Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-08-26 Thread Angus MacLeod

Christine Murphy wrote:

 Hai Eideaird agus a h-uile duine cuideachd!

 'S mise Cairistìona agus tha mi a' fuireach anns an Ottawa.  Rugadh mi a
 Vancouver, ma tha.
  Bha mi o chionn goirid anns an Italy airson a bhith a' faicinn am Pàpa
 during World Youth Days (Gabh mo leisgeul airson am Beurla).

A Chairistìona,

An toiseach, fàilte! Tha mi 'n dòchas gu robh turus math agad ann an Eadailt.
A bheil am Mediterranean cho gorm 's a tha iad ag ràdh?
First, welcome! Am I in hopes that was a trip good at-you in Italy. Is the
Mediterranean so blue and that are they saying?
First of all, welcome! I hope you had a good trip to Italy. Is the
Mediterreanean as blue as they say it is?

 Bha i glé bhlath an sin (40 C in the shade) agus bha e "shock" mòr a bhith
 a' tighinn dhachaidh far a bheil i fionnar.

 It was very warm there, and it was a big shock to come home where it is

Ubh ubh.bheir an smuain fhéin eagal orm. Cha bhiodh air fhàgail dhiom ach
poll air sràid.. agus tha i gu math bruthainneach an sin, nach eil?.
Gives the thought self fear on-me. Not would-be left of-me but puddle on
street..and is it quite humid there, isn't?
.The mere thought scares me. There wouldn't be anything left of me but a
puddle on a street...and it's quite humid there, isn't it?

 Ciammar a tha a h-uile duine a-nis?  An robh an t-samhraidh agaibh math?

Tha mise 's an teaghlach agam gu math. Tha an Samhradh air a bhith math ann an
Ceap Breatainn. Tha i gu math teth an diugh. ( Chan eil i teth an taca ri
Eadailt, ach 'nam bheachd fhéin. )

Am I and the family at-me well. Is the summer on being good in CB. Is it quite
hot today.  ( Is not it hot compared to Italy, but in-my opinion self... )

I and my family are well. The summer has been good in CB. It's quite hot
today.  ( It isn't hot compared to Italy, but in my own opinion.)

Le meas,

The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-08-23 Thread Christine Murphy

Hai Eideaird agus a h-uile duine cuideachd!

'S mise Cairistìona agus tha mi a' fuireach anns an Ottawa.  Rugadh mi a
Vancouver, ma tha.
 Bha mi o chionn goirid anns an Italy airson a bhith a' faicinn am Pàpa
during World Youth Days (Gabh mo leisgeul airson am Beurla).

I'm Christine and I live in Ottawa.  I was born in Vancouver, though.
I was in Italy recently to see the Pope ...

Bha i glé bhlath an sin (40 C in the shade) agus bha e "shock" mòr a bhith
a' tighinn dhachaidh far a bheil i fionnar.

It was very warm there, and it was a big shock to come home where it is

Ciammar a tha a h-uile duine a-nis?  An robh an t-samhraidh agaibh math?

How is everyone now? Was your summer good?

Slàn leibh,
Cairistìona )o(

The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-08-16 Thread Angus MacLeod

Leslie Gadallah wrote:

 Aonghais, choir, tha fios agad a nach bi na ceistean ghòraiche leam
 air son bidh mi eòlach.  :)

 Angus, dear, you know that the silly questions from me are not
 because I am learned.  (Speaking of which, I don't feel good about this
 sentence.  Corrections would be appreciated.)

Leslie agus a h-uile duine,

Chanainn:  Tha fios agad nach bi na céistean ghòrach agam o 'n a bhios mi eòlach.

Uill, chan eil mise eòlach air a' Ghàidhlig  na 's motha. Chan eil ach triùir 's
aithne dhomh air feadh an t-saoghail mu dheidhinn  a chanainn gu robh iad fior
eòlach air a' Ghàidhlig. 'S e canain dhomhainn a th' innte... 's dòcha leam gur a
h-e sin a dheanas cho binn breagha brìghmhor i...

Well, am not I knowledgeable on the Gaelic either.. Are not but three (people)
recognized (?) to-me all over the world about that would-say-I that were they
knowledgebale on thh Gaelic. Is it language deep that is in-her... I suppose that
is that that will-make so melodious, beautiful, substantial her.

Well, I'm not learned either. There are only three people I know about whom I
woulld  say that they were truly larned in Gaelic. It's a deep language... I
suppose that's what makes it so melodic, beautiful, and substantial.  (
"Sunstantial" is a very poor word to use here, but I can't think of a bbetter

Le meas,

The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-08-14 Thread Angus MacLeod

Leslie Gadallah wrote:

Tha.  'Se oileanach bochd Ghàidhlig a tha mi.  Tha fios aig Aonghas
  Yes.  It's a poor student of Gaelic that I am.  Angus knows this.


Chan eil mi airson sabaid a thòisich, ach chan eil fhios agam air leithid de
rud.. càite an d' fhuair thu an gòraiche seo??   :)

Am not I for-the-sake-of a fight to start, but is not knowledge at-me on
like of  thing.. where did find you the foolishness this???

I'm not trying to start a fight, but I know nothing of any such thing..
where did you get this foolishness???   :)

Le meas,

The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-08-14 Thread Lois\Ted Macdonald

Hallo Eilidh,

Sgri\obh thu:

Hallo Eideard,
Ciamar a tha thu feasgar Di-Domhnaich seo?
How are you this Sunday evening?

'S e feasgar Diluain a th'ann an-drasda, agus tha mi uabhasach math, tapadh 

It's Monday afternoon now, and I'm ever so good, thank you.

Tha mi a'cleachdadh *a dictionary* agus tha i gle,gle mhall.
I am using a dictinary and it is very,very slow.

Tha tri\ faclairean agam agus 'sann eadhon nas slaodaiche a tha mi.
I have three dictionaries, and it's even slower that I am.

Tha mi sgith a-nis. Feagsar math
I am tired now. Good night:)

Feasgar math dhut fhe\in.
Good evening/afternoon to you yourself.

Sla\n leat,


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