RE: FOTreeBuilder/ElementMapping change ideas

2003-06-17 Thread Victor Mote
Peter B. West wrote:

> What's happened to the redesign?  I have nothing to prove - you guys do.
>   I'll just keep working, publishing design notes for anyone who is
> interested, and, when I get chunks of code working, I'll publish the
> comparisons.  Shall we put them to the vote?  Will a vote decide whether
> property handling is faster and smaller?

As I said before, there are opportunities to make redesign code faster and
smaller. To compare the two, we need to see the things that are unique to
the pull parsing approach. And more important than that, faster and smaller
will not trump cleaner and more flexible (at least for me).

> Note that I am quite happy to work towards integrating a fully-working
> FO and area tree susbsystem into the redesign.  I will not devote time
> to hacking such a working system apart to place nuggets of the original
> into a design in which I, as yet, have no confidence.

OK, this all-or-nothing approach is news to me. So Glen actually better
understood how matters stood on this issue than I did.

Victor Mote

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Re: FOTreeBuilder/ElementMapping change ideas

2003-06-17 Thread Peter B. West
Glen Mazza wrote:
--- "Peter B. West" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I thought it was generally
agreed some time ago 
that my work on properties should be integrated, for
the simple reason 
that it is smaller and faster.  

Exactly!  Now you're talking my language--"smaller and
faster"--i.e., something that will generate more
same-size reports than trunk will
However, per the centripetal/centrifugal discussion of
Victor (*very* interesting, BTW), we need to see
*proof* that it is faster, and to help do that, we
should make the code more modular.
Peter B. West
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Re: FOTreeBuilder/ElementMapping change ideas

2003-06-17 Thread Peter B. West
Victor Mote wrote:
Glen Mazza wrote:

No response on the below questions from any committer,
and I'm concerned about the drop-off on the FOP-DEV
mailing list over the past few weeks (at an
extrapolated 170 emails on FOP-DEV for the month, this
would be our lightest month since Dec. 1999!)  

Well, I think you solved that "problem" :-)

Peter B. West
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Re: FOTreeBuilder/ElementMapping change ideas

2003-06-16 Thread Peter B. West
Victor and fopdevs,

See below...

Victor Mote wrote:
Peter B. West wrote:

I'm pleased and surprised to hear that most of your design questions
have been answered.  What scope of design are you talking about?

Ah, a good question. The scope of design on which I am currently working is:
1) refactor the startup procedures (Driver) into Session, Document,
RenderContext, and RenderTask objects for greater reusability of each of
those items.
2) refactor the redesign layout into a component that can very easily be
replaced by some other layout engine.
This is a very nasty one.  The maintenance and the HEAD code may 
encourage you to believe that it is not.  What I am looking to do next 
with is to make the resolution of FO nodes occur in the 
context of the Area into which the FO node is being composed.  I.e., to 
intimately link FO tree and Area tree construction.  I am intending to 
do this because I believe it is the only comprehensive and clean 
solution to the problem.

3) drop the old (maintenance branch) engine into the redesign code, if
possible, using the same concept described in #2 above.
You are correct that not all of my layout design questions have been
answered. However, I am convinced that completing the above work is the
quickest way to getting those questions answered, because it will get our
common code base components (those other than layout) common again, and get
layout to the place where we can have more than one option. It will take me
a while to get through this big-picture work before I can start on layout

I am a little more disturbed to hear that is once again my
baby.  I have been posting here intermittently over the past few weeks
with design notes that explore the implications of my discoveries about
the impact of some particulares of the Rec on my current properties
handling, the implications for the layout of those issues and the
integration of, and some general questions of layout design.

Here is my frank take on the work: I /think/ you are on the right
track as far as properties go. In a general way I understand the problems
you have described about actual layout placement driving some of the
property creation. I am inclined to think that these problems can be solved
in layout itself rather than trying to make layout drive the FO tree
See above.

  However, I may be wrong, and at some point (not today) I may try
to get better up to speed on this issue. I am not very excited at all about
the pull parsing concept. It took me a while, but I finally got generally
comfortable with the way our parsing now works, and went to the trouble of
documenting why in our developer doc, with the hope that we can reach
consensus around it, and prevent future new developers from stumbling there.
I have made some comments about "the way our parsing now works" in 
another post.

The reason I have not jumped into the work is that I do not see
it as /the/ most important place to spend my efforts. That does not mean
that it is not important, just that it is not as high on my priority list as
it is on yours.
With that said, I am eager to see the working code from your efforts (even
the ones that I am inclined to disagree with), and to hear how they will
benefit the project. Until there are pieces of that are ready to
be merged into the trunk, it all seems like speculation.
Agreed, which is why I a going to follow through on the implications of 
the Rec rather than try to integrate a model of FO tree parsing and 
construction which I know to be flawed.

 And rest assured
that I will reserve judgment about all of it until that time -- I kick
myself about 10 times a day as I discover things that I think I should have
known before.
I freely admit that I have not yet grasped why layout should affect
properties. I understand that marker properties need to be resolved at
layout time, but it seems like the property in the FO tree then becomes the
integer equivalent of "to be resolved".
Marker processing is a clear example of the serendipitous advantages of 
pull parsing.  It is the pull parsing design that makes the resolution 
of markers in static-content a near-trivial exercise.  If you refer back 
to the diagrams I posted about marker processing, you will see that 
streams of FoXMLEvents are being buffered in two places.  If the input 
buffer is a parameter, the normal FO tree building processes can be 
invoked on such buffers, which can also be dynamically switched to 
include the marker subtrees from earlier fo:marker processing.

All of this may simply be because my comments are not considered
relevant.  Nonetheless, I believe that the *kind* of design commentary I
am making is of great value in the development of the design of layout.
irrespective of the particulars of my work.  One of the problems of
getting more people involved in the redesign work is the opacity of the
process.  It seems to me that the redesi

Re: FOTreeBuilder/ElementMapping change ideas

2003-06-16 Thread Glen Mazza
--- "Peter B. West" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I thought it was generally
> agreed some time ago 
> that my work on properties should be integrated, for
> the simple reason 
> that it is smaller and faster.  

Exactly!  Now you're talking my language--"smaller and
faster"--i.e., something that will generate more
same-size reports than trunk will.

I want it so that when we get performance complaints
such as Brian Minchau/Xalan recently did
we can confidently state that FOP has the best design

However, per the centripetal/centrifugal discussion of
Victor (*very* interesting, BTW), we need to see
*proof* that it is faster, and to help do that, we
should make the code more modular.

That's why I want ElementMappings out of apps package
and back into the FOTreeBuilder class.  This way, when
someone like you has a competing design--no more
ElementMappings, use push/pull parsers, widgets,
abacuses, chickens, whatever--you only have to change
FOTreeBuilder, and not simultaneously 57 places
throughout the code.  It makes it easier to
test/compare different implementations, and less
mortifying for such changes to be made because fewer
classes need updating.

Secondly, as I mentioned earlier about applying your
findings, you've already confirmed for me my
suspicions that user-defined ElementMappings won't
work because the semantics of those mappings would not
be understood by the rest of the code anyway (please
contradict me here if I'm wrong)--Great, for 1.0, in
addition to moving the DefaultMappings to
FOTreeBuilder, we can dispense with the code that
allows for users to add on their own mappings.  Me
applying your findings now--even if in a different
implementation--saves you the "Hey, we can't go to
push/pull parsers because we'll lose user-defined
ElementMappings!!!" argument later.  (You'll still
have to win the faster argument though... ;)

> I repeat that hacking on the code is easier and more
> immediately 
> rewarding than thinking through the design.  The
> approaches are not 
> mutually exclusive, and must be mixed, I think. 

I agree that "hacking" the code would be useless for
you, because you understand it--but I need to work on
the code/refactor it/keep it clean (I have fun with a
local version of FOP) just to understand how FOP
works.  I have apps mostly understood and am now
looking at the layout package.  This helps me hold
more better conversations with the team.  

> But, here has been too 
> much of the former and too little of the latter,
> IMO.

Agreed.  I'm happily looking forward to the day when I
can debate you on all implementation issues--even trip
you up every now and then--until then, I need to keep
working on the code to understand it more, and yes,
reading your writings more.


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RE: FOTreeBuilder/ElementMapping change ideas

2003-06-16 Thread Victor Mote
Glen Mazza wrote:

> No response on the below questions from any committer,
> and I'm concerned about the drop-off on the FOP-DEV
> mailing list over the past few weeks (at an
> extrapolated 170 emails on FOP-DEV for the month, this
> would be our lightest month since Dec. 1999!)  

Well, I think you solved that "problem" :-)

Victor Mote

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Re: FOTreeBuilder/ElementMapping change ideas

2003-06-16 Thread Peter B. West

I hope I did not leave the impression that stopping work on trunk was 
what I was seeking.  I thought it was generally agreed some time ago 
that my work on properties should be integrated, for the simple reason 
that it is smaller and faster.  It seems now that there are 
philosophical differences in the group about at least two issues - pull 
vs push parsing and design methodology (or lack of it).

[ Note that my properties handling runs faster in spite of the fact that 
pull parsing is *inherently* slower that push parsing.  It is 
considerable smaller in spite of the fact that pull parsing *inherently* 
consumes more objects than push parsing.

I'm committed to it because it makes for more readily understood code. 
In this I agree with Microsoft, surprisingly enough. ]

Given that I was talking about the problems which arise from 
integration, including problems which I have since detected in my own 
properties implementations, I am surprised that I was misunderstood as 
seeking a switch to

However, much of the burden of what I did say relates to the issue of 
what happens when the lead designer can't do it any more.  I'm the one 
who wants better, moer readily undestandable documentation, better, more 
readily understood design discussion, better,  more readily understood 
documentation of the implementation details.  If you don't believe that, 
try looking at my (incomplete) documentation of, and my 
contributions in this list to design discussions.

The whole point of my urgings and example is to make it easier for new 
developers to come up to speed.  Note that, indeed, "we have been in 
this situation before."  We still are.

I repeat that hacking on the code is easier and more immediately 
rewarding than thinking through the design.  The approaches are not 
mutually exclusive, and must be mixed, I think.  But, here has been too 
much of the former and too little of the latter, IMO.

Welcome aboard.


Glen Mazza wrote:

The decision to stop work in trunk--and to place all
efforts into alt-design, should be put to a vote first
by the committers.  I'm quite reluctant for us to be
putting all our eggs in one basket at this time.  

I want alt-design to "win" because it became the
better implementation over an optimized trunk
code--not because we kept purposefully trunk
incomplete, buggy and unoptimized so that six months
down the road we had no other choice but to go to

And if we kept trunk unimproved, what would happen
should the "lead developer" on alt-design find out he
doesn't have the time to complete his work?  We've
been in this situation before--this is a very
time-consuming project and it could happen.  We need a
What *does* work is continually modularizing the code
so alt-design can better fit in component-by-component
where possible, and also incorporating your findings
within the trunk design so we can continually reduce
the delta between the two branches.
(Besides...some of us happen to enjoy "hacking code"
and optimizing it...Don't take away our fun!  ;)
Peter B. West
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Re: FOTreeBuilder/ElementMapping change ideas

2003-06-16 Thread Peter B. West
J.Pietschmann wrote:
Peter B. West wrote:

The easiest way to proceed is to hack existing code.

Text-align="justify" is broken in HEAD. Challenge: make
it work. Right aligning works, so this should be easy...
I bet quite a few people looked at it and decided there
are less challenging but equally important (to them)
things to do.

If I could get some time, I probaly could pull it.

I'm not sure what you meant, but my comment stands.  Whatever it is you 
need time for (fixing justify or fixing FOP), it seems to me that the 
only way you will get the time is to limit your other committments and 
focus your considerable energies.

Peter B. West
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RE: FOTreeBuilder/ElementMapping change ideas

2003-06-16 Thread Victor Mote
Peter B. West wrote:

> I'm pleased and surprised to hear that most of your design questions
> have been answered.  What scope of design are you talking about?

Ah, a good question. The scope of design on which I am currently working is:
1) refactor the startup procedures (Driver) into Session, Document,
RenderContext, and RenderTask objects for greater reusability of each of
those items.
2) refactor the redesign layout into a component that can very easily be
replaced by some other layout engine.
3) drop the old (maintenance branch) engine into the redesign code, if
possible, using the same concept described in #2 above.

You are correct that not all of my layout design questions have been
answered. However, I am convinced that completing the above work is the
quickest way to getting those questions answered, because it will get our
common code base components (those other than layout) common again, and get
layout to the place where we can have more than one option. It will take me
a while to get through this big-picture work before I can start on layout

> I am a little more disturbed to hear that is once again my
> baby.  I have been posting here intermittently over the past few weeks
> with design notes that explore the implications of my discoveries about
> the impact of some particulares of the Rec on my current properties
> handling, the implications for the layout of those issues and the
> integration of, and some general questions of layout design.

Here is my frank take on the work: I /think/ you are on the right
track as far as properties go. In a general way I understand the problems
you have described about actual layout placement driving some of the
property creation. I am inclined to think that these problems can be solved
in layout itself rather than trying to make layout drive the FO tree
creation. However, I may be wrong, and at some point (not today) I may try
to get better up to speed on this issue. I am not very excited at all about
the pull parsing concept. It took me a while, but I finally got generally
comfortable with the way our parsing now works, and went to the trouble of
documenting why in our developer doc, with the hope that we can reach
consensus around it, and prevent future new developers from stumbling there.

The reason I have not jumped into the work is that I do not see
it as /the/ most important place to spend my efforts. That does not mean
that it is not important, just that it is not as high on my priority list as
it is on yours.

With that said, I am eager to see the working code from your efforts (even
the ones that I am inclined to disagree with), and to hear how they will
benefit the project. Until there are pieces of that are ready to
be merged into the trunk, it all seems like speculation. And rest assured
that I will reserve judgment about all of it until that time -- I kick
myself about 10 times a day as I discover things that I think I should have
known before.

> In making those notes, I have been at pains to illustrate my points with
> either new diagrams or reference to existing ones.  I have gone to those
> lengths because I an anxious to communicate my ideas as accessibly as
> possible.  When I was working on the properties implementation, I found
> that my attempts to explain what I was doing were met with blank
> incomprehension.  I am trying more diligently to circumvent such a
> situation now.
> However, it seems that I am still working in something of a vacuum.  I
> have had a little feedback, but it did not relate specifically to the
> possible impact of my ideas or the properties integration, on
> the design of layout.

I freely admit that I have not yet grasped why layout should affect
properties. I understand that marker properties need to be resolved at
layout time, but it seems like the property in the FO tree then becomes the
integer equivalent of "to be resolved".

> All of this may simply be because my comments are not considered
> relevant.  Nonetheless, I believe that the *kind* of design commentary I
> am making is of great value in the development of the design of layout.
> irrespective of the particulars of my work.  One of the problems of
> getting more people involved in the redesign work is the opacity of the
> process.  It seems to me that the redesign documentation is, to too
> great an extent, simply the code.  I say this in spite of the other
> documentation that has been done.

Your comments are relevant. However, I frankly see issues like pull parsing
to be a net distraction to the project, so I admit that I don't pay much
attention to them. However, I think it is a worthy goal for the project to
eventually resolve alt-design one way or another, and since you seem
somewhat determined to bring the issue to a head, perhaps now is a good
time. If you will present your ideas in the form of a proposal(s) to be
voted on, I assure you that I will spend whate

RE: FOTreeBuilder/ElementMapping change ideas

2003-06-16 Thread Victor Mote
Glen Mazza wrote:

> The decision to stop work in trunk--and to place all
> efforts into alt-design, should be put to a vote first
> by the committers.  I'm quite reluctant for us to be
> putting all our eggs in one basket at this time.  

AFAIK, there is no such proposal on the table from Peter or anyone else.

Victor Mote

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Re: FOTreeBuilder/ElementMapping change ideas

2003-06-16 Thread Glen Mazza

The decision to stop work in trunk--and to place all
efforts into alt-design, should be put to a vote first
by the committers.  I'm quite reluctant for us to be
putting all our eggs in one basket at this time.  

I want alt-design to "win" because it became the
better implementation over an optimized trunk
code--not because we kept purposefully trunk
incomplete, buggy and unoptimized so that six months
down the road we had no other choice but to go to

And if we kept trunk unimproved, what would happen
should the "lead developer" on alt-design find out he
doesn't have the time to complete his work?  We've
been in this situation before--this is a very
time-consuming project and it could happen.  We need a

What *does* work is continually modularizing the code
so alt-design can better fit in component-by-component
where possible, and also incorporating your findings
within the trunk design so we can continually reduce
the delta between the two branches.

(Besides...some of us happen to enjoy "hacking code"
and optimizing it...Don't take away our fun!  ;)


--- "Peter B. West" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Victor Mote wrote:

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Re: FOTreeBuilder/ElementMapping change ideas

2003-06-16 Thread J.Pietschmann
Peter B. West wrote:
The easiest way to proceed is to hack existing code.
Text-align="justify" is broken in HEAD. Challenge: make
it work. Right aligning works, so this should be easy...
I bet quite a few people looked at it and decided there
are less challenging but equally important (to them)
things to do.

If I could get some time, I probaly could pull it.


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Re: FOTreeBuilder/ElementMapping change ideas

2003-06-16 Thread Peter B. West
Victor Mote wrote:
Glen Mazza wrote:

No response on the below questions from any committer,
and I'm concerned about the drop-off on the FOP-DEV
mailing list over the past few weeks (at an
extrapolated 170 emails on FOP-DEV for the month, this
would be our lightest month since Dec. 1999!)

At the moment, most of my design questions are answered, and it is merely
:-) a question of finding time to implement.

I'd like us to continue progress on both Trunk and
Alt-Design until (1) at least one of the two methods
are finished or (2) they've been merged completely.  I
would be happy to work as best I can towards both
goals.  Do the committers need to have a vote on this?

I think most of us treat Alt-Design as Peter's "baby" and expect him at some
point to propose a reintegration of some or all of his work into the trunk.

We need to get working again.

There are probably multiple opinions about how best to proceed. My personal
view is that our biggest problem is not integrating Alt-Design, but rather
integrating the maintenance branch and the trunk so that we are releasing
and developing in the same branch. To that end, I am (as we speak) trying to
untangle Driver into Session, Document, and RenderContext objects, as the
first step toward refactoring to LayoutStrategy. So I guess I am working
along a different line, but working nonetheless.

I'm pleased and surprised to hear that most of your design questions 
have been answered.  What scope of design are you talking about?

I am a little more disturbed to hear that is once again my 
baby.  I have been posting here intermittently over the past few weeks 
with design notes that explore the implications of my discoveries about 
the impact of some particulares of the Rec on my current properties 
handling, the implications for the layout of those issues and the 
integration of, and some general questions of layout design.

In making those notes, I have been at pains to illustrate my points with 
either new diagrams or reference to existing ones.  I have gone to those 
lengths because I an anxious to communicate my ideas as accessibly as 
possible.  When I was working on the properties implementation, I found 
that my attempts to explain what I was doing were met with blank 
incomprehension.  I am trying more diligently to circumvent such a 
situation now.

However, it seems that I am still working in something of a vacuum.  I 
have had a little feedback, but it did not relate specifically to the 
possible impact of my ideas or the properties integration, on 
the design of layout.

All of this may simply be because my comments are not considered 
relevant.  Nonetheless, I believe that the *kind* of design commentary I 
am making is of great value in the development of the design of layout. 
irrespective of the particulars of my work.  One of the problems of 
getting more people involved in the redesign work is the opacity of the 
process.  It seems to me that the redesign documentation is, to too 
great an extent, simply the code.  I say this in spite of the other 
documentation that has been done.

Add to this the opacity of the code itself, evidenced by a number of 
Joerg's comments over the past few months, and I think there is good 
cause for extensive documentation and diagramming of the intention and 
direction of the design, and of various critical algorithms, using a 
combination of text, diagrams and code fragments, in a way similar to 
the approach I have been attempting with the documention and 
recent discussions.

The easiest way to proceed is to hack existing code.  It's the 
conventional wisdom, it gives instant gratification and feedback, and 
one always has something that works - sort of.  Granted, the HEAD base 
incorporated new design approaches when it was initiated, but my feeling 
is that HEAD redesign is now progressing by the above method.  So far, 
this approach to development has not succeeded in resolving the thornier 
design issues thrown up by the Rec.  I'm not saying that Kieron, Joerg 
and yourself will not succeed where others have failed.  But I would 
like to see the process made as transparent as possible.  (Your work on 
the rationalisation of the web site is a step in that direction.)

One of the major virtues of trying to explain what one is attempting to 
do in advance, is that it wonderfully clarifies the thinking.

Here endeth the gripe.  Thank you for listening.

Peter B. West
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Re: FOTreeBuilder/ElementMapping change ideas

2003-06-16 Thread Jeremias Maerki
That concerns me as well. Personally, I must say that my fun time is
nearing an end. I need to reestablish a more or less regular income in
the next couple of months. So a lot of my energy is focused in this
direction which means less participation in this project. But it doesn't
mean I'm going away.

On 16.06.2003 00:11:53 Glen Mazza wrote:
> No response on the below questions from any committer,
> and I'm concerned about the drop-off on the FOP-DEV
> mailing list over the past few weeks (at an
> extrapolated 170 emails on FOP-DEV for the month, this
> would be our lightest month since Dec. 1999!)  

Jeremias Maerki

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RE: FOTreeBuilder/ElementMapping change ideas

2003-06-15 Thread Victor Mote
Glen Mazza wrote:

> No response on the below questions from any committer,
> and I'm concerned about the drop-off on the FOP-DEV
> mailing list over the past few weeks (at an
> extrapolated 170 emails on FOP-DEV for the month, this
> would be our lightest month since Dec. 1999!)

At the moment, most of my design questions are answered, and it is merely
:-) a question of finding time to implement.

> I'd like us to continue progress on both Trunk and
> Alt-Design until (1) at least one of the two methods
> are finished or (2) they've been merged completely.  I
> would be happy to work as best I can towards both
> goals.  Do the committers need to have a vote on this?

I think most of us treat Alt-Design as Peter's "baby" and expect him at some
point to propose a reintegration of some or all of his work into the trunk.

>  We need to get working again.

There are probably multiple opinions about how best to proceed. My personal
view is that our biggest problem is not integrating Alt-Design, but rather
integrating the maintenance branch and the trunk so that we are releasing
and developing in the same branch. To that end, I am (as we speak) trying to
untangle Driver into Session, Document, and RenderContext objects, as the
first step toward refactoring to LayoutStrategy. So I guess I am working
along a different line, but working nonetheless.

Nevertheless, your point is well taken. I will address the remainder of your
email in a subsequent message.

Victor Mote

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Re: FOTreeBuilder/ElementMapping change ideas

2003-06-15 Thread Glen Mazza

No response on the below questions from any committer,
and I'm concerned about the drop-off on the FOP-DEV
mailing list over the past few weeks (at an
extrapolated 170 emails on FOP-DEV for the month, this
would be our lightest month since Dec. 1999!)  

I'd like us to continue progress on both Trunk and
Alt-Design until (1) at least one of the two methods
are finished or (2) they've been merged completely.  I
would be happy to work as best I can towards both
goals.  Do the committers need to have a vote on this?
 We need to get working again.

This thread was prompted by my suggestions earlier for
better encapsulating the layout.FOTreeBuilder object,
namely, by moving code involving its internal
ElementMapping setup from the Driver class to within
the FOTreeBuilder itself.  Moving layout-specific
functionality out of apps package was also the reason
for the patch I submitted moving the StructureHandler
and LayoutHandler classes to the layout and area

These changes may also help our other goals with the

1) Avalonization:  by moving layout out of the apps
package, it makes the apps package more easily
expendable with an Avalonized version.

2) multiple LayoutStrategies:  "Pluggable" multiple
LayoutStrategy objects probably best attain their
pluggability by each object being able to work with
the same apps package. (Otherwise, keeping layout
functionality in apps package requires then including
the apps package within each LayoutStrategy!)

3) Alt-Design:  By making the code more modular, we
can more easily bring in already completed and
optimized portions of Alt-Design to start minimizing
the delta between Trunk and Alt-Design. 

*But*, if the committers need more time for
contemplation, that's fine--I'm starting to sink my
teeth into other Apache projects as well! ;)


>BTW, how certain are we that will be ready
>for 1.0?  Has there been agreement on switching the
> by the committers yet--to the degree that
>we should indeed forgo any improvement on the current
>layout code?  

>I didn't get the impression from Joerg's email
>that work on layout was frozen in preparation for
> freezing  strikes me as premature
>right now.


--- "Peter B. West" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Glen,
> There is no element mapping in the push parser of
>, which we 
> are looking at integrating into the code for 1.0.
> Peter
> Glen Mazza wrote:
> > I was looking at how the Driver class initializes
> its
> > FOTreeBuilder instance with formatting object
> > ElementMappings.  This currently occurs in three
> ways:
> ...

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Re: FOTreeBuilder/ElementMapping change ideas

2003-06-04 Thread Glen Mazza
BTW, how certain are we that will be ready
for 1.0?  Has there been agreement on switching the by the committers yet--to the degree that
we should indeed forgo any improvement on the current
layout code?  

I didn't get the impression from Joerg's email,
that work on layout was frozen in preparation for freezing  strikes me as premature
right now.


--- "Peter B. West" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Glen,
> There is no element mapping in the push parser of
>, which we 
> are looking at integrating into the code for 1.0.
> Peter
> Glen Mazza wrote:
> > I was looking at how the Driver class initializes
> its
> > FOTreeBuilder instance with formatting object
> > ElementMappings.  This currently occurs in three
> ways:
> ...
> -- 
> Peter B. West 
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Re: FOTreeBuilder/ElementMapping change ideas

2003-06-04 Thread Peter B. West
No user defined mappings.  The semantics of such mappings have to be 
defined elsewhere anyway.

Extensions will have to be programmed in alongside the fo: elements and 
within the processing logic.


Glen Mazza wrote:
That simplifies things!--just out of curiosity, no
user-defined extension mappings either?  (Not that I
was clear how those would work with the current code
Peter B. West
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Re: FOTreeBuilder/ElementMapping change ideas

2003-06-04 Thread Glen Mazza
That simplifies things!--just out of curiosity, no
user-defined extension mappings either?  (Not that I
was clear how those would work with the current code


--- "Peter B. West" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Glen,
> There is no element mapping in the push parser of
>, which we 
> are looking at integrating into the code for 1.0.
> Peter
> Glen Mazza wrote:
> > I was looking at how the Driver class initializes
> its
> > FOTreeBuilder instance with formatting object
> > ElementMappings.  This currently occurs in three
> ways:
> ...
> -- 
> Peter B. West 
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> For additional commands, email:

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Re: FOTreeBuilder/ElementMapping change ideas

2003-06-04 Thread Peter B. West

There is no element mapping in the push parser of, which we 
are looking at integrating into the code for 1.0.


Glen Mazza wrote:
I was looking at how the Driver class initializes its
FOTreeBuilder instance with formatting object
ElementMappings.  This currently occurs in three ways:

Peter B. West
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