Re: starting daemons at server start

2004-01-04 Thread Marty Landman
At 07:23 PM 1/4/2004, Lowell Gilbert wrote:

I'm not an expert at Apache, exactly, but I can tell that you need to be 
more specific about the changes you're making, and why, before anybody can 
help you find a way to avoid doing that.
As I understand it, Apache provides a module called suexec to allow cgi's 
to run as the user that owns the directory. Without suexec cgi's run as the 
httpd owner which is typically a 'nobody' user with highly restricted 
permissions. So to allow e.g. mypgm.cgi default permission to write to a 
file in /mnt/web/guide/guido (user Guido's root) with a chmod of 644 Apache 
must be recompiled with suexec enabled. I failed at my attempt to do this 
and didn't want to keep plugging away so have just chmod'd my (local 
intranet) root directories to 777. It's a lousy kluge but it does permit me 
to keep working.

A lot of workarounds tend to be just as much of a security concern as 
suexec is itself.
Not sure security's an issue on my intranet, but inevitably working 
improperly will lead to improper results and security issues on the 
production server.

Marty Landman   Face 2 Interface Inc 845-679-9387
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Re: starting daemons at server start

2004-01-04 Thread Lowell Gilbert
Marty Landman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Speaking of permissions, I've got my fbsd box set up with apache2 as a
> local development environment. It's working great and would save me
> tons of time u/l'g and testing changes remotely if I could keep my
> hands off the darned config. :)

I'm not an expert at Apache, exactly, but I can tell that you need to
be more specific about the changes you're making, and why, before
anybody can help you find a way to avoid doing that.

> I bring this up because where I'm stymied with Apache is having to
> workaround my failure to recompile it with suexec enabled by changing
> file permissions to what they won't be on the live servers.

That sentence is close to grammatically correct, but it's painfully

What are you using suexec for (or what would you use it for)?
A lot of workarounds tend to be just as much of a security concern as
suexec is itself.

> Just in case anyone's interested

Well, no, but willing to help anyway...

Lowell Gilbert, embedded/networking software engineer, Boston area: 
resume/CV at
username/password "public"
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RE: starting daemons at server start

2004-01-04 Thread Marty Landman
At 06:03 PM 1/4/2004, Micke P wrote:

Woohoo! I changed the permissions on my apache shell file and presto- 
apache now starts on rebooting!
Speaking of permissions, I've got my fbsd box set up with apache2 as a 
local development environment. It's working great and would save me tons of 
time u/l'g and testing changes remotely if I could keep my hands off the 
darned config. :)

I bring this up because where I'm stymied with Apache is having to 
workaround my failure to recompile it with suexec enabled by changing file 
permissions to what they won't be on the live servers.

Just in case anyone's interested

Marty Landman   Face 2 Interface Inc 845-679-9387
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RE: starting daemons at server start

2004-01-04 Thread Micke P

Woohoo! I changed the permissions on my apache shell
file and presto- apache now starts on rebooting!

Thanks very very much all of you for your very good
help. That's one less thing to be frazzled about.


--- Marty Landman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 02:21 PM 1/4/2004, Micke P wrote:
> >I'm thinking primarily of starting apache and a
> dynamic ip updater 
> >automatically at startup.
> Micke, here's a sample from my machine that may
> help:
> # ls -alh /usr/local/etc/rc.d
> total 20
> drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  512B Dec 30 16:58 .
> drwxr-xr-x  9 root  wheel  512B Dec  7 16:13 ..
> -rwxr-x---  1 root  wheel  181B Dec 30 16:55
> -rwxr-xr--  1 root  wheel  144B Nov 12 16:18
> -r-xr-xr--  1 root  pgsql  875B Nov 11 17:24
> -rwxr-x--x  1 root  wheel  407B Nov 12 19:33
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel3K Nov 14 21:12
> -rwxr-x---  1 root  wheel  549B Dec 30 16:58
> -r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  602B Nov 14 21:47
> # cat /usr/local/etc/rc.d/
> #!/bin/sh
> PREFIX=/usr/local
> case "$1" in
> start)
>  [ "ssl" = "ssl" -a -f
> "$PREFIX/etc/apache2/ssl.crt/server.crt" ] 
> && SSL=ssl
>  [ -x ${PREFIX}/sbin/apachectl ] &&
> ${PREFIX}/sbin/apachectl 
> start${SSL} > /dev/null && echo -n ' apache2'
>  ;;
> stop)
>  [ -r /var/run/ ] &&
> ${PREFIX}/sbin/apachectl stop > 
> /dev/null && echo -n ' apache2'
>  ;;
> *)
>  echo "Usage: `basename $0` {start|stop}"
> >&2
>  ;;
> esac
> exit 0
> Swami:
> Marty Landman   Face 2 Interface Inc 845-679-9387
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> site
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RE: starting daemons at server start

2004-01-04 Thread Micke P

Hi Subhro :-),

Good information. After checking, I didn't have the
"local_startup" line in my /etc/rc.conf file. 

This didn't work on restarting just now, but I added
the line pointing to the rc.d apache dir where I had
added the file earlier (below). Still had to
start apache by hand. I don't know if the script is
correct, because there was no example script and I
changed the script from another daemon. If so, I'm
still missing something.


echo -n ' Apache'

case "$1" in
   /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start
   /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl stop
   echo "Usage: 'basename $0' (start|stop)" >&2
   exit 64

exit 0

--- Subhro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Micke,
> Well there are quite a few ways in which you can
> start a daemon
> "automatically". I would brief them for you. The
> most common daemons like
> sshd, apmd check the /etc/rc.conf for start
> commands. So if you want to
> start sshd at startup just put a line
> sshd_enable="YES" in /etc/rc.conf and
> you will be back in business. For a list of all the
> daemons which can be
> started from rc.conf, refer to
> /etc/defaults/rc.conf. But DON'T modify that
> file. Instead copy that file to /etc and change it
> there if you don't have
> rc.conf in /etc initially. /etc/rc.conf overrides
> anything in
> /etc/defaults/rc.conf.
> The next common procedure of starting daemons in
> from within the inetd
> superserver.Inetd works as: it does not start the
> daemon initially. Instead
> it starts listening on the port which the daemon is
> supposed to listen on.
> For example if you are planning to start telnetd
> from inetd, then after the
> system startup, inetd will listen on port 23 and
> start up telnetd only when
> it senses someone knocking on port 23. In this way
> you can save on system
> resources by not starting the services unless you
> need them. For the inetd
> to waork you need to include a like
> inetd_enable="YES" in /etc/rc.conf.
> However inetd has its cons as well. If you have a
> very busy webserver (for
> instance) and plan to start httpd (the webserver
> daemon) from inetd, then
> the overhead will be very high as inetd spawns a
> separate process for each
> incoming request. So sys-admins consider running
> daemons as staanalone. When
> you install some daemon like apache (for example)
> then you will find a
> startup file in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/. Most likely it
> would be names as
> daemon_name.conf.sample. Change the name to
> daemon_name.conf and change the
> permissions to 755 while you are logged in as root.
> At every boot the script
> will be called with a start argument which will
> start the service and at
> every shutdown it will be called with a stop
> argument. I would not give you
> a prize if you manually call the script with start,
> stop and restart
> arguments :-).
> The last but not the least. You can also start
> services from within crontab.
> But that's too cumbersome. Hence I don't like it.
> Refer to this page if you
> want to know how.
> ing-services.html
> I hope I have answered some of your queries. Do let
> us know if you need some
> more help.
>  Remember FreeBSD unlike windows can dare to say
> "Power to Serve" :-)
> Regards
> Subhro
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Micke P
> Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 12:05 AM
> Subject: starting daemons at server start
> Hi,
> There are a couple of things that I'm struggling
> with
> unsuccessfully. :-(  One of them is figuring out how
> to get daemons to start up when the server starts,
> or
> restarts, without having to start them manually. It
> may be clearly defined in the handbook, but I am
> inept
> enough to not see it. This is a configuration in the
> inetd?
> Thanks,
> Micke
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RE: starting daemons at server start

2004-01-04 Thread Marty Landman
At 03:39 PM 1/4/2004, Micke P wrote:

If there is something that is done automatically, I swear my karma is that 
it won't be done! I did do a port apache install. And right, I don't 
remember that being asked. I'm assuming there's an easier way to get this 
set up besides redoing the install.
Micke, could you please post back the results of the following commands? 
The output of these two cmds may be helpful.

httpd -v

ps -ax | grep httpd

Marty Landman   Face 2 Interface Inc 845-679-9387
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Re: starting daemons at server start

2004-01-04 Thread freebsd
There are numerous ways for daemons to start on boot:
1) Via their enabling in /etc/rc.conf (e.g. inetd, lpd)
e.g. lpd_enable="YES".

Look at /etc/defaults/rc.conf for things that will start (or not start)
automatically unless they are overridden in /etc/rc.conf.

Inetd is an good example of this (it defaults to start, unlike lpd) - in
/etc/defaults/rc.conf, the line:
is there, which makes inetd start in boot unless
were specified in /etc/rc.conf

2) Via /usr/local/etc/rc.d/*.sh scripts (e.g. samba) - the ports put
scripts in this directory.

e.g. When samba is installed from the ports tree or via sysinstall, it
creates /usr/local/etc/rc.d/  You must copy or rename it
to /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ to have samba start on boot.   Obviously a
working smb.conf file is required.  The install of samba also creates
/usr/local/etc/smb.conf.default - you must copy or rename it to smb.conf,
then edit it as suitable for your environment.  Other ports typically
install sample config files and startup scripts in /usr/local/etc and
/usr/local/etc/rc.d respectively.

3) Via /usr/local/etc/rc.d/*.sh scripts and /etc/rc.conf (e.g. proftpd
from the ports)

e.g. proftpd requires both an entry in /etc/rc.conf - proftpd_enable="YES"
and /usr/local/etc/rc.d/

This behavior of requiring both entries (on 4.x) started sometime last
year (see rc.subr in the ports tree)

4) Via /etc/rc.local
Anything you put in here will start on boot, e.g.
balance 3389 ts1 ts2(this command happens to balance MS terminal
server sessions between the hosts named "ts1" and "ts2") if the port
"balance" is installed, othewise the command just fails.


As mentioned in the thread - inetd is a super server that spawns other
processes to answer requests for services.  see /etc/inetd.conf for things
it "responds" to.


> Micke P wrote:
>>Right! Ok, it's definitely not inetd that I need. I'm
>>thinking primarily of starting apache and a dynamic ip
>>updater automatically at startup.
>>--- fbsd_user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Maybe you just don't understand what you are seeing.
>>>Inetd is the
>>>Super server. Every thing you uncomment in the
>>>inetd.conf file is an
>>>server of it own right. But instead of an daemon
>>>running for telnet
>>>or FTP all the time. Inetd runs and listens on the
>>>ports where those
>>>services would be listings and when inetd sees an
>>>request on the
>>>specified port it automatically launches the server
>>>for that
>>>service. With inetd running , ps ax only shows inetd
>>>running, but
>>>start an telnet session to your box and you will see
>>>that inetd has
>>>spawned an telnet server session. When your telnet
>>>users leaves the
>>>session, the telnet server terminates. Inetd is used
>>>to conserve
> If you installed apache from ports, there should already be a
> script in /usr/local/etc/rc.d .
> Copy it to, chmod 600 (or at least make it executable), and
> apache should start at system reboot.
> Scott
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RE: starting daemons at server start

2004-01-04 Thread David Fleck
On Sun, 4 Jan 2004, Micke P wrote:
> Examples of this script(working :-))?

>$ cat /usr/local/etc/rc.d/

case "$1" in
[ -x /usr/local/sbin/apachectl ] && /usr/local/sbin/apachectl start > 
/dev/null && echo 'apache: start'
[ -r /var/run/ ] && /usr/local/sbin/apachectl stop > /dev/null && 
echo ' apache: stop'
echo "Usage: `basename $0` {start|stop}" >&2

exit 0

works on my system (4.9).

David Fleck

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Re: starting daemons at server start

2004-01-04 Thread Scott W
Micke P wrote:

If there is something that is done automatically, I
swear my karma is that it won't be done! I did do a
port apache install. And right, I don't remember that
being asked. I'm assuming there's an easier way to get
this set up besides redoing the install.
Examples of this script(working :-))?



[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/local/etc/rc.d
[0] $ cat
case "$1" in
   [ -x /usr/local/sbin/apachectl ] && /usr/local/sbin/apachectl 
start > /dev/null && echo -n ' apache'
   [ -r /var/run/ ] && /usr/local/sbin/apachectl stop > 
/dev/null && echo -n ' apache'
   echo "Usage: `basename $0` {start|stop}" >&2

exit 0

You'll have to check your locations of course, but the sample script 
should arealy exist on your system.  Run /etc/periodic/weekly/310.locate 
cron and then:


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RE: starting daemons at server start

2004-01-04 Thread Micke P

If there is something that is done automatically, I
swear my karma is that it won't be done! I did do a
port apache install. And right, I don't remember that
being asked. I'm assuming there's an easier way to get
this set up besides redoing the install.

Examples of this script(working :-))?


--- fbsd_user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If it's apache you want to auto start then you
> missed the
> instruction during the
> install of apache that tells you to put it's start
> script into
> directory /usr/local/etc/rc.d/

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Re: starting daemons at server start

2004-01-04 Thread Jez Hancock
On Sun, Jan 04, 2004 at 11:21:56AM -0800, Micke P wrote:
> Right! Ok, it's definitely not inetd that I need. I'm
> thinking primarily of starting apache and a dynamic ip
> updater automatically at startup.
Have a look for one of the dyndns update applications in the ports tree
(look in /usr/ports/dns/ especially - from experience ddclient worked
well for me:P).

After you install install the one you want, the port installation
should place a script in /usr/local/etc/rc.d that will start the
application when the machine boots.

Note however that for scripts in /usr/local/etc/rc.d to run at boot
time, they must:

- be executable (ie have the executable bit set - use chmod to do this)
- end in .sh (a lot of the time port installations will install scripts
  into /usr/local/etc/rc.d with the extension .sh.sample - you need to
  rename it to end in .sh before it will run on boot)

For more info on all of the above read up on the section on ports in the
freebsd handbook and the man pages for rc, ports, mv and chmod.

Good luck :P

Jez Hancock
 - System Administrator / PHP Developer  - personal weblog ipfw peruser traffic logging
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Re: starting daemons at server start

2004-01-04 Thread Scott W
Micke P wrote:

Right! Ok, it's definitely not inetd that I need. I'm
thinking primarily of starting apache and a dynamic ip
updater automatically at startup.

--- fbsd_user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Maybe you just don't understand what you are seeing.
Inetd is the
Super server. Every thing you uncomment in the
inetd.conf file is an
server of it own right. But instead of an daemon
running for telnet
or FTP all the time. Inetd runs and listens on the
ports where those
services would be listings and when inetd sees an
request on the
specified port it automatically launches the server
for that
service. With inetd running , ps ax only shows inetd
running, but
start an telnet session to your box and you will see
that inetd has
spawned an telnet server session. When your telnet
users leaves the
session, the telnet server terminates. Inetd is used
to conserve

If you installed apache from ports, there should already be a script in /usr/local/etc/rc.d .
Copy it to, chmod 600 (or at least make it executable), and 
apache should start at system reboot.


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RE: starting daemons at server start

2004-01-04 Thread Marty Landman
At 02:21 PM 1/4/2004, Micke P wrote:

I'm thinking primarily of starting apache and a dynamic ip updater 
automatically at startup.
Micke, here's a sample from my machine that may help:

# ls -alh /usr/local/etc/rc.d
total 20
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  512B Dec 30 16:58 .
drwxr-xr-x  9 root  wheel  512B Dec  7 16:13 ..
-rwxr-x---  1 root  wheel  181B Dec 30 16:55
-rwxr-xr--  1 root  wheel  144B Nov 12 16:18
-r-xr-xr--  1 root  pgsql  875B Nov 11 17:24
-rwxr-x--x  1 root  wheel  407B Nov 12 19:33
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel3K Nov 14 21:12
-rwxr-x---  1 root  wheel  549B Dec 30 16:58
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  602B Nov 14 21:47
# cat /usr/local/etc/rc.d/
case "$1" in
[ "ssl" = "ssl" -a -f "$PREFIX/etc/apache2/ssl.crt/server.crt" ] 
&& SSL=ssl
[ -x ${PREFIX}/sbin/apachectl ] && ${PREFIX}/sbin/apachectl 
start${SSL} > /dev/null && echo -n ' apache2'
[ -r /var/run/ ] && ${PREFIX}/sbin/apachectl stop > 
/dev/null && echo -n ' apache2'
echo "Usage: `basename $0` {start|stop}" >&2

exit 0

Marty Landman   Face 2 Interface Inc 845-679-9387
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RE: starting daemons at server start

2004-01-04 Thread fbsd_user
If it's apache you want to auto start then you missed the
instruction during the
install of apache that tells you to put it's start script into
directory /usr/local/etc/rc.d/

-Original Message-
From: Micke P [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2004 2:22 PM
Subject: RE: starting daemons at server start

Right! Ok, it's definitely not inetd that I need. I'm
thinking primarily of starting apache and a dynamic ip
updater automatically at startup.


--- fbsd_user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Maybe you just don't understand what you are seeing.
> Inetd is the
> Super server. Every thing you uncomment in the
> inetd.conf file is an
> server of it own right. But instead of an daemon
> running for telnet
> or FTP all the time. Inetd runs and listens on the
> ports where those
> services would be listings and when inetd sees an
> request on the
> specified port it automatically launches the server
> for that
> service. With inetd running , ps ax only shows inetd
> running, but
> start an telnet session to your box and you will see
> that inetd has
> spawned an telnet server session. When your telnet
> users leaves the
> session, the telnet server terminates. Inetd is used
> to conserve
> resources.

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RE: starting daemons at server start

2004-01-04 Thread Micke P

Right! Ok, it's definitely not inetd that I need. I'm
thinking primarily of starting apache and a dynamic ip
updater automatically at startup.


--- fbsd_user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Maybe you just don't understand what you are seeing.
> Inetd is the
> Super server. Every thing you uncomment in the
> inetd.conf file is an
> server of it own right. But instead of an daemon
> running for telnet
> or FTP all the time. Inetd runs and listens on the
> ports where those
> services would be listings and when inetd sees an
> request on the
> specified port it automatically launches the server
> for that
> service. With inetd running , ps ax only shows inetd
> running, but
> start an telnet session to your box and you will see
> that inetd has
> spawned an telnet server session. When your telnet
> users leaves the
> session, the telnet server terminates. Inetd is used
> to conserve
> resources.

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RE: starting daemons at server start

2004-01-04 Thread fbsd_user
Maybe you just don't understand what you are seeing. Inetd is the
Super server. Every thing you uncomment in the inetd.conf file is an
server of it own right. But instead of an daemon running for telnet
or FTP all the time. Inetd runs and listens on the ports where those
services would be listings and when inetd sees an request on the
specified port it automatically launches the server for that
service. With inetd running , ps ax only shows inetd running, but
start an telnet session to your box and you will see that inetd has
spawned an telnet server session. When your telnet users leaves the
session, the telnet server terminates. Inetd is used to conserve

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Micke P
Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2004 1:35 PM
Subject: starting daemons at server start


There are a couple of things that I'm struggling with
unsuccessfully. :-(  One of them is figuring out how
to get daemons to start up when the server starts, or
restarts, without having to start them manually. It
may be clearly defined in the handbook, but I am inept
enough to not see it. This is a configuration in the


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Re: starting daemons at server start

2004-01-04 Thread Marty Landman
At 01:34 PM 1/4/2004, Micke P wrote:

There are a couple of things that I'm struggling with unsuccessfully.
Me too. :-)

One of them is figuring out how to get daemons to start up when the server 
starts, or restarts, without having to start them manually.
Toward the end of the booting process fbsd will run [in sort order] 
whatever scripts it finds in the directory /usr/local/etc/rc.d/.


Marty Landman   Face 2 Interface Inc 845-679-9387
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