[Felvtalk] Clean-up/Dealing with Virus afterwards?

2010-04-28 Thread Joe Reil
Hi all,

I had a message earlier this month about the cat we lost to FELV, Stitch. She'd 
been positive for several years and was the only cat we had.

We're not anywhere near ready emotionally to get another cat yet, and probably 
won't be for at least a few months, but I do know we will at some point so I'd 
like to see if there's anything special or particular we should be doing now to 
make sure there aren't any live remnants of the virus around when we do?




Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Felvtalk Digest (Re: Introduction - Chewie and Stitch)

2010-04-10 Thread Joe Reil
Thanks everyone for the well wishes. We're down to just a dog, at the moment 
now, and it's very weird not having a cat in the house at all (first time in 10 
years!). :(

I hope I'm done with dealing with this disease - having two go well before 
their time was bad enough - but I am glad I know about it some at least, and 
I'm certainly better armed to protect any future cats we may have from it.


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Felvtalk - introduction - Chewie and Stitch

2010-04-08 Thread Joe Reil
Good evening,

I don't know if anyone currently active remembers me, I first signed up for 
this list in April of 2007, when one cat (Chewie) was diagnosed with FELV after 
getting sick.

I haven't been really active on here since, but I thought I'd post again with 
an update. My original introduction message is copied below.

It is with sadness that I report that Stitch, who I mentioned originally has 
having been tested shortly after Chewie died has now left us, almost exactly 3 
years after Chewie did.

Stitch has done great these last few years, we never had any problems and had 
some hopes that she might have fought the virus off.

Sadly, this was not the case. She started acting sick this weekend and we 
brought her to the vet on Tuesday. She'd lost a few pounds since her last 
visit, and a blood test revealed that she was very low on red blood cells, the 
Vet thinking that she had a bone marrow disease as she didn't seem to have any 
new red blood cells at all (could this be myeloproliferative leukemia, which 
I've seen mentioned in other places?). Given that she was FELV positive and was 
clearly suffering, we decided to have her put to sleep.

Anyway, though I haven't been really active here, folks were very helpful after 
my initial post and the info and support I did get here were instrumental in 
keeping Stich as healthy as she was for as long as she was. It's still really 
hard, but I know that we did everything that we could for her.

She was a very special kitty, and she'll be greatly missed.

These are direct links to photos I have stored on my Facebook stage, I'm not 
sure if they'll work like this, but we shall see. These are both very recent 
photos of Stitch:




Joe Reil

Howdy all,

This is my first post to this list, thought I'd do a
bit of intro.

We had three cats in our family. The older two were
both "castaways" that were adopted as adults. Zoro was
the oldest and I adopted him from a co-worker when I
lived by myself. He died several years ago.

The remaining two were Stitch and Chewie. Chewie was
the next oldest. She had a really hard start to life,
she was originally found, as a stray by some friends
of ours. She was probably two or three at the time and
she had evidence of being abused - she had some
suspicious scars on her underside.

She lived with them for a while, very shy/nervous and
eventually came out of her shell. A couple years
later, they had to move, and couldn't take her with
them so we took her in. We had her for several years
as well and while we don't know her exact age, best
estimate put her at 8-10 years old when she died last

She had a loss of appetite and started losing weight.
She had two trips to the Vet - after the first visit
she took a serious turn for the worse so we had her
back at the vet only a few days later. A blood test on
the second visit revealed that she had FelV. So,
considering she was very sick and was suffering from a
pretty serious disease we opted to put her to sleep
then. :(

I didn't know much about FelV then (and I'm still
learning about it), but information from both our Vet
and online resources I found indicated that it was
contagious so we decided to have our third (and
youngest) cat tested for it. Stitch is the only one we
got as a Kitten and she's about 3.5 years old.

I brought her to the vet this weekend and she tested
positive for FelV. :(

I do intend to learn as much as I can about the
disease so we can keep her with us as long as
possible. I know that it will eventually catch up to
her and our main thing will be to put that off as long
as possible. She's still young and healthy so
hopefully that'll be a long time still. :)

We had been planning to get a second cat, but we've
put that plan on hold now. I know it is possible to
inoculate against FelV, but given that the vaccine
takes a while to take effect, we'd either have to
quarantine the new cat until the vaccine took effect
or find it someplace else to live for a month or so,
and on top of all that I don't think we want to put
Stitch through the stress of another housemate at the
moment (she doesn't react well to strangers).




Felvtalk mailing list

Re: Stitch - Questions!

2007-04-20 Thread Joe Reil
Stitch devoured the Turducken, I guess the name didn't
throw her off so much.

--- wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> lololol...you guys are so damn funny!!!  thanks for
> the laugh.  turducken cracks me up!  
> --- Joe Reil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The other thing with the Merrick's is, at least
> > among
> > the 6 or 7 flavors they had available at my pet
> > store,
> > about half of them contained some sort of
> shellfish
> > (Crab, Crawfish or Lobster).
> > 
> > My wife is severely allergic to shellfish and we
> > don't
> > bring any into the house, so that ruled out about
> > half
> > of what they had available right up front.
> > 
> > Stitch seems to like the Pot Pie variety, trying
> > something else tonight...
> > 
> > 
> > > Mine like the merrick, but prefer certain
> flavors.
> > > Favs are Grammy's Pot Pie and
> > > Southern Delight. They seem to NOT like the
> > > Turducken as much... but then would I
> > > like something with the word "turd" in it's name
> > > either? LOL!
> > > 
> > > Phaewryn
> > > 
> > > http://ucat.us/domesticcatlinks.html
> > > Special Needs Cat Resources

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Re: Stitch - Questions!

2007-04-16 Thread Joe Reil
The other thing with the Merrick's is, at least among
the 6 or 7 flavors they had available at my pet store,
about half of them contained some sort of shellfish
(Crab, Crawfish or Lobster).

My wife is severely allergic to shellfish and we don't
bring any into the house, so that ruled out about half
of what they had available right up front.

Stitch seems to like the Pot Pie variety, trying
something else tonight...


> Mine like the merrick, but prefer certain flavors.
> Favs are Grammy's Pot Pie and
> Southern Delight. They seem to NOT like the
> Turducken as much... but then would I
> like something with the word "turd" in it's name
> either? LOL!
> Phaewryn
> http://ucat.us/domesticcatlinks.html
> Special Needs Cat Resources

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Re: Stitch - Questions!

2007-04-15 Thread Joe Reil
> Hi Joe,
> I have seen several times on two different kitty
> 'sites' that some cats don't like Merrick, so don't
> be
> surprised if Stitch won't eat it.  I hope he does,
> because it's supposed to be good stuff, but if not,
> there's other good stuff out there.  BTW...I could
> use
> your advice in making weekly supplies of salad for
> myself...lol.  

Stitch seems to be enjoying the Merrick's just fine.
She sniffed at it a little the first time I put some
down and she was wolfing it down shortly thereafter.

As far as the "Iguana Salads", it was a good mix for
an Iguana, but probably not as appetizing for a human.

I usually made up a week's supply at a time and it
varied a little from week to week...   The usual mix
was a leafy green, usually collards, sometimes parsley
or dandelion greens, an "orange" veggie, usually
carrots or squash, and then string beans, parsnips and
some vitamin supplements mixed in on top of all that.

Into a blender they went.

Like I said, great for an Iguana, probably not a good
mix for us, even though many of the individual
ingredients could be tasty. :)

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Stitch - Questions!

2007-04-14 Thread Joe Reil
> feeding a super-premium commercial
> cat food, such as Innova, Wellness, Chicken Soup for
> the Cat, or Felidae (just some
> good examples - I feed felidae or Innova dry and
> merrick or innova canned), or you
> can make your own homemade diet using a recipe found

My local "small" pet store seems to be well stocked
and has Innova dry and canned and Merrick's canned, as
well as a few other brands (Nature's Own I think was
the other big one). I bought a couple cans of the
Merrick's today so we'll see how she likes that.

If she likes those I'll probably see about ordering
larger supplies.

I may go the route of making our own stuff here at
some point, but not quite ready for that adventure. :)

Still not an entirely alien experience as I've kept
Iguanas in the past and I put quite a bit of effort
into making weekly supplies of "salad" for them, when
I still had them. :)

I'm also a little curious about Interferon, which I've
seen mentioned. Is this simply an immune booster or is
it doing something else?

As some have mentioned I probably will plan to get her
retested in about 6 months, my only real concern with
the Interferon is if it turns out she is clean on her
second test is that something that can have any
harmful effects?

Another consideration is that the vet recommended a
teeth cleaning because she's got some tartar/calculus
build up and her gums are kind of red. The vet did
mention that because of the FELV+ result, that we
should give her antibiotics a day or two before she's
due for that procedure to give her system a boost
before the procedure, any opinions on that?

I've also seen blood-tests what-not mentioned. I'm
assuming when these are talked about, they're
primarily "general well-being" kind of tests? This is
something I should do? What type of results would be
ideal/bad/inbetween? i.e., what should we be looking



Also, it's not a great picture, but I do have a photo
of Stitch posted on a web-forum I take part in
(related to Fender guitars):

The other cat in the photo is Zoro and this picture
was taken probably a month or two before he died, back
in 2005.

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Re: Ages please

2007-04-14 Thread Joe Reil
1. Chewie - unsure of age - probably 7-9. She was
diagnosed right around the time she died - about a
month ago now.

2. Stitch - 2.5 - tested positive for FelV after we
had her tested shortly after Chewie died.


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RE: Felvtalk - introduction - Chewie and Stitch/Cassidy

2007-04-14 Thread Joe Reil
> I don't know where you live, but Cassidy is the most
> beautiful, friendly,
> loving cat! He's probably less than one year old, or
> around there. Here's
> his picture:

He's gorgeous. I'm up in Vermont but am not really in
a position to take in other cats at the moment, mostly
because of Stitch's particular personality issues. :)
If I think of or find anyone who is, though, or if my
situation changes, I'll keep you in mind.

> Best of luck with your new quest on educating
> yourself on FeLV. There's so
> much to learn as I've found out this past week! But,
> the people here are so
> helpful and understanding-I'm so glad you've found
> this resource as well!



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Re: To Joe: Re: Felvtalk - introduction - Chewie and Stitch

2007-04-10 Thread Joe Reil
> Welcome to the group.  I'm really sorry to hear
> about
> Chewie and that Stitch has also tested positive for
> FeLV.

Thanks. :)

The best thing you can do for Stitch is to
> educate yourself on this virus. 

That's why I'm here. :)

> If Stitch is asymptomatic, there's not much else you
> can do, other than considering supplements for her
> immune system, like L-lysine (without propynol
> glycol)
> or Mega C.  And keep us bookmarked because this is
> the
> place to be for FeLV info.  Bless you for not pts
> this
> kitty and for taking such good care of her.

Thanks. I couldn't see putting her to sleep now -
she's still young, healthy and active. I've never
understood people who can do that so easily...  
Chewie was very obviously sick and was getting worse
rapidly so I think I made the right decision, but I'd
like to put that off for Stitch as long as possible.

> Take care and keep us posted on Stitch!

Will do!




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Re: Felvtalk - introduction - Chewie and Stitch

2007-04-10 Thread Joe Reil
> Welcome to the group. You came to the right place
> for more info! Something I just
> have to mention though, right off-hand, is the
> option to adopt another FELV+ cat!

Perhaps at some point, but not yet. :)

Thanks for the welcome, I've already gotten some
useful info and I'll be asking questions as soon as I
collect my thoughts and figure out what to ask! 
> anyways, so be sure your vet ISN'T. Other vaccines
> should be carefully reconsidered,
> and only given if the risk indicates it's required
> to protect the cat. Any vaccine
> causes stress to the immune system, and since FELV
> is an immune system virus, you
> want to try to keep it as STRONG as possible, and
> vaccines are a extra weight on an
> already compromised system. For those you do choose
> to continue to give, you should
> request a non-adjuvanted version of the vaccine, as
> it has less harmful, toxic, and
> carcinogenic ingredients than regular vaccines (yes,
> vaccines are VERY nasty things -
> most people don't realize).

Our vet seems to be good as they did go over this with
me. She did say there were some vaccines we may
consider and some we definitely shouldn't bother with.

Stitch is a 99% of the time indoor cat. The only time
we let her outside is with supervision, and even then
not very often.

> Outside of the vaccination issue, there's general
> health and immune system
> considerations. The VERY FIRST thing you need to
> evaluate is the food you are
> feeding. FELV+ cats require a very optimal diet, and
> this is highly varied depending
> on owner preferences, BUT, you should either be
> feeding a super-premium commercial
> cat food, such as Innova, Wellness, Chicken Soup for
> the Cat, or Felidae (just some
> good examples - I feed felidae or Innova dry and
> merrick or innova canned), or you
> can make your own homemade diet using a recipe found
> from a reputable source, OR, you
> can feed raw (also requires good "recipes" to obtain
> optimal nutritional balance).

I'll check these out. Any suggestions as to where I'd
find these? I have a small, but well stocked pet store
nearby, we also have a Petsmart about 45 minutes away.
If neither of these are workable, are there any good
web dealers selling these products? (I'll start with
the link from the bottom of your e-mail - anywhere
else I should be checking out?).



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Re: Felvtalk - introduction - Chewie and Stitch

2007-04-09 Thread Joe Reil
> Sorry for getting their names confused.  (No offense
> Stitch!).  My brain 
> doesn't seem to be working that great at the moment.
>  Just for 
> clarification, Zoro never tested pos for felv?

Correct. It is possible that he had it, but he was
never tested for it (while he was in my care), nor was
I given any indication from his original owners that
it was a possibility - they had another cat from the
same litter who was still alive and healthy when Zoro
died (at around 13). They also had another unrelated

> We don't have a FAQ section, but if you put in a key
> word in the search 
> box you should come up with lots of results.  Is
> there something 
> specific that you are wondering about?

Not yet, but I thought I'd start there. :)




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Re: Felvtalk - introduction - Chewie and Stitch

2007-04-09 Thread Joe Reil
> Hi Joe and welcome to the list.  Bless you for being
> the type of person 
> to take in animals in need.  My condolences on
> losing Zoro and Stitch. 

Thanks. :) It is entirely possible that Zoro had it
first. I'd consider that less likely because Zoro was
always well kept with regular veterinary care.

At this point it doesn't really matter. Zoro's death
was completely unrelated to FelV, btw.

> Everyone in this group understands the bonds of
> interspecies love and we 
> know how much it hurts.  You must be reeling from
> Chewie's pos test 
> result.  Did you bring Chewie home while Zoro was
> still with you?

Minor confusion here. :) Chewie is the one who died
recently, about a month ago. She was VERY sick and
tested positive for FelV which led to our decision to
put her to sleep.

Stitch is now our only cat, and was the youngest of
the three that we have had.

I got Zoro first, when I was living by myself. Later
on, when I was first living with my wife, before we
were married, we got Chewie. Stitch came after that.

> There's no way to know who transmitted the disease
> to whom, I was just 
> wondering.  The good news is that Chewie is 3.5 yrs.
>  Kittens who 
> present symptoms of the disease usually do so before
> their 3rd birthday, 
> so it's fabulous that Chewie is so healthy.

Now I'm second-guessing. I remember we got Stitch
around Thanksgiving - and that she was born in October
but I'm having a hard time remembering if it was 2003
or 2004 that she was born and it makes a difference.

> are so many false pos 
> using the in-house ELISA test that there is always
> the hope that they 
> aren't really pos at all.  Given your history, it
> seems less likely in 
> your case though.  It could be that Chewie is a
> carrier and will never 
> develop symptoms, it could be that she is in the
> process of fighting off 
> the disease and will later test neg.

That's interesting. I had heard that healthy-appearing
cats can show a false-negative, but that
false-positives were not as common.

In the meantime, you might
> want to visit our 
> archives and do searches on our past discussions. 

I'll definitely do that. Is there a FAQ available?

> like.  This is a 
> very informative and supportive group, we're all in
> this together.

Again, Thank you,



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Felvtalk - introduction - Chewie and Stitch

2007-04-09 Thread Joe Reil
Howdy all,

This is my first post to this list, thought I'd do a
bit of intro.

We had three cats in our family. The older two were
both "castaways" that were adopted as adults. Zoro was
the oldest and I adopted him from a co-worker when I
lived by myself. He died several years ago.

The remaining two were Stitch and Chewie. Chewie was
the next oldest. She had a really hard start to life,
she was originally found, as a stray by some friends
of ours. She was probably two or three at the time and
she had evidence of being abused - she had some
suspicious scars on her underside.

She lived with them for a while, very shy/nervous and
eventually came out of her shell. A couple years
later, they had to move, and couldn't take her with
them so we took her in. We had her for several years
as well and while we don't know her exact age, best
estimate put her at 8-10 years old when she died last

She had a loss of appetite and started losing weight.
She had two trips to the Vet - after the first visit
she took a serious turn for the worse so we had her
back at the vet only a few days later. A blood test on
the second visit revealed that she had FelV. So,
considering she was very sick and was suffering from a
pretty serious disease we opted to put her to sleep
then. :(

I didn't know much about FelV then (and I'm still
learning about it), but information from both our Vet
and online resources I found indicated that it was
contagious so we decided to have our third (and
youngest) cat tested for it. Stitch is the only one we
got as a Kitten and she's about 3.5 years old.

I brought her to the vet this weekend and she tested
positive for FelV. :(

I do intend to learn as much as I can about the
disease so we can keep her with us as long as
possible. I know that it will eventually catch up to
her and our main thing will be to put that off as long
as possible. She's still young and healthy so
hopefully that'll be a long time still. :)

We had been planning to get a second cat, but we've
put that plan on hold now. I know it is possible to
inoculate against FelV, but given that the vaccine
takes a while to take effect, we'd either have to
quarantine the new cat until the vaccine took effect
or find it someplace else to live for a month or so,
and on top of all that I don't think we want to put
Stitch through the stress of another housemate at the
moment (she doesn't react well to strangers).




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