Re: FreeBSD on Dell PE850

2006-08-22 Thread DW

Josh Paetzel wrote:
Does anybody have any experience running FBSD 6.x on a PE850?  I'm 
specifically wondering about support for their base-configuration 
onboard NIC and their CERC SATA RAID controller.

I have not upgraded to 6.x yet, but have been running 5.5 very 
successfully on over twenty PE850's in production. CERC SATA RAID 
(configured as two-drive mirrors) was a cinch, as was the onboard NIC 
(bge: Broadcom BCM5721 Gigabit Ethernetb). I don't see any reason why 
6.x would cause any problems. Nothing special to note on installation.

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pkg database backup and restore

2006-08-21 Thread DW


Can anyone provide some practical insight into best methods of backing 
up and restoring package databases?

Inside of /var/db there are 2 directories:

/var/db/ports I pretty much understand; that seems to simply be the 
config options saved from when a port is installed. ok.

/var/db/pkg contains:

   and a subdirectory for every port installed.

If part of a normal backup routine, we are regularly backing up 
/var/db/pkg, how can we best use that backup in a scenario in which a 
machine needs to be rebuilt from scratch, and we're trying to save time 
going through and doing a portinstall on everything we can remember that 
should be installed? (or alternatively taking a backup of the results 
from a periodic "pkg_info > installed_packages.txt" and painstakenly 
going through the list and reinstalling everything one-by-one).

Essentially, we're just looking for a streamlined approach to restoring 
the installed ports when we need to rebuild a machine.


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Re: .bash_logout and shutdown -- need ideas

2006-08-04 Thread DW

Andrew Gould wrote:

--- DW <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Hi all,

Have a bit of an issue here:

Just started using a .bash_logout script to handle
doing my unison 
commands whenever I logout at end of day so I don't
forget to sync my 
local homedir to my server before I head home.

Works fine as long as I just do a "# exit" when I'm

But more often than not, I do a "# sudo shutdown -p

The problem with that though, is that the shutdown
process runs as root, 
and just drops the system, and I'm never actually
getting logged out as 
much as booted out. So my .bash_logout doesn't run,
and thus no unison 
unless I remember to run it manually first.

Any ideas on how to work around this sitch?


Instead of using .bash_logout, why don't you create a
script that runs all of your logout tasks and then
ends with 'sudo shutdown -p now'?
That's a good idea; I'll probably end up doing something like that; I 
was actually thinking of of just making bash aliases for reboot and 
shutdown, I guess that would do the same thing.
The other problem though I just discovered is that that will work fine 
if I'm just in on a console, but if I'm running XFCE, and choose reboot 
or shutdown from xfce's exit menu, that won't work. If I can't find a 
way to get xfce to use my exit script(s), then I guess I'll just have to 
get into the habit of bailing out to a console first before shutting down.

Andrew L. Gould


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.bash_logout and shutdown -- need ideas

2006-08-04 Thread DW

Hi all,

Have a bit of an issue here:

Just started using a .bash_logout script to handle doing my unison 
commands whenever I logout at end of day so I don't forget to sync my 
local homedir to my server before I head home.

Works fine as long as I just do a "# exit" when I'm done.

But more often than not, I do a "# sudo shutdown -p now".

The problem with that though, is that the shutdown process runs as root, 
and just drops the system, and I'm never actually getting logged out as 
much as booted out. So my .bash_logout doesn't run, and thus no unison 
unless I remember to run it manually first.

Any ideas on how to work around this sitch?


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Re: mount privileges...what the heck?

2006-07-21 Thread DW

Robert C Wittig wrote:

DW wrote:

So any ideas on why I need to do a chown -R dude:dude after the first 
mount?? Am I missing something, going insane, or is something 
buggy here

You created the directory as root:

# mkdir /usr/home/dude/drive2 it belongs to root.
no, the first time this was my thought too, I've been known to do stuff 
like this, especially since so much activity is done with 'sudo', but we 
went back (each of us on our respective machines), and did it again, 
making sure we were doing it as 'dude', not sudo or 'root', and it 
happened every time.

I can only assume that...

'Ownership on mount point: dude:dude /usr/home/dude/drive2'

...does not mean that you actually did a

# chown dude:dude /usr/home/dude/drive2

...which is necessary, after root creates a directory.

Why didn't you just log in as dude to create the directory that was 
going to serve as the mount point, as in:

% mkdir /usr/home/dude/drive2 ...or
$ mkdir /usr/home/dude/drive2
I swear, that's what we did :) Maybe I'm losing it?, but we went 
back and verified and verified, and still scratching our heads.

Just yesterday I did exactly this on my PC-BSD (FreeBSD 6.1, basically)

First I created, logged in an my 'dude' identity (as opposed to my 
root identity), and created 4 directories in /home/dude, for mounting 
four data partitions that exist on a data hard drive that is accessed 
by PC-BSD, Red Hat Enterprise 3, or Windows XP SP2 (depending on which 
front-loading, swappable hard drive cage with operating system, I have 
plugged into the machine. the partitions are Samba shares, when *nix 
is plugged into the machine, so they are always accessible to other 
Windows boxes on the LAN.

Then, I wrote a shell script called 'mountall', which is the BSD 
equivalent to the script I have in Red Hat, for mounting the partitions.

Then I ran the script, and voila... my Windows 2000 graphics 
workstation could read and write to the Samba shares as per usual.

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mount privileges...what the heck?

2006-07-21 Thread DW


Discovered something odd today, trying to get the procedures down to 
help someone who wanted to mount a second drive to a mount point in 
their home directory.

Running FreeBSD5.5p2

* 2nd drive device/partition: /dev/ad1s1d

* /etc/sysctl.conf: vfs.usermount=1

* /etc/devfs.conf: perm ad1s1d 0666

Created a directory home homedir:
   # mkdir /usr/home/dude/drive2

Ownership on mount point:  
   dude:dude /usr/home/dude/drive2

Now when I do:
   # mount /dev/da1s1d /usr/home/dude/drive2

Ownership shows:
   root:wheel /usr/home/dude/drive2
   This is not acceptable! should be "dude:dude /usr/home/dude/drive2"

So I try:
   # sudo chown -R dude:dude /usr/home/dude/drive2

ok, now it looks ok, but I don't expect it stick, but check it out:
   # umount /usr/home/dude/drive2
   # mount /dev/da1s1d /usr/home/dude/drive2

   ownership still shows dude:dude   !

I try to reboot, mount again, and ownership still is what I want, dude:dude

I add line to /etc/fstab, reboot, everything still looks good!

So any ideas on why I need to do a chown -R dude:dude after the first 
mount?? Am I missing something, going insane, or is something buggy 


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Re: *bsd firewall appliance?

2006-07-13 Thread DW

Danial Thom wrote:

You clowns with your diskless servers just crack
me up. Everyone brags about their years of uptime
on their servers, yet you just can't put up a
firewall or router without a disk. What, are you
still using mfm drives or something? 
My motives have nothing to do with reliability; I am not philosophically 
opposed to disks or moving parts. I'm just reaching the point more often 
lately where I'm looking at:

1) Form factor (there are organizations where real estate holds almost 
as much premium as department funds).

2) Heat output (I just had 2 more 2-ton mini-split A.C. units installed 
-- that'll hold me for a while, but at the rate we're expanding, I don't 
want to be faced with a situation again where I'm looking at a box doing 
a small job like running BIND  spitting out 1,000 BTU's/hour)

3) Power consumption (why draw more than necessary?)

It seems that more and more my bottlenecks have nothing to do with 
performance or reliability, but rather physical facility management. It 
all adds up.

--- DW <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Philippe Lang wrote:


Hi all,

Just doing some early morning brainstorming,

and my crazy thought of

the day is this: 

My life would be so much easier if I could

just get rid of my

stupid PIX firewalls, and replace them what

I know and love:

FreeBSD. It's not that the PIX's have been

causing me

problems or anything like that, it's just

that I believe in

streamlining whenever possible, and since

we've already

exterminated Microsoft in my server room for

at least 3

years, the only thing left that's not

running FreeBSD are my

appliances (firewalls and switches) and 2

leftover legacy

servers still running Redhat that haven't

been worth the

effort to migrate to FreeBSD. I'm a one-man

shop, and I can

survive using the PIX IOS when I have to,

but would just as

soon use BSD if I could. Questions:

1) If I did this, I would probably only do

it if I could

figure out how to rack up some diskless

servers to my 2-post

communications rack. Any thoughts on

hardware candidates, etc.?

2) If I did this, maybe it would be wiser to

go with OpenBSD

instead, since it is known for security?

3) Any good tutorials on setting up a

diskless servers for


4) Any other considerations?

5) Am I just being stupid and should I just

keep my PIX's

going? I know, I know, if it ain't broke,

don't fix it.


Maybe a good start for you would be to have a

look at


WOW!! This is exactly what I was looking
for and more! Can't wait to 
start trying it out! Thanks!


Philippe Lang
Attik System


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Re: *bsd firewall appliance?

2006-07-13 Thread DW

Philippe Lang wrote:


Hi all,

Just doing some early morning brainstorming, and my crazy thought of
the day is this: 

My life would be so much easier if I could just get rid of my
stupid PIX firewalls, and replace them what I know and love:
FreeBSD. It's not that the PIX's have been causing me
problems or anything like that, it's just that I believe in
streamlining whenever possible, and since we've already
exterminated Microsoft in my server room for at least 3
years, the only thing left that's not running FreeBSD are my
appliances (firewalls and switches) and 2 leftover legacy
servers still running Redhat that haven't been worth the
effort to migrate to FreeBSD. I'm a one-man shop, and I can
survive using the PIX IOS when I have to, but would just as
soon use BSD if I could. Questions:

1) If I did this, I would probably only do it if I could
figure out how to rack up some diskless servers to my 2-post
communications rack. Any thoughts on hardware candidates, etc.?

2) If I did this, maybe it would be wiser to go with OpenBSD
instead, since it is known for security?

3) Any good tutorials on setting up a diskless servers for

4) Any other considerations?

5) Am I just being stupid and should I just keep my PIX's
going? I know, I know, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.


Maybe a good start for you would be to have a look at
WOW!! This is exactly what I was looking for and more! Can't wait to 
start trying it out! Thanks!


Philippe Lang
Attik System


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*bsd firewall appliance?

2006-07-13 Thread DW

Hi all,

Just doing some early morning brainstorming, and my crazy thought of the 
day is this:

My life would be so much easier if I could just get rid of my stupid PIX 
firewalls, and replace them what I know and love: FreeBSD. It's not that 
the PIX's have been causing me problems or anything like that, it's just 
that I believe in streamlining whenever possible, and since we've 
already exterminated Microsoft in my server room for at least 3 years, 
the only thing left that's not running FreeBSD are my appliances 
(firewalls and switches) and 2 leftover legacy servers still running 
Redhat that haven't been worth the effort to migrate to FreeBSD. I'm a 
one-man shop, and I can survive using the PIX IOS when I have to, but 
would just as soon use BSD if I could. Questions:

1) If I did this, I would probably only do it if I could figure out how 
to rack up some diskless servers to my 2-post communications rack. Any 
thoughts on hardware candidates, etc.?

2) If I did this, maybe it would be wiser to go with OpenBSD instead, 
since it is known for security?

3) Any good tutorials on setting up a diskless servers for Free/OpenBSD?

4) Any other considerations?

5) Am I just being stupid and should I just keep my PIX's going? I know, 
I know, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.


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need help w/ simple bash script

2006-06-27 Thread dw

Hi all,

I am trying to write a simple bash script that will collate pkg_version 
reports from all of my servers to generate centralized HTML reports. To 
format the output, I am trying:

# REPORT=`pkg_version -v`

But when I "echo $REPORT", I get:

Xaw3d-1.5E_1 = up-to-date with port apr-db42-1.2.7_1 = up-to-date with 
port autoconf-2.13.000227_5 = up-to-date with port autoconf-2.59_2 = 
up-to-date with port automake-1.9.6 = up-to-date with port bash-3.1.17 = 
up-to-date with port cvsup-without-gui-16.1h_2 = up-to-date with port 
db41-4.1.25_3 = up-to-date with port.

When what I want is:

Xaw3d-1.5E_1 = up-to-date with port
apr-db42-1.2.7_1 = up-to-date with port
autoconf-2.13.000227_5 = up-to-date with port
autoconf-2.59_2 = up-to-date with port
automake-1.9.6 = up-to-date with port
bash-3.1.17 = up-to-date with port
cvsup-without-gui-16.1h_2 = up-to-date with port
db41-4.1.25_3 = up-to-date with port

I've also tried:

for LINE in `pkg_version -v`; do echo $LINE; done

but that's even worse; then I get:


I know I figured out a technique once before, but I'm banging my head 
against a wall right now. Thanks for any help.


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Display: Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 950

2006-06-23 Thread dw


We are about to buy new Thinkpads (T60's), and will be running FreeBSD 
5.5 or 6.2 (probably 6.2) on them.

The ones I've spec'd out have the the Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 
950 as its video adapter -- does anybody have any input on these? Will 
they work? I'd hate to have 7 new thinkpads show up and find out that we 
can't run X because of this.

There are similar T60's available that ship w/ ATI Mobility Radeon X1300 
cards, but they all seem to be heavier and shorter on battery life, and 
the other folks here put battery life and weight as the #1 items on 
their wish lists before I started to spec them out, so that leans me 
towards the ones with the Intel graphics card.

Thanks for any info,

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build world and kernel for multiple boxes

2006-01-09 Thread DW


I used to have a document that explained how to make buildworld and 
kernel on one box, and package it up/make binaries for installation on 
multiple systems.

I can't find it anywhere, and google and me aren't getting along today.

I have a bunch to make and don't feel like cvsup'ing, and building 
everything from source again over and over and over.

Please help.

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Re: Palm (Zire) and /dev/ucom0 on 6.0

2005-12-28 Thread DW

Igor Robul wrote:

On Tue, Dec 27, 2005 at 11:58:00AM -0500, DW wrote:

I then type:
# pilot-xfer -p /dev/cuaU0 -b backup

and I get:

  Listening to port: /dev/cuaU0
  Please press teh HotSync button now

Works fine for me with Palm TE2. You need press HotSync button and wait
a little.

Are you pressing "HotSync" before or after "pilot-xfer"?

If I do pilot-xfer first, then it fails because /dev/cuaU0 doesn't exist 

If I hit HotSync first, /dev/cuaU0 gets created, but then pilot-xfer 
tells me to hit HotSync, which I already did.
pilot-xfer just sits there waiting for Hotsync (already running), then 
HotSync on my Palm eventually times out and /dev/cuaU0 gets destroyed.

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Re: Palm (Zire) and /dev/ucom0 on 6.0

2005-12-27 Thread DW

Jonathan Chen wrote:

On Fri, Dec 23, 2005 at 12:15:11PM -0500, DW wrote:


I do all this on my new 6.0 machine. When I hit the sync button on zire, 
I get the expected dmesg output (detecting the palm device), but there 
is no /dev/ucom0 device in /dev. Why?

Aside from adding uvisor, you don't have to change any other
configuration files for 6.0; the USB tty support files have changed
from /dev/ucom* in 5.0 to /dev/cuaU* in 6+.



I tried this, but am still having no luck syncing either through Jpilot 
interface or directly at console using pilot-xfer.

When I hit the hotsync button on my Zire, I get:

ucom0: PalmOne, Inc. Palm Handheld, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 2
ucom0: PalmOne, Inc. Palm Handheld, rev 1.00/1.10, addr 2

I then type:
# pilot-xfer -p /dev/cuaU0 -b backup

and I get:

   Listening to port: /dev/cuaU0
   Please press teh HotSync button now

then *nothing*

either I cancel on my zire, or it times out, and my dmesg output:

ucom0: ucomreadcb: IOERROR
ucom0: at uhub1 port2 (addr 2) disconnected
All threads purged from cuaU0
All threads purged from ttyU0
ucom0: detached

Of cource if I try to "pilot-xfer" the same command above *before* 
hitting hotsync on the zire, I get:

   The device /dev/cuaU0 does not exist..
   Possible solution:
  mkdnod /dev/cuaU0 c  

   Unable to bind to port: /dev/cuaU0

I'm doing all of this as *root* right now, just to get this working 
before I tackle the usual permissions issues that crop up when I do this 
as my regular user.

For laughs and giggles, I also tried all of this with /dev/ttyU0 as 
well, but it doesn't seem to make any difference.

Thanks for any help.

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Palm (Zire) and /dev/ucom0 on 6.0

2005-12-23 Thread DW

Hello all,

Has something changed in release-6.0 that affects usb communication with 
a palm/zire?

Here is what I have done from 5.2.1-5.4 to get my zire to sync with Jpilot:

1. add to my kernel:
device   ucom
device   uvisor

2. Add to /etc/defaults/devfs.rules:
add path 'ucom*' group operator mode 0666

3. Add to /etc/rc.conf

I do all this on my new 6.0 machine. When I hit the sync button on zire, 
I get the expected dmesg output (detecting the palm device), but there 
is no /dev/ucom0 device in /dev. Why?

Does anybody know what I need to do or can you point me to the docs that 
will explain this to me?

Thanks a bunch,

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openssl vulnerability

2005-10-11 Thread DW


Does anybody know a command to tell which options I have compiled into 
my openssl?

Is there a way to tell if I have SSL_OP_MSIE_SSLV2_RSA_PADDING in there 
before I go unnecessarily rebuilding and reinstall world on all my servers?


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