Re: [Fis] Is information physical? A logical analysis

2018-05-17 Thread Jose Javier Blanco Rivero
Dear FISers, I recently came across an old interview to W. van Orman Quine and I got an idea -maybe not very original per se. Quine distinguishes two kind of philosophical problems: ontological (those referred to the existence of things) and predicative (what can we say and know about things). Ag

[Fis] Just a few words about substrate

2018-04-27 Thread Jose Javier Blanco Rivero
Dear fellows, Let us not forget that the talk about substrate can be misleading if it is not taken into account that communication itself produces a "double bind" (Bateson and Watzlawick)or "double closure " (von Foerster), that is, for every statement made it allows a set of suppositions to lay

Re: [Fis] Is information physical?

2018-04-25 Thread Jose Javier Blanco Rivero
Dear all, Following the ideas of Mark, Lou, Krassimir and Arturo, I think it is worth to insist on a proposal I made in this forum a few months ago. That is, the thesis of a general theory of communication media. (Before going on I would like to remark that the concepts used here do not designat

Re: [Fis] Meta-observer?

2018-03-03 Thread Jose Javier Blanco Rivero
Dear FISers, What if we take the observer not as an entity of whatever kind (a unity or identity), but as a distinction (a difference) that when being laid to the foreground becomes a difference that makes a difference (that is, it becomes informative -but this information is locally or spatially,

[Fis] Fwd: Re: The unification of the theories of information based on the cateogry theory

2018-02-10 Thread Jose Javier Blanco Rivero
-- Mensaje reenviado -- De: "Jose Javier Blanco Rivero" Fecha: feb 10, 2018 9:35 AM Asunto: Re: [Fis] The unification of the theories of information based on the cateogry theory Para: Cc: Dear Xueshan, Thanks for sharing your interesting remarks and references. I th

Re: [Fis] The unification of the theories of information based on the cateogry theory

2018-02-07 Thread Jose Javier Blanco Rivero
In principle I agree with Terry. I have been thinking of this, though I am still not able to make a sound formulation of the idea. Still I am afraid that if I miss the chance to make at least a brief formulation of it I will lose the opportunity to make a brainstorming with you. So, here it comes:

Re: [Fis] What is “Agent”?

2017-10-15 Thread Jose Javier Blanco Rivero
Dear Krassimir, dear all, I have noticed that some descriptions of information make use of anthropocentric metaphors and that might be misguiding (for instance, subjective and objective information (Sung)). Agent is a concept that retains some sort of action-theoretic background but at the same ti

Re: [Fis] If "data = information", why we need both concepts?

2017-10-03 Thread Jose Javier Blanco Rivero
Dear all, What if, in order to understand information and its relationship with data and meaning, we distinguish the kind of system we are talking about in each case? We may distinguish systems by their type of operation and the form of their selforganization. There are living systems, mind syste


2017-09-15 Thread Jose Javier Blanco Rivero
Dear Arturo, Math is indeed a language that CAN describe scientific issues, but it is not the only one. And its ability to cuantify scientific issues do not necesarily make it superior. Math and natural language face the same formal and logical problems: they cannot make staments about themselves

Re: [Fis] Toward a Calculus of Redundancy: Signification, Codification, and Anticipation in Cultural Evolution; preprint

2017-09-04 Thread Jose Javier Blanco Rivero
Dear Loet, I want to thank you for sharing this insightful article. I myself have been experimenting with the difference between information and meaning, although from a different background -that of intellectual history. Your essay deserves a thoughtful a comment which I cannot attempt here. But

Re: [Fis] Fis Digest, Vol 32, Issue 13

2016-11-13 Thread Jose Javier Blanco Rivero
Dejar Malcolm, I think that is useful to distinguish between sense-making (Sinn in german, sentido in spanish) and meaning (Bedeutung, significado). Meaning is linguistic, while sense-making mixes linguistic and non linguistic dimensions. For the social sciences, like intellectual history, this di

Re: [Fis] Scientific communication

2016-10-23 Thread Jose Javier Blanco Rivero
Dear Mark, I think this might be of interest for the discussion It's a extreme case of economic interest debunking scientific communication. I think it shows a problem of coding bet

Re: [Fis] Scientific communication (from Mark)

2016-10-15 Thread Jose Javier Blanco Rivero
Dear Fis members, I have followed with interest the discussion and I have not intervened until now since I am just a beginner in information theory. But from my background in systems theory (Luhmann) and intellectual history, the questions raised here are familiar to me. Louis has differentiated b