Re: FVWM: Laptop backlight control applet

2019-12-29 Thread Thomas Funk


Perhaps in Arch wiki (
you'll find more.


Am 29. Dezember 2019 15:57:52 schrieb Dan Espen :

Carsten Kunze  writes:

Stuart Longland  hat am 29. Dezember 2019
um 13:54 geschrieben: Under Linux I have key bindings set up that
call this Python script installed in /usr/local/bin:

The relevant files in /sys are owned by the 'video' group.

Not sure what would be used on BSD or Unix though and you don't say
what OS you're using.

I'm using Linux.  Unfortunately I'm more looking for a graphical app
(best would be something which can be added to stalonetray).

The search "xbacklight gui" suggests there are multiple choices.

Perhaps this one:

Dan Espen

Re: FVWM: Is it possible to resize automatically icons in AddToMenu?

2015-12-17 Thread Thomas Funk
Oleksandr Gavenko wrote:
> On 2015-12-12, Dan Espen wrote:
>> You should try fvwm-menu-desktop if you haven't done so already.
>> Use the size= parameter to control the icon sizes.
>   $ fvwm-menu-desktop | grep size || echo fail
>   fail
>   $ fvwm-menu-desktop --version
>   2.6.5
> Too old or Debian maintainer broke script?

Dan refers in his statement to the new fvwm-menu-desktop located in the
CVS version of FVWM.

If you want to use it, you need from CVS:
- fvwm-menu-desktop (new Python based xdg menu generator)
=> copy it to /usr/bin/
- fvwm-menu-desktop-config.fpl (configuration GUI)
=> copy it to /usr/share/fvwm/
- fvwm-menu-desktop.1 (new man page)
=> copy it to /usr/share/man/man1/

Or you could download it from here (if you won't follow the CVS 
instructions from the FVWM web page):

Add this to your config:

# Dynamic menu realized with DynamicPopupAction
AddToMenu MenuRoot DynamicPopupAction FuncMenuRoot

DestroyFunc FuncMenuRoot
AddToFunc   FuncMenuRoot
+ I DestroyMenu MenuRoot
+ I AddToMenu MenuRoot DynamicPopupAction MenuRoot
+ I AddToMenu MenuRoot "$[gt.Root Menu]" Title
+ I Popup FvwmMenu
+ I AddToMenu MenuRoot "" Nop

# Remark: FuncMenuRoot exchanges your current root menu. Add your other
# entries after the Nop line.

# Dynamic FvwmMenu sub menu for XDG menus
# realized with DynamicPopupAction
AddToMenu FvwmMenu DynamicPopupAction FuncXdgMenusInRoot

DestroyFunc FuncXdgMenusInRoot
AddToFunc   FuncXdgMenusInRoot
+ I AddToMenu FvwmMenu DynamicPopupAction FuncXdgMenusInRoot
+ I Test (f $[FVWM_USERDIR]/.menu) Read $[FVWM_USERDIR]/.menu
+ I PipeRead 'fvwm-menu-desktop --insert-in-menu MenuRoot > 
$[FVWM_USERDIR]/.menu &&  echo "Read $[FVWM_USERDIR]/.menu"'

# Remark: if you're using the scripts from Fvwm-Nightshade don't forget
# the '2' behind fvwm-menu-desktop ;-)

For more information see the new fvwm-menu-desktop man page.

> How is script supposed to manage icon size? It resize them and store under
> ~/.cache/fvwm dir?

You can set the wanted icon size via configuration GUI or command line.
Default location for resized icons is ~/.fvwm/icons/

-- Thomas --

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure 
about the the universe."   --   Albert Einstein

Re: FVWM: LocalePath not working?

2015-07-30 Thread Thomas Funk
> Michelle Konzac wrote:
> Hi again,
> Am 2015-07-29 23:39:17 hackte Thomas Funk in die Tastatur:
> > You've forgotten LC_MESSAGES in your path:
> > ~/.fvwm/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/
> Now I have used my own BASH script to generate a tdfvwm.pot and used
> 1) the graphical tool "poedit"
> 2) the webinterface "pootle"
> but both generated files are not working.
> If I call them simply "" and use
> LocalePath=$[FVWM_USERDIR]/locale
> it does not work either.  This is bizzar, becasue FVWM give no errors.

I've described the language translation under

This should normally work. Also if you don't know what content in the header is
needed in the pot and po file have a look into fvwm's sources under po/ or see

-- Thomas --

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure 
about the the universe."   --   Albert Einstein

Re: FVWM: LocalePath not working?

2015-07-29 Thread Thomas Funk
Michelle Konzack wrote:
> I had and now I have in my "config"
> LocalePath"$[FVWM_USERDIR]/locale;tdfvwm:/usr/share/locale;fvwm"
> and the file
> ~/.fvwm/locale/de/
> but it is not recognized. The xsession-errors show not a singel error.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks
> Michelle
You've forgotten LC_MESSAGES in your path:

-- Thomas --

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure 
about the the universe."   --   Albert Einstein

Re: FVWM: Say Hello...

2015-07-23 Thread Thomas Funk
Michelle Konzack wrote:
> Hello to all fvwm users,
> I want to say only HELLO to all, because after nearly 3 years of absence
> (I was forced to drop GNU/Linux entirely) I am back now...

Hi Michelle,

welcome back and enjoy FVWM again ^^

-- Thomas --

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure 
about the the universe."   --   Albert Einstein

Re: FVWM: Unmanaged window and Thunderbird?

2015-07-15 Thread Thomas Funk
elliot s wrote:
> Isn't StaysOnTop  the same as Layer 6 (at least by default)?
You're right :-/ I've checked the documentation ...

But my answer was only half wrong. Use
Style "xclock" Layer 20

and it's fine. See also

-- Thomas --
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure 
about the the universe."   --   Albert Einstein

Re: FVWM: Unmanaged window and Thunderbird?

2015-07-15 Thread Thomas Funk

Style "xclock" Layer 6

-- Thomas --
P wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to configure fvwm (2.6.5) in such a way that I always have
> a small clock in the upper right corner of my screen, with the clock
> always visible on top of all other windows.  So in my .xinitrc
> I have:
> fvwm2 &
> xclock -geometry -0+0 &
> and in my .fvwm2rc file I have:
> Style "*" TileManualPlacement
> Style "xclock" StaysOnTop,!Title,!Borders,Sticky
> This works fine, except that when I open a new window the
> TileManualPlacement will never automatically place the
> new window even partly under the xclock, which is what I
> want.  I would like fvwm2 to completely ignore the xclock as far
> as the placement of other windows is concerned.
> So I tried this instead:
> Style "xclock" Unmanaged
> which works great, except when I use Thunderbird.  When I start
> Thunderbird, it connects automatically to my IMAP server, which
> requires a password, so Thunderbird opens a small window asking
> me for my password.  For some reason when the small password
> window appears, Thunderbird is raised in front of all other windows,
> including the unmanaged xclock, which then hides the xclock...
> So is there any way to make this work?  Either by making
> TileManualPlacement not take xclock into account, or by not
> having Thunderbird be raised in front of unmanaged windows?
> Or some other way?
> Thanks a lot.
> P.

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure 
about the the universe."   --   Albert Einstein

Re: FVWM: How to get out of full screen mode in vnc client window

2015-07-13 Thread Thomas Funk
KARR, DAVID wrote:
> I'm new to fvwm, although I used X11 a lot in the previous millenium.
> I'm connecting from my Win7 laptop to an Ubuntu box with "tightvnc",
> running tightvncserver on the ubuntu box and TightVNCViewer on the
> Win7 laptop. I get to the ubuntu box through an intermediate 
> jumpserver, and I have a local port forward so the Win7 laptop can
> use the vnc port.
> In my "~/.vnc/xstartup" file, the last line runs "exec /usr/bin/fvwm".
> When I run the client and connect to the port, I can get to the fvwm
> context menu and create an xterm, and from there create other windows.
> The strange thing is that after I've been working with this for a few
> minutes, and then perhaps switch the focus to other windows on my
> Win7 box and then later return to the vnc client window, I find that
> all I see is a grey fvwm background.  I can create another xterm
> window, and if I do "ps -elf | grep xterm", I see the original xterm
> window, not to mention other windows that I've created.  Also, if I
> select "Restart fvwm" from the context menu, I briefly see all the
> other windows that I've created, and then they disappear.
> I've gone through this sequence a few times now, and it's repeatable.
> Why might those windows be disappearing?  Is this a fvwm problem, or
> a TightVNCViewer problem?

I haven't any experience with VNC but in Virtualbox this happens, too
if FVWM has more than one virtual pages defined and page scrolling is 
active. So e.g you move your cursor out of the left window FVWM 
switch to the left available page and your xterm 'disappears'.

Try to click your middle mouse button. Often the windowlist is binded
to it. If so you see a list of available windows. By clicking one you
choose it.

To disable page scrolling search in your config for 'EdgeScroll' and
change it to
EdgeScroll 0 0

Hope this helps.

-- Thomas --

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure 
about the the universe."   --   Albert Einstein

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: FVWM: Force application to use my icons

2014-07-31 Thread Thomas Funk
Walter Alejandro Iglesias wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there a effective way to force applications to use the icon I set
> with Style * Icon someicon.png?
> I accomplished that for mini icons with:
> Style * EWMHMiniIconOverride
> But I couldn't with icons.  I've tried IconOverride,
> Icon[Dont]DonateIcon, both settings fails.

Style  EWMHMiniIconOverride, Icon bomb.svg:48x48, MiniIcon 

 is the window's name, class, visible name, or resource string (in 
that order)

For the Icon/MiniIcon you have to use the full path or set it in ImagePath

Test it in FvwmConsole. It'll change it on the fly.

-- Thomas --

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure 
about the the universe."   --   Albert Einstein

Re: FVWM: Fw: missing images using .fvwm2rc

2012-05-02 Thread Thomas Funk

"Stan Dickerson" wrotes:
I got numerous xpm errors including:

[fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <> Couldn't load image from
[fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <> Couldn't load image from
[fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <> Couldn't load image from
[fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <> Couldn't load image from
[fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <> Couldn't load image from
[fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <> Couldn't load image from
[fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <> Couldn't load image from
[fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <> Couldn't load image from
[fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <> Couldn't load image from

Does that mean I need to install libXpm?

You haven't installed the wm-icons package.

fvwm-config --default-imagepath returns:

Your image path should then look like this:

What is the exact difference between a 'terminal', a 'shell', a 'tty' 
and a 'console'?
A terminal is at the end of an electric wire, a shell is the home of a 
turtle, tty is a strange abbreviation and a console is a kind of 
cabinet. -- Gilles

Re: FVWM: Fw: missing images using .fvwm2rc

2012-05-02 Thread Thomas Funk

> "Stan Dickerson" wrotes:
> I got numerous xpm errors including:
> [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <> Couldn't load image from
> menu/window-iconify.xpm
> [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <> Couldn't load image from
> menu/window-maximize.xpm
> [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <> Couldn't load image from
> menu/window-shade.xpm
> [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <> Couldn't load image from
> menu/window-stick.xpm
> [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <> Couldn't load image from
> menu/window-raise.xpm
> [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <> Couldn't load image from
> menu/window-lower.xpm
> [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <> Couldn't load image from
> menu/window-delete.xpm
> [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <> Couldn't load image from
> menu/window-close.xpm
> [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <> Couldn't load image from
> menu/window-destroy.xpm
> Does that mean I need to install libXpm?
You haven't installed the wm-icons package.

> fvwm-config --default-imagepath returns:
> /usr/include/X11/bitmaps:/usr/include/X11/pixmaps
Your image path should then look like this:

What is the exact difference between a 'terminal', a 'shell', a 'tty' 
and a 'console'?
A terminal is at the end of an electric wire, a shell is the home of a 
turtle, tty is a strange abbreviation and a console is a kind of 
cabinet. -- Gilles

Re: FVWM: Question about Gradients on windows decor

2011-07-24 Thread Thomas Funk
Hi Thomas,

>This should have been sent to -- please don't ask me questions
>about FVWM off-list. As such, I'm adding fvwm@ back in to this discussion.
-> I did it first, but I get email back with subject "Stalled post to fvwm" on 
both addresses ( and

ok, again ... Here's my previous post for completeness with your comments and 
my questions at the end:

I've tried to create a window decoration with gradients, but it doesn't work. 
Fvwm version used: 2.6.1
I do the following:

# inactive window decoration
Colorset 0 fg rgb:60/60/60,  VGradient 255 2 rgb:82/9a/ba 40 rgb:65/7d/9d 60 

# active window decoration
Colorset 1  fg black, VGradient 255 2 rgb:98/a5/b5 40 rgb:7c/89/99 60 

>Because gradients don't work in this way; you cannot have gradients on
>window borders, for instance.
yes, I wrote this below ... only with Colorset ...

Style    * UseDecor testem
Style    * HandleWidth 10
Style *    Colorset 0, HilightColorset 1

DestroyDecor    testem
AddToDecor    testem
+ TitleStyle  LeftJustified -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle    Reset
+ ButtonStyle    all    -- UseTitleStyle
+ ButtonStyle 1 4 50x65@1 35x35@1 65x35@1 50x65@0 -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 2 - Clear
+ ButtonStyle 2 17 20x20@1 30x20@1 50x40@1 70x20@1 80x20@1 80x30@0 60x50@0 
80x70@1 80x80@0 70x80@0 50x60@0 30x80@0 20x80@0 20x70@0 40x50@1 20x30@0 20x20@1 
-- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 4 13 60x20@0 60x40@0 80x40@1 80x60@0 60x60@0 60x80@0 40x80@0 
40x60@1 20x60@0 20x40@1 40x40@1 40x20@1 60x20@1 -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 6 3 0+4px50+1p@0 100-5px50+1p@0 100-5px50-2p@0 -- Flat

I get only a white background in both windows.

Titlestyle works:
+ TitleStyle     Inactive VGradient 255 2 rgb:82/9a/ba 40 rgb:65/7d/9d 60 
rgb:31/49/69 -- flat
+ TitleStyle     Active VGradient 255 2 rgb:98/a5/b5 40 rgb:7c/89/99 60 
rgb:68/75/85 -- flat

Borderstyle not:
+ BorderStyle    Inactive VGradient 255 2 rgb:82/9a/ba 40 rgb:65/7d/9d 60 
rgb:31/49/69 -- HiddenHandles NoInset
+ BorderStyle    Active VGradient 255 2 rgb:98/a5/b5 40 rgb:7c/89/99 60 
rgb:68/75/85 -- HiddenHandles NoInset

Only with a Colorset:
# Inactive window borders
Colorset 2 VGradient 255 2 rgb:82/9a/ba 40 rgb:65/7d/9d 60 rgb:31/49/69

# Active window borders
Colorset 3 VGradient 255 2 rgb:98/a5/b5 40 rgb:7c/89/99 60 rgb:68/75/85

+ BorderStyle    Inactive Colorset 2 -- HiddenHandles NoInset
+ BorderStyle    Active Colorset 3 -- HiddenHandles NoInset

But the vector buttons ... no chance. I've tried these variants:
+ ButtonStyle    All Active (VGradient 255 2 rgb:98/a5/b5 40 rgb:7c/89/99 60 
rgb:68/75/85 -- flat) Inactive (VGradient 255 2 rgb:82/9a/ba 40 rgb:65/7d/9d 60 
rgb:31/49/69 -- flat)
+ ButtonStyle    All Active (Colorset 3 -- flat) Inactive (Colorset 2 -- flat)

but without success ...

Any suggestions?

>ButtonStyle All -- UseTitleStyle
I've used it ... see above ...

Ok, again ... why doesn't Gradients work with the style command for 
inactive/active window decoration? Why appears a white decoration?


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