Help on large project with FOP

2001-12-19 Thread Claes Bergsten


I have been asked to propose a solution of
generating a large product catalog from XML
exported from a database. The result is supposed
to be in PDF and be sent directly to a printing
office for printing.

I have been working with FOP and XALAN some in
smaller projects/solutions. 
My experience with FOP is that it is memory and
time consuming.
And I just want an opinion from someone that has
worked alot with it in bigger projects.

Is it possible/efficent to use the XML 
approx. ~3 MB and via XALAN and XSL transform it
to FO and then use FOP to generate PDF?

It is lots of tables, images, chapters and
side headers/footers.

Please comments/suggestions.


Claes Bergsten

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2002-02-20 Thread claes . bergsten

Hi all,

I have problem embedding small graphic-files.
Dont know the exact size but image files <1kb generates the following

Error in XObject : Error while loading image
http://localhost:8080/BuisnessCard/images/px.tif : class
org.apache.fop.image.FopImageException - Image grabbing interrupted : -1

I also have some problems with "file://" type paths is this supported?


Claes Bergsten
Software Development Engineer
TJ Group as

+47 91668984

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Custom fonts (again)

2002-02-20 Thread claes . bergsten

Following lines from the Embedding FOP web page:

userConfigFile = new File(userConfig);
options = new Options(userConfigFile);

Ok fine I got that, but what to do with the options variable after this?


Claes Bergsten
Software Development Engineer
TJ Group as

+47 91668984

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Re: Custom fonts (again)

2002-02-20 Thread claes . bergsten

>> Following lines from the Embedding FOP web page:
>> userConfigFile = new File(userConfig);
>> options = new Options(userConfigFile);
>> Ok fine I got that, but what to do with the options variable after this?

>Nothing! :-) It's something static and registers itself in FOP. Not so
>beautiful, but it works for the moment.

Heh thanks think this should get a row in html (any of you documenting
its not exactly selfexplanatory(sp?).


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CMYK Images - bug?

2002-02-22 Thread claes . bergsten

Is there a bug with external-graphics containing CMYK colors?
I have tried several formats now and if I save them in RGB  they work fine
but if I save the same image in CMYK FOP gives following error:
Error in XObject : Error while loading image
file:/D:/CVS/BC/webApplication/images/tj2.jpg : class java.lang.Exception -
Image error

(I use Photoshop to save pictures)


Claes Bergsten

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CMYK Images - bug? (Again)

2002-02-26 Thread claes . bergsten


I need some feedback on this.

Is there a bug with external-graphics containing CMYK colors?
I have tried several image formats now, and if I save them in RGB-mode they
work fine
but if I save the same image in CMYK-mode FOP gives following error:
Error in XObject : Error while loading image
file:/D:/CVS/BC/webApplication/images/tj2.jpg : class java.lang.Exception -
Image error

(I use Photoshop to save pictures)


Claes Bergsten

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Re: CMYK Images - bug? (Again)

2002-02-26 Thread claes . bergsten

Well opening them in Photoshop (if you have the possibility) and look at
the Image->Mode
There youll see which mode the picture is in: RGB, CMYK, Grayscale etc.


| |   fred redf   |
| |  |
| |   |
| |   26/02/2002 03:00|
| |   PM  |
| |   Please respond  |
| |   to fop-dev  |
| |   |
  |cc:  (bcc: Claes Bergsten/NO/TJG)   
  |Subject: Re: CMYK Images - bug? (Again) 

i have a prob with *some* jpeg images cause they are
replaced by a black rectangle in the pdf doc. Most
jpeg shows correctly.
How can i verify that my jpegs are not cmyk-ed?

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit : > Hi,
> I need some feedback on this.
> Is there a bug with external-graphics containing
> CMYK colors?
> I have tried several image formats now, and if I
> save them in RGB-mode they
> work fine
> but if I save the same image in CMYK-mode FOP gives
> following error:
> Error in XObject : Error while loading image
> file:/D:/CVS/BC/webApplication/images/tj2.jpg :
> class java.lang.Exception -
> Image error
> (I use Photoshop to save pictures)
> Cheers
> Claes Bergsten
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Re: pb with jpegs

2002-03-05 Thread claes . bergsten

I have no answer to your question but have a similar problem.
Jpeg files encoded with RGB colors works all the time for me.
Jpeg files encoded with CMYK colors however generates an exception in the



| |   fred redf   |
| |  |
| |   |
| |   05/03/2002 03:20|
| |   PM  |
| |   Please respond  |
| |   to fop-dev  |
| |   |
  |cc:      (bcc: Claes Bergsten/NO/TJG)   
  |Subject: pb with jpegs  

Hi all,
I have a prob with *some* jpeg images that are
replaced by a black square inside the pdf. I looked
for differences in photoshop, but i could not figure
what is the difference. That problem did not occured
with older
versions of fop.
Anyone has a clue?
Thanks in advance,

ps: has i could not send both images,i put them on my

and the resulting pdf:

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Master reference for fo:page-sequence

2002-05-02 Thread claes . bergsten

When trying to process my fo-file I get the following error:
FATAL ERROR: 'master-reference' for 'fo:page-sequence'matches no
'simple-page-master' or 'page-sequence-master'

My "header" looks like this and is copy/pasted from the examples";>







What am I doing wrong?



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Re: Master reference for fo:page-sequence

2002-05-03 Thread claes . bergsten

Thanks missed that one.
Maybe should fix that in the examples provided.


| |   Jeremias Maerki  |
| | |
| ||
| |   02.05.2002 17:24 |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   fop-dev  |
| ||
  |   To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  |   cc:   (bcc: Claes Bergsten/NO/TJG)   
  |   Subject:  Re: Master reference for fo:page-sequence  

Your stylesheet still uses pre-Recommendation XSL:FO. Please see the
release notes for instructions to resolve this:

> When trying to process my fo-file I get the following error:
> FATAL ERROR: 'master-reference' for 'fo:page-sequence'matches no
> 'simple-page-master' or 'page-sequence-master'

Jeremias Märki


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Re: External-graphic

2002-05-10 Thread claes . bergsten

>> I have some questions regarding the external-graphic tag.
>> What part of the fop implementation is it that decides which image
>> that is supported?

>The build process looks which image libraries are in the classpath and
>compiles adapter classes accordingly.

>> Is it the Jimi lib or is it in the fop engine?

>jimi.jar must be in the lib directory during build.

>> When you embed an image with external-graphic does it get encoded in a
>> different format in the PDF?
>> (E.g. is it any difference in XObject for different file types)

>JPEG is embedded as JPEG images, EPS as XObject, SVG as PDF instructions
>and other bitmap formats as (compressed) bitmaps.

>> If I try to include a JPG file the encoding works fine and the image
>> displays in all viewers I have tested.
>> If I try to include a EPS file the encoding works fine but the image
>> NOT display in any viewers at all. BUT vieweng the PDF in a hex editor
>> shows that the corresponding XObject is in there.

>Acrobat reader can't display embedded EPS files, but if you print the
>PDF on a PostScript printer it will we shown.

True embedded EPS files doesnt show in Acrobat,
but I cant get them to print on a PS printer either.
Tried different RIP engines and they give this errormessage:

RIP: PostScript Error:  syntaxerror; OffendingCommand: bin obj seq, type =
128, elements = 1, size = 15365, unused field not zero
RIP: Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored

>> Hope I made any sence, thanks

>You did. I hope this helps.

Thank you Jeremias,
any further ideas?

>Jeremias Märki


>Postfach 3954 - Rhynauerstr. 15 - CH-6002 Luzern
>Tel. +41 41 317 2020 - Fax +41 41 317 2029

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Re: External-graphic

2002-05-10 Thread claes . bergsten

>Strange, I've never had any problems yet. Some random thoughts:
What exactly have you worked with/printed with?
My target machine is a big Xerox monster that uses a RIP engine to process
the PDFs and send PS to the printer.

Gives following err message:

  RIP: PostScript Error:  syntaxerror; OffendingCommand: bin obj seq,
type =
  128, elements = 1, size = 15365, unused field not zero
  RIP: Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored

>- Did you try GhostScript/GhostView?

What can I conclude by using this?
My PDF files open and displays the images.
If I print via PDFWriter to file the result PDF looks accurate.

>- Are your EPS files PostScript Level 1? CorelDraw, for example, tells
>  me some strange stuff when I choose anything else that Level 1 when
>  exporting EPS.

Afraid I dont have Corel. I saved my EPS files with Illustrator. ( Level 1,
Illustrator format 8)
Using thoose files generates following error message:

  [INFO]: building formatting object tree
  [INFO]: [1]
  [ERROR]: Error while creating area : Error while recovering Image
Informations (file:/D:/CVS/BC/webApplication/images/gn_testlogo.eps) :
  [INFO]: Parsing of document complete, stopping renderer

Feel lost...

Claes Bergsten
Software Development Engineer
TJ Group as

+47 91668984

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Error when reading EPS images

2002-05-14 Thread claes . bergsten


I found an error when fop proceses EPS images with negative numbers in

It only checks for ASCII codes between 48 and 57 and therefor quits
immediately when
the first char is '-'.

I changed the line (marked in the code snippet below) from:

while (nidx < epsFile.length && (epsFile[nidx] >= 48 && epsFile[nidx] <=
while (nidx < epsFile.length && ((epsFile[nidx] >= 48 && epsFile[nidx] <=
57)||epsFile[nidx] == 45))

This solves the problem I encountered.
Since I have not performed updates before I figured it would be quicker if
anyone with experience made the change for me.

Would tyake the oppurtunity to thank you for a good product and good
support. :-)

Package: org.apache.fop.image.analyser
private int readLongString(long[] mbbox, int i, int idx) {
while (idx < epsFile.length && (epsFile[idx] == 32))

int nidx = idx;

->  while (nidx < epsFile.length && ((epsFile[nidx] >= 48 &&
epsFile[nidx] <= 57)||epsFile[nidx] == 45))

System.out.println( "Idx: " + idx + " Nidx: " + nidx);

byte[] num = new byte[nidx - idx];
System.arraycopy(epsFile, idx, num, 0, nidx-idx);
String ns = new String(num);

System.out.println( "Stringnumber: " + ns);

mbbox[i] = Long.parseLong(ns);

return (1+nidx - idx);


Claes Bergsten
Software Development Engineer
TJ Group as

+47 91668984

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Re: Error when reading EPS images

2002-05-14 Thread claes . bergsten

Ignore the System.out.println statements...

// Claes

| |   claes.bergsten@tj|
| ||
| ||
| |   14.05.2002 17:40 |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   fop-dev  |
| ||
  |   To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  |   cc:   (bcc: Claes Bergsten/NO/TJG)   
  |   Subject:  Error when reading EPS images  


I found an error when fop proceses EPS images with negative numbers in

It only checks for ASCII codes between 48 and 57 and therefor quits
immediately when
the first char is '-'.

I changed the line (marked in the code snippet below) from:

while (nidx < epsFile.length && (epsFile[nidx] >= 48 && epsFile[nidx] <=
while (nidx < epsFile.length && ((epsFile[nidx] >= 48 && epsFile[nidx] <=
57)||epsFile[nidx] == 45))

This solves the problem I encountered.
Since I have not performed updates before I figured it would be quicker if
anyone with experience made the change for me.

Would tyake the oppurtunity to thank you for a good product and good
support. :-)

Package: org.apache.fop.image.analyser
private int readLongString(long[] mbbox, int i, int idx) {
while (idx < epsFile.length && (epsFile[idx] == 32))

int nidx = idx;

->  while (nidx < epsFile.length && ((epsFile[nidx] >= 48 &&
epsFile[nidx] <= 57)||epsFile[nidx] == 45))

System.out.println( "Idx: " + idx + " Nidx: " + nidx);

byte[] num = new byte[nidx - idx];
System.arraycopy(epsFile, idx, num, 0, nidx-idx);
String ns = new String(num);

System.out.println( "Stringnumber: " + ns);

    mbbox[i] = Long.parseLong(ns);

return (1+nidx - idx);


Claes Bergsten
Software Development Engineer
TJ Group as

+47 91668984

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PDF-files generated with FOP rejected by RIP engines

2002-06-12 Thread claes . bergsten

Hi I have a problem with PDFs generated by FOP.

I am generating PDFs that are supposed to be sent directly to a printer via
a RIP engine.
FOP seems to embed the entire image into the PDF resulting in a huge (size)
PDF (depending of image file of course).
All RIP engines I have tried rejects FOPs PDF (even Adobes own) files
because of theese embedded images.

If I run the PDF through the UNIX/LINUX commandline version of Acrobat
Reader with the option -toPostScript the resulting .PS file is about the
same size as the original PDF.
If I then convert the .PS back to PDF using Acrobat Distiller the PDF
shrinks significantly in size.
This new smaller PDF is accepted by the RIP engines.

I have had this explained to me that in the last PDF the image is just a
set of instructions instead of the entire image.

Now using commandline version of Acrobat Reader is something that is
but Distiller only works on windows afaik and has no command line interface
so this is not a good solution.

Open for any ideas, please help.

kind (desperat) regards,

Claes Bergsten
Software Development Engineer
TJ Group as

+47 91668984

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Re: PDF-files generated with FOP rejected by RIP engines

2002-06-12 Thread claes . bergsten

No the size probably has nothing to do with it,
the size difference just shows something is done to the image that makes
the RIP accept it.


| |   Christian Geisert   |
| ||
| |   |
| |   12.06.2002 15:17|
| |   Please respond to   |
| |   fop-dev |
| |   |
  |   To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  |   cc:   (bcc: Claes Bergsten/NO/TJG)   
  |   Subject:  Re: PDF-files generated with FOP rejected by RIP engines   

> Hi I have a problem with PDFs generated by FOP.
> I am generating PDFs that are supposed to be sent directly to a printer
> a RIP engine.
> FOP seems to embed the entire image into the PDF resulting in a huge
> PDF (depending of image file of course).
> All RIP engines I have tried rejects FOPs PDF (even Adobes own) files
> because of theese embedded images.

Are you sure it's because of the image size ?
It sounds like the following bug:

This is fixed in the maintenance branch and will be in the next release
(release candidate should be available soon, hopefully tomorrow)


> kind (desperat) regards,
> Claes Bergsten


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Re: Big problem with printing from adobe Reader 4

2002-07-09 Thread claes . bergsten
Welcome to my heaven... Seriously I brought up this problem some months ago (still no viable solution),the problem is your pictures.Those printer RIPs dont accept the XObject image type, embedded fonts are no problem. The only solution so far is to use Acrobat Readers -toPDF switch (commandline)and then run the the resulting PS-file through distiller, then it will print.Certainly not a good solution but the only one Ive come up with so far. If you get your pdf's with images printed on thoose BIG printers please tellme. regards, Claes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: -To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: 07/09/2002 07:31PMSubject: Re: Big problem with printing from adobe Reader 4I had this same problem with Linux printing embedded fonts.  Afterinstalling the fonts on the Linux box and NOT embedding the font, itprinted correctly.  The PDF would look just fine with the embedded font.That only happened with PFM fonts not TrueType.JPT   APACHE.ORG To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: 07/09/02 10:52 AM  Subject: Re: Big problem with printing from adobe Reader 4  Please respond to fop-devKeiron,I think i might have found it...In my pdf i embedded the arialfont (and through adobe 5 it worked like acharm) but adobe 4 can't print itI found out the problem when we were at the printing facility of ourcompany... This because they work there with the sun solaris 5.9 on theXerox 6100 Printers (big big big ones :D)...I think the drivers don't recognize the embedded font and therefore printsome letters and some letters not...I hope this is correct cause i just changed all the fonts to the defaultone (i don't specify one anymore) and now the printing works...i know for a fact that the fonts are embedded in the old documents (biggersize and on a linux machine where i didn't install the arial font it workedto :D), but the drivers of the printers simply won't understand it, nordoes abode 4 (here)one more question, what font is used by the adobe when you don't specifynor embed another fontthank youJochen MaesICT DevelopmentKBC Securities ( 12 Avenue du Port SIF 8683B-1080 BrusselsBelgium Tel:  +32 2 429 96 81 GSM:  +32 496 57 90 99 E-mail :  [EMAIL PROTECTED] message and any attachments hereto are for the named person's useonly. It may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privilegedinformation. You may not, directly or indirectly, use, disclose,distribute, print, or copy any part of this message if you are not theintended recipient. If you have received this e-mail message without beingthe intended recipient, please notify KBC Securities promptly and deletethis e-mail. Any views expressed in this message are those of theindividual sender, except where the message states otherwise and the senderis authorised to state them to be the views of KBC Securities. KBCSecurities reserves the right to monitor all e-mail communications throughits networks and any messages addressed to, received or sent by KBCSecurities or its employees are deemed to be professional in nature. Thesender or recipient of any messages to or of KBC Securities agrees thatthose may be read by other employees of KBC Securities than the statedrecipient or sender in order to ensure the continuity of work-relatedactivities and allow supervision thereof. KBC Securities does not acceptliability for the correct and complete transmission of the information, norfor any delay or interruption of the transmission, nor for damages arisingfrom the use of, or reliance on, the information.-To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] additional commands, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] additional commands, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Big problem with printing from adobe Reader 4

2002-07-09 Thread claes . bergsten
Both when sent directly to a printer with PDF-RIP and printing from Acrobat Reader?I only get my pictures to print when I print from Acrobat Reader.To get them through the big printers with RIP I need to convert to .ps then distiller back to PDF. regardsClaes

Re: Big problem with printing from adobe Reader 4

2002-07-10 Thread claes . bergsten
Please do that.Strange thing is I get embedded fonts to work very well.I can print files with multiple embedded fonts both standard ones and custom made ones. Can you please send me a pdf with images you have created with FOP that worksin your printers too. regards,Claes