Re: Problem with TTFReader FileNotFoundException

2005-03-23 Thread Chris Bowditch
Klearchou Klearchos wrote:
Hello all,
I am trying to generate the xml file from a ttf file in order to use it with
my FOP Engine.
I run win2k.
I run it exactly as the instructions write but I always take a
java -cp
org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFReader -enc ansi f/pala.ttf f/palattf.xml
Here I use relative paths. I tried absolute as wellusing the syntax file:///
as the FAQ page instructs.
When the website is talking about URIs and URLs, it means as metric file 
reference inside user-config.xml, not when running TTFReader. When calling the 
TTFReader from the command line you should always use file paths and *not* 
URLs, or URIs. Relative paths work for me provided the shell is in the right 
directory, but if you are having trouble getting relative paths working use 
absolute paths, e.g.

java -cp "fop.jar;avalon-framework.jar;xml-apis.jar;xercesImpl.jar;xalan.jar" 
org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFReader -enc ansi 

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Re: Inserting a background image.

2005-03-21 Thread Chris Bowditch
Ramakrishnan, Deivanayagam wrote:
I have a new requirement and would like to know if anyone of you
have done this before. 
"I have a PDF already generated. There is an image strored as a TIF
file. Now, on request I have to programmatically insert the TIF as a
BACKGROUND to the pdf file." Any suggestion or pointer will he highly
I think you are asking how to insert a TIF as a background of an already 
existing PDF? Whats that got to do with XSL-FO or FOP? You can try looking at 
iText which is a Java API for manipulating PDFs?
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Re: Leader dots not showing up and "Compilation exited abnormally with code 255 at Wed Mar 09 14:20:11"

2005-03-10 Thread Chris Bowditch
Glen Mazza wrote:

(2) SIGNITEK does not seem to be
producing a complete row of dots
for my table of contents. It did in 0.19.

In our /examples directory, we have a sample
somewhere.  Run that and see if it works, if so look
in that file to see what needs to be done.
I think the problem is that 0.20.5 is more conformant to the spec than 0.19 
used to be. You need to justify the block containing the leader in order for 
the leader to stretch to the full width of the block. Use 
text-align-last="justify" rather than text-align (as I'm guessing from your 
example that the block only has 1 line)

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Re: HTML Tables converted to FO Tables

2005-03-10 Thread Chris Bowditch
Eckbert P. Dollhofer wrote:

Hm? Are there any FO Formatters alternativ to apache-fop that will 
render tables with table-layout="auto" to pdf?
Would be off a big help!
Yes. Try XEP 4 from RenderX
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Re: FopServlet

2005-03-09 Thread Chris Bowditch
Ben Gill wrote:
I am trying to use the FopServlet, but ideally, dont want to have to produce
the XML file on disk, and then load it up again, just to pass in File, File
into XSLTHandler (or TraxInputHandler)...
So, I was trying to just pass in InputSources..(ie):
ProjectTeam projectTeam = new ProjectTeam();
InputSource projectTeamInputSource = new
Is this possible?  or do I *have* to save the XML to disk?
Yes this is easy to achieve.
(I was getting a malformed URL exception when trying to do this)
You must have made a mistake somewhere, difficult to guess where. See the 
website for more examples:
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Re: How to adjust row width for overflowing text ?

2005-03-09 Thread Chris Bowditch
I have an issue where the text in a row is so long that it overflows to the
next "line" and the top of the characters touch the lower part of the upper
"line". The 2 lines therefore appears squished. I have tried everything to
set this right but nothing seems to be working..I have also tried the
 property but this doesnt work...
Unfortunately line-height hasnt yet been implemented on . Try 
putting line-height on parent 

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Re: Simple form?

2005-03-09 Thread Chris Bowditch
I want to produce a PDF-version of a simple html form and want to write 
labels and draw lines with specific length like:
Name   ___
Phone   ___
(I am using a fo:table)
What is the best way to do this? I could not find any example with thois 
Have you tried ? E.g.

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Re: Simple form?

2005-03-09 Thread Chris Bowditch
I want to produce a PDF-version of a simple html form and want to write 
labels and draw lines with specific length like:
Name   ___
Phone   ___
(I am using a fo:table)
What is the best way to do this? I could not find any example with thois 
Have you tried ? E.g.

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Re: impositions

2005-03-08 Thread Chris Bowditch
Mike Sierra wrote:
This is not directly related to fop, but wonder if someone can help me 
out.  Is there a batch utility available that allows you to create 
impositions from PDF input?  I dimly remember seeing something like that 
for plain PostScript.  Thanks,
You mean like psup utility? Have you looked at iText Java API? Its a tool that 
manipulates PDF. Might be a bit too low level for your needs, but I havent 
come across a pdfup utility.

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Re: Images and https

2005-03-08 Thread Chris Bowditch
The problem is very clear . The FOP transformation fails when the
fo:external-graphics tag has a source to an image which is in secured
site(ex: "https:///someimage.jpg";.  ) . Please let me know if you have
any ideas for this.
Joerg has already stated his ideas. This is a problem with the configuration 
of HTTPS in Java. I dont know anything about configuring HTTPS for Java, as 
this is the FOP user list. Post your error on a Java/HTTPS forum.


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Re: Error:

2005-03-07 Thread Chris Bowditch
Ben Gill wrote:
I downloaded the latest 0.20.5 bin and copied the ExampleObj2PDF example and
am getting:
{ERROR} dao.BaseDAOTestCase  Error generating PDF document
FOPException: root must be root element]
javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: org.apache.fop.apps.FOPException:
 must be root element
This is a problem with your XML/XSLT

from XLST stylesheet:"; 
Note, that the element being matched differs from the comment. However, this 
may not be the cause of the problem. Most likely cause is several occurrences 
of element incident in your source XML, resulting in several root elements.

To determine where mistake is you should generate XSL-FO file by running 
xalan.bat (in FOP distribution) from command line.

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Re: How do you switch between page-sequences?

2005-03-07 Thread Chris Bowditch
Talken, Patrick (AGRE) wrote:
Is it possible to switch between page-sequences based on an xml tag?
What I need to have is a document that starts with pages in portrait and
then at some point in the document switch to landscape for an unknown
number of pages and then back into portrait for an unknown number of
pages. The switching between portrait and landscape and then back to
portrait will be determined by the presence or absence of the tag
If xmltag present use page-sequence for landscape
If xmltag is not present use page-sequence for portrait
Hi Patrick,
your question is a pure XSLT question and the lack of response is because this 
sort of question is better suited to an XSLT list. Try posting on the mulberry 
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Re: external graphic scaling

2005-03-03 Thread Chris Bowditch
David Preuss wrote:
I have the problem that when I insert an image and want to scale it, the
given values are not applied. I have the following code in my xsl:

content-width and content-height are ignored by FOP 0.20.5. Try width and 
height instead. Note, however that it is not a good idea to use px as a 
measurement. Use cm, mm or in instead.

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Re: Using FOP with docbook

2005-03-03 Thread Chris Bowditch
Peter Harrison wrote:
We have started using docbook and using our existing FOP processing
along with Ant. It appears that certain things are not supported in the
currently released FOP - such as keeping a heading and the first
paragraph together, not breaking up paragraphs, and not breaking figure
headings from the figure.
keep-* properties are not implemented on fo:block, which I guess Docbook uses 
most of the time. However, keep-* properties have been implemented on 
table-rows in FOP 0.20.5. So FOP is not totally without support of this 
feature, as regular content can be wrapped into a blind table if necessary.

Is the new FOP in development ready to be used, or should I stick with
the current released version?
Unfortunately the development version of FOP is not ready for production use, 
and keep-* properties havent been implemented there yet.

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Re: Out of Memory problem

2005-02-24 Thread Chris Bowditch
Manisha Sathe wrote:
I am trying for one Chinese PDF. When i do not make use of Arial Unicode 
MS font then i do not get this error. All chinese characters are 
displayed as #. Once i use this font then i get this error (even if it 
is just 2-3 pages long - sometimes at very beginning i get the 1 page 
report - after that even not that)
I tried the the things mentined such as reduce the size of image, page 
sequence (do not know how to increase the JVM memory on fly) - also 
reset the Cache etc what ever given in docs, but still same.
To increase JVM memory, just change your FOP.bat or whatever script starts 
your Java VM and specify command line parameter -Xmx256M. The default is 64Mb, 
which isnt sufficient due to the large number of glyphs in The Arial Unicode font.

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Re: Blank Pages between Page Sequences.

2005-02-24 Thread Chris Bowditch
Puppala, Kumar (LNG-DAY) wrote:

Does anyone know if there is a way to get the correct behavior in Case 
1. I have tested this using AntennaHouse and found similar results. I am 
not sure if this is a bug in both Apache and AntennaHouse (0R) if it is 
the desired behavior. Any input is greatly appreciated.
This is a FAQ. See:
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Re: Printing PDF with background image

2005-02-21 Thread Chris Bowditch
Jeremias Maerki wrote:
On 18.02.2005 11:18:21 Chris Bowditch wrote:
Java 1.5, also has support for printing PDFs. Although other users on this 
list have reported problems rendering XSL-FO using FOP on JDK 1.5

Others may know of other tools that can be used to print a PDF

That Java 1.5 has PDF printing support is only a rumour, I'm afraid.
I've heard that myself and went looking for it. Found nothing. Some of
the packages found following the link above claim to support a JPS (Java
Printing System) plug-in that allows to print PDF, however.
D'oh! You are right. I saw someone post some code a while ago and just assumed 
it would work on 1.5, I never actually tried it.

JPS allows to print arbitrary objects, although each print service only
supports a certain subset of "DocFlavors". See the attached
jdk15JPSEnum.txt which is a log of the I've also attached.
It shows what JPS printing services (streaming and non-streaming) are
available on my system under JDK 1.5. BTW, JPS is included in JDK 1.4!
Yes I know JPS is available on 1.4, I just thought the PDF print service had 
been provided in 1.5.

Further down you can see the streaming print services. JDK 1.4 and 1.5
support generation of PostScript files. Sun created a Graphics2D
subclass which allows that. Similar to FOP's PSGraphics2D. Speaking of
which: Just below that entry you can see two print services that I wrote
as a proof of concept which add PDF and PS output support to JPS by
delegating to FOP's PSGraphics2D and PDFGraphics2D. This would allow any
Java application to generate PDF files via JPS with FOP.
Thanks for the info/code, Jeremias.

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Re: Problem with report tail

2005-02-21 Thread Chris Bowditch
Miroslav Pukhalsky wrote:
Chris Bowditch wrote:
If you need to ensure content is always placed at the bottom of the last page,
then I suggest you try putting this content into a fo:footnote.
Sorry, but footnotes not workin properly. If body has more than one
page, footnote prints on the first page, but footnote inline there is
after body.
I dont understand what you mean. If you insert footnote at end of body, then 
footnote should appear on last page that content spills onto. Are you sure you 
are putting the footnote at end of your content?

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Re: Problem with report tail

2005-02-18 Thread Chris Bowditch
David Causse wrote:
Chris Bowditch wrote:
You can place your tail content into a table with 1 row and 1 cell, 
and put keep-together="always" on the table-row. This should have the 
desired effect.

but how do you force the tail to be placed at the bottom of the page 2 
if 2 pages are needed? If I understood what Miroslav asked.
I think you misunderstood what Miroslav wanted. He replied saying the 
keep-together worked for him.

I'm very interested in the solution because I need the same 
functionnality but I use fo:block-container with absolute position but I 
have to manage overlap problems...
If you need to ensure content is always placed at the bottom of the last page, 
then I suggest you try putting this content into a fo:footnote.

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Re: Problem with report tail

2005-02-18 Thread Chris Bowditch
Miroslav Pukhalsky wrote:
Hi, there!
I have problem. I should generate PDF file. This report has 2 parts e.g.
body and tail.
If there is enough space for tail on a page after body, tail should be
on the same page like page footer.
If there is not enough space for tail on a page after body, tail should
be on the next page like page footer.
If body has one and half page, tail should be on the second place like 
page footer.
It sounds to me like you need to keep the tail together, i.e. so there are no 
page-breaks part way through the tail. In XSL-FO, you can put 
keep-together="always" on a block to achieve what you want. However, 
keep-together is only supported on a table-row in FOP.

You can place your tail content into a table with 1 row and 1 cell, and put 
keep-together="always" on the table-row. This should have the desired effect.

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Re: Problem with report tail

2005-02-18 Thread Chris Bowditch
Arun Sinha wrote:
Alternatively you can say that you are trying to make last page special.
Have a look on the following link that makes first page special.
You can replace first page with last page.
page-position="last" is not supported by FOP 0.20.5
Hope that solves your problem of last page/footer.
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Re: Printing PDF with background image

2005-02-18 Thread Chris Bowditch
Neil Guinto wrote:
Thanks for taking the interest.  Ok I'm looking for a quick solution at 
this point without me going into the nitty gritty of implementing a 
method (crunch time :-( ).  I've got the actual PDF's rendered somewhere 
on the server side and wanted to route it straight to a network 
printer.  Please advise.
If you havent got time to change FOP's source code as Jeremias suggested then 
you are going to need a tool that will print a PDF for you. FOP cant help 
except by using the AWTRenderer-which as youve already found out has missing 

One tool that can print PDFs is Adobe Server, which is expensive. I seem to 
recall you used to be able to make command line calls to the Acrobat Reader to 
print a PDF, but I thought Adobe dropped this feature in later releases.

Java 1.5, also has support for printing PDFs. Although other users on this 
list have reported problems rendering XSL-FO using FOP on JDK 1.5

Others may know of other tools that can be used to print a PDF

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Re: Version from CVS building...

2005-02-15 Thread Chris Bowditch
J.Pietschmann wrote:
The CVS head still hasn't keeps, footnotes, multi-column layout
and proper table footer layout and will probably choke on a lot
of features the current DocBook style sheets generate. OTOH
there's a better block layout and a nearly compliant vertical
alignment in lines...
minor correction: table footers have been implemented thanks to Jeremias.
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Re: are there alternatives to Apache FOP?

2005-02-11 Thread Chris Bowditch
Kai Hackemesser wrote:
Hello, all,
I am looking for a good FO->PDF converter. I tried so far FOP from Apache,
but it looks like it currently doesn't support all features I would like to
use (for example all border styles I tried result in solid borders, and the
border collapsing sometimes doesn't look nice) 

So what are the currently available alternatives?
Well there are a few commercial alternatives, the most established being;
- Antenna House has already been mentioned,
- RenderX's XEP
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Re: Newspaper layout

2005-02-11 Thread Chris Bowditch
Christian Loock wrote:
Hi everybody,
i'd like to know if there is some way to easily create an
multiple-column layout in xsl-fo as it is used in newspapers (the text
starting on the next column if it reaches the end of the previous
Is there any way to realize this without using fixed tables?
Yes, use the column-count property on fo:region-body element of the 


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Re: Why none replies to FOA experience

2005-02-11 Thread Chris Bowditch
Subbiah wrote:
I have never got a single reply whenver I ask an question on FOA. I know 
this is FOP mailing list but only the guys on FOP will ever think of 
using FOA so definately this is worth asking here and I have been on 
this is list for quite some time and it is quite active. So please do 
care to reply :)
Well, I havent tried the later versions of it, but when I tried it a couple of 
years ago I thought it had a very clunky interface which got in the way of 
doing what I wanted. So I went back to creating XSL-FO in Xml Spy.

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Re: HTML Tables converted to FO Tables

2005-01-31 Thread Chris Bowditch
Chris Greene wrote:
I'm hoping that someone has already solved this problem...
--- I have an input XML file that has a  tag which contains an 
HTML  as its content.
--- If I save the HTML content to a file and open it in a browser, the 
browser very nicely formats the table with, I suspect, some 
heuristically computed column widths.
--- Since FO requires that you explicitly specify the column-width of 
each column in a table I suppose that my XSL file needs to do something 
like a browser does to compute the column-widths.
This is not true, the property table-layout="auto" will compute column widths 
automatically. Note, however, that not all FO Formatters implement automatic 
table layouts.

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Re: Space betweens columns

2005-01-20 Thread Chris Bowditch
Sönke Ruempler wrote:
is it possible to control the space / margin between columns in multi-column
specify column-gap on region-body.

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Re: list in list

2005-01-20 Thread Chris Bowditch
Tommaso Taglioni wrote:

I tried to consider it as simple lists but it doesn't work.
Why doesnt it work? What does the generated FO look like? your xml and xsl 
look ok to me.

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Re: Release scedule for FOP 1.0

2005-01-10 Thread Chris Bowditch
Jens Skripczynski wrote:
this may be a very common question, but it still hasn't made it into the FAQ.
It is a very common question, but it is not in the FAQ because there is no 
answer. Open source projects work very differently from commercial ones. code 
is written when people feel like writing it :-)

What is the status of the FOP 1.0 development.
It still has some big gaps in functionality compared with 0.20.5.
It has been about 18 months since the last fop release (0.20.5).
yes we know. FOP is short of developers who have the time to write any code.
Are there any plans to release a 1.0-prealpha1 ?
How long will it at least / at most take for a next release ?
Its very difficult to tell. I did an estimate of outstanding work required to 
get FOP 1.0 good enough for release and there was about 5 man months work. But 
due to the nature of open source, theres no telling when those tasks will get 

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Re: Unbound Error

2005-01-10 Thread Chris Bowditch
Luke Shannon wrote:
Hello Andreas;
This is the nature of my problem. The block lies outside of the root. It is
in a template. I start in root, write some generic stuff and than depending
on the params jump of the one of several templates to write out the content.
Each template needs to contains its own formatting schema. I was hoping to
do this by embedding the content in a fo block.
If this is allowed, do I have any other options? I would like to avoid
complicating the root template with 13 different output options.
I think you just need to define the fo namespace at the top of your 
xsl:stylesheet, e.g.";>



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Re: Page background color

2005-01-07 Thread Chris Bowditch
Dennis Myrén wrote:

Is there a way to set the background color of the entire page, 
regardless of whether objects are placed
No, you cant set background color on the entire page. But you can set it on 
region-*. So in your case, as well as setting background color on region-body 
you will need to set it on region-before too.

I would like not to repeat that static content, but rather have it 
rendered only at the first page.
This is straigt forward to achieve. You will need to create two 
fo:simple-page-master objects, one with a region-before defined and the other 
without. Then create a fo:page-sequence-master which uses defines which 
simple-page-master is used based on page-position. The fo:page-sequence then 
references the page-sequence-master. E.g.

then the page-sequence element references the page-sequence-master, e.g.

This will only appear on page 1

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Re: Image Problem in FOP url(...)

2004-12-21 Thread Chris Bowditch
I am trying to resolve my images dynamically.  When I perform the


Variables inside an attribute are not resolved by default, in xsl terms you 
have to use an attribute template: this means just put {} around the variable, 

I have just used single quotes instead of trying to use $quot; entity as its 
easier. Note that content-height doesnt have any effect in FOP 0.20.5.

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Re: multi-column page and background colors

2004-12-17 Thread Chris Bowditch
Sönke Ruempler wrote:
I want to setup a page layout with 2 columns. The page background should
have a background-color while the columns' backgrounds remain white. How is
that possible? I did not find how to set the background for the whole page,
but only for the columns, maybe it's a mix of padding's and backgrounds.
Not totally clear on what you are trying to achieve, but couldnt you just set 
background color on the static regions and leave the body region without a 
background color?

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Re: PDF that is printed and folded

2004-12-13 Thread Chris Bowditch
Sönke Ruempler wrote:
I'm creating a flyer filled with events using fop. It's a A3 formatted page
with 4 columns printed on both sides.
After the flyer is printed, it's folded in the middle (to A4) and the order
of pages changes. The start page (the first column of the original first
page) is now the the first row of the back page. Do you understand me? ;-)
Yes, I understand the requirement. There is no facility for this in XSL-FO. As 
already suggested, you will need to post process the generated PDF using iText 
or other PDF manipulation library.

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Re: Column Span

2004-12-08 Thread Chris Bowditch
Chris Bowditch wrote:
Sajeesh N Kakkat wrote:

How do I add a row in a table that spans multiple cells after adding the
regular rows which have the individual cells. This row with span has the
total on it.

Sorry for the noise, slight typo in my previous message:
put number-columns-spanned="@number" on the fo:table-cell, replacing 
@number with an expression that evalutes to the appropriate number of 
rows. The structure of rows above and below the row containing this cell 
   I meant columns
are irrelevant. Just make sure you dont try to span more columns that 
have been defined at top of the table.

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Re: Column Span

2004-12-08 Thread Chris Bowditch
Sajeesh N Kakkat wrote:

How do I add a row in a table that spans multiple cells after adding the
regular rows which have the individual cells. This row with span has the
total on it.
put number-columns-spanned="@number" on the fo:table-cell, replacing @number 
with an expression that evalutes to the appropriate number of rows. The 
structure of rows above and below the row containing this cell are irrelevant. 
Just make sure you dont try to span more columns that have been defined at top 
of the table.

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Re: FOP distorting images

2004-12-07 Thread Chris Bowditch
Saptarshi Sen wrote:
I am trying to generate PDF images (charts with embedded fonts) using
FOP version 0.20.5.
We first generate a SVG image using a charting tool called PopChart
(version 5.1.0). We then create the 'fo' file from this SVG. This is finally
fed to FOP to generate the PDF.
In doing so, legends in the chart are overlapping - the chart is
getting cutoff on the right hand side.
The SVG image is actually fine - which leads me to believe that the
problem crops up at the 'fo to pdf' stage. Attached alongwith are the SVG and
FO files as well as the PDF generated using FOP.
Why couldnt the problem be with the SVG to FO conversion that you mention 

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Re: How to preserve new line

2004-12-06 Thread Chris Bowditch
Yann Bonnaillie wrote:
I generate a DOM by using Java, with values that can be long text with new line 
But when i apply transformation with FOP, new line contained in my texts are 
not preserved.
How can i do to keep them ? Should i replace them by some special code 
representing new line in pdf format ?
Hi Yann - this is a FAQ. See:
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Re: Font style problem

2004-12-02 Thread Chris Bowditch
So does it mean that I create an xml file for every required ttf font file
Yes you must create font metrics xml files for every font you wish to use, 
except for the standard adobe 14 fonts. Generally this is not a problem as 
most documents tend to use at most 3 or 4 fonts outside of the adobe 14.


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Re: [fop] linefeed-treatment="preserve" doesn't preserve the linefeed

2004-11-23 Thread Chris Bowditch
Gunter D'Hondt wrote:
Looking at the FAQ I think I don't do anything wrong in my code coz I'm 
placing the attrbute linefeed-treatment="preserve" into it. The attr 
white-space-collapse I don't need or has nothing to do with the linefeed 
(I assume).
Incorrect assumption, the FAQ says you need to specify 

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Re: [fop] linefeed-treatment="preserve" doesn't preserve the linefeed

2004-11-23 Thread Chris Bowditch
Gunter D'Hondt wrote:

which still outputs "Line1Line2" so it replaces the newline character 
instead of "preserving" it

Anybody who gots an idea what I'm doing wrong here? Any help is welcome...
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Re: intelligent page breaks with fop

2004-11-22 Thread Chris Bowditch
hi everybody,

i am generating pdf using fop, the problem now is, that if e.g. the 
content of a table cell is longer than a page fop doesnt manage to split 
this up in an intelligent way, so it just extends the table cell on the 
next page, which looks really bad.
in other words, i want to tell fop:
if the content of the table cell goes beyond the extent of the page, 
close the table cell at the end of the page and continue printing the 
content on the next page in a new tablecell.
i have searched for this in some tutorials, but found nothing, is there 
a way i can solve the problem?
It is not clear exactly what you mean. At a guess, I would say you are 
referring to borders on a table cell not being closed at the bottom of the 
first page and then redrawn at the top of the second. In XSL-FO, the property 
to control this behaviour is border.conditionality="retain" The default is 
dicard, which means dont draw at start/end of a reference area. However, I 
dont believe FOP implements conditionality on either borders or spacing, so 
you are out of luck.

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Re: References on same page

2004-11-19 Thread Chris Bowditch
Sven Waibel wrote:
My problem is that i don't know how many details i will have, so i can't say id="detail1", id="detail2".
The way to tackle this problem is use the generate-id() in your xsl 
stylesheet. I cant really be more specific without seeing an example of your XML.

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Re: Current CVS - break-after/before="page" not working?

2004-11-16 Thread Chris Bowditch
Tom Frey wrote:
I don't seem to get break-after="page" working with the current CVS
snapshot. Is there something I might be doing wrong or is there something
broken? Here's some test xsl which renders page breaks with v0.20.5 but not
with the current CVS snapshot:
There are currently two lines of development in FOP, the redesigned code and 
0.20.x. The reason break-after isnt working in the current snapshot is because 
the snapshot is of CVS Head which just happens to be the redesigned code, 
whilst the 0.20.x code is available on a CVS branch. If you want to get the 
latest 0.20.x code then you will need to download a CVS client and do an 
update from the correct branch. To be honest though no that much has changed 
since 0.20.5, only a little bit of tweaking to the amount of memory consumed 
by tables.

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Re: XSL-FO Specification

2004-11-09 Thread Chris Bowditch
Balamuraly wrote:
Hello All,
We are very interested in XSL-FO concepts.
Can you please clarify the Specification version of XSL-FO as per W3C.
What are the limitations in this version?
See the compliance page for details:
When is the next version is going to be released?
Open Source Development is very different to commercial development. There are 
no project plans. It is likely to be a long time before the redesigned code is 
ready for release.

What are the points that will be addressed in the next version in the 
current limitations?
The main purpose of the redesigned code is to facilitate the implementation of 
keep-* properties.

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Re: Footer placement...

2004-11-08 Thread Chris Bowditch
Anil R. Pinto wrote:

But with the marker approach I noticed that the footer area has to be
allocated to the other pages (using the layout and region-after values
applicable to the pages) irrespective. So, untimately although no footer is
printed on the middle pages, the area is consumed by a blank portion and so
paper will not really be saved (the main intention of this exercise :-) )
Sounds to me like you can fulfill your requirement using a footnote. A 
footnote only takes up space if present. So just put a footnote in your last 
paragraph and it should appear at the bottom of the last page. No need to 
define a region-after.

The only problem with footnotes is that they are a bit buggy in current 
version of FOP. Certain scenarios may produce strange effects, e.g. if last 
paragraph in document happens to be at bottom of page, then there will be room 
for footnote. What should happen is FOP should move last paragraph to next 
page along with footnote, but I dont think this works.

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Re: bold font

2004-11-04 Thread Chris Bowditch
Mark Donnelly wrote:
Im trying to get a bold font using the following

blah blah blah
This should be:
blah blah blah

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Re: Does anyone know of an XSD to DTD converter?

2004-11-04 Thread Chris Bowditch
Jon Steeves wrote:
Does anyone know of an XSD to DTD converter? Obviously, it doesn't have to capture all of the info in the XSD.
XMLSpy also has facilities for converting between DTD and schemas.

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Re: MICR font in FOP as an embedded application..

2004-11-03 Thread Chris Bowditch
Anil R. Pinto wrote:

But, the main requirement is to use this behavior with FOp running as an
embeded application (using fop.jar).
Can someone please guide me to a thread that covers this ?
How to use a config file in an embedded environment is described on the 
I am lost as to where should the custom font-metrics xml and userconfig.xml
file reside when using the standard fop.jar (as the userconfig.xml already
exists in the jar)
Yes, there is indeed a userconfig.xml in FOP.jar, but its not used!

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Re: Conversion of a SVG image (RGB) into PDF (CMYK)

2004-10-26 Thread Chris Bowditch
Saptarshi Sen wrote:
What exactly is the file
for? Does is provide any kind of support for CMYK?
This is the java class that is used to represent the colour space specified 
the FO. Although it clearly has enumerations for CMYK, the renderers always
work with RGB values. Take a look at PDFRenderer.renderWordArea method and you
will see a PDFColor object constructed based only on RGB values with no test
for CMYK.
CMYK is supported for JPEG images, so that if an image has CMYK colours these
are preserved in the generated PDF.
Is there any other way by which I could convert the RGB colors to
FOP is open source, you could download the source and change the PDFRenderer
to support CMYK. The PDFColor object looks like it supports CMYK, so it may be
straight forward to implement.

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Re: Conversion of a SVG image (RGB) into PDF (CMYK)

2004-10-25 Thread Chris Bowditch
Saptarshi Sen wrote:
I am trying to convert an image in SVG format into a PDF using FOP.
The SVG image uses the RGB color scheme. How can I ensure that the PDF output
from FOP uses the CMYK color scheme?
The SVG image is obtained using a charting tool, Corda PopChart,
which does not support CMYK. Also, the SVG image (and hence the final PDF)
contains fonts embedded within it.
I'm afraid that FOP doesnt support CMYK colours either, so I think you are out 
of luck.

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Re: exception on error

2004-10-25 Thread Chris Bowditch
Andreas L. Delmelle wrote:
From: Agar, Robert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have FOP running embedded in a java program. How do I make it
throw an exception on an error, rather than just logging it?
AFAICT no additional Exception is thrown, most likely because an image not
being found can hardly be considered a 'fatal' error --rendering can
continue, just leaving out the offending fo:external-graphic element-- and
the XSL-FO Rec prescribes nothing in particular for dealing with an invalid
'src' attribute, but it seems feasible enough to modify the code so that
when the MalformedURLException or FopImageException is caught, it throws a
FOPException --which, IIUC, should be enough to send the signal to break off
any further processing--, and when you catch that Exception in your app, you
can then provide the necessary error-handling code for it.
You dont need to modify the FOP code to catch this error. The best way to do 
it is to write a class that implements the 
org.apache.fop.messaging.MessageListener interface. The processMessage method 
can easily identify messages of type ERROR and throw an exception to halt the 
user's application.

Once youve written a class to handle messages you will need call:
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Re: text alignment

2004-10-19 Thread Chris Bowditch

i got a problem which hasn 't been described in the mailing list archives.
i have a standard block article, what i know want is that the right-most
char of every line of text output 
is exactly aligned to every other right-most char of the other lines of this
in other words, is there a way i can tell fop to adjust char padding in a
way that the left-most /
right-most char of a line is exactly aligned to that of the other lines?
This is the definition of justified text. To justify a block of text, use the 
text-align="justify" attribute, e.g.

The fox jumped over the lazy cow. The fox jumped over the lazy cow. The fox 
jumped over the lazy cow. The fox jumped over the lazy cow. The fox jumped 
over the lazy cow. The fox jumped over the lazy cow. The fox jumped over the 
lazy cow. The fox jumped over the lazy cow. The fox jumped over the lazy cow. 
The fox jumped over the lazy cow.

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Re: I need your help

2004-10-19 Thread Chris Bowditch
Hi everybody,
This is a pure XSLT question and probably best asked on the XSLT list:
This  tag can go n times each time I need the value of cureent tag 
vaue  and it immediate previous.
The following XSL snippet should give you an idea of how to do it:


Since you didnt say what you were trying to do with these values I have done 
anything with them.

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Re: I need your help

2004-10-19 Thread Chris Bowditch
Hi everybody,
This is a pure XSLT question and probably best asked on the XSLT list:
This  tag can go n times each time I need the value of cureent tag 
vaue  and it immediate previous.
The following XSL snippet should give you an idea of how to do it:


Since you didnt say what you were trying to do with these values I havent done 
anything with them.

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Re: Base font and russian

2004-10-12 Thread Chris Bowditch
Cédric Augustin wrote:

Does fop use the X11 font ? 
In fop configuration it says that fop need X11
to be installed.
Thats right, or if you have Java 1.4 you can run with the -headless option.
If not, which font does fop is using ?
Depends on what you specified in font-family property? Default is Helvetica. 
Definition of this is the Adobe Helvetica.

If yes why the fop servlet doesn't found the cyrillic char and display
"" ?
This means the font you are using via font-family doesnt have a glyph for the 
requested code point.

I don't want to use special font and embed it in the pdf. Base font should
be enough. Russian pdf created with Acrobat are well displayed on the client
computer, so I should be able to use standard font with fop.
I dont think any of the 14 base Adobe fonts have glyphs for all the languages 
you need. I think for russian you will need to specify a different font to the 
other languages and embed it into the PDF.

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Re: Printing from multiple trays with FOP generated output

2004-10-07 Thread Chris Bowditch
I am looking into implementing a XML-->XSLFO-->PS or PDF process, but 
need the ability to have different pages of the output print from 
different printer trays ( one with letterhead, one on blank paper). Is 
there a way to instruct FOP to insert the printer tray selection 
directives into the PS output? Another idea could be to get the 
postscript commands embedded in the XSLFO, but I don't know how to get 
them in the FO so that FOP will just include them "as is".
I dont think its possible to get FOP to just copy postscript from the source 
FO to the generated Postscript.

The exact commands I want to embed are: "statusdict begin 1 setpapertray 
end" for the top tray, and "statusdict begin 2 setpapertray end" for the 
middle tray.
The way we achieve this is to post-process the generated postscript with a 
custom program.

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Re: send overflow to row below

2004-10-04 Thread Chris Bowditch
James Steven wrote:
I'm using Fop-0.20.5rc3a to produce a table.  The table is formatted fine
apart from one column which has an overflow because of the page size.  An
overflow on this particular column is expected except that I would like the
overflow to continue on the row below.  Instead the table is formatted so
that the content of the column starts one or two rows above that of the
row where it should start.  How can I change the xsl-fo to make the overflow
go below the row the content should be formatted on and not above?
I have included xml and xsl below and a .doc file showing how content is
displayed the row above the row where it should start.
This is the third time you have posted this question, perhaps no one is 
answering because they dont have the time to figure out the complex XSL you 
have attached. You could make things easier for people (and hence increase 
your chances of getting an answer) if you transform the XML and XSL into 
XSL-FO. If you dont know how to, read this:
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Re: different header on first page

2004-10-01 Thread Chris Bowditch
Robert Guggenberger wrote:
i got pages with a JPG on the top (in the region before)
now this JPG-header should only be visible on the first page
there is no special content on the first page ( a must not for a page 
break -> otherwise i would do it with 2 page sequences, flows)

i found how to use differnt layouts (margins ...) with different 

But i havnt found  a way how to show, in my case a LOGO, on the first 
page and not on the others
this is straight forward. create a layout-set something like:

then the page-sequence will be:

I hope this is clear,
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Re: Problem with headers

2004-10-01 Thread Chris Bowditch
Philip Snyder wrote:
I have a problem with the headers not showing on any even numbered pages
on 1 of my pdfs. The XSL can be seen here:
I can't figure out what is wrong - the header is written almost exactly
the same as my other report and I definitely don't have anything in
there about numbering only odd #'d pages. Any ideas? Thanks!
This problem could be caused by the fact that you have too much content for 
the header. I believe in this scenario FOP tries to place remaining content on 
next page. If the remaining content is just a small 1 pt space for example it 
will look like you have a blank header. Try increasing size of header until 
problem goes away. If you cant live with a larger header then you can reduce 
the content of the header afterwards.

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Re: Adjacent tables

2004-09-29 Thread Chris Bowditch
Mark Donnelly wrote:
Been looking through the FO documentation and cant find anything to do with
creating adjacent tables.
Id like to have one table on the left and then two tables on top of each
other next to the first (ie to the right of the first).
Anyone know of any methods?
Create an outer table with two columns and two rows and nest the 3 inner 
tables in the table cells of the outer table. You will need to put 
number-rows-spanned="2" on the first cell of the first column to merge the two 
cells in the first column.

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Re: margin-bottom, region-before ingnored by region-body with column

2004-09-29 Thread Chris Bowditch
Johannes Wolfgang Woger wrote:

Does that mean that the whole page is reserved for region-body and other
regions can
only exist when the region-body provides enough margin space ?
Even the outer margins are consummed by region-body ? is this XSL-FO
Yes this is correct and as presecribed by the XSL-FO spec. It is useful to be 
able to overlap the outer regions with region body in some circumstances. If 
this is not required then the extent of the regions should match the 
corresponding margin on the region-body. I hope this is clear.

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Re: TeX output in FOP

2004-09-29 Thread Chris Bowditch
Ganesh Babu Nallamothu, Integra-India wrote:
Dear All,
In my project I have to display TeX, MathML and GIF output to PDF.
For MathML, I have taken new snap shot from apache site. and it is working
For GIF, Any how this is external image we can able to display.
Do you mean how can you include the binary data inside the xml file and get 
FOP to render it as an image? Im not sure how to do it, you may be able to do 
something cleaver with URI resolvers and the data: protocol. Others on this 
list may be able to help more with this.

For TeX, How we can display?
My idea is compile TeX and get DVI file using dvips convert into ps and then
include in the file. But the new build fop is stating error:
"Could not find a set of breaking points". What is this error and how to
rectify this.
This is the lines from the -d option of FOP.
Building formatting object tree
Current heap size: 590Kb
Starting layout
null implementation of getWordSpaceIPD() called!
No set of breaking points found with maxAdjustment = 1.0
No set of breaking points found with maxAdjustment = 5.0
Could not find a set of breaking points
This is output from the development code which isnt ready for production use. 
You probably mean to get the latest maintenance code. You need to specify the 
branch tag "fop-0_20_2-maintain" when using CVS to download the source

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Re: Preserving blank table rows

2004-09-28 Thread Chris Bowditch
Mark Donnelly wrote:
Im using an xslt/fo transform of an xml document and dont have any html in
it. As such   isnt recognised.
Ive also tried the UTF-8 sequence:   but that is then not recognised by
the fop parser.
  should work. Can you post the error here, along with a snippet of the 
XSLT you are using.

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Re: Preserving blank table rows

2004-09-28 Thread Chris Bowditch
Mark Donnelly wrote:
Does anyone know how to preserve blank table rows?
If I create a table with a bunch of empty table rows at the end, they do not
appear in the resulting pdf doc.
If however, I put a full stop in one table cell of each of these rows then
they appear.
Does anyone know, is this decision to clip empty table rows a fop thing or a
Acrobat setting?
If a fop thing, is there a work around?
More specifically its the correct behaviour of XSL-FO. The workaround is to 
inside the table cell.
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Re: Placing text on bottom of region-body...

2004-09-25 Thread Chris Bowditch
Johann Mattsson wrote:
Hello all
I am producing a document which may consists of 1 or more pages of same type, followed by 
0 or more pages of another type, every page have a header and a footer. The last page of 
the first "set of pages" should have a certain text down on the bottom of that 
page, regardless of how much text it consists of otherwise.
Im not certain how to produce such a FOP code to achieve this, i guess i somehow have to 
make a table or something that fills up the "empty space" in the page to get to 
the bottom on the page. But maybe someone have another idea or some input to give to me.
Try using footnotes. Insert a footnote at the end of the last piece of content 
in the first set of pages. The only trouble is if the original content happens 
to fill the last page there may be some nasty side effects.

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Re: problem with function

2004-09-24 Thread Chris Bowditch
Eldho George wrote:
Hai all
The following is my code snippet.Here I am passing html string for making
its xhtml
But its showing error like the function should return string.A tried with
diff possibilities.But its not get solved .If anyone know please help me
I'm struggling to understand how this problem is directly related to FOP. 
Perhaps your question would be better suited posted to a list relating to the 
HTML tidy utility ...

If you paste the error message rather than your interpretation of the error, 
we might stand a better a chance of being able to help you.

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Re: ERROR -2

2004-09-24 Thread Chris Bowditch
Mark Donnelly wrote:

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -2
This is the key to solving the problem. Looks like you have defined a table 
row with more cells than columns have been defined in the table.

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Re: FW: Problem with font

2004-09-21 Thread Chris Bowditch
Eldho George wrote:
I have a problem with font.The following is my font template

The problem is FOP doesnt handle fo:inlines properly. It should generate its 
own area whose height depends on font size but it isnt implemented yet. 
Currently the line height can only be different for block level constructs.

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Re: date format required

2004-09-20 Thread Chris Bowditch
Hi everybody,

I am getting date from XML as 
‘2004-09-02T11:51:46.606+01:00’ but I would like to display as 
‘ i.e., as ‘2004-09-02-11.51.46’ how can implement 
using string functions in XSLT.
Your question is a pure XSLT one, and would receive better responses on the 
XSLT list:
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Re: Newbie: Fopservlet problem

2004-09-20 Thread Chris Bowditch
Glen Mazza wrote:
It may be Xalan-related, because the first URL below (which works) does 
not use Xalan while the others do.  Perhaps use newer versions of the 
XML jars?
Yes, I also think this is Xalan related. An old version of xalan is often 
included with early versions of JDK 1.4.0, but also possibly with Oracle 
Application Server.

Rather than simply searching the local disk for files named xalan*.*, look 
carefully at the class path in your servlet to see where the xalan classes are 
coming from. To output the classpath from a java program to std out do:


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Re: Probably simple build issue

2004-09-08 Thread Chris Bowditch
Thomson, Alisa wrote:
I have installed FOP 0.20.5 and ant 1.6.1 running JDK 1.4.2_03.  I was just trying to run build -projecthelp and I received the error below.  ant.jar is in my Classpath.  I know why I am receiving the is because org/apache/tools/ant/launch/AntMain does not exist in that jar file.  I looked in build.bat that came with the FOP installation and it is looking for ant 1.5.1, so for grins I downloaded that version and org/apache/tools/ant/launch/AntMain does not exist in that jar file either.  I did find it in my current ant installation in ant-launcher.jar.  Any ideas why it is looking for this class and how do I get around this?
To build FOP 0.20.5 you dont need a separate install of Ant. The JAR file 
Ant-1.5.1.jar is distributed in FOP's lib sub directory. The build.bat, sets 
the ANT_HOME to FOP's lib sub directory and thats all you should need to do.

As a guess I would say its not working for you because you have ANT_HOME set 
to the root directory of the Ant install and not Ant\lib sub directory.


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Re: Error while building FOP dev1

2004-09-07 Thread Chris Bowditch
Jeremias Maerki wrote:
Looks like we don't have JDK 1.3 compatibility at the moment. I think I
have seen this myself under JDk 1.3 lately.
Yes, I agree.

Note to Devs: We should see to it that at least the Transcoders compile
again under JDK 1.3 as Batik still depends on it. Unless there is a vote
on dropping JDK 1.3 support for the rest I regard the current state as a
bug. I may have time this week to have a look at it.
We should be supporting 1.3, and I agree that it is a bug if FOP no longer 
compiles on 1.3.

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Re: Error while building FOP dev1

2004-09-07 Thread Chris Bowditch
Jeremias Maerki wrote:
Chris, have you tried under JDK 1.3? Because Pascal tries to compile
under 1.3. Unfortunately, I'm at work on my notebook where I don't have
a current FOP HEAD to try. I can check this out this evening.
I'm running 1.4 at the moment. Ive just tried 1.3 and it fails! Not with a 
TransformerFactoryImpl class not found exception, but with the later errors 
that pascal reported.

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Re: Error while building FOP dev1

2004-09-07 Thread Chris Bowditch
Pascal Sancho wrote:

 [echo] Resetting codegen directory
 [echo] Generating the java files from xml resources
[style] Processing D:\cvs\xml-fop\src\codegen\encodings.xml to
[style] Loading stylesheet
I have just run the build now and it was successful.
javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactoryConfigurationError: Provider
ansformerFactoryImpl not found
Looks like a classpath problem: the build cannot find Xalan. Check your 
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Re: 2 images with different sizes in a table row

2004-09-03 Thread Chris Bowditch
Sven Waibel wrote:
It doesn't work.
I don't understand it.
What behaviour are you observing? What is the dpi of your image? Without 
width/height specified, FOP defaults to 72dpi and sizes the image accordingly. 
 To scale your image to a particular size, I find that specifying both width 
and height on fo:external-graphic works for me.

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Re: 2 images with different sizes in a table row

2004-09-03 Thread Chris Bowditch
Sven Waibel wrote:
i've two images with different sizes, one 2cm the other one max. 2cm.
| Image1  |Image2 |
So should be the height 2cm, but it doesn't work:

content-height attribute hasnt been implemented. Try height instead.

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Re: problem with the combination of numberation and sort

2004-09-03 Thread Chris Bowditch
Dirk Sonne wrote:
Hello List,
i have a little problem with the combination of numberation () and sort 
If I use only xsl:number or xsl:sort, it works fine.

But a combination of both won't work.
The sort works but the nuberation is the same like in the orginal XML file.
The sorted List is not renumbert.
Your problem is a pure XSLT one. This list is focused on FOP and XSL-FO, and 
so you will receive a better response on an XSLT list, e.g. Mulberry
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Re: use already existing PDF for XSL:FO

2004-09-02 Thread Chris Bowditch
Peter wrote:
Hello lists,
I know it's probably not the right list.
situation: on a client i have a C++ application that creates a pdf by list &
labels. the data from the client application ist transferd by webservice to
a server, the server make out of the object an xml file.
problem: Can I make a XSL:FO out of the PDF that already exists? otherwise I
have to recreate the layout, structure and design of the document.
This is a bit like asking if you can reverse engineer some assembly code into 
C++. Except its probably more complicated. The tool would have to examine PDF 
commands like rectangle (125, 60, 100, 100) and decide what XSL-FO element 
could have created that result! And for this reason, there are currently no 
tools available to do it.

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Re: FW: FOP with large tables

2004-08-31 Thread Chris Bowditch
Benzi Zadik wrote:

My XML can contain dynamic data which I want to display as a table. The number of columns and rows of the table can change and can be many. It is important that the generated PDF will be printer friendly - when printing the pdf no data is lost and columns and rows are not broken in the middle. I dont mind though that if there is not enough room for all the columns in the printed page that  the next page will print the columns that couldnt fit in the previous page. The same goes for rows.
XSL-FO provides no facility to allow columns to spill onto subsequent pages if 
there is insufficient room for columns on previous page. Extra rows will 
naturally flow onto the next page when a page is filled.

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Re: AW: Create special Last Page

2004-08-31 Thread Chris Bowditch

Could you tell me please a little bit more about the workaround with markers?
Place the contents for the last footer inside  tags after the rest 
of your content. In the region-after, retrieve this marker for every page. 
Now, because in previous pages the marker hasnt been set yet, this wont 
appear. Alternatively if you need a footer in the middle pages, then use 
 at the start to set what the footer for the middle pages. For example:

First Page

This is a middle page

This is the last page

Note: this sample hasnt been tested, and might contain a typo, but hopefully 
you will get the idea.

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Re: Different Pages with different content

2004-08-25 Thread Chris Bowditch
Sven Waibel wrote:
i've got a first page, several pages and a last page.
First page should have certain data, several pages other data and the last page 
completely other data.
Where/How can i insert a statement like  in my 
The way to achieve this in XSL-FO is to define a page-sequence-master, e.g.

then reference the page-sequence-master from the page-sequence, e.g.

The only problem is that in FOP, page-position="last" has not been 
implemented! Depending on what differences you need, you can work around this 
to a limited extent using fo:marker.

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Re: Configuration Details

2004-08-23 Thread Chris Bowditch
Ryan Eldridge wrote:
I apologize if this is document somewhere but I was unable to locate it.
I need to be able to turn on and off the Flate and ascii-85 filters.  as 
far as i understand this should be achieved via the userconfig.xml file 
imported using the Options method.  I do not know the correct values to 
put in this file to "turn these off".
This was answered a while ago. See the archives:
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Re: FOP 1.0 Dev.

2004-08-20 Thread Chris Bowditch
Sun, Tiffany (Tong) wrote:
Thanks for your reply. Is there a planned release date for FOP-1.0? The 
software I'm working on will be in Production early next year, guess 
I'll have to do all my modifications based on FOP-0.20.5.
There are no deadlines in the Open Source world. Volunteers make code 
contributions when they please.

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Re: Problem with table and borders.

2004-08-19 Thread Chris Bowditch
Johan Andersson wrote:
Hi all,
I'm using FOP 0.20.5 to create a PDF document. The document contains a 
table with 5 columns and varying number of rows. There is a line drawn 
around the table using the border-* properties of the cells at the edge 
of the table. The line drawn however appears to contain gaps which lies 
just between two neighboring cells. Does anybody know what cause this? 
I've attached a small image which illustrates the problem.
If your aim to draw border round whole table, you should not place borders on 
the individual cells. Instead set border on table element, e.g.

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Re: Table-of-Contents Headlines

2004-08-19 Thread Chris Bowditch
Johannes Franz wrote:
Hi is it possible to declare certain sentences as a headline and 
generate autmatically a table-of-contents in JFOR/FOP?
Perhaps somebody could send me an example.
No this is not possible in general within XSL-FO. You can do something in 
XSLT. Using markers and page-number-citation its possible create a table of 
Contents at back of document, but not at the front :-(

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Re: Where to find FOP 1.0 Dev

2004-08-19 Thread Chris Bowditch
Dennis Myrén wrote:
Where can I find and download the FOP 1.0 Dev sources?
You will need to install a CVS client and connect anonymously to the Apache 
CVS server. it is all described on the website:
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Re: FOP 1.0 Dev.

2004-08-19 Thread Chris Bowditch
Sun, Tiffany (Tong) wrote:
I'm currently using FOP 0.20.5, but when I downloaded FOP1.0 Dev from 
CVS in hope it will fix some of my problems, I ran into more problems:
Yes, you will. The 1.0 Dev branch isnt ready yet.
First, I have to change most of the method calls for it to compile, then 
I found that some of the old EPS files are not working using the newly 
built FOP, it just hangs there and the generated PS file size keeps 
growing into a few MB, before it's around 30KB; The block-container 
position also doesn't work, I defined left, top, width and height, 
position="absolute", which worked in 0.20.5.
block-containers is on the FOP 1.0 TODO list before we can do a release. 
At this point I'm confused: if I want to modify some features, should I 
start to work on the released version or the newest 1.0dev? Please advise.
Any patches you submit to 0.20.5 are unlikely to be committed to the code 
base. Any work you do on FOP 1.0 dev will be highly welcome. However, as 
you've already noticed the development branch is not yet up to 0.20.5 so we 
need to do a lot more work on core features before it is ready for "tweaking"

The reason for this situation is that FOP 1.0 dev is not just an evolution of 
FOP 0.20.5, but was a ground up re-write. This was necessary because the 
structure of the code in 0.20.5 did not allow for key features such as keep-* 

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Re: Having trouble removing linefeeds

2004-08-18 Thread Chris Bowditch
Glen Mazza wrote:

 System Codes 
retrieve-boundary="page" retrieve-class-name="code"/>
Glen, I think this is your problem. Try placing the minus inside a fo:inline 
instead of a fo:block.


Question:  What is the combination of
white-space-collapse, white-space-treatment, and/or
linefeed-treatment I need to use, and where should I
specify them in the snippet above, in order to get the
output as desired?
linefeeds are discarded by default, playing with these properties will only 
introduce extra linefeeds into your output.

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Re: different input type to org.apache.fop.apps.XSLTInputHandler;

2004-08-17 Thread Chris Bowditch
Chris Bowditch wrote:
Sorry about all the noise, but I got it wrong again.
ByteArrayInputStream xmlin = new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes());
ByteArrayInputStream xslin = new ByteArrayInputStream(xsl.getBytes());
XSLTInputHandler transform = new XSLTInputHandler(xmlin, xslin);
Correct version is:
ByteArrayInputStream xmlin = new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes());
ByteArrayInputStream xslin = new ByteArrayInputStream(xsl.getBytes());
XSLTInputHandler transform = new XSLTInputHandler(new InputSource(xmlin), new 

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Re: different input type to org.apache.fop.apps.XSLTInputHandler;

2004-08-17 Thread Chris Bowditch
Chris Bowditch wrote:
In FOP 0.20.5 XSLInputHandler has three public constructors:
public XSLTInputHandler(File xmlfile, File xsltfile)
public XSLTInputHandler(String xmlURL, String xsltURL)
public XSLTInputHandler(InputSource xmlSource, InputSource xsltSource)
either of the the later two can be used to process data that is already 
in memory, without the need to write to disk.
Oops, didnt look closely enough. Its only the last one that can be used for 
reading in memory data. e.g.

ByteArrayInputStream xmlin = new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes());
ByteArrayInputStream xslin = new ByteArrayInputStream(xsl.getBytes());
XSLTInputHandler transform = new XSLTInputHandler(xmlin, xslin);
Hope this makes sense,
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Re: different input type to org.apache.fop.apps.XSLTInputHandler;

2004-08-17 Thread Chris Bowditch
Andrew S Moy wrote:
The constructor of org.apache.fop.apps.XSLTInputHandler takes the XML file
and XSL file.  I was wondering if anyone knows other XSLTInputHandler which
takes some source of input stream objects.  This way we don't have to write
the data to a physical file and knowing that it will be read again from the
InputHandler.  Reading/writing from/to a physically media is always slower
that from/to the system memory.
In FOP 0.20.5 XSLInputHandler has three public constructors:
public XSLTInputHandler(File xmlfile, File xsltfile)
public XSLTInputHandler(String xmlURL, String xsltURL)
public XSLTInputHandler(InputSource xmlSource, InputSource xsltSource)
either of the the later two can be used to process data that is already in 
memory, without the need to write to disk.

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Re: fo:table-header -> between 2 pages

2004-08-16 Thread Chris Bowditch
Philippe PITHON wrote:

For example if a table (and fo:table-header) must start in the medium of 
the page

And FOP thinks that the contents of the fo:table-header will not have 
enough place, there will be a page break and the fo:table-header will be 
written at the beginning of the next page


it’s normal ?
Sounds normal to me. Would you prefer the header to be split across pages? 
That wouldnt make sense to me at all?

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Re: Java App using FOP : How to communicate on the number of pages generated ?

2004-08-10 Thread Chris Bowditch

Is there a better way than using a specific logger ?
Implementing a logger class that looks for the
[INFO] [1]
[INFO] [2]
messages is the only way to report progress to the user. There is no way to 
know the total page count before hand either.

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Re: Enhancing FOP command line speed

2004-08-09 Thread Chris Bowditch
Markus wrote:

so we would like to see a very fast pdf generation. our environment is 
perl on linux. whicht tipps to speed up generation? so far it seems to 
make not much differnce wheter i call fop

fop -xsl ticket.xsl -xml ticket.xml -c myconfig.xml -pdf ticket.pdf
or first produce the fo-file with xalan and then do
fop -fo -pdf ticket.pdf
so it seems that the xslt-transformation is not time consuming, it is 
only one page of pdf, so it should be no problem...
Thats right, the xslt will only take a small percentage of processing time 
compared with the XSL-FO formatting process. Calling FOP from command line 
each time means there is the overhead of starting the Java JVM for each 
ticket. The way around this is to write a Java program which can receive 
requests via some mechanism, e.g. JMS Queues, watching disk files, database 
tables, etc etc. And then change your perl program to send a request using 
your choosen communication method. The details of linking Java to Perl are 
well off topic for this discussion group, but you should find once completed 
that the average ticket generation time is reduced by a good margin.

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Re: generating PDFs in non-english

2004-08-09 Thread Chris Bowditch
Nuno Lopes wrote:
I was trying to make some PDFs of the PHP manual when I got some problems.
The manual is written in docbook and then I have a XSL sheet. I can generate
the manual in english, portuguese, french,... but not in russian.
Firstly, please post user related questions to the user list. The Development 
list is for code related issues. The developers are all subscribed to the user 
list anyway.

When I open the file I only get #. What am I doing wrong?
I've tried using FOP directly with XML, and with a FOP file generated by
xsltproc, but noone works.
This means that the font-family you are using does not have any glyphs for the 
russian code points. It is a FAQ, with more details on the web site:
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Re: throttle the quality of images

2004-08-04 Thread Chris Bowditch
Johannes Franz wrote:
Hi there,
i would like to throttle the quality of images, because the created pdf 
grows to big. Is there a formatting objects command to do this? Or is 
the only solution to throttle the quality of the images before converting?
There is no XSL-FO property to reduce the amount of data in an image. You will 
need to do this processing before presenting the image to FOP

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Re: Feature Request / Bug Report (XEP vs. FOP)

2004-08-02 Thread Chris Bowditch
Alexander Lohse wrote:
First off, please do not mail FOP committers directly. Use the mailing list, 
we all monitor the user list.

I have a urgent need to get a certain rendering done, where FOP fails 
It is about block-containers/columns and fixed heights.
It is a very simple xsl:fo.
I sent along a complete test case together with two PDFs: one from XEP, 
which is exactly as expected and one from FOP.
Can anyone please take a look at these files?
And tell me how big the effort would be to make FOP render this 
correctly, if stuff like this is in progress, and maybe if there is 
anything I could do to come closer to what I need.
Ive looked at your XSL-FO and the reason content does not flow into the second 
column is because you've used block-containers. block-containers are not 
properly implemented in FOP 0.20.5. However, maybe you dont need to use 
block-containers. In your sample, it looks like you are using block-containers 
to fix the height of a paragraph. Well, you can achieve the same affect using 
a table, and the good news is tables will flow onto the second column. To fix 
the height of a row in a table, just specify height on the fo:table-row element.

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Re: Absolute path of font file ...

2004-07-30 Thread Chris Bowditch
Varadharajan Sethuraman wrote:
Thank you very much ...
is It possible to refer metrics-file attribute for one directory, and 
embed-file attribute for another directory?
for example  ...
I have metrics xml file in c:\my\metrics-base\dir\fontmetrics1.xml and 
ttf file in c:\my\embed-base\dir\arial.ttf
Yes this is possible. Suppose the fontBaseDir is c:\my\metrics-base\dir then 
font entry in userconfig.xml would be:

So every path to do with fonts is resolved *relative* to the fontBaseDir 

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