Re: Proposal for an Events Code of Conduct and Policy Referendum

2018-04-17 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
[re-sending from the correct email address]

Hi Benjamin,

On Sun, Apr 15, 2018 at 7:40 AM, Benjamin Berg 

> At the current point in time, I believe that the proposal below is the
> best way forward. The idea to address it in a WG was good, but it turns
> out it was too political to be an adequate forum. This proposal however
> creates a forum that can legitimately resolve this political issue for
> years to come.
> I would like the board to adopt the proposal for a referendum below and
> I am happy to work on revising it. Failing to do so, I am intending to
> ask for support from foundation members to enforce this to be a
> referendum as per the bylaws.
> Should you have an alternative proposal on how to move forward, I am
> happy to hear about it.

We discussed the topic of Events Code of Conduct during today's board

The board intends to consider your motion separately from the Code of
Conduct that was proposed by the working group; we will soon proceed to
seek membership consultation on the working group proposal.
As per the section 7.10 of the Bylaws of the GNOME Foundation [1], it is
your right as a member to propose a referendum if you can gather support
from at least 10% of the membership.

Since such process should overall be carried out by the Membership and
Election committee, I suggest that you get in touch with them for next
steps, but as this would be a novel process for most of us, please let us
know if you feel that you need any more support from the board to exercise
this right.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Minutes of the Board meeting of September, 26th, 2017

2018-01-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
Hi Germán and all,

On Tue, Jan 23, 2018 at 4:53 PM, Germán Poo-Caamaño  wrote:

> In the past, there was an Etherpad instance running during the meeting,
> where every board edited the text during the meeting. Sometimes, some
> members did the heavy writing, while other edited the text, tagged
> properly, added references, and so on.
> Thus, the heavy work was done during the meeting, sharing the workload.
> Once the meeting was over, the content of the Etherpad instance was
> copied to the private section of wiki.
> After a week, if no objections were raised, they were considered
> approved. That meant, moving the content from private to public.
> That way, there was a time when the minutes were available promptly.
> Timing matters.
> When did this method stop being useful?

That's still how we take minutes; indeed, the heavy lifting is done during
the meeting and board members generally share that duty, with the Secretary
being the main contributor.
We admittedly have not done a great job with the publishing part that comes
after that so far this year.

As the Vice-Secretary, I take my share of responsibility for that, and want
to take this opportunity to extend my apologies to the community for the
delay, and thank you all for your patience.
We'll work to make sure that such a long delay does not happen again.

I just went ahead and published all the remaining minutes of our 2017
meetings. They're already available on the wiki [1], and should also reach
the list soon.


foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Board meeting of December, 19th, 2017

2018-01-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, December 19th 2017, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, January 9th 2018, 18:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Allan Day
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Meg Ford

== Regrets ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Neil McGovern

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * LAS update and budget request
 * Committee check-ins - we were supposed to have done this in November
 * GNOME Maps and Amisha's email
 * Conference spending policy updates
 * Review outgoing items

== Minutes ==

 * LAS update and budget request
  * A bid for Denver has been put together
  * They want to book the venue as soon as possible
  * We didn’t get any information before the meeting and we would like some
time to get through it
  * Vote will happen on the list.

 * Committee check-ins - we were supposed to have done this in November
  * Travel call should happen in January, currently being scheduled
  * Membership call should also happen soon
  * Cosimo is not on the call and won’t be back from travel until the end
of January

 * GNOME Maps and Amisha's email
  * We got a cost estimate and they are willing to give us a discount, we
need to tell them how much we’d be able to pay
  * They are willing to extend the free coupon temporarily
  * We need to explore options
   * Client-side rendering + our own vector server should be the preferred
  * ACTION: Meg to discuss with the Maps team

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * GNOME Maps and Amisha's email
  * The Mapbox service is going to run out at the end of the year
  * Meg spoke to some of the Maps developers about this the last time it
was an issue. Available options back then:
   1. Get another coupon for free access
   2. Pay, but with a discounted rate
   3. Run our own tile server
  * We probably need a short-term solution before the coupon runs out, and
we don't have long
  * We think that the current coupon was organised directly between the
Maps developers and Mapbox - the Foundation Board probably wasn't involved
  * Neil backs a short-term solution by renewing the coupon; then need to
calculate how much capacity we're using and what it would cost
  * ACTION: Meg to speak to the Maps developers about renewing the coupon
and calculating the long-term cost

 * Events code of conduct arrangements
  * Draft in progress
  * Once ready, we can start a community consultation phase
  * Current draft mentions a committee that would help resolving incidents
   * Is the board ok with forming a committee for that purpose?
   * No objections, the responsabilities and attributions will be explored
further down the line
  * When a local organisation handles the event in Europe for us, we need a
contract with them
   * This contract should cover handling of personal data that they collect
for us
   * See
for the standard contracts
  * The board needs to consider letting the community vote eventually

 * GNOME.Asia committee & Board membership
  * Nuritzi is considering joining the organizing committee, to be the
board liaison
  * Other directors can think about it and eventually join too

 * Follow-up on "Reviving Free Software Macedonia"
  * Monthly rental fee for the place where they meet (€300)
  * They seem to have a lead for sponsors, but would like us to help
  * Not clear what their ask is.
  * We recommend they come up with a clear plan and specific outcomes for
GNOME, then take it to the engagement budget holder

 * Conference spending policy updates
  * The current policy would allow organizers to spend money they haven’t
raised yet, which could lead to a loss
  * Carlos suggested to approve two complementary budgets
   * a part that can only be spent if raised
   * a part that can be spent even if not raised, to make sure the
conference happens
  * Organizers are expected to make a profit, but a small loss would not be
a problem
  * The main goal should be to make a good conference
  * How does the organizers forecast the amount they’ll raise?
  * How does the newly appointed sponsorship committee tie in with that?
   * Coordination between the two is expected
  * VOTE: approve new policy with 2 budgets for conferences (minimal +
extras depending on money raised)
   +1 Carlos, -1 Allan, Meg. Abstained: Alexandre. VOTE DOESN’T PASS
  * VOTE: conference organizers should be required to have a new budget
approved by the board if they raised less than 70% of their budgeted income
   +1 Allan, Meg, Abstained: Carlos, Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
  * 70% by what time? The problem is that conferences often don't know what
their income i

Minutes of the Board meeting of December, 5th, 2017

2018-01-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, December 5th 2017, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, December 12th 2017, 18:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Allan Day
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Meg Ford
 * Neil McGovern
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * AdBoard meeting time and response to Frederic
 * Alexandre’s travel to FOSDEM
 * Events code of conduct arrangements
 * GNOME Maps and Amisha's email
 * Review outgoing items

== Minutes ==

 * AdBoard meeting time and response to Frederic
  * Venue still needs to be confirmed
  * Tentatively Friday afternoon
  * ACTION: Neil to follow up

 * Alexandre’s travel to FOSDEM
  * Do we use the new travel policy or go through the travel committee?
  * This travel can be handled by the TC, no need to use the policy
  * ACTION: Neil to update the wiki for travel policy to make it clearer
what its purpose is - Done 20171205

 * Events code of conduct arrangements
  * Draft in progress
  * Once ready, we can start a community consultation phase
  * Current draft mentions a committee that would help resolving incidents
   * Is the board OK with forming a committee for that purpose?
   * No objections, the responsibilities and attributions will be explored
further down the line
  * When a local organisation handles the event in Europe for us, we need a
contract with them
   * This contract should cover handling of personal data that they collect
for us
   * See
for the standard contracts
  * The board needs to consider letting the community vote eventually

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * GUADEC & GNOME.Asia dates
  * Proposed dates: either July 6-11th or 13-18th, the former being
  * This is Spain and the later we get in Summer, the hottest it’ll get and
the least bearable it’ll be.
  * It will also cost more to sponsor people to come because of the school
  * Neil is not available for the first two weeks of July, he’ll be
available from July 16th on
   * We think it’s important for the ED to attend
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to write up an email to the board with a summary of the
discussion and gather input from everyone before we vote
* Completed on 29 November

 * GNOME.Asia committee & Board membership
  * Nuritzi is considering joining the organizing committee, to be the
board liaison
  * Other directors can think about it and eventually join too

 * Flathub update
  * We need a process for people to be able to take stuff down if needed
  * No reason to revisit our decision to let Karen draft it

 * Follow-up on "Reviving Free Software Macedonia"
  * Monthly rental fee for the place where they meet (€300)
  * They seem to have a lead for sponsors, but would like us to help
  * Not clear what their ask is.
  * We recommend they come up with a clear plan and specific outcomes for
GNOME, then take it to the engagement budget holder

 * Check in about budget and policies roll out
  * Blocking on a couple action items from Neil, hopefully sorted out today
  * Neil will then announce it, as well as TransferWise being an option
  * 2017-11-14:
   * Waiting for Nuritzi to come back from her trip so she can review
drafts before they are sent out
   * (draft at
   * Completed on Nov 28th. Waiting for Neil to send email to

 * Conference spending policy updates
  * The current policy would allow organizers to spend money they haven’t
raised yet, which could lead to a loss
  * Carlos suggested to approve two complementary budgets
   * a part that can only be spent if raised
   * a part that can be spent even if not raised, to make sure the
conference happens
  * Organizers are expected to make a profit, but a small loss would not be
a problem
  * The main goal should be to make a good conference
  * How does the organizers forecast the amount they’ll raise?
  * How does the newly appointed sponsorship committee tie in with that?
   * Coordination between the two is expected
  * VOTE: approve new policy with 2 budgets for conferences (minimal +
extras depending on money raised)
   +1 Carlos, -1 Allan, Meg. Abstained: Alexandre. VOTE DOESN’T PASS
  * VOTE: conference organizers should be required to have a new budget
approved by the board if they raised less than 70% of their budgeted income
   +1 Allan, Meg, Abstained: Carlos, Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
  * 70% by what time? The problem is that conferences often don't know what
their income is going to be until very late - sponsors are often confirmed
at the last minute.
  * VOTE: inv

Minutes of the Board meeting of December, 12th, 2017

2018-01-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, December 12th 2017, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, December 19th 2017, 18:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Allan Day
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Meg Ford
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Neil McGovern
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi

== Agenda ==

 * GNOME Maps and Amisha's email
 * Foundation Year-end vacation shutdown
 * Review outgoing items

== Minutes ==

 * GNOME Maps and Amisha's email
  * The Mapbox service is going to run out at the end of the year
  * Meg spoke to some of the Maps developers about this the last time it
was an issue. Available options back then:
   1. Get another coupon for free access
   2. Pay, but with a discounted rate
   3. Run our own tile server
  * We probably need a short-term solution before the coupon runs out, and
we don't have long
  * We think that the current coupon was organised directly between the
Maps developers and Mapbox - the Foundation Board probably wasn't involved
  * Neil backs a short-term solution by renewing the coupon; then need to
calculate how much capacity we're using and what it would cost
  * ACTION: Meg to speak to the Maps developers about renewing the coupon
and calculating the long-term cost

 * Foundation Year-end vacation shutdown
  * Last meeting of the year on December 19th
  * First meeting of 2018 on January 9th, unless there’s an emergency

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Events code of conduct arrangements
  * Draft in progress
  * Once ready, we can start a community consultation phase
  * Current draft mentions a committee that would help resolving incidents
   * Is the board ok with forming a committee for that purpose?
   * No objections, the responsabilities and attributions will be explored
further down the line
  * When a local organisation handles the event in Europe for us, we need a
contract with them
   * This contract should cover handling of personal data that they collect
for us
   * See
for the standard contracts
  * The board needs to consider letting the community vote eventually

 * GNOME.Asia committee & Board membership
  * Nuritzi is considering joining the organizing committee, to be the
board liaison
  * Other directors can think about it and eventually join too

 * Follow-up on "Reviving Free Software Macedonia"
  * Monthly rental fee for the place where they meet (€300)
  * They seem to have a lead for sponsors, but would like us to help
  * Not clear what their ask is.
  * We recommend they come up with a clear plan and specific outcomes for
GNOME, then take it to the engagement budget holder

 * Conference spending policy updates
  * The current policy would allow organizers to spend money they haven’t
raised yet, which could lead to a loss
  * Carlos suggested to approve two complementary budgets
   * a part that can only be spent if raised
   * a part that can be spent even if not raised, to make sure the
conference happens
  * Organizers are expected to make a profit, but a small loss would not be
a problem
  * The main goal should be to make a good conference
  * How does the organizers forecast the amount they’ll raise?
  * How does the newly appointed sponsorship committee tie in with that?
   * Coordination between the two is expected
  * VOTE: approve new policy with 2 budgets for conferences (minimal +
extras depending on money raised)
   +1 Carlos, -1 Allan, Meg. Abstained: Alexandre. VOTE DOESN’T PASS
  * VOTE: conference organizers should be required to have a new budget
approved by the board if they raised less than 70% of their budgeted income
   +1 Allan, Meg, Abstained: Carlos, Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
  * 70% by what time? The problem is that conferences often don't know what
their income is going to be until very late - sponsors are often confirmed
at the last minute.
  * VOTE: invalidate the previously passed vote (let's give this more time
to see if we can find a good solution)
   +1 Alexandre, Allan, Carlos, Abstained: Meg. VOTE PASSED
  * 20171031 - Neil suggests new rule that allows to limit the loss and
gives organizers a bit of leeway, taking into account the evolving nature
of account balance
   * ACTION: Allan to prepare a new proposal to revisit this at a later

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-09-27
   * Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
   * ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship
  * 2016-10-26
   * We are aiming for an internship round in spring 2017
  * 2017-07-26
   * Carlos and Zeeshan are taking this over -- the plan is still to 

Minutes of the Board meeting of November, 28th, 2017

2018-01-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, November 28th 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, December 5th 2017, 18:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Meg Ford
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Neil McGovern
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

 * Carlos Soriano
 * Allan Day

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * GUADEC & GNOME.Asia dates
 * GNOME.Asia committee & Board membership
 * Flathub update
 * Review outgoing items

== Minutes ==

 * GUADEC & GNOME.Asia dates
  * Proposed dates: either July 6-11th or 13-18th, the former being
  * This is Spain and the later we get in Summer, the hottest it’ll get and
the least bearable it’ll be.
  * It will also cost more to sponsor people to come because of the school
  * Neil is not available for the first two weeks of July, he’ll be
available from July 16th on
   * We think it’s important for the ED to attend
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to write up an email to the board with a summary of the
discussion and gather input from everyone before we vote

 * GNOME.Asia committee & Board membership
  * Nuritzi is considering joining the organizing committee, to be the
board liaison
  * Other directors can think about it and eventually join too

 * Flathub update
  * We need a process for people to be able to take stuff down if needed
  * No reason to revisit our decision to let Karen draft it

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Follow-up on "Reviving Free Software Macedonia"
  * Monthly rental fee for the place where they meet (€300)
  * They seem to have a lead for sponsors, but would like us to help
  * Not clear what their ask is.
  * We recommend they come up with a clear plan and specific outcomes for
GNOME, then take it to the engagement budget holder

 * Check in about budget and policies roll out
  * Blocking on a couple action items from Neil, hopefully sorted out today
  * Neil will then announce it, as well as TransferWise being an option
  * 2017-11-14:
   * Waiting for Nuritzi to come back from her trip so she can review
drafts before they are sent out
   * (draft at

 * Conference spending policy updates
  * The current policy would allow organizers to spend money they haven’t
raised yet, which could lead to a loss
  * Carlos suggested to approve two complementary budgets
   * a part that can only be spent if raised
   * a part that can be spent even if not raised, to make sure the
conference happens
  * Organizers are expected to make a profit, but a small loss would not be
a problem
  * The main goal should be to make a good conference
  * How does the organizers forecast the amount they’ll raise?
  * How does the newly appointed sponsorship committee tie in with that?
   * Coordination between the two is expected
  * VOTE: approve new policy with 2 budgets for conferences (minimal +
extras depending on money raised)
   +1 Carlos, -1 Allan, Meg. Abstained: Alexandre. VOTE DOESN’T PASS
  * VOTE: conference organizers should be required to have a new budget
approved by the board if they raised less than 70% of their budgeted income
   +1 Allan, Meg, Abstained: Carlos, Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
  * 70% by what time? The problem is that conferences often don't know what
their income is going to be until very late - sponsors are often confirmed
at the last minute.
  * VOTE: invalidate the previously passed vote (let's give this more time
to see if we can find a good solution)
   +1 Alexandre, Allan, Carlos, Abstained: Meg. VOTE PASSED
  * 20171031 - Neil suggests new rule that allows to limit the loss and
gives organizers a bit of leeway, taking into account the evolving nature
of account balance
   * ACTION: Allan to prepare a new proposal to revisit this at a later

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-09-27
   * Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
   * ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship
  * 2016-10-26
   * We are aiming for an internship round in spring 2017
  * 2017-07-26
   * Carlos and Zeeshan are taking this over -- the plan is still to do
* 2017-10-14
 * Carlos created wiki page at

 * Name for internships for privacy funds
  * If there is no contract it is not technically an internship
  * Discussion needs to continue on list
  * 2017-10-24
   * GSoC are not called internships and there is no contract with the
* The organising entity also does not have authority over the
participants, the project entity does
   * Outreachy on the other hand is called internship and there is a
* Same kind of relationship
   * We could try and reuse 

Minutes of the Board meeting of November, 14th, 2017

2018-01-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, November 14th 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, November 21th 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Zeeshan Ali
 * Meg Ford
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Neil McGovern

== Regrets ==

 * Allan Day
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Nuritzi Sanchez

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * Follow-up on "Reviving Free Software Macedonia"
 * Review outgoing items

== Minutes ==

 * Follow-up on "Reviving Free Software Macedonia"
  * Monthly rental fee for the place where they meet (€300)
  * They seem to have a lead for sponsors, but would like us to help
  * Not clear what their ask is.
  * We recommend they come up with a clear plan and specific outcomes for
GNOME, then take it to the engagement budget holder

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Check in about budget and policies roll out
  * Blocking on a couple action items from Neil, hopefully sorted out today
  * Neil will then announce it, as well as TransferWise being an option
  * 2017-11-14:
   * Waiting for Nuritzi to come back from her trip so she can review
drafts before they are sent out

 * Conference spending policy updates
  * The current policy would allow organizers to spend money they haven’t
raised yet, which could lead to a loss
  * Carlos suggested to approve two complementary budgets
   * a part that can only be spent if raised
   * a part that can be spent even if not raised, to make sure the
conference happens
  * Organizers are expected to make a profit, but a small loss would not be
a problem
  * The main goal should be to make a good conference
  * How does the organizers forecast the amount they’ll raise?
  * How does the newly appointed sponsorship committee tie in with that?
   * Coordination between the two is expected
  * VOTE: approve new policy with 2 budgets for conferences (minimal +
extras depending on money raised)
   +1 Carlos, -1 Allan, Meg. Abstained: Alexandre. VOTE DOESN’T PASS
  * VOTE: conference organizers should be required to have a new budget
approved by the board if they raised less than 70% of their budgeted income
   +1 Allan, Meg, Abstained: Carlos, Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
  * 70% by what time? The problem is that conferences often don't know what
their income is going to be until very late - sponsors are often confirmed
at the last minute.
  * VOTE: invalidate the previously passed vote (let's give this more time
to see if we can find a good solution)
   +1 Alexandre, Allan, Carlos, Abstained: Meg. VOTE PASSED
  * 20171031 - Neil suggests new rule that allows to limit the loss and
gives organizers a bit of leeway, taking into account the evolving nature
of account balance
   * ACTION: Allan to prepare a new proposal to revisit this at a later

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-09-27
   * Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
   * ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship
  * 2016-10-26
   * We are aiming for an internship round in spring 2017
  * 2017-07-26
   * Carlos and Zeeshan are taking this over -- the plan is still to do
* 2017-10-14
 * Carlos created wiki page at

 * Name for internships for privacy funds
  * If there is no contract it is not technically an internship
  * Discussion needs to continue on list
  * 2017-10-24
   * GSoC are not called internships and there is no contract with the
* The organising entity also does not have authority over the
participants, the project entity does
   * Outreachy on the other hand is called internship and there is a
* Same kind of relationship
   * We could try and reuse the contracts from Outreachy
   * ACTION: Zana to get a copy of the contract
* Done
   * ACTION: Neil to ask Karen
* 20171031 - Done, karen says steal away.
   * ACTION: Carlos to prepare a version for us

 * Payment authorization policy
  * VOTE: approve the new Payment authorization policy as specified on the
private budget wiki page
   * +1 Allan, Nuritzi, Carlos, Cosimo, Meg, Alexandre, Zeeshan - VOTE
  * ACTION: Allan to make the page public (with ACL to prevent
modifications from anyone else than the board)
   * 2017-10-08 - page has been made public but Allan isn't certain what to
do about the ACL
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to ensure that this is announced to the Foundation

 * Intention to create marketing committee
  * To dispense money for small events and marketing line items
  * In the meantime, we would have an individual budget holder
  * VOTE: appoint Nuritzi as the temporary budget holder
   * +1 Nem

Minutes of the Board meeting of November, 21st, 2017

2018-01-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, November 21st 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, November 28th 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Allan Day
 * Meg Ford
 * Zeeshan Ali
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Neil McGovern
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Carlos Soriano

== Regrets ==

 * Nuritzi Sanchez

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * Time and day for the board meetings starting December 5th
 * Events code of conduct arrangements
 * Review outgoing items

== Minutes ==

 * Time and day for the board meetings starting December 5th
  * The only day and time that seems to work for everybody is Tuesdays at
  * ACTION: Alexandre to send confirmation to the list

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Follow-up on "Reviving Free Software Macedonia"
  * Monthly rental fee for the place where they meet (€300)
  * They seem to have a lead for sponsors, but would like us to help
  * Not clear what their ask is.
  * We recommend they come up with a clear plan and specific outcomes for
GNOME, then take it to the engagement budget holder

 * Check in about budget and policies roll out
  * Blocking on a couple action items from Neil, hopefully sorted out today
  * Neil will then announce it, as well as TransferWise being an option
  * 2017-11-14:
   * Waiting for Nuritzi to come back from her trip so she can review
drafts before they are sent out
   * (draft at

 * Conference spending policy updates
  * The current policy would allow organizers to spend money they haven’t
raised yet, which could lead to a loss
  * Carlos suggested to approve two complementary budgets
   * a part that can only be spent if raised
   * a part that can be spent even if not raised, to make sure the
conference happens
  * Organizers are expected to make a profit, but a small loss would not be
a problem
  * The main goal should be to make a good conference
  * How does the organizers forecast the amount they’ll raise?
  * How does the newly appointed sponsorship committee tie in with that?
   * Coordination between the two is expected
  * VOTE: approve new policy with 2 budgets for conferences (minimal +
extras depending on money raised)
   +1 Carlos, -1 Allan, Meg. Abstained: Alexandre. VOTE DOESN’T PASS
  * VOTE: conference organizers should be required to have a new budget
approved by the board if they raised less than 70% of their budgeted income
   +1 Allan, Meg, Abstained: Carlos, Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
  * 70% by what time? The problem is that conferences often don't know what
their income is going to be until very late - sponsors are often confirmed
at the last minute.
  * VOTE: invalidate the previously passed vote (let's give this more time
to see if we can find a good solution)
   +1 Alexandre, Allan, Carlos, Abstained: Meg. VOTE PASSED
  * 20171031 - Neil suggests new rule that allows to limit the loss and
gives organizers a bit of leeway, taking into account the evolving nature
of account balance
   * ACTION: Allan to prepare a new proposal to revisit this at a later

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-09-27
   * Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
   * ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship
  * 2016-10-26
   * We are aiming for an internship round in spring 2017
  * 2017-07-26
   * Carlos and Zeeshan are taking this over -- the plan is still to do
* 2017-10-14
 * Carlos created wiki page at

 * Name for internships for privacy funds
  * If there is no contract it is not technically an internship
  * Discussion needs to continue on list
  * 2017-10-24
   * GSoC are not called internships and there is no contract with the
* The organising entity also does not have authority over the
participants, the project entity does
   * Outreachy on the other hand is called internship and there is a
* Same kind of relationship
   * We could try and reuse the contracts from Outreachy
   * ACTION: Zana to get a copy of the contract
* Done
   * ACTION: Neil to ask Karen
* 20171031 - Done, karen says steal away.
   * ACTION: Carlos to prepare a version for us
* You can check at

 * Payment authorization policy
  * VOTE: approve the new Payment authorization policy as specified on the
private budget wiki page
   * +1 Allan, Nuritzi, Carlos, Cosimo, Meg, Alexandre, Zeeshan - VOTE
  * ACTION: Allan to make the page public (with ACL to prevent
modifications from anyo

Minutes of the Board meeting of October, 24th, 2017

2018-01-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, October 24th 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, October 31st 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Meg Ford
 * Zeeshan Ali
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Allan Day
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Neil McGovern
 * Alexandre Franke

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi

== Agenda for 2017-10-24 ==

 * Name for internships for privacy funds
 * Review ongoing actions

== Minutes ==

 * Name for internships for privacy funds
  * GSoC are not called internships and there is no contract with the
   * The organising entity also does not have authority over the
participants, the project entity does
  * Outreachy on the other hand is called internship and there is a contract
   * Same kind of relationship
  * We could try and reuse the contracts from Outreachy
  * ACTION: Zana to get a copy of the contract
  * ACTION: Neil to ask Karen

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Conference spending policy updates
  * The current policy would allow organizers to spend money they haven’t
raised yet, which could lead to a loss
  * Carlos suggested to approve two complementary budgets
   * a part that can only be spent if raised
   * a part that can be spent even if not raised, to make sure the
conference happens
  * Organizers are expected to make a profit, but a small loss would not be
a problem
  * The main goal should be to make a good conference
  * How does the organizers forecast the amount they’ll raise?
  * How does the newly appointed sponsorship committee tie in with that?
   * Coordination between the two is expected
  * VOTE: approve new policy with 2 budgets for conferences (minimal +
extras depending on money raised)
   +1 Carlos, -1 Allan, Meg. Abstained: Alexandre. VOTE DOESN’T PASS
  * VOTE: conference organizers should be required to have a new budget
approved by the board if they raised less than 70% of their budgeted income
   +1 Allan, Meg, Abstained: Carlos, Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
  * 70% by what time? The problem is that conferences often don't know what
their income is going to be until very late - sponsors are often confirmed
at the last minute.
  * VOTE: invalidate the previously passed vote (let's give this more time
to see if we can find a good solution)
   +1 Alexandre, Allan, Carlos, Abstained: Meg. VOTE PASSED

 * Travel support for UX hackfest
  * Allan has emailed the board asking for help - didn’t get a response to
his last email and timing is becoming an issue
  * All of the Travel Committee is at GNOME.Asia
  * Main requirement at the moment is to book accommodation
  * ACTION: Carlos to send an email to board list to have the full board
make a decision; will ask the board to approve budget for the cost of the
accommodation; hackfest attendees to apply to the travel committee for
travel costs in the usual manner
   * 18-10-2017 Carlos sent an email to board-list for a vote. VOTE was:
Approve required budget for the cost of the accommodation for the UI & UX
hackfest based on the estimate as written in
* + Carlos, Alexandre, Cosimo, Meg, Zeeshan, Abstained: Allan, Didn't
vote: Nuritzi. VOTE PASSES.

 * Name for internships for privacy funds
  * If there is no contract it is not technically an internship
  * Discussion needs to continue on list

 *  Payment authorization policy
  * VOTE: approve the new Payment authorization policy as specified on the
private budget wiki page
   * +1 Allan, Nuritzi, Carlos, Cosimo, Meg, Alexandre, Zeeshan - VOTE
  * ACTION: Allan to make the page public (with ACL to prevent
modifications from anyone else than the board)
   * 2017-10-08 - page has been made public but Allan isn't certain what to
do about the ACL
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to ensure that this is announced to the Foundation

 * Employee travel policy updates
are changes that have been made by Conservancy to update their travel
  * VOTE: incorporate changes into the Staff Travel Policy
   * +1 Unanimous. VOTE PASSES
  * ACTION: Allan to put this on a public wiki page
  * ACTION: Neil to make the changes
  * 2017-10-16 - the policy is now public at and Neil has made the
changes (

 * Conference spending policy
  * VOTE: approve the policy as specified on the wiki page:

Minutes of the Board meeting of November, 7th, 2017

2018-01-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, November 7th 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, November 14th 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Allan Day
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Zeeshan Ali
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Meg Ford
 * Neil McGovern

== Regrets ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * Check in about budget and policies roll out
 * Nextcloud shared calendar for the board
 * Julita’s new programme
 * Reviving Free Software Macedonia
 * Review outgoing items

== Minutes ==

 * Check in about budget and policies roll out
  * Blocking on a couple action items from Neil, hopefully sorted out today
  * Neil will then announce it, as well as TransferWise being an option

 * Nextcloud shared calendar for the board (From ongoing items)
  * It's up and running and we should use it.
  * Add things like time that you'll be away, recurring events like
renewals and trademark filings, AdBoard meetings, etc.
  * There is a list of reoccuring events that we might want to include in
the calendar on the wiki -

 * Julita’s new programme
  * Programme to get students ready for outreach programme applications
  * Budget request for $? for 3 events
   * We should probably approve a budget for the whole programme, 6 events
   * To be taken out of the GNOME events budget, held by Nuritzi
  * Questions collected on the list
  * Budget holders to keep records under , or perhaps in a spreadsheet on

 * Reviving Free Software Macedonia
  * Zeeshan met with Jovanka Gulicoska
  * The activity has come to a halt for lack of funding
  * Seems to fall under our GNOME events budget, deferred to budget holder

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Conference spending policy updates
  * The current policy would allow organizers to spend money they haven’t
raised yet, which could lead to a loss
  * Carlos suggested to approve two complementary budgets
   * a part that can only be spent if raised
   * a part that can be spent even if not raised, to make sure the
conference happens
  * Organizers are expected to make a profit, but a small loss would not be
a problem
  * The main goal should be to make a good conference
  * How does the organizers forecast the amount they’ll raise?
  * How does the newly appointed sponsorship committee tie in with that?
   * Coordination between the two is expected
  * VOTE: approve new policy with 2 budgets for conferences (minimal +
extras depending on money raised)
   +1 Carlos, -1 Allan, Meg. Abstained: Alexandre. VOTE DOESN’T PASS
  * VOTE: conference organizers should be required to have a new budget
approved by the board if they raised less than 70% of their budgeted income
   +1 Allan, Meg, Abstained: Carlos, Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
  * 70% by what time? The problem is that conferences often don't know what
their income is going to be until very late - sponsors are often confirmed
at the last minute.
  * VOTE: invalidate the previously passed vote (let's give this more time
to see if we can find a good solution)
   +1 Alexandre, Allan, Carlos, Abstained: Meg. VOTE PASSED
  * 20171031 - Neil suggests new rule that allows to limit the loss and
gives organizers a bit of leeway, taking into account the evolving nature
of account balance
   * ACTION: Allan to prepare a new proposal to revisit this at a later

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-09-27
   * Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
   * ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship
  * 2016-10-26
   * We are aiming for an internship round in spring 2017
  * 2017-07-26
   * Carlos and Zeeshan are taking this over -- the plan is still to do
* 2017-10-14
 * Carlos created wiki page at

 * Name for internships for privacy funds
  * If there is no contract it is not technically an internship
  * Discussion needs to continue on list
  * 2017-10-24
   * GSoC are not called internships and there is no contract with the
* The organising entity also does not have authority over the
participants, the project entity does
   * Outreachy on the other hand is called internship and there is a
* Same kind of relationship
   * We could try and reuse the contracts from Outreachy
   * ACTION: Zana to get a copy of the contract
* Done
   * ACTION: Neil to ask Karen
* 20171031 - Done, karen says steal away.
   * ACTION: Carlos to prepare a version for us

 * Payment authorization policy

Minutes of the Board meeting of October, 17th, 2017

2018-01-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, October 17th 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, October 24th 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Allan Day
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Meg Ford
 * Carlos Soriano

== Regrets ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Zeeshan Ali
 * Neil McGovern

== Missing ==

 * Nuritzi Sanchez

== Agenda for 2017-10-17 ==

 * Conference spending policy updates
 * Travel support for UX hackfest
 * Name for internships for privacy funds
 * Review ongoing actions

== Minutes ==

 * Conference spending policy updates
  * The current policy would allow organizers to spend money they haven’t
raised yet, which could lead to a loss
  * Carlos suggested to approve two complementary budgets
   * a part that can only be spent if raised
   * a part that can be spent even if not raised, to make sure the
conference happens
  * Organizers are expected to make a profit, but a small loss would not be
a problem
  * The main goal should be to make a good conference
  * How does the organizers forecast the amount they’ll raise?
  * How does the newly appointed sponsorship committee tie in with that?
   * Coordination between the two is expected
  * VOTE: approve new policy with 2 budgets for conferences (minimal +
extras depending on money raised)
   +1 Carlos, -1 Allan, Meg. Abstained: Alexandre. VOTE DOESN’T PASS
  * VOTE: conference organizers should be required to have a new budget
approved by the board if they raised less than 70% of their budgeted income
   +1 Allan, Meg, Abstained: Carlos, Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
  * 70% by what time? The problem is that conferences often don't know what
their income is going to be until very late - sponsors are often confirmed
at the last minute.
  * VOTE: invalidate the previously passed vote (let's give this more time
to see if we can find a good solution)
   +1 Alexandre, Allan, Carlos, Abstained: Meg. VOTE PASSED

 * Travel support for UX hackfest
  * Allan has emailed the board asking for help - didn’t get a response to
his last email and timing is becoming an issue
  * All of the Travel Committee is at GNOME.Asia
  * Main requirement at the moment is to book accommodation
  * ACTION: Carlos to send an email to board list to have the full board
make a decision; will ask the board to approve budget for the cost of the
accommodation; hackfest attendees to apply to the travel committee for
travel costs in the usual manner

 * Name for internships for privacy funds
  * If there is no contract it is not technically an internship
  * Discussion needs to continue on list

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 *  Payment authorization policy
  * VOTE: approve the new Payment authorization policy as specified on the
private budget wiki page
   * +1 Allan, Nuritzi, Carlos, Cosimo, Meg, Alexandre, Zeeshan - VOTE
  * ACTION: Allan to make the page public (with ACL to prevent
modifications from anyone else than the board)
   * 2017-10-08 - page has been made public but Allan isn't certain what to
do about the ACL
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to ensure that this is announced to the Foundation

 * Employee travel policy updates
discuss/2017-August/000104.html and https://lists.sfconservancy.
org/pipermail/policies-discuss/2017-August/000103.html are changes that
have been made by Conservancy to update their travel policy.
  * VOTE: incorporate changes into the Staff Travel Policy
   * +1 Unanimous. VOTE PASSES
  * ACTION: Allan to put this on a public wiki page
  * ACTION: Neil to make the changes
  * 2017-10-16 - the policy is now public at
Foundation/TravelPolicy and Neil has made the changes (
action=diff&rev2=8&rev1=6 ) - COMPLETE

 * Conference spending policy
  * VOTE: approve the policy as specified on the wiki page:
   * +1 Unanimous. VOTE PASSES
  * ACTION: Allan to review budget page and move relevant sections to the
public area
  * ACTION: Allan to create conference requirements page, should include a
requirement that they follow the brand guidelines
  * 2017-10-16 - both actions are done -
Foundation/Conferences - COMPLETE

 * Budget for FY2018
  * VOTE: approve the budget as presented by Neil
   * +1 Unanimous. VOTE PASSES
  * ACTION: Neil to communicate with Shaun
  * ACTION: Neil to put the budget spreadsheet into and
link to it from appropriate places, including a written version of the
reserves policy

 * Intention to create marketing committee

Minutes of the Board meeting of October, 31st, 2017

2018-01-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, October 31st 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, November 07th 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Allan Day
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Meg Ford
 * Neil McGovern
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Zeeshan Ali

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * Review ongoing actions

== Minutes ==

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Conference spending policy updates
  * The current policy would allow organizers to spend money they haven’t
raised yet, which could lead to a loss
  * Carlos suggested to approve two complementary budgets
   * a part that can only be spent if raised
   * a part that can be spent even if not raised, to make sure the
conference happens
  * Organizers are expected to make a profit, but a small loss would not be
a problem
  * The main goal should be to make a good conference
  * How does the organizers forecast the amount they’ll raise?
  * How does the newly appointed sponsorship committee tie in with that?
   * Coordination between the two is expected
  * VOTE: approve new policy with 2 budgets for conferences (minimal +
extras depending on money raised)
   +1 Carlos, -1 Allan, Meg. Abstained: Alexandre. VOTE DOESN’T PASS
  * VOTE: conference organizers should be required to have a new budget
approved by the board if they raised less than 70% of their budgeted income
   +1 Allan, Meg, Abstained: Carlos, Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
  * 70% by what time? The problem is that conferences often don't know what
their income is going to be until very late - sponsors are often confirmed
at the last minute.
  * VOTE: invalidate the previously passed vote (let's give this more time
to see if we can find a good solution)
   +1 Alexandre, Allan, Carlos, Abstained: Meg. VOTE PASSED
  * 20171031 - Neil suggests new rule that allows to limit the loss and
gives organizers a bit of leeway, taking into account the evolving nature
of account balance
   * ACTION: Allan to prepare a new proposal to revisit this at a later

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-09-27
   * Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
   * ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship
  * 2016-10-26
   * We are aiming for an internship round in spring 2017
  * 2017-07-26
   * Carlos and Zeeshan are taking this over -- the plan is still to do
* 2017-10-14
 * Carlos created wiki page at

 * Name for internships for privacy funds
  * If there is no contract it is not technically an internship
  * Discussion needs to continue on list
  * 2017-10-24
   * GSoC are not called internships and there is no contract with the
* The organising entity also does not have authority over the
participants, the project entity does
   * Outreachy on the other hand is called internship and there is a
* Same kind of relationship
   * We could try and reuse the contracts from Outreachy
   * ACTION: Zana to get a copy of the contract
* Done
   * ACTION: Neil to ask Karen
* 20171031 - Done, karen says steal away.
   * ACTION: Carlos to prepare a version for us

 * Payment authorization policy
  * VOTE: approve the new Payment authorization policy as specified on the
private budget wiki page
   * +1 Allan, Nuritzi, Carlos, Cosimo, Meg, Alexandre, Zeeshan - VOTE
  * ACTION: Allan to make the page public (with ACL to prevent
modifications from anyone else than the board)
   * 2017-10-08 - page has been made public but Allan isn't certain what to
do about the ACL
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to ensure that this is announced to the Foundation

 * Budget for FY2018
  * VOTE: approve the budget as presented by Neil
   * +1 Unanimous. VOTE PASSES
  * ACTION: Neil to communicate with Shaun
  * ACTION: Neil to put the budget spreadsheet into and
link to it from appropriate places, including a written version of the
reserves policy

 * Intention to create marketing committee
  * To dispense money for small events and marketing line items
  * In the meantime, we would have an individual budget holder
  * VOTE: appoint Nuritzi as the temporary budget holder
   * +1 Nem con. VOTE PASSES
  * There are concerns about the correct course of action.
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to come up with a charter for the proposed committee

 * Zazzle store
  * We have a link on the page where we list vendors
  * Andreas confirmed that Stormy is the one with access
  * ACTION: Allan to try to reach out to Stormy
   * 2017-10-08 - Allan got in touch with Stormy and got some login
information, but he still can't access

Minutes of the Board meeting of October, 7th, 2017

2018-01-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Sat, October 7th 2017, 15:40 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, October 17th 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Allan Day
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Zeeshan Ali
 * Meg Ford
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Neil McGovern
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2017-10-07 ==

 * Payment authorization policy
 * Employee travel policy updates
 * Conference spending policy
 * Budget for FY2018
 * Intention to create marketing committee
 * Freenode Live trip

== Minutes ==

 *  Payment authorization policy
  * VOTE: approve the new Payment authorization policy as specified on the
private budget wiki page
   * +1 Unanimous. VOTE PASSES
  * ACTION: Allan to make the page public (with ACL to prevent
modifications from anyone else than the board)
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to ensure that this is announced to the Foundation

 * Employee travel policy updates
discuss/2017-August/000104.html and https://lists.sfconservancy.
org/pipermail/policies-discuss/2017-August/000103.html are changes that
have been made by Conservancy to update their travel policy.
  * VOTE: incorporate changes into the Staff Travel Policy
   * +1 Unanimous. VOTE PASSES
  * ACTION: Allan to put this on a public wiki page
  * ACTION: Neil to make the changes

 * Conference spending policy
  * VOTE: approve the policy as specified on the wiki page:
   * +1 Unanimous. VOTE PASSES
  * ACTION: Allan to review budget page and move relevant sections to the
public area
  * ACTION: Allan to create conference requirements page

 * Budget for FY2018
  * VOTE: approve the budget as presented by Neil
   * +1 Unanimous. VOTE PASSES
  * ACTION: Neil to communicate with Shaun
  * ACTION: Neil to put the budget spreadsheet into and
link to it from appropriate places

 * Intention to create marketing committee
  * To dispense money for small events and marketing line items
  * In the meantime, we would have an individual budget holder
  * VOTE: appoint Nuritzi as the temporary budget holder
   * +1 Nem con. VOTE PASSES
  * There are concerns about the correct course of action.
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to come up with a charter for the proposed committee

 * Freenode Live trip
  * Neil is set to keynote the event
  * VOTE: approve travel for Neil
   * +1 Unanimous. VOTE PASSES

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Zazzle store
  * We have a link on the page where we list vendors
  * Andreas confirmed that Stormy is the one with access
  * ACTION: Allan to try to reach out to Stormy
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to assess the quality and check whether we want to
continue using them

 * Using TransferWise or some other payment system
  * This has been recommended to us as a good alternative to Paypal that is
cheaper and works in certain countries where Paypal does not work
  * 2017-09-19
   * Since Rosanna and Neil would be the main users of this, a good next
step would be for them to review options and report to the Board
   * ACTION: Neil will look into this and coordinate with Rosanna when
she's back

 * Looking for sponsorship for GitLab runners
  * To increase our Continuous Integration capacity on the GNOME GitLab
server, we'll need to provision some more servers, as we migrate more
projects there
  * We could ask for help to our Advisory Board, or use our network to ask
for support from other companies
   * It would make more sense to ask for hardware/cycles directly, rather
than fundraising, since server bandwidth is a recurring cost
  * 2017-09-19
   * ACTION: Meg and Neil to look into connecting to hosting companies
using Meg's connections
* 2017-09-26
 * Meg sent an email about applications to Neil
   * ACTION: Meg to get back to Javier
* 2017-09-26

 * CoC Workshop sponsorship
  * A group of people (Sarah Sharp, others) in SF are putting together a
workshop about enforcement of CoC in communities or events
  * The CoC working group would like to attend to e.g. help them with the
enforcing guidelines
  * The organizers of the workshop asked us to consider donating resources
to this event, including sponsoring Sarah's travel for the event
  * Total request: up to $3600 for training materials, flight and
accommodation for Sarah, but whatever we can afford
   * The request comes from Rosanna and Nuritzi; Rosanna has been contacted
privately by the organizers
  * 2017-09-19
   * Would like to see a cost breakdown
   * General feeling we should not cover all the cost ourselves, and we

Minutes of the Board meeting of September, 26th, 2017

2017-10-07 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, September 26th 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, October 3rd 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Allan Day
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Neil McGovern
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Zeeshan Ali
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Meg Ford

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2017-09-26 ==

 * Foundation hackfest processing
 * CoC workshop sponsorship decision
 * Zazzle store
 * Feedback request: spending Foundation money

== Minutes ==

 * Foundation hackfest processing
  * Misunderstanding has been confirmed
   * TC thought we had allocated a special budget, outside of TC fund
   * Alexandre hasn’t booked yet, still waiting for confirmation since
there were questions about his initial request
   * TC is also busy with GNOME.Asia
   * Situation is complicated, deadlines are close. We should do better
with processes in the future.
   * VOTE: handle that budget ourselves, and allocate up to $8000 for the
* +1 Unanimous, PASSED.
* Directors and officers will follow the Foundation Staff Travel Policy.
   * ACTION: Cosimo to help Rosanna processing receipts after the event.
   * ACTION: Cosimo to get back to the TC and let them know how we’re
dealing with this
   * ACTION: Cosimo to tell Shaun he’s welcome to join

 * CoC workshop sponsorship decision
  * Timing not ideal
  * Would help establishing a relationship with a local community
  * Cost is high
  * We’d prefer more planning
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to work on planning something in the same vein

 * Zazzle store
  * We have a link on the page where we list vendors
  * Andreas confirmed that Stormy is the one with access
  * ACTION: Allan to try to reach out to Stormy
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to assess the quality of the products and check whether
we want to continue using them

 * Feedback request: spending Foundation money
  * Question in the thread: does/will the board help organizer raise
   * This should be part of our discussion at the Berlin hackfest next week.
   * Could be part of the responsibilities of a new committee
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to get back to the list

 * New committee
  * The two names that were being discussed were “Sponsorship” and
   * People don’t seem to have a strong preference for either one of them
* Alexandre feels strongly against “Sponsorship”
  * VOTE: approve the creation of the Sponsorship Committee with the
following terms and members:
   * Committee description: The GNOME Sponsorship Committee is responsible
for ensuring corporate sponsorship for GNOME events and conferences. A
representative from each of the main conferences (GNOME.Asia, GUADEC, LAS)
will be appointed in order to provide a bridge of support to the local
   * Committee responsibilities:
* Maintain a list of contacts and entities whom the GNOME project has a
relationship with
* Work with event organizers to coordinate sponsorship levels and perks
* Provide quarterly reports to the GNOME Foundation board
* Maintain confidentiality of sensitive information
   * Powers that the board is devolving to the committee:
* Issue sponsorship agreement forms
* Make statements on behalf of the GNOME Foundation, relating to events
* Issue invoices for events sponsorship
   * Committee members:
* Executive director (ex-officio)
* Alberto Ruiz
* Emily Chen
* Sri Ramkrishna
* Wen Qixiang
   * +1 Unanimous, PASSED.
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to announce it to the committee
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to announce it on foundation-{list,announce}
  * ACTION: Allan to move the pages to a public space
  * ACTION: Carlos to get a sponsorship-committee email alias created

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Using TransferWise or some other payment system
  * This has been recommended to us as a good alternative to Paypal that is
cheaper and works in certain countries where Paypal does not work
  * 2017-09-19
   * Since Rosanna and Neil would be the main users of this, a good next
step would be for them to review options and report to the Board
   * ACTION: Neil will look into this and coordinate with Rosanna when
she's back

 * Looking for sponsorship for GitLab runners
  * To increase our Continuous Integration capacity on the GNOME GitLab
server, we'll need to provision some more servers, as we migrate more
projects there
  * We could ask for help to our Advisory Board, or use our network to ask
for support from other companies
   * It would make more sense to ask for hardware/cycles directly, rather
than fundraising, since server bandwidth is a recurring cost
  * 2017-09-19
   * ACTION: Meg and Neil to look into connecting to hosting companies
using Meg'

Minutes of the Board meeting of September, 19th, 2017

2017-10-07 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, September 19th 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, September 26th 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Meg Ford
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Neil McGovern
 * Zeeshan Ali
 * Allan Day

== Regrets ==

 * Rosanna Yuen

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * Using TransferWise or some other payment system
 * Andrea's email "SSL certificates renewal"
 * Javier's email "Looking for sponsorship for GITLAB runners"
 * CoC workshop sponsorship
 * Review ongoing items

== Minutes ==

 * Using TransferWise or some other payment system
  * This has been recommended to us as a good alternative to Paypal that is
cheaper and works in certain countries where Paypal does not work
  * We also have another account on a different payment system (Payoneer)
that we use for Summer of Code
  * Since Rosanna and Neil would be the main users of this, a good next
step would be for them to review options and report to the Board
  * ACTION: Neil will look into this and coordinate with Rosanna when she's

 * Andrea's email "SSL certificates renewal"
  * The request looks reasonable
  * This is something we need to renew every year, but the cost has been
decreasing since we switched some machines to Let's Encrypt
  * In 2018 it will also be less since Let's Encrypt will start offering
wildcard certificates
  * Neil has reached out to Andrea and in the future he's going to provide
a budget line to streamline this process together with the Foundation
operational budget
  * VOTE: approve $537 to renew the certificates as requested by Andrea,
including the IRC certificate that will be expiring December
   * +1 Cosimo, Alexandre, Nuritzi, Meg, Carlos, Zeeshan, Allan. VOTE PASSED
  * ACTION: Alexandre to communicate to Andrea

 * Javier's email "Looking for sponsorship for GITLAB runners"
  * To increase our Continuous Integration capacity on the GNOME GitLab
server, we'll need to provision some more servers, as we migrate more
projects there
  * CI is enabled by default for projects on GitLab, and Javier is looking
to keep it enabled; we could also make the recommendation to keep this
disabled for GNOME projects for now
  * The Chicago LUG managed to get some machines from RackSpace as a
charity; GNOME could potentially be eligible for something similar
  * We could ask for help to our Advisory Board, or use our network to ask
for support from other companies
   * It would make more sense to ask for hardware/cycles directly, rather
than fundraising, since server bandwidth is a recurring cost
  * ACTION: Meg and Neil to look into connecting to hosting companies using
Meg's connections
  * ACTION: Meg to get back to Javier

 * CoC workshop sponsorship
  * It looks like this event will only happen with GNOME's sponsorship
  * The event would take place November 26th, this is fairly urgent because
the organizers want to plan for this ahead
  * Would like to see a cost breakdown; Cosimo feels that it would not be
very fair to pay for the whole workshop if the main goal is to train their
own volunteers, but would be happy to support part of it
  * If we sponsor it, we should make sure it's geared towards our needs too
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to get on a call with Josh and report back to the Board

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Using TransferWise or some other payment system
  * This has been recommended to us as a good alternative to Paypal that is
cheaper and works in certain countries where Paypal does not work
  * 2017-09-19
   * Since Rosanna and Neil would be the main users of this, a good next
step would be for them to review options and report to the Board
   * ACTION: Neil will look into this and coordinate with Rosanna when
she's back

 * SSL certificates renewal
  * 2017-09-19
   * The Board voted to approved $537 to renew the SSL certificates
   * ACTION: Alexandre to communicate to Andrea

 * Looking for sponsorship for GitLab runners
  * To increase our Continuous Integration capacity on the GNOME GitLab
server, we'll need to provision some more servers, as we migrate more
projects there
  * We could ask for help to our Advisory Board, or use our network to ask
for support from other companies
   * It would make more sense to ask for hardware/cycles directly, rather
than fundraising, since server bandwidth is a recurring cost
  * 2017-09-19
   * ACTION: Meg and Neil to look into connecting to hosting companies
using Meg's connections
   * ACTION: Meg to get back to Javier

 * CoC Workshop sponsorship
  * A group of people (Sarah Sharp, others) in SF are putting together 

Minutes of the Board meeting of September, 12th, 2017

2017-10-07 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, September 12th 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, September 19th 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Meg Ford
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Neil McGovern
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

 * Allan Day
 * Zeeshan Ali

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * Zeeshan's Rust hackfest request and the updated hackfests wiki page
 * CoC Workshop sponsorship
 * Foundation Hackfest Agenda
 * Review ongoing items

== Minutes ==

 * Zeeshan's Rust hackfest request and the updated hackests wiki page

 * CoC Workshop sponsorship
  * A group of people (Sarah Sharp, others) in SF are putting together a
workshop about enforcement of CoC in communities or events
  * The CoC working group would like to attend to e.g. help them with the
enforcing guidelines
  * The organizers of the workshop asked us to consider donating resources
to this event, including sponsoring Sarah's travel for the event
  * Total request: up to $3600 for training materials, flight and
accommodation for Sarah, but whatever we can afford
   * The request comes from Rosanna and Nuritzi; Rosanna has been contacted
privately by the organizers
  * Questions for the organizers, to be asked copying board-list@
   * Who else is attending the workshop?
   * Who else have they asked for sponsorship?
   * What is the max number of attendees that we can invite in case we want
to make a hackfest around it?
   * Will we be on sponsorship material of some sort?
   * How is GNOME related to this event?
 * The GNOME Foundation is trying to create an event CoC and would
benefit from having an event around it
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to email Josh and Sarah for more info and cc Board

 * Foundation Hackfest Agenda
  * Board members should add their agenda items to this

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Mexico workshop
  * 2017-08-29
* Was supposed to start yesterday, has been delayed.

 * Budget for release parties
  * VOTE: grant $500 to the engagement team for the 3.26 release parties,
to be administered by Nuritzi
   * +1 unanimous
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to write a report about the usage of previously
allocated funds
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to advertise the budget to the relevant channels (we
suggest foundation-list, the engagement blog, and social media)

 * Foundation hackfest
  * 2017-08-15
   * Berlin on Oct 5th-8th seems the most likely to work for the most of us.
   * ACTION: Cosimo to send a follow up on the list
  * 2017-08-22
   * Accommodation needs to be decided
   * Dates confirmed: Friday 6th through Sunday 8th.
   * VOTE: send Neil and Rosanna to the hackfest
* +1: Cosimo, Nuritzi, Allan, Alexandre. Abstained: Zeeshan. VOTE
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to create a private agenda for the Board Hackfest
  * 2017-08-29
   * Travel assistance requests for Foundation Hackfest
* Only 3 directors have made their requests so far
* Needs to be done ASAP
  * 2017-09-05
   * Some people still need to send their travel assistance request

 * Engagement team committee for funds
  * The committee would allocate small budgets for events like release
  * Board to vote on this once we have a list of volunteers and a
description of the committee's role

 * GNOME.Asia logo / "A simple explanation of GNOME.Asia 2017's logo to
FoundationBoard" email
  * The design is not optimal, could use some tweaking but it’s alright.
  * ACTION: Allan to write recommendations for next year
   * 2017-07-11 - Allan still not done this. Sad face.

 * GUADEC 2017 finance request
   * The board wishes to make this a more straightforward process in the
* ACTION: Neil to make sure that expenses allocation for future
conferences is discussed by the board in person at GUADEC

 * Foundation support for Flathub
  * 2017-05-09
   * The Board voted to try and use some of our pro-bono counsel time
towards the Flathub legal framework, provided our lawyers agree
   * ACTION: Neil to connect to Luis
  * 2017-05-16 - Exact questions to ask Luis are being worked up
  * 2017-06-06 - Questions sent to Luis, being looked at.
  * 2017-09-05 - Being passed to Karen now, discussions have stalled a
little, Neil chasing up

 * Hackfest process documentation
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to take a stab at updating the documentation for the
process to request a hackfest and responsibilities between Board and TC
  * 2017-05-02
   * Nuritzi will work on this by end of May, check in then
  * 2017-09-05: Nuritzi updated the wiki about a week ago but we should go
over this in Berlin.

 * Owncloud shared cale

Minutes of the Board meeting of September, 5th, 2017

2017-10-07 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, September 5th 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, September 12th 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Zeeshan Ali
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Meg Ford
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Neil McGovern
 * Allan Day
 * Cosimo Cecchi

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2017-09-05 ==

 * Foundation hackfest - has everyone submitted their travel requests?
 * Review ongoing items

== Minutes ==

 * Foundation hackfest - has everyone submitted their travel requests?
  * Not yet

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Mexico workshop
  * 2017-08-29
* Was supposed to start yesterday, has been delayed.

 * GUADEC 2017 accounts
  * ACTION: Allan talk to GUADEC organizers to get a report

 * Budget for release parties
  * VOTE: grant $500 to the engagement team for the 3.26 release parties,
to be administered by Nuritzi
   * +1 unanimous
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to write a report about the usage of previously
allocated funds
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to advertise the budget to the relevant channels (we
suggest foundation-list, the engagement blog, and social media)

 * Foundation hackfest
  * 2017-08-15
   * Berlin on Oct 5th-8th seems the most likely to work for the most of us.
   * ACTION: Cosimo to send a follow up on the list
  * 2017-08-22
   * Accommodation needs to be decided
   * Dates confirmed: Friday 6th through Sunday 8th.
   * VOTE: send Neil and Rosanna to the hackfest
* +1: Cosimo, Nuritzi, Allan, Alexandre. Abstained: Zeeshan. VOTE
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to create a private agenda for the Board Hackfest
  * 2017-08-29
   * Travel assistance requests for Foundation Hackfest
* Only 3 directors have made their requests so far
* Needs to be done ASAP

 * Engagement team committee for funds
  * The committee would allocate small budgets for events like release
  * Board to vote on this once we have a list of volunteers and a
description of the committee's role

 * GNOME.Asia logo / "A simple explanation of GNOME.Asia 2017's logo to
FoundationBoard" email
  * The design is not optimal, could use some tweaking but it’s alright.
  * ACTION: Allan to write recommendations for next year
   * 2017-07-11 - Allan still not done this. Sad face.

 * GUADEC 2017 finance request
   * The board wishes to make this a more straightforward process in the
* ACTION: Neil to make sure that expenses allocation for future
conferences is discussed by the board in person at GUADEC

 * Foundation support for Flathub
  * 2017-05-09
   * The Board voted to try and use some of our pro-bono counsel time
towards the Flathub legal framework, provided our lawyers agree
   * ACTION: Neil to connect to Luis
  * 2017-05-16 - Exact questions to ask Luis are being worked up
  * 2017-06-06 - Questions sent to Luis, being looked at.
  * 2017-09-05 - Being passed to Karen now, discussions have stalled a
little, Neil chasing up

 * Hackfest process documentation
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to take a stab at updating the documentation for the
process to request a hackfest and responsibilities between Board and TC
  * 2017-05-02
   * Nuritzi will work on this by end of May, check in then
 * 2017-09-05: Nuritzi updated the wiki about a week ago but we should go
over this in Berlin.

 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
  * 2016-08-10
   * Cosimo tested creating an event, but with mixed results
   * ACTION: Cosimo to take it on from here
  * 2016-09-06 - Allan has started a list of reoccuring events on the wiki
  * 2017-03-07
   * Neil is looking into a similar calendar so will take over
  * 2017-07-26
   * (Neil) can someone else have this? Alexandre volunteers.
  * 2017-08-19
   * Alexandre tested the shared calendar that Allan set up a while back on
nextcloud, seems to work well
   * We are entering beta phase with some directors opting in

=== Ongoing but stalled ===

'''This section includes items which haven't seen an update in the last 30

 * Dropping dates in copyright claims on our websites
  * 2016-12-06
   * ACTION: Alexandre to send an email to foundation-list with a proposal
for discussion
  * 2016-12-20
   * Next step seems to be to reach out to Creative Commons to get advice
on what exactly can and should be done
  * 2017-01-24
   * Alexandre reached out to Creative commons
  * 2017-02-28
   * Alexandre will try alternative channels
  * 2017-05-02
   * We got a reply, Alexandre to follow up
  * 2017-05-30
   * Two options
* Have terms of use on the website that state that linking to a page is
sufficient attribution

Minutes of the Board meeting of August, 29th, 2017

2017-10-07 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, August 29th 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, September 5th 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Zeeshan Ali
 * Neil McGovern
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Allan Day
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Meg Ford

== Regrets ==

 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Cosimo Cecchi

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2017-08-29 ==

 * Travel assistance requests for Foundation Hackfest
 * Mexico workshop
 * GUADEC 2017 accounts
 * Review ongoing items

== Minutes ==

 * Travel assistance requests for Foundation Hackfest
  * Only 3 directors have made their requests so far
  * Needs to be done ASAP

 * Mexico workshop
  * Was supposed to start yesterday, has been delayed.

 * GUADEC 2017 accounts
  * ACTION: Allan talk to GUADEC organizers to get a report

 * Travel committee budget, October 2017 - April 2018
  * Usually 20k/half year, can be increased later if needed
  * VOTE: approve $20k for that period
   +1 unanimous
   * ACTION: Carlos to get back to the travel committee and update the
budget in the file

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Budget for release parties
  * VOTE: grant $500 to the engagement team for the 3.26 release parties,
to be administered by Nuritzi
   * +1 unanimous
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to write a report about the usage of previously
allocated funds
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to advertise the budget to the relevant channels (we
suggest foundation-list, the engagement blog, and social media)

 * Foundation hackfest
  * 2017-08-15
   * Berlin on Oct 5th-8th seems the most likely to work for the most of us.
   * ACTION: Cosimo to send a follow up on the list
  * 2017-08-22
   * Accommodation needs to be decided
   * Dates confirmed: Friday 6th through Sunday 8th.
   * VOTE: send Neil and Rosanna to the hackfest
* +1: Cosimo, Nuritzi, Allan, Alexandre. Abstained: Zeeshan. VOTE
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to create a private agenda for the Board Hackfest

 * Engagement team committee for funds
  * The committee would allocate small budgets for events like release
  * Board to vote on this once we have a list of volunteers and a
description of the committee's role

 * GNOME.Asia logo / "A simple explanation of GNOME.Asia 2017's logo to
FoundationBoard" email
  * The design is not optimal, could use some tweaking but it’s alright.
  * ACTION: Allan to write recommendations for next year
   * 2017-07-11 - Allan still not done this. Sad face.

 * GUADEC 2017 finance request
   * The board wishes to make this a more straightforward process in the
* ACTION: Neil to make sure that expenses allocation for future
conferences is discussed by the board in person at GUADEC

 * Foundation support for Flathub
  * 2017-05-09
   * The Board voted to try and use some of our pro-bono counsel time
towards the Flathub legal framework, provided our lawyers agree
   * ACTION: Neil to connect to Luis
  * 2017-05-16 - Exact questions to ask Luis are being worked up
  * 2017-06-06 - Questions sent to Luis, being looked at.

 * Hackfest process documentation
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to take a stab at updating the documentation for the
process to request a hackfest and responsibilities between Board and TC
  * 2017-05-02
   * Nuritzi will work on this by end of May, check in then

 * Dropping dates in copyright claims on our websites
  * 2016-12-06
   * ACTION: Alexandre to send an email to foundation-list with a proposal
for discussion
  * 2016-12-20
   * Next step seems to be to reach out to Creative Commons to get advice
on what exactly can and should be done
  * 2017-01-24
   * Alexandre reached out to Creative commons
  * 2017-02-28
   * Alexandre will try alternative channels
  * 2017-05-02
   * We got a reply, Alexandre to follow up
  * 2017-05-30
   * Two options
* Have terms of use on the website that state that linking to a page is
sufficient attribution
* Require contributors to assign their attribution to the GNOME

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-09-27
   * Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
   * ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship
  * 2016-10-26
   * We are aiming for an internship round in spring 2017
  * 2017-07-26
   * Carlos and Zeeshan are taking this over -- the plan is still to do

 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
  * 2016-08-10
   * Cosimo tested creating an event, but with mixed results
   * ACTION: Cosimo to take it on from here
  * 2016-09-06 - Allan has started a list of reoccuring events on the wiki
  * 2017-03-07
   * Neil is looking into a similar calendar so will take over
  * 2017-07-

Minutes of the Board meeting of July, 18th, 2017

2017-08-11 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, July 18th 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, July 25th 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Allan Day
 * Zeeshan Ali
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Neil McGovern
 * Meg Ford
 * Shaun McCance

== Regrets ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2017-07-18 ==

 * GUADEC agenda
 * AGM
 * Review ongoing items

== Minutes ==

 * GUADEC agenda
  * directors should put their slides in before GUADEC

 * AGM
  * the Foundation update bullet point needs some work
  * reviewing who presents every item

 * Review ongoing items

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Python Jamaica: PyCon 2017 GNOME Foundation email
  * 2017-07-11
   * The board denied the request for sponsorship of this conference
   * ACTION: Neil to follow up to the request saying that we can't help

 * GNOME.Asia logo / "A simple explanation of GNOME.Asia 2017's logo to
FoundationBoard" email
  * The design is not optimal, could use some tweaking but it’s alright.
  * ACTION: Allan to write recommendations for next year
   * 2017-07-11 - Allan still not done this. Sad face.

 * GUADEC 2017 finance request
   * The board wishes to make this a more straightforward process in the
* ACTION: Neil to make sure that expenses allocation for future
conferences is discussed by the board in person at GUADEC

 * Foundation support for Flathub
  * 2017-05-09
   * The Board voted to try and use some of our pro-bono counsel time
towards the Flathub legal framework, provided our lawyers agree
   * ACTION: Neil to connect to Luis
  * 2017-05-16 - Exact questions to ask Luis are being worked up
  * 2017-06-06 - Questions sent to Luis, being looked at.

 * Hackfest process documentation
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to take a stab at updating the documentation for the
process to request a hackfest and responsibilities between Board and TC
  * 2017-05-02
   * Nuritzi will work on this by end of May, check in then

 * Dropping dates in copyright claims on our websites
  * 2016-12-06
   * ACTION: Alexandre to send an email to foundation-list with a proposal
for discussion
  * 2016-12-20
   * Next step seems to be to reach out to Creative Commons to get advice
on what exactly can and should be done
  * 2017-01-24
   * Alexandre reached out to Creative commons
  * 2017-02-28
   * Alexandre will try alternative channels
  * 2017-05-02
   * We got a reply, Alexandre to follow up
  * 2017-05-30
   * Two options
* Have terms of use on the website that state that linking to a page is
sufficient attribution
* Require contributors to assign their attribution to the GNOME

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-09-27
   * Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
   * ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship
  * 2016-10-26
   * We are aiming for an internship round in spring 2017

=== Ongoing but stalled ===

'''This section includes items which haven't seen an update in the last 30

 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
  * 2016-08-10
   * Cosimo tested creating an event, but with mixed results
   * ACTION: Cosimo to take it on from here
  * 2016-09-06 - Allan has started a list of reoccuring events on the wiki
  * 2017-03-07
   * Neil is looking into a similar calendar so will take over

 * Paypal Giving Fund
  * Alexandre suggested in december 2015 to get us enrolled in the program
   * That would give us exposure. For example Humble bundle allows to
direct the charity part of purchases towards any of their participants
  * Zana tried to get us in sometime before may 2016, we never heard back.
  * 2016-09-06
   * ACTION: Zana to look into it

 * Sysadmin fundraising levels and perks
  * 2016-08-10, ACTION: Nuritzi to take on this project and figure out what
it entails
  * 2017-05-09
   * We can talk about this item at GUADEC

 * Web page for prior pants winners
  * 2016-08-10, ACTION: Shaun and Allan to add the web page
  * 2017-03-07
   * Only missing the winner for one year, 2005
   * We can crowdsource the details and refinement of the bios/photos/etc
  * 2017-06-06
   * We are trying to expedite this before next GUADEC
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to ask Shaun for a download of the information he has
already collected
   * ACTION: Alexandre to suggest a suitable location to put the
information and share it with the board

 * Friends of GNOME
  * 2016-08-10
   * ACTION: Allan to get in touch with Tobi and the sysadmin team to
migrate the FoG infrastructure over to GNOME
  * 2017-03-07
   * Allan will pass th

Minutes of the Board meeting of July, 11th, 2017

2017-08-11 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, July 11th 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, July 18th 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Zeeshan Ali
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Allan Day
 * Neil McGovern
 * Meg Ford
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Shaun McCance
 * Jim Hall

== Regrets ==

 * Alexandre Franke

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2017-07-11 ==

 * Budget request for stickers
 * Updated budget request for Julita's events
 * AGM & GUADEC planning
 * Python Jamaica: PyCon 2017 GNOME Foundation email
 * University Outreach
 * ED/OD trip to GUADEC

== Minutes ==

 * GNOME.Asia presentation at GUADEC 2017
  * We should make sure that the GNOME.Asia team also has the opportunity
to present their conference at GUADEC
   * During the AGM sounds like a reasonable time
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to follow up with the GNOME.Asia team to make sure they
know they have this opportunity - Done on July 11th

 * Budget request for stickers
  * There's a budget request for 5k stickers, including those for GUADEC
attendees, special stickers for the 20th birthdays and other events in
Europe and Peru
  * Total amount requested: $1150
  * We don't have a budget broken down to each team, but we do have
marketing budget. Currently we're at $1391 spent against a $2000 budget
   * However we could reallocate some money from events/hackfests that
haven't happened for this. We budgeted $80k for that but only spent $9215
* That's excluding GUADEC travel though, but it still should not get us
to $80k
   * The recommendation of the treasurer is to vote positively, and go over
budget instead of moving money around in our accounting documens, since
that will educate our budget for the next year
  * VOTE: approve the requested amount
   * +1 Nuritzi, Allan, Meg, Carlos, Cosimo, Zeeshan. VOTE PASSED

 * Updated budget request from Julita for CONECIT 2017
  * The budget request is $290 for snacks, 300 balloons and 24
GNOME-branded USB sticks
  * The event is going to be a newcomer's workshop, similar to those that
happen at GUADEC or those that Carlos does
  * Are the USB sticks required for the newcomer's workshop to be
   * Yes, they are live systems for those that come with a Windows laptop
and should not be given away
   * It does not feel necessary to brand the USB sticks with a GNOME logo,
but the difference is about $1
   * The number of 24 sticks does not seem necessary for the event, since
we would not give them away
* If we wanted to give them away as swag or sell them at events, we
would make them centrally and in a larger quantity to negotiate a better
   * Up to 8 USB sticks, snacks/cake and balloons would be a $150
   * VOTE: approve a reduced budget of $150 for the event
* +1 Nuritzi, Allan, Zeeshan, Carlos, Meg. Abstained: Cosimo
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to follow up with Julita (DONE)

 * AGM & GUADEC planning
  * Things are mostly all prepared by now
  * Closer to the time we'll need to book a table for the AdBoard lunch
  * We should prepare a page on the wiki for when people are
arriving/travel plans
   * ACTION: Allan will post a link to this

 * Python Jamaica: PyCon 2017 GNOME Foundation email
  * There's a request for us to sponsor this outside event
  * It does not feel like we want to give them money, but we can help them
with exposure on our social media channels
  * ACTION: Neil to follow up to the request saying that we can't help

 * University Outreach
  * Mozilla is interested in partnering with us for University outreach;
they have an initiative to support open source labs in universities in
  * Meg is asking whether it's OK with the Board if she works with Mozilla
on that initiative
   * Sounds great!
   * This is also something that could be mentioned during the AdBoard
presentation, since it was one of the things that they have previously

 * ED and Rosanna's trip to GUADEC
  * Neil and Rosanna are seeking approval for their trip to GUADEC
  * For our travel policy, the event needs to be approved explicitly by the
  * VOTE: approve the attendance to the event
   * +1 Allan, Nuritzi, Cosimo, Meg. Abstained: Zeeshan, Carlos. VOTE PASSED

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Python Jamaica: PyCon 2017 GNOME Foundation email
  * 2017-07-11
   * The board denied the request for sponsorship of this conference
   * ACTION: Neil to follow up to the request saying that we can't help

 * GNOME.Asia logo / "A simple explanation of GNOME.Asia 2017's logo to
FoundationBoard" email
  * The design is not optimal, could use some tweaking but it’s alright.
  * ACTION: Allan to wri

Minutes of the Board meeting of July, 4th, 2017

2017-08-11 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, July 4th 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, July 11th 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Allan Day
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Neil McGovern
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Zeeshan Ali
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Carlos Soriano

== Regrets ==

 * Meg Ford
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Jim Hall
 * Shaun McCance

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2017-07-04 ==

 * GNOME.Asia logo / "A simple explanation of GNOME.Asia 2017's logo to
FoundationBoard" email
 * AGM planning
 * 2017/2018 General Liability and Directors & Officers Liability
 * GNOME Pants award 2017

== Minutes ==

 * GNOME.Asia logo / "A simple explanation of GNOME.Asia 2017's logo to
FoundationBoard" email
  * The design is not optimal, could use some tweaking but it’s alright.
  * VOTE: approve the logo that GNOME.Asia sent for the 2017 conference
+1 Nuritzi, Alexandre, Allan, Carlos, Zeeshan. VOTE PASSED
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to notify that they can use it for this year
  * 5-7-17: Nuritzi emailed GNOME.Asia team and said Engagement team (aka
Allan) would follow up with design feedback of the logo
  * ACTION: Allan to write recommendations for next year

 * AGM planning
  * request raw material for the team reports by July 14th
  * Teams to reach out to: translations (Alexandre), docs (kat), engagement
(nuritzi), bugsquad (andre), design (allan), release team (matthias),
sysadmin (av), outreach/newcomers (Carlos/Bastian)
  * Committees: travel, membership, ed search
  * ACTION: Allan to reach out to the committees to get their rolls for
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to reach out to the teams to get their material for the

 * 2017/2018 General Liability and Directors & Officers Liability
  * ACTION: Neil to make a list

 * GNOME Pants award 2017
  * ACTION: Allan to give Neil a template (done)
  * ACTION: Neil to call for nominations

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * GUADEC 2017 finance request
  * 2017-06-13
   * The board voted to transfer GBP 5000 into the GUADEC team's UK account
for live expenses
   * The board also voted to pre-approve expenditure against the confirmed
sponsorship money, up to GBP 42000
* ACTION: Allan to get back to Sam
   * The board wishes to make this a more straightforward process in the
* ACTION: Neil to make sure that expenses allocation for future
conferences is discussed by the board in person at GUADEC

 * Foundation support for Flathub
  * 2017-05-09
   * The Board voted to try and use some of our pro-bono counsel time
towards the Flathub legal framework, provided our lawyers agree
   * ACTION: Neil to connect to Luis
  * 2017-05-16 - Exact questions to ask Luis are being worked up
  * 2017-06-06 - Questions sent to Luis, being looked at.

 * Hackfest process documentation
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to take a stab at updating the documentation for the
process to request a hackfest and responsibilities between Board and TC
  * 2017-05-02
   * Nuritzi will work on this by end of May, check in then

 * Dropping dates in copyright claims on our websites
  * 2016-12-06
   * ACTION: Alexandre to send an email to foundation-list with a proposal
for discussion
  * 2016-12-20
   * Next step seems to be to reach out to Creative Commons to get advice
on what exactly can and should be done
  * 2017-01-24
   * Alexandre reached out to Creative commons
  * 2017-02-28
   * Alexandre will try alternative channels
  * 2017-05-02
   * We got a reply, Alexandre to follow up
  * 2017-05-30
   * Two options
* Have terms of use on the website that state that linking to a page is
sufficient attribution
* Require contributors to assign their attribution to the GNOME

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-09-27
   * Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
   * ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship
  * 2016-10-26
   * We are aiming for an internship round in spring 2017

=== Ongoing but stalled ===

'''This section includes items which haven't seen an update in the last 30

 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
  * 2016-08-10
   * Cosimo tested creating an event, but with mixed results
   * ACTION: Cosimo to take it on from here
  * 2016-09-06 - Allan has started a list of reoccuring events on the wiki
  * 2017-03-07
   * Neil is looking into a similar calendar so will take over

 * Paypal Giving Fund
  * Alexandre suggested in december 2015 to get us enrolled in the program
   * That would give us exposure. For example Humble bundle allows to
direct the charity part of purchases towards any of their participants

Minutes of the Board meeting of June, 27th, 2017

2017-08-11 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, June 27th 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, July 4th 2017, 17:00 UTC


Call URL:

== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Allan Day
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Shaun McCance
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Jim Hall
 * Meg Ford
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Neil McGovern
 * Rosanna Yuen

 * Bastien Nocera
 * Matthieu Gautier

 * Ismael Olea
 * Juan Pedro

== Regrets ==

 * Zeeshan Ali

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2017-06-20 ==

 * GUADEC 2018 bids

== Minutes ==

 * GUADEC 2018 bids
  * Lyon
   * The team is not going to be able to organize next year
   * Venue rental is too expensive, more than expected (60k€) [sounds like
the latest quote is ~34k€, expected to rise to ~38k€ ?]
* Most of the cost comes from options that are more or less mandatory
(catering with exclusivity, Internet…)
   * Too little time to look for another venue in time for 2018.
   * Bastien advises to consider them only if we see issues with the other
  * Almeria
   * PyCon-ES was organized there last year.
   * Prices aren’t final but pretty close.
   * Task split between team and GNOME.
* local team would handle logistics.
* board would have to take care of contacting sponsors.
* expectation for non local people to take care of call for
   * Lack of social activities
 * (PRIVATE) Board discussion after presentations:
  * Generally positive about the Almeria bid
  * Some concerns about the local team's knowledge of GUADEC and
integration with the GNOME community. Will they take care of the GUADEC
website? Do they understand what is expected for GUADE? Desirable to have
more community members involved, possibly from gnome-es, and have the local
organisation accessible to the community.
  * ACTION: Carlos to follow up with Ismael and Florian to get a better
idea of how the Almeria team will work with the GNOME community
  * ACTION: board to make a final decision at their next meeting

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * New board members - welcome, induction, agree on transition process
  * Round of introduction
  * Discussion about when the new directors start their term
   * In practice incoming directors join the board immediately after the
election results have been confirmed (this hasn't happened yet for this
year's elections)
   * We will give them an easy introduction, allowing them to vote from the
27th of June and encouraging them to rely on input from existing board
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to ping the membership committee about making the
election results official - this was done by them without Nuritzi
approaching them. woohoo!
  * Bylaws could use some clarification
   * ACTION: Allan to figure out how we can improve that

 * (PRIVATE) GNOME Foundation 2017 AGM - 4pm on July 29th
  * Team Reports
  * Financial Report
  * Announcement of New Board, intro
  * Pants
  * New officers introduced by outgoing person
  * Formal introduction of Neil
  * Possible to have votes but then we need to
   * verify that voters are members
   * announce vote items in advance
  * Vote on bylaws changes if any
  * Assessment of committees
  * Questions from members
  * Without being too formal, we should focus a bit more on the Foundation
and its role
  * We should find ways to engage the audience
   * Have a “Fun part”, with teams playing against each other?
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to send the announcement

 * (PRIVATE) GNOME Peru Challenge at CONECIT 2017
  * Alexandre advised on the list against granting the budget
   * It’s the same type of expenses we already said we thought weren’t the
best way to spend our money on
  * There is no hurry to vote on that because the event is mid-August
  * We should discuss further how we want to handle event budgets
  * Julita is coming to GUADEC we can also have a discussion with her there

 * GUADEC 2017 finance request
  * 2017-06-13
   * The board voted to transfer GBP 5000 into the GUADEC team's UK account
for live expenses
   * The board also voted to pre-approve expenditure against the confirmed
sponsorship money, up to GBP 42000
* ACTION: Allan to get back to Sam
   * The board wishes to make this a more straightforward process in the
* ACTION: Neil to make sure that expenses allocation for future
conferences is discussed by the board in person at GUADEC

 * (PRIVATE) AdBoard check in & Debian sponsorship request
  * 2017-06-13
   * The board voted to approve an expense of GBP 100 to sponsor Chris Lamb
to attend the GUADEC AdBoard meeting
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to get back to him - done but he wants to know when he
should submit expenses for reimbursement

 * (PRIVATE) GNOME.Asia 2017 plans
  * 2017-06-06
   * We sh

Minutes of the Board meeting of June, 20th, 2017

2017-08-11 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, June 20th 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, June 20th 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Allan Day
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Neil McGovern
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Meg Ford
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Shaun McCance
 * Zeeshan Ali

== Regrets ==

 * Jim Hall

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2017-06-20 ==

 * New board members - welcome, induction, agree on transition process
 * GNOME Foundation 2017 AGM

== Minutes ==

 * New board members - welcome, induction, agree on transition process
  * Round of introduction
  * Discussion about when the new directors start their term
   * In practice incoming directors join the board immediately after the
election results have been confirmed (this hasn't happened yet for this
year's elections)
   * We will give them an easy introduction, allowing them to vote from the
27th of June and encouraging them to rely on input from existing board
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to ping the membership committee about making the
election results official
   * Bylaws could use some clarification
* ACTION: Allan to figure out how we can improve that

 * GNOME Foundation 2017 AGM - 4pm on July 29th
  * Team Reports
  * Financial Report
  * Announcement of New Board, intro
  * Pants
  * New officers introduced by outgoing person
  * Formal introduction of Neil
  * Possible to have votes but then we need to
   * verify that voters are members
   * announce vote items in advance
  * Vote on bylaws changes if any
  * Assessment of committees
  * Questions from members
  * Without being too formal, we should focus a bit more on the Foundation
and its role
  * We should find ways to engage the audience
   * Have a “Fun part”, with teams playing against each other?
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to send the announcement

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * GUADEC 2017 finance request
  * 2017-06-13
   * The board voted to transfer GBP 5000 into the GUADEC team's UK account
for live expenses
   * The board also voted to pre-approve expenditure against the confirmed
sponsorship money, up to GBP 42000
* ACTION: Allan to get back to Sam
   * The board wishes to make this a more straightforward process in the
* ACTION: Neil to make sure that expenses allocation for future
conferences is discussed by the board in person at GUADEC

 * GUADEC 2018 bid presentations
  * 2017-06-06
   * The Board would now like to move the presentations to a call, to be
able to announce a decision during GUADEC
   * ACTION: Allan and Nuritzi to organize a call the week of June 26th

 * Foundation support for Flathub
  * 2017-05-09
   * The Board voted to try and use some of our pro-bono counsel time
towards the Flathub legal framework, provided our lawyers agree
   * ACTION: Neil to connect to Luis
  * 2017-05-16 - Exact questions to ask Luis are being worked up
  * 2017-06-06 - Questions sent to Luis, being looked at.

 * Hackfest process documentation
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to take a stab at updating the documentation for the
process to request a hackfest and responsibilities between Board and TC
  * 2017-05-02
   * Nuritzi will work on this by end of May, check in then

 * Dropping dates in copyright claims on our websites
  * 2016-12-06
   * ACTION: Alexandre to send an email to foundation-list with a proposal
for discussion
  * 2016-12-20
   * Next step seems to be to reach out to Creative Commons to get advice
on what exactly can and should be done
  * 2017-01-24
   * Alexandre reached out to Creative commons
  * 2017-02-28
   * Alexandre will try alternative channels
  * 2017-05-02
   * We got a reply, Alexandre to follow up
  * 2017-05-30
   * Two options
* Have terms of use on the website that state that linking to a page is
sufficient attribution
* Require contributors to assign their attribution to the GNOME

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-09-27
   * Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
   * ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship
  * 2016-10-26
   * We are aiming for an internship round in spring 2017

=== Ongoing but stalled ===

'''This section includes items which haven't seen an update in the last 30

 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
  * 2016-08-10
   * Cosimo tested creating an event, but with mixed results
   * ACTION: Cosimo to take it on from here
  * 2016-09-06 - Allan has started a list of reoccuring events on the wiki
  * 2017-03-07
   * Neil is looking into a similar calendar so will take over

 * Paypal Giving Fund
  * Alexandre suggeste

2017-07-26 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
Hi all,

This year's GNOME Foundation Annual General Meeting will be held at GUADEC
on Saturday, July 29th at 16:00 [1].

The Board will hold a Q&A session at the end of the meeting; in preparation
for it, we want to make sure that people who are not going to be at GUADEC,
or who prefer to write down questions, have the chance to participate.
Please send your questions for the Board to before Saturday

This year we'll also take questions during the meeting on IRC (#foundation
channel on


foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Board meeting of May, 30th, 2017

2017-06-13 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, May 30th 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, June 6th 2017, 17:00 UTC


Call URL:

== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Neil McGovern
 * Karen Sandler
 * Meg Ford
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Jim Hall

== Regrets ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Allan Day

== Missing ==

 * Shaun McCance

== Agenda for 2017-05-23 ==

 * GNOME Foundation - Invoice not paid
 * Review ongoing items

== Minutes ==

 * GNOME Foundation - Invoice not paid
  * It comes from our insurance agent and is legitimate
  * Rosanna will take care of it

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * GUADEC bid presentations
  * The Board would like to have the bidding teams present their bids at
GUADEC to the Board, possibly during a lunch
  * 2017-05-16
   * ACTION: Allan to reach out to the bidding teams and let them know to
prepare a presentation for GUADEC
  * 2017-05-23: Allan has done this - complete
  * 2017-05-30:
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to follow up

 * 2017 Elections
  * Deadline for announcing a candidacy is June 24th
  * 2017-05-16
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to send out a reminder to candidates that they should
be planning to arrive at GUADEC two days earlier
  * 2017-05-23: Nuritzi has sent the mail
  * 2017-05-30: What happens if someone doesn’t reach the threshold?

 * Foundation support for Flathub
  * 2017-05-09
   * The Board voted to try and use some of our pro-bono counsel time
towards the Flathub legal framework, provided our lawyers agree
   * ACTION: Neil to connect to Luis
  * 2017-05-16 - Exact questions to ask Luis are being worked up

 * Hackfest process documentation
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to take a stab at updating the documentation for the
process to request a hackfest and responsibilities between Board and TC
  * 2017-05-02
   * Nuritzi will work on this by end of May, check in then

 * Dropping dates in copyright claims on our websites
  * 2016-12-06
   * ACTION: Alexandre to send an email to foundation-list with a proposal
for discussion
  * 2016-12-20
   * Next step seems to be to reach out to Creative Commons to get advice
on what exactly can and should be done
  * 2017-01-24
   * Alexandre reached out to Creative commons
  * 2017-02-28
   * Alexandre will try alternative channels
  * 2017-05-02
   * We got a reply, Alexandre to follow up
  * 2017-05-30
   * Two options
* Have terms of use on the website that state that linking to a page is
sufficient attribution
* Require contributors to assign their attribution to the GNOME

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-09-27
   * Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
   * ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship
  * 2016-10-26
   * We are aiming for an internship round in spring 2017

=== Ongoing but stalled ===

'''This section includes items which haven't seen an update in the last 30

 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
  * 2016-08-10
   * Cosimo tested creating an event, but with mixed results
   * ACTION: Cosimo to take it on from here
  * 2016-09-06 - Allan has started a list of reoccuring events on the wiki
  * 2017-03-07
   * Neil is looking into a similar calendar so will take over

 * Paypal Giving Fund
  * Alexandre suggested in december 2015 to get us enrolled in the program
   * That would give us exposure. For example Humble bundle allows to
direct the charity part of purchases towards any of their participants
  * Zana tried to get us in sometime before may 2016, we never heard back.
  * 2016-09-06
   * ACTION: Zana to look into it

 * Sysadmin fundraising levels and perks
  * 2016-08-10, ACTION: Nuritzi to take on this project and figure out what
it entails
  * 2017-05-09
   * We can talk about this item at GUADEC

 * Web page for prior pants winners
  * 2016-08-10, ACTION: Shaun and Allan to add the web page
  * 2017-03-07
   * Only missing the winner for one year, 2005
   * We can crowdsource the details and refinement of the bios/photos/etc

 * Friends of GNOME
  * 2016-08-10
   * ACTION: Allan to get in touch with Tobi and the sysadmin team to
migrate the FoG infrastructure over to GNOME
  * 2017-03-07
   * Allan will pass this on to Neil, and connect him to Tobi
  * 2017-04-18 - Neil has CRM working (ish) on the gnome website, we're
looking at how to move the PayPal IPN to CiviCRM

=== Ongoing but no director assigned ===

'''This section includes items which haven't seen an update in the last 30
days and have no Director assigned'''

== Nice to have ==

'''This section includes items which

Minutes of the Board meeting of June, 6th, 2017

2017-06-13 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, June 6th 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, June 13th 2017, 17:00 UTC


Call URL:

== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Allan Day
 * Neil McGovern
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

 * Meg Ford
 * Jim Hall
 * Shaun McCance

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2017-06-06 ==

 * Web page for prior pants winners
 * Timeline for new board transition
 * GUADEC 2018 bids
 * Questions about Hackfest process
 * Review ongoing items

== Minutes ==

 * Web page for prior pants winners
  * Where would the information go to?
   * On the website eventually, but in the meantime we'd use the wiki to
collect the information that's missing
   * We have a page in the FoundationBoard public section with previous
directors, could go in a similar location
  * What is the purpose?
   * To have it as historical records, to whoever presents the pants
awards, or e.g. an annual report
   * Use it as an option to do some marketing work, have a nice and
positive community showcase
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to ask Shaun for a download of the information he has
already collected
  * ACTION: Alexandre to suggest a suitable location to put the information
and share it with the board

 * Timeline for new board transition
  * Results will be announced this coming Monday 12th, then confirmed next
Monday 19th
  * The new board will be in effect after that, and until the GUADEC
meeting both groups of officers can attend meetings and calls
  * When do we start inviting incoming board members to the calls?
   * Historically we did the handover at GUADEC, but sounds helpful to have
a time during which board members overlap
   * The new officers do take over at the AGM according to the bylaws, so
that sounds like a reasonable time for the handover
  * First meeting with new board on call: Tuesday June 20th, but no voting
powers until the in-person meeting at GUADEC, where new officers are elected
   * The meetings will be recommended to attend for the newly-elected
members, but we will still hold meetings according to the schedule of the
present board

 * GUADEC 2018 bids
  * Is there anything that we need to discuss about this before GUADEC?
  * In the interest of making sure to be able to announce a decision at
GUADEC, we are looking to get bidfing team presentations before hand
   * We could invite them to our a meeting the week of the 26th, give a 30
min slot to each team; we'd include the newly elected board members too
   * In the meantime board members should review the proposals and prepare
a list of questions if required
  * ACTION: Allan and Nuritzi to organize this

 * Questions about Hackfest process
  * Nuritzi has some questions:
  * Conversation is tabled for now, we will get back to this next week

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * GUADEC 2018 bid presentations
  * 2017-06-06
   * The Board would now like to move the presentations to a call, to be
able to announce a decision during GUADEC
   * ACTION: Allan and Nuritzi to organize a call the week of June 26th

 * Foundation support for Flathub
  * 2017-05-09
   * The Board voted to try and use some of our pro-bono counsel time
towards the Flathub legal framework, provided our lawyers agree
   * ACTION: Neil to connect to Luis
  * 2017-05-16 - Exact questions to ask Luis are being worked up
  * 2017-06-06 - Questions sent to Luis, being looked at.

 * Hackfest process documentation
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to take a stab at updating the documentation for the
process to request a hackfest and responsibilities between Board and TC
  * 2017-05-02
   * Nuritzi will work on this by end of May, check in then

 * Dropping dates in copyright claims on our websites
  * 2016-12-06
   * ACTION: Alexandre to send an email to foundation-list with a proposal
for discussion
  * 2016-12-20
   * Next step seems to be to reach out to Creative Commons to get advice
on what exactly can and should be done
  * 2017-01-24
   * Alexandre reached out to Creative commons
  * 2017-02-28
   * Alexandre will try alternative channels
  * 2017-05-02
   * We got a reply, Alexandre to follow up
  * 2017-05-30
   * Two options
* Have terms of use on the website that state that linking to a page is
sufficient attribution
* Require contributors to assign their attribution to the GNOME

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-09-27
   * Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
   * ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship
  * 2016-10-26
   * We are aiming for an internship round in spring 2017

=== Ongoing but st

Minutes of the Board Meeting of May, 9th, 2017

2017-05-16 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, May 9nd 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, May 16th 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Neil McGovern
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Meg Ford

== Regrets ==

 * Allan Day
 * Jim Hall

== Missing ==

 * Shaun McCance

== Agenda for 2017-05-09 ==

 * Board elections 2017 - what's the timetable?
 * Sri's email about StackExchange
 * Foundation support for Flathub

== Minutes ==

 * Board elections 2017 - what's the timetable?
  * Zana is trying to get in touch with the elections committee
  * Ideally elections are end of May/beginning of June

 * Sri's email about StackExchange
  * Feels more like a heads up and a great idea, but there's no action
required from the Board at this point
  * If people have questions, they could follow up with Sri
  * ACTION: Meg to respond and acknowledge

 * Foundation support for Flathub
  * We're getting somewhere with Flathub!
  * Two open questions
   * What sort of legal entity do we need to support Flathub
* Feels a bit putting horse before the cart to create a separate legal
entity right now
 * If the project takes off, certainly we'd want to revisit this
* But there are two inter-related bits that need solving
 * Draft a good ToS that people sign up to/comply to DMCA takedown
 * Sysadmin time
* We could use some of our pro-bono legal time to get these questions
 * We don't know if the lawyers would agree to it, because Flatpak is a
separate project
 * Do we have any legal ties right now, since it's being incubated in
the Foundation?
  * Feels like a yes for now
 * VOTE: the Foundation agrees to donate some of the legal pro-bono
time towards solving this, provided that the lawyers agree
  * +1 Cosimo, Alexandre, Meg, Nuritzi. VOTE PASSED
  * ACTION: Neil to connect to Luis
* We could "donate" some time from Andrea to help with the sysadmin
work needed
 * Is there any time to give in the first place?
  * Andrea is still consulting for the Foundation, so this could be OK
  * Some of our adboard members may also be open to donating sysadmin
time, if Andrea is not available
  * Neil will make sure to get some more information from Alex about
the requirements before we dig deeper into this next week
   * How can we make sure there's a decent shield for people contributing
to it

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Foundation support for Flathub
  * 2017-05-09
   * The Board voted to try and use some of our pro-bono counsel time
towards the Flathub legal framework, provided our lawyers agree
   * ACTION: Neil to connect to Luis

 * Sri's email about StackExchange
  * Feels more like a heads up and a great idea, but there's no action
required from the Board at this point
  * 2017-05-09
   * ACTION: Meg to respond and acknowledge

 * Hackfest process documentation
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to take a stab at updating the documentation for the
process to request a hackfest and responsibilities between Board and TC
  * 2017-05-02
   * Nuritzi will work on this by end of May, check in then

 * Dropping dates in copyright claims on our websites
  * 2016-12-06
   * ACTION: Alexandre to send an email to foundation-list with a proposal
for discussion
  * 2016-12-20
   * Next step seems to be to reach out to Creative Commons to get advice
on what exactly can and should be done
  * 2017-01-24
   * Alexandre reached out to Creative commons
  * 2017-02-28
   * Alexandre will try alternative channels
  * 2017-05-02
   * We got a reply, Alexandre to follow up

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-09-27
   * Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
   * ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship
  * 2016-10-26
   * We are aiming for an internship round in spring 2017

=== Ongoing but stalled ===

'''This section includes items which haven't seen an update in the last 30

 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
  * 2016-08-10
   * Cosimo tested creating an event, but with mixed results
   * ACTION: Cosimo to take it on from here
  * 2016-09-06 - Allan has started a list of reoccuring events on the wiki
  * 2017-03-07
   * Neil is looking into a similar calendar so will take over

 * Paypal Giving Fund
  * Alexandre suggested in december 2015 to get us enrolled in the program
   * That would give us exposure. For example Humble bundle allows to
direct the charity part of purchases towards any of their participants
  * Zana tried

Minutes of the Board meeting of April, 11th, 2017

2017-04-18 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, April 11th 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, April 18th 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Allan Day
 * Shaun McCance
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Meg Ford
 * Jim Hall
 * Neil McGovern
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2017-04-11 ==

 * GNOME Social
 * Test Recipe app contribution event
 * Publishing Board Minutes
 * Deposit for GNOME 20th birthday party at GUADEC

== Minutes ==

 * GNOME Social
  * Christian sent us an email about this -- request is to set up an
instance of Mastodon managed by GNOME
  * Christian also has pre-purchased the domain and is willing
to donate it
  * The Board could approve this as an official initiative of the project,
but we don't need to be involved at a technical level
  * Q: Does the sysadmin team have time to work on this?
  * A: Should ask them, but maybe yes
  * We have an account on the old GNUSocial -- Mastodon is a new
implementation that is compatible with GNUSocial but much better
   * The request is not to have an account, but our own server, so that
GNOME members can log into GNUSocial through the GNOME server
  * ACTION: Alexandre to draft a reply to Christian with our blessing to go

 * Test Recipe app contribution event
  * A new contributor has an idea for Recipe app contribution event, and
wants to do a test-run for the event, similar to how we do Bug-days/months
  * We have a budget to set aside $50 for release party events
   * Only 4 locations used these funds for now, so we could re-use these
  * We should not be re-allocating the budget that the Board has approved
for a specific purpose, without voting on this again
  * We can ask him to put together an event proposal and send it to us
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to follow up

 * Publishing Board Minutes
  * Can we share this work between more Board members to speed it up?
  * If minutes are not published by Wednesday, Alexandre will do it instead
of Cosimo

 * Deposit for GNOME 20th birthday party at GUADEC
  * Let's have board members vote on the mailing list about this
  * Allan will trigger a mailing list vote for this

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Test Recipe app contribution event
  * A new contributor wants to organize an event around adding content for
Recipes, and would like a bit of funding
  * 2017-04-11
   * The Board is generally happy about the initiative, but there should be
an event description and budget request to go forward
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to follow up

 * GNOME Social
  * Board is OK for Christian to go ahead with this initiative
  * 2017-04-11
   * ACTION: Alexandre to draft a reply to Christian with our blessing to
go ahead

 * GUADEC 2018 Call for Bids
  * 2017-04-04
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to send out something on social media and a news item
on the main GNOME website

 * Warranty renewals for GNOME servers
  * 2017-04-04
   * We should have some input from the sysadmin team that we factor into
our budget projections,  and the overall plan
   * ACTION: Neil to talk to the sysadmin team about this

 * Should we move our private documents from the resources page to ownCloud?
  * 2017-04-04
   * Board thinks this is a good idea
   * ACTION: Allan to move forward with this

 * WHS donations report
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Alexandre to follow-up with WHS about donation reports

 * Hackfest process documentation
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to take a stab at updating the documentation for the
process to request a hackfest and responsibilities between Board and TC

 * libertyVPS server donation
  * 2016-12-20
   * ACTION: Meg to check with sysadmins whether we actually need a server
  * 2017-01-10
   * Meg sent an email and is waiting to hear back from the sysadmin team.
  * 2017-02-28
   * Meg to follow up with LibertyVPS pointing them to previous social
media posts about donors and ask them what they'd like. Meg to follow up
with engagement team about LibertyVPS social media perks.
   * 2017-03-07
* LibertyVPS want to also donate some money to the project
* ACTION: Neil to connect to them 1:1 to talk about contribution

 * Chrome Store account for managing GNOME Shell integration browser
  * 2016-12-20
   * ACTION: Shaun to find out more about what's involved in creating an
  * 2017-03-07
   * For the Play Store, we had decided that the contributor should be
empowered to publish their app there, as long as they're members of the
* And as long as the credentials/keys are shared with the Board
   * We should document this process in a wiki page
   * The Engagement team could faciliatate Foundation members being

Minutes of the Board meeting of April, 4th, 2017

2017-04-11 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, April 4th 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, April 11th 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Allan Day
 * Shaun McCance
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Neil McGovern
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Jim Hall

== Regrets ==

 * Meg Ford

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2017-04-04 ==

 * GUADEC 2018 Call for Bids
 * Use of "gnome" in third party website - archive knowledge
 * Warranty renewals for GNOME servers; vote passed on the mailing list,
but might be good to have a follow up discussion
 * Should we move our documents from the resources page to ownCloud?

== Minutes ==

 * GUADEC 2018 Call for Bids
  * We should send out something on social media and a news item on the
main GNOME website
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to make that happen

 * Use of "gnome" in third party websites - archive knowledge
  * It would be good to document on the wiki the cases that we came across
for this
   * There's a page in the private section with all the information about
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to take a stab at this

 * Warranty renewals for GNOME servers; vote passed on the mailing list,
but might be good to have a follow up discussion
  * It's not particularly clear why we ended up in this situation, and
whether it's the best way to manage our servers, especially if this is a
recurring expense
  * Alexandre also had some other concerns that we didn't dig into because
it was urgent
   * Was not very clear what happened if we did not renew the contract
* We would not be able to replace hardware in a timely matter otherwise
   * Why did this only come up last-minute?
* We should have some input from the sysadmin team that we factor into
our budget projections
   * ACTION: Neil to talk to the sysadmin team about this

 * Should we move our documents from the resources page to ownCloud?
  * The resources page on the wiki is a long list of document by-date
  * Seems like a good candidate to move it to ownCloud
   * Would need to figure out access control if we were to move it
  * ACTION: Allan to move forward with this

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * GUADEC 2018 Call for Bids
  * 2017-04-04
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to send out something on social media and a news item
on the main GNOME website

 * Use of "gnome" in third party websites - archive knowledge
  * 2017-04-04
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to take a stab at documenting the cases we encountered

 * Warranty renewals for GNOME servers
  * 2017-04-04
   * We should have some input from the sysadmin team that we factor into
our budget projections,  and the overall plan
   * ACTION: Neil to talk to the sysadmin team about this

 * Should we move our private documents from the resources page to ownCloud?
  * 2017-04-04
   * Board thinks this is a good idea
   * ACTION: Allan to move forward with this

 * Budget request: $144.3322 from Julita Inca, see email "Flisol and
Install Fest 2017"
  * 2017-03-28
   * Budget was approved
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to get back to Julita
   * ACTION: Neil to help define a policy about transaction expenses,
folding it together with the other monetary policies
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to reach out to Julita about her getting more involved
with the distribution center process
  * 2017-04-04
   * She went over budget, new amount is $193, because of some extra
materials she had to buy
   * She plans to reuse some of those extra materials for the next event
   * If she holds these events quite frequently, we should have an annual
budget for them, instead of piecemeal expenses
* Also we'd need a way to measure the value of these events for the
   * VOTE: approve the new budget, but do mention to her that she should be
careful with expenses for the future
* +1 Nuritzi, Allan, Cosimo, Shaun. -1 Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
* ACTION: Nuritzi to communicate to Julita

 * WHS donations report
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Alexandre to follow-up with WHS about donation reports

 * Hackfest process documentation
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to take a stab at updating the documentation for the
process to request a hackfest and responsibilities between Board and TC

 * libertyVPS server donation
  * 2016-12-20
   * ACTION: Meg to check with sysadmins whether we actually need a server
  * 2017-01-10
   * Meg sent an email and is waiting to hear back from the sysadmin team.
  * 2017-02-28
   * Meg to follow up with LibertyVPS pointing them to previous social
media posts about donors and ask them what they'd like. Meg to follow up
with engagement team about LibertyVPS social media perks.
   * 2017-03-

Re: Minutes of the Board meeting of February, 21st, 2017

2017-04-09 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
Hi Kat,

On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 2:17 AM, Ekaterina Gerasimova  wrote:

> It has been over a month since we've had any new meeting minutes. It's
> difficult for the Foundation members to discuss current issues with
> you if the minutes go out over 6 weeks after the discussion has taken
> place. Are there any plans to improve the time it takes for the
> minutes to be published?

Apologies for the delays; they're my fault as I haven't been able to keep
up with publishing the minutes on a timely matter recently.

To you and other Foundation members: please feel free to reach out to
board-list directly (or foundation-list) if you wish to discuss a current
issue that has seen slow updates.
In the meantime I will do my best to reserve the time to ensure a more
speedy publishing going forward.

foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Board meeting of March, 28th, 2017

2017-04-09 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, March 28th 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, April 4th 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Allan Day
 * Neil McGovern
 * Meg Ford
 * Nurizi Sanchez
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Shaun McCance
 * Jim Hall

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2017-03-28 ==

 * Budget request: $144.3322 from Julita Inca, see email "Flisol and
Install Fest 2017"
 * Reimbursements for GIMP Wilber Week Hacking Event 2017
 * Pitivi Invoice
 * GUADEC 2016 expenses pending payment
 * Liberty VPS email [Ticket ID: 826636] Dedicated Server Donation
 * About Gnome Users Groups
 * Open source survey:

== Minutes ==

 * Budget request: $144.3322 from Julita Inca, see email "Flisol and
Install Fest 2017"
  * The request includes paypal transaction fees ($25), which traditionally
have not been reimbursed whenever they have not been asked for
  * She could also set herself up as a distributor for stickers/balloons
since she organizes a lot of events every year
  * We do not have a policy for this, it sounds like we should define a
  * VOTE: approve the amount, including transaction fees
   * +1 Nuritzi, Shaun, Meg, Cosimo, Allan, Jim, Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
  * ACTION: Neil to help define a policy about transaction expenses,
folding it together with the other monetary policies
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to reach out to Julita about her getting more involved
with the distribution center process

 * Reimbursements for GIMP Wilber Week Hacking Event 2017
  * ACTION: Shaun to review the receipts and put it on the wiki

 * Pitivi Invoice
  * This just needs to be paid out modulo wire transfer fees
  * ACTION: Cosimo to confirm with Rosanna

 * GUADEC 2016 expenses pending payment
  * This is the balance of the GUADEC 2016 expenses
  * These have been approved already last year
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to move them to the Ready section in the wiki - DONE

  * We should have a call for bids for LAS GNOME
  * Do we have all the details needed about the expectations for the
  * Is LAS GNOME an annual event that the GNOME Foundation is committing to
   * We have had West Coast summit organized for the two years before LAS
though -- we should not lose this
  * A CfB may be overkill if the organizing team can get on the same page
about scope/location first
   * We'll proceed like this, no involvement from the Board necessary just

 * Liberty VPS email [Ticket ID: 826636] Dedicated Server Donation
  * They are welcome to sponsor some of our conferences, if that's the
desired link placement
  * More in general, we don't want to endorse a lot of other companies
which are not part of our AdBoard directly from our website, since we don't
want to dilute the GNOME brand
  * ACTION: Neil to follow-up with them about conference sponsorships

 * About Gnome Users Groups
  * No action needed from the Board right now, this sounds like a good task
for the Engagement team

 * Open source survey:
  * Does the board usually get involved in surveys about the community
demographics like this?
  * ACTION: Neil will look over the survey if there's any interesting
questions from it

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Open source survey:
  * 2017-03-28
   * ACTION: Neil will look over the survey if there's any interesting
questions from it

 * Reimbursements for GIMP Wilber Week Hacking Event 2017
  * ACTION: Shaun to review the receipts and put it on the wiki

 * Budget request: $144.3322 from Julita Inca, see email "Flisol and
Install Fest 2017"
  * 2017-03-28
   * Budget was approved
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to get back to Julita
   * ACTION: Neil to help define a policy about transaction expenses,
folding it together with the other monetary policies
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to reach out to Julita about her getting more involved
with the distribution center process

 * WHS donations report
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Alexandre to follow-up with WHS about donation reports

 * Hackfest process documentation
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to take a stab at updating the documentation for the
process to request a hackfest and responsibilities between Board and TC

 * libertyVPS server donation
  * 2016-12-20
   * ACTION: Meg to check with sysadmins whether we actually need a server
  * 2017-01-10
   * Meg sent an email and is waiting to hear back from the sysadmin team.
  * 2017-02-28
   * Meg to follow up with LibertyVPS pointing them to previous social
media posts about donors and ask them what they'd like. Meg to follow up
with engagement team about Li

Minutes of the Board meeting of March, 14th, 2017

2017-04-09 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, March 14th 2017, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, March 28th 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Allan Day
 * Neil McGovern
 * Meg Ford
 * Shaun McCance
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Jim Hall

== Regrets ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Alexandre Franke

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2017-03-14 ==

 * Foundation travel policy
 * GUADEC 2018 call for bids
 * Immigration ban statement
 * GIMP reimbursement request (see email)
 * Should we move our documents from the resources page to ownCloud?

== Minutes ==

 * Foundation travel policy
  * Neil has sent round a draft travel policy for the GNOME Foundation.
Some modifications have been made in response to feedback from members of
the board.
  * Individual trips need to be approved by the board. After that, travel
expenses that fall within the policy wouldn't have to be approved by the
  * The policy is separate from the Travel Committee - it is intended for
those travelling on behalf of the Foundation rather than the project
(primarily staff and board members).
  * The policy uses GSA ( rates to set a per diem
("per day") expense allowance. It isn't expected that claiments will need
to go beyond the per diem rate.
  * Question from Nuritzi about exchange rate conversions - will Rosanna do
the checking? Can it be simplified?
   * Neil - it shouldn't be a problem to look up historical exchange rates
that were used for a transaction. We can use Oanda.
   * Rosanna - we'll just look up the exchange rate for one day of a trip,
rather than for every day.
   * Neil will adjust the policy to reflect this.
  * VOTE: adopt the new policy proposed by Neil, subject to the exchange
rate amendment, and use it to replace the existing travel policy in the
employee handbook
   * +1 Nuritzi, Shaun, Meg, Allan - APPROVED
  * ACTION: Neil to put the new policy on the wiki and remove the old one

 * GUADEC 2018 call for bids
  * We need to send out the call for bids - we usually aim to send it out
in February
  * Needs to be a mailing list post, post, social media
   * ACTION: Nuritzi will take a look, with the aim to publish on Friday 17

 * Immigration ban statement
  * Neil and Allan have drafted a statement, which has been shared with the
  * Neil has compared it with other similar statements and is happy with
  * The new ban comes in on Thursday, so it could be apt to post it then.
  * Alexandre has asked about the Foundation's ability to fund travellers
from US embargoed countries. Neil thinks this could confuse the statement.
  * Nuritzi - question - who is posting this? Is it Neil, or the Foundation?
   * Neil - it's from the Foundation.
   * Nuritzi - statements from other organizations have been from their ED.
We have had legal advice that a statement like this should be OK.
   * Neil - the Conservancy one was made on behalf of the Conservancy.
  * Will be posted on, social media. Agreement not to make too
big a deal of it.
  * Jim - the statement is fine in general. Would like to suggest some
edits. So would Nuritzi.
  * ACTION: Neil to put the statement in an etherpad ( so board
members can make changes and post on Thursday
  * ACTION: Neil to let the Engagement Team know what we're planning.

 * GIMP reimbursement request (see email, subject "Reimbursements for GIMP
Wilber Week Hacking Event 2017")
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to process the receipts and Rosanna to send the cash

 * Should we move our documents from the resources page to ownCloud?
  * Not urgent - to be discussed another week.

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * WHS donations report
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Alexandre to follow-up with WHS about donation reports

 * Hackfest process documentation
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to take a stab at updating the documentation for the
process to request a hackfest and responsibilities between Board and TC

 * Immigration ban
  * 2017-03-07
   * This is in the news again, since it was reintroduced effective 3/16
   * ACTION: Neil to send a draft around to board-list (before next meeting)
  * 2017-03-14
   * Draft reviewed
   * ACTION: Neil to send out on Thursday 16 March

 * Pitivi fundraiser beneficiary
  * 2017-02-28
   * Contract is ready for the Directors to review
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to run the contract and the NY/CA change by Luis, and
otherwise sign the contract by next week
  * 2017-03-07
   * Luis got back to us with the advice of keeping the contract with NY law
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to sign the contract and send it back

 * libertyVPS server donation
  * 2016-

Minutes of the Board meeting of February, 28th, 2017

2017-04-09 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, February 28th 2017, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, March 7th 2017, 18:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Allan Day
 * Neil McGovern
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Meg Ford
 * Alexandre Franke

== Regrets ==

 * Jim Hall

== Missing ==

 * Shaun McCance

== Agenda for 2017-02-28 ==

 * Pitivi contract
 * From the mailing list - Invoice for catering by venue for GIMP
WilberWeek Hacking event 2017
 * Liberty VPS sponsorship perk
 * PIA VPS sponsorship
 * Review ongoing items

== Minutes ==

 * Pitivi contract
  * Alexandre sent an email to the list about this
   * Directors should look at the contract and provide feedback
  * Contract is based on what Karen drafted back in the days, hence it
mentions the "State of New York" as the laws by which the contract should
   * Alexandre would like for this to be changed to the State of California
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to run the contract and the NY/CA change by Luis, and
otherwise sign the contract by next week

 * From the mailing list - Invoice for catering by venue for GIMP
WilberWeek Hacking event 2017
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to look over the reimbursements and put them on the wiki

 * Liberty VPS sponsorship perk
  * Meg has been trying to get in touch with the sysadmin team and
libertyVPS to make the donation happen
  * libertyVPS has a question about our sponsors page, and whether they
could appear there

 * PIA VPS sponsorship
  * PIA would like to integrate their VPN service more tightly with GNOME
  * It feels like we could also use a privacy internship to do work in this
  * There is precedent where we had an agreement for DuckDuckGo to be the
default search engine in GNOME Web (Epiphany)
  * ACTION: Allan will help connect Neil and PIA to the right people in the
project to start this conversation

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * PIA VPS sponsorship
  * PIA would like to explore options to integrate their VPN service more
tightly with GNOME
  * 2017-02-28
   * ACTION: Allan will help connect Neil and PIA to the right people in
the project to start this conversation

 * From the mailing list - Invoice for catering by venue for GIMP
WilberWeek Hacking event 2017
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to look over the reimbursements and put them on the wiki

 * UNIXSticker signed stickers campaign
  * Neil could participate
  * 2017-02-28
   * Neil got in touch with them

 * WHS donations report
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Alexandre to follow-up with WHS about donation reports

 * Hackfest process documentation
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to take a stab at updating the documentation for the
process to request a hackfest and responsibilities between Board and TC

 * Should the GNOME Foundation issue a statement about the immigration ban?
  * The Linux Foundation did:
  * 2017-02-14
   * Allan is working on a draft statement
  * 2017-02-28
   * Allan has a draft, but is short on time in the next couple weeks
   * Neil takes this over from Allan

 * 2017 Budget
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to send a framadate for a budget meeting with the
board, Neil and Kat

 * From the mailing list - patreon campaign
  * 2017-02-07
   * For now, we are promoting the campaigns but not getting involved
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to ask Neil for his opinion
  * 2017-02-28
   * We decided not to fund these from the Foundation, but we will always
promote these initiatives through our Engagement channels

 * Pitivi fundraiser beneficiary
  * 2017-02-28
   * Contract is ready for the Directors to review
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to run the contract and the NY/CA change by Luis, and
otherwise sign the contract by next week

 * libertyVPS server donation
  * 2016-12-20
   * ACTION: Meg to check with sysadmins whether we actually need a server
  * 2017-01-10
   * Meg sent an email and is waiting to hear back from the sysadmin team.
* 2017-02-28
  * Meg to follow up with LibertyVPS pointing them to previous social media
posts about donors and ask them what they'd like. Meg to follow up with
engagement team about LibertyVPS social media perks.

 * Chrome Store account for managing GNOME Shell integration browser
  * 2016-12-20
   * ACTION: Shaun to find out more about what's involved in creating an

 * Dropping dates in copyright claims on our websites
  * 2016-12-06
   * ACTION: Alexandre to send an email to foundation-list with a proposal
for discussion
  * 2016-12-20
   * Next step seems 

Minutes of the Board meeting of March, 7th, 2017

2017-04-09 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, March 7th 2017, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, March 14th 2017, 18:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Shaun McCance
 * Allan Day
 * Meg Ford
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Neil McGovern
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Jim Hall

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2017-03-07 ==

 * GIMP @ LGM reimbursements (via Email)
 * Trump immigration ban
 * LibertyVPS
 * Budget request for GNOME box courier
 * Review outstanding items

== Minutes ==

 * GIMP @ LGM reimbursements (via Email)
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to look over the receipts

 * Trump immigration ban
  * US administration has reintroduced the immigration ban, will be in
effect on 3/16
  * This makes an announcement relevant again. We could publish our
statement on the 16th, when it goes in effect
   * We could also do it earlier, but it's not entirely clear what will
happen when it will go in effect
   * If we did it now, it would not overlap with other announcements/PRs
like the GNOME release, or the GTK hackfest
  * ACTION: Neil to send a draft around to board-list (before next meeting)

 * LibertyVPS
  * They asked if we had different web pages for donors or sponsors, but
they were probably looking for instructions on how to become a
donor/sponsorship opportunities
  * They mentioned that they're also interested in donating money, in
addition to a server
   * This could be a good opportunity for Neil to step in and talk to them
   * ACTION: Neil to do so

 * Budget request for GNOME box courier
  * Missing votes: Nuritzi, Shaun, Jim
  * Request is for 50 GBP to ship the travel box to Lyon
  * VOTES on the list: +1 Alexandre, Cosimo, Meg, Allan
  * VOTE: +1 Nuritzi, Shaun, Jim. VOTE PASSED
  * ACTION: Neil or Allan to follow up

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * GIMP @ LGM reimbursements (via Email)
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to look over the receipts

 * UNIXSticker signed stickers campaign
  * Neil could participate
  * 2017-02-28
   * Neil got in touch with them
  * 2017-03-07
   * Neil is receiving stickers this week to hand-sign

 * WHS donations report
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Alexandre to follow-up with WHS about donation reports

 * Hackfest process documentation
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to take a stab at updating the documentation for the
process to request a hackfest and responsibilities between Board and TC

 * Immigration ban
  * 2017-03-07
   * This is in the news again, since it was reintroduced effective 3/16
   * ACTION: Neil to send a draft around to board-list (before next meeting)

 * Pitivi fundraiser beneficiary
  * 2017-02-28
   * Contract is ready for the Directors to review
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to run the contract and the NY/CA change by Luis, and
otherwise sign the contract by next week
  * 2017-03-07
   * Luis got back to us with the advice of keeping the contract with NY law
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to sign the contract and send it back

 * libertyVPS server donation
  * 2016-12-20
   * ACTION: Meg to check with sysadmins whether we actually need a server
  * 2017-01-10
   * Meg sent an email and is waiting to hear back from the sysadmin team.
  * 2017-02-28
   * Meg to follow up with LibertyVPS pointing them to previous social
media posts about donors and ask them what they'd like. Meg to follow up
with engagement team about LibertyVPS social media perks.
   * 2017-03-07
* LibertyVPS want to also donate some money to the project
* ACTION: Neil to connect to them 1:1 to talk about contribution

 * Chrome Store account for managing GNOME Shell integration browser
  * 2016-12-20
   * ACTION: Shaun to find out more about what's involved in creating an
  * 2017-03-07
   * For the Play Store, we had decided that the contributor should be
empowered to publish their app there, as long as they're members of the
* And as long as the credentials/keys are shared with the Board
   * We should document this process in a wiki page
   * The Engagement team could faciliatate Foundation members being able to
publish on these stores
   * ACTION: Neil will look into this

 * Dropping dates in copyright claims on our websites
  * 2016-12-06
   * ACTION: Alexandre to send an email to foundation-list with a proposal
for discussion
  * 2016-12-20
   * Next step seems to be to reach out to Creative Commons to get advice
on what exactly can and should be done
  * 2017-01-24
   * Alexandre reached out to Creative commons
  * 2017-02-28
   * Alexandre will try alternative channels

 * Google Play account
  * 2016-09-27
   * was done, we nee

Minutes of the Board meeting of February, 14th, 2017

2017-03-01 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, February 14th 2017, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, February 21st 2017, 18:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Allan Day
 * Meg Ford
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Shaun McCance
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Jim Hall

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2017-02-14 ==

 * WHS donation reports
 * Rust Hackfest 2017
 * ED hiring update

== Minutes ==

 * WHS donation reports
  * We will get an update from Alexandre when he's back
  * ACTION: Rosanna to check if there is any mention in the contract about
how reports are regulated
   * This was posted on the mailing list

 * Rust Hackfest 2017
  * According to Kat, in order for the event to count as an official GNOME
event, it needs to be voted on by the Board
   * The process does not seem to be very well-documented at the moment
   * General feeling that it sounds like a good idea to have the Board vote
to approve events
* Even more so if we have a Code of Conduct that would apply to this
kind of events
   * Board is responsible for
* Making sure that it complies with trademark, and that we want to be
associated to it
* Budget related to the organization of the event as a whole, such as
venue, location, materials, etc
   * Travel Committee is responsible for
* Individual travel expenses
   * We ought to document this process and set of responsibilities a bit
better, to make our life and the event organizers' easier
* ACTION: Nuritzi to take a stab at writing this documentation
  * VOTE: approve the hackfest as an official event
   * +1 Nuritzi, Meg, Allan, Cosimo, Shaun, Alexandre (on mailing list)

 * ED hiring update
  * Reimbursements for expenses
   * It may be cheaper to bundle the reimbursement together with the
paycheck, but it depends on the payroll company whether that's possible
   * ACTION: Rosanna to investigate
  * Neil starts tomorrow
   * Allan will have a call with him first thing in the morning, and kick
off the onboarding process, sharing the onboarding list that we have put
   * He has access to the wiki, perhaps not the private areas. We can add
him to the "employee group"
   * He is buying the laptop
   * Contacting the AdBoard members and start establishing a relationship
with them is a good first task
   * He can also contribute to the sponsorship brochure, which is an urgent
item we have on our list
   * Let's encourage him to use his channels and talk about GNOME

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * WHS donations report
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Alexandre to follow-up with WHS about donation reports

 * Hackfest process documentation
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to take a stab at updating the documentation for the
process to request a hackfest and responsibilities between Board and TC

 * Participation in academic survey email
  * 2017-02-07
   * This person should feel empowered to contact the community directly
   * ACTION: Cosimo to respond

 * ED hiring update
  * 2017-02-14
   * Reimbursements for expenses
* It may be cheaper to bundle the reimbursement together with the
paycheck, but it depends on the payroll company whether that's possible
* ACTION: Rosanna to investigate
   * Neil starts tomorrow

 * Should the GNOME Foundation issue a statement about the immigration ban?
  * The Linux Foundation did:
  * 2017-02-14
   * Allan is working on a draft statement

 * 2017 Budget
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to send a framadate for a budget meeting with the
board, Neil and Kat

 * From the mailing list - patreon campaign
  * 2017-02-07
   * For now, we are promoting the campaigns but not getting involved
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to ask Neil for his opinion

 * Pitivi fundraiser beneficiary
  * 2017-01-10
   * Kat sent Alexandre a version of the contract, Alexandre got back to
Kat with some questions as to what still remains to be done
  * 2017-02-07
   * ACTION: Alexandre to finish the contract draft for the Board to review

 * libertyVPS server donation
  * 2016-12-20
   * ACTION: Meg to check with sysadmins whether we actually need a server
  * 2017-01-10
   * Meg sent an email and is waiting to hear back from the sysadmin team.

 * Chrome Store account for managing GNOME Shell integration browser
  * 2016-12-20
   * ACTION: Shaun to find out more about what's involved in creating an

 * Dropping dates in copyright claims on our websites
  * 2016-12-06
   * ACTION: Alexandre to send an email to foundation-list with a proposal
for discussion
  * 2016-12

Minutes of the Board meeting of February, 21st, 2017

2017-03-01 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, February 21st 2017, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, February 28th 2017, 18:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Meg Ford
 * Allan Day
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Jim Hall
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Neil McGovern
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Shaun McCance

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2017-02-21 ==

 * Welcome to Neil!
 * SCALE 15x budget
 * UNIXSticker campaign
 * ED travel expenses (see conferences_2017.ods in
 * From board-list - "GIMP @ LGM 2016 Reimbursements - final 2"
 * Domains email from Andrea

== Minutes ==

 * Round of introduction to welcome Neil

 * SCALE 15x budget
  * Nuritzi is requesting a budget for $350 for stickers and other
materials to be used for SCALE and other US conferences/events
  * The US travel box went missing a few years ago and has not been
replaced since
   * It was inconvenient/expensive to use the US travel box, and it had no
SWAG in it either
   * People liked the fact that it had a bigger monitor in it though
   * It may be cheaper to print materials locally in the future, and focus
on making it easier for groups to be self-sufficient
  * Estimation of materials: 700 stickers, 100 flyers
  * VOTE: approve a $350 budget for the materials
   * +1 Nuritzi, Alexandre, Jim, Allan, Meg, Shaun, Cosimo. VOTE PASSED

 * UNIXSticker campaign
  * Signed stickers, Neil could participate.
   * ACTION: Nuritzi will connect Neil to them

 * ED travel expenses (see conferences_2017.ods in
  * We need to approve Neil's travel budget, so he can start booking
flights for the events he would like to attend
  * Neil sent a spreadsheet with the list of events
  * GTK+ hackfest and LibrePlanet (FSF conference) are the events that need
most urgent approval
   * Would be possible to also schedule a meeting with RH's advisory board
member (Christian Schaller) while there in Boston
  * How much oversight did EDs have in the past about which events they
attend and travel budget?
   * Not a lot of oversight, Stormy/Karen were quite independent in setting
their own schedule
   * It would be good to have an idea of how much we spent on this for
other EDs
  * Board and treasurer need to decide how comfortable they are with giving
the ED a travel budget and autonomy on this point
  * We should still vote on the two urgent events before having a broader
  * VOTE: approve these expenses only, before we have a broader
conversation about travel budget
   * +1 Nuritzi, Cosimo, Allan, Shaun, Meg, Alexandre, Jim. VOTE PASSED
  * ACTION: Neil to reach out to Kat about travel budget

 * From board-list - "GIMP @ LGM 2016 Reimbursements - final 2"
  * Need to go through the receipts and put them on the wiki
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to work with Rosanna on this

 * Domains email from Andrea
  * We don't want to keep them for now, but we can ask the community if
people want to pick them up
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to follow up with Andrea

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * UNIXSticker signed stickers campaign
  * Neil could participate
  * 2017-02-21
   * ACTION: Nuritzi will connect Neil to them

 * From board-list - "GIMP @ LGM 2016 Reimbursements - final 2"
  * 2017-02-21
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to work with Rosanna on this

 * Domains email from Andrea
  * 2017-02-21
   * We don't want to keep them for now, but we can ask the community if
people want to pick them up
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to follow up with Andrea

 * WHS donations report
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Alexandre to follow-up with WHS about donation reports

 * Hackfest process documentation
  * 2017-02-14
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to take a stab at updating the documentation for the
process to request a hackfest and responsibilities between Board and TC

 * Participation in academic survey email
  * 2017-02-07
   * This person should feel empowered to contact the community directly
   * ACTION: Cosimo to respond

 * ED hiring update
  * 2017-02-14
   * Reimbursements for expenses
* It may be cheaper to bundle the reimbursement together with the
paycheck, but it depends on the payroll company whether that's possible
* ACTION: Rosanna to investigate
   * Neil starts tomorrow

 * Should the GNOME Foundation issue a statement about the immigration ban?
  * The Linux Foundation did:
  * 2017-02-14
   * Allan is working on a draft st

Minutes of the Board meeting of February, 7th, 2017

2017-03-01 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, February 7th 2017, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, February 14th 2017, 18:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Allan Day
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Jim Hall
 * Shaun McCance
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

 * Meg Ford

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * Board organisation and workflow
 * Outreachy Sponsorship email
 * Software Inquiry email
 * ED Hiring Update
 * GNOME domains email
 * Participation in academic survey email
 * Review ongoing items

== Minutes ==

 * Outreachy Sponsorship email
  * VOTE: Approve sponsorship ($6500) of one GNOME intern for Outreachy in
Spring 2017 if there's no other sponsor
   * +1 Alexandre, Nuritzi, Shaun, Allan, Cosimo. PASSED

 * Board organisation and workflow
  * We use the mailing list a lot less, and discuss more in the meeting. In
the past the mailing list was used more
   * Alexandre would like to encourage people to use the mailing list, to
focus the meeting time on things that do require personal discussion
  * About the minutes
   * Currently we have this large body of text with our ongoing items in
our pad
   * Alexandre would like to move the ongoing section into a wiki page
   * Cosimo feels that the wiki would be a bit better but would still
require a lot of maintenance

 * Software Inquiry email
  * They are able to sell the software, provided they respect the license
  * ACTION: Alexandre to get back to them

 * ED Hiring Update
  * Need to finish setting up payroll, things seem to be moving along well
  * Few more things to do/think about
   * Employee handbook
   * Laptop
* In the ballpark of $1200-$1500, he could send us a budget/quote for
us to approve
* ACTION: Allan to communicate this to Neil
   * Workplace assessment questionnaire
   * Manager

 * GNOME domains email
  * Somebody purchased and other domains, wondering if
they should renew and pass them to us
   * They would want to renew them for another year
   * That feels like pushing the decision to the next Boad
   * We should only ask him to renew the domains if we want to keep them
  * We can encourage this person to offer the domains to the community
  * ACTION: Cosimo to respond

 * Participation in academic survey email
  * This person should feel empowered to contact the community directly
  * ACTION: Cosimo to respond

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * GNOME domains email
  * We can encourage this person to offer the domains to the community
  * ACTION: Cosimo to respond

 * Participation in academic survey email
  * This person should feel empowered to contact the community directly
  * ACTION: Cosimo to respond

 * Software Inquiry email
  * They are able to sell the software, provided they respect the license
  * ACTION: Alexandre to get back to them

 * ED hiring update
  * 2017-02-07
   * Need to finish setting up payroll, things seem to be moving along well
   * Few more things to do/think about
* Employee handbook
* Laptop
 * In the ballpark of $1200-$1500, he could send us a budget/quote for
us to approve
 * ACTION: Allan to communicate this to Neil
* Workplace assessment questionnaire
* Manager

 * Should the GNOME Foundation issue a statement about the immigration ban?
  * The Linux Foundation did:
  * 2017-01-31
   * Jim thinks our statement should be about Freedom and not specifically
the ban
   * Allan reminds us that the bylaws state we shouldn't engage in politics
   * He also expresses concerns about how it would impact the foundation
   * We could ask Luis for advice
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to ask Luis if that would be an issue
   * ACTION: Allan to draft a statement

 * 2017 Budget
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to send a framadate for a budget meeting with the
board, Neil and Kat

 * From the mailing list - patreon campaign
  * 2017-02-07
   * For now, we are promoting the campaigns but not getting involved
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to ask Neil for his opinion

 * Pitivi fundraiser beneficiary
  * 2017-01-10
   * Kat sent Alexandre a version of the contract, Alexandre got back to
Kat with some questions as to what still remains to be done
  * 2017-02-07
   * ACTION: Alexandre to finish the contract draft for the Board to review

 * Jeff's reimbursement request for GUADEC 2016 travel, annual reports
printing and shipping
  * VOTE: send Jeff the funds (using CAD) (pre-approved)
   +1 Nuritzi, Allan, Alexandre, Jim, Meg. Vote passed

 * libertyVPS server donation
  * 2016-12-20
   * ACTION: Meg to check with sysadmins whether we

Minutes of the Board meeting of January, 31st, 2017

2017-03-01 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, January 31st 2017, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, February 7th 2017, 18:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Allan Day
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Meg Ford
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Shaun McCance
 * Jim Hall
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * Should the GNOME Foundation issue a statement about the immigration ban?
The Linux Foundation did:
 * Flatpak distribution question - indirect links to non-free software
 * From the mailing list - patreon campaign
 * GNOME domains email
 * Participation in academic survey email
 * Review ongoing items

== Minutes ==

 * Should the GNOME Foundation issue a statement about the immigration ban?
The Linux Foundation did:
  * Jim thinks our statement should be about Freedom and not specifically
the ban
  * Allan reminds us that the bylaws state we shouldn't engage in politics
  * He also expresses concerns about how it would impact the foundation
  * We could ask Luis for advice
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to ask Luis if that would be an issue
  * ACTION: Allan to draft a statement

 * Flatpak distribution question - indirect links to non-free software
  * This would only download non-free software when matching non-free
drivers is already installed
  * Alexandre feels this is similar to enabling accounts to non-free
services in gnome-online-accounts
  * It is a bit different in the sense that here there would be a download
and installation of non-free software, but it is still similar
  * We don't want to engage in a situation where someone who cares about
running only Free Software ends up running non-free software without them
  * VOTE: approve inclusion of such links provided they respect our concerns
   * +1 Allan, Alexandre, Cosimo, Nuritzi, Jim, Shaun. Abstain: Meg. VOTE
   * ACTION: Allan to notify the approval and concerns

 * From the mailing list - patreon campaign
  * We're going to have an ED, it's going to cost us for a bit until they
can bring in money. We should be conservative in the meantime.
  * The campaigns are not very well framed, it is unclear what they would
be working on.
  * ACTION: Allan to encourage the engagement team to promote the campaigns
  * ACTION: Allan to reach out to Lapo saying we're keeping an eye on it
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to ask Neil for his opinion

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * ED search update
  * 2016-08-10, The search is still ongoing
  * 2016-11-08
   * The ED search committee identified qualified candidates and presented
them to the Board.
   * The Board is in advanced stages of the process.

 * 2017 Budget
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to send a framadate for a budget meeting with the
board, Neil and Kat

 * Email from HELLOTUX, "GNOME hoodie and a new shirt"
  * We have a license agreement with HELLOTUX, they want to expand the
range of products and they need our approval to do so
  * There's a question about Ubuntu GNOME merchandise to address
separately, since we would need another agreement in place with Ubuntu
GNOME that considers merchandise for them to do so
   * It's also tricky becaue there are other parties interested to
royalties, and the agreement would not only be wih GNOME
  * 2017-01-10
   * Allan is finalizing an updated agreement with HELLOTUX for the new
GNOME products

 * Pitivi fundraiser beneficiary
  * 2017-01-10
   * Still waiting to hear back from Kat
   * ACTION: Alexandre to ping Kat
  * 2017-01-24
   * Kat sent Alexandre a version of the contract, Alexandre got back to
Kat with some questions as to what still remains to be done

 * Can the Foundation accept GUADEC registration payments through our
PayPal account?
  * The GUADEC team want to open registration sooner rather than later.
They need a way to accept payments.
  * Patrick needs to set it up.
  * ACTION: Alexandre to ask for Kat's opinion by the next board meeting

 * Jeff's reimbursement request for GUADEC 2016 travel, annual reports
printing and shipping
  * VOTE: send Jeff the funds (using CAD) (pre-approved)
   +1 Nuritzi, Allan, Alexandre, Jim, Meg. Vote passed

 * libertyVPS server donation
  * 2017-01-10
   * Meg sent an email and is waiting to hear back from the sysadmin team.

 * Chrome Store account for managing GNOME Shell integration browser
  * 2016-12-20
   * ACTION: Shaun to find out more about what's involved in creating an

 * Dropping dates in copyright claims on our we

Minutes of the Board meeting of January, 24th, 2017

2017-02-06 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, January 24th 2017, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, January 31 2017, 18:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Allan Day
 * Meg Ford
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Jim Hall
 * Shaun !McCance
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * Can the Foundation accept GUADEC registration payments through our
PayPal account?)
  * The GUADEC team want to open registration sooner rather than later.
They need a way to accept payments.
 * From the mailing list - budget request by Muhammet Kara
 * Linux Playa Event - Julita
 * From the mailing list - Patreon campaign
 * Review ongoing items

== Minutes ==

 * Can the Foundation accept GUADEC registration payments through our
PayPal account?
  * The GUADEC team want to open registration sooner rather than later.
They need a way to accept payments.
  * Patrick needs to set it up.
  * ACTION: Alexandre to ask for Kat's opinion by the next board meeting

 * From the mailing list - budget request by Muhammet Kara
  * VOTE: approve request
+1 Nuritzi, Jim, Shaun, Allan, Alexandre, Meg
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to reply and suggest they consult with the engagement
team for the design of the flyer

 * Linux Playa Event - Julita
  * Bus transportation is not something we're used to pay for
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to enquire whether Fedora will co-sponsor
  * VOTE: approved budget provided Fedora is a co-sponsor
+1 Nuritzi, Jim, Meg, Shaun, Allan. Abstained: Alexandre

 * From the mailing list - Patreon campaign
  * Two GNOME hackers are running campaigns to fund their work.
  * Lapo suggests the Foundation contributes to these.
  * GNOME never contributed to a fundraising campaign before
  * We can advertise them through the engagement team
  * Financial decision postponed to next week.

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Pitivi fundraiser beneficiary
  * 2017-01-10
   * Still waiting to hear back from Kat
   * ACTION: Alexandre to ping Kat
  * 2017-01-24
   * Kat sent Alexandre a version of the contract, Alexandre got back to
Kat with some questions as to what still remains to be done

 * Jeff's reimbursement request for GUADEC 2016 travel, annual reports
printing and shipping (Nuritzi)
  * VOTE: send Jeff the funds (using CAD) (pre-approved)
   +1 Nuritzi, Allan, Alexandre, Jim, Meg. Vote passed

 * libertyVPS server donation
  * 2017-01-10
   * Meg sent an email and is waiting to hear back from the sysadmin team.

 * Chrome Store account for managing GNOME Shell integration browser
  * 2016-12-20
   * ACTION: Shaun to find out more about what's involved in creating an

 * Dropping dates in copyright claims on our websites
  * 2016-12-06
   * ACTION: Alexandre to send an email to foundation-list with a proposal
for discussion
  * 2016-12-20
   * Next step seems to be to reach out to Creative Commons to get advice
on what exactly can and should be done
  * 2017-01-24
   * Alexandre reached out to Creative commons

 * USPTO trademark email
  * We got an email about renewal for our logo.
  * We thought it was already sorted.
  * We are in touch with Pam about this.
  * 2016-12-20
   * ACTION: Allan to ping Pam.

 * Conference sponsorships
  * 2016-12-20
   * Meg has gotten in touch with the GNOME.Asia and GUADEC teams and is
working on a draft of the 2017 brochure.
  * 2017-01-10
   * Meg sent a draft of the brochure to the GUADEC mailing list. This week
she will make some edits and send to the engagement list for more feedback.
Allan will ask some engagement team members to provide more feedback on
layout issues, etc.

 * Email from HELLOTUX, "GNOME hoodie and a new shirt"
  * We have a license agreement with HELLOTUX, they want to expand the
range of products and they need our approval to do so
  * There's a question about Ubuntu GNOME merchandise to address
separately, since we would need another agreement in place with Ubuntu
GNOME that considers merchandise for them to do so
   * It's also tricky becaue there are other parties interested to
royalties, and the agreement would not only be wih GNOME
  * 2017-01-10
   * Allan is finalizing an updated agreement with HELLOTUX for the new
GNOME products

 * GUADEC venue and accommodation contract, and bank account
  * 2016-11-29
   * ACTION: Rosanna to let us know if we are actually using the liability
coverage in the US. Should we keep it, or is it obsolete?
  * 2016-12-20
   * Contract has been signed and venue deposit has been wired
   * ACTION: Rosanna to send accommodation deposit

 * ED search update
  * 2016-08-10, The search is still ongoing

Minutes of the Board meeting of December, 20th, 2016

2017-02-06 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, December 20th 2016, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, January 10th 2017, 18:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Allan Day
 * Shaun McCance
 * Meg Ford
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Jim Hall

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2016-12-20 ==

 * libertyVPS server donation
 * "Invoice for venue of GIMP Hacking week 2017"
 * "GIMP @ LGM 2016 - Reimbursements round 2"
 * GUADEC accommodation invoice
 * Chrome Store account for managing GNOME Shell integration browser

== Minutes ==

 * libertyVPS server donation
  * ACTION: Meg to check with sysadmins whether we actually need a server

 * "Invoice for venue of GIMP Hacking week 2017"
 * "GIMP @ LGM 2016 - Reimbursements round 2"
  * No objection, as it falls within nonprofit use.

 * GUADEC accommodation invoice
  * Sam is asking for the first payment to be sent
  * Rosanna will pay it, as previously agreed.

 * Chrome Store account for managing GNOME Shell integration browser
  * ACTION: Shaun to find out more about what's involved in creating an

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Dropping dates in copyright claims on our websites
  * 2016-12-06
   * ACTION: Alexandre to send an email to foundation-list with a proposal
for discussion
  * 2016-12-20
   * Next step seems to be to reach out to Creative Commons to get advice
on what exactly can and should be done

 * USPTO trademark email
  * We got an email about renewal for our logo.
  * We thought it was already sorted.
  * We are in touch with Pam about this.
  * 2016-12-20
   * ACTION: Allan to ping Pam.

 * Conference sponsorships
  * 2016-12-20
   * Meg has gotten in touch with the GNOME.Asia and GUADEC teams and is
working on a draft of the 2017 brochure.

 * Email from HELLOTUX, "GNOME hoodie and a new shirt"
  * We have a license agreement with HELLOTUX, they want to expand the
range of products and they need our approval to do so
  * There's a question about Ubuntu GNOME merchandise to address
separately, since we would need another agreement in place with Ubuntu
GNOME that considers merchandise for them to do so
   * It's also tricky becaue there are other parties interested to
royalties, and the agreement would not only be wih GNOME
  * 2016-11-29
   * Allan has emailed HELLOTUX. We're waiting to hear back.

 * GUADEC venue and accommodation contract, and bank account
  * 2016-11-29
   * ACTION: Rosanna to let us know if we are actually using the liability
coverage in the US. Should we keep it, or is it obsolete?
  * 2016-12-20
   * Contract has been signed and venue deposit has been wired
   * ACTION: Rosanna to send accommodation deposit

 * ED search update
  * 2016-08-10, The search is still ongoing
  * 2016-11-08
   * The ED search committee identified qualified candidates and presented
them to the Board.
   * The Board is in advanced stages of the process.

 * Google Play account
  * 2016-09-27
   * was done, we need to
pay a $25 one-time fee for the developer account
  * 2016-10-04
   * Payment is authorized
   * ACTION: Rosanna to make the payment and follow up with Ankit
  * 2016-10-18
   * Rosanna is waiting for Ankit to reply about the gmail account
  * 2016-11-01
   * Board is discussing who should have access to the credit card
associated to the account
  * 2016-11-29
   * ACTION: Rosanna to look into getting a PayPal credit card
  * 2016-12-20
   * Rosanna has been collating materials to update the PayPal account
owner before looking into the credit card

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-09-27
   * Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
   * ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship
  * 2016-10-26
   * We are aiming for an internship round in spring 2017

 * Bitcoins donations data
  * 2016-12-13
   * EFF and FSF do accept Bitcoin donation, so we should reconsider
closing the account
   * ACTION: Allan to send an update about the fact that we won't be
closing the Bitpay account yet, and do more investigation

=== Ongoing but stalled ===

'''This section includes items which haven't seen an update in the last 30

 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
  * 2016-08-10
   * Cosimo tested creating an event, but with mixed results
   * ACTION: Cosimo to take it on from here
  * 2016-09-06 - Allan has started a list of reoccuring events on the wiki

 * Money raised for defense against Groupon
  * Kat to draft a call for Free Desktop-s

Minutes of the Board meeting of January, 10th, 2017

2017-02-06 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, January 10th 2017, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, January 24th 2017, 18:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Allan Day
 * Meg Ford
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Jim Hall

== Regrets ==

 * Shaun McCance
 * Cosimo Cecchi

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2017-01-10 ==

 * Pitivi fundraiser beneficiary
 * Jeff's reimbursement request for GUADEC 2016 travel, annual reports
printing and shipping

== Minutes ==

 * Pitivi fundraiser beneficiary
  * Still waiting to hear back from Kat
  * ACTION: Alexandre to ping Kat

 * Jeff's reimbursement request for GUADEC 2016 travel, annual reports
printing and shipping
  * VOTE: send Jeff the funds (using CAD) (pre-approved)
   +1 Nuritzi, Allan, Alexandre, Jim, Meg. Vote passed

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * libertyVPS server donation
  * 2017-01-10
   * Meg sent an email and is waiting to hear back from the sysadmin team.

 * Chrome Store account for managing GNOME Shell integration browser
  * 2016-12-20
   * ACTION: Shaun to find out more about what's involved in creating an

 * Dropping dates in copyright claims on our websites
  * 2016-12-06
   * ACTION: Alexandre to send an email to foundation-list with a proposal
for discussion
  * 2016-12-20
   * Next step seems to be to reach out to Creative Commons to get advice
on what exactly can and should be done

 * USPTO trademark email
  * We got an email about renewal for our logo.
  * We thought it was already sorted.
  * We are in touch with Pam about this.
  * 2016-12-20
   * ACTION: Allan to ping Pam.

 * Conference sponsorships
  * 2016-12-20
   * Meg has gotten in touch with the GNOME.Asia and GUADEC teams and is
working on a draft of the 2017 brochure.
  * 2017-01-10
   * Meg sent a draft of the brochure to the GUADEC mailing list. This week
she will make some edits and send to the engagement list for more feedback.
Allan will ask some engagement team members to provide more feedback on
layout issues, etc.

 * Email from HELLOTUX, "GNOME hoodie and a new shirt"
  * We have a license agreement with HELLOTUX, they want to expand the
range of products and they need our approval to do so
  * There's a question about Ubuntu GNOME merchandise to address
separately, since we would need another agreement in place with Ubuntu
GNOME that considers merchandise for them to do so
   * It's also tricky becaue there are other parties interested to
royalties, and the agreement would not only be wih GNOME
  * 2017-01-10
   * Allan is finalizing an updated agreement with HELLOTUX for the new
GNOME products

 * GUADEC venue and accommodation contract, and bank account
  * 2016-11-29
   * ACTION: Rosanna to let us know if we are actually using the liability
coverage in the US. Should we keep it, or is it obsolete?
  * 2016-12-20
   * Contract has been signed and venue deposit has been wired
   * ACTION: Rosanna to send accommodation deposit

 * ED search update
  * 2016-08-10, The search is still ongoing
  * 2016-11-08
   * The ED search committee identified qualified candidates and presented
them to the Board.
   * The Board is in advanced stages of the process.

 * Google Play account
  * 2016-09-27
   * was done, we need to
pay a $25 one-time fee for the developer account
  * 2016-10-04
   * Payment is authorized
   * ACTION: Rosanna to make the payment and follow up with Ankit
  * 2016-10-18
   * Rosanna is waiting for Ankit to reply about the gmail account
  * 2016-11-01
   * Board is discussing who should have access to the credit card
associated to the account
  * 2016-11-29
   * ACTION: Rosanna to look into getting a PayPal credit card
  * 2016-12-20
   * Rosanna has been collating materials to update the PayPal account
owner before looking into the credit card

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-09-27
   * Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
   * ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship
  * 2016-10-26
   * We are aiming for an internship round in spring 2017

=== Ongoing but stalled ===

'''This section includes items which haven't seen an update in the last 30

 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
  * 2016-08-10
   * Cosimo tested creating an event, but with mixed results
   * ACTION: Cosimo to take it on from here
  * 2016-09-06 - Allan has started a list of reoccuring events on the wiki

 * Money raised for defense against Groupon
  * Kat to draft a call for Free Desktop-style hackfests which would be
sponsored with money raised fo

Minutes of the Board meeting of December, 13th, 2016

2017-02-06 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, December 13th 2016, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date December 20th 2016, 18:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Allan Day
 * Meg Ford
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Shaun McCance
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Jim Hall

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2016-12-13 ==

 * Bitcoin update
 * Conference brochure update

== Minutes ==

 * Bitcoin update
  * FSF does accept Bitcoin, they find a way to do it and find it useful
  * EFF on the other hand stopped accepting it
  * We do need to take action publicly one way or the other
  * ACTION: Allan to send an update about the fact that we won't be closing
the Bitpay account yet, and do more investigation

 * Conference brochure update
  * The GUADEC side of it seems to be moving well, but not the GNOME.Asia
side, since we don't have a good schedule/location for it yet
  * This would be ideally an ED task
  * If we don't do the brochure, would we want to provide something else to
the teams to seek sponsorship?
  * Perhaps we can talk about GNOME.Asia in abstract in the meantime
  * Shoot for a timeline of early January

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Dropping dates in copyright claims on our websites
  * 2016-12-06
   * ACTION: Alexandre to send an email to foundation-list with a proposal
for discussion

 * The new domain email
  * 2016-12-06
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to get back to the sender and say that we are not
interested in purchasing the domain at this time

 * USPTO trademark email
  * We got an email about renewal for our logo.
  * We thought it was already sorted.
  * 2016-11-29
   * ACTION: Allan to ask Pamela what the next steps are
  * 2016-12-06
   * Board has approved an expense of $600 for Pam to renew the logo
   * ACTION: Allan to follow up with Pam

 * Conference sponsorships
  * 2016-11-29
   * Nuritzi to check to see what Kat's time looks like
   * Old materials are:
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to get in touch with Kat about this
   * ACTION: Meg to project manage the brochure
  * 2016-12-13
   * We are behind schedule with the GNOME.Asia side of this, because we
don't have dates/location
   * Shoot for a timeline of early January for a draft, talking more in
abstract about GNOME.Asia if necessary

 * Email from HELLOTUX, "GNOME hoodie and a new shirt"
  * We have a license agreement with HELLOTUX, they want to expand the
range of products and they need our approval to do so
  * There's a question about Ubuntu GNOME merchandise to address
separately, since we would need another agreement in place with Ubuntu
GNOME that considers merchandise for them to do so
   * It's also tricky becaue there are other parties interested to
royalties, and the agreement would not only be wih GNOME
  * 2016-11-29
   * Allan has emailed HELLOTUX. We're waiting to hear back.

 * GUADEC venue and accommodation contract, and bank account
  * 2016-11-29
   * ACTION: Rosanna to let us know if we are actually using the liability
coverage in the US. Should we keep it, or is it obsolete?
  * 2016-12-06
   * UK Bank account
* According to Rosanna, we are not supposed to have foreign accounts as
an organization
* However, it would be OK for them to open the account individually,
without tying it to our organization
* More information is required from the organizers about this before we
can authorize it
* ACTION: Nuritzi to follow up with the GUADEC team about the bank
 * Note that payments would be arranged through invoices from the local
team, as opposed to acting directly on behalf of the GNOME Foundation
 * Mention that we have not done this arrangement before, and that we
would need to do research on this point
 * Ask if it's possible to remove the reference to the GNOME Foundation
   * Board voted to approve the accommodation contract
* ACTION: Nuritzi to sign the contract and send it back to Sam

 * ED search update
  * 2016-08-10, The search is still ongoing
  * 2016-11-08
   * The ED search committee identified qualified candidates and presented
them to the Board.
   * The Board is in advanced stages of the process.

 * Google Play account
  * 2016-09-27
   * was done, we need to
pay a $25 one-time fee for the developer account
  * 2016-10-04
   * Payment is authorized
   * ACTION: Rosanna to make the payment and follow up with Ankit
  * 2016-10-18
   * Rosanna is waiting for Ankit to reply about the gmail account
  * 2016-11-01
   * Board is discussing who should have access to the credit card

Minutes of the Board meeting of November, 29th, 2016

2017-02-06 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, November 29th 2016, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date December 6th 2016, 18:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Meg Ford
 * Shaun McCance
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Rozanna Yuen
 * Jim Hall
 * Allan day

== Regrets ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2016-11-29 ==

 * GUADEC venue vote to sign
 * USPTO trademark email
 * (POSTPONED) Dropping dates in copyright claims on our websites
(Alexandre) (postponed since Alexandre is unable to speak this week)

== Minutes ==

 * GUADEC venue vote to sign
  * Downpayment £1558 in december, £4675 in July
  * VOTE: sign the venue contract and approve the above amounts and
  * +1 Nuritzi, Allan, Alexandre, Meg, Shaun. PASSED
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to tell the team about approval

 * USPTO trademark email
  * We got an email about renewal for our logo.
  * We thought it was already sorted.
  * ACTION: Allan to ask Pamela what the next steps are.

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * USPTO trademark email
  * We got an email about renewal for our logo.
  * We thought it was already sorted.
  * 2016-11-29
   * ACTION: Allan to ask Pamela what the next steps are

 * Conference sponsorships
  * 2016-08-10
   * ACTION: Kat to make sure that a sponsorship brochure with all
conference, levels, combinations and perks is available for the Board to
  * 2016-11-29
   * Nuritzi to check to see what Kat's time looks like
   * Old materials are:
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to get in touch with Kat about this
   * ACTION: Meg to project manage the brochure

 * Email from HELLOTUX, "GNOME hoodie and a new shirt"
  * We have a license agreement with HELLOTUX, they want to expand the
range of products and they need our approval to do so
  * There's a question about Ubuntu GNOME merchandise to address
separately, since we would need another agreement in place with Ubuntu
GNOME that considers merchandise for them to do so
   * It's also tricky becaue there are other parties interested to
royalties, and the agreement would not only be wih GNOME
  * 2016-11-29
   * Allan has emailed HELLOTUX. We're waiting to hear back.

 * GNOME Foundation goals setting and budget overview for 2017
  * 2016-11-22
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to set up a separate call about budget and send a
framadate, inviting all the Board members, Kat and Rosanna

 * GUADEC venue and accommodation contract, and bank account
  * 2016-11-22
   * The deadline for the accommodation booking seems to have moved to the
next month, since the University themselves were a bit late on the contracts
  * 2016-11-29
   * Board has approved the venue contract
* ACTION: Nuritzi to tell the team about approval
   * About the bank account:
* The local team is going ahead with opening a UK bank account. Kat
seems to be ok with this and asked if we can use this in the future too.
People on the Board call think this may not be a good idea because it's
risky. We would need to keep a close relationship with the trustees. Right
now it's looking like Sam and Javier will be the trustees, partly because
they're both in Manchester now.
* The risks are that it's a personal account so we would need to keep
close contact with the trustees, as stated above. As a US non-profit, we
cannot hold foreign bank accounts. We would need to have a contract signed
with them because they would be the ones responsible for money and taxes.
We don't want to look like we're hiding money overseas.
* Tl;dr we will not keep the bank account open for future use. We would
need to investigate more around opening up a foregin bank account, but
we've already done some research before and we do not think it's possible
at this time.
   * ACTION: Rosanna to let us know if we are actually using the liability
coverage in the US. Should we keep it, or is it obsolete?

 * ED search update
  * 2016-08-10, The search is still ongoing
  * 2016-11-08
   * The ED search committee identified qualified candidates and presented
them to the Board.
   * The Board is in advanced stages of the process.

 * Google Play account
  * 2016-09-27
   * was done, we need to
pay a $25 one-time fee for the developer account
  * 2016-10-04
   * Payment is authorized
   * ACTION: Rosanna to make the payment and follow up with Ankit

Minutes of the Board meeting of November, 22nd, 2016

2017-02-06 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, November 22th 2016, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date November 29th 2016, 18:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Allan Day
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Meg Ford
 * Shaun McCance
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Jim Hall

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2016-11-22 ==

 * GUADEC venue contract
  * Liability coverage update?
 * GNOME Foundation goals setting and budget overview for 2017
 * Email from HELLOTUX, "GNOME hoodie and a new shirt"
 * Review ongoing items

== Minutes ==

 * GUADEC venue contract
  * The deadline for the accommodation booking seems to have moved to the
next month, since the University themselves were a bit late on the contracts
  * Board members are welcome to give Sam feedback on the mailing list,
otherwise the organization will go ahead with the plan of record for
  * ACTION: Rosanna will send an update on liability coverage after she's
been conversing with the insurance this past week
  * Bank account: things are in the hands of the GUADEC organizers, but
there's still an open question for Kat about the UK bank account

 * GNOME Foundation goals setting and budget overview for 2017
  * We have not been planning this for 2017 yet. Do we usually do this?
  * Ideally we would have this soon
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to set up a separate call about budget and send a
framadate, inviting all the Board members, Kat and Rosanna

 * Email from HELLOTUX, "GNOME hoodie and a new shirt"
  * We have a license agreement with HELLOTUX, they want to expand the
range of products and they need our approval to do so
  * Seems pretty straightforward
   * ACTION: Allan to get back to them with an OK for the new products
  * The Ubuntu GNOME question should be addressed separately, since we
would need another agreement in place that considers merchandise for them
to do so
   * This is a bit complicated by the fact that it's a third-party selling
Ubuntu GNOME merchandise, not them selling directly
* Also, Canonical would need to be a signatory of an agreement too,
since their trademark would be there too
   * We can explain to HELLOTUX that while we don't want to reject the
idea, there are other parties involved in the negotiation
* It may be tricky to figure out the licensing fee scheme for royalties
 * It's not really up to us to formulate a proposal for how this could
work; we would be open to reviewing a proposal though
* ACTION: Allan to communicate that we are open to reviewing a plan
that takes into account royalties, without committing to this yet though

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Email from HELLOTUX, "GNOME hoodie and a new shirt"
  * We have a license agreement with HELLOTUX, they want to expand the
range of products and they need our approval to do so
  * There's a question about Ubuntu GNOME merchandise to address
separately, since we would need another agreement in place with Ubuntu
GNOME that considers merchandise for them to do so
   * It's also tricky becaue there are other parties interested to
royalties, and the agreement would not only be wih GNOME
  * 2016-11-22
   * ACTION: Allan to get back to them with an OK for the new products
   * ACTION: Allan to communicate that we are open to reviewing a plan for
Ubuntu GNOME that takes into account royalties, without committing to this
yet though

 * GNOME Foundation goals setting and budget overview for 2017
  * 2016-11-22
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to set up a separate call about budget and send a
framadate, inviting all the Board members, Kat and Rosanna

 * GUADEC venue and accommodation contract, and bank account
  * 2016-11-22
   * The deadline for the accommodation booking seems to have moved to the
next month, since the University themselves were a bit late on the contracts
   * ACTION: Rosanna will send an update on liability coverage after she's
been conversing with the insurance this past week
   * There's still an open question for Kat about the UK bank account

 * Flatpak store
  * 2016-08-30
* There's an idea of a central store where people can upload Flatpak
apps, and users would get it from the store, rather than getting it from
the distribution
* The Board voted to get behind this project officially, and give Allan
permission to reach out to other organizations on our behalf
  * 2016-09-06 - Allan has had some initial conversations with the Flatpak
team. Next step is to check in with the sysadmin team (still not done).
  * 2016-09-13 - Allan has checked in with the sysadmins and they think
there's capacity to get started. Next step is to reach out to partners.
  * 2016-11-16
   * Allan sent an email

Minutes of the Board meeting of December, 6th, 2016

2017-02-06 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, December 6th 2016, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date December 13th 2016, 18:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Allan Day
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Shaun McCance
 * Meg Ford

== Regrets ==

 * Jim Hall

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2016-12-06 ==

 * GUADEC 2017 University accommodation contract email
 * GUADEC bank account letter of authorization
 * The new domain email
 * Dropping dates in copyright claims on our websites
 * Trademark registration maintenance (see email correspondence with Pam)
 * Budget meeting preparation

== Minutes ==

 * GUADEC 2017 University accommodation contract email
  * Only concern for accommodation is that we don't get a complete refund
in case of cancellation, but otherwise looks good
  * VOTE: we sign off the accommodation contract, approving a payment of
GBP 7153.92 as a deposit
   * +1 Allan, Shaun, Meg, Cosimo, Nuritzi, Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to sign the contract and send it back to Sam

 * GUADEC bank account letter of authorization
  * A letter is required from the Board to authorize opening an UK bank
account, as the GNOME Foundation is mentioned in its constitution, and
nominate a few officials to act on behalf of GNOME wrt. that account
   * It's also mentioned that funds left in the account after the event
would be transferred back to the GNOME Foundation
   * The names for the officials are Alberto, Sam and Javier
  * According to Rosanna, we are not supposed to have foreign accounts as
an organization
   * However, it would be OK for them to open the account individually,
without tying it to our organization
  * More information is required from the organizers about this before we
can authorize it
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to follow up with the GUADEC team about the bank account
   * Note that payments would be arranged through invoices from the local
team, as opposed to acting directly on behalf of the GNOME Foundation
   * Mention that we have not done this arrangement before, and that we
would need to do research on this point
   * Ask if it's possible to remove the reference to the GNOME Foundation

 * The new domain email
  * Somebody suggested that we could buy this domain
  * We already voted not to purchase this domain on Aug 30
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to get back to the sender and say that we are not
interested in purchasing the domain at this time

 * Dropping dates in copyright claims on our websites
  * The issue is that our copyright notice contain dates, so they need to
be updated periodically
   * We can't update it automatically because it has to match an actual
significant change
   * We could however drop the dates in the footer, because the notice is
only there as a courtesy and not for legal reasons
   * We could also omit the word "copyright" and just use the © logo
   * It may be good to float this by a larger audience before we take
action, e.g. sending a mail to foundation-list
  * ACTION: Alexandre to send an email to foundation-list with a proposal
for discussion

 * Trademark registration maintenance (see email correspondence with Pam)
  * We need to file a declaration that the trademark is still in use to
renew it
  * Pam is happy to do this for us, but it comes at a cost of $600
  * VOTE: Authorize Pam to act on our behalf to extend our trademark and
authorize an expense of $600 for the filing fee
   * +1 Nuritzi, Shaun, Cosimo, Meg, Allan, Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
  * ACTION: Allan to follow up with Pam

 * Budget meeting preparation
  * Nuritzi has sent a framadate for availability
  * This is an optional meeting, not required for all of us, but we do need
our treasurer
  * What do we expect to be in this budget? Generally the Foundation
supports community activities, not the opposite
   * For instance, if we decided to allocate $50k to renew our IT
infrastructure, that does not make it happen automatically, if people are
not doing the work
   * It does however have a few purposes
* It's a reflection of what we want to see during the year
* It's a reflection of the current spending
* An accurate (or as accurate as we can) projection of what we're
planning to spend
   * An ED can take a more active role in making things happen, if
resources are allocated to them
* It could also help to present to the community certain goals and a
budget, to encourage activities in certain areas
   * Aside from sponsoring events, hiring interns or an ED, there are not a
whole lot of things we can spend our money on
* Infrastructure could be another idea
  * It feels that this can turn into 

Minutes of the Board meeting of November, 15th, 2016

2016-11-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, November 15th 2016, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date November 22th 2016, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Allan Day
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Meg Ford
 * Shaun McCance
 * Jim Hall

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2016-11-15 ==

 * GUADEC venue and accommodation contract
  * Venue hire is set to be £7,272/$9,090 (see latest spreadsheet mailed by
Allan for details). This is within the scope of the anticipated budget that
accompanied the conference bid.
  * University provided accommodation requires advance payment. Current
plan is to provide some places through this option. Advance cost comes to
  * 25% of venue cost must be paid by end of November. 40% of accommodation
cost. Further installments required next year.
 * GUADEC bank account
  * Who should hold the money in the UK?
   * Local organisers haven't found an organisation that can handle funds
on their behalf and are planning on creating an "unincorporation
   * Can be invoiced but can't enter into legal agreements or contracts.
Trustees would be liable
  * We need a name and address to go on the contract - whose should it be?
 * Pitivi contract
  * What are our next steps? Contract the lawyer to draw up the contract?
 * Flathub/Flatpak Store outreach

== Minutes ==

 * GUADEC venue and accommodation contract, and bank account
  * GUADEC team need to sign contract for venue and accommodation by the
end of the month
  * We're nearly in a position to sign, only a couple of issues left to
resolve -- but time is short
  * Financially, venue is about 7300 GBP (includes staffing and rooms).
Does not include refreshments.
   * We're not sure if it includes WiFi -- initially it was a separate line
item of about 200 GBP/day
   * ACTION: Allan to forward this question to Sam
   * RESOLVED: WiFi codes are no longer needed
  * The other side of this is accommodation, which is a lot more money
   * The venue comes with the possibility of hiring accommodation in "town
houses", booked by the house
   * It's a great location, very convenient and with a great rate
   * We need to decide on the number quite quickly, and there's no
flexibility. In other words, we need to book them in advance and we have to
book them for a specific time period
   * Plan is to meet some of the accommodation requirements through this
solution, and then have hotels for the rest of participants
* This way we only commit and book the houses we feel confident filling
* The houses will be available on a first-come-first-served basis
   * Cost to be paid in advance for the accommodation is about 25k GBP
(about $31k)
* We're unsure whether this has been done before
   * Hotel accommodation is in very high demand in Manchester during the
summer season
* We should prepare in advance accommodation for attendees so that
we're not caught off-guard at the last minute
  * To handle money, organizers are planning to create a bank account owned
by their "unincorporated organization"
   * They would not be able to sign contracts, for which they would need
help and support from the Foundation
   * People that are responsible for the organization may be liable
* Does our insurance policy cover such liability?
 * ACTION: Rosanna is finding out
  * Sam Thursfield from the organizing team joins the meeting
   * WiFi codes are included as part of the venue sum -- no need to pay
separately for that
   * Codethink are happy to advance their sponsorship money to help with
the accommodation/venue booking
* The bank account must be opened before this can happen
   * Confident we could get ~100 people in the townhouses
* Incovenience is that we need to pay in advance and confirm exact
numbers by March
* What happens if we pay for the rooms and they don't get occupied?
 * We would lose money
 * We should only move forward if we're confident we would fill them up
 * One way forward would be to just discard this option and book hotels
  * There's no single hotel nearby that could host all the participants
 * Another way forward would be to book a lower number of townhouses
and be more conservative
  * For instance 72 beds for core days / 36 beds for other days
* Does make sense to book low-cost accommodation now since those will
fill up quickly, and there are always more expensive options available
later for those who want it
* Logistically, do we have everything we need to put the townhouse as
an option in the registration form?
 * Maybe being optimistic, but this sounds doable together with the
rest of the website, and Sam has this on his TODO list to look into
   * Rosanna: we have a certificate of liability for GUADEC as part of our
insurance policy
* ACTION: Rosa

Minutes of the Board meeting of November, 8th, 2016

2016-11-16 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, November 8th 2016, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date November 15th 2016, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Allan Day
 * Shaun McCance
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Ekaterina Gerasimova
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Jim Hall

== Regrets ==

 * Meg Ford

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2016-11-08 ==

 * Julita's budget request
 * GUADEC venue contract & bank account question
 * Preapprove $1200 for Rosanna to buy herself a laptop

== Minutes ==

 * Preapprove $1200 for Rosanna to buy herself a laptop
  * The Chromebook Pixel we sent is not really working well
  * There's room in the budget for it
  * VOTE: we preapprove up to $1200 for Rosanna to buy herself a laptop
   * +1 Alexandre, Jim, Allan, Shaun, Cosimo, Nuritzi. VOTE PASSED

 * Julita's budget request
  * Total request is $503
  * This includes transaction fees from the bank, which we don't usually
  * This is a Fedora+GNOME event, are Fedora also contributing?
   * It looks like that may be the case, but we don't know how much/if she
asked Fedora
   * Fedora paid $650
  * There is room in the budget for this
  * VOTE: we approve the full amount of $503
   * +1 Shaun, Jim, Allan, Nuritzi, Cosimo, Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to get back to Julita

 * GUADEC venue contract & bank account question
  * Out of time for today -- will schedule an ad-hoc call later this week
if needed

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * ED search update
  * 2016-08-10, The search is still ongoing
  * 2016-11-08
   * The ED search committee identified qualified candidates and presented
them to the Board.
   * The Board is in advanced stages of the process.

 * Google Play account
  * 2016-09-27
   * was done, we need to
pay a $25 one-time fee for the developer account
  * 2016-10-04
   * Payment is authorized
   * ACTION: Rosanna to make the payment and follow up with Ankit
  * 2016-10-18
   * Rosanna is waiting for Ankit to reply about the gmail account
  * 2016-11-01
   * Board is discussing who should have access to the credit card
associated to the account

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-09-27
   * Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
   * ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship
  * 2016-10-26
   * We are aiming for an internship round in spring 2017

 * Bitcoins donations data
  * 2016-08-10
   * Board voted to shut down the account, since we can't report those as
donations. Bitcoin does not allow to trace the sender, which is required to
report the donations to the IRS
   * ACTION: Rosanna to shut down the account
   * ACTION: Allan to remove the option from our website

=== Ongoing but stalled ===

'''This section includes items which haven't seen an update in the last 30

 * Flatpak store
  * 2016-08-30
* There's an idea of a central store where people can upload Flatpak
apps, and users would get it from the store, rather than getting it from
the distribution
* The Board voted to get behind this project officially, and give Allan
permission to reach out to other organizations on our behalf
  * 2016-09-06 - Allan has had some initial conversations with the Flatpak
team. Next step is to check in with the sysadmin team (still not done).
  * 2016-09-13 - Allan has checked in with the sysadmins and they think
there's capacity to get started. Next step is to reach out to partners.

 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
  * 2016-08-10
   * Cosimo tested creating an event, but with mixed results
   * ACTION: Cosimo to take it on from here
  * 2016-09-06 - Allan has started a list of reoccuring events on the wiki

 * Conference sponsorships
  * 2016-08-10
   * ACTION: Kat to make sure that a sponsorship brochure with all
conference, levels, combinations and perks is available for the Board to
  * 2016-09-06
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to get in touch with Kat about this

 * Money raised for defense against Groupon
  * Kat to draft a call for Free Desktop-style hackfests which would be
sponsored with money raised for defence against Groupon
  * 2016-09-06
   * We probably don't want to track exactly this money flow, but the
initiatives that the Board has been pursuing (Flatpak, LAS GNOME) are good
fits for the original intent this money was kept for
   * We can consider making a PR or some other form of announcement about
how we're currently making use of this money

 * Paypal

Minutes of the Board meeting of November, 1st, 2016

2016-11-08 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, November 1st 2016, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date November 8th 2016, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Allan Day
 * Meg Ford
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Shaun McCance

== Regrets ==

 * Jim Hall

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2016-11-01 ==

 * Julita's email about latest event LINUX at UNI & $480 request
 * Transitioning away from StartSSL
 * Signing the GUADEC venue contract

== Minutes ==

 * Julita's email about latest event LINUX at UNI & $480 request
  * There have been conversations about this on the mailing list
  * ACTION: Alexandre will follow up since there are still open questions,
then we can follow up and vote by email if needed

 * The rest of the time was spent discussing private items

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Julita's email about latest event LINUX at UNI & $480 request
  * 2016-11-01
   * ACTION: Alexandre will follow up since there are still open questions,
then we can follow up and vote by email if needed

 * Flatpak store
  * 2016-08-30
* There's an idea of a central store where people can upload Flatpak
apps, and users would get it from the store, rather than getting it from
the distribution
* The Board voted to get behind this project officially, and give Allan
permission to reach out to other organizations on our behalf
  * 2016-09-06 - Allan has had some initial conversations with the Flatpak
team. Next step is to check in with the sysadmin team (still not done).
  * 2016-09-13 - Allan has checked in with the sysadmins and they think
there's capacity to get started. Next step is to reach out to partners.

 * ED search update
  * 2016-08-10, The search is still ongoing

 * Google Play account
  * 2016-09-27
   * was done, we need to
pay a $25 one-time fee for the developer account
  * 2016-10-04
   * Payment is authorized
   * ACTION: Rosanna to make the payment and follow up with Ankit
  * 2016-10-18
   * Rosanna is waiting for Ankit to reply about the gmail account
  * 2016-11-01
   * Board is discussing who should have access to the credit card
associated to the account

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-09-27
   * Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
   * ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship
  * 2016-10-26
   * We are aiming for an internship round in spring 2017

 * Bitcoins donations data
  * 2016-08-10
   * Board voted to shut down the account, since we can't report those as
donations. Bitcoin does not allow to trace the sender, which is required to
report the donations to the IRS
   * ACTION: Rosanna to shut down the account
   * ACTION: Allan to remove the option from our website

=== Ongoing but stalled ===

'''This section includes items which haven't seen an update in the last 30

 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
  * 2016-08-10
   * Cosimo tested creating an event, but with mixed results
   * ACTION: Cosimo to take it on from here
  * 2016-09-06 - Allan has started a list of reoccuring events on the wiki

 * Conference sponsorships
  * 2016-08-10
   * ACTION: Kat to make sure that a sponsorship brochure with all
conference, levels, combinations and perks is available for the Board to
  * 2016-09-06
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to get in touch with Kat about this

 * Money raised for defense against Groupon
  * Kat to draft a call for Free Desktop-style hackfests which would be
sponsored with money raised for defence against Groupon
  * 2016-09-06
   * We probably don't want to track exactly this money flow, but the
initiatives that the Board has been pursuing (Flatpak, LAS GNOME) are good
fits for the original intent this money was kept for
   * We can consider making a PR or some other form of announcement about
how we're currently making use of this money

 * Paypal Giving Fund
  * Alexandre suggested in december 2015 to get us enrolled in the program
   * That would give us exposure. For example Humble bundle allows to
direct the charity part of purchases towards any of their participants
  * Zana tried to get us in sometime before may 2016, we never heard back.
  * 2016-09-06
   * ACTION: Zana to look into it.

 * From the mailing list - "support my volunteer program" (Allan)
  * 2016-08-30
   * There's very little information in the message, unclear how they're
related to GNOME
   * ACTION: Shaun to reply asking for more information

 * Google ad grant
  * 2016-08-10
   * ACTION: Shaun will pick this up again and try 

Minutes of the Board meeting of October, 25th, 2016

2016-11-01 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, October 25th 2016, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date November 1st 2016, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Meg Ford
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Shaun McCance
 * Allan Day
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

 * Jim Hall
 * Alexandre Franke

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2016-10-25 ==

 * Travel committee budget allocation of $20,000
 * Hackfests must be approved by Board, update on Core Apps hackfest
 * Review ongoing items!

== Minutes ==

 * Travel committee budget allocation of $20,000
  * See
  * We are late for renewing the travel committee budget - this should have
been done by Oct 1st
  * VOTE: allocate the same $20k budget to the travel committee until
   * +1 Cosimo, Meg, Shaun, Nuritzi. VOTE PASSED
  * ACTION: Cosimo will communicate our decision to the travel committee
and ask a report for the past semester

 * Hackfests must be approved by Board, update on Core Apps hackfest
  * Food/snacks are already covered, so they don't need that sponsorship
  * It looks like hackfests do need to be approved by the Board after all
-- we did approve it during last call however
   * See
  * Nothing else the Board should be involved with at the moment

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Flatpak store
  * 2016-08-30
* There's an idea of a central store where people can upload Flatpak
apps, and users would get it from the store, rather than getting it from
the distribution
* The Board voted to get behind this project officially, and give Allan
permission to reach out to other organizations on our behalf
  * 2016-09-06 - Allan has had some initial conversations with the Flatpak
team. Next step is to check in with the sysadmin team (still not done).
  * 2016-09-13 - Allan has checked in with the sysadmins and they think
there's capacity to get started. Next step is to reach out to partners.

 * ED search update
  * 2016-08-10, The search is still ongoing

 * Google Play account
  * 2016-09-27
   * was done, we need to
pay a $25 one-time fee for the developer account
  * 2016-10-04
   * Payment is authorized
   * ACTION: Rosanna to make the payment and follow up with Ankit
  * 2016-10-18
   * Rosanna is waiting for Ankit to reply about the gmail account

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-09-27
   * Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
   * ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship
  * 2016-10-26
   * We are aiming for an internship round in spring 2017

 * Bitcoins donations data
  * 2016-08-10
   * Board voted to shut down the account, since we can't report those as
donations. Bitcoin does not allow to trace the sender, which is required to
report the donations to the IRS
   * ACTION: Rosanna to shut down the account
   * ACTION: Allan to remove the option from our website

=== Ongoing but stalled ===

'''This section includes items which haven't seen an update in the last 30

 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
  * 2016-08-10
   * Cosimo tested creating an event, but with mixed results
   * ACTION: Cosimo to take it on from here
  * 2016-09-06 - Allan has started a list of reoccuring events on the wiki

 * Conference sponsorships
  * 2016-08-10
   * ACTION: Kat to make sure that a sponsorship brochure with all
conference, levels, combinations and perks is available for the Board to
  * 2016-09-06
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to get in touch with Kat about this

 * Money raised for defense against Groupon
  * Kat to draft a call for Free Desktop-style hackfests which would be
sponsored with money raised for defence against Groupon
  * 2016-09-06
   * We probably don't want to track exactly this money flow, but the
initiatives that the Board has been pursuing (Flatpak, LAS GNOME) are good
fits for the original intent this money was kept for
   * We can consider making a PR or some other form of announcement about
how we're currently making use of this money

 * Paypal Giving Fund
  * Alexandre suggested in december 2015 to get us enrolled in the program
   * That would give us exposure. For example Humble bundle allows to
direct the charity part of purchases towards any of their participants
  * Zana tried to get us in sometime before may 2016, we never heard back.
  * 2016-09-06
   * ACTION: Zana to look into it.

 * From the mailing list - "support my volunteer program" (Allan)
  * 2016-08-30
   * There's very little information in the message, unclear how they&#x

Minutes of the Board meeting of October, 18th, 2016

2016-10-25 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, October 18th 2016, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date October 25th 2016, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Allan Day
 * Shaun McCance
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

 * Meg Ford
 * Jim Hall

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2016-10-18 ==

 * App store check-in
 * Carlos' mail about Core Apps hackfest
 * Review ongoing agenda items

=== Ongoing ===

'''The following section is part of the Agenda and includes items which
have seen updates in the last 30 days.  Items which have been updated more
than 30 days ago are listed under the "Ongoing but stalled" section.'''

 * GIMP payment - GIMP Reimbursements for Texas Linux Fest 2016s
 * LAS GNOME report
 * Flatpak store
 * ED search update
 * Google Play account
 * Privacy campaign funds
 * Bitcoins donations data

== Minutes ==

 * App store check-in
  * Status update on the Google Play store
  * If we ever want to do the same for the iOS store, it would need to be
treated separately and have more investigation

 * Carlos' mail about Core Apps hackfest
  * Carlos is asking for support from the Board to make an official event
   * For the travel sponsorship it is not required that we explicitly
approve the hackfest
   * We should communicate to the travel committee that it's an official
   * We don't need to vote on this
   * We need to approve the travel committee budget since this is a new
fiscal year
   * ACTION: Cosimo to talk to the travel committee about budget
  * There's a sponsorship request for snacks
   * Carlos could see if a company wants to sponsor this first, otherwise
this could come out of a more general event budget, but we don't have a
budget for the fiscal year yet
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to get more information about planned attendance from
Carlos, and suggest that the organizers ask for funding to
companies/employers of the attendees first

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Carlos' mail about Core Apps hackfest
  * Carlos is asking the Board to support the Core Apps hackfest:
  * 2016-10-18
   * There's no need to approve this as an official event, but we need a
budget assigned to the travel committee since we're in a new fiscal year
* ACTION: Cosimo to talk to the travel committee about budget
   * There's a sponsorship request for snacks
* Ideally this would come out of the Engagement team budget
* ACTION: Nuritzi to get more information about planned attendance from
Carlos, and suggest that the organizers ask for funding to
companies/employers of the attendees first

 * GIMP payment - GIMP Reimbursements for Texas Linux Fest 2016
  * 2016-10-11
   * We need to check the receipts and put the payment request on the wiki
for Rosanna if it looks good
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to put the payment details on the wiki

 * LAS GNOME report
  * 2016-10-11
   * The Board wants to take an action to reach out to the organizers and
send out some questions around the timing of the conference and a
   * ACTION: Allan to reach out to Sri

 * Flatpak store
  * 2016-08-30
* There's an idea of a central store where people can upload Flatpak
apps, and users would get it from the store, rather than getting it from
the distribution
* The Board voted to get behind this project officially, and give Allan
permission to reach out to other organizations on our behalf
  * 2016-09-06 - Allan has had some initial conversations with the Flatpak
team. Next step is to check in with the sysadmin team (still not done).
  * 2016-09-13 - Allan has checked in with the sysadmins and they think
there's capacity to get started. Next step is to reach out to partners.

 * ED search update
  * 2016-08-10, The search is still ongoing

 * Google Play account
  * 2016-09-27
   * was done, we need to
pay a $25 one-time fee for the developer account
  * 2016-10-04
   * Payment is authorized
   * ACTION: Rosanna to make the payment and follow up with Ankit
  * 2016-10-18
   * Rosanna is waiting for Ankit to reply about the gmail account

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-09-27
   * Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
   * ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship

 * Bitcoins donations data
  * 2016-08-10
   * Board voted to shut down the account, since we can't report those as
donations. Bitcoin does not allow to trace the sender, which is required to
report the donations to the IRS
   * ACTION: Rosanna to shut down the ac

Minutes of the Board meeting of October, 11th, 2016

2016-10-18 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, October 11th 2016, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date October 18th 2016, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Allan Day
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Meg Ford
 * Shaun McCance
 * Jim Hall

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2016-10-11 ==

 * GIMP payment - GIMP Reimbursements for Texas Linux Fest 2016
 * LAS GNOME report (Allan)
 * Review ongoing tasks! (Allan)

=== Ongoing ===

'''The following section is part of the Agenda and includes items which
have seen updates in the last 30 days.  Items which have been updated more
than 30 days ago are listed under the "Ongoing but stalled" section.'''

 * Flatpak store
 * ED search update
 * Google Play account
 * Privacy campaign funds

== Minutes ==

 * GIMP payment - GIMP Reimbursements for Texas Linux Fest 2016
  * We need to check the receipts and put the payment request on the wiki
for Rosanna if it looks good
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to put the payment details on the wiki

 * LAS GNOME report
  * Let's talk about the event with an eye of the overall picture of events
in North America
  * There are questions about sponsorships, and other related events such
as the GNOME Summit
   * It happened around the time of hte 3.22 release, and just a couple of
weeks before the traditional Summit
  * Cosimo and Jim talk about the conference
   * General impression that people who attended were enthusiastic
  * It may be good to ask feedback to the conference sponsors before we
plan the following year
  * There was also the West Coast Summit that happened in spring which was
superseded by LAS GNOME this year
   * Traditionally the summits are useful to plan for the next cycle
  * The Board wants to take an action to reach out to the organizers and
send out some questions around the timing of the conference and a
   * ACTION: Allan to reach out to Sri

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * GIMP payment - GIMP Reimbursements for Texas Linux Fest 2016
  * We need to check the receipts and put the payment request on the wiki
for Rosanna if it looks good
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to put the payment details on the wiki

 * LAS GNOME report
  * 2016-10-11
   * The Board wants to take an action to reach out to the organizers and
send out some questions around the timing of the conference and a
   * ACTION: Allan to reach out to Sri

 * Flatpak store
  * 2016-08-30
* There's an idea of a central store where people can upload Flatpak
apps, and users would get it from the store, rather than getting it from
the distribution
* The Board voted to get behind this project officially, and give Allan
permission to reach out to other organizations on our behalf
  * 2016-09-06 - Allan has had some initial conversations with the Flatpak
team. Next step is to check in with the sysadmin team (still not done).
  * 2016-09-13 - Allan has checked in with the sysadmins and they think
there's capacity to get started. Next step is to reach out to partners.

 * ED search update
  * 2016-08-10, The search is still ongoing

 * Google Play account
  * 2015-12-01, ACTION: Alexandre to follow up with the Release Team about
  * 2015-12-08, Alexandre mailed the Release Team today, still waiting for
an answer.
  * 2015-12-15 to 2016-01-19, No updates.
  * 2016-02-02, Release team did not come to an agreement/conclusion.
Unclear what next steps should be
  * 2016-08-10, ACTION: Allan to send out feelers to d-d-l and talk to r-t
in person at GUADEC to get the ball rolling again
  * 2016-09-06
   * Michael has responded on the mailing list -
. Are we OK with this?
   * Board voted to create an email alias that will be managing the Google
Play account, and add both the contributor and board-list to it
   * ACTION: Cosimo to get back to Michael and ask Andrea to create the
  * 2016-09-27
   * was done, we need to
pay a $25 one-time fee for the developer account
  * 2016-10-04
   * Payment is authorized
   * ACTION: Rosanna to make the payment and follow up with Ankit

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-08-10: New plan
* ACTION: Cosimo to hold an unconference session during GUADEC to
generate a shortlist of ideas, with a view to contracting them out to a
consulting firm
  * 2016-08-30
   * Long list of proposals:
   * Notes from the GUADEC session:
   * ACTION: Allan will check whether the person working on the seahorse
redesign can do it without any 

Minutes of the Board meeting of October, 4th, 2016

2016-10-11 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, October 4th 2016, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date October 11th 2016, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Meg Ford
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Shaun McCance
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Jim Hall
 * Allan Day

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2016-10-04 ==

 * Julita's request for proof of membership letter

=== Ongoing ===

'''The following section is part of the Agenda and includes items which
have seen updates in the last 30 days.  Items which have been updated more
than 30 days ago are listed under the "Ongoing but stalled" section.'''

 * Flatpak store
 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
 * ED search update
 * Google Play account
 * Conference sponsorships
 * Privacy campaign funds
 * Money raised for defense against Groupon
 * Paypal Giving Fund

== Minutes ==

 * All the time was spent discussing private items in the agenda. Please
see the Ongoing section for some updates.

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Flatpak store
  * 2016-08-30
* There's an idea of a central store where people can upload Flatpak
apps, and users would get it from the store, rather than getting it from
the distribution
* The Board voted to get behind this project officially, and give Allan
permission to reach out to other organizations on our behalf
  * 2016-09-06 - Allan has had some initial conversations with the Flatpak
team. Next step is to check in with the sysadmin team (still not done).
  * 2016-09-13 - Allan has checked in with the sysadmins and they think
there's capacity to get started. Next step is to reach out to partners.

 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
  * 2016-05-23, ACTION: Allan will try if it's functional enough for us to
use it now
  * 2016-06-06, Allan's tried it and reminders don't seem to work. Needs to
follow up.
  * 2016-06-20, Since it works for Andrea, but not for Allan, help would be
welcome from someone else for testing.
  * 2016-08-10
   * Cosimo tested creating an event, but with mixed results
   * ACTION: Cosimo to take it on from here
  * 2016-09-06 - Allan has started a list of reoccuring events on the wiki

 * ED search update
  * 2016-08-10, The search is still ongoing

 * Google Play account
  * 2015-12-01, ACTION: Alexandre to follow up with the Release Team about
  * 2015-12-08, Alexandre mailed the Release Team today, still waiting for
an answer.
  * 2015-12-15 to 2016-01-19, No updates.
  * 2016-02-02, Release team did not come to an agreement/conclusion.
Unclear what next steps should be
  * 2016-08-10, ACTION: Allan to send out feelers to d-d-l and talk to r-t
in person at GUADEC to get the ball rolling again
  * 2016-09-06
   * Michael has responded on the mailing list -
. Are we OK with this?
   * Board voted to create an email alias that will be managing the Google
Play account, and add both the contributor and board-list to it
   * ACTION: Cosimo to get back to Michael and ask Andrea to create the
  * 2016-09-27
   * was done, we need to
pay a $25 one-time fee for the developer account
  * 2016-10-04
   * Payment is authorized
   * ACTION: Rosanna to make the payment and follow up with Ankit

 * Conference sponsorships
  * 2016-08-10
   * ACTION: Kat to make sure that a sponsorship brochure with all
conference, levels, combinations and perks is available for the Board to
  * 2016-09-06
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to get in touch with Kat about this

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-08-10: New plan
* ACTION: Cosimo to hold an unconference session during GUADEC to
generate a shortlist of ideas, with a view to contracting them out to a
consulting firm
  * 2016-08-30
   * Long list of proposals:
   * Notes from the GUADEC session:
   * ACTION: Allan will check whether the person working on the seahorse
redesign can do it without any additional resources
   * Board agreed to open up the funds to individuals, rather than company
bids. Current idea is to make a special internship round, possibly with
three interns
* ACTION: Cosimo to put together a proposal that includes this
feedback, with the goal of circulating it to the community/vote ideas/etc,
and run it by the Board
  * 2016-09-06
   * Allan and Cosimo have been in touch with Daiki, who is interested in
having an intern to work on the new Passwords and Keys application
   * Cosimo i

Minutes of the Board meeting of September, 27th, 2016

2016-10-04 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, September 27th 2016, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date October 4th 2016, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Allan Day
 * Meg Ford
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Jim Hall
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

 * Shaun McCance

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2016-09-27 ==

 * Jeff's email about Montreal Summit (Meg)
 * Cosimo's email about privacy internships (Allan)
 * Marina's email about Outreachy projects (Meg)
 * Michael Schumacher's email about LGM reimbursement (Meg)
 * LAS GNOME report? (Allan)

=== Ongoing ===

'''The following section is part of the Agenda and includes items which
have seen updates in the last 30 days.  Items which have been updated more
than 30 days ago are listed under the "Ongoing but stalled" section.'''

 * Sponsorship of Outreachy intern for December 2016
 * Flatpak store
 * From the mailing list - "support my volunteer program"
 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
 * ED search update
 * Google Play account
 * Status of logo copyright
 * Bitcoins donations data
 * Conference sponsorships
 * Friends of GNOME
 * Google ad grant
 * Sysadmin fundraising levels and perks
 * Web page for prior pants winners
 * Privacy campaign funds
 * Money raised for defense against Groupon
 * Standard code of conduct for GNOME annual events
 * Paypal Giving Fund

== Minutes ==

 * Jeff's email about Montreal Summit
  * Jeff's recommendation is to still try and hold it as a local event
  * Venue is free, so there should not be any costs for the foundation
  * It may be that having two events close in North America is too much --
LAS GNOME has had an effect on this
  * ACTION: Cosimo to get back to Jeff with the recommendation that we
still hold it as a local event

 * Cosimo's email about privacy internships
  * This is moving along, please read the proposal on the mailing list and
offer comments/feedback
  * ACTION: Cosimo will follow up to Allan's questions, with the goal of
setting up a committee and its email alias by the end of this week

 * Marina's email about Outreachy projects
  * Federico has an intern from an indigenous Mexican community that could
work on GNOME translations
  * Marina would like to know if the Board thinks this is an acceptable
task for Outreachy
   * At some point in the past it was decided to only accept internships
for projects with sufficient priority
  * It does not feel like the Board should be involved too much with this
   * The Board is not opposed to this, and this project can be prioritized
with all the others
  * ACTION: Meg to get back to Marina with our input

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Flatpak store
  * 2016-08-30
* There's an idea of a central store where people can upload Flatpak
apps, and users would get it from the store, rather than getting it from
the distribution
* The Board voted to get behind this project officially, and give Allan
permission to reach out to other organizations on our behalf
  * 2016-09-06 - Allan has had some initial conversations with the Flatpak
team. Next step is to check in with the sysadmin team (still not done).
  * 2016-09-13 - Allan has checked in with the sysadmins and they think
there's capacity to get started. Next step is to reach out to partners.

 * From the mailing list - "support my volunteer program" (Allan)
  * 2016-08-30
   * There's very little information in the message, unclear how they're
related to GNOME
   * ACTION: Shaun to reply asking for more information

 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
  * 2016-05-23, ACTION: Allan will try if it's functional enough for us to
use it now
  * 2016-06-06, Allan's tried it and reminders don't seem to work. Needs to
follow up.
  * 2016-06-20, Since it works for Andrea, but not for Allan, help would be
welcome from someone else for testing.
  * 2016-08-10
   * Cosimo tested creating an event, but with mixed results
   * ACTION: Cosimo to take it on from here
  * 2016-09-06 - Allan has started a list of reoccuring events on the wiki

 * ED search update
  * 2016-08-10, The search is still ongoing

 * Google Play account
  * 2015-12-01, ACTION: Alexandre to follow up with the Release Team about
  * 2015-12-08, Alexandre mailed the Release Team today, still waiting for
an answer.
  * 2015-12-15 to 2016-01-19, No updates.
  * 2016-02-02, Release team did not come to an agreement/conclusion.
Unclear what next steps should be
  * 2016-08-10, ACTION: Allan to send out feelers to d-d-l and talk to r-t
in person at GUADE

Minutes of the Board meeting of September, 13th, 2016

2016-09-27 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, September 13th 2016, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date September 27th 2016, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Allan Day
 * Shaun McCance
 * Meg Ford
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Jim Hall

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2016-09-13 ==

 * Marina's outreachy email
 * LAS GNOME update
 * Release party budgets

=== Ongoing ===

'''The following section is part of the Agenda and includes items which
have seen updates in the last 30 days.  Items which have been updated more
than 30 days ago are listed under the "Ongoing but stalled" section.'''

 * Flatpak store
 * From the mailing list - "support my volunteer program"
 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
 * ED search update
 * Google Play account
 * Status of logo copyright
 * Bitcoins donations data
 * Conference sponsorships
 * Friends of GNOME
 * Google ad grant
 * Sysadmin fundraising levels and perks
 * Web page for prior pants winners
 * Privacy campaign funds
 * Money raised for defense against Groupon
 * Standard code of conduct for GNOME annual events

== Minutes ==

 * Marina's outreachy email
  * Committed dedicated funding is required to be eligible for general funds
  * VOTE: commit dedicated funding for an Outreachy intern in case no other
company commits dedicated funding on GNOME's behalf. It's $6500.
   * +1 Nuritzi, Shaun, Meg, Allan, Cosimo, Jim. Abstained: Alexandre.
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to email Marina with this information

 * LAS GNOME updates
  * Current income projection is $12500, so it won't be at too much of a
loss for the Foundation

 * Release party budgets
  * Nuritzi would like to encourage more people to organize local events
  * A small reimbursement may help encourage people to do that. For
instance, $50 towards flyers and similar
  * In the past, wire transfer costs made this prohibitive, so we'd do this
through Paypal (and accept the small fee)
  * Engagement team had a budget in the past, but it has not been used very
  * Cosimo: would like to delegate this to the Engagement team and their
own budget in the future. Don't want to have the Board vote on this for
every release
  * Meg: how much is the Paypal fee?
   * Probably somewhere between 2-3% for transfers within the U.S. Its more
for foreign transactions
  * Shaun: it's common for non-profits to give committees/teams small
discretory budgets, like Cosimo's idea
   * Can we pull this from general funds for this year, would this be a big
* Rosanna: there may be a marketing budget we can pull from
  * Allan: Engagement team is not an official team, so would we make it
part of Rosanna's job to do small reimbursements/check receipts
   * Or would we appoint a particular individual in the team to do so?
  * Rosanna: $2000 were budgeted for marketing last year
  * People would need to provide receipts to be reimbursed, we'd encourage
people to post to social media, etc
  * Meg: would the money go to the Engagement team and they would disperse
it, or would it be up to the board?
   * Nuritzi: the Engagement team would get the budget, then advertise to
the community, and pre-process/audit the receipts/events to send to Rosanna
  * VOTE: allocate a budget of $500 for the Engagement team to use towards
release parties, up to $50 per each party
   * +1 Shaun, Alexandre, Meg, Nuritzi, Cosimo, Allan, Jim

 * Next week's call
  * Some of us are going to be at LAS GNOME, do we have a call?
  * We cancel next week's call, and schedule something ad-hoc if we need
something urgently

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Sponsorship of Outreachy intern for December 2016 (mailing list thread
titled "Outreachy sponsorship") (Allan)
  * Marina sent an email to the Board asking for budget approval for one
intern in December. It's $6500
  * 2016-09-13
   * Board voted to commit dedicated funding of $6500 for an Outreachy
intern in case no other company commits dedicated funding on GNOME's behalf
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to get back to Marina

 * Flatpak store
  * 2016-08-30
* There's an idea of a central store where people can upload Flatpak
apps, and users would get it from the store, rather than getting it from
the distribution
* The Board voted to get behind this project officially, and give Allan
permission to reach out to other organizations on our behalf
  * 2016-09-06 - Allan has had some initial conversations with the Flatpak
team. Next step is to check in with the sysadmin team (still not done).
  * 2016-09-13 - Allan has checked in with th

Minutes of the Board meeting of August, 30th, 2016

2016-09-13 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tuesday, August 30th 2016, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date September 6th 2016, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * AllanDay
 * AlexandreFranke
 * MegFord
 * CosimoCecchi
 * NuritziSanchez
 * RosannaYuen
 * ShaunMcCance

== Regrets ==

 * JimHall

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2016-08-30 ==

 * Invitation Letter for Visa Application - needed by August 30 (from the
mailing list)
 * Status of Montreal Summit 2016 (Nuritzi)
 * Flatpak store (Allan)
 * Outgoing board members probably need to be removed from mailing list,
the wiki, etc
 * From the mailing list - "support my volunteer program" (Allan)
 * From the mailing list - "[GANDI] expires in 30 days" (Allan)
 * From the mailing list - Jim's message about fundraising ideas.
 * Privacy funds - we have some ideas now. What's next? (Allan)
  * Long list of proposals:
  * Notes from the GUADEC session:
 * Do we want to register (Suggested by Andreas)
 * Google Play account (see ongoing actions) (Allan)
  * Michael has responded on the mailing list -
. Are we OK with this?

=== Ongoing ===

'''The following section is part of the Agenda and includes items which
have seen updates in the last 30 days.  Items which have been updated more
than 30 days ago are listed under the "Ongoing but stalled" section.'''

 * Meeting agendas and minutes
 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
 * ED search update
 * Google Play account
 * Status of logo copyright
 * Bitcoins donations data
 * Conference sponsorships
 * Friends of GNOME
 * Google ad grant
 * Sysadmin fundraising levels and perks
 * Web page for prior pants winners
 * Privacy campaign funds
 * Money raised for defense against Groupon
 * Standard code of conduct for GNOME annual events

== Minutes ==

 * Invitation Letter for Visa Application - needed by August 30 (from the
mailing list)
  * Since LAS GNOME is an event organized in the US by the GNOME
Foundation, we are responsible to write the invitation letter
  * The applicant we would be writing the letter for, is not a GNOME
Foundation member
  * It's not clear that the Foundation should be responsible to sign this
letter, and how LAS GNOME being an event organized in the US impacts this
   * The LAS GNOME organizing committee is not an entity, so that may be
the reason the Foundation is responsible for this instead of the organizing
  * We can only sign this today, as the applicant has a consular
appointment tomorrow
  * VOTE: if it's determined that the GNOME Foundation does not have legal
of financial implications by signing this letter, then Nuritzi would sign it
   * +1 Nuritzi, Meg, Allan, Cosimo, Alexandre, Shaun
   * We should encourage the applicant to become a Foundation member, since
in general this is a perk that comes with being a foundation member
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to investigate whether there is any responsibility
from the Foundation, and see if the LAS GNOME committee can sign it
instead, or otherwise sign it

 * Status of Montreal Summit 2016 (Nuritzi)
  * Should we be more actively pushing it forward?
  * It looks like the organization of the Summit is moving along just fine,
and there's no action that is needed from the Board at this time

 * Flatpak store (Allan)
  * There's an idea of a central store where people can upload Flatpak
apps, and users would get it from the store, rather than getting it from
the distribution
  * Longer-term, this would be an independent effort that is not tied to a
specific desktop, since it's not GNOME-specific or KDE-specific
   * But as a way to get started and see if the idea has potential there
has been discussions about making this an opt-in store and have the GNOME
Foundation be the organization to bootstrap this
  * There are a few questions around this
   * Do we want to do it?
   * What kind of resources do we need in order to pull this off?
   * Should we get in touch with the advisory board members to support this?
  * Can Allan make inquiries on behalf of the Board to push this forward?
  * Can or should we reach out to other organizations first, to push this
  * VOTE: the Board gets behind this project officially, and gives Allan
permission to reach out to other organizations on behalf of the Board
* +1 Nuritzi, Shaun, Meg, Allan, Alexandre, Cosimo
* ACTION: Allan will move forward with the plan and keep other people
in the loop

 * Outgoing board members probably need to be removed from mailing list,
the wiki, etc
  * This has happened, no further discussion needed

 * From the mailing list - "support my volunteer program" (Allan)
  * Unclear they have any strong ties with GNOME
  * There's very little information in the 

Minutes of the Board meeting of September, 6th, 2016

2016-09-13 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tuesday, September 6th 2016, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date September 13th 2016, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Allan Day
 * Meg Ford
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Jim Hall
 * Shaun McCance

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2016-09-06 ==

 * Google Play account (see ongoing actions) (Allan)
  * Michael has responded on the mailing list -
. Are we OK with this?
 * Sponsorship of Outreachy intern for December 2016 (mailing list thread
titled "Outreachy sponsorship") (Allan)
 * From the mailing list - Jim's message about fundraising ideas.
 * From the mailing list: Lost Chromebook Pixels (Allan)
 * The GUADEC 2017 team is investigating options for transferring money,
and is interested in using TransferWise. Is the Foundation happy to use
this? Do we want to set up an account? (Allan)

=== Ongoing ===

'''The following section is part of the Agenda and includes items which
have seen updates in the last 30 days.  Items which have been updated more
than 30 days ago are listed under the "Ongoing but stalled" section.'''

 * Sponsorship of Outreachy intern for December 2016
 * Flatpak store
 * From the mailing list - "support my volunteer program"
 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
 * ED search update
 * Google Play account
 * Status of logo copyright
 * Bitcoins donations data
 * Conference sponsorships
 * Friends of GNOME
 * Google ad grant
 * Sysadmin fundraising levels and perks
 * Web page for prior pants winners
 * Privacy campaign funds
 * Money raised for defense against Groupon
 * Standard code of conduct for GNOME annual events
 * Paypal Giving Fund

== Minutes ==

 * Google Play account (see ongoing actions) (Allan)
  * Michael has responded on the mailing list -
. Are we OK with this?
  * VOTE: to create an email alias that will be managing the Google Play
account, and add both the contributor and board-list to it
   * +1 Nuritzi, Alexandre, Cosimo, Meg, Shaun, Jim, Allan
  * ACTION: Cosimo to get back to Michael and ask Andrea to create the alias

 * Sponsorship of Outreachy intern for December 2016 (mailing list thread
titled "Outreachy sponsorship") (Allan)
  * Marina sent an email to the Board asking for budget approval for one
intern in December. It's $6500
  * In the past the Foundation did not use to pay for interns ourselves.
They were paid by sponsors of the Foundation. This summer we paid for one
internship, and the idea was to cover in case not all the slots would have
been fullfilled by sponsors
   * Do we want to establish a policy that now we always sponsor one intern?
   * Marina mentions that the Foundation-sponsored internship would only
happen if we don't find sponsorship from companies
  * It would make sense to ask Marina under which circumstances
specifically she would use the money from the Foundation (e.g. only if two
other slots are paid by companies? Does she have a fixed number of interns
in mind?)
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to get back to Marina and ask her more details about
her request

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Sponsorship of Outreachy intern for December 2016 (mailing list thread
titled "Outreachy sponsorship") (Allan)
  * Marina sent an email to the Board asking for budget approval for one
intern in December. It's $6500
  * 2016-09-06
   * It would make sense to ask Marina under which circumstances
specifically she would use the money from the Foundation (e.g. only if two
other slots are paid by companies? Does she have a fixed number of interns
in mind?)
   * ACTION: Nuritzi to get back to Marina and ask her more details about
her request

 * Flatpak store
  * 2016-08-30
* There's an idea of a central store where people can upload Flatpak
apps, and users would get it from the store, rather than getting it from
the distribution
* The Board voted to get behind this project officially, and give Allan
permission to reach out to other organizations on our behalf
  * 2016-09-06 - Allan has had some initial conversations with the Flatpak
team. Next step is to check in with the sysadmin team (still not done).

 * From the mailing list - "support my volunteer program" (Allan)
  * 2016-08-30
   * There's very little information in the message, unclear how they're
related to GNOME
   * ACTION: Shaun to reply asking for more information

 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
  * 2016-05-23, ACTION: Allan will try if 

Minutes of the Board meeting of July, 19th, 2016

2016-08-28 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Monday, July 19th 2016, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tuesday, July 26th, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Allan Day
 * Shaun McCance
 * Ekaterina Gerasimova
 * Meg Ford
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Jim Hall
 * Jeff F. T.

== Regrets ==

 * Andrea Veri

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2016-07-19 ==

 * Maps situation
  * From the mailing list: "Could Gnome Maps use OSM tiles servers?"
 * Mail from Christian Hergert, "tax deductions"
 * GIMP LGM reimbursements
 * LAS travel subsidies
 * Getting contributions meta-discussion?

=== Ongoing ===

'''The following section is part of the Agenda and includes items which
have seen updates in the last 30 days.  Items which have been updated more
than 30 days ago are listed under the "Ongoing but stalled" section.'''

 * Information needed for bank account
 * GNOME Board team building
 * GUADEC Manchester bid
 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
 * Annual report completion

== Minutes ==

 * Maps situation
  * From the mailing list: "Could Gnome Maps use OSM tiles servers?"
  * Mattias Bengtsson has a call with Mapbox tomorrow about possibly using
their servers for 1 year for free
  * Long term solution would be to host tiles on GNOME infrastructure
  * ACTION: Kat to put Mattias in touch with Aruna
  * ACTION: Allan to come up with some benefits that we can offer to Mapbox

 * Mail from Christian Hergert, "tax deductions"
  * We probably shouldn't offer tax advice
  * Too much variance is laws between different countries
  * ACTION: Jim to reply to Christian

 * GIMP LGM reimbursements
  * No action taken (needs to be instructed)

 * GNOME.Asia
  * ACTION: Cosimo to instruct reimbursement (via wiki)

 * LAS GNOME travel subsidies
  * 2 options for assigning budget:
* Get people to go through the Travel Committee and use the general
$20k per half year budget
* Assign budget out of general funds
  * LAS GNOME will go via normal travel committee process

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Information needed for bank account (from the mailing list)
  * 2016-07-05, ACTION: Rosanna to call the bank today and provide all the
information they requested

 * GNOME Board team building
  * 2016-06-27
   * ACTION: Allan to open a wiki page with the GUADEC meeting agenda

 * GUADEC Manchester bid
  * 2016-05-09
   * The Board received a bid from Manchester for GUADEC 2017
   * There's a document to review
   * ACTION: Kat will collect and send comments once we have reviewed the
  * 2016-05-23
   * Action item still pending for Kat to collect/send feedback
  * 2016-07-05
   * Alexandre takes over the action item from Kat

 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
  * 2016-05-23, ACTION: Allan will try if it's functional enough for us to
use it now
  * 2016-06-06, Allan's tried it and reminders don't seem to work. Needs to
follow up.
  * 2016-06-20, Since it works for Andrea, but not for Allan, help would be
welcome from someone else for testing.

 * Annual report
  * 2016-06-06: financial report is still missing, printing requires having
an hard deadline set, ideally mid-week
  * 2016-06-13: texts all gathered now, undergoing editing and layout
  * 2016-06-20, Layout in progress, got some quotes from print shop. Will
need budget soon, but should be cheaper than last year (should be around
  * 2016-07-05: budget approved, we're printing 100

=== Ongoing but stalled ===

'''This section includes items which haven't seen an update in the last 30

 * ED search update
  * 2015-12-01, No news received in recent weeks, mostly because of holidays
  * 2015-12-08, 3 candidates are going to have a couple of one hour
interviews with ~2 members of the hiring committee per interview.
Scheduling of these metings is just beginning.
  * 2015-12-15 to 2016-01-12, No updates.
  * 2016-01-19
   * Committee has completed interview with two final candidates
   * They should have a final answer/proposal to the board within a few
  * 2016-02-02, Expect more news this week - we'll start scheduling
interviews soon
  * 2016-02-09
   * Sri from the ED committee wants to present to the Board at next week's
   * A list of candidates that are deemed good and have been vetted by the
committee will be presented at the meeting
  * 2016-02-16, The ED Search committee converged on a single candidate
  * 2016-02-23, The item has been discussed during the meeting, details are
available at

Minutes of the Board meeting of August, 2nd, 2016

2016-08-28 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Monday, August 2nd 2016, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Wednesday, August 10th, 12:00 (?) UTC (at GUADEC)


== Attending ==

 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Shaun McCance
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Meg Ford
 * Allan Day
 * Jeff F.T.
 * Jim Hall

== Regrets ==

 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Ekaterina Gerasimova (outgoing)

== Missing ==

 * Andrea Veri (outgoing)

== Agenda for 2016-08-02 ==

 * GNOME Summit 2016 in Montreal
 * Finalise GUADEC meeting arrangements:
  * Details of the meeting venue are on the agenda page:
  * Please add yourselves to
  * Dinner on the 9th?
  * Do we want to set up a Telegram group?

=== Ongoing ===

'''The following section is part of the Agenda and includes items which
have seen updates in the last 30 days.  Items which have been updated more
than 30 days ago are listed under the "Ongoing but stalled" section.'''

 * Information needed for bank account
 * GNOME Board team building
 * GUADEC Manchester bid
 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
 * Annual report completion

== Minutes ==

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Information needed for bank account (from the mailing list)
  * 2016-07-05, ACTION: Rosanna to call the bank today and provide all the
information they requested

 * GNOME Board team building
  * 2016-06-27
   * ACTION: Allan to open a wiki page with the GUADEC meeting agenda

 * GUADEC Manchester bid
  * 2016-05-09
   * The Board received a bid from Manchester for GUADEC 2017
   * There's a document to review
   * ACTION: Kat will collect and send comments once we have reviewed the
  * 2016-05-23
   * Action item still pending for Kat to collect/send feedback
  * 2016-07-05
   * Alexandre takes over the action item from Kat

 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
  * 2016-05-23, ACTION: Allan will try if it's functional enough for us to
use it now
  * 2016-06-06, Allan's tried it and reminders don't seem to work. Needs to
follow up.
  * 2016-06-20, Since it works for Andrea, but not for Allan, help would be
welcome from someone else for testing.

 * Annual report
  * 2016-06-06: financial report is still missing, printing requires having
an hard deadline set, ideally mid-week
  * 2016-06-13: texts all gathered now, undergoing editing and layout
  * 2016-06-20, Layout in progress, got some quotes from print shop. Will
need budget soon, but should be cheaper than last year (should be around
  * 2016-07-05: budget approved, we're printing 100
  * 2016-07-26: document was finalized and printed, 100 copies at 816 CAD
~= 620 USD at current exchange rates

=== Ongoing but stalled ===

'''This section includes items which haven't seen an update in the last 30

 * ED search update
  * 2015-12-01, No news received in recent weeks, mostly because of holidays
  * 2015-12-08, 3 candidates are going to have a couple of one hour
interviews with ~2 members of the hiring committee per interview.
Scheduling of these metings is just beginning.
  * 2015-12-15 to 2016-01-12, No updates.
  * 2016-01-19
   * Committee has completed interview with two final candidates
   * They should have a final answer/proposal to the board within a few
  * 2016-02-02, Expect more news this week - we'll start scheduling
interviews soon
  * 2016-02-09
   * Sri from the ED committee wants to present to the Board at next week's
   * A list of candidates that are deemed good and have been vetted by the
committee will be presented at the meeting
  * 2016-02-16, The ED Search committee converged on a single candidate
  * 2016-02-23, The item has been discussed during the meeting, details are
available at
  * 2016-03-14, Jonathan Blandford (jrb) has agreed to lead
  * 2016-04-11, Jonathan mailed the Board mentioning the ED Search
Committee is back on track, they'll start meeting on a regular basis again
  * 2016-05-09
   * There was a question about whether we should revise the position/job
description, but the Board did not come to a conclusion on this in previous
   * ACTION: Rosanna to tell Jonathan to go ahead with the job search

 * Google Play account
  * 2015-12-01, ACTION: Alexandre to follow up with the Release Team about
  * 2015-12-08, Alexandre mailed the Release Team today, still waiting for
an answer.
  * 2015-12-15 to 2016-01-19, No updates.
  * 201

Minutes of the Board meeting of July, 26th, 2016

2016-08-28 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Monday, July 26th 2016, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tuesday, August 2nd, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Meg Ford
 * Jeff F. T. (outgoing)
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Allan Day
 * Shaun McCance
 * Jim Hall
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

 * Andrea Veri (outgoing)

== Missing ==

 * Ekaterina Gerasimova (outgoing)

== Agenda for 2016-07-26 ==

 * 2016 GUADEC Check-In: Board Meeting (Nuritzi)
 * LAS GNOME update (Nuritzi)
 * Marina's email about confirming Red Hat sponsorship (Meg)
 * Maps situation (Allan) (non-essential)
 * GIMP Reimbursements (Allan)
 * Attracting contributors (Allan):

=== Ongoing ===

'''The following section is part of the Agenda and includes items which
have seen updates in the last 30 days.  Items which have been updated more
than 30 days ago are listed under the "Ongoing but stalled" section.'''

 * Information needed for bank account
 * GNOME Board team building
 * GUADEC Manchester bid
 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
 * Annual report completion

== Minutes ==

 * Marina's email about confirming Red Hat sponsorship (Meg)
  * VOTE: go back to Marina and approve the form with a quick fix from Zana
   * +1 Cosimo, Shaun, Allan, Alexandre, Meg, Jim, Nuritzi. VOTE PASSED
  * ACTION: Rosanna to send email to Marina

 * Attracting contributors discussion
  * See

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Information needed for bank account (from the mailing list)
  * 2016-07-05, ACTION: Rosanna to call the bank today and provide all the
information they requested

 * GNOME Board team building
  * 2016-06-27
   * ACTION: Allan to open a wiki page with the GUADEC meeting agenda

 * GUADEC Manchester bid
  * 2016-07-26
   * Manchester bid is accepted for GUADEC 2017, will be announced In

 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
  * 2016-05-23, ACTION: Allan will try if it's functional enough for us to
use it now
  * 2016-06-06, Allan's tried it and reminders don't seem to work. Needs to
follow up.
  * 2016-06-20, Since it works for Andrea, but not for Allan, help would be
welcome from someone else for testing.

 * Annual report
  * 2016-06-06: financial report is still missing, printing requires having
an hard deadline set, ideally mid-week
  * 2016-06-13: texts all gathered now, undergoing editing and layout
  * 2016-06-20, Layout in progress, got some quotes from print shop. Will
need budget soon, but should be cheaper than last year (should be around
  * 2016-07-05: budget approved, we're printing 100
  * 2016-07-26: document was finalized and printed, 100 copies at 816 CAD
~= 620 USD at current exchange rates

=== Ongoing but stalled ===

'''This section includes items which haven't seen an update in the last 30

 * ED search update
  * 2015-12-01, No news received in recent weeks, mostly because of holidays
  * 2015-12-08, 3 candidates are going to have a couple of one hour
interviews with ~2 members of the hiring committee per interview.
Scheduling of these metings is just beginning.
  * 2015-12-15 to 2016-01-12, No updates.
  * 2016-01-19
   * Committee has completed interview with two final candidates
   * They should have a final answer/proposal to the board within a few
  * 2016-02-02, Expect more news this week - we'll start scheduling
interviews soon
  * 2016-02-09
   * Sri from the ED committee wants to present to the Board at next week's
   * A list of candidates that are deemed good and have been vetted by the
committee will be presented at the meeting
  * 2016-02-16, The ED Search committee converged on a single candidate
  * 2016-02-23, The item has been discussed during the meeting, details are
available at
  * 2016-03-14, Jonathan Blandford (jrb) has agreed to lead
  * 2016-04-11, Jonathan mailed the Board mentioning the ED Search
Committee is back on track, they'll start meeting on a regular basis again
  * 2016-05-09
   * There was a question about whether we should revise the position/job
description, but the Board did not come to a conclusion on this in previous
   * ACTION: Rosanna to tell Jonathan to go ahead with the job search

 * Google Play account
  * 2015-12-01, ACTION: Alexandre to follow up with the Release Team about
  * 2015-12-08, Alexandre mailed the Release Team today, still waiti

Minutes of the Board meeting of August, 23rd, 2016

2016-08-28 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Monday, August 23th 2016, ??:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tuesday, August 30th, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Meg Ford
 * Allan Day
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Jim Hall

== Regrets ==

  * Cosimo Cecchi

== Missing ==

 * Shaun McCance

== Agenda for 2016-08-23 ==

 * Invoicing for LAS GNOME (Nuritzi)
 * Code of Conduct proposal (Allan)
 * Flatpak store (Allan)

== Deferred to next meeting ==

 * Outgoing board members probably need to be removed from mailing list,
the wiki, etc
 * From the mailing list - "support my volunteer program" (Allan)
 * From the mailing list - "[GANDI] expires in 30 days" (Allan)
 * From the mailing list - Jim's message about fundraising ideas. (Allan)
 * Privacy funds - we have some ideas now. What's next? (Allan)
  * Long list of proposals:
  * Notes from the GUADEC session:
 * Do we want to register (Suggested by Andreas)
 * Google Play account (see ongoing actions) (Allan)
  * Michael has responded on the mailing list -
. Are we OK with this?
 * Is Kat on board@ - yes, she is on board@ but should not be on board-only
 * Do we need to send another Bitcoin response? (Nuritzi)

=== Ongoing ===

'''The following section is part of the Agenda and includes items which
have seen updates in the last 30 days.  Items which have been updated more
than 30 days ago are listed under the "Ongoing but stalled" section.'''

 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board

== Minutes ==

 * Invoicing for LAS GNOME (Nuritzi)
   * No objection from directors, proceed

 * Code of Conduct proposal (Allan)
   * email sent to the list last week
   * touchy subject, we want to avoid bikeshedding but we still want to
involve the community
   * board has until end of week to give feedback
   * VOTE: charge the working group of proposing a code of conduct
following the process detailed in the mail
 +1 Nuritzi, Jim, Meg, Alexandre, Allan.
 Unanimous, vote passed.

 * Flatpak store (Allan)
   * discussion kind of spawned from the advisory board meeting
   * there's a missing piece for now, if you look for flatpaks of software
   * who's going to be responsible for this central place?
   * flatpak is bigger than GNOME, but we can act as incubator. Eventually
we want this to have this done by an outside entity
   * Legal issues with distributing software, we need to start

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Meeting agendas and minutes
  * 2016-08-10
   * ACTION: Allan to gather a list of every recurring events
   * ACTION: Cosimo to document the new pad/agenda process on, since
that is out of date at the moment

 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
  * 2016-05-23, ACTION: Allan will try if it's functional enough for us to
use it now
  * 2016-06-06, Allan's tried it and reminders don't seem to work. Needs to
follow up.
  * 2016-06-20, Since it works for Andrea, but not for Allan, help would be
welcome from someone else for testing.
  * 2016-08-10
   * Cosimo tested creating an event, but with mixed results
   * ACTION: Cosimo to take it on from here

 * ED search update
  * 2016-08-10, The search is still ongoing

 * Google Play account
  * 2015-12-01, ACTION: Alexandre to follow up with the Release Team about
  * 2015-12-08, Alexandre mailed the Release Team today, still waiting for
an answer.
  * 2015-12-15 to 2016-01-19, No updates.
  * 2016-02-02, Release team did not come to an agreement/conclusion.
Unclear what next steps should be
  * 2016-08-10, ACTION: Allan to send out feelers to d-d-l and talk to r-t
in person at GUADEC to get the ball rolling again

 * Status of logo copyright
  * 2015-12-01, ACTION: Shaun to send out email to d-d-l with proposal
  * 2015-12-08 to 2016-01-19, No updates.
  * 2016-02-02, Shaun will try to pick it up this week
  * 2016-08-10, ACTION: Shaun will send a proposal to license the asset
with dual LGPLv3/CC-BY-SA-4.0 (similar to adwaita-icon-theme)

 * Bitcoins donations data
  * Tobi is the only person with access to the Bitcoin donations data
  * 2016-02-23, ACTION: Alexandre to get in touch with him about this
  * 2016-03-01, Account is on BitPay using
  * 2016-08-10, Shut down the account, since we can't report those as
donations. Bitcoin does not al

Minutes of the Board meeting of August, 10th, 2016

2016-08-28 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Monday, August 10th 2016, 12:00 UTC =

Next meeting date ?


== Attending ==

 * Jeff F.T. (outgoing)
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Shaun McCance
 * Meg Ford
 * Allan Day
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Ekaterina Gerasimova (outgoing)
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Cosimo Cecchi

== Regrets ==

 * Andrea Veri (outgoing)
 * Jim Hall

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2016-08-10 ==

 * Team building (Nuritzi)
 * 2015-16 review - what went well, where can we improve?
 * Review outstanding tasks
  * Handover tasks from outgoing board members
 * Election of officers
 * Pants award
 * Finances
 * Meeting agendas and minutes
  * How do we want to organize meeting agendas?
  * Do we want to stick with the rolling agenda approach?
  * How to keep track of reoccurring actions?
 * Possible discussions (time permitting):
  * GNOME-wide event Code of Conduct
  * Spending privacy funds

=== Ongoing ===

'''The following section is part of the Agenda and includes items which
have seen updates in the last 30 days.  Items which have been updated more
than 30 days ago are listed under the "Ongoing but stalled" section.'''

 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board

== Minutes ==

 * Brainstorming session led by Nuritzi

 * Review of outstanding tasks

 * Officer's election
  * Review of roles' duties
  * One between the president and vice-president should be in the United
States, because often we need to sign documents and forms for the U.S.
   * Nuritzi announces her candidacy for President
* She's the only candidate, so Nuritzi is the new President
   * Allan and Shaun announce their candidacy for Vice-President
* 6 votes for for Allan
* 3 votes for Shaun
* Allan is the new Vice-President
   * Cosimo announces his candidacy for Secretary
* He's the only candidate, so Cosimo is the new Secretary
   * Alexandre announces his candidacy for Vice-Secretary
* He's the only candidate, so Alexandre is the new Vice-Secretary
   * Kat announces her candidacy for Treasurer as a support member,
external from the Board
* The board is happy to have her fill in the role, so she is the new
  * New officials
   * Nuritzi Sanchez - President
   * Allan Day - Vice-President
   * Cosimo Cecchi - Secretary
   * Alexandre Franke - Vice-Secretary
   * Ekaterina Gerasimova - Treasurer

 * Pants award
  * We had 5 candidates this year, a hard choice for the board
  * Alexander Larsson was chosen
   * "He's the man that makes our dreams reality" -- Allan Day on Alex

 * Finances
  * This year we've had fewer adboard members than last year
   * We invoiced $80k of adboard membership fees, but we only received $40k
so far
   * Our personal donations aren't falling, even though 2015 was a good
year because of Groupon
   * Overall for 2016 we're breaking even, but we haven't had as many
hackfests so far
   * We have enough cash reserves to operate for about two years if we
don't get any income
* That is not taking into account hiring an ED (but the ED is expected
to increase the Foundation income)
   * We have moved the Outreachy program to SFC, but we are paying for one
intern this last round
* We may want to revisit this for the following rounds if we're
pressured on money

 * Meeting agendas and minutes
  * How does the board keep track of what needs doing, or what has been done
   * For instance, make sure action items are actually done by people that
take them on
   * Keeping track of scheduled actions that need to happen at particular
moments of the year
* Conferences, requests for sponsorship, AdBoard renewals, etc
   * There seem to be tasks in OwnCloud
   * We could use the OwnCloud calendar for the scheduled actions
* But first, we need to gather all those deadlines and recurirng events
during the year
* We could have different calendars for e.g. Sponsorship, Events, etc
* ACTION: Allan to gather a list of every recurring events
   * ACTION: Cosimo to document the new pad/agenda process on, since
that is out of date at the moment

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Meeting agendas and minutes
  * 2016-08-10
   * ACTION: Allan to gather a list of every recurring events
   * ACTION: Cosimo to document the new pad/agenda process on, since
that is out of date at the moment

 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
  * 2016-05-23, ACTION: Allan will try if it's functional enough for us 

Minutes of the Board meeting of July, 12th, 2016

2016-08-28 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Monday, July 12th 2016, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tuesday, July 19th, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Meg Ford
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Allan Day
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Shaun McCance
 * Jeff F.T. (outgoing)
 * Jim Hall

== Regrets ==

 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Andrea Veri (outgoing)
 * Ekaterina Gerasimova (outgoing)

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2016-07-12 ==

 * Introductions on Board calls
 * Board of Directors announcement & quote from Shaun
 * Decide who will moderate board-list and board-only mailing lists
 * Outstanding reimbursement requests

=== Ongoing ===

'''The following section is part of the Agenda and includes items which
have seen updates in the last 30 days.  Items which have been updated more
than 30 days ago are listed under the "Ongoing but stalled" section.'''

 * Information needed for bank account
 * GNOME Board team building
 * GUADEC Manchester bid
 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
 * Annual report completion

== Minutes ==

 * Introductions on Board calls (Rosanna)
  * We should say our name before starting to talk for the first meetings
after the new board starts, so people get more familiar with the voices

 * Board of Directors announcement & quote from Shaun
  * editable doc: and (Rosanna)
  * Shaun needs to approve the quote or write a different one
  * Suggestion (from Jim): use "outgoing" instead of "outbound"
  * Shaun likes the quote -> quote approved

 * Decide who will moderate board-list and board-only mailing lists
  * board-list and board-only mailing list moderators
  * Rosanna is the current board-list moderator, we need one or ideally two
more volunteers from the new Board
  * board-only is looking for volunteers too as Rosanna can't handle that
list (whole point of board-only is to only have the board but not our
  * ACTION: Jim volunteers to moderate board-only
  * ACTION: Nuritzi volunteers to help Rosanna with the moderation of

 * Outstanding reimbursement requests
  * Need to update the wiki:
  * GIMP reimbursements
   * All looks good
   * ACTION: Shaun to put the information on the wiki page
  * GNOME.Asia should be pre-approved already, and needs verification
   * Two reimbursements in there
* One for Arun for the one-day trip, which was already reimbursed
* One for Shobha for misc expenses
 * ACTION: Cosimo to reach out to Shobha to get bank information from

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Information needed for bank account (from the mailing list)
  * 2016-07-05, ACTION: Rosanna to call the bank today and provide all the
information they requested

 * GNOME Board team building
  * 2016-06-27
   * ACTION: Allan to open a wiki page with the GUADEC meeting agenda

 * GUADEC Manchester bid
  * 2016-05-09
   * The Board received a bid from Manchester for GUADEC 2017
   * There's a document to review
   * ACTION: Kat will collect and send comments once we have reviewed the
  * 2016-05-23
   * Action item still pending for Kat to collect/send feedback
  * 2016-07-05
   * Alexandre takes over the action item from Kat

 * Owncloud shared calendar for the board
  * 2016-05-23, ACTION: Allan will try if it's functional enough for us to
use it now
  * 2016-06-06, Allan's tried it and reminders don't seem to work. Needs to
follow up.
  * 2016-06-20, Since it works for Andrea, but not for Allan, help would be
welcome from someone else for testing.

 * Annual report
  * 2016-06-06: financial report is still missing, printing requires having
an hard deadline set, ideally mid-week
  * 2016-06-13: texts all gathered now, undergoing editing and layout
  * 2016-06-20, Layout in progress, got some quotes from print shop. Will
need budget soon, but should be cheaper than last year (should be around
  * 2016-07-05: budget approved, we're printing 100

=== Ongoing but stalled ===

'''This section includes items which haven't seen an update in the last 30

 * ED search update
  * 2015-12-01, No news received in recent weeks, mostly because of holidays
  * 2015-12-08, 3 candidates are going to have a couple of one hour
interviews with ~2 members of the hiring committee per interview.
Scheduling of these metings is just beginning.
  * 2015-12-15 to 2016-01-12, No updates.
  * 2016-01-19
   * Committee has completed interview with tw

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2016-05-24 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 9:50 PM, Cosimo Cecchi  wrote:

> 3)  About GNOME Executive Director, how do you think about GNOME ED? And
>> what will you do if we still search GNOME ED? ( I am not mean for help to
>> search GNOME ED, cause we already have GNOME ED committee :)  )
> I think finding an ED should still be one of the top priorities of the new
> board; it's unfortunate that the previous attempt did not go well. In the
> meantime, board members have been stepping up to fill some of the duties
> like liaising with the advisory board and participating in fundraising, and
> I expect the new board to keep going in that direction until another
> candidate is found. Something else that I would also consider is changing
> the job description/title if the search does not appear to be fruitful.

I just wanted to add to this point that the previous search committee did a
great job bringing a perspective candidate to the board, and I'm grateful
for their efforts!
I realized that my previous comment could have been interpreted as a
negative feeling towards the committee, but that is not at all the case.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2016-05-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
Hi Daniel,

On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 11:38 AM, Daniel Espinosa  wrote:

> As Foundation Bouard Member:
> ** How do you address negative campaigns from *users*? There are a
> response on, but developer oriented not user oriented, then
> there are few diffussion about GNOME technologies goodness and use in other
> projects (including KDE).

I don't think it should be the responsibility of the board of directors to
directly address negative users' comments; other teams (e.g. the Engagement
and Marketing teams) exist in the community to work on social media and the
promotion of positive messages around the GNOME technologies and brand.
The board can work to empower such teams with the resources they need to be
effective, or by bringing a specific campaign or comment to their attention
when needed.

** Are you planning to produce a "User Experience Road Map" for GNOME? In
> order to help users see how they will be beneficied with GNOME's
> infraestructure and/or libraries. I mean, how, for example, Gtk+ changes
> and roadmap, is going to help users to get the best of their favorite
> Desktop Environment.

Keep in mind that the board is not directly involved with the technical
planning or the design of the user experience for the project.
However, your idea sounds pretty nice, and if you or other people in the
community were to try to pursue it and needed support or coordination
across different teams, I think the board should be able to help you.

** Are you planning to involve GNOME Foundation or sign an alliance with
> other non-profit organization, in order to support developers fixing users
> requested bugs/wish lists/fix beheavoir of GNOME related projects? Check at
> [1]

I'm not sure I fully understand the idea and which other organizations
would be involved, but there is definitely precedent for bug bounty
initiatives in the free software and open source world.
I will always be supportive of initiatives like this, and will seek
involvement from the GNOME board if one emerges, but I don't think I will
have the bandwidth to start an initiative like that myself.

Thanks for your questions, let me know if you have more!

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2016-05-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
Hi Max,

Thanks for your questions!

On Sun, May 22, 2016 at 5:41 PM, Max  wrote:

> 1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to 
> working
> on the board on a regular basis?

I've dedicated between 5-10 hours per week to board work in the past year,
and would expect a similar workload this year.

2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think about
> grow GNOME in Asia? How to co-work with others?

I think there's a lot of potential to expand and grow the GNOME community
across the Asia region, and the initiatives organized by local communities
in the past couple of years go in the right direction. Promoting and
providing financial support for events and initiatives organized by the
community is a great use of the board's time and resources, and I will keep
working towards these goals should I be elected again.

Another way the board can help is by connecting local companies with the
larger international community through facilitating e.g. sponsorship
programs or workshops.

3)  About GNOME Executive Director, how do you think about GNOME ED? And
> what will you do if we still search GNOME ED? ( I am not mean for help to
> search GNOME ED, cause we already have GNOME ED committee :)  )

I think finding an ED should still be one of the top priorities of the new
board; it's unfortunate that the previous attempt did not go well. In the
meantime, board members have been stepping up to fill some of the duties
like liaising with the advisory board and participating in fundraising, and
I expect the new board to keep going in that direction until another
candidate is found. Something else that I would also consider is changing
the job description/title if the search does not appear to be fruitful.

Let me know if you have other questions!

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Affiliation change and stepping down

2015-11-05 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
Hi Tobi,

While I understand that you might have hoped for another resolution from
the Board, now that our decision is public, I trust you understand that it
was taken solely with the best interest of the electorate and the wider
GNOME community in mind.

Like others have mentioned already in this thread, the Board is confident
that the actions taken are appropriate and in compliance with the bylaws.
We certainly always welcome initiatives to make those rules more
transparent and efficient, and you should feel free to propose an amendment
as described in article XVII if you think the regulation around changes of
affiliation and vacant seats is unclear or unfair.

Please reach out if you feel like discussing this further!


On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 7:30 AM, Tobias Mueller 

> Hi.
> On Tue, Nov 03, 2015 at 12:30:24PM +0100, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
> > If I recall correctly, it's not a rule for the board to pick someone
> > based on election results.
> That's true and false.
> It's true in the sense that the bylaws do not govern change of affiliation
> after the election results have been obtained.
> It's false in that there is a rule for following the results when more
> than 40% of the directors are of one company <
> >.
> Now that can find yourself on either side of the fence, as to whether
> you think that rule applies.
> In any case you can ask yourself what *should* be done.
> And I think that if you have the option of either following the interests
> of
> your electorate or deciding for yourself, that following the electorate is
> simply of better style.
> Cheers,
>   Tobi
> ___
> foundation-list mailing list
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Minutes of the Board Meeting of October, 27th, 2015

2015-11-02 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
Hi Sri,

Thanks for the great feedback and questions!

On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 11:07 AM, Sriram Ramkrishna 
>  * Trademark renewals: see Pam's mail from October 16th re the old vs new
>> logo image
> I don't think that mail is public.  Can someone from the board give a
> summary?

It's in the best interest of the Foundation not to discuss legal strategy
on public forums, so I'm afraid not.
However, see below.

>   * Old logo was trademarked as a temporary measure until the newer logo
>> became commonly used
>>   * It also serves as a proof of prior art and seriousness in maintaining
>> the mark
>>   * Should we renew the old logo now?
>>   * ACTION: Allan to get back to Pam and check if there is an option to
>> proceed with an unregistered trademark for the old GNOME foot that still
>> protects the GNOME brand
> Which logo are we talking about?  The foot with the texture?  Have we've
> seen instances where this trademark was being used?
> What are the trade offs with not renewing the old logo vs renewing it?
> You say that it is proof of prior art.  Does that contribute to the
> strength of the GNOME brand or the current brand logo?

Yes, it's the old logo [1]. I don't recall instances of it being used.
Renewing the old logo would cost money, but would not necessarily
strengthen our brand, as we'd still be able to defend ourselves if someone
used it to claim being GNOME.

  * Needs finishing and some feedback from the Board to improve and finally
>> launch it
>>   * ACTION: Jeff and Cosimo to handle the first review of sysadmin
>> sponsorship brochure and any eventual improvement to the sponsorship
>> brochure itself
> Would we be able to see this brochure?

This action item for me and Jeff hasn't been completed yet.
Once it is completed, it will be shared more widely.

How do you intend to spread the word of these trademark license agreements?

Who do you think should the word be spread to?

Also, can we start spreading out what kind of knickknacks?  I mean, the
> GNOME foot lends itself to some of the cutest baby clothes ever.  Given how
> many of us are starting families, it seems that  this is the right time to
> have these kind of things.

At the moment, the GNOME board is not actively seeking new trademark
agreements, or suggesting product ideas.
Having said that, we of course would welcome more products like that. I
suggest you follow up directly with some of the shops that have an
agreement in place already (or are in the process of getting one
formalized) if you have ideas about some cool products.

>   * Sysadmin funds are however coming to an end after the Board assigned
>> additional 5k USD from its budget back in January 2015 (
>> )
>>   * The Sysadmin sponsorship brochure original draft by Jeff is under
>> Board's evaluation with higher priority
> What's the plan to keep this funded?

The sysadmin brochure mentioned above is meant as one way to address this.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Questions for candidates

2015-05-26 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
Hi Richard,

On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 4:53 AM, Richard Stallman  wrote:

> I'd like to ask the candidates, how do you think GNOME should
> contribute more to the advance of free software and users' freedom in
> general (in addition to being useful free software).

One way that GNOME contributes to the advance of free software is by
keeping up with the evolution of hardware platforms; the personal computing
hardware that people will buy in the next 10 years is likely going to be
increasingly different from what the current user base of GNOME has bought
in the past 10 years.
We need to ensure our software platform stays capable of delivering
meaningful user experiences to all those people, so that the next
generation of users will be able to rely on and transmit the same freedoms
we have today.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question for candidates: transparency and accountability

2015-05-26 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
Hi Fabiana,

On Mon, May 25, 2015 at 3:39 AM, Fabiana Simões 

> How transparent the work of the Board should be to Foundation members?
> What should be communicated and when? Do you think we have been transparent
> enough in the last term? If not, how can we improve things and how high in
> your priorities would be to do so?
I value transparency a lot, and I think the Board should be as transparent
as it can - but not more.
That is, I understand that some discussions need to happen first behind
closed doors. For instance, when discussing a matter publicly might
negatively impact the outcome for the Foundation (legal matters for
instance), or when some dispute arises between Foundation members that wish
to stay private.

I think the board has been transparent enough in the last term, and I much
appreciated the minutes being more timely than in the past.
I share Allan's feeling that the activities of the Foundation would be
naturally perceived as more transparent, among other things, if other teams
were more often delegated tasks that are currently the sole responsibility
of the Board members.

> In terms of accountability, it's been unclear to me since joining the
> Foundation how much different Board members contribute to the Board's goals
> and tasks. Do you think the meeting notes provide enough visibility and
> context to the work being done? By the end of a term, how can the
> Foundation have a fair understanding of one's contributions to the Board?
I very much agree with this sentiment; the way information is presented
today does not lend itself to that kind of visualization.
I wouldn't suggest that a quantitative approach to e.g. tasks completed by
a Board member during one term would be a fair assessment of all the work
that particular person has done, but I can see how a different presentation
of the Foundation activities, where tasks can be easily followed and
information found in a single place, would be beneficial to making members
feel more engaged. Moving off e-mail and towards publicly accessible tools
like kanban boards, among others, is a direction worth exploring IMO.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question on community to the candidates.

2015-05-26 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
Hi Sriram,

On Mon, May 25, 2015 at 9:16 PM, Sriram Ramkrishna 

> It is my impression (and I state impression because I am providing no
> data) that GNOME has more reliance on people paid to work on GNOME
> than community.  I do not question the passion and dedication to those
> who are paid on GNOME, I know that they would do it as a community
> even if they were not paid.
> If you agree with my impression, what actions do you think would help
> increase participation in GNOME?  Participation in the core parts of
> GNOME is not trivial, and requires an enormous amount of time and
> dedication to get to become familiar with the huge codebase that we
> have, as well as gain the trust of the maintainer of the module you
> are interested in.
> If you disagree with my impression, what makes you believe that it is
> not the case? How would you change my mind?  I did not bring any data
> points, so you don't have to either.  I'm more interested in giving
> you a biased opinion and I want to know how you would react to it.

I neither agree nor disagree with your impression :-)

I think it's true that GNOME has more reliance on paid people in some
areas, and the opposite in other areas: in particular, development and
design of some specific core parts of the user experience (gnome-shell,
gnome-control-center, nautilus among others) is mostly carried out by
people paid for that job - but the GNOME community is much wider than that.
In other words, I question the assumption that "increasing participation in
GNOME" necessarily equals to increasing the number of non-paid people
working on those few core modules; to some extent it's only natural that
large, important features on those modules will be driven forward by those
that are paid to do so, since they're those able to commit to getting them
done by release time.

A few more thoughts:
- the initiatives and hackfests around Developer Experience go in the right
direction of lowering the entry barrier to develop for our platform. I
believe application development is a great way to attract new people to our
community - a better one than core OS development in fact - and I will
support efforts in that direction.
- the "Every Detail Matters" initiative (and "Gnome Love" before then) has
been very successful in bringing new contributors to some of the core areas
of the OS. I think we as a community should do more of them and in a more
systematic way, but they requires a lot of time and effort to set up.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to candidates: Best use of Trademark Fundraiser money?

2015-05-24 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
Hi Andreas,

On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 10:23 AM, Andreas Nilsson  wrote:

> As part of the GNOME Trademark Fundraiser [1], the Foundation raised $102
> 608 USD.
> Since the trademark claims from the other part in the issue was withdrawn,
> it was never taken to court and the money was never spent on that.
> What, in your mind, is the best use of these funds now? Kept as a War
> Chest [2] or spent on something specific?

It's hard to answer this question without a good understanding of the
Foundation cash flow, and even then economics is not my best skill :-)

Having said that, assuming the Foundation has some cash reserves outside
this "war chest", I don't think keeping the money in the bank is the best
use of it, as it will quickly lose its value over time; I don't have a
single specific idea in mind, but I would like the money to be spent "on
GNOME is in the unique position to be able to support and connect people
with the same or converging interests. This can take many concrete shapes:
outreach into new communities, bounties for features or fixes, conferences
and many more.
In other words, I would love to see that money used in a way that leaves
the GNOME community enriched with more human capital, and that criteria
would guide my choices on how to spend it.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: code of conduct question for Board candidates

2015-05-24 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
Hi Marina,

On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 8:41 AM, Marina Zhurakhinskaya 

> What do you think about adopting a detailed code of conduct, similar to
> the one used for GUADEC 2014 [3], for all GNOME events and creating a
> similarly detailed code of conduct for the GNOME community?

I welcomed the adoption of an event code of conduct for GUADEC 2014, and I
would support extending similar rules for events organized by GNOME.
I don't think that all events necessarily need the same level of detail
though; as an example in events that are invite-only, like hackfests, it
might be overkill or not viable for the organizers to formalize a code of
conduct, or have a team to enforce it. I also like to think that in such
settings the social situation is less prone to incidents that require a
code of conduct to resolve, as participants likely know each other already
and are pre-selected.

I'm more ambivalent about extending a community-wide code of conduct beyond
the current one; mostly because it can be hard to determine the boundaries
of the community such code would try to protect and really hard to enforce
anything on some channels in practice. The current code also does not make
distinction between disrespect/harassment ("Be respectful and considerate",
even though the word "harassment" is not used) and etiquette best-practices
("Try to be concise"), and I don't think there should be any enforcement on
the latter parts. I would be interested in understanding what kind of
improvements and goals you have in mind for such a community code of

foundation-list mailing list

Re: More questions for Board candidates

2015-05-22 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
Hi Karen,

Thanks for your questions!

On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 2:25 PM, Karen Sandler  wrote:

> I have a few questions for the candidates too. I agree with what has been
> said by Jeff and Josh that it's important that people on the board have a
> diverse skillset, so I wouldn't expect all board members to answer yes on
> these, but I think it's good to know if at least a few people on the board
> have some background in these areas...
> Have you ever done any fundraising?

Not really; I have only marginally been exposed to this aspect during my
work so far.
I have some small experience participating in the organization of local
events from when I was in university.

Are you comfortable asking sponsors for money?

I believe I would feel comfortable doing this, despite not being something
I have a lot of experience with.
My level of comfort also would probably depend on the purpose of the
sponsorship and how closely I can relate to it.

Have you ever been in a manager role?

That has never been my job title, though in more recent years I started
taking on project/team lead responsibilities.

Do you have any experience talking to reporters?

Only very little, mostly related to some PR efforts I participated to in my
work experience at Endless.

Have you ever talked to a group of people about why software freedom is
> important?

Yes. In addition to presenting to free software conferences like GUADEC, I
have been involved in initiatives from local user groups in Italy, even
though not in recent times.
I pitched the importance of free software many times and to very different
audiences, both in professional and personal settings.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to GNOME Foundation Board candidates

2015-05-19 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
Hi Max,

On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 5:41 PM, Max  wrote:

> 1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to
> working on the board on a regular basis?

If I get elected it would be my first time on the Board, so it's hard to
estimate how much time exactly it will require.
Having said that, my expectation is to dedicate 5-10 hours per week to
Board work. I can use some work hours for this purpose as well, so I expect
to be able to scale up my commitment at times when needed.

2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think
> about grow GNOME in Asia?( ecosystem / contribute / sponsor /
> volunteer ...  )

I am very excited by the great work the GNOME Asia team has been doing in
recent years to grow local communities and attract new people to the
project! I think GNOME as a project should keep supporting and empowering
those initiatives in all the ways it can; conferences, hackfests and
outreach are a few ways to do that. I'm looking forward to more and I would
like to see the Board facilitating connections that make more of those

I also feel the question of how to grow visibility and participation in
geographical areas that are currently under-represented in our community
cannot be entirely separate from how those users consume the software we
We are witnessing a paradigm shift in how people experience computing; for
many people in developing countries (and many countries in Asia among them)
their first contact with a personal computer is very different than what it
has traditionally been for people in our community.
I would like to see GNOME be at the forefront of that; more concretely that
means ensuring our platform stays relevant on the new cheap hardware people
will buy in the next few years, and that our software caters to the
specific needs of the users in those communities.

These are not all tasks specifically or exclusively for the Board to
accomplish, but I do wish to see our leadership take a more proactive
approach towards areas with potential opportunities for growth, since it
has worked for us in the past (with e.g. our Outreach programs).

foundation-list mailing list

Re: foundation application..

2015-02-12 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
Hi Magdalen,

On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 12:34 PM, Magdalen Berns 

> The bylaws do not say anything about what might motivate contributors to
> contribute, nor their level of commitment to GNOME, when it defines a
> "contributor" in terms of foundation membership but it does fairly clearly
> describe about what a "contributor" is. The main thing that is unclear in
> the bylaws is what defines a "non-trivial contribution" really and this
> becomes even more confusing because the practice is to state that all
> interns who make contribution from 40 hour weeks over a period of 3 months
> are not eligible until they contribute more stuff.

I think you bring up an interesting point, but I also like the idea that
foundation membership is not a badge you earn if you contribute "enough",
but hints to a deeper involvement with the community inner workings.
I argue that a 3-months contribution from someone fresh to the project
might or might not be enough to grant membership regardless of how they
have been involved with the project, and I'm curious whether the case you
are bringing up is theoretical or if there have been cases of interns
interested in foundation membership dismissed solely on the supposed
"intern clause". Of course I do support any initiative that aims to make
the foundation a more welcoming place!

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Feature proposal process?

2013-03-22 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 3:17 PM, Dave Neary  wrote:

> It also says "Note that task owners are mandatory as this is not meant as
> a random wishlist" - which I had taken as a warning not to submit proposals
> unapproved (by who, I don't know).

Hi Dave,

As I understand that phrase, it doesn't have much to do with approval, but
it rather means that a feature must have a person (sometimes more than one)
responsible for its completion.
That's so that other parties coordinating the release (release team, design
team, documentation, marketing, etc) have someone to speak to for any issue
or question, and someone able to report on its progress.

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