[geo] Carbon Dioxide Removal/Negative Emissions Technologies Bibliography FCEA October 30, 2017

2018-01-04 Thread Leon Di Marco
http://ceassessment.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/CDR-bibliography.pdf This bibliography includes citations from both peer-reviewed and grey literature on the topic of Carbon Dioxide Removal options to address climate change, often also denominated as “Negative Emissions Technologies” Version

[geo] Re: Unexpectedly large impact of forest management and grazing on global vegetation biomass.

2018-01-04 Thread Leon Di Marco
o a welcome move to remove CDR from the description as Geoengineering, because the connotations associated with SRM are not usually positive. EASAC is just about to publish its own report on Negative Emissions which will be posted here when it comes out. Leon Di Marco *FSK Technology Research*

[geo] Re: Unexpectedly large impact of forest management and grazing on global vegetation biomass.

2018-01-04 Thread Leon Di Marco
are indicative. Leon Di Marco *FSK Technology Research* LONDON UK 020 7289 1277 On Wednesday, December 27, 2017 at 10:48:39 AM UTC, Andrew Lockley wrote: > > > > https://news.mongabay.com/2017/12/fighting-climate-change-with-bioenergy-may-do-more-harm-than-good/amp/?__twitter

[geo] Re: [CDR] Open discussion of negative emissions is urgently needed | Nature Energy

2018-01-05 Thread Leon Di Marco
this Nature paper is available open source. Their argument is worth making but it barely mentions DACS (once) and is really a continuation of Kevin Andersons argument about the use of CDR in models being a way of avoiding the otherwise large necessary reductions in emissions. Unfortunately t

[geo] Re: Leaked policy draft of SR15 - what do you think?

2018-01-13 Thread Leon Di Marco
*Note that the IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming Report of 1.5C, which is due to be published in September 2018 has its own site at-* http://www.ipcc.ch/report/sr15/ which has a tab to the working groups- http://www.ipcc.ch/working_groups/working_groups.shtml and in parti

[geo] Re: [CDR] CDR Cost Curve

2018-01-16 Thread Leon Di Marco
s that the students have not properly examined their implications, and have based the thesis on a fairly basic literature review Leon Di Marco *FSK Technology Research* LONDON UK On Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 12:09:18 AM UTC, Andrew Lockley wrote: > > x-post > see p6 >

[geo] Re: [CDR] CDR Cost Curve

2018-01-16 Thread Leon Di Marco
correction - it is dated April 2017 LDM On Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 12:09:18 AM UTC, Andrew Lockley wrote: > > x-post > see p6 > aquatic BECCS performs spectacularly well, in their analysis, DAC > spectacularly badly. > There will be much citing and squabbling, I suspect. > -- Forward

[geo] Re: Leaked policy draft of SR15 - what do you think?

2018-01-16 Thread Leon Di Marco
he process in his youtube video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09CHkqQIA-A *Martin Green - 40 years of PV research at UNSW* So AL may be right that - *"**Accordingly, GHG emissions will be minimal mid-century" , *but the damage will have been done Leon Di Marco *FSK Technology R

[geo] Re: Leaked policy draft of SR15 - what do you think?

2018-01-17 Thread Leon Di Marco
Just to be quite clear regarding my previous post about PV and why it is relevant to CDR- I have not made any assertions about the reason for the very rapid fall in costs since the Chinese intervened.Swansons "law" is an empirical graph relating the global total cumulative power of solar mo

[geo] Re: A Critical Examination of Geoengineering. Economic and Technological Rationality in Social Context

2018-01-21 Thread Leon Di Marco
Nick Stern, who is hardly hardly a marxist revolutionary, has described climate change from fossil fuel burning as a market failure, because the fossil fuel industry has failed to clean up the mess. Thus the profits were privatised and it is the public sector that will have to deal with the co

[geo] Re: The Ship Emission dilemma goes deeper

2018-01-30 Thread Leon Di Marco
https://www.ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/energy/news/2017/dec/domestic-shipping-fuel-consumption-250-higher-previously-estimated-report-finds *Domestic shipping fuel consumption 250% higher than previously estimated, report finds* A new report finds that domestic shipping fuel consumption is 250% higher

[geo] Re: One of the Largest Cities in California Has a Plan to Drastically Lower Its Temperature

2018-01-30 Thread Leon Di Marco
https://www.epa.gov/heat-islands United States Environmental Protection Agency Heat Island Effect CONTACT US SHARE -

[geo] Re: Geoengineering and Capitalism

2018-02-01 Thread Leon Di Marco
seen not to be crossing a line where his financial interest influences his judgement. The further he gets with the potential application of SRM and its consequences the more closely his connections will be examined. Leon Di Marco *FSK Technology Research* LONDON UK On Wednesday, January

[geo] Re: Geoengineering and Capitalism

2018-02-01 Thread Leon Di Marco
For completeness, here is the Harvard Keith Group Funding page- https://keith.seas.harvard.edu/funding *Funding* *Work in David Keith’s group is funded by a variety of public and philanthropic sources. Over the decade funding has come from the US NSF, Canada’s NSERC, a series of gifts from Bill

[geo] Re: Geoengineering and Capitalism

2018-02-02 Thread Leon Di Marco
Firstly, to emphasise that I have no expertise in SRM and do not advocate its use, but the following NAS report contains chapters on marine cloud brightening, as originally proposed by Latham, using salt water aerosols without special chemicals. That does not mean that the technique is ne

[geo] Re: Geoengineering and Capitalism

2018-02-05 Thread Leon Di Marco
Im afraid that both of these replies illustrate the problems associated with SRM in the form of MCB.We simply dont know what the effect of the large scale (ie sufficient to have noticeable effect) implementation of any SRM technique will be and the public will not be impressed by these argu

[geo] Re: The High-Energy Planet

2018-02-05 Thread Leon Di Marco
Another thinly veiled fantasy about globally scaled nuclear power being the answer to all energy/climate problems. We have most of the clean energy technology that we need already and forever invoking a nuclear powered future is an attempt to deny what is happening in the real world. LDM p7 *E

[geo] Re: Geoengineering and Capitalism

2018-02-06 Thread Leon Di Marco
let me further refine the hierarchy (priority) as 1 CDR required 2 CDR+ SRMpossible 3 SRM unlikely (where 3 may be required to mitigate ocean heat content ) mitigation and adaptation to

[geo] Re: [CDR] Farming with crops and rocks to address global climate, food and soil security | Nature Plants

2018-02-19 Thread Leon Di Marco
scale, costs etc https://www.carbonbrief.org/guest-post-how-enhanced-weathering-could-slow-climate-change-and-boost-crop-yields GUEST POSTS 19 February 2018 16:00 Guest post: How ‘enhanced weathering’ could slow climate change and

[geo] WSJ A Big-Sky Plan to Cool the Planet

2018-02-19 Thread Leon Di Marco
https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-big-sky-plan-to-cool-the-planet-1518802598?mod=e2tw&page=1&pos=1 A Big-Sky Plan to Cool the PlanetPumping aerosols into the stratosphere may buy us more time, but it’s no substitute for cutting carbon emissions—and we still don’t know enough to do it responsibly.

[geo] Re: WSJ A Big-Sky Plan to Cool the Planet

2018-02-19 Thread Leon Di Marco
to other efforts to combat climate change, and it’s an imperfect one at that – a drug that merely moderates dangerous symptoms,” they conclude. “The permanent solution is a regimen of diet and exercise”. On Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 1:54:12 AM UTC, Leon Di Marco wrote: > > >

[geo] Re: Intention matters in Climate Engineering

2018-02-22 Thread Leon Di Marco
engineering is the use of known methods for defined practical purposes - we did not engineer the increase in global temperature and so it wasnt geo engineering.We engineered our increasing global standard of living. Attempting to engineer the reverse of what has happened will be a deliberat

[geo] Re: Intention matters in Climate Engineering

2018-02-23 Thread Leon Di Marco
EASAC has, in its recent report on NETs , ignored the fact that NETs are simply another form of mitigation and instead incorrectly placed mitigation as a priority over NETs . This is a fundamental error caused by the notion that it is better to prevent pollution at its source than trying

[geo] Re: Medium Is Geoengineering an Immorality of Last Resort?

2018-03-16 Thread Leon Di Marco
ivilization, advanced techniques On Saturday, March 17, 2018 at 2:49:17 AM UTC, Leon Di Marco wrote: > > A discussion of the moral hazard argument in geoengineering regarding SRM > and CDR > > > https://medium.com/@seanjhernandez/is-geoengineering-an-immorality-of-last-r

[geo] Re: DECIMALS Fund – call for proposals opens today

2018-04-04 Thread Leon Di Marco
https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-03917-8 COMMENT 03 APRIL 2018 Developing countries must lead on solar geoengineering research The nations that are most vulnerable to climate change must drive discussions of modelling, ethics and governance, argue A. Atiq Rahman, Paulo Artaxo, Asfawo

[geo] Re: ABECCS

2018-05-13 Thread Leon Di Marco
11:20 PM (2 minutes ago) *Here is the abstract from the paper on which the article is based * *Note that the place quoted - Greene believes Hawaii “is a great place to conduct a demonstration project", has an average mean annual insolation of around 200 w/m2.Using the land area suggested

[geo] Re: ABECCS

2018-05-14 Thread Leon Di Marco
*COMPARISON OF ABECCS AND ADACCS PERFORMANCE USING MODEL DESIGNS* *ABECCS numbers from Green et al for Hawaii above* *ADACCS numbers from LDM calculation see below* *Total land area in Hawaii2800 ha in each case* * Algae Land ha Eucalyptus Land ha

[geo] Re: Geoengineering Updates: Governance and Experiments

2018-06-02 Thread Leon Di Marco
*Here is the counter argument as put in the article from the socialist magazine Jacobin by an editor, Peter Frase, referred to in the Geoengineering Monitor email above as "eco-modernist"* https://www.jacobinmag.com/2017/08/by-any-means-necessary/ By Any Means Necessary BYPETER FRASE

[geo] Re: Cheap Carbon Capture

2018-06-14 Thread Leon Di Marco
*This is a quite astonishingly misinformed piece by Preston.If he had been following Climeworks own announcements, he would have found that their $600 / tonCO2 figure is not an estimate, it is the current cost arising from their commercial CO2 plant. Their "estimate" is as follows, from

[geo] Re: (really quite astonishing) Tweet from Dr Naomi Wolf (@naomirwolf)

2018-06-26 Thread Leon Di Marco
*The top pinned tweet on the Naomi Wolf twitter feed shows a video of David Keith, which Wolf says has been referred to by Dane Wigington and his Geoengineering Watch.org site. On one of the videos from this site Wigington mentions vaccination dangers and it turns out that Wigington has been o

[geo] Re: Cheap Carbon Capture

2018-06-28 Thread Leon Di Marco
*Some initial observations about the interesting proposal in this paper helpfully attached with its SI by Greg. -* *Taking the numbers for the Representative System which has 49% conversion efficiency of electrical energy to hydrogen* *its energy requirement of 0.15 Gt CO2 / EJ = 6.6 GJe

[geo] Re: Carbon Engineering raises 11M

2018-07-13 Thread Leon Di Marco
*Another piece of fanciful commercial drivel from the Carbon Engineering PR dept . **As was apparent from the recent paper by Keith et al, these fuels are not **"ultra low carbon" **as stated as it uses CO2 derived from burning natural gas (which isnt "clean" ) . In any case CE is not going

[geo] Re: Lomborg on Paris

2018-07-14 Thread Leon Di Marco
*Lomborgs argument is and always has been entirely wrong and self serving. It arises from a complete (and highly convenient) misunderstanding of the nature of R&D and its long term effects on scientific and engineering progress. While an increase in R&D in low carbon energy systems is long ov