[Gimp-user] superimpose no-smoking sign

2005-01-15 Thread Shawn

I've only used gimp a little bit but need to teach an autistic child to
not run into the street and do other things.

To do that, I need to take pictures and then super-impose a basic no
sign (like you see for no-smoking) over it.  I need to do this for a lot
of pictures.

Any suggestions for how to do that.  I am going through the gimp help
browser now but have basically no idea.  I _really_ appreciate it.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Save For Web Option?

2006-04-06 Thread Shawn Willden
On Wednesday 05 April 2006 01:03, Mark Sargent wrote:
> am a rather experienced Linux user for the past 2yrs or so, but, not
> much with Gimp. I used to use Fireworks/Photoshop on Windows some time
> back, and am wondering where within Gimp I can just save as for web, and
> it allows me to resize etc. I can't seem to find that option anywhere in
> the menus. All I see is, save, save as, save a copy, save as template. I
> have a 14.5mb file that I need to get to under 500kb or less. Could
> someone point this non-gui fool in the right direction? Cheers.

Well, if you're a non-gui fool, I'd suggest a non-gui tool.  I'd use 
imagemagick, something like:

convert infile.bmp -resize 500x500 -quality 75 outfile.jpg

ImageMagick uses the file extension on the output to decide what type of image 
compression to use, so it will save as a JPEG.  The -resize option by default 
will not stretch your image so the above will resize your image to be at most 
500 pixels on each side.  Finally the -quality is used by the JPEG compressor 
and takes a number between 0 and 100.  Smaller numbers give you worse images, 
but 75 is a good tradeoff which gives you good image quality and good 

You can easily play with the numbers to get larger or smaller image sizes.

If you do want to use the GIMP (certainly not a bad choice), you should use 
Image->Scale Image to shrink the resolution down, then Save As and enter a 
file name with a .jpg extension.  The GIMP will then prompt you for a quality 
level and if you click the "Show Preview in image window" you can see the 
effects of dragging it back and forth, and you can also see the file size 
right undernath the quality slider.

Have fun,

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Suggestions for RAW workflows

2006-05-25 Thread Shawn Willden

This isn't strictly a GIMP question (although the GIMP may well be a component 
of the solution), but it seems likely that some of the people here will have 
some good ideas.

I'm experimenting with various approaches to turning my RAW images into 
high-quality TIFF or JPEG files for printing and/or on-screen viewing, and 
I'm looking for suggestions from others who are doing the same thing on 

So far, I've found that using GIMP and the ufraw plugin, I can get conversions 
that are fairly nice in most respects.  Manipulating the exposure and the 
curves in the ufraw dialog even allows me to take advantage of the greater 
contrast that the RAW format captures, compressing or stretching the dynamic 
range prior to converting to 8-bit color depths so that highlights aren't 
blown out and details aren't lost.

There are a couple of problems, though.

First, the ufraw plugin, and the dcraw program, seem to fall down in one 
respect:  my converted images are often much noisier than the JPEGs produced 
by the in-camera processing.  I shoot in RAW+JPEG so I have both, and in some 
cases I've been able to get a better final image out of the JPEG than the 
RAW, simply because of the noise issue.

I have found that the GIMP 'selective gaussian blur' can be used to get rid of 
much of the noise, but it has to be used very carefully to avoid losing too 
much detail or distorting portions of the image.  I'd like to find a 
less 'fiddly' solutuion.

The second problem is that I'd like to print some of my images in relatively 
large sizes (11x14 or so), and it seems to me that if I want the best quality 
possible, it's not a good idea to convert to 8-bit color.  Of course, that 
rules out using the GIMP to clean up noisy areas, since it doesn't yet 
support higher bit depths.  Cinepaint doesn't have the selective gaussian 
blur filter, nor does ImageMagick.

So, are there any other RAW photographers who use Linux or *BSD and want to 
share their photo processing workflow?


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How to get "step" gradient

2007-01-03 Thread Shawn Willden
On Wednesday 03 January 2007 14:24, Tonio wrote:
> Is it possible to make the gradient colors go in
> steps, i.e. so it won't be smooth, but kind of bands
> of colors, (from start color to end color with jumps
> in between).

Posterise might do it for you.  Create a regular, smooth gradient and then use 
Layer->Colors->Posterise.   Turn on preview and drag the levels slider around 
to get the number of steps and widths of bands you want.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP's equivalent of adjustment Layer in PS?

2007-01-09 Thread Shawn Willden
On Monday 08 January 2007 23:10, Steven Woody wrote:
> in Photoshop, there is a tool 'adjustment layer', what's the
> equivalent in Gimp? thanks.

GIMP doesn't have any equivalent.  I believe it's in the plan for future 
releases.  I know the new graphics engine will make adjustment layers very 
simple to implement, so I wouldn't expect to see them implemented before the 
new engine goes in, and I would expect them to be implemented very soon 

For now, you just have to make the adjustments directly on your image layer.   
I usually copy the image layer before applying an adjustment to it, in case I 
decide to remove the adjustment.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP's equivalent of adjustment Layer in PS?

2007-01-12 Thread Shawn Willden
On Thursday 11 January 2007 13:46, Steve Thompson wrote:
> I guess that about says it all, right?  We listen to our users, but
> adjustment layers is a pointless discussion.

You're not listening.

It's pointless because adjustment layer support is already in the roadmap.

Need heard.  Need understood.  Approach to resolving need defined.  Work 
toward that end in progress.

What more do you want?  You want Sven and company to drop everything else 
they're doing in order to implement adjustment layers RIGHT NOW, integrating 
this new feature into an architecture that will be immediately abandoned and 
replaced as soon as 2.4 is out the door?

Doing what you seem to want will:

1.  Delay 2.4
2.  Delay the next, GEGL-based version which will...
3.  Delay > 8bpc support
4.  Delay CMYK support
5.  Delay a whole raft of other desireable features

All so that you can have adjustment layers just a bit sooner -- maybe.  
Depending on the complexity of implementing adjustment layers in the current 
engine, it's entirely possible that you'll get your feature *LATER* than if 
you wait for the GEGL-based version!!!

Sheesh.  Even as a corporate developer, I'd get pissed off at a manager who 
tried to push that kind of stupid decision on me.  Why would anyone be 
surprised that VOLUNTEER developers would get annoyed at similar pressure 
from people that have no authority over them, and are unwilling to help out?

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Getting Rid of the Gray

2002-08-17 Thread Shawn Lindsay

I would just do the same as with a color image, that is, 
Filters-->Colors-->Color to Alpha.  Of course first you would need to 
convert the image to rbg.  You can put white to alpha and any shade of 
gray, or use the color picker to select an exact value.  Select by Color 
also works with grays, afaik.

Carol's pointer was worth a look.

Shawn Lindsay.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Gimp-user digest, Vol 1 #473 - 4 msgs

2002-10-17 Thread Shawn Lindsay

> Message: 2
> Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] rounded rectangle
> From: Daniel Haus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Gimp Users Mailinglist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 16 Oct 2002 23:38:46 +0200
> i guessed that, unfortunately almost none of the script-fus work with
> gimp-1.3 in my localized (german) gnome2-environment, because of some
> confusion about floating point numbers (in german it's "1,0" instead of
> "1.0" so i about always get error-messages). i've seen this bug is
> already reported. can this easily - until it's officially fixed - be
> corrected by a few hacks, or will this require some more work and
> knowledge about gimp's internals? did anyone make it work?
> the tutorial at http://gug.sunsite.dk did it for me. it's not exactly
> how i'd like it, a better solution might be a "roundness" option in the
> rectangular-selection-property-tab, but at least, it works.

Can you choose select-->grow from the menu?  If so, you can make a small
rectangular selection on a huge background and grow it by a large number
like 256 pixels.  The result will be a rectangular selection with rounded

Shawn Lindsay.
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: rounded edges

2002-10-17 Thread Shawn Lindsay

Forgive me, list.  I forgot to change the subject line in that last post re
Daniel's problems with rounded edges.  To get rounded edges without

1. make a small selection on a huge background
2. select-->grow;  choose a huge number like 256 pixels
3. Voila.  Well, depending on your processor, it may take a few seconds.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Colorizing

2002-11-07 Thread Shawn Lindsay


Have you looked at the color mapping filters? 
Filters-->Colors-->Map-->Color Range Mapping, or the Gradient Map.  These
might help you get the effect you're envisioning.


> Message: 1
> Thanks Andrew. I gave this a shot but it does not seem to work ... I 
> think maybe because the foreground and background colours are not 
> distinct enough. I think I will look at using bezier curves ... got 
> some reading to do!

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] hardware

2003-02-06 Thread Shawn Lindsay
What's a good processor for gimp?  I'm pricing a new computer.  I kind of have my eye 
on Intel's 3.06 P4 but am waiting for prices to drop.  What are some advantages of 
other processors?  Mostly what I want is quicker processing of some plugins, and being 
able to run other programs at the same time.  Almost anything will be better than my 
Celery, but I want something really good and not outrageously expensive.  What should 
I look for?


Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] hardware

2003-02-18 Thread Shawn Lindsay
Thanks for the feedback.  I'll definitely take another look at dual Athlons.

I still have some questions, though.

Is Intel's 533 MHz fsb a real advantage?  Or only with certain kinds of RAM?  Some 
benchmarks show the Athlon is a real fast cruncher, so for most things it probably 
gives you the most bang for the buck. Btw did anybody see the review of AMD's Barton 
chip at Ace's? ( http://www.aceshardware.com/read.jsp?id=5364  --yea! Pricewar!) . 
They used a Photoshop benchmark and the P4 3.06 GHz was best at most but not all 
filters.  Ace's said that Photoshop had been optimized for SMP and hyperthreading. 
Would that be true of Gimp?  I'd think stuff like Gaussian blur would be the same or 
similar.  Dang I wish they'd use Gimp for some benchmarks.  

Loading up on RAM I know is good, but which kind? RDRAM, DDRAM, DRDRAM, SDRAM,  DDR 
SDRAM--ECC or not?--ack!--just give me speed, reliablity and let me keep my shirt.  

Even with a couple gigs of RAM I'm going to be swapping.  Is an SCSI drive worth the 
extra price?  I'm thinking no because I can get a 7200rpm ide for $40, or a 10K RPM 
IDE drive at a fair price, but if somebody has good things to say about their 15K SCSI 
I'd like to hear it.  Do better latency and seek time make much of a difference?  Are 
the 15Krpm Cheetah's and Fujitsu's really as quiet as the reviewers say?  What's the 
optimal balance between transfer rate and access time for working on large .xcfs?

Finally, would a smaller main drive (with / /usr /home /tmp and swap) be faster?  I 
was thinking it would be most efficient to have a small fast drive with a second, 
larger drive for storage.  Am I wrong to suppose a large main drive would slow me 
down?  Does putting the swap on the first sector still matter, or have advances in 
hard disk technology made this inconsequenstial?

Thanks again.



Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Auto-level script-fu

2003-08-06 Thread Shawn Willden
How can I invoke auto leveling (Image/Colors/Levels/Auto) from a script?  Is 
this possible?


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] RGB to BGR script works, but how to run auto levels?

2003-09-01 Thread Shawn Willden
On Sat August 30 2003 12:06 pm, Walter Francis wrote:

> I also run auto levels on the images when I'm done, but so far it looks
> like this is not possible from Script-fu.  Any updates on there?

I submitted a bug report (http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=119233) 
and a patch to add a PDB entry for auto levels.  If you don't mind applying 
the patch and building the GIMP yourself, you should be able to get auto 
levels to work from your script.  The patch is at:


Apply the patch to tools/pdbgen/pdb/color.pdb, then do the typical configure, 
make, make install process, taking care to add the "--with-pdbgen" option to 
the configure command line so the PDB code will be updated.

If you're not comfortable with patching and building, you'll probably have to 
wait until the patch gets applied by the developers.  If you use Debian, drop 
me a line and I'll send you patched versions of the Sid .deb files.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Channel Mixer for 1.3?

2003-11-20 Thread Shawn Willden
Hash: SHA1

Has anyone ported the plugin?  Or is there similar functionality elsewhere?


Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How to treat several pictures at once?

2004-02-04 Thread Shawn Willden
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 04 February 2004 12:05 pm, Dirk Völlger wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am a new gimp user as well as a new list member. I have got the
> following 
 question: I took a series of pictures (measures) and I have
> to normalize and equalize them to see any result. Is there any perl
> skript or smth. else that does this step with all the pictures I have
> because it is impossible to treat ~ 50 pictures seperately (no time ...)
> I have never used perl, so I also do not know how to use it with gimp.
> Any help, tutorial or hint would be cool because it is quite urgent.

Assuming it can do the job (and it can do a lot of jobs), your best option 
is probably not the GIMP, but rather ImageMagick, which provides set of 
command line tools for doing all sorts of image operations.
You mentioned normalizing and equalizing.  To do that with ImageMagick, you 
would just run, e.g.:

mogrify -normalize -equalize *.JPG


If you find that ImageMagick won't do it, then you should look into 
scripting the GIMP.  I recommend writing your scripts in Python, but it 
really depends on what you're most comfortable with -- or most interested 
in learning.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [Gimp-user] Re: frontend to help classify images

2004-05-08 Thread Shawn Willden
Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 08 May 2004 12:43 pm, Helge Hielscher wrote:
> On Sat, 08 May 2004 14:02:32 -0400, h121 wrote:
> >  Short:
> >   I'm looking for a front-end tool to help me process
> > (qualify and classify / catalog) about 10,000 scanned images.
> You may want to have a look at KimDaBa.
> http://ktown.kde.org/kimdaba
> http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=10065

I second the recommendation.  A little more information:

KimDaBa uses an XML file to store all of the image metadata.  While this 
solution isn't ideal for huge image databases, because it has to load the 
entire metadata database into RAM to get reasonable performance, it will be 
just fine with only 10,000 images (I have about 7,000 images in mine).  Once 
all of the metadata is in XML format, you can write a little code to put it 
in any other format you like.

KimDaBa supports arbitrary classification schemes.  Basically, you define a 
set of categories (you called them dimensions), and the values for each 
category.  The image classification window is customizable, so you can 
arrange the defined categories for convenience.  Though it may not be 
applicable for your application, you can also define groups within a 
category.  Groups contain values or other groups.

After images are categorized, you can drill down pretty much any way you like.  
Selecting one criterion, then another, then another, until you've identified 
the set of images you want, or at least narrowed it down far enough to make a 
manual search reasonable.

KimDaBa will also allow you to "mark up" images, rotating them, drawing on 
them, etc., but all of the modifications are stored as metadata, without 
modifying the actual image file.  When you display the photo with KimDaBa, 
the markup is visible, the image is rotated, etc.

KimDaBa reads date/time and rotation data from EXIF, if available.

One thing KimDaBa does not do (AFAIK) well is provide convenient ways to zoom 
in.  Also, it's a bit slow to display each image.  I think this is because it 
just uses the KDE image code to decompress and display images, and it isn't 
terribly fast.  In a KDE photo manipulation tool I wrote, I had to resort to 
trading off some RAM to cache the last few and the next few images.  I think 
JPEG decoding time was the biggest part of the problem, but frankly didn't 
look into it that much after I found an acceptable solution.

Also, it sound like you might need something more flexible than KimDaBa's HTML 
generation for the final image database.

One other plus, the primary author, Jasper Pedersen, is generally quite 
responsive, so if you can make a case that some need of yours is likely to be 
shared by others, he's likely to add your requested feature, and quickly.  
The code is reasonably clean also, so if you're a C++ programmer you can 
always look into adding whatever bits you need yourself.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Poor print quality with GIMP on Linux

2004-10-04 Thread Shawn Willden
I have an HP Photosmart 7260 printer which prints great photos when I print 
from other Linux applications, particularly KDE apps with kprinter.  To get 
good photos I do have to explicitly set the printing mode in the driver 
settings, but it works well.

It works well in every application *except* the GIMP, that is.  The GIMP 
appears to do some rescaling and adjustment that makes the output look 
noticeably blurry.  I've configured the GIMP to print through kprinter (with 
command "kprinter -dPhoto --stdin") so that the kprinter dialog pops up and 
allows me to set the print mode.

What's really annoying about the GIMP not printing nicely is that it makes 
printing photos a multi-step process.  The image viewers I've tried print 
okay, but they assume 72dpi, rather than whatever I really want (usually 
300dpi, but sometimes more or less, depending).

So, my current process is to load the image in the GIMP, use "scale image" to 
adjust the dpi setting (usually without actually scaling the image) and then 
save the image as a postscript file.  Then I can load the .ps file up in 
kghostview or whatever and it prints very nicely.

Any ideas what I can do to fix this?  I have the GIMP's Image/Output Settings 
set to all the defaults (Image Type: Photograph, Output: Type Color, all the 
parameters on the Adjust Output dialog to "1.000").  I'm careful to ensure 
that I don't have to do any scaling from the print dialog, either... 
"Scaling" is set to 100.0%.

What else... the printing system is CUPS v1.1.21rc1, the driver for the 
printer is Foomatic v3.0.2 + hpijs v1.6.2 (configured through the KDE 
printing manager) the system is Debian unstable, with a 2.6.8 kernel and the 
GIMP is version 2.0.5.

Thanks for any suggestions,


Description: PGP signature

Re: [Gimp-user] Poor print quality with GIMP on Linux

2004-10-05 Thread Shawn Willden
Hash: SHA1

On Monday 04 October 2004 10:04 pm, Shawn Willden wrote:
> "Scaling" is set to 100.0%.

As Sven pointed out in private e-mail, I misstated here.  That's what I get 
from going from memory.  My goal is to avoid scaling (and the quality 
reduction that may occur), so what I've been doing is using the "Use Original 
Image Size" button and verifying that the "Scaling" is the right number of 
PPI (in PPI mode, not Percent mode).

I have been seeing the blurriness without scaling up to the full size of the 
page, as would happen if Scaling was really at 100%.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Poor print quality with GIMP on Linux

2004-10-05 Thread Shawn Willden
Hash: SHA1

(I hope you don't mind if I post this back to the list, Sven)

On Tuesday 05 October 2004 09:04 am, you wrote:
> > I have been seeing the blurriness without scaling up to the full
> > size of the page, as would happen if Scaling was really at 100%.
> I have no idea what is causing your problems then. I have been told
> that the gimp-print drivers would create superb printouts. Perhaps you
> should ask your question on the gimp-print mailing-list. They should
> know better. The gimp-print project has it's homepage at
> http://gimp-print.sourceforge.net/.

Well, I didn't post there because I'm not using the gimp-print drivers.  The 
gimp-print drives don't support my printer, so I'm using the hpijs driver 
from HP.  My assumption was that the print dialog and whatever it generates 
to send to the drivers is on the gimp application side, rather than on the 
gimp-print side, which I believe is only drivers.  Is this not correct?


Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Poor print quality with GIMP on Linux

2004-10-05 Thread Shawn Willden
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 05 October 2004 11:27 am, Sven Neumann wrote:
> I replied to the list (and to you) so the discussion has been on-list
> all the time...

Apparently my filters are putting your replies in my Inbox, rather than in my 
GIMP folder.  I'll have to look into why that is.  Anyway, sorry for the 

> The plug-in that ships with GIMP has been written by the gimp-print
> developers and it uses libgimpprint. So you are using the gimp-print
> drivers. I do not know exactly what the plug-in is doing in case of
> your setup. The gimp-print folks should know better.

Okay, thanks.  I'll take my questions over there.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Changing the default parameter file for MPEG1 encoding

2008-06-06 Thread shawn . p . williams
How can you edit the template parameter file the GIMP uses for MPEG1 
encoding?  Specifically, is it possible to have the GIMP add the line:
by default to the  parameter file?


Shawn Williams___
Gimp-user mailing list