[Freedos-user] Hardware compatibility adventures

2024-09-16 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


I stumbled upon a long page on PCI soundcards in DOS, Win and Linux:


Compatibility is mediocre at best. Reminds me of the time 15 years
ago when I collected sort-of DOS compatible PCI soundcards myself.

The website also has a long page about how classic graphics cards
no longer are supported in Linux. Sad for those classics, but at
least most of those cards probably still work quite OK in DOS :-)


Those were the times... I hope the pages are useful for some of you!

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] USB keyboards [was Re: DOS Actively Used Scenarios]

2024-09-08 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


Actually, many reasonably new computers supported the following:

 - boot from USB storage devices (flash sticks, SD cards in card 
readers, USB zip, USB floppy, USB CD/DVD, harddisks, SSD etc.)

 - use USB keyboards as if they were PS/2

 - use USB mice as if they were PS/2

You may have to first configure the BIOS setup to tell it that you want 
to boot in legacy (BIOS, not UEFI) mode and that you want USB legacy 

One limitation is that PS/2 mice lack many extra features USB mice may 
have, so you will usually not get support for much more than 3 buttons, 
one of which can be a wheel.

When doing some reaction time experiments, I also noticed that actual 
PS/2 keyboards had a more predictable delay between pressing the button 
and DOS noticing it. USB legacy support had more jitter and it was 
noticeable that USB processing sometimes delayed other activities of my 
app. So I preferred PS/2 keyboards in my experiment.

I do not know whether USB serial or USB printer port devices are covered 
by BIOS based USB legacy support, but it would be interesting to know!

Note that most BIOSes do not support plugging or changing legacy USB 
storage after boot. So you can only access USB storage that you booted 
from, or which at least was present at boot, that way. On the other 
hand, those will be presented to DOS as if they were their classic 
BIOS-supported non-USB counterparts, making it much easier for DOS to 
use them without having to load DOS USB drivers :-)

Regards, Eric

PS: Note that DOS wants MBR partitioned drives, not GPT partitioned ones.

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] USB to RS-232 Adapters

2024-09-08 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Thank you for the license warning, Karen. The github page links e.g.:



So it is probably not a good idea to use Dectalk as Linux synth.

Which brings us back to the Dectalk USB. Luckily, it also has RS232.

For DOS, I would recommend to use the RS232 connector and RS232 mode.

If that PC has no RS232, the next choice are USB to serial cables.
Which you may use with generic DOS USB serial drivers, or emulators.

If RS232 mode of the Dectalk USB is not satisfactory, USB mode exists.

I wonder if you can use DOS software for RS232 based Dectalk Express
with Dectalk USB in USB mode once you install a generic driver for USB
serial bridges. Or by using an emulator in which the entire DOS runs.

Given that I do not know the answer for that, I would say the other two 
ways to use the device with DOS are more fool-proof than pure USB mode.

There is no existing screen reader in Linux that is fully
comparative to DOS programs.

When I checked years ago, BRLTTY helped with braille screen access:



It also supports some speech synths: Alva Delphi, Blazie BrailleLite, 
Elan Televox, IBM ViaVoice, Tieman CombiBraille and University of 
Edinburgh Festival.

So while not being a pure screen reader, it may still be useful.

The default screen reader for the Linux Gnome GUI apparently still is 
Orca. I do not know whether it is considered a comfortable option:


There also is Voxin, but I have never heard of that before:


it seems to be related to Emacspeak, Fenrir, Orca, etc.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] USB to RS-232 Adapters

2024-09-08 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Karen, I have checked the web regarding Dectalk USB:

https://www.tegakari.net/en/2017/10/dectalk_usb/ shows an image of a 
small device indeed having both USB and serial port connectors, as well 
as a 6 volt power connector. you can also run it for 1 hour from a 9 
volt battery.

However, somebody on Linuxquestions.org complains about a 4 second delay 
when using the device in RS232 mode with Linux a few years ago.


comes as a single text file, which mentions that RS232 mode is Dectalk 
Express compatible, made by axsol access solutions, running Fonix 
Dectalk on a Dragonball cpu with 16 mb of flash and 32 mb of ram. rs232 
speed is not given, but USB speed is 12 mbps, so the manual recommends 
to use USB.

You can find an open source version of the Dectalk engine on github now:


This probably allows you to use it for software speech output on Linux.

If you use any embedded controller with a serial, but no USB port built 
in, you always have 2 choices to connect USB: Add a bridge chip to your 
circuit or use an USB to serial cable which has the bridge chip built 
into it.

Either way, a modern operating system will see an USB-based serial port 
and then let apps use that just like a serial port, but with a wider 
variety of speed choices. In DOS, you would first have to load an USB 
and bridge driver before you can access that not-physically-RS232 port 
at all. Running DOS in an emulator is another option, letting you use 
the drivers of the host operating system instead of needing DOS drivers.

I would assume that quite a few software speech synths and screen 
readers are available for Linux, but I do not know which of them are how 

Anyway, we now know that Dectalk USB can be switched to RS232 mode, 
which lets you use it with actual RS232 ports. You can also use it in 
RS232 mode with USB to serial cables if no physical RS232 port exists 
ini the PC, or if you hope to improve transfer speed by using USB.

Both will offer some degree of Dectalk Express compatibility, which is 
good in case the native USB mode of Dectalk USB differs too much from 
what DOS Dectalk drivers expect.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] USB to RS-232 Adapters

2024-09-07 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


granted I was intending to connect my  friend in California with Joseph 
Norton, he wants to run freedos, but use a USB speech synthesizer.
If I follow what you say here, in theory at least, he could use this 
Linux USB drivers for the actual hardware, but in an emulator, tell say 
his screen reading program to use the simulated serial port?

Depends on the nature of the USB speech synth. You can do it
if the USB version of the synth in fact is just the serial
one with an USB serial bridge chip added, or maybe even just
an USB serial adapter cable to plug it to USB-only computers.

In that case, you need nothing specific to the USB device.
You only need a generic way to make the underlying serial
communications visible to DOS. This can be done 1. by a DOS
USB driver supporting your or generic USB serial bridges.

Or 2. by running DOS in an emulator on an operating system
with support for USB serial bridges, configuring only the
emulator to make the right serial thing visible as if it
were connected to the emulated RS232 port, even if it is
not physically RS232 in the outside world. It could be USB,
IrDA or Bluetooth, for example, depending on bridge chips.

If, however, your USB speech synth has no serial port roots
at all, it will probably need a quite different driver.

One may write something which connects any speech synth your
Linux or Windows supports to an emulator in a way which looks
like a fixed, classic DOS compatible synth from the DOS side.
That would be a very generic solution, but also more complex.

It would be similar to having an ESC/P printer data capture
thing connected to your emulator, creating a PDF of whatever
DOS is printing, to give you flexibility on how to print the
contents later, in the Linux or Windows hosting the emulator.

Joseph has a build of freedos that uses something internal for speech.

What does "uses something internal" mean here in technical terms?

still I was wondering how Freedos itself would, or if it could simulate 
the same thing?

DOS itself does not simulate things in that sense. But as
said, you may get drivers for DOS which simulate for example
RS232 ports from a BIOS or UART chip perspective, or tell an
emulator to do that, without needing a DOS driver.

The modern DOS drivers which simulate soundblaster hardware
while using AC97 or HDA hardware for actual sound output are
an impressing example of direct simulations without emulators.

In the decades before those, you had to run the entire DOS in
an emulator to get a simulated soundblaster, while the actual
sound output worked via any sound device of your host system.

provide the DOS floor, add in a good USB dos driver,
like the  Panasonic 
one I use, but simulate the serial port?

I believe the Panasonic driver has a focus on block
oriented storage (USB flash, USB card reader, USB
floppy, USB CD, USB DVD, USB harddisk, USB SSD etc.)
but more modular drivers like those of Bret and Georg
may have support for serial (bridge) class devices.

Another popular class is HID, human interface devices,
which includes keyboard, mouse, joystick and similar.

the serial port is needful, because the screen reader program uses it, 
not necessarily a physical port, but the serial port address.

If you need a port with an address, make sure that the
USB driver or emulator you use has UART level realism.
Some might only support BIOS level, not realistic enough.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] USB to RS-232 Adapters

2024-09-07 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Luke,

I am looking for information about getting a USB to RS-232 adapter to work
in the FreeDOS environment. This is the first step in a project to find an
alternative in programming legacy Motorola handheld and squad mobile radios.

I guess the experts here are Bret Johnson and Georg Potthast.

My assumption is that such adapters implement a generic class of device,
so support might be possible without knowing the particular chipset, but
I also remember from Windows, that specific adapter cable chipsets only
have drivers for some Windows versions, contradicting generic support.

My understanding is that the software only runs in DOS and connects to the
radio via RS-232 serial. The local Motorola enthusiasts state these devices
require the front-end program to run in an actual DOS environment and
cannot handle emulation.

That depends on which emulators those enthusiasts have tried so far.

I would assume that generic emulators like VMware or Qemu might not be
sufficiently optimized towards DOS, or might just lack the feature to
connect to a physical RS232 device, directly or through USB adapters.

However, I see no general reason why it should not work, so I would
suggest that you try DOS-specific emulators like DOSEMU2 or DOSBOX.

The advantage of using emulators is that they can use the USB drivers
of the host operating system (Linux, Windows, Mac) while presenting
a simulated classic RS232 port to DOS and the apps running there.

Depending on your planned expenses, you could also get a new or used
DOS-compatible computer with a physical RS232 port, which avoids all
USB issues. Most computers which still have a BIOS should work, while
computers which only support UEFI and no longer have a legacy BIOS
boot options are not suitable for running DOS directly on hardware.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Running software in freeDOS

2024-08-23 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Kevin,

Hello everyone. First time FreeDOS user, and first time in a mailing list

Welcome :-)

I am struggling to run the program cnczeus ( 
https://github.com/lumen0/cnczeus ) on an Asus CUW-AM ( 
https://theretroweb.com/motherboards/s/asus-cuw-am-hp-oem ) ...

Not sure whether I understand your (LegacyISO?) FreeDOS config
and whether you use the ISO as live CD or install to disk, but:

If you get a JEMMEX error, simply try not to load JEMMEX :-)

You can load any HIMEM variant instead (including QMGR or FDXMS)
as XMS and HMA drivers. It often is okay to have no EMS or UMB.

If you do want EMS and UMB, you can read the JEMMEX docs or
switch to JEMM386 or 386MAX and read the docs for those to
find more compatible settings for them than what your default
JEMMEX settings were. Maybe they just were not compatible with
the BIOS or hardware of your board, or did not autodetect well.

It is perhaps helpful to know that the floppy installer 
does not fully work, (failing on the fourth disk) nor do FullUSB and 
LiteUSB when used with plop boot manager.

Interesting! So you have to boot from CD/DVD made from ISO?
Does the LegacyCD work better than another CD?

You can also try the monthly rolling distro test releases, see:



Those have seen more than 1000 package updates since FreeDOS 1.3 :-)

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Minor performance anomaly / question re DIR command

2024-08-23 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


I put calls to FREESP, (https://github.com/ChartreuseK/FREESP) 
in my AUTOEXEC, (FDAUTO.BAT) and that worked well for me.



Which settings for cache and read-ahead do you use?
I think there is potential to fine-tune things :-)

Also, how much RAM do you have and how many clusters
and files are there on your C: and D: drives?

If the drives are not too big, you could try this
as part of your autoexec bat at boot:

lbacache 32000 flop

tickle /chs /lba

lbacache cool

dir c:\ /s /b > nul

dir d:\ /s /b > nul

lbacache temp

That is supposed to pre-load your FAT and directory
metadata into cache, with read-ahead, and flag it as
"prefer to keep it cached". Cache size e.g. 32 MB.

Alternatively, just load UHDD /S31 for a 31 MB cache
instead of LBACACHE. Your UIDE can be up to 4 GB and
it already has read-ahead built in (UIDE may not?).

You can also use UDVD2 or CDRCACHE to cache CD/DVD,
or UIDE which caches both fixed disks and CD/DVD.

Looking forward to hear about your experiments, thanks!


Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS on a Dell Inspiron 1150: safe-mode only?

2024-08-21 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


I recently pulled a Dell Inspiron 1150 from my local landfill.
This is a Windows XP-era laptop... Intel Celeron 2.6 GHz, and
I installed 2 GB of RAM. I was able to install FreeDOS... but...


Well, if JEMMEX and JEMM386 do not run out of the box,
have you tried reading their documentation? Maybe there
are some command line options for JEMMEX or JEMM386 to
*manually* configure them in an Inspiron-friendly way.

If that does not work, you should *at least* try to get
some form of HIMEM working. HIMEMX, QMGR, FDXMS, FDXMS286,
any XMS and HMA will be better than none, because that
will help you to have more DOS RAM free and you can use
most caches and ramdisks when you have XMS :-)

Even XMS drivers may need *manual* configuration, because
some hardware and/or BIOS variants can fail to offer or
properly setup auto-detectable A20 gates or memory maps.

I can only get sound from the 'bell', I can't play MP3s.

The problem is that most classic games expect SoundBlaster
era soundcards. Your laptop has something more modern, so
you have to use VSBHDA, SBEMU or similar for games and old
media players. Some newer media players for DOS can work
directly with AC97 or HDA compatible sound hardware such
as the hardware I expect your laptop to have. As usual,
you will have to read the docs carefully to select the
right ingredients and configuration to get sound to work.

Regards, Eric

PS: You can use PCISLEEP to find what sound the Dell has.

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Minor performance anomaly / question re DIR command

2024-08-21 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Rugxulo,

as you already found out, FAT16 is limited to 64k files
per partition and 128 kB (usually 256 sectors) per FAT.

Only rather small FAT16 drives use far less than 64k
clusters. Most drive sizes differ mainly in how large
clusters are. With the usual side-effects.

FAT32 usually has way more clusters and way larger FAT,
making it very slow to read the whole FAT to figure out
how much disk space is used and free.

*Cached FAT*

You can improve speed by loading a cache, preferably
with read-ahead, before you start doing "large" stuff
with the FAT.

If I remember correctly, I even have an example in
the LBACACHE and TICKLE docs where you deliberately
DIR /S > NUL to get all FAT and directory info in
the cache, so it already is cached when you need it
again later. Poor man's "copy disk to RAMDRIVE" ;-)

*Cached disk usage info*

You are right that Win9x buffers the answer to that in


but you also have to keep track of whether the values
are up to data. Win9x does that by forcing you to
explicitly shut down instead of powering off. Each
time you fail to do that, it has to read the entire
FAT on the next boot to re-compute FSinfo values.

You do not want to force DOS users to explicitly
shut down before they power off. However, you could
implement something similar to the following in DOS:

I. When DOS gets asked for used/free disk space:

1. if DOS has the answer in RAM, return that

2. else read FSinfo and FAT headers to see if
FSinfo values are up to date. If yes, return
values and keep a copy of the answer in RAM :-)

3.  else read entire FAT to compute values,
return them and, again, keep a copy in RAM.

For all cases (1, 2, 3) also update a copy
of the values in FSinfo and set a flag there
and/or in FAT headers, unless drive is R/O.

Only write FSinfo and FAT headers on disk
if the write would really change values!

II. When the FAT gets updated in a way which
has an effect on used/free disk space:

Reset the mentioned flag in FSinfo and/or FAT
headers, to indicate values are no longer up
to date, but do update used/free count in RAM.

Only write the flag to disk if it actually did
change! Use a copy in RAM to keep track of it.

III. You can also trigger FSinfo updates on disk
for a few selected other events, such as file
system sync / flush calls or apps exiting via
int 21.4c / int 20 etc.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Minor performance anomaly / question re DIR command

2024-08-19 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Tom, Rugxulo et al,

To comment on the underlying performance bottleneck:

For FAT32 drives, the FAT itself is huge. Which means it takes
time to process it, for example to find out how many clusters
are free. It actually comes with a filesystem info sector with
places where you can store that count, so you do not have to
browse the whole FAT each time you want to know. You can also
keep the value in RAM, of course.

The problem is that if you do not trust the FSinfo data, you
have to read the whole FAT (either during boot or) when the
first app calls the API which tells how much free space you
currently have on some FAT drive.

This will take a long time, and in particular if you do not
have a large enough cache loaded at that moment, it will not
even have the side-effect of caching the FAT for whatever you
want to do with the FAT later, for example growing a file etc.

Given how unpleasant all of this is for performance, you might
understand why Win9x keeps a copy of the whole FAT in RAM :-p

Which in turn made Win9x unable to work with FAT32 drives if
they have too many clusters in relation to RAM size, I think.

Either way, you cannot have 8086 compatibility, FAT32 drives
and good performance at the same time. Just pick your pain ;-)

As said, if you can delay the big counting of free clusters
until you have loaded a cache, preferably one with read-ahead
to compensate for DOS only looking at one FAT sector at a time,
then you can reduce the pain. IF you have 386+ and much RAM.

Doesn't FAT32 already keep the amount of free space stored somewhere?

No, And for a good reason.
DOS crashes regularily, with no opportunity to write back
this number to the disk before shutting down.

That is why Windows keeps a flag on whether you have properly
closed (unmounted) a drive. If you have, it can still trust
the FSinfo data to some degree. DOS could do something similar.

If I remember correctly (from dosfsck) the flag is stored in
the 0th entry of one of the FAT copies, or the FSinfo sector?

No slow calculation at bootup needed.

This is not at bootup, but at the first time
"free disk space" is requested.

Which is typically when you first use DIR after boot, I guess.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] Checking some old bug tickets

2024-08-18 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

hi! to reply on-list to an off-list request to comment
some old bug tickets on sourceforge, I wrote this mail.
my provider today does not want to mail to mail.com :-p

i guess the x61 lbacache problem and ctmouse defaults
are the only tickets which are still "actionable"?

lbacache freezes on via c7 in 2011, could be a himem bug,
but one of the comments say the bug ticket can be closed?

==> https://sourceforge.net/p/freedos/bugs/57/ in 2010 and
==> https://sourceforge.net/p/freedos/bugs/233/ in 2019 says
lbacache crashes with stack nesting on thinkpad / lenovo
(t61 and) x61 computers when used with usb drives, in one
case in context of an invocation of vinfo by the installer

feature request asking for nansi to notice and block
attempts to load it twice. rather low priority IMHO?

something with kernel and int 24 critical error handling?

==> https://sourceforge.net/p/freedos/bugs/26/ 2009
ctmouse should change defaults for text mode mouse
cursor color masks to preserve intensity/blink bits.

https://sourceforge.net/p/freedos/bugs/43/ multiple 2016
complaints regarding the distro, ems, xms, kernel, mouse
and various pci sound cards. could close and open fresh
tickets for any topic which did not get fixed since then?

https://sourceforge.net/p/freedos/bugs/104/ some VERY
unspecific 2013 bug report about the mouse stopping to
work on virtual box. too few details to do anything IMHO.

https://sourceforge.net/p/freedos/bugs/190/ half of our
apps fail to work after a 2017 usb install, maybe just
a problem with usb disk access for that user? close.

https://sourceforge.net/p/freedos/bugs/214/ no mouse
cursor in edit if width > 80, is this still the case?
for all edit and ctmouse versions? what causes it?

https://sourceforge.net/p/freedos/bugs/77/ find freezes,
but this seems to be an error in which syntax the user
tried to use. would it have worked with MS DOS find?

regards, eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Copying Files Between Linux And FreeDOS

2024-08-18 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


I do not like dosemu2.  See the [rant] section of the following post
for details.


You do not actually HAVE to compile dosemu2 yourself, there are pre-
compiled versions for popular Linux distros. And you do not HAVE to
use comcom or fdpp, it still supports all other DOS kernels, including
of course classic FreeDOS kernels and any command.com shell you like.
Dosemu2 just comes bundled with fdpp and comcom.

I would only compile dosemu or dosemu2 if I had any self-made patches.

And I do not agree that the process to replace kernel and shell would
be undocumented. There are many comments in /etc/dosemu/dosemu.conf
and making your own config in your home directory is all you need to
do to get your own settings and your own DOS drives where you will
be able to install any DOS you like :-) Installation can be as easy
as copying kernel and shell into your Linux directory which "is" C:

My personal preference is booting from a Linux DIRECTORY serving as
the C: drive for DOS, plus IMAGES for FAT tools tests, for example:

$_hdimage = "freedos2 fatimage.bin fatimage2.bin (and so on)"

The first item is a directory, the others are disk images (made with
tools which come with dosemu2) to test stuff like dosfsck and format.

Other things for which I prefer to use custom settings:

- size of EMS, XMS, DPMI, VGA and VESA etc. memory based on my taste
- blink rate of cursor, title of window, default zoom for 320x200
- hotkey for grabbing the mouse focus, hogthreshold for CPU load
- floppy images, optionally bootable, also for testing disk tools
- some mouse and printer settings for testing drivers for those

None of those are necessary for most users, defaults are quite ok.
I have not tested the network support, so no comment on that yet.

Personally, I would recommend to set a custom DOS drive, custom
320x200 zoom factor and a mouse grab hotkey you can remember ;-)

You can now configure quite a bit of sound stuff, including MIDI
engines, so that would probably be interesting to play with, too.
For games, the usual default SB16 with Adlib etc. is good enough.

Cheers, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Copying Files Between Linux And FreeDOS

2024-08-17 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Frank,

I kind of second that :-)

DOSEMU has traditionally been "special".
Different from e.g. QEMU in that DOSEMU was a relatively thin
emulation layer. Not emulating what needed not be emulated.

Note that current versions do emulate everything, even
including the CPU, given how hardware has become less
suitable for DOS over time.

However, the emulation is a lot more tuned towards DOS
than, for example in VMWare. You even get some virtual
drivers for EMS, XMS and the mentioned "drives which
are mapped to Linux directories". Those sometimes work
based on shim drivers shipping with DOSEMU2, sometimes
they even do not need you to load any drivers at all,
which is why you can boot DOS from a Linux directory
in DOSEMU2: The read-only mapping works with magic and
you load a shim driver later to enable write access.

This is one of the differences from classic DOSEMU:

You did not need any drivers even for writing in
classic DOSEMU, but you do in DOSEMU2. Such things
change from time to time with little warning, so
if your DOS config gets weird, you have to check
what the config of the FreeDOS spin-off bundled
with DOSEMU2 looks like at that moment and update
your own config accordingly. Or just stick to the
bundled one and enjoy the surprising features ;-)

The DOSEMU2 FreeDOS uses their own command.com and
a heavily updated and modified kernel integrated
more closely with DOSEMU2, but you can use your
own classic FreeDOS install if you prefer, even
from a directory-based simulation of a drive. This
differs from DOSBOX, where even DOS itself is a
simulation unless you boot a diskimage in DOSBOX.

I would NOT give either a raw actual block device. Sure,
you could technically say the device can be used instead
of a disk image, but you would have to tell Linux about
the risk of competing access, which is a problem avoided
by using dedicated disk IMAGES. The feature of letting a
directory appear as a drive is very convenient in that
sense, because competing access is no problem, plus you
immediately see changes from Linux in DOS and vice versa.
Such mapped drives are not FAT, but that rarely matters.

Cheers, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Copying Files Between Linux And FreeDOS

2024-08-16 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Have you considered using EtherDFS or NetDrive?


If you have networking support, they are both great options.

Even without the effort to create a network between QEMU
and the host Linux, have you considered using DOSEMU2? ;-)


For pre-compiled binary downloads for Ubuntu,
Fedora and OpenSuSE Linux, see the README here:


DOSEMU2 makes it trivially easy to exchange files between
Linux and FreeDOS: It can use Linux directories as DOS
drive letters.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] Regina Rexx 3.9.6 released

2024-08-13 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi! Rugxulo writes on BTTR:


Regina Rexx 3.9.6 was released on 5 May 2024.

Download: regina396dos4gw.zip (1.0 MB)
Sources: regina396.zip (3.0 MB)

> Changes in this release (from 3.9.5)
> * Bugs Fixed:
> - Crash with UPPER and LOWER BIFs
> - #560 MAX(1m2m05,0,4)   returns 5 (not what the doc says)
> - #561 Crash with 10 trace off
> - #564 Two STREAM QUERY EXISTS generate wrong result Rexx >= 3.7
> - #575 Parsing fails
> - #581 Silly syntax typo causes Regina to CRASH
> - #583 Trace "Failure" ineffective.
> - #586 syssearchpath() under Windows not using updated
> - #588 Configure probes for gethostbyname_r and getpwuid_r fail 
incorrectly with strict compilers

> - #589 Translate BIF only translates aplha characters
> - #593 bad format, numeric digits not honoured
> - #594 FORMAT(123.4573, ,3,0,0)
> * Feature Requests:
> - #44 Regina pauses at execution end - installation check box pls
> * Potentially improve performance by reducing initial variable pool 
hash size from 2003 to 227. Certainly improves rexxcps - suggested by 
Jake Hamby
> * Add REGINA_HASHTABLELENGTH to enable initial variable pool size to 
be changed at runtime. This value MUST be a prime number! Use with caution.
> * Add sysgetline() and sysgetlinehistory() to Regutil; implementation 
of GNU Readline (actually added in v3.9.5)

> * Add handling support for SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 to turn on/off TRACE I
> * Add ReginaGetAddonDir() API call to obtain location where Regina 
looks for external function packages

> * Initial support for Windows ARM64 platform
> * Check for Windows 11 and arm/arm64 architecture in UNAME BIF
> * Add OPTION STRICT_ANSI_FORMAT_BIF to apply strict ANSI rules to the 

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] How to compile FreeDos. There is some tool with all already done?. Help

2024-08-08 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Gabriel,

if I have to guess, then buildall does the following:

It compiles several different types of FreeDOS kernel,
for example with and without FAT32 support.

Each kernel is just a single binary which you can
rename to kernel.sys, then use SYS or similar tools
to install it to a FAT drive of your choice. Our
SYS and kernel support FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32.

As you have already noticed, buildall will not
build a complete distro. All apps are packaged
separately :-) However, there is of course some
scripted build process used to create the distro
in ISO and other formats:


If you just want to learn about operating systems,
then re-building the entire distro clearly is NOT
what you want to do. Instead, you want to look at
the kernel and command.com sources and maybe those
of a few interesting low level apps and drivers and
compile THOSE, possibly with your own custom changes.

That would be more interesting from the operating
system exploration point of view, compared to pumping
around 100s of megabytes of data to create an ISO.

Enjoy FreeDOS! Regards, Eric

Yes. I was taking a look and I discovered I needed some old tools...

As said, you should NOT need any hard to get tools.
We tried to make many components buildable with modern
free open source compilers and assemblers. You may
still need Turbo C in some cases. Let us know if and
for which relevant packages you need more old tools.

Reading some documentation on kernel repository ( Github), I saw a file
called "buildall.bat" , so , I thought that pick all source code ,compile
it and create a .iso , something like that .

See above and visit https://gitlab.com/FreeDOS/OS/builder ;-)

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Installing for 8086 CPU on SD Card.

2024-08-08 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Jerome, Trevor, Mateusz etc. :-)

Thanks for explaining how to turn 386 installs into 8086 ones!

I hope the CPU detection is now working, so the installer
will create an 8086 install when used on 8086 systems?

Does the installer have an option to manually select an
8086 compatible install result, for people who plan to
later copy the installed system to some 8086 based PC?

AT or 286 systems are an interesting case: They support
XMS and some kernel optimizations, but no 386 specific
apps, drivers or kernels. Which style of install will
people get on 286 based computers?

I notice you recommended to backup config and autoexec,
then reduce the config, but not create a lightweight
version of autoexec? Or is there a trick and I just
overlooked how the lighter autoexec is created?

Regarding the shell, I do recommend the KSSF version
of FreeCOM. While the normal version will need XMS to
swap itself out of DOS memory and have a lot of RAM
free for DOS apps, it will use a lot of RAM on systems
where no XMS is available. In particular: 8086 PC :-p

The KSSF version of FreeCOM uses a different trick
to just re-load most of FreeCOM from disk when apps
return to the prompt, to have more RAM free for apps
without needing XMS to get there.

Mateusz also has the lightweight SvarCOM shell as an
alternative. Several other shells exist for DOS, in
various sizes. ROMOS uses a minimal one. For example


comes with a 10 kB small RJDOS command.com shell,
which helps making a minimal FreeDOS installation
which fits into your BIOS, together with the MM
MicroManager file manager (midnight commander or
norton commander style, you know the concept) :-)

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] How to compile FreeDos. There is some tool with all already done?. Help

2024-08-08 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Gabriel,

Hi , I'm studing Operative Systems . I was trying to compile FreeDos but
looks like a hard job, I think I can do it but maybe exists some tool with
all already done on it, and just doing some command all is compiled.

The answer to this question depends a lot on what exactly
you mean by "FreeDOS". In Linux tradition, you might mean
only our kernel? For that, you can now even cross-compile
using a Linux (or maybe Windows?) computer to compile our
kernel binary without having to install DOS first.

I guess Jeremy, ECM and others can point us to which
readme to read and which toolchain packages to install
to use that road.

You can also install DOS first - if you like, in dosemu2,
dosbox or a virtual machine - and then use that as your
build environment to compile new kernel binaries.

If you also want to compile FreeCOM (command.com) or all
the different apps and drivers included in our distro,
then the answer is indeed complex: They use a number of
different compilers, assemblers and tools to build the
binaries. Some of them may not be easily available today,
but we tried to use free or even open source compilers
whenever possible. Some Borland compilers are available
as free legacy or museum apps now and some free assemblers
now include MASM or TASM compatibility modes. We have also
used tools written by DOS experts to translate assembly
language files to free dialects like JWASM, WASM or NASM.

In short, if you find a FreeDOS package which still
can only be compiled with tools which are hard to
find, please let us know about the oversight :-)

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Printing to USB Printers

2024-07-28 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hoi Nico,

bedankt voor je uitleg!

To clarify
A) It is an epson printer. With a centronics parallel interface
B) I have a usb to centronics cable wich works ( under windows 10)
C) The cable interface uses a ch341a chip.

My guess is that this should not matter: There should be
a generic category of USB printer ports supported by the
cable. But we have actual USB experts here who may either
confirm that intuition or say that I am totally wrong :-)


D) i dont have an ethernet (wired) connection yet with the laptop.

Which chipset does the laptop use for wired networking?
You can use PCISLEEP to check which devices you have.

E) DosUsb gives Errors when talking tot the printer.

Sounds like a question for the USB expert(s) here!

My thoughts were to build a driver to talk to the ch341a
in c or assembly. To be continued

You do not want  to do that from scratch. For USB, there
is a big mountain of stacked layers of logical structure
and in operating systems with versatile USB support, you
would only have a driver for the chip in context of all
the already existing drivers for USB in general, which in
turn support USB controllers on your mainboard in somewhat
generic ways, to need less instance specific complexity.

So what you would do in DOS is: Wonder whether the generic
USB driver can treat the chip as instance of a generic USB
printer port category and if not, whether you can get it
supported by making it a special case of it with as small
as possible differences, to not have to modify too much in
the USB drivers.

A driver "only for the chip" would not help you, as the
chip always exists in some large, complex USB ecosystem.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Printing to USB Printers

2024-07-28 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


If your printer has USB, you could try a generic USB
"printer port" driver as long as the printer still
understands commands DOS apps can produce. Some just
accept plain text, PDF or PostScript, which DOS apps
can produce to some degree.

If your printer only has Centronics, but your PC only
has USB, you can get an adapter cable.

You cannot get an adapter cable for the other direction
as far as I know.

But, as others have said, you can get a "print server"
adapter which basically is a small box with a network
port as input and a printer port or USB port as output.

Then you can use standard DOS network printing tools
and standard DOS network drivers to print to your USB
or centronics printer, which may actually be EASIER
than using USB drivers for DOS.

Note that DOS networking is only available for wired
LAN, not for WIFI! However, you can also get a bridge
box which lets you connect your PC using a LAN cable to
the box and then the box connects you further to a WIFI.

Regards, Eric

So I understand that I am using a usb->Centronics parallel adapter.
Which works fin in Windows 10.

Those are for Centronics printers and USB PC. You can use
them with DOS USB drivers, but this is as complicated as
using USB printers with DOS USB drivers. Better avoid it.

However where can I find a more technical reference of talking to the CH341A
IC. There is a datasheet but that is limited more or les to the electronics.
The drivers are apparently only for the windows systems.

You do not want to build your own hardware for this ;-)

Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] DOS packet drivers and NDIS wrappers

2024-07-26 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi! Here is an interesting thread about DOS networking:


For RealTek GbE (gigabit ethernet, LAN) there were no packet drivers
on http://www.georgpotthast.de/sioux/packet.htm but a NDIS2 driver,
https://drivers.eu/Network/RealTek/RTL8111/DOS exists and there
was a discussion about possibly updating existing open drivers.


seems to have a problem with JEMMEX.

Shims like http://www.shikadi.net/network/ could convert
different APIs into each otther.

In the end, David wrote:

"Hello, ethernet is working :) This could be usefull for someone
who use NDIS package to packet driver Realtek conversion"

so you can use the description on how David made it work if you
also have an Ethernet controller for which only NDIS exists :-)

See also:

https://www.shikadi.net/network/ shim convertor dis_pkt11(9).zip
https://www.realtek.com/Download/ realtek NDIS for rtl8168 chip

RayeR confirms that the method is what RayeR uses as well :-)

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Lousy NTFS...

2024-07-25 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi! To avoid boot virus problems in DOS, you could:

 - use FDSHIELD to write-protect boot sectors in DOS

 - configure your BIOS to write-protect boot sectors

 - configure your BIOS to not boot from floppy etc.

Of course there are viruses which infect both files
and boot sectors. You can also configure FDSHIELD to
write-protect executable files, which is not nice if
you want to compile new executables :-p

And of course if you do boot from an infected floppy,
it will infect your other disks BEFORE you can load
FDSHIELD so only the BIOS can help you against that.

If you already have a virus, you either have to throw
away the infected files and SYS infected disks with
a non-infected boot sector or you have to use classic
methods like actual antivirus software ;-)

Note that a virus tends to stay in RAM after boot or
after you start an infected executable, so it would
immediately re-infect you after a SYS or similar. It
is a good idea to have a known-healthy write-protected
boot disk somewhere to be prepared for such cases.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS live stream event with VCF

2024-07-01 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


thanks for the explanations! If I understand


correctly, Windows 386enh support is not part of the
automated builds yet because there originally were
limitations regarding which compilers are supported,
which have since been resolved?

The second half of the thread sounds like it still is
non-trivial to get Windows to work smoothly, but at
least it does work to some degree, so I would suggest
to already enable all Windows support by default :-)

Regarding GPT support: The history.txt says a bit does
exist. I have not checked whether source code does...

The WIN31SUPPORT define is still not enabled/defined by default I 
believe. Some discussion in [7]. At some point I manually built a kernel 
including it. I also contributed a workaround to allow the gcc build to 
succeed with WIN31SUPPORT defined on 2024-02-04 [8]. However, I did not 
test this nor compare it to Enhanced DR-DOS's support of the same APIs, 
it just builds now with gcc ia16 as opposed to failing at build time.

So EDR-DOS also has improved Windows support now? How
stable is the Windows support there compared to FreeDOS?

Interesting [8] diff! The GNU C implementation seems to
handle 3 segments plus the way to tell where instance
data ends differently from the implementations for the
other compilers? And there is something about the lol
pointer in win.h, not affecting other patched places?

Maybe that just meant that GNU C wanted things to be
done properly while other compilers accepted somewhat
less elegant ways? Or to put it in a different way:
Could it be useful to use your patch for all other
compilers, without #if defined __GNUC__ condition?

Regards, Eric

[1]: https://pushbx.org/ecm/download/fdkernel.zip
[2]: https://pushbx.org/ecm/download/fdshare.zip
[3]: https://pushbx.org/ecm/download/freecom.zip


[7]: https://github.com/FDOS/kernel/issues/50

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS live stream event with VCF

2024-07-01 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Jerome,

I basically wonder about something like a third choice, next to
"auto-fdisk & auto-format" and "exit to DOS", which lets the user
run FDISK interactively and then returns to the installer.

It only auto partitions in normal mode when no partitions exist. If partitions 
exist and are not usable by DOS, you are sent to FDISK to modify them. If 
partitions exists and is usable by DOS, partitioning is skipped. Or, use 
advanced mode to  not auto-partition a drive without partitions.

The installer will not proceed beyond the partitioning phase of installation 
until there is a partition that will be usable by FreeDOS.

The usable partition is only formatted if it is not readable and requires 
formatting. It does not reformat a drive that is readable by DOS.

Whether in advanced mode or normal mode, neither partition or formatting occurs 
without a prompt to the user.

So basically the trick is that steps which have already been
done by the user or by an earlier install are indeed skipped
and the trick to continue after "exit to DOS" is to manually
do whatever you want to do manually, then boot the install
medium again, or start the install tool again, without the
need to pass special arguments regarding where to continue?

Good to know! Now I wonder how it could be advertised better,
because "exit to DOS" sounds a bit like aborting or giving up
the install process. One thing the installer could do when that
option is selected would be to show a final message to the user
after leaving full screen mode, with instructions on how to
proceed. Another thing would be to give "exit to DOS" another
name which somehow implies the possibilities to continue :-)

The installer never wipes. It only partitions and formats drives when required.

Thanks :-)

However, if a previous version of DOS is installed on the drive, it will prompt 
to backup those files along with any of the conflicting system files and 

Nice :-)

To install non-destructively (for example, if you
already did FDISK + FORMAT + SYS, and don't want the installer
to run SYS again) you can run this:


If I understand you correctly, it will automatically
not run FDISK or FORMAT anyway, when I already have,
so the difference would only be in asking me whether
to write boot sectors when the ADV option got passed?

If the installer already has that ability, it could be advertised
more :-)

You mean like the ability to switch to and from advanced mode without exiting 
the installer?

No, just the ability to continue where one has left
by that "exit to DOS" choice in any of the dialogues
which ask the user whether to do large impact things.
Which already is there, which is good to know :-)

Regards, Eric

PS: Thanks for the new monthly test distro update! :-)

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS live stream event with VCF

2024-06-30 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Jim,


the installer tries to do everything for you; the user should
just be able to respond to prompts.

I basically wonder about something like a third choice, next to
"auto-fdisk & auto-format" and "exit to DOS", which lets the user
run FDISK interactively and then returns to the installer.

For example Ubuntu used to have the choices, paraphrasing: "wipe
whole disk and install Ubuntu", "arrange everything for a dual
boot and preserve Windows" and "open interactive partitioner".

Of course FreeDOS does NOT need to automatically do dual boot,
as it would sometimes have to access non-FAT content for that.

A third option beyond "wipe" and "abort" would already be nice.

If you want to do things manually, you can always exit the installer
and run FDISK.

Yet how do I re-enter it to continue where I have exited it then?

To install non-destructively (for example, if you
already did FDISK + FORMAT + SYS, and don't want the installer
to run SYS again) you can run this:


...and that will give you the option to control the installation...

So it does not automatically detect which steps are not necessary,
if I understand that correctly? If the user picks "exit to DOS" in
the current installer to manually run FDISK and FORMAT as needed,
and/or there already is a partition and/or FAT filesystem on the
disk, it would be convenient to know that when you boot the install
medium again, the installer would detect which steps have already
been handled (by the user, a previous OS install or a previous run
of the installer aborted half-way) and automatically skip those,
or offer to skip them to preserve existing data.

If the installer already has that ability, it could be advertised
more :-) I only paused a few moments while watching the VCF stream.

*VM image*

image for qemu. We should offer a pre-installed disk image.

Which format? IMG? QCOW? QCOW2? VMDK? DMG? VDI? VHDX?

If you ask me: IMG, because multiple VM brands support it.

I can do the "Plain DOS, plus sources" install on a 120MB image
(zipped) and put that on Ibiblio too.

That could be a nice addition :-)


Note that there is no obvious link from

https://freedos.org/download/ to the used subdirectory


Do you mean the links to download the LiveCD, BonusCD, FullUSB,
LiteUSB, LegacyCD, and Floppy Edition? Click the links on that page to
download them.

What I would have liked would be two things:

1. Links to the specific "official" and "test" directories,
instead of the global "files" directory and

2. Something which tells you how large your download will
be, so people do not just blindly press all download buttons
but make an informed choice on how much they want to download.
Optionally, also mention the build date next to the version?

For example, https://ubuntu.com/download/desktop has a button
saying "Download 24.04 LTS" with the text "6GB" right next to
it. So if I do not have a double-sided empty DVD or a large
enough USB stick to create the install medium, I am able to
immediately move on and search for smaller alternatives. Alas,
Ubuntu fails to specify file sizes in their list of downloads
on https://ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads as well.

Only after selecting a mirror and a version, you will see them:
https://mirror.math.princeton.edu/pub/ubuntu-iso/24.04/ which
are: 2.6 GB live server, 5.7 GB desktop and 81 MB netboot file.

So you can decide whether server is okay or whether you really
have to fetch a large enough empty DVD or USB before installing.
Note that, alas, nothing at all is offered any more for 32-bit PC.

In short, Ubuntu IMMEDIATELY tells you HOW BIG their 1 primary
download will be. It would be even better if FreeDOS were tp
mention the download sizes for ALL SEVEN direct download links
on https://freedos.org/download/ as well as providing an easy
deep link to the 1.3/official/ and rolling test/ directories.


Regarding the "outdated kernel" issue, it surprises me that
http://kernel.fdos.org/ only has (2021-05-13?) kernel 2043 ZIPs
at the moment, while https://github.com/FDOS/kernel/tree/master
says there SHOULD also be downloads for newer compiles there.
At least a 2023-12-02 build 2044 ZIP. Even better a 2045 one,
as the history file suggests that we have already reached 2045:


Note that the current main.c says copyright 1995-2023, while
version.h somehow still says REVISION_SEQ 43 for some reason?

Either way, given that we HAVE a 386 enhanced mode compatible
kernel which NEEDS testing, it would be really useful if one
of the kernel people were to PACKAGE it, so Jerome can INCLUDE
it in our monthly rolling release distro, so it GETS tested :-)

Regards, Eric

PS: Good to know that SLOWDOWN (and FDAPM) and TP7P5FIX are
in there. Had overlooked that, as it has no "200" in it ;-)

PPS: I do not suggest

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS live stream event with VCF

2024-06-30 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Jim and VCF, thank you for sharing the stream on


Of course, I have some thoughts about it:

Earlier in the video, when you present some spreadsheets
and word processors, there is a point where you show the
Windows 3 about screen and it mentions 386enh mode?

When going through the install process, I do not see how
you can do interactive partitioning of the disk, or to
install non-destructively. I guess you have to exit to
DOS for that and somehow trigger the remaining steps of
the install manually, bypassing the destructive steps?

Unfortunately, the rolling monthly release apparently
uses very OLD FreeDOS core components:

A 2021 kernel with a copyright message saying 1995-2012
and a 2021 shell version 0.85a :-(

Later on, you give a verbose description of how FreeDOS
alas "does not" run Win3 in 386enh mode, but proceed to
say that an experimental kernel which DOES support 386enh
EXISTS, but still needs more testing.

What would be a better way to GET that testing than to
include exactly that new kernel in the rolling release?

Also, it seems a bit tedious to download roughly 1 GIGABYTE
of installers (livecd and bonuscd) and walk through the
entire install process only to create a 50 or 120 MEGABYTE
image for qemu. We should offer a pre-installed disk image.

Note that there is no obvious link from

https://freedos.org/download/ to the used subdirectory


and even less so the subdirectory presented in the video,


so visitors will have a hard time to see which files are
from when and, importantly, which sizes they have:

"official 1.3"

LiteUSB 16MB, FloppyEdition 21MB, LegacyCD 227MB,
FullUSB 356MB, LiveCD 375MB, BonusCD 621MB, all 2022-02-20

"test" in the current version

LiteUSB 17MB, FloppyEdition 25MB, LegacyCD 272MB,
FullUSB 400MB, LiveCD 422MB, BonusCD 629MB, all 2024-06-01

Remember that Jeremy first posted in 2021-07-26 about his proof
of concept demo of a Windows 386enh install on FreeDOS kernel.
Kernel version 2044 exists since 2023-12-02.

Since then, we basically have been waiting for people to TEST
the improved kernel, while Jeremy, Tom and ECM and others have
worked on yet more news. For up to date kernel versions, go to:


(alas, the link to precompiled kernel.fdos.org needs updating)

Improvements include SYS 3.6f and kernel supporting 128 kB
cluster size (boot: FAT16 only), some GPT partition support,
improved partition handling at boot, multiple fixes, such as
cherry-picked ones from dosemu2 fdpp, improved A20/HMA code,
some COUNTRY and FCB fixes, more SHARE flexibility, improved
DMA boundary (non-)handling when the BIOS already handles it,
generally improved compatibility, incl. Windows 3 386enh mode
compatibility, improved config sys handling and boot logging
including COM output option, NEC V20/V30 "186" CPU detection,
better handling of uninitialized partitions, simplified intr
flag handling and STI before INTnn, improved UPX build style,
a DPB / memory fix https://github.com/FDOS/kernel/issues/148
and a truename fix from https://github.com/dosemu2/fdpp/issues/212
and more:


Interesting that MS Word for DOS looks a bit like EDIT, but
with char style highlighting and a graphical preview :-D

Does the distro include error 200 patchers and slowdown tools?

UEFI related question, how are projects to provide a BIOS as
loadable EFI module doing these days? Any hot ones to name?

Of course I still recommend dosemu2 as alternative for VM
image mounting ;-) Good that we have vmware vmsmount, too.

Thanks for the verbose video!

Regards, Eric

PS: There is only a TEXT  file about metados left here?

PPS: https://www.lemonde.fr/resultats-elections/ seems very brown :-(

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS live stream event with VCF

2024-06-30 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi and a belated happy 30th birthday FreeDOS!

If using freedos exclusively, what tools would allow you to attend 
this event?

As Jim mentioned accessibility (although in another context)
it would indeed be a good question whether for example the
audio could be provided as a non-https download for listening
directly on FreeDOS computers. I remember selected apps for
playing media now support modern sound hardware in DOS. Even
the now available SoundBlaster emulators, combined with an
older audio player app, could be used. For an audio-only
download, an OGG should be a nice open alternative to MP3.

Cheers, Eric

It could be downloaded with a browser using an Invidious link (either 
the audio, the video, or both) and later reproduced using a media 
player.  Has mplayer been ported to DOS, perhaps?

While I like the idea, invidious may still need non-DOS browsers?

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] DOS Actively Used Scenarios

2024-06-03 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Jim!

My favorite example of someone running FreeDOS was years ago, probably
around 2005. They built pinball machines, and FreeDOS ran the scoring
system, lit the lights, and played sound effects from a sound bank...

Maybe they used some type of lab control or GPIO type ISA or PCI card?

My favorite example before that was a nebulous one. Someone from NASA
emailed me in the late 1990s to say they were using FreeDOS on some of
their computers. They never provided details, so I don't know what it
was doing - but how cool that NASA was using FreeDOS!?

I remember somebody asking whether FreeDOS had contributions from people
from evil countries, because they wanted to use it to run some type of
in-flight entertainment system with some media player app for DOS :-)

More recently, during a small demoscene event, I noticed that one of
the presented demos was a 256 byte demo running on FreeDOS. The boot
message was only visible for a moment, so I do not know what type of
virtual hardware that FreeDOS instance was running on.

Cheers, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Unexpected results from DIR command

2024-06-03 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


Not sure whether I can reproduce the problem...

If I have a directory with files 1.2, 3, 4.5 and 6,
DIR and DIR *.* shows all files and DIR * only shows
the files without extension: 3 and 6. DIR *. does
the same. So everything seems to work as expected?

Tested on FAT12, FAT16, FAT32 and DOSEMU2-redirects,
with FreeCOM version 0.84-pre2 XMS_Swap Aug 26 2006.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] If you use smartdrv, load it before mkeyb

2024-05-22 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi! Japheth found an interesting problem and explains on BTTR:


It turned out that Mkeyb and MS SmartDrv don't like each other. The
root of the problem is that MKEYB's Int 15h handler expects the carry
flag to be set, else it does nothing. If SmartDrv is loaded AFTER
Mkeyb, it also installs an Int 15h handler, to catch Ctrl-Alt-Del.
It doesn't care about the the carry flag, and the crucial code is: >

cmp ax, 4F53h
jnz prev_handler

That also explains why it's just key 56h that isn't translated,
the usual keys have scan codes < 53h. >
The simplest fix is to load MKeyb AFTER MS SmartDrv.

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Web forum

2024-05-21 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


Would there be any interest in a web forum for FreeDos?

You mean something like

https://www.bttr-software.de/forum/board.php ?


Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] DOS diagnostic tools?

2024-05-14 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Karen,

the utilities recommended by Rober To sound useful:

HDAT2 harddisk repair and diagnostics ATA, ATAPI, SATA, USB, SCSI

ASTRA Advanced Sysinfo Tool and Reporting Assistant

HWiNFO system information, monitoring and diagnostics

Do you recall the items in norton utilities?

There is a wikipedia article about them:


The first version in 1982 included:

unerase - Freedos comes with a simple undelete tool
filefix - "repairs damaged files" (?)
disklook - apparently a floppy disk cluster map display?

secmod - floppy disk sector changer (disk editor, I guess?)
filehide - Freedos attrib should be sufficient for that
bathide - related to filehide

timemark - "displays date, time, elapsed time"
scratr - sets colors, you can use ANSI and PROMPT for that
reverse - sets colors to black on white

clear - you can use cls for that
filesort - sorts directories on disk
diskopt - tunes floppy access speed

beep - just beeps the speaker
print - prints files

Which free and open tools for directory sorting and
disk editors do we have in the distro at this time?

I guess diskopt works by creating an interlaced floppy
sector format, which tools do we have for this style?

According to wikipedia, Norton Utilities 2.0 added filefind
and renames print to lprint because MS DOS 2.0 already came
with a tool called print itself.

In version 3.0, you get additional tools for file size and
directory listings, system information, text search, wiping
of disks and files etc.

Which tools do we recommend for directory listings, file size
info and wiping? For size info, I would use the GNU "du" tool,
which is available as DJGPP compiled DOS binary.

What could we recommend for finding files and text? I guess
the GNU tools "find" and "grep" would be useful choices here?
Similar for "wipe".

Version 3.1 adds unerase and unremove directory tools.

New in version 4: Defrag tool (speed disk) and format recover.
The defrag tool is the same which MS DOS 6 bundled later on.

New in version 4.5: "batch enhander" and a disk editor, the
ncache disk cache (faster than smartdrive / smartdrv) and diag.

Version 5 improves the disk editor further and bundles 4DOS
in a variant called NDOS. By now, 4DOS is sort of free/open.

Version 6 adds Win3.1 icons and "diskreet" and improves the
system info. The unerase tool now supports the same optional
delete tracking driver as MS / central point undelete does.

Version 7 adds support for compressed disks (doublespace,
stacker and superstor formats) and norton disk doctor. Would
be good to know which features the disk doctor had exactly.

The final DOS version 8 just adds some Win3.1 related tools.
Later versions gradually add Win9x, FAT32, WinNT etc. support
and features specific to Windows, like a registry editor. Even
a line of products for Apple Macintosh existed. Competitors to
Norton Utilities: Central Point PC Tools, various smaller ones.

The author of spinrite claims norton disk doctor is a rip of it:
Spinrite scans disks for recoverable files and even tries some
tricks to reconstruct data from almost unreadable sectors, but
only supports 128 GB style CHS, not LBA.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SpinRite claims FreeDOS bundled
with SpinRite to trigger some 16-4-8-bit CHS overflow > 128 GB?

Well-known free/open alternatives are photorec and testdisk.

The batch enhancer is similar to our v8 power tools, I guess.
It can beep and show messages in color and with text boxes etc.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] DOS diagnostic tools?

2024-05-14 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Karen,

please specify the type of diagnostics you would be interested in.

For example PCISLEEP can give you a list of PCI devices in your PC,
but you seem to be interested in disk or filesystem analysis etc.?

Maybe tools which display the SMART health status of your disks?
I remember having used tools for that and to configure disk sleep.
SMARTUDM (1997-2003-?) from sysinfolab was one I tried. No idea
whether there are variants supporting post-IDE/ATA/SATA drives.
SMARTDFT / DFT 3.00 also displayed or logged SMART disk status.

Regards, Eric

PS: Interesting to notice that Veit's tools still exist on

My hope is that there is also dos based  software supporting the care 
and diagnostics of that infrastructure?

For example,  while I have Norton Utilities for DOS, it cannot see my 
larger drives and so forth.

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] documentation update

2024-05-09 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


Turns out I only had some 2020 Bochs and no boot "disk"
for it, so I could not easily test any hotkeys :-o But:

What if the DOS distro installer can be improved, so it no
longer matters which emulator or virtualizer people use? ;-)

As I’ve mentioned many times before, it already does that.
And has done that since FreeDOS 1.2.

I was not referring to "autodetect in which virtual
environment you are and do special things for that"
but to "be flexible enough with real or virtual PC
hardware to just work out of the box with all popular
virtual computers", in combination with "to make it
easy to install DOS on virtual computers, we could
have a disk image with pre-installed DOS, suitable
for all types of virtual PC, one size fits all".

Of course virtual computers today tend to be tuned
towards Linux or Windows running inside them, but
my hope was that a few hints for options might be
enough, something like "configure your virtual PC
to offer AC97 or HDA sound, SATA without AHCI and
BIOS instead of UEFI boot mode, then this FreeDOS
disk image should be sufficiently happy", leaving
"only" the issue that emulators often isolate DOS
too well. Because you need specific drivers to get
files out of or into the virtual computer, which
is a problem very elegantly avoided by dosemu2 or
dosbox or similar DOS specific environments.

There are drivers for DOS as client OS for some
virtual PC, but no universal ones. And there are
drivers for a few of the network cards a typical
virtual PC can simulate, but maybe not for those
simulated by default and maybe not at least one
for each popular virtual PC brand? In addition,
it is not very convenient to have to use a FTP
or NFS or SAMBA client or web browser for DOS
to transfer files, which in addition means that
you would have to run the corresponding servers
on the host operating system, on your real PC.

However when it comes to virtual environments, it
only has separate config files for DOSBox at this time.

In a perfect world, no special config would be needed,
because a generic config would be compatible enough.

But I agree that exactly because dosbox and similar
are MEANT to be used with DOS, it can be good to
have a special config to activate the special DOS
interaction helpers dosbox and others support :-)

... V8Power Tools program VINFO to detect if and what
virtual environment it is installing the OS. At present,
that is Virtual Box, VMware, QEMU, DOSBox and some others

Good to know :-)

As you may recall, the installer now uses this information
to also determine how to behave when a disk is not partitioned.

On real hardware when a drive has no partitions, the installer
will prompt to overwrite the MBR. Inside known virtual environments,
it just overwrites it and does not bother the user.

I remember that I would prefer if the detection checks
whether there is absolutely nothing that could get lost,
not whether the target is virtual. If the disk is REALLY
totally empty, then there is less need to ask. If it is
NOT, then even in a virtual PC I would prefer to be asked.

It also is conceivable that the detection just THINKS a
disk is empty, due to a read error. So I would prefer
the most cautious approach, even if it means that the
user has to press a few more buttons during install :-)

Big and little USB images, live and legacy CD, plus the floppy edition.

The floppy edition is a special case. The live CD could
get replaced by a live disk image :-) One which could be
either copied on USB or used directly as virtual disk of
a virtual PC, with everything pre-installed? Does that
live CD sometimes use "install to ramdisk on the fly"
strategies for some apps? Or does it really have every
app fully pre-installed? Would a live DVD make sense?

Of course old PC cannot boot from USB, but then those
could also be too old to have decent live performance
from CD, so people could rather boot the legacy CD and
install from there to their legacy PC harddisk instead?

As every installer, the legacy CD also offers a bit of
live DOS as well. So to keep the number of downloadable
install media at 5, the live CD could get replaced by a
live disk image suitable for both USB and virtual PC?

This would be convenient for users of virtual computers,
because they do not need to worry about installing to
actual disks when their disks are imaginary anyway :-)

Sounds similar to what the LiveCD provides.

Exactly :-)

Without the worry of having too small or too large of a disk image

Yes and no. DOS cannot use ISO filesystems for interactive
persistent read/write access, while it could use FAT on
a disk image for exactly that. In addition, users could
still take any of the better partitioning tools, as long
as it has disk image support, to resize the disk image :-)

If there are worries about bootability after resizing, a
pre-installed disk image download could contain TWO FAT
partitions, one of them as safely to resize D: drive :-)

With enough ram, it reloca

Re: [Freedos-user] documentation update

2024-05-09 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


Initially I tried Bochs, but found Bochs either cannot go full screen
using SDL2, or I just haven't found the magical incantation...

A quick google says "try alt-enter" (to go full screen). In 2011, this
had the side-effect of risking to switch to a resolution DOS dislikes,
I have not googled further to check whether Bochs in 2024 has issues?

More research showed DOSEMU out of date and not available on Void Linux

I agree regarding the first part, but have never heard of Void Linux.

distribution here, and/or requiring other self compiled libraries, as
well as DOSEMU2 requiring additional self compiled libraries, with only
DOSBOX (intended for games) available on Void Linux.

For Ubuntu, you can simply add the PPA to your software manager,

https://github.com/dosemu2/dosemu2 explains the details.

They also have pre-compiled packages for Fedora and OpenSUSE.
No manual compilation is needed for either of the 3 distros.

After more research, found Jim Hall's book tends to sway towards
suggesting Qemu, a virtualizer rather than an Emulator.  I have and
currently use Virtualbox here, but wanted to remain to the de facto used
emulator for DOS environments.  Regardless, Qemu readily resizes to full
screen, so that I can finally see and read the font/characters.

I doubt that there is a "de facto used emulator for DOS".

Personally, I prefer dosemu2. Windows users often prefer dosbox.

Various users also like to use software which emulates or
virtualizes a complete PC on which you then install DOS,
but I have no idea why that would be better than dosbox or
dosemu2 which spezicalize on supporting DOS and offer nice
magic like "any Linux DIRECTORY can become your C: DISK".

1) Jim Hall's FreeDOS qemu incantation likely needs some minimal
updating, for those that desire to get-up and running quickly...

$ qemu-system-x86_64 -name FreeDOS -machine 


That is a very long command line indeed! An incantation :-o

2) Book or documentation should probably lead or advise users, the
best (as of date) emulator or virtualizer per their intended use.

What if the DOS distro installer can be improved, so it no
longer matters which emulator or virtualizer people use? ;-)

As they say, the more we keep something simple, the easier
and more readily we get things done.

We could provide a disk image with pre-installed DOS.

This would be convenient for users of virtual computers,
because they do not need to worry about installing to
actual disks when their disks are imaginary anyway :-)

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] odd news

2024-05-08 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

hi! as jim prefers all dos related things to be discussed on-list:

why would a https server which is "not in real working condition"
and a dos port of gnupg where important features cannot be used
because dos has no /dev/random (see bttr thread) be newsworthy?
the changes to nasm do not seem to affect the dos version either?
i hope it is not necessary to start 3 separate list threads now ;-)


regards, eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] cannot boot installation media

2024-04-28 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi! Not all USB sticks are enabled for booting. And maybe it is disabled 
in your BIOS setup. The MBR of the stick may matter as well, and whether 
you boot UEFI style (not possible with FreeDOS) or classic style ;-)

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] How can I make FreeDOS correctly display the "ã" character?

2024-04-25 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Robert and Davi,

The system's keyboard and layout are already configured to "br" (for
Brazilian Portuguese) and working perfectly. Other accentuated
characters display just fine. That is the case of "á", "à", "ô".
However, "ã" shows as something else entirely. Image below:

How can I get FreeDOS to correctly display those characters?

You probably have to load DISPLAY and use MODE to set the codepage
to load a font which has all accented characters at the place where
your already Brazilian keyboard configuration expects them :-)

See the HTMLHELP system for details. There should also be some
examples on the web. It should work similar to this:

First, load the DISPLAY thing. You can do this in your autoexec
to load it automatically at boot, or manually at the prompt:

rem or maybe for example DISPLAY CON=(EGA,858,1) or similar?

Second, use MODE CON CODEPAGE (shorthand MODE CON CP also
works) to first prepare (shorthand PREP) and then select
(shorthand SEL) the codepage for your country.

In my example the codepage is 858, which happens to be in
EGA.CPX, which is a compressed version of EGA.CPI - some
less common codepages will probably be in other CPX files.



You can do those two MODE invocations in autoexec or at
the prompt as well. You can use MODE /? for help, too.

The internet says that Brazilians prefer codepage 860 :-)

Regards, Eric

1) How do you enter "ã"?
2) Is that a separate key on your keyboard?
3) What does
produce, when you hit that key or key combo?

Interesting questions :-) Maybe all falls into place with CP860.

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Dial-up emulation?

2024-04-25 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Here is a neat summary of the DOS PPP drivers:

...but, someone has already raised this question:
Do you have a "counterpart"?

I mean - a dial-in service answering with a modem and a PPP stack.
Or at least a null-modem connection to a PPP "server", such as pppd
running on Linux. Or possibly Windows running the "server side of
RAS" would work too.

On BTTR, there is a thread about this video:


"Let's Make a DOS BBS in a offensively modern way"

00:00 - Intro
00:15 - A Word from our sponsors
00:39 - What is a BBS
05:16 - How does a BBS work
13:15 - Lets get modern (containers)
23:51 - Kubernetes
26:56 - Build a server install Kubernetes
31:30 - Ceph, lets store some files
38:09 - Doors
42:38 - Lets make a helm chart
49:03 - Dial in and modems
53:17 - fTelnet
55:28 - Fidonet
58:13 - Thanks


Might fit with the topic discussed here, but on the
other side, it might not answer the question which
SLIP or PPP servers can be recommended and whether
you connect them to real or rather simulated modems?
I have not watched the video yet. Let me know :-)

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] GIT news via BTTR

2024-04-20 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi :-)

Following the postings on BTTR, I collected some GIT links for you:

1. Japheth has released VSBHDA (Virtual SoundBlaster for HDA, I guess)
now with 16-bit support, improved emulation and Runtime Error 200 fix.


2. The DIY SoundBlaster 1.0 clone "Snark Barker" comes with a
free/open diagnostics tool SBDIAG, which is nice for everybody.


3. A new version of the MicroWeb browser, 2.0 has been released.
It supports Unicode and GIF and creates PNG/JPEG placeholders,
if I understand things correctly and can now use EMS memory.


4. USBDDOS is a DOS driver stack for USB by Crazii:


Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Adapter PCMCIA to CF

2024-03-29 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


If I have to guess: If your CF is at least a POTENTIAL boot
device, the BIOS may add it to the list of harddisks for
which no DOS drivers are required. If it is not, then it
is just some plug and play device which may come and go and
for which you would probably have to find appropriate DOS
drivers to let DOS handle the coming and going properly.

Similar things happen with USB flash sticks: If you boot
from them, they may behave like internal harddisks, but
if you do not, or if you remove one stick and plug another
stick while DOS is already running, DOS and/or the BIOS may
not notice the "disk change", causing all sorts of problems.

Regards, Eric

OK, apparently the PCMCIA -> CF adapter must be added to the BIOS boot
list. Otherwise FreeDOS doesn't detect it. So everything is fine, 100%

Can someone explain to me why I have to add it to the boot list in the
BIOS? I don't want it to try to boot from the adapter. If you can give me a
website to read, that'll be enough for me.

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Directory comparison program

2024-03-20 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

You could try a DOS port of (GNU, diffutils?) "diff", for
example from the Delorie DJGPP compiler website.

Diff can be used to list differences in text content of files
or directories full of files, but you can also use it with
options "-qr" to just get a list which files only exist in
which of the two directories and which files exist in both
with different contents. Files which exist in both and have
the same contents will not get listed, unless you add the
option -s

Whether file sizes differ is covered by whether contents do,
but diff does not tell you whether date and time differ.

You could abuse the dry run mode of rsync for that, maybe,
but this would probably be a weird solution for the task.

So I suggest: diff -qr onedirectory otherdirectory or, at
your choice, diff -qrs onedirectory otherdirectory :-)


Yes indeed. It would be recursive too. Report the absence or presence of 
files/ directories, differences of file sizes, date/ time.

On 2024/03/20 10:38, Thomas Cornelius Desi wrote:
You mean it would list filenames differing from a Dir /foo  and Dir 
/fuzz like in a diff program?

Does any know of a directory comparison program?

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] QEMU - Max size of Linux access folder

2024-03-11 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Jim,

while this is a bit off-topic: Turning a 32-bit Ubuntu into
a 64-bit one is tedious, so the recommended way is to just
install the new over the old and keep your home directory.

A few commands in the shell can help you to, more or less,
clone your old package selection into the new system, but
there is no wizard to help you with that at all, which I
found very disappointing given how smoothly their upgrade
wizards usually lift you from one version of their whole
distro to the next if you stay within the same bit-ness.

So people just decide that 32-bit is dead and you end up
with no longer getting updates from your distro, being
forced to re-install more or less from scratch. In my
case, I could not have stuck to the outdated packages,
because the new graphics card only had 64-bit drivers.

Nevertheless, I liked the time when dosemu could just
use hardware vm86 for fast CPU access on 32-bit Linux.
Now you always get emulated CPU, which of course does
have advantages in some cases - such as running on ARM
or emulating more aspects of real and protected mode.

Also, dosemu2 gets FAR more frequent updates than dosemu.

Regards, Eric

PS: It also frustrates me that 4 GB are not enough for
a few dozen browser tabs in 2024, neither with 32- nor
with 64-bit Linux under the hood. I want efficient apps
instead of repeatedly having to add more RAM or SSD swap.

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] QEMU - Max size of Linux access folder

2024-03-11 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

How about using Dosemu2? When you add their PPA, you get
frequent updates. Unfortunately focused on 64-bit distros,
but performance is quite okay and it can map any Linux
directory to a DOS drive letter, so size is "unlimited".


Hi Jim
Thanks again. My problem is that I have assembler source code from 40 
years that occupies about 680Mb that needs to reside on one drive in 
order to assemble. Then there are the application programs. All this 
currently resides on an ancient XP machine.  I have stayed with Lubuntu 
18.04 as the later versions use SNAP and no longer support old hardware. 

Newer versions are very slow. I have removed snap and tried all the tips 
to improve speed and responsiveness without success. The current system 
error appears to have no obvious impact. I have located the logs and 
nothing jumps out at me. QEMU has improved. I tried QEMU over 2 years 
ago and gave up. It fell over every time while trying to run Borland's 
Sprint word processor. It now works correctly.


Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Ramdisk

2024-03-04 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


You probably want to use XMS based ramdisks, not EMS.

Also, the max size for FAT16 ramdisk is a bit below 2 GB
and you can only have far less than 4 GB combined size
because some of your first 4 GB address space are used
for graphics etc.

You can use "super extended" XMS 3.5 for a combined
size of more than 4 GB, though. Several FAT16 drives,
there is no FAT32 ramdisk that I would be aware of yet.

The concept of XMS 3.5 is experimental, a special XMS
driver and modified ramdisks for it can be found on:


Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] C programming guides

2024-02-28 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Thomas,

many screens will resize the signal you send them to
full screen, probably with black bars either on top
and bottom or left and right to match aspect ratio.

This will usually give you large pixels or a fuzzy,
blurred experience, so it has downsides nevertheless.

So it is not common to get a physically small image
from low resolutions. Some laptops did that, but they
typically had a hotkey to enable scaling, something
done by hardware and/or BIOS?

Anyway, I would suggest that you either use MODE to
activate one of the more classic modes, or some VESA
based utility to activate any of the modes offered by

This, however, will give you more characters on screen,
but not larger ones! If your screen does scaling, the
characters will actually be smaller if you have more
of them.

So you could rephrase your question: Is there a DOS
text editor which uses high resolution VESA modes and
high resolution character fonts, for large and sharp
character outlines?

I think Blocek uses graphical fonts, but I am not sure
which font sizes it includes. Editors with vector based
fonts could scale dynamically based on screen resolution.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] C programming guides

2024-02-28 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Ed,

Is there any major differences between FreeDOS
and MSDOS under the hood?

FreeDOS aims to be highly compatible with MS DOS, so even
if you rely on some "reasonably inner workings" of DOS
beyond the normal int 21 interface etc. everything should
still work very much the same with FreeDOS.

A well-known exception is Windows: If you use 386 enhanced
mode or Windows for Workgroups and open multiple DOS windows
in parallel, Windows will rely VERY much on deeper inner
workings to be exactly as in MS DOS to make this work with
DOS, which normally does not run several times in parallel.

This only has rather experimental support in newer FreeDOS
kernels. Probably no issue for you, though.

I did notice differences in DosBOX as this has
the SVGA drivers built in so you can use high definition modes
up to 1024x768 in 256 colours iirc.

That is not actually a property of DOS: It is a property
of your DOS applications and whether your hardware (or
simulation of it, if you run DOS in a DOSBOX window) is
compatible with what your applications expect. It also
depends on whether your VGA BIOS is compatible with what
your application expects.

That said, SVGA will work equally well with MS DOS and
FreeDOS, because DOS itself does not participate in SVGA
infrastructure. SVGA just is something used by your apps,
provided by your hardware and BIOS.

In exciting related news: There is a new project to create
a simulation of a classic Sound Blaster soundcard, figure
out what sound it would produce, and then send that sound
data to a modern standard HDA or AC97 sound chip which is
more likely to exist in your modern real hardware PC than
an old ISA slot with an old soundcard.

This can be very useful because your old games are likely
to hardcode expectations about sound hardware which simply
are not met by modern sound chips. So there are no easily
swappable drivers and the simulation is a good workaround.

Yet again, your old games communicate directly with the
real or simulated sound hardware. There are no interfaces
for this provided by DOS, so it makes no difference whether
you use MS DOS or FreeDOS when it comes to sound in apps.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] News from the forum

2024-02-14 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi! Here are some recent news from the BTTR forum :-)

Japheth has updated JEMM, DEBUG and vSBhda:


 - VSBHDA is a fork of crazii's SBEMU which creates a
   virtual SoundBlaster and sends the sound to your real HDA,
   ICH, nForce, VT82c686, VT823x or SB Live or SB Audigy sound
   with the help of HDPMI32 and JEMMEX protected mode APIs

 - DEBUG has some bugfixes in version 2.01 and 2.02 this year

 - JEMM 5.84 improves simulated I/O QEMM QPI API compatibility
   (which is relevant for VSBHDA, for example)

Some person who created a HMI style HDA sound driver
now also offers something called AHCIWRAP .sys:


The fork implements audio and raw secctor functions, as well
as controller PCI addresses != 00:1f.2 on top of AHCI.SYS


Laaca recommends the same developer because of the mentioned
HMIDRV_HDAUDIO driver for DOS games with HMI driver framework:



I wonder which games use HMI. Apparently Rayman and Watlers World.

There is a new version of the ASTRA "Advanced Sysinfo Tool and
Reporting Assistant" from sysinfolab as well as a new HWINFO:


https://www.hwinfo.com/download/ HWINFO 6.2.3 2023-12-29

http://www.sysinfolab.com/download.htm ASTRA 7.0 2023-12-12
(free for non-commercial use, with SPD, SMBIOS, chipset info)

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] AUTO SHIFT keyboard on DOS??

2024-02-09 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


So it would need a »timer« to count from pressed key to released. if >500 ms, 
it should send an ASCII

We understood that. But be aware that you normally set the
typematic function to start typing MULTIPLE characters after
a selectable delay of between 250 and (at most) 1000 msec.

So if you hold the "a" key for more than 1 second, would
you want it to type multiple "a" or rather multiple "A"?

And would you need this "hold for at least 500 ms to get
A instead of a" only for A-Z or also for other keys?

Bret mentioned the example that people want to keep "="
pressed to type "" lines and I myself would want to
keep "left" pressed to move the cursor further left etc.


uppercase A = DECIMAL code 65

lowercase a = DECIMAL code 97

Difference between lowercase and uppercase is 32

In my example with MKEYB, you would not actually manipulate
the ASCII value. Instead, you manipulate whether the BIOS
believes whether you have pressed SHIFT ;-) The actual key
to ASCII conversion stays in the reliable hands of the BIOS.

Would this work?

Sure. You would not even need a new timer for it, because you
already HAVE a system timer tick counter. So you just look
at that counter when a key is pressed and look again when
it is released. Then you calculate the difference and based
on that you decide whether the special driver pretends SHIFT
was pressed at the moment the key got released ;-)

Of course this means you have to modify the source CODE.
It will not make the driver much more complex. Feasible.

The other suggestion was that you could press some key
which is otherwise not used BEFORE typing the "a" to tell
the driver that you mean "A". This is very similar to the
well-known feature that you can press ^ followed by a to
type â and so on.

A driver which already has support for such accent combos
could probably support new combos for upper case chars by
simply editing the CONFIGURATION without editing the CODE.

You could probably use a key like one of the windows keys,
the scroll lock key or some accent you do not really use
as "the accent/special key which makes the next character
you type an upper case one" :-)


Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] AUTO SHIFT keyboard on DOS??

2024-02-09 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


Indeed I was hinting at "manipulating 40:17 does not automatically
sync the physical LED, but we might not care for auto shift anyway".

Regarding your idea to show shift LED status on screen, check out
the old LOCKTONE with audible feedback: https://auersoft.eu/soft/

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] AUTO SHIFT keyboard on DOS??

2024-02-08 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user



This seems one of those nifty keyboard drivers, but it has not time-critical 

I was more thinking in the direction of MKEYB or other int 15.4f
based drivers: They see all key press and key release events and
are able to manipulate things before they return control to the
BIOS keyboard routines.

The idea is as follows:

If the driver sees a key press event, it could record the
current time (counter at 40:6c) and, if a temporary fake
shift was active (see details below), deactivate it now.

If the driver sees a key release event, it could check
if the corresponding key press event was long enough ago.

If yes, it could make the BIOS believe that SHIFT would have
been active at the moment. The driver can set some flag for
itself, so it knows to undo the fake later. Return to BIOS.

To fake shifts, one can just modify the flags at 40:17 and 18.
It will not update the keyboard LEDs, but that is acceptable.
The BIOS itself uses 40:96 and 97 to track its own status.

Of course the details can get a bit more complicated, as
you also have press and release events for shift keys etc.
and special E0 ... key combinations and so on. But if you
are happy with just the most mainstream keys acting in that
"long press means shift" style and only while no actual
ctrl, shift, alt or similar modifier keys are pressed, it
should be quite feasible to implement this.

Note that you will also have to manipulate the autorepeat
functionality of the keyboard or BIOS. For example our
MODE CON RATE=... DELAY=... command shows how to do this.
It just uses BIOS function int 16.0305, no low-level trick.

You can also think of the driver keeping track of WHICH
key is in progress of being pressed for longer, for extra
control over the interaction of typematics and autoshift.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] AUTO SHIFT keyboard on DOS??

2024-02-08 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


I am not aware of such drivers, but it would not be hard
to write one. I think there already are drivers to make
shift keys sticky, or to give audible feedback, as in
my ancient locktone experiment inspired by Mielke.cc :-)


is it possible in DOS (using BIOS?) to implement a tsr or so which allows the 

holding a key longer to return a SHIFT-key on screen?


press key »a«  and HOLD the key for e.g. 500 milliseconds,
=> print shift-a = »A« on screen.

Anyone around who has an idea or knowledge if this is possible or has been done 
or any hints where to look?

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] One use case for FreeDos

2024-02-01 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Thomas,

actually I was looking for a laptop with FreeDos using a photovoltaic system…

That should be relatively easy. Photovoltaics can output 12V DC,
230V AC with an inverter, or higher DV voltages directly via USB-C
which some newer laptops use for charging. However, those will not
usually have a BIOS, only EFI, so they cannot run DOS on hardware.

Running DOS on a not too new laptop is generally easy, but you
will almost never have WiFi / WLAN drivers for DOS and whether
popular DOS text or graphics modes look okay on the laptop screen
will vary depending on the model. Maybe a trial and error thing.

Or maybe some people here can recommend some laptop models :-)

I once tested DOS on an eeePC, which was okay, but as far as I
remember, popular resolutions had to be displayed either with
black bars or in a distorted and somewhat fuzzy zoom mode, so
it would probably take some experimenting to find a smooth mode.
Also, eeePC are too tiny for real work, I was just curious there.

(Is there DosBox for iPhones :?? )

There probably are some PC and/or DOS emulators for Android.

Interesting that you already knew Velotype!

Regarding mouse movement: In text mode, the mouse will jump
one character at at time. Of course there are graphics mode
based editors for DOS, too, like Blocek. Which may also have
the advantage that you could pick a graphics mode with better
match to your laptop screen size.

printers understanding plain text or PDF are easily available.

However, remember that text editors for DOS do not directly
output PDF, so you will need additional tools and steps from
text file to printout on paper.

I agree that Centronics no longer is popular for printers, but
if you want to run old printers on new PC, use an USB to LPT
adapter cable. I would hope generic DOS drivers exist for that.

Interestingly, with modern hardware, printing from DOS through
wired LAN to a network printer with PDF and/or PS or plain text
support might actually be less effort than using USB, but those
printers are probably more bulky than certain USB printer types.

Which brings in small external "print server" devices where you
can plug USB printers and a network to make printers networked.

Maybe some can also do the PDF rendering for "dumb" printers,
but the whole idea is getting close to "just use Raspberry Pi
or all that modern hardware and run a DOS window on that" ;-)

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] One use case for FreeDos

2024-02-01 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


Why a typewriter? Because where I write, I don’t have electricity (!).

Well there always is sun and photovoltaics...

What type of text input hardware would you like, given that you dislike 
the current style of keyboards? Apart from sliding a pen over an 
on-screen keyboard? Is your goal to enter text quickly? Maybe learn to 
Velotype :-)


The estimated energy consumption of a Google search query is 0.0003 kWh (1.08 
kJ). The estimated energy consumption of a ChatGPT-4 query is 0.001-0.01 kWh 
(3.6-36 kJ)


That means a single GPT query consumes 1,567%, or 15 times more energy

But 36 / 1.08 would even be 33, not 15?

Every first letter of a new sentence appears with a lower case letter.

Autocorrect could fix that.

The road map of FreeDOS seems to me include compatibility with advancing 
storage devices.
And USB devices such as printers. Maybe networking.

I think it already does support printers and WIRED networking. For
wireless, you can use a small external device as a proxy. Note that
some printers are not smart enough and have to be fed pixel data,
for which DOS drivers usually are not available and not planned,
but printers understanding plain text or PDF are easily available.

You can connect printers using USB, printer port or network. And you can 
again use small external devices as proxy, or even adapter cables, to 
make more combinations work with DOS.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Using HDMI monitor and USB keyboard/mouse on FreeDOS

2024-01-30 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Bill,

Today I built an adapter that translates USB keyboard and mouse to PS/2 


It works great!

Great to hear :-)

From another thread on another forum, here are some suggestions for VGA 
to HDMI converters:

 - the current best choice might be the OSSC (open source scan 
converter) device for somewhat above 100 Euro:


The OSSC converts SCART, component and VGA to DVI and HDMI, with some 
choices in scaling style (scanlines, rectangular pixels, etc.) and you 
can add audio from the OSSC audio jack input to your HDMI signal. See 
also https://www.retrorgb.com/ossc.html

 - "Foinnex VGA adapter cable" to convert VGA to HDMI up to 1080p, code 
X000PPZ323 and probably quite affordable

 - ATEN.com VC180 VGA and audio jack to HDMI converter with audio, up 
to 1080p, price unknown, but exists since at least 2014

 - the future https://oummg.com/ CRT Terminator which is an 8-bit ISA 
card which connects to your VGA card internally, via the feature 
connector, to add DVI-D output to it for further conversion, such as 
USB3HDCAP bridging mentioned below, planned to be available for around 
200 Euro

Projects and devices with a focus on old game consoles:

 - there is a DIY Raspberry Pi based project called RGBtoHDMI:


 - Ligawo scaler from SCART (with RGB), composite or S-VHS to HDMI, 
various models, below 100 Euro and it might be feasible or even easy to 
convert VGA to SCART-RGB?

 - XRGB mini Framemeister by Micomsoft with composite, JP21-SCART, RGB, 
HDMI, ... inputs, apparently. 300 Euro, specializes on retro looks with 
square pixels and scanlines and similar

You could also use another PC as a bridge:

 - any PCI or PCIe framegrabber with VGA input

 - StarTech USB3HDCAP video grabber for PC with USB3, inputs include 
DVI (see above), HDMI, component, composite 210 Euro

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] shutdown and USB Stick ?

2024-01-30 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


Does the Shutdown- Command merely provide for those »spinning down« delays to...

The idea is that it is better for mechanical harddisks to first
spin down and park heads before you switch off the power supply.

Spinning down may take a moment. Also, this gives the disk the
chance finish writes from the internal cache of the disk, if it
has one and it is enabled. The latter also is useful for SSD.

If you do have a software cache with delayed writes, such as
SMARTDRV or NWCACHE with the respective features activated,
it may also be useful to wait a moment after triggering the
cache flush, but actually:

Could somebody who HAS those caches TELL me whether this is
necessary? It could also be the case that the caches do the
complete flush in a blocking way anyway. So when I give them
a hint that they should flush, they might block all other DOS
activities until they are done with flushing? In that case,
no additional delay would be necessary.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] shutdown and USB Stick ?

2024-01-29 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


FAT is always a finicky filesystem, especially if you're utilizing a
caching or BIOS emulation for USB HDDs.  Are you using a caching program
like lbacache, cdrcache, smartdrv, etc?

Of those 3, only SMARTDRV can cache data before it gets written.
Even this delayed write caching is a config choice of the user.

The other 2, as well as Jack's drivers with built-in caches,
always send writes to the disk immediately. They only use the
cache to speed up reads. The don't delay writes as in collecting
them in DOS-based cache RAM and then sending them to disk later.

However, various types of harddisks and SSD have built-in caches
which can collects written data before it actually gets sent to
disk. And even without a cache, a shutdown or reboot can easily
happen at a moment where some disk contents are being sent to
disk and only some of them have arrived yet.

As a rule of thumb, it is generally safe to disconnect drives or
shutdown or reboot DOS as soon as you are back at the DOS prompt
and the disk activity light has stopped. Maybe wait an extra sec.

Longer waits or explicit flushes of write caches should only be
necessary if you have explicitly enabled such caches. SMARTDRV,
when you tell it to enable delayed write caching (DR DOS NWCACHE
also has a "write pooling" mode as a "smaller" write delay choice)
will monitor some activities to trigger flushes itself:

For example, it would flush the write cache when an app exits
(or returns to the prompt) or when you press ctrl-alt-delete
or when there were no disk accesses for some amount of time.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Using HDMI monitor and USB keyboard/mouse on FreeDOS

2024-01-25 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Bill,

group.  The short version:  With the coming of Wayland I have little 
choice but to get new display adapters for all of my Linux machines.

You probably are not technically forced to use Wayland: Most
distros give you a choice of drivers to pick from, even when
they recommend one specific framework as default.

My FreeDOS system is hosted on an old mainboard - an Asus P5A-B.  This 
board does not have USB ports and does not have emulation support

That is a Socket 7 board with EDO/SDRAM DIMM, AGP, PCI and ISA.
Are you sure that you need a board THAT old for your DOS tasks?

According to https://www.anandtech.com/show/116 P5A-B should have
two USB ports. Maybe you just need a slot bracket to access them.
If that fails, you can still use a PCI USB adapter card. I agree
Bad or missing USB legacy support in the BIOS may be an issue, but:

I could install a board with USB ports, but that does not help FreeDOS.

Without BIOS support, try DOS USB drivers. I guess it would be
acceptable to have to connect a PS/2 keyboard directly, without a
KVM switch, for BIOS setup purposes once, as long as DOS can use
the USB keyboard properly after booting with USB drivers loaded.

The Raspberry Pi Pico is not a full-on Pi.  It is a microcontroller 
much like an Arduino, though with quite a bit more processing power.

Good to know. I checked what "USB PS/2 Arduino" brings up, so
in case somebody else is curious about alternatives:

 - Stackexchange says flexible USB keyboards can do PS/2 data and
   clock on USB D- and D+ respectively, and of course +5V and GND,
   so that is the wiring which your USB KVM switch MIGHT support:



 - Instructables has an Arduino PS/2 to USB adapter project, but
   that is for connecting PS/2 keyboards to modern computers.

 - There are Arduino libraries to use PS/2 keyboard or mouse, so
   that again is easier than the other way round, simulating them.

 - Arduinos default to showing up as serial port devices when you
   plug them via USB, but there are versatile libraries like V-USB:


My quick search did not bring up a ready-made solution for what
you were looking for, I just THINK it should be possible with
much less computing power even than an Arduino style RPi Pico.

At $4 a Pico is also cheaper than most Arduinos.


Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Using HDMI monitor and USB keyboard/mouse on FreeDOS

2024-01-25 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Bill,

if I understand you correctly, your Linux PC stopped
to support VGA or PS/2, so you upgrade everything,
including the DOS PC, to HDMI and USB?

It should be no problem to use HDMI and USB directly
with DOS. The BIOS will have USB legacy support to
convert keyboard and mouse data into PS/2 simulations
made visible to DOS. You could also use DOS drivers,
but using the BIOS is easier. You cannot use both at
the same time for the same controller, but you often
have more than one controller: You could run one with
a driver and leave the other to the BIOS, if you have
the need to use DOS USB drivers for special hardware.

Modern graphics cards (think all sorts of GeForce etc.)
have slowly degraded with respect to their compatibility
to DOS and VGA, so for example the 8x14 font may not be
installed (you can load a driver to fix that) or only
the most popular graphics modes (320x200, 640x480 and
1920x1080, I guess) will work correctly, while exotic
gaming modes may show garbled screen contents.

I would not use hardware converters unless you really
need to use them. For example a PC without AGP, PCI
or PCIe where you cannot install a graphics card with
DP, HDMI or at least DVI output. Those three luckily
are close enough family of each other, so graphics
cards may automatically assist mostly passive adapters
or adapter cables. Your "receive VGA, calculate HDMI"
converter, on the other hand, is basically a computer
itself, with limited compatibility. I would not use a
complete Raspberry to convert PS/2 to USB or back either
if your DOS PC already has USB anyway. Also, Arduinos
have enough power if you do want a PS/2 to USB gadget.

Regards, Eric

PS: Here is a short thread on 4k screens in DOS ;-)

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] SNMP agent for DOS?

2024-01-11 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Anton,

The machines are indeed physical with custom made ISA Bus controller 
cards, built on prototype board, and only 4 were made, 2 in production 

That sounds exciting!

plan is to eventually replace ... with something more ubiquitous.

Looking at other forums, people do impressive things combining old
and new hardware. For example there are tiny modern microcontroller
based extension cards for old PC, emulating all sorts of classic
boards, people convert from TV to HDMI using DSP based boards and
DOS expert RayeR is working on a way to connect classic ISA sound
cards to modern mainboards through the LPC bus on the TPM header!

For more general purpose things, Raspberry Pi style computers can
be a good option, natively running Linux, sometimes other operating
systems, or emulators for retro operating systems inside Linux,
while at the same time offering a variety of GPIO and bus systems
suitable for different control projects.

Have a good evening, too! Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] sound blaster emulation for modern hardware - SBEMU and forks

2023-12-02 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi folks!

As you know, crazii has taken the idea of VSB on a whole new level
by writing a simulation of a Sound Blaster 16 for DOS, which is
able to output the calculated sound on modern HDA sound hardware,
ICH, nForce, SB Live, SB Audigy, VT82C686 or VT8233, -35 or VT8237.

Checking Vogons again, I noticed that there are 2 threads with
a total of 75 pages of posts about SBEMU by now. Development is
really active and there already are 3 forks! SBEMU-X adds support
for some additional sound hardware (in your real computer, not
virtual) and VSBHDA by Japheth fixes compatibility with HX.

I hope the forks will eventually merge, but I guess we should
already add at least one of the versions to our distro. Note
that they all need HDPMI32 and JEMMEX with QPIEMU or QEMM.




All variants together feature quite a few supported sound chips
and sound cards and I am sure they are getting the deserved
attention on Vogons, but I also am sure that they will enjoy
feedback from testers who have one of the lesser tested chips!

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS or DOS based mail clients

2023-11-27 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Jose,

  > PS: The older POP3 only allowed access to the inbox,
  > while IMAP also allows access to your other mail folders,
  > so I expect most mail providers to support IMAP now.

   I thought that folders were a client-side
  convention, and mail (POP3, IMAP) servers kept
  all incoming mail to one address together.

Folders are something managed on the server and you
can use either IMAP or webmail to access them.

With POP3, you can only access the inbox, so you
would have to use the client to move individual
mails to folders stored on your local disk. The
mails in those client side folders would not be
visible on other devices or webmail, so I assume
and hope that most providers support IMAP today,
so all devices can share the same folders :-)

According to the google support website, IMAP
will always be active for gmail in the future.

No idea how old the article is - probably the
future already is now :-) In the past, one had
to manually enable it using some online menu.

The google support website recommends that you
do not store sent mail on the server manually,
as sending mails via google will automatically
do that already. It also recommends to save
drafts, but not deleted mails on the server and
it recommends to not move deleted mails to the
trash can folder, as they would get permanently
deletted after a month in the trash can and
google prefers old mails to stay forever :-p
It recommends that you set your client to just
mark deleted mails as deleted where they are.

Servers for Gmail:

smtp.gmail.com TLS port 587 or SSL port 465.

imap.gmail.com SSL port 993.

pop.gmail.com SSL port 995 (but IMAP is better).

Use the email address as user name to log in.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] roundcube, is freedos, or dos based mail clients?

2023-11-26 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


a few years back, before the Pandemic, we had a serious Shellworld 
crash. At the time I sought to contact them, did not reach a person, 
Likewise  at the time, I believe? they did not allow mail to be sent.  
it has been a few years.

If you use a Linux mail client to access your gmail from a shell,
then the mail itself will still be stored and sent by google,
not directly from your shell account. Note that this only works
with mail providers which support imap and smtp and with clients
which support the security protocols required by the providers.

For some mail providers, one first had to enable imap etc. access
using a menu item on their webmail portals. GMX & web.de are two
mail providers having that issue as far as I remember.

Regards, Eric

PS: The older POP3 only allowed access to the inbox, while IMAP
also allows access to your other mail folders, so I expect most
mail providers to support IMAP now.

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] roundcube, is freedos, or dos based mail clients?

2023-11-23 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


Thanks for your roundcube webmail tests! Both interesting
and annoying that most features work with most text based
browsers - except sending mail, due to JS in the send button!

Anyone at all know if roundcube has a support team?
This tool could be amazing with some slight JavaScript fixes.


lists a community forum, bug tracker, several mailing
lists (probably not what you need) and an IRC chat.

The bug tracker, forum and chat should help you.

A quick search in the forum suggests that roundcube used
an editor called tinymce to compose mails, I wonder if
it would be possible to switch off the editor to be able
to write mails with less javascript usage?

It may help to switch to text-only instead of HTML mail
composition, if there is an option which lets you choose.

There is an interactive drop down menu to edit either in
HTML or plain text, but I guess that uses a script, too?

User preferences or configuration should have an option
compose HTML messages, choices always / never or similar.

Related keywords may include HTML editor or rich text.

"Send a reply and archive in one action button" is vaguely
related because whoever addresses that feature request
will also know how send buttons are to be processed.

Trying to find an answer on roundcubeforum.net I got
the impression that people did not get answers at all
when their questions were not specific/detailed enough.

Sometimes people report that send mail button does not
do anything and got the reply that the roundcube server
was misconfigured. I guess this can be excluded in your
case and you have tested that sending DOES work okay if
a fully javascript enabled web browser is used?

Some skins (graphical look and feel choices) appear to
have send buttons arranged in different ways. Sometimes
there is more than one send button visible at the same
time, with the extra buttons using javascript to "press"
the main button, if I read correctly between the lines.

There also seems to be the issue that TAB switches to
the next form field or button (for example send) which
annoys people who want to type TAB as part of a mail.
If roundcube manipulates this, it may affect usability.

has somebody find out that their browser plugins interfere
with whether the send button works. Not helpful for your
problem, but suggests that this button indeed contains
more complexity than necessary in some way.

I am probably not very good in navigating advanced search
in forum or bug list. Maybe asking on IRC works better?

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] freedos, or dos based mail clients?

2023-11-22 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


As it seems that sshdos (ssh) and the links text mode browser
for DOS support current security protocols and https:

Does anybody here have experience with using a squirrelmail
or roundcoube webmail in links? Might need less java script
compared to gmail to use those, and one could forward the
gmail mail to a mail provider with squirrelmail or roundcube.

Another option, given that shellworld offers access to
Ubuntu Linux servers, would be to use any of the current
or less current text mode email clients. As long as they
support imap (or pop3) etc. they should work with gmail?

For example mutt, pine, alpine, cone, or the old mailx.

Graphical mail clients for DOS are not the answer here.

Regards, Eric

PS: I also wonder whether it is an option to run a Linux
email client in a shell directly on the router at home?

Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] New versions: R. Swan's A72 assembler 1.05 and 1.05c

2023-11-20 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi! Forwarding from Rugxulo on BTTR:


R. Swan's A72 assembler 1.05 (self-assembling, 8k .COM)
posted by Rugxulo

A72 1.05 was released on Oct. 9 on Github.

* Listings are generated by default along with binary output.
  To have only one or the other, use the /L or /A switch,
  respectively (e.g. "a72 my.asm /a")
* Listings have line numbers
* Symbol tables, alphabetically sorted, are appended to listings
* More modular construction; in particular, the
  CPU-specific assembler module is exchangeable (6502, 8085)
* HIGH, LOW, INCBIN, ECHO, TITLE, PAGE directives added
* Lines can be 255 characters long (previously 120-something)
  and generate an error otherwise
* LF now recognised as valid line terminator alongside CR
* 8087 not supported after 1.04 until I have figured out
  how to work with floating point numerics and encoding


N.B. As of four days ago, there is also a minor update,
but it has been renamed to RA. I don't know if major
work is going on there or what will happen.


Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] SBEMU soundblaster emulator news?

2023-11-06 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


SBEMU is a project based on MPXPLAY, DOSBOX, HX and JEMM superpowers
to create a virtual SoundBlaster soundcard on real computers with
more modern sound hardware (HDA, AC97 etc.) which sounds quite
exciting! The BTTR thread has been silent since mid-March, so now
I wonder whether there have been new developments worth discussing
here or on BTTR and whether more testers are needed, and if so,
which modern sound hardware needs testing or other support :-)



The 2023-03-19 beta can be downloaded here:


Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] DosView, a modern image format viewer and converter

2023-11-06 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi! SuperIlu is has recently released version 1.1 of DosView:


It uses Allegro and compiles with DJGPP 12, so with a 386+ CPU,
enough RAM and VESA, you can now view those WEBP, JPEG2000, TIFF
and other modern file formats in truecolor graphics modes on DOS.

You can convert images to other formats with DosView as well :-)

A thread about it on BTTR:


Interestingly, the newest DosView EXE UPXes from 1.5 to 0.6 MB :-)

Cheers, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] MSdos 7.1 question

2023-11-04 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


I said it before but I'll re-iterate - any filesystem with proper 
journaling would be a total banger. I still remember how Rayman ate my 
FreeDOS and I still have dosfsck in my fdauto as a preventative measure. 
It's slow as molasses in January however. The same program under Linux 
blows it out of the water.

Do you have enough cache (Jack's drivers or lbacache for example)
and enough RAM, and/or made sure that CWSDPMI will not use swap?

See the documentation for CWSDPMI, or try using another DPMI,
such as DOS32A or DPMIONE, to run the DOS version of DOSFSCK.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] 7zip for dOS?

2023-11-01 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


I did download Eric's file, as I do not use freedos.

While you get extra package management features by opening
our zipped app packages with a package manager, unzipping
them with any UNZIP style tool will usually be sufficient.
So you should be fine.

The information indicates that it might be a port of a windows package.
My search suggested that I should fine an executable called 7za,
or even just 7z, but it is not  there.
the p7z file does not work at all.

There are two EXE files in the download:

624292 bx defX 09-Mar-05 00:00 ARCHIVER/P7ZIP/P7ZIP.EXE
542956 bx defX 09-Mar-04 23:48 ARCHIVER/P7ZIP/P7ZIPR.EXE

When you run p7zip -h or p7zipr -h they will show
the help text which makes me assume that they are
two different compiles of a standard 7-zip binary.

I have no idea why they got renamed to p7zip here?

The directory also contains various text documents
and a subdirectory with a HTML manual. In addition,
there are APPINFO, LINKS and SOURCE directories.
The former contains metadata about the package, the
latter contains a zip with the source code and the
LINKS directory contains a batch file which seems
to be meant as a wrapper to be put in your path to
call p7zip.exe without having to add the archiver
p7zip directory to your path. It does not pass the
command line arguments, though, which confuses me.

In short, you should be able to just copy the exe
and maybe the .1 documentation files from the
ARCHIVER/P7ZIP directory into a directory in your
path and keep everything else around at a place of
your choice for some extra documentation. You do
not need to use a package manager then.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] MSdos 7.1 question / Sound in DOS and FAT huge file support

2023-11-01 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


You use to promote MSdos 7.1. Have you ever found
a way to get sound on it.

Sound, network and graphics are not related to DOS as
operating system: Because the kernel does not support
those, the applications, not the operating system, are
the ones who have to support it. This also means that
apps with support for those will have support for them
on all versions and brands of DOS.

It should be possible to use MPXPLAY to get DOS sound
with modern hardware: https://mpxplay.sourceforge.net/

It might even be possible to get old games which expect
ISA SoundBlaster hardware to work on modern hardware
with the help of SBEMU or DOSBOX-X. Those have drivers
for modern sound chips (AC97 and HDA standard, I guess)
and provide simulations of old SoundBlaster soundcards:



I have never tested those two myself, so I would love
to hear from others how well they work :-)

I deleted a command called KILL on it. Do you know
what that command does because I don't?

It might be for killing tasks. DOS itself does not
support multitasking, but MS DOS 7 is the DOS which
ships with Windows 95 and 98, so maybe it simply is
a Windows command line tool to stop Windows tasks.

I love the large file size that it supports. Freedos
is limited to 2 gigs and PCdos stops a 8 gigs.

It would surprise me if PC DOS supports 8 GB files.
Technically, the bottlenecks are the ability to seek
and the file size. For relative seek, you can only
go +/- 2 GB from the current point. Absolute seeks
could be defined as 0 to 4 GB from the start or the
end of a file. A flag when opening/creating a file
with int 21.6c determines whether int 21.42 seeks
should work 2 GB style or 4 GB style for that file.

According to our kernel source code at
FreeDOS does not yet support 4 GB file open and seek!

But it does treat dirent.dir_size as ULONG, max 4 GB.

The file size can be up to 4 GB on FAT filesystems,
but one could check the cluster chain length or put
a few extra bits somewhere in the directory entries?

I do not know which DOS and Windows brands support
such extensions for FAT filesystems, but I think
EDR-DOS is one of the brands working on this and
proposing an interface for it?

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] Testing quite a few DOS games with modern graphics hardware

2023-10-31 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


Before rebooting my Linux to activate the newest kernel updates, I
have booted into DOS to find out how DOS games deal with my new
GeForce GTX 1650 graphics card. It is surprisingly bad as a VGA.

According to VESAINFO, only packed pixel and direct color modes
are supported, with 256 or 65536 colors or 32 bits per pixel.

VESA packed pixel modes: 640x480, 800x600 (1024 bytes per line),
1024x768, 1280x1024, 1600x1200 (1664 bytes per line!). Modes with
2 or 4 bytes per pixel also all have "round" numbers of bytes per
line (1280, 2048, 2560, 3328, 4096, 4120, 6144, 6656 or 7680, all
multiples of 128 as you can see). Resolutions up to 1920x1080 :-)

As the USB mouse is not supported in my current BIOS settings and
I was too lazy to change them, CTMOUSE only attempted to use a
non-existing Mouse Systems RS232 mouse. So games requiring mouse
input were not actually working, but that is a different story.

My board still has a serial port, so I could try an old mouse ;-)

Unsurprisingly, quite a few games throw error 200 or run too fast,
including the popular Jazz Jackrabbit and the Kamango memory game.

IGO works in VGA mode, also in monochrome VGA. Somehow it does
not show MCGA properly, maybe tweaking it? For Hercules, CGA,
EGA and Tandy, it reports that it could not activate the mode.

GOPART (GoPartner by Ingolf Hellmann) sort of works, but one
can see that the graphics font is incomplete. It is supposed to
work with CGA, Hercules, EGA and VGA. I guess it tries VGA.

WARI (Kalaha by ImagiSOFT) fails to enter graphics mode:
You would have to play blindly while still seeing DOS text.

Ballgame and Mahjongg (by Nels Anderson) also fail to enter
graphics mode. I guess this happens with all EGA or CGA apps.

Bananoid, which I think uses a tweaked MCGA mode, would work
if I had a mouse. A cute little Arkanoid clone.

Breakfree, a 3d Arkanoid clone, works, including speaker sound.

20th Century Frog shows no graphics, apparently it uses EGA.
I would have thought that it uses VGA.

Laserbeam by Proline just shows a blank screen, no idea.

Shooting Gallery would work if I had a mouse. MCGA + Speaker.

Descent would work, but runs too fast. Probably MCGA, too.

The IUS intro, which uses an interesting graphics mode, shows
something graphical, but not similar to the intended graphics.

Crystal Caves and Commander Keen 1 effectively stay in text
mode, apparently failing to switch to EGA (VGA?) mode. In
Captain Comic, switching to EGA fails with a message instead.

Commander Keen 4 claims not enough RAM is free if no EMM386 is
loaded, or crashes if JEMM386 X=TEST ALTBOOT MEMCHECK is loaded.

EGAroids (Asteroids) and Alley Cat (an ancient CGA game) fail
to enter graphics mode, so once again, you see garbled text.

Lemmings does not work, but I may have failed to try all the
conceivably supported graphics modes for that one. I once
bought a decent Windows port of it on CD, by the way :-)
I have not tested Lemmings 3d (needs EMS etc.).

Zeliard does work! I would have thought that it uses EGA just
like all the other games which do NOT work. Interestingly, the
Display Port output is native resolution of my screen at 60 Hz,
so the graphics card automatically upscales the resolutions.

Raptor does work (not sure whether it would support PC speaker
for sound, I just got none) so space shooter bases are covered.

Tank Wars (a small MCGA artillery game) basically works, but
some areas of the screen are garbled. Maybe a font problem?
You may know the genre from Worms and from QBasic Gorillas.

Antix (Anti-Xonix) is almost playable in spite of not reaching
a graphics mode. Maybe it was meant to be text mode anyway,
but the font is off and the game runs too fast.

Xonix basically works, just custom chars end up wrong, maybe
the VGA BIOS simply provides an incomplete font charset here.

Konggame (meant to use CGA 160x100 text graphics) and Pacman
just end up in some sort of garbled text mode, not playable.

Sint Nicolaas (MCGA Jump and Run) works, with PC speaker.

Digger (DigDug clone) also works. Maybe MCGA instead of CGA/EGA?

Squarez also works, as does the WOW tracker (MOD player) when
you switch it to PC speaker output. Probably MCGA as well :-)

Jill of the Jungle does work, MCGA with PC speaker sound.

The tiny Super Mario clone "Mario" by Mike Wiering works,
althought there is some tearing in the animations. Claims
to be 256 color VGA, but probably just uses MCGA graphics?

It is interesting that many CGA and EGA games fail to enter
graphics mode and fail to detect that they failed. I guess
the hardware just supports a subset of VGA and games think
VGA support implies support for everything older than VGA.
Some games do detect the failure, though!

I wonder whether some games would be troubled by the less
flexible bytes-per-line with this hardware, but I assume
EGA still would not work if you were to use N * 256 bytes
per line for it. I expect VESA games to be smart enough
to respect the bytes per line of the BIOS in

Re: [Freedos-user] 7zip for dOS?

2023-10-31 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi! According to


you can download


for 7zip. Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Some USB-Stick problems

2023-10-28 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi again,

see the new, separate thread for more USB-printer solutions :-)

A new thought: I got a VERY good suggestion for the problem of
FAT filesystems and file contents getting corrupted by those
power outages when the drivers restart the engines of the
trucks. You remember, I wondered whether running DOS in some
emulator in Windows or Linux would be better or worse, given
that those use other filesystems like NTFS or EXT3, not FAT.

The suggestion is A LOT easier: Buffer those 12 Volts before
you send them to the inverter! No more crashes, thus no more
worries which filesystem or operating system suffers most or
least from those crashes. I should have come up with THAT.

Given that the outages are very short, various solutions are
possible. Maybe even something trivial like charging a cap
from the 12V through a diode and connecting the inverter to
the cap instead of directly to the car battery. Or, for more
stability for longer interruptions, charging a small 12 Volts
battery, of course.

I assume the printers also need 230 Volts? If not, a solution
without the inverter might be possible. The Thin Client may
even work directly from 12 Volts, but this is out of specs.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Using USB printers with a parallel port adapters or software tricks

2023-10-28 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi again,

somebody in another DOS forum pointed out that you can get ready
to use LPT2USB online, although expensive, from various shops:




I also got the suggestion (once more) to use LAN for printing,
either with the evil MS CLIENT or by any other means. I guess
depending on the printer, a bit of NETCAT, CURL, WGET etc. may
be sufficient, or using a library like wattcp or (I forgot the
other names) directly in the DOS app.

Regards, Eric

Hi! Moving this topic to a new thread:

Next problem: I tried to get printer support via USB (currently they
use classic LPT, but those printers get very rare).

Asking around and looking around a bit, people have suggested to run DOS
inside vDOSplus, DOSBOX-X, DOSEMU2, VirtualBox and so on with a Linux or
Windows host operating system. I think when you run DOSBOX-X on DOS as
host, it would not support USB printers. But it could support HDA, AC97
soundchips and simulate SB16 for the DOS inside? Sounds very nice! :-)

Also, I wonder how Windows and Linux would react to those frequent power
loss related crashes of the whole computer. Probably not very amused?

Either way, I stumbled over a cool microcontroller based solution by
Henrik Haftmann, with free EAGLE PCB data and circuit diagram and the
corresponding firmware. Even an ultra low cost RS232 firmware install
method is part of the project :-)



Of course this is less superpowered than  https://www.retroprinter.com/
mentioned earlier, based on a complete computer and able to convert old
DOS printer data to output even for GDI printers if I got that right?

The page also links some alternatives from other sources, but I found
ALL of the linked products in the Gibt's schon / re-invented section to
be no longer available. So better make some backup of Henrik's USB2LPT.

Cheers, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] IDLE HALT=1 is working on my laptop?

2023-10-28 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Ramon,

If I use FDAPM APMDOS in my fdauto.bat I get the following message:

Performing action: APMDOS
If APMDOS slows 
APM not available, skipping APM setup.
Going resident.

This is because I have freedos poorly configured or because my hardware
does not support it. (My laptop is about 12 years old)

As you see, it goes resident nevertheless. Your BIOS does not
offer APM support, so FDAPM uses a generic fallback instead.

You could play with the FDAPM SPEEDn options (example: SPEED4)
as additional trick. This will throttle the system by halting
it half of the time in a fast rhythm, but be prepared that it
may fail in bad ways, so do not put it in your fdauto until
you have tested it interactively.

It is possible that SPEEDn does not work at all, because
FDAPM does not sufficiently understand your ACPI BIOS, or
it is possible that it crashes the computer in some way.

If that happens, you will have to hard reset it (if you
have a reset button) or even power cycle it (for example
by keeping the power button pressed for several seconds).

Of course you do not need to use SPEEDn at all if normal
FDAPM APMDOS already reduces energy consumption, heat
and fan activity sufficiently. It is just an additional
thing you COULD try.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] R-Alt does not act like L-Alt

2023-10-28 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Aitor,

I would assume that right alt DELIBERATELY does not act like
a generic ALT key in EDIT: In German, for example, you need
that right "Alt Gr" key for some accented characters, so it
must not act as a function shift key. I remember not being
able to use some other editor exactly because it treated any
ALT like ALT, making me unable to type "@" because it wanted
to treat it like "ALT-Q" or "ALT-@" with a special meaning
for the ALT status instead of as an ordinary character.

Maybe it would be useful to make this configurable in EDIT,
but in a minimalist way, for example a checkbox whether R-ALT
counts as ALT (for hotkeys) or is not to be interfered with.

Regards, Eric


Sounds like it could be a bug in Edit, I'll see about it when I have a
little time.

Now for the original question: is it possible to make R-Alt work like L-Alt?
It should be possible to do that with FD-KEYB.The idea is to intercept
Right-Alt and then emit Left-Alt, and get back to the BIOS driver. This
trick is unlikely lo work in a pre-AT-class machines, but in this older
machines, you can try and run FD-KEYB with the /9 and see if it works.

The trick is like this: R-Alt is an E0-prefixed L-Alt, so you should define
a new plane for the E0:

Then, make a new mappings sections that would just catch the R-Alt and emit
a L-Alt (the scancode for Alt is 38h = 56


Finally, add this new mapping to your Submappings section, at the end, so
that it works as a fallback for the other cases (change the codepage for
whatever you desire):

437   ralt

If someone wants to give it a try and works, let me know, should be
interesting stuff.
You can apply the same trick to make "extended" keys work as non-extended.


Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] Using USB printers with a parallel port adapters or software tricks

2023-10-27 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi! Moving this topic to a new thread:

Next problem: I tried to get printer support via USB (currently they
use classic LPT, but those printers get very rare).

Asking around and looking around a bit, people have suggested to run DOS
inside vDOSplus, DOSBOX-X, DOSEMU2, VirtualBox and so on with a Linux or
Windows host operating system. I think when you run DOSBOX-X on DOS as
host, it would not support USB printers. But it could support HDA, AC97
soundchips and simulate SB16 for the DOS inside? Sounds very nice! :-)

Also, I wonder how Windows and Linux would react to those frequent power
loss related crashes of the whole computer. Probably not very amused?

Either way, I stumbled over a cool microcontroller based solution by
Henrik Haftmann, with free EAGLE PCB data and circuit diagram and the
corresponding firmware. Even an ultra low cost RS232 firmware install
method is part of the project :-)



Of course this is less superpowered than  https://www.retroprinter.com/
mentioned earlier, based on a complete computer and able to convert old
DOS printer data to output even for GDI printers if I got that right?

The page also links some alternatives from other sources, but I found
ALL of the linked products in the Gibt's schon / re-invented section to
be no longer available. So better make some backup of Henrik's USB2LPT.

Cheers, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Some USB-Stick problems

2023-10-26 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Woody,

Unfortunately, using the internal IDE is out of question, since the
whole process in that company is used to take that stick after the
salestour, go into the office and plug it into a transfer PC, where
some other software reads in all sales data, then updates the stick
with new tour-data and maybe App- and Freedos updates.

Well, you probably have a lot of control over the software,
so you could modify it to just use the USB stick as vessel
to transport sales data, tour data and updates while the
software installation resides on the internal disk. Those
sticks could boot into a tool which updates app and tours,
checks the filesystem and creates a flag/lock file when
done. Booting from the stick again would instead update
sales data on the stick. In the office, people could have
a tool (maybe a simple batch script) which gathers sales
data from the stick, puts new updates and tour data on it
and clears the flag/lock file again for the next tour etc.

Still pondering non-USB and non-stick solutions:

You may also install "extension cords" so people can plug
CF cards as IDE storage. My PC has a Wechselrahmen which
does let me connect a CF card with a mechanical adapter.
I have stopped using it years ago, but you get the idea.
There also are adapters with controller, for CF on SATA.

Think about Delock 91687 or 91624 which only need a free
slot bracket. Unfortunately, the T510 does not have any
space for it, even a SATA cable would need a custom hole.

Neither CF as IDE nor USB sticks are hot-pluggable in the
DOS and BIOS scenario you are using, so there is not hot
plug ability to lose, but getting rid of USB complexity
still feels like a good thing to try out.

Another possibility would be to replace the USB sticks by
something which is less sensitive to power outages. Server
SSD with supercaps come to mind, connected by SATA or via
a simple USB enclosure if you must stick to using USB. Or
you could improve the power supply hardware infrastructure.

That 4Mb XMS limit was just because FoxPro doesn't need more.

There are few apps which get confused when they get too
much XMS (for example more than 32 MB of XMS 2.0, or more
than 2 GB of XMS 3.0) but I would not manually set any
limit unless you really have to to "protect" old apps.
Windows 3 also does not like too much RAM, by the way.

As said, I suggest that you do not use EMM386 style
drivers unless you actually want EMS or UMB. If not,
it reduces complexity to only use HIMEM style drivers.

mediumtypes for the USB: Floppy, Zip and Harddisk.

Those are basically predefined sets of CHS geometry.
Floppy goes up to 2.88MB, ZIP is more like harddisk.
You usually stick to harddisk and hope that BIOS and
OS will use LBA instead of CHS anyway, to avoid any
confusion about which geometry would be the best.
You can also boot read-only CD/DVD or their images.

Most FreeDOS bootsectors (SYS) and kernel autodetect LBA
support of the BIOS, but for the FAT32 bootsector, some
fixed choice is made when you run SYS, no boot autodetect.

The issue of caches, crashes and power outages:

You do not have to worry about the read-caches available
in DOS, so you should be safe if you close files AND call
those disk reset and cache flush calls after that as long
as you only get crashes between flushing and the beginning
of the next write. You can try to postpone writes during
periods when crashes (engine restarts) are likely. This
will protect you from getting half-written broken data.

As said, DOS itself is barely able to cache anything in
the sense of delayed or pooled WRITES. You can actually
improve performance using READ caches like LBACACHE. It
should not impact your data corruption problem. Only a
WRITE cache would make your problem larger.

Unfortunately, basically ALL storage media apart from
floppy disks have intrinsic write "caching" in the sense
that your data will get converted and sent to the actual
disk or flash chip AFTER it got sent by the computer.

So if your computer crashes while working on your files,
unsaved or partially saved data gets lost or, worse,
corrupted for obvious reasons. But if POWER to your
drive is lost, MORE data can get lost. Some drives
use backup energy (supercap or, for harddisk, using
their mechanical energy) to mitigate that extra loss.
USB sticks, however, are not in that category. Neither
are CF cards. Their advantage is just having fewer
interface and data conversion layers in the pipeline.

Drives also tend to be configurable concerning whether
they are allowed to pool or cache written data. Other
people here may be able to recommend tools for this,
but I would say it is hard to control those settings
from DOS for USB drives and more feasible for SATA or
IDE drives. In Linux, you would use HDPARM for this.

Some drives (in particular some flash models, both SSD
and USB sticks can suffer from this) also corrupt more
data than necessary or even get completely bricked if
a sudden power loss interrupts internal bookke

Re: [Freedos-user] Some USB-Stick problems

2023-10-26 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Woody!

You probably mean a HP t510 thin client, with VIA Eden X2 U4200 CPU,
VIA VX900 Chipset, 2 GB RAM, some flash storage, VIA ChromotionHD
graphics (DVI/VGA), audio, GB-LAN, Atheros WiFi, 6x USB2, 1x RS232,
1x LPT, 2x PS/2, 65W 19V power brick:


According to this site, you can connect IDE storage, so a compact
flash card with a suitable adapter indeed sounds like a great idea.
CF usually support IDE I/O, which means that a simple mechanical
adapter with a power regulator is sufficient, no extra controller
or card reader necessary:


Depending on the model, the flash may also be SATA instead of IDE
DOM (Disk On Module), which is even easier, but the mechanics can
be problematic given the small housing of the whole computer. Also,
the website says that using SATA SSD may somehow interfere with
and damage the network interface (LAN, Broadcom NIC). There also
is a tiny Mini-PCIe 1x slot, for WiFi extensions etc.

The app itself was first on a 256Mb CompactFlash Card, which
was attached with a USB cardreader to that PC.

Why the extra step with the USB cardreader?

The software booted from that Flashcards with a regular MSDOS6,
no USB drivers etc necessary, seems all is handled by BIOS.

When a BIOS can boot from USB, it will often be able to present
USB storage as harddisk (or sometimes floppy or CD-ROM), yes.
But it will usually not support changing "disks" on the fly.

I then changed those Flashcards to real USBSticks and formatted
them with RUFUS and FreeDOS (Kernel 2043), recompiled their App
and now some "funny" things happen

Using USB adds an extra layer of complexity and a BIOS with USB
boot support at that time may have been very minimalistic, so
for example you may only get USB 1 speed or writes would not
be supported or only in slow and convoluted ways. I remember I
once managed to boot DOS with Windows 3 from an USB stick on
an old PC , but it was no fun to use and not really stable.

Also note that certain brands of USB sticks seem allergic
to power glitches or getting unplugged at the wrong moment,
which can lead to data loss or even bricked USB sticks.
Likely a problem with the extra complexity of the firmware
running on the stick itself which prefers a clean shutdown.

... when they restart the engine, the 12V will get powered off
for a short time, thus the PC just crashes and reboots.

Nobody likes that, not even DOS. And USB sticks like it less
than compact flash cards.

Would it be possible to use a compact flash card connected
directly to the IDE port of the thin client? Or some SATA
device, assuming that LAN damage would not be a problem?

there seems to be some caching involved.

I am not aware of any free open source delayed write cache
for FreeDOS, but I am not sure whether BUFFERS can pool
writes to some small extent?

You already call FDAPM FLUSH when the app ends, but you
probably want to modify your app itself, so it can call
the flush things itself (no need to use FDAPM then) each
time when you close your files after using them.

Would it be an option to improve power supply stability?

If you boot DOS from USB, you are stuck with the BIOS USB
drivers, so you cannot update DOS drivers to solve things.

You should probably avoid USB storage completely, given
that the thin client supports internal IDE or SATA disks.

Even if you need some adapters and even if the - probably
not used in the trucks - LAN or WiFi interface breaks,
internal disks (CF, SSD, DOM etc.) are protected from
the rough street life and are probably more rugged in
terms of unplanned power loss or reboot than USB sticks.

You could for example use USB just to install one of
the computers (I also assume our USB images are meant
more as installers than as live images for everyday
use) and then clone the internal disk of that PC to
create more internal disks for more thin clients :-)

That also gives you full flexibility regarding whether
to use FAT16 or FAT32 and whether to use only a part
of the available disk space etc. With boot images, you
could always get unwanted complexity such as embedded
boot floppy or CD-ROM images, which you will not suffer
from when installing to an internal medium.

That said, you can probably just "dd" one of our USB
images to a stick in Linux, keeping extra space empty.

There must be Windows tools which allow you to just
do a dumb 1:1 transfer of our boot stick image to USB.

Other people on this list will know other boot stick
creator tools for the Windows version you are bound to.

Using DOSBOX as a tool for installation feels like at
least three extra layers of unwanted complexity.

Another recommendation: If you only need XMS and UMB
space is no problem, avoid JEMMEX, JEMM386 etc. and
consider using only one simple HIMEM or XMGR style
driver. Yet another way to reduce complexities.

As you have already found out, when you load DOS USB
drivers (for USB printers) you will

Re: [Freedos-user] IDLE HALT=1 is working on my laptop?

2023-10-26 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Ramon!

I have IDLE HALT=1 in my fdconfig.sys and in config.sys - FreeDOS 1.3

You probably mean


without space.

How can I know if IDLE HALT=1 is working on my laptop? because the fan
starts up very frequently at full power.

You could try IDLEHALT=-1 for a stronger effect, but you probably
want to load FDAPM instead, using for example, in your autoexec:


That will use less than 1 kilobyte of DOS memory and
allows more energy saving than the built-in IDLEHALT.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] HIMEMX zip file dates

2023-10-02 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Mercury and Jerome,

I typically do modify the times to reflect the version number. Of
course that's not necessary by any means, but it's a habit I started
doing as a quick and easy contingency to help me in the event of files
becoming crossed, e.g. if I were to accidentally drop files into the
wrong version folder or some such errantry.

Is the preferred behavior to not touch the times? If so, I can
certainly refrain from doing so in future packages. :)

Please preserve the timestamps of the original ZIP content.

Good to know that Jerome has a tool for that, bad enough
that GIT defaults to break timestamps without that tool?
When handling files outside GIT, timestamps stay as-is.

As you already add the LSM file, the handling date is
preserved as timestamp of the LSM in the ZIP. You can
even use ZIP -o to make the timestamp of the ZIP itself
match the timestamp of the newest file inside the ZIP.

In addition, I would still love the "release-cli" of
our GITLAB repository to create actual release notes.

At the moment, I only see WHICH packages got updated
when, but need manual "research" to find out WHY.

Regards, Eric

PS: I think DJGPP should stay available as separate download.
Most OTHER compilers are small enough to stay on the main CD.

(https://github.com/Baron-von-Riedesel/HimemX/releases) was released
Nov 21, 2022 and has file contents like this:

$ unzip -l HimemX338.zip
Archive: HimemX338.zip
Length Date Time Name
- -- - 
6056 11-21-2022 13:01 HimemX.exe
6056 11-21-2022 13:01 HimemX2.exe
1954 04-16-2020 06:38 Readme.txt
4871 11-21-2022 13:01 History.txt
81855 11-21-2022 13:01 HimemX.asm
296 03-24-2020 01:56 Make.bat
529 03-24-2020 01:58 Makefile
- ---
101617 7 files

It looks like you modify the zip files when you mirror them. Your
version looks like this:

$ unzip -l 3.38/himemx338.zip
Archive: 3.38/himemx338.zip
Length Date Time Name
- -- - 
0 09-23-2023 03:38 APPINFO/
568 09-23-2023 03:38 APPINFO/HIMEMX.LSM
0 09-23-2023 03:38 BIN/
6056 09-23-2023 03:38 BIN/HIMEMX.EXE


Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] languages

2023-09-29 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


FreeDos need's update in the keyboard and languages, there is support for
that in open-source environments, but I don't know how to implement them.
For example I'm using a portuguese keyboard and it doesn't support it, so
Iam in trouble's

Actually FreeDOS has no problems with Portuguese keyboards. Even
the tiny MKEYB driver supports them. If you run MKEYB /? you will
see that MKEYB /L shows a list of supported keyboards, which does
include Portuguese. So you could run MKEYB PO to activate keyboard
support in Portuguese style, or you could add a line saying MKEYB
PO to your autoexec.bat or fdauto.bat, depending on which of the
two you are using. Our other keyboard drivers also support your
layout, you just have to read the documentation to find out how
to activate it, as they are a bit more complicated to set up :-)

Best regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] CD driver

2023-09-19 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


I just installed Freedos 1.3 via USB.  It works OK, but will not load the
UDVD2 driver (it gets a #255 error).  Will UIDE work instead?  Or is the
problem a bad HDD sector?

The problem probably is not a bad sector in your harddisk.

If you want to access a CD/DVD after booting from that same
boot CD/DVD, then you could also use the ELTORITO driver.

For most other cases, you can use drivers like UDVD2. It
might also make a difference whether you boot from USB or
from harddisk (or SSD) as well.

UIDE is newer than UDVD2. The newest versions of the drivers
available with source are probably here:



This contains a 2015 rdisk (with rdiskon) and UDVD2,
2020 UIDE and xmgr (himem alternative), 2021 UHDD
and a 2022 readme text file.

UIDE supports both optical and non-optical drives as
well as a cache. UHDD only does non-optical disks.
UHDD contains a cache, too. UDVD2 only supports
optical drives. UDVD2 can share the cache of UHDD
if you load UDVD2 after UHDD.

Note the readme regarding which drivers are best in
which situation. Also note that depending on where
you got that 255 error, it may mean XMS memory error!

If that is what happened for you, then you may want
to try different combinations of memory drivers such
as JEMMEX, JEMM386, HIMEMX, XMGR etc. By default,
your FreeDOS installation will already offer a few
combinations in your boot menu. Try those :-)

If your mainboard supports AHCI, it may belp to
disable AHCI mode in your BIOS / CMOS settings.

Alternatively, you can use AHCICD by the late R. Loew:
You can ignore the warning about the expired HTTPS.

Japheth has created an unreal mode variant of it, too:

You can also find updates for JEMM and HIMEMX on
Japheth's GitHub "Baron von Riedesel", even his
HIMEMSX to use more than 4 GB RAM :-)

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] Candyman?

2023-09-14 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi! Does anybody here know the user nicknamed Candyman?

There is a strange thread on BTTR started by that account,
maybe somebody could contact Candyman via another channel
and ask what has happened.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] How do I change screen resolution?

2023-08-07 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


Assuming that you just want to have MORE text on your screen,
without actually wanting to use graphics mode, you can select
quite a few modes with MODE CON or with various VESA tools.

For example in dosemu2, the following works just fine:

MODE con cols=132 lines=60

This will search for 132x60 character VESA mode and use it.

In dosemu2, VESA text modes 80x60, 132x25, 132x43 and 132x60
are available, but others can be available on other graphics
cards or in other emulators or virtual computers, dosbox,
bochs, qemu, vmware, and so on.

For non-VESA modes, you can for example use:

MODE con co80,50

That will select a VGA compatible 80x50 text mode.

Sometimes MODE will get modes wrong depending on from
which mode to which you transition. For example it may
end up in 80 column modes when asking for 132 columns,
depending on how many lines you want and had before.

It helps to experiment: Often, you can help mode to get
into the desired mode by first selecting a similar, easier
mode, so it can find out how more easily to go further.

For modes with more than 132 columns, you need VESA tools
which make fewer assumpions about things than MODE does.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] A Couple of USB Device Issues

2023-07-31 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Damon!

I have an old Dell Optiplex 745 I'm trying to "FreeDos" and am having a couple 
of issues.

I have yet to get the USB Laser mouse to work properly.

Try enabling USB legacy support in your BIOS. The mouse should then
be visible to drivers like CUTEMOUSE as if it would be a PS/2 mouse.

The other issue is PCI sound cards. I have an Aureal Vortex2 and
also a Soundblaster Audigy 4.

Vortex 2 = AU8830, Alsa for Linux would use AU88X0 drivers which do
not seem to be AC97 or HDA. No SoundBlaster compatibility either?

Audigy 4 with CA10300 DSP, also sounds sounds quite far away from
DOS, but the original Audigy with EMU10K chipset was closer to SB
PCI and SB PCI which came with DOS drivers. Those drivers were quite
unusual because they provided a simulation of a DOS compatible ISA
SoundBlaster for those non-ISA devices.

If you just want to listen to media files such as OGG or MP3, then
you can get a more or less generic HDA or AC97 compatible soundcard
for PCI, maybe even PCIe, or mainboard with sound, and use those
with MPXPLAY for DOS:


IF you want old DOS games to work with sound, then you will have
to find a soundcard specifically designed for that, including the
examples mentioned above. As the Optiplex 745 with Core2Duo CPU
is probably too modern (!) to still support ISA features on PCI,
soundcards from early PCI days with some HARDWARE compatibility
ISA SoundBlaster will only work in very limited ways, for example
without DMA or interrupts. Some games might be able to deal with
that, or at least provide AdLib sound, but I have tried a whole
collection of those on a dual core AMD board with little success.

Games rarely support installing modern sound drivers later and
DOS is not designed to help games with sound either, so FreeDOS
will not be asked by the games. In theory, VESA/AI drivers might
exist. Another option is to use drivers which create simulations
of DOS compatible soundcard. Check out the recent SBEMU progress:


The goal here is to support modern hardware, such as generic HDA
or AC97 cards on the hardware side and create the illusion of
classic SoundBlaster hardware on the software side visible to
your old games :-)

A classic way to do this can be running your games in a virtual
DOS system inside another operating system, such as DOSBOX in
Windows or Linux or DOSEMU2 in Linux (later MacOS and Android?)

For DOSEMU2, you have to first add their PPA to your config:

If you have for example Ubuntu 20.04, then you would add a file


with the line

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/dosemu2/ppa/ubuntu focal main

to add DOSEMU2 and their repository to your software sources.
You can then simply use Synaptic to install components of it
and you will automatically get regular updates, too. If you
have different versions of Ubuntu, you do roughly the same,
but replace the word FOCAL by the name of your Ubuntu version.

Of course you can also use Synaptic or other tools to enter
the location of the PPA repository using a graphical menu.

The mouse driver(s) (I've tried many) load without error.
But the mouse moves only to the right. No up, left, or down.

I assume it does work okay with other operating systems?
Have you tried enabling or disabling wheel support? For
CuteMouse, you can compare driver 1.9.x, 2.0.x and 2.1.x
which all have different advantages and disadavantages.

The aureal card claims to initialize but there is no sound
from any of the midi player apps (e.g. Cubic player).

Maybe a mixer problem? Or you need some specific init tool?
Or the sound ends up coming from the wrong connector?

MIDI music can mean two things: It could be rendering of
the music using canned instruments to create a stream of
PCM samples. It could also mean that the sequence of tone
commands gets sent to a MIDI port or synthesizer chip you
may have to connect to or init and support separately.

Given that OpenCP also is a MOD Tracker player, I expect
it to use the first style (MOD files are bundles of tone
sequences and canned instrument data, so OpenCP already
has the engine for that and will probably include canned
generic instrument data for MIDI playing - MIDI files do
not include instrument data themselves.

Originally, OpenCP supported ISA SounBlaster, ESS688 and
1688, GUS and similar, in Windows also WSS and DirectX
drivers. The current version uses TIMIDITY to "render"
MIDI files:


You could try whether it works better with MP3 or OGG,
in case you have a problem with the rendering module.

It can also play AdLib files and SID files and more :-)
However, I do not see information about DOS ports there?

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] USB serial & DOSBox

2023-07-25 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi! Have you tried using dosemu2? They have active development and 
support, so even if it does not work out of the box, they should still 
be able to give you advice on how to make it work :-) Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] the freedos 1.3 floppy install edition.

2023-07-23 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


The CPU detection utility used by the installer has compatibility issues with 
some processors.
For example, there are some 486 systems that are detected as a 186. This has 
been a known issue
for a while. Unfortunately, I just have not had the time to resolve that.

As a stop gap, if the installer is told the system is less than a 386, it 
assumes it is incorrect and
installs the 386 package set. So, there should be no need to override the 
detected CPU on 386+ systems.

That will just break the complete install on pre-386 systems. If you
insist on not trusting your tools, at least ASK the user whether they
want to override the detection.

Or better: If the tool detects a pre-386, make sure that you install
an 8086 compatible kernel. You can still let the config/autoexec keep
a boot menu item a la "if you are sure that your CPU can actually do
it, select this item to try to load EMM386 and HIMEM at your own risk."

For systems with less than a 386, you will want to override it to ensure the 
8086 compatible kernel
is installed.

This should be the other way round. If you know what you are doing,
you MAY override the detection result that you have no 386. If you
do NOT know for sure, then the installer should NOT give you an
install which would require 386.

Of course if the INSTALLER is sure that the CPU is 386 or newer,
the whole problem does not occur. So my proposal only annoys a
small number of people with exotic 386+ CPU, but rescues all the
users with actual 286 or older CPU or emulators from getting an
un-usable install due to overly optimistic automated overrides.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Can FreeDOS Be Installed On A Logical Slice? The Answer Remains Unknown

2023-07-23 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user

Hi Jay!

I tried to do the same thing with a logical slice of disk but FreeDOS
failed to see it.  If it is possible to install FreeDOS onto a logical
slice of disk, inside of the extended slice, the technique for doing
so is unknown, or, at least, unknown by me.

DOS can not be installed on a logical partition, it has to be a primary 

The problem is that the boot sector of a logical partition contains, as
far as I remember, relative instead of absolute position information.

So the boot sector code / program will fail to find the DOS kernel if
booting from a logical partition. You will either have to use a primary
partition, manually mess around with the boot sector without breaking
other aspects of it, or use some type of boot manager which can load
the kernel in some other way. You could even use a virtual floppy image
with the help of GRUB or LILO and MEMDISK, I guess. FreeDOS in general
has no problems with C: being a non-primay partition as far as I know,
and it supports fdconfig.sys or config.sys pointing to the bulk of the
DOS system on other drives than C: However:

If you cannot load the kernel, DOS will be a lot less useful and at
least your fdconfig.sys and some type of driver which makes it able
to access other drives also have to be on a FAT formatted C: drive.

In theory, you could load a virtual boot floppy with NTFS drivers,
kernel and config sys and then install the rest of FreeDOS even on
a NTFS drive, but that would involve significant manual trickery.

Long story short, you could try the virtual boot floppy method and
I recommend that your DOS drive is FAT, but I think a LOGICAL FAT
partition could be good enough AFTER you boot from virtual floppy.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] gitlab change notifications lack commit messages

2023-07-18 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


Today I have gotten more than 60 notifications about packet updates,
NONE of which mentioned why the affected package got updated.

I would REALLY like those notifications to include more details and
metadata. This would also allow looking up update details in the
archives later.

In this context I remember that this is a bug in some sort of an
automated package update script: It lacks the feature to pass ANY
information about the update reason, so there is none. But this
would be valuable information, so please improve that process :-)

Thank you! Regards, Eric

PS: Below is an example of an update notification, current style.

A new Release v6.00a for unzip was published. Visit the Releases page to read 
more about it: https://gitlab.com/FreeDOS/archiver/unzip/-/releases

  - unzip - v6.00a for FreeDOS: 
  - Download zip: 
  - Download tar.gz: 
  - Download tar.bz2: 
  - Download tar: 

Release notes:
Created using the release-cli

(the linked release website does not provide ANY details either)

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Confusing details about SET and redirection in FreeCOM

2023-06-29 Thread Eric Auer via Freedos-user


To bump this thread and wish FreeDOS a happy birthday,
I would like to point out that this:

 >set "KEY=value|dir
 >echo %"KEY%
... will run the DIR command!

may be an instance of the 5th most dangerous software weakness:


Regards and happy anniversary, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] Unicode and codepages in apps already bundled with FreeDOS?

2023-06-22 Thread Eric Auer

Hi all,

as part of a mail with Vacek, I made a list of apps from


which MIGHT have some sort of Unicode and codepage awareness:

By that, I mean that those apps can process input and/or output
which are encoded using Unicode or some codepage and then show
or otherwise process it either in Unicode or using the current
codepage (which could get autodetected), or graphically, maybe
including a custom non-codepage font.

It surprises me that there are more than 30 suspects, but only
a fraction of those will ACTUALLY have the features I hope them
to have. Maybe you can help me to make the list more exact :-)

HTMLHELP shows input (HTML with Unicode and entity support)
using awareness of which chars exist in the current codepage.

DN2 (DOS Navigator file manager, Ritlabs and Necromancer forks)
may be able to handle file names or view files beyond simple
"treat as 8-bit, assume it fits codepage". Same for the DOSZIP
file manager and PGME (which even comes with fonts, I think).

The SQLITE database engine may still contain Unicode support
even though it may be of limited use in DOS.

Like file managers, some archivers may be aware of filenames
supporting encodings beyond the current codepage: 7ZIP just
distinguishes DOS, WIN and UTF, whatever that means. 7ZDEC
may just assume that Unicode chars 0 to 255 are your codepage?
CABEXTRACT seems to rely on ICONV for Unicode? ZIP and UNZIP
may or may not support encodings in their Infozip DOS ports?
I do not expect any of the other archivers to ponder encodings.

Some of the larger programming languages, often ports using
32-bit compilers for DOS, could support Unicode in some way:
DOJS (JavaScript), Euphoria, FreeBASIC (FBC), FreePascal (FPC),
Lua, Regina Rexx, Perl, OpenWatcom C, OpenWatcom Fortran maybe?

I suspect filesystem drivers to have Unicode or codepage awareness,
suspects are: DOSLFN, LFNDOS, NTFS, USBDOX :-)

Among text editors, MinEd seems to be as Unicode- and codepage-
aware as HTMLHELP: http://towo.net/mined/term-dos.png Blocek
even comes with a graphical Unicode font. SETEDIT, ELVIS and
VIM are powerful enough to possibly support various encodings?

The FOXTYPE viewer explicitly supports Unicode. GNUCHCP is a
bit of an alternative to the DISPLAY/MODE/CPI font ecosystem.
UNRTF converts RTF to other text formats.

Likewise, internet apps such as Arachne, Dillo, Lynx, Links,
SSHDOS and SSH2DOS could support Unicode and other encodings?
Media player MPLAYER probably does, too. Maybe also OPENCP?

Last but not least, the OPENGEM GUI distro could contain
encoding-aware apps or infrastructure?

What are your thoughts? There might be more Unicode in FreeDOS
than I had intuitively expected. Even when support is minimal,
it would be cool to know that multiple apps grasp the concept
of, say, UTF-8 and codepages being able to show a tiny subset
of Unicode space and that a few apps even come with fonts with
far more than 256 different chars already :-)

Thanks for your insights! Regards, Eric

PS: For all things NOT mentioned above, I expect no support for
Unicode or conversions at all. I expect those to just assume an
8-bit encoding in text (and file names) matching your codepage.

Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] Confusing details about SET and redirection in FreeCOM

2023-06-21 Thread Eric Auer

Hi fellow users :-)

I have been wondering which chars are special in SET
in FreeCOM and whether they can be escaped or similar.

As with most DOS commands, < | > are normally special.
Any other characters which tend to be special in shells
seem to be okay in SET. So far for the good news. But:

You can do SET KEY=VALUE as expected as long as none
of the 3 special chars are in there.

You can also use double quotes in surprising ways:

SET KEY="VALUE allows you to use any character in
the value, but the double quotes will become part
of the value. You do not need closing quotes and
you can use more quotes anywhere in the value.

SET "KEY=VALUE however is sort of evil, check this:

>SET "KEY=valuebar|stuff
>echo %KEY%
ECHO is on
>echo "%KEY%
ECHO is on
>echo %"KEY%
Cannot redirect input from file "foo"
>SET | tail -1

>set "KEY=value|dir
>echo %"KEY%
... will run the DIR command!

I guess you can use this either as a feature or as
a nasty security hole. Again, you can safely use

>set KEY="value|dir
>echo %key%

but that will always have the " as a part of the value.

Are there other ways to deal with < | > in SET commands
and then use the values in ECHO and other commands?

Regards, Eric

PS: Tests done in DOSEMU2, but with classic FreeCOM installed:
C:\>ver /r

FreeCom version 0.84-pre2 XMS_Swap [Aug 28 2006 00:32:15]
DOS Version 6.22
FreeDOS kernel build 2038 [version May 16, 2009 compiled May 16 2009]

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Installation with Grub already installed

2023-05-22 Thread Eric Auer


If I understand you correctly, Windows XP is NOT on that
FAT partition, so every OS already has a separate partition?

In that case the answer for MANUAL install would be: Simply
skip the FDISK and FORMAT steps, it is enough to use SYS to
make the FAT partition bootable. If your XP also has a FAT
partition, make sure to not apply DOS SYS to the XP drive.

The problem is that I do not know what the AUTOMATED install
will do. Whether there is a risk that it would run FDISK or
FORMAT without your consent? That question can be answered
by others who are more familiar with the workflow.

Regarding GRUB, you can use the Linux update-grub tool or
grub-mkconfig to refresh the boot menu configuration after
you have done the SYS step. It will detect DOS on the FAT
partition and add a boot menu item for that :-)

Then you can reboot, select booting DOS, and proceed with
the remaining steps of installing DOS, if you have some
DOS installation steps left to do after SYS.

Regards, Eric

Hi there
I would like to install FreeDos 1.3 on my hard drive. I have Windows XP 
and Lubuntu 18.04 installed, both bootable from the Grub boot manager. 

The first partition is FAT and 2G in size and where I would like to 
install FreeDos. Is it possible to install FreeDos without destroying 
Grub and the current installation and how would I do this?

John Ritchie

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Question about xFDisk and a multiboot setup

2023-03-14 Thread Eric Auer

Hi Gabriele,

Hi Eric I have partition magic for dos this can create partition for

I guess it can, given that it is a partition editor :-)

I do not know whether the DOS version can create LBA
partitions or FAT32 partitions, so if this is an old
DOS software, it may be better to use modern tools
such as GPARTED for Linux or something similar for
Windows or maybe even a tool shipping with FreeDOS?

In any case, it should not make much difference for
the multiboot question. For that, the trick will be
to sort partitions in a way that each OS calls their
own partition C: because the partitions of the other
OS either are in formats not supported by the OS,
for example FAT32 will be invisible to MS DOS 6.22,
or are after the own partition of the OS. And you
should make sure that installing one OS does not
format or otherwise damage the partition of another.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Question about xFDisk and a multiboot setup

2023-03-09 Thread Eric Auer


Let me get a bit more verbose in my installation thoughts.

If you want to hide FreeDOS and MS DOS from each other,
at least a bit, you could use filesystem choice for that:

Install Linux on a Linux filesystem.
Install XP on some NTFS filesystem.
Install FreeDOS on a FAT32 filesystem.
Install MS DOS on a FAT16 filesystem.

By putting them in an appropriate order, XP can be C: while
it sees the other 2 DOS versions as D: and E: and FreeDOS
can be C: while seeing MS DOS as D: and last but not least
MS DOS can be C: while not using any other partitions.

Be aware that MS DOS can only use CHS partitions within
the first 8 GB of the drive.

Regarding the boot menu question, you can manually edit
the GRUB menu.lst file after letting whatever automatic
menu.lst generation offered by your Linux distro create
entries for Linux, XP and MS DOS. This would let you
add a FreeDOS entry when MS DOS and FreeDOS share the
same partition. For that, you would manually run the
FreeDOS SYS, after booting MS DOS, in the special style

SYS C: freedos.bin bootonly

this will create a freedos.bin boot sector file. You
then copy the menu.lst section about MS DOS, but edit
the "chainloader +1" line and make that something like
"chainloader (hd0,1)/freedos.bin" if (hd0,1) would be
your MS DOS partition.

But given that you want 4 separate partitions for your
4 operating systems anyway, you can let the automatic
menu.lst generation of GRUB do EVERYTHING, without the
need for special SYS commands or manual menu.lst edits
if you make sure that the 4 partitions all use different
filesystem types :-)

I recommend that you start by installing XP, because it
is more likely to damage existing installs of other OS.

Next, install Linux. Depending on the distro, it will
provide a wizard to install a dual-boot which keeps XP
working and gives you a boot menu.

Add one FAT32 and one FAT16 primary partition either
during this step or later, using a graphical Linux
partitioning and formatting tool such as GPARTED.

Boot MS DOS from a floppy or similar and install it
manually to the FAT16 partition, without formatting
or partitioning anything. Maybe you just use a boot
disk and run SYS and copy some files, instead of
running some automated installer at that point.

Take similar steps for FreeDOS. I am not sure whether
it will automatically skip formatting and partitioning,
but do make sure to skip those. Also, make sure that
your FAT32 partition is before the FAT16 one. That way
the FAT32 partition will be C: and the MS DOS FAT16
partition will be D: for FreeDOS, while MS DOS will
only see the FAT16 partition and call it C: :-)

Boot Linux and let the GRUB menu.lst generator tool do
magic to add menu entries for the two DOS partitions.

I expect all DOS systems to require extra tricks if
their boot partition is not a primary partition, but
you can only have 4 primary partitions in total, or 3
if you also need additional non-primary partitions.

In the latter case, I think you can boot at least
Linux from non-primary partitions. Not sure about
XP. You may have to tell Linux to install GRUB in
the MBR, not in the boot sector of your Linux boot
partition, for this to work.

Regards, Eric

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] Question about xFDisk and a multiboot setup

2023-03-09 Thread Eric Auer


You could try metakern: FreeDOS SYS has command line options to write
the boot sector to a file instead of to the boot sector. You can use
either DEBUG or Linux or simple or fancy DOS tools of your choice to
harvest the boot sectors of MS DOS and XP. If FreeDOS finds the file
fdconfig.sys, it will use that and ignore config.sys, so you can tell
FreeDOS to use a different command.com than MS DOS in the SHELL line,
which you can also use to tell our freecom shell to use a different
file instead of autoexec.bat :-)

In short, you can use metakern as a boot menu to install FreeDOS and
MS DOS on the SAME C: drive, both visible to each other. Of course
it will take a bit of copying files around and making backups before
one installer overwrites files of the other DOS, but as experienced
DOS user, you can do it :-)

You can also add XP to the equation if you manage to keep config
files separate, but it is probably easier to install XP to a NTFS
partition which both DOS versions will simply ignore. You can use
for example your Linux boot manager to boot either Linux or XP or
the DOS partition and then use metakern to boot either FreeDOS or

Or even easier: Copy the harvested boot sectors of both MS DOS and
FreeDOS to your Linux boot manager directory and manually add boot
menu items for the two DOS versions directly to your Linux boot menu
without using metakern.

Regards, Eric

I and trying to get a multiboot setup

1. MSDOS 6.22 + Win 3.11
2. FreeDos 1.3
3. I was going to do XP but annoying so no...
4. And a Older laptop friendly Linux that runs on XFCE...

Freedos-user mailing list

[Freedos-user] Interesting BTTR threads: hwinfo and astra, ranish with lba, fdisk bug fixes, soundcards

2022-12-10 Thread Eric Auer

Hi! To forward some recent bookmarks for other DOS fans to enjoy,
I would like to share some links to the DOS ain't dead BTTR forum:

*Diagnostics software for DOS*


ASTRA 6.91: http://www.sysinfolab.com/

HWiNFO 6.2.2 by Martin Malik: https://www.hwinfo.com/download/

System Analyser by Hans Niekus https://sysanalyser.com/ (2011)

NSSI https://www.navsoft.cz/products.htm (2010)

In particular, ASTRA and HWiNFO are actively maintained and
received several updates discussed in the BTTR thread :-)

*FDISK 1.3.4 off-by-one CHS versus LBA bug and fixes for it*


This also links to https://gitlab.com/FreeDOS/base/fdisk/

Most recent conclusion is that if LBA is active in BIOS and FDISK
and a partition ends on a cylinder boundary < 8 GB, then the end
is wrongly rounded to the next cylinder. A similar bug exists for
the end of the whole disk.

*Ranish partition manager revived*


As the source code of Ranish Partition Manager is public domain
now, https://codeberg.org/boeckmann/ is working on updated versions
made with fresh compilers and with added LBA support. Cool news :-)

*Soundcard emulation ponderings*


This thread discusses the possibilities for soundcard emulation
on modern hardware. The original idea being vdmsound + hx dos.
There are no code or working recipes there yet, but the thread
could inspire others who want to dive into the possibilites.

I suggest to change the subject when replying to one of the good
news listed above, so we can discuss it in a separate freedos-user
thread for clarity. But I hope it was okay for you that I bundled
them all in this single "announcement", or overview email.

Regards, Eric

PS: Thanks for sharing the news about UPX 4.0.1, Jim!
Checking the milestone lists, this fixes FreePascal 3 compresssion
(fixed in 3.99) etc., while many other updates are not DOS related.

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