Re: [Felvtalk] He went on his own time. . .

2017-10-17 Thread Pam Doore
Ken I am so glad that Zorro had your has his parent. They do fight so hard
to stay with their family (us) :).


*Christ beside me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me,
Christ beneath me, Christ above me. — **St. Patrick*

On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 11:23 PM,  wrote:

> Good Evening to all who just responded to Robert's "Anyone still there"
> email. This is my first post and I stumbled upon this site in my frantic
> effort to get info on FelV. Our tuxedo, Zorro, was with us barely a year
> when FelV took him in less than two weeks. I first saw him among the weeds
> and shrubs of my lower garden as he darted about, perhaps pursuing a field
> mouse. Over the next few weeks  I steadily coaxed him closer to the house
> with food, water and my appearances. Eventually he was on the back porch
> daily meowing for breakfast and our Teddy Bear dog, Oliver, watched Zorro
> eat from the other side of the screen door. By late September Zorro was
> eating in the house, finding the litter box and purring so loudly he could
> be heard from ten feet away.
> Zorro was neutered, vaccinated and checked over and quickly became the
> kindest, most lovable cat I've ever had and at 70 I've had a few! We all
> spent a wonderful year plus together and Oliver became so accepting of
> Zorro that he allowed himself to be groomed my him. All this came crashing
> down six weeks ago. Zorro slept more, did not jump into bed with me and
> though he ate, he ate in little spurts. We took him in, tried some
> antibiotics first since he had a fever but nothing changed. Then the blood
> tests; then the devastating news: FeLV. The Vet suggested we consider
> putting Zorro down since it was incurable. I said Zorro will decide that
> action. For the next ten days we bought time with Zorro using a
> coticosteroid via pills. But the inevitable came suddenly three Monday
> evenings back. Zorro was slowly walking and then just laid down. His
> breathing became labored and I lay down next to him whispering in his ears
> and stroking his side. I told him to go, he'd done it on his terms and w
>  ithing five minutes he was still.
> We've buried him with his bed and special blanket to cover him and keep
> the soil off. He's now beneath a tree near where I first saw him.
> Ken Resch
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Anyone There....

2017-10-17 Thread Pam Doore
Hi Bob, I am sorry to hear of Gilbert's passing and that his disease
started progressing.


*Christ beside me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me,
Christ beneath me, Christ above me. — **St. Patrick*

On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 9:36 PM, ROBERT CHAPEL 

> No mail has appeared in my mailbox from this group for quite  long while
> so I thought I would inquire as to whether _ I _ am just missing mail that
> HAS been going to others or if the group has simply not been active for a
> couple of months. Generally it has been my experience that once I write
> one of these notes I start to get mail once again... NO idea why
> I thought of all of you recently when it was time to put my Hospice Cat (
> Gilbert) down Third cat I have lost in a year   I'm 0 for 3 at this
> point and am thinking it might be time to take on a more healthy animal but
> I keep harkening back to amani's words... If not us... who??   Certainly
> not the people who don't much care about cats...nor the vast majority of
> people who HAVE cats.  There are SO many deserving animals out there
> that have problems that place them low on the adoption list  they ALL
> deserve to have a home and someone to see them as special  Gilbert was
> not adoptable with his brain injury...though ALL of the volunteers thought
> him special...still... no one came forward when he developed cancer though
> they all truly DID care that he was going to die  He had a good life
> for his last few months... sitting on the porch...looking out the
> window and more petting and love than even HE wanted.  As is usually
> the case it was probably harder on me than him when it came time He
> stopped eating, it was painful for him to get his oral meds and even subq
> pain killers did little... He was constipated and just hid out all day...
> The Tumor was forcing his one eye to protrude and the other to recede... it
> would have been cruel to ask him to endure more. A beautiful sweet
> animal I miss him terribly...
> Curious to see if I find the list active with this submission.
> Bob...
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Whats in a name : )

2017-10-17 Thread ROBERT CHAPEL


NO problem...  I'm the LAST person to take issue with temporary 
inability to summon up the correct name Often times these days I 
draw a blank on people I know relatively well...  quite embarassing... 
AND... you got the first letter right!!!

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Thank you all. . .

2017-10-17 Thread Ardy Robertson
Sounds like it might be time for the poem someone sent when we lost Tigg

Lend Me a Kitten
I will lend you a kitten for awhile, God said.
For you to love while he lives, and mourn when he's dead.
Maybe for twelve or fourteen years, or maybe two or three.
But will you, 'till I call him back, take care of him for me?
He'll bring his charms to gladden you, and should his stay be brief
You'll always have his memories as solace for your grief.
I cannot promise he will stay, since all from earth return.
But there are lessons taught below I want this kitten to learn.
I've looked the whole world over, in search of teachers true.
And from the folks that crowd life's land, I have chosen you.
Now will you give him all your love, not think the labor vain?
Nor hate me when I come to take my kitten home again?
I fancied that I heard them say 'Dear Lord Thy Will Be Done'.
For all the joys this kitten brings, the risk of grief we'll run.
We'll shelter him with tenderness, we'll love him while we may.
And for the happiness we've known, forever grateful stay.
But should you call him back, much sooner than we planned,
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes, and try to understand.
If, by our love we've managed your wishes to achieve,
Then in memory of him whom we loved, please help us while we grieve.
When our cherished kitten departs this world of strife,
Please send yet another needing soul for us to love all his life.
Author Unknown

-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 8:31 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Thank you all. . .

How very kind of you Katherine, Amani, kat and Marlene for your kind words
about Zorro. We are going to the shelter today to adopt another kitty. Some
say there must be adequate time between cats in order to have honored the
one who has passed. Perhaps. I, on the other hand, believe there is a cat
waiting for me at the shelter. In fact, last Sunday when the staff of our
shelter arrived to work, they found several U-Haul boxes of cats at the
door! In total there were 40 kittens to four-year olds in the boxes.  I saw
a Tux among the mix and am going to see him today. I'm also going to ask the
vet to test him for FeLv at my cost. Also, I believe we must get rid of the
litter pan from Zorro just to be on the safe side. 

Again, thank you all for your outreach; it means far more than you might
know, Ken

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] He went on his own time. . .

2017-10-17 Thread Ardy Robertson

-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Amani Oakley
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 10:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] He went on his own time. . .


I am very sad to hear about your loss of Zorro. FeLV is a terrible disease
that robs us of our beautiful furbabies, far far too soon. I am thrilled,
though, that there are people like you out there who care and take the
necessary steps to make little lives worth living, and lets these little
babies know what love is, on their time on earth.


-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Sent: October-16-17 11:24 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] He went on his own time. . .

Good Evening to all who just responded to Robert's "Anyone still there"
email. This is my first post and I stumbled upon this site in my frantic
effort to get info on FelV. Our tuxedo, Zorro, was with us barely a year
when FelV took him in less than two weeks. I first saw him among the weeds
and shrubs of my lower garden as he darted about, perhaps pursuing a field
mouse. Over the next few weeks  I steadily coaxed him closer to the house
with food, water and my appearances. Eventually he was on the back porch
daily meowing for breakfast and our Teddy Bear dog, Oliver, watched Zorro
eat from the other side of the screen door. By late September Zorro was
eating in the house, finding the litter box and purring so loudly he could
be heard from ten feet away. 

Zorro was neutered, vaccinated and checked over and quickly became the
kindest, most lovable cat I've ever had and at 70 I've had a few! We all
spent a wonderful year plus together and Oliver became so accepting of Zorro
that he allowed himself to be groomed my him. All this came crashing down
six weeks ago. Zorro slept more, did not jump into bed with me and though he
ate, he ate in little spurts. We took him in, tried some antibiotics first
since he had a fever but nothing changed. Then the blood tests; then the
devastating news: FeLV. The Vet suggested we consider putting Zorro down
since it was incurable. I said Zorro will decide that action. For the next
ten days we bought time with Zorro using a coticosteroid via pills. But the
inevitable came suddenly three Monday evenings back. Zorro was slowly
walking and then just laid down. His breathing became labored and I lay down
next to him whispering in his ears and stroking his side. I told him to go,
he'd done it on his terms and w
   ithing five minutes he was still. 

We've buried him with his bed and special blanket to cover him and keep the
soil off. He's now beneath a tree near where I first saw him.

Ken Resch

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] He went on his own time. . .

2017-10-17 Thread Ardy Robertson
OK I'm crying -- reminds me of when we spent the last couple hours with
our Tigger at home, holding him and telling him how much we loved him. Thank
you for taking such good care of Zorro.

-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 10:24 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] He went on his own time. . .

Good Evening to all who just responded to Robert's "Anyone still there"
email. This is my first post and I stumbled upon this site in my frantic
effort to get info on FelV. Our tuxedo, Zorro, was with us barely a year
when FelV took him in less than two weeks. I first saw him among the weeds
and shrubs of my lower garden as he darted about, perhaps pursuing a field
mouse. Over the next few weeks  I steadily coaxed him closer to the house
with food, water and my appearances. Eventually he was on the back porch
daily meowing for breakfast and our Teddy Bear dog, Oliver, watched Zorro
eat from the other side of the screen door. By late September Zorro was
eating in the house, finding the litter box and purring so loudly he could
be heard from ten feet away. 

Zorro was neutered, vaccinated and checked over and quickly became the
kindest, most lovable cat I've ever had and at 70 I've had a few! We all
spent a wonderful year plus together and Oliver became so accepting of Zorro
that he allowed himself to be groomed my him. All this came crashing down
six weeks ago. Zorro slept more, did not jump into bed with me and though he
ate, he ate in little spurts. We took him in, tried some antibiotics first
since he had a fever but nothing changed. Then the blood tests; then the
devastating news: FeLV. The Vet suggested we consider putting Zorro down
since it was incurable. I said Zorro will decide that action. For the next
ten days we bought time with Zorro using a coticosteroid via pills. But the
inevitable came suddenly three Monday evenings back. Zorro was slowly
walking and then just laid down. His breathing became labored and I lay down
next to him whispering in his ears and stroking his side. I told him to go,
he'd done it on his terms and w  ithing five minutes he was still. 

We've buried him with his bed and special blanket to cover him and keep the
soil off. He's now beneath a tree near where I first saw him.

Ken Resch

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Anyone There....

2017-10-17 Thread Ardy Robertson
Hi Robert,
Sorry you had to put Gilbert down but you knew best I believe, and thank you 
for giving him the love he deserved.

-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of ROBERT 
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 8:37 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Anyone There

No mail has appeared in my mailbox from this group for quite  long while so I 
thought I would inquire as to whether _ I _ am just missing mail that HAS been 
going to others or if the group has simply not been active for a couple of 
months. Generally it has been my experience that once I write one of these 
notes I start to get mail once again... NO idea why
I thought of all of you recently when it was time to put my Hospice Cat ( 
Gilbert) down Third cat I have lost in a year   I'm 0 for 3 at this 
point and am thinking it might be time to take on a more healthy animal but I 
keep harkening back to amani's words... If not us... who??
 Certainly not the people who don't much care about cats...nor the vast 
majority of people who HAVE cats.  There are SO many deserving animals out 
there that have problems that place them low on the adoption list  they ALL 
deserve to have a home and someone to see them as special  Gilbert was not 
adoptable with his brain injury...though ALL of the volunteers thought him 
special...still... no one came forward when he developed cancer though they all 
truly DID care that he was going to die  He had a good life for his last 
few months... sitting on the porch...looking out the window and more 
petting and love than even HE wanted.  As is usually the case it was 
probably harder on me than him when it came time He stopped eating, it was 
painful for him to get his oral meds and even subq pain killers did little... 
He was constipated and just hid out all day... The Tumor was forcing his one 
eye to protrude and the other to recede... it would have been cruel to ask h
 im to endure more. A beautiful sweet animal I miss him terribly...
Curious to see if I find the list active with this submission.


Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Thank you all. . .

2017-10-17 Thread Pam Doore
We each have different needs after a pet pashe's before bringing another
baby home. I adopted Sunny 5 days after Mozart died. Sunny had been my
foster for 2 months.

On Oct 17, 2017 1:29 PM,  wrote:

now is the time to get another one to help in the grieving process. wrote:
> How very kind of you Katherine, Amani, kat and Marlene for your kind
words about Zorro. We are going to the shelter today to adopt another
kitty. Some say there must be adequate time between cats in order to have
honored the one who has passed. Perhaps. I, on the other hand, believe
there is a cat waiting for me at the shelter. In fact, last Sunday when the
staff of our shelter arrived to work, they found several U-Haul boxes of
cats at the door! In total there were 40 kittens to four-year olds in the
boxes.  I saw a Tux among the mix and am going to see him today. I'm also
going to ask the vet to test him for FeLv at my cost. Also, I believe we
must get rid of the litter pan from Zorro just to be on the safe side.
> Again, thank you all for your outreach; it means far more than you might
> Ken
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Zorro and " Brian"

2017-10-17 Thread Amani Oakley
Sorry Bob - honest mistake. I am working on a case right now, going to trail in 
a few weeks, and one of my two clients is Brian. "Brian" on the brain. My 

-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of ROBERT 
Sent: October-17-17 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Zorro and " Brian"

It is so terrible how quickly Felv can steal a cats life...but it's so great 
that you gave that little guy the love and attention I SO wish could/would be 
accorded every deserving animal ( read...ALL)... my cat Jelly was a strapping 
tiger stripe one month with perfect blood work and three weeks later he was 
dead I'm still wrestling ( and always will) with when is the right time to 
put a kitty down and I'm leaning now toward sooner rather than later We get 
so attached to our little guys and girls that parting from them seems 
overwhelming... but the fact that they are still eating and perhaps purring 
from time to time doesn't really tell us their level of discomfort...  I know 
that, for me at least, I'd rather be gone than be maintained on pain medication 
and bed ridden ( as is the case for most hospice people and animals) I let my 
boy Gilbert linger too long, I think, in retrospect because he was eating 
well... but the rest of the time he literally slept and often hid out I'm 
thinking that the next time I have a cat that is hiding out more than laying 
out in the open i will use THAT as the sign that quality of life just simply is 
no longer there  When a cat feels disabled enough that he feels vulnerable 
exposed ( and you KNOW that he has a serious disease that is not going to 
improve) it's probably time to let him go  Yes... I wish he could have told 
me... but... that's OUR job at this point..  After three deaths I'm getting 
a little sharper about how much of keeping them alive is for me and how much 
for them Often FeLV takes the decision out of our hands and claims them so 
quickly that we don't have to pain over this. a mixed blessing to be sure.
BTW...Amani...   I am fond of the name Brian but my parents named me Bob
: )


Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Zorro and " Brian"

2017-10-17 Thread ROBERT CHAPEL

It is so terrible how quickly Felv can steal a cats life...but it's so 
great that you gave that little guy the love and attention I SO wish 
could/would be accorded every deserving animal ( read...ALL)... my cat 
Jelly was a strapping tiger stripe one month with perfect blood work and 
three weeks later he was dead I'm still wrestling ( and always will) 
with when is the right time to put a kitty down and I'm leaning now 
toward sooner rather than later We get so attached to our little 
guys and girls that parting from them seems overwhelming... but the fact 
that they are still eating and perhaps purring from time to time doesn't 
really tell us their level of discomfort...  I know that, for me at 
least, I'd rather be gone than be maintained on pain medication and bed 
ridden ( as is the case for most hospice people and animals)
I let my boy Gilbert linger too long, I think, in retrospect because he 
was eating well... but the rest of the time he literally slept and often 
hid out I'm thinking that the next time I have a cat that is hiding 
out more than laying out in the open i will use THAT as the sign that 
quality of life just simply is no longer there  When a cat feels 
disabled enough that he feels vulnerable exposed ( and you KNOW that he 
has a serious disease that is not going to improve) it's probably time 
to let him go  Yes... I wish he could have told me... but... that's 
OUR job at this point..  After three deaths I'm getting a little 
sharper about how much of keeping them alive is for me and how much for 
them Often FeLV takes the decision out of our hands and claims them 
so quickly that we don't have to pain over this. a mixed blessing to 
be sure.
BTW...Amani...   I am fond of the name Brian but my parents named me Bob 
: )


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] boxes of cats ?? (was: Thank you all. . .

2017-10-17 Thread dlgegg
lAt least they brought them to the shelter. wrote: 
> Hi Kat,
> I live in Dubuque, Iowa and when I talked to the staff they said no notes 
> were attached. The cats were all relatively healthy; many had fleas, but were 
> otherwise fine. There were two nursing momma cats, but one had no kittens so 
> the staff feared she may have hid them. They searched the grounds but found 
> no although they did capture a couple of cats that escaped the boxes and were 
> in a tree! In just over a week all the cats were spayed or neutered, 
> vaccinated and adopted out! The shelter put "You-haul it!" signs by those 
> that were in the boxes. The Tux I have on hold was among those dropped off. 
> All the adoption fees were waived and donations were all that were requested.
> Ken
> - Original Message -
> From: kat 
> To:
> Sent: Tue, 17 Oct 2017 09:43:22 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: [Felvtalk] boxes of cats ??  (was:  Thank you all. . .
> Hi Ken,
> Which shelter is this?  Just curious how someone could just drop 
> off several boxes of cats...
> Are they all doing well after being taken in at the shelter?  
> Approx how old are the kittens?
> This just boggles my mind.
> Kat (Mew Jersey)
> Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 
> at 9:31 AM
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Thank you all. . .
> How very kind of you Katherine, Amani, kat and Marlene for your kind 
> words about Zorro. We are going to the shelter today to adopt another kitty. 
> Some say there must be adequate time between cats in order to have honored 
> the one who has passed. Perhaps. I, on the other hand, believe there is a cat 
> waiting for me at the shelter. In fact, last Sunday when the staff of our 
> shelter arrived to work, they found several U-Haul boxes of cats at the door! 
> In total there were 40 kittens to four-year olds in the boxes. I saw a Tux 
> among the mix and am going to see him today. I'm also going to ask the 
> vet to test him for FeLv at my cost. Also, I believe we must get rid of the 
> litter pan from Zorro just to be on the safe side.
> Again, thank you all for your outreach; it means far more than you might 
> know,
> Ken
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
>  href=""; 
> target="_blank">
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Thank you all. . .

2017-10-17 Thread dlgegg
is the time to get another one to help in the grieving process. wrote: 
> How very kind of you Katherine, Amani, kat and Marlene for your kind words 
> about Zorro. We are going to the shelter today to adopt another kitty. Some 
> say there must be adequate time between cats in order to have honored the one 
> who has passed. Perhaps. I, on the other hand, believe there is a cat waiting 
> for me at the shelter. In fact, last Sunday when the staff of our shelter 
> arrived to work, they found several U-Haul boxes of cats at the door! In 
> total there were 40 kittens to four-year olds in the boxes.  I saw a Tux 
> among the mix and am going to see him today. I'm also going to ask the vet to 
> test him for FeLv at my cost. Also, I believe we must get rid of the litter 
> pan from Zorro just to be on the safe side. 
> Again, thank you all for your outreach; it means far more than you might know,
> Ken
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] boxes of cats ?? (was: Thank you all. . .

2017-10-17 Thread kresch831
Hi Kat,
I live in Dubuque, Iowa and when I talked to the staff they said no notes were 
attached. The cats were all relatively healthy; many had fleas, but were 
otherwise fine. There were two nursing momma cats, but one had no kittens so 
the staff feared she may have hid them. They searched the grounds but found no 
although they did capture a couple of cats that escaped the boxes and were in a 
tree! In just over a week all the cats were spayed or neutered, vaccinated and 
adopted out! The shelter put "You-haul it!" signs by those that were in the 
boxes. The Tux I have on hold was among those dropped off. All the adoption 
fees were waived and donations were all that were requested.
- Original Message -
From: kat 
Sent: Tue, 17 Oct 2017 09:43:22 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Felvtalk] boxes of cats ??  (was:  Thank you all. . .

Hi Ken,


Which shelter is this?  Just curious how someone could just drop off 
several boxes of cats...

Are they all doing well after being taken in at the shelter?  Approx 
how old are the kittens?

This just boggles my mind.


Kat (Mew Jersey)


Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 at 
9:31 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Thank you all. . .

How very kind of you Katherine, Amani, kat and Marlene for your kind words 
about Zorro. We are going to the shelter today to adopt another kitty. Some say 
there must be adequate time between cats in order to have honored the one who 
has passed. Perhaps. I, on the other hand, believe there is a cat waiting for 
me at the shelter. In fact, last Sunday when the staff of our shelter arrived 
to work, they found several U-Haul boxes of cats at the door! In total there 
were 40 kittens to four-year olds in the boxes. I saw a Tux among the mix and 
am going to see him today. I'm also going to ask the vet to test him for 
FeLv at my cost. Also, I believe we must get rid of the litter pan from Zorro 
just to be on the safe side.

Again, thank you all for your outreach; it means far more than you might 

Felvtalk mailing list"; 

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] boxes of cats ?? (was: Thank you all. . .

2017-10-17 Thread kat

Hi Ken,


Which shelter is this?  Just curious how someone could just drop off several boxes of cats...

Are they all doing well after being taken in at the shelter?  Approx how old are the kittens?

This just boggles my mind.


Kat (Mew Jersey)


Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 at 9:31 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Thank you all. . .

How very kind of you Katherine, Amani, kat and Marlene for your kind words about Zorro. We are going to the shelter today to adopt another kitty. Some say there must be adequate time between cats in order to have honored the one who has passed. Perhaps. I, on the other hand, believe there is a cat waiting for me at the shelter. In fact, last Sunday when the staff of our shelter arrived to work, they found several U-Haul boxes of cats at the door! In total there were 40 kittens to four-year olds in the boxes. I saw a Tux among the mix and am going to see him today. I'm also going to ask the vet to test him for FeLv at my cost. Also, I believe we must get rid of the litter pan from Zorro just to be on the safe side.

Again, thank you all for your outreach; it means far more than you might know,

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Thank you all. . .

2017-10-17 Thread kresch831
How very kind of you Katherine, Amani, kat and Marlene for your kind words 
about Zorro. We are going to the shelter today to adopt another kitty. Some say 
there must be adequate time between cats in order to have honored the one who 
has passed. Perhaps. I, on the other hand, believe there is a cat waiting for 
me at the shelter. In fact, last Sunday when the staff of our shelter arrived 
to work, they found several U-Haul boxes of cats at the door! In total there 
were 40 kittens to four-year olds in the boxes.  I saw a Tux among the mix and 
am going to see him today. I'm also going to ask the vet to test him for FeLv 
at my cost. Also, I believe we must get rid of the litter pan from Zorro just 
to be on the safe side. 

Again, thank you all for your outreach; it means far more than you might know,

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Anyone There....

2017-10-17 Thread Katherine K.
It sounds like Gilbert was living the dream with you. Glad he knew love at
the end, thank you for helping him. I'm sorry for your losses.

On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 11:06 PM, Amani Oakley 

> You know, Brian, I thought of you and Gilbert regularly. I was actually
> happy not to have heard from you, thinking that things must be fine. I am
> so sorry to hear of Gilbert's loss. It is wonderful that you were able to
> give him so much love in this world.
> Amani
> -Original Message-
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
> Sent: October-16-17 9:37 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Anyone There
> No mail has appeared in my mailbox from this group for quite  long while
> so I thought I would inquire as to whether _ I _ am just missing mail that
> HAS been going to others or if the group has simply not been active for a
> couple of months. Generally it has been my experience that once I write
> one of these notes I start to get mail once again... NO idea why
> I thought of all of you recently when it was time to put my Hospice Cat (
> Gilbert) down Third cat I have lost in a year   I'm 0 for 3 at this
> point and am thinking it might be time to take on a more healthy animal but
> I keep harkening back to amani's words... If not us... who??
>  Certainly not the people who don't much care about cats...nor the vast
> majority of people who HAVE cats.  There are SO many deserving animals
> out there that have problems that place them low on the adoption list
> they ALL deserve to have a home and someone to see them as special
> Gilbert was not adoptable with his brain injury...though ALL of the
> volunteers thought him special...still... no one came forward when he
> developed cancer though they all truly DID care that he was going to
> die  He had a good life for his last few months... sitting on the
> porch...looking out the window and more petting and love than even HE
> wanted.  As is usually the case it was probably harder on me than him
> when it came time He stopped eating, it was painful for him to get his
> oral meds and even subq pain killers did little... He was constipated and
> just hid out all day... The Tumor was forcing his one eye to protrude and
> the other to recede... it would have been cruel to ask him to endure
> more. A beautiful sweet animal I miss him terribly...
> Curious to see if I find the list active with this submission.
> Bob...
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] He went on his own time. . .

2017-10-17 Thread Katherine K.
Zorro sounds like a wonderful kittie boy. Sorry for your loss, Ken.

On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 3:54 AM, Marlene Snowman 

> Ken, I am so very sorry for your loss. Zorro was lucky to have found you
> to love him for your year or so. I’m sure he came into your life for a very
> good reason.
> I am fortunate to still have my Bear for now two years, despite her
> starting off with many ailments plus FeLV having the vet immediately
> suggest euthanize as the only option. I was pleasantly surprised to see her
> put on a little more weight and reach 7 pounds this week.
> I am grateful for all the lovely souls who see other options, despite
> financial and great emotional toll in loving these wonderful fur babies.
> Marlene
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Oct 17, 2017, at 12:29 AM, Amani Oakley 
> wrote:
> >
> > Ken,
> >
> > I am very sad to hear about your loss of Zorro. FeLV is a terrible
> disease that robs us of our beautiful furbabies, far far too soon. I am
> thrilled, though, that there are people like you out there who care and
> take the necessary steps to make little lives worth living, and lets these
> little babies know what love is, on their time on earth.
> >
> > Amani
> >
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf
> Of
> > Sent: October-16-17 11:24 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [Felvtalk] He went on his own time. . .
> >
> > Good Evening to all who just responded to Robert's "Anyone still there"
> email. This is my first post and I stumbled upon this site in my frantic
> effort to get info on FelV. Our tuxedo, Zorro, was with us barely a year
> when FelV took him in less than two weeks. I first saw him among the weeds
> and shrubs of my lower garden as he darted about, perhaps pursuing a field
> mouse. Over the next few weeks  I steadily coaxed him closer to the house
> with food, water and my appearances. Eventually he was on the back porch
> daily meowing for breakfast and our Teddy Bear dog, Oliver, watched Zorro
> eat from the other side of the screen door. By late September Zorro was
> eating in the house, finding the litter box and purring so loudly he could
> be heard from ten feet away.
> >
> > Zorro was neutered, vaccinated and checked over and quickly became the
> kindest, most lovable cat I've ever had and at 70 I've had a few! We all
> spent a wonderful year plus together and Oliver became so accepting of
> Zorro that he allowed himself to be groomed my him. All this came crashing
> down six weeks ago. Zorro slept more, did not jump into bed with me and
> though he ate, he ate in little spurts. We took him in, tried some
> antibiotics first since he had a fever but nothing changed. Then the blood
> tests; then the devastating news: FeLV. The Vet suggested we consider
> putting Zorro down since it was incurable. I said Zorro will decide that
> action. For the next ten days we bought time with Zorro using a
> coticosteroid via pills. But the inevitable came suddenly three Monday
> evenings back. Zorro was slowly walking and then just laid down. His
> breathing became labored and I lay down next to him whispering in his ears
> and stroking his side. I told him to go, he'd done it on his terms and w
> >   ithing five minutes he was still.
> >
> > We've buried him with his bed and special blanket to cover him and keep
> the soil off. He's now beneath a tree near where I first saw him.
> >
> > Ken Resch
> >
> > ___
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Checking in when the list has been quiet...

2017-10-17 Thread kat
Bob - I am so very sorry Gilbert's time was up.  You gave him more love than he ever would have had.  Thank you for loving these special kitties.


Ken - Zorro was lucky to have found you & the love you gave him.  If you take in another FeLeuk kitty we will be here to help answer any questions you may have.


When the list is unusually quiet, I usually check in via the website  and click on 'Mail Archives' which gives you the list of emails by date (latest one first).  Then I can tell if it has really been quiet or if I am missing any emails.


My kitty crew is getting up there in years - so even though I no longer have any FeLeuk kitties, I am dealing with other issues.


It's nice to hear everyone checking back in...


Kat (Mew Jersey)



Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] He went on his own time. . .

2017-10-17 Thread Marlene Snowman
Ken, I am so very sorry for your loss. Zorro was lucky to have found you to 
love him for your year or so. I’m sure he came into your life for a very good 

I am fortunate to still have my Bear for now two years, despite her starting 
off with many ailments plus FeLV having the vet immediately suggest euthanize 
as the only option. I was pleasantly surprised to see her put on a little more 
weight and reach 7 pounds this week. 

I am grateful for all the lovely souls who see other options, despite financial 
and great emotional toll in loving these wonderful fur babies. 


Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 17, 2017, at 12:29 AM, Amani Oakley  wrote:
> Ken,
> I am very sad to hear about your loss of Zorro. FeLV is a terrible disease 
> that robs us of our beautiful furbabies, far far too soon. I am thrilled, 
> though, that there are people like you out there who care and take the 
> necessary steps to make little lives worth living, and lets these little 
> babies know what love is, on their time on earth.
> Amani
> -Original Message-
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of 
> Sent: October-16-17 11:24 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Felvtalk] He went on his own time. . .
> Good Evening to all who just responded to Robert's "Anyone still there" 
> email. This is my first post and I stumbled upon this site in my frantic 
> effort to get info on FelV. Our tuxedo, Zorro, was with us barely a year when 
> FelV took him in less than two weeks. I first saw him among the weeds and 
> shrubs of my lower garden as he darted about, perhaps pursuing a field mouse. 
> Over the next few weeks  I steadily coaxed him closer to the house with food, 
> water and my appearances. Eventually he was on the back porch daily meowing 
> for breakfast and our Teddy Bear dog, Oliver, watched Zorro eat from the 
> other side of the screen door. By late September Zorro was eating in the 
> house, finding the litter box and purring so loudly he could be heard from 
> ten feet away. 
> Zorro was neutered, vaccinated and checked over and quickly became the 
> kindest, most lovable cat I've ever had and at 70 I've had a few! We all 
> spent a wonderful year plus together and Oliver became so accepting of Zorro 
> that he allowed himself to be groomed my him. All this came crashing down six 
> weeks ago. Zorro slept more, did not jump into bed with me and though he ate, 
> he ate in little spurts. We took him in, tried some antibiotics first since 
> he had a fever but nothing changed. Then the blood tests; then the 
> devastating news: FeLV. The Vet suggested we consider putting Zorro down 
> since it was incurable. I said Zorro will decide that action. For the next 
> ten days we bought time with Zorro using a coticosteroid via pills. But the 
> inevitable came suddenly three Monday evenings back. Zorro was slowly walking 
> and then just laid down. His breathing became labored and I lay down next to 
> him whispering in his ears and stroking his side. I told him to go, he'd done 
> it on his terms and w
>   ithing five minutes he was still. 
> We've buried him with his bed and special blanket to cover him and keep the 
> soil off. He's now beneath a tree near where I first saw him.
> Ken Resch
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list