[Fis] Information and Locality. Finale.

2015-09-28 Thread Steven Ericsson-Zenith
Dear List, Prior messages can be found: Introduction: http://listas.unizar.es/pipermail/fis/2015-September/000512.html On the introduction: http://listas.unizar.es/pipermail/fis/2015-September/000528.html Information And Locality

[Fis] Information and Locality, on the Introduction

2015-09-24 Thread Marcus Abundis
I am catching up on the discussion as I have just recently returned . . . a quick note Steven to let you know I ESPECIALLY enjoyed the Kahn Academy video on SETI, where the work of Doyle and McCowen was discussed. I seem to recall Bateson also did some work with dolphins and language (in the same

Re: [Fis] Information and Locality.

2015-09-22 Thread Steven Ericsson-Zenith
> > From: ste...@iase.us > Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2015 01:17:41 -0700 > To: 13francesco.ri...@gmail.com > CC: fis@listas.unizar.es > Subject: Re: [Fis] Information and Locality. &g

Re: [Fis] Information and Locality.

2015-09-22 Thread Christophe
Christophe_ From: ste...@iase.us Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2015 01:17:41 -0700 To: 13francesco.ri...@gmail.com CC: fis@listas.unizar.es Subject: Re: [Fis] Information and Locality. On Sep 21, 2015, at 11:19 PM, Francesco Rizzo <13francesco.ri...@gmail.com> wrote:Assisted trans

Re: [Fis] Information and Locality.

2015-09-22 Thread Steven Ericsson-Zenith
> On Sep 21, 2015, at 11:19 PM, Francesco Rizzo <13francesco.ri...@gmail.com> > wrote: Assisted translation to English: > I bring the thought of Chilean neuro-biologist Maturana: "The experience of > the physical, that deals with classical physics, relativity or quantum, does > not reflect the n

Re: [Fis] Information and Locality.

2015-09-21 Thread Francesco Rizzo
Cari Tutti, sforzandomi di interloquire e per quel che riesco a capire, ribadisco i contenuti dei due messaggi che ho inviato il 12 e il 14 settembre scorsi, al secondo dei quali ha risposto magnificamente Terry Deacon lo stesso 14 settembre. "Qui" ed "ora" mi limito a riportare il pensiero del ne

[Fis] Information and Locality.

2015-09-21 Thread Steven Ericsson-Zenith
Dear List, I ended my last note highlighting that Bits are strongly local and their organization is arbitrary. The “word” in my last post is the binary word, such as “1010” and not “THIS.” The latter is more complex than the former, although they both depend upon an arbitrary organization.

Re: [Fis] Information and Locality, on the Introduction

2015-09-18 Thread Steven Ericsson-Zenith
Dear Pedro, (First, I suspect that there remains an issue with the FIS server.) I agree with your rejection of the coda “and hence ultimately quantum” and my particular reason for this is that it effectively denies structuralism. It will become clear, I hope, in this discussion that for me stru

Re: [Fis] Information and Locality, on the Introduction

2015-09-18 Thread Pedro C. Marijuan
Thanks Steven. I find it curious that you have referred to biophysical/physical grounds to establish meaning and apprehension. In the latter, it is rather unclear for me whether you put together in the same footing the taking away of a metabolite from the environment and the taking away of a

Re: [Fis] Information and Locality Introduction

2015-09-16 Thread Moisés André Nisenbaum
Steven Just to register. I watched all Khan Academy videos. They are awesome! I will use them with my students. Thank you. Best -- Moisés André Nisenbaum Doutorando IBICT/UFRJ. Professor. Msc. Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro - IFRJ Campus Maracanã moises.nisenb...@ifrj.edu.br 2015-09-09 19

Re: [Fis] Information and Locality Introduction

2015-09-14 Thread Francesco Rizzo
Caro Terry, le Tue considerazioni sono sempre creative e stimolanti. Per me l'informazione è in-centrata sulla forma, sullo stato, sulla condizione topologica di un qualcosa che può considerarsi un "testo" o con-"testo" il cui significato non può non essere interpretato.Ma esistono cose a questo mo

Re: [Fis] Information and Locality Introduction

2015-09-12 Thread Terrence W. DEACON
Reminders of old news. In defense of Stan: The use of the term "variety" as a generic stand-in for Shannon's concept of signal entropy traces to W. Ross Ashby, in his excellent effort to demystify information theory and cybernetics for the nontechnical reader. It is appropriate, then, to assume th

Re: [Fis] Information and Locality Introduction

2015-09-12 Thread Stanley N Salthe
Reacting to my: S: Well, I have generalized the Shannon concept of information carrying capacity under 'variety'... {variety {information carrying capacity}}. This allows the concept to operate quite generally in evolutionary and ecological discourses. Information, then, if you like, is what is

Re: [Fis] Information and Locality Introduction

2015-09-12 Thread Michel Petitjean
Dear Loet, Variance is a parameter which can be computed for the distribution of any real random variable having a finite moment of order 2. It includes Normal, Binomial, Poisson, Exponential, any distribution with bounded support, etc. However, some statistical tests about the variance assume norm

Re: [Fis] Information and Locality Introduction

2015-09-12 Thread Loet Leydesdorff
Dear Stan, I sometimes become confused by your word usage. S: Well, I have generalized the Shannon concept of information carrying capacity under 'variety'... {variety {information carrying capacity}}. This allows the concept to operate quite generally in evolutionary and ecological d

Re: [Fis] Information and Locality Introduction

2015-09-11 Thread Francesco Rizzo
Cari Steven Ericsson-Zenith, Pedro e Tutti, proprio da qualche mese ho iniziato a scrivere un libro in cui, fra l'altro, affronto ancora una volta il tema dell'informazione dell'armonia o dell'armonia dell'informazione. Specialmente in questi giorni, dopo avere passato in rassegna le diverse teorie

Re: [Fis] Information and Locality Introduction

2015-09-11 Thread HowlBloom
In a message dated 9/11/2015 8:15:48 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, pcmarijuan.i...@aragon.es writes: Dear Steven and FIS colleagues, Many thanks for this opening text. What you are proposing about a pretty structured discussion looks a good idea, although it will have to confront the usual

Re: [Fis] Information and Locality Introduction

2015-09-11 Thread Robert E. Ulanowicz
I'll have to weigh in with Stan on this one. Stan earlier had defined information more generally as "constraint". It is convenient to employ the IT calculus to separate constraint from indeterminacy. This is possible in complete abstraction from anything to do with communication. The ability to ma

Re: [Fis] Information and Locality Introduction

2015-09-11 Thread Jerry LR Chandler
Dear Steven, Pedro and List: Two excellent posts! Steven: I look forward to your ratiocinations and there connectivity with symbolic logic. It is my view that one of the foundational stumbling blocks to communication about syntactical information theory (and its exactness!) is the multi-mean

Re: [Fis] Information and Locality Introduction

2015-09-11 Thread Stanley N Salthe
Pedro wrote" >Most attempts to enlarge informational thought and to extend it to life, economies, societies, etc. continue to be but a reformulation of the former ideas with little added value. S: Well, I have generalized the Shannon concept of information carrying capacity under 'variety'... {v

Re: [Fis] Information and Locality Introduction

2015-09-11 Thread Pedro C. Marijuan
Dear Steven and FIS colleagues, Many thanks for this opening text. What you are proposing about a pretty structured discussion looks a good idea, although it will have to confront the usually anarchic discussion style of FIS list! Two aspects of your initial text have caught my attention (apart f

[Fis] Information and Locality Introduction

2015-09-09 Thread Steven Ericsson-Zenith
Dear List, This is the start of the next FIS discussion. And this is the first of several emails kicking the discussion off and divided into logical parts so as not to confront the reader with too many ideas and too much text at once. The subject is one that has concerned me ever since I comple