Re: netgraph network setup for jail(8) vnet jails.

2013-05-23 Thread Trond Endrestøl
On Thu, 23 May 2013 09:42-0400, Joe wrote:

> Teske, Devin wrote:
> > snip... 
> > I rendered your output by saving it in a file ("") and then running:
> > 
> > dot -Tsvg -o joe.svg <
> > 
> > I then uploaded "joe.svg" to my website:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Compare your output to any of the following:
> > 
> >
> >
> > 
> > It looks like everything is connected properly.
> > 
> > A couple thoughts off the top of my head:
> > 
> > a. Did you enable promiscuous mode on rl0 via ngctl? (in your script
> > perhaps?)
> > 
> > b. Have you tried giving ngeth0 a new MAC address? (I do this through ngctl
> > too, but I imagine ifconfig from within the jail could achieve the same
> > thing)
> > --
> > Devin
> Yes I enabled promiscuous mode and setautosrc 0 on rl0 via ngctl.
> I can find no documentation on why this is done. Can you point me to some?
> Yes I gave the jail a unique MAC address.
> I tried to generate my own network map, but having problem.
> ngctl dot > works.

> dot -Tsvg -o file.svg <
> gives me "command dot not found".

Please install graphics/graphviz, either from ports or from packages.

> Tried ngctl dot -Tsvg -o file.svg <
> and -T is illegal option.
> What am I doing wrong?
> Thanks for your help
> Joe

| Vennlig hilsen,   | Best regards,  |
| Trond Endrestøl,  | Trond Endrestøl,   |
| IT-ansvarlig, | System administrator,  |
| Fagskolen Innlandet,  | Gjøvik Technical College, Norway,  |
| tlf. mob.   952 62 567,   | Cellular...: +47 952 62 567,   |
| sentralbord 61 14 54 00.  | Switchboard: +47 61 14 54 00.  |
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Re: netgraph network setup for jail(8) vnet jails.

2013-05-23 Thread Joe

Teske, Devin wrote:

I rendered your output by saving it in a file ("") and then running:

dot -Tsvg -o joe.svg <

I then uploaded "joe.svg" to my website:

Compare your output to any of the following:

It looks like everything is connected properly.

A couple thoughts off the top of my head:

a. Did you enable promiscuous mode on rl0 via ngctl? (in your script perhaps?)

b. Have you tried giving ngeth0 a new MAC address? (I do this through ngctl 
too, but I imagine ifconfig from within the jail could achieve the same thing)

Yes I enabled promiscuous mode and setautosrc 0 on rl0 via ngctl.
I can find no documentation on why this is done. Can you point me to some?

Yes I gave the jail a unique MAC address.

I tried to generate my own network map, but having problem.

ngctl dot > works.
dot -Tsvg -o file.svg <
gives me "command dot not found".
Tried ngctl dot -Tsvg -o file.svg <
and -T is illegal option.
What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for your help

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Re: netgraph network setup for jail(8) vnet jails.

2013-05-18 Thread Teske, Devin

On May 18, 2013, at 5:51 PM, Joe wrote:

Teske, Devin wrote:
Sorry for top-post, but just wanted to add a quick note:
The output of "ngctl dot" would be very helpful to others in debugging your 

graph netgraph {
edge [ weight = 1.0 ];
node [ shape = record, fontsize = 12 ] {
"1" [ label = "{rl0:|{ether|[1]:}}" ];
"5" [ label = "{bridge0:|{bridge|[5]:}}" ];
"9" [ label = "{ngeth0:|{eiface|[9]:}}" ];
"e" [ label = "{ngctl2355:|{socket|[e]:}}" ];
subgraph cluster_disconnected {
bgcolor = pink;
node [ shape = octagon, fontsize = 10 ] {
"1.upper" [ label = "upper" ];
"1.lower" [ label = "lower" ];
edge [ weight = 2.0, style = bold ];
"1" -- "1.upper";
"1" -- "1.lower";
node [ shape = octagon, fontsize = 10 ] {
"5.link2" [ label = "link2" ];
"5.link1" [ label = "link1" ];
"5.link0" [ label = "link0" ];
edge [ weight = 2.0, style = bold ];
"5" -- "5.link2";
"5" -- "5.link1";
"5" -- "5.link0";
"5.link1" -- "1.upper";
"5.link0" -- "1.lower";
node [ shape = octagon, fontsize = 10 ] {
"9.ether" [ label = "ether" ];
edge [ weight = 2.0, style = bold ];
"9" -- "9.ether";
"9.ether" -- "5.link2";

I rendered your output by saving it in a file ("") and then running:

dot -Tsvg -o joe.svg <

I then uploaded "joe.svg" to my website:

Compare your output to any of the following:

It looks like everything is connected properly.

A couple thoughts off the top of my head:

a. Did you enable promiscuous mode on rl0 via ngctl? (in your script perhaps?)

b. Have you tried giving ngeth0 a new MAC address? (I do this through ngctl 
too, but I imagine ifconfig from within the jail could achieve the same thing)

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If you are not the intended recipient, please: (i) delete the message and all 
copies; (ii) do not disclose, distribute or use the message in any manner; and 
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other than the intended recipient. Thank you.
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Re: netgraph network setup for jail(8) vnet jails.

2013-05-18 Thread Joe

Teske, Devin wrote:

Sorry for top-post, but just wanted to add a quick note:

The output of "ngctl dot" would be very helpful to others in debugging your 

graph netgraph {
edge [ weight = 1.0 ];
node [ shape = record, fontsize = 12 ] {
"1" [ label = "{rl0:|{ether|[1]:}}" ];
"5" [ label = "{bridge0:|{bridge|[5]:}}" ];
"9" [ label = "{ngeth0:|{eiface|[9]:}}" ];
"e" [ label = "{ngctl2355:|{socket|[e]:}}" ];
subgraph cluster_disconnected {
bgcolor = pink;
node [ shape = octagon, fontsize = 10 ] {
"1.upper" [ label = "upper" ];
"1.lower" [ label = "lower" ];
edge [ weight = 2.0, style = bold ];
"1" -- "1.upper";
"1" -- "1.lower";
node [ shape = octagon, fontsize = 10 ] {
"5.link2" [ label = "link2" ];
"5.link1" [ label = "link1" ];
"5.link0" [ label = "link0" ];
edge [ weight = 2.0, style = bold ];
"5" -- "5.link2";
"5" -- "5.link1";
"5" -- "5.link0";
"5.link1" -- "1.upper";
"5.link0" -- "1.lower";
node [ shape = octagon, fontsize = 10 ] {
"9.ether" [ label = "ether" ];
edge [ weight = 2.0, style = bold ];
"9" -- "9.ether";
"9.ether" -- "5.link2";

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Re: netgraph network setup for jail(8) vnet jails.

2013-05-18 Thread Teske, Devin
Sorry for top-post, but just wanted to add a quick note:

The output of "ngctl dot" would be very helpful to others in debugging your 

On May 18, 2013, at 8:38 AM, Joe wrote:

> Hello list
> I cant get to the internet using this netgraph setup script.
> I sure would appreciate giving this console log a look over for
> errors. My netgraph knowledge level is not sufficient to see what is
> wrong. The goal is to run this script to setup and break down a netgraph
> network for a single vnet jail at a time. rl0 is the real nic interface
> device name of the nic facing the internet. This box is on my lan and
> the gateway box does NAT for all lan boxes. The host running this script can 
> ping the internet ok.
> Thank you very much for your help.
> The host's kernel has modules with vimage & ipfw compiled in.
> From the host
> # /root >ifconfig
> rl0: flags=8843 metric 0 mtu
>   options=2008
>   ether 00:0c:6e:09:8b:74
>   inet netmask 0xfff8 broadcast
>   nd6 options=29
>   media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX )
>   status: active
> plip0: flags=8810 metric 0 mtu 1500
>   nd6 options=29
> ipfw0: flags=8801 metric 0 mtu 65536
>   nd6 options=29
> lo0: flags=8049 metric 0 mtu 16384
>   options=63
>   inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
>   inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x8
>   inet netmask 0xff00
>   nd6 options=21
> The jails config file
> # /root >cat /usr/local/etc/vnet/vdir4
> vdir4 {
> host.hostname   =  "vdir4";
> path=  "/usr/jails/vdir4";
> mount.fstab =  "/usr/local/etc/fstab/vdir4";
> vnet;
> persist;
> }
> The netgraph script
> # /root >cat /usr/local/bin/
> #!/bin/sh
> # snip comments for displaying here
> # This script is based on this /usr/share/examples/netgraph/virtual.lan
> # Give the name of ethernet interface.
> ETHER_INTF="rl0"
> # List the names of virtual nodes and their IP addresses. Use ':'
> # character to separate node name from node IP address and netmask.
> #TARGET_TOPOLOGY="c1| c2| c3|"
> # MAC manufacturer prefix. This can be modified according to needs.
> MAC_PREFIX="00:1d:92"
> # Temporary file is important for proper execution of script.
> TEMP_FILE="/var/tmp/virtual.lan.tmp"
> virtual_lan_start() {
> # Load netgraph KLD's as necessary.
> for KLD in ng_ether ng_bridge ng_eiface; do
>   if ! kldstat -v | grep -qw ${KLD}; then
>   echo -n "Loading ${KLD}.ko... "
>   kldload ${KLD} || exit 1
>   echo "done"
>   fi
> done
> # Reset all interfaces and jails. If temporary file can not be found
> # script assumes that there is no previous configuration.
> if [ ! -e ${TEMP_FILE} ]; then
>  echo "No previous configuration(${TEMP_FILE}) found to clean-up."
> else
>  echo -n "Cleaning previous configuration..."
>  virtual_lan_stop
>  echo "done"
> fi
> # Create temporary file for usage. This file includes generated
> # interface names and jail names. All bridges, interfaces and jails
> # are written to file while created. In clean-up process written
> # objects are cleaned (i.e. removed) from system.
> if [ -e ${TEMP_FILE} ]; then
>   touch ${TEMP_FILE}
> fi
> echo -n "Verifying ethernet interface existence..."
> # Verify ethernet interface exist.
> if ! ngctl info ${ETHER_INTF}: >/dev/null 2>&1; then
>   echo "Error: interface ${ETHER_INTF} does not exist"
>   exit 1
> fi
> ifconfig ${ETHER_INTF} up || exit 1
> echo "done"
> # Get current number of bridge interfaces in the system. This number
> # is used to create a name for new bridge.
> BRIDGE_COUNT=`ngctl l | grep bridge | wc -l | sed -e "s/ //g"`
> # Create new ng_bridge(4) node and attach it to the ethernet interface.
> # Connect ng_ether:lower hook to bridge:link0 when creating bridge and
> # connect ng_ether:upper hook to bridge:link1 after bridge name is set.
> echo "Creating bridge interface: ${BRIDGE_NAME}..."
> ngctl mkpeer ${ETHER_INTF}: bridge lower link0 || exit 1
> ngctl name ${ETHER_INTF}:lower ${BRIDGE_NAME} || exit 1
> ngctl connect ${ETHER_INTF}: ${BRIDGE_NAME}: upper link1 || exit 1
> echo "Bridge ${BRIDGE_NAME} is created and ${ETHER_INTF} is connected."
> # In the above code block two hooks are connected to bridge interface,
> # therefore LINKNUM is set to 2 indicating total number of connected
> # hooks on the bridge interface.
> # Write name of the bridge to temp file. Clean-up procedure will use
> # this name to shutdown bridge interface.
> echo "bridge ${BRIDGE_NAME}" > ${TEMP_FILE}
> # Attach vnet jail.
> for NODE in ${TARGET_TOPOLOGY}; do
>  # Virtual nodes are defined in TARGET_TOPOLOGY variable. They
>  # have the form of 'nodeName|IPaddr'. Below two lines split
>  # node definition to get no

netgraph network setup for jail(8) vnet jails.

2013-05-18 Thread Joe

Hello list

I cant get to the internet using this netgraph setup script.
I sure would appreciate giving this console log a look over for
errors. My netgraph knowledge level is not sufficient to see what is
wrong. The goal is to run this script to setup and break down a netgraph
network for a single vnet jail at a time. rl0 is the real nic interface
device name of the nic facing the internet. This box is on my lan and
the gateway box does NAT for all lan boxes. The host running this script 
can ping the internet ok.

Thank you very much for your help.

The host's kernel has modules with vimage & ipfw compiled in.

From the host
# /root >ifconfig
rl0: flags=8843 metric 0 mtu
ether 00:0c:6e:09:8b:74
inet netmask 0xfff8 broadcast
nd6 options=29
media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX )
status: active
plip0: flags=8810 metric 0 mtu 1500
nd6 options=29
ipfw0: flags=8801 metric 0 mtu 65536
nd6 options=29
lo0: flags=8049 metric 0 mtu 16384
inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x8
inet netmask 0xff00
nd6 options=21

The jails config file
# /root >cat /usr/local/etc/vnet/vdir4
vdir4 {
host.hostname   =  "vdir4";
path=  "/usr/jails/vdir4";
mount.fstab =  "/usr/local/etc/fstab/vdir4";

The netgraph script
# /root >cat /usr/local/bin/
# snip comments for displaying here
# This script is based on this /usr/share/examples/netgraph/virtual.lan

# Give the name of ethernet interface.

# List the names of virtual nodes and their IP addresses. Use ':'
# character to separate node name from node IP address and netmask.

#TARGET_TOPOLOGY="c1| c2| c3|"

# MAC manufacturer prefix. This can be modified according to needs.

# Temporary file is important for proper execution of script.

virtual_lan_start() {

# Load netgraph KLD's as necessary.

for KLD in ng_ether ng_bridge ng_eiface; do
if ! kldstat -v | grep -qw ${KLD}; then
echo -n "Loading ${KLD}.ko... "
kldload ${KLD} || exit 1
echo "done"

# Reset all interfaces and jails. If temporary file can not be found
# script assumes that there is no previous configuration.

if [ ! -e ${TEMP_FILE} ]; then
  echo "No previous configuration(${TEMP_FILE}) found to clean-up."
  echo -n "Cleaning previous configuration..."
  echo "done"

# Create temporary file for usage. This file includes generated
# interface names and jail names. All bridges, interfaces and jails
# are written to file while created. In clean-up process written
# objects are cleaned (i.e. removed) from system.

if [ -e ${TEMP_FILE} ]; then
touch ${TEMP_FILE}

echo -n "Verifying ethernet interface existence..."
# Verify ethernet interface exist.
if ! ngctl info ${ETHER_INTF}: >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "Error: interface ${ETHER_INTF} does not exist"
exit 1

ifconfig ${ETHER_INTF} up || exit 1
echo "done"

# Get current number of bridge interfaces in the system. This number
# is used to create a name for new bridge.
BRIDGE_COUNT=`ngctl l | grep bridge | wc -l | sed -e "s/ //g"`

# Create new ng_bridge(4) node and attach it to the ethernet interface.
# Connect ng_ether:lower hook to bridge:link0 when creating bridge and
# connect ng_ether:upper hook to bridge:link1 after bridge name is set.

echo "Creating bridge interface: ${BRIDGE_NAME}..."
ngctl mkpeer ${ETHER_INTF}: bridge lower link0 || exit 1
ngctl name ${ETHER_INTF}:lower ${BRIDGE_NAME} || exit 1
ngctl connect ${ETHER_INTF}: ${BRIDGE_NAME}: upper link1 || exit 1
echo "Bridge ${BRIDGE_NAME} is created and ${ETHER_INTF} is connected."

# In the above code block two hooks are connected to bridge interface,
# therefore LINKNUM is set to 2 indicating total number of connected
# hooks on the bridge interface.

# Write name of the bridge to temp file. Clean-up procedure will use
# this name to shutdown bridge interface.
echo "bridge ${BRIDGE_NAME}" > ${TEMP_FILE}

# Attach vnet jail.

  # Virtual nodes are defined in TARGET_TOPOLOGY variable. They
  # have the form of 'nodeName|IPaddr'. Below two lines split
  # node definition to get node name and node IP.

  NODE_NAME=`echo ${NODE} | awk -F"|" '{print $1}'`
  NODE_IP=`echo ${NODE} | awk -F"|" '{print $2}'`

  # Create virtual node (jail) with given name
  echo -n "Creating virtual node (jail) ${NODE_NAME}..."

  jail -f "/usr/local/etc/vnet/${NODE_NAME}" -c ${NODE_NAME}
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Error: /usr/sbin/jail failed to start jail ${NODE_NAME}."
exit 2
  echo "d

Re: network setup

2009-10-15 Thread Adam Vande More
On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 4:42 PM, Ilych narmonov wrote:

> Guys,
>   I'm new with freeBSD setup. I hope somebody here who will give some links
> on how I will buil my network using freeBSD.
>   I'm planning to use it as my router and dhcp server.
> Thanks everyone..
> Carlos Narmonov
> ___
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Here you'll find specifics on virtually all common tasks including the ones
you mentioned.

Adam Vande More
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network setup

2009-10-15 Thread Ilych narmonov

   I'm new with freeBSD setup. I hope somebody here who will give some links
on how I will buil my network using freeBSD.

   I'm planning to use it as my router and dhcp server.

Thanks everyone..

Carlos Narmonov
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Installation medium undetected / Initial network setup

2008-12-03 Thread Edward Pollock
I am working with the Disc 1 ISO of 7-RELEASE. I am having difficulty
when selecting the installation medium. When I choose CD/DVD, it returns
"Error mounting /dev/acd0 on /dist. Input / Output error 5. I have
already set up the partition, and used the auto mode to create slices. 

I also tried the FTP option, at which point it prompted me to setup my
network interface, which I could not complete. I'm using built in nVidia
ethernet that it recognizes. I enabled DHCP in the options menu. I know
my default gateway IP, but am unsure what to provide as hostname or
domain. I currently have a linux distro installed, so if there is a
command i can run to retrieve the necessary info I can do that. 

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Re: Network setup

2008-04-04 Thread Gerard
On Fri, 4 Apr 2008 12:48:08 +0200 (CEST)
Wojciech Puchar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I have the WRT150N myself; however, the setup is virtually the
> > same. By the way, are you sure that you want to invest the time is
> > using a 'G' protocol router? The 'N' version is readily available,
> > much faster and has a greater range.  
> even better - use cables. cheapest and fastest;)

The OP stated, or at least I assumed that he meant that the network was
rather extensive. Using cables, while it might provide a faster data
transfer, could easily cost more to implement. If the OP can get the
wireless network up and running easily enough, he might very well save
a considerable amount of time. Since he did not provide a schematic of
his network, that is just a guess.


Wasn't there something about a PASCAL programmer
knowing the value of everything and the Wirth of nothing?

Description: PGP signature

Re: Network setup

2008-04-04 Thread Gerard
On Fri, 4 Apr 2008 17:52:22 +0800
"Ruel Luchavez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a Linksys wireless-g broadband router model WRT54G here and I
> tried to configure it..but still i could not connect to Internet.
> I don't know if I've configured it wrong..could some one help me how
> to do it step by step?

I have the WRT150N myself; however, the setup is virtually the same. By
the way, are you sure that you want to invest the time is using a 'G'
protocol router? The 'N' version is readily available, much faster and
has a greater range.

Anyway, I used a Windows box to do the initial
configuration/installation of the router. Visit the linksys site and get
the latest installer package:

Obviously, that should be all one line. After downloading and running
the installed, download and run the updater program. It works on your
router and might very well have an updated firmware for you.

Now that the router is working, you can start configuring it for your

Description: PGP signature

Re: Network setup

2008-04-04 Thread Christian Walther
Hi Ruel,

On 04/04/2008, Ruel Luchavez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
>  I'm a beginner on this kind of industry I hope you guys will help me because
>  i really want to LEARN..and i cant get any support on my fellows...:D
>  I have a Linksys wireless-g broadband router model WRT54G here and I tried
>  to configure it..but still i could not connect to Internet.
>  I don't know if I've configured it wrong..could some one help me how to do
>  it step by step?
>  I would like to set-up this in our existing network for us to have wireless
>  connection in other building...
>  We are using DELL Power Connect 2724 here..
if I understand you correctly you need help to generally set up your router.
This can't be handled on this help, but I think we can help you to
configure your FreeBSD box if you want to connect to your WLAN once
its set up.

If you need help with the Linksys-Router you should search for a
linksys based Mailing List, or forum. The people there are Linksys
Users themselves and know how to deal with this stuff. IMO there's a
good forum out there with lots of helpfull people:

In case I misunderstood you and you have a FreeBSD specific issue,
please provide some details of where your problems are, what Hardware
you're using. And what you tried.
There's an entire chapter in the FreeBSD handbook dealing with this
Wireless Networking, too. Please see

You might want to read on basic networking, too.

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Network setup

2008-04-04 Thread Ruel Luchavez

I'm a beginner on this kind of industry I hope you guys will help me because
i really want to LEARN..and i cant get any support on my fellows...:D

I have a Linksys wireless-g broadband router model WRT54G here and I tried
to configure it..but still i could not connect to Internet.
I don't know if I've configured it wrong..could some one help me how to do
it step by step?
I would like to set-up this in our existing network for us to have wireless
connection in other building...
We are using DELL Power Connect 2724 here..

Thanks in advance for your HELP

best regards
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Re: Network Setup Question

2006-11-10 Thread Doug Hardie

On Nov 10, 2006, at 20:26, Lane wrote:

On Friday 10 November 2006 21:56, Doug Hardie wrote:

On Nov 10, 2006, at 19:34, Jonathan Horne wrote:

On Friday 10 November 2006 19:17, Doug Hardie wrote:
I have a bit of an unusual network setup situation.  I have a  

that is only used to store backups.  It gets moved around to
different locations occasionally so it has to be able to live on a
192.168.1.x or a 10.0.1.x network without reconfiguration.  I also
need a fixed last address byte so I can connect to it remotely.  I
initially set it up with DHCP and then used an alias for the .250
address on both networks.  That worked, but caused problems for the
local network in one location.  The particular user couldn't
understand why sometimes his computer got different IP  
addresses.  So

I tried to establish the as the primary address and
added an alias of  That works  in both environments
except that there is no default route.  Is there a way to negotiate
just a default route via DHCP and not an IP address? or is there a
way to set the default route based on which IP address is in use?

dhclient.conf can get pretty granular as to exactly what you want
from your
DHCP server.  myself, i use it to get everything, but to ignore the
search mine tries to provide.

man dhclient.conf and you will see tons of options (and some really
examples too).

There are lots of options all right, but I couldn't find anything
that would cause it not to negotiate the IP address.  All of the
other options are configurable.

I'm no expert, but it seems to me that your requirements are a  
little too


If I understand correctly, you want this machine to be able to  
connect to
multiple heterogenous networks, and always get the same last byte  
for its ip.

The only way to do that reliably, in my mind, is to have each dhcp  
server on
each network assign a static address based upon the MAC address of  


Thats a bit much for the particular users who are housing this  
computer temporarily.  Its bad enough that they have to put an  
address translation in their router to enable me to get to the .250  
address.  At least I can fairly easily walk them through that.

If you do not have access to the DHCP server configuration on a  

network then you must manually configure the nic.

That can only be done if you can access the machine which you can't  
in this setup since there is no default route.

Assuming that you know the universe of networks that you will  
connect to ...

say 3 or 300 possible networks ... then you could write a script
in /usr/local/etc/rc.d to test various network configs ... but you  
might be
better off just manually configuring the nic and moving on, as you  
guarantee that the terminal byte of the ip will be available on any  

network.  IP just doesn't work that way.'

There are only a very small number of locations for this machine,  
less than 5.  However, its possible that at any time a new one might  
be necessary.  This is an off-site backup machine and there needs to  
be someone available if we need to retrieve it.  It can't be  
unavailable for a couple weeks.

I'd be interested in any solution you may scare up, as I am faced  
with a
similar situation.  My solution is to just use static assignment,  
with an

identifiable NETBIOS name in Samba.

I am going back to the old configuration with a regular DHCP  
connection and then two static aliases: one for the 192 and one for  
the 10 addresses.  That works but causes one particular user fits.  I  
will just have to try and teach him that IP addresses will change as  
his DHCP reassigns them.  He will have to check his computer's  
address and not just presume.

Thanks for all the ideas.

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Re: Network Setup Question

2006-11-10 Thread Jonathan Horne
On Friday 10 November 2006 21:56, Doug Hardie wrote:
> On Nov 10, 2006, at 19:34, Jonathan Horne wrote:
> > On Friday 10 November 2006 19:17, Doug Hardie wrote:
> >> I have a bit of an unusual network setup situation.  I have a machine
> >> that is only used to store backups.  It gets moved around to
> >> different locations occasionally so it has to be able to live on a
> >> 192.168.1.x or a 10.0.1.x network without reconfiguration.  I also
> >> need a fixed last address byte so I can connect to it remotely.  I
> >> initially set it up with DHCP and then used an alias for the .250
> >> address on both networks.  That worked, but caused problems for the
> >> local network in one location.  The particular user couldn't
> >> understand why sometimes his computer got different IP addresses.  So
> >> I tried to establish the as the primary address and
> >> added an alias of  That works  in both environments
> >> except that there is no default route.  Is there a way to negotiate
> >> just a default route via DHCP and not an IP address? or is there a
> >> way to set the default route based on which IP address is in use?
> >> Thanks.
> >> ___
> >
> > dhclient.conf can get pretty granular as to exactly what you want
> > from your
> > DHCP server.  myself, i use it to get everything, but to ignore the
> > domain
> > search mine tries to provide.
> >
> > man dhclient.conf and you will see tons of options (and some really
> > good
> > examples too).
> There are lots of options all right, but I couldn't find anything
> that would cause it not to negotiate the IP address.  All of the
> other options are configurable.
> ___

i was thinking more along the lines, that you would pre-set your 2 ip 
addresses, and let the dhclient file request only default gateway.

or... might it not be simpler, to configure a static DHCP lease for the box at 
each site, thus guaranteeing that it always has the .250?  in the end, thats 
probably the "best mileage" way to go.

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Re: Network Setup Question

2006-11-10 Thread Lane
On Friday 10 November 2006 21:56, Doug Hardie wrote:
> On Nov 10, 2006, at 19:34, Jonathan Horne wrote:
> > On Friday 10 November 2006 19:17, Doug Hardie wrote:
> >> I have a bit of an unusual network setup situation.  I have a machine
> >> that is only used to store backups.  It gets moved around to
> >> different locations occasionally so it has to be able to live on a
> >> 192.168.1.x or a 10.0.1.x network without reconfiguration.  I also
> >> need a fixed last address byte so I can connect to it remotely.  I
> >> initially set it up with DHCP and then used an alias for the .250
> >> address on both networks.  That worked, but caused problems for the
> >> local network in one location.  The particular user couldn't
> >> understand why sometimes his computer got different IP addresses.  So
> >> I tried to establish the as the primary address and
> >> added an alias of  That works  in both environments
> >> except that there is no default route.  Is there a way to negotiate
> >> just a default route via DHCP and not an IP address? or is there a
> >> way to set the default route based on which IP address is in use?
> >> Thanks.
> >> ___
> >
> > dhclient.conf can get pretty granular as to exactly what you want
> > from your
> > DHCP server.  myself, i use it to get everything, but to ignore the
> > domain
> > search mine tries to provide.
> >
> > man dhclient.conf and you will see tons of options (and some really
> > good
> > examples too).
> There are lots of options all right, but I couldn't find anything
> that would cause it not to negotiate the IP address.  All of the
> other options are configurable.
> ___
> mailing list
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I'm no expert, but it seems to me that your requirements are a little too 

If I understand correctly, you want this machine to be able to connect to 
multiple heterogenous networks, and always get the same last byte for its ip.

The only way to do that reliably, in my mind, is to have each dhcp server on 
each network assign a static address based upon the MAC address of your 

If you do not have access to the DHCP server configuration on a particular 
network then you must manually configure the nic.

Assuming that you know the universe of networks that you will connect to ... 
say 3 or 300 possible networks ... then you could write a script 
in /usr/local/etc/rc.d to test various network configs ... but you might be 
better off just manually configuring the nic and moving on, as you cannot 
guarantee that the terminal byte of the ip will be available on any given 
network.  IP just doesn't work that way.

I'd be interested in any solution you may scare up, as I am faced with a 
similar situation.  My solution is to just use static assignment, with an 
identifiable NETBIOS name in Samba.

Good Luck

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Re: Network Setup Question

2006-11-10 Thread Doug Hardie

On Nov 10, 2006, at 19:34, Jonathan Horne wrote:

On Friday 10 November 2006 19:17, Doug Hardie wrote:

I have a bit of an unusual network setup situation.  I have a machine
that is only used to store backups.  It gets moved around to
different locations occasionally so it has to be able to live on a
192.168.1.x or a 10.0.1.x network without reconfiguration.  I also
need a fixed last address byte so I can connect to it remotely.  I
initially set it up with DHCP and then used an alias for the .250
address on both networks.  That worked, but caused problems for the
local network in one location.  The particular user couldn't
understand why sometimes his computer got different IP addresses.  So
I tried to establish the as the primary address and
added an alias of  That works  in both environments
except that there is no default route.  Is there a way to negotiate
just a default route via DHCP and not an IP address? or is there a
way to set the default route based on which IP address is in use?

dhclient.conf can get pretty granular as to exactly what you want  
from your
DHCP server.  myself, i use it to get everything, but to ignore the  

search mine tries to provide.

man dhclient.conf and you will see tons of options (and some really  

examples too).

There are lots of options all right, but I couldn't find anything  
that would cause it not to negotiate the IP address.  All of the  
other options are configurable.

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Re: Network Setup Question

2006-11-10 Thread Jonathan Horne
On Friday 10 November 2006 19:17, Doug Hardie wrote:
> I have a bit of an unusual network setup situation.  I have a machine
> that is only used to store backups.  It gets moved around to
> different locations occasionally so it has to be able to live on a
> 192.168.1.x or a 10.0.1.x network without reconfiguration.  I also
> need a fixed last address byte so I can connect to it remotely.  I
> initially set it up with DHCP and then used an alias for the .250
> address on both networks.  That worked, but caused problems for the
> local network in one location.  The particular user couldn't
> understand why sometimes his computer got different IP addresses.  So
> I tried to establish the as the primary address and
> added an alias of  That works  in both environments
> except that there is no default route.  Is there a way to negotiate
> just a default route via DHCP and not an IP address? or is there a
> way to set the default route based on which IP address is in use?
> Thanks.
> ___

dhclient.conf can get pretty granular as to exactly what you want from your 
DHCP server.  myself, i use it to get everything, but to ignore the domain 
search mine tries to provide.

man dhclient.conf and you will see tons of options (and some really good 
examples too).

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Network Setup Question

2006-11-10 Thread Doug Hardie
I have a bit of an unusual network setup situation.  I have a machine  
that is only used to store backups.  It gets moved around to  
different locations occasionally so it has to be able to live on a  
192.168.1.x or a 10.0.1.x network without reconfiguration.  I also  
need a fixed last address byte so I can connect to it remotely.  I  
initially set it up with DHCP and then used an alias for the .250  
address on both networks.  That worked, but caused problems for the  
local network in one location.  The particular user couldn't  
understand why sometimes his computer got different IP addresses.  So  
I tried to establish the as the primary address and  
added an alias of  That works  in both environments  
except that there is no default route.  Is there a way to negotiate  
just a default route via DHCP and not an IP address? or is there a  
way to set the default route based on which IP address is in use?   

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Re: question about network setup

2006-08-30 Thread Derek Ragona

On Tue, 29 Aug 2006, Nazar wrote:

Alright guys. This is probably the complete newbie question, but I just cant
fight a straight answer on google. The questions usually I found, werent
answered. Anyways, to the point. I'm behind router. Cable modem -> Router ->
pc's. Basic home setup. I set up apache and want to figure out how is it
possible for me to use external ip to connect to my server? I can access the
server via internal ip & people can access it via my external, but for me
doesnt show up.

What does this mean?

Others can use the public IP on your router and hit 
the apache server?  But you can only hit the apache server from the 
private IP?

If the answers to the above are yes, this is the way your router keeps the 
public IP separate from the private LAN ip's.  It is not routing between 
the two networks.  Most routers are configured in this way.  Some more 
full featured routers can be configured to route between the subnets, but 
it is generally not a good idea to route between the public subnet and the 
private subnet for securuty reasons.


I know this configuration has to do with my network, rather

than apache, or at least main configuration of my network and probably some
tweaking with apacheWell, if possible, some replies would be
appreciated. Maybe at least point me at the right direction. Thank you.
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Re: question about network setup

2006-08-29 Thread Alexander Sashurin

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro*
Ahmad Arafat Abdullah wrote:

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro*
I assume your pc/apache is connected using private IP.. so that's why it can't 
be accessed
directly.. anyway u can configure it on your router, to forward the request ( or 
"port-forward" )
to your pc/apache on port 80



- Original Message -
Subject: question about network setup
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 23:13:48 -0500

Alright guys. This is probably the complete newbie question, but I just cant
fight a straight answer on google. The questions usually I found, werent
answered. Anyways, to the point. I'm behind router. Cable modem -> Router ->
pc's. Basic home setup. I set up apache and want to figure out how is it
possible for me to use external ip to connect to my server? I can access the
server via internal ip & people can access it via my external, but for me
doesnt show up. I know this configuration has to do with my network, rather
than apache, or at least main configuration of my network and probably some
tweaking with apacheWell, if possible, some replies would be
appreciated. Maybe at least point me at the right direction. Thank you.
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I think it'll also important to check on what IP apache is listening on 
for connections... you should make it something like this:, if 
you are not paranoidalycally afraid of hackers...
and also specify addresses from which your apache will accept 
connections.. again

With best regards, 
	Alexander Sashurin a.k.a. ZetRooT

| ICQ: 258820442   |
| Mobile: +7-916-195-89-11 |
| Jabber: zetroot  |
| irc:, zetroot   |

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Re: question about network setup

2006-08-29 Thread Alexander Sashurin

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro*
Nazar wrote:
Alright guys. This is probably the complete newbie question, but I 
just cant

fight a straight answer on google. The questions usually I found, werent
answered. Anyways, to the point. I'm behind router. Cable modem -> 
Router ->

pc's. Basic home setup. I set up apache and want to figure out how is it
possible for me to use external ip to connect to my server? I can 
access the

server via internal ip & people can access it via my external, but for me
doesnt show up. I know this configuration has to do with my network, 
than apache, or at least main configuration of my network and probably 

tweaking with apacheWell, if possible, some replies would be
appreciated. Maybe at least point me at the right direction. Thank you.
so,  is the default route configured correctly? and have you redirected 
80 port on your router to your server?
can you ping your external interface? can you telnet to port 80 of 
external router iface?

sorry, for my bad English..

With best regards, 
	Alexander Sashurin a.k.a. ZetRooT

| ICQ: 258820442   |
| Mobile: +7-916-195-89-11 |
| Jabber: zetroot  |
| irc:, zetroot   |

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Re: question about network setup

2006-08-29 Thread Ahmad Arafat Abdullah
I assume your pc/apache is connected using private IP.. so that's why it can't 
be accessed
directly.. anyway u can configure it on your router, to forward the request ( 
or "port-forward" )
to your pc/apache on port 80


> - Original Message -
> From: Nazar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Subject: question about network setup
> Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 23:13:48 -0500
> Alright guys. This is probably the complete newbie question, but I just cant
> fight a straight answer on google. The questions usually I found, werent
> answered. Anyways, to the point. I'm behind router. Cable modem -> Router ->
> pc's. Basic home setup. I set up apache and want to figure out how is it
> possible for me to use external ip to connect to my server? I can access the
> server via internal ip & people can access it via my external, but for me
> doesnt show up. I know this configuration has to do with my network, rather
> than apache, or at least main configuration of my network and probably some
> tweaking with apacheWell, if possible, some replies would be
> appreciated. Maybe at least point me at the right direction. Thank you.
> ___
> mailing list
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Play 100s of games for FREE!

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Re: question about network setup

2006-08-29 Thread Jonathan Horne
On Tuesday 29 August 2006 23:13, Nazar wrote:
> Alright guys. This is probably the complete newbie question, but I just
> cant fight a straight answer on google. The questions usually I found,
> werent answered. Anyways, to the point. I'm behind router. Cable modem ->
> Router -> pc's. Basic home setup. I set up apache and want to figure out
> how is it possible for me to use external ip to connect to my server? I can
> access the server via internal ip & people can access it via my external,
> but for me doesnt show up. I know this configuration has to do with my
> network, rather than apache, or at least main configuration of my network
> and probably some tweaking with apacheWell, if possible, some replies
> would be
> appreciated. Maybe at least point me at the right direction. Thank you.

so, for you, the internal works, and for external people the external ip 
works... are you trying to access the external from your internal?  wont work 
(well, not with the average soho router).

can you be more specific as to exactly what is not working?

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question about network setup

2006-08-29 Thread Nazar

Alright guys. This is probably the complete newbie question, but I just cant
fight a straight answer on google. The questions usually I found, werent
answered. Anyways, to the point. I'm behind router. Cable modem -> Router ->
pc's. Basic home setup. I set up apache and want to figure out how is it
possible for me to use external ip to connect to my server? I can access the
server via internal ip & people can access it via my external, but for me
doesnt show up. I know this configuration has to do with my network, rather
than apache, or at least main configuration of my network and probably some
tweaking with apacheWell, if possible, some replies would be
appreciated. Maybe at least point me at the right direction. Thank you.
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Re: wired and wireless network setup interactions

2005-12-17 Thread Barney Wolff
On Sat, Dec 17, 2005 at 09:24:47PM -0500, Dave wrote:
>I have a setup that was a 10 megabit hub holding together a freebsd6 
> firewall/router/webserver/other box. Updated that to a 10/100 megabitt 
> Belkin g+ router for wireless. The problem now that i'm having is both the 
> server and this new router do the following:
> firewall
> dhcp
> dns
> nat
> and they both utilize separate subnets. I'd like for the Belkin router to 
> handle wireless traffic, while the original fbsd router handles wired as 
> well as it's original functions of firewall, nat, dns, and dhcp.
>If anyone has any experience with this or recommendations i'd appreciate 
> it. My thought was turn off the dhcp server on the belkin router and let 
> the original fbsd server's dhcp server handle it, but i'm not sure if doing 
> so will disable it's ability to accept wireless clients. I'd also like the 
> wireless network to be secure.

Use the Belkin as a bridge rather than a router, by simply not using
its WAN port, and do turn off its dhcp server.  I do the same with a

Barney Wolff
I never met a computer I didn't like.
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wired and wireless network setup interactions

2005-12-17 Thread Dave

   I have a setup that was a 10 megabit hub holding together a freebsd6 
firewall/router/webserver/other box. Updated that to a 10/100 megabitt 
Belkin g+ router for wireless. The problem now that i'm having is both the 
server and this new router do the following:

and they both utilize separate subnets. I'd like for the Belkin router to 
handle wireless traffic, while the original fbsd router handles wired as 
well as it's original functions of firewall, nat, dns, and dhcp.
   If anyone has any experience with this or recommendations i'd appreciate 
it. My thought was turn off the dhcp server on the belkin router and let the 
original fbsd server's dhcp server handle it, but i'm not sure if doing so 
will disable it's ability to accept wireless clients. I'd also like the 
wireless network to be secure.

Some urgency!

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Re: Home Network Setup Problem

2005-09-09 Thread deltaski
On Friday 09 September 2005 02:14 pm, Greg Barniskis wrote:
> >>Is it a switch, is it a router, or is it really both (high end
> >>thingy like Cisco 35xx?). Probably it is just a plain old switch
> >>with no routing capabilities. To avoid confusion, you should call it
> >>what it is.
> >
> > Oh my, sorry. It is an 8-port 10/100Mbps Ethernet Switch! How does that
> > change anything?
> It really doesn't (you don't want a router in that location, you
> want a switch). A router connects multiple IP subnets that otherwise
> cannot talk to one another. Turning on the gateway feature on your
> FreeBSD box makes it a two-interface router. A switch merely
> multiplexes packets on many ports (it's a signal repeater/amplifier).
> [snip]
> > Oh, my sorry!  Yes, the default gateway is set and I have no firewall to
> > complicate matters.
> Ah... I see the problem now. You *MUST* do NAT on your BSD gateway,
> unless you personally control the configuration of your DSL router
> and can give it the necessary routing instructions to find your 172
> network.
> You are trying to ping your DSL router from a private network
> address that the router does not know about. The ping will reach the
> DSL router and it will not know where to send the reply because your
> private address does not (cannot) exist in its routing table. So, it
> sends the reply on its default route, which is towards the Internet.
> Bye, bye ping reply!
> Again, this is just very basic networking stuff. I didn't see it
> before because I route packets between private networks all the time
> and it works -- the difference is that all my routers are
> well-informed about the pathways to all nearby networks.
> For the background information you need to know, buy this or find it
> at your local library:
> I'm sure there are other and even better titles.
Greg, thank you for the link.
But, I do have one problem with your analysis. If the DSL router 
( received a ping from would it not respond to as that is a known address? If can connect to the 
internet thru it is indeed reachable from the DSL router! As such, the problem would be no packets getting to from the other available network ( Remember, NIC can ping and connect to the internet. can ping BUT, CANNOT ping thru!

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Re: Home Network Setup Problem

2005-09-09 Thread Greg Barniskis


Is it a switch, is it a router, or is it really both (high end
thingy like Cisco 35xx?). Probably it is just a plain old switch
with no routing capabilities. To avoid confusion, you should call it
what it is.

Oh my, sorry. It is an 8-port 10/100Mbps Ethernet Switch! How does that change 

It really doesn't (you don't want a router in that location, you 
want a switch). A router connects multiple IP subnets that otherwise 
cannot talk to one another. Turning on the gateway feature on your 
FreeBSD box makes it a two-interface router. A switch merely 
multiplexes packets on many ports (it's a signal repeater/amplifier).


Oh, my sorry!  Yes, the default gateway is set and I have no firewall to 
complicate matters.

Ah... I see the problem now. You *MUST* do NAT on your BSD gateway, 
unless you personally control the configuration of your DSL router 
and can give it the necessary routing instructions to find your 172 

You are trying to ping your DSL router from a private network 
address that the router does not know about. The ping will reach the 
DSL router and it will not know where to send the reply because your 
private address does not (cannot) exist in its routing table. So, it 
sends the reply on its default route, which is towards the Internet. 
Bye, bye ping reply!

Again, this is just very basic networking stuff. I didn't see it 
before because I route packets between private networks all the time 
and it works -- the difference is that all my routers are 
well-informed about the pathways to all nearby networks.

For the background information you need to know, buy this or find it 
at your local library:

I'm sure there are other and even better titles.

Greg Barniskis, Computer Systems Integrator
South Central Library System (SCLS)
Library Interchange Network (LINK)
, (608) 266-6348
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Re: Home Network Setup Problem

2005-09-09 Thread deltaski
On Friday 09 September 2005 09:58 am, you wrote:
> On Friday 09 September 2005 07:39 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Thank you all, who have considered this message!
> >
> > I am learning BSD with 3 successful units. 1-100mhz pent. running
> > 4.11 1-180mhz pent. running 5.4 and one 266mhz AMD running 5.4
> >
> > I have learned the ins and outs of X, changing rc.conf and am quite
> > good at reinstalling the system after a few "learning" adjustments.
> >
> > Just for fun and my own enjoyment in learning, I have now accepted
> > the challenge of my own home network. I have been able to connect all
> > boxes to my DSL router with DHCP and manual IP assignments and
> > changed/setup NIC's with ifconfig. My reference materal is the
> > Handbook from and "The Complete FreeBSD" by Greg Lehey.
> >
> > Now the problem!
> >
> > DSL is - Box B has two NIC's rl0= netmask
> > and is connected only to ping works/outside
> > internet works.
> > Box B second NIC rl1= netmask and is
> > connected to a standalone switch/router.
> >
> > Box A has one NIC eth0= and is connected to the standalone
> > switch/router. Box A can ping and on box b. It
> > can NOT ping or access any outside internet.
> >
> > >From Box B keyboard, I can ping
> >
> >
> >
> > >From Box A keyboard, I can ping only
> >
> > I have tried ifconfig rl0 netmask
> > among many other configurations without success.
> >
> > >From my reading, I think the error of my ways is in the Box B
> > > between nic rl0
> >
> > and rl1. The data packets are not being forwarded from rl1 to rl0 or
> > rl0 to rl1. Somewhere I have missed something. If anyone could point
> > me in the correct direction, it would be greatly appreciated.
> In your /etc/rc.conf, you need to tell machine B that it is a gateway.
> Since you are using RFC1918 IP addresses, you probably should turn on
> natd. It is much easier if the switch is right after your DSL because
> then, you don't need B to be a gateway and you don't need to run ipfw
> to get natd.
> Kent
Kent, natd is turned on, default gateway is set. I understand your suggestion 
of changing the location of the switch, but, I simply wish to learn the setup 
of a gateway machine. Thank you for your input.
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Re: Home Network Setup Problem

2005-09-09 Thread deltaski
On Friday 09 September 2005 09:52 am, you wrote:
Answers to requested information:
> > Thank you all, who have considered this message!
> >
> > I am learning BSD with 3 successful units. 1-100mhz pent. running 4.11
> > 1-180mhz pent. running 5.4 and one 266mhz AMD running 5.4
> >
> > I have learned the ins and outs of X, changing rc.conf and am quite good
> > at reinstalling the system after a few "learning" adjustments.
> >
> > Just for fun and my own enjoyment in learning, I have now accepted the
> > challenge of my own home network. I have been able to connect all boxes
> > to my DSL router with DHCP and manual IP assignments and changed/setup
> > NIC's with ifconfig. My reference materal is the Handbook from
> > and "The Complete FreeBSD" by Greg Lehey.
> >
> > Now the problem!
> >
> > DSL is - Box B has two NIC's rl0= netmask
> > and is connected only to ping works/outside
> > internet works.
> > Box B second NIC rl1= netmask and is connected to
> > a standalone switch/router.
> Is it a switch, is it a router, or is it really both (high end
> thingy like Cisco 35xx?). Probably it is just a plain old switch
> with no routing capabilities. To avoid confusion, you should call it
> what it is.
Oh my, sorry. It is an 8-port 10/100Mbps Ethernet Switch! How does that change 

> > Box A has one NIC eth0= and is connected to the standalone
> > switch/router. Box A can ping and on box b. It can
> > NOT ping or access any outside internet.
> >
> >>From Box B keyboard, I can ping
> >
> >
> >
> >>From Box A keyboard, I can ping only
> >
> > I have tried ifconfig rl0 netmask
> > among many other configurations without success.
> >
> >>From my reading, I think the error of my ways is in the Box B between nic
> >> rl0
> >
> > and rl1. The data packets are not being forwarded from rl1 to rl0 or rl0
> > to rl1. Somewhere I have missed something. If anyone could point me in
> > the correct direction, it would be greatly appreciated.
> At a guess, I think what you are missing is to put
> gateway_enable="YES"

Oh, my sorry! gateway_enable="YES" is in rc.conf!

> into rc.conf of box B (between the Internet router and the inside
> network switch). Otherwise it will not hand packets from one network
> to another. However, you probably do NOT want to enable that without
> also enabling and configuring firewall features on this box as well,
> for which I will refer you to RTFM (the Really Tremendously Fine
> Manual ;).

Oh, my sorry! There is no firewall to complicate the setup. (By the way, I do 
know what RTFM means.)

> If you already have gateway and firewall functions going, does the
> inside box (A) have box B's 172 addr set as its default gateway
> router? If not, then it does not know to send packets destined for
> other networks in that direction for processing. If yes, is your
> firewall configured so tight that it's killing the packets you'd
> like to forward?

Oh, my sorry!  Yes, the default gateway is set and I have no firewall to 
complicate matters.

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Re: Home Network Setup Problem

2005-09-09 Thread Kent Stewart
On Friday 09 September 2005 07:39 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Thank you all, who have considered this message!
> I am learning BSD with 3 successful units. 1-100mhz pent. running
> 4.11 1-180mhz pent. running 5.4 and one 266mhz AMD running 5.4
> I have learned the ins and outs of X, changing rc.conf and am quite
> good at reinstalling the system after a few "learning" adjustments.
> Just for fun and my own enjoyment in learning, I have now accepted
> the challenge of my own home network. I have been able to connect all
> boxes to my DSL router with DHCP and manual IP assignments and
> changed/setup NIC's with ifconfig. My reference materal is the
> Handbook from and "The Complete FreeBSD" by Greg Lehey.
> Now the problem!
> DSL is - Box B has two NIC's rl0= netmask
> and is connected only to ping works/outside
> internet works.
> Box B second NIC rl1= netmask and is
> connected to a standalone switch/router.
> Box A has one NIC eth0= and is connected to the standalone
> switch/router. Box A can ping and on box b. It
> can NOT ping or access any outside internet.
> >From Box B keyboard, I can ping
> >From Box A keyboard, I can ping only
> I have tried ifconfig rl0 netmask
> among many other configurations without success.
> >From my reading, I think the error of my ways is in the Box B
> > between nic rl0
> and rl1. The data packets are not being forwarded from rl1 to rl0 or
> rl0 to rl1. Somewhere I have missed something. If anyone could point
> me in the correct direction, it would be greatly appreciated.

In your /etc/rc.conf, you need to tell machine B that it is a gateway. 
Since you are using RFC1918 IP addresses, you probably should turn on 
natd. It is much easier if the switch is right after your DSL because 
then, you don't need B to be a gateway and you don't need to run ipfw 
to get natd.


Kent Stewart
Richland, WA
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Re: Home Network Setup Problem

2005-09-09 Thread Greg Barniskis


Thank you all, who have considered this message!

I am learning BSD with 3 successful units. 1-100mhz pent. running 4.11
1-180mhz pent. running 5.4 and one 266mhz AMD running 5.4

I have learned the ins and outs of X, changing rc.conf and am quite good
at reinstalling the system after a few "learning" adjustments.

Just for fun and my own enjoyment in learning, I have now accepted the 
challenge of my own home network. I have been able to connect all boxes to my 
DSL router with DHCP and manual IP assignments and changed/setup NIC's with 
ifconfig. My reference materal is the Handbook from and "The 
Complete FreeBSD" by Greg Lehey.

Now the problem!

DSL is - Box B has two NIC's rl0= netmask and is connected only to ping works/outside 
internet works.
Box B second NIC rl1= netmask and is connected to a 
standalone switch/router. 

Is it a switch, is it a router, or is it really both (high end 
thingy like Cisco 35xx?). Probably it is just a plain old switch 
with no routing capabilities. To avoid confusion, you should call it 
what it is.

Box A has one NIC eth0= and is connected to the standalone 
switch/router. Box A can ping and on box b. It can NOT 
ping or access any outside internet.

From Box B keyboard, I can ping

From Box A keyboard, I can ping only

I have tried ifconfig rl0 netmask among 
many other configurations without success.

From my reading, I think the error of my ways is in the Box B between nic rl0 
and rl1. The data packets are not being forwarded from rl1 to rl0 or rl0 to 
rl1. Somewhere I have missed something. If anyone could point me in the 
correct direction, it would be greatly appreciated.

At a guess, I think what you are missing is to put


into rc.conf of box B (between the Internet router and the inside 
network switch). Otherwise it will not hand packets from one network 
to another. However, you probably do NOT want to enable that without 
also enabling and configuring firewall features on this box as well, 
for which I will refer you to RTFM (the Really Tremendously Fine 
Manual ;).

If you already have gateway and firewall functions going, does the 
inside box (A) have box B's 172 addr set as its default gateway 
router? If not, then it does not know to send packets destined for 
other networks in that direction for processing. If yes, is your 
firewall configured so tight that it's killing the packets you'd 
like to forward?

Greg Barniskis, Computer Systems Integrator
South Central Library System (SCLS)
Library Interchange Network (LINK)
, (608) 266-6348
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Home Network Setup Problem

2005-09-09 Thread deltaski
Thank you all, who have considered this message!

I am learning BSD with 3 successful units. 1-100mhz pent. running 4.11
1-180mhz pent. running 5.4 and one 266mhz AMD running 5.4

I have learned the ins and outs of X, changing rc.conf and am quite good
at reinstalling the system after a few "learning" adjustments.

Just for fun and my own enjoyment in learning, I have now accepted the 
challenge of my own home network. I have been able to connect all boxes to my 
DSL router with DHCP and manual IP assignments and changed/setup NIC's with 
ifconfig. My reference materal is the Handbook from and "The 
Complete FreeBSD" by Greg Lehey.

Now the problem!

DSL is - Box B has two NIC's rl0= netmask and is connected only to ping works/outside 
internet works.
Box B second NIC rl1= netmask and is connected to a 
standalone switch/router. 

Box A has one NIC eth0= and is connected to the standalone 
switch/router. Box A can ping and on box b. It can NOT 
ping or access any outside internet.

From Box B keyboard, I can ping

From Box A keyboard, I can ping only

I have tried ifconfig rl0 netmask among 
many other configurations without success.

From my reading, I think the error of my ways is in the Box B between nic rl0 
and rl1. The data packets are not being forwarded from rl1 to rl0 or rl0 to 
rl1. Somewhere I have missed something. If anyone could point me in the 
correct direction, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
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Network Setup

2004-10-14 Thread Walker, Michael

Hi Everyone, 

Having some issues with my home network at the moment.
Basically I used to have a FreeBSD gateway system, it ran various network
services for my network and some remote users via the internet, smtp, httpd,
ftp, pop etc etc. It was equipped with a second network card (first was
going to the cable modem), which was connected to a 4 port netgear hub.

Now I have changed the network setup, as I purchased a wireless broadband
router. This works great, it is linked to the wired machines via a Ethernet
hub, and serves 2 wireless laptops (running windows) as well. 
However the problem I am now having is, that users via the internet, cannot
access any of my network services by using the hostname of my system. 

i.e. Users cant browse to, but they can browse to my IP
address. The same is to be said for SMTP connections, pop, ftp etc.

I have verified that the router is forwarding the ports to the internet by
running a nmap scan on my IP address from a remote machine that I have
access to. I have also verified that the hostname still points to my IP

Here is some system information: 
uname -a 
FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE #4: Wed Oct 13
21:55:19 BST 2004 :/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/CODEGURUS i386 

sis0: flags=8843 mtu 1500 inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast ether
00:09:5b:69:7e:ec media: Ethernet autoselect (10baseT/UTP) status: active 

I could understand this being a apache vhost problem, if it was simply a
apache issue. But for the life of me, I am lost as to why the ports would
appear open when scanned. But not accept connections via my hostname.

Thanks for any help, if you need me to post some configuration files, then
please just ask. 

Thanks again. 
Regards Mick 

Mick Walker 
NAAFI Finance International 

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Re: Network setup

2004-10-08 Thread Alex de Kruijff
On Fri, Oct 08, 2004 at 02:31:01PM +0200, Svein Halvor Halvorsen wrote:
> [David Jenkins, 2004-10-08]
> :
> >  I *think* you might need to setup a network bridge.
> >
> >
> >
> >  Hope this helps.
> This seems to be *exactly* what I'm looking for!
> Thanks!

You can combine this with the port ipa if you like. Ipfw counts the
traffic but loses this at reboots or commands on the console. You can
setup rules for certain cases. Cut bandwith of users if they used to
much and such. If you use mrtg, then you could make graphs of this. I
have an example of all of this on my website.


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Re: Network setup

2004-10-08 Thread Svein Halvor Halvorsen

[David Jenkins, 2004-10-08]
>  I *think* you might need to setup a network bridge.
>  Hope this helps.

This seems to be *exactly* what I'm looking for!

Svein Halvor
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Re: Network setup

2004-10-08 Thread David Jenkins
On Fri, 8 Oct 2004 11:51:53 +0200 (CEST), Svein Halvor Halvorsen
> At home I have in my network:
>  - A FreeBSD server
>  - A FreeBSD workstation
>  - A Windows gaming box
>  - A FreeBSD laptop
>  - A friend's backup server
> All are connected to a switch witch in turn is connected to the internett.
> I have real ethernet comming into my house, and all my machines have
> public IP-addresses which are handed out by a DHCP server outside of my
> control.
> Since my ISP have started to enforce soft bandwidth limiting, with the
> consequence of losing my connection for 48 hours if exceeded, I need some
> mean to count my traffic. Only traffic outside the subnet is counted.
> I therefore thought I could put another FreeBSD machine between my switch
> and the internet, which counts traffic (and also acts as a firewall).
> However, I can not afford to get another box to do this. So I thought I
> could use the server. I also want to put a wireless card in the firewall
> to allow me to move around with my laptop. Something like this:
>  Internet
> |
> |
> |
>  ---
>  |fxp0 |
>  | | --
>  | FBSD Server |  ) ) )  |   Laptop   |
>  | |  802.11 |  FreeBSD   |
>  |fxp1 | --
>  ---
> |
> --
> | Switch |
> --
> |
>  ---
>  |  |  |
>   - |  -
>   | Workstation 1 | |  | Workstation 2 |
>   |   FreeBSD | |  |Windows|
>   - |  -
> |
>| Friend's server |
>|FreeBSD  |
> I'd like the possibility to have the workstations on the public internet
> (with public IP-addresses handed out by my ISP's DHCP sever). I must admit
> I'm out of my league here, but I guess I'd like the FBSD server to be
> invisible for the workstations and the backup server, but still be able
> analyse the IP-traffic. Is this possible? Does this kind of setup have a
> name, for which I can google?
> If this is impossible, I guess I could setup NAT on the server/firewall,
> and forward a couple of ports to the server behind the firewall.
> The issue is that all the traffic needs to be counted, and at least two
> machines needs to be visible on the public internet. Additionally I'd like
> to have a wireless connection for my laptop. I guess an ad-hoc setup would
> do for this?
> SVein Halvor
> ___
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Hi Svein,

I *think* you might need to setup a network bridge.

Hope this helps.

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Network setup

2004-10-08 Thread Svein Halvor Halvorsen

At home I have in my network:

 - A FreeBSD server
 - A FreeBSD workstation
 - A Windows gaming box
 - A FreeBSD laptop
 - A friend's backup server

All are connected to a switch witch in turn is connected to the internett.
I have real ethernet comming into my house, and all my machines have
public IP-addresses which are handed out by a DHCP server outside of my

Since my ISP have started to enforce soft bandwidth limiting, with the
consequence of losing my connection for 48 hours if exceeded, I need some
mean to count my traffic. Only traffic outside the subnet is counted.

I therefore thought I could put another FreeBSD machine between my switch
and the internet, which counts traffic (and also acts as a firewall).
However, I can not afford to get another box to do this. So I thought I
could use the server. I also want to put a wireless card in the firewall
to allow me to move around with my laptop. Something like this:


 |fxp0 |
 | | --
 | FBSD Server |  ) ) )  |   Laptop   |
 | |  802.11 |  FreeBSD   |
 |fxp1 | --
| Switch |
 |  |  |
  - |  -
  | Workstation 1 | |  | Workstation 2 |
  |   FreeBSD | |  |Windows|
  - |  -
   | Friend's server |
   |FreeBSD  |

I'd like the possibility to have the workstations on the public internet
(with public IP-addresses handed out by my ISP's DHCP sever). I must admit
I'm out of my league here, but I guess I'd like the FBSD server to be
invisible for the workstations and the backup server, but still be able
analyse the IP-traffic. Is this possible? Does this kind of setup have a
name, for which I can google?

If this is impossible, I guess I could setup NAT on the server/firewall,
and forward a couple of ports to the server behind the firewall.

The issue is that all the traffic needs to be counted, and at least two
machines needs to be visible on the public internet. Additionally I'd like
to have a wireless connection for my laptop. I guess an ad-hoc setup would
do for this?

SVein Halvor
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Advice on network setup/layout

2004-06-23 Thread eodyna
hello there,

Ive never done this before (and it may seem odd) but,
id like to get your advice on how to configure a
network with 2 outside interfaces. One interface would
be connected to a cable modem and the other to an adsl

This is what i have so far.

1 cable connection
1 adsl connection
1 computer (running fbsd 5.2.1)
5 NICs

the diagram i have attached is kinda what im thinking
it would look like. Any advice would be great.

I have compiled the following options into the kernel

# Firewall IPFIREWALL options
options RANDOM_IP_ID
options IPDIVERT
options IPSEC

set the following in rc.conf

ifconfig_fxp2="inet netmask"
ifconfig_fxp3="DHCP"   #*adsl*
ifconfig_fxp4="inet 10.5.0..1 netmask"


#natd_interface="fxp1 fxp3"
#natd_flags="-s -u -f /etc/natd.conf"


I dont really know if im going about this the right
way or not (or what im missing), but i think im going
to end up confusing myself at some point. esp. when it
comes to the firewall rules.

so if you have some advice. id gladly listen/read.

cheers (i hope this makes sense)

Find local movie times and trailers on Yahoo! Movies.   -- 
| Internet  |   |  Internet   |
-   --
  | |
  | |   
  | |
-   -
| ADSL Modem |  | Cable Modem   |
-   -
  | |
  | |   
  | |
   | fxp3 | | fxp1 |
  | |
  | |

| FreeBSD 5.2.1|

|   |
| fxp 4| | fxp2 |
|   |   
|   |
| 8 port hub |   | 16 Port Networking Switch|
--   ---
|  ||
--  -   
| comp. 1 | | Computer 1|   | Computer 2   |
--- -   ___
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Network setup question

2004-05-12 Thread Schizik
Hello, everyone!

I do need following setup, but I have no idea how it can be acomplished.

Internal Network  <--> Gateway  > Internet link 1
   |__ Internet link 2

Internal network uses private IP space
All computers on internal network connect to gateway
with VPN (gateway has mpd running) assigned IPs are
also private space, gateway does NAT.

There are 2 classes of users on Internal network
They are assigned VPN IPs from two different private networks
(like 10.0.1.x and 10.0.2.x)

The problem is that traffic from 10.0.1.x should be NATed and send via
Internet link 1, while traffic from 10.0.2.x should be NATed and send via
Internet link 2.

Is this kind of setup possible?

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Network setup for router

2003-11-15 Thread omsbud om
What's the proper way to setup a network w/ freebsd as
the router and network windows machines to it? I got a
network setup working, but I'm not sure whether I went
about it correctly.

I have two 3com nics in the router (xl0 and xl1), xl0
is connected directly to the cable modem w/ a CAT5
cable, xl1 is connected is connected to a port of the
hub w/ a crossover cable. Then I just connect the
remaining windows machines into the hub and set the
local private addresses in windows and put the freebsd
router as the gateway. On the freebsd machine I run
natd -n xl0 and ifconfig_xl0="DHCP". The media type
for xl0 is set to 100BaseTX  and
10BaseT/UTP  for xl1, 100BaseTX
 for xl1 sets the status for that
interface to "no carrier". I can't get the network
running at 100mbps for some reason. I also have some
weak rules for ipfw as suggested in the natd manual

Another thing is that when I ran a speed test from a
machine that was directly connected to the cable
modem, the speeds reported were 5 times faster then
when I run a speed test from a windows machine. Any
reason for that reported speed decrease? Any
suggestions on network setup or on how to get greater
performance? Thanks. 

Also, I'm not subscribed to the list, please make sure
to direct replies to my email as well.

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