Re: writing usb drivers under 8.x

2010-08-30 Thread perryh
Jim Bryant  wrote:

> well, i can't speak for K&R 1978, as i can't currently find my copy, 
> but, for a quick brush up, you might want to read pages 80 and 81
> from K&R 2nd Ed. 1988.
> your idea that the preprocessor will evaluate
> #define thirtytwok (1<<15)
> into 0x8000
> at compile time is totally incorrect, and in fact wouldn't be in 
> compliance with standards.  i have iso and fips handy, care for
> quotes?

Who said anything about the preprocessor?

The preprocessor is supposed to only do text substitutions, so you're
right that _it_ doesn't (or at least, shouldn't) replace (1<<15) with
0x8000.  The *compiler* does it.  Look up "constant expressions".

If you find a C compiler that generates a load and shift to evaluate
(1<<15) at runtime, your next move should be to file a bug report
with its maintainer -- unless you're dealing with a processor which
can do the load and shift in less time or space than a direct load
of 0x8000.

And BTW, please don't top-post.
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Re: writing usb drivers under 8.x

2010-08-29 Thread Hans Petter Selasky
On Monday 30 August 2010 04:18:56 Jim Bryant wrote:
> well, i can't speak for K&R 1978, as i can't currently find my copy,
> but, for a quick brush up, you might want to read pages 80 and 81 from
> K&R 2nd Ed. 1988.
> your idea that the preprocessor will evaluate
> #define thirtytwok (1<<15)

For bit 31, you should consider adding a U, so that the values is not treated 
like a negative value.

1U << 31

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Re: writing usb drivers under 8.x

2010-08-29 Thread Jim Bryant
but then gnu does it's own thing too.  my point stands though.  any 
actual evaluation of thirtytwok into something OTHER THAN (1<<15) in the 
actual emitted code is IMPLEMENTATION-SPECIFIC.

in the case if gnu, you do appear to be right though, in disregard to K&R.

one could also argue that my return(0) is implementation-specific, as 
exit(0) would be proper by the numbers.

my point still stands, that although it may be cute to have (1<<15) in 
the define, it is not good practice.

9:21:33pm  orb(13): cat bs4.c

#define thirtytwok (1<<15)

int main(void)
 int toshiftornottoshift = thirtytwok;

 printf("%d\n", toshiftornottoshift);

9:21:39pm  orb(14): cc -S -O2 -o bs4.s bs4.c
9:21:56pm  orb(15): cat bs4.s
   .file   "bs4.c"
   .string "%d\n"
   .p2align 4,,15
.globl main
   .type   main, @function
   subq$8, %rsp
   movl$32768, %esi
   movl$.LC0, %edi
   xorl%eax, %eax
   xorl%eax, %eax
   addq$8, %rsp
   .size   main, .-main
   .long   .LECIE1-.LSCIE1
   .long   0x0
   .byte   0x1
   .string "zR"
   .uleb128 0x1
   .sleb128 -8
   .byte   0x10
   .uleb128 0x1
   .byte   0x3
   .byte   0xc
   .uleb128 0x7
   .uleb128 0x8
   .byte   0x90
   .uleb128 0x1
   .align 8
   .long   .LEFDE1-.LASFDE1
   .long   .LASFDE1-.Lframe1
   .long   .LFB3
   .long   .LFE3-.LFB3
   .uleb128 0x0
   .byte   0x4
   .long   .LCFI0-.LFB3
   .byte   0xe
   .uleb128 0x10
   .align 8
   .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 4.2.1 20070719  [FreeBSD]"
9:22:00pm  orb(16):

Jim Bryant wrote:
well, i can't speak for K&R 1978, as i can't currently find my copy, 
but, for a quick brush up, you might want to read pages 80 and 81 from 
K&R 2nd Ed. 1988.

your idea that the preprocessor will evaluate

#define thirtytwok (1<<15)

into 0x8000

at compile time is totally incorrect, and in fact wouldn't be in 
compliance with standards.  i have iso and fips handy, care for quotes?

microsoft used to do compile-time eval of preprocessor statements 
instead of substitution, but that was implementation-specific and 

From K&R, 2nd Ed. pp80-81 (1988):

4.11.2 Macro Substitution

A definition has the form

#define name replacement text

It calls for a macro substitution of the simplest kind - subsequent 
occurrences of the token
name will be replaced by the replacement text. The name in a #define 
has the same form as a
variable name; the replacement text is arbitrary. Normally the 
replacement text is the rest of
the line, but a long definition may be continued onto several lines by 
placing a \ at the end of
each line to be continued. The scope of a name defined with #define is 
from its point of
definition to the end of the source file being compiled. A definition 
may use previous
definitions. Substitutions are made only for tokens, and do not take 
place within quoted
strings. For example, if YES is a defined name, there would be no 
substitution in

printf("YES") or in YESMAN.

Any name may be defined with any replacement text. For example

#define forever for (;;) /* infinite loop */

defines a new word, forever, for an infinite loop.

It is also possible to define macros with arguments, so the 
replacement text can be different
for different calls of the macro. As an example, define a macro called 

#define max(A, B) ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))

Although it looks like a function call, a use of max expands into 
in-line code. Each occurrence
of a formal parameter (here A or B) will be replaced by the 
corresponding actual argument.

Thus the line

x = max(p+q, r+s);

will be replaced by the line

x = ((p+q) > (r+s) ? (p+q) : (r+s));

So long as the arguments are treated consistently, this macro will 
serve for any data type;
there is no need for different kinds of max for different data types, 
as there would be with



If you examine the expansion of max, you will notice some pitfalls. 
The expressions are
evaluated twice; this is bad if they involve side effects like 
increment operators or input and

output. For instance

max(i++, j++) /* WRONG */

will increment the larger twice. Some care also has to be taken with 
parentheses to make sure
the order of evaluation is preserved; consider what happens when the 

#define square(x) x * x /* WRONG */

is invoked as square(z+1).

Nonetheless, macros are valuable. One practical example comes from 
, in which
getchar and putchar are often defined as macros to avoid the run-time 
overhead of a
function call per character processed. The functions in  are 
also usually

implemented as macros.

Names may be undefined with #undef, usually to ensu

Re: writing usb drivers under 8.x

2010-08-29 Thread Jim Bryant
well, i can't speak for K&R 1978, as i can't currently find my copy, 
but, for a quick brush up, you might want to read pages 80 and 81 from 
K&R 2nd Ed. 1988.

your idea that the preprocessor will evaluate

#define thirtytwok (1<<15)

into 0x8000

at compile time is totally incorrect, and in fact wouldn't be in 
compliance with standards.  i have iso and fips handy, care for quotes?

microsoft used to do compile-time eval of preprocessor statements 
instead of substitution, but that was implementation-specific and 

From K&R, 2nd Ed. pp80-81 (1988):

4.11.2 Macro Substitution

A definition has the form

#define name replacement text

It calls for a macro substitution of the simplest kind - subsequent 
occurrences of the token
name will be replaced by the replacement text. The name in a #define has 
the same form as a
variable name; the replacement text is arbitrary. Normally the 
replacement text is the rest of
the line, but a long definition may be continued onto several lines by 
placing a \ at the end of
each line to be continued. The scope of a name defined with #define is 
from its point of
definition to the end of the source file being compiled. A definition 
may use previous
definitions. Substitutions are made only for tokens, and do not take 
place within quoted
strings. For example, if YES is a defined name, there would be no 
substitution in

printf("YES") or in YESMAN.

Any name may be defined with any replacement text. For example

#define forever for (;;) /* infinite loop */

defines a new word, forever, for an infinite loop.

It is also possible to define macros with arguments, so the replacement 
text can be different

for different calls of the macro. As an example, define a macro called max:

#define max(A, B) ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))

Although it looks like a function call, a use of max expands into 
in-line code. Each occurrence
of a formal parameter (here A or B) will be replaced by the 
corresponding actual argument.

Thus the line

x = max(p+q, r+s);

will be replaced by the line

x = ((p+q) > (r+s) ? (p+q) : (r+s));

So long as the arguments are treated consistently, this macro will serve 
for any data type;
there is no need for different kinds of max for different data types, as 
there would be with



If you examine the expansion of max, you will notice some pitfalls. The 
expressions are
evaluated twice; this is bad if they involve side effects like increment 
operators or input and

output. For instance

max(i++, j++) /* WRONG */

will increment the larger twice. Some care also has to be taken with 
parentheses to make sure

the order of evaluation is preserved; consider what happens when the macro

#define square(x) x * x /* WRONG */

is invoked as square(z+1).

Nonetheless, macros are valuable. One practical example comes from 
, in which
getchar and putchar are often defined as macros to avoid the run-time 
overhead of a
function call per character processed. The functions in  are 
also usually

implemented as macros.

Names may be undefined with #undef, usually to ensure that a routine is 
really a function, not

a macro:

#undef getchar
int getchar(void) { ... }

Formal parameters are not replaced within quoted strings. If, however, a 
parameter name is
preceded by a # in the replacement text, the combination will be 
expanded into a quoted string
with the parameter replaced by the actual argument. This can be combined 
with string

concatenation to make, for example, a debugging print macro:

#define dprint(expr) printf(#expr " = %g\n", expr)

When this is invoked, as in


the macro is expanded into

printf("x/y" " = &g\n", x/y);

and the strings are concatenated, so the effect is

printf("x/y = &g\n", x/y);

Within the actual argument, each " is replaced by \" and each \ by \\, 
so the result is a legal

string constant.

The preprocessor operator ## provides a way to concatenate actual 
arguments during macro
expansion. If a parameter in the replacement text is adjacent to a ##, 
the parameter is replaced
by the actual argument, the ## and surrounding white space are removed, 
and the result is rescanned.

For example, the macro paste concatenates its two arguments:

#define paste(front, back) front ## back

so paste(name, 1) creates the token name1.

The rules for nested uses of ## are arcane; further details may be found 
in Appendix A.
Exercise 4-14. Define a macro swap(t,x,y) that interchanges two 
arguments of type t.

(Block structure will help.)

Jim Bryant wrote:

u.. you were saying???

8:58:44pm  orb(19): cat bs3.c

int main(void)
 int toshiftornottoshift = 0x8000;

 printf("%d\n", toshiftornottoshift);

8:58:48pm  orb(20): cc -S -O2 -o bs3.s bs3.c
8:58:53pm  orb(21): cat bs3.s
   .file   "bs3.c"
   .string "%d\n"
   .p2align 4,,15
.globl main
   .type   main, @function

Re: writing usb drivers under 8.x

2010-08-29 Thread Jim Bryant

u.. you were saying???

8:58:44pm  orb(19): cat bs3.c

int main(void)
 int toshiftornottoshift = 0x8000;

 printf("%d\n", toshiftornottoshift);

8:58:48pm  orb(20): cc -S -O2 -o bs3.s bs3.c
8:58:53pm  orb(21): cat bs3.s
   .file   "bs3.c"
   .string "%d\n"
   .p2align 4,,15
.globl main
   .type   main, @function
   subq$8, %rsp
*  this doesn't look like the compiler generates a shift to me.
   movl$32768, %esi
   movl$.LC0, %edi
   xorl%eax, %eax
   xorl%eax, %eax
   addq$8, %rsp
   .size   main, .-main
   .long   .LECIE1-.LSCIE1
   .long   0x0
   .byte   0x1
   .string "zR"
   .uleb128 0x1
   .sleb128 -8
   .byte   0x10
   .uleb128 0x1
   .byte   0x3
   .byte   0xc
   .uleb128 0x7
   .uleb128 0x8
   .byte   0x90
   .uleb128 0x1
   .align 8
   .long   .LEFDE1-.LASFDE1
   .long   .LASFDE1-.Lframe1
   .long   .LFB3
   .long   .LFE3-.LFB3
   .uleb128 0x0
   .byte   0x4
   .long   .LCFI0-.LFB3
   .byte   0xe
   .uleb128 0x10
   .align 8
   .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 4.2.1 20070719  [FreeBSD]" wrote:

Jim Bryant  wrote:

what kind of idiot defines a constant assignment for a 32k buffer as a 
15 bit left shift of 1?

clever, yes.  but in production, stupid.

a constant should be just that, a constant, and thus require no 
computation at runtime.

Er, did you bother to look at the generated code before spouting off?
Most compilers, even as far back as K&R 1st edition, will compute
constant expressions like that at compile time.


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Re: writing usb drivers under 8.x

2010-08-28 Thread perryh
Jim Bryant  wrote:

> what kind of idiot defines a constant assignment for a 32k buffer as a 
> 15 bit left shift of 1?
> clever, yes.  but in production, stupid.
> a constant should be just that, a constant, and thus require no 
> computation at runtime.

Er, did you bother to look at the generated code before spouting off?
Most compilers, even as far back as K&R 1st edition, will compute
constant expressions like that at compile time.
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Re: writing usb drivers under 8.x

2010-08-27 Thread Jim Bryant

thanks.  am doing that now.

I already have one patch for this one

what kind of idiot defines a constant assignment for a 32k buffer as a 
15 bit left shift of 1?

clever, yes.  but in production, stupid.

a constant should be just that, a constant, and thus require no 
computation at runtime.

i'm old school, and what a lot of kids don't understand today is that 
small and efficient is still as applicable today as it was then.

*** ulpt.c~ Thu May  6 22:28:17 2010
--- ulpt.c  Sat Aug 28 01:42:11 2010
*** 87,93 
 &ulpt_debug, 0, "Debug level");

! #define   ULPT_BSIZE  (1<<15) /* bytes */
 #define   ULPT_IFQ_MAXLEN 2   /* units */

 #define   UR_GET_DEVICE_ID0x00
--- 87,93 
 &ulpt_debug, 0, "Debug level");

! #define   ULPT_BSIZE  0x8000  /* bytes */
 #define   ULPT_IFQ_MAXLEN 2   /* units */

 #define   UR_GET_DEVICE_ID0x00

Hans Petter Selasky wrote:

On Friday 27 August 2010 10:53:38 Jim Bryant wrote:

it'll be a pair of character devices.


lirc compat is a goal of this project though.  most of the work is done
on that front, i just need to port that over from linux.  the features
of the imon remote control are well-supported in lirc.  /dev/lirc will
exist in my driver.

See sys/dev/usb/input/ulpt.c driver for how to create cdevs. Don't use cdev 
directly in the kernel.



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Re: writing usb drivers under 8.x

2010-08-27 Thread Jim Bryant
since the display is 16x2, i kind of think a tty device would be gumming 
up the works.  no sense in cooking the output.

scrolling is done manually.  the entire display of both lines has to be 
sent in every write.  the samsung vfd panel itself has far more features 
than soundgraph (the manufacturer of the imon) has put into this (at 
least based on what their windows software does..  i'd kind of doubt 
that they are holding back features from their own software teams).

i've only witnessed six types of transactions in their software.  vfd 
text downstream.  bargraph downstream.  set/display static standby 
text.  set/display freerunning standby clock/date.  knob/button 
upstream.  remote control upstream.  all upstream is interrupt.  i have 
verified all funtions in small test programs.

bargraph is munged (i'm assuming that the bargraph is partially 
obfuscated by the fact that their display buffer seems to be only 16 
bytes per line, when the samsung panel itself has 40 byte buffers for 
each 16 char line.  line 1 left char is address 0 in the panel, and line 
2 left char is address 40h, with 40 chars (28h) per line's display ram.  
i also suspect some intentional obfuscation involved in their bargraph 
scheme in a lame anti-reverse engineering attempt (their windows 
software always lags the music, and that's on an intel E8200, with large 
disk and 4 gigs of ram (3.9G addressable) the low-speed interface might 
also be a factor.  personally, i'd do this at no less than 12mbit if i 
was the engineer...the chips are cheap enough.

there seems to also be no support for the panel's on/off command 
(although i'm willing to bet it's there).  there is no apparent support 
for the clear screen function (soundgraph's software does this by 
writing spaces to the display in five packets, when the vfd display 
itself supports a one-byte command to do so).  no cursor functions (the 
cursor line is only active in bargraph mode).  no brightness control 
(the panel supports 4 brightness levels).  the display's built-in 
scrolling only scrolls both lines left or right, not individual lines, 
so, i can see why they chose to not use that.  the panel supports 
blinking text, but that is also unsupported.

some of the information that does not apply to my unit, i will derive 
from Alexander Popov's imon-0.1 driver which is not 8.x compat.  he 
lists several other id's for enumeration, and has a quirk for some older 
versions that need a 6th fixed dummy packet for writing text to the 
display.  the current generation drive-bay version mass-marketed by 
antec (veris elite) which i have doesn't require it, but apparently, his 
silverstone lc16 chassis does.  he also didn't figure out the bargraph, 
knob/button, or clock/static standby display, his driver only displayed 
text, decoded the remote.

overall, the device is rather simplistic as packaged with the soundgraph 
controller board backing the panel.  the samsung vfd used seems to be 
far more powerful than the soundgraph endpoint supports.  again, i'm 
using their own software, sniffed, to determine the functionality and 
commands.  the display is so simplistic, a tty interface would be 
overkill.  just character devices in this, and due to the multiple 
functions, the write() interface will be via variable length typed 
packets (type, length, data), the read() interface envisioned will be 
similar if i implement buffering of knob input, or single bytes 
otherwise, one for each of the three active states.

anyhow.  time for bed.


Jim Bryant wrote:

it'll be a pair of character devices.

the imon vfd is oem'ed to virtually EVERY high-end vfd-equipped htpc 
case on the market, all such tend to have the remote control interface 
as well built into the unit.  the difference exists with the 
knob/button, some have it, others don't.  the knob/button uses 
interrupt packets like the remote, but a totally different kind of 
packet, and i don't see support for it in lirc, so, i'll probably 
integrate it into the vfd device as the only read, and leave the 
remote as a seperate 100% lirc device.   if people want to tie the 
knob/button to the volume/mute function exclusively, they can do so 
outside of the lirc framework.  imho, the knob/button has better use 
as a function selector associated with menus on the vfd, although it 
can be used for volume/mute with little modification to existing 
lirc-related code.

another possibility would be to use a function in the vfd driver to 
switch it between the vfd device for discrete use, or to switch it to 
the /dev/lirc device and have it link directly to the lirc codes for 
the remote for the volume up/down/mute buttons, with the capability to 
switch it back with another call to the /dev/vfd device.  this is the 
direction i'm leaning.  since the vfd panel, knob/button, and 
lirc-compat remote are all going to be in this driver, it's kind of a 
no-brainer.  the option to use the knob/button for either should be 
left t

Re: writing usb drivers under 8.x

2010-08-27 Thread Hans Petter Selasky
On Friday 27 August 2010 10:53:38 Jim Bryant wrote:
> it'll be a pair of character devices.
> lirc compat is a goal of this project though.  most of the work is done
> on that front, i just need to port that over from linux.  the features
> of the imon remote control are well-supported in lirc.  /dev/lirc will
> exist in my driver.

See sys/dev/usb/input/ulpt.c driver for how to create cdevs. Don't use cdev 
directly in the kernel.

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Re: writing usb drivers under 8.x

2010-08-27 Thread Jim Bryant

it'll be a pair of character devices.

the imon vfd is oem'ed to virtually EVERY high-end vfd-equipped htpc 
case on the market, all such tend to have the remote control interface 
as well built into the unit.  the difference exists with the 
knob/button, some have it, others don't.  the knob/button uses interrupt 
packets like the remote, but a totally different kind of packet, and i 
don't see support for it in lirc, so, i'll probably integrate it into 
the vfd device as the only read, and leave the remote as a seperate 100% 
lirc device.   if people want to tie the knob/button to the volume/mute 
function exclusively, they can do so outside of the lirc framework.  
imho, the knob/button has better use as a function selector associated 
with menus on the vfd, although it can be used for volume/mute with 
little modification to existing lirc-related code.

another possibility would be to use a function in the vfd driver to 
switch it between the vfd device for discrete use, or to switch it to 
the /dev/lirc device and have it link directly to the lirc codes for the 
remote for the volume up/down/mute buttons, with the capability to 
switch it back with another call to the /dev/vfd device.  this is the 
direction i'm leaning.  since the vfd panel, knob/button, and 
lirc-compat remote are all going to be in this driver, it's kind of a 
no-brainer.  the option to use the knob/button for either should be left 
to the end-user/programmer.  most people would rather use a remote 
control for volume/mute anyway.

although there is very rudimentary support in linux under LCDd for the 
imon vfd, i'm thinking about not going that route.  the end product may 
not end up being lcdproc /dev/lcd compat.  it has limitations i don't 
like, and it wouldn't take advantage of the features the imon has.

lirc compat is a goal of this project though.  most of the work is done 
on that front, i just need to port that over from linux.  the features 
of the imon remote control are well-supported in lirc.  /dev/lirc will 
exist in my driver.

Hans Petter Selasky wrote:

On Thursday 26 August 2010 23:29:35 Jim Bryant wrote:

Actually, all of my test programs (for testing my reverse engineering
efforts) have been done in libusb-1.0.

I would actually like to write kernel-level drivers though for these.

Then you should look at existing drivers in /sys/dev/usb/xxx, which match your 
device class. What kind of API do you want to userspace? tty-device, character 



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Re: writing usb drivers under 8.x

2010-08-27 Thread Hans Petter Selasky
On Thursday 26 August 2010 23:42:46 Jim Bryant wrote:
> does the libusb interface apply to kernel-level drivers, or is it userland?
> Hans Petter Selasky wrote:
> > On Thursday 26 August 2010 22:32:44 Hans Petter Selasky wrote:
> >>> where can i find documentation on this subsystem?
> > 
> > man libusb
> > 
> > --HPS

It is user-space only.

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Re: writing usb drivers under 8.x

2010-08-27 Thread Hans Petter Selasky
On Thursday 26 August 2010 23:29:35 Jim Bryant wrote:
> Actually, all of my test programs (for testing my reverse engineering
> efforts) have been done in libusb-1.0.
> I would actually like to write kernel-level drivers though for these.

Then you should look at existing drivers in /sys/dev/usb/xxx, which match your 
device class. What kind of API do you want to userspace? tty-device, character 

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Re: writing usb drivers under 8.x

2010-08-26 Thread Jim Bryant

i was under the impression that it is userland-only.

Jim Bryant wrote:
does the libusb interface apply to kernel-level drivers, or is it 

Hans Petter Selasky wrote:

On Thursday 26 August 2010 22:32:44 Hans Petter Selasky wrote:

where can i find documentation on this subsystem?

man libusb



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Re: writing usb drivers under 8.x

2010-08-26 Thread Jim Bryant

does the libusb interface apply to kernel-level drivers, or is it userland?

Hans Petter Selasky wrote:

On Thursday 26 August 2010 22:32:44 Hans Petter Selasky wrote:

where can i find documentation on this subsystem?

man libusb



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Re: writing usb drivers under 8.x

2010-08-26 Thread Jim Bryant
Actually, all of my test programs (for testing my reverse engineering 
efforts) have been done in libusb-1.0.

I would actually like to write kernel-level drivers though for these.

Hans Petter Selasky wrote:

On Thursday 26 August 2010 19:59:18 Jim Bryant wrote:

i have some usb devices, in the hid class, that i am wanting to write
some drivers for.

seeing that one of these previously had an older non-submitted driver
for 5.x-7.x online, i thought that might be a good starting point (the
imon vfd/lirc driver), but that does not work, due to the changes in the
usb subsystem.

where can i find documentation on this subsystem?

are there any decent skeletons to start with, or does this need to be
from scratch?

i'd like to start with a driver for the pcsensor temper usb thermometer,
for which i already wrote a libusb util for, since these are widely
sold, and very popular (and usually around $5 USD), and since it only
has one transaction (read current temp), I figure it would be easier to
start with while I learn the usb driver framework.

as for the imon vfd unit, i'd like to tackle that next.  i have written
libusb utilities for all of the display functions supported, and have
documented the knob/button interrupt packets (only three packet types,
clockwise, counterclockwise, and button down).  all of the remote
control functions are well-documented in lirc.

i've been looking through the sources in the sys tree, but would like to
find some comprehensive documentation of the new usb subsystem, and
maybe someone who can give me pointers as i go.



Feel free to post patches here.

Some choices you have:

Use libusb v1.0 or v0.1 if you need portability.

Else use libusb v2.0.

All three versions are contained in -lusb on FreeBSD 8+.

Sylvestre Gallon had some libusb examples in his USB P4 repositorium. Else if 
you have questions regarding libusb you can ask either here or at:



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Re: writing usb drivers under 8.x

2010-08-26 Thread Hans Petter Selasky
On Thursday 26 August 2010 22:32:44 Hans Petter Selasky wrote:
> > where can i find documentation on this subsystem?

man libusb

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Re: writing usb drivers under 8.x

2010-08-26 Thread Hans Petter Selasky
On Thursday 26 August 2010 19:59:18 Jim Bryant wrote:
> i have some usb devices, in the hid class, that i am wanting to write
> some drivers for.
> seeing that one of these previously had an older non-submitted driver
> for 5.x-7.x online, i thought that might be a good starting point (the
> imon vfd/lirc driver), but that does not work, due to the changes in the
> usb subsystem.
> where can i find documentation on this subsystem?
> are there any decent skeletons to start with, or does this need to be
> from scratch?
> i'd like to start with a driver for the pcsensor temper usb thermometer,
> for which i already wrote a libusb util for, since these are widely
> sold, and very popular (and usually around $5 USD), and since it only
> has one transaction (read current temp), I figure it would be easier to
> start with while I learn the usb driver framework.
> as for the imon vfd unit, i'd like to tackle that next.  i have written
> libusb utilities for all of the display functions supported, and have
> documented the knob/button interrupt packets (only three packet types,
> clockwise, counterclockwise, and button down).  all of the remote
> control functions are well-documented in lirc.
> i've been looking through the sources in the sys tree, but would like to
> find some comprehensive documentation of the new usb subsystem, and
> maybe someone who can give me pointers as i go.
> jim


Feel free to post patches here.

Some choices you have:

Use libusb v1.0 or v0.1 if you need portability.

Else use libusb v2.0.

All three versions are contained in -lusb on FreeBSD 8+.

Sylvestre Gallon had some libusb examples in his USB P4 repositorium. Else if 
you have questions regarding libusb you can ask either here or at:

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Re: writing usb drivers under 8.x

2010-08-26 Thread Warren Block

On Thu, 26 Aug 2010, Jim Bryant wrote:

also, i'd like to hook up with a committer, as i'd like to have the finished 
drivers in the official tree.

both devices (the temper, and the imon) have uses suited to both 
home/workstation use, as well as server use, in fact my imon is installed in 
orb, which is a home multi-server (music, books, tv shows, movies, mysql, 
samba, etc), and i intend to use the imon vfd as a tool to get server info 
without having to login to the server (using the knob/button to select from a 
menu on the vfd), and it has uses in both home and enterprise server realms.

i think the source tree would benefit from having both drivers once 

Agreed, and I would also like to see a working LIRC module.
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Re: writing usb drivers under 8.x

2010-08-26 Thread Jim Bryant
also, i'd like to hook up with a committer, as i'd like to have the 
finished drivers in the official tree.

both devices (the temper, and the imon) have uses suited to both 
home/workstation use, as well as server use, in fact my imon is 
installed in orb, which is a home multi-server (music, books, tv shows, 
movies, mysql, samba, etc), and i intend to use the imon vfd as a tool 
to get server info without having to login to the server (using the 
knob/button to select from a menu on the vfd), and it has uses in both 
home and enterprise server realms.

i think the source tree would benefit from having both drivers once 

Jim Bryant wrote:
i have some usb devices, in the hid class, that i am wanting to write 
some drivers for.

seeing that one of these previously had an older non-submitted driver 
for 5.x-7.x online, i thought that might be a good starting point (the 
imon vfd/lirc driver), but that does not work, due to the changes in 
the usb subsystem.

where can i find documentation on this subsystem?

are there any decent skeletons to start with, or does this need to be 
from scratch?

i'd like to start with a driver for the pcsensor temper usb 
thermometer, for which i already wrote a libusb util for, since these 
are widely sold, and very popular (and usually around $5 USD), and 
since it only has one transaction (read current temp), I figure it 
would be easier to start with while I learn the usb driver framework.

as for the imon vfd unit, i'd like to tackle that next.  i have 
written libusb utilities for all of the display functions supported, 
and have documented the knob/button interrupt packets (only three 
packet types, clockwise, counterclockwise, and button down).  all of 
the remote control functions are well-documented in lirc.

i've been looking through the sources in the sys tree, but would like 
to find some comprehensive documentation of the new usb subsystem, and 
maybe someone who can give me pointers as i go.


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writing usb drivers under 8.x

2010-08-26 Thread Jim Bryant
i have some usb devices, in the hid class, that i am wanting to write 
some drivers for.

seeing that one of these previously had an older non-submitted driver 
for 5.x-7.x online, i thought that might be a good starting point (the 
imon vfd/lirc driver), but that does not work, due to the changes in the 
usb subsystem.

where can i find documentation on this subsystem?

are there any decent skeletons to start with, or does this need to be 
from scratch?

i'd like to start with a driver for the pcsensor temper usb thermometer, 
for which i already wrote a libusb util for, since these are widely 
sold, and very popular (and usually around $5 USD), and since it only 
has one transaction (read current temp), I figure it would be easier to 
start with while I learn the usb driver framework.

as for the imon vfd unit, i'd like to tackle that next.  i have written 
libusb utilities for all of the display functions supported, and have 
documented the knob/button interrupt packets (only three packet types, 
clockwise, counterclockwise, and button down).  all of the remote 
control functions are well-documented in lirc.

i've been looking through the sources in the sys tree, but would like to 
find some comprehensive documentation of the new usb subsystem, and 
maybe someone who can give me pointers as i go.


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