Some notes on GNOME Shell

2010-06-01 Thread Owen Taylor
"The secret master plan"

  Boy do I wish I had a secret master plan tucked in a drawer
  somewhere! It would be really useful

  To the extent we have a master plan, it's in two documents
  that everybody has seen:
"The Red Hat cabal"

  The practical structure of the GNOME Shell project dual (benevolent)
  dictatorship - I'm the dictator for technical decisions, Jon is the
  dictator for design decisions. That's pretty much like every other
  GNOME module - someone has to make the decision in the end, and
  a lot of decisions are pretty much arbitrary. Are we going to depend
  on the development version of glib and GSettings for 2.31.3 or are
  we going to wait until 2.31.4?

  For more interesting decisions, influence is strictly a function
  of involvement. Creating patches, talking to us on IRC, coming 
  up with solutions for problems we are having, and so forth. If you
  are doing work, you'll have a say.

  On the technical side, there are non-Red-Hatters with enormous
  influence because they are doing enormous amounts of work. As of 
  yet, the number of people with that influence on the design side
  is small. But that's nothing fundamental - we  would certainly welcome
  more help with open arms.

  (What has been a challenge is figuring out how to create the
  stepping stones to getting involved *productively* in design; we have
  tons of people coming up with ideas. But you can't implement 50
  conflicting ideas.)

"A corporate driven project"

  The defining characteristic of a corporate driven project is that
  what gets accepted or what doesn't is a factor of what's good for
  the corporation.

  I don't see that this is the case for GNOME Shell. The goal of
  Red Hat's involvement in the shell is a really great *upstream*
  version of GNOME. GNOME 3 with a great user interface out of the

  And we've always tried to make this a great collaboration
  between all the GNOME contributors including all the companies.
  That's the way it began at the GNOME design hackfest in 2008,
  and if since then certain companies have gone off and done
  their own thing, that's not because we haven't solicited their
  GNOME Shell is on the other hand a _driven_ project. We've always had
  an end-goal of GNOME 3; we haven't generally wanted to accept patches
  just because they exist. And it has a heavy review process. We do a
  *lot* of code review. I think that pays off in quality code and having
  a culture where the contributors are on the same page. But it does
  mean that sometimes patches languish waiting for review - code review
  is probably 30-40% of the work of the project.

  In other words, if you can't get a patch into GNOME Shell quickly,
  that doesn't mean that "the man" (or Red Hat) has it against you.

  (That being said, the unreviewed queue has typically been around
  10-20 unreviewed patches while hundreds of patches do go in each


  Since at least last fall it's been very clear what the
  requirements are for Zeitgeist as part of GNOME 3. Not a framework
  that you can build multiple ideas on top of. Not something that's
  going to work on multiple desktop environments. Not an activity
  journal that is disconnected from the rest of the GNOME experience.
  For Zeitgeist to be part of the GNOME 3 experience, the GNOME 3
  experience with files had to be defined. And then you can consider how
  a daemon like Zeitgeist might be a useful tool for building that.

  I feel pretty terrible that we weren't able to incorporate the
  work that Siegfried Gevatter did last summer as part of a
  the SOC. But in the end, without a UI plan, it was just extra
  complexity without a point for users we had to come up with the
  time to create a UI plan. That didn't happen until a few months
  ago, while it should have happened *before* the SOC project started.
  Our fault.

"Technical boards"

  The day we have technical boards that are saying what can and
  can't go into individual modules is the day we lose GNOME.
  Technical decisions need to be made by the people that have a
  stake in the issue. Not by people who come in, spend an hour
  hearing about something for the first time, and then lay down
  the law.

  GNOME works to the extent that its members talk together; 
  bring people over to their positions; actively work to
  create a consensus. If you have a valid point, you will be
  able to convince people of it.

  If we have massive disagreements going on between module
  maintainers (something I haven't seen for many years), there
  may be need for mediation - for getting people to talk. But
  that needs to be strictly *non-technical* mediation. And can
  be handled by the release team or the Foundation board as

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy

2010-06-01 Thread Rodrigo Moya
On Tue, 2010-06-01 at 23:19 +0200, Seif Lotfy wrote:

> Yet you think the solution to attracting new developers is to
> wrap the
> processes up in red tape and technical boards or design
> boards? Surely
> Free Software is supposed to be about meritocracy, not about
> boards
> dictating how an individual project should be run.
> Well currently there is a GNOME Shell meritocracy among the RH
> employees. How is that meritocracy for the community.
> Yes I think the solution is setting up boards. It is not a Meritocracy
> as soon as sole responsibilities are given to a group of individuals
> affiliated with the same corporation.
so, we complain that companies don't contribute enough upstream, and
when a big team of developers from one company works on a new project,
we don't like it? So what's the problem, that we want more non-RH people
working on it? Since the development has been open for more than a year,
I don't see anything preventing non-RH people to do so.

As for giving responsibilities to a group of individuals, it is what
happens in all GNOME modules. So, I don't see why we would need a board
for gnome-shell and not for gnome-control-center, nautilus or others, or
are you suggesting to add a huge bureaucracy for every non-trivial
change/development that we do?

foundation-list mailing list

Re: question for candidates

2010-06-01 Thread Brian Cameron


To advance to the goal of freedom for software users, we need to
develop good free software, and we need to teach people to value and
demand the freedom that free software offers them.  We need to advance
at the practical level and at the philosophical level.

GNOME is good free software, and thus contributes at the practical
level.  How will candidates use the user community's awareness of
GNOME to contribute to educating the communityn about freedom?

Free software is a core value of the GNOME Foundation, and over the
past few years I have worked directly with you on several occasions
to improve how the GNOME Foundation presents itself as a part of
the free software community.

The GNOME community has many resources for reaching out to the public,
but these are maintained by hundreds of volunteers who are unfortunately
sometimes not always focused on communicating the message of free
software.  Fortunately, there are a core group of free software lovers
in the GNOME community who review things and push for the message of
free software to be more front and center, where it belongs, and I
consider myself part of this team.  I am sure that I miss
opportunities as I am human, but fortunately I am not the only person
on the lookout for more ways to educate people and focus people's
attention about the benefits of free software.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: A few questions for the candidates

2010-06-01 Thread Paul Cutler
On Tue, 2010-06-01 at 23:30 +0200, Vincent Untz wrote:
> Hi,
> I originally wanted to have some questions included in the list of
> questions sent by the membership committee, but I feel like waiting
> for
> Friday while the voting period is already opened is waiting a long
> time
> and I'm not being patient here :-)
> I apologize because some of those questions are most likely a bit
> easier
> to answer for people who are already on the board... 

Hi Vincent,

10 questions is more than a few, I'm glad you were not treasurer this

I just wanted to reply quick that I am traveling on business in Taiwan
and about to head out for the day and may not have an opportunity to
respond right away as I fly back first ting tomorrow as well.  As soon
as I can I will be happy to respond to your questions.

Thank you.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: A few questions for the candidates

2010-06-01 Thread Brian Cameron


1) I've read with interest the mails from the candidates announcing
they're running, and most (if not all -- I didn't double-check)
include some motivations with examples of what they'd be interested
in working on.
Why are those tasks/ideas things you cannot work on while not being
on the board?

Several tasks that I work on for the board are, in fact, things I could
do if I weren't on the board.  If I am not elected, I anticipate that I
would continue participating on GNOME marketing, legal, and other areas.

As a board member I act as Stormy's manager and as secretary.  I would
unlikely be in a position to continue providing these sorts of services
to the board if I were not a board member.

2) What are your non-usual (ie, not code, not translations, not
documentation, etc.) contributions as a GNOME Foundation member?
(organizing events, pushing people to do things, finding sponsors,
etc. are all possible answers)

I have organized or helped to organize several GNOME events including
the GNOME Usability hackfest and GNOME.Asia (3 years running).  I also
tend to be involved with getting things done on the GNOME Marketing,
Usability, legal, and the new developing world mailing lists.

3) What is your opinion on the co-location of Akademy and GUADEC in
2011? And if you think it was not the best choice, will you still be
able to help it happen?

I think that free software communities should work together to battle
our true competition, those proprietary desktops.  I think co-located
events helps with fostering this attitude and cross-platform solutions.

4) How much free time per week do you think you will be able to allocate
for the board? (I'm very well aware that this could be 0 for some
weeks, and 100% of your time for other weeks; I'm just asking in

I currently spend about 8-12 hours per week working on Foundation
activities.  I anticipate this will continue.

5) Are you okay giving up some of your current GNOME
responsabilities/activities to join the board? (give up a maintainer
hat, or hack less, or participate less in a specific team) Or do you
think it won't be necessary and why?
(I know it's a bit related to the previous question :-))

I have found that I hack less since serving on the board, but I still
find time to co-maintain GDM, work on multimedia, and work in other
areas on the desktop.

6) Will you be interested in being treasurer, president or secretary if
elected? If yes, which role and why?

If elected, I anticipate I will serve as secretary again.  Though I
would consider a different position if someone else really wants to be

7) What do you think of the current GNOME Foundation budget? Had you
read it at least once before reading this mail?
(it's okay if you didn't look at it before, btw)

Last year there was a real concern about the budget and how The GNOME
Foundation would be able to continue covering costs associated with
having Stormy as an employee.  I think the work done over the past
year to raise funds by doubling the advisory board fees, improving
Friends of GNOME, and the great work done to find sponsors for various
events and projects has put The GNOME Foundation in a good position
moving forward.

8) What do you think our next fundraising campaign should be about?
(I'd love to not read 11 times the same answer, thanks :-))

I think The GNOME Foundation should do a Friends of GNOME outreach
program to GNOME users.  Statistics show that most people who donate
are users, not developers.  However, we have never effectively done
a marketing campaign directed towards our usres.

9) Will you be at GUADEC this year? (there's a board meeting and an
advisory board meeting there)

Yes, I plan to be there.

10) Make or break question: what's your favorite french expression?

Tu n'as rien de mieux à faire?

foundation-list mailing list

Re: question for candidates

2010-06-01 Thread Paul Cutler
On Tue, 2010-06-01 at 17:03 -0400, Richard Stallman wrote:
> Here is a question for the candidates.
> To advance to the goal of freedom for software users, we need to
> develop good free software, and we need to teach people to value and
> demand the freedom that free software offers them.  We need to advance
> at the practical level and at the philosophical level.
> GNOME is good free software, and thus contributes at the practical
> level.  How will candidates use the user community's awareness of
> GNOME to contribute to educating the communityn about freedom?

Hi Richard, thanks for the question.

GNOME's focus on freedom, including its mission in being accessible to
everyone as free software, is a core philosophy in the GNOME community.

With GNOME 3.0 coming this fall, it gives us a unique opportunity to
continue to educate the community's awareness about free software as we
will probably have greater access to the press and journalists as GNOME
3.0 is a newsworthy story.  (We saw this a bit already starting last
year with a number of interviews happening, I think there were 2 with
Vincent that come to mind).

On a personal level, I started giving presentations about GNOME 3.0 and
whats coming late last year at Ohio Linux Fest and others and I hope to
continue to do that this year.  Part of the opening to my talk is
specifically about GNOME's mission in being free software and talking
about what that means to the community.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question for the candidates : money !

2010-06-01 Thread Paul Cutler
On Tue, 2010-06-01 at 15:11 -0500, Brian Cameron wrote:
> Lionel:
> > I've a question about GNOME business model and sustanability. As we have
> > seen with the fundrising to hire a sysadmin, money is often a blocking
> > point. The current business model seems to be donations.
> Actually, The GNOME Foundation acquires money from several sources:
> - Advisory Board fees
> - Sponsorship for particular events or programs
> - Profit from events (such as GUADEC)
> - Donations (such as Friends of GNOME and the upcoming mobile donations
>program being discussed on the marketing list)
> The GNOME Foundation has invested a fair amount of effort in the Friends
> of GNOME program to increase donations and with good success.  However,
> donations are a small overall percentage of revenue.
> Also note that The GNOME Foundation is a charity.  So, we do need to
> ensure that money that we receive is used in ways that are aligned with
> The GNOME Foundation charter.  This does restrict how The GNOME
> Foundation can raise and spend money to a degree.
> > Do you think that donations are good ? Good enough ?
> With more money, the GNOME Foundation can do more exciting things, so
> the GNOME Foundation is always looking at ways to improve how money is
> raised.
> In the past year, the GNOME Foundation doubled the advisory board fees
> and this was a significant step making the organization more profitable.
> > Do you plan to work on this business model ? Do you have any proposals ?
> There is a lot of work going on to improve how the GNOME Foundation
> raises money:
> - Statistics show that most money received via Friends of GNOME comes
>from GNOME users, not people in the GNOME development community.
>The GNOME Foundation is planning to start a campaign to more
>effectively reach out to users to make them aware of the Friends
>of GNOME program, and consider donating.
> - The board is currently working to develop a program to allow
>companies and organizations to donate money.  This program would
>be directed at organizations that are not currently advisory board
>members.  This could be something like a "Friends of GNOME" program
>for organizations instead of individuals.  This could, for example,
>provide a link exchange, advertising, mention as a sponsor of an
>event, or other forms of recognition as an incentive to donate money.
> - By making events more profitable.  We are constantly working with
>event organizers to encourage them to find ways to make events
>more profitable, or at least sustainable.
> - Typically sponsorship money that the GNOME Foundation receives is in
>exchange for some service, such as by organizing a hackfest to get
>work done in an area that benefits (directly or indirectly) those
>organizations interested in providing sponsorship.
>With GNOME 3 approaching, the GNOME Foundation has been working hard
>to organize a rich set of hackfests to focus on work that needs to
>get done for GNOME 3 to be successful.  The GNOME Foundation needs to
>continue working hard in this area.
>However, more can be done.  For example, the GNOME Foundation received
>some sponsorship money last year to upgrade bugzilla.  The GNOME
>Foundation needs to continue to find ways to provide services that
>will continue to bring in sponsorship money.
> - Currently the GNOME Foundation is organizing a Women's Outreach
>Program.  Getting more involved with organizing humanitarian events
>like this could open the doors to finding new sponsors with an
>interest in promoting humanitarian causes.
> - Grants are another possible source of revenue.  We have done some
>considerable work preparing ourselves to pursue them.  Building a
>community of volunteers to help with this has been slow going, but
>our hope is that we can make grants more a part of our revenue
>generation in time.
> Brian

I think Brian has done a thorough job answering the question for all the
candidates.  :)

One last thing to add, as a small point about fundraising. After J5's
email last year, and the Sysadmin campaign this year, we've learned that
we do have the ability and the community to do small, focused
fundraising campaigns that can raise significant amounts of money.  It
is our goal to continue to do that, probably no more than twice a year.
As it was pointed out, Friends of GNOME contributions primarily come
from our users, and we don't want to ask too much of them, so running
very short, very targeted campaigns twice a year with a specific purpose
is something we'd like to do moving forward.


foundation-list mailing list

A few questions for the candidates

2010-06-01 Thread Vincent Untz

I originally wanted to have some questions included in the list of
questions sent by the membership committee, but I feel like waiting for
Friday while the voting period is already opened is waiting a long time
and I'm not being patient here :-)

I apologize because some of those questions are most likely a bit easier
to answer for people who are already on the board...

1) I've read with interest the mails from the candidates announcing
   they're running, and most (if not all -- I didn't double-check)
   include some motivations with examples of what they'd be interested
   in working on.
   Why are those tasks/ideas things you cannot work on while not being
   on the board?

2) What are your non-usual (ie, not code, not translations, not
   documentation, etc.) contributions as a GNOME Foundation member?
   (organizing events, pushing people to do things, finding sponsors,
   etc. are all possible answers)

3) What is your opinion on the co-location of Akademy and GUADEC in
   2011? And if you think it was not the best choice, will you still be
   able to help it happen?

4) How much free time per week do you think you will be able to allocate
   for the board? (I'm very well aware that this could be 0 for some
   weeks, and 100% of your time for other weeks; I'm just asking in

5) Are you okay giving up some of your current GNOME
   responsabilities/activities to join the board? (give up a maintainer
   hat, or hack less, or participate less in a specific team) Or do you
   think it won't be necessary and why?
   (I know it's a bit related to the previous question :-))

6) Will you be interested in being treasurer, president or secretary if
   elected? If yes, which role and why?

7) What do you think of the current GNOME Foundation budget? Had you
   read it at least once before reading this mail?
   (it's okay if you didn't look at it before, btw)

8) What do you think our next fundraising campaign should be about?
   (I'd love to not read 11 times the same answer, thanks :-))

9) Will you be at GUADEC this year? (there's a board meeting and an
   advisory board meeting there)

10) Make or break question: what's your favorite french expression?



Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy

2010-06-01 Thread Seif Lotfy
Dear Iain,

On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 4:38 PM, Iain  wrote:

> > > >Bring up and fix issues with GNOME that are being ignored or shunned.
> > > Can you list these?
> > I will just be frank here...
> > Translation shifting from upstream to downstream ?
> > Development infrastructure limiting upstream contribution.
> > Canonical's Unity development, what does it mean for GNOME ?
> > Red Hat's control over GNOME Shell ?
> > Meego being a competition or a GNOME sister project ?
> > Smaller companies involvement into GNOME decisions
> > How much of GNOME is community driven and how much is company driven
> > Is the GNOME community forced to assimilate with decisions made by those
> companies?
> > > >  Work on letting GNOME shell be lead by the community.
> > > Can you expand on what you want changed?
> > Currently all GNOME Shell decisions are taken by Red Hat, thus limiting
> the community's technical as well as design contribution.
> It seems to me that your underlying belief is that there is too much
> (large) corporate influence in GNOME. Would you say that you might
> have some conflict of interest here given that your project
> (Zeitgeist) was ignored/shunned by the GNOME Shell developers?

I am not singling out any one party, my concern is just that there are
larger parties who don't necessarily seem to be aligned in their technical
approaches. Zeitgeist is doing well downstream and Canonical seem very happy
with it, yet this is not my concern. My concern is for GNOME.

I don't think it is reasonable to get into a Shell / Zeitgeist discussion
here. Although there were some obstacles on the road we did manage to find
common ground with McCann's new designs and Owen's technical review. But I
won't deny that the experience was *also* a "motivating factor" for me. I
will use GNOME Shell however as an example of a corporate driven project:
• The community never intensively evaluated the development and the design.
• The community had very little to say in the decisions of the
aforementioned processes.
Just allowing the community to contribute code does not make it a community
project. Which also makes marketing GNOME 3 harder for the marketing team.

> > > > I stand for innovation in GNOME.
> > > What is lacking now, and what do want to do when being part of the
> board?
> > Recently GNOME has not been attracting many new developers. It is because
> its current development state doesn't allow any new innovation to settle in.
> GNOME being run mostly by people representing
> > bigger companies no risks are being taken and thinking out of the box is
> usually categorized as such.
> Surely one could argue that GNOME Shell is quite innovative thinking
> outside of the box, and that quite a large risk is being taken with
> it, and most of the suggestions for it that come from the community
> are of requests for uninnovative things; "I want a task bar", "I want
> applets"
> Or is there a potential conflict of interest here as well that
> Zeitgeist has not gained much traction in the community?
Again I decide not to get into GS vs ZG discussions here since its just
brings up flame-wars, beside the fact that they are not comparable since one
is a UI and the other is a service. But there is an impressive community
uptake for Zeitgeist if its of interest for you.
Sure GNOME Shell might be innovative in a a Usability perspective but it is
the same old desktop. What I meant to say is innovative technologies such as
for example semantic desktop technologies that allow new dimensions of User
Experience are not being deployed.

> > [Redhat or Ubuntu] could start off with a design board combining
>  selected and competent representatives from community and companies, whose
> first objective is to rewrite the HIG.
>  ...
> > I suggest starting a technical board with equal amounts of
>  representatives of companies as and community whose members are
> significantly competent for the roles.
> ...
> > Recently GNOME has not been attracting many new developers.
> Yet you think the solution to attracting new developers is to wrap the
> processes up in red tape and technical boards or design boards? Surely
> Free Software is supposed to be about meritocracy, not about boards
> dictating how an individual project should be run.

Well currently there is a GNOME Shell meritocracy among the RH employees.
How is that meritocracy for the community.
Yes I think the solution is setting up boards. It is not a Meritocracy as
soon as sole responsibilities are given to a group of individuals affiliated
with the same corporation.

> iain

foundation-list mailing list

question for candidates

2010-06-01 Thread Richard Stallman
Here is a question for the candidates.

To advance to the goal of freedom for software users, we need to
develop good free software, and we need to teach people to value and
demand the freedom that free software offers them.  We need to advance
at the practical level and at the philosophical level.

GNOME is good free software, and thus contributes at the practical
level.  How will candidates use the user community's awareness of
GNOME to contribute to educating the communityn about freedom?
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy

2010-06-01 Thread Seif Lotfy
On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 10:40 PM, Johannes Schmid  wrote:

> Hi!
> > AFAIK there  are quite a few standing issues with GNOME arabic
> > support.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > These are slightly out of date though.
> Hmm, the bugs seem mostly fixed and I don't see what this has to do with
> upstream vs. downstream.
> > * Why do you think our infrastructure is limiting?
> >
> >
> > The development happening on Launchpad (not bazaar) really beats what
> > GNOME provides in several aspects, starting bug management,
> > blueprinting and linking with branches. There are a lot of nice
> > projects there that are not part of GNOME because of the GNOME
> > Infrastructure: GNOME Do, Docky, Getting Things GNOME... These
> > projects are in their own rights very successful and used by the
> > community. And by allowing them to deploy per default with GNOME would
> > just benefit the GNOME community...
> > The Project leads don't care since they are being deployed downstream
> > now which is more or less skipping the middle man which is GNOME, who
> > seem to be conservative in some of these aspects.
> > I am not saying we should switch to Lauchpad or so. But we need to
> > study and make an effort into compromising. Having major projects work
> > downstream will kill GNOME, and pointing fingers will not help.
> Well, I see your point while I disagree.
> > * For the company statements IMHO despite I don't know
> > anything about
> > the Unity plans I think those arent' true. Could you explain?
> >
> >
> >
> > I am not saying its true but sooner or later RH will want to deploy
> > GNOME Shell on the netbooks just like Unity will at some point put an
> > eye on the desktop... Its naive to asssume both will not try to assume
> > positions in the netbook and desktop market...
> It's getting off-topic but would it be wrong to say that one company is
> working upstream while the other company is working downstream? Wouldn't
> the point be to have everyone work upstream? Seems like the new board
> should participate in this discussion regardless who is in the new
> board.

I would love to have the whole community discuss this issue... please wait
for my next mail

> Regards,
> Johannes
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy

2010-06-01 Thread Johannes Schmid

> AFAIK there  are quite a few standing issues with GNOME arabic
> support.
> These are slightly out of date though. 

Hmm, the bugs seem mostly fixed and I don't see what this has to do with
upstream vs. downstream.

> * Why do you think our infrastructure is limiting?
> The development happening on Launchpad (not bazaar) really beats what
> GNOME provides in several aspects, starting bug management,
> blueprinting and linking with branches. There are a lot of nice
> projects there that are not part of GNOME because of the GNOME
> Infrastructure: GNOME Do, Docky, Getting Things GNOME... These
> projects are in their own rights very successful and used by the
> community. And by allowing them to deploy per default with GNOME would
> just benefit the GNOME community...
> The Project leads don't care since they are being deployed downstream
> now which is more or less skipping the middle man which is GNOME, who
> seem to be conservative in some of these aspects.
> I am not saying we should switch to Lauchpad or so. But we need to
> study and make an effort into compromising. Having major projects work
> downstream will kill GNOME, and pointing fingers will not help.

Well, I see your point while I disagree.

> * For the company statements IMHO despite I don't know
> anything about
> the Unity plans I think those arent' true. Could you explain?
> I am not saying its true but sooner or later RH will want to deploy
> GNOME Shell on the netbooks just like Unity will at some point put an
> eye on the desktop... Its naive to asssume both will not try to assume
> positions in the netbook and desktop market...

It's getting off-topic but would it be wrong to say that one company is
working upstream while the other company is working downstream? Wouldn't
the point be to have everyone work upstream? Seems like the new board
should participate in this discussion regardless who is in the new


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foundation-list mailing list

Re: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy

2010-06-01 Thread Vincent Untz

Le mardi 01 juin 2010, à 22:16 +0200, Seif Lotfy a écrit :
> On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 5:37 PM, Johannes Schmid  wrote:
> * Why do you think our infrastructure is limiting?
> The development happening on Launchpad (not bazaar) really beats what GNOME
> provides in several aspects, starting bug management, blueprinting and
> linking with branches. There are a lot of nice projects there that are not
> part of GNOME because of the GNOME Infrastructure: GNOME Do, Docky, Getting
> Things GNOME... These projects are in their own rights very successful and
> used by the community. And by allowing them to deploy per default with GNOME
> would just benefit the GNOME community...

FWIW, there's an imminent announcement from the release team about
moduleset reorganization that will have an impact on this. Hopefully,
Lucas will send the mail tonight if I write this here ;-)

> > * For the company statements IMHO despite I don't know anything about
> > the Unity plans I think those arent' true. Could you explain?
> >
> >
> I am not saying its true but sooner or later RH will want to deploy GNOME
> Shell on the netbooks just like Unity will at some point put an eye on the
> desktop... Its naive to asssume both will not try to assume positions in the
> netbook and desktop market...

I don't know if Red Hat will want to deploy GNOME Shell on netbooks, but
GNOME will certainly want to have GNOME Shell work fine on netbooks. And
as far as I know (and please correct me if I'm wrong) GNOME Shell is
designed to have a UI that works for netbooks.

FWIW, in your answers, you make it sound like GNOME Shell is just a Red
Hat project. Red Hat is certainly a driving force behind it,
contributing a lot, but it's a GNOME project, with many other



Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.
foundation-list mailing list

The GNOME Foundation is hiring a system administrator

2010-06-01 Thread Stormy Peters
The GNOME Foundation is hiring a system administrator. Thanks to all
of you who have made this possible!

= System Administrator Job Description =

The GNOME Foundation is seeking candidates for a part-time system
administrator position. The GNOME infrastructure cluster consists of a
distributed network of machines providing services such as version
control, bug tracking, web sites, and mailing lists to hundreds of
part and full-time GNOME developers, and to the GNOME user community.
The system administrator will work with and assist the volunteer GNOME
sysadmin team to keep these services running smoothly, securely, and
reliably, and to implement enhancements.

This position is not primarily a coding position, however a certain
amount of programming ability is needed to be able to maintain and
enhance the system administration scripts and custom web applications
that run on the GNOME servers.

This position reports to the Executive Director of the GNOME Foundation.

The successful candidate will:

 * Be able to conceive and execute projects independently without
detailed direction.
 * Have experience working with volunteer and geographically
distributed communities.
 * Be technically strong with experience in many or most of the
following technologies:
  * Multiple GNU/Linux distributions with specific knowledge of Red
Hat Enterprise Linux and Debian / Ubuntu distributions
  * Python
  * SQL databases
  * PHP
  * LDAP
  * Puppet
  * Mailman
 * Have good communication skills in written and spoken English.
 * Be passionate about Free Software and have knowledge regarding GNOME.

Other job requirements include:

 * Ability to communicate and manage projects and priorities with a
distributed group of volunteers who make up the GNOME Sysadmin team
 * Weekly and monthly communication with the Executive Director and
quarterly reports regarding the Sysadmin Team's work to the GNOME

There are no specific educational requirements for this position,
however a typical candidate will have completed or be in the process
of completing an undergraduate degree. Several years experience
maintaining production servers is mandatory.

== How to Apply ==

To apply for this job, send your resume to

== Timeline ==

 * June 22nd: deadline for accepting resumes
 * June 15-July 15th: phone interviews by hiring team
 * July 25-30th: Follow up with top candidates.
 * August 9th: Job starts.
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy

2010-06-01 Thread Seif Lotfy
On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 5:37 PM, Johannes Schmid  wrote:

> Hi!
> >  I will just be frank here...
> > • Translation shifting from upstream to downstream ?
> > • Development infrastructure limiting upstream contribution.
> > • Canonical's Unity development, what does it mean for GNOME ?
> > • Red Hat's control over GNOME Shell ?
> > • Meego being a competition or a GNOME sister project ?
> > • Smaller companies involvement into GNOME decisions
> > • How much of GNOME is community driven and how much is company driven
> > • Is the GNOME community forced to assimilate with decisions made by
> > those companies?
> > • More...
> OK, you were asked to list them. Anyway, why do you think there are
> true?
> * From my point of view as part of the gtp coordination team I think
> translations are not shifting downstream, we rather solved most of these
> problems and have high-quality upstream translations.

AFAIK there  are quite a few standing issues with GNOME arabic support.

These are slightly out of date though.

* Why do you think our infrastructure is limiting?

The development happening on Launchpad (not bazaar) really beats what GNOME
provides in several aspects, starting bug management, blueprinting and
linking with branches. There are a lot of nice projects there that are not
part of GNOME because of the GNOME Infrastructure: GNOME Do, Docky, Getting
Things GNOME... These projects are in their own rights very successful and
used by the community. And by allowing them to deploy per default with GNOME
would just benefit the GNOME community...
The Project leads don't care since they are being deployed downstream now
which is more or less skipping the middle man which is GNOME, who seem to be
conservative in some of these aspects.
I am not saying we should switch to Lauchpad or so. But we need to study and
make an effort into compromising. Having major projects work downstream will
kill GNOME, and pointing fingers will not help.

> * For the company statements IMHO despite I don't know anything about
> the Unity plans I think those arent' true. Could you explain?
I am not saying its true but sooner or later RH will want to deploy GNOME
Shell on the netbooks just like Unity will at some point put an eye on the
desktop... Its naive to asssume both will not try to assume positions in the
netbook and desktop market...

> Thanks,
> Johannes

This is me doing some advertisement for my blog
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question for the candidates : money !

2010-06-01 Thread Diego Escalante Urrelo

El mar, 01-06-2010 a las 15:11 -0500, Brian Cameron escribió:
> > Do you plan to work on this business model ? Do you have any proposals ?
> - The board is currently working to develop a program to allow
>companies and organizations to donate money.  This program would
>be directed at organizations that are not currently advisory board
>members.  This could be something like a "Friends of GNOME" program
>for organizations instead of individuals.  This could, for example,
>provide a link exchange, advertising, mention as a sponsor of an
>event, or other forms of recognition as an incentive to donate money.

Brian refers to this email in marketing list:

Basically we want to define new roles that can be taken by smaller
companies or organizations so they can donate and get visibility for it.
Likely there are a lot of companies that would like to associate to
GNOME if they had a clear chance. Comments welcome in marketing-list!

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy

2010-06-01 Thread Xavier Bestel
Le mardi 01 juin 2010 à 22:37 +0300, Claudio Saavedra a écrit :
> On Tue, 2010-06-01 at 10:07 -0700, Lefty (石鏡 ) wrote:
> > On 6/1/10 9:49 AM, "Claudio Saavedra"  wrote:
> > >
> > > I wouldn't 
> > > be happy to see this kind of sarcasm being used by people
> > running the
> > > Foundation, if they happen to disagree with other
> > > members.
> > 
> > Happily for everyone, I'm not one of the people "running the Foundation",
> > I'm just another member.
> Fair enough. I had the wrong impression that you were running for the
> Foundation board. Sorry for the mistake.

The mistake was mine. I apologize for that.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy

2010-06-01 Thread Claudio Saavedra
On Tue, 2010-06-01 at 10:07 -0700, Lefty (石鏡 ) wrote:
> On 6/1/10 9:49 AM, "Claudio Saavedra"  wrote:
> >
> > I wouldn't 
> > be happy to see this kind of sarcasm being used by people
> running the
> > Foundation, if they happen to disagree with other
> > members.
> Happily for everyone, I'm not one of the people "running the Foundation",
> I'm just another member.

Fair enough. I had the wrong impression that you were running for the
Foundation board. Sorry for the mistake.


Claudio Saavedra 

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question for the candidates : money !

2010-06-01 Thread Brian Cameron


I've a question about GNOME business model and sustanability. As we have
seen with the fundrising to hire a sysadmin, money is often a blocking
point. The current business model seems to be donations.

Actually, The GNOME Foundation acquires money from several sources:

- Advisory Board fees
- Sponsorship for particular events or programs
- Profit from events (such as GUADEC)
- Donations (such as Friends of GNOME and the upcoming mobile donations
  program being discussed on the marketing list)

The GNOME Foundation has invested a fair amount of effort in the Friends
of GNOME program to increase donations and with good success.  However,
donations are a small overall percentage of revenue.

Also note that The GNOME Foundation is a charity.  So, we do need to
ensure that money that we receive is used in ways that are aligned with
The GNOME Foundation charter.  This does restrict how The GNOME
Foundation can raise and spend money to a degree.

Do you think that donations are good ? Good enough ?

With more money, the GNOME Foundation can do more exciting things, so
the GNOME Foundation is always looking at ways to improve how money is

In the past year, the GNOME Foundation doubled the advisory board fees
and this was a significant step making the organization more profitable.

Do you plan to work on this business model ? Do you have any proposals ?

There is a lot of work going on to improve how the GNOME Foundation
raises money:

- Statistics show that most money received via Friends of GNOME comes
  from GNOME users, not people in the GNOME development community.
  The GNOME Foundation is planning to start a campaign to more
  effectively reach out to users to make them aware of the Friends
  of GNOME program, and consider donating.

- The board is currently working to develop a program to allow
  companies and organizations to donate money.  This program would
  be directed at organizations that are not currently advisory board
  members.  This could be something like a "Friends of GNOME" program
  for organizations instead of individuals.  This could, for example,
  provide a link exchange, advertising, mention as a sponsor of an
  event, or other forms of recognition as an incentive to donate money.

- By making events more profitable.  We are constantly working with
  event organizers to encourage them to find ways to make events
  more profitable, or at least sustainable.

- Typically sponsorship money that the GNOME Foundation receives is in
  exchange for some service, such as by organizing a hackfest to get
  work done in an area that benefits (directly or indirectly) those
  organizations interested in providing sponsorship.

  With GNOME 3 approaching, the GNOME Foundation has been working hard
  to organize a rich set of hackfests to focus on work that needs to
  get done for GNOME 3 to be successful.  The GNOME Foundation needs to
  continue working hard in this area.

  However, more can be done.  For example, the GNOME Foundation received
  some sponsorship money last year to upgrade bugzilla.  The GNOME
  Foundation needs to continue to find ways to provide services that
  will continue to bring in sponsorship money.

- Currently the GNOME Foundation is organizing a Women's Outreach
  Program.  Getting more involved with organizing humanitarian events
  like this could open the doors to finding new sponsors with an
  interest in promoting humanitarian causes.

- Grants are another possible source of revenue.  We have done some
  considerable work preparing ourselves to pursue them.  Building a
  community of volunteers to help with this has been slow going, but
  our hope is that we can make grants more a part of our revenue
  generation in time.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy

2010-06-01 Thread Juanjo Marin
On Tue, 2010-06-01 at 15:39 +0200, Seif Lotfy wrote:

> >  • Encourage more cooperation on design between RH and
> Canonical.
> What do you mean concretely (design of what)? Why RH and
> Canonical
> specifically?
>  I left out Intel, Nokia, Novell and others because their main focus
> now is on Meego which on a design level I do not consider a GNOME
> project.
I think that cooperation must be improved at all levels, not only at

> Currently RH and Canonical both have started their own design & user
> experience to improve the usability of GNOME. Both however seem to be
> heading to the same goal but with different designs that could on a
> shallow level end up leaving GNOME in an diverging state (Shell vs
> Unity). Both should start cooperating on the design level. One could
> start off with a design board combining  selected and competent
> representatives from community and companies, whose first objective is
> to rewrite the HIG. 

gnome-shell is working upstream, _is_ a GNOME project, and Unity isn't.
Moreover, I wasn't realised of their existence since very lately, and
GNOME shell is been working from about a year. Sincerely, I have no idea
of their motivation for this "fork".

Reading a post from Tomeu Vizoso [1] I noticed that Ubuntu people
doesn't have too much idea of GNOME GObject introspection. This sounds
strange to me. Maybe they should have done better for been informed of
this, but I'm sure we can do better too. What I want to mean is that we
can problem like this at all levels, not only at design level. 

It seems that GNOME needs to improve the communication channels with
downstreams (Red Hat, Canonical, Intel, Nokia, Novell, etc). We need
active actions for this, it seems that transparency on GNOME project is
not enough. And I know that we have the Advisory Board for that, but
this model is not working neither. Maybe we need some periodical
meetings with technical staff of downstream projects. Maybe we can
organize this sort of meeting at GUADEC or we can organize hackfest for

-- Juanjo marin


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy

2010-06-01 Thread Behdad Esfahbod
On 06/01/2010 01:08 PM, Lefty (石鏡 ) wrote:
> On 6/1/10 10:01 AM, "Xavier Bestel"  wrote:
>> Err .. nothing, except my extraordinary ability to mix their names ? :)
> You're displaying quite a host of "extraordinary abilities" this morning.

Can we please stop this subthread now?

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy

2010-06-01 Thread Lefty (石鏡 )
On 6/1/10 10:01 AM, "Xavier Bestel"  wrote:
> Err .. nothing, except my extraordinary ability to mix their names ? :)

You're displaying quite a host of "extraordinary abilities" this morning.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy

2010-06-01 Thread Lefty (石鏡 )
On 6/1/10 9:49 AM, "Claudio Saavedra"  wrote:
> I wouldn't 
> be happy to see this kind of sarcasm being used by people
running the
> Foundation, if they happen to disagree with other
> members.

Happily for everyone, I'm not one of the people "running the Foundation",
I'm just another member. Are you happy to see irrelevant header checks being
publicly performed in order to apparently attempt to invalidate, solely on
that basis, the comments of other GNOME members?

I'm not, as should be fairly clear.

See, I have a this thing called a "job". My job involves video editing,
among a variety of other things. I do my video editing in Final Cut Pro,
which runs solely on OS X. The notion that I'm going to go and start up a
completely different system in order to send my comments from a Linux
(pardon me: _GNU_/Linux) box, using an approved, "free" email client, to
satisfy the sensibilities of Xav and those like him, is rather absurd.

I'm sorry, but in the world I live in, people learn to coexist with all
sorts of things that might be less than ideal. I find the fact that there's
no "free" equivalent for Final Cut Pro less than ideal, but there it is. I'm
not about to stop editing video and wait around for some more "appropriate"
program to arrive.

And no, I wasn't "waiting" for this. I'm disturbed that we're continuing to
play this childish game, frankly, and especially in this context. I simply
sent an email message using the client I typically use on the system which I
am currently using. Xav's suggestion that he was somehow "set up" is as
absurd as his harping on message headers here.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: FW: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy

2010-06-01 Thread Xavier Bestel
On Tue, 2010-06-01 at 12:56 -0400, Behdad Esfahbod wrote:
> On 06/01/2010 12:18 PM, Xavier Bestel wrote:
> > User-Agent: Microsoft-Entourage/
> > Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2010 08:41:19 -0700
> > Subject: FW: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy
> > From: "Lefty (=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCQFA2QBsoQg==?= )" 
> > 
> > I find it quite amusing that you're using a Microsoft client on an Apple
> > pc to defend your GNOME candidacy.
> Wait a second.  What does Lefty's email client has to do with Seif's 
> candidacy?

Err .. nothing, except my extraordinary ability to mix their names ? :)


foundation-list mailing list

Re: FW: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy

2010-06-01 Thread Behdad Esfahbod
On 06/01/2010 12:18 PM, Xavier Bestel wrote:
> User-Agent: Microsoft-Entourage/
> Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2010 08:41:19 -0700
> Subject: FW: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy
> From: "Lefty (=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCQFA2QBsoQg==?= )" 
> I find it quite amusing that you're using a Microsoft client on an Apple
> pc to defend your GNOME candidacy.

Wait a second.  What does Lefty's email client has to do with Seif's candidacy?


> Kudos for your sense of humor (or is it just plain provocation ?).
>   Xav
foundation-list mailing list

Re: FW: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy

2010-06-01 Thread Xavier Bestel
User-Agent: Microsoft-Entourage/
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2010 08:41:19 -0700
Subject: FW: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy
From: "Lefty (=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCQFA2QBsoQg==?= )" 

I find it quite amusing that you're using a Microsoft client on an Apple
pc to defend your GNOME candidacy.
Kudos for your sense of humor (or is it just plain provocation ?).


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy

2010-06-01 Thread Xavier Bestel
On Tue, 2010-06-01 at 09:38 -0700, Lefty (=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCQFA2QBsoQg==?= ) 
> Xav apparently needs to examine the headers
> first for evidence of lurking "shill"-hood or something of that sort.

Sometimes the apparences are wrong.
Evolution just shows me the mailer along with the From, To and Subject
headers. I don't dig in headers of random people's mail.
Your subject + mailer-agent just caught my eye.

> Well played, Xav. Well played.

Apparently you were waiting for it. I'm happy if I've been useful to
you. You're welcome.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy

2010-06-01 Thread Claudio Saavedra
On Tue, 2010-06-01 at 09:38 -0700, Lefty (石鏡 ) wrote:
> The purity of the GNOME community is at risk! I'd call for the
> immediate
> institution of filters on the mailing list so as to dump any messages
> which
> someone might have had the temerity to send from an unapproved email
> client,
> or via an unapproved operating system right in the bit bucket so as to
> spare
> Xav, and others who feel similarly, any future agonies of this sort. 

I wouldn't be happy to see this kind of sarcasm being used by people
running the Foundation, if they happen to disagree with other members.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy

2010-06-01 Thread Lefty (石鏡 )
On 6/1/10 9:18 AM, "Xavier Bestel"  wrote:

> User-Agent: Microsoft-Entourage/
> Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2010 08:41:19 -0700
> Subject: FW: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy
> From: "Lefty (=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCQFA2QBsoQg==?= )" 
> I find it quite amusing that you're using a Microsoft client on an Apple
> pc to defend your GNOME candidacy.
> Kudos for your sense of humor (or is it just plain provocation ?).
> Xav

For my part, I find it quite funny (not "funny ha-ha", but "funny weird")
the way that people subject others to pointless litmus tests, something
we're unfortunately way to prone to do in this community. Rather than judge
the content of an email message, Xav apparently needs to examine the headers
first for evidence of lurking "shill"-hood or something of that sort.

By doing so, we ensure that GNOME can become as insular and inwardly-looking
as possible. After all, we certainly wouldn't want to let just _anyone_ into
our little club here! They might use OS X on occasion or even _Windows_!
They might have an iPhone, or be unable to run sed from the command line or
something, and _then_ where would we be?

The purity of the GNOME community is at risk! I'd call for the immediate
institution of filters on the mailing list so as to dump any messages which
someone might have had the temerity to send from an unapproved email client,
or via an unapproved operating system right in the bit bucket so as to spare
Xav, and others who feel similarly, any future agonies of this sort.

Let me be very frank with you, Xav: this sort of behavior was definitely a
contributing factor to ACCESS' leaving the Advisory Board this past January,
and for our lack of sponsorship for GUADEC this year and last. It was a
directly contributing factor to my rescinding my offer to provide media
training for potential GNOME spokespeople at GUADEC this summer.

Well played, Xav. Well played.

foundation-list mailing list

FW: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy

2010-06-01 Thread Lefty (石鏡 )
Sorry, "reply" rather than "reply all"...

-- Forwarded Message
> From: David Schlesinger 
> Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2010 08:39:59 -0700
> To: Iain 
> Conversation: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy
> Subject: Re: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy
> On 6/1/10 7:38 AM, "Iain"  wrote:
>> It seems to me that your underlying belief is that there is too much
>> (large) corporate influence in GNOME. Would you say that you might
>> have some conflict of interest here given that your project
>> (Zeitgeist) was ignored/shunned by the GNOME Shell developers?
> Iain, this seems unreasonable to me. Is anyone who decides to run for the
> board who's ever had a disagreement with some group of GNOME developers or
> other going to be subject to the suggestion that they have a "conflict of
> interest"?
> If that's the case, I doubt we can really find a single qualified candidate.
> Everyone's got their interests and views, and (hopefully) the candidates are
> candid about what their views are. I think these suggestions of "conflicts of
> interest" are, honestly, a little out of line.

-- End of Forwarded Message

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy

2010-06-01 Thread Johannes Schmid
>  I will just be frank here... 
> • Translation shifting from upstream to downstream ?
> • Development infrastructure limiting upstream contribution.
> • Canonical's Unity development, what does it mean for GNOME ?
> • Red Hat's control over GNOME Shell ?
> • Meego being a competition or a GNOME sister project ?
> • Smaller companies involvement into GNOME decisions
> • How much of GNOME is community driven and how much is company driven
> • Is the GNOME community forced to assimilate with decisions made by
> those companies?
> • More... 

OK, you were asked to list them. Anyway, why do you think there are

* From my point of view as part of the gtp coordination team I think
translations are not shifting downstream, we rather solved most of these
problems and have high-quality upstream translations.

* Why do you think our infrastructure is limiting?

* For the company statements IMHO despite I don't know anything about
the Unity plans I think those arent' true. Could you explain?


Description: This is a digitally signed message part
foundation-list mailing list

Question for the candidates : money !

2010-06-01 Thread Lionel Dricot
Hi my dear candidates,

I've a question about GNOME business model and sustanability. As we have
seen with the fundrising to hire a sysadmin, money is often a blocking
point. The current business model seems to be donations.

Do you think that donations are good ? Good enough ? Do you plan to work
on this business model ? Do you have any proposals ?


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy

2010-06-01 Thread Iain
> > >Bring up and fix issues with GNOME that are being ignored or shunned.
> > Can you list these?
> I will just be frank here...
> Translation shifting from upstream to downstream ?
> Development infrastructure limiting upstream contribution.
> Canonical's Unity development, what does it mean for GNOME ?
> Red Hat's control over GNOME Shell ?
> Meego being a competition or a GNOME sister project ?
> Smaller companies involvement into GNOME decisions
> How much of GNOME is community driven and how much is company driven
> Is the GNOME community forced to assimilate with decisions made by those 
> companies?

> > >  Work on letting GNOME shell be lead by the community.
> > Can you expand on what you want changed?
> Currently all GNOME Shell decisions are taken by Red Hat, thus limiting the 
> community's technical as well as design contribution.

It seems to me that your underlying belief is that there is too much
(large) corporate influence in GNOME. Would you say that you might
have some conflict of interest here given that your project
(Zeitgeist) was ignored/shunned by the GNOME Shell developers?

> > > I stand for innovation in GNOME.
> > What is lacking now, and what do want to do when being part of the board?
> Recently GNOME has not been attracting many new developers. It is because its 
> current development state doesn't allow any new innovation to settle in. 
> GNOME being run mostly by people representing
> bigger companies no risks are being taken and thinking out of the box is 
> usually categorized as such.

Surely one could argue that GNOME Shell is quite innovative thinking
outside of the box, and that quite a large risk is being taken with
it, and most of the suggestions for it that come from the community
are of requests for uninnovative things; "I want a task bar", "I want
Or is there a potential conflict of interest here as well that
Zeitgeist has not gained much traction in the community?

> [Redhat or Ubuntu] could start off with a design board combining  selected 
> and competent representatives from community and companies, whose first 
> objective is to rewrite the HIG.
> I suggest starting a technical board with equal amounts of  representatives 
> of companies as and community whose members are significantly competent for 
> the roles.
> Recently GNOME has not been attracting many new developers.

Yet you think the solution to attracting new developers is to wrap the
processes up in red tape and technical boards or design boards? Surely
Free Software is supposed to be about meritocracy, not about boards
dictating how an individual project should be run.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Candidacy: Seif Lotfy

2010-06-01 Thread Seif Lotfy
Hi Olav,

> Hello Seif,
> Reading your motivation I think I understand what you mean, but would
> like to know for sure. As such, I'd appreciate if you could expand some
> more on your motivation. Further, though I think I understand, I'm
> purposely asking very open ended questions (to avoid suggestive ones).
> My goal is not to have a discussion on this with you or others, purely
> to better understand your motivation.
> On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 10:59:35AM +0200, Seif Lotfy wrote:
> > Motivation:
> >
> >  My reasons for running for GNOME board are as follows:
> >  • Encourage more cooperation on design between RH and Canonical.
> What do you mean concretely (design of what)? Why RH and Canonical
> specifically?

 I left out Intel, Nokia, Novell and others because their main focus now is
on Meego which on a design level I do not consider a GNOME project.
Currently RH and Canonical both have started their own design & user
experience to improve the usability of GNOME. Both however seem to be
heading to the same goal but with different designs that could on a shallow
level end up leaving GNOME in an diverging state (Shell vs Unity). Both
should start cooperating on the design level. One could start off with a
design board combining  selected and competent representatives from
community and companies, whose first objective is to rewrite the HIG.

> >  • Avoid fragmentation by helping to build consensus around a unified
> > vision for GNOME's future to prevent a GNOME divergence into 2.30 -and
> > GNOME 3 base.
> What do you think is lacking now?

What is lacking is a vision of what GNOME 3 should be. Where is it heading?
Who is the target of the GNOME 3 desktop? How is the current GNOME accepted
by the community. There seems to be some disagreements on several issues
concerning design and technical aspects, which are leading to frictions
between upstream and downstream development.

> >  • Bring up and fix issues with GNOME that are being ignored or
> > shunned.
> Can you list these?

 I will just be frank here...
• Translation shifting from upstream to downstream ?
• Development infrastructure limiting upstream contribution.
• Canonical's Unity development, what does it mean for GNOME ?
• Red Hat's control over GNOME Shell ?
• Meego being a competition or a GNOME sister project ?
• Smaller companies involvement into GNOME decisions
• How much of GNOME is community driven and how much is company driven
• Is the GNOME community forced to assimilate with decisions made by those
• More...

> >  • Work on letting GNOME shell be lead by the community.
> Can you expand on what you want changed?

Currently all GNOME Shell decisions are taken by Red Hat, thus limiting the
community's technical as well as design contribution. I suggest starting a
technical board with equal amounts of  representatives of companies as and
community whose members are significantly competent for the roles. Those
should drive the technical development of GNOME Shell forward.

> >  • I stand for innovation in GNOME.
> What is lacking now, and what do want to do when being part of the
> board?

Recently GNOME has not been attracting many new developers. It is because
its current development state doesn't allow any new innovation to settle in.
GNOME being run mostly by people representing bigger companies no risks are
being taken and thinking out of the box is usually categorized as such.
While understandable it leaves GNOME in a state where a lot of
functionalities are desired but not deployable. Innovations are usually
brought up by smaller companies such as Collabora, Codethink, Landeo, Igalia
and others. We should allow them more responsibilities in decision taking
when it comes to GNOME's emerging technologies.

> > Don't hesitate to ask me questions when the lines are open.
> done

Hope I answered your questions.

> --
> Regards,
> Olav
> ___
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