Re: [Flightgear-devel] TerraGear - removing the 'terror' ;=))

2011-10-15 Thread Martin Spott
Martin Spott wrote:

> In order to tell FlightGear where to find its Scenery we're currently
> feeding a _directory_ name (or a list of directory names) as the
> "Scenery Path".  Other formats like OpenFlight for example are using a
> _file_ name as the root Scenery handle.

BTW, I know that's a very simplistic view because it doesn't touch the
way how different terrain database formats are organized internally,
but I hope it still serves for pointing at a direction.

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] TerraGear - removing the 'terror' ;=))

2011-10-15 Thread Martin Spott
Geoff McLane wrote:

> I am sorry Martin. I read your post MANY times,
> but you will have to provided more clues for this
> old brain to cotton onto ;=)). I do not quite catch
> what you can mean by "scenery root node"?

In order to tell FlightGear where to find its Scenery we're currently
feeding a _directory_ name (or a list of directory names) as the
"Scenery Path".  Other formats like OpenFlight for example are using a
_file_ name as the root Scenery handle.  The latter is much more
common, as far as I can tell, and therefore doing the same in
FlightGear as well would facilitate the transition to different Scenery

> And I was certainly very under-whelmed by the
> lack of response on 'private' scenery generation,
> although I 'know' a number who are pursuing this -

Well, at least _I_ personally don't care about people's private scenery
generation, that's simply not my area of interest.  What I am trying to
do is building "infrastructure" (not "scenery") which should one day
permit to build all this nitfy local scenery at the same level of
detail as the 'private' scenery builds do now - but in a global scale
and context as opposed to what some people are doing nowadays.

I know that this plan is only going to work out if the so-called
"community" is willing to contribute to a more general effort - but,
hey, the community gets what the community deserves  ;-)

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] TerraGear - removing the 'terror' ;=))

2011-10-15 Thread Martin Spott
Csaba Halász wrote:

> Also note, installing libgdal1-dev would have pulled in most of these
> automatically.

BTW, for those who are running Debian, I'd recommend to pull the
respective GIS packages from:

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] TerraGear - removing the 'terror' ;=))

2011-10-15 Thread Martin Spott
Whil I was trying to catch up with old "*Terra*"-EMail, I found this

Geoff McLane wrote:

> Maybe you missed my 'little' question buried deep
> in my, as usual ;=(), quite log posts, but I was
> asking about the 'content' of mapserver
> simgear-cs git...

"simgear-cs" had been a requirement for building "terragear-cs" but, as
far as I understand, it's going to be obsolete pretty soon (it might
already be so, but I didn't test thoroughly).

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
definitive record of customers, application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] TerraGear - removing the 'terror' ;=))

2011-05-04 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Csaba,

> you have probably forgotten to run "apt-file update"
> recently.

LOL! Up until a few days ago, when you mentioned it, I
had never heard of 'apt-file' ;=)) let alone updated it!

Up until just a few wee years ago, I was a windows ONLY
person, and still do most stuff in there, but I now
have one machine which is dual bootable, and am trying
to catch up... and obviously a long way to go ;=))

So after my FIRST "apt-file update", it now responds,
like yours, to "apt-file search" ;=))

Previously, my only searching was through the Synaptic
Package Manager, or apt-get -s install  to maybe
find something applicable... And will also now add 
'dpkg -S ' to that...

> installing libgdal1-dev would have pulled in most 
> of these automatically.

ZUTE! Naturally, when I saw this seemed all related to
GDAL_LIB, I checked for libgdal, and found it, but
_FORGOT_ that for building from source we often need
the -dev part, and all the dependencies, as

Now I can see selecting libgdal1-dev in Synaptic PM
also selects libhdf4-alt-dev, libmysqlclient-dev,
libnetcdf-dev, and libpq-dev... plus mentions a
whole group of perl things which are already 

It probably would have selected more, but I have
already installed some of the others directly...

Ok, a TG re-build still reported :-
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmfhdf
and when I tried to install that it reported :-

~/fg/fg15$ sudo apt-get install libhdf4-dev
[sudo] password for geoff: 
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree   
Reading state information... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer
  libmpich1.0-dev libmysqlclient-dev libmpich1.0gf libnetcdf-dev
Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.
The following extra packages will be installed:
Suggested packages:
  libhdf4-doc hdf4-tools
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  libgdal1-dev libhdf4-alt-dev
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  libhdf4-0 libhdf4-dev
0 upgraded, 2 newly installed, 2 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 548kB/902kB of archives.
After this operation, 15.4MB disk space will be freed.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]? 

So, what to do NOW? Proceed, and remove the
just installed libgdal1-dev, and libhdf4-alt-dev???
For the hell of it, I say 'Y'...

But, that still produced perhaps a bigger MESS ;=(( 
Full details attached below. Naturally this is always
after a full :-
terragear-cs $ make clean
terragear-cs $ ./
terragear-cs $ ./configure --prefix=$HOME... etc
terragear-cs $ make

SO, just to be very sure, went back the other way

~/fg/fg15$ sudo apt-get install libgdal1-dev
[sudo] password for geoff: 
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree   
Reading state information... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer
  libmpich1.0-dev libmpich1.0gf libhdf4-0
Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.
The following extra packages will be installed:
Suggested packages:
The following packages will be REMOVED:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  libgdal1-dev libhdf4-alt-dev
0 upgraded, 2 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 0B/4,513kB of archives.
After this operation, 16.2MB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]? 

Choose, 'Y', and naturally start with clean,, etc, and end up back at :-
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmfhdf
Full circle ;=))

Many times over the years I have read here, and
on other lists, quite derogatory remarks about the
MS Windows DLL system, and someone coined the phrase

Well I am starting to feel, and see, Ubuntu has
massive Shared Library Shambles ;=))

Personally, I have had very little trouble with
the windows DLL system ;=)) where there is NO auto-
tool searching and deciding on your behalf what
should, and should not be, included in the link!

In this specific case I can not understand why adds this -lmfhdf to GDAL_LIBS,
when it seems in direct conflict with others...

But while looking in there I note there are already
configure items --disable-ogrdecode, and 
--disable-poly2ogr, so try adding those... I add
them (by default) to my 'makefg' (1.3.0 - which also
now doubles for maketg) script, unless you add the
option TGADDOGR...


WOW! YEAH! FANTASTIC! I got my TG suite successfully
re-built ;=)) well excluding these 2 items...

Of course any ideas welcome on this GDAL/OGR
thing... but otherwise quite happy... and again
thanks for all the help.


mv -f .deps/ogr_decode-ogr-decode.Tpo .deps/ogr_decode-ogr-decode.Po
g++ -I/usr/local/include -g -O2
-L/home/geoff/fg/fg15/install/OSG283/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -o ogr-decode
ogr_decode-ogr-decode.o -L/usr/local/lib -lgdal -L/usr/lib -lgeos_c
-lsqlite3 -lodbc -lodbcinst -

Re: [Flightgear-devel] TerraGear - removing the 'terror' ;=))

2011-05-03 Thread Csaba Halász
On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 7:33 PM, Geoff McLane  wrote:
> But even after that install, the command -
> $ apt-file search
> still shows 'nothing' ;=((

"apt-file search" searches the package lists, not the installed files.
If it shows nothing, that means you have probably forgotten to run
"apt-file update" recently. It lists the packages containing a given
file even if the package is not installed (would be quite useless
otherwise). To search the installed files (ie. list which package, if
any, a given file on your system came from), you want "dpkg -S".

> But next got stuck on -lmfhdf... tried libhdf5-mpich-dev,
> but that then un-install the above 'serial'... so do
> not think it is that...
> Any idea what to install for this?

Once you fix your apt-file it should show you that:
$ apt-file search
libhdf4-0: /usr/lib/
libhdf4-0: /usr/lib/
libhdf4-dev: /usr/lib/

So, install libhdf4-dev

> _AND_ I am sure I may need help on other names that
> look quite unfamiliar like -
>  -ldf -logdi -lnetcdf -lpq -ldl -lgssapi_krb5

You can use apt-file to find the packages for these as well.
- df is included in libhd4-dev that you installed above.
- ogdi is in libogdi3.2-dev
- netcdf is in libnetcdf-dev
- pq is in libpq-dev
- dl is in libc6-dev (probably already installed)
- gssapi_krb5 is in libkrb5-dev

Also note, installing libgdal1-dev would have pulled in most of these


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] TerraGear - removing the 'terror' ;=))

2011-05-03 Thread Geoff McLane
On Mon, 2011-05-02 at 19:52 +0200, Csaba Halász wrote:
> unixodbc-dev: /usr/lib/
> The last is the one to install (it will pull in the dependencies as needed).

Hi Csaba,

Many thanks for the pointer. Have now installed -
$ sudo apt-get install unixodbc-dev
and that certainly also pulled in some other

But even after that install, the command -
$ apt-file search
still shows 'nothing' ;=((

However doing say :-
$ apt-get -s install unixodbc-dev
outputs -
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree   
Reading state information... Done
unixodbc-dev is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

And the command -
$ whereis
outputs -
libodbcinst: /usr/lib/libodbcinst.a /usr/lib/ 
/usr/lib/ /usr/lib64/libodbcinst.a /usr/lib64/ 

And indeed $ dpkg -l | grep libodbcinst showed some,
so this particular install seems fine... and the
linker agreed...

However, while that got me past THAT road block ;=))
Remember the full string is :-

GDAL_LIBS: -L/usr/local/lib -lgdal -L/usr/lib -lgeos_c -lsqlite3 -lodbc
-lodbcinst -lexpat -lxerces-c -lpthread -ljasper -lhdf5 -lmfhdf -ldf
-logdi -lgif -ljpeg -lpng -lnetcdf -L/usr/lib -lpq -lz -lpthread -lm
-lrt -ldl -lcurl -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -lgssapi_krb5

So I cleared a few more hurdles on my own ;=)) like -
$ apt-get install libxerces-c2-dev libjasper-dev libhdf5-serial-dev

But next got stuck on -lmfhdf... tried libhdf5-mpich-dev,
but that then un-install the above 'serial'... so do
not think it is that...

Any idea what to install for this?

_AND_ I am sure I may need help on other names that
look quite unfamiliar like -

 -ldf -logdi -lnetcdf -lpq -ldl -lgssapi_krb5

which I am sure will pop up after this ;=() There is
no doubt adding OGR has massively upped the TG
dependency list... and thus the effort to compile
it, taking it beyond mere mortals...

As you read I had no trouble using shape-decode,
replacing ogr-decode, so hope the effort is worth
it ;=))

And maybe we should consider making the two OGR
items a conditional compile - ie say --with-ogr,
default to off, to make things easier to start...

Thanks again...


WhatsUp Gold - Download Free Network Management Software
The most intuitive, comprehensive, and cost-effective network 
management toolset available today.  Delivers lowest initial 
acquisition cost and overall TCO of any competing solution.
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] TerraGear - removing the 'terror' ;=))

2011-05-02 Thread Martin Spott
Geoff McLane wrote:

> Hi Martin,
> Maybe you missed my 'little' question [...]

I hear your voice, I'm just a little bit too busy with real life for
writing an appropriate response. I hope I'll be able to do so before

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

WhatsUp Gold - Download Free Network Management Software
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] TerraGear - removing the 'terror' ;=))

2011-05-02 Thread Csaba Halász
On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 7:41 PM, Geoff McLane  wrote:
> BUT ran out of PUFF on the next -lodbcinst ;=))
> There seems NO libodbcinst* in my system, although
> there is a -
> /usr/bin/odbcinst
> which, when run, just outputs -
> unixODBC 2.2.11
> but how to get a 'library'???

$ apt-file search
ia32-libs: /usr/lib32/
ia32-libs: /usr/lib32/
ia32-libs-dev: /usr/lib32/
odbcinst1debian2: /usr/lib/
odbcinst1debian2: /usr/lib/
sun-java6-bin: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
unixodbc-dev: /usr/lib/

The last is the one to install (it will pull in the dependencies as needed).


WhatsUp Gold - Download Free Network Management Software
The most intuitive, comprehensive, and cost-effective network 
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] TerraGear - removing the 'terror' ;=))

2011-04-30 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Martin,

Maybe you missed my 'little' question buried deep
in my, as usual ;=(), quite log posts, but I was
asking about the 'content' of mapserver
simgear-cs git...

In windows I was able to build terragear-cs
using 'standard' gitorious simgear, and others,
as far as I see so far, seem to have reported the 
same in unix/linux, but I am yet to exactly try this,
and wonder if these are now the same, or very close?
Or close enough?

Basically, if possible, I want to, at times, avoid
getting 2 copies of simgear when building FG _AND_
TG ;=)) and to adjust my 'maketg' script

Is that now possible? Any caveats you know of?


WhatsUp Gold - Download Free Network Management Software
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] TerraGear - removing the 'terror' ;=))

2011-04-27 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Wed, 27 Apr 2011 01:48:16 +0200, Arnt wrote in message 


> run dies with:
> make[3]: Leaving directory
> `/home/arnt/FG-git/terragear-cs/src/Lib/TriangleJRS' 
> Making all in vpf
> make[3]: Entering directory
> `/home/arnt/FG-git/terragear-cs/src/Lib/vpf' g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.
> -I../../../src/Include -I/home/arnt/FG-git/install/simgear/include
> -g -O2 -MT vpfbase.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/vpfbase.Tpo -c -o vpfbase.o
> vpfbase.cxx mv -f .deps/vpfbase.Tpo .deps/vpfbase.Po 
> -I../../../src/Include   
> -I/home/arnt/FG-git/install/simgear/include
> -g -O2 -MT value.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/value.Tpo -c -o value.o value.cxx
> mv -f .deps/value.Tpo .deps/value.Po 
> -I../../../src/Include   -I/home/arnt/FG-git/install/simgear/include
> -g -O2 -MT table.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/table.Tpo -c -o table.o table.cxx
> mv -f .deps/table.Tpo .deps/table.Po 
> -I../../../src/Include   -I/home/arnt/FG-git/install/simgear/include
> -g -O2 -MT tablemgr.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/tablemgr.Tpo -c -o tablemgr.o
> tablemgr.cxx mv -f .deps/tablemgr.Tpo .deps/tablemgr.Po 
> g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../../src/Include
> -I/home/arnt/FG-git/install/simgear/include  -g -O2 -MT component.o
> -MD -MP -MF .deps/component.Tpo -c -o component.o component.cxx 
> In file included from component.cxx:4:0: 
> component.hxx:191:28: error: reference ‘_table_manager’ cannot be
> declared ‘mutable’ [-fpermissive] 
> make[3]: *** [component.o] Error 1 
> make[3]: Leaving directory
> `/home/arnt/FG-git/terragear-cs/src/Lib/vpf' 
> make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 
> make[2]: Leaving directory
> `/home/arnt/FG-git/terragear-cs/src/Lib' 
> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/arnt/FG-git/terragear-cs/src'
> make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 
> arnt@celsius:~/FG-git$ clarify my question; how do I fix this?

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

WhatsUp Gold - Download Free Network Management Software
The most intuitive, comprehensive, and cost-effective network 
management toolset available today.  Delivers lowest initial 
acquisition cost and overall TCO of any competing solution.
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] TerraGear - removing the 'terror' ;=))

2011-04-27 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Gijs,

> together with some other updates

Oops, you need to ADD "Road" between "Rice" and
"Rock". A missing material...

I was quite surprised when cs_sand got matched with
"Sclerophyllous" - which I had to look up - until
I patched the CSMater list ;=)) adding "Road"...

Just one missing so no patch attached. And I had
no problem wrapping the single long lines to make
it easy to check for one-on-one correspondence.

Re: HGT Chop

Good to see Min/Max nodes, and Max error added, but have
yet to re-try it using these parameters... but they are

But I now note you are running terrafit after every 
hgtchop, which is ok, but why not run 'hgtchop' in the
list.size() loop, and then run terrafit once after?

As you know it does a good job of seeking out arr.gz
files that have yet to be 'fitted'... And I suspect
that I would have to clean out these fit.gz files to
be able to apply new parameters to the elevation

And while you do update the ui->textBrowser->setText(output)
after each exe run, it does not get visually updated,
since that will only happen when there is a return
from on_pushButton_11_clicked()...

I must look more at the Qt documentation, but I hope
there is a way to update the ui - run the message
pumps - from within a what can be a LONG time in
this, and other, 'click' functions...

The alternative is to set some flag, and NOT
wait for each 'run' to finish, but this is certainly
trickier to code, still capturing the output...

Maybe a GLOBAL QProcess * g_proc = 0; Then when
running an external app, use
 g_proc = new QProcess(); etc, and after
 g_proc->start(aguments); do NOT wait for it to

But have an idle or timer function to watch this
g_proc, and when it ends g_proc->atEnd(), get the
stdout and put it in the browser... This means
when a process is running, you could put up a big
red 'X' button to stop it, if need be, or be the
signal that the UI is 'busy'...

And where there are loops in the 'click' code
you could build up a global list of 'arguments'
to run, and then pull another off the list
and run the g_proc again, and again...

At the end of the run -
 delete g_proc;
 g_proc = 0;
ready for the next user action... a green ready
button replaces the red 'X'...

Anyway, just some ideas, because the running of
the TG tools can take a LONG time, and you should
say be able to move or iconize the window to be
able to get onto other work...

Re: Genapts

I returned to this, to see if I can discover why I
only got one, I now note my Min/Max Lat/Lon did NOT
get transferred this time to this tab page?

I am sure last time they did get transferred from
the Start tab. What do I need to do to get them
copied again? 

User's like ME are notorious for giving
bad parameters if I have to do it from my head ;=))
That is why I am VERY interested in such a GUI...

But ok, I continue to get this EXIT from genapts
after just doing one airport... hmmm, each time I
run [Gen...] I get one, or more, built... strange...

I added the code -
 int errCode = proc.exitCode();
 if (errCode != 0) {
but this is zero...

To repeat, if I extract the command line from log.txt
and run it manually, everything is built fine...
The run takes about 1/2 hour, to pass through some
27,000 apt.dat airports, and find the 33 that suit 
my min/max...

You know in reading some Qt posts here and there,
could this be something to do with the size of the
(buffered) stdout? I note the log I just captured
from a manual genapts run is 2.4MB in size...

This is boring not being able to track this down ;=((

Re: ogr_decode

Still to add this... maybe I should switch the code
to use shape_decode, so I can progress some... 

I am dying to try fgfs_construct, with its big array 
of parameters ;=))

And maybe that leads to an idea for an 'Advanced' tab
page, where the user could 'edit' the tool runtime



WhatsUp Gold - Download Free Network Management Software
The most intuitive, comprehensive, and cost-effective network 
management toolset available today.  Delivers lowest initial 
acquisition cost and overall TCO of any competing solution.
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] TerraGear - removing the 'terror' ;=))

2011-04-26 Thread Arnt Karlsen terragear-cs/src/Lib/Geometry/contour_tree.hxx,
c++-4.6 wants NULL to be 0 (zero):
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../../src/Include -I../../../src
-I../../../src/Lib -I../../../src/BuildTiles
-I/home/arnt/FG-git/install/simgear/include  -g -O2 -MT contour_tree.o
-MD -MP -MF .deps/contour_tree.Tpo -c -o contour_tree.o
contour_tree.cxx In file included from contour_tree.cxx:25:0:
contour_tree.hxx: In member function ‘void
TGContourNode::remove_kid(int)’: contour_tree.hxx:73:12: error: ‘NULL’
was not declared in this scope

..also setting ADDSGCS=0 in Geoff's maketg-1.2.7, 
means it finds SG-git at home in:
maketg: SG:   /home/arnt/FG-git/install/simgear
maketg: FG:   /home/arnt/FG-git/install/fgfs run dies with:

make[3]: Leaving directory
Making all in vpf
make[3]: Entering directory `/home/arnt/FG-git/terragear-cs/src/Lib/vpf'
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../../src/Include
-I/home/arnt/FG-git/install/simgear/include  -g -O2 -MT vpfbase.o -MD
-MP -MF .deps/vpfbase.Tpo -c -o vpfbase.o vpfbase.cxx 
mv -f .deps/vpfbase.Tpo .deps/vpfbase.Po 
-g -O2 -MT value.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/value.Tpo -c -o value.o value.cxx
mv -f .deps/value.Tpo .deps/value.Po 
-I../../../src/Include   -I/home/arnt/FG-git/install/simgear/include
-g -O2 -MT table.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/table.Tpo -c -o table.o table.cxx
mv -f .deps/table.Tpo .deps/table.Po 
-I../../../src/Include   -I/home/arnt/FG-git/install/simgear/include
-g -O2 -MT tablemgr.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/tablemgr.Tpo -c -o tablemgr.o
tablemgr.cxx mv -f .deps/tablemgr.Tpo .deps/tablemgr.Po 
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../../src/Include
-I/home/arnt/FG-git/install/simgear/include  -g -O2 -MT component.o -MD
-MP -MF .deps/component.Tpo -c -o component.o component.cxx 
In file included from component.cxx:4:0: 
component.hxx:191:28: error: reference ‘_table_manager’ cannot be
declared ‘mutable’ [-fpermissive] 
make[3]: *** [component.o] Error 1 
make[3]: Leaving directory
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/arnt/FG-git/terragear-cs/src'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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management toolset available today.  Delivers lowest initial 
acquisition cost and overall TCO of any competing solution.
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] TerraGear - removing the 'terror' ;=))

2011-04-26 Thread Gijs de Rooy

Hi Geoff,
thanks for the patch. I merged it in and commited the result (together with 
some other updates).
Slowly it's getting better. Usually I start by creating something that works, 
and then later on fix
it, optimise it (or let someone else optimise it :P)... so your input is 


Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2011 20:46:22 +0200
Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] TerraGear - removing the 'terror' ;=))

Hi Gijs,
Ok, got my shopping done quickly, so could get back
to computer games quickly ;=))
Thanks for a prompt response. Have updated the source,
and for sure now see you 'protect' against a 'blank'
Line Width, and use "10", if no other user input...
Also note you now protect against 'spaces' in paths,
file names by encasing each/all in double quotes ;=))
this seems good...
AND I discovered why no 'ogr_decode' output! I had 
skipped building ogr_decode due to its dependence on 
GDAL libraries! 
But have recently managed to build a massive static 
libgdal.lib, but still doing some more testing on it 
before returning to the TG suite, and adding ogr_decode,
and one other, poly2ogr...
I do not know if ogr_decode is better, worse or the same
as shape_decode, but as indicated shape_decode has no
dependence on a 3rd party library like GDAL, which indeed,
as I have recently discovered, does lots of 'research' based
on the file content to establish type, and thus attempts to 
apply the correct 'dataset', not based solely on file 
As Ralf Gerlich 2007 source comments state, it is "loosely 
based on shape-decode.cxx by Curtis L. Olsen", but on
reviewing the code a little more, it, like shape_decode,
uses external to it tg::makePolygon(...), and 
tgChopNormalPolygon(...), etc to generate output, so to 
that extent would have to be the same...
But that means there is no error check proc.start(args,...)
after it has run...
You could also check for the existence of the EXE...
There is no doubt should be some message, somewhere that 
makes it clear _NOTHING_ was run ;=()
And in looking through some Qt posts saw where one person
had added the code switch :-
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
command += ".exe";
which would make it easy to also check for 'existence',
and allow a critical message to be displayed, like -
 QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("NO EXE FILE"),...
There is an alternative start(QString & program,
QStringList & arguments, OpenMode mode = ReadWrite);
but while it seems both forms have no 'return' - void -
you can check on how it ended, like say proc->atEnd(),
to also help output a messages about what happened...
So messing with these ideas, produced the attached
patch, to check if the EXE exists... it works for me ;=))
Will be a few days before I can complete the TGSuite
with my new GDAL library... and continue this exploration...
attached: diff-01.txt --
WhatsUp Gold - Download Free Network Management Software
The most intuitive, comprehensive, and cost-effective network 
management toolset available today.  Delivers lowest initial 
acquisition cost and overall TCO of any competing solution.
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] TerraGear - removing the 'terror' ;=))

2011-04-26 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Gijs,

Ok, got my shopping done quickly, so could get back
to computer games quickly ;=))

Thanks for a prompt response. Have updated the source,
and for sure now see you 'protect' against a 'blank'
Line Width, and use "10", if no other user input...

Also note you now protect against 'spaces' in paths,
file names by encasing each/all in double quotes ;=))
this seems good...

AND I discovered why no 'ogr_decode' output! I had 
skipped building ogr_decode due to its dependence on 
GDAL libraries! 

But have recently managed to build a massive static 
libgdal.lib, but still doing some more testing on it 
before returning to the TG suite, and adding ogr_decode,
and one other, poly2ogr...

I do not know if ogr_decode is better, worse or the same
as shape_decode, but as indicated shape_decode has no
dependence on a 3rd party library like GDAL, which indeed,
as I have recently discovered, does lots of 'research' based
on the file content to establish type, and thus attempts to 
apply the correct 'dataset', not based solely on file 

As Ralf Gerlich 2007 source comments state, it is "loosely 
based on shape-decode.cxx by Curtis L. Olsen", but on
reviewing the code a little more, it, like shape_decode,
uses external to it tg::makePolygon(...), and 
tgChopNormalPolygon(...), etc to generate output, so to 
that extent would have to be the same...

But that means there is no error check proc.start(args,...)
after it has run...

You could also check for the existence of the EXE...

There is no doubt should be some message, somewhere that 
makes it clear _NOTHING_ was run ;=()

And in looking through some Qt posts saw where one person
had added the code switch :-
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
command += ".exe";
which would make it easy to also check for 'existence',
and allow a critical message to be displayed, like -

 QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("NO EXE FILE"),...

There is an alternative start(QString & program,
QStringList & arguments, OpenMode mode = ReadWrite);
but while it seems both forms have no 'return' - void -
you can check on how it ended, like say proc->atEnd(),
to also help output a messages about what happened...

So messing with these ideas, produced the attached
patch, to check if the EXE exists... it works for me ;=))

Will be a few days before I can complete the TGSuite
with my new GDAL library... and continue this exploration...



attached: diff-01.txt

diff -ur C:\FGCVS\terrageargui\mainwindow.cpp C:\FG\29\terrageargui\mainwindow.cpp
--- C:\FGCVS\terrageargui\mainwindow.cpp	Tue Apr 26 18:25:41 2011
+++ C:\FG\29\terrageargui\mainwindow.cpp	Tue Apr 26 20:17:21 2011
@@ -513,9 +513,18 @@
 if ((ui->tblShapesAlign->item(i, 1) == 0) || (ui->tblShapesAlign->item(i, 1)->text().length() == 0)) continue;
 QString shapefile   = ui->tblShapesAlign->item(i, 1)->text();
-QString arguments   = "\""+terragearDirectory+"/ogr-decode\" ";
-arguments += "--line-width "+lineWidth+" ";
+QString arguments   = "\""+terragearDirectory+"/ogr-decode";
+#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
+arguments += ".exe";
+arguments += "\"";
+QFile f(arguments);
+if ( ! f.exists() ) {
+QString msg = "Unable to locate executable ["+arguments+"]";
+QMessageBox::critical(this,"ERROR: NO FILE", msg);
+arguments += " --line-width "+lineWidth+" ";

WhatsUp Gold - Download Free Network Management Software
The most intuitive, comprehensive, and cost-effective network 
management toolset available today.  Delivers lowest initial 
acquisition cost and overall TCO of any competing solution.
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] TerraGear - removing the 'terror' ;=))

2011-04-26 Thread Gijs de Rooy

Hi Geoff,

> Then the next tab [HGT Chop] did a fantastic job of
> setting up /work/SRTM-30///
> .fit.gz and arr.gz. Great stuff... must check what
> terrafit parameters were used, since this greatly influences
> the elevation mesh to be used...

Currently it doesn't set any parameters for terrafit. I will add the
minnodes, maxnodes and maxerror options soon.

> Then onto [Genapts] tab. A little surprised on the 'insistence'
> that apt.dat.gz be de-gzipped first. Surely that could be
> handled in Qt?

Sounds like a nice thing for the todo-list ;)

> Wait, looking at the code, I see the genapts command runs
> 'genapts'. and waits until it ends, and only then outputs
> to the log window... So for some reason genapts only
> ran for ONE airport - YPEC.btg.gz!!!
> Re-running the command line from log.txt manually, and 
> this got ALL the airports in my chosen min-max region 
> built... some 33 airports, after about an hour or so 
> running... and ended with the HAPPY - 
> So the question is more why when run inside tg-gui
> I only get ONE? Will leave that for another day ;=))

Hm, would be nice if we could solve that one yeah. I'll check if it 
works okay here, or if it is really a bug in the GUI.
> So now I get the above 'cs_' list. It seems a good
> guess could be made at setting the 'Material' column
> from the mapserver names. Or EVEN get the mapserver
> to use the actual TG material names where possible,
> perhaps still with 'cs_' pre-pended!

Also one for the todo-list: GUI filling the material list with "suggested" 

> Got my 11 shapefiles aligned with a Material, so
> push the big button [Decode ...]... Some question
> in my mind as to where is the 'boundary' set?

OGR decode doesn't need a boundary to be set ;)

> BUT YOW, TerrGUI.exe CRASHED, with the MS 'sorry for the
> inconvenience' dialog ;=(( I decide to NOT send the
> error to MS ;=))

Right, that error (caused by me not knowing what I did :p) was fixed 
this afternoon :) Fix is pushed to Gitorious and new windows build is 
available at the forum.

> After adding a number, the log.txt shows it ran
> 'ogr_decode' for each items, BUT nothing was output???

Hm, nothing in project/work?

> Why is that ogr_decode and not shape_decode???
They basically do the same, but I was told someday that ogr_decode is
the better one...

Thanks for the feedback, it is really appreciated!

Gijs  --
WhatsUp Gold - Download Free Network Management Software
The most intuitive, comprehensive, and cost-effective network 
management toolset available today.  Delivers lowest initial 
acquisition cost and overall TCO of any competing solution.
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] TerraGear - removing the 'terror' ;=))

2011-04-26 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Gijs,

> Source is at Gitorious: 
What a lovely start... thanks...

While it all went quite smoothly in Win32 (XP), did
_NOT_ have as much luck in Ubuntu. 

In Ubuntu, it appears the Qt install did NOT add all 
the needed packages, or something... On the first
build got LOTS of errors like say :-
 error: ‘class QTabWidget’ has no member named ‘setDocumentMode’
 error: ‘class QTabWidget’ has no member named ‘setTabsClosable’

This sort of suggests the 'wrong' version of widgets, or 

BUT no such trouble in XP (Win32). App built fine, so I headed
out trying to build some Sydney (YSSY) scenery...
 Max Lat : -31
 Min lon : 150 Max lon : 159
 Min Lat : -40

The [Download shapefiles] correctly got me a mapserver zip with
cs_default, cs_drycrop, cs_everygreenforest, cs_floodland,
cs_grassland, cs_intermittentlake, cs_lake, cs_mixedforest,
cs_sand, cs scrub and cs_urban (dbf/prj/shp/shx)... 

But at this stage there seems no offer to run 'shape_decode'
to chop these into usable stuff... maybe later...

The button [Download elevation files] (S40E150 - S31E159) worked,
but it only put me on the usgs site, which I suppose is a better 
than nothing ;=)).

But I had to 'remember' that I needed SRTM3/Australia, so I built
a batch file to rock through the LAT/LON and used 'wget'
to get the zip files, then unzipped to get the HGT set.

Then the next tab [HGT Chop] did a fantastic job of
setting up /work/SRTM-30///
.fit.gz and arr.gz. Great stuff... must check what
terrafit parameters were used, since this greatly influences
the elevation mesh to be used...

Then onto [Genapts] tab. A little surprised on the 'insistence'
that apt.dat.gz be de-gzipped first. Surely that could be
handled in Qt?

But anyway [Generate airport] started ok, but I wish there
was some stronger indicator that things were going ok...

Yes, there is the log.txt to show the last command line
item run...

And yes, there is the log window, but at certain times the
genapts process appeared 'stuck'...

Wait, looking at the code, I see the genapts command runs
'genapts'. and waits until it ends, and only then outputs
to the log window... So for some reason genapts only
ran for ONE airport - YPEC.btg.gz!!!

Why ONLY one? So I pushed it again, and again it only
re-did the ONE... What's happening here??? 

Re-running the command line from log.txt manually, and 
this got ALL the airports in my chosen min-max region 
built... some 33 airports, after about an hour or so 
running... and ended with the HAPPY - 

So the question is more why when run inside tg-gui
I only get ONE? Will leave that for another day ;=))

Moving onto the next tab [OGR Decode], and ok it seems
it is here that my shape files are going to be dealt
with... But nothing happens when I push [Retrieve 

Where does it expect them to be? 
Try in 'Project directory', but nothing...
AH HA, they have to be in '\data' ;=))
Somehow missed that, but ok...

So now I get the above 'cs_' list. It seems a good
guess could be made at setting the 'Material' column
from the mapserver names. Or EVEN get the mapserver
to use the actual TG material names where possible,
perhaps still with 'cs_' pre-pended!

Got my 11 shapefiles aligned with a Material, so
push the big button [Decode ...]... Some question
in my mind as to where is the 'boundary' set?

BUT YOW, TerrGUI.exe CRASHED, with the MS 'sorry for the
inconvenience' dialog ;=(( I decide to NOT send the
error to MS ;=))

And there is NO command line added the log.txt,
so not sure what it was trying to 'run'... the
log.txt ends with the two 'genapts' entries mentioned

Reloaded, set all the Materials again, but it crashed
again... just showing exited with code -1073741819...
Also now note some other messages in here - namely
2 of -
QProcess: Destroyed while process is still running.

Is this something to do with the 'genapts' failure?

Anyway, that is all I have time for today...

As stated, really an EXCELLENT start. Not sure why
the Qt compile trouble in Ubuntu, and why the [OSG Decode]
tab, [Decode shapefile...] button crashed.

Ah, quickly discovered more on the crash, by setting a Debug
trap... I had forgot to put a value in the Line Width column,
and thus it aborted on :-
 500 QString lineWidth = ui->tblShapeAlign->item(i, 2)->text();
since there was NO text to get...

Again why not fill in a 'default' line width value? I do not
remember what a good, a reasonable value should be so
I add '2' to each...

After adding a number, the log.txt shows it ran
'ogr_decode' for each items, BUT nothing was output???

Why is that ogr_decode and not shape_decode???

Anyway *** MUST RUN *** today ;=() This is really a good
start at removing the 'terror'...




Re: [Flightgear-devel] TerraGear - removing the 'terror' ;=))

2011-04-23 Thread Gijs de Rooy

Hi Geoff

> I then read and tried the windows TerraGUI.exe
> (Gijs and others?), but it seems at the moment
> this ONLY deals with .dat files from TaxiDraw,
> and uses fgfs.exe to view a .btg file, or did I
> get this wrong?
> Are there any plans in extending this to a
> more general TG GUI? And where is the source?
> I would like to see if I can compile it with
> Qt in windows, and look to extensions...
> BUT WAIT, after just 10 minutes of running,
> it exited saying I should BUY the release ;=((

You downloaded the old tool apparently, which was written in a trial-version of 
Revolution Studio, thus
showing the "trial expiration" message after 10 minutes. Alex started his GUI 
in RevStudio, but after that
first release of mine, I decided that is was not the way to continue. So the 
new one is written in Qt/C++ 
and 100% free ;)

Source is at Gitorious:

Feedback is extremely welcome! It's still far from what I have in mind, but at 
least several people
were already able to build scenery with the GUI (and some additional 
explenations in the forum topic,
so do read that, from this post and further). (the there 
mentioned build is not 
the latest btw, there's another one some pages later). Or just build from 
source, to get the latest&greatest.

Gijs  --
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demonstrated beyond question. Learn why your peers are replacing JEE 
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