[GKD] New Community Wireless Connectivity Project (Africa)

2005-04-18 Thread Karen Higgs
Dear Colleagues,

This month APCNews will not be published, so to keep you up-to-date with
APC in the meantime, we thought you'd be interested to read about a new
project that is underway in Africa, and in planning for Latin America
and Asia-Pacific.

APC's new "Community Wireless Connectivity" project: Starting work in

APC's latest initiative is looking to connect communities who don't yet
have internet access by skilling them to build their own wireless
networks. The project covers the development of training materials in
English, French and Arabic and workshops that will be adapted for
different environmental, regulatory and climatic conditions. With four
regional workshops in Africa in 2005, we'll be training up to 100
possible future trainers. Plans are also afoot in Latin America and
Asia-Pacific. - APCNews

Building human networks without wires: First community wireless workshop
in East Africa

Most internet access relies on the availability of a reliable fixed
telephone line and that can be a struggle to find in many parts of rural
Africa. Wireless technology can by-pass the fixed-line problem. APC's
Anna Feldman has just returned from a wireless training workshop on
Zanzibar where thirty five trainees learned how to set up their own
connections and eventually -using antennas made out of recycled tin
cans- were able to wirelessly connect to an atoll two kilometres across
the sea from the workshop venue. - APCNews

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[GKD] APCNews - November 2004

2004-12-02 Thread Karen Higgs
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
*APCNews, the monthly newsletter of the
   Association for Progressive Communications (APC)*
 - November 2004 No. 47 -
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
-- WOMEN & ICTs --
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ALIN-EA, Kenya:  Local content, local people, local languages - ICTs
used to promote exchange of indigenous knowledge

APC member Arid Lands Information Network -- Eastern Africa (ALIN-EA) has
successfully completed a one-year pilot phase of the Open Knowledge
Network (OKN) East Africa project. OKN is a global initiative linking
marginalised communities and facilitating information sharing through
information and communications technologies (ICT). -- ALIN-EA

CECS, South Africa: ICT literacy training across southern Africa
develops awareness as well as skills

"People won't benefit from improved access to digital networks, if the
necessary capabilities to select, apply and interpret the available
information are not better developed", says Arnold Pietersen of the
Community Education Computer Society (CECS), a South African APC member.

With oversight from ICT NGOs from Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique,
Namibia, Swaziland and Zambia, CECS designed an 'ICT Literacy'
programme. - APCNews http://www.apc.org/english/news/index.shtml?x=28705

CEPES, Peru: Wireless internet improves market access conditions for
farmers in Peru

A project using wireless technology to link small-scale farmers in a
desert valley in Peru is helping farmers by providing and generating
local information online. The living conditions of more than 6,000 rural
workers is being directly affected. APC member in Lima, CEPES, is
providing technical support for the project and the content exchange
software used is APC ActionApps. -- CEPES

Computer Aid International, UK: New computer partnership to increase
access to ICT in Rwanda

APC member Computer Aid International officially launched an exciting
and innovative new partnership with a Rwandan not-for-profit, e-ICT.
"The partnership with e-ICT will bring affordable access to high quality
computers with full technical support and training to Rwanda's schools,
colleges, local government, and all not-for-profit organisations", says
Tony Roberts, Chief Executive of Computer Aid. -- Computer Aid

Computer Aid International, UK: Partnership to provide computers to
not-for-profit organisations in Kenya

APC members in the UK and Kenya, Computer Aid International and the Arid
Lands Information Network (ALIN-EA), recently launched a new partnership
in Nairobi. "Computer Aid has already provided over 2,500 quality
refurbished PC to non-profit organisations in Kenya", commented Tony
Roberts. "However with the help of the Baobab initiative we plan to
provide 5,000 more computers in the next few years". -- Computer Aid

C2o, Australia: Storytelling engine D3 returns improved

D3, the prototype public authoring kiosk, created by APC member c2o and
Toy Satellite, has returned to the Australian Centre for the Moving
Image (ACMI) for a second season. D3 has been upgraded to improve
performance and facilitate easier curatorial control over content, both
created by D3 and by visitors.- APCNews

FMA, Philippines: FMA joins Media-Governance initiative; introduces
Communication Rights framework

In line with its goal of helping empower communities through information
and communications and advancing the agenda for Communication Rights,
the Foundation for Media Alternatives (FMA), APC member in the
Philippines, has joined some of the most active NGO stakeholders in
Philippine mass media to launch a campaign for reforms in governance
within and through media and communications. - FMA

FMA, Philippines: Training on free and open source software for NGOs

The Foundation for Media Alternatives (FMA), together with key free and
open source software (FOSS) advocates in the country, organized a
training-workshop for Philippine non-government organizations (NGOs).
Held on 28-29 October 2004 and attended by 30 participants from 18
organizations, the learning activity sought to impart not only with the
necessary skills and knowledge of FOSS but more importantly, to provide
the trainees with the confidence in using FOSS-based applications. - FMA

[GKD] APC Urges Action In Support of Indymedia

2004-10-22 Thread Karen Higgs
Dear GKD Members,

Several of you have enquired how you can support Indymedia in their
struggle to recover their information and their right to communicate.

We attach this communication from them.

Best wishes from all at APC.

ACTION ALERT: Urgent Action In Support of Indymedia

"An unacceptable attack on press freedom, free speech and privacy."

On 7 October 2004 two Indymedia Web Servers were seized from the
US-owned web hosting company Rackspace operating in London (UK), at the
request of the US Justice Department, which apparently acted at the
prompting of Italian and Swiss authorities.

Indymedia is an global alternative media network that provides
challenging and independent reporting, particularly of political and
social justice issues, with a newswire where any member of the public
can publish their own reports and articles.

The seizure of the servers in London shut down around 20 different
Indymedia websites including Ambazonia, Uruguay, Andorra, Poland,
Western Massachusetts, Nice, Nantes, Lilles, Marseille, Euskal Herria
(Basque Country), Liege, East and West Vlaanderen, Antwerpen (all
Belgium), Belgrade, Portugal, Prague, Galiza, Italy, Brazil, UK, and
parts of Germany Indymedia. Many are still offline, those few that have
returned have suffered data loss.

The particular legal framework under which the seizures took place is
unknown. Five Days after the seizures there is still an almost total
information blackout from the authorities in the UK, US, Switzeland and
Italy. Indymedia still has no confirmation of who ordered the seizures,
who took the servers in London, why the seizures took place, where the
servers are now located, and whether they will be returned.

We are concerned over the growing use of international co-operation
frameworks by Governments and Law enforcement agencies which can be used
to obscure clear legal process, and call for openness and clarity in
international co-operation, to ensure due process and that civil
liberties are protected.

Statements of support for Indymedia and condemnation of the shutting
down of over 20 Media outlets have been recieved from The Electronic
Frontier Foundation, The International Federation of Journalists, the
National Union of Journalists, Reporters Without Borders, World
Association of Community Radio Broadcasters and many other

Indymedia UK condemns the seizure of the servers as an unacceptable and
unprecedented attack on press freedom, free speech and privacy and asks
for urgent solidarity action in demanding:


Please write to the British Home Secretary and the US Attorney General:

1. Expressing grave concern at the action taken against Indymedia.

2. Demanding the immediate return of the servers to Indymedia with all
data intact.

3. Requesting a full investigation into the circumstances and legality
of the action taken to seize the Indymedia servers and to close
Indymedia websites, with the disclosure of the names of the
organisations and individuals involved in the seizure.


Rt Hon David Blunkett MP
Home Secretary
The Home Office
London - UK

John Ashcroft
Attorney General
US Department of Justice
Washington - USA

Please send copies of letters to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Organisations and individuals are also encouraged to issue their own
statements in support of Indymedia and against the seizure of the
servers. Please send copies to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Additionaly organisations and indivduals can add their statements of
support here:

For background on the Server Seizures see:

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[GKD] WSIS II: APC Papers on Financing the Info Society and Internet Governance

2004-07-07 Thread Karen Higgs
Discussion papers on the sticky issues of financing ICT initiatives in
developing countries and internet governance feed new WSIS phase

June 24 2004 -- The second phase of the World Summit on the Information
Society (WSIS) - the first-ever UN conference on information and
communication - has started. Delegates are meeting in Hammamet, Tunisia
in the first 'prepcom' of phase two, and APC is amongst them. As input
to the debate of the issues that were most contentious during the first
stage of WSIS - internet governance and the financing for ICT initiatives
in developing countries - APC has commissioned discussion papers written
by civil society experts in the areas. You can download the papers from
the APC site. - APCNews


Financing the Information Society in the South: A Global Public Goods
By Pablo Accuosto (ITeM) and Niki Johnson, June 2004

This paper sets out to look at the question of financing the provision
of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the South,
within the context of the United Nationsí World Summit on the
Information Society, and advocates adopting a ìglobal public goodsî
perspective on the issue. The paper first examines how the question of
ICT financing has been debated during the WSIS preparatory process and
the first phase Summit (Geneva, December 2003). Particular attention is
paid to Senegalís proposal for the creation of a ìDigital Solidarity
Fundî, and the reactions to it of the different stakeholders ñ
governments, from both North and South, the private sector and civil
society ñ participating in WSIS. The following section explores the
potential for addressing the issue of financing ICT expansion from a
global public goods (GPG) perspective. First the authors provide an
overview of what such an approach means in conceptual terms, looking
both at general definitions of GPGs and the applicability of the concept
to ICTs. They then review the debate that has been taking place around
the specific issue of which existing or alternative innovative financing
mechanisms might be used for GPG provision, linking the proposed
strategies whenever possible to the ICT sector. Finally, in the
conclusions the authors offer a concrete proposal with respect to what
we consider to be the most appropriate financing mechanism for funding
expanded ICT access in the South. APC gratefully acknowledges the
funding support of CIDA.

Download in pdf in English

**Internet Governance**

Internet governance and the World Summit on the Information Society
By Adam Peake, June 2004

The purpose of this paper is to describe our current understanding of
the debate about Internet governance in WSIS, and to examine the main
policy issues that are being considered in that discussion. It also
suggests opportunities for developing nation stakeholders to contribute
to the processes that are defining the Internet governance landscape.
The key message is that there are opportunities for civil society to
engage and we must take them. Internet governance is one of the most
controversial and debated issues to come from the WSIS process. It is
also a moving target in that the UN working group that will help define
what Internet governance is, and identify the public policy issues
involved is only just being set up and we can only make a best guess at
its working methods and the scope of issues it will consider. As such
this paper is very much a work in progress and may be modified over the
coming months. APC gratefully acknowledges the funding support of CIDA.

Download in pdf in English

To see other papers in our discussion series visit 

To be alerted when new papers appear sign up for APCNews 

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[GKD] APC Comments on the First Draft National ICT Policy for Zambia

2004-05-25 Thread Karen Higgs
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa -- In a letter to the Zambian ministry for
communications and transport, APC has commended the Zambian government
for its efforts in drafting a holistic national ICT policy and for
disseminating the draft online to make it possible for the public to
submit comments. "We value the broad definition of ICT adopted early in
the document," says APC, but "Some important policy concerns are
mentioned as action points for implementation without a clear enough
policy position that would give direction during implementation. Some
are left out altogether."

Read the full letter as featured in this month's "Chakula" - APC's ICT
policy newsletter for African civil society.


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***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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[GKD] JOB: Communications and Information Policy Programme Manager

2004-04-21 Thread Karen Higgs
Please help us circulate. -- Thank you very much.

OPENING: Communications and Information Policy Programme Manager
ORGANISATION: Association For Progressive Communications (APC)

Communications and Information Policy Programme (CIPP) Manager

To strategically manage and develop APC's Communications and Information
Policy Programme (CIPP)


Our goal: To build more inclusive ICT decision-making processes by
facilitating civil society engagement through building their capacity
and supporting advocacy, at national and international levels. Civil
society inclusion in policy-making will lead to their involvement in
implementing and monitoring policies, and ultimately to societies in
which there is greater citizen participation.

Citizens and organisations that want to ensure that the internet remains
a tool and a venue for promoting social, gender and environmental
justice, development and democracy, are struggling to navigate the
terrain of global, regional, and national internet governance, policy
and regulation. They frequently do not know which issues are on the
agenda, who is debating and deciding them, how their work could be
affected, and how to get involved.

Through CIPP, APC is implementing global and regional ICT policy
projects that raise awareness, build capacity, tools and information
resources to strengthen civil society participation in decision-making.
APC has been taking advantage of global processes such as the World
Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) to galvanise civil society
awareness of ICT policy issues, but our ultimate objective is to build
participation in ICT policy at national level. See:


The CIPP manager reports to the APC Executive Director and is a member
of the APC strategic management team. The CIPP manager is responsible

-Programme and project development, and management of APC's CIPP work
-Participation in APC's strategic management team
-Strategic positioning of the APC and CIPP and implementation of 
strategic priorities identified by APC members
-Networking and building APC's profile in the ICT policy field
-Building and maintaining strategic partnerships for APC in the field of 
ICT policy
-Management of CIPP project staff and oversight of regional CIPP 
projects (projects are based internationally, regionally and also 
nationally and cover multiple activities including information 
production and dissemination, research, advocacy, etc.)
-Fundraising for the programme and programme projects
-Facilitating the participation of APC members in regional CIPP activity
-Supporting APC members in ICT policy project development
and fundraising

-Experience in and understanding of global and regional level
ICT policy issues
-Understanding of how ICT policy issues relate to development and social 
-Experience and background in civil society networking
-Fundraising experience
-Three to five years "hands on" people management experience
-Five years experience in project management
-Excellent computer and internet skills and experience in working in an 
online environment
-Good writing skills and experience in writing reports, proposals, as 
well as articles
-Sound academic qualifications in a related area


-Strategic thinking
-Leadership skills
-Networking and communication skills
-Excellent English written and oral communication skills, including 
public speaking experience
-Working knowledge of Spanish and French would be an advantage
-Ability to work in a team and under pressure
-Able to work independently and to manage people mainly via online 
communications (project coordinators all work from different countries 
and communicate daily through email and other tools)
-Able to travel frequently
-Planning skills

One-year period, on a full time basis, renewable based on assessment of
performance and availability of funds.

The incumbent can work from anywhere in the world as APC is a truly
virtual organisation and does not have a physical headquarters. We do
our work online. For this position we want to particularly encourage
candidates from the global South to apply.

Please send a CV and a covering letter IN ENGLISH that illustrate your 
interest in the position. You should be include the following information:
-description of your interest in working with the APC
-your background/interest in ICT policy issues
-description of your background in supporting civil society networking 
and ICT initiatives
-description of your background in project management and team 
coordination, specifically 

[GKD] Brazil Still Lacks a Digital Inclusion Strategy

2004-03-09 Thread Karen Higgs
OPINION: GESAC, SCD, FUST, XPTO and Digital Inclusion?

Carlos Afonso, director of planning at RITS - APC's Brazilian member
organisation, - outlines the digital inclusion opportunities and
initiatives carried out in Brazil so far, from the successful ones to
the dismal failures. According to Afonso, despite the flurry of acronyms
being thrown around, Brazil still does not have a national strategy that
will provide the majority of Brazilians with access to the internet. He
believe it's crucial that the Brazilan government gets involved in the
set-up of community telecentres and computers in schools and public
libraries -- the cheapest and most efficient way of democratising access
to information and communication technologies.


[Opinion originally published in Portuguese by RETS and translated into
English by APC]

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[GKD] APCNews - February 2004

2004-02-27 Thread Karen Higgs
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
*APCNews, the monthly newsletter of the
   Association for Progressive Communications (APC)*
 - January 2004 No. 39 -
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-- WOMEN & ICTs --
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---


Open Forum of Cambodia, Cambodia: New intellectual property law forces
Cambodians to start developing their own Khmer-language software

"We envision, in 2007, a country where Cambodians can learn and use
computers in their own language, a country that does not have to change
to a new language in order to use computers!" say the activists behind
the new KhmerOS initiative.

Until now, computer use in Cambodia has been mostly in English, and
mostly using unlicensed copies of Microsoft Windows products. However, a
new Cambodian intellectual property law means that a user will have to
purchase a license for each copy of software sold by companies such as
Microsoft and that's unaffordable for most Cambodian computer users.
This new portal coordinated by APC member, Open Forum of Cambodia, gets
together some previously isolated developers and is starting out by
providing Khmer translations of well-known free software programmes such
as Mozilla (the powerful web browser and mail programme). But the
eventual goal is to create a full applications package under GNU/Linux,
"which has 90% of all applications which 100% of all users need". Find
out more about the motivation behind KhmerOS.

CEPES, Peru: Farmers and local government in rural Peru use free APC

CEPES, one of APC's newest members, has trained participants in a
rural-urban information service to set up a portal and exchange
agricultural information from six telecentres in remote area of the
northern Peruvian sierras. A replication of the course is being
organised for staff at the Peruvian Ministry of Agriculture's offices in
the same region. The technology of choice is APC's free software, APC

ALIN-EA, Kenya: Stakeholders meet to discuss an all-inclusive 
information society in Kenya

Kenya needs a workable and all-inclusive ICT policy and this is only
possible through a partnership approach. This was the conclusion of a
stake holderís forum held in Nairobi in November 2003 that brought
together members of the government, the private sector and civil society
organizations interested in ICT policy issues to deliberate on an all
inclusive information society in Kenya and Kenya's participation at the
World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). - ALIN-EA

Women'sNet, South Africa: Advancing rural women's empowerment in 
Southern Africa through ICTs

Women'sNet, an APC member in South Africa, is hosting a regional 
workshop to be held in Johannesburg in February which will bring 
together women's organisations, government officials, and gender and 
development practitioners and researchers, involved in gender and 
information and communication projects and initiatives.

ITeM, Uruguay: Choike at the Fourth World Social Forum - Coverage in 
English and Spanish

Reports and news on the fourth edition of the World Social Forum, which 
had its venue for the first time in Asia from the portal on southern 
civil societies. This year the Forum, held in Mumbai, focused on 
imperialist globalization, religious sectarianism, identity politics and 
fundamentalism, castes, racism and social exclusion, patriarchy and 
militarization. - Choike
http://www.choike.org/nuevo_eng/eventos/1.html (English)
http://www.choike.org/nuevo/eventos/3.html (Spanish)

RITS, Brazil: World Social Forum 2004 - Coverage in Portuguese

With the support of Avina Foundation, APC member in Brazil, Rits, was 
able to send a team to the IV World Social Forum, in Mumbai, India, from 
January 16 to 21. The special coverage was published in the hotsite 
"Rets - EdiÁ“o Especial FÛrum Social Mundial". Even before the WSF had 
started, the hot-site was releasing information about the concerns, 
expectations and opinions the event was generating.

The RITS team which included Paulo Lima (our Executive Director), 
Graciela Selaimen (Infomation and Communication Director) and editor, 
Fausto Rego, produced daily coverage focusing on the most interesting 
and relevant seminars and workshops. There were also exclusive 
interviews, photos and reports of what was going on at the WSF, all 
produced for a Brazilian civil society audience. ñ RITS

c2o, Australia: D3 

[GKD] APCNews - Special Edition on WSIS

2004-01-12 Thread Karen Higgs
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 
   *APCNews, the monthly newsletter of the 
  Association for Progressive Communications (APC)*
- December 2003 No. 38 - 
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 

Policy decisions being made today will impact on the peoples of the
world's ability and potential to use ICTs as tools in their work
tomorrow. At the United Nations' World Summit on the Information Society
(WSIS) -held December 10-12 in Geneva- governments signed a declaration
that will enhance or hinder access to ICTs for the vast majority of the
world's population. APC has been actively participating in the WSIS
process and helping others get involved by producing resources, websites
and guides. As the dust begins to settle, APCNews brings you a
collection of some of the significant events and issues at WSIS.

Welcome to those of you at the summit who are receiving APCNews for the
first time and a happy 2004 to all our readers!

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 


Frustrated by UN summit, civil society presents its own declaration

GENEVA, December 11 2003 -- At a conference this afternoon, civil
society representatives presented an 'alternative' declaration to the
official Declaration expected to be approved by the world's governments
tomorrow at the final day of the World Summit on the Information Society
in Geneva.

The civil society declaration -called "Shaping information societies for
human needs"- was needed because the process has constantly been
disillusioning and frustrating said representatives at the
heavily-attended conference. They recognised that some impact was made
on the official WSIS Declaration especially involving the vision and the
principles, which were previously technocratic and have become more
human-centred. However, the civil society declaration goes further,
calling for information societIES that are free from discrimination,
violence and hatred, and based on a framework of social, political and
economic justice and a more equitable distribution of resources. - APCNews 

The first phase of the controversial World Summit on the Information
Society has come to a close. Firm decisions on various important issues
(including future governance of the Internet) have largely been left for
the next WSIS phase, which is scheduled to take place in Tunisia on
November 16-18 2005.

UN summit pledges net for all 
Delegates at UN's digital divide summit agree on principles of web
equality, but fail to commit on who pays for them. - BBC Online

Another online world is possible but only if governments and civil
society work hand-in-hand

GENEVA, December 12 2003 -- Carlos Afonso, Director of Planning at APC
member in Brazil, RITS (Rede de Informações para o Terceiro Setor -
Information Network for the Third Sector) left government delegates
clear during his speech on behalf of civil society at the Plenary
Session of the World Summit on the Information Society that "digital
inclusion [..] will only be possible with the decisive support of a
national public policy, in partnership with civil society." Carlos's
powerful speech was delivered spontaneously and without notes.
Fortunately it was captured on tape and translated into English by APC.

Digital Fund: Digital Dilemma 

GENEVA, December 9 2003 -- The squabbling over whether industrialised
countries should help pay for technology infrastructure in the South
continues to deflect attention from the potential of ICTs in
development. --IPS

Digital Fund: Back to the future 

GENEVA, December 10 2003 -- After postponing the decision on management
of the internet, WSIS negotiators have put the digital fund on hold.
Will the idea for a digital fund end its life gathering dust on a
bureaucrat's shelf? That's the question many delegates must be asking
themselves after Tuesday's press conference detailing the outcome of
talks on the matter. - IPS

Telecentres to Narrow Digital Divide 

GENEVA, December 9 2003 -- Several Latin American governments are
setting up telecentres where people can surf the Internet, often free of
charge, in an attempt to narrow the digital divide within their
societies, which is perhaps larger than the gap that separates them from
the industr

[GKD] New Handbook Aims to Get More People Involved in ICT Policy

2003-12-18 Thread Karen Higgs
"ICT Policy: A Beginner's Handbook" - a new book from APC

South Africa, December 18 2003 -- APC's new book lays out the issues and
dispenses with the jargon to encourage more people to get involved in
ICT policy processes.

This book is for people who feel that ICT policy is important but don't
know much about it, e.g. a government official worried about a gap in
her technical knowledge of how the internet works, a human-rights worker
concerned that his need to send secure email is being challenged by
national government policy, a citizen fed up with paying exorbitant
rates for dial-up internet access and ready to organise.

"The APC handbook is not a map of the ICT policy terrain," says editor
Chris Nicol, "but it *is* a compass."

Find out more: http://www.apc.org/english/news/index.shtml?x=16108
Read an interview with the book editor:

Download the beginner's handbook from the APC site:
http://www.apc.org/books (in a zipped file)

Or order a printed copy from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"ICT Policy: A Beginner's Guide" would not have been possible without
the generous support of the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
APCNews mailing list

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
To post a message, send it to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Archives of previous GKD messages can be found at:

[GKD] APC at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)

2003-12-08 Thread Karen Higgs
APC, APC Women's Programme (APC WNSP) and Member/Partner Activities at

Policy decisions being made today will impact on the peoples of the
world's ability and potential to use ICTs as tools in their work
tomorrow. At the United Nations' World Summit on the Information Society
(WSIS) held December 10-12 in Geneva - governments will sign a
declaration that will enhance or hinder access to ICTs for the vast
majority of the world's population. The Association for Progressive
Communications (APC) has been actively participating in the WSIS process
and helping others get involved by producing resources, websites and

APC is at stand 842 in the Human Capacity & Empowerment street at the
ICT4D Platform in the Palexpo, Geneva. Come and meet us!

Find out about some of the events we're at. Please note that this is not
a complete list. If you are in Geneva, please visit the APC stand at the
Palexpo for latest updates.

Dec 9-12: ICT4D Pavilion - Hall 4

APC/SANGONeT/RITS - Stand: 842
APC and our members SANGONeT from South Africa and RITS from Brazil
share a stand.

GenderIT: a WomenSpace - Stand: 739
This booth is where you will find comprehensive information on gender
and ICT advocacy by women's organisations in WSIS and other events.
APCWNSP, FEMNET, ISIS International, Regentic and the International
Women's Tribune Center will be exhibiting their work here.

African Media Village - Stand:  137
APC is participating in the African media Village at stand 137. APC
materials/CDs and information about the APC Africa Policy Monitor
Project will be made available here.

The village will include:
·   a telecentre with operational computers using open source software 
(APC will play a key role in hosting the telecentre)
·   a webcasting community radio station 
·   2 plasma screens for playing tapes, slides, presentations
·   18 life size figures of people telling their experiences of the
information society
·   20 story boards of the African communication experience
·   a brochure called 'Is that You' stating that the world has many
reasons to need to stay in touch with Africa
·   space for information distribution, launches

Monday December 8th:

1400-1800: NGO CSW Geneva/ Femmes Africa Solidarity: Women's Rights to
the Information Society and ICTs. 
Room A, Palexpo [meet Chat Garcia Ramilo of APC Women's Networking
Support Programme]

2000: Asia Civil Society Caucus
Place to be confirmed. 

Tuesday December 9: 

1000-1200: Latin American and Caribbean GKP Members Panel
GKP Pavilion at ICT4D,  [meet representatives from APC's Latin American
and Caribbean ICT Policy Monitor and RITS, APC member in Brazil]

1200-1330: GKP Regional Panel on Africa and the Middle East
Showcase Gallery, GKP Pavillion, [meet Alice Munyua of APC's Africa ICT
Policy Monitor]

1- 4:30 pm: Global Governance of ICT: Public Interest Considerations
Computer Scientists for Social Responsibility
Room P, Palexpo [meet Anriette Esterhuysen, APC's executive director]

3 - 6 pm : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
UNDP in partnership with Association for Progressive Communications
(APC) - and other civil society groups
Room 12, ICT4D

The [EMAIL PROTECTED] is specifically designed to provide skill-enhancing
training courses to participants of United Nations' and other large
international meetings.  Rather than training participants on
sustainable development, our courses train individuals for sustainable
development.  The [EMAIL PROTECTED] courses are designed with a "how to"
approach and an intent to increase specific skills needed to implement
sustainable development objectives. APC will deliver two  1 ½ hour
sessions, to government and Civil Society representatives, drawing from
the APC ICT Policy Training Curriculum, on gender and ICT policy and
Internet governance.

4 - 6PM:  Gender Caucus Multi-stakeholder Dialogues: Asia Pacific
regional roundtable
Room 7, Hall 4, ICT4D [meet Chat Garcia Ramilo of APC Women's Networking
Support programme]

Wednesday December 10: 

12-2 pm : Visibility for gender & ICT Advocacy at the Summit and Beyond
[APC Women's Networking Support Programme and GKP.]
Venue: GKP Stand (Stand No. 331) ICT4D Exhibit Area Hall 4

Held in partnership with GKP, APC WNSP will host a panel comprising the
4 winners of the Gender and ICT awards.  One element the WNSP will bring
into this panel, is an exploration of current gender mainstreaming
initiatives, generally, and specifically in relation to gender and ICT
For more information, contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED],

2 - 3:30 pm: A GEM for ICT Initiatives: Viewing ICTs with Gendered
[APC Women's Networking Support Programme]
Venue: Palexpo Conference Center,  Saleve Hall 2

This panel will highlight the initial findings and recommendations from
2 years of testing APCWNSP's  Gender and ICTs Evaluation Methodology
(GEM) tool for internet and ICTs, in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin A

[GKD] New Training Helps Civil Society Understand ICT Policy

2003-10-23 Thread Karen Higgs
New training pack helps civil society organisations understand how ICT
policy decisions affect their work

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa -- APC and CTO are proud to announce the
release of the "ICT Policy for Civil Society" training pack. The pack
includes a curriculum and accompanying materials to build the capacity
of civil society organisations to understand and engage policy and
regulation related to information and communication technologies (ICTs).

Few citizens are aware of the policy developments taking place at the
global, regional and national levels that can impact on their ability
and/or potential to use ICTs as a tool, let alone own or control the
production and application of these technologies locally.  The goal of
this course is to build and strengthen civil society organisations'
awareness of, and confidence to engage in, internet policy processes.

Leopold Rwevemamu from Tanzania took a course offered by APC using the
curriculum last month because, as the coordinator of DigIT Africa, a
non-profit promoting the use of ICTs for development, he wanted to
ensure that Tanzania's new ICT policy (http://www.moct.go.tz/ict)
"doesn't just gather dust on the shelves like other policies".  He says
he found the module on 'How laws and policy are made' particularly
useful. "The whole process was clearly mapped out as to where to lobby
to change and or make policy," he told APC. "I feel confident to do
lobbying at any level now."

The pack includes a curriculum and training modules and materials that
can be used for either a five-day course or as stand-alone sessions
combined to meet specific training needs.

Find out more: http://www.apc.org/english/news/index.shtml?x=13474

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
To post a message, send it to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To subscribe or unsubscribe, send a message to:
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. In the 1st line of the message type:
subscribe gkd OR type: unsubscribe gkd
Archives of previous GKD messages can be found at:

[GKD] APC Betinho Communications Prize Finalists

2003-10-17 Thread Karen Higgs
Espanol e Portugues abajo/abaixo.

Recognising people-centred technology initiatives in Latin America and
the Caribbean
In November, APC will be awarding the $7,500USD prize to up to three of
the outstanding information and communication technology (ICT)
initiatives mentioned below.

The Betinho Prize finalists in 2003 are:
-Cyberela Network: Digital Inclusion of Women, Brazil

-ICTs as Tools of Sustainable Development in the Cotahuasi Basin, Peru

-Indigenous Information Network (Red de Informacion Indigena), Mexico

-Internet with Educational Purposes for the Child Victims of Sexual
 Exploitation, Colombia

-"lavaca.org" Work Cooperative, Argentina

-Probidad, El Salvador

-Proyecto Navegar (Project Navigate), Ecuador

-Rede Jovem de Cidadania (Young Citizenship Network), Brazil

-Sampa.org - Public Communication and Information Network, Brazil

-SUMANDO Telecenters Project, Paraguay

-Tiflolibros - First Electronic Library for the Visually Impaired
Spanish-Speakers, Argentina

-TIK - Information Technology to Say "Us", Costa Rica

You can find out more about these inspiring projects in English, Spanish
and Portuguese on http://www.apc.org/english/betinho

For interviews, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

THE PRIZE IS OPEN TO: civil society organisations, community-based
groups, networks, and social movements anywhere in Latin America and the

The Association for Progressive Communications is an international
network of civil society organisations dedicated to empowering and
supporting groups and individuals through the strategic use of
information and communication technologies, especially

reconocimiento a iniciativas de tecnologia al servicio de la gente, en
Latinoamerica y el Caribe

En noviembre, APC entregara el premio de 7.500 dolares a un maximo de
tres de los proyectos mas sobresalientes en tecnologias de la
informacion y comunicacion que se nombran a continuacion.

Los finalistas del Premio Betinho 2003 son:

-Cooperativa de Trabajo lavaca.org, Argentina

-Internet con Fines Educativos para Ninos(as) Victimas de Explotacion
Sexual, Colombia

-Probidad, El Salvador

-Proyecto Navegar, Ecuador

-Proyecto Telecentros Sumando, Paraguay

-Red de Informacion Indigena, Mexico

-Rede Cyberela: La inclusion digital de las mujeres, Brasil

-Rede Jovem de Cidadania, Brasil

-Sampa.org - Rede Publica de Comunicacao e Informacao, Brasil

-TICs Como Instrumentos del Desarrollo Sostenible en la Cuenca del
Cotahuasi, Peru

-Tiflolibros - Primera Biblioteca Electronica para Ciegos de Habla
Hispana, Argentina

-TIK - Tecnologia de la Informacion para Decir Nosotros, Costa Rica

Se puede leer mas acerca de estos proyectos inspiradores en ingles,
espanol y portugues: http://www.apc.org/espanol/betinho

Para conseguir entrevistas, por favor dirigirse a [EMAIL PROTECTED]

EL PREMIO ESTA ABIERTO A: organizaciones de la sociedad civil, grupos
comunitarios, redes, y movimientos sociales de Latinoamerica y el

La Asociacion para el Progreso de las Comunicaciones es una red
internacional de organizaciones civicas, dedicada a empoderar y apoyar a
grupos y particulares a traves del uso estrategico de las tecnologias de
informacion y comunicacion, especialmente de las tecnologias de

reconhecimento a iniciativas de tecnologia a servico das pessoas, na
America Latina e Caribe
Em novembro, a APC entregara um premio de 7.500 dolares a um maximo de
tres projetos proeminentes na area da tecnologia da informacao e
comunicacao, listados a seguir.

Os finalistas do Premio Betinho 2003 sao:

-Cooperativa de Trabalho lavaca.org, Argentina

-Internet com Fins Educativos para Criancas Vitimas de Exploracao
Sexual, Colombia

-Probidad, El Salvador

-Projeto Navegar, Equador

-Projeto Telecentros Somando, Paraguay

-Rede Cyberela: A Inclusao Digital das Mulheres, Brasil

-Rede de Informacao Indigena, Mexico

-Rede Jovem de Cidadania, Brasil

-Sampa.org - Rede Publica de Comunicacao e Informacao, Brasil

-TICs como Instrumentos do Desenvolvimento Sustentavel na Bacia do
Cotahuasi, Peru

-Tiflolibros - Primeira Biblioteca Eletronica para Cegos de Fala
Espanhola, Argentina

-TIK - Tecnologia da Informacao para Dizer A Gente, Costa Rica

Voce pode

[GKD] Strategic Use of ICTs by Civil Society

2003-10-07 Thread Karen Higgs
Please circulate. Apologies for cross-posting.

APC's Latest Annual Report: Strategic use of ICTs by civil society and
engaging civil society in ICT policy

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, October 6 2003 -- In the course of 2002 APC
focused its energies primarily in two areas - strategic use of
information and communication technologies (ICTs) by civil society and
engaging civil society in ICT policy processes.  The use of ICTs by
civil society has been central to APC since our founding and we have
been working on ICT policy issues since 2000 when APC members identified
ensuring internet rights for civil society as a priority.  But in 2002
we started to delve beneath the surface of the challenges our
communities confront and instead of responding to the symptoms, find
ways to help civil society anticipate and plan for the challenges in
their policy environment at home or in their use of ICTs in their

Highlights covered in the 2002 APC annual report include: APC in the
run-up to the first-ever United Nations summit on the information
society (WSIS), the APC ICT policy monitors in Africa and Latin America
and the Caribbean, a new training course helped civil society
organisations understand how ICT policy decisions affect their work, the
Africa Hafkin Prize recognised people-centred ICT policy initiatives,
tools development included a free software content management system and
piloting in four continents of the Gender Evaluation Methodology for ICT
and internet initiatives (GEM).

And achievements from APC members on five continents such as:
-   ALIN-EA, Kenya: Information for drought preparedness 
-   BlueLink, Bulgaria: Electronic networking begins in a war-torn
province as BlueLink builds bridges in Kosova/o
-   Fantsuam Foundation: Local health content in Nigeria blends
tradition and science
-   Tau, Argentina: Non-profits and solidarity groups under pressure in
Argentina's second city create an alternative information exchange
-   Jinbonet, South Korea: Campaign against the revision of South
Korean copyright law

Download the APC Annual Report 2002 from http://www.apc.org/books. The
report will be available shortly in Spanish.
APCNews mailing list

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
To post a message, send it to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. In the 1st line of the message type:
subscribe gkd OR type: unsubscribe gkd
Archives of previous GKD messages can be found at:

[GKD] New Book Highlights Priorities for WSIS

2003-09-29 Thread Karen Higgs
Dear GKD Members,

I thought you would find this book of interest, given our past
discussions about the role of international organisations in promoting
access and effective use of ICTs to support development objectives.

Best regards,

Karen Higgs
APC WSIS Coordinator
Tel: +44 7712 553 582


GENEVA, SWITZERLAND, September 24 2003 - "There is little doubt that
access to information and communications technologies (ICTs) is
expanding, yet this process excludes the majority of people in
developing countries.  Many who do have access are unable to use it
freely to promote their social, economic and political interests. When
people gain access to these technologies, it is mostly as consumers,
rather than owners or creators.  The growing concentration of ownership
and control of ICT can limit its remarkable potential for social
empowerment," says APC in a new book launched last week at the third
preparatory conference (PrepCom) in the run-up to the first ever United
Nations world conference on the information society.

At the United Nations' World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS),
to be held in Geneva in December, governments will agree on a
declaration and action plan that could enhance or hinder access to ICTs
for the vast majority of the world's population. The Association for
Progressive Communications (APC) and the CRIS Campaign have been
following the WSIS process and their publication - "Involving Civil
Society in ICT Policy: the World Summit on the Information Society" -
highlights some of the principal issues at stake.

"The information society, we are told, is a promise to all the peoples
of the world of untold benefits and promises for our future however the
reality is often much closer to a nightmare," says CRIS Campaign
Coordinator, Myriam Horngren. "As our mass media become more and more
sanitised and commodified, our airspace sold to the highest bidders, our
common knowledge and creativity get fenced off, we fear that the
information society is solely promoting the expansion of corporate
control at people's expense."

Who is this book for?

This book is aimed at people who want to advocate for more just and
enabling policy environments. It is designed to build awareness of and
capacity to engage in ICT policy-making spaces at international,
regional and national levels, including the WSIS.

What does the book include?

Published in English, French and Spanish, the book includes a basic
orientation to the WSIS for non-governmental and non-commercial
participants as well as information about the CRIS campaign. It outlines
APC's perspectives on the WSIS which emerged from broad discussions and
consultations with APC members and other civil society groups from
Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.  It also includes the
views of the members of the APC Women's Networking Support Programme,
and draws on the collaborative work of CRIS and APC with other networks.
Key issues (including a reflection on the term 'information society',
intellectual property rights, and spectrum allocation) is covered by the
CRIS campaign.  A practical 12-page guide to organising a national ICT
policy consultation developed by APC accompanies the book.

Download your copy in English, Spanish or French from:


"Involving Civil Society in ICT Policy: the World Summit on the
Information Society" has been compiled by the Association of Progressive
Communications (APC) and the Campaign for Communication Rights in the
Information Society (CRIS). It is part of our combined efforts to ensure
that communication and internet rights are upheld and protected as
fundamental rights throughout the world.


APC: The Association for Progressive Communications is an international
network of civil society organisations whose mission is to empower and
support organisations, social movements and individuals in and through
the use of information and communication technologies for social
justice, development and environmental sustainability. APC's vision is
of a world in which all people have equal and affordable access to the
creative potential of ICTs to improve their lives and create more
democratic and egalitarian societies.  APC is a founding member of CRIS.

CRIS Campaign: Communications Rights in the Information Society (CRIS)
is an international campaign to ensure that communication rights are
central to the information society and to the upcoming World Summit to
the Information Society. The campaign is sponsored and supported by the
Platform for Communication Rights, a group of non-governmental
organisations involved in media and communication around the world.
www.crisinfo.org For additional information abo

Re: [GKD] Gender and ICT in Jamaica

2003-09-24 Thread Karen Higgs
Dear Yacine,

The APC Women's Programme (APC WNSP) has produced a Gender Evaluation
Methodology for ICT initiatives kit which could be ideal for a group
like yours where you are wanting to target a particular gender that is

GEM can be used at any stage of project implementation but is
particularly recommended at either the planning and/or the evaluation
stages of a project. You can find the kit online at

The kit is also available in Spanish and Portuguese.

Best wishes

Yacine Khelladi wrote:
> Hello from Jamaica, were I'm participating in the design of an ICT
> community program
> Strangely here the problem is the opposite. In rural areas 70% of the
> cybercafes/telecenter users are women, in capital town it is around 50%,
> but those who do apply for training are 75% women. It's general in the
> country, for example, 70% of the students of the University of West Indies
> in Jamaica are women.
> This is of course starting at schools, where most boys quit early, and
> girls continue.
> So the problem here might be to design strategies to get more men,
> particularly boys and teens, into empowering them-self's, in and through
> ICTs, and get them off the street, where crime is often their only
> option...
> Any country had to deal with similar situation?

Karen Higgs, APC Communications Manager 
Tel: +598 - 2 - 400 6460 (GMT -3)
APC: http://www.apc.org

APCNews: Civil society's monthly e-bulletin on strategic uses of the
Internet to promote social justice and equality. From the APC, an
international online community or peace, human rights, development and
the environment since 1990.

To receive the news direct, write to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or go to:

APCNoticias: Un boletin electrónico dirigido a la sociedad civil,
enfocado en el uso de Internet para promover la justicia e igualdad
social realizado por APC.
Para recibir las noticias directamente, escribe a: [EMAIL PROTECTED] o
visite: http://lists.apc.org/mailman/listinfo/apcnoticias

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
To post a message, send it to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. In the 1st line of the message type:
subscribe gkd OR type: unsubscribe gkd
Archives of previous GKD messages can be found at:

[GKD] APC Gender and ICT Awards

2003-09-18 Thread Karen Higgs

Information and communications technologies (ICTs) play a growing role
in the world's societies, and have the potential to help disadvantaged
groups increase their participation in the civic, social, political, and
economic processes critical to achieving change.

However, women - particularly women in developing countries - don't
benefit from these new technologies, a reflection of the existing
unequal power relations in societies as a whole.

ICTs can be used to either exacerbate or transform unequal power
relations. ICTs cannot create gender equality, or end poverty, but they
can be tools for social action and positive social change.

The APC WNSP and GKP Gender and ICT Awards aim to honor and bring
international recognition to innovative and effective projects by women
to use ICTs for the promotion of gender equality and/or women's

Specifically, the Awards' objectives are to:

*   Recognise gender and ICT initiatives globally and provide further
impetus for others to mainstream gender in the field of ICTs for women's
empowerment, and therefore support our advocacy work;
*   Provide a much-needed venue to recognise community-based or
small-scale initiatives designed and implemented by women and women's
organisations/networks; while providing recognition to larger scale but
cost-effective multi-stakeholder initiatives;
*   Provide much needed opportunities to develop new
collaborations/partnerships and opportunities for upscaling small-scale
and community-based initiatives.
*   To increase the profile as well as knowledge and networking base of
both APC-WNSP and GKP in the area of gender and ICTs.

The awards are open to projects from all around the world.

The Gender and ICT Awards will be launched, and winners will be
showcased and celebrated, at a special event and venue parallel to the
World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Geneva, Switzerland,
from December 10-12, 2003.

A prize of US$8,000 will be awarded to one winner in each of the
following four categories:

Outstanding Multi-stakeholder Initiative 
*   Global/regional
*   National/local

Outstanding Individual or Community-Based Initiative 
*   Advocacy/Networking
*   Capacity building

One representative from each of the 4 winning initiatives will be flown
to Geneva for the awards celebrations in December.

The Gender and ICT Awards are sponsored by APC Women's Networking
Support Program (WNSP) and the Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP).

Submissions are open until: 20 September 2003
Further details: http://www.genderawards.net
APCNews mailing list

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
To post a message, send it to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. In the 1st line of the message type:
subscribe gkd OR type: unsubscribe gkd
Archives of previous GKD messages can be found at:

[GKD] APC Launches Guide to Running a NationalWSIS Consultation

2003-07-24 Thread Karen Higgs
Please help us circulate this widely, so that as many groups make take
advantage of this resource as possible. Thank you!


APC Launches Guide to Running a National ICT Policy Consultation for the
World Summit on the Information Society

The upcoming World Summit on the Information Society is a great learning
opportunity for civil society organisations that are new to the ICT
policy process to begin to articulate positions and gain valuable
experience in lobbying that can be taken back to their home countries.

"But How Do We Start Working At National Level?"

The APC guide "FAQ about Conducting a National WSIS Process" outlines
the steps to take and key components in organising a national
consultation around ICT policy. The "question & answer" format homes in
on some of the key questions we have heard people ask about how to
organise. The primary target audience is people that are active in using
or promoting the use of ICTs in their work, but who have not necessarily
been involved in national level policy processes previously.

"We find this is true of many ICT oriented organisations who tend to be
hands on, providing training, support, and content," said APC Executive
Director, Anriette Esterhuysen. "Working at the policy level can be
quite intimidating. Our goal is to provide encouragement and support so
that ICT CSOs can build the confidence to raise their voices in policy
discussions." Find out more about the "FAQ about Conducting a National
WSIS Process".

Download the FAQ: http://rights.apc.org/nationalfaq_wsis_v1.pdf
Read more about it: http://www.apc.org/english/news/index.shtml?x=12828
APCNews mailing list

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
To post a message, send it to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. In the 1st line of the message type:
subscribe gkd OR type: unsubscribe gkd
Archives of previous GKD messages can be found at:

[GKD] APC Betinho Communications Prize: Latin America andCaribbean

2003-07-10 Thread Karen Higgs
Dear GKD Members,

I wanted to share with you the latest on APC's Betinho Communications
Prize in 2003. We hope you will urge all qualified candidates to apply!

Best regards,

Karen Higgs

THE APC BETINHO COMMUNICATIONS PRIZE IN 2003: Recognising people-centred
technology initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean
In 2003, the APC Betinho Prize will be awarded to up to three
outstanding examples of information and communication technology (ICT)
initiatives that are improving the lives of people and communities in
Latin America and the Caribbean.

We are looking for ICT initiatives that:
* are people-centred and mobilise participation
* are driven and developed in Latin America and the Caribbean
* have positive community impact

and we particularly encourage initiatives that: 
* Promote a culture of peace, mutual respect and tolerance
* Monitor the defence of civil liberties
* Promote the democratisation of the media
* Make or use community-focused free and open source software 
* Encourage the use of ICTs by women 
* Encourage the use of ICTs by traditionally marginalised communities 
* Facilitate the creation and/or adoption of people-centred ICT policies

THE PRIZE IS OPEN TO: civil society organisations, community-based
groups, networks, and social movements anywhere in Latin America and the
Caribbean. Applications will be accepted in some of the most widely used
languages in the region - Spanish, Portuguese and English.

THE PRIZE: USD$7,500.00 will be shared amongst up to three winning


MORE ABOUT THE APC BETINHO PRIZE: http://www.apc.org/english/betinho or

The Association for Progressive Communications is an international
network of civil society organisations dedicated to empowering and
supporting groups and individuals through the strategic use of
information and communication technologies, especially

reconocimiento a iniciativas de tecnologia al servicio de la gente, en
Latinoamerica y el Caribe

En el ano 2003, el Premio Betinho de APC se otorgara en reconocimiento a
ejemplos destacados del trabajo con tecnologias de informacion y
comunicacion (TIC) que sirven a mejorar la vida de las personas y
comunidades, en Latinoamerica y el Caribe.

Estamos interesados en iniciativas de TIC que:
1. Estan al servicio de la gente y fomenta la participacion
2. Tienen un impacto comunitario significativo
3. Estan desarrollada y administrada en Latinoamerica y/o el Caribe

En especial favoreceremos iniciativas que: 
* Promueven la cultura de la paz, el respeto mutuo y la tolerancia
* Velan por la defensa de los derechos civiles
* Promueven la democratizacion de los medios
* Utilizan software libre y de fuente abierta al servicio de la
* Fomentan el uso de las TIC por parte de la mujer 
* Fomentan el uso de las TIC por parte de comunidades que
tradicionalmente se encuentran marginadas
* Facilitan la creacion y/o adopcion de politicas de TIC al servicio de
la gente

EL PREMIO ESTA ABIERTO A: organizaciones de la sociedad civil, grupos
comunitarios, redes, y movimientos sociales de Latinoamerica y el
Caribe. Las candidaturas se aceptaran en los idiomas mas utilizados en
la region: espanol, portugues e ingles.

EL PREMIO: 7.500 dolares que seran distribuidos entre hasta tres
iniciativas ganadoras.


MAS ACERCA DEL PREMIO BETINHO DE APC: http://www.apc.org/espanol/betinho
o escribe a [EMAIL PROTECTED]

La Asociacion para el Progreso de las Comunicaciones es una red
internacional de organizaciones civicas, dedicada a empoderar y apoyar a
grupos y particulares a traves del uso estrategico de las tecnologias de
informacion y comunicacion, especialmente de las tecnologias de

reconhecimento a iniciativas de tecnologia a servico das pessoas, na
America Latina e Caribe
Em 2003 o Premio Betinho vai ser concedido como reconhecimento a
exemplos relevantes de trabalho com tecnologias de informacao e
comunicacao (TICs) que servem para melhorar a vida das pessoas e
comunidades, na America Latina e Caribe.

Estamos interessados em iniciativas de TIC que:
1.  Estao a servico das pessoas e estimulam a participacao
2.  Tem um impacto comuni

[GKD] UNESCO/APC Multimedia Training Kit Released

2003-07-04 Thread Karen Higgs
Dear GKD Members, 

I thought you would find this recent APC resource, a "Multimedia Training
Kit," of interest.



"The farmers' cooperative that uses our telecentre can never find the
information they want online. I want to offer them basic Internet
training but I don't have materials."

"A women's group I have trained has been offered a regular 15-minute
spot on a local radio show. They've asked me for a workshop on script-
writing but my experience is in writing for web, not radio."

More and more people are seeing the creative potential of linking the
Internet to more traditional communication technologies, particularly
radio and television.


The UNESCO/APC Multimedia Training Kit (MMTK) provides trainers in
telecentres, community media organisations, and the development sector
with a structured set of materials to help make that jump between new
and traditional media or train in a new skill area.

The materials cover a range of multimedia areas like "presenting on
radio" and "writing for the web" as well as topics such as "cooperative
problem solving". The MMTK is a growing collection, and new topics will
be added in the months to come.

Materials follow a standard format and so can be used as interchangeable
building blocks from which trainers can build up face- to-face training
appropriate for their different contexts. So, a trainer running a
workshop on information skills for a women's organisation could choose
components from the "Searching the Internet" unit and the "Violence
Against Women" module and combine them into a single workshop kit.
Individuals can also use many of the materials for self-instruction.

Each unit includes notes for trainers on running the workshop, a handout
for workshop participants, exercises, a list of additional resources, a
glossary of terms, a copyright statement and workshop and materials
evaluation forms. Many units contain additional resources such as
presentations, detailed manuals for trainers, and case studies of how
the tools in question are being used in different contexts.


All MMTK materials are released under a Creative Commons license which
allows their free use and distribution for non-commercial use.


The MMTK is a multi-stakeholder initiative involving the Association for
Progressive Communications (APC), UNESCO, OneWorld International, AMARC,
the International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD),
Search for Common Ground, Radio for Development, and the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

The MMTK was funded by UNESCO and the Rockefeller Foundation and
coordinated by APC.



APC: http://www.apc.org/

UNESCO: http://www.unesco.org/

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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Archives of previous GKD messages can be found at:

Re: [GKD] RFI: Computer Donations To The Third World

2003-06-30 Thread Karen Higgs
Udit Chaudhuri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Perhaps the only way this would work is to:
> 1  Collect computers used and donated in the command area itself, say
> executives and offices of international companies and other
> organisations who have imported the computers 3-4 years ago and are
> upgrading  their systems - incentivising (in token) or acknowledging
> their donation;

This all depends on the level of development and/or economic crisis in a

At APC, we have been covering the efforts of one of our members based in
Argentina to equip local telecentres. They had originally planned to do
it this way - contacting businesses locally - but because of the
economic crisis it has been impossible. I'm assuming that this would be
the situation for most of the less developed countries in the world.

Now, fortunately, they have been put in contact with Computer Aid. We'll
continue to cover this story on the APC site. You can read more below.

Getting hold of computers for community telecentres in crisis-stricken
Argentina is a serious challenge

ROSARIO, Argentina, 06/07/2002 -- In the middle of one of the most
serious crises ever faced by Argentina it's not easy for APC member, TAU
to continue their dream of setting up self sustaining community computer
centres in poor neighbourhoods. Based in one of the worst hit cities,
former industrial heartland, Rosario, TAU is struggling to operate in a
country where spine-chilling statistics point to 15 million people
living below the poverty line out of a total population of 37 million,
60% of all children living in poverty and 25% of children are from
families where even basic food needs are not met. Nevertheless, TAU is
moving ahead with the implementation of three Community Computer Centres
(or telecentres) in two marginal neighbourhoods within the city of
Rosario and Capitan Bermudez, a town fifteen kilometers outside. -

Building Computer and Internet Skills in Argentina Remains a Challenge
but Demand Grows

ROSARIO, Argentina, 05/30/2003 -- APC member TAU, based in Argentina's
second city Rosario, has started meeting with organisations which are
interested in setting up community telecentres in their neighbourhood.
"It looks like we'll be developing six new telecentres which will make
nine in total set up in Rosario and hinterland since last year," said
Luis Martinez, one of TAU's coordinators.

Getting hold of donated computers and other hardware is still a major
headache in a country that has suffered such an economic crisis that
most businesses are just not replacing their old machines as they did
previously. "It's also proving really difficult getting even a basic
dial-up Internet connection in certain areas of the city," said Luis. -

Best wishes
Karen Higgs

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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Archives of previous GKD messages can be found at:

[GKD] APC Online Event: Understanding Civil Society Portals

2003-06-30 Thread Karen Higgs
7-30 July 2003

APC invites you to an on-line learning event:  "Understanding Civil
Society Portals".

The learning event is based on the study "Understanding Civil Society
Portals", realized by APC one year ago in cooperation with five model
CSO portals - ItrainOnline.org (international), WomensNet.org.za
(Southern Africa), UruguayTotal.com (Uruguay), Rabble.ca (Canada) and
ChangeNet.sk (Slovakia).

Focusing on findings from the five in-depth case studies and short
reviews of dozens of other sites, the study provides an overview of the
different approaches to setting up and managing civil society portals
and practical tips for portal builders. It outlines common challenges
that often emerge plus a set of basic planning tools that will help
organizations in the process of building or upgrading their own
theme-based sites.

* What types of civil society portals exist and what purposes do they
* What are the portal business models? 
* Which model would best suit your organization? 
* Sharing experiences, plans and find solutions for your challenges

For more information about the focus of the event, download the study
"Understanding Civil Society Portals":

The learning event will take place in the main APC content online
workspace which includes about 70 ICT professionals from numerous APC
member and partner organizations all over the world.

You are warmly invited to join the discussions and subscribe to the
learning event at:
(Bulgarian APC member BlueLink kindly hosts this workspace)

The main language of the learning event will be English. However, as is
common in most APC events, posts may be made in Spanish and summaries of
daily discussions will be posted on the learning event site both in
English and Spanish.

Questions? Please contact Karel Novotny, facilitator of APC Information
Workers' Network [EMAIL PROTECTED] (feel free to write in English, Spanish or

The Association for Progressive Communications (APC) is an international
network of civil society organisations dedicated to empowering and
supporting groups and individuals through the strategic use of
information and communication technologies (ICTs), especially
Internet-related technologies. APC and its members pioneer practical and
relevant uses of ICTs for civil society, especially in developing
countries. APC is an international facilitator of civil society's
engagement with ICTs and related concerns, in both policy and practice.

Our network of members spans the globe, with presence in Western,
Central and Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America and North
APC: http://www.apc.org
APCNews mailing list

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
To post a message, send it to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To subscribe or unsubscribe, send a message to:
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. In the 1st line of the message type:
subscribe gkd OR type: unsubscribe gkd
Archives of previous GKD messages can be found at:

[GKD] World Summit on Information Society - APC CritiquesDraft Declaration

2003-06-06 Thread Karen Higgs
ntos originales de la CMSI y a todos los comentarios
c_t ype=all|> [en espanol]

Para ponerte en contacto con APC o con el PARM de APC acerca de la
Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Informacion, escribe a Valeria
Betancourt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



Karen Higgs, APC Communications Manager 
Tel: +598 - 2 - 400 6460 (GMT -3)
APC: http://www.apc.org

APCNews: Civil society's monthly e-bulletin on strategic uses of the
Internet to promote social justice and equality. From the APC, an
international online community or peace, human rights, development and
the environment since 1990. 

To receive the news direct, write to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or go to:

APCNoticias: Un boletin electronico dirigido a la sociedad civil,
enfocado en el uso de Internet para promover la justicia e igualdad
social realizado por APC.  
Para recibir las noticias directamente, escribe a: [EMAIL PROTECTED] o
visite: http://lists.apc.org/mailman/listinfo/apcnoticias

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
To post a message, send it to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To subscribe or unsubscribe, send a message to:
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. In the 1st line of the message type:
subscribe gkd OR type: unsubscribe gkd
Archives of previous GKD messages can be found at:

[GKD] Project Enables Access for Schoolchildren in Namibia

2002-11-13 Thread Karen Higgs
ding real life examples of how the Internet can be, and is being,
used as a powerful tool for development and social justice."

The Hafkin Prize winner and finalists were all present at the award
ceremony which was held during a workshop on civil society and ICT
policy co-organised by APC.


The $7,500 USD APC Hafkin Prize - a biannual award - recognises
outstanding examples of African initiatives in information and
communications technology (ICTs) for development.

The Theme in 2001:  People-Centred Information and Communications
Technology (ICT) Policy in Africa

More about the prize finalists and winner:

Prize Winner - SchoolNet Namibia: http://www.schoolnet.na Honourable
mention - Bridges.org: http://www.bridges.org

The Hafkin Prize is supported in part by the International Development
Research Centre (IDRC).

Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC) is one of the
world's leading institutions in the generation and application of new
knowledge to meet the challenges of international development. For more
than 30 years, IDRC has worked in close collaboration with researchers
from the developing world in their search for the means to build a
healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous society.


The Association for Progressive Communications (APC) is an international
network of civil society organisations dedicated to empowering and
supporting groups and individuals through the strategic use of
information and communication technologies (ICTs), especially
Internet-related technologies. APC and its members pioneer practical and
relevant uses of ICTs for civil society, especially in developing
countries. APC is an international facilitator of civil society's
engagement with ICTs and related concerns, in both policy and practice.

APC: http://www.apc.org Our policy work in Africa:



Karen Higgs 
APC Communications
Cassinoni 1085
11200 Montevideo
Tel: +598 2 400-6460

Photos available: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]



ADDIS ABEBA, ETHIOPIE - SchoolNet Namibia, un organisme constitue de
benevoles et travaillant favoriser l'acces de tous les Eleves namibiens
l'ordinateur et Internet, a reau le Prix Hafkin des communications
africaines attribue par L'Association pour le progres des communications
(APC).  Ce prix est accorde des programmes d'action qui visent les
utilisateurs dans le domaine des technologies de l'information et de la
communication (TIC).

Le prix a ete remis lors d'une ceremonie laquelle assistaient les
finalistes et d'autres defenseurs des TIC au service du developpement,
Addis Abeba, le 7 novembre.  Le deuxieme prix a ete decerne au programme
d'action de Bridges.org, un organisme sud-africain de recherche et de
defense des droits qui favorise l'acces aux TIC par la recherche,
l'essai et la promotion des meilleures pratiques d'utilisation durable
de la technologie.

" Architecture de reseau, liberalisation sectorielle, infrastructure,
cadres de reglementation, acces universel, obligation d'assurer un
service universel, spectre des radiofrequences, logiciels et
applications : tout cela fait partie de la politique TIC.  On peut
comprendre pourquoi les organismes de la societe civile et d'autres
craignent souvent de relever le defi d'uuvrer l'avËnement de changements
positifs dans la politique nationale en matiere de TIC! " C'est ce
qu'affirme Nancy Hafkin, pionniËre de l'etablissement de reseaux dont le
prix porte le nom.  Voulant remedier cela, l'APC (un organisme sans but
lucratif qui promeut l'utilisation des TIC et d'Internet en faveur du
developpement depuis 1990) a decide de recompenser cette annee des
initiatives africaines bien inspirees en matiere de politique des TIC.

" Les decisions concernant la politique des TIC ont des repercussions
sur tout citoyen desireux de tirer parti des possibilites que peuvent
offrir les nouvelles technologies ", a declare Mme Hafkin dans son
message de felicitations.  " La politique nationale favorisera-t-elle
une technologie de pointe qui n'est pas la portee des regions rurales? 
Le gouvernement subventionnera-t-il le service pour les plus pauvres et
pour les handicapes?  Le gouvernement encouragera-t-il la conception de
logiciels pouvant itre utilises par les analphabetes? Toutes ces
dimensions sont bien concretes sans Ítre techniques et elles relevent
des choix qui sont faits par la politique nationale face aux TIC.  Tant
SchoolNet Namibia que Bridges.org ont ouvert la voie pour ce qui est 

[GKD] Prize for Using the Internet for Social Justice

2001-09-12 Thread Karen Higgs

Dear GKD members,

The Association for Progressive Communications (APC) is offering the
BETINHO COMMUNICATIONS PRIZE (2001), which recognizes the use of the
Internet for social justice. The prize is in the amount of $7,500 USD;
the deadline is September 24.

The Betinho Prize is offered to non-profit organisations,
community-based groups, coalitions, working groups or social movements
anywhere in the world that have successfully used information and
communication technologies (ICTs) as an essential ingredient in their
development work.

Last year, over 160 inspiring projects were nominated for the prize
including a Website recruiting and orienting volunteers to participate
in the reconstruction of ex-Yugoslavia; an information network
connecting indigenous communities in Mexico; and a child's rights data
gathering initiative in Mozambique. The inaugural winner, the Max
Foundation, is a life-saving online support network functioning in
English, Spanish and Portuguese for the families of children suffering
from leukaemia and host of Latin America's first online bone marrow
tissue registry.

Nominations for the Prize will be accepted until September 24, 2001.
Detailed eligibility criteria and a nomination form are available from:

presentaciones al premio de 7.500 dÛlares, en reconocimiento al uso de
Internet a favor de la justicia social, es el 24 de septiembre

El Premio Betinho de APC de 7.500 dÛlares se entrega a organizaciones
sin fines de lucro, grupos comunitarios, coaliciones, grupos de trabajo
o movimientos sociales de todo el mundo que hayan sabido utilizar con
Èxito las tecnologÌas de informaciÛn y comunicaciÛn (TIC) como elemento
esencial en su trabajo por el desarrollo y la justicia social.

El aÒo pasado fueron nominados al Premio m·s de 160 proyectos de gran
inspiraciÛn; entre ellos, un proyecto destinado a conseguir y guiar
voluntarios, a partir de un sitio Web, para participar en la
reconstrucciÛn de la ex-Yugoslavia; una red de informaciÛn entre
comunidades indÌgenas en MÈxico y una iniciativa de recolecciÛn de
informaciÛn sobre derechos de los niÒos, de Mozambique. El ganador del
primer aÒo, la FundaciÛn Max, es una red de apoyo electrÛnica que se
dedica a salvar vidas: est· dirigida a las familias de niÒos que sufren
de leucemia y hospeda el primer registro latinaomericano de mÈdula Ûsea.

Las candidaturas al Premio ser·n recibidas hasta el 24 de septiembre de
2001. Los detalles acerca de los criterios de selecciÛn y el formulario
de candidatura se encuentran en: http://www.apc.org/espanol/betinho

Best regards,

Karen Higgs, APC Communications Manager
Tel: +598 - 2 - 419-6192 Int. 116 (GMT -4)
APC: http://www.apc.org

APCNews: Civil society's monthly e-bulletin on strategic uses of the
Internet to promote social justice and equality. From the APC, an
international online community or peace, human rights, development and
the environment since 1990.

To receive the news direct, write to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or visit:

APCNoticias: Un boletÌn electrÛnico dirigido a la sociedad civil,
enfocado en el uso de Internet para promover la justicia e igualdad
social realizado por APC.
Para recibir las noticias directamente, escribe a: [EMAIL PROTECTED] o
visite: http://www.apc.org/espanol/news

***GKD is an initiative of the Global Knowledge Partnership***
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