Re: [Haskell-cafe] (Co/Contra)Functor and Comonad

2010-12-23 Thread Isaac Dupree

On 12/23/10 16:43, Mario Blažević wrote:

Cofunctor and Comonad

IMHO, as you say, there is only one design of cofunctor.
class Cofunctor cf where
  cofmap :: (a - b) - cf b - cf a
The only question is capitalization and spelling.*

Since there are multiple designs of Comonad floating around, it'll take 
slightly more design work to make sure a standard design works for everyone.


*(CoFunctor or Cofunctor, cofmap or comap etc. IMHO your choices are 
fine. And to choose a module to put it in.).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Functor = Applicative = Monad

2010-12-14 Thread Isaac Dupree

On 12/14/10 03:13, John Smith wrote:

I would like to formally propose that Monad become a subclass of
Applicative, with a call for consensus by 1 February. The change is
described on the wiki at,

That page isn't written as a proposal yet, it's written as a bunch of 
ideas.  I would be happy to see something along the lines of Bas van 
Dijk's work .


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Rewriting a famous library and using the same name: pros and cons

2010-06-08 Thread Isaac Dupree

On 06/08/10 11:08, Don Stewart wrote:

Are there any other arguments I'm missing?

Also parsec3 had an issue as an upgrade that it was slower at runtime 
(at least for a few years).  (and some people were using parsec in the 
real world for performance-critical applications.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Proposal to solve Haskell's MPTC dilemma

2010-05-29 Thread Isaac Dupree

On 05/29/10 21:24, Carlos Camarao wrote:

The situation is as if we a FD:

Well, that is indeed equivalent here in the second argument of class F, 
but I constructed the example to show an issue in the class's *first* 

Notice you needed to add type-signatures, on the functions you named g 
-- in particular their first arguments -- to make the example work with 
only FDs?

module C where
   class F a b | a-b where f :: a -   b
   class O a where o :: a

module P where
   import C; instance F Bool Bool where f = not
   instance O Bool where o = True
   g:: Bool -  Bool
   g = f
   k = g o

module Q where
   import C
   instance F Int Bool where f = even
   instance O Int where o = 0
   g = f
   k :: Bool
   k = g o

you can inline these k-definitions into module Main and it will work 
(modulo importing C).

module Main where
import C
import P
import Q
main = do { print (((f :: Bool - Bool) o) :: Bool);
print (((f :: Int - Bool) o) :: Bool) }

These are two different expressions that are being printed, because
 :: Bool - Bool is different from  :: Int - Bool.  In my example 
of using your proposal, one cannot inline in the same way, if I 
understand correctly (the inlining would cause ambiguity errors -- 
unless of course the above distinct type-signatures are added).

If your proposal was able to require those -- and only those -- bits of 
type signatures that were essential to resolve the above ambiguity; for 
example, the ( :: Int) below,

module Q where
   import C
   instance F Int Bool where f = even
   instance O Int where o = 0
   k = f (o :: Int)
, then I would be fine with your proposal (but then I suspect it would 
have to be equivalent to FDs -- or in other words, that it's not really 
practical to change your proposal to have that effect).

I stand by my assertion that the same expression means different things 
in two different modules is undesirable, (and that I suspect but am 
unsure that this undesirability is named incoherent instances).
I'm trying to work out whether it's possible to violate the invariants 
of a Map by using your extension (having it select a different instance 
in two different places, given the same type).. I think, no it is not 
possible for Ord or any single-parameter typeclass, though there might 
be some kind of issues with multi-parameter typeclasses, if the library 
relies on a FD-style relationship between two class type-parameters and 
then two someones each add an instance that together violate that 
implied FD-relationship (which is allowed under your scheme, unlike if 
there was an actual FD).  Er, odd, I need to play with some actual FD 
code to think about this, but I'm too sleepy / busy packing for a trip.

Did any of the above make sense to you?  It's fine if some didn't, type 
systems are complicated... and please point out if something I said was 
outright wrong.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Proposal to solve Haskell's MPTC dilemma

2010-05-27 Thread Isaac Dupree

On 05/27/10 17:42, Carlos Camarao wrote:

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 5:43 PM, David  wrote:

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 10:39 AM, Carlos Camarao  wrote:

Isaac Dupree:

Your proposal appears to allow /incoherent/ instance selection.
This means that an expression can be well-typed in one module, and
well-typed in another module, but have different semantics in the
two modules.  For example (drawing from above discussion) :

module C where

class F a b where f :: a -  b
class O a where o :: a

module P where
import C

instance F Bool Bool where f = not
instance O Bool where o = True
k :: Bool
k = f o

module Q where
import C
instance F Int Bool where f = even
instance O Int where o = 0
k :: Bool
k = f o

module Main where
import P
import Q
-- (here, all four instances are in scope)
main = do { print P.k ; print Q.k }
-- should result, according to your proposal, in
-- False
-- True
-- , am I correct?

If qualified importation of k from both P and from Q was specified, we
would have two *distinct* terms, P.k and Q.k.

I think Isaac's point is that P.k and Q.k have the same definition (f
o). If they don't produce the same value, then referential
transparency is lost.


The definitions of P.k and Q.k are textually the same but the contexts are
different. f and o denote distinct values in P and Q. Thus, P.k and Q.k
don't have the same definition.

Oh, I guess you are correct: it is like defaulting: it is a similar 
effect where the same expression means different things in two different 
modules as if you had default (Int) in one, and default (Bool) in the 
other.  Except: Defaulting according to the standard only works in 
combination with the 8 (or however many it is) standard classes; and 
defaulting in Haskell is already a bit poorly designed / frowned upon / 
annoying that it's specified per-module when nothing else in the 
language is*.(that's a rather surmountable argument)

It may be worth reading the GHC user's guide which attempts to explain 
the difference between incoherent and non-incoherent instance selection,
I didn't read both it and your paper closely enough that I'm sure 
anymore whether GHC devs would think your extension would require or 
imply -XIncoherentInstances ... my intuition was that 
IncoherentInstances would be implied...

*(it's nice when you can substitute any use of a variable, such as P.k, 
with the expression that it is defined as -- i.e. the expression written 
so that it refer to the same identifiers, not a purely textual 
substitution -- but in main above, you can't write [assuming you 
imported C] print (f o) because it will be rejected for ambiguity. 
(Now, there is already an instance-related situation like this where 
Main imports two different modules that define instances that overlap in 
an incompatible way, such as two different instances for Functor (Either 
e) -- not everyone is happy about how GHC handles this, but at least 
those overlaps are totally useless and could perhaps legitimately result 
in a compile error if they're even imported into the same module.))

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Proposal to solve Haskell's MPTC dilemma

2010-05-26 Thread Isaac Dupree

On 05/26/10 15:42, Carlos Camarao wrote:

What do you think?

I think you are proposing using the current set of instances in scope in 
order to remove ambiguity.  Am I right?  ..I read the haskell-cafe 
thread so far, and it looks like I'm right.  This is what I'll add to 
what's been said so far:

Your proposal appears to allow /incoherent/ instance selection.  This 
means that an expression can be well-typed in one module, and well-typed 
in another module, but have different semantics in the two modules.  For 
example (drawing from above discussion) :

module C where
class F a b where f :: a - b
class O a where o :: a

module P where
import C
instance F Bool Bool where f = not
instance O Bool where o = True
k :: Bool
k = f o

module Q where
import C
instance F Int Bool where f = even
instance O Int where o = 0
k :: Bool
k = f o

module Main where
import P
import Q
-- (here, all four instances are in scope)
main = do { print P.k ; print Q.k }
-- should result, according to your proposal, in
-- False
-- True
-- , am I correct?

Also, in your paper, example 2 includes

m = (m1 * m2) * m3

and you state

In Example 2, there is no means of specializing type variable c0 occurring in 
type of m to Matrix.

I suggest that there is an appropriate such means, namely, to write
m = (m1 * m2 :: Matrix) * m3
.  (Could the paper address how that solution falls short?  Are there 
other cases in which there is more than just a little syntactical 
convenience at stake?, or is even that much added code too much for some 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Asynchronous exception wormholes kill modularity

2010-04-20 Thread Isaac Dupree

On 04/20/10 06:56, Simon Marlow wrote:

On 09/04/2010 12:14, Bertram Felgenhauer wrote:

Simon Marlow wrote:

On 09/04/2010 09:40, Bertram Felgenhauer wrote:

timeout t io = mask $ \restore - do
result- newEmptyMVar
tid- forkIO $ restore (io= putMVar result)
threadDelay t `onException` killThread tid
killThread tid
tryTakeMVar result

I'm worried about the case when this function is called with exceptions
already blocked. Then 'restore' will be the identity, and exceptions
will continue to be blocked inside the forked thread.

You could argue that this is the responsibility of the whole chain of
callers (who'd have to supply their own 'restore' functions that will
have to be incorporated into the 'io' action), but that goes against
modularity. In my opinion there's a valid demand for an escape hatch
out of the blocked exception state for newly forked threads.

It could be baked into a variant of the forkIO primitive, say

forkIOwithUnblock :: ((IO a - IO a) - IO b) - IO ThreadId

I agree with the argument here. However, forkIOWithUnblock reintroduces
the wormhole, which is bad.

The existing System.Timeout.timeout does it the other way around: the
forked thread sleeps and then sends an exception to the main thread.
This version work if exceptions are masked, regardless of whether we
have forkIOWithUnblock.

Arguably the fact that System.Timeout.timeout uses an exception is a
visible part of its implementation: the caller must be prepared for
this, so it is not unreasonable for the caller to also ensure that
exceptions are unmasked. But it does mean that a library cannot use
System.Timeout.timeout invisibly as part of its implementation. If we
had forkIOWithUnblock that would solve this case too, as the library
code can use a private thread in which exceptions are unmasked. This is
quite a nice solution too, since a private ThreadId is not visible to
anyone else and hence cannot be the target of any unexpected exceptions.

So I think I'm convinced that forkIOWithUnblock is necessary. It's a
shame that it can be misused, but I don't see a way to avoid that.

[forkIOWithUnblock in the implementation of 'timeout'?] I thought that 
System.Timeout.timeout runs the IO in the original thread for a good 
reason.  Was it just so that it could receive asynchronous exceptions 
correctly? Or also so that myThreadID returned the correct value?  If 
just the former is what we're concerned about, we *could* make it behave 
differently when exceptions are unblocked vs. when it's uninterruptible, 
except that they can be restored to an unblocked state somewhere within 
the io.

[Oh wait, Simon was suggesting that the library should run 
forkIOWithUnblock as a wrapper to its use of 'timeout'.]  Yes, that 
sounds relatively safe.  None of the exceptions thrown to the original 
thread will be discharged unexpectedly as a result of this unblocking, 
because of the forkIO.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Move MonadIO to base

2010-04-19 Thread Isaac Dupree

On 04/19/10 02:15, Anders Kaseorg wrote:

I would be very happy to get the simpler interface to work, because it’s
Haskell 98.  However, if I write
 joinIO m = morphIO (\w -  m= w)
 morphIO' f = joinIO (f return)
and define catch using morphIO' instead of morphIO:
 m `catch` h = morphIO $ \w -  w m `Control.Exception.catch` \e -  w (h e)
 m `catch'` h = morphIO' $ \w -  w m `Control.Exception.catch` \e -  w (h 
then catch' fails to actually catch anything:

*Main  throwIO NonTermination `catch` \NonTermination -  return moo
*Main  throwIO NonTermination `catch'` \NonTermination -  return moo
*** Exception:loop

Am I doing something wrong?

Well, let's see what happens if we apply it to the fairly easy

 instance MonadMorphIO IO where
 morphIO f = f id


joinIO m = morphIO (\w - m = w)
 = (\w - m = w) (id) = m = id = join m
morphIO' f = joinIO (f return) = join (f return)
morphIO = f id

m `catch` h = morphIO $ \w -  w m `Control.Exception.catch` \e -  w (h e)
[w = id]
= id m `Control.Exception.catch` \e -  id (h e)

m `catch'` h = morphIO' $ \w -  w m `Control.Exception.catch` \e -  w 
(h e)

[w = return]
=  join (return m `Control.Exception.catch` \e - return (h e))

Do you see the difference? The effects are sequenced in different 
places.  The return/join pair moves all the effects *outside* the 
operations such as catch... thus defeating the entire purpose of morphIO.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Asynchronous exception wormholes kill modularity

2010-04-08 Thread Isaac Dupree

On 04/08/10 04:23, Simon Marlow wrote:

On 07/04/2010 18:54, Isaac Dupree wrote:

On 04/07/10 11:12, Simon Marlow wrote:

It's possible to mis-use the API, e.g.

getUnmask = mask return

unmask a = mask (\restore - return restore) = (\restore - restore a)

That doesn't work, as in it can't be used to unmask exceptions when they
are masked. The 'restore' you get just restores the state to its
current, i.e. masked, state.

oh good point. Then you're right, anyone who was trying to work around 
it would be doing something obviously wrong.

mask :: ((IO a - IO a) - IO b) - IO b

It needs to be :: ((forall a. IO a - IO a) - IO b) - IO b
so that you can use 'restore' on two different pieces of IO if you need
to. (alas, this requires not just Rank2Types but RankNTypes. Also, it
doesn't cure the loophole. But I think it's still essential.)

Sigh, yes I suppose that's true, but I've never encountered a case where
I needed to call unmask more than once, let alone at different types,
within the scope of a mask. Anyone else?

FWIW, the function I made up to test my theory was as below; I haven't 
thought of any actual uses yet:

finally2 :: IO a1 - IO a2 - IO b - IO (a1, a2)
finally2 a1 a2 b =
  mask $ \restore - do
r - (liftM2 (,) (restore a1) (restore a2)) `onException` b
return r

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Asynchronous exception wormholes kill modularity

2010-04-08 Thread Isaac Dupree

On 04/07/10 17:50, Simon Marlow wrote:

On 07/04/10 21:23, Bas van Dijk wrote:

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 5:12 PM, Simon wrote:


I really like this design.

One question, are you planning to write the MVar utility functions
using 'mask' or using 'nonInterruptibleMask'? As in:

withMVar :: MVar a - (a - IO b) - IO b
withMVar m f = whichMask? $ \restore - do
a- takeMVar m
b- restore (f a) `onException` putMVar m a
putMVar m a
return b

Definitely the ordinary interruptible mask. It is the intention that the
new nonInterruptibleMask is only used in exceptional circumstances where
dealing with asynchronous exceptions emerging from blocking operations
would be impossible to deal with. The more unwieldy name was chosen
deliberately for this reason.

The danger with nonInterruptibleMask is that it is all too easy to write
a program that will be unresponsive to Ctrl-C, for example. It should be
used with great care - for example when there is reason to believe that
any blocking operations that would otherwise be interruptible will only
block for short bounded periods.

it could be called unsafeNonInterruptibleMask 
(unsafeUninterruptibleMask?)... after all, 'mask' is uninterruptible for 
most/many operations, that's its point, but if we put 'mask' and 
'nonInterruptibleMask' next to each other, I think people are likely to 
be confused (..less so if there's good Haddock documentation. But i'm 
fearing the 'forkOS' debacle where people still wrongly recommend that 
because the name sounds good...)

I still would like to see examples of where it's needed, because I 
slightly suspect that wrapping possibly-blocking operations in an 
exception handler that does something appropriate, along with ordinary 
'mask', might be sufficient... But I expect to be proved wrong; I just 
haven't figured out how to prove myself wrong.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Asynchronous exception wormholes kill modularity

2010-04-08 Thread Isaac Dupree

On 04/08/10 19:56, Bas van Dijk wrote:

Control.Concurrent.Thread.fork is a similar and simpler example of why
nonInterruptibleMask is needed:

If an asynchronous exception is thrown during the 'putMVar res' any
waiters on the thread will never be woken up.

OK, thanks for the link!  In fact, [tell me if my reasoning is 
wrong...], in that fork-definition, the 'putMVar' will never block, 
because there is only putMVar one for each created MVar.  I seem to 
remember that any execution of putMVar that does not *actually* block is 
guaranteed not be interrupted by asynchronous exceptions (if within a 
Control.Exception.block) -- which would be sufficient.  Is my memory 
right or wrong?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Asynchronous exception wormholes kill modularity

2010-04-07 Thread Isaac Dupree

On 04/07/10 11:12, Simon Marlow wrote:

It's possible to mis-use the API, e.g.

getUnmask = mask return

unmask a = mask (\restore - return restore) = (\restore - restore a)

mask :: ((IO a - IO a) - IO b) - IO b

It needs to be :: ((forall a. IO a - IO a) - IO b) - IO b
so that you can use 'restore' on two different pieces of IO if you need 
to. (alas, this requires not just Rank2Types but RankNTypes. Also, it 
doesn't cure the loophole. But I think it's still essential.)

nonInterruptibleMask :: ((IO a - IO a) - IO b) - IO b
nonInterruptibleMask_ :: IO a - IO a

which is just like mask/mask_, except that blocking operations (e.g.
takeMVar) are not interruptible.

What would be an appropriate use of this?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Asynchronous exception wormholes kill modularity

2010-03-26 Thread Isaac Dupree

On 03/25/10 12:36, Simon Marlow wrote:

I'd also be amenable to having block/unblock count nesting levels
instead, I don't think it would be too hard to implement and it wouldn't
require any changes at the library level.

Wasn't there a reason that it didn't nest?

I think it was that operations that block-as-in-takeMVar, for an 
unbounded length of time, are always supposed to C.Exception.unblock and 
in fact be unblocked within that operation.  Otherwise the thread might 
never receive its asynchronous exceptions.

Thus, if within a C.Exception.block, you call an IO that might block, 
such as takeMVar, modifyMVar_, or an arbitrary IO x argument to your 
function, then you must take care to handle its exceptions (for example, 
in the case of modifyMVar_'s implementation, to rollback the MVar to its 
previous value).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Documentation design

2009-07-05 Thread Isaac Dupree
(for reference, here's the blog-post I wrote that inspired me to ask 
this list for advice.  I'll explain everything in this email anyway though.

My challenge: getting to know an existing code-base quickly and easily,
so that I can hack on it.  Haddock and HsColour are already pretty
helpful at this, but they could be more helpful.  (haddock with
--ignore-all-exports, i.e. cabal haddock --internal, especially)

My dream situation: both haddock-pages and hscolour-pages would be
super-hyperlinked and super-readable.  For example, haddock would list
all a module's definitions, not just its exports. In HsColoured source,
every identifier would link to its definition or the haddockumentation
of its definition. and so forth.  It would be so much easier to generate
and browse this in HTML, than to get an IDE working, and it would be so
much more readable than a mere text-editor (even with syntax hilighting) 
and quicker clicking on hyperlinks than grepping for everything.

Actually I don't have the resources to worry about designing any 
HsColour stuff right now (its current design is mainly just a lexeme 
highlighter).  But, with your advices, I can design an improvement on 
Haddock's ignore-exports mode, which currently has a few shortcomings:

1. you can't tell which identifiers in a module are exported
2. it doesn't document a module's re-exports at all
3. it still obeys {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-} et al, even when they're 
not appropriate for reading documentation of internals
4. 2+3 means that some things may be found nowhere in the documentation 
at all!  Not quite satisfying for something invoked by `cabal haddock 

(Here's a haddock-generated page you can look at so you can figure out 
the formatting-details I'll be describing:
and its source code

The ideal haddockumentation-formatting for this purpose isn't quite 
obvious though.  For example, sometimes you want to think about a module 
in terms of its abstract interface, but sometimes you want to figure out 
how it's implemented (without reverting completely to text based code 
browsing).  Maybe a compromise of some sort would be good.  so...

Here's a proposal, for a new mode (`haddock --all-internal`?, to be 
invoked by `cabal haddock --internal` rather than --internal's current 
effect of ignore-all-exports) :

Files with no explicit export list can be treated as-is anyway.

For all files that have an explicit export list, generate the
synopsis-of-exports near the top, as usual.  But have the index link,
generally, to where functions are originally defined (modulo being from
a non-internally-documented separate package, where it should link to
the appropriate place), and have the fuller documentation below be a
compilation of the identifiers *defined* in this module.

Actually that would need some revision because the sections and
subsections -- *, -- **, etc. defined in the export-list in the .hs,
actually are displayed
1. above the table of contents, linking to places in
2. the full list of definitions.  Which might be defined in the module
in a different order than they're listed in the export list.
Why not add the sections into the synopsis?  In this case, instead of 
adding them to the main doc section.  But hmm... in ordinary 
non-internal documentation, would it be nice to *additionally* have the 
sections marked in the synopsis (in addition to in the Contents and in 
the main docs section)?

Maybe this mode should also abstain from hiding any module, because 
that would cause missing docs. Etc.

Questions? Comments? Opinions? Does anyone want this feature, and/or not 
think it's particularly useful?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Definition of tail recursive wrt Folds

2009-03-28 Thread Isaac Dupree
Tillmann Rendel wrote:
 Now consider a variant:

if' a b c = if a then b else c
variant x = if' (p x) (f x) (g x)

 I would say that if' has the same operational behavior as an
 if-then-else expressions, and therefore, (f x) and (g x) are still tail
 cails, even if they now appear in the context of another function call.

yes, and the if' is also a tail-call.  I guess I would say that (f x) and (g 
x) are tail-calls out of if' and if' is a tail-call out of variant.

 I think that a definition of tail calls in Haskell should take the
 strictness properties of functions into account.

sometimes the optimizer does this, and makes more functions behave like tail-
call than you'd expect! But sometimes it doesn't.

 And I think that this makes for a much more friendly migration path.
 Instead of telling people: No, forget about tail calls, in Haskell, you
 need something else, you could tell them: Yes, tail calls are the way
 to go, but in Haskell, they look different.

Sometimes you do need something different though... if you're *producing* a 
lazy data structure.

foldr f z (x:xs) = x `f` (foldr f z xs)
If f is : then this is an efficient non-tail-call
(later someone will demand the later parts of the list)
foldl f z (x:xs) = foldl f (z `f` x) xs
is tail-recursion, which means that it needs to traverse the whole input-list 
before producing *any* output


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haddock GSoC project

2009-03-27 Thread Isaac Dupree
Okay, I've written a draft Haddock-GSOC application: would any of you like to 
review it / suggest how it could be improved? (or should I just submit it to 
Google?)  I'm particularly wondering whether my proposed time-line seems 
realistic. -Isaac

* What is the goal of the project you propose to do? 

To improve Haddock, the Haskell documentation tool, both substantively in the 
short term and to be better factored in the long term.

* Can you give some more detailed design of what precisely you intend to 

Resolve many Haddock Trac tickets.  Specific projects: Make cross-package 
documentation work; and refactor the comment-parsing out of GHC and into the 
Haddock code-base.

* What deliverables do you think are reasonable targets? Can you outline 
an approximate schedule of milestones? 

In the first week I will get Haddock and GHC compilation and patch-making set 
up, fix some minor bugs and send/apply the fixes.

Next I will start to determine and converse about the implementation 
difficulties with making Haddock work across packages.  At the same time, I'll 
continue working on more minor bugs/features (increasing my familiarity with 
the code and with the coding process).

By the end of June I hope to get cross-module docs working. [Is this a 
realistic goal?]

By this time, I'll have some familiarity with the parsing code (having fixed 
some of its bugs/infelicities), and I can confront the problem of how to 
refactor the comment-parsing out of GHC.  I can imagine I might only be able 
to find a partial solution easily, but I'll do whatever I have time for.  
Optimistic timeline to finish this by the end of July; if I get ahead of 
schedule, I'm sure I'll know enough about Haddock's infelicities by then to 
know other mini-projects that would be worth doing.  For example, I could 
improve the layout of the index page Haddock generates (Python docs do it 
better, for reference, according to

Due to the process of testing my changes, I might even write some 
documentation, if I see an atrociously documented function in some library :-)

* In what ways will this project benefit the wider Haskell community? 

Better documentation (documentation that is less difficult to successfully 
write) makes everything flow more smoothly in source-code-land.  Especially 
core (even Haskell-98) library documentation has broken multiple times due to 
Haddock deficiency, and other library authors suffer from everything from 
annotations not working, to Haddock-2 parsing being more strict, to... every 
possible issue, really.

The cross-package documentation failure specifically makes people reluctant to 
refactoring into smaller packages, even when that would increase code re-use.

Making Haddock/GHC more composable should make it easier for everyone to make 
small improvements to Haddock, without delving into GHC as much.  Perhaps it 
might even make possible some new tool different from Haddock that looks at 
information in comments, should someone desire such a thing.

* What relevant experience do you have? e.g. Have you coded anything in 
Haskell? Have you contributed to any other open source software? Been studying 
advanced courses in a related topic? 

I substantially improved Spiderweb Software's scenario-editor for Blades of 
Avernum (once they made it open-source), adding 3D support and other 
improvements.  (C programming language).

I worked on Battle for Wesnoth scenarios some, and I hacked on the C++ code 
for lexing/parsing their markup language, and I learned my lesson when I 
failed to coordinate successfully with the development team. :-)  They used 
Doxygen to document their code, though it was not used nearly as thoroughly 
(at least, not back a few years ago) as a lot of Haskell code is documented 

I hacked on GHC, and this code has been committed: I improved the parsing of 
negative unboxed literals, and I refactored several places in the code that 
used language extensions unnecessarily.  Also I've contributed to discussions 
on Haskell development mailing-lists over the years (leading to at least one 
bug-fix), and reported several more bugs in Trac as I ran into them while 
hacking in Haskell.

I took an advanced-level Artificial Intelligence class in which I programmed in 
Haskell and got an A.  I've read many research papers related to Haskell or 
compilation.  I've used Darcs; I've used Linux and followed its open-source 
coordination travails for four years now (formerly I used Mac OS).  I know 
(X)HTML and CSS well enough to write my own W3C-validated webpage (and my 
parents work in web-design so I hear a lot about it), so I should be able to 
work on Haddock's HTML-generating code easily.

* In what ways do you envisage interacting with the wider Haskell 
community during your project? e.g. How would you seek help on something your 
mentor wasn't able to deal with? How will you get others 

[Haskell-cafe] Haddock GSoC project

2009-03-25 Thread Isaac Dupree
I'm interested in being a GSoC student, and the Haddock-related tickets looked 
like a good place to start

... haddock could use some love!  And I love documentation.

I think I'd start by hacking on some relatively easy Haddock tickets to find my 
way around the code and the hacking process.  Then it might be time to move 
into one of the bigger projects (I'm tempted to say #1567, Haddock: allow 
documentation to propagate between packages), depending on priorities; 
probably still working on some smaller but important Haddock tickets.  Then it 
depends how much time we have left in the summer, there's a lot that can be 

- I've hacked on the GHC lexing/parsing code a bit, and I know darcs, haskell, 
etc., and I've been around watching on mailing-lists since before Haddock 2.x, 
so I feel like I have a fair amount of context with which to approach this 

What do you think, is this a good project to look towards?  What's the next 
step... should I elaborate my proposal by looking at Haddock tickets and their 
priorities?  But I should have your feedback first; what do the mentors, or the 
Haskell community, want most to be improved about Haddock?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haddock GSoC project

2009-03-25 Thread Isaac Dupree
Simon Marlow wrote:
 Obviously I think these tickets are important, since I wrote them :-)  In
 terms of priority, I think #1567 is at the top: not having this harms our
 ability to reorganise and abstract things, it puts an arbitrary barrier
 between packages.  It's possible my perspective is slightly skewed though,
 since most of the packages that are affected by this are in GHC's core
 package collection.

-reorganization happens in others' packages too, and we want to encourage 
-everyone uses GHC's core packages and complains when the documentation is 
broken (and unfixable!) :-)

but sure, we should find out if other people have higher priorities elsewhere. 
(cafe citizens and hackers, tell us what you think!)

 #1568 is just refactoring, but it's a high priority: we need to get this
 code out of GHC and back into Haddock.  This is important for Haddock's
 long term future and general maintainability, though it won't have any
 visible effect on the way Haddock works.

yes, I agree, things will keep being a little unpleasant until we do this.  My 
intuition says that with 2-3 months I should have time to do this refactoring 
too, but then, I haven't actually spent a week figuring out just how difficult 
is :-).  Probably needs some refactoring the data-types that GHC emits 
comments as, and then possibly-more-complicated having Haddock parse and 
structure the Haddock-syntax within the comments (and as it relates to the 
actual code!)

 The index page really isn't working right now, since we added the
 search-box functionality it has become unusable for the GHC library docs
 (small libraries are ok).  Thank goodness we have Hoogle and Hayoo.  We
 should really just revert to the old A-Z links, I'm not sure if there's a
 Haddock ticket for this.

maybe is related?

 There's lot of other stuff that could be done.  For instance I'd really
 like someone with some CSS expertise to have another go at Haddock's HTML

I've done some manual HTML/CSS on my own website (W3C validated!)... don't 
know if it comes anywhere near expertise though :-)

One random haddock problem I remember bothering me recently is: no view 
source link on each instance in the list of instances for a data-type (so I 
clicked a nearby view source and scrolled to find the instance source, which 
was in the same module)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] ANN: The Typeclassopedia, and request for feedback

2009-02-16 Thread Isaac Dupree
Natural numbers under min don't form a monoid, only naturals under max do (so 
you can have a zero element)

Brent Yorgey wrote:
 Hi all,

 If you've noticed the lack of a HWN this week, that's because I've
 been doggedly finishing my article entitled 'The Typeclassopedia',
 which I have just submitted for publication in the Monad.Reader.
 Here's the abstract:

 The standard Haskell libraries feature a number of type classes
 with algebraic or categorical underpinnings. Becoming a fluent
 Haskell hacker requires intimate familiarity with them all, yet
 acquiring this familiarity often involves combing through a
 mountain of tutorials, blog posts, mailing list archives, and IRC

 The goal of this article is to serve as a starting point for the
 student of Haskell wishing to gain a firm grasp of its standard
 type classes. The essentials of each type class are introduced,
 with examples, commentary, and extensive references for further

 My hope is that this will be a valuable resource to the Haskell
 community, especially those who are learning.  Any feedback would be
 greatly appreciated, especially if it helps improve the article before
 publication.  A draft can be found here:

 Also see my blog post for a bit more info:

 happy haskelling!
 Haskell mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] ANN: The Typeclassopedia, and request for feedback

2009-02-16 Thread Isaac Dupree
I'm really confused that when I replied (not reply-to-all, not reply-to-list, 
just reply) to that message, it went to the lists and not to you Brent!  
(KMail 1.10.3) -- so I totally edited the To lines, to send this message...

Brent Yorgey wrote:
 Hi all,

 If you've noticed the lack of a HWN this week, that's because I've
 been doggedly finishing my article entitled 'The Typeclassopedia',
 which I have just submitted for publication in the Monad.Reader.
 Here's the abstract:

 The standard Haskell libraries feature a number of type classes
 with algebraic or categorical underpinnings. Becoming a fluent
 Haskell hacker requires intimate familiarity with them all, yet
 acquiring this familiarity often involves combing through a
 mountain of tutorials, blog posts, mailing list archives, and IRC

 The goal of this article is to serve as a starting point for the
 student of Haskell wishing to gain a firm grasp of its standard
 type classes. The essentials of each type class are introduced,
 with examples, commentary, and extensive references for further

 My hope is that this will be a valuable resource to the Haskell
 community, especially those who are learning.  Any feedback would be
 greatly appreciated, especially if it helps improve the article before
 publication.  A draft can be found here:

 Also see my blog post for a bit more info:

 happy haskelling!
 Haskell mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Use of abbreviations in Haskell

2009-01-03 Thread Isaac Dupree
Ketil Malde wrote:
 A module may be defined in a file with a name corresponding to the
 module name, or any dot-separated prefix of it?  I.e. the file
 Foo/Bar.hs will define module Foo.Bar and optionally Foo.Bar.Baz as

 GHC should then be able to find it, and I believe it already has a
 prioritized search mechanism (presumably, the file could be named
 Foo.Bar.hs, too).

I don't think GHC actually allows that (Foo.Bar.hs, ever). But your suggestion 
could work.

1. Try Foo/Bar/Baz.hs ; if it exists, end search (and error if it does not 
contain Foo.Bar.Baz, obviously as the file's top-level module).
2. Try Foo.Bar.hs ; if it exists, end search (and error if it does not contain 
Foo.Bar.Baz, obviously as a sub-module).
3. Try Foo.hs ; if it exists, end search (and error if it does not contain 
Foo.Bar.Baz, obviously as a sub-module... or possibly as a sub-sub-module?).
4. give up :-)

Note though, that local modules tempt us to a couple other things too, even 
though they're not necessary to the proposal and would complicate it:
- access-controlled modules (e.g. if other code can't import Foo.Bar.Baz)
- relative-path imports / module names (e.g. if in Foo/Bar.hs we make Baz and 
try to import it some way with import Baz)

and as we already mentioned, it would likely involve some implicit importing 
of the sub-module.

translating into ordinary haskell:
I think my module-search mechanism makes a well-defined, deterministic way to 
find the right module, no complex translation necessary (except layout rule 
madness maybe?).
Implicit importing: submodule syntax implies adding an import 
The.Module.Name line at that point in the containing file.  This would suggest 
that submodules must be at the top, among the imports, because all imports 
must syntactically be at the beginning of the file -- and there's a reason for 
this.  Bother!  Even if the reason is dependency chasing, one would think 
same-file dependencies aren't important, but the submodules themselves can 
import things from other files, so those lines should need to be near the 
beginning anyway.

so an example could be

module MyData
module MyData.Sub,  -- or equivalently, D(..)

module MyData.Sub  --or module Sub ?? that seems a bit too ad-hoc though
  data D = E | F

transform :: D - D
transform F = E
transform E = F


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Use of abbreviations in Haskell

2009-01-02 Thread Isaac Dupree

Derek Elkins wrote:

I haven't been able to find any semantic difficulties with this

I like it too... what I run into is that there's an implicit 
assumption that module of name Foo.Bar.Baz *must* be found 
in a file Foo/Bar/Baz.[l]hs .  module Main seems to be the 
only one exempted from it.  GHC uses this all the time when 
going looking for a module's source code.  (it does help 
make sure that for any module name in a package, there's 
only one version of the source-code for that module...)  So 
I think we need to accomplish working out the kinks we may 
get in trying to break this assumption.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Haskell re-branding exercise

2008-12-22 Thread Isaac Dupree
(responding with just a bit of possibly relevant context, 
not always directly)

Paul Johnson wrote:
I've lived through a couple of corporate rebranding exercises in my time, and 
I've read about some others.  They follow a pattern:

   2. The new branding is released with as much fanfare as possible.  Press
  releases are released.  Staff are given briefings about the significance
  of the whole exercise and the bold new future that it symbolises.

I don't think our choice of logo is quite as significant as 
a corporate logo.  We could even use more than one logo if 
we wanted (maybe different people or different places).  The 
current logo is prominent on the (and 
wikipedia), mainly... places I rarely see, when working on 

I see a couple things people are trying to do

- Self-descriptive, without trying to change the way we are 
as a community or a language

- Inviting to newcomers, mostly independent of how we 
actually work (although better if we advertize things we can 
actually provide, of course)

I don't think it's trying to create a change in the language 
or the community, mostly it's to reflect the change that has 
already happened.

   3. The staff universally agree that the new logo is not a patch on the old
  one.  The old one was a much loved friend; it stood for something; people
  have spent years working for it.  The new one is obviously a piece of
  cheap gimcrackery

yup, I'll miss the old logo.  To me, it still looks 
beautiful, clean and fitting.

A paradox of the Haskell world is that, while the language is Vulcan, the 
community around it is dominated by Warm Fuzziness.  Clearly the two are not 
mutually exclusive.

nice observation!

A rebranding exercise needs to start with a short list of adjectives that the 
brand is to represent,

good idea... although we could just be attracted by whatever 
proposed logo happens to have beauty instead, if our only 
purpose is not to be stuck with an ugly logo.

and I think that the Haskell community needs to decide 
this before it fires up Inkscape.

or in parallel with :-) -- random creativity can help us 
start thinking about what we don't want to see, and why we 
don't want to see it, too

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Fwd: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell as a religion

2008-12-18 Thread Isaac Dupree

Henning Thielemann wrote:

Alberto G. Corona schrieb:

But many features need other features. For example, the option to use
referential transparency will be common in future languages for
multicore programming purposes.  This creates the problem of separating
side-effect-free code from side-effect code.

In C/C++ referential transparent functions code can be declared by
appending a 'const' to the prototype, right?

not quite.  GCC allows __attribute__((__const__)) or 
__attribute__((__pure__)), to declare that, though (one of 
them allows reading global variables, the other doesn't, I 
forget which).  In C and C++ per standard, const can only 
be applied to types, e.g. function arguments (including 
C++'s implicit *this, via funny location of const).  Maybe 
C99 made up an additional way to use it, as it introduced 
restrict, I forget

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Time for a new logo?

2008-12-15 Thread Isaac Dupree
okay, I want a t-shirt like this (but with all the greek 
letters and formatting)

\t. 2^-t kg
is equally[or: sometimes] bothered by math

is [sometimes] bothered by acronyms


or, sometimes likes each of them :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Wait for *either* MVar to be set

2008-11-26 Thread Isaac Dupree

Peter Verswyvelen wrote:

... by spawning and killing two threads (which might be an expensive operation, 
I'm not sure)

pretty cheap in GHC -- they're not system threads

Am I wrong in this? If so, is this something that might be considered as a 
future enhancement in the GHC libraries and runtime?

Also, look at STM (e.g. TVars), which is designed to do what 
you want more directly, I think.

(timeouts might still use the GHC-thread thing.  Don't worry 
about its performance unless you're measurably suffering 
from it...)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Prototype of a syntax reference

2008-08-25 Thread Isaac Dupree

Maurí­cio wrote:

• It should be an example of valid code, not good
  one. The idea is to show what can be done, not
  what should :)

then put lots of semicolons somewhere: while they are at 
minimum a separator, it's generally allowed to insert as 
many extra semicolons as you want at the beginning, end, or 
wherever you could put a single semicolon.

(I wish the same were true for commas.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Cyclic Inclusions

2008-08-12 Thread Isaac Dupree

C.M.Brown wrote:

I don't really see this as being any kind of real issue at all. Surely all
GHC needs to do is to concatenate all the modules together, alpha-reduce
the import/export relations and do a compile/type check over the
concatenated module.

FWIW, I agree (in principle -- I haven't looked at the GHC 
implementation enough to see whether its internal 
representations could easily do type inference involving 
symbols in multiple modules, and GHC HQ understandably isn't 
interested in implementing it themselves ).

There is a bit of a question in my mind about what to do 
with .hi/.o files for the combined blob.

There's also a scalability / memory use issue, that is also 
the plug for separate compilation: if you make really big 
modules (whether manually or programmatically), compiling 
them takes lots of memory and time, significantly more total 
time and maximum memory than you need for via separate 
compilation.  I consider this a bug. (Well, I don't know if 
what I said is true -- it's just an excuse that's often 
given for why GHC compiling things together is a bad idea. 
And there are several compile-time performance bugs in 
Trac.)  Admittedly, it's a challenging problem to 
automatically segment a large module so you only need to do 
a little work at once.  Essentially, the module system 
partly has the purpose of telling the compiler how not to 
try to optimize, even if it would be beneficial; and thereby 
you get reasonable compilation times.  This would be 
inexcusable in my mind if the same sort of module 
segmentation didn't also help *humans* understand the 
contents of the modules :-).  I wonder if there can be some 
sort of system with pragmas that accomplishes the same 
purpose of guiding the compiler... probably not for Haskell 
so much as in general

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fw: patch applied (ghc): Remove the OpenGL family of libraries fromextralibs

2008-07-29 Thread Isaac Dupree

Malcolm Wallace wrote:

As a package author (rather than a user), I would see this as a primary
benefit of having my packages added to the Platform.  And as a package
user (rather than author), there is the corresponding antibenefit of
removing a package like HOpenGL from the Platform: a diminished
likelihood of the maintainer being already aware of packaging flaws.

perhaps we can work on getting set up automatic testing etc.
with a relatively basic Haskell Platform.  If that turns out to be
easily done, we can look at making a facility for all package authors
(at least, ones on Hackage) to volunteer to have their packages
automatically checked for such breakages.  Sure, it could still help a
little to be part of an official Haskell Platform, but there are reasons
we're trying to designate a Haskell Platform smaller than Hackage.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ansi2html - one program, several issues

2008-07-20 Thread Isaac Dupree

Dan Doel wrote:

On Sunday 20 July 2008, John Meacham wrote:

I do not believe that is the case, since the return type of runParser
Either ParseError a means that before you can extract the result of
the parse from the 'Right' branch, it must evaluate whether the result
is 'Left' or 'Right' meaning it needs to parse the whole input in order
to determine whether the parse was succesful.


It doesn't stop it from parsing the entire file strictly. However, what it 
does do is prevent the parser from backtracking out of arbitrary amounts of 
lookahead. So, unless you use try (which allows for lookahead), when any 
token is consumed by the parser, it can be garbage collected (assuming the 
parser is the only thing pointing to the token stream). So, it consumes its 
input strictly, but with limited overhead (ideally using try only for some 
small bounded lookahead where it's needed).

So with Parsec, you can keep the *input* from filling up memory, but if 
you do, the *result* will still take up space (e.g. Right (value)).  For 
a simple transformation where the output is a similar string to the 
input, it will be just as large, so not much space is actually saved 
(maybe a factor of 2 -- just keeping the output, not also the input), it 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Searchig for modules

2008-07-17 Thread Isaac Dupree

fero wrote:

Actually I have already found the way how to do it but not in eclipsefp.
Either I run ghci and when both modules are in the same dir it works or I
use -idirs but in eclipsefp it doesn't. Can somebody help me how to
configure eclipsefp. I don't want to go to command prompt every time I want
to run my program.

I don't know anything about IDEs, but...
ghc --make, should work to find the module on the command-line, and so 
should `runghc` (like interpreter but runs 'main').

There is also a way to install it more globally but I'm not sure what is 
a simple way to do that (it could involve making a .cabal file, I think)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] uvector and the stream interface

2008-07-17 Thread Isaac Dupree

Evan Laforge wrote:

An abstraction stack:

   Impure  Pure

How about strict vs. lazy?  I ask because I assumed there were lazy
variants of uvector or storablevector, using the bytestring list of
chunks approach, but apparently not?

wait list of chunks makes something that behaves not like a 
random-access array, and yet is still rather strict in the elements. 
How about strict vs. lazy as in UArray vs. Array: whether the elements 
are evaluated lazily (although UArray has the complication that the 
elements must also be Storable: e.g. what if you want a strict 
random-access array of functions -- so there is not such an easy 
solution for a strict but boxed array).

so do we have at least three different variables here? :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Human-friendly compiler errors for GHC

2008-07-13 Thread Isaac Dupree

wren ng thornton wrote:

Max Bolingbroke wrote:

Agreed: I've implemented this too. I've also added fuzzy matching to
package search:

$ stage2/ghc-inplace --make ../Test1.hs

Could not find module `Data.Lost':
  Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
  Maybe you meant `Data.List'

$ stage2/ghc-inplace --make ../Test2.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( ../Test2.hs, ../Test2.o )

Not in scope: `isSpace'
Maybe you meant `Char.isSpace'

In terms of making error messages more helpful, I don't find general 
typos are much of an issue, but this part would be really nice! I've 
always been annoyed that GHC just says no rather than offering 
suggestions (-v is rarely helpful), especially since it knows about what 
modules are installed et al.

It sounds like it only searches for modules you've imported (after all 
they might've been brought into scope with an as-clause, and ghc has no 
business poking in un-imported modules), but perhaps since in GHCi all 
modules are in scope (under their original names -- in addition to any 
imports in an interpreted file), it (ghci) searches all modules then?

If I want a perhaps you meant to import message, I want it to be a 
*complete* listing of modules available that export that symbol, both 
local ones and library ones, ideally :-)  (certainly don't want a 
recommendation to import e.g. List without at least an equal 
recommendation of Data.List...)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Human-friendly compiler errors for GHC

2008-07-13 Thread Isaac Dupree

Marc Weber wrote:

There is a friendlier shell (don't remember it's name) which takes
another approach:
Change color if the word is known.. In case of ghci the commandline
could switch color to green before pressing enter to indicate there are
no errors left..

fish, the friendly interactive shell, which I use, although it has 
lots of minor friendliness problems (compared to ideal, not to bash) 
that could be fixed by more hacking on its C code :-P

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Qualified import syntax badly designed (?)

2008-07-09 Thread Isaac Dupree

Neil Mitchell wrote:


declaration with a regular syntax. For example:

import Data.Map as Map
unqualified (Map, (\\))
qualified   (lookup, map, null)
hiding  (filter)

I think I prefer this to my proposal, plus its closer to the current
syntax. I think its also nearly equal to what Tom Davie came up with,
given some keyword renaming. If we dropped the unqualified keyword,
and just required unqualified things to come directly after, we get
the full benefits of not introducing any keywords.

We're still not introducing any keywords either way, fortunately :-). 
'qualified', 'as' and 'hiding' are not keywords: the syntax after 
'import' has no place for lowercase identifiers, so we can use as many 
new words as we want, here, as long as module names stay capitalized and 
import lists remain parenthesized (or, import lists could equally well 
be in layout after 'where', 'of', 'let' or 'do' if we adopt the layout 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe]

2008-06-30 Thread Isaac Dupree

Galchin, Vasili wrote:


which different trac page? I have tried several times to no avail!

any one that says you're not logged in.  Probably you're having a 
different problem than I was, if it's that hard to solve...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe]

2008-06-30 Thread Isaac Dupree

Galchin, Vasili wrote:

I am logging in as a client running Ubuntu Linux. Is this a problem? (I
think not ).

no, I use Ubuntu.  If you have cookies disabled (am I one of the few 
people who sets this option?) without having an exception for, that would cause trouble.  Not sure what else.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] history of tuples vs pairs

2008-06-26 Thread Isaac Dupree

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

Yes, early ML had nested pairs.  We introduced n-tuples in Lazy ML
because in a lazy language n-tuples are not isomorphic to nested pairs
(whereas they are in a strict language).  So n-tuples are nasty
because they are not inductive, but they are in many ways much more
reasonable than lazy nested pairs.

although it is possible in a slightly different (and less left-right 
symmetric) way in Haskell:

data P a b = P a !b
pair: P Int (P Bool ())
triple: P Char (P Int (P Bool ())
single: P Bool ()
unit: ()

BTW, early ML also had binary sums.  Again, they are not isomorphic to
n-ary sums.

data E a b = L a | R !b
data Z --since Haskell Prelude provides us with the unit type () but not 
the uninhabited zero type, I'll use GHC's EmptyDataDecls syntax for this.

either: E Int (E Bool Z)
3: E Char (E Int (E Bool Z)
1: E Bool Z
0: Z

Still, these don't have isomorphic *representations*: the efficiency is 
lacking.  I wonder if it would be possible to allow {-#UNPACK#-} for 
those polymorphic arguments in such a way that either/both of the above 
were actually equivalent to n-tuple/sums.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Pipe 1.0

2008-06-23 Thread Isaac Dupree

Don Stewart wrote:

Does it depend on an unreleased version of the process library?

by the way, is there a policy for when new versions of packages 
maintained by [EMAIL PROTECTED] are *released*?  Or do patches just collect 
in the darcs repository until they're picked up by some major release 
like GHC's?  I would tend to think that for any change nontrivial enough 
to be discussed on libraries@, why not quickly release the newer version 
with an appropriately incremented version number?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Design your modules for qualified import

2008-06-16 Thread Isaac Dupree

Henning Thielemann wrote:

On Mon, 9 Jun 2008, Duncan Coutts wrote:

On Mon, 2008-06-09 at 16:04 +0200, Ketil Malde wrote:

And - is there a way to make GHCi use aliased qualification?  I find
my self typing detailed taxonomies all the time there.

The ghci syntax currently is:
:m Data.Set
wouldn't it be much nicer as:
import Data.Set
then we could have the obvious:
import Data.Set as Set

This would be nice! Feature request?

feature request filed for this, .  For extending the 
import syntax in general, I wasn't sure we knew quite what we wanted 
yet, so it seemed a little premature for a feature request. (the first 
step in implementing the feature request would have to be specifying 
an exact design and probably asking for community feedback).  So let's 
talk about what we do or don't want for that one some more, perhaps.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Design your modules for qualified import

2008-06-16 Thread Isaac Dupree

Duncan Coutts wrote:

Right. That's exactly why we've not done something like that. With 100+
modules in the Gtk package it's totally infeasible to do qualified
imports of them all.

If we get a proper way to export a non-flat namespace then Gtk2Hs will
certainly switch to using it. Using 'buttonBlah' is horrible but there
is currently nothing better.

okay, it's horrible!  It's no more manually-traceable than anything else 
either, if you just import Gtk2Hs unqualified.  Is there any way it 
could possibly be acceptably concise *and* traceable? let's see

If GTK appears in every usage (e.g. GTK.buttonBlah, gtkButtonBlah...), 
probably not at all concise enough for GUI code!  But if it doesn't, 
then we would need at minimum to list each of those ones that we used 
(probably not all 100 of them).  It couldn't get any more concise than 
this to use Button.blah etc.:

import GTK.modules (Button, Window, ...)

never mind the exact syntax yet -- is listing them acceptable? (and if 
there are so many, is it practically traceable by humans anyway? 
Perhaps we're assuming that these humans at least have search this 
file editor-capabilities?)

Are there multiple blah functions among the GTK modules? I.e. would 
GTK.blah be unambiguous, not mentioning that it's a button function. 
(And would it be too confusing not to mention that it's a button 
function...)  If it would be ambiguous, would typeclasses work to fix 
that (or renaming functions that have no good reason to have the same 
name, or occasionally including blahButton sort of names)?

If 100 modules is too much, would it be a reasonable compromise between 
clarity and conciseness to export coarser-grained, so there are only 
maybe half a dozen GTK modules that your typical program imports?

There have been a few suggestions along these lines. Check the archives.
I'm not sure what is proposed for haskell', probably nothing since
nothing is currently implemented and we're only supposed to be
standardising existing practise.

I had trouble in my first attempt to search the archives... Googling for 
import in haskell-cafe found too much code, and my personal e-mail 
records back to March 2007 found nothing else relevant with import in 
the title.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy IO.

2008-06-14 Thread Isaac Dupree

Sebastiaan Visser wrote:


I've got a question about lazy IO in Haskell. The most well known
function to do lazy IO is the `hGetContents', which lazily reads all the
contents from a handle and returns this as a regular [Char].

The thing with hGetContents is that is puts the Handle in a semi-closed
state, no one can use the handle anymore. This behaviour is
understandable from the point of safety; it is not yet determined when
the result of hGetContents will actually be computed, using the handle
in the meantime is undesirable.

The point is, I think I really have a situation in which I want to use
the handle again `after' a call to hGetContents. I think I can best
explain this using a code example.

  readHttpMessage :: IO (Headers, Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString)
  readHttpMessage = do
myStream - accept http connection from client
request - hGetContents myStream
header - parseHttpHeader request
bs - Data.ByteString.Lazy.hGetContents myStream
return (header, body)

that's impure because parseHttpHeader doesn't return anything telling 
you how much of the stream it's looked at.  Maybe it looked ahead more 
than it needed to, thus deleting part of the body.  I was going to 
suggest, if you can't change parseHttpHeader to use ByteStrings,

 bs - Data.ByteString.Lazy.hGetContents myStream
 header - parseHttpHeader (Data.ByteString.Lazy.unpack bs)

but you still have to get parseHttpHeader (or perhaps if it has similar 
friends) to tell you how much of the string it consumed!  I don't know 
what parsing functions you have available to work with, so I can't tell 
you whether it's possible.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Design your modules for qualified import

2008-06-14 Thread Isaac Dupree

Sebastian Sylvan wrote:

On 6/14/08, Henning Thielemann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sat, 14 Jun 2008, Sebastian Sylvan wrote:

 On 6/14/08, Henning Thielemann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sat, 14 Jun 2008, Sebastian Sylvan wrote:

 On 6/14/08, Henning Thielemann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The problem would be again that no one knows, where Window comes
Better would be

 I really don't see how this is a big problem. Lots of languages do

hierarchical import (e.g. .Net languages) and I don't think I've ever
anyone complain about this particular aspect of it.

It's not a problem for you and thus you do not pay attention to these
complaints, I suspect. Maybe the people who would complain about the
importing style, simply don't use the mentioned languages.

 The worst case scenario is that you need a little bit of tool support to

help you sort it out. Plus, it's not like you can't just qualify the
to make it easier to see where it comes from if you really think it's a


 Haskell can re-export modules, which makes tracing identifiers more
difficult. I want to be able to read modules without using a tool.

I'm not sure I understand you point. You're so opposed to the *option* of
allowing hierarchical exports (even though you can still import it
if you personally like having to specify at each callsite exactly where
identifier is coming from),

I was concerned with the _import_ part of your proposal. (I haven't thought
about the export part so far.)

 that you'd rather any library making use of a module hierarchy is forced

to either make the user add dozens of boilerplate import statements (with
qualified and as) or the more common strategy of prefixing each function
call with the module name (buttonNew)? To me a module system that requires
the latter in practice is horribly broken, and I'm suggesting a low-impact
way of fixing it. It may not be the best system available, but it's a tiny
extension of the current.

I really don't see why adding this option hurts you, when it clearly helps
enable doing what this thread advocates (use qualified modules to
distinguish between functions of the same name, rather than adding a bunch
of prefixes/suffixes to the functions). is my favorite, because with current import variants I can
easily lookup, what Button and refer to. I understand your
proposal in that way that

import Graphics.UI.Gtk

brings module qualifications Window and Button into scope although they are
not explicitly mentioned. Thus I could no longer find out easily what means.

I don't see why this is so bad when it's exactly what we have for other
identifiers? E.g. if you import Control.Monad you get mapM, but you can't
really say for sure where this identifier comes from, which is no better
than not knowing where comes from. In both cases you have the
option to qualify the module import so you have to say Monad.mapM or which makes it more apparent.

I suppose you would make the hiding clause and the import list thing
work with modules too for consistency, so if you really wanted to you could
list the modules/identifiers that you bring in.

yeah, we could come up with a syntax. one that gives privileged meaning 
to hierarchy.  If used according to design your modules for qualified 
import, it would still allow fairly easy use and looking up function uses.

import Graphics.UI.GTK (import qualified Button, import qualified Window)

then you get Button.f (because Graphics.UI.GTK wasn't imported 
qualified), Graphics.UI.GTK.Button.f, (not f or Graphics.UI.GTK.f 
because of qualified Button)  ... they're normal import statements 
inside.  What it saves is the duplication of Graphics.UI.GTK and 
Button as Button.  Not sure I like how long import qualified is, 
repeated there, but it seemed much less confusing than anything shorter.

import Data (import qualified Map, Map.Map)
import Data (import qualified Map, import Map(Map))
or a shortcut for that common pattern of importing a few things unqualified
import Data (import qualified Map and (Map))
aka. import qualified Data.Map as Map and (Map)
aka. import qualified Data.Map as Map (empty,singleton,...) and (Map)
or perhaps unqualifying rather than and

personally I would like it if we could also import (f as g) if we wanted 
to rename an f we were importing, to g in the module and re-exports, 
without having to be concerned about (for lowercase) monomorphism 
restriction, (for types) whether a synonym will work properly everywhere 
(not without extensions!), (for constructor, record fields, and classes) 
simple *impossibility*.  That wish is only related in that it's a 
related generalization, though.



Are you saying that you prefer the situation where to use GTK the user would
have to explicitly import every single sub-module in the hierarchy (import

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Documenting the impossible

2008-06-14 Thread Isaac Dupree

Neil Mitchell wrote:

* abort - deliberate aborting because the user made some mistake.

 This is an exception. The signature of a function must reflect this by a
Maybe, Either type etc.

Disagree. I mean more like:

when (Delete `elem` flags  Keep `elem` flags) $
   abort User cannot pick both keep and delete on the command line

Think die in Perl world.

in that case should use abort :: String - IO a, not abort :: String - 
a.  abort as pure function is just for messy scripting convenience 
a-la Perl.  (Which is not to say that's never useful, of course -- I 
would just try my hardest to avoid it in my code, probably.)

On the other hand, Control.Exception.throw, if it's ever useful, 
obviously isn't meant to indicate a programmer error, but to throw an 
exception (that will probably be caught somewhere in the program's IO). 
 So there's a reason for _|_ besides programmer error (well, there's 
also user-driven nontermination such as when an interpreter is told to 
execute an infinite loop :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] ANN: random-access-list-0.1

2008-06-13 Thread Isaac Dupree

Stephan Friedrichs wrote:

Isaac Dupree wrote:


Great to see it, it deserved implementing, IIRC!  I don't remember 
enough about it.. (and don't have Okasaki anywhere handy). Can it be 
lazy or infinitely long?

No, it has to be finite as it's actually a list of complete binary trees 
whose size depend on the skew binary representation of the list's size. 
I'll document this.

okay then


Is RandomAccessList the best name for something that's not O(1), 
just O(log n)?  Or just that RandomAccessList is just much longer 
than []?

Well Chris Okasaki called them Skew Binary Random-Access Lists, which 
is even longer :)


hmm.. IndexableList? (just a thought, not sure whether I like it any better)

don't use those unorthodox infix function names.. `cons` is hardly 
worse than .:. , `append` or `mappend` than .+. , and .!. than, hmm.. 
. Export a ++ and ! (!! ?) if you're really dedicated. But I'd prefer 
an `at` that's the same partial indexing operation, rather than the 
name .!. (I think this at was a new name being put somewhere else? 
partly because ! is trying to be gradually used only to refer to 

Good point!

extractHead is an ugly name for a nevertheless standardish-meaning 
function... what is it usually called? uncons? headTail? 
(Data.Sequence, which is meant to be left-right symmetric, calls it 
viewr... except your version doesn't have the Maybe, it's partial 
instead, fails on empty lists)

Yes, I wasn't happy with that one either. The view-concept of 
Data.Sequence is a good idea.

yeah, it's a good idea, although I'm not sure how much I like the 
particular syntax of how it's done in Data.Sequence (the view-types' 
constructor names, mostly)

For index, don't use Monad, use Maybe (I think that's what the 
recent [EMAIL PROTECTED] discussion concluded, in the context of 
switching Data.Map back to Maybe).

I was just copying the idea from Data.Map and it's usually a good thing 
to have functions as general as possible, or why is it not?

To summarize: Monad isn't the proper abstraction for failable/Maybe. 
Maybe is an algebraic data type that *exactly* represents the spirit of 
what you're trying to do: e.g. Conor McBride said: Maybe is the most 
general abstraction. Requiring (=), or even (*) seems excessive. 
What we need is any f with zero and return, so why not pick the 
canonical, initial, inductively defined such thing?  In this case the 
typeclass adds no generality to the function's behaviour (Maybe can be 
trivially converted to any other type, with a combinator even).  And the 
confusion that results, when the function is almost always used at type 
Maybe anyway.  If you want to read the whole discussion... if you 
haven't been subscribed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] , it's archived:

Also, Data.List has genericLength etc, to 

At the moment, I'm using the Int type for size and indexing only for one 
reason: I haven't found a proper way to generalize it. I'd really like 
to use the Ix class, but it doesn't provide enough functionality, it 
only works on fixed-size intervals (i. e. for arrays, which don't change 
their size, but a list does). Maybe someone has an idea of how to 
realize lists with a variable starting index and size?

fair enough.  If your implementation only supports sizes up to that of 
Int (which is reasonable for a strict finite type... whereas something 
like ([1..2^34] `genericIndex` (2^33)) can probably complete in a small 
amount of memory and only a moderate amount of time on a modern machine, 
even a 32-bit one, due to laziness and garbage collection)

support.  Isn't index (like Data.List.genericIndex) supposed to be a 
name for a partial operation, not one that returns a Maybe?  Shouldn't 
size be named length (or exported as both names, since e.g. 
Data.Map.size, .List.length) (why is it O(1) not O(log n)? Is it 
possible for these RandomAccessLists to be longer than maxBound::Int?)?

The size function is in O(1) because I cache it, otherwise it would be

size (RandomAccessList xs) = sum (map fst xs)

which is O(log n). I consider the caching useful, as most applications 
will check 0 = i  size quite often.

sounds good

for e.g. toList, is the O(n) cost spread over traversing/demanding the 
items of the generated list, or all up-front, or somewhere in between?

Why is zip slow with unbalanced lists?  Obviously, it could be 
implemented O(min(m,n)*(log m + log n)) just indexing each one, which 
would be faster for really unbalanced-size lists...  Obviously, I don't 

If two lists have exactly the same size, all the complete binary trees 
holding the data have the same size as well. This can be zipped directly 
and is a bit (~5% in my tests) faster.

okay, that sounds like a fair optimization, since zipping same-size 
lists is a nice thing to do anyway.  But the asymptotic speed ideally 
should still be O(min(m,n)), if possible?


Maybe-summary was: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] ANN: random-access-list-0.1

2008-06-13 Thread Isaac Dupree

Claus Reinke wrote:
To summarize: Monad isn't the proper abstraction for failable/Maybe. 
Maybe is an algebraic data type that *exactly* represents the spirit 
of what you're trying to do: e.g. Conor McBride said: Maybe is the 
most general abstraction. Requiring (=), or even (*) seems 
excessive. What we need is any f with zero and return, so why not 
pick the canonical, initial, inductively defined such thing?  In this 
case the typeclass adds no generality to the function's behaviour 
(Maybe can be trivially converted to any other type, with a combinator 
even).  And the confusion that results, when the function is almost 
always used at type Maybe anyway.  If you want to read the whole 
discussion... if you haven't been subscribed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
, it's archived:

Thanks for the summary. I had been wondering about this
change of mood, and I disagree with the suggestion that
Maybe Nothing is the right replacement for Monad fail.
Whether fail should be in Monad, or whether we really want MonadZero, 
MonadPlus, MonadError, or something else entirely has been open for 
discussion, but it is easily shown
that Maybe is not the most general abstraction - it loses information 
wrt to (Either String), for instance:

Prelude let {f [] = fail empty; f [_] = fail singleton; f l = 
return l }

okay, I see, it's just that most partial functions in Data.* / container 
libraries don't really have multiple failure modes that need 
distinguishing.  You could say, in a type/information-theoretic mindset, 
that even your f [_] above loses information because it doesn't vary 
based on the _ (and so it isn't reversible) (and this is very common and 
normal especially for error messages, but there's a large design space 
for places where they're needed, depending on whether a machine needs to 
understand the message, etc.)  I think we didn't conclude much about 
e.g. parser-library return types, because we (thankfully) weren't trying to.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] ANN: random-access-list-0.1

2008-06-12 Thread Isaac Dupree

Henning Thielemann wrote:

On Wed, 11 Jun 2008, Isaac Dupree wrote:

extractHead is an ugly name for a nevertheless standardish-meaning 
function... what is it usually called? uncons? headTail? 
(Data.Sequence, which is meant to be left-right symmetric, calls it 
viewr... except your version doesn't have the Maybe, it's partial 
instead, fails on empty lists)

I like the 'viewL' and 'viewR' kind of functions, they are safer than 
'head' and 'tail', 'init' and 'last'. But since in most cases I used 
'viewL' in connection with 'maybe', the continuation style functions

switchL :: b - (a - Seq a - b) - Seq a - b
switchR :: b - (Seq a - a - b) - Seq a - b

I think you got L and R backwards? it's a little confusing to me, but 
following Data.Sequence I think they're meant to match whether repeated 
L or R makes a foldl or a foldr.

are even more convenient. They replace 'case' on those structures where 
you do not have access to the constructors.

on the other hand, they look harder to use with the upcoming (in GHC 
6.9/6.10) view patterns, a simple example being

foo (viewr - Nothing) = ...
foo (viewr - Just (a, as)) = ...

equivalent to

foo s = case viewr s of
  Nothing - ...
  Just (a, as) - ...

(for view patterns, it's also proposed but not implemented to have 
special syntax for Maybe and/or tuples to make it even more convenient 
for these purposes... I'm not sure if it'd be a good idea either)

I also mentioned the continuation style functions for Data.Map's 
maybe-returning in the discussion... they're most convenient if you want 
to destruct them right away, but harder to apply combinators to (e.g. 
Maybe monad. which doesn't work for Data.Sequence because they use their 
own custom view datatype -- was that a bad choice for them?  Maybe of 
a tuple has an extra laziness-spot that shouldn't really be there, 
though)  Anyway, people didn't seem to respond to that idea of 
continuation-style returning, not sure why.  On the other hand, also, 
the only thing defending the function from using the arguments in a way 
it shouldn't, is parametricity... less obvious than with algrebraic data 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] ANN: random-access-list-0.1

2008-06-12 Thread Isaac Dupree

Henning Thielemann wrote:

On Thu, 12 Jun 2008, Isaac Dupree wrote:

Henning Thielemann wrote:

On Wed, 11 Jun 2008, Isaac Dupree wrote:

extractHead is an ugly name for a nevertheless standardish-meaning 
function... what is it usually called? uncons? headTail? 
(Data.Sequence, which is meant to be left-right symmetric, calls it 
viewr... except your version doesn't have the Maybe, it's partial 
instead, fails on empty lists)

I like the 'viewL' and 'viewR' kind of functions, they are safer than 
'head' and 'tail', 'init' and 'last'. But since in most cases I used 
'viewL' in connection with 'maybe', the continuation style functions

switchL :: b - (a - Seq a - b) - Seq a - b
switchR :: b - (Seq a - a - b) - Seq a - b

I think you got L and R backwards?

Why do you think so? 

Because I was confused.  Looking again, you seem to be right...

it's a little confusing to me, but following Data.Sequence I think 
they're meant to match whether repeated L or R makes a foldl or a foldr.

viewl is like a 'case' for distinction of [] and (:) and thus can be 
used to implement both foldl and foldr.

yes, but in the sense that foldr is more natural for lists than foldl, 
requiring just replacing the constructors directly

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] ANN: random-access-list-0.1

2008-06-11 Thread Isaac Dupree

Stephan Friedrichs wrote:


I've implemented Chris Okasaki's random-access list[1] which provides 
typical list operations (cons, head, tail) in O(1) and yet offers 
indexed random-access in O(log n). It's uploaded on hackage[2].

It's still an early version which I'll extend, but especially at this 
eary stage I'd appreciate your feedback concerning what's still missing 
/ to be fixed / to be improved.

Great to see it, it deserved implementing, IIRC!  I don't remember 
enough about it.. (and don't have Okasaki anywhere handy). Can it be 
lazy or infinitely long? (Data.Sequence can't, but it's fast on both 
ends and has fast concatenation.)  Anyway, document that.  If it can't 
be lazy/infinite, does it have any advantage over using 
Data.Sequence?(constant factor of speed?, possible operations?, 
something I'm forgetting?)

Is RandomAccessList the best name for something that's not O(1), just 
O(log n)?  Or just that RandomAccessList is just much longer than []?

don't use those unorthodox infix function names.. `cons` is hardly worse 
than .:. , `append` or `mappend` than .+. , and .!. than, hmm.. . 
Export a ++ and ! (!! ?) if you're really dedicated. But I'd prefer an 
`at` that's the same partial indexing operation, rather than the name 
.!. (I think this at was a new name being put somewhere else? partly 
because ! is trying to be gradually used only to refer to strictness?)

extractHead is an ugly name for a nevertheless standardish-meaning 
function... what is it usually called? uncons? headTail? (Data.Sequence, 
which is meant to be left-right symmetric, calls it viewr... except 
your version doesn't have the Maybe, it's partial instead, fails on 
empty lists)

For index, don't use Monad, use Maybe (I think that's what the recent 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] discussion concluded, in the context of switching 
Data.Map back to Maybe).  Also, Data.List has genericLength etc, to 
support.  Isn't index (like Data.List.genericIndex) supposed to be a 
name for a partial operation, not one that returns a Maybe?  Shouldn't 
size be named length (or exported as both names, since e.g. 
Data.Map.size, .List.length) (why is it O(1) not O(log n)? Is it 
possible for these RandomAccessLists to be longer than maxBound::Int?)?

for e.g. toList, is the O(n) cost spread over traversing/demanding the 
items of the generated list, or all up-front, or somewhere in between?

Why is zip slow with unbalanced lists?  Obviously, it could be 
implemented O(min(m,n)*(log m + log n)) just indexing each one, which 
would be faster for really unbalanced-size lists...  Obviously, I don't 
understand the implementation.  BTW, looking at the file,

data RandomAccessList a
= RandomAccessList {-# UNPACK #-} !Int ![(Int, CBTree a)]
Marking a list strict like that doesn't have much effect because it only 
makes the first (:) or [] strict. Did you mean for an element-strict or 
spine-strict(which would necessarily be non-infinite) list?



[1] Chris Okasaki: Purely Functional Data Structures

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Implementing ParseChart with Data.Map

2008-06-03 Thread Isaac Dupree

Duncan Coutts wrote:

modify :: k - Map k e - (e, Maybe e - Map k e)

so it's a lookup that returns the element at k and also a continuation
that lets you rebuild a new map with an altered element. I guess that
doesn't account for the element not existing. There's probably a
generalisation that does.

isn't it just adding the necessary Maybe?:
modify :: k - Map k e - (Maybe e, Maybe e - Map k e)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mutually Recursive Modules

2008-06-02 Thread Isaac Dupree

Richard Giraud wrote:


I'm using GHC 6.8.2 with mutally recursive modules.  I'm familiar with 
how to do simple cases in GHC ({-# SOURCE #-} and .hs-boot files) but I 
can't figure out how to get it to work for a particular set of modules.

Is it known (i.e., proven) that GHC 6.8.2 can compile any set of 
mutually recursive modules without refactoring?  Are there known 

With the old (6.2 and before) .hi-boot scheme where there was no 
abstraction in boot-files, it could probably do anything that it could 
do.  But I'm not convinced with .hs-boot... it can resolve one level of 
cycle, and I don't know how to *prove* that it *can't* do any given 
thing, but I strongly suspect there are things it can't do.  Luckily, it 
is very often the case that your code will be better off anyway if 
refactored to have less module recursion. (though not always.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Default definitions for associated type synonyms

2008-06-02 Thread Isaac Dupree

Dreixel wrote:


Does anyone know if it is possible to specify a default definition for an
associated type synonym? When I tried:

class A a where

  type B a = a

GHC (version 6.9.20080309) told me: Type declaration in a class must be a
kind signature or synonym default. However, when I look at the parser I see
no way to specify such synonym default. Is this possible?

I'm curious... so, cc'ing glasgow-haskell-users mailinglist because the 
question is more likely to be noticed by relevant people there.

Zé Pedro

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Copying Arrays

2008-05-30 Thread Isaac Dupree
it makes me wonder: can we support concatenation with sharing (e.g. the 
rope data structure)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type-level integers using type families

2008-05-29 Thread Isaac Dupree

Peter Gavin wrote:

Has anyone else tried implementing type-level integers using type families?

I tried using a couple of other type level arithmetic libraries 
(including type-level on Hackage) and they felt a bit clumsy to use.  I 
started looking at type families and realized I could pretty much build 
an entire Scheme-like language based on them.

In short, I've got addition, subtraction,  multiplication working after 
just a days worth of hacking. I'm going to post the darcs archive 
sometime, sooner if anyone's interested.

I really like the type-families based approach to this, it's a lot 
easier to understand, and you can think about things functionally 
instead of relationally.  (Switching back and forth between Prolog-ish 
thinking and Haskell gets old quick.) Plus you can do type arithmetic 
directly in place, instead of using type classes everywhere.

nice, it's been tried before, etc. etc.. And of course it doesn't work 
with a released version of GHC, so maybe it's hoping too much that it 
would be on Hackage.  What I was going to say was, see if there is one 
on hackage, otherwise there should be one there to be polished.  But I 
guess searching haskell-cafe is your man :-) (your way to try to find 
any.  Or the Haskell blogosphere too.)

One thing that I'd like to be able to do is lazy unification on type 
instances, so that things like


will work if the non-taken branch can't be unified with anything.  Is 
this planned? Is it even feasible?

I'm pretty sure it would be possible to implement a Lambda like this, 
but I'm not seeing it yet. Any ideas?

Yeah -- that would be neat but generally tends to lead to undecidability 
(unless you're really careful making it a lot(?) less useful).  That is, 
potential nontermination in the type inferencer/checker, not just in 
runtime.  Then you'll want it to be well-defined when something is 
type-level-lazy, so you can reliably write your type-level algorithms. 
And *that* is bound to be rather difficult to define and to implement 
and maintain.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ambiguous constraint errors

2008-05-29 Thread Isaac Dupree

Evan Laforge wrote:

I have two related questions:


I'm getting some annoying type errors that I don't fully understand,
and wind up having to do a workaround that I don't totally like.
Here's a simplified version of my situation:

data Ambi m = Ambi {
ambi_monad :: m Int
, ambi_int :: Int

some_ambi :: Monad m = Ambi m
some_ambi = Ambi (return 5) 10

ambi_table :: Monad m = [(String, Ambi m)]
ambi_table = [(default, some_ambi)]

get_int :: String - Maybe Int
get_int sym = fmap ambi_int (lookup sym ambi_table)


get_int produces:
Ambiguous type variable `m' in the constraint:
  `Monad m' arising from a use of `ambi_table' at ambi.hs:13:40-49

So I guess this means I'm not telling it which 'm', so it doesn't know
how to resolve the 'return'... but the thing is, I'm not even using
that value, so it doesn't matter what it resolves to.  So it works if
I pick some random monad:

get_int sym = fmap ambi_int (lookup sym ambi_table :: Maybe (Ambi Maybe))

Note that I can't leave it as 'Monad m = Ambi m' because I still get
an ambiguous type variable complaint.

I'm a little disconcerted by having to pick some random dummy monad.
Even worse, everything this type touches starts requiring explicit
type declarations everywhere.  Is there some easier way to do this?


This is somewhat related to another issue I've been having, which is
that I have some kind of complicated type, e.g. '(SomeMonad some,
Monad m) = some (SomethingM m Status)' that I use in a lot of places.
 It would be a lot less typing and easier to modify later if I wrote a
type alias:

type Command = (Monad some, Monad m) = some (State.StateT () m Status)

but of course, this isn't allowed, since the type variables don't
appear on the lhs, and if I put a context there, it's a syntax error.

-fglasgow-exts (not sure which extension) allows the above, though I'm 
not quite sure what it *means*.  It also allows
type Command some m = (Monad some, Monad m) = some (State.StateT () m 
which allows the polymorphism in the types to be shared across more of 
the function that's defined using Command: more opportunity for 

While I can write it with data:

data (Monad some, Monad m) = Command some m = Command (some
(State.StateT () m Status))

I've been told this doesn't mean what I expect it to, which is that
the context constraints propagate up to and unify with the containing
type (out of curiosity, since it's accepted, what *does* this do?  I
think I read it somewhere once, but now I forget and can't find it).
And sure enough, using this type doesn't make my type declarations
have the right contexts.
That Haskell-98 syntax only tells the compiler to break some times when 
the context isn't met.  But you want the compiler to not-break at other 
times by supplying the information about the context being available 
when something else requires it.

with {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} you should be able to use a different syntax 
for the same sort of thing but with the meaning you wanted:  (beware of 
layout messed up by e-mail line wrapping) :

data Command some m where
  Command :: (Monad some, Monad m) = some (State.StateT () m Status) 
- Command some m

This might be a better choice than the type synonym actually, since it's 
in some ways less unpredictable in meaning to the type system (well, 
again assuming that GHC is the only Haskell implementation that matters 
to you).

So the first problem means that I have to declare types in various
inconvenient places, and the second one means that I have to type out
all the various class constraints (I can still alias away the
non-polymorphic bits), and all my type declarations start looking much
more complicated than they are.

It's a really annoying problem!  The multi-param-type-class hack Daniil 
Elovkov mentioned is another way it's done sometimes, that also uses a 
few compiler extensions.  CPP macros are even uglier but they can work 
too.  Choose whatever suits you best.  None of the solutions that make 
polymorphism more syntactically convenient will get rid of your 
ambiguity annoyances, and I'm not sure if the Haskell98 default()ing 
system is willing to default Monads.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Aren't type system extensions fun? [Further analysis]

2008-05-29 Thread Isaac Dupree

Another valid type for foo can be done AFAICS with intersection types:

   foo :: (Char - a /\ Bool - b) - (a,b)

But I can not comment about their inference, or usefulness in practice.

Again, undecidable :) In fact, I believe that an inference algorithm for
intersection types is equivalent to solving the halting problem. Type
checking however is decidable, but expensive.

a.k.a. find some value that matches both Char-a and Bool-b for some a 
and b.  Could use type-classes to do it.

But why, when we can just use standard tuples instead?
foo :: (Char - a , Bool - b) - (a,b)

Admittedly this function is isomorphic to type (Char,Bool)... but that's 
a different issue, with the arbitrariness of our choice of example function.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Aren't type system extensions fun? [Further analysis]

2008-05-29 Thread Isaac Dupree

   foo :: (Char - a /\ Bool - b) - (a,b)

a.k.a. find some value that matches both Char-a and Bool-b for some a and b.  Could use type-classes to do it. 

Uhmm... you mean something like (neglecting TC-related issues here)

class C a b where
   fromChar :: Char - a
   fromBool :: Bool - b

Oops: i meant something like

class C x a b | x - a,b where
   fromChar :: x - Char - a
   fromBool :: x - Bool - b

no... let me figure out what I meant.  Just somehow to have a single 
function that takes an argument of two different types without 
completely ignoring it.

class Arg a where
  whatYouPass :: a - Something
instance Arg Char where
  whatYouPass = ...
instance Arg Bool where
  whatYouPass = ...

Then (foo whatYouPass) :: (Something, Something).
Or if it was
class Arg a where
  whatYouPass :: a - a
then (foo whatYouPass) :: (Char, Bool).
And I'm sure there are ways to make the return type different if you 
want to think about FDs etc.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ambiguous constraint errors

2008-05-29 Thread Isaac Dupree

Evan Laforge wrote:

get_int sym = fmap ambi_int (lookup sym ambi_table :: Maybe (Ambi Maybe))

Of you and the type system you're the only one who knows that that value is
not used. The type system doesn't use (all) the rules you have in your mind.
It follows more simple ones.

You judge by values, not only types here. That is, you look at the value of
ambi_int and see that it's just 10 in your (value again) some_ambi. You see
that it's not

ambi_int = (some_return_from_monad ambi_monad) * 3

I'm not totally understanding, but I think you're saying that I could
write ambi_int in a way that it still had type Ambi m - Int but
depended on the type of 'm'.  I guess that makes sense, because it
could run m internally and return an Int based on the result, which
therefore depends on the type of 'm'.

It's more obvious with other type classes.

e.g. the snd of a value of type
(Num a) = (a, Bool)

Because what if the record/tuple was:
canOverflow = (ridiculous, ridiculous = 40)
  ridiculous = 40 ^ 5

Then it depends on whether you pick Int or Integer (or something else) 
for a, even if you only look at the Bool.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Aren't type system extensions fun? [Further analysis]

2008-05-27 Thread Isaac Dupree

Chaddaï Fouché wrote:

- Why are top-level variables and function arguments treated differently by
the type system?

They aren't

In a sense, they are.

id :: (forall a. a - a)
useId :: (forall a. a - a) - (Int,Bool)
brokenUseId :: (forall a. (a - a) - (Int,Bool))
brokenUseId :: (a - a) - (Int,Bool)

Note that polymorphic variables in function argument types scope over 
the function results too by default.  And that's a good thing.  Otherwise,

id :: a - a
would be understood as
brokenId :: (forall a. a) - (forall a. a)
which is not at all intended (id specialized to _|_ values only). 
Basically, you only want higher-rank types in Haskell when you know what 
you're doing: due to parametric polymorphism it is less often useful to 
apply an argument function to, e.g., both Int and Bool than you might 
find in Python, for example.  In Haskell, more often you would just take 
two functions as arguments e.g.

useFunctions :: (Int - Int) - (Bool - Bool) - (Int,Bool)
or more interestingly, let's make the caller be able to choose any kind 
of number:

useFunctions2 :: (Num a) = (a - a) - (Bool - Bool) - (a,Bool)
useFunctions2 :: forall a. (Num a) = (a - a) - (Bool - Bool) - (a,Bool)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] relational data representation in memory using haskell?

2008-05-22 Thread Isaac Dupree

Marc Weber wrote:

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 03:34:36PM +0200, Marc Weber wrote:

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 09:11:28AM -0400, Isaac Dupree wrote:

 to whoever in this thread hasn't realized it:
 Map String (Map Int Foo) == Map (String,Int) Foo
 (at least to an approximation)

There is another difference if you want to query ,=,,=
say String = city and Int = age.
Now take Map (Int, String) rec and use this index to filter all tuples
having an age = 80 and beeing city

there are two problems:
Data.Map doesn't have a very good API for that (splitLookup is about the 
best you can get for ranges)
Whether tupled or not, the order of the two indices matters (Int,String) 
vs. (String,Int) for what you can look up efficiently.  It's essentially 
a binary tree either way (Map x (Map y rec)) or (Map (x,y) rec), sorted 
in the same order.  (tuples sort by lexicographical order)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: MD5 performance optimizations, and GHC -via-C producing segfaulting binary

2008-05-22 Thread Isaac Dupree

Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

| [1] I'm not sure if this is true... if it has to rebox the Int, you get
| another copy floating around, not the original, right?

Correct.  If you have

data T = MkT {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
then given
case x of { MkT y - h y }
then GHC must re-box the 'y' before passing it to h.  That's why unpacking 
strict fields isn't an unambiguous win.  Perhaps it should be the default, 
though, which can be switched off, rather than the reverse.

perhaps there are certain types that the compiler almost always manages 
to pass around unboxed -- Ints, for example?  (Or at least that the 
extra copies aren't likely to persist for a long time, wasting some 
memory. Especially not if they're always unboxed in strict fields -- 
except for strict polymorphic fields, unfortunately.) And other types 
that aren't usually passed around unboxed?  If this is clear, then maybe 
it's useful to do it by default for those types.  Perhaps there should 
be a {-# NOUNPACK #-} pragma just in case someone wants to make sure a 
strict field isn't represented unboxed (not even if you give 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] C++ interface with Haskell

2008-04-19 Thread Isaac Dupree

Evan Laforge wrote:

To threadjack a little bit, I've been interfacing haskell with c++.
It gets awkward when the c++ structures use STL types like string and
vector.  Of course those are too complex for haskell to marshal to.

What I've been doing is defining an XMarshal variant of the X c++
class, that uses plain c arrays.  Then I marshal to that, and
construct the c++ object properly from XMarshal in the c-c++ wrapper
layer.  On a few occasions, when the c++ class is really big and only
has one STL member, I make a partially constructed c++ object, pass
the array separately, and then construct the proper c++ class from the
broken haskell generated one.  Possibly dangerous as all get-out
because I'm dealing with unconstructed c++ objects, but it seems to

you mean, you hack around with the internal representation of those 
structures?  Well, if you want to avoid double-copying, C++ can't access 
Haskell sequences, and Haskell can't access C++ sequences, I guess I 
don't see an alternative.

Passing back to haskell is easier since I can use *vec.begin(),
which according to the internet should be safe because STL guarantees
that vector contents are contiguous.

safe until either:
the vector's contents change, if Haskell is assuming it's immutable,

or more seriously, if the vector's length is changed, the pointers are 
invalidated and it might crash (due to reallocating for a bigger 
continuous memory chunk)

I'm only saved by the fact that I don't have that many different kinds
of classes to pass.  This would be much more drudgery if I had more.
Does anyone have a better solution or convention for marshalling c++

not better, but, you could wrap the methods of the class and call back 
into C++ (through C wrappers) to do anything with the class, if it 
suited your purposes better and wasn't too slow

I've also noticed warnings from g++ about hsc2hs's use of the OFFSETOF
macro on c++ classes, but some googling of g++ mailing lists implied
that it's harmless if you don't have virtual bases, and what sane
person does, so I suppress it now :)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] C++ interface with Haskell

2008-04-19 Thread Isaac Dupree
you could write a C++ function to marshal a Sequence (or any Container 
IIRC, maybe Forward Container) to a vector (or whatever you wanted -- 
there are choices), and then

okay let's see if I remember C++ well enough

This design has extra copying. but anyway

templatetypename Container
std::vectortypename Container::value_type 
container_to_vector(Container const c) {

  return std::vectortypename Container::value_type(c.begin(), c.end());


templatetypename Container
Container vector_to_sequence(std::vectortypename Container::value_type 
const c) {

  return Container(c.begin(), c.end());

extern C {
/* the temporary returned variable doesn't last long enough here */
(char*, int)/*I know C++ doesn't have this syntax of tuples*/ 
string_to_array(std::string const s) {

  return (*container_to_vector(s).begin())

In other words I suspect that it's possible with a minimum of 
boilerplate per type, (possibly including the use of macros), but I'm 
not sure exactly what you need to do, and I got tired of being a C++-fu 
expert a few years ago

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] C++ interface with Haskell

2008-04-18 Thread Isaac Dupree
if you'd normally be linking using g++, you'll need (IIRC) -lstdc++ 
added to linking-ghc's command line

Alfonso Acosta wrote:

Although you could use gcc to link the code I wouldn't recommend it
(mainly for the problems you are currently having)

SImply call GHC to compile both the C and Haskell code. It will take
care of finding the headers and supplying the necessary linker

ghc -ffi -c   foo.hs myfoo_c.c

BTW, you don't need to compile viaC

2008/4/17 Miguel Lordelo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Well Isaac...I became now a little bit smarter then yesterday!!!

I show you the example that I found and on which I´m working with.

File: foo.hs
module Foo where

foreign export ccall foo :: Int - IO Int

foo :: Int - IO Int
foo n = return (length (f n))

f :: Int - [Int]
f 0 = []
f n = n:(f (n-1))

To get the C wrapper you insert the following command:
ghc -ffi -fvia-C -C foo.hs

 After execution you will have these following additional files:


What I did next was to create a file named: myfoo_c.c, where I will call the
foo function (implemented in Haskell).
 (you can see this example on )
But the problem is to compile with gcc (must I put any flag or whatever set

The gcc output is:
myfoo_c.c:2:19: error: HsFFI.h: No such file or directory

I downloaded this header file from: (I know that is not the correct way, but
it was the only idea that occurs at the moment)

I compiled again and the following return error appears:
myfoo_c.c:(.text+0x1c): undefined reference to `hs_init'
myfoo_c.c:(.text+0x31): undefined reference to `foo'
myfoo_c.c:(.text+0x50): undefined reference to `hs_exit'
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

These functions are necessary to setup GHC runtime (see: )

What I want to know is how to compile myfoo_c.c?! Is it with GCC or GHC?!

Miguel Lordelo.

On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 9:16 PM, Isaac Dupree [EMAIL PROTECTED]


foreign export foo_func foo :: Int - IO Int
-- I forget the rest of the syntax here


extern C {
int foo_func(int i);

int some_cplusplus_function() {
 int bat = 3;
 int blah = foo_func(bat);
 return blah;

Is that all you need to do?

Miguel Lordelo wrote:

Hi all,

Well...somehow I'm a beginner in Haskell. But actually my interest in
Haskell will increase if it is possible to call a haskell function in


Something like GreenCard ( )


the task of interfacing Haskell programs to external libraries


But is there also a task to interface a foreign language with Haskell,


calling Haskell functions. Or c2hs which is an interface generator that
simplifies the development of Haskell bindings to C libraries.

I want to know this, because in my company some guys are doing some


with Frotran and MatLab and I want to show them the power of haskell and


software which we are using is implemented in C++ (there is the reason


make Haskel - C++).

I read somewhere that the only way for C++ calling a haskell function is


create a binding between Haskell and C and from C to C++, but a easy


World example was not there.
Unfortunatelly I couldn't found anything usefull, like an complete


or how to compile the code from haskell to C to C++.

Can sombody help me, please :P

Miguel Lordelo.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] C++ interface with Haskell

2008-04-16 Thread Isaac Dupree


foreign export foo_func foo :: Int - IO Int
-- I forget the rest of the syntax here


extern C {
int foo_func(int i);

int some_cplusplus_function() {
  int bat = 3;
  int blah = foo_func(bat);
  return blah;

Is that all you need to do?

Miguel Lordelo wrote:

Hi all,

Well...somehow I'm a beginner in Haskell. But actually my interest in
Haskell will increase if it is possible to call a haskell function in C++.
Something like GreenCard ( ) simplifying
the task of interfacing Haskell programs to external libraries (usually).
But is there also a task to interface a foreign language with Haskell, but
calling Haskell functions. Or c2hs which is an interface generator that
simplifies the development of Haskell bindings to C libraries.

I want to know this, because in my company some guys are doing some testing
with Frotran and MatLab and I want to show them the power of haskell and the
software which we are using is implemented in C++ (there is the reason to
make Haskel - C++).

I read somewhere that the only way for C++ calling a haskell function is to
create a binding between Haskell and C and from C to C++, but a easy Hello
World example was not there.
Unfortunatelly I couldn't found anything usefull, like an complete example,
or how to compile the code from haskell to C to C++.

Can sombody help me, please :P

Miguel Lordelo.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] naming a data structure for weighted random selection without replacement

2008-02-18 Thread Isaac Dupree

Michał Pałka wrote:

On Mon, 2008-02-18 at 11:37 +, Luke Palmer wrote:

On Feb 18, 2008 5:11 AM, Stuart Cook [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

A while ago I wrote a little data structure that allows weighted
random selection-without-replacement from a collection of values in
O(log n) time.[1] I'm now in the process of packaging it up for
Hackage, but I'm looking for good names for both the type and its

I'm pretty sure it should have Random in the name whatever it is

Obvious idea: How about WeightedRandom?

the without replacement thing is more specific. Although maybe the 
design could accomodate selection-with-replacement in the same package too

or RandomPool? RandomHat? OutOfAHat? :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-11 Thread Isaac Dupree

Alfonso Acosta wrote:

So type-level + parametrized-data is my vote.  But don't let's spend too much
time discussing the name. ;-)

Fair enough. type-level + parameterized-data it is then (unless
someone else has a better suggestion). I'm going to begin coding now.

hang on, parametrized or parameterized? -- both seem like plausible 
spellings, but there's an e different between what you two said!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-02-01 Thread Isaac Dupree

Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:

Am Freitag, 1. Februar 2008 05:11 schrieben Sie:

Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:
Well, the representation (D1,D2,D9) might be considered more readable. 
It has the disadvantage of a fixed maximum size for the numbers.  Which

takes me to a point I had already considered some time ago: Wouldn’t it
be good if we had just a type

data Pair val1 val2 = Pair val1 val2

and if then (val1,val2,…,valn) would just be syntactic sugar for this:

val1 `Pair` (val2 `Pair` (…(valn `Pair` ())…))

I've thought of that too.. besides the asymmetry, the presence of
_|_/seq makes them actually not equivalent though, unfortunately


With Ryan’s proposal (using strictness annotations) the new representation 
should be equivalent to the old one.  Or am I missing something?

adding the strictness annotation seems to make them equivalent, yes I 
agree (I hadn't seen that post when I wrote that reply)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-01-31 Thread Isaac Dupree

Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:
Well, the representation (D1,D2,D9) might be considered more readable.  It has 
the disadvantage of a fixed maximum size for the numbers.  Which takes me to 
a point I had already considered some time ago: Wouldn’t it be good if we had 
just a type

data Pair val1 val2 = Pair val1 val2

and if then (val1,val2,…,valn) would just be syntactic sugar for this:

val1 `Pair` (val2 `Pair` (…(valn `Pair` ())…))

I've thought of that too.. besides the asymmetry, the presence of 
_|_/seq makes them actually not equivalent though, unfortunately

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Fwd: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Implementing fixed-sized vectors (using datatype algebra?)

2008-01-31 Thread Isaac Dupree

You could solve it this way:

data PairL a b = PairL a !b

where (a,b,c) is syntactic sugar for
PairL a (PairL b (PairL c ()))

There are still potential efficiency issues, although this could be
worked out in the compiler; right now it's a single operation to get
from a tuple to any member, but in PairL it takes n operations to get
from the root to the nth elment of the tuple.  The
unbox-strict-fields optimization can fix this.

can it really fix that for polymorphic members?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Poor libraries documentation

2008-01-30 Thread Isaac Dupree

Johan Tibell wrote:

I imagine the laziness here was because these all match their names in
the traditional libc, accessable via manpages.

You may not consider that an excuse :)

I don't! To do something about it I'll adopt Network.Socket and
document that (I did the same with some other base module half a year
ago.) I invite others to do the same, the Prelude would be a good
start. It doesn't take much time. There are interesting things to
document like how error conditions are handled, etc.

maybe start from ... hmm, wait, 
that doesn't give much comments, but at least it gives a 
specification-style implementation and type signature, which must be why 
I look there

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why functional programming matters

2008-01-26 Thread Isaac Dupree

Michael Reid wrote:
power of Haskell's type system makes it feel like you are programming in 
a dynamic language to some degree, yet all of it is type-checked, and 
that is just *really* cool.

to some degree, (in current Haskell compilers), it *is* more like a 
dynamic than a static language: except when optimized away, values of 
all types are represented by a pointer to their actual value. (this 
helps with parametric polymorphism and laziness (take :: Int - [a] - 
[a]).) (at least this is a difference compared to C++)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell] Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why functional programming matters

2008-01-26 Thread Isaac Dupree

Derek Elkins wrote:

On Sat, 2008-01-26 at 20:49 -0500, Isaac Dupree wrote:

Michael Reid wrote:
power of Haskell's type system makes it feel like you are programming in 
a dynamic language to some degree, yet all of it is type-checked, and 
that is just *really* cool.
to some degree, (in current Haskell compilers), it *is* more like a 
dynamic than a static language: except when optimized away, values of 
all types are represented by a pointer to their actual value. (this 
helps with parametric polymorphism and laziness (take :: Int - [a] - 
[a]).) (at least this is a difference compared to C++)

Boxing is orthogonal to dynamic/static.  You can have boxing in
statically typed languages, e.g. Haskell, Java, C#

yes I know, although we are talking about communicating to people who 
don't necessarily know as much as we do.

and you can have
unboxed values in dynamically typed languages.

really? Sure that's possible as an optimization, but I thought that to 
explicitly specify that would require a known static type.  Or perhaps 
the bit-tagging by which some Scheme implementations are able to hold 
small integers without a pointer (IIRC)?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Fwd: ByteString Parsec clone

2008-01-25 Thread Isaac Dupree

Johan Tibell wrote:

I tried to get Dan's thoughts on cloning parts of the Parsec interface
and some of the documentation but none of the emails addresses I've
tried seem to work. What's allowed when it comes to duplicating
something like an API? What about the documentation? I intend it to be
released under BSD3 which I believe is used for Parsec as well.

legally, since it's released under BSD, you're allowed to do all that 
(as long as you don't delete the bit of attribution that the BSD 
requires :-)

although a friendly attempt to contact him might be nice anyway, but 
don't worry too much if he's disappeared from the face of cyberspace, is 
the usual practice, I believe.

Anyone know how I can reach Dan?

not me

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Why functional programming matters

2008-01-24 Thread Isaac Dupree
fewer frustratingly unsolvable bugs down-the-road?  When I have bugs in 
my Haskell programs (and usually I get type errors instead), I've always 
found them eventually and they're either a silly mistake or I realize 
that I misunderstood the problem I was trying to solve (it needs to be 
solved a different way)... which is great, being able to realize that 
and rewrite things!  Usually not everything has to be rewritten because 
Haskell is pretty modular (unless used poorly :-).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] CPP and INLINE pragmas

2008-01-20 Thread Isaac Dupree

Adam Langley wrote:

Since CPP mode removes newlines in the out macro expansion. It appears
to be impossible to have a macro expand to a function with an INLINE
pragma since it appears to need to be in its own line.

that's because INLINE uses layout like everything else, so you can use 
semicolons for it too.

For example:

#define GETHOSTWORD(name, m, type) \
{-# INLINE name #-} \
name :: m type ; \
name = getPtr (sizeOf (undefined :: type)) \

something like

#define GETHOSTWORD(name, m, type) \
{-# INLINE name #-} ; \
name :: m type ; \
name = getPtr (sizeOf (undefined :: type)) \

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Filter by several predicates at once

2008-01-17 Thread Isaac Dupree

Neil Mitchell wrote:


passall, passany :: [a - Bool] - a - Bool
passall ps v = and $ map ($v) ps
passany ps v = or $ map ($v) ps

or something similar defined anywhere? Such that one can write

nearly; using Prelude:
passall ps v = all ($v) ps
passany ps v = any ($v) ps

One thing I have often wanted is something like:

or1 a b x = a x || b x
or2 a b x y = a x y || b x y

yep, there's the idea of putting Bools in a typeclass that allows you to 
(||) functions-returning-Bool-class-instance for example, which I 
haven't used much but seems like a good idea (though potentially 
confusing, especially if the Prelude-Bool-specific names are reused)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Compiling Blobs

2008-01-17 Thread Isaac Dupree

Peter Verswyvelen wrote:

However I'm using GHC 6.8.2 on Fedora 8. BTW what do you think is the
best distro for doing Haskell development?

they all suck if you want to be able to try/use the latest stuff, in my 
experience; just install a GHC and cabal stuff in your home directory 
(you can install more than one GHC-version there if you want to test 
things with multiple versions...).  There's a semi-good reason for this: 
distros don't like to package broken things, and usually something 
breaks with each different version of GHC, but not necessarily something 
you're relying on, and as you're doing Haskell development you may be 
able to help fix it.

so that is, you compile (configure) things with --prefix=$HOME (or 
--prefix=$HOME/unix or so if you don't like your home-directory being 
cluttered with names like bin, lib etc.).  and when using cabal you 
also, if it's a system-wide-installed ghc, need to give --user when 
configuring.  And then you add whatever-you-put-for-prefix/bin to your 
path, e.g. in ~/.bashrc adding

so that the programs (ghc, happy, alex, xmonad, whatever) will be found 
if you want to run them.

Did I leave anything important out?

now, there might be a distro system that actually worked well for this. 
Maybe in a couple years and once cabal-install is reasonably stable, 
some unconventional distro like GoboLinux or NixOS might meet my 
standards :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] the trivial monad- thoughts and a question

2008-01-12 Thread Isaac Dupree

Brian Hurt wrote:
The second question I have is: is there any hope of getting something 
like this into the standard library?

the newtype Identity in module Control.Monad.Identity in package `mtl` 
is what you describe:

in other words, it already is practically in the standard library.

The type-synonym technique doesn't work very well because, e.g., is 
(TrivialMonad (IO ())) = an IO function or a Trivial function?  It 
has been thoroughly discussed before, IIRC...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] US Homeland Security program language security risks

2008-01-09 Thread Isaac Dupree

Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:

Yitzchak Gale wrote:

Perhaps Coverity's interest could be
piqued if they were made aware of Haskell's emergence
as an important platform in security-sensitive
industries such as finance and chip design, and of
the significant influence that Haskell is having on the
design of all other major programming languages.

During one of Simon PJ's tutorials at OSCON last year, a Coverity
engineer was in the audience.  He told us afterwards that he downloaded
the GHC source and gave a try at analysing it while Simon talked.  He
didn't get far, of course; their software wasn't built for the tricks
that -fvia-C plays.  But they have at least one person who was that

unregisterised, it should be standard C without tricks, though still 
nothing like ordinary C and therefore possibly not analyzable

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Please allow beginners to vocalize code. = :: - - -

2008-01-08 Thread Isaac Dupree

Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:

Am Dienstag, 8. Januar 2008 21:36 schrieb Richard Kelsall:

Now supposing you were on the phone to a Haskell programmer and you
wanted to say this

f :: Int - Int

I imagine you might say f maps Int to Int or function f has type
Int to Int. Both symbols have been translated directly to words. Nobody
would say f, colon colon, Int, dash greater than, Int.

I would say: “f double-colon Int arrow Int”.

and so we could have several columns, for exmple:

symbol  symbol-pronunciation  meaningful-pronunc.  definition-term
  -  arrow to function (except 
that it's used in lots of different places in syntax... function type, 
lambda, case at least)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: The Worker/Wrapper Transformation

2008-01-03 Thread Isaac Dupree

Achim Schneider wrote:

Achim Schneider [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm trying to grok that

[] = id
++ = .

in the context of Hughes lists.

they are also known as difference lists, and also used at type String 
in the Prelude as ShowS, to help avoid quadratic behavior when making 
complicated Strings.  the [a]-[a] is not an ordinary function -- it's 
expected not to examine its argument, just to use it exactly once (is 
there a formal way to say that?)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Worker/Wrapper Transformation

2008-01-03 Thread Isaac Dupree

Achim Schneider wrote: a paper about automatic specialisation of functions by unboxing
arguments, one could say. I'm only on page 6, but already survived the
first formalisms, which is bound to mean that the rest of the paper is
likewise accessible, as hinted on at ltu.

The transformation itself is mindbogglingly easy, which makes this a
good start: You only have to understand the formalisms, not so much what
the formalisms are representing. To quote spj: It usually turns out to
be more interesting and challenging than it seemed at first.

I'm tempted to write that this is a paper for everyone trying to figure
out what the heck Jonathan is talking about.

I like it!  Of course the technique itself doesn't provide guidance on 
what type you want to transform a function to.

on page 6, stronger vs weaker seemed backwards to me... isn't (wrap ◦ 
unwrap = idA) a stronger condition than (wrap ◦ unwrap ◦ body = body), 
because it tells you more, and is true in fewer cases? (which is also 
why you want to assume (wrap ◦ unwrap = idA) when you can, because it's 
the most useful one for subsequent program transformation)

and then the inevitable minor copy-editing :-)

p. 22. intentional properties -- intensional (right?)

p. 27. typo 'unwarp' for 'unwrap'

BTW. GHC currently does allow e.g. (I# (1# +# 2#)), not just (case (1# 
+# 2#) of n# - I# n#) -- the strictness implications seem pretty 
straightforwards (it's trivial to transform away).

p. 29. in both these system - systems

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A commutative diagram conjecture about applicative functors

2007-12-31 Thread Isaac Dupree

Twan van Laarhoven wrote:

Robin Green wrote:

I am proving various statements relating to applicative functors, using
the Coq proof assistant (I am considering only Coq terms, which always
terminate so you don't have to worry about _|_). However, I'm not sure
how to go about proving a certain conjecture, which, translated back
into Haskell and made more specific to make it easier to think about,
looks like this (assuming Control.Applicative and Control.Arrow are

For all applicative functors:

\f x - fmap second f * fmap ((,) (0::Int)) x

is equivalent to

\f x - fmap ((,) (0::Int)) (f * x)

Using the laws from the Control.Applicative haddock page, and some 

good!  I was still confused whether 'second' was necessarily in the (,) 
arrow (it is, here).  So I used GHCi (6.8.2), and seemed to discover a 
GHC bug afterwards?

Prelude Control.Arrow Control.Applicative
 :t \f x - fmap second f * fmap ((,) (0::Int)) x
\f x - fmap second f * fmap ((,) (0::Int)) x
   :: (Applicative f) = f (b - c) - f b - f (Int, c)

 :t \f x - fmap ((,) (0::Int)) (f * x)
\f x - fmap ((,) (0::Int)) (f * x)
   :: (Applicative f) = f (a1 - a) - f a1 - f (Int, a)

Unfortunately, I get puzzling type errors if I annotate either one of 
them with their type (e.g.

(Applicative f) = f (a - b) - f a - f (Int, b)
) in an expression.  The very answer doesn't seem to typecheck.

 :t \f x - fmap ((,) (0::Int)) (f * x) :: (Applicative f) = f (a1 
- a) - f a1 - f (Int, a)

Couldn't match expected type `f a1 - f (Int, a)'
   against inferred type `(Int, a11)'
Probable cause: `(,)' is applied to too many arguments
In the first argument of `fmap', namely `((,) (0 :: Int))'
In the expression:
  fmap ((,) (0 :: Int)) (f * x) ::
(Applicative f) = f (a1 - a) - f a1 - f (Int, a)

 :t \f x - fmap second f * fmap ((,) (0::Int)) x :: (Applicative f) 
= f (b - c) - f b - f (Int, c)

Couldn't match expected type `f b - f (Int, c)'
   against inferred type `(d, c1)'
Probable cause: `second' is applied to too many arguments
In the first argument of `fmap', namely `second'
In the first argument of `(*)', namely `fmap second f'

Of course if I leave out :t and leave out all type signatures then it 
complains that it needs monomorphism, which is fair, but...

 \f x - fmap second f * fmap ((,) (0::Int)) x 

Ambiguous type variable `f' in the constraint:
  `Applicative f' arising from a use of `*' at interactive:1:8-46
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A commutative diagram conjecture about applicative functors

2007-12-31 Thread Isaac Dupree

Twan van Laarhoven wrote:

Isaac Dupree wrote:
Unfortunately, I get puzzling type errors if I annotate either one of 
them with their type (e.g.

(Applicative f) = f (a - b) - f a - f (Int, b)
) in an expression.  The very answer doesn't seem to typecheck.

  :t \f x - fmap ((,) (0::Int)) (f * x) :: (Applicative f) = f 
(a1 - a) - f a1 - f (Int, a)

Here the type annotation applies to the *body* of the lambda 
abstraction, adding parentheses around the whole thing solve your problem.

  :t (\f x - fmap ((,) (0::Int)) (f * x)) :: (Applicative f) = f 
(a1 - a) - f a1 - f (Int, a)

Aside from the fact that ghci has some trouble formating the output.

thank you, oops, how annoying.  I wonder if GHCi should output 
parentheses to make its :type result be a valid expression...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Wikipedia on first-class object

2007-12-27 Thread Isaac Dupree

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

here T is any type. you said that values of ANY TYPE can be saved to
disk, so show us the way


try to prove that this mean that value of ANY type may be saved to

Run another program that uses lots of memory, and watch the entire 
Haskell program's memory be swapped out to disk.  Better yet, 
suspend-to-disk (or hibernate) your computer.  Voila -- values of any 
and all types have been saved to disk!  In a limited fashion, of course.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Comments on reading two ints off Bytestring

2007-12-24 Thread Isaac Dupree

Paulo J. Matos wrote:

On Dec 23, 2007 12:44 PM, Isaac Dupree [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-- this should work too
parseHeader3 :: BS.ByteString - Maybe (Int, Int)
--note accurate type signature, which helps us use Maybe failure-monad,
--although losing your separate error messages

Oh gee, I just noticed that my type sig is in fact not correct. How
come GHC doesn't complain?

well, it is correct for Haskell if you want program failure for parse 
failure... it's just not a _total_ function unless you use Maybe (which 
determines whether you can have the code that uses parseHeader decide 
what to do in the case of a failure)

parseHeader3 bs = do
   (x, rest) - BS.readInt $ BS.dropWhile (not . isDigit) bs
   (y, _) - BS.readInt $ BS.dropWhile (not . isDigit) rest
   return (x, y)

What happens then if the first BS.readInt return Nothing???

--or to be clearer without syntactic sugar, that is
parseHeader3 bs =
   (BS.readInt $ BS.dropWhile (not . isDigit) bs)
 = \(x, rest) -
(BS.readInt $ BS.dropWhile (not . isDigit) rest)
   = \(y, _) -
  return (x, y)

when the first one returns Nothing, the whole expression becomes Nothing 
without examining the later parts of computation (as Chaddaï said)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Comments on reading two ints off Bytestring

2007-12-24 Thread Isaac Dupree

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

On Dec 24, 2007, at 13:18 , Isaac Dupree wrote:

Paulo J. Matos wrote:

On Dec 23, 2007 12:44 PM, Isaac Dupree [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

parseHeader3 bs = do
   (x, rest) - BS.readInt $ BS.dropWhile (not . isDigit) bs
   (y, _) - BS.readInt $ BS.dropWhile (not . isDigit) rest
   return (x, y)

What happens then if the first BS.readInt return Nothing???
when the first one returns Nothing, the whole expression becomes 
Nothing without examining the later parts of computation (as Chaddaï 

One thng that's not obvious here is that pattern match failure 
translates to a call to fail, which in the definition of Monad for 
Maybe becomes Nothing.

(Hm.  Isaac:  I thought that translation only happened for the do 
sugar, and in the direct case you must do it yourself or Haskell raises 
the incomplete pattern match exception?)

Tuple-matching never fails (except for _|_) -- there's only one 
constructor.  In this case it's only the intrinsic failure of 
BS.readInt.  You're thinking of something like

   [a,b] - readListOfInts foo
   return (a+b)
--readListOfInts is a function I made up :: String - Maybe [Int]

which can fail
(1) if readListOfInts returns Nothing
(2) because of the do-notation, also if the list doesn't have exactly 
two elements in it.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Comments on reading two ints off Bytestring

2007-12-23 Thread Isaac Dupree

-- this should work too
parseHeader3 :: BS.ByteString - Maybe (Int, Int)
--note accurate type signature, which helps us use Maybe failure-monad,
--although losing your separate error messages
parseHeader3 bs = do
  (x, rest) - BS.readInt $ BS.dropWhile (not . isDigit) bs
  (y, _) - BS.readInt $ BS.dropWhile (not . isDigit) rest
  return (x, y)
--or to be clearer without syntactic sugar, that is
parseHeader3 bs =
  (BS.readInt $ BS.dropWhile (not . isDigit) bs)
= \(x, rest) -
   (BS.readInt $ BS.dropWhile (not . isDigit) rest)
  = \(y, _) -
 return (x, y)


Paulo J. Matos wrote:

On Dec 23, 2007 12:32 PM, Paulo J. Matos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello all,

It is either too difficult to get two integers of a bytestring, in
which case something should be done to ease the process or I should
learn much more Haskell. I guess the latter is the correct guess.

I have a bytestring containing two naturals. I was to get them as
efficiently as possible. Here's my code:

Just tried a better one, what do you think of this:
parseHeader2 :: BS.ByteString - (Int, Int)
parseHeader2 bs =
case (BS.readInt $ BS.dropWhile (not . isDigit) bs) of
  Nothing - error Couldn't find first natural.
  Just (x, rest) -
  case (BS.readInt $ BS.dropWhile (not . isDigit) rest) of
Nothing - error Couldn't find second natural.
Just (y, _) - (x, y)

parseHeader :: BS.ByteString - (Int, Int)
parseHeader bs =
let first = BS.readInt $ BS.dropWhile (not . isDigit) bs
  if(isNothing first)
  error Couldn't find first natural.
  let second = BS.readInt $ BS.dropWhile (not . isDigit) $
snd $ fromJust first
if(isNothing second)
error Couldn't find second natural.
(fst $ fromJust first, fst $ fromJust second)

This seems to work:

parseHeader $ BS.pack hello 252 359


Is there a better way?


Paulo Jorge Matos - pocm at
PhD Student @ ECS
University of Southampton, UK

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell performance

2007-12-21 Thread Isaac Dupree

Jon Harrop wrote:

On Thursday 20 December 2007 19:02, Don Stewart wrote:

Ok, so I should revive nobench then, I suspect.

that kind of thing?

Many of those benchmarks look good.

However, I suggest avoiding trivially reducible problems like computing 
constants (e, pi, primes, fib)

true in general, but I know I use computed constants in real code 
because it's cleaner than using their expanded value, so it's worth 
checking whether a compiler can (still) do (how much of) that.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ghc overlapping instances

2007-12-05 Thread Isaac Dupree

Steffen Mazanek wrote:


Stefan and Isaac, thx for providing quick advice.

@Stefan: Unfortunately I have to use a list.
@Isaac: I do not get it. Could you please provide a short example of your

The question still remains. Which arguments do I have ghc to start with to
get the same behavior than hugs with -98 +o (here it works).

I provide my example for testing purposes:

module Test where
import Test.QuickCheck
import Monad(liftM,liftM2)

type Program = [Stmt]
data Stmt = Text | IfElse Program Program | While Program deriving (Eq,

instance Arbitrary [Stmt] where
  arbitrary = sized genProg
instance Arbitrary Stmt where
  arbitrary = sized genStmt

genStmt::Int-Gen Stmt
genStmt 0 = return Text
genStmt 1 = return Text
genStmt 2 = oneof [return Text, return (While [Text])]
genStmt n | n2 = oneof ([return Text,
  liftM While (genProg (n-1))]++
 [liftM2 IfElse (genProg k) (genProg

genProg::Int-Gen Program
genProg 0 = return []
genProg 1 = return [Text]
genProg n | n1 = oneof ((liftM (\x-[x]) (genStmt n)):[liftM2 (:) (genStmt
k) (genProg (n-k))|k-[1..n-1]])

prop_ConstructParse progr = True
  where types = progr::Program

main = mapM_ (\(s,a) - putStrLn s  a) [(flowchart construct and parse,
test prop_ConstructParse)]

is prop_ConstructParse the only thing that breaks when you remove the 
instance Arbitrary [Stmt] where arbitrary = sized genProg, or have I 
missed something?  If that's all, try this (untested) :

prop_ConstructParse = forAll (sized genProg) (\progr - True)

and similarly for other properties.

Or, you _can_ use a newtype for quickcheck-only, something like this:

newtype P = P { unP :: Program }
instance Show P where show = show . unP
instance Arbitrary P where arbitrary = sized genProg . unP
prop_ConstructParse (P progr) = True

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ghc overlapping instances

2007-12-04 Thread Isaac Dupree

Steffen Mazanek wrote:


I want to quickcheck a property on a datatype representing
programs (=[Stmt]) and need to define a specific instance

instance Arbitrary [Stmt]

(mainly to restrict the size of the list).

you don't always need to use instances. for example, I have (where 
Predicate is a type I defined which I gave a separate normal Arbitrary 

arbpredicate :: Gen Predicate
arbpredicate = do ...

prop_assocUnify :: Property
prop_assocUnify =
 forAll arbpredicate $ \a -
 forAll arbpredicate $ \b -
 forAll arbpredicate $ \c - ...boolean result

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] IVar

2007-12-04 Thread Isaac Dupree

A pure readIVar would be just like lazy I/O, with similar drawbacks.  
With readIVar, the effect that lets you observe the evaluation order 
is writeIVar; with hGetContents it is hClose.  Conclusion: it's 
probably no worse than lazy I/O.

Actually, it's considerably better.

+: implementation may not evaluate something that may terminate/block, 

IVar may change from blocking to non-blocking, unlike most pure 
expressions.  This is only meaningful if trying to evaluate it would 
prevent it from gaining a value.  It can only have such an effect 
(helping the IVar gain a value) if the same thread would do any IO (if 
it wasn't for the unnecessary evaluation).  IO is generally observable, 
so getting stuck on a normal non-terminating expression wouldn't be any 
more acceptable than getting stuck on an IVar in that case.

... all assuming unsafeInterleaveIO doesn't exist, because it's unsafe, 
so the semantics are undefined of when it gets evaluated relative to 
later normally-sequenced IO actions, if it will be eventually evaluated 
for sure -- right?  Nevertheless its intended use generally assumes that 
it will be evaluated as if its evaluation might not terminate, i.e. as 
late as possible.  If it is in fact (a finite amount of) non-blocking 
IO, then evaluating it early will only have consequences on when the IO 
happens (and therefore its effect/result), not directly on the program's 
non-termination or actions.

It gets more confusing the more I think about it!

to modify Simon's example, it looks to me like treating readIVar as 
potentially non-terminating, and writeIVar as potentially having 
side-effects, is enough:

main = do
--irrelevant  x - newIVar
let y = last [1..]
print test  --was irrelevant  writeIVar x 3
print y

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: is there a more concise way to generate helper functions for a datatype built on records?

2007-11-27 Thread Isaac Dupree

apfelmus wrote:

Benedikt Huber wrote:

  type Upd a = a - a
  data Ref cx t
  = Ref { select :: cx - t , update :: Upd t - Upd cx }

Functional references are also called lens, I'm going to use that term 
from now on.

As a minor note, I somehow prefer a single primitive

  data Lens s a = Lens { focus :: s - (a, a - s) }

nice name.

there cannot be 
a general parallel combinator

  () :: Lens a b - Lens a c - Lens a (b,c)

with for example

  players = player1  player2

That's because the two arguments might not be parallel at all. For 
instance, consider

  dup :: Lens a (a,a)
  dup = id  id

Which component of the pair should

  put dup :: a - (a,a) - (a,a)

change? The first, the second, or even both?

   put :: Lens s a - a - s - s
   put x = flip $ snd . focus x

put dup :: (a,a) - a - a

Arrows IIRC resolve this dilemma by arbitrarily saying the first 
argument of () takes effect first... a solution I'm not entirely 
happy with.  Here, first it would put the first element of the pair, 
then it would put the second, so the result would be the second element. 
 If it were 2d vectors, x::Lens Vector Double, angle::Lens Vector 
Angle, it makes a difference whether x-coordinate or angle is changed 
first, and again, () could sequence.

I wish there was some way to compose them that guaranteed 
order-independence, and didn't work otherwise, though.  I suppose 
QuickCheck could be used to catch most 
parallel/disjoint-assumption-mistakes like that...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why aren't Float and Double Bounded?

2007-11-27 Thread Isaac Dupree

Henning Thielemann wrote:

On Mon, 26 Nov 2007, Jason Dusek wrote:

Among numeric types, it seems that only integer types are Bounded.

Maybe because IEEE format supports Infinity?

therefore, maxBound is Infinity and minBound negative infinity?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why aren't Float and Double Bounded?

2007-11-27 Thread Isaac Dupree

Among numeric types, it seems that only integer types are Bounded.

Maybe because IEEE format supports Infinity?

therefore, maxBound is Infinity and minBound negative infinity?

But IEEE can be run with projective infinity in which case there is only one
of them.

Well, if Double becomes a proper member of Ord (which it already almost 
never is, because of NaN), then, since it is defined by a finite number 
of bits, it can be Bounded.  Maybe this means projective infinity 
breaks Ord like NaN does.  Any of this potential variation in Double 
obviously breaks referential transparency too, if it depends on what 
implementation you're using.

succ/pred are odd for Double too; even if Bounded and defined by a 
finite number of bits, you would not be able to have a finite 
[minBound..0] or [minBound..maxBound].

Basically, it's not Bounded, not for a particular reason, but just 
because it's rather broken from a Haskell point of view anyway, IMHO.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] placing modules in the module hierarchy

2007-10-29 Thread Isaac Dupree

Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:
Since the Control.Grapefruit subtree would probably only consist of 
Control.Grapefruit.Signal and submodules, I’d prefer to just use 
Control.Signal and Control.Signal.*.  But this would pose the problem that no 
other FRP library could use Control.Signal without conflicting with 

One _ideal_ is to develop a consensus in the community for a FRP Signal 
library, one that is good enough that Grapefruit could use it.  (If the 
library is inherently Grapefruit-specific, do use 
Control.Signal.Grapefruit or Control.Grapefruit.Signal.)  Of course that 
ideal is not always possible, and best-library consensuses do change 
over the years -- but we've been doing it a lot anyway.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Recipes for organizing HUnit tests

2007-10-28 Thread Isaac Dupree

Mushfeq Khan wrote:

I'm new to Haskell and am trying to find a good way to organize my HUnit
tests. Having used some of the other XUnit frameworks, I tended towards
trying to organize them all in a parallel test folder structure, but this
seems to be a bad fit for Haskell, since the test modules cannot see the
source modules unless they are either in the same folder or a folder above
it. That's without modifying the module search path when I run the tests,
which I would like to avoid.

Well, it's certainly possible to use parallel directory structures -- 
this is one way to do it:

module Xyzzy.Gizmo where

module Test.Gizmo where
import Xyzzy.Gizmo
main = ...

ghc --make -main-is Test.Gizmo.main Test/Gizmo.hs

Or without -main-is,

module Main where
import Test.Gizmo
import Test.Bar
main = testGizmo, testBar ...

ghc --make Tests

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] newbie optimization question

2007-10-28 Thread Isaac Dupree

Prabhakar Ragde wrote:

You could try giving divisors type signature:
divisors :: Int - [Int]

Thank you. That brings the time down to 0.5 seconds. I'm glad it was 
something as simple as that. --PR

I assume GHC was smart enough to do inlining and such in this case, so 
the difference is that it defaulted to Integer, whose operations are 
somewhat slower.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] viewing HS files in Firefox

2007-10-27 Thread Isaac Dupree
When I try to go to one of the Module.hs files, e.g. on, it now has type HS and Firefox refuses to display it 
(and only lets me download it).  Does anyone know how to make Firefox 
treat certain file types as others (HS as plain text, in particular)? 
so that I can browse them with any convenience

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