Re: [Felvtalk] Winstrol (Stanozolol)

2020-08-06 Thread Jennifer Minnich
Dear Maribel,   for Amy’s sake, If she is not eating for other reasons and can 
be saved & nursed back to health, that is one thing. IF she is in the 
actual dying process, in any final stages of dying,  you are doing more harm 
than good with forcing fluids and forcing food down her throat, particularly 
when she’s telling you to stop with open mouth breathing (clear sign of 
respiratory distress) and pain (moaning).  When a body is dying,  it naturally 
stops eating and drinking... this is coming from hospice and animal hospice 
experience.Please try to talk to your vets,  or research ‘stages of dying’  
in order to articulate where amy is at, and not to confuse actual stages of 
dying signs with other sorts of symptoms of illness ( btw, 
is an excellent resource for this information and guidance that I have 
referenced — they also have amazingly compassionate consultations if you need 
guidance of what to look for...)... 
Wishing you and Amy love and comfort...

> On Aug 6, 2020, at 3:06 PM, ""  
> wrote:
> have they tested for internal bleeding? maybe is hemoraging.   i was syringe 
> feeding my 12 year old Homey.  had to cover my lap .  i mixed the canned food 
> with warm water so would go through 20ml syringe.  then broke my right arm 
> and had to stop,is eating maybe a spoon full each day, just enough to keep 
> her alive.  she stopped after some time on Felimazole 2.5mg.  also after 
> started giving treats as reward for taking pill.  loves the treats but not 
> her food.  have tried to mix treats with food in blender, no go.  going to 
> try your method of balling up the food.  may be neater and get more down her.
> - Original Message -
> From: Maribel Piloto 
> To:
> Sent: Thu, 06 Aug 2020 12:38:59 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Winstrol (Stanozolol)
> The problem is that force feeding her is stressing her out.   I tried to 
> syringe feed her some baby food with liqui-tinic this morning and she started 
> breathing open mouth and moaning.   She just gets up to turn positions now 
> and just lays back down.  I know she needs another blood transfusion but 
> after paying $3500 for the first two I have no funds left.  Even that I was 
> only able to pay with the help from a friend and a GoFundMe fundraiser.
> They never were able to figure out what is causing the anemia.  She is 
> neither FIV nor Leuk pos.   She tested negative for a slew of blood parasite 
> and other parasites they tested for.   The Winstrol is my last hope but I 
> fear that by the time I get it she will be gone or too weak.   I live in 
> South Florida and cannot believe that there isn't a place anywhere around 
> here where I can't get that.  I've been calling every pharmacy in town it 
> seems.
> Maribel 
> "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
> -Mohandas Ghandi
> On Wednesday, August 5, 2020, 07:35:28 PM EDT, Amani Oakley 
>  wrote:
> Can you get the vet to call the pharmacy and order the meds urgently? I agree 
> that if Amy is not eating, Winstrol may be helpful on that score as well, and 
> you cannot wait until Monday if she isn’t eating.
> One thing I learned how to do with cats who weren’t eating is to take soft 
> wet cat food, ball it up into a ball about the size of a marble, pry open 
> their mouths, and lob the food to the back of the throat. Some of it gets 
> spit back up, but once you get the hang of it, most of it goes down. I have 
> found that doing it this way also seems to cause the cat to ultimately get a 
> bit more interested in eating, once some of the food has gone down - usually 
> after a few sittings though.
> I agree that giving her baby food via syringe is also a good way to get food 
> into a cat who won't eat on her own.
> Amani
> -Original Message-
> From: Felvtalk  On Behalf Of Maribel 
> Piloto
> Sent: August 5, 2020 7:25 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Winstrol (Stanozolol)
> I had to give my vet instructions on Winstrol and the info on how to order 
> it.  
> Amy is not eating.  I’m syringe feeding her baby food, Liqui-tinic, giving 
> her some subq fluids.
> Maribel 
> "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
> -Mohandas Ghandi
> > On Aug 5, 2020, at 7:11 PM, Amani Oakley  wrote:
> > 
> > I don’t know of any pharmacies, unless you get it through your vets. They 
> > may be able to order it sooner.
> > 
> > However, I know it seems like a nerve-wracking time to wait, but my Zander

[Felvtalk] Abram and FELV

2019-03-25 Thread Jennifer Stertzer
Hello,  We are in the midst of dealing with a FELV outbreak in our household.  
Several months ago, we learned our new kitten was FELV positive; however, by 
that time three other cats had been infected.  Since Feb., we have lost two 
cats and the third is not doing well.  I have been reading the mail archives 
and have shared info with my vet, but I am now at a loss about what net steps 
to take.  At the beginning of March, Abram started to act differently - not 
interested in food (which is unusual), lethargic, and skittish.  We took him to 
the vet and discovered he also had a fever.  The vet gave him an injection of 
Convenia and put him on Onsior.  He did start eating again, but remained 
lethargic and skittish.  We took him back to the vet last week for blood work, 
which all came back fine.  He also still had a fever so he went back on Onsior. 
 I should also mention that we started him on Interferon in mid-March and just 
started his second 7-day treatment.  His symptoms remain - lethargic, skittish, 
and feeling slightly feverish.  I called the vet today and the only thing they 
can think to do is another injection of Convenia and round of Onsior.  The vet 
said that most likely this all relates to FELV and ultimately there’s not much 
to be done.  Of course, I don’t want to believe that.  Has any one else had a 
FELV cat with persistent fever?  Can T-CYTE be used in conjunction with 
Interferon? Any ideas?  We just can’t bear to lose another one of our loves to 
this.  Thanks in advance for any ideas.  Best, Jennifer
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] FW: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 47, Issue 6

2018-06-12 Thread Jennifer Minnich
Thanks Amani!  I got it-:)  Thank you for your understanding re blind cat 
because it helps, i’ll never get over it and will always cherish him and share 
his story and amazing pelvic recovery to help others (he defied all odds esp at 
his older age).  He was not fiv/felv but so many cats and dogs not to mention 
strays in his position & age get ‘put down’
b/c of. So sad.  The second they saw him and that he was stray they wanted to 
euthanize. Wish we could talk more about that offline some time as i’d be 
curious as to your take on his demise it was so odd. 
Anyway Thank You for sharing your personal experiences and very touching 
Zander story that’s pretty remarkable - lucky he had U to fight for him.  And 
what U learned from it, and share, really shows how zander affects so many 
people and cats infinitely!   It makes sense, the med formula how u explained 
it, and I definitely will hang on to this, so thank U!

If u got email about his eye, it seemed better this morning; we’ll keep an eye 
on it, but coulda be allergic reaction to scratch post. 

In researching how they test and confirm
Felv, I had ran across IFA test awhile
back but was confusing and had not personally had need to do it.   Fast forward 
in  recent research, I came across this Link below and thought U may find 
interesting about IFA confirmatory test and dr. Hardy’s Lab.  It made more 
sense to me now, altho I don’t quite get what is done different at hardy’s lab 
or, why that’s not just standard protocol, considering lives depends on it.
Would be curious of ur take on it and, if U do depend on Elisa, or IFA too, 
and/or do retesting on adults;  if a loaded question, I understand,  or if 
better for offline discussion let me know.   Here’s the link Fyi:

The foster I hoped for did not pan out. Talking to someone else later and sort 
if observing him;   it may really help to reach out locally to those who 
understand and really do appreciate the opportunity, if needed.  


> On Jun 11, 2018, at 10:40 PM, Amani Oakley  wrote:
> Jennifer – I actually answered you yesterday, but the darned email was caught 
> up by the FeLV filter which captures emails that have too long an email trail.
> I have cut out some of the earlier emails to enable the email to go through 
> (hopefully).
> Amani
> From: Amani Oakley 
> Sent: June-10-18 3:22 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: RE: [Felvtalk] Felvtalk Digest, Vol 47, Issue 6
> What a very sad story about your blind cat. I understand your heart break. I 
> too have placed cats into what I thought were excellent homes, only to have a 
> sad, and an unnecessarily tragic outcome. I have probably adopted out close 
> to 400 cats in the time my husband and I have been rescuing cats. Thankfully, 
> most of the time, people are just really happy to return a cat to me if 
> things aren’t working out, but I know only too well that once out of my 
> hands, you’re at the mercy of what someone else thinks is the right thing to 
> do.
> Your email to felv talk goes out to everyone on the list at the same time. I 
> will often answer regarding FeLV because I was lucky enough to have stumbled 
> on a medication protocol (which I was calling Zander’s protocol) which 
> treated my Zander’s FeLV when EVERYTHING else had failed. I used to be a 
> medical lab technologist so lab results are key to me. When trying Zander on 
> the various medications that were suggested as assisting with FeLV, I got 
> weekly bloodwork done and would study the results to see which direction his 
> bloodwork was going. Nothing worked at all (Interferon, LTCI, combo of 
> prednisone/Doxy) and I kept him alive with several blood transfusions. When 
> that was no longer an option because he had had a reaction during his last 
> blood transfusion and the next one would kill him, I rummaged around in my 
> drawer of cat meds, and had nothing else at all to try but figured what the 
> hell, and tried him on Winstrol (Stanazalol) which I thought might at least 
> keep him eating and maybe keep him alive a bit longer. To my complete and 
> utter amazement and disbelief, after just a few days on Winstrol, his ivory 
> white gums and inner ears (signs of his profound anemia) started showing a 
> slight pinkish blush. The next blood work (a few days later) showed the first 
> uptick in haematocrit that I had seen with him since the FeLV crisis had 
> begun, which was not brought on by the artificial increase in red cells from 
> his transfusions.
> I kept him on the combination of prednisone/doxycycline/winstrol  for more 
> than a year, while his haematocrit climbed from 10 and back into the normal 
> reference range of 25 to 45. Everytime I tried to stop or reduce the dosage 

Re: [Felvtalk] Felvtalk Digest, Vol 47, Issue 6

2018-06-12 Thread Jennifer Minnich
Thank You Ardy for reaching out! and sharing your story which is wonderful he 
a loving home and of course returned the love & joy.  So many that don’t get 
the chance that they deserve.  This is a compassionate great group of people.

> On Jun 11, 2018, at 10:32 PM, Ardy Robertson  wrote:
> Hi Jennifer,
> I had an FeLV+ kitty for 5-1/2 years and did not know he was positive because 
> he had tested negative as a kitten when I found him. So during that time he 
> came in contact with many othernder cats, and none of them became positive. I 
> read that after 11 months of age, it is quite rare for a cat to catch it from 
> a positive friend. Had I known Tigger was positive, I might not have kept him 
> – but I am so very happy I didn’t know it and kept him, because I would never 
> have known how much fun and love he brought to our house! Whatever you 
> decide, my best to you and your little one.  I would for sure get him on the 
> Doxy as soon as you can.
> Ardy
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of 
> Jennifer Minnich
> Sent: Saturday, June 9, 2018 5:19 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Felvtalk Digest, Vol 47, Issue 6
> Hi,  thank you for replying.  It is helpful to talk to someone with 
> experience with this.
> Sorry to be ignorant but, how do I post where I am?  (Not sure what that 
> means). 
> And If I post, is it ok to ‘put it out there’ re: possible home with other 
> felv positives? 
> Esp because I would be willing to help support him which I think makes a 
> difference.
> we’d love to keep and care for him and this sucks !!  but i’m trying to be 
> positive that a plan will happen.  He went from hissy street cat to curling 
> up in my lap.  Urg!   
> I’d worry with someone else unless it was someone with experience, or like u 
> said non cat crazy people but compassionate and committed.
> We discussed it a few times and just would not be comfortable with the risk 
> of coMingling them unfortunately,-:( which sucks.  Or the whole vaccination 
> thing b/c with multiple other cats it’ll be too much craziness plus not even 
> sure of efficacy, or side effects.  
> That leaves me with leaving him separated and constantly trying to be 
> sterilized on our end which seems cumbersome and I’m not so sure fair to him 
> to be isolated all the time.   OR the only cat.  OR in a multi pos. home 
> (prob. preferrable b/c someone would know how to treat him). OR putting him 
> back outside which doesn’t seem best for him. 
> I can imagine there are times it works out ok to comingle yes, where it can 
> be ok vs ‘oh my gosh no don’t do that’.  That is what happened with my FIV 
> cat which is a long story but bottom line after research and talking to folks 
> it was an ok fit b/c no one were fighters. felv is different. I have known 
> others (individuals or rescues) where exposure of different things had bad 
> outcomes.  I guess it’s a matter of variables, situations and/or luck.   
> Sounds like you have been fortunate which is awesome.
> (Thanks for ALL u do to help the felines-:)
> I got the antibiotic before seeing this.  I am
> familiar with doxy and thought that’s what he’d give, but it was Orbax 
> (Orbifloxacin).
> Are U familiar?  
> When i got it I asked front desk if it was as strong as doxy and she said yes 
> and that it’s broad spectrum antibiotic.   Thoughts?
> Are u familiar with Collodial Silver? 
>  If not I can send the link.
>  I was recommended this yesterday for use for people and cats or other 
> animals. 
> Cat person said she uses all the time for different things from bacterial 
> infections to URI’s.   It’s a natural antibiotic.
>  It lists as an option for stomatitis  and felv use so I imagine it cannot 
> hurt,  in basic doses.  (supposed to be good for many things including 
> inflammation and immune-building).  I plan to give him that and the 
> antibiotic; was ok with vet .
> With ur experience and what u’ve heard (he’s between 5-7 yrs. old they say;  
> to be neutered in couple weeks;   10lbs  (needs gain some);   Bad stomatitis 
> (i’ll send pic if u want ): 
> A) what’s ur feeling about putting him
> back outside?(I’ve never done that;  he could get by but My feeling is he 
> shouldn’t be in the elements and would do better inside)—- just not sure what 
> will happen if there are no other good options.
> B) at that age and what you are hearing... any sense of lifespan?  (I know 
> it’s hard to say but was guessing 2-4 years or up to a year). my vet said 
> oldest one he knew of was patient’s who lived to 8y/o.   What’s ur feeling of 
> assessing if he could las

Re: [Felvtalk] Felvtalk Digest, Vol 47, Issue 6

2018-06-11 Thread Jennifer Minnich
Hi Amani,  

hope you received the email below-:)   
Will wait to hear back re: email address inquiry;  

in the meanwhile, i plan to see how he’s doing in the next couple weeks; i may 
have a temp. foster not sure yet;   would appreciate the opportunity for local 
group outreach if needed. 

He’s been in my bathroom the past few days and seemed to be doing pretty good; 
tonight he’s squinting an eye - any experience with that with your felv’s?   (I 
put a sissel scratchpad in with him yesterday which is awefully concidental 
this started today, so I kind of wonder if he’s allergic or got any of it in 
his eyes,  or if it’s the meds or
Felv separately related). Will see how he is in the morning and go from there. 

Thank u,

> On Jun 10, 2018, at 6:53 AM, Jennifer Minnich  
> wrote:
> Thanks so much Amani.  What an amazing global group.  Very awesome to have 
> such support for folks and these cats, everywhere!
> Amani, when I am emailing you now, is it going out to the group or just you? 
> For example, is there a different email I should be using.  Please let me 
> know, and then I’ll
> have the hang of it, thanks!-:) 
> I really appreciate ur time, compassion, and advice and communication. I will 
> keep in mind the advice on the doxy for sure.
> Our understanding predominantly is that FIV is via bite wounds, where my 
> experience with one cat who fortunately wasn’t aggressive and fit with the 
> environment.
> My understanding with Felv is via bites as well also general contact.  With 
> so much contraversy about it, it’s very interesting from what u share how 
> some seem to spread or get it while others don’t like life, a continual 
> learning process for me..
> Canada wow - I am in south florida and long story short I flew with a special 
> needs senior blind cat I rescued and rehabbed to his furrever home in canada. 
> He was purrfectly fine when I left him there (and yes I was very attached b/c 
> I knew everything about him) (only reason I decided to home him was b/c I had 
> a sick older cat and I feared it may stress her, and that he may have been 
> better off.he was an amazing special soul!!!  Very special.   I settled 
> him in for a few says all was fine;  But 3 weeks later he took a crazy turn 
> where he was worse off than when I first found him (and he was bad off with 
> broken pelvis), and, they euthanized-:( my heart still and always will hurt 
> over it.  They were nice people and good animal people with good intentions 
> but IMO made mistakes and would not heed my advice for transitioning him. 
> Rushed it with their other animals which freaked him out;  he fell off the 
> bed, yada yada.   They said he had cancer.  Based on what I’d ask? No answer. 
> Anything may have been b/c he too was community cat with unknown background, 
> altho all his same tests I had from a month prior were fine.   I asked 
> (begged) to share his medical records which aside from my own edification, I 
> felt his story and whatever caused his demise, could Really help other cats 
> somehow. His story was extraordinary, as was/is he. So for it to end that way 
> and be ignored as to why, was cruel and unjust. Like if nothing to hide, why 
> not share the records.  To this day a year and half later I still wish I had 
> them for some kind of closure, not only for me but his story in order to help 
> other cats in similar situations.   Sorry I strayed (no punn intended Lol) 
> from the topic.  
> Like you said, and you have much more experience, about putting them back 
> out, esp. being vulnerable/sick and after they’ve experienced love. 
> Jennifer
>> On Jun 10, 2018, at 12:20 AM, Amani Oakley  wrote:
>> Hi Jennifer
>> There are people in this group from all over the U.S. (New York, Texas, 
>> Wisconsin, California, etc.) and all around the world (Canada – me!; Brazil, 
>> Italy, South Africa), so I just meant that if you tell us in your email, 
>> approximately where you’re located, there may be people near you who might 
>> be willing to help out with your cat.
>> In my personal opinion, once you’ve taken the time and care to tame down a 
>> feral, as you have clearly done, I would never put them back out on the 
>> street. But maybe that’s why I’m up to 18 cats now! I just think that once 
>> they know what it’s like to be warm and clean and loved, it is just too 
>> terrible to put them back outside again.
>> Frankly, of the two conditions, it is the FIV which is more contagious so if 
>> you’ve had experience with that, and it turned out okay, in my experience, 
>> it won’t be the FeLV that causes a problem, unless you have kittens in your 
>> house. Adult 

Re: [Felvtalk] Felvtalk Digest, Vol 47, Issue 6

2018-06-10 Thread Jennifer Minnich
Thanks so much Amani.  What an amazing global group.  Very awesome to have such 
support for folks and these cats, everywhere!

Amani, when I am emailing you now, is it going out to the group or just you? 
For example, is there a different email I should be using.  Please let me know, 
and then I’ll
have the hang of it, thanks!-:) 

I really appreciate ur time, compassion, and advice and communication. I will 
keep in mind the advice on the doxy for sure.

Our understanding predominantly is that FIV is via bite wounds, where my 
experience with one cat who fortunately wasn’t aggressive and fit with the 
My understanding with Felv is via bites as well also general contact.  With so 
much contraversy about it, it’s very interesting from what u share how some 
seem to spread or get it while others don’t like life, a continual learning 
process for me..

Canada wow - I am in south florida and long story short I flew with a special 
needs senior blind cat I rescued and rehabbed to his furrever home in canada. 
He was purrfectly fine when I left him there (and yes I was very attached b/c I 
knew everything about him) (only reason I decided to home him was b/c I had a 
sick older cat and I feared it may stress her, and that he may have been better 
off.he was an amazing special soul!!!  Very special.   I settled him in for 
a few says all was fine;  But 3 weeks later he took a crazy turn where he was 
worse off than when I first found him (and he was bad off with broken pelvis), 
and, they euthanized-:( my heart still and always will hurt over it.  They were 
nice people and good animal people with good intentions but IMO made mistakes 
and would not heed my advice for transitioning him. Rushed it with their other 
animals which freaked him out;  he fell off the bed, yada yada.   They said he 
had cancer.  Based on what I’d ask? No answer. Anything may have been b/c he 
too was community cat with unknown background, altho all his same tests I had 
from a month prior were fine.   I asked (begged) to share his medical records 
which aside from my own edification, I felt his story and whatever caused his 
demise, could Really help other cats somehow. His story was extraordinary, as 
was/is he. So for it to end that way and be ignored as to why, was cruel and 
unjust. Like if nothing to hide, why not share the records.  To this day a year 
and half later I still wish I had them for some kind of closure, not only for 
me but his story in order to help other cats in similar situations.   Sorry I 
strayed (no punn intended Lol) from the topic.  

Like you said, and you have much more experience, about putting them back out, 
esp. being vulnerable/sick and after they’ve experienced love. 


> On Jun 10, 2018, at 12:20 AM, Amani Oakley  wrote:
> Hi Jennifer
> There are people in this group from all over the U.S. (New York, Texas, 
> Wisconsin, California, etc.) and all around the world (Canada – me!; Brazil, 
> Italy, South Africa), so I just meant that if you tell us in your email, 
> approximately where you’re located, there may be people near you who might be 
> willing to help out with your cat.
> In my personal opinion, once you’ve taken the time and care to tame down a 
> feral, as you have clearly done, I would never put them back out on the 
> street. But maybe that’s why I’m up to 18 cats now! I just think that once 
> they know what it’s like to be warm and clean and loved, it is just too 
> terrible to put them back outside again.
> Frankly, of the two conditions, it is the FIV which is more contagious so if 
> you’ve had experience with that, and it turned out okay, in my experience, it 
> won’t be the FeLV that causes a problem, unless you have kittens in your 
> house. Adult cats can end up testing positive for FeLV, but it doesn’t do 
> anything to them. I agree with you that you should try hard to find him 
> another home, but if all else fails, please consider keeping him. It sounds 
> like you’ve done just a wonderful thing for him, and he obviously loves you 
> very much.
> With respect to the anbiotic, nothing is like Doxycyline other than another 
> tetracycline. Broad-spectrum antibiotics cover Gram positive and Gram 
> negative bacteria – that is what is meant by broad spectrum. Doxycycline had 
> effects on bacteria, viruses (block viral ability to replicate), spirochetes 
> (eg – Lyme Disease), parasites (eg – malaria, immature stage of the 
> roundworm), etc. Don’t let them try and substitute Doxcycycline – it works 
> very differently than almost every other antibiotic. Nothing at all wrong 
> with the Orbifloxacin – it is a floroquinolone I think – same family as 
> ciprofloxacin – and it is effect against some organisms like Pseudomonas 
> aeruginosa  and Staph aureus which are tough bugs to kill. But I suggested 
> the Doxycycline b

Re: [Felvtalk] Felvtalk Digest, Vol 47, Issue 6

2018-06-09 Thread Jennifer Minnich
Hi,  thank you for replying.  It is helpful to talk to someone with experience 
with this.

Sorry to be ignorant but, how do I post where I am?  (Not sure what that 
And If I post, is it ok to ‘put it out there’ re: possible home with other felv 
Esp because I would be willing to help support him which I think makes a 

we’d love to keep and care for him and this sucks !!  but i’m trying to be 
positive that a plan will happen.  He went from hissy street cat to curling up 
in my lap.  Urg!   

I’d worry with someone else unless it was someone with experience, or like u 
said non cat crazy people but compassionate and committed.

We discussed it a few times and just would not be comfortable with the risk of 
coMingling them unfortunately,-:( which sucks.  Or the whole vaccination thing 
b/c with multiple other cats it’ll be too much craziness plus not even sure of 
efficacy, or side effects.  

That leaves me with leaving him separated and constantly trying to be 
sterilized on our end which seems cumbersome and I’m not so sure fair to him to 
be isolated all the time.   OR the only cat.  OR in a multi pos. home (prob. 
preferrable b/c someone would know how to treat him). OR putting him back 
outside which doesn’t seem best for him. 

I can imagine there are times it works out ok to comingle yes, where it can be 
ok vs ‘oh my gosh no don’t do that’.  That is what happened with my FIV cat 
which is a long story but bottom line after research and talking to folks it 
was an ok fit b/c no one were fighters. felv is different. I have known others 
(individuals or rescues) where exposure of different things had bad outcomes.  
I guess it’s a matter of variables, situations and/or luck.   Sounds like you 
have been fortunate which is awesome.
(Thanks for ALL u do to help the felines-:)

I got the antibiotic before seeing this.  I am
familiar with doxy and thought that’s what he’d give, but it was Orbax 
Are U familiar?  
When i got it I asked front desk if it was as strong as doxy and she said yes 
and that it’s broad spectrum antibiotic.   Thoughts?

Are u familiar with Collodial Silver? 
 If not I can send the link.
 I was recommended this yesterday for use for people and cats or other animals. 
Cat person said she uses all the time for different things from bacterial 
infections to URI’s.   It’s a natural antibiotic.
 It lists as an option for stomatitis  and felv use so I imagine it cannot 
hurt,  in basic doses.  (supposed to be good for many things including 
inflammation and immune-building).  I plan to give him that and the antibiotic; 
was ok with vet .

With ur experience and what u’ve heard (he’s between 5-7 yrs. old they say;  to 
be neutered in couple weeks;   10lbs  (needs gain some);   Bad stomatitis 
(i’ll send pic if u want ): 

A) what’s ur feeling about putting him
back outside?(I’ve never done that;  he could get by but My feeling is he 
shouldn’t be in the elements and would do better inside)—- just not sure what 
will happen if there are no other good options.

B) at that age and what you are hearing... any sense of lifespan?  (I know it’s 
hard to say but was guessing 2-4 years or up to a year). my vet said oldest one 
he knew of was patient’s who lived to 8y/o.   What’s ur feeling of assessing if 
he could last a while or if things could go south quickly??
I guess i’m trying to imagine how long or short term the commitment may be. 

C). He would def . seem to have felv by way of strong stain and stomatitis.  In 
doing some research, I wonder about the confirmTory IFA test.  It seems if it’s 
pos. too, that it’s in the bone marrow and no chance shedding it.


> On Jun 9,r  2018, at 1:24 PM, Amani Oakley  wrote:
> Jennifer – from your area code, you are no where near me. You need to post 
> where you are.
> Can I also suggest you get your vet to start him on doxycycline – 50 mg. 
> daily, for an extended treatment period like 6 weeks. As long as he isn’t 
> showing other symptoms other than the stomatitis, that should be enough for 
> now. Even if your vet wants to put him other antibiotics, the Doxycycline 
> should also be considered alongside other meds. It has been to shown to 
> interfere with viral replication so it might help. I have used it for both 
> FeLV and FIV cats, and had good results. (I won’t go into the details, since 
> everyone on this chatline is well and truly tired of me posting the same 
> stuff in answer to new inquiriesJ.)
> I think what you’re doing is simply tremendous. Unfortunately, you may have a 
> very difficult time finding a home for him. Anyone who doesn’t have a cat 
> already is not a crazy cat person, and therefore, likely unwilling to take on 
> a cat with significant responsibilities – at least into the future. Anyone 
> with a cat or cats will have the same issues you mention with respect to 
> worrying 

Re: [Felvtalk] Felvtalk Digest, Vol 47, Issue 6

2018-06-09 Thread Jennifer Minnich
Hello,   I subscribed a few years ago but have never posted;  not even sure how.
I think I tried and never worked. 
Is this a forum to ask advice and/or ask about long term foster or adopter?  
Please I hope u will read this.  🙏 Thank you. 

A male tabby community cat by my house who I befriended turns out to be double 
positive.-:( I would notice pain when he was eating so then I eventually pureed 
wet food in the blender til was like soup and sat with him while he ate... I 
was so happy he’d eat! 
Even that was hard sometimes til eventually it was manageable. 

My plan was to neuter/shots/chip/get tested, and adopt. 

Things took a different order b/c I felt so bad about his mouth so I took him 
by my vet first to diagnose... well he tested double 
positive-:(,and has very bad stomatitis.   I got antibiotics, and am gonna 
give with collodial silver.   He has neuter appt. In a couple weeks.  They 
think he is
5-6 y/o. 

 I am at a crossroads b/c I do not want to put him back outside-:( yet I don’t 
want to expose my cats. 

 Speaking to our vet, Adopting him ourselves doesn’t seem too super viable 
unless we separate him and we’d wonder or worry about possible cross 
Vaccinating our indoor cats doesn’t seem practical as it would get costly and 
concerning b/c of possible side effects or efficacy.  

Which leads me to:   If he were an only cat (or only cat with other animals), 
OR in a multi-positive house with experienced felv parents,  that would be 
options for him..   I just want him to be indoor only, loved, safe, and cared 
for;  it’s a lot to take on but he’s So worth it and deserves it;  he clearly 
was overlooked in the neighborhood and now has a chance at at least comfort 
care and love;if it can’t be me, my hope is it would be someone who gets 
his situation and loves and cares for him no matter what. 
To a right home with good people,  I would be willing to transport and/or 
support $ him if needed. 
Do you know of anyone? Is this a forum that
 I could ask?

Thank you for ur compassion, and time! 

> On Jun 8, 2018, at 9:23 PM, Deborah Whorley  wrote:
> Latest discussion from this group. Start at the bottom. There were other
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: 
> Date: Fri, Jun 8, 2018 at 1:22 PM
> Subject: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 47, Issue 6
> To:
> Send Felvtalk mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Felvtalk digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>1. Re: Quentin (Marlene Snowman)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2018 16:22:18 -0300
> From: Marlene Snowman 
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Quentin
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Thank you, I appreciate this. 
> Marlene 
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Jun 8, 2018, at 3:48 PM, Amani Oakley  wrote:
> > 
> > In my world, my perspective is usually, it can?t hurt. I would at least get 
> > her on the Doxycycline. It might help with the other problems you are 
> > having, or not, but I would probably give it a try if it were me. The only 
> > thing to watch with the Doxycycline is that the hard tablets have been 
> > known to get stuck in a cat?s throat and cause burning of the eosophagus. I 
> > have never had that problem but I have heard others speak of it. If that is 
> > a concern and all you can get are hard tablets, rub them in butter before 
> > giving them and ensure that the cat is given some yummy canned food 
> > afterwards to ensure that the pill goes down properly. Others have 
> > mentioned you can get Doxycycline in liquid form as well. I suspect that 
> > the problem has been blown out of proportion to the amount of time it 
> > actually occurs, and just like what happened with Winstrol and the link 
> > between it and liver damage, it has improperly curtailed the use of 
> > Doxycycline. I have found Doxycycline (a tetracycline) to ha
>  ve a truly remarkable range of effectiveness, so with any luck, it may 
> address whatever is causing the other nose and eye infections.
> >  
> >

Re: [Felvtalk] not receiving e-mails

2018-02-22 Thread Jennifer Olson
Been peaceful !

On Feb 21, 2018 4:02 PM, "Sandy"  wrote:

> Looks like I have not received any e-mail contact since November 2017.
> Sandy W
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Merry Christmas & Happy Anniversary wishes

2017-12-27 Thread Jennifer Olson
December 22nd marked the beginning of our 2nd yr with Figaro in our lives.
He is healthy, but a bit heavy- the kind of weight gain common after being
neutered. Have yet to get him integrated into the clan, so each of us
"bipedals" lavish Figaro with various kinds of attention... of course I'M
the "Mama" so Figaro and I do lots of grooming & cuddling!
Much admiration goes out to all of you, whose loving strength enriches the
lives of precious fur-babies, for as long as we are able!
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Krammer

2017-11-06 Thread Jennifer Olson
Kat, you are an amazing fur-baby Mama !
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Read entire string

2017-10-16 Thread Jennifer Olson
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Howdy!

2017-10-16 Thread Jennifer Olson
Still here, and glad the message tonight wasn't bad news!
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Kat K's kitten

2017-09-02 Thread Jennifer Olson
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] CH +FeLv

2017-09-01 Thread Jennifer Olson
Katherine K,
What's the word on that lil baby?
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] (no subject)

2017-08-15 Thread Jennifer Olson
Lucky is BLESSED !
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Lucky Lucky- truly BLESSED

2017-08-02 Thread Jennifer Olson
Thx for sharing the happy update !
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Pathetic

2017-08-01 Thread Jennifer Olson
I just realized that a young cat I saw on I-35 in Minneapolis August of '91
was probably tossed too!  During rush hour no less, I couldn't do anything
to help it, I was a passenger and that poor baby had been severely injured
already. I still remember the absolute, helpless horror and what the
precious little creature looked like-  even though I probably only saw it
for a fraction of a second.
Bob, I agree completely.
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Unspeakable evil

2017-07-31 Thread Jennifer Olson
Stories like this kitten thrown from a moving car are TOO common. Force
Change, & are a few places that have
petitions for protecting snimals and seeking justice.
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] dlegg

2017-07-28 Thread Jennifer Olson
How are YOU dlegg after your surgery?
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Post-Op

2017-07-28 Thread Jennifer Olson
How are you ? ? ?
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Sending prayers up for you!

2017-07-22 Thread Jennifer Olson

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] (no subject)

2017-06-12 Thread Jennifer Olson
Praying for Krammie & you.
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] O2 ?

2017-05-31 Thread Jennifer Olson
Did you get information on how to best safely administer oxygen to your
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Animal WELfare

2017-05-27 Thread Jennifer Olson
I agree Robert, it is a HUGE struggle to maintain a "good heart" towards
all people- even those that practically demand to be hated. Also afraid
that faced with any act of abuse- I too would have to face the law.
There are web petition links where I get added 'relief' by signing to find
& prosecute to the fullest extent of the law those perpetrating heinous
acts against innocents.
Am I allowed to pass along the names of these sites (although I'm certain
some in this chat are probably quite familiar already) ?
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Hi......sad news....

2017-05-27 Thread Jennifer Olson
So sorry for your loss- Rejoicing he had you to love him !

On May 27, 2017 10:12 AM, "rosebudcocopuff" 

> My sweet, beautiful, Martinjust one yr. Of age lost his fight on
> Thursday, May 25th.   Rest now my baby boy. Always remembered, always
> loved.
> Powered by Cricket Wireless
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Sentiment

2017-04-24 Thread Jennifer Olson
Very well said!
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Sheri <3

2017-04-14 Thread Jennifer Olson
Mo had The Best-

And it was ALL because YOU are who you are.
God sent him to you-
because without you,
Mo wouldn't have been given a
shadow of a chance.
Your selflessness to give Mo everything & hold back no part
of your heart (knowing one day you would likely outlive him)
made you his angel-

Now Mo is your lil angel,
he is HEALTHY,  FREE from suffering,  looking forward to the day of your
a blink of the eye for him...

My prayers are with you as this raw grief slowly heals,
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Lovely

2017-04-12 Thread Jennifer Olson
Thanks so much for sharing that poem!
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Make certain

2017-04-12 Thread Jennifer Olson
Dear Bob,
If you want to be sure Jelly is in your loving, comforting, protective
arms- and not suffering, alone
You can take Jelly in to the vet's, be WITH him, and set him free.
My heart is hurting so much for you.
Praying for you both-
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Mobil vet

2017-04-12 Thread Jennifer Olson
AWESOME ! ! !   There should be MORE of them.
I'd pay the extra "convenience" fees, to protect my fur-babies from the
stress of going in.
The comfort felt of being at HOME !
I think if we approach our vets with the idea, and a waiver because of
concerns of being sued, this could really catch on!
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Holding on...

2017-04-11 Thread Jennifer Olson
I have been allowed to hold both of my cats & 1 for my sister as they were
"put down". Using a towel around their lower half to catch anything
excreted when they leave their body helps.
Be your & your baby's best advocate when the time comes.
My heart hurts for yours,
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Mo

2017-04-11 Thread Jennifer Olson
Thoughts & prayers for your strength. Mo will be completely healthy soon-
just missing you til you are reunited once more.
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Comfort

2017-04-10 Thread Jennifer Olson
It is PAINFULLY difficult to know when enough is enough.
God be with you & your furbaby.
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] PRAISE JESUS !

2017-04-07 Thread Jennifer Olson
SO happy to hear you've had some ups again- praying he's stable long enough
for the meds to work their miracles for Jelly!
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] So much to lose

2017-04-06 Thread Jennifer Olson
Understanding that there won't be a cheap way to check so soon on Jelly's
anemia, I want you to consider indulging on a food Jelly used to LOVE,
offer it over the weekend, try to put force feeding aside, and just love on
him  ❤💛💚💙💜
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Cherished memories

2017-04-06 Thread Jennifer Olson
When I had to give my cat subcutaneous fluids because of her condition-
Zuzu began to act like she wasn't sure if I was about to inject her- or
just wanted to hold her each time I picked her up.
THAT was killing ME!  That is when I realized I was being selfish. All I
was going to have until her & I are reunited in Heaven are my memories. I
did NOT want them to become ugly last days with my beloved baby girl.
Jelly will be waiting for you in Heaven, no matter what you choose... with
love & hope it is you making the choices we all will face eventually with
our fur-babies.
You are NOT alone,
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] YAY 4 HOPE

2017-04-05 Thread Jennifer Olson
Mo & Vi & you are in my prayers!
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Dearest Friend

2017-04-03 Thread Jennifer Olson
Know that MANY hearts here are breaking with yours- and that we're relieved
your messages are finally getting through. I know how very isolated this
situation can make one feel, a personal hell!
There is great strength in your & Jelly's love- THAT can not be changed-
you will do what we all have to face eventually...
Setting our fur-babies free from bodies that have become a prison.
You ARE doing ALL YOU CAN.
NEVER second guess that.
You will know in your heart when you've reached the step where anything
further isn't for Jelly, but comes from our selfish human weakness of NEVER
wanting to let our loved one go.
I am crying WITH you.
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Update on Figaro VonMouztrapf

2017-03-23 Thread Jennifer Olson
Neuter this morning went fine. My son & I stopped after school to visit
him. We'll get Figaro back tomorrow   =~D
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Meow-y-WOWY

2017-03-16 Thread Jennifer Olson
Sorry, none.
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Food...

2017-03-09 Thread Jennifer Olson
I am curious too. I want to give Figaro all the nutritional support
possible for stable health. A few times a wk I'm giving a kitten vitamin
supplement. Am just starting to mix kitten kibble in his adult kibble.
Anxious to hear everything else suggested !   =~D
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Good news!

2017-03-09 Thread Jennifer Olson
Thank you!

On Mar 8, 2017 7:17 PM, "Ardy Robertson"  wrote:

> Hi Jen,
> The only problem with staying at that vet, is once you actually need
> Zander’s Protocol, it will take some time to obtain the Winstrol, and find
> a vet willing to prescribe it for you, along with the Doxy and Prednisone.
> When my Tigger baby got actively sick, I ran out of crucial time obtaining
> the Winstrol. L
>But hopefully your kitty will remain symptom free for a long long time…
> Ardy
> *From:* Felvtalk [] *On Behalf
> Of *Jennifer Olson
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 8, 2017 12:05 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [Felvtalk] Good news!
> Figaro's bloodwork shows he is "healthy" ! ! ! No sign of ear mites so
> treatment now is to clean & use ointment for otitis externa. Did NOT do
> skin scraping for d. gatoi, fur & skin are MUCH improved. And Vet's going
> to let us have the "Barn cat" discount on his neuter!
> Bad news, Vet "looked into" the meds of Z's protocol & efficacy for FeLV,
> and isn't on board...
> So, until Figaro is actively ill from FeLV, we'll continue to vet @ this
> clinic.
> IFA results are pending.
> Thanks for your prayers & support all ! ! !
> Jen
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Good news!

2017-03-08 Thread Jennifer Olson
Figaro's bloodwork shows he is "healthy" ! ! ! No sign of ear mites so
treatment now is to clean & use ointment for otitis externa. Did NOT do
skin scraping for d. gatoi, fur & skin are MUCH improved. And Vet's going
to let us have the "Barn cat" discount on his neuter!
Bad news, Vet "looked into" the meds of Z's protocol & efficacy for FeLV,
and isn't on board...
So, until Figaro is actively ill from FeLV, we'll continue to vet @ this
IFA results are pending.
Thanks for your prayers & support all ! ! !
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Fluid in Airway

2017-03-08 Thread Jennifer Olson
I watch A LOT of criminal/ forensic shows-  you had me going for a second

On Mar 8, 2017 2:21 AM, "ROBERT CHAPEL"  wrote:

> Funny you should mention that Jen because I DID have several recordings
> last season when the problem was substantially worse... Of course I
> couldn't locate them when I brought him to the vet...but that is the best
> answer to my dilemna...  The Sound is definitely pronounced enough to
> record well... The other day I stuck a large knife in his side to see if
> the fluid would come out but all I got was bad... really did
> little to help the problem
> ( I AM JUST KIDDING FOLKS!..HONEST !  : ) Looks like I have
> some homework to do again on Airway issues in Kitties...
> On Tue, Mar 07, 2017 at 01:00 PM,
> wrote:
> Send Felvtalk mailing list submissions to
>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>> than "Re: Contents of Felvtalk digest..."
>> Today's Topics:
>>1. My Charlie (Tina Terrell)
>>2. Re: Fluid in Lungs or Airway... (Jennifer Olson)
>>3. Re: My Charlie (Amani Oakley)
>> --
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2017 20:42:26 -0600
>> From: Tina Terrell To:
>> Subject: [Felvtalk] My Charlie
>> Message-ID:
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Hello,
>>  What antibiotics seem to help FELV cats the most?Also, my Charlie seems
>> to
>> respond well to Predisolone. Longterm ?
>> Thank you in advance
>> Blessings
>> Tina
>> -- next part --
>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>> URL:
>> --
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2017 21:57:21 -0600
>> From: Jennifer Olson To:
>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Fluid in Lungs or Airway...
>> Message-ID:
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Bob,
>> Have you tried to record the sounds of his breathing to replay for a vet?
>> Suppose you told them about past episodes & effects of thorough cleaning?
>> Jen
>> On Mar 6, 2017 8:33 PM, "ROBERT CHAPEL"  wrote:
>>> Hello All:
>>> My remaining boy ( Magellin aka  " Jelly " ) has some kind of fluid
>>> either
>>> in his lungs or in his trachea... The oddest thing is that despite my
>>> hearing it ALL the time ( and even frequently cupping him to get him to
>>> cough and clear it a bit) 2 Vets have failed to hear it ( and... in
>>> fact...
>>> it seems to disappear when I've taken him somewhere to "show" them what
>>> I'm
>>> talking about)... possibly adrenaline from being anxious about being in
>>> the
>>> car and a new environment dries it up temporarily.. just like we get dry
>>> mouths when we are scared??  It concerns me even though it's not
>>> currently
>>> causing him a lot of distress it's just very disconcerting when I
>>> hear
>>> him gurgling as he eats his dinner or as he sleeps because I simply don't
>>> know what it is and if there is something I should be addressing before
>>> it
>>> gets worse...   When I first got him he appeared to have an asthma like
>>> condition with multiple attacks of a kind of " hacking"  each day
>>> Interestingly that was last March as well ( when I first got him
>>> almost
>>> to the day today. along his little but older "brother" who lasted
>>> just
>>> under a year with me despite many many trips to vets and multiple meds
>>> nearly the entire time I had him  I call him little because he failed
>>> to thrive from the  get go...a poster cat for bad FeLV)   I still feel
>>> his
>>> loss and I will be devastated if I were to lose this guy over something I

Re: [Felvtalk] Fluid in Lungs or Airway...

2017-03-06 Thread Jennifer Olson
Have you tried to record the sounds of his breathing to replay for a vet?
Suppose you told them about past episodes & effects of thorough cleaning?

On Mar 6, 2017 8:33 PM, "ROBERT CHAPEL"  wrote:

> Hello All:
> My remaining boy ( Magellin aka  " Jelly " ) has some kind of fluid either
> in his lungs or in his trachea... The oddest thing is that despite my
> hearing it ALL the time ( and even frequently cupping him to get him to
> cough and clear it a bit) 2 Vets have failed to hear it ( and... in fact...
> it seems to disappear when I've taken him somewhere to "show" them what I'm
> talking about)... possibly adrenaline from being anxious about being in the
> car and a new environment dries it up temporarily.. just like we get dry
> mouths when we are scared??  It concerns me even though it's not currently
> causing him a lot of distress it's just very disconcerting when I hear
> him gurgling as he eats his dinner or as he sleeps because I simply don't
> know what it is and if there is something I should be addressing before it
> gets worse...   When I first got him he appeared to have an asthma like
> condition with multiple attacks of a kind of " hacking"  each day
> Interestingly that was last March as well ( when I first got him almost
> to the day today. along his little but older "brother" who lasted just
> under a year with me despite many many trips to vets and multiple meds
> nearly the entire time I had him  I call him little because he failed
> to thrive from the  get go...a poster cat for bad FeLV)   I still feel his
> loss and I will be devastated if I were to lose this guy over something I
> could have done something about.   The asthma like condition went away
> after I gave the rugs a thorough cleaning, moved all the furniture away
> from the walls and vacuumed and cleaned... got rid of as much dust as I
> could I did so many damn things I'd be hard pressed to know which ( if
> any) were the most useful...could have been simply that when I was finally
> able to open the windows THAT did it...   All that said just wondering
> if anyone has had such symptoms with a cat ( sounds like one of us might
> sound after a bad chest cold just as the mucuus is loosening up... but
> instead of getting better it simply stays at the same levelAnyone
> have experience with using nebulizers with cats ( and yes I've done the
> bathroom shower thing...  thats a bit wasteful)I'm actually
> wondering about these new " Vape things... ie... if I were to add a small
> dose of medication to it  they produce a HUGE amount of vapor and could
> be a LOT cheaper than a nebulizer.  Wondering also if anyone has ever
> given a cat a small dose of a mucolytic medication with what result.???
> Ultimately I'll do a chest Xray but... these are rather pricey and it's
> spring "wedding" time now  another cash outlay Though I won't hold
> off if it gets worse... I've just been home a LOT lately and have been
> hearing it all day long many days
> The little guy is still playful , energetic, eats well ,poops and pees
> normally and is his same ultra sociable self... I just don't want to ignore
> something I really should possible be paying more attention to.
> thanks for any suggestions and experience...
> Bob
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Prednisone

2017-03-06 Thread Jennifer Olson

On Mar 6, 2017 2:29 PM, "Amani Oakley"  wrote:

> Zander was originally on prednisone and Doxycycline, when I added the
> Winstrol, and the trio worked well so I didn’t touch anything (except to up
> the Winstrol dose at the start of his treatment).
> However, I was subsequently told by a senior veterinary researcher, that
> the prednisone was a good addition because it would help to protect the
> liver from the effect of the Winstrol.
> Amani
> *From:* Felvtalk [] *On Behalf
> Of *Jennifer Olson
> *Sent:* March-06-17 2:53 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [Felvtalk] Prednisone
> Have vet appointment soon. Can't find the rationale for prednisone in
> Zander's protocol.
> Would like to have that information when I see Dr.
> Jen
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Prednisone

2017-03-06 Thread Jennifer Olson
Have vet appointment soon. Can't find the rationale for prednisone in
Zander's protocol.

Would like to have that information when I see Dr.

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] How coyld I foeget?!?!?

2017-03-05 Thread Jennifer Olson
It is Advantage Multi   =~D   Have been trying to soothe his ears and
hopefully SUFFOCATE some of the lil buggers with olive oil & cotton ball
massaging. Persistant monsters!
What does HTH mean?

On Mar 5, 2017 7:52 AM, "Margo"  wrote:

> p.s.. If the Ivermectin is to treat the Demodex, I never had any luck with
> that, but then, I've only treated dogs. I had success with Advantage Multi
> every two weeks, and most recently, Bravecto as labeled.
> Margo
> -Original Message-
> From: Jennifer Olson
> Sent: Mar 4, 2017 9:22 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] How coyld I foeget?!?!?
> May be asking for THAT on Monday. I just pray his neutering is in the very
> near future!
> On Mar 4, 2017 8:19 PM, "Amani Oakley"  wrote:
>> That’s so weird. I have used Revolution, and it gets rid of the ear mites
>> with a single application.
>> Amani
>> *From:* Felvtalk [] *On Behalf
>> Of *Jennifer Olson
>> *Sent:* March-04-17 9:18 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* [Felvtalk] How coyld I foeget?!?!?
>> The demodex gatoi !  Figaro would very likely NOT have gotten the
>> parasite if the FeLV wasn't present.
>> Still working on that & ear mites- oral ivermectin every other day and a
>> topical product meant to be used once/ mo Vet said to apply every 2 wks for
>> approx 6 wks. Ear mites are quite stubborn, but the skin mites are
>> succuming- maybe even OFF him now.
>> Jen
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] How coyld I foeget?!?!?

2017-03-04 Thread Jennifer Olson
May be asking for THAT on Monday. I just pray his neutering is in the very
near future!

On Mar 4, 2017 8:19 PM, "Amani Oakley"  wrote:

> That’s so weird. I have used Revolution, and it gets rid of the ear mites
> with a single application.
> Amani
> *From:* Felvtalk [] *On Behalf
> Of *Jennifer Olson
> *Sent:* March-04-17 9:18 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [Felvtalk] How coyld I foeget?!?!?
> The demodex gatoi !  Figaro would very likely NOT have gotten the parasite
> if the FeLV wasn't present.
> Still working on that & ear mites- oral ivermectin every other day and a
> topical product meant to be used once/ mo Vet said to apply every 2 wks for
> approx 6 wks. Ear mites are quite stubborn, but the skin mites are
> succuming- maybe even OFF him now.
> Jen
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] How coyld I foeget?!?!?

2017-03-04 Thread Jennifer Olson
The demodex gatoi !  Figaro would very likely NOT have gotten the parasite
if the FeLV wasn't present.
Still working on that & ear mites- oral ivermectin every other day and a
topical product meant to be used once/ mo Vet said to apply every 2 wks for
approx 6 wks. Ear mites are quite stubborn, but the skin mites are
succuming- maybe even OFF him now.
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Thank you all

2017-03-04 Thread Jennifer Olson
Figaro has appointment Mon afternoon now. All the Z's protocol, retesting &
neutering will get addressed SOON   =~D
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Fwd: Cont....

2017-03-03 Thread Jennifer Olson
-- Forwarded message --
From: "Jennifer Olson" 
Date: Mar 2, 2017 2:51 PM
Subject: Cont

Sometimes I feel like he would've been better without my "help".
Other times I feel like- SCREW IT,  come on upstairs- but I don't need
Figaro's spraying setting off ANY of the other 3 spraying too! And I don't
know that the mites (skin or ear) are totally gone yet.   =~{
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Fwd: My intention has been...

2017-03-03 Thread Jennifer Olson
-- Forwarded message --
From: "Jennifer Olson" 
Date: Mar 2, 2017 2:45 PM
Subject: My intention has been...

Integrate Figaro after he heals from neutering. He is due to be retested
for FeLV, and I will be discussing his health & getting neutered ASAP! as
well as putting him on doxy, & whether to wait a lil if he does start doxy.
Concern being surgery stressing him & virus becomming an issue.
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] In my defense...

2017-03-02 Thread Jennifer Olson
Figaro has urinated on the bed at least once before (didn't wake me up, but
I was in bed), on a wall & somewhere yet to be discovered (somehow he got
it on back of his neck that time!). I will try to find that other product
Margo recommends.
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Losing patience

2017-03-02 Thread Jennifer Olson
Figaro is adorable, but I'm so frustrated with the whole situation-
I'm begining to consider other livining arrangements... aka placement...

On Mar 2, 2017 3:19 AM, "ROBERT CHAPEL"  wrote:

Thanks Amani... this is very helpful and I will do my best to locate these
references... preferably the full articles if they don't charge too much
for them ( I no longer work in hospitals and don't have access to full
medical databases ( for free)...

VERY interesting about the ebola virus and the eyes it does indeed
appear that the virus established a foothold in Yogi's eyes   BUT... it
was also via the eyes that I was able to introduce antiviral meds that my
Veterinary opthalmologist was using off label.  Of course the target
for these meds was the Herpes Virusbut it too ,is,  a retro Virus and
these meds "might" have had some effect on the FeLV virus as well
had I used them for a longer time ( though I would have had to have sold my
house to do so : )
You can find ALL sorts of aid for these Anti Virals if you are using them
for HIV or Herpes 1 or 2 but they are hard to locate at discount for
Veterinary Use.  I really am VERY concerned at the price of Vet
services as I feel they will ultimately reduce the number of pet
owners.  I was able to easily afford to keep 4 cats on a rather low
Social Worker income back in the 80's but keeping one ill FeLV in 2017 can
easily add 400.00 a month to ones expenses  Many people who might
formerly have adopted multiple cats will now only take in one or  two.
All the more reason for forums like ours as it is up to us to share our
knowledge and experiences to help each other avoid total reliance on a
veterinary system that is not always working to preserve our FeLV cats

Hi Bob
> I am unable to attach the literature regarding the ability of Doxycycline
> to interfere with RNA replication and/or interfere with viral infection,
> but here are a few titles to look up on the Internet:
> - Antiviral activity of doxycycline against vesicular stomatitis virus in
> vitro - FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2015
> - Control of small inhibitory RNA levels and RNA interference by
> doxycycline induced activation of a minimal RNA polymerase III promoter -
> 2006 Nucleic Acids Res. 34
> - Inhibitory effect of doxycycline against dengue virus replication in
> vitro - October 2013 Archives of Virology 159(4)
> - Study of the antiviral activity of some derivatives of tetracycline and
> non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs towards dengue virus - August 2013
> Tropical Biomedicine 30(4):1-10   (BY THE WAY - DOXYCYCLINE IS A
> - A study of the clinical activity of a gel combining monocaprin and
> doxycycline: a novel treatment for herpes labialis. (2012) J Oral Path Med
> 41:61-67
> The following paper was interesting in that it explored the role of
> Doxycycline in inhibiting tumour cell proliferation, angiogenesis,
> metastasis and migration of cancerous cells (including leukemic cells) from
> the bone marrow:
> - Doxycycline inhibits leukemic cell migration via inhibition of matrix
> metalloproteinases and phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase - published
> Molecular Medicine Reports, September 2015 Vol. 12, Issue 3.
> Amani
> P.S. - By the way, Bob. The other thing that was featured in that show
> last night about the fight against Ebola, is that the same doctor who
> contracted it and was declared symptom-free, later began to develop eye
> problems and when they examined his eye, they found millions of the Ebola
> viruses in the eye. The programme explained that the eye was an area of
> reduced immunity in the body, and thus, the virus had found a breeding
> ground where it remained, though it had been cleared from the rest of the
> body. They therefore began treating the doctor's eye, and the treatment was
> ultimately successful. It brought to mind the problems Yogi had had with
> his eyes, and I wondered if the answer was similar - that the virus had had
> a toe-hold there.
> -Original Message-
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
> Sent: March-01-17 5:02 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Knowing the " whys" of Win/Pred/Doxy
> Amani...
> If we consider the extended time frame for Doxy and multiple courses of
> other ABX it makes a certain "intuitive" sense that a non bacterial
> infection is going to require a longer period of time to have whatever
> non-specific ( read... not related to bacterial infection necessarily)...?
> So little research money appears to be devoted to FeLV that I don't know
> that we'll know in the next decade unless the continuing demands of
> consumers ( who do NOT want to hear , in this day and age of " Miracles")
> that there is _ no hope_ for their much loved
> pets) alter this course.??? I STILL bristle when I think of the closed
> minds in the medical and Veter

Re: [Felvtalk] Knowing the " whys" of Win/Pred/Doxy

2017-03-01 Thread Jennifer Olson
Alright-  Figaro just pee'd on my bed right- next to me- after I cleaned
box (and then his paws because he made loose poop & got litter ETC on the
bed) caught him in the act. He hasn't been neutered yet. I threw my bedding
into washer, sprayed bed with "Nature's Miracle- No Spray" & resolved I am
NOT remaking bed...
I can hear him crying, like he does when I AM there trying to go to sleep.
Overnight is the biggest lump of time I can be with him so he isn't
COMPLETELY isolated, alone I hate this.
Do I just go to bed now upstairs, or TRY to lay in a dry spot with new

On Mar 1, 2017 4:26 PM,  wrote:

> AMEN TO THAT!  I especially get angry that they do not consider
> alternative medicine a viable tratment.  Unless I get a broken arm, I first
> try alternative meds.  I have not had a flu shot for over 8 years and have
> not had a cold or flu.  I use ginger, turmeric, garlic, onion, cinnamon as
> my anti flu meds.  I just wish we knew more about animals (cats) and herbs,
> which is safe or not safe to use.  Then when something comes up on a
> weekend/holiday and I cannot et my cat to the vet, I would be able to start
> treatment  until I can get to a vet.
>  ROBERT CHAPEL  wrote:
> > Amani...
> If we consider the extended time frame for Doxy and multiple courses of
> other ABX it makes a certain "intuitive" sense that a non bacterial
> infection is going to require a longer period of time to have whatever
> non-specific ( read... not related to bacterial infection
> necessarily)...  So little research money appears to be devoted to FeLV
> that I don't know that we'll know in the next decade unless the
> continuing demands of consumers ( who do NOT want to hear , in this day
> and age of " Miracles") that there is _ no hope_ for their much loved
> pets) alter this course.I STILL bristle when I think of the closed
> minds in the medical and Veterinary community and SO resent that
> businessmen( Yes...that is what the vast majority are turning into now
> that practices are being forced to consolidate into " Health Systems")..
> hold the power of life and death over us AND our pets.   On the plus
> side with the business model being what it is ( and in contrast to
> the lost art of " professionalism")  The CONSUMER is always right.  Vets
> will be forced, in the future, to work more closely with the "
> customers" wishes as attachment to a given vet will become less common
> as time goes on and people will " practice shop " for the answers they
> want until such time as Vet services become so expensive that insurance
> becomes a " must have " and ultimately go the way of medicine (
> ie...being confined to a slate of approved practitioners...
> againlimiting choice)...  But... there are some years to go before
> that happens and I feel that there IS a window of opportunity happening
> NOW and for the next few  years for people to have some real influence
> on how Vets practice   I am betting, for example, that had I had the
> money to go to a more " well to do " neighborhood where people are more
> demanding and better informed I could have found a vet to cooperate...
> Here in the "sticks" people just blindly accept what the vet has to say
> and they still enjoy the freedom of calling all the shots.   This
> WILL end over the next couple of years.  I learned a lot with this first
> experience and made mistakes that I WILL NOT make again.
> BTW  Do you have any literature in support of the AntiRNA effects of
> Doxy... I am SO happy that there are still a couple of things out
> there that we still can get our hands on that don't have to pass muster
> with script pad businessmen  STILL I am also not advocating the the
> medically ill prepared take it upon themselves to decide that THEY will
> decide what is best for their animal... If we are going to go above and
> beyond our Vets advice it would best be with very sound reasoning and an
> EXCELLENT understanding of what we are doing and why.   Anything less
> and the community of Veterinary practitioners could easily dismiss our
> successes as "dumb luck" or ascribe them to " unknown" factors.  I
> think this is particularly important re: Winstrol/Pred/Doxy   I'd hate
> to see people going to their vets asking for this combination of drugs
> and really having an inadequate understanding of why they are asking for
> beyond the fact that it's been recommended on our forum...For
> myself... I am clear on the Whys of Winstrol and Doxy ( though will be
> looking for more lit support on the RNA effects of Doxy) but not clear
> on the whys of the Pred.
> Sorry for taking up so much space here but I'm having an " attack " of
> missing my little guy and am tremulous about being caught in the same
> position if I take in another FeLV as I am inclined to do
> >
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Doxy

2017-03-01 Thread Jennifer Olson
Thanks again, VERY grateful !
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Zander's Protocol

2017-03-01 Thread Jennifer Olson
Thank you for clarifying for me so quickly ! ! !
My new fur-baby, now called Figaro (husband named because this stray was
"singing" outside on COLD morning Dec 22nd), is not sick with anything r/t
being FeLV+ presently.
What I understand is this regimen is for cats in hemodynamic crisis?
Do you advise any action now, to suppress the leukemia virus?

On Mar 1, 2017 12:09 PM, "Amani Oakley"  wrote:

> No – it’s just what I call it, in honour of my baby boy, Zander. I have
> just referred to it as such, here, among friends.
> Amani
> *From:* Felvtalk [] *On Behalf
> Of *Jennifer Olson
> *Sent:* March-01-17 1:07 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [Felvtalk] Zander's Protocol
> I tried searching for Zander's protocol online with no results. Is this a
> term or phrase coined here, or widely used in veterinary medicine?
> Thx, Jen
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Zander's Protocol

2017-03-01 Thread Jennifer Olson
I tried searching for Zander's protocol online with no results. Is this a
term or phrase coined here, or widely used in veterinary medicine?
Thx, Jen
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] FeLV

2017-02-11 Thread Jennifer Olson

On Feb 11, 2017 8:15 PM, "Sandy"  wrote:

> the more information the better
> --
> *From: *"Katherine K." 
> *To: *
> *Sent: *Friday, February 10, 2017 2:10:59 PM
> *Subject: *Re: [Felvtalk] FeLV
> I see those of us with FeLV cats as being their biggest
> advocates. Whenever possible, we should help to educate others and dispel
> the myths surrounding them to help give them a chance at life.
> On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 12:44 PM, ROBERT CHAPEL 
> wrote:
>> Roxanne
>> Perhaps I missed something along the way... another email perhaps??   I'm
>> not sure if I understand your question...  Why would you have concerns
>> about letting people know you have FeLV catsand moreover why would you
>> feel somehow badly that you are NOT embarassed.  I've never noted any
>> discrimination on the part of other cat owners against people with FeLV
>> cats  The question took me so offguard that I feel I MUST have missed
>> something along the way ( eg... you run a pet care business or something
>> similiar   ?? Apart from anything like that I don't see the
>> downside ( even potentially) of letting people know that you are kind
>> enough to look after animals that have special needs...
>> On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 11:56 AM,
>> wrote:
>> Send Felvtalk mailing list submissions to
>>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>>> than "Re: Contents of Felvtalk digest..."
>>> Today's Topics:
>>>1. Re: Nasal polyp (Amani Oakley)
>>>2. Re: Nasal polyp (
>>>3. Katherine, Rebecca and Jennifer (
>>>4. Re: Katherine, Rebecca and Jennifer (Katherine K.)
>>>5. Re: Katherine, Rebecca and Jennifer (Rebecca Pruett)
>>>6. Feline leuk. (Roxanne Smith)
>>> --
>>> Message: 1
>>> Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 01:53:37 +
>>> From: Amani Oakley To: "" Subject: Re:
>>> [Felvtalk] Nasal polyp
>>> Message-ID:
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>> I?ve experienced nose issues in two cats, but in both, the problems were
>>> serious (one cancerous and one some sort of abscess which eventually
>>> impinged on the brain, causing a coma). Sounds like yours isn?t serious,
>>> which is a good thing. But, yeah, I?ve had to deal with blood all over the
>>> place as well.
>>> Amani
>>> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf
>>> Of Katherine K.
>>> Sent: February-09-17 4:19 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: [Felvtalk] Nasal polyp
>>> Anyone here ever dealt with a nasal polyp?
>>> My 15 yo FeLV cat started having a chronic bloody nose (in one nostril
>>> only) about 6 weeks ago. We did a shot of Convenia, then tried 2 weeks of
>>> azithromycin antibiotics. Didn't help.
>>> I took him in for a follow up yesterday and upon closer inspection we
>>> discovered a polyp visible just on the inside of his nostril. It was too
>>> small to remove with tweezers, so the vet prescribed another round of
>>> azithromycin to kep infection at bay, and suggested we wait a month or 3
>>> for it to grow bigger so we can remove it.
>>> I'm just glad it's not cancerous, but the poor guy has sneezing fits
>>> daily, wakes up with dried blood crusted around his nostril each morning,
>>> and I'm wiping bloody specks off my floors and walls (from the sneezes.
>>> Looks like a mini crime scene in my house :-P)
>>> Curious if anyone else has had to help cats with nose polyps.

Re: [Felvtalk] age

2017-02-10 Thread Jennifer Olson
I really feel for you & the situation. Dealing with almost the same issues
here. I'm praying for you.

On Feb 9, 2017 3:14 PM, "Rebecca Pruett" 

> The cat I rescued from my neighborhood September of last year is probably
> around 7-8 years old and just got a positive IFA for FeLV. She also has FIV
> and bartonella (which was treated with an antibiotic. She is missing many
> of her teeth and the rest need to be pulled. She has good and bad days. I
> feel so bad having to keep her quarantined in a bathroom but she isn't a
> fan of other cats and I don't want my cats exposed. I got her a cat tree so
> she can sit and look out the window and she seems happy I just wish I could
> find her a forever home. I've been trying for months with no luck. She's
> such a sweet cat.
> On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 4:07 PM Katherine K.  wrote:
>> My cat was diagnosed at age 11. He's about to turn 15. His health has
>> been up and down since the diagnosis.
>> My other cat (who is negative) gets vaccinated yearly since his
>> diagnosis. They were already living together so any risk of exposure had
>> already happened. After almost 4 years, she is still negative.
>> On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 3:03 PM, Amani Oakley 
>> wrote:
>> Jennifer, how old are your other cats? Are they vaccinated for FeLV? I
>> would speak with your vet, but I have never ever had a cat spread FeLV to
>> another cat in my household. I might be more worried if your other cats are
>> just kittens, but if they are adults, just take the precaution of
>> vaccinating them.
>> Amani
>> *From:* Felvtalk [] *On Behalf
>> Of *Jennifer Olson
>> *Sent:* February-09-17 2:58 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Re: [Felvtalk] age
>> On Dec 22nd, 2016 an ADORABLE young male kitty arrived crying @ our home.
>> We already have 3 cats & a dog, so we tried to find him a home. After a
>> month, and having allowed him inside (kept seperate from our zoo) due to
>> lethally cold weather, we decided he was here to stay. I was DEVASTATED
>> when he tested positive for FeLV. My problem isn't whether to give him a
>> chance at as long of a happy life he may have ahead of him, but HOW !  We
>> can't keep him alone in the basement bedroom forever, there isn't even a
>> decent sized window for him & my heart breaks that the only time I can give
>> him is to sleep by him at night. The few times I check in on him during the
>> day are so brief! He has SUCH character, and is SO handsome. I don't know
>> how he ended up at our home, unless he was dumped or left a nearby farm.
>> WHERE are the rescue agencies for FeLV+ cats ? ? ? Currently I'm treating
>> him for skin mites (has ear mites TOO) so he MIGHT be deemed "adoptable" at
>> a shelter that does try adopting out FeLV+ cats. The precautions necessary
>> to keep the mites, FeLV, oh yes- AND worms (had to treat EVERYONE) from
>> spreading is also wearing me out.
>> On Feb 8, 2017 5:12 PM,  wrote:
>> My Annie is now 9 years old and was diagnosed as positive when I got her
>> at age 4.  She recently started sneezing and had runny eyes so off to the
>> vet we went.  She gave her a shot of antibiotic and some more to take at
>> home.  She seems to be improving, no more sniffles or runny eyes.  So far
>> the discharges have been clear but I did not want to wait a few days to be
>> sure.  He other problem is a lame left front leg.  It is not broken and the
>> vet thinks she probably sprained it when jumping dow from high places,
>> which she does a lot trying to avoid Harley who is a real pest these winter
>> days.  If he cannot get outside, he is a terrorist on 4 legs, knocks things
>> down, over, stares at me.
>>  Marlene Snowman  wrote:
>> > Hi Sheila, my little Bear is 1.5 years old and I've had her since she
>> was a little more than 1 month old. She was very ill and tested positive
>> from entry into my life. She appears healthy with good appetite with the
>> exception of a nasal infection that the vet has been unable to remedy.
>> >
>> > I have no other personal experience with Felv although I have work
>> colleagues who have cats that are 6 years old and appearing healthy.
>> >
>> > I'm hoping that all our fur babies have longevity and a quality of life

[Felvtalk] Knowledge is power

2017-02-10 Thread Jennifer Olson
If I had known about the need for FeLV+ homes before I got my other cats, I
just might have started a little refuge myself. How worried SHOULD we be
about keeping the FeLV+ stray I've become attached to over the last few
Worrying is ruining quality of life here...
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] age

2017-02-10 Thread Jennifer Olson
MN.  Right now I'm about to switch from oral ivermectin to Feline Advantage
His fur appears to be growing back, and he must be scratching less because
nearly all of the scabs/ bumps are gone- BUT it would be nice to destroy
the mites FASTER, & without the nasty tasting oral.
Your thoughts?

On Feb 9, 2017 4:42 PM, "Margo"  wrote:

> Hi Jennifer,
> Thank you for taking him :)
> What are you using to treat him for mites and worms? It
> shouldn't be difficult to keep them under control after initial treatment,
> so is something else going on?
> Where are you? No need to be specific, just general area, and
> maybe someone can offer more "local" advice. V take FeLV+ cats.
> Margo
> -Original Message-
> From: Jennifer Olson
> Sent: Feb 9, 2017 2:58 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] age
> On Dec 22nd, 2016 an ADORABLE young male kitty arrived crying @ our home.
> We already have 3 cats & a dog, so we tried to find him a home. After a
> month, and having allowed him inside (kept seperate from our zoo) due to
> lethally cold weather, we decided he was here to stay. I was DEVASTATED
> when he tested positive for FeLV. My problem isn't whether to give him a
> chance at as long of a happy life he may have ahead of him, but HOW !  We
> can't keep him alone in the basement bedroom forever, there isn't even a
> decent sized window for him & my heart breaks that the only time I can give
> him is to sleep by him at night. The few times I check in on him during the
> day are so brief! He has SUCH character, and is SO handsome. I don't know
> how he ended up at our home, unless he was dumped or left a nearby farm.
> WHERE are the rescue agencies for FeLV+ cats ? ? ? Currently I'm treating
> him for skin mites (has ear mites TOO) so he MIGHT be deemed "adoptable" at
> a shelter that does try adopting out FeLV+ cats. The precautions necessary
> to keep the mites, FeLV, oh yes- AND worms (had to treat EVERYONE) from
> spreading is also wearing me out.
> On Feb 8, 2017 5:12 PM,  wrote:
>> My Annie is now 9 years old and was diagnosed as positive when I got her
>> at age 4.  She recently started sneezing and had runny eyes so off to the
>> vet we went.  She gave her a shot of antibiotic and some more to take at
>> home.  She seems to be improving, no more sniffles or runny eyes.  So far
>> the discharges have been clear but I did not want to wait a few days to be
>> sure.  He other problem is a lame left front leg.  It is not broken and the
>> vet thinks she probably sprained it when jumping dow from high places,
>> which she does a lot trying to avoid Harley who is a real pest these winter
>> days.  If he cannot get outside, he is a terrorist on 4 legs, knocks things
>> down, over, stares at me.
>>  Marlene Snowman  wrote:
>> > Hi Sheila, my little Bear is 1.5 years old and I've had her since she
>> was a little more than 1 month old. She was very ill and tested positive
>> from entry into my life. She appears healthy with good appetite with the
>> exception of a nasal infection that the vet has been unable to remedy.
>> >
>> > I have no other personal experience with Felv although I have work
>> colleagues who have cats that are 6 years old and appearing healthy.
>> >
>> > I'm hoping that all our fur babies have longevity and a quality of life
>> too.
>> >
>> > Marlene
>> >
>> > Sent from my iPhone
>> >
>> > > On Feb 8, 2017, at 4:22 PM, Armstrong-Brown, Sheila DDS Timonium <
>>> wrote:
>> > >
>> > > I am learning a lot about FELV cats since I found my Skylar.  Just
>> wondering about how old is the oldest cat that lived with it.  I had the
>> IFA test done and that is positive also even though he is perfectly healthy
>> at the moment.  He will be 2 years old this month, I found him a year ago.
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > HOOT
>> > > Sheila Armstrong-Brown
>> > > Administrative Aide
>> > > Psych Pool
>> > >
>> > > ___
>> > > Felvtalk mailing list
>> > >
>> > >
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Katherine, Rebecca and Jennifer

2017-02-10 Thread Jennifer Olson
I'm new   =~}

On Feb 10, 2017 7:50 AM, "Rebecca Pruett" 

> I am .
> On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 8:36 AM Katherine K.  wrote:
>> I'm not a new member. Been on here for about 4 years.
>> On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 11:51 PM,  wrote:
>> Are you all new members?  I never get your emails except in "trash".  How
>> do I get these people coming to my inbox?  I know I must have missed a few
>> emails because of this.
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
> --
> Sent from My iPhone
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Feline leuk.

2017-02-10 Thread Jennifer Olson
BE  PROUD ! ! !   I wish I could find someone as caring here to take an
adorable young male stray that showed up on Dec 22nd & has tested pos. I'm
overwhelmed with the 3 cats (all FeLV neg) & 1 large dog we already have.
God bless you!

On Feb 10, 2017 10:57 AM, "Roxanne Smith" 

> I need some opinions I currently have one feline leukemia cat and someone
> as of now is going to give me there leukemia cat. they changed their mind
> for about 3 weeks now. My question is for two years I've not told anyone
> that I have had and have a cat with feline leukemia I don't want people to
> judge me. But I feel bad cuz I'm not embarrassed to own a feline leukemia
> cats. My current cat is now two years past his diagnosis. Do I share with
> my friends and then Facebook or do I maintain keeping the secret
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] age

2017-02-09 Thread Jennifer Olson
On Dec 22nd, 2016 an ADORABLE young male kitty arrived crying @ our home.
We already have 3 cats & a dog, so we tried to find him a home. After a
month, and having allowed him inside (kept seperate from our zoo) due to
lethally cold weather, we decided he was here to stay. I was DEVASTATED
when he tested positive for FeLV. My problem isn't whether to give him a
chance at as long of a happy life he may have ahead of him, but HOW !  We
can't keep him alone in the basement bedroom forever, there isn't even a
decent sized window for him & my heart breaks that the only time I can give
him is to sleep by him at night. The few times I check in on him during the
day are so brief! He has SUCH character, and is SO handsome. I don't know
how he ended up at our home, unless he was dumped or left a nearby farm.
WHERE are the rescue agencies for FeLV+ cats ? ? ? Currently I'm treating
him for skin mites (has ear mites TOO) so he MIGHT be deemed "adoptable" at
a shelter that does try adopting out FeLV+ cats. The precautions necessary
to keep the mites, FeLV, oh yes- AND worms (had to treat EVERYONE) from
spreading is also wearing me out.

On Feb 8, 2017 5:12 PM,  wrote:

> My Annie is now 9 years old and was diagnosed as positive when I got her
> at age 4.  She recently started sneezing and had runny eyes so off to the
> vet we went.  She gave her a shot of antibiotic and some more to take at
> home.  She seems to be improving, no more sniffles or runny eyes.  So far
> the discharges have been clear but I did not want to wait a few days to be
> sure.  He other problem is a lame left front leg.  It is not broken and the
> vet thinks she probably sprained it when jumping dow from high places,
> which she does a lot trying to avoid Harley who is a real pest these winter
> days.  If he cannot get outside, he is a terrorist on 4 legs, knocks things
> down, over, stares at me.
>  Marlene Snowman  wrote:
> > Hi Sheila, my little Bear is 1.5 years old and I've had her since she
> was a little more than 1 month old. She was very ill and tested positive
> from entry into my life. She appears healthy with good appetite with the
> exception of a nasal infection that the vet has been unable to remedy.
> >
> > I have no other personal experience with Felv although I have work
> colleagues who have cats that are 6 years old and appearing healthy.
> >
> > I'm hoping that all our fur babies have longevity and a quality of life
> too.
> >
> > Marlene
> >
> > Sent from my iPhone
> >
> > > On Feb 8, 2017, at 4:22 PM, Armstrong-Brown, Sheila DDS Timonium <
>> wrote:
> > >
> > > I am learning a lot about FELV cats since I found my Skylar.  Just
> wondering about how old is the oldest cat that lived with it.  I had the
> IFA test done and that is positive also even though he is perfectly healthy
> at the moment.  He will be 2 years old this month, I found him a year ago.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > HOOT
> > > Sheila Armstrong-Brown
> > > Administrative Aide
> > > Psych Pool
> > >
> > > ___
> > > Felvtalk mailing list
> > >
> > >
> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] Merlin has gone to the bridge

2015-09-27 Thread Jennifer Lewis
We have a screen door (yes indoors) so Brynn is not so alone. As well, we are 
2, so Jeff is in there (Our office, her suite) with her a lot. BTW, the screen 
door has panels on the bottom so no kissy faces.
On Sep 27, 2015, at 2:02 PM, Kelley S wrote:

> I feel really bad, because I have a healthy cat population room that I live 
> in with the healthy population cats, and a felv+ room, and no matter how much 
> time I spend in the felv+ room, it is never enough, and obviously not as much 
> time as I spend in the healthy population room.  I was just about to mix 
> them, because I had a kitten who is now over a year and has had both felv 
> shots, but I hadn't yet.  I think what I will do is order a condo, and put 
> her in it for at least a couple of hours a day out front for observation 
> purposes.  
> On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 3:48 PM, kat  wrote:
> Dear Kelley,
> Your pain says you "failed him" - But you gave him more love & care than he 
> would have gotten from anyone else.  Cats are stoic by nature - they don't 
> show illness until it's in the advanced state (I've been there too - we all 
> have).  It's so easy to look back & say "I should have..."  It's not so easy 
> to recognize it as it happens.  Yes, have your other FeLV+ kitty checked out 
> - it will help ease your mind & heart.  But please do not think you have 
> "failed" any of them.  Your love is more important than anything to them.
> Sending you gentle hugs & purrs from my 'crew' to help ease your pain.  We 
> understand.
> Kat (Mew Jersey)
> Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 at 3:49 PM
> From: "Kelley S" 
> To: felvtalk 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Merlin has gone to the bridge
> I failed him.  I did not notice his symptoms in time.  Now I have his 
> "sister" (not blood related" by herself.  She is going to be miserable,she 
> does not like to be alone.  I had an appointment for 2 other cats on Monday.  
> I am switching her out with one of them so that I can get her completely 
> checked out.  Not that heart failure is contagious, but I need to be more on 
> top of my FELV+ cats, or now, cat.  I can't do this anymore, I don't know how 
> yall do it.  I don't have "too many" cats overall, but I do think I have "too 
> many" to handle many chronically ill (or potentially chronically ill).  I 
> guess any cat is "potentially chronically ill."  By the way, I fell even more 
> in love with this doctor when he told me he had taken home 2 FELV+ kittens 
> from the clinic and they died before 10 months old.  I read between the lines 
> that someone wanted their FELV+ kittens euthanized or did not want them when 
> they tested pos.  
> On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 2:19 PM, Marsha  wrote:
> Kelley, I am so, so sorry to hear about Merlin.  Thanks for doing your best 
> and taking care of him as you did.  Sometimes love just isn't enough to keep 
> them here, and they have to move on to the next realm.  Out of our sight and 
> hearing, but never disconnected from our hearts.
> Soft headbonks and purrs from FeLV+ Brock and me, and my Murrlin too.
> Marsha
> On 9/27/2015 2:08 PM, Kelley S wrote:
> They say his heart gave out.
> Kelley
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Re: [Felvtalk] Merlin has gone to the bridge

2015-09-27 Thread Jennifer Lewis

I am so sorry for your loss. Please do not beat yourself up. It's just a hard 
fact that sometimes there just isn't enough, no matter how much we try and how 
much we love them. We do the best we can, and we honor them and love them and 
then we miss and remember them.

I lost my heart and soul kitty 4 months ago to CRF (he was never FeLV+) and 
have spent countless (seriously) hours going over what I could have done 
different and better, and why couldn't I save him, because I couldn't. His 
little body just gave out, and there was nothing that I could do but let him 
go. It was the best gift that I could give after all his singular love and 
devotion. Merlin saved you making that decision. Thank him for that gift.
I also lost my + kitten Smoosh last year, so it's been a tough time. She made 
it to 14 months, so we thought we were in the clear... 
For the record, in my opinion and speaking for myself, the love they give back 
and having them happy and safe for as long as possible is worth every 
sacrifice, even the heartbreaking ones.  We are the Island of Misfit Toys. I 
now have a senior (19 years and 9 months), a diabetic, a cripple and a lovely 
girl who was obviously abused and took almost a year to touch her, and another 
+ girl with Stomatitis. 

Merlin knew your love, and that is what you need to hold onto.

Jennifer (And my heart of hearts, Buff)
On Sep 27, 2015, at 12:49 PM, Kelley S wrote:

> I failed him.  I did not notice his symptoms in time.  Now I have his 
> "sister" (not blood related" by herself.  She is going to be miserable,she 
> does not like to be alone.  I had an appointment for 2 other cats on Monday.  
> I am switching her out with one of them so that I can get her completely 
> checked out.  Not that heart failure is contagious, but I need to be more on 
> top of my FELV+ cats, or now, cat.  I can't do this anymore, I don't know how 
> yall do it.  I don't have "too many" cats overall, but I do think I have "too 
> many" to handle many chronically ill (or potentially chronically ill).  I 
> guess any cat is "potentially chronically ill."  By the way, I fell even more 
> in love with this doctor when he told me he had taken home 2 FELV+ kittens 
> from the clinic and they died before 10 months old.  I read between the lines 
> that someone wanted their FELV+ kittens euthanized or did not want them when 
> they tested pos.  
> On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 2:19 PM, Marsha  wrote:
> Kelley, I am so, so sorry to hear about Merlin.  Thanks for doing your best 
> and taking care of him as you did.  Sometimes love just isn't enough to keep 
> them here, and they have to move on to the next realm.  Out of our sight and 
> hearing, but never disconnected from our hearts.
> Soft headbonks and purrs from FeLV+ Brock and me, and my Murrlin too.
> Marsha
> On 9/27/2015 2:08 PM, Kelley S wrote:
> They say his heart gave out.
> Kelley
> ___
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> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] Very worried about Merlin

2015-09-26 Thread Jennifer Lewis
Best wishes and prayers
On Sep 26, 2015, at 9:41 AM, Kelley S wrote:

> Well, I got him up to the vet.  He is dehydrated and had lost weight.   He 
> has an ulcer on his tongue but nothing worse than some he has had in the past 
> and his mouth looked better than I expected, though I was hoping it was 
> something like  that that a steroid shot would help. The primary issues the 
> FELV has caused him in the past have been stomatitis and mouth ulcers and 
> persistent uri.   His body temp is low.  I forget the number but at least 2 
> degrees too low.  They are keeping him and giving him supportive care while 
> they try to figure out what is wrong.  They have him on a heating pad and are 
> administering fluids.  I left him there and then we went to get something to 
> eat because I was shaky.  I have now been up over 24 hours.  I just called 
> and he did eat a tablespoon and a half of food on his own for them, so 
> perhaps his condition is not as dire as I feared, though his condition 
> remains guarded.  I hope any of this made sense I'm more tired than I have 
> been in a long time and I want to try to stay up til 6 for the vet's call or 
> I will never wake up when the phone rings 
> On Sat, Sep 26, 2015 at 8:20 AM, Kelley S  wrote:
> We have an appointment at 9:40.  Bless Dr Smith I am sure he was quite booked 
> today.
> On Sat, Sep 26, 2015 at 8:18 AM, Lance  wrote:
> Healing vibes for Merlin. Please let us know what you find out. 
> Best hopes and wishes,
> Lance
>> On Sep 26, 2015, at 6:27 AM, Kelley S  wrote:
>> Thanks.  Dr Smith opens up at 8, so I'm waiting for it to be 8.
>> On Sat, Sep 26, 2015 at 6:20 AM, kat  wrote:
>> Kelley,
>> Sending stay-strong, healing prayers to both you & Merlin.  Please let us 
>> know what the vet says.
>> Kat (Mew Jersey)
>> Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 at 4:10 AM
>> From: "Kelley S" 
>> To: felvtalk 
>> Subject: [Felvtalk] Very worried about Merlin
>> Hi all,
>> Merlin has stopped eating his wet food.  I had noticed more and more food 
>> remaining in the FELV cat room and watched him carefully tonight.  He is 
>> also not grooming.  He DID pass a normal amount of stool (which I guess 
>> means he has been eating something), unfortunately he passed the stool on 
>> his blankie and then lay down right there.  I am going to try to get him 
>> into the vet in the am, but it is Saturday and I know he will be busy.  If 
>> he can't work me in I am going to at least try to get some AD and see if I 
>> can syringe feed it to him.
>> Kelley
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Re: [Felvtalk] New to the group

2015-09-21 Thread Jennifer Lewis
LOVE the names!
I recommend starting them on Maitake d-fraction. The + kitties in particular as 
it is anti-cancer, but all is ok too. We even take it ourselves. Our Brynn just 
lays down and laps it. About 7-10 drops in a syringe of water.
Jen L
On Sep 21, 2015, at 10:01 AM, Sabrina Doyle wrote:

> Hi all my name is Sabrina. 1.5 years ago we decided to adopt a new kitten. 
> Mad Max, came from a spay clinic/rescue, very reputable. Our 2 Dizzy, 11 with 
> issues an a seizure disorder, and The Weasel age 3 at the time. All testing 
> of Max mom was negative. Got a call 6months later his brother got sick and 
> tested positive for FELV. The woman who surrendered the litter pointed them 
> to the wrong Mother. Max will be 2 Feb. 1 and has tested positive twice. 
> Since then we adopted Raven who we knew was positive. We have lots of love 
> but I am here to learn so I can give them the best care. Thanks for taking 
> the time to read.
> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] Testing the list

2015-09-21 Thread Jennifer Lewis
So sorry. 
One of my non-Leuk kitties is about 20 and we are looking at winding down 
ourselves for the Big Man (not so big any more). He is hyperthyroid and his 
meds have advanced his CRF, and he has heart issues. No heroics... tried that 
on my darling Buff and will never forgive myself. 
Our plan now is for his maximum comfort and life quality, as hard as it is for 
It's very hard... but I do recommend the same path. For you and for Bella.

Our hearts are with you~
Jennifer, Manny Man, Brynn, Wiggles, Bev and The Goof 
On Sep 21, 2015, at 8:37 AM, simon95 wrote:

> My little bella is very sick she has lythomy in her kidneys she hasnt eaten 
> in 3 days i am force feeding her and she is loosing weight rapidly. 
> Sent from Samsung Mobile
>  Original message 
> From: "Katherine K."
> Date:2015/09/21 17:24 (GMT+01:00)
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Testing the list
> We are hanging in there. My 2.5 year old, Jazz just went for his annual check 
> up and weighed in at 13.5 lbs! He's quite healthy. My 12-13 yr old cat 
> Krammer used to weight that much but has lost 2 lbs since May unfortunately, 
> and is now down to 9.5 lbs. He is on a low dose of Prednisolone to stimulate 
> appetite. I'm debating whether to buy more LTCI injections - he's had them 
> monthly for the past 2 years but they're just so costly and hard to measure 
> if they actually do anything.  Sigh.
> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 10:56 AM, Jennifer Lewis  wrote:
> All good here. Brynn seems as healthy as can be...
> Jennifer L
> On Sep 21, 2015, at 7:52 AM, James G Wilson wrote:
> > Hey all,
> >
> > Just testing the list. There hasn't been any traffic in
> > awhile. Hope everyone and their little ones are doing well.
> > Best wishes.
> >
> > James G Wilson -
> > (217) 816-8680 (cell)
> > (Weather for Springfield, IL)
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] Testing the list

2015-09-21 Thread Jennifer Lewis
All good here. Brynn seems as healthy as can be...
Jennifer L
On Sep 21, 2015, at 7:52 AM, James G Wilson wrote:

> Hey all,
> Just testing the list. There hasn't been any traffic in 
> awhile. Hope everyone and their little ones are doing well. 
> Best wishes.
> James G Wilson -
> (217) 816-8680 (cell)
> (Weather for Springfield, IL)
> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] 4 month old kitten with Feline Leukemia

2015-06-28 Thread Jennifer Lewis
I am so sorry to hear your little Oreo has tested +. 

Try anything you can to get him to eat. Tempt him with any and every thing. He 
has to eat. Tuna juice is a good one, as is rotisserie chicken. I don't think 
steroids are a good idea...maybe a bit drastic and they are very hard on his 
system, especially as he is so young. Brynn is on steroids for her 
stomatitis... we really wish there was another option for her

We have Brynn on Maitake D fraction. She takes the diluted drops very easily. I 
am convinced they are helping her as aside from her stomatits she is completely 


On Jun 28, 2015, at 7:13 AM, KATHLEEN BUSO wrote:

> Hi, I am looking for advice about our little Oreo. We adopted him at 9 weeks 
> from a rescue group. His mom was a stray who was ill when she had her 
> kittens. The kittens were eventually bottle fed and had a rough start in 
> life, but then seemed to recover and were adopted out. About two weeks ago, 
> our Oreo started to show signs of illness. His inner third eyelid came out, 
> and then he started running a fever. I took him to the Rescue's vet, and she 
> gave me antibiotics and some metacam to bring down the fever. She said the 
> mom had been tested for a bunch of viruses, including feline leukemia and 
> came back negative, so there was no reason to test Oreo. A week later, he was 
> worse so I took him to another vet and she tested him and told me he tested 
> positive for feline leukemia. Up until yesterday, he seemed to still have a 
> fairly good appetite but was sleeping a lot and showing symptoms of upper 
> respiratory infection. Today he is uninterested in food and seems much worse. 
> I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions that would help, or should I 
> just accept that there's nothing that can be done? We were considering trying 
> the LCTI drug but we live in Canada so we would have to travel into the 
> States to get it. It would be about a 3.5 hour drive there and would be hard 
> on Oreo, as he hates the car. Has anyone used LCTI and had any success with 
> it? Is there anything else I can do for Oreo now, to help him feel better, 
> like steroids? Any suggestions or advice would be very much appreciated. 
> Thanks,
> Kathleen
> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] My Harley is gone

2015-05-16 Thread Jennifer Lewis
I am so sorry Marsha. I hope that he is with my FeLV Smoosh (We lost her at 14 
months in July) and my heart and soul kitty Buffcat (CRF) who crossed last week 
after being the best friend I have ever known for over 17 years.

On May 15, 2015, at 6:24 PM, Marsha wrote:

> My sweet little FeLV+ Harley, just barely 5 years old, went to join his buddy 
> Milkdud across the Rainbow Bridge today.  There is a pet cremation service 
> about an hour from me that does individual cremations, and you can arrange to 
> attend if you want to.  I put his catnip heart in with him, and a dandelion 
> blossom, covered him with the petals from a red rose, and then let some of my 
> tears drop onto him.  I sat with him outside in a glider chair until they 
> were ready for him.  The weather was nice, and I looked out into a peaceful 
> wooded area.  Only the very slightest breeze, so the rose petals didn't blow 
> away.  I carried him inside when they were ready, but didn't remain for the 
> process.  I chose an urn that looks like a black cat (like Harley) crouching 
> to pounce on a mouse.  I may put it in his favorite hunting spot, if it 
> doesn't upset Brock (Harley's FeLV+ roommate).
> The last several days, Harley could only have broth (tuna juice, the juice 
> from Fancy Feast Appetizers, etc.) and he had a difficult time getting even 
> that down due to the growth of his cancer.  Rather than take the chance of 
> him choking on his broth over the weekend, I took him to the vet to help him 
> cross over.  He remained in bed nearly all the time the last 3 days, but 
> thanks to his pain meds, he did enjoy some pets, tummy rubs, and naps in his 
> last days.
> Marsha
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

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Re: [Felvtalk] Rehome one-year-old grey cat

2015-05-09 Thread Jennifer Lewis
On May 9, 2015, at 3:08 PM, wrote:

> If youi can afford it, keep him/her.  I have a nine year old that was 
> diagnosed at age 4.  She is still healthy as can be.  None of my other cats 
> has contracted FELV.
>  Maria Hunter  wrote: 
>> Hello, I am trying to find new homes for my sisters cats that she has been 
>> taking care of for a year now. The next door neighbor complained and was 
>> going to have them picked up by animal control. Therefore I had them brought 
>> to my garage by the help of a Cat rescue inc. volunteer. I have been trying 
>> to get help for adoption of five cats. Unfortunately I had one of them fixed 
>> yesterday and he is diagnosed with feline leukemia. Trying to find a new 
>> home for him. Any suggestions?
>> ___
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> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] Update on Harley & Brock

2015-04-28 Thread Jennifer Lewis
Oh My. Peace to you and your kitty kids
On Apr 28, 2015, at 9:25 PM, Kelley S wrote:

> I'm so sorry.  There is a good Yahoo feline heart disease group.  I lost my 
> Missy to heart disease.  
> On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 10:47 PM, Marsha  wrote:
> Harley has been with me 4.5 years, since he was a kitten of almost 4 months 
> old, FeLV+ since then.  Brock was adopted as a companion for Harley 7 months 
> ago, after Harley's FeLV+ buddy Milkdud died last May.
> Harley was diagnosed with cancer in the middle ear & jaw area in March, and 
> he had one palliative radiation treatment at the end of March.  He was 
> supposed to get his 2nd treatment a few days later, and the tumor had grown 
> just enough that he could not be intubated. No anesthesia = no radiation 
> treatment.  The tumor is causing some pressure behind his right eye, and is 
> pressing on the inner ear also, causing balance issues sometimes.  He gets 
> meloxicam and buprenorphine (extended release) every 3 days, and this keeps 
> him comfortable enough to eat (soft food & liquid), groom a little, roll over 
> for belly rubs, and once in a while bat a toy, scratch on his Turbo Scratcher 
> with the light-up ball, or rub his nose on a catnip toy.
> Brock gave me a shock.  I took him in for a voracious appetite without 
> gaining weight, and itchiness around the head and neck, thinking maybe 
> hyperthyroidism.  Blood work showed potential kidney issue, urinalysis the 
> same, high blood pressure.  An ultrasound was scheduled to look at the 
> kidneys, and everybody was surprise to find he had free fluid in his 
> abdominal area.  110 cc of chyle was drawn off, needle aspirations taken of 
> kidney and liver.  Almost certainly lymphoma, they thought.  Cytology came 
> back negative for that, and he went to see a cardiologist and get an 
> echocardiogram.  Final diagnosis:  restrictive cardiomyopathy with congestive 
> heart failure.  He is only 4-5 years old.  He does not look or act like 
> anything is wrong, and the physical exam never suggested he had that pleural 
> effusion in there.  Now he is on 4 heart meds, and a potassium supplement.  
> The pleural effusion is under control for now, but I've been told this kind 
> of cardiomyopathy is the worst of 3 kinds.
> Marsha, Harley, & Brock
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Re: [Felvtalk] Cat Tested Postive for FeLV

2015-01-18 Thread Jennifer Lewis
I reached out to the only rescuer I know in TX but no joy. Sorry
On Jan 18, 2015, at 3:26 AM, Lee Evans wrote:

> I was given this stray by a person with whom I used to do rescue. I am now 
> out of the rescue business and have over 30 cats who were not adoptable for 
> one reason or another. They are an aging group of cats. Occasionally I would 
> take in a FeLv+ cat to see if he or she would turn negative and most of them 
> did. The ones who did not went on to people who understood FeLV and were 
> willing to give the cat a chance at life. 
> Now I do have a problem. With  this white and spotted stray, who has 
> wonderful possibilities for being adopted, I do not have an isolation room. 
> Every room in my house has some type of regular cat or problem group(one eyed 
> FIV cats and cats who were losing weight and need extra nutrition). 
> Is there anyone on the list who lives in the San Antonio/Austin area or any 
> small town in this area who can foster the white cat to see if he overcomes 
> the virus? He has no symptoms except he eats like a pig and is underweight, 
> possibly from being an outside stray. I had a foster home for him but they 
> are not going to take a leukemia positive cat and my other two homes who do 
> accept leukemia  cats are over their limit already with cats who did not turn.
> Thanks for any help anyone can give. I do want this lovely little cat to have 
> a chance at a good life.
> Lee
> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] 5 leukemia positive kittens

2014-11-14 Thread Jennifer Lewis
I agree with Katherine. My rescue group was just happy that I was able to take 
and keep 2 + kitties that otherwise would have gone to a sanctuary after their 
long term fosters failed and bailed on them. 
As desperate as all rescue groups are for funds, they never even suggested a 
fee for either kitty. My baby Smoosh lasted for 14 months as she inherited the 
FeLV from her mother. Brynn came to me as an adult and is still here with us. 
We often think of getting her a companion, but our living situation is tenuous 
right now and we're in a holding pattern.
On Nov 14, 2014, at 9:05 AM, Katherine K. wrote:

> Amy,
> I wish you the best of luck in placing these kittens. I had a litter of 4 
> positive kittens and tried very hard to find good homes for them, with no 
> luck, so they lived with me until they passed away, most before they were 1 
> year old. It was a very busy year, but they were a lovely little group and it 
> was nice seeing them stay together as a family for the time they had. 
> I have to agree with Kelley that a $115 adoption fee in reality is not likely 
> to help you get them placed in homes. In my experience, people just don't 
> want to adopt and get attached to, much less pay a fee for, a kitty who will 
> probably not live long. I was lucky enough to be working with a larger rescue 
> organization who covered their shots, spay/neuters and testing expenses. I 
> just provided the home, food, love and tears :) 
> I suggest making flyers with the best photos you can get, and make them sound 
> very friendly and loving. Play the sympathy card for all it's worth! :)
> Good luck,
> Katherine
> On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 11:44 AM, Kelley S  wrote:
> I must not be getting all the posts.  FELV+ kittens are very hard to 
> place,and the adoption fee you are charging doesn't make it easier.  I too do 
> rescue.   We adopted out a double positive cat to a person on this list. We 
> altered her, vaccinated her, tested and retested her.  We charged $25 and 
> today I doubt we'd charge that. She went to an excellent home, we got 
> pictures and updates.  She recently was euthanized due to severe 
> cardiomyopathy and lived 7.5 years.  I wish you the best of luck testing your 
> 5.  Maybe someone here has room for a new kitty:)
> On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 8:53 AM,  wrote:
>  Amy  wrote:
> > Did she get leukemia as a kitten?  I have a 12 year old leuk positive but I 
> > didn't get him til he was three so not sure if he had it as a kitten or an 
> > adult.  I also just lost one of my leuk positives that was 12, also got her 
> > around 4 so not sure when she got leukemia.  Anybody that I had with 
> > leukemia as a kitten hasn't made it past 2 :(  I know any of them can defy 
> > the odds and I always tell people that but I will warn people that there 
> > may be heartbreak ahead.  I think it is only fair.  Never stopped me from 
> > helping these little ones though.  They are all so special.
> >
> > We just had an entire litter convert at our rescue (which the vets and the 
> > specialists have told me is really unusual) so I'm hoping for the best for 
> > these little cuties.  So happy your Annie is doing well!!!
> >
> >
> > 
> >  From: "" 
> > To: Amy ;
> > Sent: Friday, November 14, 2014 9:28 AM
> > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] 5 leukemia positive kittens
> >
> >
> > OLD .
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  Amy  wrote:
> > > I volunteer for a rescue in Rochester, NY and have also owned leukemia 
> > > positive cats (rescues) for years.  We were recently contacted by 
> > > somebody that adopted out a kitten from a litter of 5 that she found 
> > > outdoors.  She got a call from the adopters that the kitten tested 
> > > positive and that the people needed to bring him back.  She wanted help 
> > > so we paid to have all 5 kittens tested this week.  All five are 
> > > positive.  The foster is willing to hold them for 30 days so we can 
> > > retest them but she does not want to euthanize (nor would we suggest 
> > > that) and she can't keep them.  She has five cats of her own and can't 
> > > take another 5.  She would like us to try to find adoptive homes for them.
> > >
> > > We have agreed to find homes for them if she will let us screen the homes 
> > > and do the adoptions through our rescue, Ani

Re: [Felvtalk] Such a short little life

2014-10-22 Thread Jennifer Lewis

So sorry for your loss I was just there with Smoosh a couple of months ago.


Where are you located?

On Oct 22, 2014, at 9:42 AM, Kamila Piotrowska wrote:

> They are ALL beautiful and lovable just have shorter life's but it is up to 
> us humans to take care of them and give them that warm  comfortable home to 
> be themselves, 
> I have 4 of FELV+ that rescue wanted to put down, and I have refused to agree 
> with them , since that time I'm looking for people who understand that 
> conditions and are willing to take them for that little time that they have. 
> If any one in this group is willing to take care of one or more FeLV+ kitten 
> please let me know, i have 3 siblings that are 6 months old and one 1 1/2 yo 
> girl as well, they are all fixed and up to date with vacc. Before you going 
> to say anything and judge, I do owe 5 cat of my own and one become positive 
> true fostering, I'm still not giving up, but my living situation will change 
> soon and can not provide for 9 cats. Please contact me if you are willing to 
> help them to find loveable home. 
> Thank you
>  Marta 
> On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 10:49 AM, Mercy Cats  wrote:
> Elisabeth,
> Please try to take comfort in the knowledge that Nanita would not have had 
> any life without you and your husband.  She had people who loved her, and 
> that is the most important thing.  You're very special.  It's been almost 
> five years since our Harley died at around 18 months of age.  He too was full 
> of mischief and loved playing crazy cat.  It still breaks my heart to think 
> of his loss, but I'll never regret adopting him.  Harley stuffed a lot of 
> life and love into that year and a half.
>   All three of you are in my thoughts and prayers.
> Sharon
> > From:
> > Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 08:58:38 -0600
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Such a short little life
> > 
> > Elisabeth,
> > Thank-you so much for sharing your story. I too have Felv + kitty of 6 mos. 
> > We’ve nicknamed him Slayer of Dragons! We’re all having so much fun with 
> > him. I do keep in the back of my mind that his life will be short. Trying 
> > like hell to just enjoy the moments I have with him. So sorry for your 
> > loss. 
> > In Sympathy,
> > Debi Kraal
> > On Oct 22, 2014, at 1:50 AM, Elisabeth Eastley  wrote:
> > 
> > > It is with the greatest sadness that I have to say that out little Nanita 
> > > passed away last night. She was just over a year old and had developed 
> > > lymphoma which grew quite quickly. Most of her life was spent getting up 
> > > to mischief and her nickname was Troublemaker. She was her Daddy's girl 
> > > and lived her life to the fullest. She was a happy and affectionate 
> > > little girl. Her loss leaves a hole that will never be filled.
> > > 
> > > Thank you to everyone who replied to my question.
> > > 
> > > With kindest regards
> > > 
> > > Elisabeth
> > > ___
> > > Felvtalk mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
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> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] Harley has a new friend

2014-09-28 Thread Jennifer Lewis
Congrats Marsha! 

I hope all works out well.. Our Brynn has been so lonely since we lost Smoosh, 
so I'd love to hear how it all goes.. We entertain getting her a new bud, but 
so far, all the +s that come our way are kittens, and given the mort rate, we 
are just too scared to go there after Smoosh... It's sad but the hole in our 
hearts is still too raw for us to think about a youngster (although we are such 
suckers when there's one in need)


On Sep 28, 2014, at 10:58 AM, Marsha wrote:

> My FeLV+ cat Harley has been alone since his buddy Milkdud died May 20.  I 
> have seen many FIV+ cats up for adoption during that time, but there haven't 
> been any local FeLV positives.  I  found one at a shelter nearly 2 hours away 
> and brought him home yesterday.  He is currently in an isolation cage up on a 
> table.  The shelter only tested him once, with a Snap/ELISA test.  I probably 
> should have waited until Monday and paid for their local vet to do an IFA, 
> but he is here now.  I'll call my vet 1st thing in the morning to get him in 
> for a new test.  The new boy's name is Brock, and he is all black, about 3 
> years old.
> Harley is fascinated by the new boy, but a tad jealous, and maybe even upset 
> that it wasn't Milkdud.  While I was getting Brock's crate situated in the 
> isolation cage, Harley snatched Brock's mouse toy and ran off with it.  Poor 
> Brock never even got to play with it!  But the shelter said he doesn't play 
> much, preferring to be petted and held.  That could be an issue when Brock is 
> released from the cage, if he ignores Harley's attempt to play and climbs in 
> my arms instead.  In the meantime, I am giving Harley lots of extra attention 
> and playing with him.
> Marsha
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

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Re: [Felvtalk] Blind positive cat

2014-09-25 Thread Jennifer Lewis
On Sep 25, 2014, at 9:41 AM, Katherine K. wrote:

> Just wanted to let everyone know that I got the blind kitty. He's sper 
> sweet. My other positive cat seems interested in meeting him, so hopefully 
> that's a good sign. 
> On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 3:34 PM, Jennifer Lewis  wrote:
> And be sure to introduce the new kid slowly.
> On Sep 23, 2014, at 12:06 PM, Grace Mifsud wrote:
> > Hi
> > I have homed a few blind shoud not be a problem giving this blind 
> > cat a home you just have to put litter,food water always in the same 
> > place.they will get so used to the house you will some times think they are 
> > not blind.
> > Grace
> >
> > "Katherine K."  wrote:
> >
> > Does anyone have experience with a blind FeLV+ cat? There is one near me 
> > who needs a home, so I am considering him. I think he is about 1-2 years 
> > old. I believe his blindness comes from a viral infection. I do not have 
> > stairs in my home, and I have been told he is littertrained. I plan to 
> > start him out in one room.
> >
> > I'm also concerned about stressing my 12 yo positive cat. He likes other 
> > cats, but I don't know how sensitive his immune system will be to a change 
> > in the household and would hate to cause him to have a health relapse due 
> > to introducing a new cat. On the other hand, I know how hard it is to 
> > rehome a positive cat, and since I already have a positive household, I 
> > feel like I should be open to helping other positives.
> >
> > Katherine
> > ___
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
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> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] Blind positive cat

2014-09-23 Thread Jennifer Lewis
And be sure to introduce the new kid slowly.
On Sep 23, 2014, at 12:06 PM, Grace Mifsud wrote:

> Hi 
> I have homed a few blind shoud not be a problem giving this blind cat 
> a home you just have to put litter,food water always in the same place.they 
> will get so used to the house you will some times think they are not blind. 
> Grace
> "Katherine K."  wrote:
> Does anyone have experience with a blind FeLV+ cat? There is one near me who 
> needs a home, so I am considering him. I think he is about 1-2 years old. I 
> believe his blindness comes from a viral infection. I do not have stairs in 
> my home, and I have been told he is littertrained. I plan to start him out in 
> one room. 
> I'm also concerned about stressing my 12 yo positive cat. He likes other 
> cats, but I don't know how sensitive his immune system will be to a change in 
> the household and would hate to cause him to have a health relapse due to 
> introducing a new cat. On the other hand, I know how hard it is to rehome a 
> positive cat, and since I already have a positive household, I feel like I 
> should be open to helping other positives. 
> Katherine
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

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Re: [Felvtalk] need some help/advice

2014-09-16 Thread Jennifer Lewis

I know Roughy doesn't like the vet, but you may need to get his chest x-rayed. 
Our Smoosh began having very labored breathing (and it happened very quickly) 
and when we took her in, x rays showed a massive amount of fluid had collected 
in her chest cavity; it was in essence smothering her.  You could not even see 
her heart and all you could see of her lungs looked like little feathers. She 
was a small (6 lb) cat  and around a pint of bloody fluid was extracted (which 
was found to contain squamous or cancer cells). We lost her shortly after to 
this fast moving cancer, as the fluid built up again very quickly and we could 
not watch her suffer. 

Sorry to bear  less-than-positive input, but this was our experience. Please 
talk to your vet about this.

Jennifer (and Smoosh)

On Sep 16, 2014, at 12:39 PM, Matt Pardo wrote:

> Thank you, Lee! I talked to my vet who is concerned that because of his 
> stress levels, we should see if his current treatment will help enough. He is 
> concerned that being hospitalized for a transfusion will be too much for him. 
> He gets EXTREMELY stressed to the point of making himself violently ill. He 
> was a feral cat for most of his life so he hates cars and all other people. 
> Anyway, he seems to be improving a tiny bit although I am hoping it isn’t my 
> mind playing tricks on me. I am excited that he is drinking water again and I 
> am hopeful that he will start eating on his own.
> No fleas…I haven’t let him outside (or any of my cats) for the last 4 years.
> Anyway, thanks again, Lee!
> From: Lee Evans [] 
> Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2014 8:01 PM
> To: Matt Pardo;
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] need some help/advice
> Roughy needs a transfusion if his breathing is labored. The anemia is getting 
> him. Can you take him to a clinic that offers blood-matching transfusions? My 
> poor Bunny had labored breathing and progressive anemia towards the end. Her 
> bone marrow was not producing any red cells. Maybe you can buy some time for 
> Roughy. His bone marrow may still be producing red cells but not in the 
> quantity he needs. If he gets a good dose of healthy blood, it will help him 
> eat again. You may need to stop the cortisone. You need a second opinion from 
> a vet who is up on the latest data regarding feline leukemia. What Roughy may 
> have is non-generative anemia but maybe not. He may still be in the stage of 
> generating red cells. Have you treated him for fleas? Cats can also get flea 
> anemia which responds well to a transfusion.
> On Sunday, September 14, 2014 7:14 PM, Matt Pardo  
> wrote:
> Thanks for the feedback, Lee. We were hoping that Roughy had turned negative 
> because we have had him for four years. He is our only FeLV+ cat and he is 
> FIV+/FeLV+. I feel like a real idiot for not getting him tested. I should 
> have been prepared for this. Right now, I am just praying we get through the 
> weekend. His breathing seems so difficult and I know he hasn’t slept very 
> much (nor have I). I am reading more about treatments and I am not sure my 
> vet is very current on treatments. He is a great vet, but he didn’t present 
> any real options. Ugh.
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Lee 
> Evans
> Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2014 5:54 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] need some help/advice
> Hi Matt -  I have had several cats who turned from FeLv+ to negative. One who 
> turned back to positive after turning to negative passed away very quickly. 
> Odd case because my other "turned cat" lived to be 12 years old. He was about 
> a year old when I rescued him, he was positive and then turned negative. 
> Lived a pretty long life too, considering he had been a street cat before I 
> got him.  I still have one who was both FeLv+ and FIV+. He turned negative 
> for leukemia but not for FIV but FIV is not a serious issue around my place. 
> They usually live as long as negative cats.
> I was under the impression that cats who are positive for leukemia are not 
> supposed to be given cortisone shots or oral cortisone medication. It will 
> increase a cat's appetite for a while, but not for long. Cortisone also has a 
> bad effect on the cat's kidneys if given regularly. I could not find anything 
> current on Facebook although there are a couple of pages for Leukemia 
> positive cats but no postings since 2011 and 2012. I don't think you will be 
> getting any up to the minute information on those pages.
> On Sunday, September 14, 2014 12:12 PM, Matt Pardo  
> wrote:
> Hi everyone, I am new to the list. I have been looking throug

Re: [Felvtalk] Felvtalk Digest, Vol 5, Issue 6

2014-08-14 Thread Jennifer Lewis

I'm sorry I've been out of touch. These past weeks have been very hard for us. 

Smoosh's FVRCP was from Pfizer called FELOCELL. She had no reaction to the 
shots, and I got them through one of my rescues. Again, we did not do rabies as 
she wasn't going anywhere once she came to us, but Brynn had hers as she was 
originally supposed to go to a sanctuary and the law required it.

Brynn has started to develop a fatty something on her side( I don't think it's 
a vac site) . We are monitoring it closely. She is so lonely without Smoosh. 
I'm really not sure who misses her the most, although I suspect it might be me.

On Aug 14, 2014, at 12:04 PM, Shelley Theye wrote:

> Hi Kat,
> Thanks so much for your reply. 
> Do you have any references or a website that covers the vaccination issue 
> with pos. cats 
> or are you speaking from personal experience, if so, can you share?
> Also, can you explain about the 'antbody problem that pos. cats have? 
> Leo actually had to be quarantined for rabies when I first got him, long 
> story, but I was having him retested for FeLV after his first pos.
> test, and the tech handled him roughly (he was still semi-feral at that 
> point) and as she was chasing him around 
> and trying to grab him with a towel he bit her, so she filed that with the 
> local animal control and he had to be quarantined 
> for 10 days, which was so upsetting in a number of ways.  He had received his 
> first Rabies vacc. less than 10 days prior to this
> so they said it wouldn't be effective yetI was worried that if he had a 
> chance to throw the virus off he 
> would lose that chance with the stress of quarantine.  He now is very sweet 
> but still afraid of anything new, so I guess I 
> am just paranoid about the whole rabies thing, not so much that he will get 
> rabies, but never want him to have to be 
> quarantined again!  
> Thanks so much! 
> Shelley
> On Aug 14, 2014, at 1:22 PM, Kat Parker  wrote:
>> Why do the rabies? I would do the fvrcp before the rabies and i won't so 
>> either one. If your cat is not outside at all, which especially with being 
>> positive i think not, and you don't have rabid animals around, again, 
>> probably not the case, why on earth would you give a rabies shot to a 
>> positive cat?  The law is ot going to be enforced in your home  it's not a 
>> big deal, but over vaccinating a positive cat is a big deal. They have that 
>> antibody problem of course and rabies vaccines are done to develop 
>> antibodies. 
>> On Thursday, August 14, 2014,  wrote:
>> Send Felvtalk mailing list submissions to
>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>> than "Re: Contents of Felvtalk digest..."
>> Today's Topics:
>>   1. Re: fvrcp vaccines- yes or no? (Shelley Theye)
>>   2. Re: New & have question (
>>   3. Re: FELV contagious (
>> --
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 13:44:06 -0400
>> From: Shelley Theye 
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] fvrcp vaccines- yes or no?
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252
>> Hi Lance,
>> I am not sure!  I will ask her.  She is pretty great.  Didn't even consider 
>> euth. when he tested positive.  Went ahead and neutered Leo and told me the 
>> news later that day.
>> I just keep thinking about what the folks on this list said last year when I 
>> asked, that their cats became sick after vaccinating.
>> Thanks for letting me know that Ember did OK without vaccines at the vet 
>> clinic.  I don't know if they make a purevax FVRCP.
>> We will do the Rabies, and vet said to wait at least 2 weeks between 
>> vaccines if do the FVRCP.  I thought that was good of her
>> to suggest too, because it is better not to do them all at once.  I never 
>> realized that until a few years ago.
>> I'll let you all know if I find out anything on this,  will probably just do 
>> the rabies though for now.
>> Shelley
>> On Aug 11, 2014, at 10:45 PM, Lance  wrote:
>>> I wish I had an answer for you. Would your vet be willing to log onto 
>>> Vetinfo to see what other vets are recommending for FeLV cats? I seem to 
>>> recall that Ember?s vet recommended that she be vaccinated, but we never 
>>> did that. Despite her low white count, she never picked anything up at the 
>>> vet?s office as far as I know. Even the den

Re: [Felvtalk] Just tested positive

2014-07-26 Thread Jennifer Lewis
First off, Thank you all so much for your condolences. 
Smoosh was absolutely a 'cat of a lifetime' in every way (and every day), and 
losing her has rocked me to my core. 

My vet, Dr Stan Avezov of Pasadena Pets Hospital in Pasadena, CA could not have 
been any more wonderful with her, and supportive of us.
He is compassionate and understanding to the nth degree, and I would never 
hesitate for a moment to advocate for him. 
We have financial limitations (Smoosh and Brynn were supposed to be 
weekend/temp fosters through a rescue until they tested + and their long term 
situations bailed on them) but he has consistently worked with us always for 
the greatest good for the girls throughout their lives. He also is absolutely 
my 'go to' for my other kitties as well, and we are kinda 'the Island of Misfit 
Toys' at my house. I have a kidney survivor, a senior, a cripple and a 

Brynn continues to thrive with his help and guidance, although she really 
misses her Smoosh, as do I.

I wish everyone had a vet like Dr Stan.


On Jul 26, 2014, at 4:02 PM, wrote:

>  Marsha  wrote: 
>> Holy crap, not even an IFA confirmation?!  I once took a feral in to be 
>> spayed, only to discover in the afternoon they didn't do the surgery 
>> when she tested positive, and they couldn't get hold of me for 
>> instructions.  Now I make sure to give instructions beforehand - go 
>> ahead with the spay or neuter regardless of FeLV / FIV status (though I 
>> might hold off if there was a positive on the  heartworm test).
>> Marsha
>>  On 7/25/2014 12:54 PM, Kelley S wrote:
>>> The low cost spay clinic I took Merlin to recommended immediate euth 
>>> for merls, without so much as an IFA.  Of course I said no.  THen I 
>>> found my holistic vet who boosts their system through supplements.
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] Just tested positive

2014-07-24 Thread Jennifer Lewis
We said goodnight to my heart, my Smoosh about an hour ago. 
She contracted the virus from her feral mom, and came to us at 8 weeks after 
being trapped. We loved her dearly for 13 wonderful months until she left with 
my heart tonight. 

On Jul 24, 2014, at 6:12 PM, Maya D'Alessio wrote:

> I am a microbiologist, so the lack of research really does frustrate me. I 
> was asking the vet if we know if the viral load increases over time like in 
> hiv. He said there was very limited funding for felv research. Very 
> frustrating.
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] 2nd holistic vet visit

2014-03-27 Thread Jennifer Lewis
On Mar 27, 2014, at 3:10 PM, wrote:

> Sounds good!  The web shows it's esterified fatty acids, but it's hard to 
> find an understandable definition. How/where can one get it Michelle?  
> Gloria
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 27, 2014, at 4:46 PM, wrote:
>> Esterilized Fatty Acids for oral health seriously helped my FIV+ cat with 
>> horrible stomatitis. Was like a miracle. A veterinary dentist put him on it.
>> Michelle
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Kelley 
>> To: felvtalk 
>> Sent: Wed, Mar 26, 2014 10:20 pm
>> Subject: [Felvtalk] 2nd holistic vet visit
>> Took Merls in today.  Could not afford it but I was really worried about his 
>> mouth.  He has nasty lesions but is still eating.  He will be on the feline 
>> immune booster as well as a holistic concoction for his mouth. Recheck in 3 
>> weeks.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] Holistic vs traditional vets for felv

2014-03-15 Thread Jennifer Lewis
Go for it. I've already shared them there and will continue to do so. Where are 
you, Kelley? There may be some additional options for assistance...
On Mar 15, 2014, at 11:27 AM, Gloria B. Lane wrote:

> I think FB page for the kitties is a good idea.
> On Mar 15, 2014, at 1:25 PM, Kelley wrote:
>> Yes that was just for whoever said the  interest rate was low. It is not.   
>> But they do have a 6 month interest free option.  
>> Thanks to a donation I almost have enough to take one of them to the vet. It 
>> is 35 dollars for the holistic vet with a discount on Wednesdays. 
>> I'm feeling better since I got the donation and am thinking of making a 
>> Facebook page for the kitties - what do y'all think?  
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 15, 2014, at 1:13 PM, "Gloria B. Lane"  wrote:
>>> Good grief!  26% is beyond high.
>>> On Mar 15, 2014, at 12:47 PM, Kelley wrote:
 Just tried and was turned down which is what I figured.  But I did try.  
 Interest is 26% unless you pay it off in 6 months by the way. 
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Mar 14, 2014, at 11:21 PM, wrote:
> Have you looked into Care Credit? It's very low or no interest and is 
> only for vet and medical expenses. Some vets take it. 
> Not that I think a visit to a holistic vet is necessarily necessary. 
> People have had mixed experiences with them. 
> I had 6 FeLV+ cats. One, who was also FIV+, lived to about 9 years old. 
> Most of the others lived to about 5. One died at 18 months. You 
> definitely need to take as good care of them as possible, get problems 
> treated quickly, and try to keep their lives stress-free, but beyond that 
> I think, to some extent, that it is a crap shoot.. 
> Michelle
> -Original Message-
> From: Kelley 
> To: felvtalk 
> Sent: Fri, Mar 14, 2014 11:54 pm
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Holistic vs traditional vets for felv
> I'm actually going to have to cancel their appointment. Can't pay for it.
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Mar 14, 2014, at 8:48 PM,  wrote:
> > 
> > My FeLeuk girl sees an integrative vet, who practices both holistic and 
> traditional medicine. She gets bicom treatments
> > from her, as well as various holistic medicines. She is stable
> > and even gaining weight on this regimen. I think this is
> > better care for her than she would get from a traditional
> > vet. 
> > Just my experience...
> > 
> > Chris C.
> > 
> > -Original Message- From: Kelley Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 
> > 8:01 PM 
> To: Subject: [Felvtalk] Holistic vs 
> traditional vets 
> for felv 
> > What are your thoughts on this?
> > 
> > Sent from my iPhone
> > 
> > ___
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> > ___
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
 Felvtalk mailing list
>>> ___
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>> ___
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> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] Holistic vs traditional vets for felv

2014-03-15 Thread Jennifer Lewis
On Mar 15, 2014, at 11:13 AM, Gloria B. Lane wrote:

> Good grief!  26% is beyond high.
> On Mar 15, 2014, at 12:47 PM, Kelley wrote:
>> Just tried and was turned down which is what I figured.  But I did try.  
>> Interest is 26% unless you pay it off in 6 months by the way. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 14, 2014, at 11:21 PM, wrote:
>>> Have you looked into Care Credit? It's very low or no interest and is only 
>>> for vet and medical expenses. Some vets take it. 
>>> Not that I think a visit to a holistic vet is necessarily necessary. People 
>>> have had mixed experiences with them. 
>>> I had 6 FeLV+ cats. One, who was also FIV+, lived to about 9 years old. 
>>> Most of the others lived to about 5. One died at 18 months. You definitely 
>>> need to take as good care of them as possible, get problems treated 
>>> quickly, and try to keep their lives stress-free, but beyond that I think, 
>>> to some extent, that it is a crap shoot.. 
>>> Michelle
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Kelley 
>>> To: felvtalk 
>>> Sent: Fri, Mar 14, 2014 11:54 pm
>>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Holistic vs traditional vets for felv
>>> I'm actually going to have to cancel their appointment. Can't pay for it.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> > On Mar 14, 2014, at 8:48 PM,  wrote:
>>> > 
>>> > My FeLeuk girl sees an integrative vet, who practices both holistic and 
>>> traditional medicine. She gets bicom treatments
>>> > from her, as well as various holistic medicines. She is stable
>>> > and even gaining weight on this regimen. I think this is
>>> > better care for her than she would get from a traditional
>>> > vet. 
>>> > Just my experience...
>>> > 
>>> > Chris C.
>>> > 
>>> > -Original Message- From: Kelley Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 8:01 
>>> > PM 
>>> To: Subject: [Felvtalk] Holistic vs traditional 
>>> vets 
>>> for felv 
>>> > What are your thoughts on this?
>>> > 
>>> > Sent from my iPhone
>>> > 
>>> > ___
>>> > Felvtalk mailing list
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > 
>>> > ___
>>> > Felvtalk mailing list
>>> >
>>> >
>>> ___
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>>> ___
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>> ___
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> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] euthanized Shallie Marie, yesterday the last of "my"

2014-01-04 Thread Jennifer Lewis
So Sorry, but glad for the love you had.

Jen, Brynn and Munch
On Jan 4, 2014, at 5:26 PM, wrote:

> I’m so sorry.
> Chris C.
> From: Beth
> Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2014 2:40 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] euthanized Shallie Marie, yesterday the last of "my"
> So sorry! My thoughts are with you & the fur baby.
> Beth
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
> From: czadna sacarawicz ; 
> To: feline leukemia list ; 
> Subject: [Felvtalk] euthanized Shallie Marie, yesterday the last of "my" 
> Sent: Sat, Jan 4, 2014 7:53:53 PM 
> six that tested positive in March 2010.
> Thanks for being with us - - lights in the darkness.  I had suspected she was 
> crashing.  Vets thought it was dental . . .   two weeks later.  will leave it 
> there.  
> Now she joins her intrepid son Isaac, Mama and Luscious, Torie Rose and 
> BreAnne.  
> cz
> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] Prayers needed for Bear

2013-12-24 Thread Jennifer Lewis

You're in my Christmas prayers.

On Dec 24, 2013, at 4:15 PM, wrote:

> Turns out it does not look like FIP, looks like hemolytic anemia, where he is 
> killing off his own red blood cells, and the vet simply did not keep him on a 
> high enough dose of immune-suppressants so he crashed again. Now he is really 
> bad. I don't know what his chances are at this point, but I do not think they 
> are good, though the vets say he can turn around. He just got a transfusion 
> and they are starting him on cyclosporine, a stronger immune suppressant. And 
> doxycycline.
> Please send him prayers. He is FIV+, not FeLV+, though he has had as many 
> issues as my FeLV cats did. I got back on this list looking for feline 
> interferon, which I don't need, but one thing I know this list is good for is 
> prayers. Please pray it's a good Christmas for Bear and he responds well to 
> the transfusion and the cyclosporine.
> thank you,
> Michelle
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Re: [Felvtalk] Uneven pupils

2013-12-21 Thread Jennifer Lewis
On Dec 21, 2013, at 12:03 PM, Margo wrote:

> Clindrops is likely Clindamycin. It has several trade names, including 
> Antirobe. Also comes in little tiny pills. The liquid tastes foul, but is 
> better cold, s refrigerate it. Try to follow it with something tasty. It is 
> good for mouth issues, as well as abcesses, and some types of pneumonia. One 
> I try to keep on hand.
> Margo
> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> Sent: Dec 21, 2013 1:12 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Uneven pupils
>> I gave my Pookie "Clin Drops" (short for clin...something). Very 
>> economical. Works well for infections that are in the mouth or tissues. 
>> Very economical. I also took him for acupuncture. Carolyn
>> On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 12:29 AM, Jennifer Lewis wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Off topic or a new one.
>>> My poor Bryyn is having an awful time. Does anyone have experience 
>>> with severe mouth pain? I've been told by vets that she's too young 
>>> for stomatitis, but she's having a horrific time.
>>> My vet prescribed prednisone, but not only does it not seem to help, 
>>> we're leery of it for the long term and honestly can't afford it.
>>> It seemed to be mostly jaw/lymph related as she would freak when 
>>> yawning, but it's getting worse and I'm beside myself. She also has 
>>> awful breath which makes me think as well it may be stomatitis.
>>> Please help!
>>> Jen
>>> On Dec 20, 2013, at 3:42 PM, Lorrie wrote:
>>>> One of my cats has uneven pupils, but he is not FelV positive.
>>>> He was hit on the head by some low life bastard before I rescued him.
>>>> Lorrie
>>>> On 12-20, wrote:
>>>>>  The only ones I've had with uneven pupils are Felv cats, and then 
>>>>> only
>>>>>  a couple.
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Re: [Felvtalk] Stomatitis

2013-12-21 Thread Jennifer Lewis
Thanks Lorrie!
On Dec 21, 2013, at 5:05 AM, Lorrie wrote:

> Read below...
> On 12-20, Jennifer Lewis wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> My poor Bryyn is having an awful time. Does anyone have experience with
>> severe mouth pain? I've been told by vets that she's too young for
>> stomatitis, but she's having a horrific time.
>> My vet prescribed prednisone, but not only does it not seem to help, we're
>> leery of it for the long term and honestly can't afford it.
>> It seemed to be mostly jaw/lymph related as she would freak when yawning,
>> but it's getting worse and I'm beside myself. She also has awful breath
>> which makes me think as well it may be stomatitis.
>> Please help!
>> Jen
> Jen, I don't believe stomatitis is only a problem in older cats.
> Some cats that are quite young have it.  I have delt with it and
> it is difficult to deal with.  Vets usually alternate between pred.
> and antibiotics, and in worse case scenario all the cats teeth must
> be removed, which is quite costly.  Howvever since you mention this
> jaw/lymph connection I'd definitely get another opinion. It may not
> be her teeth at all.
> Lorrie
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Re: [Felvtalk] Uneven pupils

2013-12-20 Thread Jennifer Lewis
Hi all,

Off topic or a new one.
My poor Bryyn is having an awful time. Does anyone have experience with severe 
mouth pain? I've been told by vets that she's too young for stomatitis, but 
she's having a horrific time. 

My vet prescribed prednisone, but not only does it not seem to help, we're 
leery of it for the long term and honestly can't afford it.

It seemed to be mostly jaw/lymph related as she would freak when yawning, but 
it's getting worse and I'm beside myself. She also has awful breath which makes 
me think as well it may be stomatitis.

Please help!

On Dec 20, 2013, at 3:42 PM, Lorrie wrote:

> One of my cats has uneven pupils, but he is not FelV positive.
> He was hit on the head by some low life bastard before I rescued him.
> Lorrie
> On 12-20, wrote:
>>   The only ones I've had with uneven pupils are Felv cats, and then only
>>   a couple.
> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] Best litter for FeLV?

2013-11-13 Thread Jennifer Lewis
I love World's Best, but can't afford it right now. I'd rather spend $$ on good 
food and care.

For my FELV's I am using unmedicated Laying Hen crumble. Yes, chicken feed. 
Available at any feed store, and these days urban chickens are tres chic so 
it's easy to find.
I got it because one of my girls was only 2 months and we were scared she'd eat 
clay, and we've stuck with it. It's very similar to WB (It's corn), clumps, 
LIGHT, and 50 lbs is around $16 (and that's in LA). Low dust.
OH, and did I mention it is FLUSHABLE?

I wish all the other kids would use it, but my diabetic won't so she will pee 
everywhere, so only the girls get it. That clay s**t is heavy and dusty.

Jen, Brynn and Munch

PS. Brynn has a kitty cold :(
On Nov 13, 2013, at 4:11 PM, wrote:

> I will still stick with World's Best.  In fact the reason I switched to it is 
> being able to sift out clumps and not the whole box.  I have 5 cats and even 
> in the winter months when they cannot go outside, it lasts a long time.  It 
> is also half the weight of clay.
>  Lee Evans  wrote: 
>> I'm not very enthusiastic about clumping litter. If you use it properly, you 
>> have to use the whole darn bag to get it to clump properly and not turn into 
>> a cement block because you did not use enough. If you use the whole bag, 
>> it's very expensive because when you scoop the clumps, the litter MUST be 
>> replaced, again to get it to clump properly and not glue itself to the 
>> litter box. If you replace it you spend more money. If you use the generic 
>> store brand, you get 40 pound clumps that eventually bond together and need 
>> to be disposed of in an industrial waste dump. LOL. Not everything that is 
>> advertised is really as magical as it seems to be.

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] research on feline interferon alpha

2013-11-12 Thread Jennifer Lewis

Jen L
On Nov 12, 2013, at 7:58 AM, Shelley Theye wrote:

> Thanks Katherine.  So LTCI is the same thing Lance is referring to as  feline 
> recombinant interferon omega ?
> Shelley
> On Nov 12, 2013, at 9:34 AM, Katherine K. wrote:
>> Hi Shelley and Jennifer,
>> When my 10 yr old cat was first diagnosed in July, I found this forum to be 
>> helpful in learning about LTCI: 
>>  It's not very active now, but it's a good resource and folks will still 
>> respond to you if you post there. 
>> My cat was running a fever, had gone from 13 lbs to 11.5, wasn't eating and 
>> was lethargic when he was first diagnosed. I don't remember his RBC count at 
>> the moment. We ordered LTCI for him and gave him 3 injections in the first 
>> week, then went to once a week for 2 weeks, then once every 2 weeks for a 
>> few weeks, and now he gets it once a month. He has returned to his normal 
>> self. He was also on a low dose of prednisone for a month. I don't know 
>> which medicine helped pull him out of the woods but I'm glad to keep trying 
>> the LTCI if it keeps him healthy. It costs me about $50 per injection though 
>> so it's not something I'm financially able to try on my 4 positive kittens.
>> Katherine
>> On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 8:04 AM, Shelley Theye  wrote:
>> Lance,
>> Thanks so much for explaining the difference between the 2 interferons.  I 
>> did not realize that there were 2 types.  I had asked Leo's new vet about 
>> using it as a preventative, and  since she could easily get interferon, now 
>> I know that it was  the human one.  Anyway, he is not symptomatic right now, 
>> so the only thing I give him occasionally is Lysine.
>> Shelley
>> Shelley Theye
>> On Nov 11, 2013, at 8:50 PM, Lance wrote:
>>> I think the de Mari feline recombinant interferon omega study was done with 
>>> symptomatic FeLV+ cats. I think. If I already had interferon omega and 
>>> Ember was symptomatic, I would definitely try it. I know very little about 
>>> what is suggested with LTCI (symptomatic vs. asymptomatic for treatment). 
>>> Their website should mention this.
>>> To clarify, there are two types of interferon given for FeLV+ cats: 1) 
>>> interferon alpha (a product for humans that has anecdotally shown promise, 
>>> but studies have failed to verify this) and 2) feline recombinant 
>>> interferon omega (anecdotal evidence AND studies have shown promise).
>>> It’s easy to get #1 from pretty much any vet. They can write a prescription 
>>> and have it filled by Roadrunner or another pharmacy that does 
>>> drugs/compounding for pets. It’s also cheap. I think it’s ~$40 for a month 
>>> and a half supply using the 5 days on/5 days off protocol.
>>> It’s somewhat difficult and expensive to get #2.Your vet has to go through 
>>> an FDA program that used to be called Compassionate Use. This allows your 
>>> vet clearance to import feline recombinant interferon omega, which they 
>>> need, as it’s not sold in the US. There’s paperwork involved, though I 
>>> don’t think it’s horrible. A dedicated, compassionate vet will do this for 
>>> you. You then have to pay (through your vet) Abbeyvet In England for the 
>>> drug and the overnight shipping—overnight from England. When I last priced 
>>> this, it was ~$1300 for the drug and the shipping. I believe this is for 
>>> something like 15 doses, but that’s all you give in a year, according to 
>>> the established protocol. At least with feline recombinant interferon 
>>> omega, you know you have something that has been proven to work, unlike 
>>> other drugs I could mention. Will it produce results for a particular FeLV+ 
>>> cat? Maybe?
>>> If Pookie is doing well, then I agree: don’t rock the boat. You might still 
>>> look into what it would take to get feline recombinant interferon omega 
>>> imported. Your vet might never have heard of it, and it might be useful to 
>>> ask them to look into it. If you decide to do it down the road, you have 
>>> that much less work to do to get it here.
>>> On Nov 11, 2013, at 6:48 PM, wrote:
>>>> I took Pookie to the one of four vets in Wisconsin who has done LTCI 
>>>> inject

Re: [Felvtalk] research on feline interferon alpha

2013-11-11 Thread Jennifer Lewis
Has anyone tried any other the other meds out there, like Lymphocyte T-Cell 
Immunomodulator (LTCI)?

Jennifer L, Munchkin and Brynn

On Nov 11, 2013, at 12:54 PM, MaryChristine wrote:

> not new to most of us, but always good to see things get the "official" 
> recognition. tho it does end as most research articles do, "more research is 
> needed."
> MC
> --
> Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
> Maybe That'll Make The Difference 
> MaryChristine
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Re: [Felvtalk] Bunny Passed Away This Evening

2013-10-31 Thread Jennifer Ballew
Sorry to hear about your kitty.  I went through a similar thing a few weeks
ago when my own kitty passed away.  It's very hard!  My sympathies.  :-(

On Oct 31, 2013 4:50 PM, "Lee Evans"  wrote:

> She came to me two and a half years ago when she was around 9 months old.
> She had been abandoned at an apartment complex, rescued but then tested
> FeLv+. She was brought to me to see if she would turn negative. She did! I
> kept her anyway because she had a few bad habits, like biting my fingers
> when I was sleeping and trying to tear apart my iPod headphones. She was
> very mischievous. I named her Bunny because she was brought to me on Easter
> Sunday.  She has lived with me and two other cats in my bedroom/home office
> since that Easter in 2011. About two weeks ago I noticed a change in her
> behavior. She no longer pestered Delilah, the resident female cat in the
> room and she seemed to lose interest in sleeping on the bed with me and
> Samson and Delilah (the two other cats in the room). However she was eating
> normally and nothing else seemed out of place. I assumed that it was the
> change in the weather from very hot to nice, cool evenings and then to
> rain. On Saturday of last week she seemed lethargic. She was not eating her
> usual amount of food and not drinking her usual amount of water. I checked
> her gums to see if it might be stomatitis or some bad tooth upsetting her
> but her gums were very pale and so was her tongue. I immediately thought it
> was flea anemia. I took her to the vet on Tuesday because Monday is usually
> very busy with dogs there. She was more lethargic and depressed by then and
> her appetite had all but disappeared. She was still drinking water. She had
> no fleas so I asked the vet to re-test her for FeLv. Sure enough, she was
> positive. She had all the classic symptoms of active FeLv. I was heart
> broken but still, I asked him to give her some meds to make her more
> comfortable and perhaps get back her appetite. He gave her cortisone.
> Today, she was no better. She just lay on her towel and couldn't make it to
> the litter box although it was just a few steps away. I took her in again
> and he gave her some fluids, not too much because he said it would make her
> even more anemic. He gave her a little more cortisone to try to kick start
> her appetite. I had been syringe feeding her by then. He also gave her a
> small dose of Convenia and some B-complex but nothing helped. She passed
> several hours after the vet visit. I probably should have had him help her
> pass but I just didn't want to give up hope.
> There is a question here, in all this upsetting dialog. My other two cats
> who slept with me and Bunny and groomed each other, ate with each other,
> drank and used the same litter box are around 7 years old. The vet told me
> that once they are into adulthood, they are not as likely to get FeLv as
> they would if they were under 2 years old. Is this true? I will have them
> tested in about 3 weeks anyway to see what happened, if anything. Also, has
> anyone had the experience of a young cat throwing off the virus and turning
> negative, then turning positive again after a year, or was that second test
> after I had held her in isolation for 4 months a false negative?
> Right now I'm fostering a kitten who has tested negative for FIV/FeLv. She
> is several rooms away from where Bunny has lived. They never came in
> contact with each other but I have walked from my bedroom into the kitten's
> room to feed, clean, etc.. Did I put her at risk?
> This is desperately upsetting. I have decided not to take in any more
> fosters with FeLv. I have never had this happen before. Most of my "turned"
> cats are still with me and are well into several years of adulthood. I
> usually don't have good results with getting turned cats adopted because
> most people don't want the possibility that the cat is harboring the
> disease. Maybe Bunny had it in her bone marrow and tested negative on the
> regular SNAP test. I should have tested with the IFA also but don't have
> much money to spare.
> ___
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Re: [Felvtalk] virus has finally caught up with her

2013-10-11 Thread Jennifer Ballew

Thank you for the kind words.  I debated back and forth, and after a
lnng discussion with the vet I decided putting her down was the
best thing for her.  I did what you did: gave her the best life I could,
but let her go when it was time.

Thanks again,
On Oct 11, 2013 5:41 AM, "Lorrie"  wrote:

> Dear Jennifer,
> You did the right thing. I have had many FelV cats, and other
> than giving fluids to make them more comfortable or taking care of
> something like an infection that a vet can treat, I will NOT put a
> cat of mine thru any heroic measures. I have tried assist feeding,
> and I've watched them gag and try to get away from me. This is pure
> torture for them as well as for me, the torturer. I know a lot of you
> will disagree with me, but when a FelV cat becomes desperately ill I
> put them down.  I give my FelV cats as good a life as I can while
> they are alive and well, but when they are dying I let them go.
> Thank you for making the brave decision you made.  You will miss
> Sasha terribly, but you did the kindest thing you could for her.
> Hugs for you from Lorrie
> On 10-10, Jennifer Ballew wrote:
> >Put Sasha down today.  I think it was time.  :-(
> >
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