.

But it not only the sinusitis, it's the throwing up in the evening.  So 
maybe I'll talk to the vet, and maybe get a blood test and a fecal.  What 
do you think?


At 07:05 PM 7/5/2005, you wrote:
If Depo is helping, I would guess it is allergies rather than a cold.  I 
do not think that steroids help cold symptoms. Steroids actually hinder 
the healing process for things like infections.  But steroids do wonders 
for suppressing allergy symptoms. Does your vet think it is allergies? Is 
there an allergist or dermatologist in your area? There is one a town over 
from here, and I took one of my dogs to her and also a cat from the 
shelter. They can recognize allergies, test for them, and treat them more 
effectively. Quercetin is an herbal allergy treatment that someone on this 
list said can be used for cats. I know it works well for some humans. If 
it really is safe for cats (I would do some research before trying it), 
opening a capsule and mixing it with baby food will probably work to get 
him to eat it.

As far as antibiotics go, the ones that have worked best for my positives 
with URI's are doxicycline (be sure to cover the pill with nutrical or 
something to help it go down quickly and feed right away afterwards) and 
baytril. I use dox whenever anyone gets sniffly and it tends to work well. 
Vets do not usually prescribe it for URI's because it is strong and 
broader spectrum, but I swear it works better than Clavamox. Baytril I use 
as a last resort and have not used it for a few years, but it sometimes 
works very well.


Re: OT: St. Francis Medals! And the AW rescuers...

2005-07-05 Thread catatonya
fantastic idea, Kat!!Kat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Jen,Would it be possible to send some of the medals down to theAngel Wings Rescuers who have been working so tirelessly forthe unfortunate animals that got caught up in all of this??I know it's not much to give them in return for what they'vebeen doing, but I think it would be marvelous if it could bedone.Kat (Mew Jersey)On Tue, 5 Jul 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:> Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2005 10:35:20 -0500> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reply-To:> To:> Subject: OT: St. Francis Medals!>> Hi All!>> Hope ya'll had a wonderful 4th of July weekend! I haven't been able to> keep up with my Inbox for the past few weeks...but I want to send my> best to all of our beautiful fur-babies...>> My Dad was down
 this past weekend! He just couldn't say enough> wonderful things about the amazing group of people on this list... :)> He kept telling me, "If you need any more medals, just let me know and> I'll send them to you!" I've got plenty of medals here, and I know a> few of you guys expressed an interest in wishing to give medals to> friends/family/other rescuers (which, of course, is so NOT a> problem!) the invitation goes out to everyone...if you'd like more> than one medal, just let me know! I've got a file with everyone's> addresses, so I'll get them out this week!>> I'll also include the prayer that my Dad used to bless the's> really sweet because he mostly thought it up himself especially for this> group...then, of course, he told me, "Now, if you need anymore medals,> please let me know!" :)>> Take care, All!>> Jen>>
 > "But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be> unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You> become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de> Saint-Exupéry>> "If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know> each other. If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what> you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan> George>>

Re: sniffles-gloria

2005-07-05 Thread Lernermichelle

If Depo is helping, I would guess it is allergies rather than a cold.  I do not think that steroids help cold symptoms. Steroids actually hinder the healing process for things like infections.  But steroids do wonders for suppressing allergy symptoms. Does your vet think it is allergies? Is there an allergist or dermatologist in your area? There is one a town over from here, and I took one of my dogs to her and also a cat from the shelter. They can recognize allergies, test for them, and treat them more effectively. Quercetin is an herbal allergy treatment that someone on this list said can be used for cats. I know it works well for some humans. If it really is safe for cats (I would do some research before trying it), opening a capsule and mixing it with baby food will probably work to get him to eat it.
As far as antibiotics go, the ones that have worked best for my positives with URI's are doxicycline (be sure to cover the pill with nutrical or something to help it go down quickly and feed right away afterwards) and baytril. I use dox whenever anyone gets sniffly and it tends to work well. Vets do not usually prescribe it for URI's because it is strong and broader spectrum, but I swear it works better than Clavamox. Baytril I use as a last resort and have not used it for a few years, but it sometimes works very well.

Re: July 5 update on Flavia

2005-07-05 Thread Nina

Hi Kerry,
Thanks for taking the time to send us an update.  I'm sure you're quite 
harried right now.  I can't advise between IR and Procrit, I've never 
used either one.  I hope someone else on this list can help.  It does 
sound like good news that Flavia's numbers have stabilized and she's 
seeming herself.  What a relief to find a vet you like, right in the 
nick of time as well!  I'm glad you've been able to figure out ways her 
needs might be met while you're gone.  One suggestion for communicating 
with your vet while your on vacation, ask your vet and cat sitter if you 
can correspond via email.  See if there is an address that you can post 
to that they will check everyday.  Maybe your vet would be willing to 
give you her personal email address.  That way the time difference won't 
matter as much and you'll be able to keep in close contact.  Once you've 
done all you can to ensure Flavia's best interests are met, please try 
and relax and enjoy your vacation.

As always, you remain in my prayers,

Kerry MacKenzie wrote:

Hi everyone
I'm sorry I've been out of touch---I've been going kinda crazy over 
Flavia's current illness and the logistics of her being cared for 
medically while I'm gone.
Hideyo, I hope George and Angel are doing better? I'm sending lots of 
healthy and positive visualization for them. Also, hope Bramble is 
doing ok. And Nina's Grace, and all the other sick or anxiety-causing 
kitties. I send all my best wishes for their recovery.  
I've been dumbstruck by the incredible work done by Jenn, Tad and all 
the other rescuers who moved so swiftly to rescue the Angel Wings 
cats. You guys are amazing. And thanks to all those who are offering 
to adopt. If I've missed anything and any sick kitty out--I think I've 
missed a digest along the way in the last 24 hours--I apologize, and 
send my best wishes.  
Wanted to let you all know we went to the vet again today for Flavia's 
PCV, and the count is now "between 16 and 17" --it was previously 
17--so I was very relieved, since it could have been so much worse. 
(Everything is relative, right?) She did lose another ounce and a half 
:>( --she's gone from 8lb 15 to 8lb 10 oz since she had her crisis and 
transfusion 2 weeks ago.
So, no transfusion to consider right now :>). She's doing pretty well 
in herself--eating, drinking, playing, snuggling and going inside the 
box. She was so good today, too--I caught her within a minute; and 
when we got to the vet she had to have blood taken TWICE because the 
vial or tube or whatever broke. And she hasn't gone to the bathroom in 
the carrier since the first vet visit.
Backing up~~~I ordered ImmunoregulinEqstim this morning to be shipped 
overnight to Dr Dodin who was Flavia's vet and who is going to let me 
know tonight if she'll be able to do 4 housecalls to administer it 
while I'm gone--the total was
around $50 inc shipping so i felt it was worth taking the chance that 
she will be able to do the calls.
I've also spoken to yet another vet at Higgins, Dr Teuber, the one who 
saw Flavia today, about Immunoregulin (I emailed her the articles and 
Kyle's emails before the weekend). I liked her. She said she spent an 
hour on the web--including this website--at the weekend researching 
it. IF Dr Dodin can't do the housecalls, I'm going to speak to the 
petsitter first thing tomorrow about taking Flavia to the clinic to be 
treated with the IR by Dr Teuber. I realize it will be added stress, 
but I don't feel she can go unseen by a vet for 2 1/2 weeks I'd 
order more IR and have it sent to Dr T. And I'd be calling Dr T right 
after that to set up a treatment schedule.
But.I've also just been reading some archive material sent by 
Nina, and now I'm wondering about Procrit (see below--Belinda's email, 
I think?).
Does anyone have any ideas on which might be better--Procrit or 
Immunoregulin? (I don't know how Flavia's anemia is caused--we haven't 
done a bone marrow test.)
I only have until tomorrow to decide on which treatment--it's going to 
be difficult to communicate with vets etc once I leave tomorrow night. 
Dr T also said she could give another steroid shot (I've forgotten 
which one).
It's been a harrowing few I feel a little better because as 
well as her count being not too bad, I think it's almost certain I'll 
be able to have Flavia checked up while I'm gone.
One good thing4-5 vets in Chicago are now much more aware of FelV 
and what can be done for it. They all seem very responsive to the 
printouts I email and thrust at them..thank goodness! Any more 
opinions are very welcome.

Till later,
love and hugs to you all
I just wanted to remind everyone a little bit about the facts on 
Procrit.  A lot of vets give people the impression that Procrit (and 
Epogen) are more risky for cats than the anemia that may be killing 
them.  Thankfully, my specialist vet knew more about it and wasn't 
afraid to use it when it was needed.
Cats do not "quic

Re: sniffles-gloria

2005-07-05 Thread Gloria Lane

Hey Tonya,

I've given him Lysine and Interferon till I'm blue in the face and  
he's still red in the face.  I've used the standard antibiotics,  
though - amoxi, and clinidamycin.  Not clavamox though.  He's a PILL  
to give a pill to.  And lately he's started throwing up in the  
evening.  I just don't know.  Sounds like maybe a combination of  
parasites (he's had Flagyl ) and sinusitis.

He had a Depo shot and of course that helped (suppressed the  
symptoms) .  Must be wearing off. Then some Chlorpheneramine liquid.

Poor baby... gave him vitamin C yesterday and today - it can be nice  
about surpressing the histamine stuff.  But he hates getting  
medicated, I tbut he's so red in the face, and sniffly.

Maybe zythromax is worth a try...good idea..  Been thinking about  
acupuncture ,  probiotics, chiropractic, different vets, whatever I  
can come up with.


On Jul 2, 2005, at 4:25 PM, catatonya wrote:

Has herpes been ruled out?  allergies?  I recently had a cat with a  
sinus infection that was given zythromax.  What antibiotics have  
you used?


"Gloria B. Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey Tonya,

I just attempted to have some Chlorphenarimine / Chlor Trimeton  

into an ear cream. They got it wrong and made a liquid for oral
consumption. The pharmacy said the ear cream would be $50.

I'm curious - how much do you get and how much does it cost?

I didn't know you could give kitties Benadryl, so interested in that.

My problem is Lancelot - got him in January,February - declawed,  

for two months. He had the sniffles. I've tried everything - Lysine,
Interferon, antibiotics, most recently a depo shot, which of course  

help some. THought I'd do the ear cream because he's so hard to pill.

Anyhow - any suggestions are appreciated, and info on *ear cream* !


At 12:26 PM 7/2/2005, you wrote:
>I had it compounded into a cream for her ears to make it easier to  
give it
>to her. She is overgrooming her tummy and her 2 back legs to where  

>is very little hair yet. The vet says it's allergies and recommended
>prednisolone. We tried the baths, but she really HATED that!
>her benadryl dose is 25 mg. twice daily.
>What is the dose, and why is she getting it? And why in her ears?  
You can
>actually give Benadryl orally to cats, the dosage is 1MG per  
pound, so
>since a tablet is 25MG, you'd need to give a little less than 1/2  
a tablet
>to a 10 pound cat, or if you buy the capsules, you can dissolve  
the opened
>capsule's powder into a bit of water, shake well, and only give  
1/3 of the
>liquid, OR use children's benadryl liquid, but I'm not sure the  
>of that, so you'd have to do the math. When you say she is  

>do you mean she is cleaning one spot until she has no hair left? For
>Mythic's skin itchies, I just used a good quality aloe cat shampoo  
>bathed him once a week, and it seemed to help him a lot. The vet  
gave me a
>special shampoo, but I found some stuff at the hardware store that  
>to help even more. The stuff the vet sold me is made by Virbac,  
and it's
>called Epi-Soothe Shampoo (label says available through vets only,  
and no
>number). The stuff that works better for Mythic, is made by  
>and it's called Aloe Moist Natural Shampoo (1-800-542-7387). I  
wont ever
>buy any other kind of shampoo again, it's really awesome stuff,  
>great too. Mythic also got shots at the vet for a while, I'd have  
to dig
>up his records to tell you what it was though. They only last for  
a couple
>of weeks, wasn't really worth the trip. Changing his food to one  
with no
>grains helped more than anything, his hair is still thin, but he  
does not

>scratch much at all now.

>DD is still overgrooming with the benadryl cream. It doesn't seem to
>effect her. Her dosage is 1mL twice daily (alternate ears) do you
>remember what you used? I saved some other ideas I may try next,  
but the
>pharmacist said my prescription was a very 'low' dose. I wonder if  
my vet

>prescribed a low dose because she didn't think it would work and I
>insisted on trying it? My vet can be like that
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RE: July 5 update on Flavia

2005-07-05 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Considering Flavia being a feral baby,
other care taker people might not be able to observe her sudden change as I am
assuming that she will probably not be playing in front of them as she would
normally do in front of Kerry – which is a concern – I guess the
care taker people keep an close eye on her food intake every day, and look at
her color in a tongue so that they can really pay attention to her status..


Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 5:31
Subject: Re: July 5 update on



   I do think Flavia is doing well, considering,
but also think it is possible she will need a transfusion when you are gone. Is
the pet sitter prepared regarding how to recognize this (lethargy, how to check
for and recognize paleness, etc.) and get her to the vet, and do you know which
vet clinic has blood on hand?


   As for procrit and I-R, I do not think they are
an either/or. You could do both, I think. Procrit is for anemia that is caused
by the kidneys not releasing a certain hormone that stimulates the bone marrow
to produce red blood cells. Is Flavia regenerating red blood cells on her own?
I would assume she is given how slowly her count is dropping, but I would ask.
Procrit is normally only used where the cat is not regenerating blood cells, I
think.  Some cats have reactions, but normally reactions do not happen for
a few months. Procrit takes a week or so to kick in. I-R stimulates the immune
system, which is totally different.  I would ask the vet what she thinks
about administering both. It's possible you could be courting a drug
interaction if you do it, I don't know.


   I hope that the I-R works for Flavia.  Did
you ask the vet about lymphocytes and whether she thinks Flavia has leukemia
like Brissle did? Or lymphoma? I would doubt lymphoma because of how well she
is doing otherwise, but leukemia is a possibility I think.


Please keep us updated!


Re: July 5 update on Flavia

2005-07-05 Thread Lernermichelle

   I do think Flavia is doing well, considering, but also think it is possible she will need a transfusion when you are gone. Is the pet sitter prepared regarding how to recognize this (lethargy, how to check for and recognize paleness, etc.) and get her to the vet, and do you know which vet clinic has blood on hand?
   As for procrit and I-R, I do not think they are an either/or. You could do both, I think. Procrit is for anemia that is caused by the kidneys not releasing a certain hormone that stimulates the bone marrow to produce red blood cells. Is Flavia regenerating red blood cells on her own? I would assume she is given how slowly her count is dropping, but I would ask. Procrit is normally only used where the cat is not regenerating blood cells, I think.  Some cats have reactions, but normally reactions do not happen for a few months. Procrit takes a week or so to kick in. I-R stimulates the immune system, which is totally different.  I would ask the vet what she thinks about administering both. It's possible you could be courting a drug interaction if you do it, I don't know.
   I hope that the I-R works for Flavia.  Did you ask the vet about lymphocytes and whether she thinks Flavia has leukemia like Brissle did? Or lymphoma? I would doubt lymphoma because of how well she is doing otherwise, but leukemia is a possibility I think.
Please keep us updated!

Re: OT: St. Francis Medals!

2005-07-05 Thread catatonya
Hi Jen,
If we can have more than one I would love to have another one to give to my friend who also rescues cats!
Would it be easier if we mailed you self addressed stamped envelopes?
Hi All!Hope ya'll had a wonderful 4th of July weekend! I haven't been able tokeep up with my Inbox for the past few weeks...but I want to send mybest to all of our beautiful fur-babies...My Dad was down this past weekend! He just couldn't say enoughwonderful things about the amazing group of people on this list... :) He kept telling me, "If you need any more medals, just let me know andI'll send them to you!" I've got plenty of medals here, and I know afew of you guys expressed an interest in wishing to give medals tofriends/family/other rescuers (which, of course, is so NOT aproblem!) the invitation goes out to everyone...if you'd like morethan one medal, just let me know! I've got a file with everyone'saddresses, so I'll get them out this week!I'll also include the prayer that my Dad used to bless the'sreally sweet because he mostly thought it up himself especially for thisgroup...then, of course, he told me, "Now, if you need anymore medals,please let me know!" :)Take care, All!Jen"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will beunique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; Youbecome responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine deSaint-Exupéry"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will knoweach other. If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and whatyou do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief DanGeorge

RE: July 5 update on Flavia

2005-07-05 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Hi, Kerry, thank you very much for your
update – you must been so busy with getting ready for your trip and
getting everything ready and taken care of for Flavia – all I can say is
that you are the best mom that Flavia (or any kitty for that matter) can have –
I am very proud of you, Kerry –


I am sorry, I don’t know anything about
Procrit – but whatever you chose, please find out all the side effects
which can be caused by either so that you are given all the information of pros
and cons of both of them so that you can make the best decision for Flavia
(sometimes, they might not be so open to tell possible side effects unless you
really ask for it) –


Kerry, I just was thinking that do you already
give V-B 12 shots to Flavia – if not, it might be a good thing to give –
I give both Ginger and George – 0.1 ml under skin – and I know it will
be helpful for anemia - 


Also, I know that you would like to give
everything you can give to Flavia before you leave, but please try not to
overwhelm her body with lots of new unfamiliar drugs – her little body
might not want to take it – I was not sure if steroid is necessary? –
Steroid does cause serious side effects, too. Again, I am sorry, I am not
probably understanding everything , but I just have to share what I know from
my experience – more drugs may not be necessary a good thing for a little
body whose immune system is already compromised – so whatever you do,
please start a little by little, and one thing at a time, and slowly, especially,
she is doing so good right now - but I trust that you will make a right
decision – Kerry, don’t feel rush to start everything on Flavia
before you leave for the trip,  you are just a phone call away, you can always start
give something if something happens to Flavia, as you seem to have a good
relationship with your doctors (which is a blessing!!) – that’s the
only advise I have – I have lost a precious life once by giving too agressive
with lots of drugs


Is there anyway that you can get on line
while you are gone so that we know what’s going on with Flavia, Kerry?   

Kerry, please know that you and Flavia are
always in my thought and I and all my 60 cats are going to pray for you both –


Love and hugs,




PS we will miss you so much!!


Behalf Of Kerry MacKenzie
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 5:01
Subject: July 5 update on Flavia


Hi everyone

I'm sorry I've been out of touch---I've been going kinda crazy over
Flavia's current illness and the logistics of her being cared for
medically while I'm gone.

Hideyo, I hope George and Angel are doing better? I'm sending lots of
healthy and positive visualization for them. Also, hope Bramble is doing ok.
And Nina's Grace, and all the other sick or anxiety-causing kitties. I send all
my best wishes for their recovery.  

I've been dumbstruck by the incredible work done by Jenn, Tad
and all the other rescuers who moved so swiftly to rescue the Angel Wings cats.
You guys are amazing. And thanks to all those who are offering to adopt.
If I've missed anything and any sick kitty out--I think I've missed a digest along
the way in the last 24 hours--I apologize, and send my best wishes.  

Wanted to let you all know we went to the vet again today for Flavia's
PCV, and the count is now "between 16 and 17" --it was
previously 17--so I was very relieved, since it could have been so much worse.
(Everything is relative, right?) She did lose another ounce and a half :>(
--she's gone from 8lb 15 to 8lb 10 oz since she had her crisis and transfusion
2 weeks ago. 

So, no transfusion to consider right now :>). She's doing pretty
well in herself--eating, drinking, playing, snuggling and going inside the
box. She was so good today, too--I caught her within a minute; and when we got
to the vet she had to have blood taken TWICE because the vial or tube or
whatever broke. And she hasn't gone to the bathroom in the carrier since the
first vet visit. 

Backing up~~~I ordered ImmunoregulinEqstim this morning to be shipped
overnight to Dr Dodin who was Flavia's vet and who is going to let me know
tonight if she'll be able to do 4 housecalls to administer it while I'm
gone--the total was

around $50 inc shipping so i felt it was worth taking the chance that
she will be able to do the calls.

I've also spoken to yet another vet at Higgins, Dr Teuber, the one who
saw Flavia today, about Immunoregulin (I emailed her the articles and Kyle's
emails before the weekend). I liked her. She said she spent an hour on the
web--including this website--at the weekend researching it. IF Dr Dodin can't
do the housecalls, I'm going to speak to the petsitter first thing tomorrow
about taking Flavia to the clinic to be treated with the IR by Dr
Teuber. I realize it will be added stress, but I don't feel she can
go unseen by a vet for 2 1/2 weeks I'd 

July 5 update on Flavia

2005-07-05 Thread Kerry MacKenzie

Hi everyone
I'm sorry I've been out of touch---I've been going kinda crazy 
over Flavia's current illness and the logistics of her being cared for 
medically while I'm gone.
Hideyo, I hope George and Angel are doing better? I'm sending 
lots of healthy and positive visualization for them. Also, hope Bramble is doing 
ok. And Nina's Grace, and all the other sick or anxiety-causing kitties. I send 
all my best wishes for their recovery.  
I've been dumbstruck by the incredible work done by 
Jenn, Tad and all the other rescuers who moved so swiftly to rescue the 
Angel Wings cats. You guys are amazing. And thanks to all those who are 
offering to adopt. If I've missed anything and any sick kitty out--I think I've 
missed a digest along the way in the last 24 hours--I apologize, and send my 
best wishes.  
Wanted to let you all know we went to the vet again today for 
Flavia's PCV, and the count is now "between 16 and 17" --it was previously 
17--so I was very relieved, since it could have been so much worse. (Everything 
is relative, right?) She did lose another ounce and a half :>( --she's gone 
from 8lb 15 to 8lb 10 oz since she had her crisis and transfusion 2 weeks ago. 

So, no transfusion to consider right now :>). She's doing 
pretty well in herself--eating, drinking, playing, snuggling and going 
inside the box. She was so good today, too--I caught her within a minute; and 
when we got to the vet she had to have blood taken TWICE because the vial or 
tube or whatever broke. And she hasn't gone to the bathroom in the carrier since 
the first vet visit. 
Backing up~~~I ordered ImmunoregulinEqstim this morning to be 
shipped overnight to Dr Dodin who was Flavia's vet and who is going to let me 
know tonight if she'll be able to do 4 housecalls to administer it while I'm 
gone--the total was
around $50 inc shipping so i felt it was worth taking the 
chance that she will be able to do the calls.
I've also spoken to yet another vet at Higgins, Dr Teuber, the 
one who saw Flavia today, about Immunoregulin (I emailed her the articles and 
Kyle's emails before the weekend). I liked her. She said she spent an hour on 
the web--including this website--at the weekend researching it. IF Dr Dodin 
can't do the housecalls, I'm going to speak to the petsitter first thing 
tomorrow about taking Flavia to the clinic to be treated with the IR by Dr 
Teuber. I realize it will be added stress, but I don't feel she can go 
unseen by a vet for 2 1/2 weeks I'd order more IR and have it sent 
to Dr T. And I'd be calling Dr T right after that to set up a treatment 
But.I've also just been reading some archive material sent 
by Nina, and now I'm wondering about Procrit (see below--Belinda's email, I 
Does anyone have any ideas on which might 
be better--Procrit or Immunoregulin? (I don't know how Flavia's anemia is 
caused--we haven't done a bone marrow test.)
I only have until tomorrow to decide on which treatment--it's 
going to be difficult to communicate with vets etc once I leave tomorrow night. 
Dr T also said she could give another steroid shot (I've forgotten which 
It's been a harrowing few I feel a little better 
because as well as her count being not too bad, I think it's almost certain I'll 
be able to have Flavia checked up while I'm gone.
One good thing4-5 vets in Chicago are now much more aware 
of FelV and what can be done for it. They all seem very responsive to the 
printouts I email and thrust at them..thank goodness! Any more opinions are very 
Till later,
love and hugs to you all
I just wanted to remind everyone a little bit about the facts on 
Procrit.  A lot of vets give people the impression that Procrit (and 
Epogen) are more risky for cats than the anemia that may be killing them.  
Thankfully, my specialist vet knew more about it and wasn't afraid to use it 
when it was needed.
Cats do not "quickly develop antibodies" against it.  Vets don't 
prescribe it until it is a last resort because there is a risk of developing 
antibodies, so they want to exhaust other means first.  If they can keep 
the cat going for longer with B supplements and iron, or additional liver which 
contains a lot of iron, they will do that for as long as possible.  
However, when the cat is not longer making retics, and new red blood cells can't 
be made, Procrit is the only thing that can help them.  They haven't 
developed one made out of cat blood, even though they started testing one, so, 
yes, there is a risk of antibodies being developed because it is made from human 
blood.  However, even in the testing, the antibodies only developed in 30% 
of the cases.  That means 70% of the cats never developed antibodies.  
And when they do develop antibodies, it usually is not for about four months. 
What happens is the Procrit quits working, so the cats HCT or PCV starts to drop 
again.  So that means that if the cat does develop antibodies, he will at 

RE: OT - 2 things (Pee Club)

2005-07-05 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Jenn, I just love you for your message!  I
just had to laugh so hard (but quietly since I am still at work) – I am
so glad (or relieved for that matter) that I am not the only freaky cat lady on
universe – 


You remind me so much of myself and I am
very grateful that I am on this list to find people like you (or like myself
for that matter) -

Every time I can’t find any of my
cats (and most likely because they hide and they don’t come out right
away when their names are called – but I never leave house until I make
sure that all of my cats are inside of the house safely (that’s a total
of 60 of them!)– I would blame on my friend, Greg, HONEY, do you think
you let Oh-Oh-Oh out or do you think you got Mary Jane, out by accident??? I
can’t find them where are they?? And he would say no –
but I would just keep asking him, do you think you might have left a door open
for a second and got out? One time, he did get Oh-Oh-Oh out, and we did not
even know about it (we had grocery bags and it was night time) – he went
on walking for a block or two, and if it wasn’t because of the moon light
on the street, I would never found him – this is not a shy cat, and won’t
stay at one place like a normal cat, he just keeps walking to explore like
there is no tomorrow – 


Since then,  I told my boyfriend, “honey,
this can’t be happening, we are not going to use this front door anymore,
I can’t afford to lose him or anyone for that matter, let’s use the
back door where the dogs are going forward!!! – so I
drove him crazy and couldn’t live with me like that  --- so he moved out
to the next house where there is no cat in the house (until Carl – but I
am moving Carl to my house with George shortly) ..


Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 10:40
Subject: Re: OT - 2 things (Pee


You guys STILL get visitors? Heck, I scared
all of those away a long time ago. They all are scared of the "crazy cat
lady" now, because every time someone would come over, I would open the
door a tiny crack, and then, if they were someone I wanted to allow inside, and
would open the door about a foot wide, and rush them in, all the time
SCREAMING  "GET BACK, BACK BACK! " to the cats while telling
them, "You've got to get in or out fast, so the cats don't get out!",
and then the times when my boyfriend opened the door, those are the worst,
because he doesn't rush the guests in fast enough, so from across the room, I'm
sometimes when they were leaving, they would like to stand IN the door and talk
to my boyfriend, with it OPEN, so I'd have to scream at them more "IN or
OUT, Shut the F*cking door!!" and then as I'm saying that, I'm DIVING
across the floor, waving my hands, and screaming, "SHUT THE DOOR, SHUT THE


Yeah, I'm not making this up.


lol, yeah, I've pretty much eliminated
houseguests now. It's great, they were SUCH a hassle.




If I catch them doing it I yell at them, but
it's not like they can stop..  I have the ones who pick on each other
too.  Drives me crazy.  I had to laugh about watching your visitors'
things. I do that too. lol.


RE: OT - 2 things

2005-07-05 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
All I can say is - this is true love - for good times and bad times, we
love them no matter what -- right?

This morning, I just washed the cushion cover in the living room - as
soon as the fresh cover was put on, my dog, Corky running so happily and
jump on the cushion and peed on it - instead of yelling, I just had to
laugh as it was so pathetic. if you know what I mean.. I am like.. why
bother yelling...

Just as FYI - we have two dogs (Corky and Oreo) also poops on the rugs
in the house - I have learned to become patient over the years...

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: OT - 2 things

Not that I'm looking for pity, but...   When my poor Gypsy was at her 
worst with IBD, she was constantly leaking just that!  I kept thinking 
that for the sake of everyone else in the household I should confine 
her, but she would freak out when shut away from everyone else.  So, 
instead, I spent a great deal of time following her around on my hands 
and knees cleaning up after her.  I had towels and throws over almost 
every stick of furniture.  What a nightmare!  Thank God that's over

Del Daniels wrote:

> Yes ... last year the vet suggested we take Antonio off the Prozac and

> I had thought about it but the night before when I was getting into 
> bed, my pillow had been zapped.  Now we keep Antonio confined to the 
> large family room and enclosed back porch.  There is a screen door 
> between the family room and dining room.  Even though there are others

> peeing around, he goes full blast when he gets into the main house.  
> Knowing there are others dealing with these situations helps keep me 
> sane while being sorry you have the problems, too.  I continually 
> remind myself to be grateful this is not POOP all over. 
> Del

Re: OT: St. Francis Medals! And the AW rescuers...ATTN: Jenn ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

2005-07-05 Thread Kat

When you get some time...
Could you send Jen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) a list of the rescuers that
have been down in the trenches with this whole Angel Wings nightmare so
that she can send them some of the St Francis Medals too?

Thank you so much for all of the information you've been relaying for the
rest of us!!

Kat (Mew Jersey)

On Tue, 5 Jul 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2005 15:06:17 -0500
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: Re: OT:  St. Francis Medals! And the AW rescuers...
> Absolutely!  I've been catching up with my posts and just saw the photos
> of the FeLV cats that came out of that "shelter"...I can't even put into
> words how I feel right now...angry/sad/helpless just doesn't even start
> to cut it...but I had thought of sending medals as well, and I feel so
> dumb for hesitating to offer for fear that someone might be offended by
> what could be perceived as a "religious symbol" guys have reminded
> me over and over again that St. Francis trancends faith!  :)  Thanks,
> Kat, for speaking up and reminding me, again, what an awesome group of
> people this is!  I would love to send on as many medals as the Rescuers
> would need...I just need an address and an approximate number of medals
> that would be needed...I would also like to make note on the prayer that
> the medals are a gift from our entire group, if that's okay with you guys!
> "But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
> unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
> become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de
> Saint-Exupéry
> "If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
> each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
> you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan
> George
> - Original Message -
> Date: Tuesday, July 5, 2005 2:29 pm
> Subject: Re: OT:  St. Francis Medals! And the AW rescuers...
> > Hi Jen,
> > Would it be possible to send some of the medals down to the
> > Angel Wings Rescuers who have been working so tirelessly for
> > the unfortunate animals that got caught up in all of this??
> > I know it's not much to give them in return for what they've
> > been doing, but I think it would be marvelous if it could be
> > done.
> > Kat (Mew Jersey)
> >
> > On Tue, 5 Jul 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > > Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2005 10:35:20 -0500
> > > Reply-To:
> > > To:
> > > Subject: OT:  St. Francis Medals!
> > >
> > > Hi All!
> > >
> > > Hope ya'll had a wonderful 4th of July weekend!  I haven't been
> > able to
> > > keep up with my Inbox for the past few weeks...but I want to send my
> > > best to all of our beautiful fur-babies...
> > >
> > > My Dad was down this past weekend!  He just couldn't say enough
> > > wonderful things about the amazing group of people on this
> > list... :)
> > > He kept telling me, "If you need any more medals, just let me
> > know and
> > > I'll send them to you!"  I've got plenty of medals here, and I
> > know a
> > > few of you guys expressed an interest in wishing to give medals to
> > > friends/family/other rescuers (which, of course, is so NOT a
> > > problem!) the invitation goes out to everyone...if you'd
> > like more
> > > than one medal, just let me know!  I've got a file with everyone's
> > > addresses, so I'll get them out this week!
> > >
> > > I'll also include the prayer that my Dad used to bless the
> >'s> really sweet because he mostly thought it up himself
> > especially for this
> > > group...then, of course, he told me, "Now, if you need anymore
> > medals,> please let me know!"  :)
> > >
> > > Take care, All!
> > >
> > > Jen
> > >
> > > 
> > > "But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you
> > will be
> > > unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the
> > world; You
> > > become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --
> > Antoine de
> > > Saint-Exupéry
> > >
> > > "If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will
> > know> each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know
> > them, and what
> > > you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --
> > Chief Dan
> > > George
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

Re: OT: St. Francis Medals! And the AW rescuers...

2005-07-05 Thread Belinda Sauro

  That is wonderful, and I can wait also if you need them for the 
rescuers :)  I can't imagine the heartbreak and pain they must feel.

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: OT: St. Francis Medals! And the AW rescuers...

2005-07-05 Thread jenmeyer
Absolutely!  I've been catching up with my posts and just saw the photos
of the FeLV cats that came out of that "shelter"...I can't even put into
words how I feel right now...angry/sad/helpless just doesn't even start
to cut it...but I had thought of sending medals as well, and I feel so
dumb for hesitating to offer for fear that someone might be offended by
what could be perceived as a "religious symbol" guys have reminded
me over and over again that St. Francis trancends faith!  :)  Thanks,
Kat, for speaking up and reminding me, again, what an awesome group of
people this is!  I would love to send on as many medals as the Rescuers
would need...I just need an address and an approximate number of medals
that would be needed...I would also like to make note on the prayer that
the medals are a gift from our entire group, if that's okay with you guys!

"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan

- Original Message -
Date: Tuesday, July 5, 2005 2:29 pm
Subject: Re: OT:  St. Francis Medals! And the AW rescuers...

> Hi Jen,
> Would it be possible to send some of the medals down to the
> Angel Wings Rescuers who have been working so tirelessly for
> the unfortunate animals that got caught up in all of this??
> I know it's not much to give them in return for what they've
> been doing, but I think it would be marvelous if it could be
> done.
> Kat (Mew Jersey)
> On Tue, 5 Jul 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2005 10:35:20 -0500
> > Reply-To:
> > To:
> > Subject: OT:  St. Francis Medals!
> >
> > Hi All!
> >
> > Hope ya'll had a wonderful 4th of July weekend!  I haven't been 
> able to
> > keep up with my Inbox for the past few weeks...but I want to send my
> > best to all of our beautiful fur-babies...
> >
> > My Dad was down this past weekend!  He just couldn't say enough
> > wonderful things about the amazing group of people on this 
> list... :)
> > He kept telling me, "If you need any more medals, just let me 
> know and
> > I'll send them to you!"  I've got plenty of medals here, and I 
> know a
> > few of you guys expressed an interest in wishing to give medals to
> > friends/family/other rescuers (which, of course, is so NOT a
> > problem!) the invitation goes out to everyone...if you'd 
> like more
> > than one medal, just let me know!  I've got a file with everyone's
> > addresses, so I'll get them out this week!
> >
> > I'll also include the prayer that my Dad used to bless the 
>'s> really sweet because he mostly thought it up himself 
> especially for this
> > group...then, of course, he told me, "Now, if you need anymore 
> medals,> please let me know!"  :)
> >
> > Take care, All!
> >
> > Jen
> >
> > 
> > "But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you 
> will be
> > unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the 
> world; You
> > become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --
> Antoine de
> > Saint-Exupéry
> >
> > "If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will 
> know> each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know 
> them, and what
> > you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --
> Chief Dan
> > George
> >
> >

RE: best wishes

2005-07-05 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Thank you for your thought, Peggy –
please know that your support and prayers mean the world to us – and please
don’t apologize for anything – just being here for us is all we
need –


Thank you for your prayer for George, too –
his skin and ear is still yellow, I am giving him fluid with V-C every day, and
V-B 12 shot every other day – I read that liver’s recover can take 4
to 8 weeks, so I am trying not to be too discouraged if I don’t see the
immediate progress- please continue to pray for George and Flavia as we all
really need it!!




Behalf Of Peggy Rankin
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 1:22
To: feline friends
Subject: best wishes


Hi guys sorry i have been having computer problems,  My heart is
with you Kerry, Flavia his in our prayers.  Hideyo,  same for you
with george.  I apologize for not having much knowlegde to give to the
group,  being new to felv and feline ailments. But my support and prayers
are with all of you.  Thank you Peggy

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: OT: St. Francis Medals! And the AW rescuers...

2005-07-05 Thread TatorBunz

That sure is...  :)
Wished that I could help you guys in this matter but I'm in WA. state so all I can do is thank everyone for helping these poor babies!
In a message dated 7/5/2005 12:31:12 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

That is a brilliant idea!  I wish I'd thought of it!Kat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Jen,Would it be possible to send some of the medals down to theAngel Wings Rescuers who have been working so tirelessly forthe unfortunate animals that got caught up in all of this??I know it's not much to give them in return for what they'vebeen doing, but I think it would be marvelous if it could bedone.Kat (Mew Jersey)On Tue, 5 Jul 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:> Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2005 10:35:20 -0500> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reply-To:> To:> Subject: OT: St. Francis Medals!>> Hi All!>> Hope ya'll had a wonderful 4th of July weekend! I haven't been able to> keep up with my Inbox for the past few weeks...but I want to send my> best to all of our beautiful fur-babies...>> My Dad was down this past weekend! He just couldn't say enough> wonderful things about the amazing group of people on this list... :)> He kept telling me, "If you need any more medals, just let me know and> I'll send them to you!" I've got plenty of medals here, and I know a> few of you guys expressed an interest in wishing to give medals to> friends/family/other rescuers (which, of course, is so NOT a> problem!) the invitation goes out to everyone...if you'd like more> than one medal, just let me know! I've got a file with everyone's> addresses, so I'll get them out this week!>> I'll also include the prayer that my Dad used to bless the's> really sweet because he mostly thought it up himself especially for this> group...then, of course, he told me, "Now, if you need anymore medals,> please let me know!" :)>> Take care, All!>> Jen

 Terrie MohrCheck site for available Siameses for adoption!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverPetfinder.comAdopt a Homeless Pet! CA. Siamese Rescue CA. Siamese Rescue

Re: OT: St. Francis Medals! And the AW rescuers...

2005-07-05 Thread TenHouseCats
great idea!

i'd even send them mine, and wait til later for another batch. 


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT: St. Francis Medals! And the AW rescuers...

2005-07-05 Thread Barb Moermond
That is a brilliant idea!  I wish I'd thought of it!Kat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Jen,Would it be possible to send some of the medals down to theAngel Wings Rescuers who have been working so tirelessly forthe unfortunate animals that got caught up in all of this??I know it's not much to give them in return for what they'vebeen doing, but I think it would be marvelous if it could bedone.Kat (Mew Jersey)On Tue, 5 Jul 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:> Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2005 10:35:20 -0500> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reply-To:> To:> Subject: OT: St. Francis Medals!>> Hi All!>> Hope ya'll had a wonderful 4th of July weekend! I haven't been able to> keep up with my Inbox for the past few weeks...but I want to send my> best to all of our beautiful fur-babies...>> My Dad was down
 this past weekend! He just couldn't say enough> wonderful things about the amazing group of people on this list... :)> He kept telling me, "If you need any more medals, just let me know and> I'll send them to you!" I've got plenty of medals here, and I know a> few of you guys expressed an interest in wishing to give medals to> friends/family/other rescuers (which, of course, is so NOT a> problem!) the invitation goes out to everyone...if you'd like more> than one medal, just let me know! I've got a file with everyone's> addresses, so I'll get them out this week!>> I'll also include the prayer that my Dad used to bless the's> really sweet because he mostly thought it up himself especially for this> group...then, of course, he told me, "Now, if you need anymore medals,> please let me know!" :)>> Take care, All!>> Jen>>
 > "But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be> unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You> become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de> Saint-Exupéry>> "If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know> each other. If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what> you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan> George>>Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito"My cat the clown:  paying no mind to whom he should impress.  Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."- Anonymous
		Yahoo! Sports 
Rekindle the Rivalries. Sign up for Fantasy Football

Re: OT: St. Francis Medals!

2005-07-05 Thread TatorBunz

Me too look forward to getting mine!
Did I ask for 1 or 2? If possible may I have 2...thanks! 
Do tell your Father all of us at TAZZY'S say bless him and thanks again! 
I will hang it one in my truck with my cross and the other on top of all my furangels that have went to the bridge. 
Yes, I do have a small mausoleum in my computer room. When I move to my new property I will release everyone.
 Terrie MohrCheck site for available Siameses for adoption!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverPetfinder.comAdopt a Homeless Pet! CA. Siamese Rescue CA. Siamese Rescue

Re: OT: St. Francis Medals! And the AW rescuers...

2005-07-05 Thread Kat
Hi Jen,
Would it be possible to send some of the medals down to the
Angel Wings Rescuers who have been working so tirelessly for
the unfortunate animals that got caught up in all of this??
I know it's not much to give them in return for what they've
been doing, but I think it would be marvelous if it could be
Kat (Mew Jersey)

On Tue, 5 Jul 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2005 10:35:20 -0500
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: OT:  St. Francis Medals!
> Hi All!
> Hope ya'll had a wonderful 4th of July weekend!  I haven't been able to
> keep up with my Inbox for the past few weeks...but I want to send my
> best to all of our beautiful fur-babies...
> My Dad was down this past weekend!  He just couldn't say enough
> wonderful things about the amazing group of people on this list... :)
> He kept telling me, "If you need any more medals, just let me know and
> I'll send them to you!"  I've got plenty of medals here, and I know a
> few of you guys expressed an interest in wishing to give medals to
> friends/family/other rescuers (which, of course, is so NOT a
> problem!) the invitation goes out to everyone...if you'd like more
> than one medal, just let me know!  I've got a file with everyone's
> addresses, so I'll get them out this week!
> I'll also include the prayer that my Dad used to bless the's
> really sweet because he mostly thought it up himself especially for this
> group...then, of course, he told me, "Now, if you need anymore medals,
> please let me know!"  :)
> Take care, All!
> Jen
> "But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
> unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
> become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de
> Saint-Exupéry
> "If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
> each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
> you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan
> George

best wishes

2005-07-05 Thread Peggy Rankin
Hi guys sorry i have been having computer problems,  My heart is with you Kerry, Flavia his in our prayers.  Hideyo,  same for you with george.  I apologize for not having much knowlegde to give to the group,  being new to felv and feline ailments. But my support and prayers are with all of you.  Thank you Peggy__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: OT: St. Francis Medals!

2005-07-05 Thread TenHouseCats
i wouldn't mine having an additional one myself, either. thanks, hon!

On 7/5/05, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jen,
> Please post the prayer your Dad wrote for the medals.  We could use all
> the prayers we can get right now.
> Nina
> Belinda Sauro wrote:
> > Hi Jen,
> >   I would also like on for my sister if you have enough.  And please
> > thanks your Dad for being such a sweetheart.  I can't wait to read the
> > prayer he wrote to bless the medals  :)
> >


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Jenn, Tad and the volunteers of AW rescue effort

2005-07-05 Thread Nina

Blessings and thanks to you and Tad and all those involved in this
rescue effort.  Viewing the pictures you posted and thinking about the
hardships and injustice all these unfortunate kitties have had to
endure, and continue to endure, is breaking my heart.  The volunteers
in the trenches must be overwhelmed and so very disheartened to see
such devastation.  So many in need...  If you could let them know how
very appreciative we all are of their efforts, and let them know they
are in our prayers...  I just can't find the words to express my
gratitude for the battle you are all waging.  The outpouring of
kindness, love and fortitude of these wonderful people helps to balance
the despair and frustration felt on behalf of all these wonderful
angels caught in this terrible predicament.  Whether you believe in it,
or not, heaven is smiling down on all of you.  May they all find
comfort, safety and true sanctuary in the arms of caring humans very,
very soon.


  (all FIV+
cats from AW so far) (all FELV+
cats from AW so far)

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Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.8/37 - Release Date: 7/1/2005

Re: Re: [kittyschatterbox] Angel Wings Sanctuary Closed]

2005-07-05 Thread Sally Quillian

The groups involved with this 
rescue effort are doing a great job.   . .what an overwhelming 
situation!  . . .and what a well-managed, well-planned, and 
well-implemented job they have done and continue to do!  

I'm concerned now that Kevin 
(FIV+) may still be at Terry's house.  Kevin was a very frrightened 
kitty.  I had to trap him in order to neuter, etc . . .however, when he was 
in a quiet setting with just one or two people, he turned into a real love bug . 
. .we had vaccinated him once for FeLV. . .so hopefully he had some immunity 
built up . . .After reading Holly's report, I realize that it was not possible 
to leave  traps out for kitties who are not real socialized. . . 

I'm still hoping and praying that 
Kevin will be found alive and well . . .I just don't want him to suffer . . 
- Original Message - 

  Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 12:13 
  Subject: Re: Re: [kittyschatterbox] Angel 
  Wings Sanctuary Closed]
  That's Holly, yes, I have been speaking to her. 
  I see the number of voluntarily surrendered cats has changed again. I will ask 
  about the non-regenerative anemia cat, and see which one that is, and make 
  sure they test for hemobart. Hopefully, they haven't killed him/her 
  collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who 
  must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.Bazil's caretaker 
  collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a 
  free can of formula!PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for 
  If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address 
  you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!

  No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG 
  Anti-Virus.Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.9/39 - Release Date: 

Re: OT: St. Francis Medals!

2005-07-05 Thread Nina

Please post the prayer your Dad wrote for the medals.  We could use all 
the prayers we can get right now.


Belinda Sauro wrote:

Hi Jen,
  I would also like on for my sister if you have enough.  And please 
thanks your Dad for being such a sweetheart.  I can't wait to read the 
prayer he wrote to bless the medals  :)

Re: OT: St. Francis Medals!

2005-07-05 Thread Barb Moermond
I'm so excited:)  and so is my mom!  Just wanted to make sure you still had me down for 2:)
BIG thanks to you and your dad:)[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi All!Hope ya'll had a wonderful 4th of July weekend! I haven't been able tokeep up with my Inbox for the past few weeks...but I want to send mybest to all of our beautiful fur-babies...My Dad was down this past weekend! He just couldn't say enoughwonderful things about the amazing group of people on this list... :) He kept telling me, "If you need any more medals, just let me know andI'll send them to you!" I've got plenty of medals here, and I know afew of you guys expressed an interest in wishing to give medals tofriends/family/other rescuers (which, of course, is so NOT aproblem!) the invitation goes out to everyone...if you'd like morethan one medal, just let me know! I've got a file with everyone'saddresses, so I'll get them out this week!I'll also include the prayer that my Dad used to bless the'sreally sweet because he mostly thought it up himself especially for thisgroup...then, of course, he told me, "Now, if you need anymore medals,please let me know!" :)Take care, All!Jen"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will beunique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; Youbecome responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine deSaint-Exupéry"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will knoweach other. If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and whatyou do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief DanGeorgeBarb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito"My cat the clown:  paying no mind to whom he should impress.  Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."-
 Anonymous__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: OT: St. Francis Medals!

2005-07-05 Thread Belinda Sauro

Hi Jen,
  I would also like on for my sister if you have enough.  And please 
thanks your Dad for being such a sweetheart.  I can't wait to read the 
prayer he wrote to bless the medals  :)

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: Re: [kittyschatterbox] Angel Wings Sanctuary Closed]

2005-07-05 Thread felv

That's Holly, yes, I have been speaking to her. I 
see the number of voluntarily surrendered cats has changed again. I will ask 
about the non-regenerative anemia cat, and see which one that is, and make sure 
they test for hemobart. Hopefully, they haven't killed him/her 

collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who 
must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.Bazil's caretaker 
collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a free 
can of formula!PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address 
you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.9/39 - Release Date: 7/4/2005

[Fwd: Re: [kittyschatterbox] Angel Wings Sanctuary Closed]

2005-07-05 Thread Tad Burnett

I put out some whiskers on some of my other groups to see if
anyone had cats at Angel Wings and got this back..
>From one of the other rescuers involved.

  Tad did you know that Angel Wings Sanctuary was actually
closed down for not treating the animals correctly. Here is a post
about an update on Angel Wings Sanctuary.
July 4, 2005 
First off, since there is no need for secrecy anymore,  let me
myself.  My name is  Holly, and I run the Stray Connection in
Knoxville, TN.  The 
Underdogs4cats represents a consortium of many individuals who worked 
hard to rescue animals from Angel Wings.   
The process began about six months ago when the two  former Board
Sue and Kara, secretly went onsite (to the Cats’ House  specifically)
and took 
pictures of the animals and conditions they were living  in.  They
their findings  to the Roane  County DA naively believing that AW would
be shut  
down immediately.  Well, as we have  learned, legal machinations take
I got involved about four months later when it became clear that the
DA  would 
bring charges against Rehnee Harvey.  At that point, we realized that
needed a plan to handle all of the  animals we hoped to rescue from
AW.  We began 
the process of trying to line up foster homes, vet support,  funding,
Peaceful Kingdom generously agreed to front the  bill for this effort. 
local  vets agreed to donate their time to exam and treat animals
coming from 
Beginning in early Jun, Rehnee did begin to voluntarily  turn over some
She  voluntarily turned over 40 cats, 25 kittens (most of which were
born to 
unspayed  females), and 15 adults.  All of the  cats have been
tested, vaccinated, etc.  If old enough, they are being altered  and
put up for 
adoption.  Of the  cats, one was very nonresponsive due to dehydration
starvation.  She has recovered and is doing  well.  One has lymphoma
(probably  not 
Rehnee’s fault).  One has  non-regenerative anemia.  We have  sent a
marrow sample out to test for Felv/FIV and are awaiting  results.  One
was FIV 
In addition to the time and energy required to take care  of the cats
we were 
slowly getting from Rehnee, developing a formal plan for  rescuing all
of the 
tame the cats from AW was a massive effort.  We estimated that there
were an  
additional 40-50 cats on site.  The  problems of having enough crates
transport all the cats in one day and where  to house that many cats
took a long 
time to resolve.  The DA requested a formal plan for  rescuing the
cats, which 
we submitted about 2 weeks ago.   
Rehnee Harvey was charged with 37 counts of misdemeanor  animal cruelty
Fri. Jun 24.  The  counts are misdemeanors, because it was her first
Because we had a formal plan in place  for rescuing the cats, the
animals were 
not seized and euthanized at that  time.  It took another three and a 
painful days of legal dealings before getting access to the site.  It
crucial that we get custody  (ownership) of the animals so that a) we
did not have 
to hold them as evidence  for Rehnee’s trial, which is not scheduled
to start 
until Mar 29, 2006, and b) there was no  possibility that these animals
have to be returned to AW.  On Thursday, Jun 30, an order was  written
allowed access to all four properties where animals might be  located
and legal 
ownership of all animals was transferred to Peaceful Kingdom.  For
legal ease, 
we had to pick one lead  organization to which all animals were turned
The Stray Connection has assumed  responsibility for all the cats. 
Kingdom and Great Dog  Rescue are taking care of the dogs, and Horse
took all of the livestock  (goats, sheep, and horses).  We  mobilized
at the 
Roane County  DA’s office around 3  pm.  We were accompanied by RC 
Animal Control 
Officers and Sheriffs.   
There are three main properties.  The Cats’ House has a house and
four acres 
cat fenced in.  Adjacent to the Cats’ house is Rehnee’s  house. 
She bought 
this property  about a year ago, left her husband, Terry, and moved
into this 
house.  Terry’s house is about 13 miles from the  first two
properties.  This 
is where  Rehnee and Terry lived until she left about a year ago. 
house has six acres cat fenced  in.  The first stop was Terry’s 
house.  We 
suspected that the cats  had been moved from the Cats House to
Terry’s house.  We 
were correct.  Cats galore.  Terry’s house was worse than I could 
have ever 
imagined.  The front of  the house has a two-story porch which was
covered by 
large canvass tarps to keep  the sun out.  Feces and urine  covered the
Most of the  cats were hanging around the yard or porch. They were
friendly and easy to  catch.  After crating as many as we  could easily
catch that 
were outside, we went into the h

Re: OT: St. Francis Medals!

2005-07-05 Thread Sheila208
Jenn, if possible I would like an extra medal to send my sister, who works tirelessly for a rescue in Orlando, FL.


OT: St. Francis Medals!

2005-07-05 Thread jenmeyer
Hi All!

Hope ya'll had a wonderful 4th of July weekend!  I haven't been able to
keep up with my Inbox for the past few weeks...but I want to send my
best to all of our beautiful fur-babies...

My Dad was down this past weekend!  He just couldn't say enough
wonderful things about the amazing group of people on this list... :) 
He kept telling me, "If you need any more medals, just let me know and
I'll send them to you!"  I've got plenty of medals here, and I know a
few of you guys expressed an interest in wishing to give medals to
friends/family/other rescuers (which, of course, is so NOT a
problem!) the invitation goes out to everyone...if you'd like more
than one medal, just let me know!  I've got a file with everyone's
addresses, so I'll get them out this week!

I'll also include the prayer that my Dad used to bless the's
really sweet because he mostly thought it up himself especially for this
group...then, of course, he told me, "Now, if you need anymore medals,
please let me know!"  :)

Take care, All!


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan