Re: tcp-request content track-sc2 with if statement doesn't work?

2014-09-07 Thread Baptiste
On Sat, Sep 6, 2014 at 9:16 PM, PiBa-NL wrote:
 Hi list,

 Inspired by a blog about wordpress bruteforce protection [0] , i'm trying to
 use this same kind of method in a frontend/backend configuration.
 I did change the method from POST to GET, for easier testing, but that
 doesn't matter for retrieving the gpc counter, does it?

 So i was trying to use this:
 tcp-request content track-sc1  base32+src  if METH_GET login

 It however doesn't seem to work using HAProxy 1.5.3, the acl containing
 sc1_get_gpc0 gt 0 never seems to get the correct gpc0 value, even though i
 have examined the stick-table and the gpc0 value there is increasing.
 If i change it to the following it starts working:
 tcp-request content track-sc1  base32+src

 Even though the use_backend in both cases checks those first criteria:
 acl flagged_as_abusersc1_get_gpc0 gt 0
 use_backendpb3_453_http if METH_GET wp_login flagged_as_abuser

 Am i doing something wrong, is the blog outdated, or was a bug introduced

 If more information perhaps -vv or full config is needed let me know,
 thanks for any reply.

 p.s. did anyone get my other emails a while back? [1]

 Kind regards,



Plese let us know if you have  the following configuration lines (or
equivalent), before your tracking rule:
  tcp-request inspect-delay 10s
  tcp-request accept if HTTP


Re: tcp-request content track-sc2 with if statement doesn't work?

2014-09-07 Thread Baptiste
On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 2:55 PM, PiBa-NL wrote:
 Hi Baptiste,

 Thanks that fixes my issue indeed with the following:
   tcp-request inspect-delay 10s
   tcp-request content track-sc1  base32+src  if METH_GET wp_login
   tcp-request content accept if HTTP

 I didn't think about inspect-delay because both frontend and backend are
 using 'mode http', and i only used to use inspect-delay with frontends using
 tcp mode. Though maybe the 'tcp-request' should have given my that hint. The
 'accept' must be below the 'track-sc1' to make it work.

 Could you perhaps also add this to the blog article, or should i post a
 comment under it for other people to not fall into the same mistake?


 Baptiste schreef op 7-9-2014 11:38:

 On Sat, Sep 6, 2014 at 9:16 PM, PiBa-NL wrote:

 Hi list,

 Inspired by a blog about wordpress bruteforce protection [0] , i'm trying
 use this same kind of method in a frontend/backend configuration.
 I did change the method from POST to GET, for easier testing, but that
 doesn't matter for retrieving the gpc counter, does it?

 So i was trying to use this:
 tcp-request content track-sc1  base32+src  if METH_GET login

 It however doesn't seem to work using HAProxy 1.5.3, the acl containing
 sc1_get_gpc0 gt 0 never seems to get the correct gpc0 value, even
 though i
 have examined the stick-table and the gpc0 value there is increasing.
 If i change it to the following it starts working:
 tcp-request content track-sc1  base32+src

 Even though the use_backend in both cases checks those first criteria:
 acl flagged_as_abusersc1_get_gpc0 gt 0
 use_backendpb3_453_http if METH_GET wp_login

 Am i doing something wrong, is the blog outdated, or was a bug introduced

 If more information perhaps -vv or full config is needed let me know,
 thanks for any reply.

 p.s. did anyone get my other emails a while back? [1]

 Kind regards,



 Plese let us know if you have  the following configuration lines (or
 equivalent), before your tracking rule:
tcp-request inspect-delay 10s
tcp-request accept if HTTP



Article updated.


Re: tcp-request content track-sc2 with if statement doesn't work?

2014-09-07 Thread PiBa-NL

Baptiste schreef op 7-9-2014 17:13:

On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 2:55 PM, PiBa-NL wrote:

Hi Baptiste,

Thanks that fixes my issue indeed with the following:
   tcp-request inspect-delay 10s
   tcp-request content track-sc1  base32+src  if METH_GET wp_login
   tcp-request content accept if HTTP

I didn't think about inspect-delay because both frontend and backend are
using 'mode http', and i only used to use inspect-delay with frontends using
tcp mode. Though maybe the 'tcp-request' should have given my that hint. The
'accept' must be below the 'track-sc1' to make it work.

Could you perhaps also add this to the blog article, or should i post a
comment under it for other people to not fall into the same mistake?


Baptiste schreef op 7-9-2014 11:38:

On Sat, Sep 6, 2014 at 9:16 PM, PiBa-NL wrote:

Hi list,

Inspired by a blog about wordpress bruteforce protection [0] , i'm trying
use this same kind of method in a frontend/backend configuration.
I did change the method from POST to GET, for easier testing, but that
doesn't matter for retrieving the gpc counter, does it?

So i was trying to use this:
tcp-request content track-sc1  base32+src  if METH_GET login

It however doesn't seem to work using HAProxy 1.5.3, the acl containing
sc1_get_gpc0 gt 0 never seems to get the correct gpc0 value, even
though i
have examined the stick-table and the gpc0 value there is increasing.
If i change it to the following it starts working:
tcp-request content track-sc1  base32+src

Even though the use_backend in both cases checks those first criteria:
acl flagged_as_abusersc1_get_gpc0 gt 0
use_backendpb3_453_http if METH_GET wp_login

Am i doing something wrong, is the blog outdated, or was a bug introduced

If more information perhaps -vv or full config is needed let me know,
thanks for any reply.

p.s. did anyone get my other emails a while back? [1]

Kind regards,



Plese let us know if you have  the following configuration lines (or
equivalent), before your tracking rule:
tcp-request inspect-delay 10s
tcp-request accept if HTTP



Article updated.


Hi Baptiste,

Thanks, however there are now 2 issues with that.
- The 'accept' must be below the 'track-sc1' to make it work. (at least 
in my tests..)
- Syntax error missing 'content' keyword in: tcp-request content accept 

In the backend i didn't seem to need the inspect-delay, probably because 
the frontend has already filled buffers because it is in 'http' mode.


tcp-request content track-sc2 with if statement doesn't work?

2014-09-06 Thread PiBa-NL

Hi list,

Inspired by a blog about wordpress bruteforce protection [0] , i'm 
trying to use this same kind of method in a frontend/backend configuration.
I did change the method from POST to GET, for easier testing, but that 
doesn't matter for retrieving the gpc counter, does it?

So i was trying to use this:
tcp-request content track-sc1  base32+src  if METH_GET login

It however doesn't seem to work using HAProxy 1.5.3, the acl containing 
sc1_get_gpc0 gt 0 never seems to get the correct gpc0 value, even 
though i have examined the stick-table and the gpc0 value there is 

If i change it to the following it starts working:
tcp-request content track-sc1  base32+src

Even though the use_backend in both cases checks those first criteria:
acl flagged_as_abusersc1_get_gpc0 gt 0
use_backendpb3_453_http if METH_GET wp_login flagged_as_abuser

Am i doing something wrong, is the blog outdated, or was a bug 
introduced somewhere?

If more information perhaps -vv or full config is needed let me know,  
thanks for any reply.

p.s. did anyone get my other emails a while back? [1]

Kind regards,



Re: tcp-request content track

2014-03-12 Thread Baptiste
It would be easier to help you if you share your configuration!


On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 1:36 AM, Patrick Hemmer wrote:
 2 related questions:

 I'm trying to find a way to concat multiple samples to use in a stick table.
 Basically in my frontend I pattern match on the request path to determine
 which backend to send a request to. The client requests also have a client
 ID header. I want to rate limit based on a combination of this pattern that
 matched, and the client ID. Currently the way I do this is an http-request
 set-header rule that adds a new header combining a unique ID for the
 pattern that matched along with the client-ID header. Then in the backend I
 have a tcp-requst content track-sc2 on that header. This works, but I'm
 wondering if there's a better way.

 Secondly, the above works, but when I do a show table mybackend on the
 stats socket, both the conn_cur and use counters never decrease. They
 seem to be acting as the total number of requests, not the number of active
 connections. Is this a bug, or am I misunderstanding something?


Re: tcp-request content track

2014-03-12 Thread Patrick Hemmer
Created a new config as an example. My existing config is huge, and hard
to read (generated programtically).

In regards to the bug, it appears it was a bug. I was using 1.5-dev19.
After upgrading to 1.5-dev22 it started behaving as expected.

Below is the config I'm using to accomplish what I want. As mentioned,
I'm basically rate limiting on a combination of the X-Client-Id header
and the matching URL. And as you can see, it's quite ugly and complex to
accomplish it :-(
For example, the same X-Client-Id should be able to hit /foo/bar 3 times
every 15 seconds, with only 1 open connection (the  rules). It
should be able to hit /asdf at 5 times every 15 seconds with 3 open
connections (the  rules).

log local1 debug
maxconn 4096
stats socket /tmp/haproxy.sock level admin

log global
mode http
option httplog
option dontlognull
retries 3
option redispatch
maxconn 2000
timeout connect 200
timeout client 6
timeout server 17
option clitcpka
option srvtcpka
option abortonclose
stats enable
stats uri /haproxy/stats

frontend f1
bind *:1500
option httpclose

acl internal dst
acl have_request_id req.fhdr(X-Request-Id) -m found

http-request set-header X-API-URL %[path] if !internal
http-request add-header X-Request-Timestamp %Ts.%ms
http-request set-header X-Request-Id %[req.fhdr(X-Request-Id)] if
internal have_request_id
http-request set-header X-Request-Id %{+X}o%pid-%rt if !internal ||
http-request set-header X-API-Host i-12345678
http-response set-header X-API-Host i-12345678

unique-id-format %{+X}o%pid-%rt
log-format %ci:%cp\ %ft\ %b/%s\ %Tq/%Tw/%Tc/%Tr/%Tt\
%ac/%fc/%bc/%sc/%rc\ %sq/%bq\ %U/%B\ %ST\ %tsc\ %ID\ +\ %r

acl rewrite-found req.hdr(X-Rewrite-ID,1) -m found

acl _path path_reg ^/foo/([^\ ?]*)$
acl _method method GET
http-request set-header X-Rewrite-Id  if !rewrite-found
_path _method
acl -rewrite req.hdr(X-Rewrite-Id) -m str 
http-request set-header X-Limit-Id %[req.hdr(X-Client-Id)] if
use_backend b1 if -rewrite
reqrep ^(GET)\ /foo/([^\ ?]*)([\ ?].*|$) \1\ /echo/bar/\2\3 if

acl _path path_reg ^/([^\ ?]*)$
acl _method method GET
http-request set-header X-Rewrite-Id  if !rewrite-found
_path _method
acl -rewrite req.hdr(X-Rewrite-Id) -m str 
http-request set-header X-Limit-Id %[req.hdr(X-Client-Id)] if
use_backend b1 if -rewrite
reqrep ^(GET)\ /([^\ ?]*)([\ ?].*|$) \1\ /echo/\2\3 if -rewrite

backend b1
stick-table type string len 12 size 1000 expire 1h store
tcp-request content track-sc2 req.hdr(X-Limit-ID)

acl -rewrite req.hdr(X-Rewrite-Id) -m str 
acl _req_rate sc2_http_req_rate gt 3
acl _conn_cur sc2_conn_cur gt 1
tcp-request content reject if -rewrite _req_rate
tcp-request content reject if -rewrite _conn_cur

acl -rewrite req.hdr(X-Rewrite-Id) -m str 
acl _req_rate sc2_http_req_rate gt 5
acl _conn_cur sc2_conn_cur gt 3
tcp-request content reject if -rewrite _req_rate
tcp-request content reject if -rewrite _conn_cur

server s1
server s2
server s3


*From: *Baptiste
*Sent: * 2014-03-12 06:26:32 E
*To: *Patrick Hemmer
*CC: *
*Subject: *Re: tcp-request content track

 It would be easier to help you if you share your configuration!


 On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 1:36 AM, Patrick Hemmer 
 2 related questions:

 I'm trying to find a way to concat multiple samples to use in a stick table.
 Basically in my frontend I pattern match on the request path to determine
 which backend to send a request to. The client requests also have a client
 ID header. I want to rate limit based on a combination of this pattern that
 matched, and the client ID. Currently the way I do this is an http-request
 set-header rule that adds a new header combining a unique ID for the
 pattern that matched along with the client-ID header. Then in the backend I
 have a tcp-requst content track-sc2 on that header. This works, but I'm
 wondering if there's a better way.

 Secondly, the above works, but when I do a show table mybackend on the
 stats socket, both the conn_cur and use counters never decrease. They
 seem to be acting as the total number of requests, not the number of active
 connections. Is this a bug, or am I misunderstanding something?


tcp-request content track

2014-03-11 Thread Patrick Hemmer
2 related questions:

I'm trying to find a way to concat multiple samples to use in a stick table.
Basically in my frontend I pattern match on the request path to
determine which backend to send a request to. The client requests also
have a client ID header. I want to rate limit based on a combination of
this pattern that matched, and the client ID. Currently the way I do
this is an http-request set-header rule that adds a new header
combining a unique ID for the pattern that matched along with the
client-ID header. Then in the backend I have a tcp-requst content
track-sc2 on that header. This works, but I'm wondering if there's a
better way.

Secondly, the above works, but when I do a show table mybackend on the
stats socket, both the conn_cur and use counters never decrease.
They seem to be acting as the total number of requests, not the number
of active connections. Is this a bug, or am I misunderstanding something?


Re: help with tcp-request content track-sc1

2011-08-29 Thread David Birdsong
On Sat, Aug 27, 2011 at 5:26 AM, Willy Tarreau wrote:
 Hi David,

 On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 12:28:43PM -0700, David Birdsong wrote:
 I've poured over 1.5 docs, and I'm pretty sure this should be
 possible. Is there a way to extract a header string from an http
 header and track that in a stick-table of type 'string'? If so, what
 is the syntax, where does the extraction take place?

 Right now it's not implemented, as the track-sc1 statement is only
 available at the TCP stage. I'm clearly thinking about having it
 before 1.5 is released, because at many places it's much more
 important than the source IP itself.

Ok, thanks for the clarification. Is there a way to cast a header as
an ip and track-sc1? In our setup we're terminating SSL in front of
haproxy and so only the XFF header has the client ip address.

 Also, is there any way to concatenate two headers into one string
 value to track and store? If not, I can concatenate them upstream
 (close to client), but it'd be nice to keep the logic local to
 haproxy's config.

 No this is not possible. We need the pattern extraction feature which
 has not even started yet for this :-(


Re: help with tcp-request content track-sc1

2011-08-29 Thread Willy Tarreau
On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 01:40:53PM -0700, David Birdsong wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 1:36 PM, Willy Tarreau wrote:
  On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 12:22:18PM -0700, David Birdsong wrote:
  On Sat, Aug 27, 2011 at 5:26 AM, Willy Tarreau wrote:
   Hi David,
   On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 12:28:43PM -0700, David Birdsong wrote:
   I've poured over 1.5 docs, and I'm pretty sure this should be
   possible. Is there a way to extract a header string from an http
   header and track that in a stick-table of type 'string'? If so, what
   is the syntax, where does the extraction take place?
   Right now it's not implemented, as the track-sc1 statement is only
   available at the TCP stage. I'm clearly thinking about having it
   before 1.5 is released, because at many places it's much more
   important than the source IP itself.
  Ok, thanks for the clarification. Is there a way to cast a header as
  an ip and track-sc1? In our setup we're terminating SSL in front of
  haproxy and so only the XFF header has the client ip address.
  I understand the issue, it's the same everyone is facing when trying
  to do the same thing unfortunately :-(
  If you use a patched stunnel version which supports the PROXY protocol,
  then you can have the client's IP available as soon as tcp-request content
  rules are processed. Those rules support track-sc1 so you can do
  what you want at this level. It requires a patch on stunnel however,
  but it should not be an issue since you appear to be using the XFF
 We're actually terminating half of our ssl traffic with nginx and the
 other half with Amazon's elb offering with plans of moving all ssl
 termination to Amazon in the next week or so.

The PROXY protocol should be ported to Amazon's ELB then ;-)


Re: help with tcp-request content track-sc1

2011-08-29 Thread David Birdsong
On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 1:46 PM, Willy Tarreau wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 01:40:53PM -0700, David Birdsong wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 1:36 PM, Willy Tarreau wrote:
  On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 12:22:18PM -0700, David Birdsong wrote:
  On Sat, Aug 27, 2011 at 5:26 AM, Willy Tarreau wrote:
   Hi David,
   On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 12:28:43PM -0700, David Birdsong wrote:
   I've poured over 1.5 docs, and I'm pretty sure this should be
   possible. Is there a way to extract a header string from an http
   header and track that in a stick-table of type 'string'? If so, what
   is the syntax, where does the extraction take place?
   Right now it's not implemented, as the track-sc1 statement is only
   available at the TCP stage. I'm clearly thinking about having it
   before 1.5 is released, because at many places it's much more
   important than the source IP itself.
  Ok, thanks for the clarification. Is there a way to cast a header as
  an ip and track-sc1? In our setup we're terminating SSL in front of
  haproxy and so only the XFF header has the client ip address.
  I understand the issue, it's the same everyone is facing when trying
  to do the same thing unfortunately :-(
  If you use a patched stunnel version which supports the PROXY protocol,
  then you can have the client's IP available as soon as tcp-request 
  rules are processed. Those rules support track-sc1 so you can do
  what you want at this level. It requires a patch on stunnel however,
  but it should not be an issue since you appear to be using the XFF

 We're actually terminating half of our ssl traffic with nginx and the
 other half with Amazon's elb offering with plans of moving all ssl
 termination to Amazon in the next week or so.

 The PROXY protocol should be ported to Amazon's ELB then ;-)

Agreed, that would be a big help.

Anybody know what the ELB's are? Some have speculated their just using
Netscalers, but they toss around the word 'instance' in a way that
makes me wonder if they're just using ec2 instances.


Re: help with tcp-request content track-sc1

2011-08-27 Thread Willy Tarreau
Hi David,

On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 12:28:43PM -0700, David Birdsong wrote:
 I've poured over 1.5 docs, and I'm pretty sure this should be
 possible. Is there a way to extract a header string from an http
 header and track that in a stick-table of type 'string'? If so, what
 is the syntax, where does the extraction take place?

Right now it's not implemented, as the track-sc1 statement is only
available at the TCP stage. I'm clearly thinking about having it
before 1.5 is released, because at many places it's much more
important than the source IP itself.

 Also, is there any way to concatenate two headers into one string
 value to track and store? If not, I can concatenate them upstream
 (close to client), but it'd be nice to keep the logic local to
 haproxy's config.

No this is not possible. We need the pattern extraction feature which
has not even started yet for this :-(


help with tcp-request content track-sc1

2011-08-25 Thread David Birdsong
I've poured over 1.5 docs, and I'm pretty sure this should be
possible. Is there a way to extract a header string from an http
header and track that in a stick-table of type 'string'? If so, what
is the syntax, where does the extraction take place?

Also, is there any way to concatenate two headers into one string
value to track and store? If not, I can concatenate them upstream
(close to client), but it'd be nice to keep the logic local to
haproxy's config.

The only examples I see for tcp-request track-sc1 are layer4 and below
and yet the documentation alludes to contents being inspected as an
option for any action (and not just accept/reject.)