Re: GNOME Board of Directors Foundation Elections 2022 - Candidates

2022-06-08 Thread Allan Day
Robert McQueen  wrote:
> To be elected under STV, a candidate must meet a threshold
> number of votes (see
> for example, the threshold is 28).

Thanks for the clarification, Rob. That's good to know.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Board of Directors Foundation Elections 2022 - Candidates

2022-06-08 Thread Allan Day
Andrea Veri  wrote:
> please always refer to election rules and guidelines before voting [1]. All 
> the information that you may require for voting including seats up for 
> election are available there.

Thanks Andrea! Predictably, that was the only page that I didn't look
at in my quest for this information! I think it was because it was
called rules - it sounded more like a static set of rules for all
elections, as opposed to the specific details for this one.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Board of Directors Foundation Elections 2022 - Candidates

2022-06-07 Thread Allan Day
Andrea Veri  wrote:
>> Please see  for more details.

When I went to vote, I was uncertain how many seats were up for
election. I've dug into it, and from what I can tell, this election is
uncontested? Board terms are two years, the board has seven seats, and
last year we elected three directors (Thibault, Alberto and Philip),
meaning that four seats up are open this time round.

Is that correct?

foundation-list mailing list

Re: New GNOME Account password reset tool is live!

2020-11-24 Thread Allan Day
Andrea Veri  wrote:
> the GNOME Infrastructure is making available a new web based tool that will 
> help you resetting your account password in case it was lost. As many of you 
> know, the current way of updating your password was running a command on your 
> terminal making sure your SSH key was up-to-date with the one we have on our 
> systems. That was creating a barrier to contributors which aren't comfortable 
> using a terminal, SSH or other developer oriented toolings. The new solution 
> will ease the process and remove the need of utilizing a console and/or 
> owning an SSH key.

Awesome! Will this allow us to phase out SSH keys for LDAP accounts
and foundation memberships? (I thought I'd filed a ticket for that but
may have dreamt it.)

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Announcing Board of Directors Elections 2020

2020-05-28 Thread Allan Day
If it sways anyone into running: the board will likely be switching to
monthly meetings after the election. :D


On Thu, 28 May 2020 at 15:27, Andrea Veri  wrote:
> Michael,
> if the current situation persists we'll much likely extend the running period 
> by one more week like previous years.
> cheers,
> Il giorno gio 28 mag 2020 alle ore 16:26 Michael Catanzaro 
>  ha scritto:
>> On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 2:55 pm, Andrea Veri  wrote:
>> > The deadline for submitting candidacies is tomorrow, please send your
>> > one in if you're willing to run for this year's elections :-)
>> Currently we have only one candidate (Regina) to replace four open
>> seats. Do the bylaws specify what happens if we have fewer than four
>> candidates?
>> ___
>> foundation-list mailing list
> --
> Cheers,
> Andrea
> Red Hatter,
> Fedora / EPEL packager,
> GNOME Infrastructure Team Coordinator,
> Former GNOME Foundation Board of Directors Secretary,
> GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman
> Homepage:
> ___
> foundation-list mailing list
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Moving foundation-list to discourse?

2019-10-03 Thread Allan Day
Neil McGovern  wrote:
> > I think with Discourse you have to opt in to get email notifications?
> > That could be an issue. Certainly with things like the AGM, the board
> > is required to serve notice to all members.
> Yes, you do. Although for AGM notices etc, I don't think it's
> sufficient to simply post to a mailing list. For this year's one, we
> sent an individual mail to each member.

Sorry, I thought that I'd replied to this - thanks for the
clarification. Consider my query resolved - let's make the move!

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Full Proposal to Bid for Guadec 2020 at Zacatecas, Mexico

2019-09-24 Thread Allan Day
Thanks for this, Manuel! It looks like a great proposal.


On Sat, 21 Sep 2019 at 02:20, Manuel Haro via board-list
> Hello, with a biggest pleasure from the Open Source Community around the Open 
> Source Lab at Mexico, we wants to share and send our formal Full Proposal to 
> bid for GUADEC 2020 at Zacatecas City, Mexico.
> Thanks a lot for the support and we wish to have good news; we wants to 
> integrate our community to the great efforts of Gnome Foundation.
> Regards
> --
> =
> Manuel Haro Márquez - Innovación Abierta y Colaborativa
> =El Conocimiento crece cuando se comparte ==
> --
> From time to time confidential and sensitive information will be discussed
> on this mailing list. Please take care to mark confidential information as
> confidential, and do not redistribute this information without permission.
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Bid for GUADEC 2020 in Riga

2019-09-20 Thread Allan Day
Rudolfs Mazurs via board-list  wrote:
> The Latvian team is officially bidding for GUADEC 2020 in Riga. Our proposal 
> can be found on the GNOME wiki[1].

Thanks for this, Rūdolfs!

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Post GUADEC survey for attendees and non-attendees

2019-09-11 Thread Allan Day
Ekaterina Gerasimova  wrote:
> As always, we are collecting feedback from those of you who attended
> GUADEC and those that did not. We would appreciate it if all of you
> could fill in this survey to help us plan a better conference next
> year:

I spent a while writing detailed answers in the form, only for it to
tell me that my session had expired, and throw all my text away.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Moving foundation-list to discourse?

2019-09-04 Thread Allan Day
Neil McGovern  wrote:
> On Fri, 2019-08-30 at 11:10 +0200, Alexandre Franke wrote:
> > Not objecting at all but I think this raises a couple questions as to
> > what it would entail, most notable regarding board meeting minutes
> > and other announcements. Currently, most of them are sent to the
> > foundation-announce list which I assume we want to keep, but then any
> > followup discussion lands on foundation-list. I’m not sure how that
> > would work with Discourse.
> I would imagine actually, that it may be better to just post these to
> Discourse, in the community category. There's a couple of ways that we
> can improve visibility by using tags and stickies for important things

I have to admit that, personally, I'm more aware of emails coming from
lists than what's on Discourse. Although, I'm sure that's not the case
for everyone...

I think with Discourse you have to opt in to get email notifications?
That could be an issue. Certainly with things like the AGM, the board
is required to serve notice to all members.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Moving foundation-list to discourse?

2019-08-30 Thread Allan Day
Olav Vitters  wrote:
> Was there a discussion about this at GUADEC? As it's been a while and
> nobody seems to object I think everything is ok with moving to
> Discourse.

Given the positive response to other lists migrating, I'd be in favour.

I think my only question is a more general one about how people know
where to go for discussions. It's not great being in an in-between
state with half our lists on mailman and half on discourse.

foundation-list mailing list

Team presentations at the GNOME Foundation AGM

2019-08-21 Thread Allan Day
Hi Foundation members,

The GNOME Foundation Annual General Meeting is going to be happening on
Saturday, as part of GUADEC. As usual, we will be inviting the various
teams and committees to give quick presentations.

I'm in the process of reaching out to the various team leads. However, if
you are a member of a team that would like to participate, please don't
hesitate to get in touch. It's possible that I might not get round
everyone; also, we'd love to hear from any new teams who would like to


Vice-President & Chair, GNOME Foundation Board of Directors
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to candidates: eco-friendliness

2019-06-20 Thread Allan Day
Hi everyone,

I've created an issue for this topic, so we don't forget about it:


On Fri, 14 Jun 2019 at 00:04, Federico Mena Quintero  wrote:
> On Mon, 2019-06-03 at 18:10 +0100, Philip Withnall wrote:
> >
> > What steps do you think the Foundation could take to reduce its
> > environmental impact, and the environmental impact of the project as
> > a whole?
> All the previous replies have good ideas.  We should definitely enable
> remote hackfests.  Is this "just" about hosting a WebRTC
> service which we can already use through practically any web browser?
> I don't know!
> In terms of engagement, we need conferences on the scale of GUADEC or
> Gnome Asia, but in the Americas, and outside the United States, where
> travel+visas are problematic.  But in terms of environmental impact, I
> am not sure whether this would enable fewer people to fly across the
> ocean for their yearly "big GNOME conference", or if it would encourage
> *more* people to fly cross-continent to the new conference.
> I wonder if it is possible to get reports on power consumption from
> things like our CI runners.  Maybe even power profiles for individual
> runs?  Or does the way things run in datacenters, where *our* CI runs
> are not the only thing running on a server, make this not entirely
> trivial to do?
>   Federico
> ___
> foundation-list mailing list
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to candidates - Minutes of the board meeting

2019-06-04 Thread Allan Day
Hi Max,

Max via foundation-list  wrote:
> Could you promise to think a way --- Everyone get "Minutes of the board 
> meeting" in a very close time?

Thanks for the question and for raising this issue. It's really
helpful for the board to know what the ongoing concerns of the
membership are.

I agree that fast publishing of the minutes is a good thing, and is
something that we should improve on. In the past I did a short stint
as secretary, and during that time I made it a priority to get the
minutes out quickly, which I think I did, and I seem to recall that
people reacted positively.

The challenge is that speed of publishing depends on the board's
capacity. To be blunt: we're busy there often aren't people queuing up
to do the job. For example, Philip Chimento is our current secretary,
but he's been tied up with some urgent, fairly time-consuming work for
the Foundation (thanks Philip!), and no one has been able to take up
the slack.

But I do think that the board should work on this issue, and I can
think of some options for what to do:

1. When the officers and responsibilities for the new board are
decided, the board could opt to reduce the workload on the secretary.
For example, they could be exempt from committee liaison
2. We can create a mechanism so that the board is updated about which
minutes have been published. This could be an update from the
secretary at the beginning of each meeting, or it could be an issue to
which the board is subscribed.
3. The secretary doesn't have to be a director, so if there's no one
on the board who is able to perform the role adequately, we could ask
for volunteers and appoint someone from the community.

The first point is something to consider when the new board takes
over, the second is something that the board should look at as soon as
its able, and the third is probably a fallback option to consider if
things aren't going well.

Thanks agin,

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to candidates: eco-friendliness

2019-06-04 Thread Allan Day
Hi Philip!

Philip Withnall  wrote:
> What steps do you think the Foundation could take to reduce its
> environmental impact, and the environmental impact of the project as a
> whole?

I composed this in my head before seeing the other responses to your
mail, so you'll have to forgive me if I repeat any of the points that
have already been made

First, thank you for raising this issue - we haven't seriously looked
at the Foundation's environmental impact, and given the climate crisis
we ought to look at this. Maybe the Foundation could even take a lead
on this issue, which other free/open source projects could follow.

I suspect that the biggest environmental impact that the Foundation
has is through travel. The one concrete idea I've had for this in the
past would be to amend the travel policy, to allow people to take
ground transportation rather than flying, even if it comes at
additional cost (within certain limits, of course). This would have to
be discussed with the Travel Committee but it seems like a fairly
straightforward, practical step.

Outside of this, it gets a bit trickier. One of the Foundation's goals
has actually been to facilitate *more* travel: we want more hackfests,
greater attendance at our conferences, and so on. The other factor
that makes it tricky is that the Foundation can only influence
behaviour to a certain degree: we can encourage the community to hold
certain types of events, and we can decide whether to support plans
that are brought to us or not, but we can't independently decide which
events will be held or where they will be held.

That said, I think we should investigate all the options for both our
travel policy and our events strategy. This might include some of the

  - Have hackfest organisers consider the carbon footprint of their
event, particularly when it comes to picking a location
  - Encourage regional (ie. continental) events rather than global
ones, and take steps to reduce the amount of intercontinental travel
to these events - this might mean things like flying fewer people from
Europe to GNOME.Asia and to our North American events (self-sustaining
regional events are something that the Foundation should push to
support anyway, I think)
  - Work to increase the number of local keynote speakers at our
conferences, rather than those from other continents
  - Come up with innovative ways to avoid or limit travel. Ideas for this:
- Remote "sprints" could replace hackfests in some cases.
- Have linked events happen simultaneously in multiple-locations;
for example, you could have a hackfest happen in one location in
Europe and another in South America, and link them using video
conferencing, or organise the work into location-specific streams.
  - Work to provide a reliable video conferencing solution for all
Foundation members

This is just a preliminary list of ideas and I think that we should
ask the community to provide their own suggestions. The board should
then consider the ideas we have, and ensure that any agreed changes
are implemented. This is something that I'd be enthusiastic about and
would certainly support, if I were re-elected.

Thanks again,

foundation-list mailing list

GNOME Foundation Board of Directors Candidancy - Allan Day

2019-05-26 Thread Allan Day
Name: Allan Day
Affiliation: Red Hat

Dear Foundation Members,

I am announcing my intention to run for the GNOME Foundation Board of

I have been contributing to GNOME for around 10 years, primarily in my
capacity as a designer, although I have previously contributed to
engagement and bug triage.

I am currently employed by Red Hat, where I work as a designer on the
Desktop Team.

I have been a member of the Board of Directors since 2015. During that
time, I've served as vice-president for a number of years, and have had a
short spell as secretary. I've had an impact in various areas, including
leading on trademarks, logistics for hiring Neil, leading on the events
code of conduct and most recently pushing forward with efforts to better
define our software.

I feel that I have the experience to help guide the foundation forward. The
foundation is going through a process of expansion, and we have been
working to become a more professional organisation, with clear roles and
responsibilities, and a more formal oversight role for the board. I am keen
for us to continue this process, and it is something that I would work to
support if I am re-elected. Another priority would be to complete the
software definition initiative that I've been working on for a while.

I don't have as much time for board work as in the past, but I can commit
to do what's required, and to pick up the odd task or initiative.

I look forward to any questions that you might have!


Allan Day
foundation-list mailing list

Re: New GNOME Foundation staffer - Program Coordinator

2019-01-07 Thread Allan Day
Sriram Ramkrishna  wrote:
> > I'm very pleased to announce that Kristi Progri has joined us today
> > (3rd January) to take on the role of Program Coordinator.

Fantastic news! Welcome, Kristi.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Events Code of Conduct: Effects on Hackfests

2018-07-23 Thread Allan Day
Benjamin Berg  wrote:
> You are repeatedly insisting, that the Code of Conduct (CoC) committee
> will never make use of these far reaching powers (only stopping at
> permanent sanctions such as "removal of Foundation membership").

All I'm saying is that, in practical terms, the code of conduct
committee isn't likely to remove someone from a hackfest, because it's
not going to be at hackfests in the first place.

> I find this rather contradictory. Why would the Board explicitly grant
> such far reaching powers, if it does not expect the committee to ever
> use them?
> If the Board trusts local organisers to collaborate with the CoC
> committee and decide on sanctions together with them, then these powers
> are not necessary. Yet, the Board has chosen to explicitly grant these
> powers, meaning that organisers are instead compelled to implement
> decisions by the committee. This appears to imply a distrust against
> organisers to live up to their responsibilities.

I can't answer this on behalf of the board: first, because we have a
new board and second, because I don't remember the previous board
discussing these precise questions.

My personal view is that it makes sense for the committee to have
these powers, since formal responsibility for maintaining the code of
conduct at GNOME events should rest with the Foundation. It also
allows the committee to act at a supra-event level - for example, if
someone needs to be banned from future events. It's got nothing to do
with distrust for event organisers.

In future messages, please clearly state which questions are being
addressed to the current Board of Directors.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Events Code of Conduct: Effects on Hackfests

2018-07-20 Thread Allan Day
Benjamin Berg  wrote:
> However, I don't think your response clearly answers my question. And I
> do think it is important to understand possible implications of Board
> decisions as they may directly affect community members who organise
> events.
> My current understanding of your response is, that the CoC committee
> holds the all of the above powers for all "GNOME events" (unless maybe
> an explicit exception has been made). Is that interpretation correct?

That's my understanding (but again, that's a purely formal reading - I
don't see it happening in practice).

> Does these mean that "Section V: Data retention" is purely a suggestion
> that events should adopt? As I understand it right now, the consequence
> would be that all "GNOME events" are free to adopt a data retention
> policy of their choosing.

Guidelines are a bit more than suggestions, in my view. That said,
it's true that these would probably be more binding if they were
hosted elsewhere.

There might be other data retention policies that apply; I'm not sure
about that.

> > That said, my view is that, if a hackfest organiser is aware of a
> > serious incident at their event, they ought to inform the Code of
> > Conduct Committee.
> There have been discussions in the past that this may trigger data
> protection and export regulations. Is there an official opinion on
> whether such regulations are relevant, and, if yes, whether small
> events may be expected to e.g. sign a contract with the Foundation to
> ensure such data exchange can happen legally.

I'm not aware of a requirement for small events to sign such
contracts. I haven't looked at these issues since we drafted the
Events Code of Conduct, and there has been movement in that area

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Events Code of Conduct: Effects on Hackfests

2018-07-19 Thread Allan Day
[I'm replying as someone who helped to draft the CoC, and who was on
the board when it was approved. The CoC committee is responsible for
applying the code, and we have a new board now.]

Benjamin Berg  wrote:
> The Code of Conduct Committee charter[1] explicitly grants committee
> members the following rights for any "GNOME event":
>  * Issuing warnings
>  * Banning individuals from events
>  * Halting or cancelling talks
>  * Removing individual privileges and responsibilities
> In how far are these rights applicable to Hackfests?

The board voted in favour of this charter, as written. "GNOME events"
include hackfests. However, in practical terms, it isn't envisaged
that members of the CoC committee will be at hackfests. If the
committee receives a report, it is probably only going to be able to
respond after the event has ended, so I'm not sure how many of these
powers would apply.

> The response guidelines[2] state:
> "It is your responsibility to make a record of any Code of Conduct
> violations you become aware of, and to share those records with the
> Code of Conduct Committee."
> Is this a requirement for hackfest organisers?

The incident response guidelines are guidelines, rather than a hard
set of rules. They were primarily written with the Code of Conduct
committee and code of conduct teams in mind. So formally speaking, I
wouldn't say that the guideline you've quoted is a requirement.

That said, my view is that, if a hackfest organiser is aware of a
serious incident at their event, they ought to inform the Code of
Conduct Committee.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Events Code of Conduct: Effects on Hackfests

2018-07-18 Thread Allan Day
Benjamin Berg  wrote:
> How does the decided event Code of Conduct and related
> policies/decisions affect Hackfests organised by community members?

This is explained in

There's some outstanding work to improve the response guidelines, so
they are more appropriate for hackfest organisers.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Foundation 2018 Annual General Meeting

2018-07-06 Thread Allan Day
Hi Dave,

David King  wrote:
> According to the bylaws of the Foundation (Section 7.4), 30 days notice
> is required for an AGM, whereas this notice only gives 4 days notice.

Indeed. We know that we slipped up this year.

> I am not sure of the best place to add this for future GUADECs, but
> maybe would be suitable?

It wouldn't harm! It is noted down in the board wiki pages, but it
obviously got missed this year.

In the future, I'd like us to have a calendar with deadlines in the
run up to GUADEC...

foundation-list mailing list

GNOME Foundation 2018 Annual General Meeting

2018-07-03 Thread Allan Day
Dear all,

As usual, this year's GNOME Foundation Annual General Meeting will be
taking place as part of GUADEC. The details are as follows:

   - Time: 16:30
   - Date: Saturday 7th July 2018.
   - Location: The Auditorium, University of Almería, Spain

The meeting will include an introduction to the new Board of Directors, a
report on the previous 12 months, and a Q&A session with the board.

The board is looking forward to seeing Foundation members there, and to
celebrating our achievements over the last 12 months.


Allan Day
Vice-President & Secretary, GNOME Foundation Board of Directors
foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the GNOME Foundation Board, 26th June

2018-06-27 Thread Allan Day
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tuesday, June 26th 2018, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date: Wednesday, July 4th 2018 - all day meeting at GUADEC

== Attending ==

 * MegFord
 * AlexandreFranke
 * DidierRoche
 * AllanDay
 * NeilMcGovern
 * RosannaYuen

== Regrets ==

 * NuritziSanchez
 * CarlosSoriano

== Missing ==

 * CosimoCecchi

== Agenda ==

 * GUADEC arrangements - board and advisory board meetings (Allan)
 * Review open issues (Allan)

== Minutes ==

 * GUADEC arrangements - board and advisory board meetings (Allan)
  * In-person and ad-board meeting are going to be at Civitas (room
needs to be confirmed)
  * The agenda for the board meeting is on the wiki -
  * The presentation for the advisory board meeting needs to be done.
The structure has been drafted but content is needed.
  * ACTION: get a list of members for each committee. Didier to open a
GitLab issue to track this (done)
  * ACTION: Allan & Meg to work on the slides

 * Review open issues - various issues updated
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Minutes of the Foundation Board, 22nd May

2018-06-20 Thread Allan Day
Benjamin Berg  wrote:
> I fully understand that there is an interest for old comments and bug
> reports to remain available. I raised my concerns because it seemed
> like we have currently exactly one person who is barred from editing
> their Gitlab history, while everyone else can do so freely.

There might be other users who have been blocked from using their
accounts, in response to bad behaviour...

> > In the future, I think it would be good to have a policy in place for
> > situations like this.
> Is there a ticket to track the creation of such a policy?

It might well fall under our privacy policy issue [1].

foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Foundation Board, 19th June

2018-06-20 Thread Allan Day
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tuesday, June 19th 2018, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tuesday, June 26th 2018, 18:00 UTC

== Attending ==

 * AllanDay
 * NuritziSanchez
 * DidierRoche
 * MegFord
 * AlexandreFranke
 * CarlosSoriano
 * CosimoCecchi
 * NeilMcGovern
 * RosannaYuen

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * Appoint Engagement Committee Members (Nuritzi)
 * URGENT - LuNel/Odoo development cost (Neil)
 * AGM video recording and streaming (Allan)
 * GUADEC 2018 legal and financial arrangements - (Allan)
 * Librem 5 Development Kits (Allan)
 * New board handover timeline (Allan)
 * Board and AdBoard meeting prep (Nuritzi)
 * GUADEC 2019 follow-up (Nuritzi)


 * Pre-payment travel request from Claudio (Nuritzi)
 * Sponsorship committee status (Carlos)
 * Travel committee status (Carlos)
 * Transparency between employees and the board/community. i.e. status
reports (also read emails from Kat) (Carlos)
 * Internships status and possible ideas (Carlos)

== Minutes ==

 * Appoint Engagement Committee Members (Nuritzi)
  * The committee charter has already been approved.
  * VOTE: transfer the marketing and small events budget holders to
the engagement committee and appoint Neil, Nuritzi, Rosanna and Sri to
the commitee
   * +1 Meg, Didier, Carlos, Allan, Cosimo. Abstain: Nuritzi, Alexandre. Passed.
  * ACTION: Allan to notify the members (done)
  * ACTION: Allan to update the committees wiki page (done)

 * URGENT - LuNel/Odoo development cost (Neil)
  * This has been on the agenda for a few weeks and has become urgent.
Neil - GnuCash is difficult to use and loses our financial data. We've
been trialing Odoo. It has an enterprise/community split model (where
enterprise is proprietary and community is Free Software). Something
we're missing is the ability to import Paypal. We've been talking to a
company about adding this feature to the community edition for us.
They've been very helpful so far, and they supportive.
  * The choice is between this and using a proprietary solution. Any
code that's written will be Free Software.
  * Neil - there's scope in the budget for this. We'll have a contract
with them.
  * VOTE: approve $4,000 USD for a module that imports Paypal data into Odoo
* +1 unanimous - approved

 * AGM video recording and streaming (Allan)
  * Kat has emailed the board asking whether we are happy for the AGM
to be live streamed
  * We're happy for it to be streamed
  * ACTION: Allan to reply (done)
  * Cosimo - it would be good if we can have a way for people to
participate in the AGM if they're joining online. e.g. an IRC channel
where they can ask questions

 * GUADEC 2018 legal and financial arrangements - (Allan)
  * There were some outstanding questions here, but it's been dealt with.

 * Librem 5 Development Kits (Allan)
  * We've had an email about how to organise the distribution of
Librem 5 development kits to the community.
  * We don't have great systems for tracking hardware donations, so it
might be easier for Purism to handle this themselves. We can send them
a list of people if they need it, though.
  * ACTION: Allan to reply (done)

 * New board handover timeline (Allan)
  * The new board comes into power as soon as the vote is finalised -
this will be next week. Their first meeting will be at GUADEC.
  * ACTION: Allan to email the likely new board members with details
of the transition (done)

 * Board and AdBoard meeting prep (Nuritzi)
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to email the advisory board to encourage them to
prepare presentations.
  * ACTION: Allan to ask incoming board members to confirm if they'll
be there (done). There's an initial outline on the wiki.

 * GUADEC 2019 follow-up (Nuritzi)
  * We've receive an intention to bid. We ought to give them some
indication of our expectations. We ought to try and announce GUADEC
2019 by mid-August. Rough deadline for bids can therefore be August
  * ACTION: Didier to contact them (done)
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Minutes of the Foundation Board, 22nd May

2018-06-20 Thread Allan Day
Benjamin Berg  wrote:
> I have neither gotten a response nor have I seen an indication that the
> Board is discussing the issue. Is the Board planning on responding to
> this request?

Reading back over the thread, it's not entirely clear what the issue
is, so I'll just summarise what's happened:

 * A GitLab account was blocked due to inappropriate behaviour
 * The user then sent the GitLab admin a request to remove the account
along with all posted comments
 * The Board decided to anonymise the comments rather than delete
them, in order to preserve thread history
 * When the admin went to delete the account, GitLab removed all the
comments too, so anonymization wasn't possible

So we did fully comply with the request, albeit unintentionally.

In this case, losing the comments wasn't a major issue since they
didn't have any value. However, if the user was a long-time
contributor, the situation would of course be different.

In the future, I think it would be good to have a policy in place for
situations like this.

Does that help to clarify?

foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Foundation Board, 14th june

2018-06-19 Thread Allan Day
The regular meeting on Tuesday 12th June was cancelled due to there not
being quorum. These minutes are for a special meeting held on 14th June.


= Foundation Board Minutes for Thursday, June 14th 2018, 17:00 UTC =

Special meeting called to discuss pressing issues around GUADEC 2018 travel.

== Attending ==

 * MegFord
 * DidierRoche
 * CarlosSoriano
 * NuritziSanchez
 * RosannaYuen
 * NeilMcGovern

== Regrets ==

 * AlexandreFranke
 * AllanDay

== Missing ==

 * CosimoCecchi

== Agenda ==

 * Appoint Germán Poo-Caamaño to the Travel Committee
 * Approve board travel requests for GUADEC 2018

== Minutes ==

 * Appoint Germán Poo-Caamaño to the Travel Committee
 * VOTE: appoint German to travel committee
  * Unanimously passed
  * ACTION: Didier to send an email to foundation-list updating them on
what's happening
  * ACTION: Didier to send Michael and Adelia and email updating them about
their involvement in the travel committee
  * ACTION: Neil to email German to let him know he's been added to the RT
queue and ask for his help

 * Approve Board travel requests to GUADEC
  * Board members need to be there for the AdBoard meeting, AGM, etc. Need
to purchase tickets asap
  * VOTE: any board member for the 2017-2018 or 2018-2019 term who is
travelling to GUADEC 2018 can make use of the Foundation Travel Policy to
travel to GUADEC
   * Unanimously passed
  * ACTION: current board members will go ahead and purchase flights. When
new board is announced, they should be notified that they can also make use
of the Foundation travel policy.
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2018 - Candidacy - Allan Day

2018-06-07 Thread Allan Day
Hi Michael,

Big apologies for the delay in responding. I'm busy with personal
stuff at the moment.

> How do you intend to ensure that the Foundation expansion occurs in a
> sustainable manner? It would be unfortunate if this donation becomes
> just a temporary windfall.

That's a really good question.

Ensuring that the expansion is sustainable is important for the
existing board and for Neil, and it forms an important part of our
existing plans. I'll therefore divide my answer into two parts: first,
what I understand the existing plan to be, and second my personal
perspective as a candidate in the board elections.

My understanding of the existing plan:

We want to avoid a situation where the Foundation expands its
operations and subsequently has to contract. The existing plan is
therefore to make any expansion self-sustaining. Some of the donation
will be spent on increasing our income through other sources, and one
of the first priorities will be fund-raising. We're aiming to increase
income through a range of sources, including personal donations and
grants. There are some sources of funding that haven't been an option
due to the Foundation's small size that might become accessible once
we've expanded.

Another aspect to our plans is ensuring effective financial tracking
and planning, and Neil and Rosanna have been working to upgrade our
accounting systems for this reason.

Neil has been taking the lead on our expansion planning, and he can
answer questions if you have them.

My personal view on the expansion:

The board is obviously going to have to keep a close eye on the
budget. Directors will need to ensure that accounts and budget
projections are scrutinized whenever major financial decisions are
made. They're going to have to plan and think long-term.

The board is also going to have to support its staff during this
transition. This means empowering Neil to take the lead as well as
ensuring effective oversight. Long-term, the hope is that the board
will be able to offload some of its existing duties to staff members,
but in the short-term, we're going to have to keep an eye on everyday
activities, to make sure that areas aren't neglected as we ramp up.

I think I can personally contribute to this process: I'm conscious of
the need to plan the Foundation's finances over the long-term and want
to see us develop accounting and budgetary processes that effectively
inform any budget decisions we make. I have a good overview of the
Foundation's operations, as well as the project's requirements more
generally, and I'm able to jump in and fill gaps as necessary. I think
I've also got an understanding of where the Foundation needs to head
organisationally, with the board shifting to a more high-level
governance role and passing operational functions to staff.

I hope that makes sense. I'm sure I've missed some things, but it
hopefully covers some of the important points.

foundation-list mailing list

Board of Directors Elections 2018 - Candidacy - Allan Day

2018-05-31 Thread Allan Day
Name: Allan Day
Corporate affiliation: Red Hat

Hi all,

I'm announcing my candidacy for the upcoming Board of Directors
elections. I've served on the board since 2015. If I were elected, it
would be my forth term on the board.

I feel that I've been an effective member of the board during my time
as a director. My achievements include:

 * Serving as vice-president and recently as secretary. I've also
acted as line manager for our Executive Director.
 * Helping to set up the legal and financial arrangements so we could hire Neil
 * Doing a fair bit of work on our Advisory Board meeting preparations
 * Documenting a lot of our procedures and policies, particularly
around trademarks and expenditure

Were I to be elected, I'd have the following priorities as a director:

 * Foundation expansion. The big news is that, thanks to the amazing
support of an anonymous donor, the Foundation will soon be in a
position to expand its operations. This will be a major shift for both
the Foundation and the GNOME project. My priority will be to ensure
that we establish an environment in which new staff members and
contractors can fulfil their maximum potential. I'll also work to
ensure that the Foundation continues to be transparent and fully
integrated with the GNOME community, as it expands.

 * Policy-making and transparency. Over the past year, the Foundation
Board has worked to take a more legislative approach, so that we are
increasingly setting policies and budgets rather than making lots of
one-off decisions. However, there is a lot of work still to do - our
existing policies can be improved, and it's not always easy to find
out which policies exist.

 * Code of conduct. I'm committed to ensuring that initiatives in this
area are supported by the Board of Directors. I'm aware that this can
be a divisive issue and I want to make sure that it is handled in as
an inclusive and fair manner as possible.

I'm not sure that I'll be able to find the time to make substantial
contributions to the Foundation, but I can commit to doing the
necessary routine work.

I should note that I'm unable to attend GUADEC this year, so won't be
able to attend the annual in-person meetings.


foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Foundation Board, 29th May

2018-05-30 Thread Allan Day
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tuesday, May 29th 2018, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tuesday, June 3rd 2018, 18:00 UTC

== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke (planned early departure)
 * DidierRoche
 * AllanDay
 * CarlosSoriano
 * MegFord
 * Cosimo Cecchi (planned late arrival)
 * RosannaYuen
 * NeilMcGovern

== Regrets ==

 * Nuritzi Sanchez

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * (URGENT) Legal entity to use for GUADEC operations (Carlos)
 * GUADEC picnic location (Alexandre)
 * GUADEC swag (Alexandre)
 * GUADEC 2018 Board & AdBoard meeting prep (Nuritzi)
 * 2018 Pants nominations (Nuritzi)
 * GUADEC 2019 (Allan)
 * LAS GNOME Denver Conference Bid (Meg)


  * Engagement Committee (Nuritzi)
   * Vote for charter and propose members

== Minutes ==

 * (URGENT) Legal entity to use for GUADEC operations (Carlos)
  * The 2018 GUADEC organisers are suggesting to use a local legal
entity - "Club de Cacharreo" - to manage payments and invoices
  * Rosanna asks what the legal status of this organisation is. It's
been described as an "association"; we think this means that it's a
  * Allan: it would be interesting to know why they went with that
option. It's not always necessary to use a legal organisation.
Alexandre: this depends on the country.
  * Neil has some experience using local entities. They can have some
advantages. We need to ensure that we have a contract with them, to
ensure that they will give us any cash back, and so on. We ought to
have a standard one that we can reuse.
  * Alexandre: we have one from 2014, it should be in the archive.
  * [ACTION] Alexandre will dig the contract up from the archive ( )
  * [ACTION] Carlos will get back to the local organizer to ensure
it's non profit, proper registration, bank account… ( )

 * GUADEC picnic location (Alexandre)
  * The GUADEC team is asking for permission to use a location that's
owned by the military
  * Carlos has the impression from the photos that it's more used for
official events
  * Alexandre: there will be no military on site. It's a matter of politics.
  * [ACTION] Carlos to respond in the same email that it's fine by the
board ( )

 * GUADEC swag (Alexandre)
  * Ismael has requested on IRC if/how they should get permission for
selling GNOME-branded swag
  * Allan can review designs as needed. It should be fine as it's for
a GNOME event
  * [ACTION] Allan to respond to Ismael. We can use issues on GitLab
to track/review requests.

 * Visa handling for GUADEC
  * Since we discussed this last week, a page has been put up on However, there's little time for people to apply for
  * [ACTION] Didier to reach out to Andreas and others from the visa
invitations committee

Cosimo enters

Alexandre leaves

 * GUADEC 2018 Board & AdBoard meeting prep (Nuritzi)
  * Neil: the latest communication with adboard was just "save the
date" (the in-person advisory board meeting is happening on July 5).
We need to communicate a place and who is going to turn up. We don't
seem to know if we have a venue available.
  * [ACTION] Carlos to take this point with the other when talking to
GUADEC organizers (
  * [ACTION] Neil will send a RSVP
  * Content of the meeting?
   * Update to where people are at
   * What happened in the previous 12 months (hackfests, what we've
been spending on)
   * Plans for the year ahead (privacy internships, spending plans for
new funds)
   * Update on technology used and progress
   * Gathering feedback
   * [ACTION] Allan to outline the meeting and slides, and volunteer
board members for individual sections ( )

 * 2018 Pants nominations (Nuritzi)
  * [ACTION] Didier to send an email to foundation list (done - )

 * GUADEC 2019 (Allan)
  * We still don't have any bids
  * Allan sent out an email to the foundation list, but hasn't got much back
  * Rosanna: we can comment that as GUADEC is early this year, it's
normal that we don't have many proposals right now and raise awareness
  * Cosimo: GUADEC will be the best time to raise awareness

 * LAS GNOME Denver Conference Bid (Meg)
  * We received a bid for LAS GNOME 2018 last week. They need as
answer from us ASAP, in order to secure the venue.
  * Cosimo finds the bid well fleshed out. They have sponsorship
income confirmed. He's personnally confortable voting.
  * The bid contains a budget with a page detailing confirmed sponsorship.
  * Everybody has raised concerns or questions last week or on the ML,
we can vote.
  * VOTE: approve the whole LAS GNOME bid (budget attached and
proposal). Unanimous - vote passes.
  * [ACTION] Cosimo to r

Re: Minutes of the Foundation Board, 1st May

2018-05-30 Thread Allan Day
Hey Germán,

Sorry for not replying sooner.

Germán Poo-Caamaño  wrote:
> On Thu, 2018-05-03 at 12:54 +0100, Allan Day wrote:
>> Germán Poo-Caamaño  wrote:
>> ...
>> > FWIW, processing times for events like GUADEC are not usually
>> > processed before the talks have been accepted. They cannot, as the
>> > speakers have preference, and budget is limited.
>> That's a good point. Maybe we could look into how the budgets are
>> allocated for this.
> I do not follow. I would expect to have the CfP and the results
> earlier.
> That said, there has been coordination between the Travel Committee,
> and the Papers Committee before, to save some days.
> The issue usually is: budget for GUADEC sponsorship used to be $30,000
> for many years, and the amount requested was always over $40,000 or
> $50,000. So, you have to decide how to allocate it.

I don't particularly want to get into the fine detail here, and I'd
sooner defer to others regarding how the schedules and logistics stack
up. My point was that, if the budget for travel is a limiting factor,
that's something that the board could look at.

> "Twice as long" might depend on the context. If the flight usually
> takes 1 hour, an extra hour is twice the time but not the end of the
> world. But for a flight that usually takes 8 to 10 hours, 16 to 20
> hours may be way too much, or a connecting flight that require to stay
> overnight in an airport... unless there is no other reasonable option.

A lot of those considerations are covered by the Foundation's staff
travel policy, I think.

>> Regarding applicants not doing their homework, the Foundation staff
>> travel policy also specifies that the traveller should do a price
>> comparison search and save the results. Maybe this could be a way to
>> check whether the homework has been done or not...
> Usually it is easy to spot them (it is just like any bug report :-)
> That just add burden to the Travel Committee. The less precise the
> information entered, the more communication is needed.

What I had in mind was a procedure where the applicant would be
required to provide evidence of the searches they've done. For
example, the applicant could provide a screenshot of their Kayak
search. This could potentially speed up the process. Either way, it's
something for the Travel Committee to decide on.

foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Foundation Board, 22nd May

2018-05-23 Thread Allan Day
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tuesday, May 22nd 2018, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tuesday, May 29th 2018, 18:00 UTC

== Attending ==

 * AllanDay
 * MegFord (planned early departure)
 * DidierRoche
 * CarlosSoriano
 * NuritziSanchez
 * CosimoCecchi
 * NeilMcGovern  (planned early departure)
 * RosannaYuen

== Regrets ==

 * AlexandreFranke

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * LAS GNOME update (Nuritzi)
 * Request for account deletion in GitLab for blocked user (Carlos)
 * Permission for Rosanna to fly to and attend GUADEC (Nuritzi)
 * GUADEC 2019 (Allan)


 * Engagement Committee (Nuritzi)
  * Vote for charter and propose members

== Minutes ==

Neil and Meg had left by this point in the meeting.

 * LAS GNOME update (Nuritzi)
  * LAS GNOME is getting up to speed again. Nuritzi has shared a
proposal document and budget.
  * There's been an internal bidding process
  * The current plan is to have it in Denver, September 6-9th
  * There's already some funds for LAS GNOME, due to sponsorship
packages that have already been agreed
  * It's projected to run at a profit
  * ACTION: board members to review the proposal document, with a view
to vote at next week's meeting

 * Request for account deletion in GitLab for a blocked user (Carlos)
  * Carlos sent an email to board-list with details of this
  * Carlos is the only GitLab admin. He recently blocked a user for
inappropriate behaviour. This means that the user can no longer log in
to edit/delete their comments.
  * The user has subsequently sent a mail demanding that their posts
be deleted. The user has made the case that this is their legal right
(under Canadian law) and has threatened legal action.
  * Comments can only be deleted by an admin.
  * We have a prescedent that we don't delete posts that are stored on
GNOME servers.
  * Allan - why don't we delete posts? Rosanna - data retention
policies are part of our staff handbook, and are required for
insurance purposes.
  * Didier - on gnome-fr forums, they offer to anonymise posts rather
than deleting them (in order to preserve threads). Cosimo - isn't that
what happens when a user account is deleted? Yes.
  * Cosimo - prefers that people can remove their account rather than
deleting posts. Didier agrees with this. Allan is personally in favour
but doesn't know what the legal requirements are.
  * ACTION: Carlos to offer to delete the account and anonymise the
posts in the process.

 * Permission for Rosanna to fly to and attend GUADEC (Nuritzi)
  * VOTE: approve Rosanna's travel to GUADEC 2018
   * +1 unanimous

 * GUADEC 2019 (Allan)
  * The call for bids was announced a while ago, and we haven't
received any bids.
  * If the Foundation provided better support, people might be more
willing to hold GUADEC. This is something we should look into.
  * Can we return to a previous venue?
  * Can we partner with another organisation?
  * ACTIONS: do another mail out to foundation-list, go through the
list in the issue
foundation-list mailing list

Help needed: GUADEC 2019

2018-05-23 Thread Allan Day
Hi everyone,

The call for bids for GUADEC 2019 has been out for a while, but the
Foundation is yet to receive any bids or notifications of intent to bid.
We'd therefore like to ask members of the Foundation: can you help us to
find a location for next year's GUADEC?

Could you help to organise GUADEC? Do you know of anyone, or any groups,
who might want to organise GUADEC? We'll consider all options, including
potentially returning to a location where GUADEC has been held previously,
or co-locating with another event.

The Foundation is also interested in how we can better support GUADEC
organisers, so if you're interested but are concerned about the amount of
work involved, please feel free to get in touch to discuss options.

If you have any ideas or leads, please email, or comment on
the GitLab issue .


Vice-President & Secretary, GNOME Foundation Board of Directors
foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Foundation Board, 15 May

2018-05-17 Thread Allan Day
Note: there was no meeting on 8th May, due to the board not having quorum.

= Foundation Board Minutes for Tuesday, May 15th 2018, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tuesday, May 22nd 2018, 18:00 UTC

== Attending ==

 * NuritziSanchez
 * CarlosSoriano
 * AllanDay
 * MegFord (planned early departure)
 * DidierRoche (planned late attendance)
 * NeilMcGovern
 * RosannaYuen

== Regrets ==

 * AlexandreFranke
 * CosimoCecchi

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * Pre-travel sponsorship GSoC/Outreachy students (Carlos)


 * Engagement Committee (Nuritzi)
  * Vote for charter and propose members
 * Potential licensing issue with Fractal (Nuritzi)
 * Contacting people applying to the board (Carlos)

== Minutes ==

Note: Meg had left the meeting prior to this item being discussed.
Didier had joined.

 * Pre-travel sponsorship for GSoC/Outreachy students. (Carlos)
  * GUADEC is earlier than usual this year, so Outreachy/GSoc interns
won't have received enough payments to fund their own travel. We've
had a request for one intern to have their travel sponsorship paid in
advance of GUADEC. This currently isn't something that the Travel
Committee provides.
  * Discussion about how much travel funding we've provided interns in
the past, and how much we should provide:
   * GSoC didn't provide much for travel last year, but we do
encourage all interns to attend GUADEC.
   * Has the amount we pay for intern travel been capped previously?
  * Discussion about logistics. There are potentially two forms of
advance payment:
   1. Interns pay for their ticket and we reimburse them prior to
travel. The board is happy for the Travel Committee to do this.
   2. We provide the funds prior to travel being booked. Here we can
recommend that interns contact the board so it can review requests.
  * ACTION: Didier to liaise with the Travel Committee. Carlos to
liaise with mentors.
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Minutes of the Foundation Board, 1st May

2018-05-03 Thread Allan Day
Germán Poo-Caamaño  wrote:
> FWIW, processing times for events like GUADEC are not usually processed
> before the talks have been accepted. They cannot, as the speakers have
> preference, and budget is limited.

That's a good point. Maybe we could look into how the budgets are
allocated for this.

> There is a guideline for looking for reasonable prices. In my past
> experience at the TC, among all people applying few of them actually
> did their homework.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the Travel Committee guideline
just say "find the cheapest option"?

The question the board was discussing is how to balance economy and
convenience (in other words, what counts as "reasonable"). For
example, do you have to take the cheapest flight, even if it takes
twice as long? The Foundation's staff travel policy [1] covers this.
For example, it says that it's acceptable to spend $100 extra on a
flight if it saves you 3 hours.

Regarding applicants not doing their homework, the Foundation staff
travel policy also specifies that the traveller should do a price
comparison search and save the results. Maybe this could be a way to
check whether the homework has been done or not...

foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Foundation Board, 1st May

2018-05-02 Thread Allan Day
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tuesday, May 1st 2018, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tuesday, May 8th 2018, 18:00 UTC

== Attending ==

 * MegFord
 * AllanDay
 * DidierRoche
 * CosimoCecchi
 * NeilMcGovern
 * RosannaYuen

== Regrets ==

 * NuritziSanchez
 * AlexandreFranke
 * CarlosSoriano

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * Feedback from Travel Committee (Didier)
 * Map tile access (Meg)
 * OpenMindsClub (Meg)


 * Events code of conduct (Allan)
 * Engagement Committee (Nuritzi)
* Vote for charter and propose members

== Minutes ==

 * Feedback from Travel Committee (Didier)
  * Didier has met with David from the travel committee, and shared
his notes -
  * David is generally happy.
  * Didier raised some points with David:
* Possibility of inviting specific individuals to events,
potentially non-Foundation members. David is OK with this, but we'd
need to decide how it will be handled in practice - who approves each
 * Neil - we have done this in the past. It can come out of a
conference budget. It doesn't necessarily have to be through the
travel committee.
 * Allan - how do we make this facility available to other
Foundation members, so they can request invitations? We ought to have
guidelines or documentation so people know that this facility is
 * Didier - David was keen for the board to handle this - didn't
want to be handling decisions for this.
 * It sounds like this is up to the board to resolve.
* Providing an option for people to have their sponsorship paid
prior to travel - David agreed to this in principle. He doesn't want
to push it too hard, and it could involve additional bureaucracy for
the committee.
* Allowing more intercontinental travel - for example, to allow
more people from the US travelling to GUADEC. David's view - it's just
a question of cost and budget, and people planning far enough ahead to
allow this kind of travel. Seems that this is a responsibility for
event organisers.
* Prices going up while waiting for sponsorship approval -
hackfests need to be announced further in advance. David has agreed to
change the wording of the policy, to make it a bit friendlier, not
proposing policy changes at the moment though. Applications should get
a response within a week. Delays often result from incomplete
 * Meg - sponsorship requests can open late for GUADEC. Being able
to book further in advance would be good. There can also be back and
forth with the committee if their travel suggestion is impractical.
 * Neil - our staff travel policy provides some detail on what
constitutes a reasonable travel option - this might be useful for the
 * Allan - the issue with prices going up would be reduced if
processing times were faster. Perhaps the process could be
streamlined, to speed things up? One option - applicants suggest a
flight based on guidelines for what's reasonable, then the TC just
checks it over and approves/refuses.
 * ACTION - Didier to feed these ideas back.
* Would it be possible to ensure that travellers don't lose out
due to exchange rate fluctuations? Rosanna - it should be possible to
reimburse in the local currency.
* ACTION: Didier to send this feedback to the TC.

 * Map tile access (Meg)
   * There has been a discussion on the foundation list about using
the tile server for other application than Maps. We have a specific
deal with Mapbox in the amount of requests we can do. Do we need to
ask them about other applications using the service?
   * Neil: the deal with Mapbox is for a certain amount of requests,
which are capped. However, the main reason for using Mapbox was to get
access to their satelitte images, which might not be needed for other
   * ACTION: OpenStreetMap might be a better fit for other apps. We
have some experience talking to them and can suggest a way forward.
Meg to respond to the application author.

 * OpenMindsClub (Meg)
  * It's an university group promoting Free Software and contributing.
They have asked for videos about Free Software.
  * ACTION: Meg will pass this on to the Engagement Team.
foundation-list mailing list

Foundation Board Minutes for Tuesday, April 24th 2018, 18:00 UTC

2018-05-01 Thread Allan Day
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tuesday, April 24th 2018, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tuesday, May 1st 2018, 18:00 UTC

== Attending ==

 * AllanDay
 * CarlosSoriano
 * NuritziSanchez
 * CosimoCecchi
 * DidierRoche
 * MegFord
 * NeilMcGovern
 * RosannaYuen

== Regrets ==

 * AlexandreFranke

== Agenda ==

 * 2018 Board of Directors elections timeline (Allan)
 * Code of Conduct Committee (Nuritzi)
* Vote on charter and propose members
 * Code of Conduct adoption process (Neil)
 * Sponsorship committee call update by Carlos (Nuritzi)
 * Board's GitLab workboard/workflow proposal (Nuritzi)
 * Review open issues - (standing agenda item)

== Minutes ==

 * 2018 Board of Directors elections timeline (Allan)
  * We've received a timeline for this year's elections from Andrea Veri.
  * Rosanna - when do people have to have their membership confirmed
in order to get a vote? It's agreed that we should find this out and
ensure that the information is included in the elections
  * GUADEC starts July 4th, so there will only be two weeks between
new directors being announced and the board's in-person meeting at
  * Cosimo - a suggestion for the elections announcement - if you are
elected, you will need to be in Almeria a couple of days early.
  * Allan - do we want to bring it earlier? Neil - that could be difficult.
  * ACTION: Allan to confirm that the timeline is OK and pass on our
suggestions to Andrea (DONE).

 * Code of Conduct Committee (Nuritzi)
  * Nuritzi and Allan have worked on the draft charter for the
committee, which Allan has circulated to the board.
  * Didier - what happens if the committee isn't at an event? The
charter implies that they have to enforce the code of conduct at all
events. Nuritzi - if they aren't at an event, their responsibility
will be to respond to reports that are submitted remotely.
  * Cosimo - it looks good. It feels speculative in places - we don't
know what kinds of issues it will have to deal with. Some clauses are
narrow and specific and others are very broad. We will possibly need
to update it in the future (Didier agrees that this is a good idea).
  * Cosimo - it should say that committee members are removed by the
board as well as being appointed.
  * Rosanna - there's no mention of conference code of conduct teams.
Who's responsibility is this?
   * Allan - the committee ought to have the final say on who's
appointed to teams, in order to prevent disagreements over
   * Neil - it's the committee's job to ensure that the team is
assembled and does its job. This ought to be led by the committee
rather than conference organisers. It ought to be appointment by the
   * Does the draft charter need to be changed? Cosimo - companion
guidelines for how teams are setup might help to resolve this
question. Carlos agrees that this would be a good solution.
   * Meg - this seems like something that the committee can work out.
Nuritzi agrees with that.
  * Carlos - "removing priviledges or responsibilities" seems strong.
Nuritzi - this is around roles at events, like as an organiser.
  * VOTE: approve the charter, with the amendment to state that the
board appoints or remove members.
   * +1 Nuritzi, Carlos, Cosimo, Meg, Didier, Allan - unanimous

 * Code of Conduct adoption process (Neil)
  * Neil - amongst the recent discussion on foundation-list, it has
been asked whether the existing code of conduct proposal is "formal".
The answer is no, but it wasn't required to be formal. Is the board
happy to vote on a proposal that doesn't have the unanimous support of
the working group? Or would they prefer a vote of the working group?
  * The previous suggestion was for the board to vote now, and the
community to have an affirmation vote at GUADEC.
  * Nuritzi - wants to ensure that the community can feel good about
the adoption process.
  * Neil - we want a code of conduct in place for GUADEC 2018, prior
to registration opening. Nuritzi - voting on the code of conduct isn't
necessary for that - the existing proposal could be used anyway.
  * Rosanna - but the local organisers need an indication from the
board that they endorse the code of conduct.
  * Cosimo - the board should vote and approve the code of conduct
before asking the community to affirm it. It's unrelated to whether
GUADEC 2018 uses that exact text or not -- they can use it regardless
of whether the board or the community have officially approved it
  * Meg - we can communicate that there will be a process
(discussion/consultation) after the board vote, if we have more steps
in mind.
  * Didier - we can vote on the current draft of the CoC, confirming
the board is comfortable with this proposal to be put in front of the
  * Allan - the question about the proposal submitted to the board is
separate to th

Re: Proposal for an Events Code of Conduct and Policy Referendum

2018-04-30 Thread Allan Day
Alexandre Franke  wrote:
> The WG is a group working on a document that invites people involved
> in a conflict to seek assistance from a third party. Yet it seems
> that, when a conflict arised, they didn’t call for external
> arbitration, and even went as far as issuing warnings to one of the
> parties involved on their own. I find this highly disturbing.

I don't think that this is a fair or accurate summary of events within
the working group, and I'd suggest not jumping to conclusions or
making inaccurate claims without knowing the facts.

The big picture here is that the working group went to great effort to
make sure that everyone was able to participate, and that we had a
full and rigorous drafting process. Considering how much effort went
into this, a little appreciation for the work done by the working
group would be nice.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Proposal for an Events Code of Conduct and Policy Referendum

2018-04-30 Thread Allan Day
meg ford  wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 4:54 PM, Alexandre Franke  wrote:
>> Did you mean to quote a specific part of Allan’s email? Because my
>> email was about what happened during the time when discussions were
>> still within the WG (and the conflict that emerged from it) and yours
>> is about what happened after that, so you replying to my email this
>> way is misleading.
> That's actually not true. Allan was saying (correct me if I'm wrong, Allan) 
> that he and Neil finishing the final draft without Ben was "direct response to
> repeated unacceptable behaviour on Ben's part." By that point in time Allan, 
> Ben and Neil were the only members of the group who were active. In my email 
> I was saying that most of us became inactive in response to the atmosphere in 
> the working group, before Ben was excluded from the final drafting.
> In addition, I was saying that I don't agree with Allan that Ben was the only 
> member of the working group who was not included in the final drafting (both 
> before and after the time that the discussions were still happening within 
> working group). I can't speak for other WG members, but I was not included in 
> the discussion surrounding the final drafting process that Neil and Allan 
> completed. The only time I have seen the final draft has been as a member of 
> the Board.

It's true that saying who was or wasn't included does get a bit tricky
due to the fact that not all members of the WG have been active all
the time. My view is that Ben, Neil, Nuritzi, Rosanna and myself were
the "active" members of the group at the point we published the draft
for community consultation, since these were the people who were still
attending meetings.

When I stated that the members of the WG were able to review the draft
as part of the board group, these were the people that I was referring

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Proposal for an Events Code of Conduct and Policy Referendum

2018-04-24 Thread Allan Day
Benjamin Berg  wrote:
> I think my stance is quite clear. As Allan stated quite literally, he
> continued working on the Draft without including the rest of the WG in
> this work. Regardless of whether Allan was acting as a board member or
> chairman of the WG, he has overstepped his authority by doing so.

Or, to put it another way - Neil and I made a small number of edits to
a document which had previously been worked on for 14 months, which we
then put to the board to review and vote on.

It should be noted that the board group includes every active member
of the code of conduct working group, with the exception of Ben. So
"without including the rest of the WG" translates to "without
including Ben". As already stated, this was a direct response to
repeated unacceptable behaviour on Ben's part.

There is no formal process for the code of conduct working group, so
talk of "authority" and "legitimacy" is moot. However, I do believe
that the proposal that has been sent to the board is a fair reflection
of the group's work as a whole, and that's the important thing.

> As
> such, I do not consider the current documents to be a legitimate
> proposal from the WG that the board could even start to consider.

The proposal that has been sent to the board is the result of the
entire group's work for 14 months. It is also the outcome of the
community consultation that we ran. The vast majority of the working
group will have the opportunity to review the proposal before it goes
to a vote.

foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Foundation Board, 17th April

2018-04-18 Thread Allan Day
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tuesday, April 17th 2018, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tuesday, April 24th 2018, 18:00 UTC

== Attending ==

 * AlexandreFranke
 * CosimoCecchi
 * MegFord
 * AllanDay
 * NeilMcGovern
 * RosannaYuen

== Regrets ==

 * DidierRoche
 * CarlosSoriano

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * GIMP reimbursements (Allan)
 * Conference policy questions (Nuritzi)
 * Private engagement list (Nuritzi)
 * Events code of conduct, proposal for referendum (Allan)
 * Role of the Executive Director and Director of Operations with
regards to the Board (Allan)
 * Review open issues - (standing agenda item)

 * Engagement budget increase (Nuritzi)

Next week:
 * Travel comittee sync up feedback (Didier)

== Minutes ==

 * GIMP reimbursements (Allan)
  * We received a request for some reimbursements from the GIMP team,
which we've approved:
   * Travel expenses to LGM 2017.
   * Promotional sticker printing.
   * Accommodation costs for LGM 2018.

 * Conference policy questions (Nuritzi)
  * We've had some questions from the GNOME.Asia team about the
conference sponsorship policy.
  * If they don't raise enough in sponsorship from one year, will they
be penalised in future years? What about if they can't provide
   * Neil - overspend shouldn't occur. The policy specifies that teams
should only spend up to the amount they've raised. If something went
wrong on a one-off basis, that shouldn't affect future events.
   * Neil - provision of accounts should be taken into account when
approving future event proposals.
  * Another question from GNOME.Asia - what happens if a float isn't returned?
   * Allan - it would be an extreme case if a team isn't able to raise
sponsorship to cover the cost of the venue.
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to feed this information back to the GNOME.Asia
team. If there are any other questions, Nuritzi to mail Neil and
Rosanna and CC the board.

 * Private engagement list (Nuritzi)
  * There's a private engagement mailing list. The engagement team
wants to know if the board has a vision for this.
  * It's previously been used for press contacts and for embarged announcements.
  * Cosimo - would like to see as much activity as possible of the
Engagement team done in public, but if there are private conversations
that the Engagement team wants to have, we still need the press
private channel. Not sure those are the same people that would
participate in both; so probably need a separate list for either kind
of discussions.
  * Allan - it's important for there to be a private channel that
press contacts can reach out to.
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to go back to the engagement team with this.

 * Events code of conduct, proposal for referendum (Allan)
  * The GUADEC 2019 call for bids is waiting for the events code of conduct.
  * Neil - has done some research into the issues raised by Alexandre,
but needs a little more time. We can aim for a vote for next week.
  * Alexandre - what's the plan for adopting the code of conduct?
   * Neil - the board can adopt the policy if it wants, but he
suggests also having a community vote on it.
   * Cosimo - what would happen if the community rejects the vote?
   * Related - we've had a proposal from Benjamin Berg on
foundation-list, which is to invite competing proposals and have a
membership vote on them.
   * Cosimo - in line with the bylaws, Ben is free to pursue a
referendum, which would require support from 10% of the membership.
However, we shouldn't wait on this process before deciding on the
existing code of conduct proposal, and we can move forward with
putting this to a membership vote.
   * Meg - we should have the community vote to ratify the code of
conduct. This should happen at GUADEC, to ensure greater engagement.
* Cosimo - this would punt the vote to the next board. We ought to
be the ones to initiate it. Neil - the future board can just change
their mind. Alexandre - doesn't think this would be an issue. We'd be
the ones who would have to announce and organise it.
  * Summary: Ben's proposal to be treated as separate from the
existing events code of conduct proposal. The board will move forward
with a community engagement/consultation of their own.
  * Alexandre - can people vote remotely at an in-person meeting at
GUADEC? According to the bylaws that could be possible - those who
aren't there could post ballots beforehand.
  * Meg - if a vote happens before the AGM then discussion would only
need to happen if the community has concerns about the CoC. If it
happens after then the community could discuss during the AGM. Not
sure if the Board wants to have a discussion if the community has
already agreed to the CoC. Cosimo - that discussion could happen
either way.
  * Nuritzi - the code of conduct committee charter needs to be
resolved. Alexandre had questions about the separation of powers.
  * ACTION: Allan/Nuritzi t

Re: Proposal for an Events Code of Conduct and Policy Referendum

2018-04-17 Thread Allan Day
Hi everyone,

This is a general response to Ben's email, in my capacity as chair of
the Code of Conduct Working Group. I'm only going to address the
issues that have been raised in response to the group, rather than the
referendum proposal, which is a question for the board.

As you all know, the code of conduct working group's work has been
mostly complete for some time, as we published the draft back in
December 2017.

The remaining part of the process was to review the feedback that we
received from the community, make amendments accordingly, and forward
the code to the board for consideration. Unfortunately, no one in the
group expressed any motivation or enthusiasm to push this forward, and
four months passed with no activity.

Neil McGovern and I therefore took it upon ourselves to do this final
phase ourselves, as Executive Director and as chair of the group. We
partly did this to expedite a process that had stalled, and partly
because Ben's behaviour had become so unacceptable (despite multiple
warnings regarding basic behaviour) that it was difficult to get
anything done within the wider working group context.

If you're interested, the changes that were made to the code of
conduct as a result of community feedback can be viewed on the wiki
[1]. More improvements are planned for the future.

I want to stress that Ben had the opportunity to fully participate in
the code of conduct drafting process, right up until the point where
the draft was published. We spent 14 months debating and drafting the
code, line by line. Large parts of the current draft were directly
influenced by Ben's contributions, and we've expended a great deal of
energy trying to accommodate his views.

I think it's appropriate that the next step in the decision-making
process be made by the elected Board of Directors. I think it's also
important to respect the time and effort put into this process by the
code of conduct working group.



On Sun, Apr 15, 2018 at 3:40 PM, Benjamin Berg
> Dear Board,
> Codes of Conduct (CoC) and especially the policies surrounding them are
> a very political issue (which easily becomes emotional). Unfortunately,
> in my view, the CoC Working Group (WG) was unable to set these politics
> aside enough to create a proposal that finds a balance in the wide
> spectrum of different viewpoints, legal consequences, required
> resources, rights, freedoms and the ability to deal with issues when
> they occur.
> I would have very much preferred if the WG had succeeded in this task.
> Unfortunately, it seems like it was too political and too biased
> (considering the political and regional spectrum that was represented)
> for the whole time. That compounded to inter-personal issues that could
> never be resolved as neither the session chair nor other members (or
> the ED for that matter) were able to create an environment where these
> issues could have been sufficiently addressed and a viable way to work
> together been developed. On top of this, it has recently come to my
> attention that members of the WG who are also on the Foundation Board
> have decided to continue working outside of the scope of the WG,
> thereby silently excluding me from the proceedings.
> At the current point in time, I believe that the proposal below is the
> best way forward. The idea to address it in a WG was good, but it turns
> out it was too political to be an adequate forum. This proposal however
> creates a forum that can legitimately resolve this political issue for
> years to come.
> I would like the board to adopt the proposal for a referendum below and
> I am happy to work on revising it. Failing to do so, I am intending to
> ask for support from foundation members to enforce this to be a
> referendum as per the bylaws.
> Should you have an alternative proposal on how to move forward, I am
> happy to hear about it.
> Regards,
> Benjamin
> -
> DRAFT: Event CoC and Policy Referendum
> Timeline (in weeks before vote):
>  * Announce referendum (13w)
>  * Proposal writing phase (6 weeks overall)
>  * Deadline for initial proposals (7w)
>  * Discussion phase (6 weeks overall)
>  * Last updates to proposals based on feedback (1w)
>  * Vote
> Proposals should generally include a main CoC document and important
> pieces of the policy. If a proposal e.g. requires creating a Committee
> then it may define policy parts that are intended to be created or
> proposed by this body after adoption and are therefore not part of the
> proposal.
> Proposals should include elaborations and take into consideration the
> impact that policies have on affected parties (e.g. GUADEC or hackfest
> organisers, the Foundation Board).
> Proposals should be endorsed by 3 foundation members to be considered,
> however a foundation member may endorse multiple proposals.
> Proposals shou

Minutes of the Foundation Board, 10th April

2018-04-11 Thread Allan Day
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tuesday, April 10th 2018, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tuesday, April 17th 2018, 18:00 UTC

== Attending ==

 * NuritziSanchez
 * DidierRoche
 * CosimoCecchi
 * MegFord
 * AllanDay
 * RosannaYuen
 * NeilMcGovern

== Regrets ==

 * AlexandreFranke
 * CarlosSoriano

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * Events code of conduct (Allan)
 * Hackfests approval and openness (Nuritzi)
 * Travel committee sync up feedback (Didier)
 * Conference policy questions (Nuritzi)
 * Private engagement list (Nuritzi)
 * Role of the Executive Director and Director of Operations with
regards to the Board (Allan)
 * Review open issues - (standing agenda item)


 * Engagement budget increase (Nuritzi)

== Minutes ==

 * Events code of conduct (Allan)
  * The board wanted to have the new events code of conduct in place
before publishing the call for bids for GUADEC 2019.
  * The code of conduct has been presented to the board for approval.
It requires a committee to be created to maintain and enforce the
  * Didier - OK with the code.
  * Nuritzi - what will the process be for making changes to the code
of conduct? Will the committee be able to do that independently? Neil
- that will depend on how the board defines the committee's charter.
  * Cosimo - the code of conduct looks good. Likes the draft charter,
where changes to the code have to be approved by the board.
   * Will it be the committee's responsibility to ensure that each
event has a code of conduct team?
  * Allan - who will have final responsibility for serious decisions
(for example, ejecting someone from the project, dealing with an event
whose organisers don't commit to the code of conduct).
   * Neil and Meg - events would be required to subscribe to the code
of conduct from the start.
   * Nuritzi - the committee ought to be able to remove someone from an event.
   * Neil - the board could be the last resort for appeals. However,
this role would be undermined if the board is involved in making the
original decision.
   * Cosimo - the committee needs to be able to act quickly as events
are occurring, without needing to consult the board. The board still
needs to be able to have oversight.
   * Allan - oversight is tricky because of privacy and data sharing.
The proposed code of conduct specifies that data about incidents won't
be shared beyond the committee, unless absolutely necessary. Wants the
board to back and validate the commitee rather than question its
   * ACTIONS: Nuritzi and Allan to finalise the committee charter
   * ACTIONS: come with a list of potential members
( - confidential).

 * Hackfests approval and openness (Nuritzi)
  * This agenda item is a continuation of
   * There's a question about whether the guidelines should state that
hackfests should be open to some degree.
   * There's also a question about how events get validated, since the
travel committee just reviews individual requests rather than whole
  * Neil - events needn't be voted on by the board - it could be an
individual ack (by a staff member or board member) based on
  * Didier/Meg/Nuritzi - a lot of board oversight doesn't seem
necessary. It's extra work, and we would likely be addressing an issue
that doesn't exist. We have to trust hackfest organisers.
  * Nuritzi - board approval would be another step in the process that
could delay the process travel sponsorship.
  * Allan - hackfest organizers are often looking for reassurance that
their event will be supported, which is understandable. It would also
be good to support more borderline events, like joint hackfests.
  * Neil - it should be the "foundation" that approves rather than the
board - in order to avoid voting and allow non-board members to
  * Allan - perhaps contacting the foundation could be an option
that's available to hackfest organisers, if they are uncertain.
However, it's unclear what we would be checking for without
guidelines. Also, since the board doesn't approve travel sponsorship,
our OK wouldn't mean a huge amount. Would prefer that the travel
committee handles this.
  * Cosimo - doesn't want the board to have to approve events.
However, there could be closed events which would go against our
requirements, in which case the foundation would be required to grant
an exception.
  * Neil - suggests that we take some more time to consider this issue.
  * Cosimo - if we make a point of requiring openness, we need to make
sure that hackfests are announced - otherwise it won't mean much.
However, someone will need to do the checking.
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to come up with a proposal for the board to vote on.

 * Travel comm

Re: Minutes of the Foundation Board, 3rd April

2018-04-04 Thread Allan Day
Hey Alexandre,

Alexandre Franke  wrote:
> We should either ask them to use “team” or make them a committee.

I think my preference would be to come up with standard guidelines for
any group wanting to run a bidding process, as we are already doing
[1], rather than making this specifically about GNOME.Asia.

foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Foundation Board, 3rd April

2018-04-04 Thread Allan Day
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tuesday, April 3rd 2018, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tuesday, April 10th 2018, 18:00 UTC

== Attending ==

 * Didier Roche
 * Allan Day
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Meg Ford
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Neil McGovern
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

 * Alexandre Franke

== Agenda ==

Any GitLab issues that require discussion or that have had significant
updates should be put on the agenda.

 * GNOME Asia 2018 update, proposal & budget approval (Nuritzi)
 * Bi-annual committee reports (Nuritzi)
 * Employee Handbook & Records Retention Policy (Nuritzi)
  * Make employee handbook public - email from Ekaterina Gerasimova (Carlos)
 * Code of Conduct committee charter (Allan)
 * Marketing Committee charter (Nuritzi)
 * Fractal Hackfest Accommodation (Meg) (urgent)
 * Review open issues - (standing agenda item)


 * Engagement budget increase (Nuritzi)
 * Role of the Executive Director and Director of Operations with
regards to the Board (Allan)

== Minutes ==

 * GNOME Asia 2018 update, proposal & budget approval (Nuritzi)
  * We've received accounts from last year's GNOME.Asia. (They made a
small loss, but that's being covered by a sponsor.)
  * We received a proposal for GNOME.Asia 2018 last week, to be held
in Taiwan, 11-12 August. It will be a joint event with COSCUP, which
means that income and exenditure needs to be split. This might become
a tricky question if we are funding more travel than COSCUP, but is
probably something we can work out.
  * There's some uncertainty over what our expectations are for teams
running their own bidding processes. It isn't clear whether the
GNOME.Asia team know to follow the new conference guidelines.
  * VOTE: Approve the GNOME.Asia 2018 proposal, with the condition
that the local team follow the Foundation's conference guidelines -
  * ACTION: Neil to inform the GNOME.Asia team, and ask for
information about accomodation, travel, and the local team
  * Does the GNOME.Asia team need to be a committee? (They call
themselves a committee, but they're not a committee of the board.)
   * Carlos - no, because the Foundation isn't devolving any powers to them.
   * Allan - a committee might be a way to formalise the relationship
without giving extra powers.
   * Didier/Cosimo - but then does every group need to be a committee?
Where does it stop?
   * Nuritzi - the power we're giving them is to run the bidding process.
   * Rosanna - it could be damaging to say that they can't call
themselves a committee. Neil - they can call themselves a committee if
they want - they're not calling themselves a committee of the board.

 * Bi-annual committee reports (Nuritzi)
  * Board elections are coming up so it would be good to catch up on this.
  * Didier's on the case with travel.
  * Carlos will take over as sponsorship liason, from Cosimo.

 * Employee Handbook & Records Retention Policy (Nuritzi)
  * The employee handbook was created about 9 years ago, for insurance
purposes. However, the handbook was never formally approved. The
handbook is required for tax returns so it would be good to have it
  * We had an email from Ekaterina Gerasimova asking if the handbook
could be made public.
  * Neil - a lot of it needs to be reviewed and updated. If we make it
public, this would be a good time to do it. However, it is standard
practice is to keep employee handbooks private.
  * ACTION: Neil can do this. If he can't, we could think about hiring
a lawyer to do it. Neil to follow up with Kat. (Tracked at

 * Code of Conduct committee charter (Allan)
  * This is being actively worked on.

 * Marketing Committee charter (Nuritzi)
  * This is being worked on and Nuritzi has a draft proposal which
needs discussion.

 * Fractal Hackfest Accommodation (Meg) (urgent)
  * This is a follow-up to the issue from last week (tracked at The hackfest
organisers want to receive accommodation sponsorship funds in advance
of the event, but the travel committee doesn't do pre-payment.
  * Meg sent a mail to the Travel Committee and to the hackfest
organizers. No one has submitted a travel sponsorship application yet.
  * Meg has proposed that:
   * Attendees apply for travel sponsorship.
   * The travel committee provides

Re: Minutes of the Foundation Board, 27th March

2018-03-29 Thread Allan Day
Carlos Soriano  wrote:
>> >  * Employee Handbook & Records Retention Policy (Nuritzi)
>> > *
>> >
>> Hi board, is there any reason for the employee handbook to be private?
>> It shouldn't contain any sensitive information and can potentially be
>> useful as a basis for other foundations/not-for-profits if it's freely
>> licensed.

For the record, the handbook has been in that private location since
it was created back in 2009. But yes, I agree that it should be public
if possible.

foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Foundation Board, 27th March

2018-03-28 Thread Allan Day
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tuesday, March 27th 2018, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tuesday, April 3rd 2018, 18:00 UTC

== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Meg Ford
 * Didier Roche
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Allan Day
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Neil McGovern

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * Fractal Hackfest (Neil)
 * LibrePlanet update (Neil)
 * GNOME.Asia status update (Nuritzi)

Postponed until next week:

 * Employee Handbook & Records Retention Policy (Nuritzi)
 * Bi-annual committee reports (Nuritzi)
 * Reviving Free Software Macedonia (Allan)
 * Code of Conduct committee charter (Allan)
 * Role of the Executive Director and Director of Operations with
regards to the Board (Allan)

== Minutes ==

 * Fractal Hackfest (Neil)
  * Alexandre, who is one of the organisers, has emailed the board
about this. The organisers want to pay in advance for shared
accommodation, which the travel committee has said should be referred
to the board.
  * Cosimo - would like some guidance from the TC regarding whether
individuals quality for travel.
  * Meg - would like guidance from the TC on the amount of funding
that's acceptable for each individual.
  * The hackfest would like a sponsored social event. This falls under
the small events budget, so should be directed to the Engagement Team.
  * ACTION: Meg to email the TC to ask for the information we'd like,
so the board can make a decision.
  * ACTION: Meg to reply to Alexandre's original email, in order to
keep the organisers in the loop.
  * Alexandre: would like timlier responses to emails like this (it
was sent 5 days ago).

 * LibrePlanet update (Neil)
  * Neil went to LibrePlanet last week.
  * Karen Sandler won the big individual contributor award
  * Participated in a "SpinachCon" user testing session on GNOME,
which produced some interesting results. Neil will be feeding these

 * GNOME.Asia status update (Nuritzi)
  * The first meeting for GNOME.Asia 2018 happened today. There's a
call for hosts. Max is making plans to hold it in Taiwan in August.
  * They're planning to ask us for $2k, plus travel, but they need to
move quickly. This amount is very low.
  * Neil - the board shouldn't approve anythnig until we get the
accounts from last year. He's been asking for these for months.
Nuritzi - but each event does have different local organizers.
  * Allan - they should follow the standard conference policy in order
to receive funding (
  * Question around the GNOME.Asia call for bids - should the
GNOME.Asia coordinators be able to run the bidding process themselves?
   * Alexandre would like them to make an effort to participate in the
wider GNOME community, and to include the GNOME community in the
bidding process. For example, advertising the bidding process on the
standard mailing lists, encouraging the community to comment on bids.
   * Allan - doesn't have a problem with events holding their own
bidding processes. Board approval isn't final (so doesn't nullify the
result of a bidding process) - a local team can improve their proposal
and present it again.
   * Neil - doesn't mind who runs the bidding process, but it should
be conducted in the open.
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to inform the local team of the board's
requirements, and to ask that the bidding process be more open in the
foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Foundation Board, 20th March

2018-03-21 Thread Allan Day
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tuesday, March 20th 2018, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tuesday, March 27th 2018, 18:00 UTC

== Attending ==

 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Meg Ford
 * Neil McGovern
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

 * Allan Day
 * Didier Roche

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * European Travel Box (Nuritzi)
 * Review open issues - (standing agenda item)

Postponed to next week
 * Role of the Executive Director and Director of Operations with
regards to the Board (Allan)

== Minutes ==

 * European Travel Box (Nuritzi)
  * There are a number of outdated pieces of hardware in the old
European events box that's in Kat's possession
   * Kat would like guidance from the Board on how to dispose of the
box contents
   * Consensus is she can do whatever she wishes with the contents
* We'd be happy to help financially if she needs funds to e.g.
call a recycling company
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to respond to Kat
  * A community member offered a Lenovo Yoga laptop in Europe
   * We would like to accept the offer and use it for the US event box
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to follow up with the community member and accept
the donation
  * A community member offered a laptop in the US in the #engagement IRC channel
   * ACTION: Alexandre to get Nuritzi in touch with the person who made offer
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to follow up about this offer for the US box

 * Hardware asset tracking
  * ACTION: Nuritzi and Neil will discuss how to better track hardware
in the future

 * Issue tracking
  * ACTION: Alexandre to come up with a proposal for labels and
workflow with gitlab issues

 * Review open issues -
foundation-list mailing list

Foundation issue tracking

2018-03-21 Thread Allan Day
Hi everyone,

For some time the board has tracked ongoing issues as a big, ever-evolving
section in the minutes. This has some advantages [1], but it's fairly
labour intensive for the secretary and isn't the most sophisticated issue
tracking system! This is why the board has decided to try using GitLab to
track ongoing issues [2] instead.

Most issues will be public, but a proportion will be private for
confidentiality and legal reasons.

The main difference you will notice as a result of this change is that
minutes will be much shorter and will only cover what was said in each
meeting. The board will endeavour to ensure that the minutes reflect what's
happened each week, by including updates for significant developments as a
part of each meeting.

This is an experiment, so do let us know what you think as time goes on.

Best wishes,

Vice-President & Secretary, GNOME Foundation Board of Directors

[1] For example, we're exposed to it every meeting, and the ongoing items
list is regularly recorded and emailed out.
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Minutes of the Foundation Board, 13th March

2018-03-14 Thread Allan Day
Hey Germán, thanks for your comments.

Germán Poo-Caamaño  wrote:
>>  * Tile server options for Maps (Allan)
>>   * VOTE: approve $300 a month to pay Mapbox - passed unanimously
>>   * ACTION: Meg to inform Mapbox and the Maps team, cc'ing Rosanna
>> and Neil
>>* We might want to revisit this when we set future budgets
> From outside, and setting aside the quality of the product, it is hard
> to asses whether this is a good decision or not.
> To do so, we would need to know what the recurrent income and expenses
> are. It could be monthly or yearly. If we receive more than we spend,
> then it might be a doable decision. Otherwise, we need think a better
> long term solution.

The cost will be capped at $300, which falls within the budget for the
current financial year. Ongoing expenses will be factored into our
routine financial planning, when we set the budget for each financial

>>  * Moderation of public mailing lists (Carlos)
>>   * Allan - moderators will have to play a role in policing once we
>> have a code of conduct - they are the ones who have the power to ban
>> people. A code of conduct will require some procedures and agreements
>> for how and when people get banned.
> By doing so, you will either need to recruit moderators or establish a
> mechanism that an unsubscribed moderator get the message or complain.
> What are you going to do if a core developer or a maintainer or the
> list moderator is the one misbehaving? (other than talk to them)
> In practical terms, Code of conducts are guidelines, it shows what a
> community aims; but Code of conducts are hard to enforce.

You're absolutely right that procedures and guidelines will be
required to deal with incident reports and to enforce a code of
conduct. In that sense, a code of conduct isn't just a document that
describes encouraged and prohibited behaviour, but is a framework for
dealing with behavioural problems. You're right that it's a challenge,
and there are a lot of details that will need to be worked out. One of
those details is what role list moderators will have with regards to a
code of conduct.


foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Foundation Board, 13th March

2018-03-14 Thread Allan Day
   * Allan is still working on this, but with low priority

 * Dropping dates in copyright claims on our websites
  * 2016-12-06
   * ACTION: Alexandre to send an email to foundation-list with a
proposal for discussion
  * 2016-12-20
   * Next step seems to be to reach out to Creative Commons to get
advice on what exactly can and should be done
  * 2017-01-24
   * Alexandre reached out to Creative commons
  * 2017-02-28
   * Alexandre will try alternative channels
  * 2017-05-02
   * We got a reply, Alexandre to follow up
  * 2017-05-30
   * Two options
* Have terms of use on the website that state that linking to a
page is sufficient attribution
* Require contributors to assign their attribution to the GNOME Foundation

== Completed items ==

 * Secretary position (Allan)
  * Alexandre resigned as secretary a little while ago
  * Allan has been filling in and has nominated himself as a
replacement. He is also vice-president, and it's difficult to take
minutes and chair at the same time. However, we can work out someone
to take minutes if Allan is chairing.
  * VOTE: appoint Allan Day as Secretary of the Board - passed unanimously
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to announce the decision. Allan to update the wiki.
   * 2018-03-13: Nuritzi and Allan have done this - complete

 * GNOME Maps and Amisha's email
  * The Mapbox service is going to run out at the end of the year
  * Meg spoke to some of the Maps developers about this the last time
it was an issue. Available options back then:
   1. Get another coupon for free access
   2. Pay, but with a discounted rate
   3. Run our own tile server
  * We probably need a short-term solution before the coupon runs out,
and we don't have long
  * We think that the current coupon was organised directly between
the Maps developers and Mapbox - the Foundation Board probably wasn't
  * Neil backs a short-term solution by renewing the coupon; then need
to calculate how much capacity we're using and what it would cost
  * ACTION: Meg to speak to the Maps developers about renewing the
coupon and calculating the long-term cost
  * 2017-12-19
   * We got a cost estimate and they are willing to give us a
discount, we need to tell them how much we’d be able to pay
   * They are willing to extend the free coupon temporarily
   * We need to explore options
* Client-side rendering + our own vector server should be the preferred one
   * ACTION: Meg to discuss with the Maps team
  * 2018-01-23
   * Meg had a meeting with their team last week, and proposed work on
client-side rendering
* That would not actually help the problem of many downloads
* What may help is working on client-side caching to reduce the
number of requests instead
* Another option could be to also write and maintain our own caching server
* Ideally we'd love to formulate a longer-term plan with the team
   * ACTION: Meg to ask the Maps team about what kind of resources
we'd need to build a caching server on GNOME's side, and if client
side caching with pre-made data packs could work as well.
   * ACTION: Neil to ask Mapbox if they can put a cap on the number of
requests on their side
   * ACTION: Neil to ask advisory board members if there's anything
that they can help with (money or developers) (this happened at the
FOSDEM meeting)
   * 2018-01-30: They can cap the requests and voucher the rest if we need.
  * 2018-03-06:
   * The board has approved expenditure to pay Mapbox to use their
tile server. However, some other options have emerged:
1. Neil has talked to openstreetmap about us using their tile
server, which they'd be fine with
2. There are some other cheaper options, but we wouldn't get the
same quality of satellite images
   * Marcus, one of the Maps developers, has done some preparatory
work to enable one of these other options to be used
   * ACTION: board to discuss these options and decide what we want to do
  * 2018-03-13:
   * The board discussed the options and voted to use Mapbox - complete
foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Foundation Board, 6th March

2018-03-07 Thread Allan Day
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, March 6th 2018, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, March 13th 2018, 18:00 UTC

== Attending ==

 * AlexandreFranke
 * AllanDay
 * MegFord
 * DidierRoche
 * NuritziSanchez
 * NeilMcGovern
 * RosannaYuen

== Regrets ==

 * Carlos Soriano
 * CosimoCecchi

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * Laptop for European events box (Nuritzi)
 * GUADEC 2019 call for bids (Allan)
 * Follow up to call with Andrea on 2018-02-13 (Allan)


 * Moderation of public mailing lists (Carlos)
 * Role of the Executive Director and Director of Operations with
regards to the Board

== Minutes ==

 * Laptop for European events box (Nuritzi)
  * We've had a message from Kat that we have some time if we want to
try and get a laptop donated for the events box, rather than having to
buy one
  * Neil isn't sure who might provide one, but will bring it up at the
next sponsors call
  * ACTION: Neil to ask the sponsorship committee to see if they can help

 * GUADEC 2019 call for bids (Allan)
  * We need to do this
  * Ideally we'd have the code of conduct agreed prior to the call
  * ACTION: Neil and Allan to finalise the events CoC draft very soon,
so the board can review it
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to try and raise awareness of GUADEC 2019 as part
of the Engagement Team's social media plan

 * Follow up to call with Andrea on 2018-02-13 (Allan)
  * Do we need to put AWS caps in place? Neil - no immediate need to do this.

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last
30 days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this
and subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Report from Adboard meeting at FOSDEM
  * Attending Foundation representatives were Neil McGovern, Carlos
Soriano, Didier Roche and Alexandre Franke
  * Attending adboard members were Canonical, SUSE, FSF, PIA and TDF
  * Positive atmosphere, constructive discussions about shared issues
  * ACTION: Neil to send a summary to adboard list
   * 2018-03-06: complete
  * ACTION: Neil to extract action items and conversation starters for
the adboard list

 * GNOME Maps and Amisha's email
  * The Mapbox service is going to run out at the end of the year
  * Meg spoke to some of the Maps developers about this the last time
it was an issue. Available options back then:
   1. Get another coupon for free access
   2. Pay, but with a discounted rate
   3. Run our own tile server
  * We probably need a short-term solution before the coupon runs out,
and we don't have long
  * We think that the current coupon was organised directly between
the Maps developers and Mapbox - the Foundation Board probably wasn't
  * Neil backs a short-term solution by renewing the coupon; then need
to calculate how much capacity we're using and what it would cost
  * ACTION: Meg to speak to the Maps developers about renewing the
coupon and calculating the long-term cost
  * 2017-12-19
   * We got a cost estimate and they are willing to give us a
discount, we need to tell them how much we’d be able to pay
   * They are willing to extend the free coupon temporarily
   * We need to explore options
* Client-side rendering + our own vector server should be the preferred one
   * ACTION: Meg to discuss with the Maps team
  * 2018-01-23
   * Meg had a meeting with their team last week, and proposed work on
client-side rendering
* That would not actually help the problem of many downloads
* What may help is working on client-side caching to reduce the
number of requests instead
* Another option could be to also write and maintain our own caching server
* Ideally we'd love to formulate a longer-term plan with the team
   * ACTION: Meg to ask the Maps team about what kind of resources
we'd need to build a caching server on GNOME's side, and if client
side caching with pre-made data packs could work as well.
   * ACTION: Neil to ask Mapbox if they can put a cap on the number of
requests on their side
   * ACTION: Neil to ask advisory board members if there's anything
that they can help with (money or developers) (this happened at the
FOSDEM meeting)
   * 2018-01-30: They can cap the requests and voucher the rest if we need.
  * 2018-03-06:
   * The board has approved expenditure to pay Mapbox to use their
tile server. However, some other options have emerged:
1. Neil has talked to openstreetmap about us using their tile
server, which they'd be fine with
2. There are some other cheaper options, but we wouldn't get the
same quality of satelite images
   * Marcus, one of the Maps developers, has done some preparatory
work to enable one of these other options to be used
   * ACTION: board to discuss these options and decide what we want to do

 * Events code of conduct arrangements
  * Draft in progress
  * Once ready, we can start a community consultation phase
  * Current draft mentions a committee that would help resolving incidents
   * Is the board ok with forming a committee for that purpose?
   * No obj

Minutes of the Foundation Board, 27th February

2018-03-01 Thread Allan Day
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, February 27th 2018, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, March 6th 2018, 18:00 UTC

== Attending ==

 * MegFord
 * CarlosSoriano
 * AllanDay
 * NuriziSanchez
 * NeilMcGovern
 * RozannaYuen

== Regrets ==

 * DidierRoche
 * CosimoCecchi
 * AlexandreFranke

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * US events box (Allan)
 * Raising privacy internship stipend (Allan)
 * Laptop for European events box (Nuritzi)
 * GUADEC 2019 call for bids (Allan)
 * Follow up to call with Andrea on 2018-02-13 (Allan)


 * Role of the Executive Director and Director of Operations with
regards to the Board
 * Moderation of public mailing lists (Carlos)

== Minutes ==

 * US events box (Allan)
  * We're yet to vote on Nuritzi's request for extra marketing budget
to create a US events box.
  * Allan - question about number of boxes. The request mentioned two
boxes - maybe that's too many to begin with? Nuritzi - it will
actually just be one physical box, with some materials potentially
being sent out as smaller "packs".
  * Meg - proposal looks OK, although the $500 figure is a lot.
  * Neil - the recent budget variance report shows that there's some
additional funds available. Need to look at other additional
expenditure before deciding about the events box.

 * Raising privacy internship stipend (Allan)
  * Carlos has sent a new proposal from Carlos for stipend amounts.
This raises the stipend from $6,500 to $8,000 per intern, plus the
standard $500 for travel and $500 for administration. Has also
increased the candidate requirements. The goal is to try and attract
more experienced candidates and differentiate a bit from
Outreachy/GSoC. However, it means that we can only afford two interns
rather than three, from the $20,000 available.
  * Questions about the travel allowance - what if travel cost is more
than $500? Are interns aware of the $500 (not explicitly)? Are they
encouraged to attend a conference (yes)?
  * Questions about the administration fee. The admin fee reflects the
extra time and work for our staff.
  * VOTE: allocate $18,000 from restricted funds for two privacy
internships - passed unanimously

 * US events box
  * Returning to this subject having reviewed other possible expenses.
  * There is still sufficient budget surplus to pay for the events
box. However, Alexandre has some unanswered questions on the mailing
list - postpone the vote until these have been answered

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last
30 days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this
and subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Report from Adboard meeting at FOSDEM
  * Attending Foundation representatives were Neil McGovern, Carlos
Soriano, Didier Roche and Alexandre Franke
  * Attending adboard members were Canonical, SUSE, FSF, PIA and TDF
  * Positive atmosphere, constructive discussions about shared issues
  * ACTION: Neil to send a summary to adboard list
  * ACTION: Neil to extract action items and conversation starters for
the adboard list

 * GNOME Maps and Amisha's email
  * The Mapbox service is going to run out at the end of the year
  * Meg spoke to some of the Maps developers about this the last time
it was an issue. Available options back then:
   1. Get another coupon for free access
   2. Pay, but with a discounted rate
   3. Run our own tile server
  * We probably need a short-term solution before the coupon runs out,
and we don't have long
  * We think that the current coupon was organised directly between
the Maps developers and Mapbox - the Foundation Board probably wasn't
  * Neil backs a short-term solution by renewing the coupon; then need
to calculate how much capacity we're using and what it would cost
  * ACTION: Meg to speak to the Maps developers about renewing the
coupon and calculating the long-term cost
  * 2017-12-19
   * We got a cost estimate and they are willing to give us a
discount, we need to tell them how much we’d be able to pay
   * They are willing to extend the free coupon temporarily
   * We need to explore options
* Client-side rendering + our own vector server should be the preferred one
   * ACTION: Meg to discuss with the Maps team
  * 2018-01-23
   * Meg had a meeting with their team last week, and proposed work on
client-side rendering
* That would not actually help the problem of many downloads
* What may help is working on client-side caching to reduce the
number of requests instead
* Another option could be to also write and maintain our own caching server
* Ideally we'd love to formulate a longer-term plan with the team
   * ACTION: Meg to ask the Maps team about what kind of resources
we'd need to build a caching server on GNOME's side, and if client
side caching with pre-made data packs could work as well.
   * ACTION: Neil to ask Mapbox if they can put a cap on the number of
requests on their side
   * ACTION: Neil to ask advisory board members if there's anyt

Minutes of the Foundation Board, 13th February

2018-03-01 Thread Allan Day
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, February 13th 2018, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, February 20th 2018, 18:00 UTC

== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Allan Day
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Didier Roche
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Neil McGovern

== Regrets ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Meg Ford

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * URGENT - Marketing budget increase request
 * URGENT - GNOME infrastructure requirements - discussion with Andrea Veri
 * GNOME Maps costs (Neil)
 * Moderation of public mailing lists (Carlos)
 * Role of the Executive Director and Director of Operations with regards
to the Board
 * Review ongoing items

== Minutes ==

 * URGENT - Marketing budget increase request
  * Nuritzi has requested marketing funds to cover the cost of restocking
the US and European events boxes, and to compensate for the cost of buying
merchandise (socks) for FOSDEM
  * Carlos - concerned about the extra costs and would like time to review.
  * Alexandre - we are short of time - the US box needs to be ready for
Scale in March. The Europe box also has a limited time frame.
  * Alexandre - it is an increase, but it is also an investment for several
  * Neil - based on the latest accounts, we're OK to increase spending for
some extra boxes and marketing. He thinks that new boxes are a good idea.
  * Neil - it doesn't particularly matter which line the boxes come under.
The board can vote to approve the expenditure and work out the accounting
  * Didier - what happened to the US events box? Some background provided
here. It's concluded that it isn't worth trying to resurrect the US events
  * Rosanna - there hasn't been much interest in the US events box in
recent years - people mostly want swag rather than a box.
  * What's going to go into the US box? What demand is there? Alexandre -
the US box seems open to debate.  It's decided to postpone voting for the
US events box until next week, when we have more details.
  * VOTE: approve $3,300 to restock the European events box
   * +1, Alexandre, Carlos, Didier, Allan, Nuritzi - passed unanimously
 * VOTE: approve $1,314 for the socks for FOSDEM
  * +1 Alexandre, Didier, Carlos, Allan, Nuritzi - passed unanimously

 * URGENT - GNOME infrastructure requirements - discussion with Andrea Veri
  * The board is interested in server/infrastructure requirements for the
future, both in general and also with regards to Gitlab and CI
  * We've received AWS credits and Javier is setting up Gitlab builders
which will be spawned on AWS.
  * Our credit card has been added to the account with Amazon. We could get
charged if we go over the limit. Caps and alerts are an option. Neil
currently has access to this account.
  * General status of GNOME's infrastructure:
   * Migrating to only use Cent OS / RHEL. This reduces complexity.
   * We have retired one physical box and are in the process of retiring
another - these machines had reached their end of life. The other hosts
will reach their end of life in 2021. Red Hat is sponsoring some warranty
renewals and RHEL subscriptions.
   * We will be receiving new hardware sponsored by Red Hat later this
year. All our needs should be covered both in the short and longer term.
   * Gitlab migration has been a focus recently.
   * Phoenix data center summary: 2 boxes sponsored by Red Hat, 2 sponsored
by GNOME, 2 incoming sponsored by Red Hat.
  * Question about Maps and Mapbox - would it be feasible to run our own
tile server? This requires a lot of RAM and CPUs. One of the new boxes
could potentially be used for that. Is bandwidth an issue? No - it will be
fine. What about sysadmin resources for this? FreeIPA provides more
granular permissions, so someone could potentially step in to just manage
that service. If no one volunteers maybe Andrea could do it.
  * Question about the sysadmin apprenticeship program - had some initial
success but then dried up. New volunteers wanted root access. No new
members at the moment.

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Raising internship stipends to $7000
  * Previous agreement was on $6500
  * Google Summer of code can go up to $6600
  * Current total budget from the privacy campaign is $2
  * Outreachy does $5500 + $500 travel stipend, although they don’t have a
travel committee
   * also $500 administrative fee, so total cost $6500
  * We are targetting a fall internship
  * ACTION: Carlos to take everything into account and come up with a new

 * Membership committee call update
  * Notes from the call at
  * Emeritus member's list is available at
  * VOTE: approve Emeritus status a

Minutes of the Foundation Board, 23rd February

2018-02-26 Thread Allan Day
Hi everyone,

The board wasn't able to make quorum for our regular meeting last
week, so we had a short special meeting at another time, in order to
cover a couple of time-sensitive issues.



= Foundation Board Minutes for Special Meeting, 23 February 2018 =

== Attending ==

 * AlexandreFranke
 * CarlosSoriano
 * AllanDay
 * MegFord
 * NeilMcGovern

== Regrets ==

 * NuritziSanchez

== Missing ==

 * CosimoCecchi
 * DidierRoche
 * RosannaYuen

== Agenda ==

 * (URGENT) Marina outreachy email (Carlos)
 * US events box (Allan)

== Minutes ==

 * (URGENT) Marina outreachy email (Carlos)
  * Request from Marina for GNOME to commit to the spring-autumn 2018
round of Outreachy. Is looking for a commitment for one internship,
costing $6,500. If sponsorship is found for GNOME we won't have to
pay; otherwise we will.
  * The $6,500 is in the budget already.
  * VOTE: Authorize $6,500 for Outreachy in May 2018. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY

 * US events box (Allan)
  * Alexandre and Carlos would like more time to think about it.
Alexandre is unsure about some items in the budget. Carlos would like
to look at the foundation's budget. Question about how urgent it is to
replace the box.
  * Meg - there used to be an events box in North America and not
having one has restricted activities.
  * Emily has recently volunteered to have the old box returned. Neil
can talk to her again. However, it's worth noting that the budget is
more about the content rather than the box itself.
  * Scale is March 8-11 - we're pushing it to be ready for then, but
it would be great to have a proper setup - it's the biggest North
American FOSS event.
  * Waiting until Tuesday won't make a huge difference - let's wait
until then, so that Nuritzi can join the call.
foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Foundation Board, 6th February

2018-02-15 Thread Allan Day
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, February 6th 2018, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, February 13th 2018, 18:00 UTC

== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Allan Day
 * Didier Roche
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Neil McGovern
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

 * Meg Ford
 * Cosimo Cecchi

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * Raising internship stipends to 7000$
 * Membership committee call update
 * Report from Adboard meeting at FOSDEM
 * Kat's request for funds for Travel Box
 * Review ongoing items

== Minutes ==

 * Raising internship stipends to $7000
  * Previous agreement was on $6500
  * Google Summer of code can go up to $6600
  * Current total budget from the privacy campaign is $2
  * Outreachy does $5500 + $500 travel stipend, although they don’t
have a travel committee
   * also $500 administrative fee, so total cost $6500
  * We are targetting a fall internship
  * ACTION: Carlos to take everything into account and come up with a
new proposal

 * Membership committee call update
  * Notes from the call at
  * Emeritus member's list is available at
  * VOTE: approve Emeritus status as a class of Foundation member with
no voting rights under section 6.2 of the constitution
   * +1 unanimous.
  * ACTION: Carlos to notify committee of approval and ask them to
update the wiki
  * Calls with other committees still to be arranged - travel, sponsorship

 * Report from Adboard meeting at FOSDEM
  * Attending Foundation representatives were Neil McGovern, Carlos
Soriano, Didier Roche and Alexandre Franke
  * Attending adboard members were Canonical, SUSE, FSF, PIA and TDF
  * Positive atmosphere, constructive discussions about shared issues
  * ACTION: Neil to send a summary to adboard list
  * ACTION: Neil to extract action items and conversation starters for
the adboard list

 * Kat's request for funds for Travel Box
  * Shipping falls into marketing budget, the request should be
redirected to the marketing budget holder
  * Hardware request is above the threshold for the budget holder,
should go through them and be pushed to the ED
  * ACTION: Alexandre to get back to Kat and indicate the process

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last
30 days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this
and subsequent minutes sections'''

 * LAS update and budget request
  * A bid for Denver has been put together
  * They want to book the venue as soon as possible
  * We didn’t get any information before the meeting and we would like
some time to get through it
  * Vote will happen on the list.
  * 2018-01-09 Sri joins the call
(with slides)
  * 2018-01-23
   * ACTION: Carlos to email the LAS team with a summary of the
board's thoughts on the latest proposal, and to ask the team to send
us a fresh proposal to decide on

 * GNOME Maps and Amisha's email
  * The Mapbox service is going to run out at the end of the year
  * Meg spoke to some of the Maps developers about this the last time
it was an issue. Available options back then:
   1. Get another coupon for free access
   2. Pay, but with a discounted rate
   3. Run our own tile server
  * We probably need a short-term solution before the coupon runs out,
and we don't have long
  * We think that the current coupon was organised directly between
the Maps developers and Mapbox - the Foundation Board probably wasn't
  * Neil backs a short-term solution by renewing the coupon; then need
to calculate how much capacity we're using and what it would cost
  * ACTION: Meg to speak to the Maps developers about renewing the
coupon and calculating the long-term cost
  * 2017-12-19
   * We got a cost estimate and they are willing to give us a
discount, we need to tell them how much we’d be able to pay
   * They are willing to extend the free coupon temporarily
   * We need to explore options
* Client-side rendering + our own vector server should be the preferred one
   * ACTION: Meg to discuss with the Maps team
  * 2018-01-23
   * Meg had a meeting with their team last week, and proposed work on
client-side rendering
* That would not actually help the problem of many downloads
* What may help is working on client-side caching to reduce the
number of requests instead
* Another option could be to also write and maintain our own caching server
* Ideally we'd love to formulate a longer-term plan with the team
   * ACTION: Meg to ask the Maps team about what kind of resources
we'd need to build a caching server on GNOME's side, and if client
side caching with pre-made data packs could work as well.
   * ACTION: Neil to ask Mapbox if they can put a cap on the numbe

Minutes of the Foundation Board, 30th January

2018-02-15 Thread Allan Day
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, January 30th 2018, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, February 6th 2018, 18:00 UTC

== Attending ==

 * Allan Day
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Didier Roche
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Neil McGovern

== Regrets ==

 * Meg Ford

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * Welcome to Didier
 * Conference spending policy updates (see ongoing agenda item and
mailing list proposal) (Allan)
 * Review ongoing items

== Postponed ==

 * Membership committee call update
 * Role of the Executive Director and Director of Operations with
regards to the Board
 * Report from Adboard meeting at FOSDEM (Neil)

== Minutes ==

 * Welcome to Didier
  * Nuritzi has a draft announcement
  * Allan will help her get it out tomorrow

 * Conference spending policy updates (see ongoing agenda item and
mailing list proposal)
  * Allan proposed updates on the list
  * VOTE: accept the proposed changes
* Unanimous +1, vote PASSED.
  * ACTION: Allan to update the wiki page and announce to foundation-list

 * Adboard meeting
  * All booked
  * Slides are coming together

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last
30 days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this
and subsequent minutes sections'''

 * LAS update and budget request
  * A bid for Denver has been put together
  * They want to book the venue as soon as possible
  * We didn’t get any information before the meeting and we would like
some time to get through it
  * Vote will happen on the list.
  * 2018-01-09 Sri joins the call
(with slides)
  * 2018-01-23
   * ACTION: Carlos to email the LAS team with a summary of the
board's thoughts on the latest proposal, and to ask the team to send
us a fresh proposal to decide on

 * GNOME Maps and Amisha's email
  * The Mapbox service is going to run out at the end of the year
  * Meg spoke to some of the Maps developers about this the last time
it was an issue. Available options back then:
   1. Get another coupon for free access
   2. Pay, but with a discounted rate
   3. Run our own tile server
  * We probably need a short-term solution before the coupon runs out,
and we don't have long
  * We think that the current coupon was organised directly between
the Maps developers and Mapbox - the Foundation Board probably wasn't
  * Neil backs a short-term solution by renewing the coupon; then need
to calculate how much capacity we're using and what it would cost
  * ACTION: Meg to speak to the Maps developers about renewing the
coupon and calculating the long-term cost
  * 2017-12-19
   * We got a cost estimate and they are willing to give us a
discount, we need to tell them how much we’d be able to pay
   * They are willing to extend the free coupon temporarily
   * We need to explore options
* Client-side rendering + our own vector server should be the preferred one
   * ACTION: Meg to discuss with the Maps team
  * 2018-01-23
   * Meg had a meeting with their team last week, and proposed work on
client-side rendering
* That would not actually help the problem of many downloads
* What may help is working on client-side caching to reduce the
number of requests instead
* Another option could be to also write and maintain our own caching server
* Ideally we'd love to formulate a longer-term plan with the team
   * ACTION: Meg to ask the Maps team about what kind of resources
we'd need to build a caching server on GNOME's side, and if client
side caching with pre-made data packs could work as well.
   * ACTION: Neil to ask Mapbox if they can put a cap on the number of
requests on their side
   * ACTION: Neil to ask advisory board members if there's anything
that they can help with (money or developers)
   * 2018-01-30: They can cap the requests and voucher the rest if we need.

 * Events code of conduct arrangements
  * Draft in progress
  * Once ready, we can start a community consultation phase
  * Current draft mentions a committee that would help resolving incidents
   * Is the board ok with forming a committee for that purpose?
   * No objections, the responsabilities and attributions will be
explored further down the line
  * When a local organisation handles the event in Europe for us, we
need a contract with them
   * This contract should cover handling of personal data that they
collect for us
   * See
for the standard contracts
  * The board needs to consider letting the community vote eventually

 * GNOME.Asia committee & Board membership
  * Nuritzi is considering joining the organizing committee, to be the
board liaison
  * Other directors can think about it and eventually join too

 * Follow-up on "Reviving

Minutes of the Foundation Board, 23rd January

2018-02-15 Thread Allan Day
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, January 23th 2018, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, January 30th 2018, 18:00 UTC

== Attending ==

 * Allan Day
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Meg Ford
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Neil McGovern

== Regrets ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Didier Roche

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * Conference spending policy updates (see ongoing agenda item and
mailing list proposal) (Allan)
 * GNOME Maps (Meg)
 * Publishing of minutes (Allan)
 * Ad board prep for FOSDEM (Carlos)
 * FOSDEM/Libreplanet approvals (Neil)
 * LAS conference proposal (Allan)
 * Review ongoing items
 * Membership committee call update (Carlos)

== Minutes ==

 * Conference spending policy updates
  * Postponed until next week

 * GNOME Maps
  * Meg had a meeting with their team last week, and proposed work on
client-side rendering
   * That would not actually help the problem of many downloads
   * What may help is working on client-side caching to reduce the
number of requests instead
   * Another option could be to also write and maintain our own caching server
   * Ideally we'd love to formulate a longer-term plan with the team
  * They want to have some time to adjust their infrastructure to
reduce the number of requests, and would like in the meantime to have
the ability to work with the same current number of requests
  * If Maps is installed by default on more distributions the requests
would go up
   * Considering this, it strikes as a good idea to have a limit of
requests server-side
  * Right now we'd pay a discounted price compared to market
  * Is there a possibility for a targeted fundraiser for this?
   * Possibly, if a fundraiser is appropriate would be a conversation
for the Engagement team if the Board decides to raise money for this
  * ACTION: Meg to ask the Maps team about what kind of resources we'd
need to build a caching server on GNOME's side, and if client side
caching with pre-made data packs could work as well.
  * ACTION: Neil to ask Mapbox if they can put a cap on the number of
requests on their side
  * ACTION: Neil to ask advisory board members if there's anything
that they can help with (money or developers)

 * Publishing of minutes
  * Minutes have not been published since last October
  * Alexandre is not here today, so we may need to discuss this another time
  * ACTION: Cosimo to review the current minutes backlog and publish them

 * Ad board prep for FOSDEM
  * There's going to be a call tomorrow to prepare for the advisory
board meeting at FOSDEM

 * FOSDEM/Libreplanet approvals
  * Approve FOSDEM travel
   * VOTE: approve Neil's travel to FOSDEM
* +1 Carlos, Nuritzi, Cosimo, Allan, Meg. VOTE PASSED
  * Hire the room for FOSDEM advisory board and an USB speakerphone
for people to dial in
   * Neil will pay for these with his own spending powers
  * Approve Libreplanet travel
   * End of March in Cambridge, MA
   * VOTE: approve Neil's travel to Libreplanet
* +1 Nuritzi, Allan, Meg, Cosimo, Carlos. VOTE PASSED

 * LAS conference proposal
  * We need to respond to Sri's proposal
  * ACTION: Carlos to email the LAS team with a summary of the board's
thoughts on the latest proposal, and to ask the team to send us a
fresh proposal to decide on

 * LAS update and budget request
  * A bid for Denver has been put together
  * They want to book the venue as soon as possible
  * We didn’t get any information before the meeting and we would like
some time to get through it
  * Vote will happen on the list.
  * 2018-01-09 Sri joins the call
(with slides)
  * 2018-01-23
   * ACTION: Carlos to email the LAS team with a summary of the
board's thoughts on the latest proposal, and to ask the team to send
us a fresh proposal to decide on

 * GNOME Maps and Amisha's email
  * The Mapbox service is going to run out at the end of the year
  * Meg spoke to some of the Maps developers about this the last time
it was an issue. Available options back then:
   1. Get another coupon for free access
   2. Pay, but with a discounted rate
   3. Run our own tile server
  * We probably need a short-term solution before the coupon runs out,
and we don't have long
  * We think that the current coupon was organised directly between
the Maps developers and Mapbox - the Foundation Board probably wasn't
  * Neil backs a short-term solution by renewing the coupon; then need
to calculate how much capacity we're using and what it would cost
  * ACTION: Meg to speak to the Maps developers about renewing the
coupon and calculating the long-term cost
  * 2017-12-19
   * We got a cost estimate and they are willing to give us a
discount, we need to tell them how much we’d be able to pay
   * They are willing to extend the free coupon temporarily
   * We need to explore options
* Client-side rendering + our own vector server

Re: Minutes of the Foundation Board, January 16th

2018-02-15 Thread Allan Day
Apologies for the incorrect subject line - these minutes are for the 9th of


On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 10:31 AM, Allan Day  wrote:

> = Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, January 9th 2018, 18:00 UTC =
> Next meeting date Tue, January 16th 2018, 18:00 UTC
> == Attending ==
>  * Alexandre Franke
>  * Carlos Soriano
>  * Meg Ford
>  * Allan Day
>  * Nuritzi Sanchez
>  * Rosanna Yuen
>  * Neil McGovern
>  * Sriram Ramkrishna
> == Regrets ==
>  * Cosimo Cecchi
> == Missing ==
> == Agenda ==
>  * LAS update & Sri joins the call
> == Postponed agenda ==
>  * Conference spending policy updates (see ongoing agenda item and mailing 
> list proposal) (Allan)
>  * GNOME Maps (Meg)
>  * Review outgoing items
> == Minutes ==
>  * Sri joined the call to give an update on LAS
> == Ongoing ==
> '''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30 days. 
> Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and subsequent 
> minutes sections'''
>  * LAS update and budget request
>   * A bid for Denver has been put together
>   * They want to book the venue as soon as possible
>   * We didn’t get any information before the meeting and we would like some 
> time to get through it
>   * Vote will happen on the list.
>  * GNOME Maps and Amisha's email
>   * The Mapbox service is going to run out at the end of the year
>   * Meg spoke to some of the Maps developers about this the last time it was 
> an issue. Available options back then:
>1. Get another coupon for free access
>2. Pay, but with a discounted rate
>3. Run our own tile server
>   * We probably need a short-term solution before the coupon runs out, and we 
> don't have long
>   * We think that the current coupon was organised directly between the Maps 
> developers and Mapbox - the Foundation Board probably wasn't involved
>   * Neil backs a short-term solution by renewing the coupon; then need to 
> calculate how much capacity we're using and what it would cost
>   * ACTION: Meg to speak to the Maps developers about renewing the coupon and 
> calculating the long-term cost
>   * 2017-12-19
>* We got a cost estimate and they are willing to give us a discount, we 
> need to tell them how much we’d be able to pay
>* They are willing to extend the free coupon temporarily
>* We need to explore options
> * Client-side rendering + our own vector server should be the preferred 
> one
>* ACTION: Meg to discuss with the Maps team
>  * Events code of conduct arrangements
>   * Draft in progress
>   * Once ready, we can start a community consultation phase
>   * Current draft mentions a committee that would help resolving incidents
>* Is the board ok with forming a committee for that purpose?
>* No objections, the responsabilities and attributions will be explored 
> further down the line
>   * When a local organisation handles the event in Europe for us, we need a 
> contract with them
>* This contract should cover handling of personal data that they collect 
> for us
>* See 
>  for the standard contracts
>   * The board needs to consider letting the community vote eventually
>  * GNOME.Asia committee & Board membership
>   * Nuritzi is considering joining the organizing committee, to be the board 
> liaison
>   * Other directors can think about it and eventually join too
>  * Follow-up on "Reviving Free Software Macedonia"
>   * Monthly rental fee for the place where they meet (€300)
>   * They seem to have a lead for sponsors, but would like us to help bootstrap
>   * Not clear what their ask is.
>   * We recommend they come up with a clear plan and specific outcomes for 
> GNOME, then take it to the engagement budget holder
>  * Conference spending policy updates
>   * The current policy would allow organizers to spend money they haven’t 
> raised yet, which could lead to a loss
>   * Carlos suggested to approve two complementary budgets
>* a part that can only be spent if raised
>* a part that can be spent even if not raised, to make sure the conference 
> happens
>   * Organizers are expected to make a profit, but a small loss would not be a 
> problem
>   * The main goal should be to make a good conference
>   * How does the organizers forecast the amount they’ll raise?
>   * How does the newly appointed sponsorship committee tie in with that?
>* Coordination between the two is expected
>   * VOTE: approve new policy with 2 bu

Minutes of the Foundation Board, January 16th

2018-02-15 Thread Allan Day
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, January 9th 2018, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, January 16th 2018, 18:00 UTC

== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Meg Ford
 * Allan Day
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Neil McGovern
 * Sriram Ramkrishna

== Regrets ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * LAS update & Sri joins the call

== Postponed agenda ==

 * Conference spending policy updates (see ongoing agenda item and
mailing list proposal) (Allan)
 * GNOME Maps (Meg)
 * Review outgoing items

== Minutes ==

 * Sri joined the call to give an update on LAS

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last
30 days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this
and subsequent minutes sections'''

 * LAS update and budget request
  * A bid for Denver has been put together
  * They want to book the venue as soon as possible
  * We didn’t get any information before the meeting and we would like
some time to get through it
  * Vote will happen on the list.

 * GNOME Maps and Amisha's email
  * The Mapbox service is going to run out at the end of the year
  * Meg spoke to some of the Maps developers about this the last time
it was an issue. Available options back then:
   1. Get another coupon for free access
   2. Pay, but with a discounted rate
   3. Run our own tile server
  * We probably need a short-term solution before the coupon runs out,
and we don't have long
  * We think that the current coupon was organised directly between
the Maps developers and Mapbox - the Foundation Board probably wasn't
  * Neil backs a short-term solution by renewing the coupon; then need
to calculate how much capacity we're using and what it would cost
  * ACTION: Meg to speak to the Maps developers about renewing the
coupon and calculating the long-term cost
  * 2017-12-19
   * We got a cost estimate and they are willing to give us a
discount, we need to tell them how much we’d be able to pay
   * They are willing to extend the free coupon temporarily
   * We need to explore options
* Client-side rendering + our own vector server should be the preferred one
   * ACTION: Meg to discuss with the Maps team

 * Events code of conduct arrangements
  * Draft in progress
  * Once ready, we can start a community consultation phase
  * Current draft mentions a committee that would help resolving incidents
   * Is the board ok with forming a committee for that purpose?
   * No objections, the responsabilities and attributions will be
explored further down the line
  * When a local organisation handles the event in Europe for us, we
need a contract with them
   * This contract should cover handling of personal data that they
collect for us
   * See
for the standard contracts
  * The board needs to consider letting the community vote eventually

 * GNOME.Asia committee & Board membership
  * Nuritzi is considering joining the organizing committee, to be the
board liaison
  * Other directors can think about it and eventually join too

 * Follow-up on "Reviving Free Software Macedonia"
  * Monthly rental fee for the place where they meet (€300)
  * They seem to have a lead for sponsors, but would like us to help bootstrap
  * Not clear what their ask is.
  * We recommend they come up with a clear plan and specific outcomes
for GNOME, then take it to the engagement budget holder

 * Conference spending policy updates
  * The current policy would allow organizers to spend money they
haven’t raised yet, which could lead to a loss
  * Carlos suggested to approve two complementary budgets
   * a part that can only be spent if raised
   * a part that can be spent even if not raised, to make sure the
conference happens
  * Organizers are expected to make a profit, but a small loss would
not be a problem
  * The main goal should be to make a good conference
  * How does the organizers forecast the amount they’ll raise?
  * How does the newly appointed sponsorship committee tie in with that?
   * Coordination between the two is expected
  * VOTE: approve new policy with 2 budgets for conferences (minimal +
extras depending on money raised)
   +1 Carlos, -1 Allan, Meg. Abstained: Alexandre. VOTE DOESN’T PASS
  * VOTE: conference organizers should be required to have a new
budget approved by the board if they raised less than 70% of their
budgeted income
   +1 Allan, Meg, Abstained: Carlos, Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
  * 70% by what time? The problem is that conferences often don't know
what their income is going to be until very late - sponsors are often
confirmed at the last minute.
  * VOTE: invalidate the previously passed vote (let's give this more
time to see if we can find a good solution)
   +1 Alexandre, Allan, Carlos, Abstained: Meg. VOTE PASSED
  * 20171031 - N

Re: New Foundation and Emeritus members

2018-02-02 Thread Allan Day
Sriram Ramkrishna  wrote:
> It is always awesome to see new members!  Welcome!
>> They are: *
>>  1. Justin van Steijn (GNOME Dutch Translator)
>>  2. Cassidy James Blaede (GNOME UX / Design Team)
>>  3. Kukuh Syafaat (GNOME Indonesian translator, multiple GNOME
>> Projects code contributions)
>>  4. Zixing Liu (GNOME Chinese translations)
>>  5. Ludovico de Nittis (GNOME-Keysign)
>>  6. Matthew Leeds (GNOME Builder)
>>  7. Iñigo Martínez (GSoC 2007, Meson Porting)
>>  8. Julian Sparber (GNOME Design)
>>  9. Ekta Nandwani (GNOME Recipes)
>>  10. Daniel García Moreno (GNOME Libgepub)
>>  11. Marek Černocký (GNOME Czech translator)

Welcome all!

foundation-list mailing list

Conference spending policy updates

2018-02-01 Thread Allan Day
Hi everyone,

During this week's regular meeting, the Board of Directors approved
some updates to the Foundation's conference spending policy. The
updated version can be viewed on the wiki:

The changes are mostly to make the policy clearer and don't
particularly effect the rules.

Some background: the conference spending policy is part of a set of
financial procedures that the board put in place during its hackfest
last October. The goal here is to reduce the amount of work involved
in making decisions, as well as the obvious benefit of providing
clarity to the different groups involved.

I hope that the policy is clear. If it isn't, questions and comments
are very welcome!


Vice-President, GNOME Foundation Board of Directors
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Minutes of the Board meeting of October, 7th, 2017

2018-01-24 Thread Allan Day
Hey Kat,

Ekaterina Gerasimova  wrote:
> […]
>>   * VOTE: approve the policy as specified on the wiki page:
> Could you please publish these policies publicly? They're currently in
> an area of the wiki which is private to the board (and I couldn't find
> them anywhere else on the wiki if they had been made public).

The policy was private at the point when we voted on it. Once
approved, it was published on a public page [1]. I thought that the
policy had also been announced on foundation-list, but I can't seem to
find the announcement now (the other policies were definitely

Note that we have some updates to the conference spending policy in
the pipe, which should hopefully be made in the next week or two.

Thanks for picking up on this,

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Minutes of the Board meeting of September, 26th, 2017

2018-01-18 Thread Allan Day
Hi Benjamin,

Benjamin Berg  wrote:
> I have noticed that the lack of board minutes has not been resolved so
> far and I am hoping that the community can get a quick action from the
> board with regard to this matter. Can every board member please work on
>  publishing the minutes at their respective earliest convenience?

Thanks for raising this issue again. I agree that it needs to be
resolved and we discussed it during a board call this week. We'll do
our best to get the minutes published and update the list once it's

Vice-President, GNOME Foundation Board of Directors
foundation-list mailing list

Re: CoC Enforcement Training Interest

2017-10-04 Thread Allan Day
Felipe Borges  wrote:

> Is there a link where we could follow up virtually?

If you want to virtually participate in the workshop, yes, - I think that
could be arranged.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: CoC Enforcement Training Interest

2017-10-04 Thread Allan Day
Mathieu Bridon  wrote:

> On Tue, 2017-10-03 at 15:50 -0700, Nuritzi Sanchez wrote:
> > Hi Foundation Members,
> >
> > Rosanna and I are thinking of participating in a Code of Conduct
> > (CoC) enforcement workshop run by Sarah Sharp on Sunday, November
> > 26th in SF.

> Could we have one of these workshops at GUADEC? :)

Absolutely. One possibility that we're interested in would be for those who
attend the San Francisco workshop to organise an event where they can pass
on their knowledge to members of the GNOME community. Alternatively, we
could pay someone to deliver training during GUADEC.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: CoC Enforcement Training Interest

2017-10-04 Thread Allan Day
Tobias Mueller  wrote:

> On Di, 2017-10-03 at 15:50 -0700, Nuritzi Sanchez wrote:
> > Rosanna and I are thinking of participating in a Code of Conduct (CoC)
> enforcement workshop run by Sarah Sharp
> I may be a bit naïve, but "enforcing" sounds like you just throw people
> out if they don't follow your house rules.

My understanding is that it's a general events code of conduct workshop,
targeted at event organisers and code of conduct "teams". I'm not actually
sure that "enforcement" is in the workshop title.

> Is there any GNOME Foundation money involved?

There is - we're offering to pay a portion of the cost of running the

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Feedback request: spending Foundation money

2017-09-25 Thread Allan Day
Hi Richard,

Unlike Alexandre, I'm firmly wearing my board hat for this email. :)

Richard Hughes  wrote:

> When we were arranging the gnome-software hackfest last year we had
> huge problems trying to get sponsorship for a non-GNOME foundation
> member. In the end Canonical paid for the travel and hotel (thanks!)
> for this person but it was slightly embarrassing how long things took
> to sort. For things like hackfests it would also be nice to have a
> "team dinner" or some kind of team-building thing as part of the
> sponsorship, not just some super cheap hotel and economy flights.

I want to make sure that we've fully understood your suggestion. I can see
three potential items in your mail:

 1. Make it easier for non-Foundation members to get travel sponsorship. It
would be useful to know if there are particular groups that this might
apply to. Examples might include contributors who aren't members, potential
contributors or experts who are being brought in to consult/advise.
 2. Funds for "extras" at GNOME events, such as dinners. I'm guessing that
other things could be included, like drinks and snacks, or merchandise?
Also, I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "team-building" - can you
 3. Higher standard hotels and flights. I'm maybe reading too much into
your mail here, but "super cheap hotel" makes it sound like you'd maybe
like to be able to stay somewhere a little nicer? I wonder if it might be
possible to have some specifics here too, like if there are any travel
requirements that you find particularly difficult to accept.

foundation-list mailing list

North American Events in 2017

2017-08-17 Thread Allan Day
Dear all,

The board has had word that, due to declining participation, it is
unlikely that there will be a Boston Summit this year. If anyone has a
strong urge to make the event happen, then they should by all means do
so. At the same time, we don't think that anyone should feel obligated
to organise it.

Boston Summit was always a local event and it is natural for the
geography of the community to shift over time. There's plenty of
energy elsewhere: Libre Application Summit is currently being
finalised for San Francisco in early November (watch out for an
official announcement!) and we would also encourage community members
in North America to think about hackfests that they might want to

Best wishes,

foundation-list mailing list

Thanks to outgoing directors

2017-08-08 Thread Allan Day
Hi everyone,

Now that GUADEC is over, the transition period from the old to the new
Board of Directors has ended. I'd therefore like to give huge thanks
to Jim Hall and Shaun McCance, who are both stepping down. They have
both been excellent board members and have made valuable contributions
to the Foundation over the past year.

Thanks Shaun and Jim!

Vice President, GNOME Foundation Board of Directors
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Send us your pants nominations

2017-07-06 Thread Allan Day
Allan Day  wrote:

> Two names that I think ought to be on the list are Bastien Nocera and
> Emmanuele Bassi.

Apologies, that was meant to go to board-list.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Send us your pants nominations

2017-07-06 Thread Allan Day
Two names that I think ought to be on the list are Bastien Nocera and 
Emmanuele Bassi. Both of them have been involved in the project for a 
long time and both go that extra mile. I think of them both as people 
who really believe in GNOME and work hard to make it a success.

Bastien does a lot of technical work in the background to keep GNOME 
working well. This work often goes unnoticed but I always get the 
impression that he really pushes hard to make the experience as good as 
it can be. In addition to technical work, he's previously served on the 
board, runs GNOME booths at events, has helped to restock the GNOME 
events box, and most recently has been trying to organise a GUADEC bid 
for Lyon.

Emmanuele has taken on some major technical initiatives which have been 
crucial to the project, first with Clutter and now with the GTK Scene 
Graph and Emeus. He's a former director, and he is involved in other 
initiatives that are important for the project, for example by carrying 
the continuous initiative.


On Wed, 5 Jul, 2017 at 1:14 PM, Neil McGovern  wrote:

Hi all,

GUADEC is coming up soon, and with GUADEC comes the annual Pants 

Every year, GNOME awards a pair of pants to somebody in recognition of
their outstanding contributions. The board will make the final 

on who receives the pants, but we'd love to hear your nominations.

The award can be for any kind of contribution to our software or our
community. It does not have to be software development work. The only
requirements are that the person is attending GUADEC to receive the
pants, and that it's not a current or outgoing board member. Not sure
if the person fits the requirements? Just nominate! We'll sort it out.

Please feel free to send your nominations as a reply to this email. 

if you'd prefer to nominate someone anonymously, email board-list.

Neil McGovern
Executive Director, The GNOME Foundation
foundation-list mailing list
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Minutes of the Board meeting of June, 6th, 2017

2017-06-14 Thread Allan Day
Hey Tobi,

There are two issues here: the practicalities of transitioning between
boards, and what we are required to do by the bylaws.

Regarding the first issue, as Andreas said, having a transition period
before incoming board members take over is really useful. That's what
we've done every year except last time, and it is generally agreed
that having the transition period is better. It's also really useful
to have the handover at GUADEC, as the in-person board meeting is a
good opportunity to get new board members up to speed.

As for the second issue, as far as I can see, the bylaws don't say
exactly when new board members should take office. (Let me know if
I've missed something.) However, there are statements which suggest
that the AGM is the time. For example, clause 8.2.1 states: "The
Directors shall fix their number at an annual meeting."

Looking at this, it seems that we haven't been as clear as we should
be regarding the length of each term. The bylaws are clear that we can
pick a period between 1 and 2 years [1], and to my knowledge we've
never explicitly done that. Perhaps it's time to start...


[1] Clause 8.3.1 states that  "Each of the directors shall hold office
for one (1) year, or a period of up to two (2) years as determined by
the Board and announced prior to an election being called."

On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 11:20 AM, Tobias Mueller  wrote:
> Hi.
> On Di, 2017-06-13 at 11:48 -0700, Cosimo Cecchi wrote:
>>  * Timeline for new board transition
>>   * Results will be announced this coming Monday 12th, then confirmed next 
>> Monday 19th
>>   * The new board will be in effect after that,
> Strictly speaking the new board will have voting power from 1st of
> July. The last Board came into power on 2016-07-01 and the term is one
> year.
> Now, it's probably good practise to enable the old board to wrap up
> their business and do the hand over, i.e. letting them vote on the new
> board's behalf until the handover is done. But it's at the new board
> member's discretion.
>>  and until the GUADEC meeting both groups of officers can attend meetings 
>> and calls
>>   * When do we start inviting incoming board members to the calls?
>>* Historically we did the handover at GUADEC, but sounds helpful to have 
>> a time during which board members overlap
>>* The new officers do take over at the AGM according to the bylaws,
> I could not find that in the bylaws.
>>  so that sounds like a reasonable time for the handover
>>   * First meeting with new board on call: Tuesday June 20th, but no voting 
>> powers until the in-person meeting at GUADEC, where new officers are elected
> Being able to vote and being an officer is not related.
>>* The meetings will be recommended to attend for the newly-elected 
>> members, but we will still hold meetings according to the schedule of the 
>> present board
> This sounds clever, but ultimately, the newly elected board has all
> rights as of first of July.

> In the past I suggested that the term should be made 13 months (once),
> because GUADEC tends to be later in the year than it used to. That
> would increase the chances of the old Board doing handover at GUADEC
> before the newly elected Board comes into power.  To make the term one
> month longer, the Board simply needs to make a decision for the
> upcoming elections.
> Cheers,
>   Tobi
> ___
> foundation-list mailing list
foundation-list mailing list

Re: New Foundation and Emeritus members

2017-06-12 Thread Allan Day
What a great list. Welcome everyone!


On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 3:02 PM, Andrea Veri  wrote:

> Hello everybody!
> The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee is proud to announce our
> newly approved Foundation Members. Please welcome and thank them for
> their great and valuable contributions over the GNOME Foundation!
> They are: *
>  * Cesar Fabian Orccon Chipana (Pitivi)
>  * Gabriel Ivașcu (Epiphany)
>  * Emel Elvin Yildiz (GNOME Recipes)
>  * Mandy Wang (Chinese l10n team)
>  * Tanu Kaskinen (PulseAudio)
>  * Shih-Yuan Lee (NetworkManager)
>  * DaeHyun Sung (gucharmap)
>  * Alexandru-Ionut Pandelea (Nautilus)
>  * Umang Anilkumar Jain (GNOME Photos)
>  * Petr Štětka (GNOME Usage)
>  * Sagar Ghuge (GTG contributions)
>  * Razvan Chitu (Nautilus contributions)
>  * Iulian-Gabriel Radu (GNOME Nibbles, Epiphany)
>  * Juraj Fiala (Adwaita, GNOME Themes)
>  * Bernd Homuth (German l10n team)
>  * Yuri Konotopov (GNOME Shell integration for Chrome)
>  * Muhammet Kara (Coordinating Turkish translation team)
>  * Neil McGovern (GNOME ED)
>  * Gomez Guillaume (Rust binding maintainer)
>  * Ernestas Kulik (Nautilus contributions)
>  * Timm Bäder (GTK+ contributor)
> In addition to them, we also have four new Emeritus Members: [1]
>   * Shaswat Nimesh (Founded Chennai GNOME User Group, Donated to
> banshee for hosting their website)
>   * Jose Angel Diaz Diaz (President GNOME Hispano, Translation Team,
> GUADEC Organizer)
>   * Guillaume Desmottes (Maintainer of Telepathy, Empathy)
>   * Mart Raudsepp (Gentoo GNOME project, Gentoo GStreamer project)
> * Syntax is Name Surname (area of involvement)
> For any further question you may have, feel free to mail us at
> Best wishes,
> The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee
> [1]
> --
> Cheers,
> Andrea
> Red Hatter,
> Fedora / EPEL packager,
> GNOME Infrastructure Team Coordinator,
> Former GNOME Foundation Board of Directors Secretary,
> GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman
> Homepage:
> ___
> foundation-list mailing list
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Board of Directors Foundation Elections 2017 - Candidates

2017-06-02 Thread Allan Day
Michael Catanzaro  wrote:
>> My immediate thought is that it could put some people off running,
>> since it's a greater commitment. However, I'd be interested to hear
>> what you think about it.
> Yes, that's the main risk.
> The benefit is we would only be electing three or four candidates per year,
> so the elections would be more competitive.

It's obviously too late for this election, but it seems worth
considering this for the future. I think it would be a good idea for
the new board to discuss this, along with any other proposals people
might have for improving the elections process.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2017-06-01 Thread Allan Day
Hey Max!

Max  wrote:
> I have 3 questions to all candidates ( sorry for my poor English )
> 1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate
> to working on the board on a regular basis?
>  for 2nd or 3rd ( or more ) term candidacy:
>  last year,  every one plan 5-10 or 5-15 hours per week,
> what's average hours per week when you become board? do you think it's
> good hours for life and work balance with you?( I think it might be
> good reference for fist term candidacy and let us know your loading )(
> Thanks again work and make GNOME forward )

The number of hours that I've put into board work has fluctuated,
depending on what needs doing. At quiet times it's possible to just
spend a couple of hours a week. There are other times when it has
taken a lot more time, such as when we were hiring Neil, or preparing
for Advisory Board meetings. That works well for me, since my other
work also fluctuates in how much time it requires, and I'm generally
able to fit my different roles around each other.

> 2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think
> about grow GNOME in Asia?

There are a lot of areas of the world where it would be good to grow
the GNOME community. One thing that I'd like to see the Foundation do
more is actively promote the use of funds for small local events, for
distributing GNOME merchandise, and to allow people to have GNOME
booths at conferences.

In terms of Asia specifically, GNOME.Asia is obviously a great thing,
and I'd like the Foundation to support that effort as much as
possible. That means helping to coordinate between the different
events, including GNOME.Asia in our sponsorship-raising efforts, and
having our staff do support work where possible.

The Foundation can only do so much to promote GNOME in Asia, of
course. The Engagement Team also has a crucial role to play, and is a
good place to discuss promotion.

> 3)  How do you make GNOME great again? ( Sorry for my poor English again )
>  Any idea about let everyone say " Wow!! it's GNOME " " I know GNOME :) "

That's a big question! In my view, the Foundation doesn't really do
things on its own. Instead, it's primary role is as an enabler for the
rest of the GNOME community, as well as a contact point for partners.
Regarding the former, it's important that, when opportunities come
along, the community has the resources to take advantage of them. One
critical thing is therefore that the community knows what support is
available, knows how to get it, and feels comfortable approaching the
Foundation for assistance. I think that's something we can improve and
is something I'd like to work on if I'm reelected.

The other thing that the Board of Directors can do is make more active
interventions in how the project is running, so that weaknesses are
addressed. This isn't something that the board has traditionally done,
and our capacity to act is often limited, but it is something that
we've started to try and do a bit in the past 12 months. It's still
not entirely clear what the outcome of these efforts will be, but I do
think that it's a worthwhile experiment. I'm particularly interested
to see how the board can help to plug any gaps around continuous
integration, QA, bug triage and translation.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Board of Directors Foundation Elections 2017 - Candidates

2017-06-01 Thread Allan Day
Michael Catanzaro  wrote:
> Here's another question: what do the candidates think about switching to
> using two-year terms?

My immediate thought is that it could put some people off running,
since it's a greater commitment. However, I'd be interested to hear
what you think about it.

foundation-list mailing list

Board of Directors Elections 2017 - Candidacy - Allan Day

2017-05-15 Thread Allan Day
Name: Allan Day
Corporate affiliation: Red Hat

Foundation members,

I've served on the Foundation Board of Directors for two years, and would
like to continue for 2017-18. I've enjoyed my time on the board and feel
that I've had a positive impact. I played a non-trivial role in hiring our
new ED, and I've done a bunch of work around trademark licensing and
keeping our records up to date. As Vice-President for the last year, I've
also helped to keep our meetings ticking along.

With two years of experience, I think I'm able to be a good resource for
the Foundation. If I'm re-elected I'd like to keep up with my existing
work. There are also a few initiatives that I'd like to carry through to
completion, particularly around budgeting and financial policy.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: How to donate 1€ via PayPal without an account

2017-04-27 Thread Allan Day
Hi Javier,

Thanks for getting in touch, and thanks for your donation!

On Sun, Apr 23, 2017 at 11:55 PM, Javier Serrano Polo 

> I cannot find a contact point regarding donation issues. Would it be
> a problem if I donate only 1€?

For PayPal donations, we set the minimum amount to $5, due to the fact that
we have to pay a processing fee for each donation.

> Also, other projects do not require a
> PayPal account. May I donate via PayPal without an account? Or via
> credit card?

PayPal will allow you to pay with a credit card. Our donations page also
allows you to pay using a bank transfer, check or bitcoin.


Otherwise, may I donate 1€ to a charity of your choice or to one of your
> sponsors? If not, may I help in any other way?

If you have some time, there are lots of ways you can help with the
project! See our get involved page for how to get started:

Thanks again,

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Irregularities

2017-02-28 Thread Allan Day
Hi Zlatina,

Zlatina Gancheva  wrote:

> I want to report a problem. Your corporate identity -logoto of Gnome is
> used on this site

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. The GNOME Foundation Board of
Directors will review this and get back to you as soon as possible.

Allan Day
Vice-President, GNOME Foundation Board of Directors
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Broken links on trademark guidelines page

2017-02-13 Thread Allan Day
Hey Michael!

Thanks for pointing this out.

On Sat, Feb 11, 2017 at 3:16 AM, Michael Catanzaro 

> A bunch of links to our trademark guidelines are broken on this page:

I didn't realise that page existed! How did you end up there?


On Sat, Feb 11, 2017 at 3:16 AM, Michael Catanzaro 

> Hi,
> A bunch of links to our trademark guidelines are broken on this page:
> All four links to are broken.
> Also, the link to should be
> updated.
> It's immutable to me. I guess only the highest powers that be can fix
> it.
> Michael
> ___
> foundation-list mailing list
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Proposal: creation of IRC Operators Team

2016-12-12 Thread Allan Day
Carlos Soriano via foundation-list  wrote:

> For that reason I proposed to Andrea Veri to give OP status on several
> main channels to some of us that are more time present in most of main IRC
> channels. I gathered some information of what channels need some
> established OP's and what people could be those OP's, effectively creating
> a kinda "GNOME IRC Operators Team".

Sounds good to me. Thanks for this initiative, Carlos!

foundation-list mailing list

GNOME stand at Texas Linux Fest 2016

2016-06-01 Thread Allan Day
Hi everyone,

I've been contacted by Texas Linux Fest, who want to know if we'd like to
run a GNOME stand this year. It sounds like a great idea to me - are there
any volunteers?

The event is 8-9th July in Austin. We need to get back to them no later
than 20th June.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2016-05-24 Thread Allan Day
Hi Daniel!

On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 7:38 PM, Daniel Espinosa  wrote:

> Recently has been a campaign to expose GNOME weakness, like:
> * GTK+ is C and ugly
> * Bugzilla is old and user unfriendly
> * Developers don't here suggestions from users
> * No apps for GNOME/GTK+
> This is a short list of thinks I heart, no my opinions.
> As Foundation Bouard Member:
> ** How do you address negative campaigns from *users*? There are a
> response on, but developer oriented not user oriented, then
> there are few diffussion about GNOME technologies goodness and use in other
> projects (including KDE).

This isn't something that the Board takes responsibility for itself -
really it's an area that the Engagement Team is involved with. That said,
if there are significant user concerns in a specific area the board can act
as a mediator and there might be some occasions where it is helpful to have
a board member in the mix.

Your question does raise the issue of how proactive the board is, and this
is something that I'm interested in and have done some work on in the past
I would like the board to be more proactive where possible, so that it is
makes regular positive interventions in critical aspects of the project. I
should stress that this isn't easy or straightforward (the board has
limited time and the Foundation has limited resources), and I'm not
entirely sure how feasible it is, but I do feel that it's important to try,
and this is something I would spend time on if I was reelected.

** Are you planning to produce a "User Experience Road Map" for GNOME? In
> order to help users see how they will be benefit with GNOME's
> infraestructure and/or libraries. I mean, how, for example, Gtk+ changes
> and roadmap, is going to help users to get the best of their favorite
> Desktop Environment.

I agree that talking about plans and having a forward looking vision is
important for the project (that's actually something I try to do in my
blog). Our users need to have a sense that we're going to exciting places,
and that they can come along for the ride. Again I think that the
Engagement Team has the main role to play here, and that the board's
responsibility should be to support it.

The one area that the board needs to focus on, in my opinion, is to
communicate the project's plans to our advisory board members (both current
and future). I've done a fair amount of work relating to the advisory board
recently and it would be great to be talking about our plans more there.

> ** Are you planning to involve GNOME Foundation or sign an alliance with
> other non-profit organization, in order to support developers fixing users
> requested bugs/wish lists/fix beheavoir of GNOME related projects? Check at
> [1]

The Engagement Team has run fundraising campaigns in the past, and some of
these funds have been used to contract out work. I've recently been
involved in helping to revitalise the Friends of GNOME scheme (I don't need
to be on the board to do this work, although it does help in some aspects
and has been inspired by my time on the board). Once this has progressed,
I'd like us to start running fundraisers again.

However, paying for development work is tricky. Contracting out work is
expensive, and I know that there are mixed feelings about bounties within
the community. My impression is that paying for hackfests and funding
internships is generally the way to go. I'm open to other approaches though
and would be interested to hear views from the community on this subject.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2016-05-24 Thread Allan Day
Hey Max,

Thanks for the questions!

On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 1:41 AM, Max  wrote:

> 1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to 
> working
> on the board on a regular basis?

Board work is quite fragmented in my experience, so it's hard to say
exactly how many hours I've spent on it each week. What I can say is that I
feel like I've been one of the more active board members for the past year.
This has enabled me to keep on top of a handful of ongoing issues, as well
as being able to take up new initiatives. If I'm reelected I would keep
going at the same level.

> 2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think about
> grow GNOME in Asia? How to co-work with others?

I'm supportive of GNOME.Asia and would like the Foundation to continue
supporting that event. I would also like us to be supporting other GNOME
events in Asia (and indeed, throughout the world). This isn't something
that the board itself can easily lead on, but it would be good for it to
advertise that support is available. It would be great if GNOME in general
could be encouraging local groups and events, and the board should
certainly be a part of that positive support and reinforcement.

> 3)  About GNOME Executive Director, how do you think about GNOME ED? And
> what will you do if we still search GNOME ED? ( I am not mean for help to
> search GNOME ED, cause we already have GNOME ED committee :)  )

I think that it's important that we have an Executive Director, and I'd
make the ED search a priority if I were elected. If the continue to
struggle to recruit someone, I'd be open to rethinking the ED role,
although I'm not sure what that would exactly mean in practice.

foundation-list mailing list

Reminder: 4 days to support GNOME through unixstickers!

2016-04-26 Thread Allan Day
Hi everyone,

GNOME is the unixstickers project of the month this April, meaning
that a donation is made for every product sold. There's less than a
week to go, so if you'd like to buy some stickers, now's the time to
do it!

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Travel committee disfunctional?

2016-03-18 Thread Allan Day
Hi Zeeshan,

Zeeshan Ali (Khattak)  wrote:

> I'm sorry to bring this up but it seems to me that travel-committee
> members do not have time for doing their job in a timely manner.


You're right to say that the Travel Committee are volunteers, and I think
it's worth reminding ourselves that we are lucky to have them.

I'm not sure that complaining to Foundation List is the best way to deal
with a delay you might have experienced. Assuming that you have already
brought the issue up with the committee and have waited a reasonable length
of time, it would probably be better for you to contact the Board so we can
find out what has happened. Please provide specific details if you decide
to do this.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Minutes of the Board Meeting of January, 19th, 2016

2016-02-18 Thread Allan Day
Hey Tobi,

Tobias Mueller  wrote:

> >  * Unixstickers
> >   * They're selling GNOME branded items
> >   * No trademark licence agreement has ever been signed with them
> Are they offering anything related to computers under the name "GNOME"?
> So far I only see stickers and pins:
> Are we having trademarks outside the realms of "Downloadable computer
> software tools and libraries used for the development of other software
> applications; downloadable computer software development tools;
> downloadable computer software for creating and managing a computer
> desktop; downloadable computer software for use as a graphical user
> interface; downloadable computer software for word processing, database
> management, and use as a spreadsheet; Computer software development;
> computer software design; computer programming for others; technical
> consulting services in the field of computer software; licensing of
> intellectual property." ?

The Foundation first started licensing sellers of GNOME merchandise in
2008. Over the years, we've had advice from various lawyers. I'm not aware
of any of them ever telling us that we couldn't or shouldn't license
merchandise sellers who are using our trademark.

It should also be noted that other Free Software foundations license their
trademarks in a similar way, and that unixstickers and similar sellers are
used to signing these agreements.

It might be interesting for us to extend the trademark registrations we
have to include merchandise, but I haven't seen any evidence that we
shouldn't continue with the established practice of trademark licensing.

foundation-list mailing list

GNOME Merchandise Available on HELLOTUX

2015-11-25 Thread Allan Day
Hi everyone,

HELLOTUX have just started selling GNOME clothing, including t-shirts,
polo shirts, and jackets. They look really nice, and a portion of the
profits from each sale goes to the GNOME Foundation.


Thanks to Bastian Ilso and Sri Ramkrishna for getting the process
going on this, it's great to have more GNOME products available!

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Affiliation change and stepping down

2015-11-03 Thread Allan Day
Hi Tobi,

Sorry for the lack or response here! We are actively working on this,
and had hoped to have made an announcement already. As is often the
case, a few things ended up getting in the way...

Tobias Mueller  wrote:
>> The board is considering a number of candidates and is in the process
>> of contacting them.
> I take that as a "yes" to the question asked "Does the Board intend to
> follow a different strategy than to follow the membership's opinion
> expressed in the election results".
> Please correct me if I'm wrong, there.

It means is that the Board has been exploring the options.

> I'm interested, and I suppose the membership, too, in learning what
> strategy the Board thinks serves the membership best.

We'll make a public announcement once the replacement has been signed
up, and we'll explain the reasoning behind the decision at that time.
Beyond that, it's hard to speak on behalf of the whole board. What I
would say, though, is that we have a duty to ensure the effective
running of the Foundation. The fact that we have been researching
possible candidates is a reflection of the fact that we take that
responsibility seriously.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Minutes of the Board Meeting of October, 27th, 2015

2015-11-03 Thread Allan Day
Hey Sri,

I'll just respond to the trademark and merchandise questions here,
since that's what I'm most familiar with.

Sriram Ramkrishna  wrote:
>>  * trademark license agreement
>>   * It will last for two years
>>   * 10% of net receipts (profits) will be donated to the foundation
>>   * We should be sent a royalty report every 6 month by email
>>   * VOTE: Approve a trademark license agreement for
>>* VOTE: +1 Allan, Kat, Jeff, Cosimo
>>* Contract wording should be reviewed as it could be improved
> This is awesome!  So does this make the second trademark license agreement
> that we had?  Allan and I were working with someone else, is it it the same
> person or is this a different one?

This is the second new trademark agreement that we have in progress.
Both are in the final stages of being finalised.

> How do you intend to spread the word of these trademark license agreements?

I'll definitely let the Engagement Team know when each new agreement
is completed, and had planned on spreading the word on social media.
Also, once we have these new agreements signed, I was wondering about
whether we should have a page on, with links to the various

> Also, can we start spreading out what kind of knickknacks?  I mean, the
> GNOME foot lends itself to some of the cutest baby clothes ever.  Given how
> many of us are starting families, it seems that  this is the right time to
> have these kind of things.

Maybe talk to Andreas about doing that via our Zazzle store? It
shouldn't be too hard.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Minutes of the Board Meeting of October, 27th, 2015

2015-11-03 Thread Allan Day
Hi Michael!

Michael Catanzaro  wrote:
>> This is awesome!  So does this make the second trademark license
>> agreement
>> that we had?  Allan and I were working with someone else, is it it
>> the same
>> person or is this a different one?
> Isn't 10% of profit extremely low...?

I negotiated this one. The rate seemed fairly good to me, based on
other agreements I've seen. Also I'm not really sure it's in the
Foundation's interests to try and milk firms that are selling GNOME
merchandise. After all, they're being good supporters of the project
by selling this stuff in the first place. Also, whatever rate we
negotiate, the amount the Foundation gets back is likely to be fairly

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GUADEC 2016 Karlsruhe Bid

2015-10-02 Thread Allan Day
Thanks Benjamin! This is really exciting!


On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 7:22 PM, Benjamin Berg
> Hello everyone,
> so we have finally finished our bid to host GUADEC in Karlsruhe,
> Germany next year. You can find the details in the document at
> There may still be some minor updates if we receive more information
> about the possible venues.
> I hope to see you all in Karlsruhe next year! :)
> Benjamin Berg
> ___
> foundation-announce mailing list
foundation-list mailing list

Re: User Data Manifesto

2015-09-11 Thread Allan Day
Philip Withnall  wrote:
> Now that we’ve endorsed it (yay!), what are we going to do about it?
> Should we do a review of GNOME apps to make sure they all comply where
> necessary? A GNOME Goal, maybe?

That's a good question.

The manifesto primarily refers to cloud providers, so I'm not really
sure that we can put it into effect ourselves. However, what I would
like to do is work on our own privacy policy (which we could
implement), and to hopefully use that as the basis of collaborations
with the user data manifesto people in the future.

Also, we can help by doing marketing and promotional work, if there
are announcements that we can recirculate and so on. That would be a
good thing to talk to the Engagement Team about.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: User Data Manifesto

2015-08-27 Thread Allan Day
Federico Mena Quintero  wrote:
>> Our friends at ownCloud have been in touch to see if we want to
>> endorse the next version of the User Data Manifesto [1]. This is due
>> to be launched at the ownCloud contributor conference at the end of
>> August. A number of other prominent FOSS projects are lined up to also
>> endorse it.
>> Any thoughts?
> Let's do it!

It seems that the general feeling here is positive! The board met
yesterday and discussed the proposal, and found ourselves in

I'll be informing them that GNOME is willing to endorse version 2.0 of
the manifesto.

I know that a couple of amendments have been proposed here, and the
User Data Manifesto people are aware of these suggestions. It's a bit
late for this version of the manifesto, but I'm hopeful that we can
collaborate more closely on the next one.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: User Data Manifesto

2015-08-24 Thread Allan Day
Allan Day  wrote:
> Michael Catanzaro  wrote:
> ...
>> Their server is redirecting to HTTPS but not sending any chain of
>> trust, which is broken, so I haven't read it yet:
> ...
> Thanks for the tip, Michael! I've passed it on.

Should be fixed now.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: User Data Manifesto

2015-08-23 Thread Allan Day
Michael Catanzaro  wrote:
> Their server is redirecting to HTTPS but not sending any chain of
> trust, which is broken, so I haven't read it yet:

Thanks for the tip, Michael! I've passed it on.

foundation-list mailing list

User Data Manifesto

2015-08-17 Thread Allan Day
Hi all,

Our friends at ownCloud have been in touch to see if we want to
endorse the next version of the User Data Manifesto [1]. This is due
to be launched at the ownCloud contributor conference at the end of
August. A number of other prominent FOSS projects are lined up to also
endorse it.

Any thoughts?

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Summit 2015

2015-08-05 Thread Allan Day
Colin Walters  wrote:
> Thanks very much to Walter Bender, we have a confirmed reservation at MIT for 
> the 2015 GNOME Summit!

That's excellent. Thanks for organising this, Colin!

foundation-list mailing list

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