Re: FVWM: a problem of .login starting fvwm (migration suse-ubuntu)

2021-11-13 Thread Lucio Chiappetti

On Sun, 14 Nov 2021, Cameron Simpson wrote:

On 14Sep2021 15:36, Lucio Chiappetti  wrote:

I am migrating (actually, configuring a new PC) from opensuse 42.3 to
xubuntu 20.04.3.

Thanks for your interest. In the meanhile I arranged an acceptable 

Apparently ALL of the .login is not executed

This is pretty normal. The display manager is running fvwm as your
"session", so it starts it directly without using a shell at all.

My long standing approach has been to have a .xsession file specifying
my desktop session.

I'm not sure whether that's compatible with the default xubuntu way.

To recap, a "text terminal then startx" style login goes:

Used that only once for a laptop which failed to start X at boot (or 
perhaps back in the old times of Sun workstation in the '90s ...)

An XDM (et al) style login goes:

(not just the part relevant to XSESSION_IS_UP the way what is
the correct way in ubuntu to check I am in an X session ?)

Apparently in xubuntu the things to be tested are

if ( $?XDG_SESSION_TYPE != 0 ) then
if ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE == x11) then

my arrangement has been to move some conditional code in .cshrc, and leave 
some conditional X server stuff (like the X11 bell emulation) in .login, 
and force its execution in fvwm with a xterm -ls in StartFunction

Thanks anyhow

'It seemed to me,' said Wonko the Sane, 'that any civilization that had so
far lost its head as to need to include a set of detailed instructions for
use in a package of toothpicks, was no longer a civilization in which I
could live and stay sane.'
 Douglas Adams, So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

FVWM: a problem of .login starting fvwm (migration suse-ubuntu)

2021-09-14 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
I am migrating (actually, configuring a new PC) from opensuse 42.3 to 
xubuntu 20.04.3. In particular I would like to clone my fvwm configuration 
(since I have a screen of the same size), the one in

What I am noticing (which is probably not directly related fvwm itself 
but to the way it is started with the X server) is that the fvwm session 
does not run my .login (I am since ages a tcsh user, so I have a .cshrc 
and a .login).Such .login is executed correctly in a ssh session.

The .login has few items (a PATH setting, a font path xset +fp setting 
(plus other audio stuff so far commented out) which is conditional to a 
$?XSESSION_IS_UP, and a setenv of some locale like LC_TIME to en_US.UTF-8)

Apparently ALL of the .login is not executed

(not just the part relevant to XSESSION_IS_UP the way what is the 
correct way in ubuntu to check I am in an X session ?)

I checked with ps -H the way fvwm is started

On suse

1  1690 root   /usr/bin/sddm
 1690 17584 root /usr/lib/sddm/sddm-helper ... --start fvwm --user lucio
17584 17586 lucio  /usr/bin/fvwm

On ubuntu

  1 977 root   /usr/sbin/lightdm
977   34424 root /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg -core :0 ...
977   56656 root lightdm --session-child 12 19
  56656   56682 lucio  fvwm2
  56682   56759 lucio/usr/bin/ssh-agent /usr/bin/im-launch fvwm2

The difference between fvwm and fvwm2 is virtual. On suse /usr/bin/fvwm2 
is a link to fvwm. On ubuntu fvwm is a link to /etc/alternatives... which 
in turn is a link to /usr/bin/fvwm2.

Suse has fvwm 2.6.6 and ubuntu has 2.6.8

What is apparent is that somehow suse performs a "login with my shell" 
before starting fvwm (thus setting my environment) while ubuntu starts 
fvwm ignoring my login shell choices.

How can I either change this order, or instruct fvwm under ubuntu so that 
it sets up a basic environment which is then inherited by all child shells 
(in xterm, urxvt or whatever) ?


Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Corti 12 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
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Re: FVWM: One more question...

2019-05-31 Thread Lucio Chiappetti

On Thu, 30 May 2019, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:

On the new system I'm configuring, I'm running without any .fvwmrc file 
in the home directory of the account that I start X from.  So I guess 
this means that Fvwm is picking up some default .fvwmrc file from 

I just discovered that fvwm-config -S will tell you where system.fvwm2rc
is (on my machine it looks to be in /etc/X11/fvwm2.

just below those things there is an empty space.  I would very
much like to place another xclock in that empty space as follows:

Copy the system.fvwm2rc in ~/.fvwm/.fvwm2rc and edit it freely (some 
examples of mine are in the link in signature)

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Corti 12 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)

Re: FVWM: Is there a way to ignore other windows when placing one?

2015-10-19 Thread Lucio Chiappetti

On Sat, 17 Oct 2015, lee wrote:

I haven't figured out how to use multiple desks, though.  I tried that 
once and apparently got multiple desks just by naming some, but no way 
to switch between them.

As other said, people usually use the pager to move among multiple desks 
(or multiple pages of one desk, or multiple pages of multiple desks), but 
one can implement other ways ... menus in the root menu, buttons in a bar 
or widget, keyboard accelerators, menus in the window menu (to move a 
window to occupy a given desk or page). I have implemented most of those 
in my .fvwmrc although I do not use all of them with the same frequency 
(see for 
screenshots and links to examples)


Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
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Re: System clock in FVWM: A new discovery!

2015-04-21 Thread Lucio Chiappetti

On Tue, 21 Apr 2015, Dan Espen wrote:

Michael Großer  writes:

Back in 2010, when I discovered FVWM as a useful window manager, I needed
a digital clock, ...

I've been using dclock since forever:

Happy with xdaliclock in conjunction with fvwm since ages, account here


Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Do not like Firefox >=29 ?  Get Pale Moon !

Re: FVWM: best way to update a button or menu item

2015-01-21 Thread Lucio Chiappetti

On Wed, 21 Jan 2015, Chris Siebenmann wrote:

2) I want to keep the current date on the screen

You want the old standby 'xclock', specifically 'xclock -digital'
(possibly with '-strftime' as well

Don't know why I junked it with a "don't like" back in 2006. As a clock I 
rather liked Jamie Zawinksi's xdaliclock (although at the time I did not 
realize he was the author).  For date I liked rclock (which is also an 
appointment manager ... just use it to tell me when to take a pill and 
when to go home, or occasional to the dentist :-))

Anyhow now I have a solution which works with a crontab, so it is a waste 
to keep there a process for something which occurs once a day.

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
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FVWM: another question about desktops

2015-01-21 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
So far (in the last 10 years or so !!) I've been using the following 
mental model when dealing with fvwm desktops and pages

 A page is a screen where I keep the terminals, editors, analysis tools
 I need for a particular sub-activity (say analysing the spectra of a
 particular source, or writing a particular program, or writing documents
 for a particular project

 Desktops were a family grouping of pages

So, so far I had normally (on my physical desktop computer) 2 fvwm 
desktops of 2x2 pages each.

One desktop was intended for "real work"
The other one for "connectivity" (and I had one page for e-mail, one page 
for web, one page for VNC or Xnest or VirtualBox, and a spare)

(on the laptop I used - seldom - for presentations I kept 3-5 desktops of 
1 page each ... that was mainly because of the reduced space on the 

Now I decided to change the mental model.

I would like to have one desktop per project/activity (i.e. what I 
previously called pages).

If I do each desktop of 1 page that's easy.

However since I discovered the wonderful command to do mouse scrolling

Mouse 1 A CM Scroll reverse

I would appreciate having each desktop "somehow bigger" than the physical 
screen. Sometimes I need rather wide terminal screens. Probably 2x2 is too 
big ...

I tried  DeskTopSize 1.5x1.5 ...
... apparently it is accepted but does not work as expected

I assume I cannot have "fractional" increases.

Would it be possible to use the FvwmPager to show only the first page of
each 2x2 or 1x2 desktop (and consider the rest as hidden reserved space 
which can be reached scrolling) ?

Otherwise what about having normally DeskTopSize 1x1 and at need 
increasing it on the fly to 2x1 or 2x2 (I tested the increase works)

Opinions ?

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Do not like Firefox >=29 ?  Get Pale Moon !

Re: FVWM: best way to update a button or menu item

2015-01-21 Thread Lucio Chiappetti

On Wed, 21 Jan 2015, Lucio Chiappetti wrote:

2) I want to keep the current date on the screen (and time as well, but
   time is no problem)

   Is there a smart way to have a button periodically refresh its
   content ?

thanks to the previous hint to SendToModule ... ChangeButton my solution 
is to run via crontab at midnight the following two line shell script

set a = `date "+%a %b %d"`
/usr/bin/FvwmCommand  "SendToModule MyBox ChangeButton myDate Title '$a[1] 
$a[2] $a[3]'"

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Do not like Firefox >=29 ?  Get Pale Moon !

Re: FVWM: best way to update a button or menu item

2015-01-21 Thread Lucio Chiappetti

On Wed, 21 Jan 2015, Thomas Adam wrote:

On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 02:23:21PM +0100, Lucio Chiappetti wrote:

On Wed, 21 Jan 2015, Thomas Adam wrote:

This is why you use FvwmEvent and the SendToModule directive:

DestroyModuleConfig FE-UpdateDeskNum
*FE-UpdateDeskNum: new_desk NewFunc

DestroyFunc NewFunc
AddToFunc   NewFunc
+ I SendToModule MyDesk0 ChangeButton desklabel Title $0

in fact I do not understand ho FvmwEvent passes argument $0 to the function

As for your other problem, see: $[desk.n] and: $[$[desk.n]]
You should really pass those to 'NewFunc'.

not really "pass", more "hardcode" so they are automatically expanded !

With the code above, doing "NewFunc anything" was correctly changing the 
label to argument anything.

I tried "calling NewFunc from FvwmEvent with desktop as argument"

mod DestroyModuleConfig FE-UpdateDeskNum
mod *FE-UpdateDeskNum: new_desk NewFunc $[desk.n]

but that is WRONG
the correct way is instead

mod AddToFunc   NewFunc
mod + I SendToModule MyDesk0 ChangeButton desklabel Title "desk


I was aware of the $-variables, only I noted that inserting them in menus 
or buttons, the value at the moment of the menu or button defintion was 
used. Instead for the function, the value at the moment of function call 
is used !

So it works, even with desktop names (the only provision is that the 
button title shall be created at beginning with a string long enough to 
cater for the longest value it would receive in the future)

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Do not like Firefox >=29 ?  Get Pale Moon !

Re: FVWM: best way to update a button or menu item

2015-01-21 Thread Lucio Chiappetti

On Wed, 21 Jan 2015, Thomas Adam wrote:

This is why you use FvwmEvent and the SendToModule directive:

DestroyModuleConfig FE-UpdateDeskNum
*FE-UpdateDeskNum: new_desk NewFunc

AddToFunc StartFunction I Module FvwmEvent FE-UpdateDeskNum

DestroyFunc NewFunc
AddToFunc   NewFunc
+ I SendToModule MyDesk0 ChangeButton desklabel Title $0

Thanks for the hints towards FvwmEvent (I thought something like that but 
first of all did not know the names of the applicable event !)

anyhow, I did that (testing in FvwmConsole), I just replaced the last 
statement with

+ I SendToModule MyDesk0 ChangeButton desklabel Title "desk $0"

If I call NewFunc "x" the button label is updated fine

However as soon as invoke Module FvwmEvent FE-UpdateDeskNum I get in the 
error console twice this message

FE-UpdateDeskNum: incomplete event definition *FE-UpdateDeskNumnew_desk
FE-UpdateDeskNum: incomplete event definition *FE-UpdateDeskNumnew_desk

in fact I do not understand ho FvmwEvent passes argument $0 to the 
function  !!

(BTW I am using fvwm 2.5.26)

Thanks in advance for any further hint

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Do not like Firefox >=29 ?  Get Pale Moon !

FVWM: best way to update a button or menu item

2015-01-21 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
First of all my apologies if I'm asking in the wrong place, I was a 
member of the mailing list , but some times after my last 
posting (a few years ago) I received nothing. I assumed recently that the 
list was replaced by the forum, but since registration to the forum is 
barred by a totally ununderstandable question (!), I checked the archives 
and I realized the list is still mildly active ... but has changed 
address, so I re-subscribed.

I am in the process of revamping all my fvwm configuration, I re-read all 
the man pages (incidentally the web based ones are excellent as ease of 
access) and decided to try some of the modules I so far skipped (and 
FvwmConsole is a great way to test things.

What I want to do so far is the following (for one I have a working 
solution but there may be better ones, for the other I have just ideas)

1) I want to keep (e.g. in the lower left corner of my screen) a text
   label with the desktop number or name

   After some experiments, I think the best is to use FvwmButtons

   I define a transparent color set
   Colorset 10 Transparent,Fore White

   then for each desktop I define a FvwmButtons like this (only I
   call them 0,1,2 ...)

   Style MyDesk0 StartsOnDesk 0, SkipMapping,NoTitle,WindowListSkip,
   DestroyModuleConfig MyDesk0*
   *MyDesk0: (Title "desk 0", Action Nop)
   *MyDesk0: Colorset 10

   Module FvwmButtons -g -0-0 MyDesk0

   Each one has hardcoded the desk number (or potentially name).
   I hoped I could use $[desk.n] as a dynamic content. but I found with
   some disappointment that it is the current desk at the moment the
   button or menu or whatever is created.

   Is there any smarter solution (with a single fvwmbutton or other
   widget for all desks, which displays the current desk number as soon
   as one moves to it ?)

2) I want to keep the current date on the screen (and time as well, but
   time is no problem)

   In my old configuration I do this already, I stick in a corner of the
   screen, one above the other, two applications.

   - one is a xdaliclock with the (hh:mm:ss) time (no title, etc.)
   - the other one is a rclock with a geometry of 150x1-0+12, so the
 display of the analog clock is suppressed, and the date is shown
 in the window title bar

   what I wanted to do now was to collect the two clocks, together with
   other things like the FvwmPager and some other stuff, into a

   The xdaliclock is swallowed nicely (so time is no problem), but
   rclock is not usable, because the window title does not exist for
   swallowed windows.

   So far I replaced the rclock button (in the FvwmButtons MyBox) with a
   Piperead from a shell script which does a silly
   echo *MyBox: \(1x1, Back rgb:99/00/00, Fore White,
   Title \"`date "+%a %b %d"`\", Action Nop\)

   This is very economic (no additional X applications) but of course
   works but loads the date of the moment FvwmButtons is invoked
   (currently from FvwmConsole and later at fvwm startup)

   Since I usually leave the machine logged in for several days, of
   course this date will no longer be valid on the next day

   Is there a smart way to have a button periodically refresh its
   content ?

   I thought of some at command or better crontab, which could use
   FvwmCommand to tell fvwm to KillModule FvwmButtons Mybox and
   invoke it again (may be with a dedicated function) ...
   ... or I could just use the fvwm restart I already have

   Any smarter solution ?

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Do not like Firefox >=29 ?  Get Pale Moon !

Re: FVWM: interference firefox/acroread and fvwm on suse 11.3

2010-12-17 Thread Lucio Chiappetti

On Fri, 17 Dec 2010, Lucio Chiappetti wrote:

I've tried a xwininfo (under fvmw) on both the old and new system (*) 
and for both I get Visual Class: TrueColor. The old one (suse 9.2) 
however gives Depth: 16, and the new one Depth: 24 ... will THAT make a 

Apparently not.

Found an easy way to change depth (added DefaultDepth 16 in 
/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-screen.conf, restarted and checked), and still I 
get the white on black bars.


Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)

Italian Research at risk.La Ricerca italiana a rischio !
see cfr.

Re: FVWM: interference firefox/acroread and fvwm on suse 11.3

2010-12-17 Thread Lucio Chiappetti

On Fri, 17 Dec 2010, Thomas Adam wrote:

ColormapFocus FollowsFocus

Sorry, no effect at all.

There's nothing FVWM can do to help you here if it is a colormap problem 
-- it certainly sounds like it based on your description.

Hmm ... but why should it be ? In the test arrangement I've used there are 
very few applications running (a couple of xterm, firefox, FvwmPager and a 
clock), should not be intensive on the colour map.

Not an FVWM problem that I can tell.

Yes but then why the root user, which uses a (more complicated, and 
presumably more colour intensive) KDE session does not show the problem 
with firefox and acroread ?

I've tried a xwininfo (under fvmw) on both the old and new system (*) and 
for both I get Visual Class: TrueColor. The old one (suse 9.2) however 
gives Depth: 16, and the new one Depth: 24 ... will THAT make a difference?

I had a very quick look about colormaps in man fvwm. I see there start 
time switches like -l which can be used ... but I have no idea how SuSE 
kdm starts fvwm (once an user has chosen an fvwm session, that remains the 
default for him at future logins ... but is not stored in the user home), 
and how I could apply them.

(*) incidentally, at the moment both the old and new systems are connected 
to the SAME physical monitor via a D-link KVM switch. No idea if that can 
cause problems (sometimes it does with the resolution) ... also old Suse's 
had "sax2" which could be used to tune the X server, but this is gone.

[1] Any reason why you don't use some other PDF viewer?

I never looked deeply into how many there are (and I'm already using 
enough "not distro bundled" stuff for other things :-)). I was happy with 
the old and light acroread I had on 9.2 and is the sort of thing one 
expectes to find everywhere. Sometimes used xpdf for "newer" files which 
made the old acroread fail. But I do not like that much the look of the 
more recent acroread so it would be a good moment to switch.

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)

Italian Research at risk.La Ricerca italiana a rischio !
see cfr.

Re: FVWM: interference firefox/acroread and fvwm on suse 11.3

2010-12-17 Thread Lucio Chiappetti

On Fri, 17 Dec 2010, Thomas Adam wrote:

Sounds like the Colormap is used up.  Try adding to your .fvwm2rc file:

ColormapFocus FollowsFocus

Sorry, no effect at all.
(I had FollowsMouse before, according to system default)


Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)

Italian Research at risk.La Ricerca italiana a rischio !
see cfr.

Re: FVWM: dragging windows inside the pager

2007-11-27 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Mon, 26 Nov 2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Sorry for not bringing it up earlier. It is more like "it does not work,
> and then - now twice - I see it work for very brief periods of time". I
> am pretty sure it's not numlock - it is one of the first things I

Did you try testing the mouse behaviour using "xev" ?

Re: FVWM: starting application on specific page

2007-11-08 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Thu, 8 Nov 2007, Paul Novak wrote:

> I'd like to start firefox on a particular page.  I can't get that to
> work with version 2.4.20.  

Cannot help on that, I use fvwm 2.5.10 (bundled with my SuSE 9.2).
But I have this in my .fvwm2rc for firefox (suggested in a long past by
somebody on this list), which is always started on the first page of my 
second desktop

Style Gecko StartsOnPage 1 0 0, SkipMapping, NoPPosition  

Apparently the trick is that firefox is using an unusual X name

I also have this lot to have firefox to start always with a fixed size 
instead of remembering how it was last resized.

DestroyModuleConfig Event-FF: *
*Event-FF: Cmd Function
*Event-FF: PassId
*Event-FF: add_window ResizeFireFox

DestroyFunc ResizeFireFox
AddToFunc   ResizeFireFox
 + "I" ThisWindow ("Gecko" !Transient) Resize 707p 980p

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
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()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html mail 

Re: FVWM: Icon Placement

2007-10-30 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Tue, 30 Oct 2007, Joel J. Adamson wrote:

> same region of the desktop?  I mean that for any application, I'd like
> them to (for example) iconify to the right side of the screen between
> my clock and my system monitor; instead they tend to go to the

I have forgotten the tests I did but I have this in my rc file

Style "*"   IconBox -20 0 -1 -1 , IconFill bottom right

and the icons go on bottom right. While my clock and pager is on top right
(yes, I like 1280x1024 screens)

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :
()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html mail 

Re: FVWM: Pros and cons of different ways of starting fvwm

2007-10-03 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Wed, 3 Oct 2007, Chris G wrote:

> I'm running fvwm2 as my wm on two fedora 7 installations.  
> What would be the advantages (if any) of changing the runlevel to 5
> and getting the (default) gnome desktop to run fvmw2 as its window
> manager?

I am not familiar at all with fedora and gnome, I use suse (whose default 
is kde) with fvwm. And start it from kdm,

When I first moved to such environment I did some experimenting (I created 
from scratch separate accounts for kdeuser, wmuser, fvwmuser and logged in 
as each one of them selecting from the KDM login one of the window 
managers offered, to see what files were created in home ... then I 
modified the various .login and .cshrc to print to a file a trace of the 
situation at their start and end ... by trace I mean a dump of 
"set","printenv" and "ps", the latter with appropriate switches). This way 
I was able to see the transient processes which disappear after starting 
other processes, or which transform in other processes via exec.

The sequence for fvwm started by kdm seems pretty lightweight, A
ps -A -H -o ppid,pid,user,command --sort=ppid,pid,user shows at the
end the following surviving chain

 /usr/X11R6/bin/X ...
ssh-agent /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
each of the applications started in .fvwm

There is no leftover at all of the kde desktop. There are occasionally 
some kde related processes when I use some "k" applications under fvmw 
(essentially kdiff3 or some system administration tool).

This way I diverge from the local standard, but not much.

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :
()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html mail 

Re: Fw: Re: FVWM: Beginners how to

2007-10-02 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Tue, 2 Oct 2007, Chris G wrote:

> Whatever, depending on distribution, there's a fair chance that
> .xinitrc isn't being looked at.

Sorry, I've not archived the beginning of the thread, but if I remember 
correctly the original poster was asking something about using fvwm 
remotely under VNC.

That's nothing to do with .xinitrc or alike.

All what you have to do is to provide in the directory ~/.vnc a file 
called xstartup. A minimal version of such file could just be 

xsetroot -solid blue
fvwm &

and then do all your desktop configuration in ~/.fvwm/.fvwmrc

I arranged this for a retired colleague which uses VNC from a remote site 
to have a desktop running here so that he can read journals from our 

If one wishes one can put other applications in xstartup, but I find 
easier and more elegant to let fvwm do it itself.

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :
()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html mail 

Re: FVWM: Beginners-Infos /Example-Files(simple,please) ?

2007-04-24 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Tue, 24 Apr 2007, Julien Guertault wrote:

> Why would not a book presenting a few of the main features of fvwm be
> worth it? 

It depends what you mean by "book". If you mean a printed thing which has 
to be bought in a bookshop paying money, I doubt me (or my organization) 
will ever consider it worth the fuss buying it. 

I'm not saying a reference printed book is a nasty thing, it is handy to 
read on the sofa at home during a rainy weekend, and there are cases in 
which the amount of material is simply too large for any other practical 
form of documentation (I have read the Postscript Language Reference and 
part of the X Window System reference in book form, although we did not 
buy them explicitly, but received them bundled with the OS documentation).
But fvwm is not as big as THOSE ...

If by "book" you mean a (free) downloadable PDF document, fine, one can 
consult it online or print it to read it on the tram. Its usefulness 
mostly depends on how well written it is ! But, assuming it is well 
written, why not provide it as a set of HTML pages packed with cross 
reference links ?

[configuring fvwm from an empty config file]
> me and my needs.  And I am sorry but this is not a piece of cake. When

I agree it is "not a piece of cake". As it is not to start writing one's 
.procmailrc, or to tweak a (maybe a Digital Equipment provided 
one using a SunOS reference manual ... been there done that ... and I'm 
just a poor astrophycist, not a sysman).

> But anyway, I just meant man pages are not the ultimate documentation
> media. 

Definitely they are not the ultimate documentation LAYOUT, as they are 
essentially FLAT, irrespective of how one divides them in subsections.

But an HTML document arranged in hierarchical manner (maybe more than one, 
by topic, by increasing complication, by examples) and providing lots of 
cross reference links is a better reference.

Is that a "book" ? If yes, it can be indeed very useful.

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Re: FVWM: Beginners-Infos /Example-Files(simple,please) ?

2007-04-19 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Thu, 19 Apr 2007, Oliver Bandel wrote:

> BTW: In the xconfig-file there first is started
>  fvwm, then xclock, two xterms, xeyes,
>  and finally (without "&") a xterm,
>  with title "login".
>  When I finish the login-xterm, X will shutdown.

I do not know what "xconfig-file" is. Anyhow a similar arrangement (using 
an .xsession or other startup file) was used by me on some older Unixes I 
used. It does not match my current arrangement under Linux SuSE. The only 
process started by the X server is the window manager (fvwm) itself, then 
all other applications are started from .fvmw2rc InitFunction  

This way fvwm is the "leader process" of the X session. To logout I use 
an fvwm menu entry.

Probably in your case the last xterm is the leader process (do not know 
whether titled login, doubt it, or because is a foreground process). In 
one of my past cases, a login xterm (intended as one running a login 
shell) was the leader process. In another (DECwindows) the session manager 
was the nominal leader process, but I remember I set up a single xterm 
as running a login shell, and sending a kill signal to the session 

In the SuSE X startup scheme this was not easy to achieve, so I contented 
myself with logout at fvwm level (actually I logout every 2-3 weeks ...).

But all this is barely an fvwm question, more an X question ...

> Here is, what I have in my fvwm-config:

> Style "foo1" StartsOnDesk 0
> AddToFunc StartFunction I Exec exex xterm -T foo1

Do not know about fvwm-config, I use .fvwm2rc   

In my InitFunction I have all what I need permanently

AddToFunc InitFunction 
 + "I"   Exec xterm -geometry +150+85+0+0
 + "I"   Exec xsetroot -solid "#012C01"  
 + "I"   Exec rclock -geometry 150x1-0+125 -bg Black -fg White 
 + "I"   Exec xdaliclock -seconds -24 -geometry 150x50-0+165 ...
 + "I"   Exec exec vncviewer -name OldPoseidonVNC -passwd ~/xxx hostxx:1
 + "I"   Exec firefox
 + "I"   Exec rxvt -name Pine -geometry +0+0 -bg black -fg Coral -fn 9x15 
 -T Mail\(Pine\) -n Pine -e /poseidon/lucio/bin/mail  

For some of those applications I force startup on a given page, or other 
appearances via style

Style "FvwmPager"  NoTitle, Sticky, StaysOnTop, WindowListSkip  
Style "rclock" Sticky, WindowListSkip, StaysOnTop, StartsLowered,TitleAtBottom  
Style "xdaliclock" Sticky, WindowListSkip, StaysOnTop, NoTitle  
Style xterm Icon xterm.xpm
Style rxvt  Icon rterm.xpm
Style the   Icon page2.xpm
Style Pine  Icon mail1.xpm, StartsOnPage 1 0 1, SkipMapping
Style OldPoseidonVNC StartsOnPage 1 1 0, SkipMapping, NoTitle, NoHandles
Style Gecko StartsOnPage 1 0 0, SkipMapping, NoPPosition

The style has to be somehow associated with an X resource, which is not 
always obvious to set or get. For instance Gecko is for firefox (started 
on a special page), hardwired. OldPoseidonVNC is for a VNC viewer (also 
started on a special page), set by me with -name. Pine is for an rxvt 
(sort of xterm) running pine and is also set by me with -name (used both 
to start on a special page and to assign a different icon).

In my root menu I have things like these

AddToMenu WORK_MENU_popup "My Work Menu"   Title
 + "X Terminal"Exec xterm
 + "RXVT"  Exec rxvt
 + "REMOTE HOSTS"  Popup HOST_MENU_popup
 + ""  Nop
 + "ScreenLock"Exec  xlock
 + "ScreenSaver"   Exec  xlock -nolock
 + "Restart Fvwm2" Restart
 + "Exit (Logout)" Quit


Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Re: FVWM: Beginners-Infos /Example-Files(simple,please) ?

2007-04-18 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Tue, 17 Apr 2007, Jesús Guerrero wrote:
> Elliot Sowadsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

> > Perhaps the default config should have everything rather than nothing.
> > It's easier to remove features you dont like than to add what you
> > dont know how.

> What does "everything" means? Everything for you? Everything for me?
> Everything for Thomas? mmm, nah, that's impossible. 

May be after all one should consider that the default SuSE 9.2 
configuration was not too bad. I started from that and, in conjunction 
with the man pages, tweaked configuration items one by one, kept what I 
liked and commented out all unwanted stuff.

I'll try to summarize my procedure a bit by heart and a bit looking at the 
commented leftovers in .fvwm2rc   

 - I added an iconbox to simulate motif icon gravity as I wanted it
 - I removed most of the window bar buttons (but learned how to make them)
 - I personalized the desk top names, number, size
 - I replaced most of the color sets
 - I changed icon fonts
 - I removed a lot of modules from InitFunction : FvwmBanner, FvwmButtons   
   the wallpaper (replaced with xsetroot solid) and kept or added
   what I wanted/needed FvwmAuto FvwmPager FvwmEvent and some fixed sticky
   windows, or some application in fixed pages
 - I consistently edited RestartFunction, ExitFunction   
 - I added or moved functions in the  windowops "Window menu", including
   a selection of ways to send a window to given desk and page

 - I kept all the menus in the menu tree, but moved (hid) it down a
   branch as "Old menus", and kept in my root menu only what I wanted,
   I also added a submenu to ssh on remote machines I often use

 - I customised the appearance of FvwmPager
 - I changed some of the basic styles and added a few for some of the
   applications I use (mainly to add custom icons)

 - I added a few mouse accelerators to move across desk and pages, and
   changed some of the mouse actions (or commented them out), mainly in
   accordance with removed buttons or functions in window menus
Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Re: FVWM: Beginners-Infos /Example-Files(simple,please) ?

2007-04-17 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Tue, 17 Apr 2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> >From my experience with users new to FVWM, there's no easy way for them
> to create a config that is usable and looks good.  They don't spend the
> time needed and therefore get a bad taste in their mouth and don't
> return.

I do not fully agree. Could we say, if they don't return they do not 
deserve fvwm ? I was once a beginner, and probably still use less than 30% 
of fvwm feature, however I was quite determined in what I was wanting (not 
KDE, something close enough to motif), and read and re-read the man page, 
and experimented, and got all what I wanted.

I started from the SuSE shipped configuration (which purists here say is 
not very good), got rid of what I did not want, and then started to add 
what I wanted one by one. Possibly posted a report long time ago.

The only thing one can do to help beginners (discussed here a few month 
ago) is improving the readability of the long man page (using hypertext 
tricks and classifying the plethora of features by topic).

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Re: Sticky Icons (was: FVWM: Labelling windows in the FvwmPager)

2007-04-05 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Thu, 5 Apr 2007, Rainer Koehler wrote:

> > Actually I find a bit disturbing the feature that an iconized window
> > belongs to all pages and desktops. 

> Sure, just _don't_ use the style option "StickyIcon" ;-)

Thanks to everybody who replied.
In fact I had StickyIcon in an unedited part of the .fvwm2rc inherited 
from the SuSE default configuration.

Apparently commenting that out, or using Style * SlipperyIcon (is there 
any difference ?) reverts back to the sensible default behaviour. 

BTW, my (SuSE 9.2 bundled, rather old) fvwm man page calls the option 
sometimes SlipperIcon, sometimes SlipperyIcon. Is it a typo ? Corrected in 
later versions ?

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Re: FVWM: Labelling windows in the FvwmPager

2007-04-05 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Wed, 4 Apr 2007, Parv wrote:

> wrote Lucio Chiappetti thusly...
> >
> > while for moving windows the most frequent way for me is to "stick" it 
> > to all pages and desks, change page, then eventually unstick it. 
> > Second choice is drag in the pager.
> Yet another way, similar to (un)sticking a window, is to iconify the
> window on the current page; switch to your destination page;
> uniconify previously iconified window.

That's true. I forgot.

The fact is that, since when I use fvwm (or any other multi-desktop Wm) I 
tend to iconize windows much less than I did on older single-page WMs (to 
"make room").

Actually I find a bit disturbing the feature that an iconized window 
belongs to all pages and desktops. My natural expectation would be that an 
iconized window remain "quiescent" just on the original page. Is there 
some fvmw trick to obtain that ?

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Re: FVWM: Labelling windows in the FvwmPager

2007-04-04 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Wed, 4 Apr 2007, Chris G wrote:

> If I had multiple desktops then (I think) each desktop would have its
> own desktop name in the FvwmPager window title area.

> > Depends how you work.
> Well yes, hence my question!  :-)

When I moved to fvwm, after a bit of experimenting I settled on two 
desktops with 4 pages (in a 2x2 arrangement ... I used a 1x4 once on a 
laptop with a screen size different from my workstation ... I usually 
keep the pager and the clock sticky in the top right corner, but on the 
laptop I moved them to a bottom "bar") each. 

I originally expected to be able somehow to give a name to the pages 
(which could have been just a sequence number) which could appear 
somewhere as a visual reminder of where I'm in. I'd liked also to have 
different background (solid) colours for each page, mirrored in the pager.

But at the end I can live well without those things. The sticky pager with 
the red active window and an highlighted active page colour is enough to 
tell me where I am, together with the mini icons of the windows which tell 
me what the various pages are used for.

I ended with a "Main desktop" and a "Secondary desktop" (no fancy names). 
My original idea was to work at different "projects" in a flexible way in 
the 4 pages of the main dt, while the secondary dt was intended for 
"network" stuff. In fact I originally planned to keep firefox in one page, 
mail (pine) in another, and a VNC session onto an headless machine in 
another (the 4th was spare). This is initialized at startup in the 
.fvwmrc. Now I hardly use the VNC page, but maybe deposit in the 2 spare 
pages a PDF document (triggered in the browser or mail agent) for later 

I have some reproducible patterns of windows in the main dt pages, but I 
start them manually when I need them. Not all days are equal !

> Can I move applications between desktops as I can between windows at
> the moment, is it slower to switch desktops rather than windows, etc.?

Thanks to Thomas Adam for the explanation about window (un)mapping etc.
In practice I hardly noticed any difference between switching or moving 
windows across pages or across desks.

I originally defined a lot of accelerators to switch pages and desks and 
to attach to window menus to move a window to ("occupy") another page or 
desk, but I found that I almost never use them.

Usually I switch desks and pages via the pager (rarely dragging a window 
to a neighbouring page), while for moving windows the most frequent way 
for me is to "stick" it to all pages and desks, change page, then 
eventually unstick it. Second choice is drag in the pager.


Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Re: FVWM: FVWM should be shipped with...

2007-03-14 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Wed, 14 Mar 2007, Hans Voss wrote:

> SuSE offers KDE as default, GNOME as an alternative, but if you select
> "Minimal graphics system" it defaults to FVWM.

When I started with 9.2 I believe the login panel offered to log in with 
all possible installed window managers (still offers, just I do not want 
to log out now and check :-)). From my notes I'm pretty sure the choice 
for our local installation included at least KDE, WindowMaker, FVWM and 
twm. I remember I soon discarded the latter, and played around with 3 
different "naked" accounts using each one one of the other three, before I 
decided (quite soon) to concentrate on customizing fvwm,

I am pretty reassured by the postings of Thomas Adam and Christof 

Re: FVWM: FVWM should be shipped with...

2007-03-14 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Tue, 13 Mar 2007, Dominique Michel wrote:

> > > unfortunatelly the only distro I had it was SuSE.

> With commercial distributions, it is more complicated. As example Suse 
> is very involved in kde development and it can be a political choice to 
> not provide a decent fvwm version anymore. That even if yast is fvwm 
> based.

Are you saying that recent SuSE's do not have fvwm any more ? My SuSE 9.2 
had one which was satisfactory for me to customize. If 10.x does not have 
it, it's one more reason not to upgrade ...

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Re: FVWM: Locales problem in a menu script

2006-09-28 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Thu, 28 Sep 2006, Dominique Michel wrote:

> Another way will be to test the locale in use, and sed the value to 
> change the point against a comma when needed. But I have no idea where I 
> can test the locale.

I have never played with locales, quite hate them and happily stick to the 
C locale, but shouldn't be there an environment variable to test OR 
CHANGE, and could one not bracket such setenv in a subshell like
(setenv =yyy ; command)  ?

I've used the trick for timezones, e.g. to know the time in Iceland one 
could (setenv TZ :/usr/share/zoneinfo/Atlantic/Reykjavik ; date)

I do that (in sh syntax because of the SSI include directives) e.g. in

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Re: FVWM: How to start several Desktops?

2006-09-26 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Tue, 26 Sep 2006, Steffen Schulz wrote:

> "+ I Module FvwmPager 0 8"
> This starts the pager with 8 desks, each with $DeskTopSize pages.
> The difference to your fvwmrc are the two numbers at the end.

I have only two desktops (each 2x2)  and consistently have this

 + "I"   Module FvwmPager 0 1

I also set illo tempore a number of resources after reading the man page
(that's useful even if afterwards you forget :-) )

Style "FvwmPager"  NoTitle, Sticky, StaysOnTop, WindowListSkip
*FvwmPagerRows 1
*FvwmPagerColumns 1
*FvwmPagerGeometry   150x120-0+0
*FvwmPagerFore Black
*FvwmPagerBack rgb:ff/ff/00
*FvwmPagerHilight rgb:00/ff/00
*FvwmPagerBalloonBack rgb:ff/ff/ff
*FvwmPagerDeskColor 0 rgb:00/00/ff
*FvwmPagerDeskColor 1 rgb:00/aa/88
*FvwmPagerWindowColors grey50 rgb:ff/ff/aa black red

My arrangement is vertical

 |  main desktop   |
 ||   |   ||
 ||   |   ||
 |  secondary desktop  |
 ||   |   ||
 ||   |   ||

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Re: FVWM: How to start several Desktops?

2006-09-25 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Sat, 23 Sep 2006, Michelle Konzack wrote:

> Generaly I am working with Pages (3x2) but now I need several
> independant Desktops without starting a second or third xserver.

Not sure why you'd want it

Historically I have this in my .fvwm2rc

DeskTopName 0 Main DeskTop
DeskTopName 1 Secondary DeskTop
DeskTopSize 2x2

"unfortunately" all desktops must have the same number of pages and page 

The idea when I did this was to use the main desktop as my working area 
(xterms and alike) and the secondary desktop for special/network 
applications. In fact I still start firefox in desk 1 pag 1, and an xterm 
with pine (mail) in desk 1 pag 3. I used to start a VNC viewer on my old 
remote Alpha in desk 1 pag 2, but since that's now almost always off, I 
end up using the two desktops more or less as additional pages.

I also added this to the typical window menu, so I can force a window to 
occupy a given page in a given desktop from the menu ...

AddToMenu windowops "Window menu (Shift-Alt-Space)"   Title 
... originl content
 + "&0ccupy desktop and page ..."  Popup windowsend 

AddToMenu windowsend
# "Send to ..." Title
 + "&desk ..." Popup windowwspmenu
 + "&page ..." Popup windowpagmenu
AddToMenu windowwspmenu
# "Send to Desk" Title
 + "&1 Main"  MoveToDesk 0 0
 + "&2 Secondary" MoveToDesk 0 1   

AddToMenu windowpagmenu
# "Send to Page" Title
 + "&1"  MoveToPage 0 0
 + "&2"  MoveToPage 1 0
 + "&3"  MoveToPage 0 1
 + "&4"  MoveToPage 1 1

I also added this to the root menu to be able the switch desktop

AddToMenu WORK_MENU_popup "My Work Menu"   Title
 + "Main Wsp"   GotoDesk 0 0
 + "Secondary Wsp"  GotoDesk 0 1
 + "Toggle Wsp" GotoDesk prev

And I also added some accelerators to do it

#LC added accelerators to change workspace
#control-1 2 n from desk root go to workspace 0 1 n-1
#control-0 toggles workspace
#shift arrows move among pages in relative way
#note that since focus cannot be given to root it might be necessary to
#position on a window title or side to execute the command
#Key code context modifiers function
PointerKey 0 R C GotoDesk prev
PointerKey 1 R C GotoDesk 0 0
PointerKey 2 R C GotoDesk 0 1
PointerKey Right R S GotoPage +1p 0p
PointerKey Left  R S GotoPage -1p 0p
PointerKey UpR S GotoPage  0p -1p
PointerKey Down  R S GotoPage  0p +1p

however I use these things very rarely (only when I have to run a sequence 
of applications switching repeatedly desks and pages).

I end up to change desktop and move windows across using the pager, or, 
often, I make a window sticky, then change via pager, and find the window 
there, and eventually unstick it.

I've also checked what I did once I exported my fvwm arrangement to a 
laptop I brought at a meeting ... but it's nothing peculiar. I exported my 
2 desktop arrangement, only I made DeskToSize 4x1 because I needed a long 
thin pager on the bottom of the screen (which was not my preferred 

If you are wanting to run separate desks for sessions on remote machines, 
you'd probably consider running VNC viewers tied to those machine, each 
one in full screen in a separate page or desk.

If you want the remote machine login screen in the viewer, that's require 
some unusual configuration of the remote X and VNC servers (at least it 
did with a remote Alpha, I've never run the server end on Linux), but this 
is OT here.

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Re: FVWM: Switched to fvwm 2.5 from fvwm 2.4 and having minor

2006-04-07 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Thu, 6 Apr 2006, Ramasubramanian Ramesh wrote:

> I am also having problem with VNC and fvwm 2.5. If I call up an vnc session in
> fullscreen mode the key strokes still go to the base window and not to vnc
> session. 

I did use VNC successfully with this combination :

a) in .fvwm2rc start section I have

+ "I"   Exec exec vncviewer -name OldPoseidonVNC -passwd ~/.vnc/pwf triton:1 

   to start a viewer connecting to my old machine triton using "pwf" as
   password file, and assigning a resource name OldPoseidonVNC

b) later on I assign to this instance of VNC a style

 Style OldPoseidonVNC StartsOnPage 1 1 0, SkipMapping, NoTitle, NoHandles  
   which forces it to start on the second page of my secondary desktop
   Nothing of the above has strictly anything to do with full screen,
   except maybe NoTitle, NoHandles for convenience

c) BUT in my .Xdefaults I have this, which should be much more relevant to
   your full screen problem

!! to use vnc in full screen safely
Vncviewer*grabKeyboard: true
Vncviewer*wmDecorationWidth: 0
Vncviewer*wmDecorationHeight: 0

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Re: FVWM: Focus behavior, like KDE

2006-04-06 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Wed, 5 Apr 2006, Martin Swift wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 05, 2006 at 01:05:31PM -0400, Enzo López wrote:

> > I would like to have the focus as KDE or win98. In other words, the
> > window active only when I click in it. I guess it's a simple matter
> > but I can't find the way to do it.

I personally hate such click-to-type behaviour and prefer FollowsMouse but 
I guess it would be a matter of setting another value for the same 
resource. I can't remember whether my original setup (SuSE bundled) had 
already FollowsMouse or if I set it up
> > Also I would like to change the color like MWM.  Can someone give some
> > directions please?

I'm not sure what you mean exactly by that.

> I believe you'll have to dive into Colorsets. Again, well documented

> PS. There is also a short section titled "MWM COMPATIBILITY" which you

I have a personal arrangement which closely resembles my old (spartan) mwm 
arrangement on a DEC alpha and I'm pretty sure I did not use any of the 
above (though I read the man page !).

I'm trying to list the relevant entries, for focus I have these (I believe 
they were in the original configuration, they are not noted as modified by 

ColormapFocus FollowsMouse   
Style "*"   SloppyFocus 

I have the default Colorsets (WITHOUT FvwmTheme)

and I have 
Style "*"   HilightBack Red

so that the window which has focus has red decorations (as in my old mwm 
arrangement ... I haven't changed the colour for inactive windows though).

I've also simplified the buttons in the title bar, but I guess that would 
be more a matter of taste (I did simplify it even in mwm), so I won't 
report this here.

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Berlusconi's contract with Italians - Explained!  (adapted from Usenet 1996)
Contract: verb
1) To shrink or reduce in size - the economy contracted
2) To become infected - he contracted pneumonia when they stopped my welfare

Re: FVWM: add to root menu

2006-04-03 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Fri, 31 Mar 2006, Wendell Turner wrote:

> Is there an easy way to add a custom entry to the beginning of
> the root menu?  

In my .fvm2rc (I'm almost the only one FVWM user in a mainly KDE place), 
which is based on the one distributed with Suse 9.2, I've done something 
slightly beyond i.e.

 - I have a quite short root menu of my own
 - which includes as submenu a list of some original menus
 - of which the first is the original root menu

On my system the root menu has key and mouse bindings under the name 
WORK_MENU_popup, so what I have done is to edit its entry as

AddToMenu WORK_MENU_popup "My Work Menu"   Title   (1)
 + ""Nop   (2)
 + "X Terminal"  Exec xterm(3)
   ... list of some of my own applications (3)
 + ""Nop   (2)
 + "Old menus"   Popup OLD_MENU_popup  (4)
   ... list of my own screensaver, restart, quit   (3)

(1) just changed the mnemonic name in quotes
(2) separators
(3) added entirely by me
(4) invocation of old stuff

Then I added a new menu like this

AddToMenu OLD_MENU_popup "Old Menus"   Title
 + "Old root menu"  Popup OLD_WORK_MENU_popup
 + "WindowManager"   Popup THISWM_MENU_popup
 + "SUSE"  Popup xdg_menu   

and then I have the original menus unchanged where I renamed the popup 
name in the first line, e.g.

AddToMenu OLD_WORK_MENU_popup "Work Menu"   Title  

Re: FVWM: Background window

2006-03-31 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Thu, 30 Mar 2006, Julien Guertault wrote:

> I am trying to define a style for a clock application so it behaves as if it
> were part of the wallpaper. 

I use for one of my clocks :
Style "xdaliclock" Sticky, WindowListSkip, StaysOnTop, NoTitle 

but I guess this is not exactly what you want.

I say "one of my clocks" because this one displays nicely the time, but I 
use another one for the date (actually I use the date in the WINDOW TITLE
of rclock and start it with a geometry which is entirely hidden under 

For rclock I use just style Style "rclock" Sticky, WindowListSkip, because 
at the time I did not know how to force stacking at start time ... May be 
should I just start it "shaded" ? Can this be done ?  

Essentially what I achieve now is that I have three tiny windows in my 
screen top right corner, from top to bottom : the pager, the date, the 
time. And they remain ALWAYS ON TOP ... with the exception of the date, if 
I move another window close to the right edge of the screen it may be 
partly obscured below the pager and time but obscure the date.

Anyhow I find useful to have those things on top, because in some of my 
screens I ran VNC full screen on other machines, and use the pager to 
revert to local screens.

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Re: FVWM: acroread window problem

2006-03-28 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Tue, 28 Mar 2006, Lucio Chiappetti wrote:
> > > What happens is that, when I click on the pdf URL, firefox first
> > > correctly displays the "Opening something.pdf" transient window, then
  the acroread window pops up and disappears under the firefox window.

which is inconvenient when the firefox window is large and obscures the 
acrobat window (if part of it will be visible I could move the pointer 
into it to give focus). All this is likely to be even more unconvenient in 
the case I'm thinking of (making a presentation based on firefox and 

Well, apparently I've found a very simple solution (without changing any 
of my other autofocus stuff)

Style   "AcroRead"  StartsRaised, FPGrabFocus   

I noticed that the sequence was :

 - firefox has focus
   I click on URL
 - popup "opening xxx.pdf" appears AND GETS FOCUS
   I click OK
 - acroread window appears behind the firefox window (or in front but
   soon moves behind) and HAS NO FOCUS.

The  FPGrabFocus gives focus to it, and this is enough to keep it on top 
of the browser window !

Thanks anyhow to all.

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Re: FVWM: acroread window problem

2006-03-28 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
I have been away for some weeks, but now I'm trying to solve my problem of 
acroread invoked by a link in firefox (the acroread window is lowered 
under the browser window)

On Wed, 8 Mar 2006, Thomas Adam wrote:

> > What happens is that, when I click on the pdf URL, firefox first
> > correctly displays the "Opening something.pdf" transient window, then
> Odd.  I downloaded Acroreader to see if I could reproduce this.  I
> can't.  Indeed, using Firefox (1.0.7) just starts Acroread externally
> without any intermediary transient window.

I use firefox version bundled with Suse 9.2
firefox -version answers 0.10.
firefox about windows says
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20040913 Firefox/0.10

Anyhow the presence of the transient window might depend on user 
preferences. If one'd ever ticked on "always use this application for this 
type of files" I guess one won't see the transient window.

But since the firefox mechanism of keeping track of "helper applications" 
vs mime types is much poorer than the old one used by netscape, and since 
in particular with PDF I'd often want to switch between save-to-disk and 
visualize, I've never ticked on this.

> Which version of FVWM are you running? 

lucio 2 > fvwm -V
fvwm 2.5.10 compiled on Oct  4 2004 at 19:34:01
with support for: ReadLine, Stroke, XPM, PNG, Shape, XShm, SM, Bidi text, 
Xinerama, XRender, XFT, NLS

> Does:
> Style Acroread StartsRaised
> help any?
> That style line is now incorrect.  With the version of Acroreader I have
> here (7.0.5), the Class of the window is 'Acroread'.  (Case is important).

I know case is important, but is there an easy utility to know the class 
name of an X application (I usually try xwininfo or editres but with no 
avail) ? And why do they change #$%%#$ !?

My (Suse-bundled) acrobat is 5.0.9 if that makes any difference

I believe "AcroRead" is applicable to me.

Style   "AcroRead"  StartsRaised, StaysOnTop   
seems to work (but is too much ... I do not want it to stay on top 
forever, just not to disappear too soon

As I said in the original post, StartsRaised alone either does not work or 
works for the first time only then it looks like acroread remembers the 
old stacking position.

On Thu, 9 Mar 2006, Dominik Vogt wrote:

> > > Does this help:
> > >   Style * !RaiseTransient, !LowerTransient, !StackTransientParent
> >
> > Unfortunately not.
> Hm, since you did not say which fvwm version you have the correct
> stylenames may be
>   Style * DontRaiseTransient,DontLowerTransient,DontStackTransientParent

see part of reply above for version. According to manpage the "Dont" form
should be applicable to me, Anyhow it has no effect.

> Firefox or acroread may use different methods to raise their
> windows.  Please try all of the following lines one by after the
> other in the config file. [...omissis...]

will do it soon, but before I'd like an opinion based on your other
comment (here below)

> (and make sure you don't have FvwmAuto or FvwmEvent running and
> raising windows).

unfortunately I have just that !

Module FvwmAuto 500 in the InitFunction and RestartFunction (according to
an old note which says "they are required for AutoRaise to work)

and I have Module FvwmEvent Event-FF  in InitFunction  which is related to
a piece of code specific of firefox (to force its window to preserve

DestroyModuleConfig Event-FF: *

*Event-FF: Cmd Function
*Event-FF: PassId
*Event-FF: add_window ResizeFireFox

DestroyFunc ResizeFireFox
AddToFunc   ResizeFireFox
 + "I" ThisWindow ("Gecko" !Transient) Resize 707p 980p

Is this containing something radically wrong ?

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Re: FVWM: acroread window problem

2006-03-08 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006, Dominik Vogt wrote:

> Does this help:
>   Style * !RaiseTransient, !LowerTransient, !StackTransientParent

Unfortunately not.

I do not pretend to understand what the above should do, but I do not 
think that Acrobat Reader as started by firefox is "transient" (maybe the 
popup window which asks me whether I want to save to disk or display with 
is a transient of firefox, but acroread should be a totally separated 
application, I presume)

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

FVWM: acroread window problem

2006-03-08 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
I'm experiencing the following problem with acrobat reader windows which 
are started clicking on a "pdf" URL (http://somewhere/something.pdf) from 
my firefox browser.

I'd like to make a set of web pages for a presentation, and keep some 
auxiliary material in PDF files I can "recall". I'd like to keep the 
firefox window as large as possible (maybe even full screen although I 
usually do not use it)

What happens is that, when I click on the pdf URL, firefox first correctly 
displays the "Opening something.pdf" transient window, then Acrobat Reader 
starts, but is immediately lowered behind the firefox window, before I can 
even move to give focus to it.

This is highly inconvenient.

I'd like to have the acrobat window on top, so that I can give focus (with 
the mouse), move it so that it overlaps only partially the browser window 
and toggle front/back (with mouse focus, or eventually menu buttons)

This is an extract of my .fvwm2rc of what I think are relevant parts

... some general styles

Style "*"   SmartPlacement
Style "*"   NoPPosition   
Style "*"   HilightBack Red
Style "*"   SloppyFocus
Style "*"   DecorateTransient  
Style * ManualPlacementIgnoresStartsOnPage, 

... things related to the browsers

Style Gecko StartsOnPage 1 0 0, SkipMapping, NoPPosition
Style Netscape StartsOnPage 1 0 0, SkipMapping, NoPPosition
Style mozilla-bin StartsOnPage 1 0 0, SkipMapping, NoPPosition   

... things related to acrobat (part of standard config file distributed 
with SuSE 9.2, I did not write this). I've no idea what the bug number 
refers to.

# see bug #36189
Style   "AcroRead"  SmartPlacement, RandomPlacement  

I tried adding StaysOnBottom to the browsers, but that is not what I want, 
since I cannot raise the browser window any more. 

I tried replacing all in Style AcroRead with StartsRaised but does not 
look to work (it does the first time, then if window is lowered, acrobat 
remembers ... could it be ?)

I tried adding StaysOnTop to Style AcroRead ... which again is not what I 
want. I could force acroread into another page, but I'd prefer to have it 
on front in the same page.

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Re: FVWM: Make items "sticky" between desktops

2006-02-20 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Sat, 18 Feb 2006, Peter Andersson wrote:

> I am looking for a way to letting some applications being visible on all
> virtual desktops. What i mean is to load the FvwmPager at startup and let
> it be visible on all desktops.

I have this in my .fvw2rc (this keeps the pager on all screens (2x2) of 
all desktops (2), in the top right corner. I also keep sticky the clock 
applications (not shown).

Style "FvwmPager"  NoTitle, Sticky, StaysOnTop, WindowListSkip 
*FvwmPagerGeometry   150x120-0+0  

Other things I find useful are :

Style "*"   StickyIcon

(in my setup when a window is iconized, I can re-open it from any screen)

I also find quite useful to stick/unstick toggle button in the window 
menu. Although I've defined in the window menu a sub-menu to "0ccupy 
desktop and page" (see below), I find myself using more and more the 
stick/unstick button to access a given window from a particular desktop, 
with respect to the window menu or drag-and-drop in the pager itself.

AddToMenu windowops "Window menu (Shift-Alt-Space)"   Title 
 + "&0ccupy desktop and page ..."  Popup windowsend   
 + "(Un)St&ick   (Shift-Alt-F4) "  Stick  

AddToMenu windowsend
# "Send to ..." Title
 + "&desk ..." Popup windowwspmenu
 + "&page ..." Popup windowpagmenu 

AddToMenu windowwspmenu
# "Send to Desk" Title
 + "&1 Main"  MoveToDesk 0 0
 + "&2 Secondary" MoveToDesk 0 1  

AddToMenu windowpagmenu
# "Send to Page" Title
 + "&1"      MoveToPage 0 0
 + "&2"  MoveToPage 1 0
 + "&3"  MoveToPage 0 1
 + "&4"  MoveToPage 1 1  

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)

The reasonable   man tries to adapt himself to the world
The unreasonable man tries to adapt the world to himself
Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man  (G.B.Shaw)

For more info :

Re: FVWM: Fvwm forum replacing the mailing list

2006-01-30 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Sun, 29 Jan 2006, Chris Alexander wrote:

> I will always prefer a mailing list. A mailing list comes to me, I don't 
> have to go looking for it.

I also DEFINITELY prefer mailing lists. Newsgroups may be acceptable. I 
really can't stand forums, each of them has a different web interface, and 
I find this painful (while I read mail and news with the same interface).

Given the limited traffic on fvwm (this mondary morning was one of the 
peaks), I find no trouble in deleting the majority of mails which do not 
concern or interest me, to save for future reference the unsolicited (by 
me) ones which I find may interest me, to interact in the few cases I have 
something to contribute, and I am quite pleased to have SOON a reply 
coming DIRECTLY TO ME when I post a query.

Gateway between mailing list and forum could be acceptable, but it should 
hide e-mail addresses. I am subscribed to a mailing list which is 
gatewayed with a NG, and just for that reason use a dedicated "nospam"
account to post to it !

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Re: FVWM: FVWM : how to echo a string to current window ?

2005-10-14 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Fri, 14 Oct 2005, Fernando Poza Saura wrote:

> An idea. If you are executing a ssesion in a remote host, that means 
> [...] And then, if all the previous suppositions are ok, you could add 
> an alias in one of those files associating any key with your complex 
> command (commands). You know:
> alias kk=''

Thanks, but that's not what I'm interested in. The strings I need have to 
be supplied in input to an application, not to a shell !

FVWM: FVWM : how to echo a string to current window ?

2005-10-14 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
I would like to bind some arbitrary complex string to functional keys, so
that when I press the key, it were as if I typed the string on stdin.

The fact if that I have often to execute an arbitrary sequence of complex 
commands or database queries. Currently I keep the commands in xclipboard.
When I want to execute one, i have to : (a) move to the n-th buffer in 
xclipboard, (b) select the string with the mouse, (c) move to my terminal 
window, (d) press mouse button 2 to paste the string in.

I'd like to do all that with a single Fn press (I would load a number of 
functional key definitions for the different cases).

I managed to have a string appear in the window with the test sequence

Key F12 A N Current Exec exec echo "AA" > /dev/pts/3 

but to have it work, I had to specify explicitly the device name of the 
terminal window.

Secondly, the test string (here  but can be a command) appears in the 
window, but its not on stdin (pressing return after it does not execute 

Third, to further complicate the issue (perhaps), the window where I'd 
like to type the string is running an ssh session on a remote host. It's 
the stdin of such remote application which should get the string.

But if that is possible with cut-and-paste, it should be possible also 
with some fvwm function. Essentially I need to pre-load the paste buffer 
with some string, and paste it (or emulate the mouse paste function ?).

Any suggestion will be appreciated.

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Summary Re: FVWM: fvwm, SuSE, backing store

2005-05-30 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
I asked about missing backing store for some application windows under 
FVWM under Linux SuSE. It looks like it is not a FVWM issue but an Xserver 

First of all Dan Espen suggested a way to check whether the server has it
>   xdpyinfo | grep back
>   options:backing-store NO, save-unders NO
Then Rainer Koehler commented about one specific application (RSI IDL)
> I've used IDL on Solaris and Linux, and I always had to tell it to use
> it's own backing store by putting "device,retain=2" into its
> startup-file.  

I discovered the RETAIN option of IDL myself looking in the manual (but my 
experience on Digital Unix and Solaris was that the system WAS providing 
backing store so I never needed it before).

That would fix this single application nicely. It won't fix a less modern 
application of mine which relies on the server.

The clue came again from Dan Espen :

> To turn it on, it your Xorg.conf file add to the Device section:
> Option "BackingStore" "True"
> Option "SaveUnders" "True"

I read again the xorg.conf, X and also Xorg and Xservers man pages, and 
they are not so explicit or clear about this option, but apparently 
putting the first of the two options in /etc/X11/xorg,conf (if SuSE won't 
overwrite it next time) does the trick for all applications. I tried also 
with both options, and it works too, but the second one is apparently 
unnecessary (the xorg log file says "not used").

I'll try to leave it turned on and see whether I notice performance 
degradation (so far not).

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)

L'Italia ripudia la guerra [...] comeItaly repudiates war {...] as a
mezzo di risoluzione delle controversie  way of resolution of  international
internazionali   controversies
[Art. 11 Constitution of the Italian Republic]

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FVWM: fvwm, SuSE, backing store

2005-05-27 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
Having recently moved from Alpha to SuSE Linux (using fvwm as window 
manager, but kdm to start X as default with SuSE [9.2]) I've noticed a 
funny behaviour in some applications :

(1) RSI IDL plot windows seems not to have any backing store. When they
are obscured I lose the obscured part, when I move them to another
dekstop page I lose all.

(on Alpha they used to behave like that only after several days the
server was running, like it had exhausted backing store memory)

NB xwininfo returns
Backing Store State:  Always
Save Under State: no

(2) a small application of mine (Fortran wrapped around C Xlib calls)
has a similar behaviour (on Alpha it did work). Windows are created


(3) the Hessling editor (the) in Xcurses mode sometimes presents a
problem (when I do a large mouse cut-an-paste it hangs, and then if I
obscure part of the edit window it remains white and deprived of
textual content).

This behaviour occurred also (more frequently) on Alpha and is
possibly unrelated with the other two (looks more an overflow of
the clipboard)

Anyhow xthe windows return to xwininfo

Backing Store State: NotUseful
Save Under State: no

which is also what xterm or rxvt do (and they work)

Now I wonder whether this has anything to do with fvwm or with the X 
server. I tried adding this to my .fvwmrc, but with no effect

Style * BackingStore
Style * SaveUnder

I have no idea of how to check whether backing store is enabled in the X 
server. It looks like the server runs as 

/usr/X11R6/bin/X -nolisten tcp -br vt7 -auth blabla

but some of those options are undocumented in the X man page (and it does 
not mention backing store).

Any clue ?

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Visit the official FVWM web page at>.
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Re: FVWM: turn off FvwmButtons

2005-04-28 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Wed, 27 Apr 2005, Bill Jehle wrote:

> Hi, I want to turn off fvwmbuttons and use WinListDesk. (Is Fwmbuttons
> what controls the "norm" icons that end up in, say, an "IconBox"?)

I may not be the most qualified to answer as a fvwm newbie. I just 
configured my (SuSE off the shelf) .fvwm2rc to get rid of Fvwmbuttons
commenting out its invocation in the start and restart section.

to have an icon box (actually a pile of icons in the bottom right of the 
screen as I was used to) I added 

Style "*"   IconBox -20 0 -1 -1 , IconFill bottom right   
Style "*"   StickyIcon  

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)

L'Italia ripudia la guerra [...] comeItaly repudiates war {...] as a
mezzo di risoluzione delle controversie  way of resolution of  international
internazionali   controversies
[Art. 11 Constitution of the Italian Republic]

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Re: FVWM: SPAM Available

2005-04-22 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
On Thu, 21 Apr 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I would first wonder why you can't just require membership
> to submit mail, which should nearly eliminate the problem.
> Otherwise, perhaps you just need a quarantine for non-members,
> wherein the anonymous mail is moderated.

I support such a view !

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Visit the official FVWM web page at>.
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message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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FVWM: double click in fvwm ?

2005-03-31 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
In the attempt of emulating my favourite (Motif/CDE simplified on Alpha)
look and feel I almost succeeded to get all what I want, except for
handling double clicks.

 - Ideally I want all windows to be decorated with a single button
   (window menu button) on the left (I have it and another button now)

 - and a title bar, a single click on the title bar with a mouse button
   (I don't care which since I usually don't remember and try each one
   in turn) shall also call the window menu (I have it)

 - double clicking on the title bar should iconize the window.
   THIS I DO NOT HAVE. I replaced it with an iconify button on the
   right, and with the use of a single click with mouse button 3

 - also I'd like to to de-iconize an icon with a double click (presently
   instead I have to use a SINGLE click)

What I have (made mainly editing the SuSE .fvwm2rc, commenting out
unwanted parts and a few edits) does work adequately, but still I am
missing double clicks. I tried using Stroke but it does not work.

How is "double click" handled ?

excerpt from .fvmw2rc

# Mouse bindings

# comment buttons to disable them
# remember buttons are 1 3 5 7 9 on side 0 8 6 4 2 on other side
# reassign iconify to 2 to destroy button 4
# comment also button 2 to eliminate it altogether
Mouse 0  2  A  Iconify
# add to iconify with double click ?
# Mouse 0 T A
# Stroke 00 1 T A Iconify
# provisionally use mouse 3
Mouse 3 T A Iconify

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

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Re: FVWM: FVWM and FireFox browser

2005-03-29 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
I'm not sure what are the "customs" of the FVWM Mailing List, both as
"general education" (do people normally reply to the list, reply
individually and cc: the list, reply individually and the original poster
has a duty to post a summary) and as "software id" (I mean, how do I
recognize a mail as coming from the list to avoid to filter it as spam, or
to filter a personal reply as spam ).

Any how I've received a couple of replies to my question on firefox (and
one on Suse), so I do an interim summary. One reply was not in cc: to the
list but essentially agreed (in a nutshell here it is ...

On Tue, 29 Mar 2005, Nick Fortune wrote:

> Well, Style commands match on name class or resource.  On my machine,
> that would be "firefox-bin" "gecko" and " - Mozilla
> Firefox". So your style command is probably not matching your firefox
> window on any of these categories.

> Style *Firefox* Page 1 0 0, SkipMapping, NoPPosition

This agrees with the other suggestion below

On Tue, 29 Mar 2005, Thomas Adam wrote:
> Style Gecko  StartsOnPage 1 0, SkipMapping
> works for me.

Yes thanks, now it works fine those ways ...

Coming to my other issue, i.e. how to coerce firefox to use a fixed size,
I started from Thomas Adam's suggestions.

> I mentioned earlier about geometries.  Using a module called FvwmEvent,

> *Event-FF: new_window MoveFireFox

new_window event is not recognized by my version, I had to use add_window

> AddToFunc MoveFireFox
> + I Any (CurrentDesk !Iconic !AcceptsFocus) \
>   ThisWindow ("Gecko") Move 120p +0p

The above syntax (the way to combine conditions) was not fully clear to
me, I had to remove all the second line to make it work. I ended with the
following :

# for firefox special
DestroyModuleConfig Event-FF: *

*Event-FF: Cmd Function
*Event-FF: PassId
*Event-FF: add_window ResizeFireFox

DestroyFunc ResizeFireFox
AddToFunc   ResizeFireFox
 + "I" (!Transient) ThisWindow ("Gecko") Resize 850p 980p

I had to introduce the (!Transient) condition otherwise all the popups by
the browser came out as big as my 850x980 page !

I tried a (PlacedByFvwm !Transient) since I may not want my size to apply
to firefox windows not created at window manager startup), but
PlacedByFvwm, although documented, gives error. Or I'm doing something
silly with the syntax for condition concatenation.

... hmm, actually I'm not sure that my (!Transient) works. I mean, in
practice it works (popups are OK) but my .xsession-errors is full of
errors "No such command (!Transient) ... the same which occurred with

This is why I consider this an interim summary.
Any further clue ?

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Visit the official FVWM web page at>.
To unsubscribe from the list, send "unsubscribe fvwm" in the body of a
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FVWM: FVWM and FireFox browser

2005-03-29 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
I'm trying to configure fvwm (2.5.10 unde SuSE Linux) with two desktops.
Desktop 0 should be the main (local) work desktop, desktop 1 should host
some permanent "outer world" applications started at login, like e.g. a
VNC viewer to connect to another machine, or a web browser.

I've chosen Mozilla Firefox as web browser because of its lightness.

However I'm unable to convince it to start in the designated desktop and
page (I'm also unable to convince it to start with the window geometry I
want, it looks like it ignores any standard X style resource specification
on the command line ... and also those regarding initial desktop

This is an extract from my .fvwm2rc. The part on the VNC viewer works, the
part on firefox does not.

AddToFunc InitFunction
 + "I"   Exec exec vncviewer -name OldPoseidonVNC -passwd myfile myhost:1
 + "I"   Exec firefox http://myhomepage

I tried (for firefox) also "Exec exec" or a -name directive, but with no

Style OldPoseidonVNC StartsOnPage 1 1 0, SkipMapping
Style firefox Page 1 0 0, SkipMapping, NoPPosition

The style for the specific VNC viewer works nicely, but the one for
firefox does not (I tried also without NoPPosition, with a -name matching
the one in InitFunction, with a name of firefox or firefox-bin ... but all
with no avail. Firefox insists in starting in desktop 0.

I also noticed that firefox creates a bunch of .gnome related directories.

Is there any known incompatibility between firefox and fvwm, or, better,
any known trick to start firefox under fvwm in a given desktop ?

Thanks in advance

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

Visit the official FVWM web page at>.
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message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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FVWM: FVWM and Linux SuSE

2005-03-29 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
I'm a newcomer to FVWM (version 2.5.10 under SuSe Linux 9.2, i.e. the
version which ships with the SuSE distribution). My background was mainly
the one of a mwm and CDE (although with a peculiar look !) user under DEC
OSF 3.2 and 4.0.

I successfully managed to customize fvwm starting from the .fvwm2rc
distributed with SuSE.

However I note that my .xsession-errors contains the following messages

FvwmTheme is obsolete, see the Colorset section of the fvwm(1) man page
Cannot parse color "dtcolor5"
couldn't create gradient
Cannot parse color "dtcolor5"
couldn't create gradient
WARNING: '/etc/xdg/menus/' does not exist
WARNING: '/etc/xdg/menus/' does not exist
/bin/sh: susewmif: command not found

I believe the first bunch of messages derives from this group of
statements in the original .fvwm2rc which I did not dare to delete.

# 0 = Default colors
# 1 = Inactive windows
# 2 = Active windows
# 3 = Inactive menu entry and menu background
# 4 = Active menu entry
# 5 = greyed out menu entry (only bg used)
# 6 = module foreground and background)
# 7 = hilight colors
*FvwmTheme: Colorset 0 fg black, bg rgb:6f/a1/dc
*FvwmTheme: Colorset 1 fg black, bg rgb:a1/b2/c8
*FvwmTheme: Colorset 2 fg black, bg rgb:70/a2/dd
*FvwmTheme: Colorset 3 fg black, bg rgb:c8/d3/e5, VGradient 100 dtcolor5 
*FvwmTheme: Colorset 4 fg black, bg rgb:91/ae/d6
*FvwmTheme: Colorset 5 fg rgb:d2/bf/a8, bg rgb:b4/aa/94
*FvwmTheme: Colorset 6 fg black, bg rgb:b4/aa/94, VGradient 100 dtcolor5 
*FvwmTheme: Colorset 7 fg black, bg rgb:94/ab/bf

# run FvwmTheme before anything else is done
ModuleSynchronous Timeout 5 FvwmTheme

The last message should derive from the second line of InitFunction.
Apparently this "susewmif" is neither installed nor documented on my

AddToFunc InitFunction
# +"I"   Module FvwmBanner
 + "I"   Exec susewmif xmessages

I can't trace the two warnings (about non existing menu definitions) in my

In any case :

 - can I assume the above messages are harmless ?
 - can I just comment out the statements which generate them ?
 - any other hint ?

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :

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