Re: [Haskell-cafe] foldr (.) id

2012-10-29 Thread Sebastian Fischer
> "(.)/compose" is consistent with "(+)/sum", "(*)/product", "(&&)/and", etc.

"(to) compose" is a verb. "composition" would be consistent with "sum"
and "product". "and" doesn't fit, though.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Snap] Argument Substitution in Heist Templates with Splices

2012-09-23 Thread Sebastian Fischer
Thanks! For the record, here is how to achieve what I want by
explicitly using `runChildren` and `stopRecursion`:

testSplice :: Splice IO
testSplice = do
input <- getParamNode
kids <- runChildren
return [input { elementChildren = kids }]

It surprises me that an explicit call to `runChildren` is necessary,
especially after your comment regarding sensitivity to evaulation

Your linked post shows that Heist splices are processed top down,
which reminds me of the `transform` combinator in Uniplate:

The authors discuss bottom-up and top-down transformations in Sections
2.3 and 2.4 and argue for providing bottom-up transformations and only
a specific form of top-down transformations.

I think Heist's splice processing would be more intuitive (less
sensitive to evaluation order?) if applied bottom up rather than top
down. This only seems to require a slight change in the definition of
`runNode` from the post you linked - to process children before
applying the splice:

runNode :: Monad m => X.Node -> Splice m
runNode (X.Element nm at ch) = do
newAtts <- mapM attSubst at
newKids <- runNodeList ch  -- added this line
let n = X.Element nm newAtts newKids -- changed this line
s <- liftM (lookupSplice nm) getTS
maybe n (recurseSplice n) s  -- changed this line
  -- removed local function `runKids`
runNode n= return [n]

This change would simplify the definition of filter splices which
would not need to call `runChildren` explicitly. It would also make
the definition of substitution splices more uniform, because children
would be already processed when applying the splice - just like
attributes are.

Are Heist splices processed top down intentionally? (Reasons for doing
so are the same reasons people might have for preferring call-by-name
over call-by-value. However, I tend to agree with the discussion in
the Uniplate paper and would prefer "call-by-value" aka bottom-up


On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 6:03 PM, MightyByte  wrote:
> This is one of the more subtle corner cases of Heist.  My default, splices
> are recursively processed.  So when testSplice is executed for the 
> tag, the results are fed back into splice processing.  I think this is the
> right thing to do because it makes behavior less sensitive to evaluation
> order.  Obviously this can lead to infinite recursion, so Heist limits the
> splice call stack to a depth of 50.  If this limit is exceeded, then Heist
> simply stops recursing and returns the nodes unprocessed.  I also think this
> is the right thing to do because it is happening as we're serving a page to
> the end user, so there's an argument for failing quietly instead of going up
> in a ball of flames.
> In your case, you are returning the same node that was spliced in, so you
> are hitting the recursion limit and splice processing just stops.  I discuss
> this issue in my blog post about splice subtleties
> (  Since
> you're writing a filter splice, you need to call stopRecursion.  But if you
> do that, then the child  tag won't be processed.  So what you need to
> do is use the runChildren function to process the child nodes, then return
> them in whatever your constructed node is.
> I think the easiest solution to your problem is to not write it as a filter
> splice.  Bind your testSplice function to the  tag and return a
>  tag.  This avoids the infinite recursion and will work the way you
> want without needing stopRecursion.
> On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 3:00 PM, Sebastian Fischer  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> the following program demonstrates that arguments in Heist templates
>> are sometimes not substituted in presence of splices:
>> {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
>> import   Blaze.ByteString.Builder (toByteString)
>> import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8as BS
>> import   Data.Functor ((<$>))
>> import   Data.Maybe   (fromJust)
>> import   Text.Templating.Heist
>> -- just return input node unchanged
>> testSplice :: Splice IO
>> testSplice = (:[]) <$> getParamNode
>> main = do
>> writeFile "test.tpl" ""
>> state <- either error id <$> loadTemplates "." defaultHeistState
>> (builder,_) <- fromJust <$> renderWithArgs [("arg","42")] state "test"
>> BS.putStrLn $ toByteString builder
>> -- 4242
>> let state' = bindSpli

[Haskell-cafe] [Snap] Argument Substitution in Heist Templates with Splices

2012-09-20 Thread Sebastian Fischer

the following program demonstrates that arguments in Heist templates
are sometimes not substituted in presence of splices:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import   Blaze.ByteString.Builder (toByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8as BS
import   Data.Functor ((<$>))
import   Data.Maybe   (fromJust)
import   Text.Templating.Heist

-- just return input node unchanged
testSplice :: Splice IO
testSplice = (:[]) <$> getParamNode

main = do
writeFile "test.tpl" ""
state <- either error id <$> loadTemplates "." defaultHeistState

(builder,_) <- fromJust <$> renderWithArgs [("arg","42")] state "test"
BS.putStrLn $ toByteString builder
-- 4242

let state' = bindSplices [("test",testSplice)] state
(builder',_) <- fromJust <$> renderWithArgs [("arg","42")] state' "test"
BS.putStrLn $ toByteString builder'
-- 42

Without using splices, all occurrences of 'arg' in the template are
substituted. When using a splice, 'arg' is not substituted underneath
the input node of the splice. It is substituted in an attribute of the
input node.

Is this intentional? How can I ensure substitution also underneath the
input node?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad laws in presence of bottoms

2012-02-20 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 7:42 PM, Roman Cheplyaka  wrote:

> Is there any other interpretation in which the Reader monad obeys the
> laws?

If "selective strictness" (the  seq  combinator) would exclude function
types, the difference between  undefined  and  \_ -> undefined  could not
be observed. This reminds me of the different language levels used by the
free theorem generator [1] and the discussions whether  seq  should have a
type-class constraint..


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monads, do and strictness

2012-01-23 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 5:25 PM, David Barbour  wrote:
> The laws for monads only apply to actual values and combinators of the monad 
> algebra

You seem to argue that, even in a lazy language like Haskell,
equational laws should be considered only for values, as if they where
stated for a total language. This kind of reasoning is called "fast
and loose" in the literature and the conditions under which it is
justified are established by Danielsson and others:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monads, do and strictness

2012-01-22 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 8:09 PM, David Barbour  wrote:
> In any case, I think the monad identity concept messed up. The property:
>   return x >>= f = f x
> Logically only has meaning when `=` applies to values in the domain.
> `undefined` is not a value in the domain.
> We can define monads - which meet monad laws - even in strict languages.

In strict languages both `return undefined >>= f` and `f undefined`
are observably equivalent to `undefined` so the law holds.

In a lazy language both sides might be observably different from
`undefined` but need to be consistently so. The point of equational
laws is that one can replace one side with the other without observing
a difference. Your implementation of `StrictT` violates this


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Avoiding parametric function binding

2012-01-01 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Sat, Dec 31, 2011 at 4:09 PM, Kevin Quick  wrote:

>  onVarElem :: forall a . (Show a) => (Maybe a -> String) -> Var -> String
>> onVarElem f (V1 x) = f x
>> onVarElem f (V2 x) = f x
>> main = putStrLn . onVarElem elemStr $ test
> This is probably a better design, but still fails for the same reason:
>Couldn't match expected type `Int' with actual type `[Char]'
>Expected type: Maybe Int
>  Actual type: Maybe String
>In the first argument of `f', namely `x'
>In the expression: f x

The problem is the scope of the quantification of the type variable 'a'.
You can use higher-rank types (via the Rnak2Types or RankNTypes language
extension) to achieve what you want. Change the type of 'onVarElem' to

onVarElem :: (forall a . (Show a) => Maybe a -> String) -> Var -> String

In contrast to the previous type, this type says that the provided function
must be polymorphic over Show instances 'a', while the previous type would
have allowed any specialization of 'a' with a Show instance.

With the previous type, the call

onVarElem (maybe show (show . not))

would have been legal, with the new type it is not, which is necessary for
the implementation to be well typed.

If you don't want to use a language extension that allows you to require
polymorphism on function arguments, then Stephen's solution is a good

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] space-efficient, composable list transformers [was: Re: Reifying case expressions [was: Re: On stream processing, and a new release of timeplot coming]]

2011-12-28 Thread Sebastian Fischer
Hello Heinrich,

On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 1:09 PM, Heinrich Apfelmus <> wrote:

> Sebastian Fischer wrote:
>> all functions defined in terms of `ListTo` and `interpret`
>> are spine strict - they return a result only after consuming all input
>> list
>> constructors.
> Indeed, the trouble is that my original formulation cannot return a result
> before it has evaluated all the case expressions. To include laziness, we
> need a way to return results early.
> Sebastian's  ListTransformer  type does precisely that for the special
> case of lists as results,

Hmm, I think it does more than that.. (see below)

but it turns out that there is also a completely generic way of returning
> results early. In particular, we can leverage lazy evaluation for the
> result type.

This is nice! It would be cool if we could get the benefits of ListConsumer
and ListTransformer in a single data type.

I know that you chose these names to avoid confusion, but I would like to
> advertise again the idea of choosing the *same* names for the constructors
> as the combinators they represent [...] This technique for designing data
> structures has the huge advantage that it's immediately clear how to
> interpret it and which laws are supposed to hold.

I also like your names better, although they suggest that there is a single
possible interpretation function. Even at the expense of blinding eyes to
the possibility of other interpretation functions, I agree that it makes
things clearer to use names from a *motivating* interpretation. In
hindsight, my names for the constructors of ListTransformer seem to be
inspired by operations on handles. So, `Cut` should have been named `Close`

> Especially in the case of lists, I think that this approach clears up a
> lot of confusion about seemingly new concepts like Iteratees and so on.

A share the discomfort with seemingly alien concepts and agree that clarity
of exposition is crucial, both for the meaning of defined combinators and
their implementation. We should aim at combinators that people are already
familiar with, either because they are commonplace (like id, (.), or fmap)
or because they are used by many other libraries (like the Applicative

A good way to explain the meaning of the combinators is via the meaning of
the same combinators on a familiar type. Your interpretation function is a
type-class morphism from `ListTo a b` to `[a] -> b`. For Functor we have:

interpret (fmap f a)  =  fmap f (interpret a)

On the left side, we use `fmap` for `ListTo a` on the right side for `((->)
l)`. Similarly, we have the following properties for the coresponding
Applicative instances:

interpret (pure x)  =  pure x
interpret (a <*> b)  =  interpret a <*> interpret b

Such morphism properties simplify how to think about programs a lot,
because one can think about programs as if they were written in the
*meaning* type without knowing anything about the *implementation* type.
The computed results are the same but they are computed more efficiently.

Your `ListTo` type achieves space efficiency for Applicative composition of
list functions by executing them in lock-step. Because of the additional
laziness provided by the `Fmap` constructor, compositions like

interpret a . interpret b

can also be executed in constant space. However, we cannot use the space
efficient Applicative combinators again to form parallel compositions of
sequential ones because we are already in the meaning type.

We could implement composition for the `ListTo` type as follows

(<.) :: ListTo b c -> ListTo a [b] -> ListTo a c
a <. b = interpret a <$> b

But if we use a result of this function as argument of <*>, then the
advantage of using `ListTo` is lost. While

interpret ((,) <$> andL <*> andL)

runs in constant space,

interpret ((,) <$> (andL <. idL) <*> (andL <. idL))

does not.

The ListTransformer type supports composition in lock-step via a category
instance. The meaning of `ListTransformer a b` is `[a] -> [b]` with the
additional restriction that all functions `f` in the image of the
interpretation function are incremental:

xs `isPrefixOf` ys  ==>  f xs `isPrefixOf` f ys

Composition as implemented in the ListTransformer type satisfies morphism
properties for the category instance:

transformList id  =  id
transformList (a . b)  =  transformList a . transformList b

As it is implemented on the ListTransformer type directly (without using
the interpretation function), it can be combined with the Applicative
instance for parallel composition without losing space efficiency.

The Applicative instance for `ListTransformer` is different from the
Applicative instance for `ListTo` (or `ListConsumer`). While

interpret ((,) <$> idL <

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Reifying case expressions [was: Re: On stream processing, and a new release of timeplot coming]

2011-12-27 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 5:35 AM, Eugene Kirpichov wrote:

>  I wonder if now this datatype of yours is isomorphic to StreamSummary b
>>> r -> StreamSummary a r.
>> Not sure what you mean here. StreamSummary seems to be the same as
>> ListConsumer but I don't see how functions from consumers to consumers are
>> list transformers, i.e., functions from lists to lists.
> Well. They are isomorphic, if list transformers are represented as
> functions from lists. I'm assuming they could be with the other
> representation too.
> type ListT a b = forall r . ([b] -> r) -> ([a] -> r)

I see! I think the type

type ContListTransformer a b = forall r . ListConsumer b r ->
ListConsumer a r

is isomorphic to `ListConsumer a [b]`. Here are the isomorphisms (I did not
check whether they are indeed isomorphisms):

clt2lc :: ContListTransformer a b -> ListConsumer a [b]
clt2lc clt = clt idC

lc2clt :: ListConsumer a [b] -> ContListTransformer a b
lc2clt _   (Done r)   = Done r
lc2clt (Done [])   (Continue r _) = Done r
lc2clt (Done (b:bs))   (Continue _ f) = lc2clt (Done bs) (f b)
lc2clt (Continue bs f) c  =
  Continue (consumeList c bs) (\a -> lc2clt (f a) c)

However, `ListTransformer a b` is less expressive because of it's
incremental nature. Every list transformer `t` satisfies the following
property for all `xs` and `ys`:

transformList t xs `isPrefixOf` transformList t (xs++ys)

List *consumers* don't need to follow this restriction. For example, the

Continue [1] (\_ -> Done [])

which represents the function

nonIncr [] = [1]
nonIncr _  = []

is not incremental in the sense above, because

not (nonIncr [] `isPrefixOf` nonIncr ([]++[0]))

I think it is the incremental nature of list transformers that allows them
to be composed in lock-step in the Category instance. `lc2clt` above is
sequential composition for list *consumers* but it applies the second
consumer only after executing the first completely.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Reifying case expressions [was: Re: On stream processing, and a new release of timeplot coming]

2011-12-26 Thread Sebastian Fischer
2011/12/26 Eugene Kirpichov 

> Whoa. Sebastian, you're my hero — I've been struggling with defining Arrow
> for ListTransformer for a substantial time without success, and here you
> got it, dramatically simpler than I thought it could be done (I was using
> explicit queues).

This stuff is tricky. I noticed that my Applicative instance did not
satisfy all required laws. I think I could fix this by changing the
implementation of pure to

pure x = Put x $ pure x

in analogy to the ZipList instance. At least, QuickCheck does not complain
anymore (I did not write proofs).

The original definition of `pure` was inspired by Chris Smith's post on the
connection of Category/Applicative and Arrow:

However, even with the fixed Applicative instance, the Arrow instance does
not satisfy all laws. ListTransformer seems to be a type that has valid
Category and Applicative instances which do not give rise to a valid Arrow
instance as outlined by Chris. One of his additional axioms relating
Category and Applicative does not hold.

I have extended the (corrected) code with QuickCheck tests:

I wonder if now this datatype of yours is isomorphic to StreamSummary b r
> -> StreamSummary a r.

Not sure what you mean here. StreamSummary seems to be the same as
ListConsumer but I don't see how functions from consumers to consumers are
list transformers, i.e., functions from lists to lists.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Reifying case expressions [was: Re: On stream processing, and a new release of timeplot coming]

2011-12-26 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Sun, Dec 25, 2011 at 11:25 AM, Heinrich Apfelmus <> wrote:
> Your  StreamSummary  type has a really nice interpretation: it's a
> reification of  case  expressions [on lists].

nice observation!

> For instance, consider the following simple function from lists to integers
>length :: [a] -> Int
>length xs = case xs of
>[] -> 0
>(y:ys) -> 1 + length ys
> We want to reify the case expression as constructor of a data type. [...]
>data ListTo a r = CaseOf r (a -> ListTo a r)
>interpret :: ListTo a r -> ([a] -> r)
>interpret (CaseOf nil cons) xs =
>case xs of
>[] -> nil
>(y:ys) -> interpret (cons y) ys
> [...]
> Likewise, each function from lists can be represented in terms of our new
> data type [...]
>length' :: ListTo a Int
>length' = CaseOf
>(\x -> fmap (1+) length')
>length = interpret length'

This version of `length` is tail recursive while the previous version is
not. In general, all functions defined in terms of `ListTo` and `interpret`
are spine strict - they return a result only after consuming all input list

This is what Eugene observed when defining the identity function as

idC = CaseOf [] (\x -> (x:) <$> idC)

This version does not work for infinite lists. Similarly, `head` and `take`
cannot be defined as lazily as in the standard libraries.

We can support lazier list consumers by adding a case to the ListTo type
that allows to stop consuming the list. To avoid confusion, I chose new
names for my new types.

data ListConsumer a b
  = Done !b
  | Continue !b (a -> ListConsumer a b)

The interpretation function just ignores the remaining input in the case of

consumeList :: ListConsumer a b -> [a] -> b
consumeList (Done b)   _  = b
consumeList (Continue b _) [] = b
consumeList (Continue _ f) (x:xs) = consumeList (f x) xs

We can define lazier versions of `head` and `take` as follows:

headC :: ListConsumer a a
headC = Continue (error "head of empty list") Done

takeC :: Int -> ListConsumer a [a]
takeC 0 = Done []
takeC n = Continue [] (\x -> (x:) <$> takeC (n-1))

However, we still cannot define a lazy version of the identity funtion with
list consumers.

The identity function and `takeC` belong to a special case of a list
consumers because they also *produce* lists. We can define a specialized
type for list transformers that consume and produce lists. One advantage of
this specialization will be that we can define a lazy version of the
identity function. The transformer type can have functor and applicative
instances similar to the consumer type to compose transformers in parallel.
Additionally, it can have category and arrow instances to compose
transformers sequentially.

Here is a type for lazy list transformers:

data ListTransformer a b
  = Cut
  | Put b (ListTransformer a b)
  | Get (a -> ListTransformer a b)

A transformer can either cut off the input list and return the empty list,
output a new element before transforming the input, or consume one element
from the input list and transform the remaining elements. The
interpretation function should make this clearer:

transformList :: ListTransformer a b -> [a] -> [b]
transformList Cut   _  = []
transformList (Put b t) xs = b : transformList t xs
transformList (Get _)   [] = []
transformList (Get f)   (x:xs) = transformList (f x) xs

Note that, if the transformer wants to read another element that is not
there, it simply returns the empty list.

Now we can define a lazy identity function and another version of `take`:

idT :: ListTransformer a a
idT = Get (\x -> Put x idT)

takeT :: Int -> ListTransformer a a
takeT 0 = Cut
takeT n = Get (\x -> Put x (takeT (n-1)))

Here is another translation of a common list function:

filterT :: (a -> Bool) -> ListTransformer a a
filterT p = Get (\x -> if p x then Put x (filterT p) else filterT p)

`filterT` is an example for a function that can consume several input
elements before producing an output element. Other examples for functions
of this kind are chunking functions:

pairsT :: ListTransformer a (a,a)
pairsT = Get (\x -> Get (\y -> Put (x,y) pairsT))

chunks :: Int -> ListTransformer a [a]
chunks n = collect n
  collect 0 = Put [] (chunks n)
  collect m = Get (\x -> collect (m-1) >>> Get (\xs -> Put (x:xs) id))

Here are some example calls in GHCi that demonstrate the category and
applicative instances for sequential and parallel composition (see below
for a link to the complete source code):

ghci> transformList pairsT [1..5]
[(1,2),(3,4)]-- 5 is ignored
ghci> transformList pairsT [1..6]
ghci> transformList (chunks 2) [1..5]

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Alternative] summary of my understanding so far

2011-12-18 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 9:13 AM, Gregory Crosswhite

> To quote Ross Paterson's proposals:
> instance Alternative [] where
>some [] = []
>some (x:xs) = repeat (repeat x)
>many [] = [[]]
>many (x:xs) = repeat (repeat x)

Isn't this instance conflating the ZipList notion and the nondeterministic
list notion?

> • some v = (:) <$> v <*> many v
> • many v = some v <|> pure []

Is there a motivation for writing the second law like this and not like

many v = pure [] <|> some v

other than "parsers should try longest match first"? Because apart from
that, I find the version with flipped arguments to <|> more natural (base
case first). Incidentally, it would lead to terminating definitions of
'some' and 'many' for lists:

ghci> take 5 . map (take 5) $ some [1,2]
ghci> take 5 . map (take 5) $ many [1,2]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] extending and reusing cmdargs option specs ?

2011-09-12 Thread Sebastian Fischer
Hi Simon,

On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 12:13 AM, Simon Michael  wrote:
> Is that because of &= auto ?

I'm not sure. The feature was added in version 0.2 and is described in
issue 333:

The description does not mention &= auto.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] extending and reusing cmdargs option specs ?

2011-09-12 Thread Sebastian Fischer
Hi Simon,

while it is not possible to reuse the definitions of common fields
themselves, their *descriptions* need to be given only once. Not sure
if you are already sharing descriptions or if it helps you saving a
few more lines. See

for an example of different modes that share most but not all of their
options. IIRC, it works because in the list of exec modes later items
inherit from previous items what they do not define themselves.


On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 2:59 AM, Simon Michael  wrote:
> Hi Neil,
> I just spent a day converting hledger from getopt to cmdargs. cmdargs feels
> more high level and featureful and nicer. And yet... I haven't reduced the
> line count that much - nothing like your HLint 3:1 ratio. And, I may have
> made things worse for myself in the reuse/avoiding boilerplate department:
> I'm not sure how to reuse a cmdargs options data structure, extending it
> with a few more options. Using getopt I was able to do this without
> repeating myself (as long as I defined the full set of Opt constructors in
> one place.) I've looked at the more advanced cmdargs api, but don't see a
> way yet - would you have any ideas ?
> I want this because I have multiple executables (hledger, hledger-vty,
> hledger-web etc.) which should share most (but not all) options. Also, I'd
> like to move a generic subset of report options, without the ui-specific
> ones, into hledger-lib for use by all apps.
> Also, the hledger executable has multiple commands, so I'd like to define a
> mode for each, but not have to redeclare all the same options for each mode
> - I didn't see how to do that.
> As always, thanks a lot for cmdargs!
> -Simon
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Smarter do notation

2011-09-05 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 10:19 PM, Thomas Schilling

> a >>= \p -> f <$> b -- 'free p' and 'free b' disjoint
>>  -->
>> ((\p -> f) <$> a) <*> b
> Will there also be an optimisation for some sort of simple patterns?  I.e.,
> where we could rewrite this to:
>   liftA2 (\pa pb -> f ...) a b
> I think I remember someone saying that the one-at-a-time application of <*>
> inhibits certain optimisations.

liftA2 is defined via one-at-a-time application and cannot be redefined
because it is no method of Applicative. Do you remember more details?

> I find (a << b) confusing.  The intended semantics seem to be "effect a",
> then "effect b", return result of "a".

Sorry, I didn't know that << doesn't exist. I meant an operator with the
meaning of <* .

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Smarter do notation

2011-09-05 Thread Sebastian Fischer
Hi again,

I think the following rules capture what Max's program does if applied after
the usual desugaring of do-notation:

a >>= \p -> return b
(\p -> b) <$> a

a >>= \p -> f <$> b -- 'free p' and 'free b' disjoint
((\p -> f) <$> a) <*> b

a >>= \p -> f <$> b -- 'free p' and 'free f' disjoint
f <$> (a >>= \p -> b)

a >>= \p -> b <*> c -- 'free p' and 'free c' disjoint
(a >>= \p -> b) <*> c

a >>= \p -> b >>= \q -> c -- 'free p' and 'free b' disjoint
liftA2 (,) a b >>= \(p,q) -> c

a >>= \p -> b >> c -- 'free p' and 'free b' disjoint
(a << b) >>= \p -> c

The second and third rule overlap and should be applied in this order.
'free' gives all free variables of a pattern 'p' or an expression
'a','b','c', or 'f'.

If return, >>, and << are defined in Applicative, I think the rules also
achieve the minimal necessary class constraint for Thomas's examples that do
not involve aliasing of return.


On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 5:37 PM, Sebastian Fischer  wrote:

> Hi Max,
> thanks for you proposal!
> Using the Applicative methods to optimise "do" desugaring is still
>> possible, it's just not that easy to have that weaken the generated
>> constraint from Monad to Applicative since only degenerate programs
>> like this one won't use a Monad method:
> Is this still true, once Monad is a subclass of Applicative which defines
> return?
> I'd still somewhat prefer if return get's merged with the preceding
> statement so sometimes only a Functor constraint is generated but I think, I
> should adjust your desugaring then..
> Sebastian
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Smarter do notation

2011-09-05 Thread Sebastian Fischer
Hi Max,

thanks for you proposal!

Using the Applicative methods to optimise "do" desugaring is still
> possible, it's just not that easy to have that weaken the generated
> constraint from Monad to Applicative since only degenerate programs
> like this one won't use a Monad method:

Is this still true, once Monad is a subclass of Applicative which defines

I'd still somewhat prefer if return get's merged with the preceding
statement so sometimes only a Functor constraint is generated but I think, I
should adjust your desugaring then..

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Smarter do notation

2011-09-04 Thread Sebastian Fischer
These are important questions. I think there is a trade-off between
supporting many cases and having a simple desugaring. We should find a
sweet-spot where the desugaring is reasonably simple and covers most
idiomatic cases.

So I guess it's possible to detect the pattern:
>   do x1 <- foo1; ...; xN <- fooN; [res <-] return (f {x1..xN})
> where {x1..xN} means "x1..xN" in some order"

Your third example shows that it's beneficial to also support duplicated

> and turn it into:
>   do [res <-] (\x1..xN -> f {x1..xN}) <$> foo1 <*> ... <*> fooN

I think this is a reasonably simple rule and it covers most idiomatic cases.

> Open issues would be detection of the correct "return"-like thing.

I'm not sure how much return aliasing is worth supporting. In general it is
undecidable but we could add special cases for specialized returns (like
'Just' instead of 'return') depending on how difficult it is to implement.

> The current desugaring of do-notation is very simple because it doesn't
> even need to know about the monad laws.

Could you point out which monad law your proposed desugaring requires?

> They are used implicitly by the optimiser (e.g., "foo >>= \x -> return x"
> is optimised to just "foo" after inlining), but the desugarer doesn't need
> to know about them.

Does the inliner have RULES for monad laws or why would this work?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Smarter do notation

2011-09-04 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 11:34 AM, Daniel Peebles  wrote:
> I was wondering what people thought of a smarter do notation.

I'd support it (for both do notation and monad comprehensions) once
Applicative is a superclass of Monad.

To me it looks light a slight complication for an advantage. Parsers
are not the only examples that benefit. Implicitly parallel
computations would be another because the arguments of <*> can be
evaluated in parallel, those of >>= cannot.

I think it's quite reasonable to try to desugar into the most general
form. Something like

do x <- something
   return (bla x)

could (and, I think, should) be desugared by using only Functor.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Pointed, but not Applicative

2011-08-30 Thread Sebastian Fischer
>    toFList [] = id
>    toFList (xs++ys) = toFList xs . toFList ys
>    toList id = []
>    toList (f . g) = toList f ++ toList g

These laws do not *define* the isomorphisms because their behavior on
singletons is not fixed. Combining them with laws using a 'point'
function for functional lists

point = (:)

the isomorphisms are characterized uniquely:

toFList [x] = point x
toList (point x) = [x]

This might be an argument in favor of a Pointed class without Functor
constraint as it shows that other pointed structures have reasonable
laws involving 'point' as well.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Pointed, but not Applicative

2011-08-30 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 6:13 AM, Ryan Ingram  wrote:
> technically it violates 'fmap id' == 'id' [...]
> If you add this FList law, though, you're OK:
> runFList fl as = runFList fl [] ++ as

I think the idea of functional lists is that the monoids of 'lists'
and 'functions on lists' are isomorphic with isomorphisms toFList and

toFList [] = id
toFList (xs++ys) = toFList xs . toFList ys

toList id = []
toList (f . g) = toList f ++ toList g

These can be defined as:

toFList = (++)
toList = ($[])

Eliding newtypes, runFList is just the identity function so we need to check

f l = toList f ++ l

to verify your law. This is the same as

f = toFList (toList f)

which (once we know that toList and toFList are isomorphisms) does
indeed hold because:

toFList . toList = id
toList . toFList = id


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Pointed, but not Applicative

2011-08-28 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 12:24 PM, Maciej Marcin Piechotka

> instance Functor FList where
>    f `fmap` FList g = ...?

Yes, Functor is also one of the classes that can only be implemented
by converting to ordinary lists (I think).

So FList could only be made an instance of Pointed without (certain)
superclass constraints.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Pointed, but not Applicative

2011-08-28 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 12:41 AM, Sönke Hahn  wrote:
> I was wondering which
> type could be an instance of Pointed, but not of Applicative. But I can't
> think of one. Any ideas?

Functional lists:

type FList a = [a] -> [a]

they have a Monoid instance for empty and append, a "point" function
for singletons but Applicative or Monad cannot be defined without
converting back and forth to ordinary lists.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] a minor bug (memory leak) in ListLike package

2011-08-26 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 3:47 PM, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
> I was just trying to remember some of the tricks Daniel Peebles (aka
> {co}pumpkin) used to do in #haskell with Data.List.genericLength.
> I've never really used ListLike, but was just trying to guess why the
> default implementation was as it is.

Maybe he used lazy implementations of Num and Ord in combination with
a definition like

length [] = 0
length (_:xs) = 1 + length xs

But as John observed, the accumulating version of length does not
provide such laziness and the accumulator might as well be made


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] a minor bug (memory leak) in ListLike package

2011-08-23 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 10:47 AM, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
> On 24 August 2011 11:10, bob zhang  wrote:
>> Hi, John, there is a space leak problem in ListLike typeclass,
>> in the method genericLength
>> calclen !accum cl =
>> calclen accum cl =
> I _think_ this may cause problems with some data types (e.g.
> ) that require the extra laziness (that is, you can do things like ` 3
> < genericLength [1..] ' and have it return True).

Does the current version support this? The use of an accumulator (that
is presumably returned after consuming the complete input) seems to
suggest that your example would diverge anyway (but I did not try).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: TKYProf

2011-08-16 Thread Sebastian Fischer
> I'm glad to announce the alpha release of TKYProf.

This looks useful, thanks! I'll try it out and let you know if I have

Installing with GHC 7.2, I needed to relax some upper bounds in cabal files
of dependencies (maintainers CC'ed).

  - email-validate and ranges specify base < 4.4 but also seem to work with
base < 5.
  - yesod-json specifies blaze-textual < 0.2 but also seems to work with
blaze-textual < 0.3

Additionally, I linked /usr/lib/ to /usr/lib/
before I could successfully install tkyprof. Not sure about the

> TKYprof is a web-based interacitve visualizer for GHC time and allocation
> profiling reports. It helps you to find the bottlenecks in your code
> quickly!
> Here is a blog post:
> It is still alpha and it have some bugs. I'm happy to hear your feedback.
> Thanks,
> --
> Mitsutoshi Aoe
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] strictness properties of monoidal folds

2011-08-14 Thread Sebastian Fischer
Hello Alexey,

sorry for my slow response.

On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 7:10 AM, Alexey Khudyakov

> On 02.08.2011 08:16, Sebastian Fischer wrote:
>> Data.Foldable also provides the monoidal fold function foldMap. It is
>> left unspecified whether the elements are accumulated leftwards,
>> rightwards or in some other way, which is possible because the combining
>> function is required to be associative. Does this additional freedom for
>> implementors go so far as to allow for strict accumulation?
>>  Left and right folds behave identically for finite structures but they
> are different for infinite ones.

I agree that for types like normal lists that allow infinite structure it
makes sense to have different folds like foldr and foldl that are explicit
about the nesting of the combining function.

I don't think that there are laws for foldMap that require it to work for
infinite lists. One could even argue that the monoid laws imply that the
results for folding leftwards and rightwards should be equal, that is

For types that only allow finite sequences (like Data.Sequence or
Data.Vector) this is not an issue. But you convinced me that a strict and
lazy foldMap can be distinguished even for list types that have a strict
append function by using a lazy mappend function for accumulation.

Best regards,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Building ? using kleene closure {not haskell specific}

2011-08-12 Thread Sebastian Fischer
> I can easily understand how + can be built but am having trouble with
> building ? (zero or one).

If there is a regular expression e for the empty word, one can define ? as

a? = e | a

If there is a regular expression o that never matches one can define e as

e = o*

If there are character classes one can define o as

o = []

Apart from that, I have no idea..


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: yap-0.0 - yet another prelude

2011-08-11 Thread Sebastian Fischer
[switched to Cafe]

On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 11:46 PM, Henning Thielemann
> On Wed, 10 Aug 2011, Paterson, Ross wrote:
>> Yet another restructuring of the Prelude numeric classes on algebraic
>> lines, proposed for a revision of the Haskell Prelude:
> A nice lightweight design, both in terms of the use of type extensions and
> import dependencies, that should people encourage to use it, when they are
> afraid of changing to a more radical approach like numeric-prelude. I would
> have prefered the name AdditiveGroup to AbelianGroup, since with '+' and '-'
> and '0' I associate more than just the laws of an Abelian group. The
> multiplicative group of rational numbers is abelian, too.

I'm curious: what laws do you have in mind for '+', '-', and '0' that
do not hold in the multiplicative group of rational numbers with

(+) = (*); (-) = (/); 0 = 1



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] weird type signature in Arrow Notation

2011-08-04 Thread Sebastian Fischer
I created a ticket with a slightly further simplified program:

On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 10:10 AM, Sebastian Fischer wrote:

> here is a reduced program that still segfaults:
> {-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
> import Control.Arrow
> main :: IO ()
> main = print segfault
> segfault :: [()]
> segfault = anythingYouWant ()
> anythingYouWant :: a
> anythingYouWant = testB False (const ()) ()
> testB :: ArrowChoice arrow
>   => bool -> arrow () () -> arrow () anything
> testB bool arrow =
>   proc () ->
> do if bool then arrow -< ()
>else arrow -< ()
> Sebastian
> On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 6:20 AM, Brent Yorgey wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 02, 2011 at 05:08:33PM -0400, bob zhang wrote:
>> > hi, all
>> > testB :: (ArrowChoice t1, Num a1, Num a) => (a -> a1 -> t2) -> t1 a t3
>> > -> t1 a1 t3 -> t1 (a, a1) t
>> > testB f g h = proc (x,y) -> do
>> > if (f x y)then g -< x + 1 else h -< y + 2
>> >
>> > it's very strange that the type of _f_ is (a->a1->t2) which I thought
>> > should be a -> a1 -> Bool,
>> >
>> > btw, is there any way to get the output of preprocessing using -XArrow
>> > extensions,
>> >
>> > Thanks a lot
>> > best, bob
>> Congratulations, you have definitely found a GHC bug!  Note there are
>> actually two things wrong with testB's type signature: first, t2 ought
>> to be Bool, as you note.  But even worse, notice that the return type
>> of the result arrow, t, has nothing to do with any of the other types!
>> This means that we can use testB along with the (->) instance for
>> Arrow to construct elements of arbitrary types:
>>  ghci> let anythingYouWant = testB (\x y -> False) (const 3) (const 2)
>> (2,2)
>>  ghci> :t anythingYouWant
>>  anythingYouWant :: t
>>  ghci> anythingYouWant :: Integer
>>  2
>>  ghci> anythingYouWant :: Int
>>  2
>>  ghci> anythingYouWant :: Double
>>  1.0e-323
>>  ghci> anythingYouWant :: Char
>>  '\STX'
>>  ghci> (anythingYouWant :: (Double -> Double) -> [Double]) sqrt
>>  [
>>  [1]17391 segmentation fault  ghci
>> whoops!
>> I'm using GHC 7.0.3, but Daniel Wagner and I also tried it (with the
>> same results) on GHC 7.2.0rc1 and GHC HEAD.
>> I wasn't able to find a ticket for this on the GHC bug tracker, I
>> guess we should file one!
>> I tried to find a way to get the output of preprocessing using -XArrow
>> but wasn't able to find one (other than -ddump-ds which gives you the
>> unoptimized *GHC core* output, which is quite hard to read).
>> -Brent
>> ___
>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] weird type signature in Arrow Notation

2011-08-04 Thread Sebastian Fischer
here is a reduced program that still segfaults:

{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}

import Control.Arrow

main :: IO ()
main = print segfault

segfault :: [()]
segfault = anythingYouWant ()

anythingYouWant :: a
anythingYouWant = testB False (const ()) ()

testB :: ArrowChoice arrow
  => bool -> arrow () () -> arrow () anything
testB bool arrow =
  proc () ->
do if bool then arrow -< ()
   else arrow -< ()


On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 6:20 AM, Brent Yorgey  wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 02, 2011 at 05:08:33PM -0400, bob zhang wrote:
> > hi, all
> > testB :: (ArrowChoice t1, Num a1, Num a) => (a -> a1 -> t2) -> t1 a t3
> > -> t1 a1 t3 -> t1 (a, a1) t
> > testB f g h = proc (x,y) -> do
> > if (f x y)then g -< x + 1 else h -< y + 2
> >
> > it's very strange that the type of _f_ is (a->a1->t2) which I thought
> > should be a -> a1 -> Bool,
> >
> > btw, is there any way to get the output of preprocessing using -XArrow
> > extensions,
> >
> > Thanks a lot
> > best, bob
> Congratulations, you have definitely found a GHC bug!  Note there are
> actually two things wrong with testB's type signature: first, t2 ought
> to be Bool, as you note.  But even worse, notice that the return type
> of the result arrow, t, has nothing to do with any of the other types!
> This means that we can use testB along with the (->) instance for
> Arrow to construct elements of arbitrary types:
>  ghci> let anythingYouWant = testB (\x y -> False) (const 3) (const 2)
> (2,2)
>  ghci> :t anythingYouWant
>  anythingYouWant :: t
>  ghci> anythingYouWant :: Integer
>  2
>  ghci> anythingYouWant :: Int
>  2
>  ghci> anythingYouWant :: Double
>  1.0e-323
>  ghci> anythingYouWant :: Char
>  '\STX'
>  ghci> (anythingYouWant :: (Double -> Double) -> [Double]) sqrt
>  [
>  [1]17391 segmentation fault  ghci
> whoops!
> I'm using GHC 7.0.3, but Daniel Wagner and I also tried it (with the
> same results) on GHC 7.2.0rc1 and GHC HEAD.
> I wasn't able to find a ticket for this on the GHC bug tracker, I
> guess we should file one!
> I tried to find a way to get the output of preprocessing using -XArrow
> but wasn't able to find one (other than -ddump-ds which gives you the
> unoptimized *GHC core* output, which is quite hard to read).
> -Brent
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] strictness properties of monoidal folds

2011-08-01 Thread Sebastian Fischer
Hello Cafe,

left- and rightwards folds come in strict and lazy variants foldl/fold' and
foldr/foldr' which makes sense because strict versions sometimes use less
stack space while lazy versions support infinite data. For example,

head (foldr (:) [] [1..])

returns in an instant while

head (foldr' (:) [] [1..])

diverges. On the other hand

foldl' (flip (:)) 0 [1..10^9]

runs in constant space while

foldl (flip (:)) 0 [1..10^9]

consumes all memory available on my machine (at least without optimizations.
With optimizations GHC's strictness analyzer seems to be smart enough to
make the accumulator strict.)

Data.Foldable also provides the monoidal fold function foldMap. It is left
unspecified whether the elements are accumulated leftwards, rightwards or in
some other way, which is possible because the combining function is required
to be associative. Does this additional freedom for implementors go so far
as to allow for strict accumulation? Is it safe to implement foldMap
(without prime) with a strict accumulator or are there examples where lazy
accumulation is useful like in the above foldr example and distinguishable
from strict accumulation without breaking the monoid laws?


P.S. I thought the `Last` monoid would be an example that requires a lazy
accumulator but it is not because the `Just` constructor guards list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Properties for Foldable

2011-07-29 Thread Sebastian Fischer
>> What am I missing?
> I suspect you missed the use of const

Doh! I completely overlooked that it's about duplication of *effects*.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Properties for Foldable

2011-07-29 Thread Sebastian Fischer

Interesting. However I don't understand why the instance in Section
5.5 is not already forbidden by the "purity law"

traverse pure = pure

and a "'no duplication' constraint" would be necessary. For example:

traverse Id [1,2,3] = Id [1,1,2,2,3,3] /= Id [1,2,3]

What am I missing?

Can we derive Foldable laws from the Traversable laws?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] For class Monoid; better names than mempty & mappend might have been: mid (mident) & mbinop

2011-07-24 Thread Sebastian Fischer
> because list is a (the?) free monoid.

 Yes, all free monoids are isomorphic (to lists).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Subcategories on Hackage

2011-06-04 Thread Sebastian Fischer

On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 10:02 AM, Tillmann Vogt
> Hi,
> There are some categories on Hackage that have become so large that it is
> hard to find something, i.e. Data(414 packages) and Graphics (191). Thats
> why I suggest to use subcategories separated from the category with a dot.
> To show that this makes sense I made subcategories for graphics libraries at
> the end of this email.
> Whatever happens to hackage2 this would be an immediate improvement.
> How
> --
> I would volunteer for the manual categorization and let the community look
> over it.
> I could upload the changes with a script but the version number has to
> increase even if only the category has changed. I also don't want to be
> responsible for a massive spike in the upload statistics.
> Shouldn't the cabal file be excluded from the versioning policy? => It is
> allowed to upload a library with the same version number if only the cabal
> file has changed. One should write a notifiaction mail to all owners to
> reply if they don't agree. Then after a week executing the script that
> applies the changes.
> Categories for Graphics:
> Graphics.2d
>   bacteria program: braindead utility to compose Xinerama backgrounds
>   barchart library and program: Creating Bar Charts in Haskell
>   chalkboard library and programs: Combinators for building and processing
> 2D images.
>   chalkboard-viewer library: OpenGL based viewer for chalkboard rendered
> images.
>   Chart library: A library for generating 2D Charts and Plots
>   dia-base library: An EDSL for teaching Haskell with diagrams - data types
>   dia-functions library: An EDSL for teaching Haskell with diagrams -
> functions
>   diagrams library: Embedded domain-specific language for declarative vector
> graphics
>   diagrams-cairo library: Cairo backend for diagrams drawing EDSL
>   diagrams-core library: Core libraries for diagrams EDSL
>   diagrams-lib library: Embedded domain-specific language for declarative
> graphics
>   explore program: Experimental Plot data Reconstructor
>   funcmp library: Functional MetaPost
>   gloss library: Painless 2D vector graphics, animations and simulations.
>   gloss-examples programs: Examples using the gloss library
>   GoogleChart library: Generate web-based charts using the Google Chart API
>   graphics-drawingcombinators library: A functional interface to 2D drawing
> in OpenGL
>   haha library and program: A simple library for creating animated ascii art
> on ANSI terminals.
>   HDRUtils library: Utilities for reading, manipulating, and writing HDR
> images
>   hevolisa program: Genetic Mona Lisa problem in Haskell
>   hevolisa-dph program: Genetic Mona Lisa problem in Haskell - using Data
> Parallel Haskell
>   Hieroglyph library: Purely functional 2D graphics for visualization.
>   HPlot library and program: A minimal monadic PLplot interface for Haskell
>   hs-captcha library: Generate images suitable for use as CAPTCHAs in online
> web-form security.
>   hs-gchart library: Haskell wrapper for the Google Chart API
>   hsparklines library: Sparklines for Haskell
>   internetmarke program: Shell command for constructing custom stamps for
> German Post
>   plot library: A plotting library, exportable as eps/pdf/svg/png or
> renderable with gtk
>   plot-gtk library: GTK plots and interaction with GHCi
>   printxosd program: Simple tool to display some text on an on-screen
> display
>   scaleimage program: Scale an image to a new geometry
>   testpattern program: Display a monitor test pattern
>   wumpus-basic library: Basic objects and system code built on Wumpus-Core.
>   wumpus-core library: Pure Haskell PostScript and SVG generation.
>   wumpus-drawing library: High-level drawing objects built on Wumpus-Basic.
>   wumpus-microprint library: Microprints - "greek-text" pictures.
>   wumpus-tree library: Drawing trees
>   zsh-battery program: Ascii bars representing battery status
> Graphics.3d
>   Attrac program: Visualisation of Strange Attractors in 3-Dimensions
>   cal3d library: Haskell binding to the Cal3D animation library.
>   cal3d-examples programs: Examples for the Cal3d animation library.
>   cal3d-opengl library: OpenGL rendering for the Cal3D animation library
>   FieldTrip library: Functional 3D
>   gnuplot library and program: 2D and 3D plots using gnuplot
>   HGL library: A simple graphics library based on X11 or Win32
>   hgl-example program: Various animations generated using HGL
>   IcoGrid library: Library for generating grids of hexagons and pentagons
> mapped to a sphere.
>   nymphaea program: An interactive GUI for manipulating L-systems
>   reactive-fieldtrip library: Connect Reactive and FieldTrip
>   reactive-glut library: Connects Reactive and GLUT
> Graphics.Fractal
>   fractal program: Draw Newton, Julia and Mandelbrot fractals
>   gmndl program: Mandelbrot Set explorer using GTK
>   hfractal program: OpenGL fractal renderer
>   mandulia prog

[Haskell-cafe] Student Internships for Parallel Haskell Programming at NII, Tokyo

2011-05-30 Thread Sebastian Fischer
As part of my research fellowship at the National Institute of
Informatics in Tokyo, I announce the availability of student
internships for up to three months between July and September 2011.

Qualified applicants are enrolled in a Masters or Phd program, have a
firm grasp of the Haskell programming language, and, ideally, know the
different approaches to parallel and concurrent programming available
in the Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System (GHC). Their task
is to support research on combinators for parallel programming by
developing and comparing efficient implementations.

The available fund covers sojourn costs but no travel expenses. It is
meant to foster collaboration between Germany and Japan but qualified
students from other countries may also be funded.

If you want to spend the summer hacking Haskell in Tokyo please do not
hesitate to contact me off list. Feel free to write even if you are
unsure whether you are qualified or have any other questions regarding
the internship.

Best regards,


Information about the status after the earthquake is available on the
Local Information page of ICFP'11:

Additionally, you may want to follow recent news in English by
Mainichi Daily News and NHK World:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] For Euler 25; What is the first term in the Fibonacci sequence to contain 1000 digits?; the following seems to work.

2011-05-19 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 7:29 PM, KC  wrote:

> For Euler 25; What is the first term in the Fibonacci sequence to
> contain 1000 digits?; the following seems to work.
> -- For number of digits being 5 or more.
> fibNdigits :: Int -> Int
> fibNdigits nDigits = floor (((fromIntegral nDigits) - 1.0) / (logBase
> 10 phi)) + 2
>  where
>sq5 = sqrt 5 :: Double
>phi = (1 + sq5) / 2

(length . show) is fast enough for me. The following gives the answer in a
fraction of a second.

# cabal install fibonacci
# ghci
ghci> import Data.Numbers.Fibonacci
ghci> head . filter ((==1000) . length . show) $ map fib [0..]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Programming Chalenges: The 3n+1 problem

2011-04-15 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 8:02 PM, Luke Palmer  wrote:
> For this problem, it is too slow to memoize everything; you have to use a
> bounded memo table.  That's why I use a combinator-based memo approach as
> opposed to the type-directed approach used in eg. MemoTrie.  The memo table
> you need is something like
> switch (<10^6) integral id

I think because of the definition of `Data.Function.fix`

 fix f = let x = f x in x

which uses sharing, the definition

fibonacci = fix (switch (<10^6) integral id . fib)

chaches results even of independent global calls. If `fix` would be defined

fix f = f (fix f)

it would only cache the recursive calls of each individual call.

Do you agree?

Here is a fixpoint combinator that is parameterized by a memo combinator:

fixmemo :: Memo a -> ((a -> b) -> (a -> b)) -> (a -> b)
fixmemo memo f = fix (memo . f)

If I use

fixmemo (switch (<=10^6) integral id) collatz

the computation of the maximum Collatz length between 1 and 10^6 takes
around 16 seconds (rather than 4 seconds without memoization). But when

fixmemo (arrayRange (1,10^6)) collatz

memoization actually pays off and run time goes down to around 3 seconds. I
uploaded the program underlying my experiments to github (spoiler alert):

I knew that memocombinators are more flexible than a type-based MemoTrie but
it is nice to see that they also lead to more efficient implementations and
allow to define the other array-based implementation from this thread in a
modular way.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Programming Chalenges: The 3n+1 problem

2011-04-14 Thread Sebastian Fischer
Hi Dimitri,

> When asking "how to implement cache in Haskell" I was hopping that there
> exists some solution without using Data.Array, more "functional" approach,
> if I may say so  ...

Steven's second solution is purely functional. It uses so-called tries
to cache results instead of mutable arrays. Here is an alternative
definition of Steven's `fixmemo` function:

fixmemo :: HasTrie a => ((a -> b) -> (a -> b)) -> (a -> b)
fixmemo f = fix (memo . f)

It uses the standard fixpoint combinator

Data.Function.fix :: (a -> a) -> a

and has a similar (but more restrictive) type. In order to understand
Steven's solution you need to know how to define recursive functions
using a fixpoint combinator. For example, you can define the Fibonacci
function as follows:

fibonacci :: Int -> Integer
fibonacci = fix fib

fib :: (Int -> Integer) -> (Int -> Integer)
fib fib 0 = 0
fib fib 1 = 1
fib fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)

Note how the first argument `fib` of the function `fib` shadows the
name of the global function `fib`.

The advantage of this complicated definition is that you get a
memoized version of the `fibonacci` function simply by using `fixmemo`
instead of `fix`:

memoFib :: Int -> Integer
memoFib = fixmemo fib

This definition avoids to recompute the same recursive calls over and
over again in is therefore much faster than the original version.

That said, memoization helps to solve your original problem only if
you reuse the cache for different top-level calls of the Collatz
length function. According to the Collatz conjecture no argument
appears again when computing the Collatz length of a number (otherwise
the computation would not terminate).

Ryan's solution achieves reuse of the cache by defining it at the top
level and you can do the same with tries. For the `fib` example it
would look like this:

fibCache :: Int :->: Integer
fibCache = trie (fib cachedFib)

cachedFib :: Int -> Integer
cachedFib = untrie fibCache

Now even independent calls to `cachedFib` reuse previously computed results.

In my experiments, caching did not pay off, even for computing the
maximum Collatz length of a given range. Without caching it took less
than 5 seconds to compute the maximum Collatz length of all numbers
between 1 and 100. With caching, it took 30 seconds.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] efficient parallel foldMap for lists/sequences

2011-04-01 Thread Sebastian Fischer
Hello Haskellers,

in parallel programs it is a common pattern to accumulate a list of
results in parallel using an associative operator. This can be seen as
a simple form of the map-reduce pattern where each element of the list
is mapped into a monoid before combining the results using `mconcat`.
This pattern can be abstracted by the `foldMap` function of the
`Foldable` class and we can give a simple parallel implementation
using `par` and `pseq`:

import Data.Monoid
import Control.Parallel

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> [a] -> m
foldMap f []  = mempty
foldMap f [x] = f x
foldMap f xs  =
  let (ys,zs) = splitAt (length xs `div` 2) xs
  ys' = foldMap f ys
  zs' = foldMap f zs
   in zs' `par` (ys' `pseq` (ys' `mappend` zs'))

How can this pattern be implemented in Haskell efficiently?

I plan to investigate the following options and am interested in previous work.

1. Data.Sequence (from containers)

As finger trees are already balanced they look like a good candidate
for parallel consumption. However, the current implementation of the
`Foldable` instance is sequential. I wonder what would be the overhead
and how it could be reduced if it is is too large. I think, I would
first go for an implementation outside of `Foldable` and later
consider the overhead of overloading.

2. Data.Array.Repa (from repa)

provides a `map` and (sequential) `fold` functions. I think that the
main advantage of repa is fusion of successive traversals which is not
necessary for the pattern in question. Hence, I'm not sure whether
it's a good candidate for the job. Also I don't know how to implement
the pattern using repa. Can it be done using `slice` or should it be
done by changing repa itself?

3. Data.Monoid.Reducer (from monoids)

`foldMapReduce` looks promising. I wonder whether it could be used for
parallel reduction and how efficient it would be.

Which approach do you think is most promising? What other options are there?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Where to put a library

2011-03-02 Thread Sebastian Fischer
Hi Richard,

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 1:46 AM, Richard Senington wrote:

> The file parsers are designed to process files coming out of the TSPLIB and
> repositories. [...]
> Since these are all related I was going to try to put them together into a
> single
> library and post them to Hackage, but I am not sure what to put them under.

You could place the parsers under


(or maybe only Text.TSP ...?) That would reflect other formats like
Text.JSON and so on.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] upgrading mtl1 to mtl2

2011-02-17 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 4:57 PM, Max Bolingbroke  wrote:

> I think the problem is that the mtl1 Functor instances looked like:
> instance Monad m => Functor (ReaderT e m) where
>  fmap = ...
> But the mtl2/transformers instances look like:
> instance Functor f => Functor (ReaderT e f) where
>  fmap = ...

I see! So the problem is not that previously "(Monad m) implied (Functor m)"
(which has been proposed only recently) but that previously many Functor
instances required (Monad m) but now require (Functor m).

Thanks for the clarification,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] upgrading mtl1 to mtl2

2011-02-16 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 11:32 AM, Evan Laforge  wrote:

> Or will there just be massive signature rewriting in the wake of mtl2?

I must admit I still don't understand your exact problem. Could you help me
with an example where using mtl2 requires an additional (Functor m)
constraint that is not required when using mtl1?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proving correctness

2011-02-11 Thread Sebastian Fischer
> I've come across this a few times - "In Haskell, once can prove the
> correctness of the code" - Is this true?

One way to prove the correctness of a program is to "calculate" it from its
specification. If the specification is also a Haskell program, equational
reasoning can be used to transform a (often inefficient) specification into
an equivalent (but usually faster) implementation. Richard Bird describes
many examples of this approach, one in his functional pearl on a program to
solve Sudoku [1]. Jeremy Gibbons gives an introduction to calculating
functional programs in his lecture notes  of the Summer School on Algebraic
and Coalgebraic Methods in the Mathematics of Program Construction [2].


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Concurrency best practices?

2011-02-05 Thread Sebastian Fischer
Hi Wren,

maybe Twilight STM is for you:


On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 6:46 PM, wren ng thornton  wrote:

> So I'm working on a project that uses STM to run a lot of things in
> parallel without the headaches of locks. So far it's working beautifully,
> STM rocks. But there's one snag...
> Sometimes I need those threads to do some IO like printing logging info.
> I'd like to make these IO chunks atomic with respect to one another so that
> the logging output isn't garbage. Since I'm using STM everywhere else, I'd
> love to use it for this too (instead of mixing STM and non-STM concurrency)
> except you can't embed IO in STM.
> I could just use STM vars as locks to force the atomicity, but locks are
> ugly and bug-prone. So what's the current best practice for doing this kind
> of thing?
> --
> Live well,
> ~wren
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] MonadPeelIO instance for monad transformers on top of "forall"

2011-02-04 Thread Sebastian Fischer
Hi Max,

data M a = M { unM :: forall m. MonadPeelIO m => Reader.ReaderT () m a }
> It seems "clear" that there should be a MonadPeelIO instance for M,
> but I can't for the life of me figure it out.

> Have you (or the big brains on Haskell-Cafe, who are CCed) come across
> this before? Is there an obvious solution I am missing?

I have not used monad-peel before so please ignore my comment if I am
missing something obvious. The documentation mentions that "Instances of
MonadPeelIO should be constructed via MonadTransPeel, using peelIO =
liftPeel peelIO". I think this would work at least in your simplified
example as ReaderT is an instance of MonadTransPeel. Maybe you can take the
same route with your actual transformer?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] parsing exercise

2011-01-23 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 4:31 PM, Chung-chieh Shan

> Maybe Text.Show.Pretty.parseValue in the pretty-show package can help?

That's what I was looking for, thanks!

On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 5:23 PM, Stephen Tetley 

> I don't think you can do this "simply" as you think you would always
> have to build a parse tree.

Isn't it enough to maintain a stack of open parens, brackets, char- and
string-terminators and escape chars? Below is my attempt at solving the
problem without an expression parser.

In practice, if you follow the skeleton syntax tree style you might
> find "not caring" about the details of syntax is almost as much work
> as caring about them. I've tried a couple of times to make a skeleton
> parser that does paren nesting and little else, but always given up
> and just used a proper parser as the skeleton parser never seemed
> robust.

Indeed I doubt that the implementation below is robust and it's too tricky
to be easily maintainable. I include it for reference. Let me know if you
spot an obvious mistake..


splitTLC :: String -> [String]
splitTLC = parse ""

type Stack  = String

parse :: Stack -> String -> [String]
parse _  "" = []
parse st (c:cs) = next c st $ parse (updStack c st) cs

next :: Char -> Stack -> [String] -> [String]
next c []xs = if c==',' then [] : xs else c <: xs
next c (_:_) xs = c <: xs

infixr 0 <:

(<:) :: Char -> [String] -> [String]
c <: [] = [[c]]
c <: (x:xs) = (c:x):xs

updStack :: Char -> Stack -> Stack
updStack char stack =
  case (char,stack) of
-- char is an escaped character
(_   ,'\\':xs) -> xs  -- the next character is not

-- char is the escape character
('\\', xs) -> '\\':xs -- push it on the stack

-- char is the string terminator
('"' , '"':xs) -> xs  -- closes current string literal
('"' , ''':xs) -> ''':xs  -- ignored inside character
('"' , xs) -> '"':xs  -- opens a new string

-- char is the character terminator
(''' , ''':xs) -> xs  -- closes current character literal
(''' , '"':xs) -> '"':xs  -- ignored inside string
(''' , xs) -> ''':xs  -- opens a new character

-- parens and brackets
(_   , '"':xs) -> '"':xs  -- are ignored inside strings
(_   , ''':xs) -> ''':xs  -- and characters
('(' , xs) -> '(':xs  -- new opening paren
(')' , '(':xs) -> xs  -- closing paren
('[' , xs) -> '[':xs  -- opening bracket
(']' , '[':xs) -> xs  -- closing bracket

-- other character don't modify the stack (ignoring record syntax)
(_   , xs) -> xs
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] parsing exercise

2011-01-22 Thread Sebastian Fischer

I need a function and wonder whether I can copy some existing code so I
don't have to write it myself.

It should split a string into a list of strings:

splitAtTopLevelCommas :: String -> [String]

I need something similar to `splitOn ","` from the Text package with the

intercalate "," . splitAtTopLevelCommas = id

But it should split the string only on a few commas, not all. You can think
of the result list as representations of Haskell values, for example

splitAtTopLevelCommas "True,(1,(2,[3,4])),Just ('a',\")\")"

should yield

["True", "(1,(2,[3,4]))", "Just ('a',\")\")"]

I expect writing this function to be quite tedious (ignore commas in parens,
ignore parens in strings, quotation, ...) and would prefer to copy code from
some parsing library. Do you have an idea what I could use? Or how to solve
it from scratch in a few lines?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Are constructors strict?

2011-01-22 Thread Sebastian Fischer
Hi Daryoush,

On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 7:52 PM, Daryoush Mehrtash wrote:

>  loop = MonadPlus m => m Bool
>  loop = loop
>> If we apply Just to loop as follows
>>  test2 :: MonadPlus m => m (Maybe Bool)
>  test2 = loop >>= return . Just
>> the evaluation of test2 does not terminate because >>= has to evaluate
>> loop. But this does not correctly reflect the behaviour in a functional
>> logic language like Curry. For example, if you have a function that checks
>> whether the outermost constructor of test2 is Just, the test is supposed to
>> be successful. In the naive model for non-determinism this is not the case.
> Do I have to have MonadPlus m or would any other Monad class work the same
> way?

I'm afraid, I don't quite get you question. Would you mind clarifying it
with an example?

Also, Jan, I don't understand your comment about continuation monads. Maybe
I am a bit numb today.. What property do you mean do continuation monads
have or not?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Are constructors strict?

2011-01-21 Thread Sebastian Fischer
sorry, forgot to cc cafe.

On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 7:12 PM, Sebastian Fischer wrote:

> Hi Daryoush,
> On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 6:18 AM, Daryoush Mehrtash wrote:
>> I am having hard time understanding the following paragraph in "Purely
>> functional Lazy non-deterministic  programing" paper
>> The problem with the naive monadic encoding of non-determinism is that the
>> arguments to a constructor must be deterministic. If these arguments are
>> themselves results of non-deterministic computations, these computations
>> must be performed completely before we can apply the constructor to build a
>> non-deterministic result.
>> Why does the argument to constructors must be deterministic?
> Because of the type of the constructor. Say you want to compute a list of
> Ints nondeterministically (like in the paper). Than the first argument of
> the (:) constructurs in the result must be an Int. A nondeterministic
> computation that yields an Int has type (m Int) for some nondeterminism
> monad (for example, it has type [Int] in the list monad). That the (:)
> constructur is polymorphic and would allow to make a value of type [m Int],
> is a coincidence and does not help to make a value of type (m [Int]).
>> WHy is it that thunks are not used in this case?
> Thunks do not model nondeterminism, only laziness.
> Did that help you understand?
> Regards,
> Sebastian
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A question about monad laws

2011-01-18 Thread Sebastian Fischer
Hi Kashyap,

> Could someone please help me get a better understanding of the necessity of 
> monads complying with these laws?

Maybe it helps to write them in do-notation. Once written like this,
it becomes clear(er?) that do-notation would be much less intuitive if
the laws would not hold:

Left Unit: return x >>= \y -> f y  =  f x
    do y <- return x
       f y
  = do f x

Right Unit: a >>= \x -> return x  =  a
    do x <- a
       return x
  = do a

Associativity: (a >>= \x -> f x) >>= \y -> g y  =  a >>= \x -> (f x
>>= \y -> g y)
    do y <- do x <- a
               f x
   g y
  = do x <- a
   y <- f x
   g y

So, at least, the monad laws ensure that do-notation behaves as one
would expect.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Set monad

2011-01-12 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 10:11 PM, Lennart Augustsson

> That looks like it looses the efficiency of the underlying representation.

Yes, I don't think one can retain that cleanly without using restricted
monads to exclude things like

liftM ($42) (mplus (return pred) (return succ))

or just

liftM ($42) (return pred)

Maybe one can hack something to achieve

mplus :: Ord a => Set a -> Set a -> Set a
mplus a b = Set (\k -> S.union (a >>- ret) (b >>- ret) `bind` k)
ret = S.singleton
bind = flip Data.Foldable.foldMap

mplus :: not (Ord a) => Set a -> Set a -> Set a
mplus a b = Set (\k -> S.union (a >>- k) (b >>- k))

using overloading with undecidable instances (?) (and defining a Monoid
instance for the Set monad in terms of the MonadPlus instance)

Reminds me of instance chains.. [1]


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Set monad

2011-01-08 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 6:53 AM, Lennart Augustsson

> It so happens that you can make a set data type that is a Monad, but it's
> not exactly the best possible sets.
> module SetMonad where
> newtype Set a = Set { unSet :: [a] }

Here is a version that also does not require restricted monads but works
with an arbitrary underlying Set data type (e.g. from Data.Set). It uses
continuations with a Rank2Type.

import qualified Data.Set as S

newtype Set a = Set { (>>-) :: forall b . Ord b => (a -> S.Set b) ->
S.Set b }

instance Monad Set where
  return x = Set ($x)
  a >>= f  = Set (\k -> a >>- \x -> f x >>- k)

Only conversion to the underlying Set type requires an Ord constraint.

getSet :: Ord a => Set a -> S.Set a
getSet a = a >>- S.singleton

A `MonadPlus` instance can lift `empty` and `union`.

instance MonadPlus Set where
  mzero = Set (const S.empty)
  mplus a b = Set (\k -> S.union (a >>- k) (b >>- k))

Maybe, Heinrich Apfelmus's operational package [1] can be used to do the
same without continuations.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Missing Functor instances in GHC 7?

2010-12-10 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Fri, 2010-12-10 at 08:33 +, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
> If there's a consensus that the behaviour is wrong, or at least
> unexpected, would you like to make a reproducible test case and file a
> ticket? 

I took Erik's mail as indicator that the behaviour of GHCi is
inconsistent and unexpected:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Missing Functor instances in GHC 7?

2010-12-09 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Fri, 2010-12-10 at 14:35 +0900, Sebastian Fischer wrote:
> Yes, I cannot find the Functor instance for ((->) r).

As the Applicative instance for ((->) r) depends on the Functor instance
I "only" needed to go through the imports of Control.Applicative to find
that the Functor instance of ((->) r) is defined in
Control.Monad.Instances. If I import this module into GHCi, it finds the

Interestingly, if I import only Control.Applicative from within GHCi, it
does not find the instances defined in Control.Monad.Instances although
this module is imported in Control.Applicative. On the other hand, if I
write a file containing the line 'import Control.Applicative' and load
this file in GHCi then the instances from Control.Monad.Instances are

Apparently, importing a module in GHCi differs from importing it in a
Haskell file and loading this into GHCi.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Missing Functor instances in GHC 7?

2010-12-09 Thread Sebastian Fischer
Hi Antoine,

On Thu, 2010-12-09 at 23:20 -0600, Antoine Latter wrote:
> Are there any particular ones you're running into problems with?

Yes, I cannot find the instance for ((->) r).

Even if I import


I still get

ghci> ((+) <$> id <*> id) 21
No instance for (Functor ((->) a))


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Missing Functor instances in GHC 7?

2010-12-09 Thread Sebastian Fischer

according to

Control.Monad exports 20 Functor instance declarations in base-

bash# ghc-pkg list | grep base
bash# ghci --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.0.1
bash# ghci
Prelude> import Control.Monad
Prelude Control.Monad> :i Functor
class Functor f where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
  (GHC.Base.<$) :: a -> f b -> f a
-- Defined in GHC.Base
instance Functor Maybe -- Defined in Data.Maybe
instance Functor [] -- Defined in GHC.Base
instance Functor IO -- Defined in GHC.Base

There are only 3 instances instead of 20. Importing Control.Applicative
gives 3 more instances but for example the instance for ((->) r) is
still missing.

Is my installation broken? Or has anybody similar problems finding
Functor instances in GHC 7?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Wondering if this could be done.

2010-12-04 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Mon, 2010-11-22 at 14:48 +0800, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:
> (+) :: A -> A -> A
> (+) a b =
>   A (elem1 a + elem1 b) (elem2 a + elem2 b) -- I got errors here, for
> the (+) is ambiguous. 

That's because (+) is implicitly imported from the Prelude. If you

import Prelude hiding ((+))

the error disappears.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Equality constraint "synonyms"

2010-11-24 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Thu, 2010-11-25 at 10:41 +0900, Hugo Pacheco wrote:
> Would this be a desired feature for other people?

I'd like to have Haskell Type Constraints Unleashed

which includes equality constraint synonyms.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type Directed Name Resolution

2010-11-11 Thread Sebastian Fischer

On Nov 12, 2010, at 5:43 AM, Richard O'Keefe wrote:

A saucepan whose handle keeps falling off is defective,

I do not see TDNR as unambiguously defective as a loose saucepan handle.

The amount of time spent maintaining a program is much higher
than the amount of time spent creating it initially.  That
means that if you have a tradeoff between ease of writing and
the other virtues of a language, ease of writing *matters* less.

Like you, I think that a tradeoff between readability and writability  
should be made in favour of readability. Unlike you, I am not  
convinced that TDNR trades readability for writability.

Consider the vexed question of repeating all or part of the
record name in the field name.  Yes, this *is* a burden on
the person writing it.  But it is a **help** to the person
reading it.  The same applies to using module prefixes
(possibly abbreviated ones).

Not if the extra information is redundant. Then qualification may even  
impair readability by introducing unnecessary clutter.

I don't think that TDNR threatens readability more than type classes  
already do. Not only is "Buffalo buffalo Baffalo buffalo buffalo  
buffalo Buffalo buffalo" a grammatically valid sentence in the English  
language, also `fmap fmap fmap fmap fmap fmap fmap fmap` is a type  
correct expression in the Haskell programming language. It can already  
be hard today to distinguish occurrences of overloaded functions. TDNR  
does not add much to this, I think.

One difference is that there is a unifying type with a type class  
constraint for all implementations of functions with the same name  
when using type classes but not when using TDNR. Does this make code  
that is using TDNR less readable than code that is using type classes?

As others have pointed out, type classes are insufficient for  
overloading record labels because they do not cover record updates.

How can we add a special kind of overloading for record labels that  
also works for updates? Maybe like this:

rename :: ((name :: String) @ a) => a -> a
rename newName someRecord = someRecord { name = newName }

This probably falls under the category of improved record systems. How  
difficult would it be to implement this? Can it be implemented by  
desugaring without substantial extensions to the type system?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type Directed Name Resolution

2010-11-10 Thread Sebastian Fischer

On Nov 10, 2010, at 11:57 PM, Neil Brown wrote:

I wonder if special syntax is actually needed for this.  How much of  
the language would be broken by adopting the general rule: "If the  
only definitions of f are at the top-level or imported, find the  
type of 'a' and the type of all the in-scope 'f' s.  If there is  
exactly one match then use it, otherwise it's an error."?

Interesting idea. It is only after your question that I see TDNR as ad- 
hoc overloading and not only as simpler record notation (although it's  
obvious in retrospect). Such a change without new syntax seems quite  
radical, maybe too radical for a strongly typed language.

On Nov 11, 2010, at 3:05 AM, Albert Y. C. Lai wrote:

Typed-directed name resolution brings Haskell closer to a write-only  
language; that is, an ambiguous phrase made total sense to the  
author when the author wrote it, but an independent reader will need  
extraordinary effort to disambiguate.

In this regard it would be closer to natural language where it is the  
responsibility of writers to express themselves clearly. Who writes  
something that requires extraordinary effort to disambiguate is an  
incompetent writer (or a poet, like the author of the buffalo  
sentence). Why blame languages instead of writers?

On Nov 11, 2010, at 7:01 AM, Ryan Ingram wrote:

regular ad-hoc overloading does not make a ton of
sense in Haskell; function types are complicated enough that too much
ambiguity is introduced and inference becomes very difficult.  But I
see a lot of value in locally saying 'this particular invocation
should be ad-hoc overloaded' for common functions like 'length',
'map', 'lookup', etc.

So the current proposal looks like a sensible compromise.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: arrow-list. List arrows for Haskell.

2010-11-07 Thread Sebastian Fischer

to answer my own question:

On Nov 7, 2010, at 8:33 PM, Sebastian Fischer wrote:

Can you, for example, define a `perm` arrow that yields every  
permutation of it's input? Monadic implementations look like they  
need `>>=` but there may be another way..

A `perm` arrow can be defined in the "usual" way using the list-arrow  

{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Arrow.ArrowList

perm :: (ArrowList (~>), ArrowPlus (~>)) => [a] ~> [a]
perm = isA null <+> (uncons >>> second perm >>> insert)

insert :: (ArrowList (~>), ArrowPlus (~>)) => (a,[a]) ~> [a]
insert = cons <+> (second uncons >>> rearrange >>> second insert  
>>> cons)

 where rearrange = assocL >>> first swap >>> assocR

It may be possible to do this with `ArrowChoice` only, that is,  
without resorting to the operations of `ArrowList`, but they looked  

In order to support the above, we need a bunch of auxiliary arrows.  
First, list con- and destructors:

cons :: Arrow (~>) => (a,[a]) ~> [a]
cons = arr (uncurry (:))

uncons :: ArrowList (~>) => [a] ~> (a,[a])
uncons = isA (not . null) >>> arr (\ (x:xs) -> (x,xs))

Second (and more annoyingly), "reordering" arrows:

swap :: Arrow (~>) => (a,b) ~> (b,a)
swap = arr (\ (x,y) -> (y,x))

assocL :: Arrow (~>) => (a,(b,c)) ~> ((a,b),c)
assocL = arr (\ (x,(y,z)) -> ((x,y),z))

assocR :: Arrow (~>) => ((a,b),c) ~> (a,(b,c))
assocR = arr (\ ((x,y),z) -> (x,(y,z)))

This is my first program with arrows so it might be unnecessarily  
complicated. Is there a more elegant way?

I wonder how badly my use of `arr` influences how the program can be  
optimized.  I hope it's still better than just using

perm = arrL perms
 where perms :: [a] -> [[a]]
   perms = ...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: arrow-list. List arrows for Haskell.

2010-11-07 Thread Sebastian Fischer
I'm planning to write up a blog post about using list arrows for XML  

Ok, I'll say tuned! Maybe a smaller example for the Haddock docs needs  
less time.

Maybe this sounds weird on the Haskell mailing list, but at Silk[1]  
we have a full implementation of (functional reactive) list arrows  
in JavaScript. The arrows build up an AST of operations that we  
statically optimize to a more efficient form. This is needed because  
JavaScript itself is not going to fuse intermediate list for you.

I'm reinventing all of this in Haskell now to gain more insight in  
what we've actually done in JavaScript. :-)

Sounds more interesting than weird to me. In case you blog about that  
too, I'll probably read it. I'm interested to get an intuition what  
you can do with arrows and what not. An intuition that goes beyond the  
quite abstract "you can't choose different computation paths based on  
the result of a computation". Can you, for example, define a `perm`  
arrow that yields every permutation of it's input? Monadic  
implementations look like they need `>>=` but there may be another  
way.. Maybe you now have an example for the docs ;o)

I'm also planning to investigate whether it is possible (useful) to  
perform the list computations (the map in concatMap) in parallel.  
I'm not sure if someone has already tried this for list monads.

I tried something similar a while ago (for monads):





there are two occurrences of the `sum` function which should probably  
be `alt` instead.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: arrow-list. List arrows for Haskell.

2010-11-06 Thread Sebastian Fischer

On Nov 6, 2010, at 10:00 PM, Sebastiaan Visser wrote:

List arrows are a powerful tool when processing XML, building query  
languages and lots of other domains that build on functions that  
might return more than one value as their output.

Interesting. Do you plan to write some examples that show

  * how to use ListArrows,
  * differences to using the list monad, and
  * when using ListArrow is preferrable?

I'm interested to see something like this worked out although I have  
some rough ideas like "monads are more powerful and arrows may allow  
stronger reasoning and more efficient implementations". Can you  
substantiate these general points for the concrete case of ListArrow  
vs list monad?

I assume your implementation is *not* more efficient than the list  
monad as it builds on ListT.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Review request for my baby steps towards a "platform independent interactive graphics" using VNC

2010-11-06 Thread Sebastian Fischer

On Nov 4, 2010, at 3:48 PM, C K Kashyap wrote:

Also, any reference/suggestion on how I could go about using a state
machine to deal with the RFB protocol.

A simple way to model state machines is to use one function for each  
state. Each function calls the functions corresponding to successor  

(Not sure whether this answers you question, though).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What do you call Applicative Functor Morphism?

2010-11-05 Thread Sebastian Fischer


I'm curious and go a bit off topic triggered by your statement:

On Nov 6, 2010, at 12:49 PM, wrote:

An applicative functor morphism is a polymorphic function,
eta : forall a. A1 a -> A2 a between two applicative functors A1 and  
A2 that preserve pure and <*>

I recently wondered: why "morphism" and not "homomorphism"?

Wikipedia says:

"In abstract algebra, a homomorphism is a structure-preserving map  
between two algebraic structures"


"In mathematics, a morphism is an abstraction derived from structure- 
preserving mappings between two mathematical structures."

One difference is "absract algebra ... algebraic structures" vs  
"mathematics ... mathematic structures" another difference is the  
"abstraction derived from" part in the second phrase.

So for the `Monoid` class, I'd say "monoid homomorphism" but I'm  
unsure whether `Applicative` counts as an algebraic structure or calls  
for using "morphism" instead.

Is there a deeper reason why people use "morphism" and not  
"homomorphism" or is it just because it's shorter?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is Curry alive?

2010-11-04 Thread Sebastian Fischer

On Nov 4, 2010, at 2:07 PM, wren ng thornton wrote:

Besides, it's simple enough to just use the MonadLogic class and  
switch between concrete types, if you need to test performance.

You may even try to use only `MonadPlus` to get more instances. The  
only instances of `MonadLogic` are (basically) `[]` and `LogicT` but  
there are many more `MonadPlus` instances on Hackage. If you don't  
need the flexibility of `LogicT` I recommend using `MonadPlus`.

The fmlist package provides a list datatype that is similar to LogicT  
and an instance of `MonadPlus`. stream-monad is a surprisingly space  
efficient way to approach infinite search spaces but is also worth  
trying for finite searches. If you want to go parallel try tree-monad  
in combination with parallel-tree-search. And if stream-monad still  
uses too much memory for an infinite search space, try iterative  
deepening search from level-monad.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is Curry alive?

2010-11-02 Thread Sebastian Fischer

Hi Gregory,

On Nov 2, 2010, at 9:27 AM, Gregory Crosswhite wrote:

I was thinking about using Curry, but it looks to me like the  
language is dead and hasn't seen much activity for a few years.

The community is smaller than the Haskell community but the PAKCS  
system is still actively developed. MCC is a compiler that generates C  
(rather than Prolog) code (which is often more efficient) but does not  
come with the same libraries as PAKCS.

Actually, the more that I think about my problem the more that I'm  
thinking I should just stick with the List monad.

If this is feasible then staying in Haskell might be a good choice.

Which does raise the question: when is it better to use a logic  
programming language instead of the list monad?

It is more cumbersome to model logic variables and unification in a  
pure functional language than having them provided natively. If you  
need unification or constraint solving then a language with built-in  
logic variables has an advantage.

An advantage of combining laziness with non-determinism as in Curry is  
that you can interleave the non-deterministic generation of nested  
data with categorizing it which is more efficient, if the evaluation  
function is lazy. This combination is more cumbersome in a pure  
functional language than in a lazy functional-logic language like  
Curry (see [1] for how to do it). If you always need to generate  
elements completely before you categorize them, you probably do not  
gain from lazy non-determinism.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Red links in the new haskell theme

2010-10-30 Thread Sebastian Fischer

On Oct 30, 2010, at 9:15 PM, Henning Thielemann wrote:

To me it would make more sense if users could configure the colors  
of links in their browsers, like they configure fonts and font sizes.

Most browsers support user style sheets: 

Most people who responded when opinions were collected about the  
new theme

preferred that.

Possibly when seeing, how it looks like, people change their mind.

During the poll, the new style was shown on a demo page.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Monads and Functions sequence and sequence_

2010-10-29 Thread Sebastian Fischer

On Oct 30, 2010, at 2:30 PM, Mark Spezzano wrote:

If you use the type with Maybe Int like so:

sequence [Just 1, Nothing, Just 2]

then the result is Nothing.

Whereas sequence [Just 1, Just 2, Just 3] gives

Just [1, 2, 3]


do x <- Just 1
   y <- Nothing
   z <- Just 2
   return [x,y,z]


do x <- Just 1
   y <- Just 2
   z <- Just 3
   return [x,y,z]

The results are the same as with your calls of `sequence`. It is  >>=   
which makes the difference, not `sequence`.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Red links in the new haskell theme

2010-10-28 Thread Sebastian Fischer

Maybe we can keep at least the docs without red links.

Pick the "Classic" style in the style menu. It will remember your  

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] vector-space and standard API for vectors

2010-10-23 Thread Sebastian Fischer

On Oct 24, 2010, at 8:52 AM, wren ng thornton wrote:

But then, how should we decide whether the additive or  
multiplicative structure is more "neutral"?

On Oct 24, 2010, at 7:08 AM, Jacques Carette wrote:

People usually use additive notation for commutative monoids, and  
multiplicative notation for generic monoids.  It's a convention,  
nothing else.

I recently used

class Monoid m where
  one :: m
  (*) :: m -> m -> m

class CommutativeMonoid m where
  zero :: m
  (+)  :: m -> m -> m

   class (Monoid s, CommutativeMonoid s) => Semiring s

(The `Semiring` class only serves as a contract for additional laws.)

Considering the convention Jaques mentions and my wish for splitting  
the two monoids underlying a semiring into separate classes, it seemed  
natural to use multiplicative notation for the "neutral" case.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Scrap your rolls/unrolls

2010-10-23 Thread Sebastian Fischer

Hi Max,

neat idea! Haskell supports laziness even on the type level ;)

I tried to play with your code but did not get very far. I quickly ran  
into two problems.

On Oct 22, 2010, at 7:37 PM, Max Bolingbroke wrote:

The annoying part of this exercise is the the presence of a "Force" in
the functor definition (e.g ListF) means that you can't make them into
actual Functor instances! The fmap definition gives you a function of
type (a -> b) and you need one of type (Force a -> Force b). However,
you can make them into a category-extras:Control.Functor.QFunctor

I think `Control.Functor.Categorical.CFunctor` is a more natural  
replacement for functor here. One can define

instance CFunctor (ListF a) ForceCat Hask

and I was hoping that I could define `fold` based on CFunctor but I  
did not succeed. The usual definition of `fold` is

fold :: Functor f => (f a -> a) -> Fix f -> a
fold f = f . fmap (fold f)

and I tried to replace this with

fold :: CFunctor f ForceCat Hask => ...

but did not find a combination of type signature and definition that  

My second problem came up when writing a `Show` instance for the  
`List` type. This works:

instance Show a => Show (List a) where
  show Nil = "Nil"
  show (Cons x xs) = "(Cons " ++ show x ++ " " ++ show xs ++ ")"

But trying to avoid TypeSynonymInstances leads to a non-terminating  
`show` function:

instance (Show a, Show (Force rec)) => Show (ListF a rec) where
  show Nil = "Nil"
  show (Cons x xs) = "(Cons " ++ show x ++ " " ++ show xs ++ ")"

Shouldn't both work?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Pointed (was: Re: Restricted type classes)

2010-09-07 Thread Sebastian Fischer

On Sep 7, 2010, at 5:23 AM, wren ng thornton wrote:

In particular, one of the primary complaints against the Monad class  
is precisely the fact that it *fails* to mention the Functor class  
as a (transitive) dependency. Why should we believe that making unit  
independent from fmap will fare any better?

A noteworthy difference is that fmap can be defined in terms of return  
and >>= but not in terms of point. IMHO, this is a good reason why  
fmap should be defined for every Monad and may be missing for some  


Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] overloaded list literals?

2010-09-06 Thread Sebastian Fischer

On Sep 6, 2010, at 1:47 PM, Stefan Holdermans wrote:

In general, it is kind of unfortunate that type classes and type  
constructors share a namespace, even though there is no way to ever  
mix them up.

Class and type names mix in im- and export lists. IIRC, this is the  
reason for putting them in a common name space.

Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Graphics.Drawing

2010-09-06 Thread Sebastian Fischer

On Sep 6, 2010, at 1:57 PM, han wrote:

So the question is: Do you agree that "Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL"  
actually should have been "Graphics.OpenGL" (or just OpenGL) for  
wieldiness? If you don't, what is your reason? I would like to know.

Often, when this topic comes up, someone claims that "ontology is  
overrated" [1]. This time it's me.



Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] overloaded list literals?

2010-09-06 Thread Sebastian Fischer

On Sep 6, 2010, at 12:23 PM, Johannes Waldmann wrote:

We have overloaded numerical literals (Num.fromInteger)
and we can overload string literals (IsString.fromString),
so how about using list syntax ( [], : )
for anything list-like (e.g., Data.Sequence)?

As lists of some type A represent the free monoid over A, what if


would be syntactic sugar for

mconcat (map point (x:y:z:[]))


class Pointed p where point :: a -> p a

Then list literals could be used for every pointed monoid.

Note that this only considers list literals. The (:) and []  
constructors would not be overloaded.


Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Restricted type classes

2010-09-05 Thread Sebastian Fischer

Just because we don't have
a use now doesn't mean it might not be useful in the future.

I am suspicious about complicating a design for potential future  

However, difference lists provide an example of a type that support  
Pointed more naturally than Applicative: the dlist package [1]  
provides Applicative and Monad instances but only by converting to  
normal lists in between.

Note that even fmap cannot be defined without converting difference  
lists to normal lists in between. The natural interface to difference  
lists would be Pointed (without a Functor superclass) and Monoid.



Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Crypto-API is stabilizing

2010-09-03 Thread Sebastian Fischer

On Sep 3, 2010, at 10:40 AM, Sebastian Fischer wrote:

An advantage of using a MonadRandom class would be that the  
CryptoAPI would be independent of RandomGen or your new alternative.  
One could define random monads based on either.

I was wrong. The MonadRandom class uses the Random class which uses  

Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Crypto-API is stabilizing

2010-09-03 Thread Sebastian Fischer

In general, I like this approach, but what are

   encrypt privateKey


   decrypt publicKey

supposed to do? A type-class solution also does not *prevent*  
programmers to perform such non-sensical calls

Would it be desirable to prohibit such calls using the type system?

Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Crypto-API is stabilizing

2010-09-03 Thread Sebastian Fischer

[CC'ing maintainer of MonadRandom]

On Sep 3, 2010, at 1:59 AM, Thomas DuBuisson wrote:

 data Key = Key {
  encrypt   :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString,
  decrypt   :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString,
  keyLength :: BitLength,
  serialize :: B.ByteString}

 rsa :: RandomGen g => BitLength -> g -> ((Key,Key), g)

One reason against this is simply that all the other constructs
(block/stream cipher, hashes) are classes, it would be odd for there
to be a single exception.  A better reason is the data structure has
no way to implement generateKeyPair.

Also, the type-class approach is extensible in that new operations  
(for example for signing) can be added via subclasses. Later extending  
the key type above requires nesting.

Why not use

   generateKeypair :: MonadRandom m => BitLength -> m (Maybe (p,p))

Because MonadRandom dictates mtl, and is heavier weight than a single
class.  I was hoping to keep this agnostic (mtl is only required for
testing or benchmarks in crypto-api).

I think mtl is only used for the instances, not for the class itself.  
Maybe the maintainer of MonadRandom is inclined to split the package  
if this would raise the number of users of the class.

If MR the more agreeable path
then I'll do it, though this means I use the unholy "fail" function.

You don't want to use monads because the Monad class defines the fail  

Even if that's the case (and more people weighing in would help) I
still want to include Data.Crypto.Random and welcome comments.

An advantage of using a MonadRandom class would be that the CryptoAPI  
would be independent of RandomGen or your new alternative. One could  
define random monads based on either.


Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Crypto-API is stabilizing

2010-09-02 Thread Sebastian Fischer

On Sep 3, 2010, at 12:07 AM, Sebastian Fischer wrote:

Why not use

   generateKeypair :: MonadRandom m => BitLength -> m (Maybe (p,p))

Or if the choice to generate keys or not should solely depend on the  
BitLength (and not on the random generator):

generateKeypair :: MonadRandom m => BitLength -> Maybe (m (p,p))

Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Crypto-API is stabilizing

2010-09-02 Thread Sebastian Fischer

On Aug 27, 2010, at 11:12 AM, Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

Is it actually necessary to use a type class here? The situation is  
very similar to

  Luke Palmer. Haskell Antipattern: Existential Typeclass.

I suggest to use good old data types

  data Key = Key {
   encrypt   :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString,
   decrypt   :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString,
   keyLength :: BitLength,
   serialize :: B.ByteString}

  rsa :: RandomGen g => BitLength -> g -> ((Key,Key), g)

In general, I like this approach, but what are

encrypt privateKey


decrypt publicKey

supposed to do? A type-class solution also does not *prevent*  
programmers to perform such non-sensical calls, but the data-type  
solution *forces* programmers to provide non-sensical encrypt and  
decrypt functions when creating the public and private keys.

class (Binary p, Serialize p) => AsymCipher p where
  generateKeypair :: RandomGen g => g -> BitLength -> Maybe  

  encryptAsym :: p -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
  decryptAsym :: p -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
  asymKeyLength   :: p -> BitLength

Why not use

generateKeypair :: MonadRandom m => BitLength -> m (Maybe (p,p))

where MonadRandom is from [1].



Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Statically tracking "validity" - suggestions?

2010-08-31 Thread Sebastian Fischer
does anybody know of anything on Hackage for testing whether two  
values are "approximately equal"?

Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ICFP Hotel Room

2010-08-30 Thread Sebastian Fischer

Hi Michael,

I'm a graduate student (male) and am looking for a (male) roommate to
split the cost of a hotel room at ICFP.
[...] I currently have a reservation at the conference hotel

If you don't find a roommate and can cancel your reservation you may  
consider staying somewhere else. For example,

is a 15 minutes walk from the conference hotel and less expensive. At  
last year's ICFP people were organising shared flats through the  
Haskell Wiki but I don't know whether this is repeated this year.


Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type classes and logic

2010-08-28 Thread Sebastian Fischer

Daniel Fischer wrote:

class BEING human  => HUMAN human where
Sub-classing is logical implication BEING(human)  => HUMAN(human)
All types t that make BEING(t) = true also make HUMAN(t)=true

No, it's the other way round. Every HUMAN is also a BEING, hence

HUMAN(t) => BEING(t)

Could I say that HUMAN is a subset of BEING?

That depends on whether predicates are sets.. But yes, every instance  
of HUMAN is also an instance of BEING, hence, the set of HUMAN  
instances is a subset of the set of BEING instances.

In the light of the above examples how should I interpret the
class-to-subclass relation as logical implication? Is it
a)  If BEING then HUMAN (sufficient condition): BEING => HUMAN
b)  HUMAN is true only if BEING (necessary condition): HUMAN => BEING
c) Neither?

b). Every HUMAN is a BEING.


Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type classes and logic

2010-08-27 Thread Sebastian Fischer

Hi Pat,

A proof for the  predicate BEING(being) must show that there is an
inhabited type (a type which has values)

Note that in a lazy language like Haskell every type is inhabited by _| 
_, that is, "bottom" the undefined value.

If we find a value for a type that is a proof that a type exists (it  

inhabited) that is a member of the class

I don't understand the above statement. The "inhabitedness" of a type  
does not tell us anything about which classes it belongs to. Instance  
declarations do.

With at least one instantiation existing (e.g.  BEING(Person) =  
true) we

can define a sub-class

You can define subclasses even if no instances exist. And as Daniel  
said, the code

class BEING human => HUMAN human where

defines a subclass HUMAN of BEING which means that every instance of  
HUMAN must also be a BEING. You can read it as: "a BEING is also a  
HUMAN by the following definitions".

In general for the HUMAN sub-class to be useful additional constraints
are added after the where keyword. These are similar in purpose to  

described in an ordinary class (not a sub-class)

The "additional constraints" are additional functions that need to be  

What is the logical role of the functions in the classes and
instances. Are they constraints on the types in predicates?

BEING(Person) tells you that the type Person implements the functions  
declared in the type class BEING.

Any instantiation that respects types is fine?

That depends whether you ask a compiler or a programmer. The compiler  
is satisfied if you respect the types. But type classes often come  
with additional laws on the operations that programmers have come to  
expect. For example, every implementation of the function == of the Eq  
class should be an equivalence relation and a Monad instance should  
obey the monad laws. Although the compiler does not complain if it  
doesn't, users of such an invalid Monad instance eventually will.


Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple Sudoku solver using Control.Monad.Logic

2010-08-23 Thread Sebastian Fischer

On Aug 22, 2010, at 11:09 PM, Vladimir Matveev wrote:

are there any materials
except LogicT.pdf from link on the logict hackage entry? I'd like to
read something on this interesting topic

The functional pearl

   A program to solve Sudoku
   by Richard Bird 

is an interesting read.

If you get your hands on a copy of "The Fun of Programming", which has  
been edited in honour of Richard Birds 60th birthday, you can have a  
look at

Chapter 9, Combinators for logic programming
by Mike Spivey and Silvija Seres

I did not find this chapter online.

Issue 15 of the Monad.Reader contains

Adventures in Three Monads
by Edward Z. Yang

which gives an introduction to the Logic monad (and two others).

In my doctoral thesis I give a brief introduction to nondeterminism  
monads in general and how to implement some specific instances:

On Functional-Logic Programming and its Application to Testing
    by Sebastian Fischer
Section 5.1, Nondeterminism monads

There are various nondeterminism monads on Hackage. If you restrict  
your algorithm to only use the MonadPlus interface you can experiment  
with all of them simply by changing a type signature.

The list monad (not on Hackage because defined in the Prelude)  
implements backtracking via depth-first search.

The Hackage package control-monad-omega [1] by Luke Palmer uses list  
diagonalisation to overcome limitations of the list monad. It is  
described to implement breadth-first search which, in my opinion, it  
doesn't exactly.

My package level-monad [2] provides monads for iterative deepening  
depth-first search and breadth-first search. The latter enumerates  
results of the search space in breadth-first (that is level) order.  
The former does something similar with better space usage.

The different implementations of nondeterminism monads often differ  
significantly in how much memory they use. The list monad uses little  
memory but often diverges when the search space is infinite. Breadth- 
first search is a complete strategy (it does not diverge infinite  
search spaces and, thus, eventually finds every result) but has  
excessive memory requirements. Oleg Kiselyov has invented a complete  
strategy with moderate memory requirements which I have packaged as  
stream-monad [3].

I recommend using the list or logic monad if the search space is  
finite and the stream monad or iterative deepening dfs if the search  
space is infinite.



Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Question about memory usage

2010-08-18 Thread Sebastian Fischer

Hi John,

You could try: [...]

It allocates less and has a smaller maximum residency: (ghc  
6.12.2,windows 7 64)

292,381,520 bytes allocated in the heap
 13,020,308 bytes maximum residency (8 sample(s))
  99 MB total memory in use (9 MB lost due to  

 MUT   time5.85s  (  5.88s elapsed)

instead of:

   451,864,588 bytes allocated in the heap
  17,362,424 bytes maximum residency (8 sample(s))
  99 MB total memory in use (9 MB lost due to  

 MUT   time9.11s  (  9.14s elapsed)

Interesting. It uses the same amount of memory but is faster probably  
because it allocates less.

But I prefer programs for people to read over programs for computers  
to execute and I have a hard time to verify that your algorithm  
computes Fibonacci numbers. I find it much easier to see from my  
implementation. Is your implementation the same algorithm? If yes, the  
transformations you made by hand should ideally be made by the compiler!


Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Question about memory usage

2010-08-17 Thread Sebastian Fischer

BTW, what sort of memory usage are we talking about here?

I was referring to the memory usage of this program

import System.Environment
import Data.Numbers.Fibonacci

main :: IO ()
main = do n <- (read . head) `fmap` getArgs
  (fib n :: Integer) `seq` return ()

compiled with -O2 and run with +RTS -s:

./calcfib 1 +RTS -s
 451,876,020 bytes allocated in the heap
  10,376 bytes copied during GC
  19,530,184 bytes maximum residency (9 sample(s))
  12,193,760 bytes maximum slop
  97 MB total memory in use (6 MB lost due to  

  Generation 0:40 collections, 0 parallel,  0.00s,  0.00s  
  Generation 1: 9 collections, 0 parallel,  0.00s,  0.00s  

  INIT  time0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  MUT   time   12.47s  ( 13.12s elapsed)
  GCtime0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  EXIT  time0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  Total time   12.47s  ( 13.13s elapsed)

  %GC time   0.0%  (0.0% elapsed)

  Alloc rate36,242,279 bytes per MUT second

  Productivity 100.0% of total user, 95.0% of total elapsed

I'm not sure how to interpret "bytes allocated" and "maximum  
residency" especially because the program spends no time during GC.  
But the 97 MB "total memory" correspond to what my process monitor  

I have now tried your code and I didn't find the memory usage too  

Be aware that fib (10^8) requires about 70 million bits and you need
several times that for the computation.

Then, roughly ten 70m bit numbers fit into the total memory used:

ghci> (97 * 1024^2 * 8) / (70 * 10^6)

I expected to retain about three of such large numbers, not ten, and  
although the recursion depth is not deep I expected some garbage. Both  
expectations may be a mistake, of course.

If the relation is

a_n = c_1*a_(n-1) + ... + c_k*a_(n-k)

you have the k×k matrix [...]
to raise to the n-th power, multiply the resulting matrix with the  
of initial values (a_(k-1), a_(k-2), ..., a_0) and take the last  


(a propos of this, your Fibonacci numbers are off by one, fib 0 = 0,  
fib 9

= 34, fib 10 = 55).

Wikipedia also starts with zero but states that "some sources" omit  
the leading zero. I took the liberty to do the same (and documented it  
like this) as it seems to match the algorithm better. It also  
corresponds to the rabbit analogy.

These matrices have a special structure
that allows doing a multiplication in O(k^2).
You might want to look into the Cayley-Hamilton theorem for the  

I don't see the link to the CH theorem yet -- probably because I  
didn't know it. I did observe that all matrices during the computation  
have the form

/a b\
\b c/

which simplifies multiplications. Is this related to CH? Or can I  
further improve the multiplications using insights from CH?


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Question about memory usage

2010-08-17 Thread Sebastian Fischer

On Aug 17, 2010, at 8:39 AM, Roel van Dijk wrote:

That is an interesting trick. So there exists an algorithm that
calculates Fibonacci numbers in O(log n) time.

This is what my program does. But it's only O(long n) if you assume  
multiplication is constant time (which it is not for large numbers).


Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Question about memory usage

2010-08-16 Thread Sebastian Fischer

On Aug 17, 2010, at 12:33 AM, Jason Dagit wrote:

So next I would use heap profiling to find out where and what type  
of data the calculation is using.

I did.

I would do heap profiling and look at the types.

All retained data is of type ARR_WORDS. Retainer profiling shows that  
the majority is retained by the cost center SYSTEM.

I suspected that a strict, tail recursive version of `matrixPower` may  
be more efficient and implemented it:

But it's worse. Still, the only retained data is of type ARR_WORDS  
mostly retained by SYSTEM but even more of it now. Additional bang  
patterns on `square` and `times` make no difference.

I wonder whether the numbers in a single step of the computation  
occupy all the memory or whether old numbers are retained although  
they shouldn't be. Are (even large) Integers evaluated completely when  
forcing their head-normal form?

Any insight of a performance guru is welcome ;)


[off topic post scriptum]

On Aug 16, 2010, at 6:03 PM, Jacques Carette wrote:

Any sequence of numbers given by a linear recurrence equation with  
constant coefficients can be computed quickly using asymptotically  
efficient matrix operations.  In fact, the code to do this can be  
derived automatically from the recurrence itself.

This is neat. Is it always M^n for some matrix M? How does it work?

Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Question about memory usage

2010-08-16 Thread Sebastian Fischer

[CC-ing café again]

On Aug 16, 2010, at 5:52 PM, Daniel Fischer wrote:

I am a bit concerned about the memory usage.

Of your implementation of the matrix power algorithm?


Making the fields of Matrix strict should help:

data Matrix a = Matrix !a !a !a

Making all fields strict makes memory usage worse. When making only  
the first field strict, memory usage hardly differs (from the current  
implementation without strictness annotations).


Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Question about memory usage

2010-08-16 Thread Sebastian Fischer

[continuing off topic]

On Aug 16, 2010, at 3:13 PM, Daniel Fischer wrote:

You can calculate the n-th Fibonacci number in O(log n) steps using  

arithmetic to get correct results.

Yes, I was delighted when I saw this for the frist time. It works be  

/1 1\^n
\1 0/

(This is meant to be a matrix to the nth power) by repeated squaring.  
Wikipedia knows the details:

My Haskell implementation of this approach is on Hackage:

and github:

With this implementation,  printing  the result of a call to, say

fib 1

takes *much* longer than  computing  it.

[almost on topic again]

I am a bit concerned about the memory usage. If you know how to fix  
it, please send me patches (ideally via github)!


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: primes-

2010-08-16 Thread Sebastian Fischer


I have uploaded new versions of the primes package to Hackage:

Version significantly improves the memory requirements (and as  
a result also the run time) compared to 0.1.1. The run time is now  
almost linear and when streaming an infinite list of primes the memory  
requirements are almost constant. I think, primes is now the most  
efficient prime generator on Hackage.

The interface has been generalised to support arbitrary Integral types  
and not just Integers and I have added two convenience functions:

isPrime  :: Integral int => int -> Bool
primeFactors :: Integral int => int -> [int]

These functions can be used for numbers with moderately large prime  
factors but are impractical when passing RSA numbers [1] because they  
simply use trial division [2].

The performance improvements have also been implemented in version which provides the old interface. As the only API changes (of  
0.2) are additions and the generalisation to Integral types, switching  
directly to 0.2 should be straightforward.

The implementation is similar to Melissa O'Neil's code on the Haskell  
Wiki [3] which is one of the most efficient (pure) prime generators  
(without an upper bound) in Haskell that I know of. My goal was to  
simplify her implementation without sacrificing performance  
significantly. The performance of the prime package now almost matches  
the performance of Melissa's code. Judge for yourself whether you find  
the implementation more readable:

The 0.2 tarball contains (source, not binary) programs that can be  
used to measure the performance of my implementation using Criterion  
(runtime.hs) and checking the memory requirements when generating  
large primes (memory.hs).



Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is bumping the version number evil, if it's not mandated by the PVP?

2010-08-15 Thread Sebastian Fischer

My worry with bumping only the patch level is that
people who explicitly want to depend on the efficient version of my
library need to depend on a.b.c.D and cannot follow the good practice
of depending on a.b.*.

Well, then you have ">= a.b.c.d && < a.(b+1)".

Ok, it seems this is less of an issue than I initially thought. I have  
changed my mind and will probably make a patch-level release without  
an identical major release. (I'll make an additional major release  
with a generalised API however.)


Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is bumping the version number evil, if it's not mandated by the PVP?

2010-08-15 Thread Sebastian Fischer


On Aug 14, 2010, at 12:43 PM, Ross Paterson wrote:

When bumping only a.b.c.D, the new version is not installed as a
dependency if the old version already is installed (unless the new
version is explicitly demanded.) It seems bumping a.b.c.D has
advantages for some users and disadvantages for others.

How would bumping the major version change that?

Right, it doesn't. My worry with bumping only the patch level is that  
people who explicitly want to depend on the efficient version of my  
library need to depend on a.b.c.D and cannot follow the good practice  
of depending on a.b.*.

I actually like the idea of making a patch-level release *and* a new  
major release to get the best of both approaches. Do you think this is  

On Aug 14, 2010, at 10:49 PM, wren ng thornton wrote:

Asymptotic improvements may very well be worth a C or B bump [...]  
If your library is _defined_ by its performance characteristics,  
then a C or B bump would be appropriate since the complexity is  
effectively part of the API

To make things clear, I will shortly release a new version of the  
primes package for efficient generation of prime numbers. The new  
version asymptotically improves memory usage. The point of the library  
is to generate primes efficiently, so a major version bump feels  
justified. However, as explained above, I plan to additionally make a  
patch-level release.


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is bumping the version number evil, if it's not mandated by the PVP?

2010-08-14 Thread Sebastian Fischer

[CC'ing café again]

On Aug 14, 2010, at 12:25 PM, Max Rabkin wrote:

On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 11:13 AM, Sebastian Fischer


I wonder whether (and how) I should increase the version number of  
a library
when the API does not change but the implementation gets more  

Should I bump a.b.C or even a.B to signal that it's worth using the  
version or should I bump only a.b.c.D such that packages that  
depend on a.b

get installed with the new version automatically?

My understanding is that the PVP only describes the *minimum* version
bump, not the maximum. There is a third option though: give the
updated version two version numbers, one with an a.b.c.D bump so that
reverse dependencies get the performance improvement, and one with an
a.b.C bump so that users see a new version as worthwhile.

That's an interesting idea! In my case I'll probably bump version  
a.b.c.D with unchanged API but better performance and additionally  
release a new major version with a new API as well (as I planned to  
extend the API independently).


Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Is bumping the version number evil, if it's not mandated by the PVP?

2010-08-14 Thread Sebastian Fischer


I wonder whether (and how) I should increase the version number of a  
library when the API does not change but the implementation gets more  

Should I bump a.b.C or even a.B to signal that it's worth using the  
new version or should I bump only a.b.c.D such that packages that  
depend on a.b get installed with the new version automatically?

When bumping only a.b.c.D, the new version is not installed as a  
dependency if the old version already is installed (unless the new  
version is explicitly demanded.) It seems bumping a.b.c.D has  
advantages for some users and disadvantages for others.

Hence, I guess I should make a major version bump. Is it bad habit to  
make a major version bump if the API does not change?

Maybe I should simply change the API too ;)


Underestimating the novelty of the future is a time-honored tradition.

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