Re: Adding a value to a list if it's not already there

2001-05-17 Thread ramesct
Hi Chris Use getPos() function to identify the position of the value in the list. If the value is not found in the list it returns 0, then add the value. on addItem theList,theItem if not theList.getPos(theItem) then theList.add(theItem) end if end best regards

RE: cursor position in textfield

2001-05-16 Thread ramesct
Hi Leon, Look at this script which is working, I used the selEnd and selStart properties to get the cursor position. Hope this helps you. on shiftHome me pCursorPos = the selEnd the selStart = 0 the selEnd = pCursorPos end on shiftEnd me if the selection <> EMPTY then pCursorPos =

Re: cursor position in textfield

2001-05-16 Thread ramesct
Hi Leon, Check out these properties of a field in Director's help file, it might help. the selStart the selEnd the selection best regards -- Ramesh CT -- >>> How can I find out where the cu

Re: broken links to quicktime - "where is" error

2001-05-13 Thread ramesct
Hi, Check out this article on DOUG site, best regards -- Ramesh CT -- >>> I am having alot of problems with broken links to quicktime

Re: Plug-ins folder in Macintosh systems.

2001-05-03 Thread ramesct
Hi When you install Shockwave player from the net, the shockwave files get copied to Browser Plug-ins folder and also to Macintosh System folder. best regards -- Ramesh CT -- ---> I

Re: printing a .pdf

2001-05-03 Thread ramesct
Hi -- Ramesh CT -- Please tell me the buddyAPI website. Thanx & regds -Dimple- [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to http://

Re: printing a .pdf

2001-04-29 Thread ramesct
Hi Prasad, You can use buddyAPI's baPrintFile() function to print pdf files. I think you can use two functions, its free with the demo version. This function prints a document, using Acrobat reader. If Acrobat reader is not istalled it returns an error 31 OK = baPrintFile( the pathName & "acro

Re: desactive movie or score scripts by Lingo

2001-04-26 Thread ramesct
Hi Pranav, comment: CTRL + Shift + > uncomment CTRL + Shift + < regards -- Ramesh CT -- BTWis there a keyboard shortcut to comment and uncomment lines in the script editor? [To remove

Re: shockwave in dir

2001-04-25 Thread ramesct
Are you having problem with Cursors on flash sprites? if yes, then try this script on flash sprites on mouseWithin me if the mouseOverButton of sprite(me.spriteNum) then sprite(me.spriteNum).cursor = 280 else sprite(me.spriteNum).cursor = 0 end if end mouseWithin on endSprite me

Re: new comer

2001-04-23 Thread ramesct
Hi Ramesh, Welcome to lingo-L. here is a script, attach this to all the 26 alphabet sprites. Arrange the box and alphabet sprites this way on the score.. box1 a box2 b box3 c and so on upto z Bahavior script for Alphabets- property pS

Re: Another weirdness

2001-04-18 Thread ramesct
try this on beginSprite me sprite(me.spriteNum).cursor = 280 end on endSprite me sprite(me.spriteNum).cursor = 0 end best regards -- Ramesh CT -- >>> On mouseenter cursor(280

Re: Custom Cursor from an external cast?

2001-04-13 Thread ramesct
And do not forget to set the cursor to 0 when it is not required for the sprite on endSprite me sprite(me.spriteNum).cursor = 0 end otherwise the other sprites on the same channel will show the cursor on rollover. best regards -- Ramesh CT http://www.l

Re: Activex with director

2001-04-13 Thread ramesct
Hi Sameer, I have no knowledge using ActiveX controls in Director, I havn't used them yet, there is a help file provided in Director's xtras folder on ActiveX controls, have a look. I have been using Mui Dialog xtra for dialogs and FileXtra for Saving, Copying files. Check out www.director-onli

Re: the linecount of member [eng/ita]

2001-04-13 Thread ramesct
Hi robx, member("text member name").line.count HTH best regards -- Ramesh CT -- [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to

Re: Still having problem when i try to import a WAV..!!!!

2001-04-12 Thread ramesct
Hi I guess Director can not Import sounds of type Microsoft ADPCM. Open 'Start.wav' in any of the Audio editing application and save it using Windows PCM type, you should be able to import it. best regards -- Ramesh CT --

Re: Marker deletion by lingo?

2001-04-12 Thread ramesct
Dear David, Mare is right, you have to do this only using score recording but you don't need to delete frame and recreate the frame. Here is an update script to Mare's which sets the frameLabel to 0 without deleting the frame itself. on cleanlabels beginRecording go frame 1 tMarkerLi

Re: equations in Director

2001-04-11 Thread ramesct
Hi, Director can import most of the image formats. Does "equation editor" software exports equations in any of the image formats which Director can import? or is there a Export option available in that? best regards -- Ramesh CT

Re: urgent!!!!!!(problem with projector)

2001-04-11 Thread ramesct
Hi Sridhar, My guess is that you created a Shockwave version of Projector. This option is available in Projector options > Player. Copy the following files from the Director application folder to your project's Xtras folder, it should work fine. Dirapi.dll Iml32.dll msvcrt.dll Proj.dll Hope

Re: Actor Control.x32

2001-04-09 Thread ramesct
Thanks Mare, Even I havn't heard of this xtra before but, I got to find this xtra in Xtras folder in one of the CBT which is done using Director by someone else. I surprised, and was desperate to know about this. best regards -- Ramesh CT http://www.lingo

Actor Control.x32

2001-04-09 Thread ramesct
Hi Does anyone know where I can get information on Actor Control.x32? thanks in advance -- Ramesh CT -- [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to http://www.p

Re: Message window in projector

2001-04-04 Thread ramesct
Hmmm.. my mistake.. I should have mentioned as 'Notepad' or 'SimpleText' instead of Word. Sorry Pranav. regards -- Ramesh CT -- [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest

Re: Message window in projector

2001-04-03 Thread ramesct
Hello Pranav, Just one more guess... Open your ini file in Microsoft word and make sure that there are no funny square characters at the beginning or end of the lines and it should save it as plain TXT file. regards -- Ramesh CT

Re: Message window in projector

2001-04-03 Thread ramesct
But that should come under [Lingo] section right? [Lingo] DisplayFullLingoErrorText=1 Make sure the extension of the file is .ini. When 'folder options > view > Hide extention for the known file types' is turned ON and changing the extention of *.txt file to .ini will lead to *.ini.txt. I'm no

Re: stubborn hilite in editable text

2001-04-02 Thread ramesct
Hello Clars, It always worked for me setting its own text to it back after making it editable property to false like this sprite(1).member.editable = FALSE sprite(1).member.text = sprite(1).member.text HTH best regards -- Ramesh CT http://www.lingoman.n

Re: Repeat properties

2001-03-27 Thread ramesct
Thanks to Tab and Mark on 'Projector.ini file' mail. - Hello Kerry, >>> [#roster: [#name: "Tab"], [#name: "Jakob"], [#name: "Roy"]] There is some problem getting the count of your property list, it always returns 2, I think you need to change your property list to something like this.. [[

Re: Projector.ini file

2001-03-27 Thread ramesct
Hello Tab, Are there any other settings I can put in the ini file apart from these, [settings] messagewindow=1 SingleInstance=1 I know that messagewindowrect will be created automatically when the projector runs.. >>>SingleInstance=1 needs to be in the [Settings] section. thanks and regards

Re: screengrab on NT

2001-03-16 Thread ramesct
It works for me on NT Just make sure the state of the picture property of the member returns TRUE before assigning (the stage).picture put pictureP(member(member name).picture) --1 Are you creating the bitmap cast member at runtime?, if you are doing so, the picture property will be 0 try thi

Re: Screen size

2001-03-15 Thread ramesct
Hi Mitesh, You can do this using rect and drawRect properties of the stage. on prepareMovie stageSize = the desktopRectList[1] (the stage).rect = stageSize (the stage).drawRect = stageSize end regards -- Ramesh CT -

Re: MIAW moveToFront/moveToBack

2001-03-15 Thread ramesct
Try moving the Window to front after the repeat loop on openWindows repeat with i = 1 to 3 myWindowName = "Window"&i window(myWindowName).open() end repeat moveToFrontWindow 1 end on moveToFrontWindow winPos --put the windowList the windowList[winPos].moveToFront() end regar

OT: Anybody from Bangalore?

2001-03-15 Thread ramesct
Hi all, We are in the process of forming a group called Bangalore Macromedia Users Group (BMMUG), the group is already has about 15 to 20 members and planning to expand it to more members. If anybody from Bangalore, India on this list could mail me privately for details. thanks and regards

Re: cant link .cct to my shockwave only .cst

2001-03-14 Thread ramesct
The moviePath will return the URL of the movie where it is uploaded. use 'if then' condition to check whether the movie is playing from the internet (cache) or from local folder thePath = the moviePath & "the file name" if thePath starts "http://" then -- network operation -- preloading, e

Re: Cursor flashing During QT

2001-03-08 Thread ramesct
Try making the cursor invisible only for quicktime sprite on startMovie sprite(qtSpriteNumber).cursor = 200 end best regards ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø Ramesh CT ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø >>> I still need the pointer visible so the user can make s

Re: Cursor flashing During QT

2001-03-08 Thread ramesct
Dear Tom, What I have experienced so far is that setting the cursor to 3D pointers under Windows Control Panel Mouse settings causes the cursor to flash while the quicktime is playing. My workaround for this problem was setting the Mouse pointers to windows standard. regards ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`

Re: mapping out the "ESCAPE" key

2001-03-08 Thread ramesct
>in that file, just uncomment the line, EscapeOk=1, and save it again. Tom wants not to quit the projector while pressing ESC key, You have to set EscapeOk=0. It doesn't solve the problem by just saving the ini file in director's folder. You have to rename the file to Projector's name keep it al

Re: mapping out the "ESCAPE" key

2001-03-08 Thread ramesct
on startMovie the exitLock = true end test it through projector. regards ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø Ramesh CT ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to

Re: What is this error ?

2001-03-07 Thread ramesct
Hi Manish, I have not come across this error in my life. I think it is something related with 'Play Every Movie' check box in Projector Options. Turn off this selection , re create your projector and test again. best regards ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø Ramesh CT

Re: Moving the Cursor

2001-03-07 Thread ramesct
hey Tom, You can also restrict the cursor to the screen positions using buddyAPI. Using the Projector's stage rect you could place the cursor inside the screen area, check out the scripts below. -- movie script global gSRect on startMovie gSRect = the stage.rect baRestrictCursor(gSRect.left

RE: Moving the Cursor

2001-03-07 Thread ramesct
>forgot the name. somebody here must know it. is it SetCursor xtra?!! ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø Ramesh CT ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to

Re: script doesn't detect platform

2001-03-07 Thread ramesct
Hi I think you have to delete the space in between "Macintosh, powerpc". I don't use Mac to test. how about like this, if the environment.platform contains "Windows,32" then myscript2 else myscript end if regards ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø Ramesh CT ø¤º°

Re: Window shutdown with lingo

2001-03-06 Thread ramesct
Hi Vish, shutdown command function defferently on Mac and windows, This problem seems to be only on windows. Try using buddyAPI's baExitWindows("shutdown") function. on mouseUp --shutdown baExitWindows("shutdown") end best Vish 'es ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø Ramesh CT http://www.

Re: directing html pages to frames

2001-03-06 Thread ramesct
on mouseUp goToNetPage ("frames.html", "_new") end regards ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø Ramesh CT ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø --> How can I use Lingo to change the html page of a html frame in a new window? [To remove yourself from this list, or to c

Re: ARGH - still weird....

2001-03-06 Thread ramesct
hi, try setting the boxtype of text member to #fixed and then change the height of member sprite(6).member.filename=gScrHtmlStub & gDepositoriesIndex[2].factual_table sprite(6).member.boxType = #fixed sprite(6).member.height = 233 best regards -

Re: runtime copypixels without "trails"

2001-03-05 Thread ramesct
Hi If you are just trying to show the quad, you don't need to use the imaging lingo. Use another sprite and change its quad. on drawRuntimeQuad me,quadList, fcolor sprite(5).quad = quadList sprite(5).foreColor = fColor end best regards --


2001-03-04 Thread ramesct
Dear Kalpesh, It would be nice if you mention Subject in your mail. I think you have inserted the Swa into internal Cast, the reference to intenal swa sound is lost when the movie changes. My suggestion is to have a common external cast with inserted swa in it and linked to both the movies w

Re: Ramesh Reply: Linked Cast Members and DXR's

2001-02-25 Thread ramesct
Sorry Guys for wasting Bandwidth for sending the same message. Typo errors :( The seems to be fine. Have you included the Mix Services.x32 and TIFF Import Export.x32 xtras in the Xtras folder?, if not, place these xtras inside the Xtras folder and keep this folder along with the projector. >Th

Re: Ramesh Reply: Linked Cast Members and DXR's

2001-02-25 Thread ramesct
Hi John, Sorry for the delayed reply. The seems to be fine. Have you included the Mix Services.x32 and TIFF Import Export.x32 xtras in the xras folder?, if not, place these xtras inside the Xtra folder and keep this folder along with the projector. >The path to the file is absolute: >=the mov

Re: OT: NIIT centers

2001-02-25 Thread ramesct
Hi Pranav, Here is the list of NIIT centres in Bangalore which I got from the Telephone directory. I think, should be more centres than this list, Please check with the head office which is on 1/5, Palace Road. NIIT Ltd., 1/5, Palace Road Bangalore - 560 001 Phone:080 2256799 080 22046

Re: Transition Usage

2001-02-23 Thread ramesct
Hi Mahmood, Director transitions can not be applied to specific sprites. The transition occur when the playback head moves from the current frame to the next frame. the change area option in transition dialog determines whether the transition occurs only in the changing area or over the stage.

Re: quick question

2001-02-22 Thread ramesct
Hi The following script worked for me on Internet explorer, I don't about opening a new window on netscape. goToNetpage" ('','','width=400,height=400');" regards -- Ramesh

Re: MPEG Extra and KeyDown

2001-02-22 Thread ramesct
Hi Ravi, Try putting the keyDown handler in the movie script. this makes availability of the handler throughout the entire movie. Does the playback head is looping in the same frame where the your keydown handler is?, if yes then try using keyPressed() as suggested by Colin in exitFrame scrip

Re: Linked Cast Members and DXR's

2001-02-22 Thread ramesct
> member("hit","enemy").filename= What is the like? is it relative to the movie? regards -- Ramesh CT Phoenix Global Solutions (I) Pvt Ltd -- [To remove y

RE: animated gifs in shockwave player

2001-02-22 Thread ramesct
Have you checked Download If Needed option in Modify > Movie > xtras for Animated GIF xtra? This will allow you to download the xtra if it was not installed during shockwave installation. regards -- Ramesh CT Phoenix Global Solutions (I) P

Re: quick question

2001-02-21 Thread ramesct
Hi on mouseUp goToNetpage("'',' ','width=400, height=400 toolbar=1, location=1, status=1');window.parent.close();") end regards -- Ramesh CT Phoenix Global Solutions (I) Pvt Ltd http://www.l

Re: formating with lingo

2001-02-21 Thread ramesct
try this s= the selstart e= the selend repeat with c = s+1 to e the fontStyle of char c of member("Textfield","Cast") = "bold" end repeat >> i got an editable textfield, a button which is supposed to change the fontstyle of the selected text to "bold" and a script: >> regards --

Re: Syntax help

2001-02-17 Thread ramesct
on createList vList_Of_Titles=[] totalMembers = the number of members of castLib "Tiles" repeat with vIndex= 1 to totalMembers vList_Of_Titles[vIndex] = member(vIndex,"Tiles").name end repeat end regards -- Ramesh CT Phoenix Glo

Re: FuseLight?

2001-02-17 Thread ramesct
Thanks Mark, >It seems to be an alternate choice for a Multi User Server. > Got to learn one more ... Hmm...Keep-On-Learnin' :) regards -- Ramesh CT Phoenix Global Solutions (I) Pvt Ltd http://www.lingoman.

Re: Specific ColorPalette for Specific Cast Member

2001-02-17 Thread ramesct
Hi Mahmood, member("member name").paletteRef = member("new palette member name") regards -- Ramesh CT Phoenix Global Solutions (I) Pvt Ltd -- [To remove yo

Re: FuseLight?

2001-02-17 Thread ramesct
Thanks Pranav. >Read up more on it at I'll check out the site. Have a nice weekend. regards -- Ramesh CT Phoenix Global Solutions (I) Pvt Ltd --

Re: lingo code

2001-02-16 Thread ramesct
Hi on decreaseVolume curVol = the soundLevel curVal = curVal - 1 if curVal < 0 then curVal = 0 end if the soundLevel = curVal end on increaseVolume curVol = the soundLevel curVal = curVal + 1 if curVal > 7 then curVal = 7 end if the soundL

Re: Vibration of Stage

2001-02-15 Thread ramesct
Hi Mahmood, Apply this script to the Ball and execute vibrateStage(me) handler whenever you want to vibrate the stage. -- Stage vibrate behavior property pStageRect property pVibrateAmmount property pVibrateAmmountTmp property pVibrateMomentum property pVibrate property plOrR on beginSprite me

Re: Director files to be display in Powerpoint

2001-02-15 Thread ramesct
Hi You need to have a PC projector in order to run your files on the PC. The director files will work on both the platforms. from the projector you just need to link to these director files. No need of using powerpoint. regards -- Ramesh C

Re: a problem with projector

2001-02-14 Thread ramesct
Hi, When you import AVI, the cast member you create always remain linked to the external file. When you create a projector the digital video doesn't embed with it. You must always include digital video file along with the movie/projector. I need to copy the avy. file in the projector folder ev

Re: Test

2001-02-13 Thread ramesct
Hi Pranav, It took almost one and half hour. The time here is 1:00 (Bangalore) >My servers gone dead slow since yesterday. >The time here is 11:30 regards -- Ramesh CT Phoenix Global Solutions (I) Pvt Ltd

Re: Playing SWA with LOOP

2001-02-13 Thread ramesct
Sorry all for repeated posts. I thought my mails are not going out. Mehmood, Does the sound has silence in the beginning and in the end? if so, remove it to reduce the gap. regards -- Ramesh CT Phoenix Global Solutions (I) Pvt Ltd http://w

Re: Playing SWA with LOOP

2001-02-13 Thread ramesct
Hi John, >member("yourSoundMember").loop = TRUE Mehmood is asking to loop swa member, not the audio members. there is no loop property for swa members. Have you tried looping with this property? In order to loop, drag the swa member on stage and apply this script to the swa sprite on beginSpr

Re: Playing SWA with LOOP

2001-02-13 Thread ramesct
Hi mehmood, Drag the swa member on stage and apply this script to that sprite on beginSprite me -- play sprite(me.spriteNum) end on exitFrame me -- if playing then nothing if sprite(me.spriteNum).member.state = 3 then exit else -- if not play again sprite(me

Re: Screen resolution...

2001-02-13 Thread ramesct
Hi, deskTopRectList property that tells you how many monitors are connected to the computer as well as the dimensions of each monitor. put the desktopRectList -- [rect(0, 0, 1024, 768)] put the colorDepth -- 32 Check Director help for more info. > How do i read the current screen resolution

Re: sending e-mails from Director

2001-02-13 Thread ramesct
Hi, Use DirectEmail xtra. Get more info on -- Ramesh CT Phoenix Global Solutions (I) Pvt Ltd -- [To remove yourself from this list, or

Re: Getting filenames in a folder

2001-02-13 Thread ramesct
Hi Pranav, property pMovie on getPropertyDescriptionList me pdList = [:] listofFiles = directoryToList(the moviePath) repeat with x in directoryToList(the moviePath) if not(x contains ".dir") then listofFiles.deleteOne(x) end if end repeat pdList.addprop(#pMovie, [#commen

Re: to tint an image

2001-02-08 Thread ramesct
Hi all, Sorry for repost. My task is to adjust the tint of a desired sprite by selecting the shade from another sprite. The sprite(image) should not get filled by the color we pick, instead, it should adjust the tint of the other sprite according to the color we pick. I used copyPixels() funct

to tint image

2001-02-08 Thread ramesct
Hi all, My task is to adjust the tint of a desired sprite by selecting the shade from another sprite. The sprite(image) should not get filled by the color we pick, instead, it should adjust the tint of the other sprite according to the color we pick. I used copyPixels() function in the followig

Re: Urgent..........

2001-02-08 Thread ramesct
Hi Gopinath, How are you? I was not clear from his post, if he wants to grab the screen, he can go with your suggestion of using screen xtra. >Didn't Ram want to grab the screen or is it the stage? -- Ramesh CT Phoenix Global Solutions (

Re: Urgent..........

2001-02-08 Thread ramesct
Hi Ramakrishna, You can use (the stage).picture command to capture the stage -- stageMem = new(#bitmap) = "screenPic" stageMem.picture = (the stage).picture -- Hope this helps regards -- Ramesh CT Phoenix Global Solutions (

Re: counting with a sprite script

2001-02-07 Thread ramesct
-- button script property pNum on beginSprite me pNum = 0 put "" into field "field name" end on mouseUp me if pNum > 10 then exit pNum = pNum + 1 put pNum into field "field name" end -- Ramesh CT Phoenix Global Solutions (I) Pv

Re: sending variables to flash 4 sprite

2001-02-06 Thread ramesct
Hi, Debug the value of 'fade' variable using getVariable() function. Your code seems to be fine, there must be some problem inside flash movie itself. regards -- Ramesh CT Phoenix Global Solutions (I) Pvt Ltd -

Re: Filmloop

2001-02-06 Thread ramesct
Hi Joe There is no built in function or command to detect the filmloop end. Apply the following behavior to filmloop sprite but you need to know how many frames the film length. -- filmloop behavior property pFrame property pLength on beginSprite me pFrame = 0 end on exitFrame me pFrame =

Re: Best Site or book for flash!!!

2001-02-06 Thread ramesct
Hi Ananth, is a good site to learn. go through articles under Tutorial section. The 'Flash 5 Magic' seems to be good book. regards -- Ramesh CT Phoenix Global Solutions (I) Pvt Ltd ---


2001-02-06 Thread ramesct
Create a ini file with the following text in it [settings] messagewindow = 1 the name of ini file should be same as the projector name. e.g if the projector is 'start.exe', name your ini file as 'start.ini' and place it in the same location as the projector. regards ---

Re: Flash movies within a Shocked website

2001-02-06 Thread ramesct
Really!! Where can I find it? >Cool logo = bunch of socks waving on a clothesline. That's sort of >what the logo looks like now. . . -- Ramesh CT Phoenix Global Solutions (I) Pvt Ltd ---

Re: Flash discussion

2001-02-06 Thread ramesct regards -- Ramesh CT Phoenix Global Solutions (I) Pvt Ltd -- [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to

Re: Flash movies within a Shocked website

2001-02-05 Thread ramesct
Sorry.. >I think they should have named it "Sockwave" -- Ramesh CT Phoenix Global Solutions (I) Pvt Ltd -- [To remove yourself from this list, or to change

Re: Flash movies within a Shocked website

2001-02-05 Thread ramesct
Hi, The Sockwave player includes flashAsset xtra which means Shockwave player is capable of playing movies of flash files embeded. regards -- Ramesh CT Phoenix Global Solutions (I) Pvt Ltd -

Re: Shockwave loading bar

2001-02-05 Thread ramesct
Hi Are you using Director 8?. Change publish settings under File > Publish settings and choose Shockwave tab. Turn ON Display Progress Bar option checkbox. regards -- Ramesh CT Phoenix Global Solutions (I) Pvt Ltd

Re: Xtra

2001-02-05 Thread ramesct
Hi Gopinath, Xtras are not crosplatform. You have to include both Mac and PC versions. regards -- Ramesh CT Phoenix Global Solutions (I) Pvt Ltd -- [To rem

Re: recording sound

2001-02-01 Thread ramesct
Hi Ajay, It is not possible to record sound using lingo. Check out for Audio xtra at - Ramesh CT Phoenix Global Solutions (I) Pvt Ltd http://www.lin

Re: Delete an external CastLib

2001-02-01 Thread ramesct
Hi, Setting the cast which you want to delete to dummy cast using fileName property might do the trick. castLib("deletable").fileName = the moviePath & "dummy.cst" then use fileIO to delete the file >How can I unlinked the external castLib and then delete it? Ramesh CT Team Leader - Multimed

Re: Delete an external CastLib

2001-02-01 Thread ramesct
hi Miguel There is no lingo command to delete external casts but you can use fileIO and fileXtra functions to delete a file. You get IO error, if you try to open a cast to delete which is linked to the current movie using fileIO and you can not delete. -- fileIO example on mouseUp myCast = ne

Re: QuickTime ticks to HH:MM:SS

2001-02-01 Thread ramesct
Hi Simon, You can use director's framesToHMS() function. In the following example, if the quicktime movie is of 60 seconds duration, the function returns the value in hms format. put framesToHMS(60,1, FALSE, FALSE) -- " 00:01:00.00 " Hope this helps, regards Ramesh CT Team Leader - Multime

Re: SV: search for file...

2001-02-01 Thread ramesct
Hi, Use buddyApi's baFindFirstFile() function. two functions are free if you using demo version of it. baFindFirstFile( "c:\", "yourfile.exe" ) Ramesh CT Team Leader - Multimedia Phoenix Global Solutions (I) Pvt Ltd Office: 91 80 6665948 Extn:2169 Mobile: 9844117802

Re: Concatenate

2001-01-23 Thread ramesct
Hi, Sorry, mistakes!! -- global listX on startMovie listX = [] end on addListItems listToAdd repeat with i = 1 to listToAdd.count listX.add(listToAdd[i]) end repeat end -- addListItems listA --addListItems listB --addListItems listC Ramesh CT Team Leader - Multimedia

Re: Concatenate

2001-01-23 Thread ramesct
Hi, global listX on startMovie listX = [] end on addListItems listToAdd repeat with i = 1 to listToAdd.count listX.add(listToAdd[i]) end repeat end -- listToAdd listA --listToAdd listB --listToAdd listC Ramesh CT Team Leader - Multimedia Phoenix Global Solutions (I) Pvt Lt

Re: How to check whether the browser is installed or not

2001-01-22 Thread ramesct
Hi put baFindApp("htm") --"C:\PROGRA~1\INTERN~1\iexplore.exe" regards Ramesh CT Team Leader - Multimedia Phoenix Global Solutions (I) Pvt Ltd Office: 91 80 6665948 Extn:2169 Mobile: 9844117802 [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to h

Re: Urgent help......problem in opening a pdf file

2001-01-22 Thread ramesct
Hi Try using buddyapi's baFindApp() function, this reaturns full path to the specified application. on mouseUp thePath = baFindApp("pdf") if thePath <> "" then open the moviePath&"pdf/a.pdf" with thePath else alert "Please install Acrobat reader" end if end Ramesh CT Team Lea

Re: SV: the blend of a sprite?

2001-01-22 Thread ramesct
Hi Eel Attach this behaviour to sprite of any height that will affect the other sprite's blend: on exitFrame me if inside(the mouseLoc, Sprite(the currentSpriteNum).rect) then theTop = sprite(the currentSpriteNum).top theHeight = sprite(the currentSpriteNum).height percentBlend =(

Re: Can HTML links work in a Director movie?

2001-01-19 Thread ramesct
Hi, You have to make use of 'on hyperlinkClicked' handler something like this if you are using using http links, on hyperlinkClicked me, data, range if data starts "http://" then goToNetPage(data) end if end --- Ramesh CT Team Leader - Multimedia Phoenix Global So

RE: lingo code

2001-01-17 Thread ramesct
global b b = TRUE --- Ramesh CT Team Leader - Multimedia Phoenix Global Solutions (I) Pvt Ltd Office: 91 80 6665948 Extn:2169 Mobile: 9844117802 [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to

Re: Vector shapes tutorial...

2001-01-11 Thread ramesct
Hi Pranav, Check out for various articles on lingo and director. Go to Quick links for Articles on vector shapes. regards - Ramesh CT Office: 91 80 6665948 Extn:2169 Mobile: 9844117802 [To remove yourself from this list, or to ch

Re: exporting all scripts

2001-01-04 Thread ramesct
Hi Slava, Here is a script which i wrote to save all the scripts to a text file using fileIO xtra. Better open the text file using Microsoft word to avoid seeing strange charecters(Carriage Return). --- movie script on saveScripts scriptText = "" casts = the number of castLibs repeat with

Re: scrollByPixel?

2001-01-04 Thread ramesct
Hi Slava, Check out the scrollTop member property under help, using this you can scroll down or up pixel wise. -- script for scroll button property pScroll on beginSprite me pScroll = FALSE end on mouseDown me pScroll = TRUE end on mouseUp me pScroll = FALSE end on exitFrame me if pS

Re: appending a propList to another list

2000-12-29 Thread ramesct
Hi Gopinath, Database=[[#name:"Gopinath",#age:16]] rec=[#name:"suchi",#age:10] now append using append command--> Database.append(rec) is this what you are looking for? regards - Ramesh CT [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode,

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