[Felvtalk] Anemia & blood transfusions

2013-02-27 Thread Marnie Miszewski

I apologize in advance if this topic has been discussed recently, but my baby 
is sick and I haven't been on the computer much.

My FELV cat Thomas O' Malley, has non regenerative anemia. He wasn't showing 
any signs of illness until one day he spent the entire day hiding in my closet. 
I immediately took him in and he was already pale from lack of blood. We gave 
him a transfusion and he has been great for 2 weeks. Yesterday he went back in 
the closet and we are back in the same situation. The vet recommended against 
another transfusion saying its a waste of time and money because the FELV will 
continue to attack the marrow and he will continue to need transfusions.

I read that the transfusions can last longer each time you get them, but I 
don't know if that's true. Has anyone had a cat in this situation? Did the 
transfusion last more than a few weeks?
I have him on iron supplements in addition to the prednisone and doxycycline.

Thanks. I'm so conflicted. I don't want him to suffer!

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[Felvtalk] Chanel has crossed the Rainbow Bridge

2011-04-12 Thread Marnie Miszewski
I wish it were only us humans that were going to miss Chanel. She was a 
beautiful solid white little princess that came to my rescue from Animal 
Services because she was FELV+. She spent a few days as the only cat in her 
room before 5 tiny new black and white additions arrived. They were only 9 
weeks and scared to be in a new place. Miss Chanel didn't hesitate to take over 
mommy duties immediately. She would let them crawl on her and chirp to them 
when they were getting in trouble. Those kittens loved her perhaps more than I 
did. When I arrived on Monday and found her she was still not alone. Her little 
friends were snuggled up to her as if to keep her warm. It tore my heart out to 
take her away. I miss her terribly but the fun loving kitten room just isn't 
the same. I'm hoping she's watching over them from wherever she is and when 
it's their turn, I know they will be together again!
Helping Paws Animal Sanctuary
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Sanctuaries (Marnie) (Lorrie)

2011-03-03 Thread MARNIE MISZEWSKI
Thanks Lorrie! 

It's nice to have validation from someone else who is doing this. I'm sure you 
understand when I say how frustrating it is for me every time I hear about a 
sanctuary that doesn't have the animals best interest at heart. Not only is it 
horrible for the animals in their care, but it ruins the credibility of people 
like us who are truly doing the right thing for the right reasons. 

Please email/contact me anytime you need anything. I don't know if it's the 
same where you are at, but the shelters in my area are a bit competitive and 
don't always work together. When I started this I naively thought we were in 
this together and would work together on the animals behalf. Instead I have 
found I'm on my own doing what I can for these guys. That said, I will take my 
support system where I can get it and am extending "my paw" in case there is 
anything I can do for you. :0) 

Helping Paws Animal Sanctuary 
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Sanctuaries

2011-02-26 Thread Marnie Miszewski
The last time I posted, I was in the start up phase of my sanctuary, Helping 
Paws Animal Sanctuary. We will be in business 1 year in July and we are already 
working on our expansion. We currently have 1500SF indoor facility (soon to add 
another 1500SF) and have limited to approx 100 cats. I don't believe in cages 
and keep the cats in large rooms with perches, furniture even water fountains. 
My inspiration was my FELV+ cat Tom. There weren't any places for positive 
kitties. I do adopt out my kitties to make room for new ones, but keep it 
home-like for the long term friends. My vet sees every cat before they enter 
the facility and oversees their care. She's on my board of directors and is 
only a call or text away if I need her. Many of my volunteers have vet tech 
experience (including myself). Animal Services of Lee County has inspected us 
and have asked us to be a model for the other shelters/sanctuaries in the area. 
They also transfer their positive kitties to me when I have room for them. I 
love each of these furry friends and know all their names. Their well being is 
my life's mission and I wouldn't have it any other way. We are open to the 
public every evening and the kitties look forward to entertaining their guests. 
As for "outdoor kitty time" we have a screened enclosure they take turns using. 
Our dream is to have acreage for them but all things in time. I can't speak for 
other sanctuaries, but I welcome everyone to come see our facility. I like to 
think I'm doing Tom proud.
Marnie Miszewski
Helping Paws Animal Sanctuary
Saint James City, FL
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[Felvtalk] insurance update

2010-08-25 Thread Marnie Miszewski
As you might remember I posted some time ago about my inability to find
insurance because my shelter adopts out FELV+ cats. I just wanted to update
you on my progress. The next set of companies I tried gave me a new reason.
They said because I live in Florida and shelters in the states of Florida,
Texas, and Louisiana were high risks I was uninsurable.


I finally found a company extremely sympathetic to what I was doing. They
couldn't find anyone either. Although, they called me back this week to let
me know they tried something different. They asked a subsidiary of Lloyds of
London (the ones who insure high risk items) if they would insure me. They
agreed. It isn't the price I wanted to pay, but at this point, I'm


So thanks everyone who offered solutions along the way! I finally have
insurance YAY!

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] FELV Shelter Insurance HELP!

2010-07-01 Thread Marnie Miszewski
Not only is it crazy that they won't insure me, it's unfair. The woman from
Kennel Pack apologized profusely, but said that because I'm adopting animals
out and keeping FELV animals on the premises she couldn't find anyone to
insure me.

I KNOW there have to be places out there that have insurance, that have both
healthy and FELV cats on the premises. I was just hoping someone here might
be able to give me some names of organizations to ask.

I guess I may just have to go your route Lorrie. I was looking for full
shelter coverage, but I'll take anything at this point.

I'm just really frustrated right now. :(


Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] FELV Shelter Insurance HELP!

2010-06-30 Thread Marnie Miszewski
I need Liability insurance. I tried Kennel Pack and they sent me an apology
letter. They won't insure me because I adopt out healthy cats and keep FELV
positive cats in the same building. It's not like I keep them together. They
each have their own cageless room. I also had to promise never to adopt out
the FELV positive cats for them to even consider me and still they wouldn't
insure me. I know some of you do this, so I'm hoping you can point me in the
direction of people who are a little more understanding to the needs of
these kitties. It isn't fair to discriminate against me or these animals. I
just want to provide a no kill place for them to live and help find homes
for all of the kitties if possible. :-(



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[Felvtalk] FELV Shelter Insurance HELP!

2010-06-29 Thread Marnie Miszewski
I know there are others on here who have FELV shelters and I'm wondering who
you have for insurance providers.

I keep getting turned down for insurance because I have FELV positive cats
at my facility. Those cats are the reason I started the shelter and I'm not
letting them go.

PLEASE HELP! I need insurance and I don't know where to turn.




Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] OT: blind deaf cat

2010-06-14 Thread Marnie Miszewski
Gloria I would be happy to take him into my sanctuary and work with him, but
I'm in SW Florida. I'm not sure that I would be closer to you than the one
in North Carolina. If you are interested, let me know. 



We are accepting cats starting July 1st.




Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Hello!

2010-06-02 Thread Marnie Miszewski
Just wanted to introduce myself, I've been reading the board for awhile.. My
history with FELV cats started out not so good. I found a beautiful gray
kitty that I spent months feeding outdoors trying to coax her in. At last
she rewarded me for my patience and allowed me to pick her up and bring her
inside. She was very sweet and I kept her in a spare bedroom before
introducing her to my other cats. I took her to the vet and she tested
negative for FELV. The vet recommended to keep her in the bedroom for a few
more months to make sure she was okay and I did until it was time to have
her spayed. After I dropped her off, I received a phone call telling me she
was FELV positive and recommending that I put her down. I was distraught and
asked if I could have some time to think about it. I called everyone I knew
and tried to get a crash course on FELV which wasn't easy with all the
misinformation out there. And misinformation is what I got. The vet told me
she wouldn't last long; that she was a danger to my other cats; and also she
was a danger to my mother who has MS. That last piece of news sealed the
deal. I agreed to let them put her down.


I still carry the guilt of that decision, especially now that I have met and
rescued Thomas O'Malley. I found him outside of work begging for food and in
awful condition. I immediately took the rest of the day off and drove him to
a different vet. He tested positive immediately for FELV. When the vet asked
me what I wanted to do, I was surprised she gave me a choice. She expressed
that of course I had a choice and that under the right conditions, FELV cats
can lead long, happy lives. I was stunned, elated, filled with guilt,
shocked, overwhelmed and so much more. I knew only one thing. I could not
possibly live with the guilt of putting another FELV cat down. So after they
treated Tom for every parasite imaginable, they loaned me a cage to keep him
separated, and wished me luck. At first I kept him on my screened back porch
and he accepted this gratefully. I quickly learned he was part Siamese,
because he loved to talk. I tried to keep distance between us at first
because I knew I had to find him another home and I didn't want to get


Time passed and no one wanted him. He went from the cage, to dominion over
the entire porch. It got hot so he moved into my bathroom. He was
claustrophobic so he got the spare bedroom. All the while my 7 other kitties
(yes 7, I managed to find and fix through the years) watched him tentatively
through the windows. He was lonely and desperately wanted some furry
companionship. I bought him the cat sitter video. He loved it but got bored.
I knew he was going to need a friend. It was then that I knew I wanted to
start a shelter for FELV positive kitties. As fate would have it, 2 weeks
later I was laid off from work and I was able to get started officially on
the project. Helping Paws Animal Sanctuary was formed and I'm currently in
the process of trying to find a location to put these animals. I have an
awesome Realtor who really seems to know about the required zoning. I'm
confident we will have a place very soon. When I do, I will let you all
know! I know a resource like this is desperately needed.


Tom still lives in my spare bedroom, but his constant whining has earned him
a roommate. I had one of my other less social kids vaccinated and she moved
in with him. He still isn't completely happy and it's difficult for me to
refuse him anything, which is why I would like some advice from all of you.
I'm still pretty confused about the vaccine. If I give the others the
vaccine, will they test positive for FELV without really having it like FIV?
Is it at all dangerous (I have some older and diabetic cats)? If they are
vaccinated for FELV are they carriers for the disease and dangerous to other
cats? Are there any down sides to the vaccine? I guess I just want to make
sure to cover all my bases before I take the step of letting him out of his
bedroom. He really wants to come out and play with kitten I rescued!


Thank you for any help and sorry about the long post! I feel like I know
some of you and wanted to introduce myself!






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