Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sea color

2012-05-19 Thread Renk Thorsten
> With your scientific background you should know better than  
> cherry-picking that statistic. Those on the forum are a self-selected 
> minority of our users.
> No I'm most definitely not. What I'm saying is that by "optimising" for a
> subset of users, you run the risk of sub-optimising for the rest.

*sigh* Did you read what I tried to tell you in my last mail? Without 
optimization, the code would run in single digit framerates. So it has to be 
optimized, it's not a question of if, just of how. The only system for which I 
can do this is my own, because I don't have data for any other system. If I get 
good solid data from your side, I can include that into the optimization.

But please remember - we're talking optimizing the last 5% or so here. In brute 
force mode, it would never ever run fast enough. Generating clouds on a one per 
frame basis for instance is not an option - it's way too slow. Doing all 
administrative tasks every frame is not an option - this generates way too much 

> I think Advanced Weather is good. I'd like the opportunity to exploit my
> (fairly - it's getting a bit long in the tooth now) high end system to  
> enjoy it - not have to put up with an experience that is not as good overall 
> as
> basic weather.

And I'd like to support that. So what I need is data how your system responds 
to certain things, then I can understand what causes the problems, then I can 
hopefully fix them. What I don't need at this point is your theory what is 
wrong unless you understand sufficiently well why things are coded the way they 
are. I have a certain advantage here - I know very well what the individual 
loops do and how and where they burn performance.

> Unfortunately, Advanced Weather can and does crash Fg here. I haven't  
> looked into it properly - but there's no obvious reason atm.

Never happened to me. Also, I found it very difficult to crash Flightgear from 
Nasal in general - in all my time coding in Nasal, I have just discovered a 
single way of causing a segfault. So, I have to leave it to you to figure out 
the why, I can't reproduce it, and I have logged hundreds of flight hours with 
Advanced Weather on.

> For a start we can try to make the Nasal better, I think that might help  
> a
> bit. I spent an hour or so picking over your code. So far I've found:
> 88 declared but unused variables
> 47 declarations of the same or similar variables
> 427 instances of "else if" instead of "elsif"
> 100 instances of I = I + 1 instead of i+=1
> Numerous examples of variables declared inside for loops, and some of  
> those
> are inside other for loops
> Variables declared inside condition statements.

Nasal isn't C++ and variable declaration isn't the same thing for instance. If 
you want to speed up code, you have to go where performance is burnt. And that 
happens wherever you call add-cloud() or geodinfo() or setprop() or getprop(), 
i.e. the hard-coded stuff - that needs to be carefully distributed across 
frames for a smooth experience.

What you do Nasal-internally is subleading and usually I couldn't ever measure 
a performance impact. As I said, I am currently going over the code and 
throwing out stuff which the transition to Stuart's cloud system has made 
obsolete and which are currently just de-activated by if-statements. That 
allows to streamline some other processes, because some situation can't occur 
any more, and that should take some load off the main loops and definitely 
reduce load for the GC if this is anywhere sensitive to code size. I would 
expect much more from that than from semantic details (I don't even know 
whether else if or elseif would be faster in Nasal - has that been tested? ).

In the mean time, can we do the following:

There are two issues: 1) framerate impact while a weather tile is built (that 
happens a lot initially as up to 9 tiles are built, and later depends on the 
speed of your aircraft - the Concorde triggers a new tile every 16 seconds, the 
C-172 takes a few minutes. 2) framerate impact and smoothness while no tile is 

For the time being, I'd like to focus on 2) (because optimizing tile building 
is *really* tough and I don't even have an idea for a better algorithm which 
doesn't break in some situations) so you may have to live with 
stutter/framerate drop caused by tile-building for a while longer.

Without tile-building, I'd like to aim at a worst frame duration of <33 ms, so 
we can have a smooth 30 fps at least (currently we can apparently have 50 ms). 
If more comes out, the better.

To gauge the impact of various measures, I'd like to see framerate and worst 
frame duration readings without tile building going on. So you have to wait 
after starting Advanced Weather for about a minute till 9 tiles are built and 
the visibility has reached its target value and all terrain is loaded, then 
take the readings. If the log option in the GUI  is on, the tile building info 
is written to the console, so you

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sea color

2012-05-19 Thread Vivian Meazza

> > Conclusion: don't try to optimise, particularly for a poor system -
> > you might make it better for that system, but more likely you will
> > make it worse for everyone else.
> Judging by framerate comparisons with people in the forum, my system is
> still somewhere in the upper third - many people have to live with less.
> Judging by user requests and comments, more than 90% want higher
> framerate out of the system by any means, you represent a minority of
> who would be willing to sacrifice framerate for smoothness.

With your scientific background you should know better than cherry-picking
that statistic. Those on the forum are a self-selected minority of our
users. We have no idea what our users out there are using, neither hardware
nor OS. We don't know if they have tried Advanced Weather and abandoned it,
or put up with stuttering, or never tried it. Anecdotally, there are plenty
of complaints about stuttering, and AFAIKS these are really only apparent
with Advanced Weather or Concorde. 
> Most of us are happy to see Rembrandt or lightfields with anything
> resembling 20 fps. So, just who is that 'everyone else'? And for whom do
> optimize?
> You're basically saying I should optimize things for you - but that would
> it worse for everyone else not running a high-end system.

No I'm most definitely not. What I'm saying is that by "optimising" for a
subset of users, you run the risk of sub-optimising for the rest.

> > Right now, with Advanced Weather we have a weather simulator with a
> > FlightSim attached. We're spending 10 (yes 10!) times as long in the
> > Events Sub-module with Advanced Weather than in Basic, and 5 times as
> > long as we spend in Flight.
> That'd probably be because Advanced Weather does ~10 times more
> complex calculations than Basic weather... And I'm not surprised that it
> more than flight either - flight is comparatively cheap, that ran with
> accuracy 10 years ago. To compute a non-local environment (i.e. that knows
> that conditions 'here' are different from conditions 'there') is quite a
bit more
> expensive and we could not do that 10 years ago. As for your comment, yes,
> that's quite true - that's just how the problem is. Teaching thousands of
> clouds where convection is, or how to flow over terrain obstacles is
> expensive, even if you do it schematically. That's what's needed to give
> semi-realistic distributions of clouds. If you're happy with just clouds
in the
> sky, that's cheaper, but not what Advanced Weather is for.

I think Advanced Weather is good. I'd like the opportunity to exploit my
(fairly - it's getting a bit long in the tooth now) high end system to enjoy
it - not have to put up with an experience that is not as good overall as
basic weather.

> > Writing data to the Property Tree is bad.  This one is not evidence
> > based
> That's evidence based (I have done some testing a while ago just how long
> takes) - it's currently minimized in my code, but the tree is the
> between menu, C++, Shaders and Nasal, so ultimately some stuff has to be
> written or read.
> > To be honest, I think there are design difficulties with Advanced
> > Weather.
> > There should only be one loop - the "update loop" - running at main
> > frame rate which activates/deactivates the various sub-modules as
> > required. I think I have done enough work here to demonstrate that
> > this is a viable way forward.
> The current design with multiple loops
> * has robustness  (a problem in one submodule doesn't crash the whole
> system)
> * has good framerates (which is an issue for the majority of us)
> * is easy to debug (as it doesn't hand over too many parameters between
> iterations)

Unfortunately, Advanced Weather can and does crash Fg here. I haven't looked
into it properly - but there's no obvious reason atm.

> If running the individual loops at main framerate solves your smoothness
> problems, then we can start for instance making the loop timers user-
> configurable. Sacrificing framerate for smoothness is a compromise you
> might be willing to make, but I am not, I need the framerate.

Yup - with "bare" fg I can see over 200fps (not at KSFO of course). I can
spare a few for smoothness.

> I agree that for your problem, your solution is the correct way forward -
> my problems are different from yours. So what do we do about that?

For a start we can try to make the Nasal better, I think that might help a
bit. I spent an hour or so picking over your code. So far I've found:

88 declared but unused variables
47 declarations of the same or similar variables
427 instances of "else if" instead of "elsif"
100 instances of I = I + 1 instead of i+=1
Numerous examples of variables declared inside for loops, and some of those
are inside other for loops
Variables declared inside condition statements.

Nasal is tolerant of those kind of things where other languages/compilers
would  at least warn y

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sea color

2012-05-19 Thread Alan Teeder

-Original Message- 
From: Ron Jensen
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2012 2:54 AM
To: FlightGear developers discussions
Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sea color

On Friday 18 May 2012 10:59:22 Alan Teeder wrote:
> On the subject of frames rates I have a couple of questions.

> 2. Is there a mechanism for making the core - fdm, afcs, equations of
> motion etc. run at a higher priority than the rest of the simulation?

The JSBSim FDM and systems coded in JSBSim run at or near a stable 120Hz by
running multiple times per graphics frame.


Thanks for that.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sea color

2012-05-18 Thread Ron Jensen
On Friday 18 May 2012 10:59:22 Alan Teeder wrote:
> On the subject of frames rates I have a couple of questions.

> 2. Is there a mechanism for making the core - fdm, afcs, equations of
> motion etc. run at a higher priority than the rest of the simulation?

The JSBSim FDM and systems coded in JSBSim run at or near a stable 120Hz by 
running multiple times per graphics frame.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sea color

2012-05-18 Thread Heiko Schulz


> It is for Vivian. We seem to agree that a stable 20 fps is possible (I get > 
> it and Vivian gets it if he throttles down), but he aims at more. Which is > 
> okay with me.

I understood it wasn't stable. That's why he was happy with stable 24fps. 
I probably misunderstood here. 

> Well, I'm not seeing anything like that, and neither is Vivian - we were > 
> talking about frames delayed to 50-60 ms which are a noticeable stutter > 
> when you can run with 40 fps, not about second long delays. I agree that > 
> what you have way more serious and needs to be understood and fixed asap > if 
> that is possible. 

I tried the 777-200LR at CustomScenery "Alaska" with "Cold Sector" and 
visibility at default at the first 10min I had the mentioned stutters. But 
suddenly framerates stabilized and I noticed the less delays.
So the scenery tile loading was the cause for stutters, so finally I could see 
your work in its all glory and got some nice screenshots.

Without using the system monitor (which has an big influence on Framerates 
here) I have: 
With "Cold sector", cloud density of 0.25 I had more or less stable 37fps not 
throttled. Delay had been about 60-84ms.

With the Cub at Terrasync TNCM I get similar framerates and delays after tile 
loading, no loops disabled and settimer kept.

With visibility set to 50km to keep tile loading time smaller, with all 
settimer set to zero and with disabling the loops I get 29-30fps throttled down 
and a delay of 34ms.
Unthrottled I get 60fps and a delay of 30-40ms at TNCM!

Then again Enabling buffer loop delay increase to average 50ms and gets less 
stable (20-98ms)

Enabling now dynamics loop delay gets worse at the first second- then 

Enabling effect loop delay keeps between 20-41ms
The same with timing loop.
Again, all this with all settimer set to 0.0.

Framerates changes its values according to the number of clouds. With the 
mentioned scenario I got always about 50-60fps at ground. 
Tropical weather is unusable for me. But similar weather scenarios with Basic 
weather aren't better.

I did not yet tried other weather scenarios.

> So if you, or Vivian, or anyone else can come up with code or an idea
> that actually fixes a problem, you'll see me say 'Thank you'.

Sorry, but this sounds even cheaper ;-)
If we already had the solution, Vivian or me had already brought it up.
But you are adressed here, as you are the developer of this piece of artwork.
See it like that: 
If I have a problem with any product and don't find the solution, you will 
always try to ask the producer if he might have an idea as he probably does 
know his product better than any other!

Nethertheless, we all don't know what you already had considered. And that's 
why all those "cheap" suggestions coming up. 
Like on the Lightfield shader issue it is better when you suggest a list of 
ideas which can be the issue. That might be many paths of possible issues, and 
any of those paths has to be tried to find out which is the right one.
Vivian already suggested some paths, if you think this isn't the path to the 
solution, it would be good to propose some other paths.

> (As a side remark, I remember specifically asking here what people would > 
> like to see in a combined weather - so far no answers. ) 

Hmm... probably because when they want to have a combined weather probably 
an Advanced Weather which runs per default (METAR, real life weather fetch and 
all those nice scenarios we have in both) without explicit enabling and giving 
similar framerates like basic weather.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sea color

2012-05-18 Thread Vivian Meazza

> On the subject of frames rates I have a couple of questions.
> 1. Is there a mechanism for odd and even frames (or even
> frame.1,frame.2,frame3...frame.n for a once in every n frames task) to be
> run separately, or is everything that is scheduled at a specific rate
> one go?
> 2. Is there a mechanism for making the core - fdm, afcs, equations of
> etc. run at a higher priority than the rest of the simulation?

If you go to the menu item Debug > Monitor System Performance you will see
which sub-modules run at main frame rate and those which run at 2 x main
frame rate.

Items can be made to run at greater than main frame rate, but not at less,
easily, and I guess more sub-modules could be added to the 2x list with more


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sea color

2012-05-18 Thread Alan Teeder
On the subject of frames rates I have a couple of questions.

1. Is there a mechanism for odd and even frames (or even 
frame.1,frame.2,frame3...frame.n for a once in every n frames task) to be 
run separately, or is everything that is scheduled at a specific rate 
executed one go?
2. Is there a mechanism for making the core - fdm, afcs, equations of motion 
etc. run at a higher priority than the rest of the simulation? 

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sea color

2012-05-18 Thread Renk Thorsten
> The facts are:
> -it isn't that much important if you have 20fps or 60fps. But it is more  
> important that the framerates are   stable  !!!

It is for Vivian. We seem to agree that a stable 20 fps is possible (I get it 
and Vivian gets it if he throttles down), but he aims at more. Which is okay 
with me.

> In the moment I can see stutters which interrupts the simulation
> every <1-2 seconds for even about between one, two second. In this time  
> I always loose control about an aircraft and autopilot begins to play  
> crazy.

Well, I'm not seeing anything like that, and neither is Vivian - we were 
talking about frames delayed to 50-60 ms which are a noticeable stutter when 
you can run with 40 fps, not about second long delays. I agree that what you 
have way more serious and needs to be understood and fixed asap if that is 

So can you run the same diagnostics I suggested to Vivian, i.e. selectively 
disabling the list of loop flags and see if that improves anything? If I am not 
much mistaken, no major loop runs at a 1-2 second interval.

For reference: 
* effect volumes run per frame
* interpolation runs at 0.2 sec
* thermal and wave lift are usually of because not needed, but they run per 
* housekeeping runs per frame
* tile management runs at 4.0 sec (but has very weak computational load)
* dynamics runs per frame
* quadtree runs per frame
* convective loop runs at 30 seconds, but isn't currently on

Two points worth noting: 1) most loops already run per frame, so we're really 
talking about if interpolation should be clocked faster or not and if running 
tile management at 4 seconds is a good idea and 2) it's rather unlikely that 
coincidence of not-per-frame loops creates what you experience because the 
timing doesn't work out.

Thus, starting from Vivian's theory that this is the problem gets us precisely 
nowhere I can see in your case (it may explain Vivian's findings though).

> Maybe I'm able to create a diagram showing Latency/Framerates in  
> Advanced Weather. Though my computer is not the newest one, I would  
> expect a much better behavior.

Me too.

> -Advanced weather is indeed a high fidelity weather simulation. Together  
> with the shaders, and especially lightfield shader, we get a very good  
> simulation of the atmosphere already, which is needed for a more  
> realistic simulation of flight.  So due to this it is clear that it  
> needs a bit more perfomance than other stuff in FGFS. But this doesn't  
> explain those stutters.

No, it doesn't. 

Look, believe me or not,  I am really trying to find out what the issues are. 
That's difficult, if the discussion boils down to 'I found a for-loop inside 
the main loop, that's probably what causes problems'. I put the for loop there 
for a reason having to do with thinking a few months about a difficult problem, 
I'm trying to explain these reasons so that we can get the biases out of the 
way and actually get down to identifying what needs to be addressed and what is 
red herring.

I'm also trying to be realistic - most people seem to be able to get a stable 
20 fps, i.e. worst frame delay of 50 ms (your case needs to be understood 
though), I might be able to improve the code to give a stable 30 fps, but I 
don't see it coming that tasks can be chopped and distributed such that you can 
expect a smooth 50 or 60 fps. 

> Here are people who does have enough experience and knowledge about  
> Project FlightGear and its codes and especially nasal which should be  
> taken seriously. 

If somebody posts a piece of code replacing something I have written and 
demonstrates that this runs faster, I take this very seriously. If somebody 
here suggests a faster algorithm to solve the problem, I take this very 
seriously (Stuart has outclassed my way of moving clouds by more than an order 
of magnitude - so we do it his way and deal with the secondary problems caused 
by the approximation. TorstenD has both advised me how to write loop structures 
across frames and done his version of the terrain sampling which is better than 
mine, so we use it now. There's a history of me adopting other people's 
solutions if they are demonstrated to be superior). 

On the other hand, 'This is bad design' or 'This should run faster' is cheap to 
say. Claiming that 'If you do it like this it would run faster' is also cheap - 
I've tested a few dozend strategies which fail already, and I know for a fact 
that what looks promising doesn't work automatically. I'll listen to such 
suggestions, but I reserve the right to dismiss them based on my experience 
with the problem at hand unless it is demonstrated to me that this actually 

So if you, or Vivian, or anyone else can come up with code or an idea that 
actually fixes a problem, you'll see me say 'Thank you'.

> But I do see a wish by many developers and users to have both weathers  
> combined, and even more important working without any stutters. And this  
> means that s

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sea color

2012-05-18 Thread Heiko Schulz
Hello Thorsten,

Somehow I don't like the way this discussion is going.

> You had a worst of 27 in your list 
> running everything and were unhappy. Now a stable worst of 24 makes you
> happy?

The facts are:

-it isn't that much important if you have 20fps or 60fps. But it is more 
important that the framerates are   stable  !!! 
In the moment I can see stutters which interrupts the simulation 
every <1-2 seconds for even about between one, two second. In this time I 
always loose control about an aircraft and autopilot begins to play crazy.
Maybe I'm able to create a diagram showing Latency/Framerates in Advanced 
Weather. Though my computer is not the newest one, I would expect a much better 

-Advanced weather is indeed a high fidelity weather simulation. Together with 
the shaders, and especially lightfield shader, we get a very good simulation of 
the atmosphere already, which is needed for a more realistic simulation of 
flight.  So due to this it is clear that it needs a bit more perfomance than 
other stuff in FGFS. But this doesn't explain those stutters. 

-Everyone here is impressed by the outcome. Everyone would like to use it.
Compared with X-Plane or MSFS we can really be proud to have such thing!
And say thank you for this contribution! So your hard work you did is highly 
appreciated by everyone. 

Here are people who does have enough experience and knowledge about Project 
FlightGear and its codes and especially nasal which should be taken seriously. 
That does not mean, that your opinions are not taken serious. It is quite the 

But I do see a wish by many developers and users to have both weathers 
combined, and even more important working without any stutters. And this means 
that some parts of your code maybe needs some overhaul. Even we do know that 
you have worked on the code in the best manner to have it fast as possible. 

Vivian wrote:
>> "Optimising" code is bad. You might make it better for your system,
>> but make it worse for everyone else. OSG/OpenGL do a pretty good job
>> all  
>> by themselves


Thorsten wrote:
> Optimizing code is badly needed. OSG/OpenGL don't do a pretty good job
> all by themselves for sufficiently complex tasks and that's a fact -
> been there, seen it - Advanced Weather without any optimization would
> drive you to single digit framerates no matter what system you run
> easily. It's all nice that you get enough framerate out of the water
> shader and can affort to compute cloud coverage in the shader per frame > per 
> pixel, but those of us not running high end machines would like to
> run it as well, and I am 
> glad I figured out a way to make it 50%
> faster for me.

You said it already: Optimizing code is badly needed. And optimizing can be 
done in many ways. The pure nasal code can just be optimized, or the algorithm 
can be hardcoded somewhere, or etc
No idea if OSG/OpenGL is really the limiting factor.

What Vivian wanted to say is, that something that works on your computer does 
not automatically must on other computers. As much as I know he has now a 
pretty good and strong computer.
And I don't know what you do understand on "high end machines". 
Today we have to seperate between computers with many powerful cores, but weak 
inboard graphiccards; computers with single or just duo cores with low rates, 
but strong, higher graphic cards; or such machines where you have the best of 

You can see it yourself: Advanced Weather is running fine on your system, but 
you have big troubles with rembrandt.
On my system it is quite the opposite: advanced weathers gives me unusuable 
stutters, but rembrandt is really fine doing. 

Maybe we should handle this more like in our bug tracker:

Unusable stutters with Advanced Weather
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. take any aircraft and start from any airport
2. select advanced weather
3. watch Latency and framerates
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Expected is a stable framerate, maybe with lower framerates than without 
advanced weather. Instead we get stutters which occurs every 1-2 seconds or 
even less, with pauses about 1-2 seconds. It is undependant of direction of 
view (cloudy parts vs non cloudy parts) and gets worse the more clouds are 
beeing generated.

At least Optimizing code to try to prevent such issues feels for me like 
healing the symptoms, but not healing the real cause, whatever this might be. 


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sea color

2012-05-18 Thread Renk Thorsten

After sleeping it over...

> Now set
> all Advanced Weather settime() to 0.0 and retest with METAR. Wow!!!
> Improvement, not as good as Basic Weather , but much better. Worst fps is
> stable at 24, av. is still unstable.  

You had a worst of 27 in your list
running everything and were unhappy. Now a stable worst of 24 makes you happy? 
It'd be good to test this not with METAR but with high pressure core.

Basically, if you clock all loops at 0.0, as far as Nasal is concerned you make 
the average frame duration come down to the worst frame duration. Which would 
indeed trade framerate for smoothness, except... on my system, this runs into 
the garbage problem, so I get a really bad worst frame delay when I run all 
stuff at all times. 

So the lesson I learned is as long as garbage collection is a problem, avoid 
running stuff on a per-frame basis whenever you can. This looks to be very 
system specific, though.

> Right now, with Advanced Weather we have a weather simulator with a
> FlightSim attached. We're spending 10 (yes 10!) times as long in the Events
> Sub-module with Advanced Weather than in Basic, and 5 times as long as we
> spend in Flight.

> For loops are bad - in C++ as much as in Nasal.  For loops hold up
> the  execution of the main loop, even when they do very little. 

I'm not quite sure you actually appreciate the task being done, so let me 
expand a bit.

First of all, in terms of raw floating point operations, the water shader beats 
flight (and weather) probably by a few orders of magnitude. So what we really 
have is a water reflection simulator with a few percent of the remaining 
performance dedicated to environment and flight. What saves our ass in 
performance lists is just that water reflection can run on the GPU and hence 
doesn't even show up in CPU load comparison - it slows you down nevertheless in 
practice, dramatically so. 

Flight has the task of solving equations of motion for a single object, based 
on a series of coefficients (to be determine by functions or interpolation 
tables). At the core is a set of differential equations, we know how to solve 
them by discretizing, replacing derivatives by differences applying some error 
corrections and cleverness and integrating forward in time. I know the problem 
reasonably well, I could write code doing it if needed.

Advanced Weather has to solve equations of motion for all clouds in the scene 
(on a nice summer afternoon, say we have about 5000 Cumulus clouds, 1000 of 
these have a significant thermal underneath). If the equations of motion would 
be as complex as for an airplane, we'd have a framerate (if we start out having 
60 fps without clouds) of 60/6000 = 0.01. That wouldn't be good.

So we use very simple equations of motion which give plausible behaviour. Say 
these are a factor 100 faster, which gives us a framerate of 1 fps. Still not 
good. This is where the brute-force approach ends.

Next, we realize that not all objects need priority attention. Nearby objects 
like the thermal we're in are more relevant than distant objects (like the 
thermal we're not in). Visible objects like clouds need more attention than 
invisible objects like thermals - it's more acceptable for a thermal to have a 
'jumpy' motion than for a cloud nearby. 

Thus, we do not need to solve every equation of motion per graphical frame. 
It's sufficient to solve them at a slower rate, we can visit every object in 
the scene only once in a while. 

But it shouldn't be too jumpy - a 10 m discontinuous motion can't be felt in a 
glider, but a 100 m jump can (I tested these and compared with my real-life 
experience). Clouds in the scene should best not move discontinuously at all 
(you'd be the first to point this out...). Thermals should not be decorrelated 
from cap clouds over time, rain should not leak out underneath clouds,... that 
limits the way we can distribute tasks. In other words, the weather system 
needs to know where the clouds are even if the clouds are actually moved in the 
scene by the shader. The weather system still needs to correlate thermals and 
do the vertical motion of the clouds in response to terrain obstacles, and for 
that it doesn't just need the information where the cloud is but also what the 
terrain underneath is like.

Say in doing all that cleverly, we can get the framerate from 1 to 30 fps. It's 
clear that assigning priorities will cause some fluctuations in the framerate, 
because the system has to make guesses what is important at the precise moment, 
and sometimes it guesses wrong and the task it decided to do is easier than 

At the same time, we may also move through the scene. We have supersonic 
aircraft, the Concorde at cruise altitude for instance goes through 3 weather 
tiles every 50 seconds, that gives you a whopping 16 seconds to get to know the 
terrain, build 5000 clouds dependent on what you fly over, display them, and 

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sea color

2012-05-17 Thread Renk Thorsten
> Conclusion: don't try to optimise, particularly for a poor system - you
> might make it better for that system, but more likely you will make it  
> worse for everyone else.

Judging by framerate comparisons with people in the forum, my system is still 
somewhere in the upper third - many people have to live with less. Judging by 
user requests and comments, more than 90% want higher framerate out of the 
system by any means, you represent a minority of users who would be willing to 
sacrifice framerate for smoothness.

Most of us are happy to see Rembrandt or lightfields with anything resembling 
20 fps. So, just who is that 'everyone else'? And for whom do we optimize?

You're basically saying I should optimize things for you - but that would make 
it worse for everyone else not running a high-end system.

> Right now, with Advanced Weather we have a weather simulator with a
> FlightSim attached. We're spending 10 (yes 10!) times as long in the  
> Events Sub-module with Advanced Weather than in Basic, and 5 times as long as 
> we
> spend in Flight.

That'd probably be because Advanced Weather does ~10 times more complex 
calculations than Basic weather... And I'm not surprised that it takes more 
than flight either - flight is comparatively cheap, that ran with decent 
accuracy 10 years ago. To compute a non-local environment (i.e. that knows that 
conditions 'here' are different from conditions 'there') is quite a bit more 
expensive and we could not do that 10 years ago. As for your comment, yes, 
that's quite true - that's just how the problem is. Teaching thousands of 
clouds where convection is, or how to flow over terrain obstacles is expensive, 
even if you do it schematically. That's what's needed to give you 
semi-realistic distributions of clouds. If you're happy with just clouds in the 
sky, that's cheaper, but not what Advanced Weather is for.

> Writing data to the Property Tree is bad.  This one is not evidence
> based

That's evidence based (I have done some testing a while ago just how long it 
takes) - it's currently minimized in my code, but the tree is the interface 
between menu, C++, Shaders and Nasal, so ultimately some stuff has to be 
written or read.

> To be honest, I think there are design difficulties with Advanced  
> Weather.
> There should only be one loop - the "update loop" - running at main frame
> rate which activates/deactivates the various sub-modules as required. I
> think I have done enough work here to demonstrate that this is a viable  
> way forward.

The current design with multiple loops

* has robustness  (a problem in one submodule doesn't crash the whole system)
* has good framerates (which is an issue for the majority of us)
* is easy to debug (as it doesn't hand over too many parameters between 

If running the individual loops at main framerate solves your smoothness 
problems, then we can start for instance making the loop timers 
user-configurable. Sacrificing framerate for smoothness is a compromise you 
might be willing to make, but I am not, I need the framerate.

I agree that for your problem, your solution is the correct way forward - but 
my problems are different from yours. So what do we do about that?

* Thorsten
Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sea color

2012-05-17 Thread Vivian Meazza

Testing continues

> > Concorde has of the order of 6000 lines of active code, and yes, it
> > displays exactly the same discontinuities as Advanced Weather (approx.
> > 10,000 lines of code). So far, I have not found any other examples.

> Just to idly continue my list - the A380 has in excess of 8000 lines of
Nasal, the
> 777 has about 3500 lines, ... I don't know what you usually fly, but the
> modern, more complex aircraft tend to accumulate a lot of Nasal when
> aircraft makers start to care about systems.

A380 - broken
Mig 15bis - broken
B777 - works - framerate is adversely affected and stutters a bit, but
acceptable. Notably, it increases the time spent in the Events sub-module,
but only by approx. 10ms, or 2 times.

> I have just tried to start Flightgear without the Advanced Weather module
> loaded, disabling all weather, using the ufo to minimize any Nasal impact.
> bottom line is, no matter what I do, as soon as I actually move around I
> always get spikes in the frame delay raging from 30 to 45 ms, i.e. I never
> a smooth framerate even if I throw out basically everything.

The ufo is far from a Nasal-free zone. Compare it with the Seahawk? It has
no pooh traps.

> So I can't ever get to the smooth state you apparently have on your
> which means I can't meaningfully test what makes a difference. I can only
> suggest that you try disabling the loops I suggested and play with the
> timings. If you think letting loops run per frame helps, by all means try
- with
> the possible exception of the tile management, I'm fairly certain the rest
> run per frame without bad side effects - the times are chosen to give the
> best performance on my system, but this may not work the same way for
> you.

Nil weather is very smooth in basic weather with shaders on but veg, obj,
and bldgs off. Tried METAR. Basic weather now shows some stutter. Now set
all Advanced Weather settime() to 0.0 and retest with METAR. Wow!!!
Improvement, not as good as Basic Weather , but much better. Worst fps is
stable at 24, av. is still unstable.  

That's the good news - the bad news is that Emilian does not see an

Conclusion: don't try to optimise, particularly for a poor system - you
might make it better for that system, but more likely you will make it worse
for everyone else. 

> If you can find a working combination, I'll make it an option in the GUI
> see if it helps others.
> > Yes, I was around when Nasal was introduced to Flightgear. Up to now
> > it's been a few 100s of lines, not many 1000s. We have long been aware
> > that GC could cause problems, but haven't fixed it because the effects
> > weren't too bad while Nasal was small and framerates were low, and we
> > had no obvious solution.
> You know what really bugs me? The direction fingers are pointing.

Well, as Gene Buckle pointed out: if you point a finger, then 3 are pointing
right back at you.
> We have an implementation of Nasal which dumps all the GC into a single
> frame and is apparently sensitive to the total amount of code, regardless
> the code is actually run or not. This fact has historically not been
> advertized or explained. That turns out to be a problem.

We were aware that "GC was a problem". We also avoided dumping nasal into
the Nasal folder because "everything in there runs".  Too much stuff is
either buried in obscure Wiki pages or are simply part of the hive memory;
there are fewer worker bees than there were and the memory grows weaker.

> The way this usually comes across is 'Advanced Weather causes stutter'.
> it actually doesn't really (or at least that remains to be shown) - what
> stutter is mainly the GC, and Advanced Weather just happens to trigger
> The range of suggested solutions in the past included almost everything,
> from avoiding Nasal to porting code to Nasal to hacking around the problem
> to loading things on-demand - except fixing the actual cause of the

To be honest, I think there are design difficulties with Advanced Weather.
There should only be one loop - the "update loop" - running at main frame
rate which activates/deactivates the various sub-modules as required. I
think I have done enough work here to demonstrate that this is a viable way

> I don't honestly know how complex code to collect garbage across many
> frames is, but somehow I doubt that in terms of man-hours the effort beats
> porting the existing large-scale Nasal codes to C++. Just my 2 cents in
> case.

> Sorry, this really had to get out. Now, back to being constructive. As I
said, I
> try to do what I can in terms of getting old code out and streamlining the
> - hopefully we get some improvements.

Right now, with Advanced Weather we have a weather simulator with a
FlightSim attached. We're spending 10 (yes 10!) times as long in the Events
Sub-module with Advanced Weather than in Basic, and 5 times as long as we
spend in Fli

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sea color

2012-05-16 Thread Renk Thorsten
> Concorde has of the order of 6000 lines of active code, and yes, it  
> displays exactly the same discontinuities as Advanced Weather (approx. 10,000 
> lines of code). So far, I have not found any other examples.

Just to idly continue my list - the A380 has in excess of 8000 lines of Nasal, 
the 777 has about 3500 lines, ... I don't know what you usually fly, but the 
modern, more complex aircraft tend to accumulate a lot of Nasal when aircraft 
makers start to care about systems.

I have just tried to start Flightgear without the Advanced Weather module 
loaded, disabling all weather, using the ufo to minimize any Nasal impact. The 
bottom line is, no matter what I do, as soon as I actually move around I always 
get spikes in the frame delay raging from 30 to 45 ms, i.e. I never have a 
smooth framerate even if I throw out basically everything.

So I can't ever get to the smooth state you apparently have on your system, 
which means I can't meaningfully test what makes a difference. I can only 
suggest that you try disabling the loops I suggested and play with the loop 
timings. If you think letting loops run per frame helps, by all means try - 
with the possible exception of the tile management, I'm fairly certain the rest 
can run per frame without bad side effects - the times are chosen to give the 
best performance on my system, but this may not work the same way for you. 

If you can find a working combination, I'll make it an option in the GUI and 
see if it helps others.

> Yes, I was around when Nasal was introduced to Flightgear. Up to now it's
> been a few 100s of lines, not many 1000s. We have long been aware that GC
> could cause problems, but haven't fixed it because the effects weren't  
> too bad while Nasal was small and framerates were low, and we had no obvious
> solution.

You know what really bugs me? The direction fingers are pointing.

We have an implementation of Nasal which dumps all the GC into a single frame 
and is apparently sensitive to the total amount of code, regardless if the code 
is actually run or not. This fact has historically not been widely advertized 
or explained. That turns out to be a problem.

The way this usually comes across is 'Advanced Weather causes stutter'. But it 
actually doesn't really (or at least that remains to be shown) - what causes 
stutter is mainly the GC, and Advanced Weather just happens to trigger this. 
The range of suggested solutions in the past included almost everything, from 
avoiding Nasal to porting code to Nasal to hacking around the problem to 
loading things on-demand - except fixing the actual cause of the problems.

I don't honestly know how complex code to collect garbage across many frames 
is, but somehow I doubt that in terms of man-hours the effort beats porting the 
existing large-scale Nasal codes to C++. Just my 2 cents in any case. 

Sorry, this really had to get out. Now, back to being constructive. As I said, 
I try to do what I can in terms of getting old code out and streamlining the 
rest - hopefully we get some improvements.

* Thorsten
Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sea color

2012-05-16 Thread Renk Thorsten

> Yes. You have produced a very nice piece of work which gives variable
> results in different systems. We need to at least understand the cause  
> and try to fix it

GC according to what I can test.

> Pity you didn't use standard scenery. I don't think custom scenery and  
> the ufo will produce representative results.

The ufo minimizes other interfering Nasal and gives me the highest framerate, 
so it's a good test case to see problems which show up for high framerate. 
Custom scenery is because I fly that most of the time, so just bad habit.

> Loading and unloading scenery tiles every few seconds? Any evidence for
> that?

With high visibility and the ufo at 500 kt? You bet there's tiles loading every 
few seconds...

> Yes it probably does. And we should be trying to eliminating these  
> wherever feasible. And don't forget that there's Nasal everywhere which is 
> doing  
> its Garbage Collection.

GC is not relevant here, since there are no visible framerate delayes when I 
remain static, but they are there when I move - Nasal or GC shouldn't depend on 
my state of motion.

> No that is not what I'm talking about. Altering the view changes the  
> frame
> rate here, shaders or not, just try looking at KSFO from the air and then
> away from it.
> The issue I was on about is uneven framerates with big differences  
> between
> the worst and average framerate. Are you seeing shaders causing that?

As I explained before, yes, I'm seeing precisely that in turns and my 
interpretation is that I'm seeing stuff being loaded into the scene and 
unloaded from the scene. Shaders have a substantial impact there - turning into 
ocean-dominated scenery causes uneven framerate here till I end my turn.

> As I said - here it never gets back to normal, but ThorstenB explained  
> that we are not unloading  object when disabling, and that a restart is  
> needed.

As far as I can measure it gets back to normal here. Might have to do with the 
lack of Nasal in the ufo.

> They are inherently problematic, the only question is how much of a  
> problem,
> but sometimes they're unavoidable.
> What's with this one?
> setsize(terrain_n,40);
> for(var j=0;j<40;j=j+1){terrain_n[j]=0;}
> can't this be:
> setsize(terrain_n=[],40);

This runs only once at startup, not inside any of the continuous loops. But it 
could be changed.

> Do we need setsize() at all? I don't see it much used outside Advanced  
> Weather.

It allows to cut elements out of a vector, which is very neat. No idea if there 
is another way of doing that in Nasal.

> Concorde has of the order of 6000 lines of active code, and yes, it  
> displays
> exactly the same discontinuities as Advanced Weather (approx. 10,000  
> lines
> of code). So far, I have not found any other examples.

Vostok seems to have around 5000, MiG-15bis has 7000+ lines, the Garmin GPS 
comes with ~4000 lines of Nasal; there's the bombable air combat package (since 
as far as I know air combat features wouldn't get committed, anyone without the 
infrastructure to generate binaries for various system is practically forced to 
use Nasal since the number of users who would use air-combat feature patches 
and then compile is very limited, whereas distributing Nasal files one can 
reach at least some users),... I said, it's here to stay.

> What an odd metaphor - you very definitely do the first , while waiting  
> for the second. If the fuse box cannot be fixed, then you are stuck with the
> first, and that's where we are right now. Let's hope there is a solution.

Then why don't you simply try running Advanced Weather 'lightl? After all, it's 
a modular system all along.

Testing for 5 minutes and 500 km, it seems to run fine here with 


which leaves you all the visuals and takes out the harder-to-spot details  (2d 
clouds no longer move, no evolution of convective clouds, no working thermals, 
weather doesn't drift with the wind, only clouds do, so weather doesn't change 
if you wait at a location, no rain (isn't working anyway right now...),...

According to your table, that takes care of a fair share of  problems. Edit 
'set_tile()' in Nasal/local_weather/local_weather.nas to start the loops you'd 
like to have. We might even have a checkbox in the menu for the purpose.

But as I said, I think really  the GC needs to be addressed. There's only so 
much hacking around the actual problem one can do.

I am at the moment throwing unused code out - no idea if it will help much, but 
it will reduce the line count somewhat. 

I see that it'd be possible to port weather effects to C++ if anyone would want 
to work on that - this is stable code from my side, I haven't touched it for 
ages, it would be useful in more applications (think of localized turbulence 
behind starting AI aircraft for instance) and it is very modular - so I'm all 
for doing that.

> Yes, I was arou

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sea color

2012-05-16 Thread Vivian Meazza

> I did a bit of testing of my own yesterday, and I have made a few other
> observations as well.
> User feedback:
> I've largely come to ignore that (with few exceptions such as Vivian's
> performance table), because trying to make sense of it is a path into
> madness. Just a few examples: On my own system, Advanced Weather
> tends to lead to better framerates than Basic Weather for similar cloud
> In fair weather, I'm getting 10% more, in overcast conditions sometimes
> a factor 2. I have some user feedback (4 cases by now) confirming that.
> recently said that he previously got better framerates using Advanced, but
> not any more. My problem - I didn't really change anything except
> values and such things between the two occasions. Logical conclusion: The
> performance of Advanced Weather can change uncorrelated with changes in
> the code, and it affects different users in a different way?

I too saw improved framerates in Advanced Weather a short while back, but
they seems to have disappeared. It is quite hard to compare like-with-like
between Basic and Advanced Weather. 

> A while ago, the user sgofferj experienced 'stutter' when running
> Vivian was kind enough to immediately blame Advanced Weather on the
> occasion, however the screenshots clearly showed (and sgofferj later
> confirmed) that he had never loaded Advanced Weather (read the story
> here
> Logical conclusion: Advanced Weather is able to cause stutter even if the
> module is never loaded?
> So, for some it's faster and they gain a lot of performance, for some it's
> slower,  for some it causes stutter when loaded, for others the mere
> presence on the harddisk causes stutter, for some it works fine... should
> of this really cause action from my side? Largely, this is anecdotal

Yes. You have produced a very nice piece of work which gives variable
results in different systems. We need to at least understand the cause and
try to fix it

> 'Bare Flightgear'
> My testcase was France Custom Scenery with the ufo, visibility probably 50
> km or so, no shaders. Removing *all* weather and just remaining
> I get 70 fps with a worst frame delay of pretty constant 14 ms, since
14*70 =
> 980 ~ 1000 this means I get very evenly spaced frames. However, just
> in a circle, my worst frame delay starts to get jumpy every 2-3 seconds,
> goes to 35 - 45 ms, a bit dependent on the scenery to sky ratio. My
> interpretation is that I'm seeing the scene being shuffled in and out of
> GPU memory - as I turn, the scene in the visual field changes, and the GPU
> needs to compute the changed elements, causing delayed frames.

Pity you didn't use standard scenery. I don't think custom scenery and the
ufo will produce representative results.

> Just flying straight, the worst frame delay also changes and jumps to
> ms every few seconds. After a bit of experimenting, that's probably the
> effect of loading and unloading of scenery tiles, objects and such like.

Loading and unloading scenery tiles every few seconds? Any evidence for
> That is to say, the bare structure of Flightgear has discontinuous
workloads as
> well, and they cause frame durations of up to 55 ms on my systems. There
> are also genuine (but rare) pathologies like the first look back in the
F-16 (a
> few seconds of frame delay...) - I guess that's particularly large texture
> sheets loading.

Yes it probably does. And we should be trying to eliminating these wherever
feasible. And don't forget that there's Nasal everywhere which is doing its
Garbage Collection.

> 'Full Flightgear'
> In my favourite setting, I have weather and lightfield shaders on and a
> decent visibility. On the occasion, that delivers me a framerate of ~20
> with a constant worst frame delay of 50-55 ms. Since 20 *50 = 1000, the
> frames come nice and like a clockwork whatever I do - scenery loading
> upward spikes to 55 ms from 50 ms, but that's all, i.e. now the GPU is
> enough to allow all CPU-related stuff to finish nicely.

I can reproduce that here. If I throttle the framerate to 20, less than the
worst framerate, then I get a steady framerate, but then I get very
noticeable but even stutter on the display. I'm aware that there is a school
of thought which suggests that regular flickering can trigger epilepsy, but
I'm not at all sure if what we are producing falls into this category.
Increasing the throttling framerate above the worst (23 fps) makes things
gradually worse, reintroducing the spikes in framerate at 30hz. I think we
need better than 50 hz for good visual appearance. 40Hz can be acceptable.

> 'Shader impacts'
> Vivian always goes talking about smooth framerate, but for instance the
> water shader is one of the worst offenders in this department, because on
> my system it makes the framerate dramatically depen

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sea color

2012-05-12 Thread Renk Thorsten

I did a bit of testing of my own yesterday, and I have made a few other 
observations as well.

User feedback:

I've largely come to ignore that (with few exceptions such as Vivian's 
performance table), because trying to make sense of it is a path into madness. 
Just a few examples: On my own system, Advanced Weather tends to lead to better 
framerates than Basic Weather for similar cloud cover. In fair weather, I'm 
getting 10% more, in overcast conditions sometimes even a factor 2. I have some 
user feedback (4 cases by now) confirming that. Heiko recently said that he 
previously got better framerates using Advanced, but not any more. My problem - 
I didn't really change anything except parameter values and such things between 
the two occasions. Logical conclusion: The performance of Advanced Weather can 
change uncorrelated with changes in the code, and it affects different users in 
a different way?

A while ago, the user sgofferj experienced 'stutter' when running Flightgear. 
Vivian was kind enough to immediately blame Advanced Weather on the occasion, 
however the screenshots clearly showed (and sgofferj later confirmed) that he 
had never loaded Advanced Weather (read the story here Logical 
conclusion: Advanced Weather is able to cause stutter even if the module is 
never loaded? 

So, for some it's faster and they gain a lot of performance, for some it's 
slower,  for some it causes stutter when loaded, for others the mere presence 
on the harddisk causes stutter, for some it works fine... should any of this 
really cause action from my side? Largely, this is anecdotal evidence.

'Bare Flightgear'

My testcase was France Custom Scenery with the ufo, visibility probably 50 km 
or so, no shaders. Removing *all* weather and just remaining stationary, I get 
70 fps with a worst frame delay of pretty constant 14 ms, since 14*70 = 980 ~ 
1000 this means I get very evenly spaced frames. However, just flying in a 
circle, my worst frame delay starts to get jumpy every 2-3 seconds, it goes to 
35 - 45 ms, a bit dependent on the scenery to sky ratio. My interpretation is 
that I'm seeing the scene being shuffled in and out of the GPU memory - as I 
turn, the scene in the visual field changes, and the GPU needs to compute the 
changed elements, causing delayed frames.

Just flying straight, the worst frame delay also changes and jumps to 45-55 ms 
every few seconds. After a bit of experimenting, that's probably the effect of 
loading and unloading of scenery tiles, objects and such like.

That is to say, the bare structure of Flightgear has discontinuous workloads as 
well, and they cause frame durations of up to 55 ms on my systems. There are 
also genuine (but rare) pathologies like the first look back in the F-16 (a few 
seconds of frame delay...) - I guess that's particularly large texture sheets 

'Full Flightgear'

In my favourite setting, I have weather and lightfield shaders on and a decent 
visibility. On the occasion, that delivers me a framerate of ~20 fps with a 
constant worst frame delay of 50-55 ms. Since 20 *50 = 1000, the frames come 
nice and like a clockwork whatever I do - scenery loading causes upward spikes 
to 55 ms from 50 ms, but that's all, i.e. now the GPU is slow enough to allow 
all CPU-related stuff to finish nicely.

'Shader impacts'

Vivian always goes talking about smooth framerate, but for instance the water 
shader is one of the worst offenders in this department, because on my system 
it makes the framerate dramatically dependent on the view angle. Looking up 
into the sky and looking down into the sea makes a difference of a factor 4 (80 
fps vs. 20 fps without lightfields, half of that with). To me, this is quite 
natural, as the workload of the water shader per fragment is way higher as the 
workload of any of the skydome-coloring codes. Baseline - you don't need Nasal 
to get uneven framerates, GLSL (and C++) can deliver that just fine.

'Advanced Weather and a diagnosis'

Starting from the 'bare case' and running just advanced weather without 
lightfields, I get a framerate of 60 fps and a pretty constant worst frame 
delay of 50 ms. Since that is 3000 ms,  the numbers don't match up and there 
are indeed pathologically delayed frames occurring on a regular basis. 
De-activating the heaviest per-frame loop (dynamics-loop-flag=0) gets me almost 
back to the normal case, i.e. worst frame delay goes to a pretty constant 22 
(60*22 = 1320, not precisely smooth but much better) with occasional spikes to 
55 (note that they've been present without weather as well - that's terrain 
loading). Note that this is somewhat supported by Vivian's data (although not 
by his words) - deactivating mentioned loop brings his standard-deviation of 
the frame duration down by 1/3, de-activating all per-frame loops brings the 
standard deviation almost down to normal.

The implication is that what is causing the p

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sea color

2012-05-11 Thread Vivian Meazza

> On 11.05.2012 10:21, Renk Thorsten wrote:
> > The problem with that consequence is: As you switched all loops off,
> > the Nasal part of Advanced Weather ceased to run completely and all
> > that's left is the same cloud-generating functionality which is
> > responsible for Basic Weather (C++ and shader work). If killing all
> > Nasal did not solve the problems, then they can't be caused by Nasal,
> > and porting to C++ will not fix them.
> Not quite true. A significant part of Nasal-related frame rate impact is
> by garbage collection. Its delay/jitter only depends on the number of
> objects and their references which need to be searched.
> Increasing the number of Nasal objects (code+data) existing in memory also
> increases the delay.
> The amount of Nasal code which is actually being executed only influences
> the g/c frequency, i.e. whether the effect is visible every few seconds vs
> several times per second.
> This is why we are loading large Nasal modules, like advanced weather, on
> demand only (= only when feature enabled). We're not unloading objects
> when disabling a feature though - this usually requires restarting fgfs.
> should be remembered when comparing such features (i.e. restart fgfs after
> disabling advanced weather etc).

Thanks for that explanation. In the light of this I did some more testing.

Switching from Basic to Advanced Weather increases the time spent in the
events submodule from a stable 44 ms to over 1000 ms unstable. Setting all
flags to 0 reduces this to 90 ms. Switching back to Basic, the time drops to

Adding more nasal loops into the equation by lowering the flaps and gear  on
the Seahawk, I think I can see the effect as a slight increase in the time
spent in the events submodule.

I'm not clear how deleterious having one submodule taking significantly more
time than any other might be. If that is a problem, then large nasal script
are not a good idea even if we only enable them on demand. The instability
is clearly not a good thing, but is this a GC problem? If it is, then again,
large nasal scripts are not good. 

Perhaps James can fix the GC issue, and this issue will disappear. I hope


Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sea color

2012-05-11 Thread ThorstenB
On 11.05.2012 10:21, Renk Thorsten wrote:
> The problem with that consequence is: As you switched all loops off,
> the Nasal part of Advanced Weather ceased to run completely and all
> that's left is the same cloud-generating functionality which is
> responsible for Basic Weather (C++ and shader work). If killing all
> Nasal did not solve the problems, then they can't be caused by Nasal,
> and porting to C++ will not fix them.

Not quite true. A significant part of Nasal-related frame rate impact is 
caused by garbage collection. Its delay/jitter only depends on the 
number of Nasal objects and their references which need to be searched. 
Increasing the number of Nasal objects (code+data) existing in memory 
also increases the delay.

The amount of Nasal code which is actually being executed only 
influences the g/c frequency, i.e. whether the effect is visible every 
few seconds vs several times per second.

This is why we are loading large Nasal modules, like advanced weather, 
on demand only (= only when feature enabled). We're not unloading 
objects when disabling a feature though - this usually requires 
restarting fgfs. This should be remembered when comparing such features 
(i.e. restart fgfs after disabling advanced weather etc).


Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
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will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sea color

2012-05-11 Thread Renk Thorsten
> Tested extensively today, and the short answer is "no". There is some
> improvement as the flags are successively set to 0, but Advanced Weather
> never becomes as smooth as Basic Weather (and that's not without  
> staggers of
> its own).
>  I suppose the bottom line is that this just might beyond what Nasal was
> designed for, and we need to migrate to C++.

The problem with that consequence is: As you switched all loops off, the Nasal 
part of Advanced Weather ceased to run completely and all that's left is the 
same cloud-generating functionality which is responsible for Basic Weather (C++ 
and shader work). If killing all Nasal did not solve the problems, then they 
can't be caused by Nasal, and porting to C++ will not fix them.

* Thorsten
Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sea color

2012-05-11 Thread Vivian Meazza

>  Does the problem go away if you set local-weather/dynamics-loop-flag=1
> > from the property browser *after* Advanced Weather is started?
> > Does the problem go away if you set local-weather/timing-loop-flag=1
> > from the property browser *after* Advanced Weather is started?
> > Does the problem go away if you set local-weather/effect-loop-flag=1
> > from the property browser *after* Advanced Weather is started?
> > Does the problem go away if you set
> > local-weather/interpolation-loop-flag=1 from the property browser
> > *after* Advanced Weather is started?
> > Does the problem go away if you set
> > local-weather/housekeeping-loop-flag=1 from the property browser
> > *after* Advanced Weather is started?
> > Does the problem go away if you set local-weather/tile-loop-flag=1
> > from the property browser *after* Advanced Weather is started?

Tested extensively today, and the short answer is "no". There is some
improvement as the flags are successively set to 0, but Advanced Weather
never becomes as smooth as Basic Weather (and that's not without staggers of
its own).

The longer answer is that the symptoms are readily seen in the System
Performance Monitor. There are large differences between the "worst" and
"average"  frame rates, exceeding 50%. In contrast, the Basic Weather
difference is approximately 10%, with some occasional excursions beyond
this. Switching from Basic Weather to Advanced, I see that the  submodule
"events" changes dramatically. With Basic Weather, the numbers in this
submodule are consistent with other submodules. With Advanced, events stands
out from the rest: not only are the numbers much larger than any of the
others but they fluctuate wildly from sample to sample. The total time spent
in event during a sample are 3 times that spent in the next largest,"flight"
which is the FDM. It is my understanding that submodule "events" is where
much of the work for nasal is done: listeners, loop timers and the like. I
have placed todays test results here:

What can be done? I cannot speak authoritatively here - perhaps some expert
can jump in. Personally I would try trading in some framerate for
smoothness, and let all loops run at maximum frame rate. I think at least
some of the problem is load variation as various loop cut in. Loops with
diverse time intervals must coincide from time to time; perhaps we are
seeing that. I did try starting loops at random intervals in AI Models at
one time, but that seemed to make things worse. We know that "for" loops do
not help, perhaps those loops can be advanced on index per frame.  We know
we have problems with Garbage Collection.

 I suppose the bottom line is that this just might beyond what Nasal was
designed for, and we need to migrate to C++.



Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sea color

2012-05-09 Thread Renk Thorsten
 Does the problem go away if you set local-weather/dynamics-loop-flag=1  
> from the property browser *after* Advanced Weather is started?
> Does the problem go away if you set local-weather/timing-loop-flag=1  
> from the property browser *after* Advanced Weather is started?
> Does the problem go away if you set local-weather/effect-loop-flag=1  
> from the property browser *after* Advanced Weather is started?
> Does the problem go away if you set  
> local-weather/interpolation-loop-flag=1 from the property browser  
> *after* Advanced Weather is started?
> Does the problem go away if you set  
> local-weather/housekeeping-loop-flag=1 from the property browser *after*  
> Advanced Weather is started?
> Does the problem go away if you set local-weather/tile-loop-flag=1 from  
> the property browser *after* Advanced Weather is started?

Silly me - these flags need to be set to zero of course to disable the loops 

* Thorsten
Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sea color

2012-05-09 Thread Renk Thorsten
> It is the largest expanse of intertidal mudflats and sand in the United
> Kingdom! Neither of these locations could be remotely described as deep
> ocean, and yes, we should certainly be investigating how to best model  
> such areas of sea.

Okay, if you're specifically after deep ocean (i.e. 'sufficiently far' away 
from the coast, sufficiently deep), then I would agree that it looks pretty 
much the same everywhere apart from seasonal phenomena. I never really fly 
across ocean, and so most of the modelling issues I'm interested in are in some 
sense close to the coast.

> I do feel free to disagree - the Caribbean just isn't turquoise, as you  
> say. There was a time when we prided ourselves on FG being the most realistic 
> sim around. Making the ocean the wrong colour to maintain an illusion just
> doesn't seem to me to sit right with that.

You're talking as if there is an alternative

1a) we make a realistic model of the ocean color 
1b) we make the ocean a location dependent plausible but ultimately wrong color

But the real alternative is

2a) we make the ocean a constant wrong color everywhere
2b) we make the ocean a location dependent plausible but ultimately wrong color

If I had the choice between 1a) and 1b), I would choose 1a) - but I don't see 
that it can be done. However, given the choice 2), I go for the more realistic 
alternative there. 

So - what are you actually arguing or disagreeing with? That a constant sea 
color everywhere is superior to a location dependent color because the latter 
is still not 'the real thing'? That we should create a model for sediment 
transport and algae bloom? That we should feed sea depth information to the 
shader (but where does it come from, and how is it stored)?

> Yup - getting to grips with all that is difficult. Not too dissimilar to
> getting reasonable representations of towns and countryside in various
> regions in the world, I suppose

Getting the town is way easier, because it doesn't need to blend smoothly into 
anything. So local information is sufficient - all we need to tell the shader 
is 'If the location is in this (lat, lon) range, use this texture, this set of 
random buildings, this normal map, this placement mask,...

Getting the sea color requires either all depth info tied to the vertex 
(elevation of the water bottom and elevation of the surface to get lakes) which 
isn't really forseen in our terrain generating or storing toolchain, or then to 
somehow do non-local magic in the shader (= how far is this vertex from the 
coast, then interpolating it's probably that deep). In addition you need (rgb) 
extinction parameters how the light intensity changes as it passes through 
water, these are in general location-dependent even inside the scene, since it 
was mentioned you would need abnormal position dependent reflection for oil 
films, ...

I can see how to get city, town and countryside reasonable for various parts of 
the world within our current infrastructure. I can't see how to do a realistic 
sea color model without major modifications of how we store and manage scenery 
data and how information flows to the shaders.

> Anyway, on a more prosaic note - your sea colour script appears to be  
> bugged here.

Hm, you're right. I wasn't really factoring in someone would want to re-start 
Advanced Weather a few times... and I've found a scheme to optimize it a bit 
more, so there is potentially a lot of improve.

> I wish I could run Advanced Weather here - the frame rates are not at all
> bad, but the stagger in the frame rate is too much, and seems to give me  
> a headache. 

Okay, maybe we can just try to find out what the problem is and 
restructure/reconfigure if needed. 

Single core or multi-core machine with multithreading on (my Nasal runs way 
smoother if a second core is available)? 
Does the problem go away if you set local-weather/dynamics-loop-flag=1 from the 
property browser *after* Advanced Weather is started?
Does the problem go away if you set local-weather/timing-loop-flag=1 from the 
property browser *after* Advanced Weather is started?
Does the problem go away if you set local-weather/effect-loop-flag=1 from the 
property browser *after* Advanced Weather is started?
Does the problem go away if you set local-weather/interpolation-loop-flag=1 
from the property browser *after* Advanced Weather is started?
Does the problem go away if you set local-weather/housekeeping-loop-flag=1 from 
the property browser *after* Advanced Weather is started?
Does the problem go away if you set local-weather/tile-loop-flag=1 from the 
property browser *after* Advanced Weather is started?

(Please test from top to bottom, since this starts with the 'make it more 
realistic even where most users won't notice' functions and ends with the 
things which really will break functionality).

* Thorsten
Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive li

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sea color

2012-05-09 Thread Pascal J. Bourguignon
Renk Thorsten  writes:

>> There are good sources for sea colour out there - here is one:
>> The Northern North Sea, away from the turbidity and major river outfalls  
>> of the Southern North Sea, is indistinguishable from the Atlantic, the other
>> side of Scotland. 
> 4 West, 54 North I get an rgb value of (93, 113, 121)
> 2 East, 54 North I get (31, 71, 83)
> There's pretty significant variation everywhere, but I don't see that in that 
> picture that the two would even be similar.
>> There are many examples in this archive, and if there  
>> are differences in the deep ocean colour in any of the oceans they are darned
>> hard to spot. Similarly, if there is a difference between the Atlantic  
>> and the Mediterranean, it's very hard to see.
> We might not be after the same thing here...
> In reality, water color depends on a lot of factors:
> * light reflection at the surface, i.e. light diffuseness, intensity, wave 
> patterns, sky color, ...
> -> we have a decent way to account for that in the shader
> * sediment and algae in the water -> water being a flowing substance,
> all these are variable phenomena, rivers carry a lot of mud in spring
> when the snow thaws, algae bloom seasonally,... we can't model this
> realistically in any case
> * near the coast, depth and nature of the bottom -> white underwater
> sand looks quite differently from overgrown rocky bottom, deep water
> looks different from shallow water... we simply don't have this
> information - we might get depth somehow, pass true depth to the
> shader, use it to determine color, then let the shader move the vertex
> up to the water surface, but it's a bit tricky.
> Given that we can't do so much realistically anyway for lack of data
> (and lack of framerate - I could probably write a detailed water color
> computing code, but that'd really drive framerate down), my idea is
> more to re-create iconic pictures.
> When approaching Nice in sunshine, I want to see one of these postcard
> Cote d'Azur pictures. When landing on a drilling rig in the Northern
> Sea, I don't expect to see this deep blue. Probably in reality the
> differences are driven by differences in lighting, average weather and
> some sediment/algae component - but when I can't do the realistic
> thing, I might as well do the iconic thing.
> Many people (including myself) seem to feel that the sea should look
> different in different places. I'm entirely willing to tweak physics
> here a bit to create a better illusion that one is in the place by
> fulfilling the expectation. True, the actual Caribbean deep ocean is
> not turquoise. Then again, the actual Caribbean city doesn't look the
> Flightgear way either. But making sea color a lighter turquoise in the
> Caribbean helps me to maintain the illusion that I am in the Caribbean
> rather than the Northern Sea. 
> Feel free to disagree, but for me creating the visual environment has
> much more to do with credible illusions than with getting the physics
> of the scene right (disclaimer: my position is diffferent for the
> fidelity of the FDM where we can actually get the physics really right
> since we have often the required amount of data).

There are also nice patterns drawn by wind and by oil.  

When the sea is flat, over distances on the order of hundreds of meters
you have changes in the wavelets that give quite different patterns from
a distance.

And furthermore, there some oil floating in nice patterns seeing at
different scales, generally in spiral.

They're stricking when saw from space, but they are also visible from
the beaches.

__Pascal Bourguignon__
A bad day in () is better than a good day in {}.

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sea color

2012-05-09 Thread Vivian Meazza
> > There are good sources for sea colour out there - here is one:
> >
> >
> d
> > .png
> > The Northern North Sea, away from the turbidity and major river
> > outfalls of the Southern North Sea, is indistinguishable from the
> > Atlantic, the other side of Scotland.
> 4 West, 54 North I get an rgb value of (93, 113, 121)
> 2 East, 54 North I get (31, 71, 83)

2 E 54N? that's the Southern N Sea off the Humber estuary. That is one of
the major sources of silt flowing into the North Sea . The depth is probably
less than 150m there. 

4 W 54N? That's just off Morecambe Bay, which forms part of the Irish Sea.
It is the largest expanse of intertidal mudflats and sand in the United
Kingdom! Neither of these locations could be remotely described as deep
ocean, and yes, we should certainly be investigating how to best model such
areas of sea.

> There's pretty significant variation everywhere, but I don't see that in
> picture that the two would even be similar.
> > There are many examples in this archive, and if there are differences
> > in the deep ocean colour in any of the oceans they are darned hard to
> > spot. Similarly, if there is a difference between the Atlantic and the
> > Mediterranean, it's very hard to see.
> We might not be after the same thing here...
> In reality, water color depends on a lot of factors:
> * light reflection at the surface, i.e. light diffuseness, intensity, wave
> patterns, sky color, ...
> -> we have a decent way to account for that in the shader
> * sediment and algae in the water
> -> water being a flowing substance, all these are variable phenomena,
> -> rivers carry a lot of mud in spring when the snow thaws, algae bloom
> -> seasonally,... we can't model this realistically in any case
> * near the coast, depth and nature of the bottom
> -> white underwater sand looks quite differently from overgrown rocky
> bottom, deep water looks different from shallow water... we simply don't
> have this information - we might get depth somehow, pass true depth to the
> shader, use it to determine color, then let the shader move the vertex up
> the water surface, but it's a bit tricky.

 Yup - getting to grips with all that is difficult. Not too dissimilar to
getting reasonable representations of towns and countryside in various
regions in the world, I suppose

> Given that we can't do so much realistically anyway for lack of data (and
> of framerate - I could probably write a detailed water color computing
> but that'd really drive framerate down), my idea is more to re-create
> pictures.

> When approaching Nice in sunshine, I want to see one of these postcard
> Cote d'Azur pictures. When landing on a drilling rig in the Northern Sea,
> don't expect to see this deep blue. Probably in reality the differences
> driven by differences in lighting, average weather and some sediment/algae
> component - but when I can't do the realistic thing, I might as well do
> iconic thing.
> Many people (including myself) seem to feel that the sea should look
> different in different places. I'm entirely willing to tweak physics here
a bit to
> create a better illusion that one is in the place by fulfilling the
> True, the actual Caribbean deep ocean is not turquoise. Then again, the
> actual Caribbean city doesn't look the Flightgear way either. But making
> color a lighter turquoise in the Caribbean helps me to maintain the
> that I am in the Caribbean rather than the Northern Sea.
> Feel free to disagree, but for me creating the visual environment has much
> more to do with credible illusions than with getting the physics of the
> right (disclaimer: my position is diffferent for the fidelity of the FDM
> we can actually get the physics really right since we have often the
> amount of data).

I do feel free to disagree - the Caribbean just isn't turquoise, as you say.
There was a time when we prided ourselves on FG being the most realistic sim
around. Making the ocean the wrong colour to maintain an illusion just
doesn't seem to me to sit right with that. But I would also agree that we
need to sort out some of the more obvious problems of the shallow seas, if
that is possible.

Anyway, on a more prosaic note - your sea colour script appears to be bugged
here. After I got it to run (my bad, I broke it) I discovered that it
iterates at 1 sec not 5 as stated. If I restart Advanced Weather the
sampling locations are re-added to the interpolation_vector which grows in
size: I have reached 32 so far, but sometimes FG crashes before that point.
In any case running Advanced Weather FG crashes here at some point, running
out of memory. I would be surprised if this were related to sea-colour, and
might indeed be a general problem which Advanced Weather runs into sooner
than Basic Weather. You re-instantiate "var ppos" in

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sea color

2012-05-09 Thread Renk Thorsten
> There are good sources for sea colour out there - here is one:

> The Northern North Sea, away from the turbidity and major river outfalls  
> of the Southern North Sea, is indistinguishable from the Atlantic, the other
> side of Scotland. 

4 West, 54 North I get an rgb value of (93, 113, 121)
2 East, 54 North I get (31, 71, 83)

There's pretty significant variation everywhere, but I don't see that in that 
picture that the two would even be similar.

> There are many examples in this archive, and if there  
> are differences in the deep ocean colour in any of the oceans they are darned
> hard to spot. Similarly, if there is a difference between the Atlantic  
> and the Mediterranean, it's very hard to see.

We might not be after the same thing here...

In reality, water color depends on a lot of factors:

* light reflection at the surface, i.e. light diffuseness, intensity, wave 
patterns, sky color, ...
-> we have a decent way to account for that in the shader

* sediment and algae in the water
-> water being a flowing substance, all these are variable phenomena, rivers 
carry a lot of mud in spring when the snow thaws, algae bloom seasonally,... we 
can't model this realistically in any case

* near the coast, depth and nature of the bottom
-> white underwater sand looks quite differently from overgrown rocky bottom, 
deep water looks different from shallow water... we simply don't have this 
information - we might get depth somehow, pass true depth to the shader, use it 
to determine color, then let the shader move the vertex up to the water 
surface, but it's a bit tricky.

Given that we can't do so much realistically anyway for lack of data (and lack 
of framerate - I could probably write a detailed water color computing code, 
but that'd really drive framerate down), my idea is more to re-create iconic 

When approaching Nice in sunshine, I want to see one of these postcard Cote 
d'Azur pictures. When landing on a drilling rig in the Northern Sea, I don't 
expect to see this deep blue. Probably in reality the differences are driven by 
differences in lighting, average weather and some sediment/algae component - 
but when I can't do the realistic thing, I might as well do the iconic thing.

Many people (including myself) seem to feel that the sea should look different 
in different places. I'm entirely willing to tweak physics here a bit to create 
a better illusion that one is in the place by fulfilling the expectation. True, 
the actual Caribbean deep ocean is not turquoise. Then again, the actual 
Caribbean city doesn't look the Flightgear way either. But making sea color a 
lighter turquoise in the Caribbean helps me to maintain the illusion that I am 
in the Caribbean rather than the Northern Sea. 

Feel free to disagree, but for me creating the visual environment has much more 
to do with credible illusions than with getting the physics of the scene right 
(disclaimer: my position is diffferent for the fidelity of the FDM where we can 
actually get the physics really right since we have often the required amount 
of data).

* Thorsten
Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Sea color (was: Re: Regional textures merge request)

2012-05-08 Thread Renk Thorsten
> Hmm I've got something wrong here then - if I understand that right I  
> select
> Advanced Weather,  and skydome and the sea colour stuff should run? I get
> this:
> It doesn't seem to have any interpolation.

The color seems about right to me for what the interpolation should give at the 
location. There is no interpolation in the scene, because the color change is 
assumed to happen on a 1000 km scale, so it changes smoothly for the whole 
scene as a function of position - take the ufo, fly 1000 km away from TNCM, 
compare sea color and it should go back to the darker blue-green default. 
Admittedly I haven't really tried flying 1000 km, I've just tested it on 
startup in different locations. Try starting at Nice (LFMN), that should have a 
dark blue.

> I was thinking of this for loop
> for (var i = 0; i < ivector_size; i = i + 1)
> I take the view that any for loop is not good, but if  ivector_size is
> small, I guess it won't matter.

It depends on what is executed in the loop. If it's a distance computation or 
property tree access, then there shouldn't be much more than 20 operations per 
frame. But I've done benchmark tests with basic math - say the sine function. 
Here, I could execute about 1.000 operations per frame without creating a 
measurable slowdown. In this particular loop, it's just adding numbers - that's 
probably a factor 100 cheaper than computing a sine, so if my benchmark 
extrapolates correctly, you can run it ~100.000 times per frame before running 
into trouble.

In practice, I think it's unlikely that we'll use more much than 100 points.

I have been coding some performance-eating stuff (and even some badly designed 
performance eating stuff), but that's not one of these cases.


* Thorsten
Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Flightgear-devel mailing list