Re: Help files

2000-07-30 Thread egger

On 30 Jul, Sven Neumann wrote:

>>  Sorry, this page hasn't been written in  yet. Would you
>>  like to read this help in  instead?
> As you might have noticed the creators of the help system have already
> thought about that. The current help-system does not yet support 
> multi-language help files, but the current directory structure and the
> code should allow to add this feature anytime with little effort. Our
> plan so far was to use a simple shell-script to create links to
> english pages where other translations are not yet done.

 Okay, I haven't noticed the links yet. Or is this not implemented yet?

> AFAIK there is no DocBook browser and we certainly don't want to write
> one. The format is not even intended to be browsed directly. Creating
> HTML from it will (at least in the short term) be the right thing to
> do.

 A few persons on IRC stated they'd also like a printed reference.
 (Yes, I know your book and it's great, but still) :)
> I'm all for using DocBook to create the help files if and only if the
> help authors feel comfortable with it, someone who knows DocBook and
> all that stylesheet stuff volunteers to help and Yosh as the gimp
> maintainer gives his OK, since he will have to build the releases.


>>  Tools: yes, Time: I doubt that. Automatically processing text makes
>>  things faster not lenghtier...
> If you would have ever used Jade, you'd know that it adds a
> significant amount of time. Processing SGML is a very CPU-intensive
> and time-consuming task (at least with the available tools).

 It didn't mean CPU time. From this view you're right. I originally
 wrote about development time.

>>  It's not that hard. I could do that...
> Do I read, you could do that, or you will do that??

 Since I volunteered to help with the docs it's more 'I will do that'.
 Time is no issue at the moment and big parts of my time are dedicated
 to GIMP. There's a bigger problem in support terms. 

> I'd vote for a plug-in API reference separated from the normal users
> help. This API reference could be automatically created from the
> plug-in sources. But please let us concentrate on finishing the
> libgimp API reference before we start another project.

 Second that.

> What advantage would we have if the help files are stored separately
> if the release is going to include it anyway? Anyway, the one who
> creates the releases should decide that.
 It will be a nightmare to coordinate the progress on the docs. We've
 counted 5 people on IRC willing to contribute. It's very likely that
 they will be more when this part has really started, and one person
 should handle that? In my eyes it's sort of overkill. Put it somewhere
 else, give the, let's say 20, people CVS access to it and bundle it 
 at release time or even not if you don't like that.



Re: Help files

2000-07-30 Thread Sven Neumann


> > Format issue 1: DocBook or HTML?
> > 
> > Points in favour of DocBook:
> >  * Can be pushed to a variety of output formats with existing tools.
> >  * Is more searchable and indexable and whatnot, using hypothetcial
> > tools.  (If you can point to stable packages that index and
> > intelligently search docbook, I'll take that "hypothetical" back.)
>  That's not the point, but you can also automatically create
>  crossreferences and also something like:
>  Sorry, this page hasn't been written in  yet. Would you
>  like to read this help in  instead?

As you might have noticed the creators of the help system have already
thought about that. The current help-system does not yet support 
help files, but the current directory structure and the code should allow to 
add this feature anytime with little effort. Our plan so far was to use a 
shell-script to create links to english pages where other translations are
not yet done.

AFAIK there is no DocBook browser and we certainly don't want to write one.
The format is not even intended to be browsed directly. Creating HTML from
it will (at least in the short term) be the right thing to do.

I'm all for using DocBook to create the help files if and only if the help
authors feel comfortable with it, someone who knows DocBook and all that 
stylesheet stuff volunteers to help and Yosh as the gimp maintainer gives 
his OK, since he will have to build the releases. I'll help as much as I
can to create the necessary framework. As you might have noticed we already
use DocBook-SGML to create the libgimp API reference.

> >1) This adds significantly to the time and tools the maintainer
> > requires to make a release. 
>  Tools: yes, Time: I doubt that. Automatically processing text makes
>  things faster not lenghtier...

If you would have ever used Jade, you'd know that it adds a significant 
amount of time. Processing SGML is a very CPU-intensive and time-consuming
task (at least with the available tools).

> >  2)
> >  Making the output look good will require a non-trivial amount of 
> >   work on the transformation stylesheets.  That's a relatively rare   
> > skill, so finding someone to do that might be difficult.
>  It's not that hard. I could do that...

Do I read, you could do that, or you will do that??

> > Everyone probably agrees that we shouldn't have a different background
> > colour for every help page.  It might also be nice if there was some 
> > organizational consistancy from page to page.  Also, is there anything 
> > that shouldn't be in the help file, or should always be in seperate 
> > files?  For instance, should information about using the plug-in 
> > non-interactively not be displayed in the same file as the rest, to 
> > avoid exposing the user to "scary pdb stuff"?

I'd vote for a plug-in API reference separated from the normal users help.
This API reference could be automatically created from the plug-in sources.
But please let us concentrate on finishing the libgimp API reference before
we start another project.

> > "GIMP doesn't *need* help files to run, so they can be
> > distributed seperately."
>  That's just a fraction of my argument. I've no problem with
>  shipping GIMP with online help. I just think it's better
>  to keep the source archive smaller since the onlinehelp shouldn't
>  depend on the source and thus can without any problem reside outside
>  of our maintree which would make maintainance easier IMHO...

What advantage would we have if the help files are stored separately if
the release is going to include it anyway? Anyway, the one who creates
the releases should decide that.

Now to a few things Kevin pointed out in his first mail that I haven't 
dealed with so far:

> ** Speaking of the help browser:

> I don't really know what the qualities and status of gimp's help
> browser are, or why we have our own instead of passing the job to the
> user's favourite browser.  I vaugely remember some noise about "Oh, we
> need our own help browser because it is going to have special
> navigational things for our help architecture," so I let that issue
> slide, but since those people have largely signed off the project, do we
> need to re-think these questions?

The advantage of the helpbrowser plug-in is it's speed, small screen estate 
and small memory footprint. I guess a lot of people are very happy that they
do not have to use their "favorite" browser since it's a huge memory-eating
monster that takes ages to start if GIMP is already running. For those of
us that are happy with their browser, they can continue to use it. At some 
point we might consider adding another option, namely a gtkhtml-based
helpbrowser or interfaces to the GNOME and KDE help-systems. As all this
is implemented as a plug-in it should be trivial to do so.

> Egger argues, "GIMP doesn't *need* help files to run, so they can be
> distributed seperately." 

Re: Perl Scripting

2000-07-30 Thread egger

On 30 Jul, Robert L Krawitz wrote:

> Pardon? Just because a version is not officially released doesn't
> mean it doesn't exist, does it?

> For this purpose, I would say it does (mean that it does not exist).
> Especially since it isn't even a formal snapshot (which egcs was doing
> for a while), but rather just the current development tree.

 Ok, then it's a formalistic problem.
> Unless the change has been announced as permanent, you have no idea
> what future gcc's will look like.

 OK, that's a good point. Seems like we'll be talking about this issue
 again when the release the next version 
 Just for reference: GIMP and all other plugins work fine with most
 "versions" I've used so far...



Re: Help files

2000-07-30 Thread egger

On 30 Jul, Kevin Turner wrote:

> Format issue 1: DocBook or HTML?
> Points in favour of DocBook:
>  * Can be pushed to a variety of output formats with existing tools.
>  * Is more searchable and indexable and whatnot, using hypothetcial
> tools.  (If you can point to stable packages that index and
> intelligently search docbook, I'll take that "hypothetical" back.)

 That's not the point, but you can also automatically create
 crossreferences and also something like:

 Sorry, this page hasn't been written in  yet. Would you
 like to read this help in  instead?

>1) This adds significantly to the time and tools the maintainer
> requires to make a release. 

 Tools: yes, Time: I doubt that. Automatically processing text makes
 things faster not lenghtier...

>  2)
>  Making the output look good will require a non-trivial amount of 
>   work on the transformation stylesheets.  That's a relatively rare   
> skill, so finding someone to do that might be difficult.

 It's not that hard. I could do that...

>  * Intimidation factor.  Contributers are more likely to know HTML
>  than DocBook, and may not be willing to invest in the transition.

 May be right, but third party contributors can also pass pure text to
 Piers or me and we'll likely convert it. BTW: It's not that hard to 
 learn. In this case it might be even more simple than HTML.
> Everyone probably agrees that we shouldn't have a different background
> colour for every help page.  It might also be nice if there was some 
> organizational consistancy from page to page.  Also, is there anything 
> that shouldn't be in the help file, or should always be in seperate 
> files?  For instance, should information about using the plug-in 
> non-interactively not be displayed in the same file as the rest, to 
> avoid exposing the user to "scary pdb stuff"?

 What about letting the user choose that?

> See:
> Is this a good style to follow, or no?

 I think it's pretty good.

> Egger argues,

 Please call me Daniel...

> "GIMP doesn't *need* help files to run, so they can be
> distributed seperately."

 That's just a fraction of my argument. I've no problem with
 shipping GIMP with online help. I just think it's better
 to keep the source archive smaller since the onlinehelp shouldn't
 depend on the source and thus can without any problem reside outside
 of our maintree which would make maintainance easier IMHO...



Re: Perl Scripting

2000-07-30 Thread Robert L Krawitz

   Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 19:34:18 +0200 (CEST)

   On 30 Jul, Marc Lehmann wrote:

   > It's you who is unprof(f)essional. You were and are totally wrong with
   > your today's claim about gcc -- claiming some not-yet-existant
   > version of gcc causes problems on your machine.

Pardon? Just because a version is not officially released doesn't mean
it doesn't exist, does it? 

For this purpose, I would say it does (mean that it does not exist).
Especially since it isn't even a formal snapshot (which egcs was doing
for a while), but rather just the current development tree.

I'm forced to use a gcc version later than the LAST OFFICIALLY released
version because I'm having severe problem with the C++ frontend in 
2.95.2. I claim I'm using the CVS version from today which is obviously
more rencent than 2.95.2.
Now please tell me, where's my thinko???

The current development tree of GCC could do anything at all,
including not work.  It may not even be consistent.  It is not the
responsibility of the Gimp developers to track gcc in real time.  When
the next version of gcc is released, then it's reasonable to complain
about compile failures in the Gimp, but at present you have no idea
whatsoever whether this is a Gimp bug or a GCC bug.  "More recent"
does not necessarily mean "better" or "more correct".

It's possible to have multiple versions of gcc installed on your

   > I am not. However, unless you tell me about it I will have no way of
   > finding out.

Ok, I told you that you can't compile the plugin with a CVS version 
of gcc. There will be surely a new release somewhen so even more
people will notice it, so fixing it before that will happen seems
sensible to me.

Unless the GCC developers have announced that something has changed
that will permanently cause an incompatibility, there's no particular
reason to believe that the compile failure is due to anything wrong
with the Gimp.

Marc, I just want to know ONE little thing: Will you help to make
the gimpperl plugin usable on more systems (for example on future
gccs), YES or NO? 

Unless the change has been announced as permanent, you have no idea
what future gcc's will look like.

Robert Krawitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Tall Clubs International  -- or 1-888-IM-TALL-2
Member of the League for Programming Freedom -- mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Project lead for The Gimp Print --

"Linux doesn't dictate how I work, I dictate how Linux works."
--Eric Crampton

Help files

2000-07-30 Thread Kevin Turner

Ok, so it looks like we need to start filling in the help files.  There
are a number of things about the help files that never got decided (or
at least the decisions were never made public), because we were told
"someone else is taking care of it".  But now, it looks like we've got
to hammer those things out ourselves...

1) Format of the help files.
B) The help browser.
C) Location of the help repository.

Format issue 1: DocBook or HTML?

Points in favour of DocBook:
 * Can be pushed to a variety of output formats with existing tools.
 * Is more searchable and indexable and whatnot, using hypothetcial
tools.  (If you can point to stable packages that index and
intelligently search docbook, I'll take that "hypothetical" back.)

Points against DocBook:
 * We don't have a DocBook browser, so we'd have to transform it all to 
HTML for browsing.  
1) This adds significantly to the time and tools the maintainer
   requires to make a release.
2) Making the output look good will require a non-trivial amount of
   work on the transformation stylesheets.  That's a relatively rare
   skill, so finding someone to do that might be difficult.

 * Intimidation factor.  Contributers are more likely to know HTML than
 DocBook, and may not be willing to invest in the transition.

Summary: I'm a believer that DocBook is the Right Thing for the Long
Run.  But that doesn't necessarily mean it's the right thing for this
particular case, today.

Points in favour of HTML:
 * The on-line help is really only going to be read on-line anyway.
 And the only on-line browser we have is a HTML browser.  So the
 only thing that matters is how it looks in HTML.  
   Also, if our HTML browser has a limited feature set, we might need to
 tweak it for that instead of using auto-generated HTML that might
 assume a full implementation.

** Speaking of the help browser:

I don't really know what the qualities and status of gimp's help
browser are, or why we have our own instead of passing the job to the
user's favourite browser.  I vaugely remember some noise about "Oh, we
need our own help browser because it is going to have special
navigational things for our help architecture," so I let that issue
slide, but since those people have largely signed off the project, do we
need to re-think these questions?

Format issue 2: Style guidelines.

Everyone probably agrees that we shouldn't have a different background
colour for every help page.  It might also be nice if there was some
organizational consistancy from page to page.  Also, is there anything
that shouldn't be in the help file, or should always be in seperate
files?  For instance, should information about using the plug-in
non-interactively not be displayed in the same file as the rest, to
avoid exposing the user to "scary pdb stuff"?

In the (two) help files I've authored so far, I've used the
time-honoured organization of the man page as a template, with the colour scheme.


Is this a good style to follow, or no?


Egger argues, "GIMP doesn't *need* help files to run, so they can be
distributed seperately."  Why?  It's the "Who has
write-access?" song again.  But it's only been three days since Piers
(our new Help-guy) requested write access, so I don't feel that's a
cause for alarm yet.

Personally, I don't want a single package of gimp 1.2 to ship without
help files bundled in.  And while some of us decided that we'd like a
seperate CVS repository for plug-ins, Gnome's documentation team seems
to get along without one, so I don't know that its required.

 - Kevin

Kevin Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP encryption welcome here
Plug-ins: They make GIMP do stuff.
This list is archived at
To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Perl Scripting

2000-07-30 Thread Marc Lehmann

On Sun, Jul 30, 2000 at 12:09:25AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>  The most frequent bug I'm stumbling over is the uncompilability with
>  gcc compilers more rencent than version 2.95.2.  

then you must come from the future. more recent gcc versions than 2.95.2
DO NOT EXIST. it would save us gcc people a lot of time if you could
import, say, gcc-3.0 from the future back to now ;)

i would really appreciate if you would finally start thinking, as this is
not the first time you claim things that are sooo obviously broken :(

  -==- |
  ==-- _   |
  ---==---(_)__  __   __   Marc Lehmann  +--
  --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |e|
  -=/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   XX11-RIPE --+
The choice of a GNU generation   |

Re: perl 5.6? or on openbsd 2.7

2000-07-30 Thread Marc Lehmann

On Sat, Jul 29, 2000 at 05:27:19PM -0700, pixel fairy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> does gimp perl work with perl 5.6? this is what ships with openbsd 2.7
> or, has anyone gotten the gimp perl stuff to work with it?

I have gotten it to work with. As a matter of fact, gimp-perl is being
developed with perl5.6.

However, the current 5.6.0 release have a lot of bugs. If you experience
problems with error-reporting in your own scripts then you either have to
upgrade or to downgrade. Most everything else should work with vanilla

  -==- |
  ==-- _   |
  ---==---(_)__  __   __   Marc Lehmann  +--
  --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |e|
  -=/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   XX11-RIPE --+
The choice of a GNU generation   |

Re: Perl Scripting

2000-07-30 Thread Marc Lehmann

On Sun, Jul 30, 2000 at 06:02:04PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > It's pure fact. You keep claiming all sorts of funny things that you
> > yourself should have known long before you started posting about it.
>  Ok Marc, it's enough. I will not continue this useless flamewar!
>  In real life you sometimes play the nice guy but back on the computer
>  you're pretty unproffesional!

It's you who is unprof(f)essional. You were and are totally wrong with
your today's claim about gcc -- claiming some not-yet-existant version of
gcc causes problems on your machine.

This is distracting time and other resources from real problems.

> > And I think otherwise. Don't ask me if you are going to ignore me.
>  I wouldn't answer if I had ignored you.

Well, you sound like that ;)

> The perl plugin is broken
>  on several configurations and you're ignoring it.

I am not. However, unless you tell me about it I will have no way of
finding out.

>  I for my part offered help to remove the problems but am pretty

Then start doing what you say you are offering. Claims about problems with
nonexistant programs is _not_ helping anybody.

And please stop picking on your problems with perl. I am _not_ talking
about perl, but about your general attitude of posting, well, garbage to
this list unrelated to me, but related to gimp and often (fortunately
not always) totally wrong. Wrong in a way that you, yourself, could have
avoided with minmal effort.

For example, when I told you that your latest patch uses mempcpy, a
function not available on most systems, you just replied with a quote from
the libc info pages(!), claiming the function _does_ exist. When I told
you that your usage of mempcpy is wrong anyway (you used it like memcpy)
you told me to read the manpage. Fact is, either you didn't read the
manpage or you simply didn't understand it. Honestly, I suspect it was a
typing error and you just wanted a way to save your face, wether it breaks
gimp or not.

It's your willingness to break the gimp sources without blinking,
and without willing to fix things later, combined with your immense
willingness of stealing other people's time if it saves you looking up a
manpage that cost you my support now, which, I guess was the only person
supporting you anymore.

  -==- |
  ==-- _   |
  ---==---(_)__  __   __   Marc Lehmann  +--
  --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |e|
  -=/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   XX11-RIPE --+
The choice of a GNU generation   |

Re: Perl Scripting

2000-07-30 Thread Marc Lehmann

On Sun, Jul 30, 2000 at 04:54:55PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On 30 Jul, Marc Lehmann wrote:
> > i would really appreciate if you would finally start thinking, as this
> > is not the first time you claim things that are sooo obviously broken
> > :(
>  No need to get insulting.

It's pure fact. You keep claiming all sorts of funny things that you
yourself should have known long before you started posting about it.

> Spend your time fixing the plugin instead.

This also has nothing to do with any plugin. What I said is in no way
limited to this week. It is your general behaviour.

>  This would be more helpful for you and me.

It would indeed be most helpful if you try thinking a bit before you
post. I just mean that.

>  BTW: You told me to just close all bugreports reporting gimpperl on
>  the bugtracker, but I really think there could be serious problems
>  which would need the time of an expert (i.e. you) to have a closer

And I think otherwise. Don't ask me if you are going to ignore me.

  -==- |
  ==-- _   |
  ---==---(_)__  __   __   Marc Lehmann  +--
  --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |e|
  -=/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   XX11-RIPE --+
The choice of a GNU generation   |

Are You A Leader? / $1000 A Day!!

2000-07-30 Thread new_program


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Ask About The Guaranteed Lead Packages 
And The Newest Promotional Tool "Peggy"  WHAT IS PEGGY?  




Re: Perl Scripting

2000-07-30 Thread egger

On 30 Jul, Marc Lehmann wrote:

>>  No need to get insulting.
> It's pure fact. You keep claiming all sorts of funny things that you
> yourself should have known long before you started posting about it.

 Ok Marc, it's enough. I will not continue this useless flamewar!
 In real life you sometimes play the nice guy but back on the computer
 you're pretty unproffesional!

> And I think otherwise. Don't ask me if you are going to ignore me.

 I wouldn't answer if I had ignored you. The perl plugin is broken
 on several configurations and you're ignoring it. If you don't want
 to help, let it be and do whatever you like to do. 

 I for my part offered help to remove the problems but am pretty
 clueless since I don't know much about perl, otherwise I'd fix
 it on my own.



Compiling GIMP-Perl

2000-07-30 Thread Andrew J Fortune

(Firstly, a quick note - I apologize for my confusion in earlier sending out
HTML postings to this mailing list. I wasn't aware that I was doing it.
Anyway, I hope that this format is OK - plain text as far as I know)

I currently have Gimp v1.1.24 (developers' version). I don't have any
Perl-related menu items on the Xtns menu, and so in an attempt to remedy
this, I
downloaded the gimp-perl v1.16 distribution from

As per the instructions, I executed the command "perl", but got
the following error messages :

./configure: =.: command not found
./configure: line 907: syntax error near unexpected token `"(c'
./configure: line 907: `  echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6'

I currently have the following installed on my machine :

GTK+ version 1.2.6-6mdk
perl version 5.00503-10mdk
perl-GTK 0.6123-7mdk
gimp 1.1.24

In the hope of getting some clue to this error, I tried looking for the
string "$ac_n" in the source file, but
couldn't find it.

What should I do from here ?

Thanks in advance,

Andrew J Fortune

Re: Perl Scripting

2000-07-30 Thread egger

On 30 Jul, Marc Lehmann wrote:

> It's you who is unprof(f)essional. You were and are totally wrong with
> your today's claim about gcc -- claiming some not-yet-existant
> version of gcc causes problems on your machine.

 Pardon? Just because a version is not officially released doesn't mean
 it doesn't exist, does it? 

 I'm forced to use a gcc version later than the LAST OFFICIALLY released
 version because I'm having severe problem with the C++ frontend in 
 2.95.2. I claim I'm using the CVS version from today which is obviously
 more rencent than 2.95.2.
 Now please tell me, where's my thinko???
> I am not. However, unless you tell me about it I will have no way of
> finding out.

 Ok, I told you that you can't compile the plugin with a CVS version 
 of gcc. There will be surely a new release somewhen so even more
 people will notice it, so fixing it before that will happen seems
 sensible to me.
> For example, when I told you that your latest patch uses mempcpy, a
> function not available on most systems, you just replied with a quote
> from the libc info pages(!), claiming the function _does_ exist.

 Sorry Marc, I told you very clearly that this shouldn't have been in
 the patch since it was just a try that has never worked anyway but
 since you told me in a very selfconfident way that this
 function hasn't ever existed I replied with a quote of the info page!

 That's the fact, anything else is pure speculation from your side.

 [ Rest of speculations deleted ]

 Marc, I just want to know ONE little thing: Will you help to make
 the gimpperl plugin usable on more systems (for example on future
 gccs), YES or NO? 



Re: Perl Scripting

2000-07-30 Thread egger

On 30 Jul, Marc Lehmann wrote:

> i would really appreciate if you would finally start thinking, as this
> is not the first time you claim things that are sooo obviously broken
> :(

 No need to get insulting. Spend your time fixing the plugin instead.
 This would be more helpful for you and me. I can supply you all the
 information you'd like to have. 

 BTW: You told me to just close all bugreports reporting gimpperl on
 the bugtracker, but I really think there could be serious problems
 which would need the time of an expert (i.e. you) to have a closer

