Re: [Felvtalk] OT- Venting

2009-09-19 Thread dlgegg
spaying and neutering costs money and they might have to d without something, 
most likely cigarettes or beer.  dorlis
 LauraM  wrote: 
> I want to vent, too! I've had a bad, bad day!
> I work at a county shelter and we have just about had it with people. A woman 
> called today and told me that she was getting ready to call Channel 2 news 
> about us, because we were so very rude. Why was she ticked off? Because she 
> surrendered her dog 2 weeks ago - she and her husband "couldn't tolerate" the 
> dog's destructive behavior - and we were not "doing enough" to get her dog 
> adopted. weren't willing to spend any time and effort 
> whatsoever on your dog, so why would anyone else? They decided to just 
> reclaim the dog today, since they didn't want her to be euthanized. My 
> colleague who handled the reclaim very nicely questioned the husband about 
> his plans for the dog. Would they work with her, train her, try to find her 
> another home? After all, we didn't want the dog to be reclaimed only to 
> be dumped on us again. Not exactly fair to the dog, is it? The husband said 
> he was ready to start cursing out my coworker, and apparently a nasty
>  email is in the works. And someone else dumped his dog because she had a hot 
> spot, and he didn't want to pay a vet, and when we told him that we had a 
> low-cost vet we could refer him to, the excuse was, "She's too wild around 
> the kids." We try to help them, and they counter with another BS excuse. I'm 
> sick of it!
> And you guys will love this one. Last week a woman surrendered 5 kittens. It 
> seems that THREE of her cats had litters of 7 at the same time, and she needs 
> to round up all the kittens and bring them to us, because, of course, they 
> all roam around outside! She then proceeded to blame the neighborhood tomcats 
> for knocking up her females, when naturally it's her irresponsibility that 
> got her into this mess. They are planning to bring us nearly 30 cats in all. 
> We had to euthanize FIFTY cats and kittens last week, and just as many this 
> week, and STILL people refuse to spay/neuter or keep their animals confined 
> when they're in heat.
> This has to stop. It just has to stop.
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] OT- Venting

2009-09-19 Thread dlgegg
you do realize that all "those" people consider us to be the "kooks" don't you. 
 people aound here have a new name for me, "crazy cat lady" since i told a 
hunter (who joked about coming up to my house to do some target shooting) that 
i would meet him at my property line with a load of buckshot.  my mouth does 
get me into trouble someties, but i consider my cats or any cat to deserve a 
chance at a happy, healthy life and not to hve to worry about being shot at or 
deliberatly run over bcause they were in the way.  dorlis
 LauraM  wrote: 
> I want to vent, too! I've had a bad, bad day!
> I work at a county shelter and we have just about had it with people. A woman 
> called today and told me that she was getting ready to call Channel 2 news 
> about us, because we were so very rude. Why was she ticked off? Because she 
> surrendered her dog 2 weeks ago - she and her husband "couldn't tolerate" the 
> dog's destructive behavior - and we were not "doing enough" to get her dog 
> adopted. weren't willing to spend any time and effort 
> whatsoever on your dog, so why would anyone else? They decided to just 
> reclaim the dog today, since they didn't want her to be euthanized. My 
> colleague who handled the reclaim very nicely questioned the husband about 
> his plans for the dog. Would they work with her, train her, try to find her 
> another home? After all, we didn't want the dog to be reclaimed only to 
> be dumped on us again. Not exactly fair to the dog, is it? The husband said 
> he was ready to start cursing out my coworker, and apparently a nasty
>  email is in the works. And someone else dumped his dog because she had a hot 
> spot, and he didn't want to pay a vet, and when we told him that we had a 
> low-cost vet we could refer him to, the excuse was, "She's too wild around 
> the kids." We try to help them, and they counter with another BS excuse. I'm 
> sick of it!
> And you guys will love this one. Last week a woman surrendered 5 kittens. It 
> seems that THREE of her cats had litters of 7 at the same time, and she needs 
> to round up all the kittens and bring them to us, because, of course, they 
> all roam around outside! She then proceeded to blame the neighborhood tomcats 
> for knocking up her females, when naturally it's her irresponsibility that 
> got her into this mess. They are planning to bring us nearly 30 cats in all. 
> We had to euthanize FIFTY cats and kittens last week, and just as many this 
> week, and STILL people refuse to spay/neuter or keep their animals confined 
> when they're in heat.
> This has to stop. It just has to stop.
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] OT- Venting

2009-09-19 Thread dlgegg
i agree with you all the way.   now, try living in an area where cats are 
considered good moving targets to get ready for turkey and deer season.  dorlis
 Lora  wrote: 
> Cannot believe that frigging people STILL feel this away towards animals.
> I replied to an on-line message board in a group that I belong to and this is 
> what the idiot had to say. It is enough to blow my top.
> If everyone thought/felt this way there would be no hope for ANY animals, 
> much less for the poor FeLV positive kitties!
> There are just some humans that I hate! They give good, honest, caring pet 
> guardians a bad name. It people with this disgusting type of attitude that 
> makes me wish that I could save them all...including the FeLVs.
> --- on Mon, 22 Jun 2009,  wrote:
> To:
> Subject: Quick Question
> They are ANIMALS, not humans. 
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
> --- On Mon, 6/22/09, Lora  wrote:
> That is frigging appalling!
> I was aware of the research lab buying "free" animals, but I absolutely had 
> no idea that there was a lab in Mt. Vernon! That is too damn close for my 
> liking!
> And about feeding pet snakes? Nothing makes me madder than hell to hear about 
> some poor, broke-ass idiot feeding their snake baby kittens! This is why I 
> absolutely will NEVER be a reptile guardian.
> People, PLEASE be responsible and SCREEN potential applicants who are 
> interested your "FREE" pet ad! You are playing Russian roulette with these 
> poor innocent lives. How would you feel is someone "freed" you off to a 
> serial killer? And in some cases, that is EXACTLY what you are doing, handing 
> over animals to be slaughtered, either via a lab or via a menu.
> I absolutely hate FREE classified pet ads. They always attract the 
> irresponsible pet owners, pet abusers and those looking to make a quick buck 
> off the lives of the innocent.
> --- On Mon, 6/22/09, LJW  wrote:
> Please be careful - to whomever asks for the cat or dog, tell them (1) they 
> can bring it back if there is a problem when they get it home and (2) you 
> will be checking on it later.   There have been people give pets away on 
> freecycle (when they got away with it) and then later posted that they didn't 
> even get the person's name or address!   There are people who take them to 
> sell to the lab around Mt Vernon,  and there are people who get the small 
> ones (kittens, gerbils and tiny puppies) to use as feed for their snakes.  ( 
> A previous neighbor used to get snake food that way.)
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] OT- Venting

2009-06-24 Thread Debbie Harrison

I share your frustration...I spent more than $1,000 of my own money last year 
trapping all of the neighborhood cats and having them desexedeven a few 
who's owners couldn't be bothered to do the right thing.  I still have a few of 
the boys to do, but for now (at least) none of the females are fertile...and I 
will continue as quickly as possible to do the fellasit's tough, though, 
because my employment is kind of iffybut I have to stay focused and do what 
I can...and that's all I can do.  I am fostering a momma (barely more than a 
kitten herself) that was part of a group of 25 cats dumped behind a library 
when their owner was evicted from her house...and of course none were 
spayed/neutered.  I lost one of the babies within the first 24 hours...and I am 
amazed that this emaciated little mother is doing so well with the other three. 
 I get so frustrated and angry that I cannot sleep at nightI don't know how 
you deal with such ignorance and stupidity on a daily basis
Debbie (COL)
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle"  Philo

> Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 16:09:14 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] OT- Venting
> I want to vent, too! I've had a bad, bad day!
> I work at a county shelter and we have just about had it with people. A woman 
> called today and told me that she was getting ready to call Channel 2 news 
> about us, because we were so very rude. Why was she ticked off? Because she 
> surrendered her dog 2 weeks ago - she and her husband "couldn't tolerate" the 
> dog's destructive behavior - and we were not "doing enough" to get her dog 
> adopted. weren't willing to spend any time and effort 
> whatsoever on your dog, so why would anyone else? They decided to just 
> reclaim the dog today, since they didn't want her to be euthanized. My 
> colleague who handled the reclaim very nicely questioned the husband about 
> his plans for the dog. Would they work with her, train her, try to find her 
> another home? After all, we didn't want the dog to be reclaimed only to be 
> dumped on us again. Not exactly fair to the dog, is it? The husband said he 
> was ready to start cursing out my coworker, and apparently a nasty
> email is in the works. And someone else dumped his dog because she had a hot 
> spot, and he didn't want to pay a vet, and when we told him that we had a 
> low-cost vet we could refer him to, the excuse was, "She's too wild around 
> the kids." We try to help them, and they counter with another BS excuse. I'm 
> sick of it!
> And you guys will love this one. Last week a woman surrendered 5 kittens. It 
> seems that THREE of her cats had litters of 7 at the same time, and she needs 
> to round up all the kittens and bring them to us, because, of course, they 
> all roam around outside! She then proceeded to blame the neighborhood tomcats 
> for knocking up her females, when naturally it's her irresponsibility that 
> got her into this mess. They are planning to bring us nearly 30 cats in all. 
> We had to euthanize FIFTY cats and kittens last week, and just as many this 
> week, and STILL people refuse to spay/neuter or keep their animals confined 
> when they're in heat.
> This has to stop. It just has to stop.
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

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Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] OT- Venting

2009-06-23 Thread Kelley Saveika
Ok, well, here we go with my day.
My mother woke me up at 7:15 am calling me after I went to bed at 3 am.  I
had a friend move out of town and bring over her nice desk and filing
cabinets last night, also some cat litter she didn't need.  I asked my
boyfriend to put the cat litter in the house, and he let Tabitha out.  Now,
Tabitha likes to try to get out and normally I follow her and sit down and
let her come to me, but he insisted on trying to grab her and scared her.
 We walked the neighborhood with a flashlight and looked for her til 3 am,
and still had to move the furniture in.  Then, my mother called me at 7:15
am.  I had to get up and clean out the Rescutiesmobile of all the assorted
cat rescue paraphanalia since it has an electrical problem.  It also will
not start and had to be towed.  So I had to haul out a 6 foot table, canopy
tent, donation jars, traps, carriers, litter, litter boxes, food, and all
the other assorted stuff that rescuers carry.  Finally it was ready to go to
the electric shop (they told me it had to be totally emptied).  I called the
towing service and they were 2 hours late.  Called the shop and said it was
on its way, they said it would be better to bring it, no.  Then
needed to go to administer fluids to a friends' cat.  Determined cat was too
ill, we went to vet clinic.  One person has emailed me today about taking in
3 kittens, and another an adult cat.  We have no available fosters and
precious little money.  We found a kitten feeding while feeding ferals (the
colony is completely TNRed and this was a tame kitten, so he didn't come
from there).  Talked to one of the other feeders and they saw a black and
white kitten and fed it, but LEFT IT THERE, and apparently the MOWERS came
this weekend, and it hasn't been seen since.  Friend took the kitten short
term and we are seeking foster.   My feet hurt so bad I can't walk and
Tabitha's not home yet.

Well, that was several days, but still, bad.

On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 6:09 PM, LauraM  wrote:

> I want to vent, too! I've had a bad, bad day!
> I work at a county shelter and we have just about had it with people.
> A woman called today and told me that she was getting ready to call Channel
> 2 news about us, because we were so very rude. Why was she ticked off?
> Because she surrendered her dog 2 weeks ago - she and her husband "couldn't
> tolerate" the dog's destructive behavior - and we were not "doing enough" to
> get her dog adopted. weren't willing to spend any time and
> effort whatsoever on your dog, so why would anyone else? They decided to
> just reclaim the dog today, since they didn't want her to be euthanized. My
> colleague who handled the reclaim very nicely questioned the husband about
> his plans for the dog. Would they work with her, train her, try to find her
> another home? After all, we didn't want the dog to be reclaimed only to
> be dumped on us again. Not exactly fair to the dog, is it? The husband said
> he was ready to start cursing out my coworker, and apparently a nasty
>  email is in the works. And someone else dumped his dog because she had a
> hot spot, and he didn't want to pay a vet, and when we told him that we had
> a low-cost vet we could refer him to, the excuse was, "She's too wild around
> the kids." We try to help them, and they counter with another BS excuse. I'm
> sick of it!
> And you guys will love this one. Last week a woman surrendered 5 kittens.
> It seems that THREE of her cats had litters of 7 at the same time, and she
> needs to round up all the kittens and bring them to us, because, of course,
> they all roam around outside! She then proceeded to blame the neighborhood
> tomcats for knocking up her females, when naturally it's her
> irresponsibility that got her into this mess. They are planning to bring us
> nearly 30 cats in all. We had to euthanize FIFTY cats and kittens last week,
> and just as many this week, and STILL people refuse to spay/neuter or keep
> their animals confined when they're in heat.
> This has to stop. It just has to stop.
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties stores and save a kitty life!*

Buy or renew magazines and help our kitties!

Help us spay some kitties!

"Rather than helping, it's easier to point fingers and say "take  them first
as long as you leave me alone".
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] OT- Venting

2009-06-23 Thread lexingtongrn
I am soo sorry.

From: LauraM 
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 7:09:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] OT- Venting

I want to vent, too! I've had a bad, bad day!
I work at a county shelter and we have just about had it with people. A woman 
called today and told me that she was getting ready to call Channel 2 news 
about us, because we were so very rude. Why was she ticked off? Because she 
surrendered her dog 2 weeks ago - she and her husband "couldn't tolerate" the 
dog's destructive behavior - and we were not "doing enough" to get her dog 
adopted. weren't willing to spend any time and effort whatsoever 
on your dog, so why would anyone else? They decided to just reclaim the dog 
today, since they didn't want her to be euthanized. My colleague who handled 
the reclaim very nicely questioned the husband about his plans for the dog. 
Would they work with her, train her, try to find her another home? After all, 
we didn't want the dog to be reclaimed only to be dumped on us again. Not 
exactly fair to the dog, is it? The husband said he was ready to start cursing 
out my coworker, and apparently a nasty
email is in the works. And someone else dumped his dog because she had a hot 
spot, and he didn't want to pay a vet, and when we told him that we had a 
low-cost vet we could refer him to, the excuse was, "She's too wild around the 
kids." We try to help them, and they counter with another BS excuse. I'm sick 
of it!
And you guys will love this one. Last week a woman surrendered 5 kittens. It 
seems that THREE of her cats had litters of 7 at the same time, and she needs 
to round up all the kittens and bring them to us, because, of course, they all 
roam around outside! She then proceeded to blame the neighborhood tomcats for 
knocking up her females, when naturally it's her irresponsibility that got her 
into this mess. They are planning to bring us nearly 30 cats in all. We had to 
euthanize FIFTY cats and kittens last week, and just as many this week, and 
STILL people refuse to spay/neuter or keep their animals confined when they're 
in heat.
This has to stop. It just has to stop.
Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] OT- Venting

2009-06-23 Thread LauraM
I want to vent, too! I've had a bad, bad day!
I work at a county shelter and we have just about had it with people. A woman 
called today and told me that she was getting ready to call Channel 2 news 
about us, because we were so very rude. Why was she ticked off? Because she 
surrendered her dog 2 weeks ago - she and her husband "couldn't tolerate" the 
dog's destructive behavior - and we were not "doing enough" to get her dog 
adopted. weren't willing to spend any time and effort whatsoever 
on your dog, so why would anyone else? They decided to just reclaim the dog 
today, since they didn't want her to be euthanized. My colleague who handled 
the reclaim very nicely questioned the husband about his plans for the dog. 
Would they work with her, train her, try to find her another home? After all, 
we didn't want the dog to be reclaimed only to be dumped on us again. Not 
exactly fair to the dog, is it? The husband said he was ready to start cursing 
out my coworker, and apparently a nasty
 email is in the works. And someone else dumped his dog because she had a hot 
spot, and he didn't want to pay a vet, and when we told him that we had a 
low-cost vet we could refer him to, the excuse was, "She's too wild around the 
kids." We try to help them, and they counter with another BS excuse. I'm sick 
of it!
And you guys will love this one. Last week a woman surrendered 5 kittens. It 
seems that THREE of her cats had litters of 7 at the same time, and she needs 
to round up all the kittens and bring them to us, because, of course, they all 
roam around outside! She then proceeded to blame the neighborhood tomcats for 
knocking up her females, when naturally it's her irresponsibility that got her 
into this mess. They are planning to bring us nearly 30 cats in all. We had to 
euthanize FIFTY cats and kittens last week, and just as many this week, and 
STILL people refuse to spay/neuter or keep their animals confined when they're 
in heat.
This has to stop. It just has to stop.
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] OT- Venting

2009-06-22 Thread Diane Rosenfeldt
Ugh, ugh, ugh!!  Does this mouth-breather realize that humans are very
certainly animals too?  These double-standards need to be eliminated, for
the good of us all.

Diane R. 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lora
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2009 9:32 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] OT- Venting

Cannot believe that frigging people STILL feel this away towards animals.

I replied to an on-line message board in a group that I belong to and this
is what the idiot had to say. It is enough to blow my top.

If everyone thought/felt this way there would be no hope for ANY animals,
much less for the poor FeLV positive kitties!

There are just some humans that I hate! They give good, honest, caring pet
guardians a bad name. It people with this disgusting type of attitude that
makes me wish that I could save them all...including the FeLVs.

--- on Mon, 22 Jun 2009,  wrote:

Subject: Quick Question

They are ANIMALS, not humans. 
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

--- On Mon, 6/22/09, Lora  wrote:

That is frigging appalling!

I was aware of the research lab buying "free" animals, but I absolutely had
no idea that there was a lab in Mt. Vernon! That is too damn close for my

And about feeding pet snakes? Nothing makes me madder than hell to hear
about some poor, broke-ass idiot feeding their snake baby kittens! This is
why I absolutely will NEVER be a reptile guardian.

People, PLEASE be responsible and SCREEN potential applicants who are
interested your "FREE" pet ad! You are playing Russian roulette with these
poor innocent lives. How would you feel is someone "freed" you off to a
serial killer? And in some cases, that is EXACTLY what you are doing,
handing over animals to be slaughtered, either via a lab or via a menu.

I absolutely hate FREE classified pet ads. They always attract the
irresponsible pet owners, pet abusers and those looking to make a quick buck
off the lives of the innocent.

--- On Mon, 6/22/09, LJW  wrote:

Please be careful - to whomever asks for the cat or dog, tell them (1) they
can bring it back if there is a problem when they get it home and (2) you
will be checking on it later.   There have been people give pets away on
freecycle (when they got away with it) and then later posted that they
didn't even get the person's name or address!   There are people who take
them to sell to the lab around Mt Vernon,  and there are people who get the
small ones (kittens, gerbils and tiny puppies) to use as feed for their
snakes.  ( A previous neighbor used to get snake food that way.)


Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list